Honestly the terminator praetor is such a nice model and I ended up using it along with some siege tyrant bits to convert my warsmith for the IVth. Loved the design and pose and honestly it wasn't too difficult to remove a lot of the SOH iconography or turn it into more neutral decor.
The Horus ascended model is supposed to take place in beta garmont I think, since the dead auxilia has the beta garmont color scheme so it makes sense that it’s full of skeletons and corpses
MAJOR lore correction at 22:47, the custodies did NOT, I say it again, NOT get corrupted at a 50% rate by "just being on the vengeful spirit". One of the two companies of custodies that teleported up there that was guarding the emperor was teleported into a specifically designed warp realm of the ship. This area was basically a warp NUKES worth of power poured into it to MIND CONTROL the custodians. Half of them partially are controlled and killed, the rest have their bodies burned by big e to break them out of the initial spell. The other company teleports directly into the most demonically corrupted part of the ship which is all flesh. There they fight armies of neverborn without a single one even showing a HINT of corruption. Hell the entire BA company tears ass through the ship and not a single marine goes crazy or even shows mutations. (We don't know what happened to dorns company yet so the jury is out there) Hell a bunch of horus' captains see him on the bridge at the start of the book and a lot of them show little to no signs of chaos corruption. It's entirely likely a marine who refused the advances of chaos would be able to remain as he was for the siege, abbadon himself is a prime example of this. I really hope more people read the books like "the end and the death" before they claim to know what happens in them
I think it's those with a 'dark fate' that seem to be left to their own devices. The Palantine Blades in Path of Heaven for example were "not corrupted" but had been earmarked as vessels for a Keeper of Secrets and a host of daemonettes.
I could def see that. Sorrta like how chaos champions like abbadon and ahriman have NO mutations despite the eye of the gods being directly on them. I was just saying that the custodies themselves weren't corrupted and that being on the veg spirit doesnt instantly mutate you.@@TheOuterCircle
I am in the same camp as you, disliking Mark 6 as an armour aesthetic. I especially dislike beak helms. I'm not sure why you criticised the Mark 6 heads on that basis. Just like the Iron Warriors, Dark Angels, Iron Hands and other debeaked Mark 6 heads, it's a good thing that they aren't visibly Mark 6. It makes them versatile and enjoyable to use in a range of contexts.
Horus ascended model is flawless other than the base. For me, I took your suggestion way back and put him on the old Horus base as him walking down the stairs and it looks awesome.
Yet again, the SoH dread in its current state is seriously hampered by being just a torso instead of having the consistency of the shoulders and legs from the original kit. As for the helmets, I personally like both sets; I used the mkIV helmets on my 40k legionnaires (one of my armies is a SoH remnant that refused to join the Black Legion) to help them stand out from other CSM and I think they look great (yes, I know I used them on 40k models but I think this would apply for 30k marines, too)! Gives them that brutal, Cthonian gang vibe. EDIT: I'm planning to get a model of Horus at some point and am leaning towards the ascended version, but if I do get that one I'll definitely change the base and make the iconic stairs for him to stand on.
34:00 Abaddon's power claw is the Talon of Horus. There is a whole novel called The Talon of hours in which he goes to get it. If this is Horus at peak chaos power, than it makes sense that his claws look like 40k version.
When that Horus step-brother model dropped I instantly imagined that he was revisiting an old battlefield just to smash skeletons with his mace. Like one of those Smash Rooms you rent.
I love a lot of your HH videos. I just hope you can make a few lists of armies with in-depth analysis and unit recommendations. Like a few sample armies for each Legion. That would be awesome
I really like the ostentatious eye symbols and flags, as well as the new models i.e. Mal, Praetors. Ashurhaddon, Lanius and new Horus (except the base), and the new heads. The previous stuff just looks rough by today’s standards. The Justaerin helmets are just shoddy mk 4 helms with weird thin spikes and plumes, and the shoulder plates are all over the place. Abaddon and Loken really need an update too. They look like their jaws have been dislodged. FW has come a long way in modeling heads especially.
Horus' base makes perfect sense. You see, Circle, the entire point of Dark Compliance was to collect corpses so that Horus would never have to walk on normal ground, kinda like a red carpet. They're all pristine just because he hasn't walked on them yet. Alternately, he got them on a bulk discount from the Night Lords. Also, minor point, but I don't think that the Custodes were driven insane simply by being on the Spirit. They were probably actively possessed in order to anger the Emperor and bait him into unshackling more and more of his power. While we may well know shortly when the next volume comes out, I'm inclined to believe that Chaos is trying to corrupt the Emperor and turn him into a Chaos God because it gets the job done regardless and is probably easier than actually killing a perpetual of his caliber.
I like the ascended Horus, well most of it (some parts of it are very busy to the point he could have given Fulgrim a run for his money). But overall model I myself like. The base is incredibly dumb and should have been the stairs of of the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.
Heads I can definitely attest to being a fan of the "Mk VI" heads as a universal conversion kit regardless of what Mark of power armour you're using for your army. Just from experience alone with a Luna Wolves Recon Company army I'm working on, they work well with the Reaver kit, and they fit right in alongside Mk IV heads (still using Mk VI bodies, but even then I don't care for the 'beakie' helmets). The other set really show their age and would likely be more fitting for a Black Legion warband rather than a Heresy-era SoH army. Armoury Yikes! I'd personally love to be able to use the Banestrike Bolters separately out of the upgrade kit to uniquely represent Kraken Bolters for a unit of Seekers, but I'd agree that it's a terrible deal as a bundle, almost on par with the power weapons upgrades from a long while back. Units As mentioned earlier, the Reaver Kit does well with the Mk VI heads. Other weapon options could be tinkered with, but the kit is still serviceable as either Reavers, Legion Vets, or a Legion Command Squad, regardless of the scale creep. As you point out however, the lack of a jump pack upgrade set for them is probably the only let-down. I otherwise don't have much of an opinion on the Justaerin, as terminators aren't exactly a unit type that I gravitate towards. Likewise with the Contemptor torso, though like with the repackaging of others it's a shame that they abandoned the other unique pieces associated with the legion-specific aesthetics. Characters Insofar as models are concerned, I suppose you can kind of view the SoH character range as a timeline of sorts for the game itself. Loken and Abbadon haven't aged well courtesy of scale creep of course, but the much more recent additions definitely have some glaring issues in part because of short-handed sculpts resulting from copy-pasting in a computer program without much thought put into it. It's really only the generic praetors that get off scott-free I think, and that's largely due to them being ripe for conversion fodder. Your commentary on Horus Ascended is pretty spot-on, especially with regards to the "Terminator 2" skeleton pile he's standing on as if he just raided a catacomb or a Halloween store like a cackling 80s cartoon villain.
It would be nice to see legion jump packs for these special units, I wonder if that idea was potentially floated when they were sculpting these special units
Unfortunately the HH range was the testing grounds for a lot of what’s going on with modern 40k kits. They provide the bare minimum for a kit and know that that the fanbase will buy it anyway.
@@theylivewesleep.5139 I feel like it didn’t start off that way even if it is now, that definitely came in with the primaris monopose, I feel like heresy started off just going for high quality sculpts and was influenced by 40k over time
@@MrConna6 bit of column A, but of column B. GW definitely tanked the quality of forgeworld sculpts like they did with 40k sculpts. Forgeworld’s business model was far from perfect before that, however. Not only are forgeworld squads more expensive, they also normally come with no weapon or decoration options. In this, 40k used to have a major advantage. If you bought a space marine commander and then any standard marine squad, said commander would have every possible weapon option at his disposal, and that isn’t mentioning all the badges, grenades e.t.c. Now it’s all primaris slop where changing arms is a luxury.
One of the things I love about you Macca, is almost always dislike and or complain or critique most of my favourite things!! For example, the OG heads I fucking love. And I love them because of the reasons you dont!! Same with the Reaver heads! I dislike the chain axes!! I love the angular sharp look of the dread! I love the Death Guard head you don't like!! I dislike the new DG heads you do like!! It hurt a bit at first. But now it cracks me up because I can predict what youre going to say fairly well by now!!! I absolutely respect the consistency! As always, thank you for the video. It always a pleasure to watch!
Just got to the part where you said the Praetor helmet suits the Iron Warriors. Thats fighting words right there!!! ;) Edit~ It's just a shit head. A bad remake of the reaver heads. Those reaver heads I like to call the 'dirt bike' helms. Love the Reaver ones. Hate the praetor one.
I think it might have been cool for exhaled horus base to be in the vengeful spirit but since we don’t have the rest , it could come with Qruze model dying as an optional piece.
I agree that the newer characters and upgrades suffer from the same issue Primaris characters do in 40k: You can make these extremely characterful HQs and sergeants who don't look like they belong to the same army they're leading. You have to turn to 3d printed bits to find something you can put on your regular dudes in mass that bridges the gap between them and their leaders. Like, imagine the Death Guard HQ leading totally stock Mk VI from the starter box. They both look great individually, but they don't look like they belong together unless you put a lot of work into them.
Honestly, I like the new Horus model cause of how over the top it is. It’s silly in a good way imo. I always liked the grim derp aspects of 40k, and this guy fits in that well.
And when you look at the old historical modelling painting techniques used in the original Heresy releases, the more realistic, steampunk/hard sci fi realism look can really work. It can really work for 40k too, just as grimderp can work in tasteful amounts in 30k, but I can understand the appeal of the historical-modelling community and style for HH.
Getting to this video late as a friend of mine is looking to start SoH as his first warhammer army ever. Very happy with the tip about using the Praetor to convert up Abadon, because I think he looks downright horrendous in the diorama with Loken. Weird, clunky pose, and both with faces that not even a mother could love. God the heads on those two are ROUGH
I kindda prefer the look of the new horus more, though yeh his base is... friggin terrible, id rather look through my bits and just make it myself at that point. Shame GW/Forgeworld cant be arsed moving 30k to plastic fully id sacrifice detail and leigon symbols for less faf anyday , mk 5 armor especially is lacking in the new edition, its sorely missed.
Sadly funny that the Heresy pattern of armour, so at the heart of the people who understand the setting, has been forgotten underfoot by the people who’ve commandeered the setting 😅 Ah, well... as you’ve said, 3D-printing exists, and the community will always be able to keep the soul of what once was and what could be alive.
My issue with Horus Ascended is that it just doesn't change enough to warrant the new model. The base model is very well done, but for a Chaos-corrupted Primarch, he's pretty light on the Chaosy details, and looks broadly the same minus a rescale and repose. I guess they figured he really needed his classic Headtubes of Evil™. Some of the older kits in this video have me a bit worried. I don't expect them to do full resculpts for the old Legion-specific kits like Reavers, so I'm worried they'll eventually just be retired and left as a DIY thing, or they'll replace them with Mk III/VI upgrade packs that have the same problem as the retooled Contemptor torsos. Fancy heads, shoulder pads, weapons, and maaaaybe backpacks that clash with the vanilla bodies, since the new bodies aren't designed to take variant torsos.
While I don't hate Ashurhaddon's model, I am bothered by the fact that he's the 4th named, non-primarch character for SoH while some legions STILL have none.
I'm not a fan of most of the SoH range. For my SoH I mostly used Red Warden Miniatures heads, as they are MUCH better, as well as Chaos Space Marines with shoulder pad / head / backpack swaps and tortuga bay Miniatures bodies for some units, including my Justerian. I do like the FW pretors.
I would put a jump pack on Vheren. I like the special units except the scale creep keeps me from getting them. I wish they would make new Loken & Abaddon.
My biggest issue with the new Horus and the elephant in the room is that this is supposed to be Horus Halfway converted into the dark king, but he looks almost identical to old Horus. The chaos corruption is severely lacking, and if you want to argue that he needs to look the same then why bother with releasing a new model anyway.
I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong abut the original command set. The Praetors helmet arm is one piece with the body, and the axe is the same on the standard bearer. You cant actually give the praetor mini the banner without a lot of cutting and replacing. They are a massive pain in the dick to convert. They are nice as is though.
my guess is that they will never do Khan on a bike - they can't make him stand on his own then and they clearly avoid placing characters in/on vehicles - look at 40k kor'sarro - same thing.
Significant oof. This man doesn't see the immense glory and beauty of the new Horus Ascended, easily the greatest Primarch Model we have ever gotten, based on the model itself, not the base. The posture, the detail, it is truly something else. (coming from someone who built every single primarch model in existence). I think the Old Horus actually pales in comparison, and looks quite boring. He might have a spot for someone building vanilla Luna Wolves though. I think we disagree on most items what you like and don't like (helmets, proportions, models, details), except for disliking Mk VI beakies, but yes, I reckon everyone is different in what they like, and that is okay.
Personally I think if they aren't going to bother manufacturing the additional war gear they should sell stl files for them. Maybe something like a legion upgrade set with legion specific iconography, weapons and conversion bits to existing kits. I personally would love those axes from the legion company but they dont have them so ill end up 3d printing them anyway, its just that they are loosing out.
The issue I always run into personally when it comes to MK VI is that I love the armor mark, but I run Word Bearers in 30K and thus I can't justify taking any of those suits in my army, and for 40K I play a chapter that canonically dislikes the armor mark.
Well, like I said, that's the proportions of a person in armour, and don't forget to remove the artificial height of the armour cowl and wolf above his head which artificially increases his torso height.
@@TheOuterCircle Yes and no, it's also not a problem unique to 1.0 Horus either, a lot of the earlier models suffer from having too short legs in comparison to proper scaled upper bodies. Which brought in a new problem where they overcompensated and gave some of the minis sexy slim legs, can even be seen here with that one daddy long legs praetor. 😐 2.0 Horus is proportioned better for sure, but it lacks something the original had, even outside the halloween base.
If they modelled jhaghati on a bike then it would ruin the whole collection of primarchs ...should've had the standing model, with a bike behind him being an extra expense ...lemen russes dogs were seperate as we're that base joining Russ and Magnus
Honestly the terminator praetor is such a nice model and I ended up using it along with some siege tyrant bits to convert my warsmith for the IVth. Loved the design and pose and honestly it wasn't too difficult to remove a lot of the SOH iconography or turn it into more neutral decor.
The Horus ascended model is supposed to take place in beta garmont I think, since the dead auxilia has the beta garmont color scheme so it makes sense that it’s full of skeletons and corpses
MAJOR lore correction at 22:47, the custodies did NOT, I say it again, NOT get corrupted at a 50% rate by "just being on the vengeful spirit". One of the two companies of custodies that teleported up there that was guarding the emperor was teleported into a specifically designed warp realm of the ship. This area was basically a warp NUKES worth of power poured into it to MIND CONTROL the custodians. Half of them partially are controlled and killed, the rest have their bodies burned by big e to break them out of the initial spell. The other company teleports directly into the most demonically corrupted part of the ship which is all flesh. There they fight armies of neverborn without a single one even showing a HINT of corruption. Hell the entire BA company tears ass through the ship and not a single marine goes crazy or even shows mutations. (We don't know what happened to dorns company yet so the jury is out there) Hell a bunch of horus' captains see him on the bridge at the start of the book and a lot of them show little to no signs of chaos corruption. It's entirely likely a marine who refused the advances of chaos would be able to remain as he was for the siege, abbadon himself is a prime example of this. I really hope more people read the books like "the end and the death" before they claim to know what happens in them
If there is a warp entity in their mind controlling them that sounds pretty much like corruption, or at least the step immediately preceding it!
We see other chaos characters who are not in control quite a lot after all, they don’t have to be willing
@@MrConna6 I never said you had to be willing. I said some one actively RESISTING chaos at that time could have little to no mutations.
I think it's those with a 'dark fate' that seem to be left to their own devices. The Palantine Blades in Path of Heaven for example were "not corrupted" but had been earmarked as vessels for a Keeper of Secrets and a host of daemonettes.
I could def see that. Sorrta like how chaos champions like abbadon and ahriman have NO mutations despite the eye of the gods being directly on them. I was just saying that the custodies themselves weren't corrupted and that being on the veg spirit doesnt instantly mutate you.@@TheOuterCircle
I am in the same camp as you, disliking Mark 6 as an armour aesthetic. I especially dislike beak helms.
I'm not sure why you criticised the Mark 6 heads on that basis. Just like the Iron Warriors, Dark Angels, Iron Hands and other debeaked Mark 6 heads, it's a good thing that they aren't visibly Mark 6. It makes them versatile and enjoyable to use in a range of contexts.
He sounded to me like he liked these ones.
Horus ascended model is flawless other than the base. For me, I took your suggestion way back and put him on the old Horus base as him walking down the stairs and it looks awesome.
I painted my Horus (still working on it) in the classic Luna Wolves colors. Love the model!! Wish they would go back to that style so much!
Yet again, the SoH dread in its current state is seriously hampered by being just a torso instead of having the consistency of the shoulders and legs from the original kit. As for the helmets, I personally like both sets; I used the mkIV helmets on my 40k legionnaires (one of my armies is a SoH remnant that refused to join the Black Legion) to help them stand out from other CSM and I think they look great (yes, I know I used them on 40k models but I think this would apply for 30k marines, too)! Gives them that brutal, Cthonian gang vibe.
EDIT: I'm planning to get a model of Horus at some point and am leaning towards the ascended version, but if I do get that one I'll definitely change the base and make the iconic stairs for him to stand on.
34:00 Abaddon's power claw is the Talon of Horus. There is a whole novel called The Talon of hours in which he goes to get it. If this is Horus at peak chaos power, than it makes sense that his claws look like 40k version.
When that Horus step-brother model dropped I instantly imagined that he was revisiting an old battlefield just to smash skeletons with his mace. Like one of those Smash Rooms you rent.
That's Horus's Edgy Pile. He stands on top of the pile of skeletons when he's feeling especially edgy and wants to frighten a serf so he can feel big.
I love a lot of your HH videos. I just hope you can make a few lists of armies with in-depth analysis and unit recommendations. Like a few sample armies for each Legion. That would be awesome
I really like the ostentatious eye symbols and flags, as well as the new models i.e. Mal, Praetors. Ashurhaddon, Lanius and new Horus (except the base), and the new heads. The previous stuff just looks rough by today’s standards. The Justaerin helmets are just shoddy mk 4 helms with weird thin spikes and plumes, and the shoulder plates are all over the place. Abaddon and Loken really need an update too. They look like their jaws have been dislodged. FW has come a long way in modeling heads especially.
Horus' base makes perfect sense. You see, Circle, the entire point of Dark Compliance was to collect corpses so that Horus would never have to walk on normal ground, kinda like a red carpet. They're all pristine just because he hasn't walked on them yet. Alternately, he got them on a bulk discount from the Night Lords.
Also, minor point, but I don't think that the Custodes were driven insane simply by being on the Spirit. They were probably actively possessed in order to anger the Emperor and bait him into unshackling more and more of his power. While we may well know shortly when the next volume comes out, I'm inclined to believe that Chaos is trying to corrupt the Emperor and turn him into a Chaos God because it gets the job done regardless and is probably easier than actually killing a perpetual of his caliber.
I like the ascended Horus, well most of it (some parts of it are very busy to the point he could have given Fulgrim a run for his money). But overall model I myself like.
The base is incredibly dumb and should have been the stairs of of the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.
The base you use as an objective marker, you then make another base for him yourself.
I can definitely attest to being a fan of the "Mk VI" heads as a universal conversion kit regardless of what Mark of power armour you're using for your army. Just from experience alone with a Luna Wolves Recon Company army I'm working on, they work well with the Reaver kit, and they fit right in alongside Mk IV heads (still using Mk VI bodies, but even then I don't care for the 'beakie' helmets).
The other set really show their age and would likely be more fitting for a Black Legion warband rather than a Heresy-era SoH army.
Yikes! I'd personally love to be able to use the Banestrike Bolters separately out of the upgrade kit to uniquely represent Kraken Bolters for a unit of Seekers, but I'd agree that it's a terrible deal as a bundle, almost on par with the power weapons upgrades from a long while back.
As mentioned earlier, the Reaver Kit does well with the Mk VI heads. Other weapon options could be tinkered with, but the kit is still serviceable as either Reavers, Legion Vets, or a Legion Command Squad, regardless of the scale creep. As you point out however, the lack of a jump pack upgrade set for them is probably the only let-down.
I otherwise don't have much of an opinion on the Justaerin, as terminators aren't exactly a unit type that I gravitate towards. Likewise with the Contemptor torso, though like with the repackaging of others it's a shame that they abandoned the other unique pieces associated with the legion-specific aesthetics.
Insofar as models are concerned, I suppose you can kind of view the SoH character range as a timeline of sorts for the game itself. Loken and Abbadon haven't aged well courtesy of scale creep of course, but the much more recent additions definitely have some glaring issues in part because of short-handed sculpts resulting from copy-pasting in a computer program without much thought put into it. It's really only the generic praetors that get off scott-free I think, and that's largely due to them being ripe for conversion fodder.
Your commentary on Horus Ascended is pretty spot-on, especially with regards to the "Terminator 2" skeleton pile he's standing on as if he just raided a catacomb or a Halloween store like a cackling 80s cartoon villain.
It would be nice to see legion jump packs for these special units, I wonder if that idea was potentially floated when they were sculpting these special units
Unfortunately the HH range was the testing grounds for a lot of what’s going on with modern 40k kits. They provide the bare minimum for a kit and know that that the fanbase will buy it anyway.
@@theylivewesleep.5139 I feel like it didn’t start off that way even if it is now, that definitely came in with the primaris monopose, I feel like heresy started off just going for high quality sculpts and was influenced by 40k over time
@@MrConna6 bit of column A, but of column B. GW definitely tanked the quality of forgeworld sculpts like they did with 40k sculpts. Forgeworld’s business model was far from perfect before that, however. Not only are forgeworld squads more expensive, they also normally come with no weapon or decoration options. In this, 40k used to have a major advantage. If you bought a space marine commander and then any standard marine squad, said commander would have every possible weapon option at his disposal, and that isn’t mentioning all the badges, grenades e.t.c. Now it’s all primaris slop where changing arms is a luxury.
One of the things I love about you Macca, is almost always dislike and or complain or critique most of my favourite things!! For example, the OG heads I fucking love. And I love them because of the reasons you dont!! Same with the Reaver heads! I dislike the chain axes!! I love the angular sharp look of the dread! I love the Death Guard head you don't like!! I dislike the new DG heads you do like!!
It hurt a bit at first. But now it cracks me up because I can predict what youre going to say fairly well by now!!!
I absolutely respect the consistency!
As always, thank you for the video. It always a pleasure to watch!
Just got to the part where you said the Praetor helmet suits the Iron Warriors. Thats fighting words right there!!! ;)
Edit~ It's just a shit head. A bad remake of the reaver heads. Those reaver heads I like to call the 'dirt bike' helms. Love the Reaver ones. Hate the praetor one.
I think it might have been cool for exhaled horus base to be in the vengeful spirit but since we don’t have the rest , it could come with Qruze model dying as an optional piece.
16:00 Love the Stompy Ones. They look far mor Menancing!
Didn’t it say somewhere that the model WAS Maloghurst? I feel like it was confirmed until they released what we have now.
I agree that the newer characters and upgrades suffer from the same issue Primaris characters do in 40k: You can make these extremely characterful HQs and sergeants who don't look like they belong to the same army they're leading. You have to turn to 3d printed bits to find something you can put on your regular dudes in mass that bridges the gap between them and their leaders.
Like, imagine the Death Guard HQ leading totally stock Mk VI from the starter box. They both look great individually, but they don't look like they belong together unless you put a lot of work into them.
Honestly, I like the new Horus model cause of how over the top it is. It’s silly in a good way imo. I always liked the grim derp aspects of 40k, and this guy fits in that well.
Yeah, but most of the HH fanbase are more interested in taking stuff seriously. They treat it like it’s an historical wargame.
And when you look at the old historical modelling painting techniques used in the original Heresy releases, the more realistic, steampunk/hard sci fi realism look can really work.
It can really work for 40k too, just as grimderp can work in tasteful amounts in 30k, but I can understand the appeal of the historical-modelling community and style for HH.
I assume when they get around to plastic Legion specific units that’s Reavers and Justerians are the first two.
agree, why do we need two horus when the first on is S tier
Getting to this video late as a friend of mine is looking to start SoH as his first warhammer army ever. Very happy with the tip about using the Praetor to convert up Abadon, because I think he looks downright horrendous in the diorama with Loken. Weird, clunky pose, and both with faces that not even a mother could love. God the heads on those two are ROUGH
Good vid Macca, mostly spot on but what is a Chorizo-an power axe!?! lol 😅
Isn't abbadons lightning claw horus' lightning claw anyway?
I kindda prefer the look of the new horus more, though yeh his base is... friggin terrible, id rather look through my bits and just make it myself at that point. Shame GW/Forgeworld cant be arsed moving 30k to plastic fully id sacrifice detail and leigon symbols for less faf anyday , mk 5 armor especially is lacking in the new edition, its sorely missed.
Sadly funny that the Heresy pattern of armour, so at the heart of the people who understand the setting, has been forgotten underfoot by the people who’ve commandeered the setting 😅
Ah, well... as you’ve said, 3D-printing exists, and the community will always be able to keep the soul of what once was and what could be alive.
@@toastle8005 I might use one of my spare m6 bodies, studd it up, get a sternguard helm and use it for a praetor or sergeant.
My issue with Horus Ascended is that it just doesn't change enough to warrant the new model. The base model is very well done, but for a Chaos-corrupted Primarch, he's pretty light on the Chaosy details, and looks broadly the same minus a rescale and repose. I guess they figured he really needed his classic Headtubes of Evil™.
Some of the older kits in this video have me a bit worried. I don't expect them to do full resculpts for the old Legion-specific kits like Reavers, so I'm worried they'll eventually just be retired and left as a DIY thing, or they'll replace them with Mk III/VI upgrade packs that have the same problem as the retooled Contemptor torsos. Fancy heads, shoulder pads, weapons, and maaaaybe backpacks that clash with the vanilla bodies, since the new bodies aren't designed to take variant torsos.
While I don't hate Ashurhaddon's model, I am bothered by the fact that he's the 4th named, non-primarch character for SoH while some legions STILL have none.
I'm not a fan of most of the SoH range.
For my SoH I mostly used Red Warden Miniatures heads, as they are MUCH better, as well as Chaos Space Marines with shoulder pad / head / backpack swaps and tortuga bay Miniatures bodies for some units, including my Justerian. I do like the FW pretors.
It;s the lack of top vent on the helmets, that is pretty much the only thing
I would put a jump pack on Vheren.
I like the special units except the scale creep keeps me from getting them.
I wish they would make new Loken & Abaddon.
Oh I thought Loken had a Power Sword
Im in the same boat as you with scale creep, a lot of newer units and hq models I would have bought to convert will tower over my army
Maloghurst’s design is pretty reminiscent of a rogue trader marine, more so than the new MK VI.
have you any plans to buy the 2nd versions of all primarchs or will you just keep the og
Im actually debating getting the Loken vs Abaddon dio for my own collection/potentially enter in a comp
My biggest issue with the new Horus and the elephant in the room is that this is supposed to be Horus Halfway converted into the dark king, but he looks almost identical to old Horus.
The chaos corruption is severely lacking, and if you want to argue that he needs to look the same then why bother with releasing a new model anyway.
I'm afraid you couldn't be more wrong abut the original command set. The Praetors helmet arm is one piece with the body, and the axe is the same on the standard bearer. You cant actually give the praetor mini the banner without a lot of cutting and replacing. They are a massive pain in the dick to convert. They are nice as is though.
i still think its a pity loken and abbadon arent sold separately. if i did soh it would be with loken
my guess is that they will never do Khan on a bike - they can't make him stand on his own then and they clearly avoid placing characters in/on vehicles - look at 40k kor'sarro - same thing.
Maloghurst should have been a death guard model
Significant oof. This man doesn't see the immense glory and beauty of the new Horus Ascended, easily the greatest Primarch Model we have ever gotten, based on the model itself, not the base. The posture, the detail, it is truly something else. (coming from someone who built every single primarch model in existence). I think the Old Horus actually pales in comparison, and looks quite boring. He might have a spot for someone building vanilla Luna Wolves though.
I think we disagree on most items what you like and don't like (helmets, proportions, models, details), except for disliking Mk VI beakies, but yes, I reckon everyone is different in what they like, and that is okay.
They’re mk6 heads just like the world eaters heads are mk6
I had to cut a slither out of the middle thy on the long legs to make him the same size!!! Bullhang
Phantom Menace is the greatest piece of Star Wars media made
Oh no, it’s starting
I'm with you on ethe squatty idiots too man, I don't like the new stuff one bit
Personally I think if they aren't going to bother manufacturing the additional war gear they should sell stl files for them. Maybe something like a legion upgrade set with legion specific iconography, weapons and conversion bits to existing kits. I personally would love those axes from the legion company but they dont have them so ill end up 3d printing them anyway, its just that they are loosing out.
The issue I always run into personally when it comes to MK VI is that I love the armor mark, but I run Word Bearers in 30K and thus I can't justify taking any of those suits in my army, and for 40K I play a chapter that canonically dislikes the armor mark.
Best range in the whole series
Horus ascended. I like the model, I hate the base, with every fibre of my being they RUINED this model with the base.
you are such a rebel
I just can't get into the whole "BDSM" vibe of the weird heads, never liked them. It's just too close to a gimp mask for me.
Old Horus looks like a dwarf. Legs are way too short and badly proportioned for a primarch. It is nowhere close to 10/10 lol.
Well, like I said, that's the proportions of a person in armour, and don't forget to remove the artificial height of the armour cowl and wolf above his head which artificially increases his torso height.
@@TheOuterCircle Yes and no, it's also not a problem unique to 1.0 Horus either, a lot of the earlier models suffer from having too short legs in comparison to proper scaled upper bodies.
Which brought in a new problem where they overcompensated and gave some of the minis sexy slim legs, can even be seen here with that one daddy long legs praetor. 😐
2.0 Horus is proportioned better for sure, but it lacks something the original had, even outside the halloween base.
If they modelled jhaghati on a bike then it would ruin the whole collection of primarchs ...should've had the standing model, with a bike behind him being an extra expense ...lemen russes dogs were seperate as we're that base joining Russ and Magnus
Horus ascended is a very dated model. It uses an outdated and antiquated design for MK III that has no place in the Horus heresy series anymore.