  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2019
  • Sages of the Talmud reveal the identity of the Mashiach.
    #Mashiach #Talmud #History #Name #AniMaamin #WorldHistory #Purpose #Moshiach #Messiah #Gemoro #Sanhedrin #PerekChelek #Chabad #Lubavitch #Rebbe

Комментарии • 64

  • @cubofjudah1044
    @cubofjudah1044 4 года назад +2

    Being prepared...for the time... enjoyed... shalom

  • @Templestone
    @Templestone 4 года назад +4

    To Know Moshiach is to have One Mind of Truth, rather than a mind of many identities according to Self will!
    Truly, Moshiach is Raised withIN the Kingdom of [G-d] that is In you!

  • @sh.lslate3517
    @sh.lslate3517 4 года назад +2

    Moshiach will come when Chabad starts learning in depth Gemara like this chashuveh Yid.

  • @zachmurdock8805
    @zachmurdock8805 4 года назад +1

    There is always hope... It is written!

  • @MontySouther
    @MontySouther 4 года назад +2

    It is written "I will use THE foolish TO confuse the WISE.

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      He uses the foolish a whole bunch on this ch lol as far as fooling the wise not so far my nose has a built in bullshit detector😂👃💩

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 4 года назад +4

    I believe Mashiach is here and he told Hashem there is no hope.

    • @nonemployable9451
      @nonemployable9451 4 года назад +1

      I know who the Mashiach is and Yes, How accurate you are, but he still has hope in those who are in the book of life.

    • @marciafab7
      @marciafab7 4 года назад

      Teshuva !

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      No one knows who Mashiach is everyone stfu ty

  • @thomasmagnum6588
    @thomasmagnum6588 2 года назад

    A Watchman to Israel
    16 Now it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 17 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: 18 When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 19 Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. 20 Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. 21 Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul."
    The Prophet Made Dumb
    22 Then the hand of the Lord was upon me there, and He said to me, "Arise, go out into the plain, and there I shall talk with you." 23 So I arose and went out into the plain, and behold, the glory of the Lord stood there, like the glory which I saw by the River Chebar; and I fell on my face. 24 Then the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and spoke with me and said to me: "Go, shut yourself inside your house. 25 And you, O son of man, surely they will put ropes on you and bind you with them, so that you cannot go out among them. 26 I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute and not be one to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious house. 27 But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, 'Thus says the Lord God.' He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house.

  • @anthonyben-yah9745
    @anthonyben-yah9745 4 года назад +1


  • @LordDirus007
    @LordDirus007 3 года назад +1

    as there is no palm tree that is in Babylonia to which a horse of the Persians will not be tethered when the Persians and Medes go to conquer other lands. And there is no coffin buried in Eretz Yisrael from which a Median horse will not eat straw. During wars, all the coffins will be removed from the ground and used as animal troughs. I do not want my coffin to be used for that purpose
    Rav says: The son of David will not come until the evil Roman kingdom will disperse throughout Eretz Yisrael for nine months, as it is stated: “Therefore will He give them up, until the time when she who is in labor has given birth; then the remnant of his brethren shall return with the children of Israel” (Micah 5:2). Once a period equivalent to a term of pregnancy passes, the redemption will come
    § Ulla says: Let the Messiah come, but after my death, so that I will not see him, as I fear the suffering that will precede his coming. Likewise, Rabba says: Let the Messiah come, but after my death, so that I will not see him. Rav Yosef says: Let the Messiah come, and I will be privileged to sit in the shadow of his donkey’s excrement. I am willing to undergo all the pain and disgrace associated with his arrival
    Abaye said to Rabba: What is the reason that you are so concerned? If we say it is due to the pains preceding and accompanying the coming of the Messiah, but isn’t it taught in a baraita that Rabbi Elazar’s students asked Rabbi Elazar: What shall a person do to be spared from the pains preceding the coming of the Messiah? Rabbi Elazar said to them: They shall engage in Torah study and acts of kindness. Abaye continued: And as far as the Master is concerned, isn’t there the Torah and aren’t there the acts of kindness that you performed
    abba said to him: I am concerned lest sin cause me to suffer the pain despite the Torah study and the good deeds in which I engage, in accordance with the statement of Rabbi Ya’akov bar Idi. As Rabbi Ya’akov bar Idi raises a contradiction. It is written that God said to Jacob: “And I am with you, and will keep you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15), and it is written: “And Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed” (Genesis 32:7). If God assured Jacob that He would keep him, why was he concerned?
    Rabbi Ya’akov bar Idi explains: He was afraid lest sin on his part cause that assurance to be abrogated, as it is taught in a baraita with regard to the verse: “Until Your people pass over, Lord, until Your people, whom You have acquired, pass over” (Exodus 15:16). “Until Your people pass over, Lord”; this is a reference to the first entry into the land, led by Joshua. “Until Your people, whom You have acquired, pass over”; this is a reference to the second entry into the land, when they returned to Zion from Babylonia
    Rabbi Ya’akov bar Idi explains: Say from now, based on this statement, that the Jewish people were worthy for God to perform a miracle on their behalf in the second entry into the land that was like the miracles that were performed during the exodus from Egypt and the first entry into the land, but the sin caused the second entry to take place in an unremarkable manner, with the Jewish people being subject to the dominion of the gentiles
    And so too Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Let the Messiah come, but after my death, so that I will not see him. Reish Lakish said to him: What is the reason that you are concerned? If we say it is because it is written with regard to the day of God: “As when a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him, or went into the house and leaned his arm on the wall and a snake bit him” (Amos 5:19), that is not a reason. Come, and I will show you a counterpart in this world to the situation described in this verse as even today one encounters those situations. At a time when a person goes out to the field and is accosted by a guard [santar] who demands payment, his situation is similar to that of one who is accosted by a lion. He then enters the city and is accosted by a royal tax collector. His situation is similar to that of one who is accosted by a bear. He then enters his house and finds his sons and daughters afflicted with famine. His situation is similar to that of one whom a snake bit.
    Rabbi Yoḥanan said to him: Rather, the reason I am concerned is that it is written with regard to the day of God: “Ask now, and see whether a man gives birth. Why, then, do I see every man [kol gever] with his hands on his loins, as a woman in labor, and all faces turned green?” (Jeremiah 30:6).
    The Gemara clarifies: What is the meaning of the phrase “I see kol gever”? Rava bar Yitzḥak says that Rav says: It is a reference to He Whom all strength is His. It is as though even God will suffer like a woman in labor due to the troubles of the Jewish people. And what is the meaning of the phrase “And all faces turned green”? Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The reference is to the heavenly entourage above, i.e., angels, and the earthly entourage below, i.e., the Jewish people, who will all suffer at the time when the Holy One Blessed be He, says: These, the Jewish people, are My handiwork, and those, the gentiles, are My handiwork. How shall I destroy those on account of these? It appears that the Holy One, Blessed be He, does not distinguish between the Jewish people and the gentiles. That is why Rabbi Yoḥanan was concerned with regard to the coming of the Messiah
    Rav Pappa says that this is in accordance with the adage that people say: An ox runs and falls, and its owner goes and casts a horse in its place. Although the horse is an inferior work animal relative to the ox, when there is no ox available, a horse must suffice. So too, after the Jewish people sin, it is as though the Holy One, Blessed be He, transfers their prominence to the gentiles
    § Rav Giddel says that Rav says: The Jewish people are destined to eat from the bounty of, i.e., enjoy, the years of the Messiah. Rav Yosef says: Isn’t this obvious? And rather, who else will eat from them? Will Ḥillak and Billak, two shiftless characters, eat from themThe Gemara explains that Rav Giddel’s statement serves to exclude the statement of Rabbi Hillel, who says: There is no Messiah coming for the Jewish people, as they already ate from him, as all the prophecies relating to the Messiah were already fulfilled during the days of Hezekiah
    Rav says: The world was created only for the sake of David, by virtue of his merit. And Shmuel says: It was created by virtue of the merit of Moses. And Rabbi Yoḥanan says: It was created by virtue of the merit of the Messiah
    Apropos the Messiah, the Gemara asks: What is his name? The school of Rabbi Sheila says: Shiloh is his name, as it is stated: “Until when Shiloh shall come” (Genesis 49:10). The school of Rabbi Yannai says: Yinnon is his name, as it is stated: “May his name endure forever; may his name continue [yinnon] as long as the sun; and may men bless themselves by him” (Psalms 72:17). The school of Rabbi Ḥanina says: Ḥanina is his name, as it is stated: “For I will show you no favor [ḥanina]” (Jeremiah 16:13). And some say that Menaḥem ben Ḥizkiyya is his name, as it is stated: “Because the comforter [menaḥem] that should relieve my soul is far from me” (Lamentations 1:16). And the Rabbis say: The leper of the house of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi is his name, as it is stated: “Indeed our illnesses he did bear and our pains he endured; yet we did esteem him injured, stricken by God, and afflicted” (Isaiah 53:4)
    Rav Naḥman says: If the Messiah is among the living in this generation, he is a person such as me, who already has dominion over the Jewish people, as it is stated: “And their prince shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from their midst” (Jeremiah 30:21), indicating that the redeemer is already in power. Rav says: If the Messiah is among the living in this generation, he is a person such as our saintly Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, who was renowned for his sanctity, piety, and Torah knowledge. If the Messiah is among the dead he is a person such as Daniel, the beloved man
    Rav Yehuda says that Rav says: The Holy One, Blessed be He, is destined to establish another David for the Jewish people as the Messiah, as it is stated: “And they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will establish for them” (Jeremiah 30:9). It is not stated: I established, but “I will establish,” indicating that the name of the future king will be David. Rav Pappa said to Abaye: But isn’t it written: “And my servant David shall be their prince forever” (Ezekiel 37:25), indicating that King David himself will rule over the Jewish people? Abaye said: They will rule in tandem like an emperor and a viceroy; the Messiah will be king and David will be second-in-command
    § Rabbi Simlai taught: What is the meaning of that which is written: “Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord. Why would you have this day of the Lord? It is darkness, and not light” (Amos 5:18)? It is comparable to a rooster and a bat who were looking forward to the light of day. The rooster said to the bat: I look forward to light, as light is an indication of my time to be active. But as for you, why do you need light? Nighttime for you is like daytime for me

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 4 года назад +1

    How do I find a sponsoring Rabbi

  • @isaiah30v8
    @isaiah30v8 2 года назад

    Yes, the arrival of the Messiah seems dependent on the behavior of the Jews:
    Jeremiah 22:1-4
    This is what Jehovah has said: “Go down to the house of the king of Judah, and you must speak there this word. 2 And you must say, ‘Hear the word of Jehovah, O king of Judah who are sitting on the throne of David, you with your servants and your people, those who are coming in through these gates. 3 This is what Jehovah has said: “RENDER justice and righteousness, and deliver the one that is being robbed out of the hand of the defrauder; and do not maltreat any alien resident, fatherless boy or widow. Do [them] no violence. And do not shed any innocent blood in this place. 4 For if YOU will by all means perform this word, there will also certainly come in through the gates of this house the kings sitting for David upon his throne, riding in chariots and on horses, he with his servants and his people.”’
    The requirement seems far, far more basic than the video above portrays,
    It is not complicated.

  • @Templestone
    @Templestone 4 года назад +4

    A Great misunderstanding which we have is that the identity we hold is uniquely “ours”.
    The Truth is that the personal identity is an amalgamation of various personas we adopt from our experiences. These are our “children”, in a Spiritual sense.
    To become Moshiach, there is a Sacrifice which MUST occur upon the Alter withIN Us!
    The Sacrifice is of the First Born Son from which each other Identity is born. These are the Generations of the Father of Us!
    From this Sacrifice, a Resurrection of Moshiach, the First Born, is Free of the Sin of the world!
    Knowing how to do this is Found through the Law!
    Moshiach is the Fulfillment of the Law!

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      Only one ben david your thinking of finding budda from within or God I Am presence totally different really

    • @Templestone
      @Templestone 3 года назад +1

      There is a vast misunderstanding of even what "David" means, so, to Know the Son of David is, therefore, vastly misunderstood.
      What do you think are the five Stones polished by the Waters, which "David" picked to "Slay" Goliath, means? Certainly, they are representative of something Glorious to be Found in us. Do you Know?

  • @Kesava1975
    @Kesava1975 2 года назад

    Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego as connected to Daniel. When he is seen walking through the flames untouched, then they ALL will know there will be no denying.

  • @faustoramonal337
    @faustoramonal337 3 года назад

    6 names including family name. but names are irrelevant. not ending up in the fire is more important

  • @leroyharrison802
    @leroyharrison802 4 года назад

    I do for them that made a video which is their Torah

  • @ClydeBe
    @ClydeBe 4 года назад +2

    The important truth of what you said is this, "God will do whatever He wants," and what follows is this, no one will know or expect who He IS, who is not revealed directly of such by God, which is not likely to occur among this generation....

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      So wrong very soon promise

    • @ClydeBe
      @ClydeBe 3 года назад

      @@jonnathan9034 Let me know please what you promise and how. Thx

  • @isaiah30v8
    @isaiah30v8 2 года назад

    So is this consistent with Jewish Torah study. Studying commentary on the Torah rather than studying the Torah? - Even studying commentary on commentaries. You may end up going down the wrong rabbit hole.

  • @leroyharrison802
    @leroyharrison802 4 года назад

    Did you know I'm a bull elephant in the Tamil well one of the tribes which is in India I tye the spirits to the animals

  • @jwolf4523
    @jwolf4523 4 года назад

    All of the things that need to be accomplished can be easily accomplished. If no person wants involvement then what choice will the Mashiach have but to call for miracles. That would be a fail on the part of Mashiach and the faith of the people. It would be a shame if it came about to another failed test of faith in something far more wonderful and more real than all of creation.

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      The Mashiach wont fail his plays are backed by God even the bloody gruesome wars that must occur to appease hashems anger...hope this helps wolf namaste

  • @jonnathan9034
    @jonnathan9034 3 года назад


  • @LordDirus007
    @LordDirus007 3 года назад +3

    So explain to me why Rabbi's teach that ISAIAH 53 the suffering servant is not the Mashiach but Israel itself.
    Yet in 98b says Isaiah 53 is of the Mashiach.
    Isaiah 53 is speaking of Yeshua Hamashiach!

  • @josephpack7315
    @josephpack7315 2 года назад

    I’ve watched this twice and still can’t point to where you actually give the identity of Messiah….clickbait BS

  • @loriojackson4872
    @loriojackson4872 4 года назад

    I will leave you all with this,because you all don't keep the Mitzvah/commandment of Daniel 7:13 & Luke 13:35 the HOLY TEMPLE is on Delay. Daniel shows my people, the SAINTS will bring me to God YHWH & Yashua tells ALL to Financially Bless my in the word Blessed in Greek which means speak well of, invoke a good benediction upon by supplications & prosper by money.

  • @danielmikesell2104
    @danielmikesell2104 4 года назад +4

    Yeshua is the messiah

    • @johncurtis2933
      @johncurtis2933 4 года назад +1

      Yes I know because he appeared to me on the cross last year..I saw his face clearly.

    • @Mshussain525
      @Mshussain525 3 года назад +1

      QURAN CHAPTER 43 VERSE 61 indeed Yeshua will be a sign of the hour ✌️

  • @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678
    @jwa-globalmarkettrading7678 4 года назад +1

    Moshiach demands the title of Emperor of Israel to restore respect.

    • @jonnathan9034
      @jonnathan9034 3 года назад

      No demand jews anoint him to be king

  • @isaiah30v8
    @isaiah30v8 2 года назад

    Revelation 2:17
    To him that conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white pebble, and upon the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.

  • @jwolf4523
    @jwolf4523 4 года назад

    My name is Jeremy Dove Wolf, and it was I who received the anointing. On July 23 1996 colored balls of light revealed all things to me, all things mathematical were arranged into magic squares centered in each realm and each was surrounded by the bold Hebrew letters, which I was not previously familiar with. After all things were revealed in their perfection, 22 small white balls of light each with a bold black Hebrew letter fell from above down into the joints of my body.

    • @nonemployable9451
      @nonemployable9451 4 года назад +1

      BS youre probably a christiain

    • @cubofjudah1044
      @cubofjudah1044 4 года назад

      @@nonemployable9451 funny... probably...

    • @cubofjudah1044
      @cubofjudah1044 4 года назад

      @Karl Ben-Jedi 22 is my favorite...

    • @jwolf4523
      @jwolf4523 4 года назад

      @@cubofjudah1044 I can assure you that I am B9

    • @jwolf4523
      @jwolf4523 4 года назад

      @@nonemployable9451 absolutely not.

  • @sisterkathleen
    @sisterkathleen 2 года назад

    The Talmud is not true scriptures. Your Jewish Messiah came & is about to return. Find out now before it is too late for your soul.

  • @sunday8575
    @sunday8575 4 года назад

    Numerology for Moshiach 358
    Born on August 5 ( 5-8 )
    In the year 35 ( 1975 )
    Fits into 3-5-8
    Tisha B'Av 2014
    Cornerstone of Twin Towers laid
    Cornerstone of Statue of Liberty laid
    Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars
    Celestial Alignment Aug. 5, 3915 B.C.

    • @baruchya
      @baruchya 4 года назад

      It's not me then ☹️ 😂😂 😂😂 😂

  • @jackwilliamatkins5602
    @jackwilliamatkins5602 2 года назад

    Shut up. I’m king of kings moshiach and the earth is my parish.