MOSHIACH A LEPER?! | Parshat Tazria-Metzora with Rabbi Moishe New

  • Опубликовано: 10 апр 2021
  • The Talmud states that one of the names of Moshiach is ‘The Leper of the House of Rebbi’. This class reveals the profound depth and message conveyed by this puzzling statement.
    The weekly MD Chernack Torah Class in memory of Mordechai Dov ben Paysach HaLevi.
    #Moshiach #Talmud #Rebbe #Chabad #Parsha

Комментарии • 38

  • @alejoblanco1867
    @alejoblanco1867 Год назад +1

    Wow, lot's of topics touched upon with great insight! The discussion went from a medical explanation worthy of Rambam himself to very interesting reflections on linguistics. Thoroughly delightful! Oneg - that's a keeper. I'm also picking up things along the way that you didn't intend but which nevertheless filter through your words. Well, I'm sure we can have some interesting conversations in person some day. My name also means "to push/drive away," also that I "propel further/beyond" but Sfaradi/Ladino hasn't quite gotten there yet. Creation is still a work in progress. Can't be otherwise, right? It's not like we're gonna be in full universal Shabbat and there will be no changes from there on out, that would be a little depressing. Nah, it will be fun even after the world is "complete." Cheers.

  • @anthonyben-yah9745
    @anthonyben-yah9745 3 года назад

    Peace. I Enjoyed Your Video; Very Intriguing And Informative; Thanks For Sharing; May G-d Bless; Hallelu Yah!

  • @whatsthetruth7961
    @whatsthetruth7961 3 года назад +1

    Just popping in to say thanks for the shiur. When I think Moshiach Now, it's less a request and more a realization it's already reality. Just need eyes that see and ears that hear. And then, the truth is clear and well with us.
    Have faith Good Yidden. Have Emunah HaShem won't make us wait a second longer than absolutely necessary. Every shiur PUSHES the satan down and raises our Zechus and kedusha.

    • @ENikS-US
      @ENikS-US 3 года назад

      It is a reality. He is already among us but he doesn’t know he is Mashiach, it is hidden from him. He is, as everyone else, looking and waiting and hoping...

  • @rockysmith9250
    @rockysmith9250 2 года назад

    What was prophesied, now is!! ✝️✡️

  • @thejukeboxhero6387
    @thejukeboxhero6387 3 года назад


  • @thejukeboxhero6387
    @thejukeboxhero6387 3 года назад +1


    • @michaelmessenger82
      @michaelmessenger82 Месяц назад

      A dream dreamt by the dreamer of dreams
      Behold🕊 the wonders of Him & His creation

  • @ENikS-US
    @ENikS-US 3 года назад +1

    Could this skin condition be Rosacea? This is a skin deep ailment that doesn’t affect internal organs and no one knows what causes it.

    • @jamespetyrycia4214
      @jamespetyrycia4214 3 года назад

      Curse of Jakob?

    • @michaelmessenger82
      @michaelmessenger82 Месяц назад

      Blotchy face & skin tone physically & spiritually
      And also both spiritually deaf and blind.
      A mere man of a lifetime of hardships
      Someday somehow & someway chosen
      and rested upon by the spirit of HaShem
      Enlightening awakening strengthening
      the one He has chosen to be His Dovid
      Perhaps to prove to the world that if
      He could redeem such a fallen man
      Then anyone could be redeemed to follow
      Only He alone could know the truth.

  • @deanwindle2194
    @deanwindle2194 3 года назад

    🌴 I Am aware that the truth concerning the chosen one will never be usurped by a fool
    Unable Perform the grand scale changes
    Required for the lift
    Of consciousness I know that He ...
    🌴 MESSIACH 🌴

  • @deanwindle2194
    @deanwindle2194 3 года назад

    🌴 There was talk of the mashiah has been discovered ? 🌴🌴🌴
    And this alleged man
    Hales. Out of the United Kingdom 🌴
    It is Amazing to me
    Owing to the fact that
    Every hint I have heard
    From you Good Rabbi's
    Is a Hit directly square
    On the nails Head ...
    Spare thoughts for the rare Nature I am facing, that all through this life there has been many
    Indicators proving to myself that I Am 🌴
    Different... 👁️👁️

  • @deanwindle2194
    @deanwindle2194 3 года назад

    🌴 Kosher Rabbi's
    Who are sharing the basically an unknown profile of Him"*
    And have resisted the
    Lures Jeqon started so long ago 🌴 Will pass safely under the Rod of discernment 🌴...
    Moreover their lot is a Famous life , Tuning the Hearts of the men
    Into harmonic and universally correction
    Whereas Our Father HASHEM is possible to dwell amongst All👁️

  • @jamespetyrycia4214
    @jamespetyrycia4214 3 года назад

    Moshiach must be a High Priest and King. That means He ?

  • @adamaboge-nielsen9938
    @adamaboge-nielsen9938 2 года назад

    How do I make contact with Hasham again I believe I am he for I have had kidney failure suicide attempts HIV hep C enomonia septicaemia was homeless 7 times and used to be transgender and I live in government 20 story highrise apartments so I'm certainly with the afflicted.... My question is in what manner would one make when approaching the Jewish people I am in Melbourne Australia do you have any connections

    • @michaelmessenger82
      @michaelmessenger82 Месяц назад

      All have the same will ability & connection
      True repentance is to turn back around
      To change your heart mind and ways
      A rebellious child broken returning home
      To the father you resent and ran from

  • @mavericktribe8065
    @mavericktribe8065 3 года назад

    Messiah Ben David is alive and coming soon to Jerusalem.Yahweh wills in due time. Amen

  • @yvonnegordon1952
    @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

    In Torah Gen 1 it is written God created by the WORD and said "let there be light" on the first day and then separated the light from the darkness that was already on the face of the "DEEP": Then on the fourth he made lights for the earth sun, moon, stars, (ISRAEL) who are sun (Jacob) MOON (Rachel) as per Josephs dream about his mother and father: The sun and moon would bow to him: His father Jacob knew he was talking about him and his mother: SO, the LIGHT of the first day, had to REACH THE LIGHT of the fourth day, and this was 2000 years ago: THE FOURTH DAY was the 4000th year: We are in the sixth day: SO MESSIAH the light of the first day reached Israel on the fourth and this was 2000 years ago according Torah: So Messiah has been here but the problem is the PEOPLE (sun, moon stars or ISRAEL) have not been able to RECEIVE HIM because they are kept blind till the sixth day: Yet why did the Messiah come on the fourth day? TO START A FIRE in the earth, a cleansing that went through the NATIONS (gentiles) where Israel was and is scattered: When Israel RISES in the power of Messiah, they will wake up to what has always been true; FOR IT IS WRITTEN IN JUDAISM that Messiah was here before the earth was created: It is also written in Christianity that the LAMB (innocent WILL or good will or GOOD ROOT of the tree of knowledge) has been here from the foundation of the world: It takes what it takes for MESSIAH TO RISE IN US (Kabbalah means RECEIVED knowledge and not given knowledge): SO the knowledge from the first day but it was only beginning to be received on the FOURTH DAY and on the sixth day (NOW) MAN was made (ADAM): It takes the neshama (candle of Hashem) to search the INWARD PARTS OF ADAM, to bring to light the SIN NATURE (leprosy) and overcome it: So now Adam is being resurrected and revealed by the LIGHT OF MESSIAH: Mazal Tov to all in their awakening:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

      When Moses was told to put his arm back in his chest (heart) the second time to overcome the leprosy, it is purposed that he understands why it became leprous (no sensitivity to the sin nature): When the ARM OF THE LORD IS REVEALED TO ISRAEL and put into the heart to cleanse it, they will understand everything, including Jesus: Once they understand why God allowed Jesus to be taught to the gentiles, they will be grateful and not hateful against him anymore. If Hashem is all there is, how can you judge him so harshly for what he allows: AIN ODE MILVADO (there is none beside him) YOU SPEAK of lashon hara (the evil tongue) but it is against Hashem that the Jews have the most evil tongue: Moses did NOT SANCTIFY THE NAME OF GOD IN THE FACE OF THE PEOPLE: Meaning he did not teach them to SPEAK TO THE ROCK to get their spiritual water (TORAH) but to hit it: THE ROCK or stony heart where the law is written, must be SPOKEN TO CORRECTLY and the LIVING WATER WILL COME OUT:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

      Messiah is the leper of the house of Levi (Malachai explains it is Levi who must cleanse their silver (DESIRE) because the priesthood that Israel is waiting for, is Aaron from Levi who bears the ark of the covenant IN ALL GENERATIONS:): it is in Aaron that Messiah rises to meet Judah/David as one desire and one "WILL" (the good will of the tree of knowledge): Making it the tree of life:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

      Mal 3:1

      Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
      x Mal 3:2
      But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap:
      Mal 3:3
      And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
      Mal 3:4
      Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

      Zep 3:9
      For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

  • @korabbajgora9617
    @korabbajgora9617 2 года назад

    MOSHIACH MAHDI KORAB BAJGORA SON ISAAC 2019 dajjal ramush haradinaj

  • @faustexplorer8828
    @faustexplorer8828 Год назад

    Messiah kochi kerala India Faustin Patrick Lewis

  • @AvivAvi-im1uv
    @AvivAvi-im1uv Год назад

    A shocking letter, the appearance of the prophet Elijah in the letter. letter from the messiah to a girl named tamar:
    Tamar I want to tell you the story of Messiah. I told you that the one who sends you messages is the first Messiah, the source, the beginning, the root of Messiah. How will I reveal to you today the secrets of the creation and existence of Messiah in this world? Why does the Torah Bible, yesterday... say that the Messiah will never die and the Messiah will live forever on earth? And why can the Messiah rule and manage the world from year to year as the Torah says? Let's be realistic Tamar, everyone will die eventually, I am the first, also the source of the Messiah will have to grow old and die. All the above secrets will be in my dream, which I tell you the following: More than a year ago while I was sleeping I dreamed that there were many people armed with weapons, it was an army on a very large scale, while I also thought that these people were preparing to go to war. Then a man approached me (it seems to be an older man, it happened a long time ago, I don't remember exactly but I'm sure it was a man). This old man told me that these people are your descendants, your lineage, preparing to conquer the world, and the special thing is that the old man said that they will win and rule the world. The old man also told me that the purpose of this war of these people is to establish their own moral base all over the world. The person who sent you this letter is the first Messiah, the originator, the ancestor of the Messiah. This letter sent to you from outside Israel is supported by Google translation.

  • @gabuchi101
    @gabuchi101 2 года назад

    Yet the say regarding the axe the handle is wood. hence moshaich is muslim. because you need the wood from the tree to place on axe to chop dowm the tree. moshiach is from yemen accroding to rambam. and a muslim. fyi the root of the tree is "there is no god but hashem.

  • @deanwindle2194
    @deanwindle2194 3 года назад

    🌴 It is not leprosy 🌴
    It is Zooanosis that is defined by the fish Parasite we caught by eating Sea Bass not cooked hot enough, the type of mite is known as ' Argulus '.
    Yes it is I 🌴🌴🌴

  • @thejukeboxhero6387
    @thejukeboxhero6387 3 года назад


  • @alanmorrismarzilli7448
    @alanmorrismarzilli7448 2 года назад

    ALAN MORRIS MARZILLI. Now you know. ill is Ram serum nail, sorrow mental law. El is Ram mashiah Rome annihilate. Aliyahs Ramsi Rome kneel El Law. All or El in Moriah's Marshall Light/ Life.

  • @thejukeboxhero6387
    @thejukeboxhero6387 2 года назад

    Once again wrong RABBI'S He's called the leopard messiah because because he has completed the process of the fear of God God which the devil put a curse on anyone who would teach or walk on that path that is why you rabbi's avoided teaching the process of the fear of God. He has reversed the curse which you rabbi's failed to do bringing us back to God and he did all alone and anyone who reject him will pay the ultimate price.