JURASSIC PARK CLIP COMPILATION (1993) Steven Spielberg, Sci-Fi

  • Опубликовано: 21 дек 2024
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @StudioMarLin
    @StudioMarLin 2 года назад +1511

    *Almost 30 years have passed...*
    *Still no dinosaur-film has ever come close to this masterpiece!*
    *The cast, the story, the dialogue, the visual effects, the soundtrack... everything was just perfect!*

  • @xmanvideos3043
    @xmanvideos3043 2 года назад +360

    Jurassic Park is not merely a movie .. It is an emotion.... Good old days...

    • @megaphish
      @megaphish 2 года назад +7

      Amen to that:)

    • @kumar-wc2vo
      @kumar-wc2vo 2 года назад +3


    • @ranaahmad7168
      @ranaahmad7168 2 года назад +1

      @@kumar-wc2vo q

    • @youtuba1068
      @youtuba1068 2 года назад +2

      Watching this video on toilet seat while having lose motion!

    • @ekowahyudi390
      @ekowahyudi390 2 года назад

      py9o99yu9uyuyio9u9ufyiiyuiy9uuiy9yyyyuuiyyyuuy9uyy9uyy99iyf i9yyuiuy9yyryyu9u9u9u99i9oui9y9i9y9uuyyyyuiyyuu9i9i9uit9uyyyuiuuyyui9uuyt9uuuuuuuyyuyuyi9yuyytuiy9uuuiyuuyuuyyuyouo9u9yyyiu9ytuyypuyy9iiyu9ytuuu90i9y9uuyyuyyu9yyyyutoytyi9youuyytuu99yt9uguo9yyyugu9uy9yyuuuut9yit9yyuuu9tyu9uuuuiiyy9u9y9yut9u9i9y9yyyyyyyu9yyyyyuiu9uui9uiuut9yygu9yy0iiu9uuyuyuyyo999tiyu9ytyy9yt9iyuyu9y9t9uuouut9yyttru9t99999t9ygyyu99t9yuyyuy9tyyyt9y9t9yt9tiyyyr9yyuyituyyyyyytytutyyt9ytuyty9yr9r9yyuiir9y9uyt9yru9yytyt9o9uo99i9r9tuoy99yyt9uyyyyytyuuyyyyyyt9y9t9t9ty9yttttyt9t9yt99tuytt9uyy99uyyyu9t9u9yyri99yt9yu9t9r09rutyu99uu99yt9yyt9yuu9r9tr9ytyyyyyyuyty9utuyuyytuuyyr9r9yyyfyt9yt9y9t9yruyguyy9ytuyt99yu990ifu9t9t9ytyyyypyyyyyfy9t9tuyyyt9ytiu99yytyyrytr9ufyuyyyyyttuyt9tyryyyyi9ytfyyui9r9yyyuuu9yyi9ru9yuyy9y9t9ytyxuytyyytyyyyy9uu99tryt9yriyy99yytyyyfyituyyyytyt9yyy9i9yt9yuiiyut9yr99tyy999tuyyi9uu9ui9t9t9ui9iyyyupiy9yyt99uuyrtyuiyyrr9t9r9utyyyy99yt9yrtt9iyt9yo99fr9ytr99t999ut9tyt9tyi9uti0t909y9y99u9i99yuu90it90uu99uitu99uu9y9t9gyiii99i9yruuy9yy99uiuiuu99iiouiuuuyugi9u9it9uyt9yuu9yt99oi9i9y9t9yuiopii99yu9999y9uyuu9yuuyi9u9i9y9u0yi09iu9iyy9yiu0u9u9iy99y9uoot9u99uoty9ytiiiiiuuuu9yiuuuiuiiuyu9u99oiyi99yyi9yu9iyt9i9u9yyu9i9o9yi99i9t99y9i9uii9i99t9yioy9f0yy999yui99o9uu9yiiiou9u9iyi99y99iiiiiyuyiyyu9i99u9uo9y9ituyo9ui9y9iuii9u9uuiiit9999ui99i9ugioiu9oyui9yy999yiuyiiit9i9uuyiuuu9u9uyyi9uoyiuoyiu9999uy9yui9yiiiiyyyyi9uoyiiio9uy9999t9uuiio9iuoiiui9uy9uy9u9iiiyyyuuiuuyt9uuu9iiu9yt99uuuuyyuyyyu9uouuioii9u9t9u9iui9iiyi9ii9uu9yyy9yuuo9i9yiuui9iupui9uuuiuuyi99uuuuii9iyuyiuir9t9yt9yy999u9uy9uouui9i99y9io9u9uu9out9yiuouo9yiuuuuucu9iyiiuy9iyt9ii99uyu99iuouu9uu9u9uioyii9i9uu9u9uyiiiiiu99yyyiyyr9u9uou9ii9yu9iui9uuyiuu9oi9iuui9o9yy99yutuyy9uuyuiuyuui9uu9iyo9t99ipyi9iuuupiuyytiyyuyouyyiiuuyyyuu9uy99pir9yuiui9yuui9i99oui9uu99i9u9t9i9uo9uuo99uyuui9iyiio9iiuu99u9i9iuiio9uiu9it9u9ii0u9uyu9y99yuuuy9y99u99uu9i9i9i9u99ui999uiu9ou9t9y9i9iiu99iyuy99u9i9ii999ou9io9uo99uyuiuuyouio9i0i9ui9o9i9i99y99ii9u99ioi9o9uuu99ii9uoi99t9ui999iui9ut9uiotiiiuyu99t9uoui9i9u99i9iy9i9u9uu9u999i0t999ui9iy99ii8ityuui99i999i9y9iu9iiu99iu9i9ouyoy999u99yio9iyu9iiyuuiuuyu9uui9u9iuuyy0u9u0u9tyiiiu9yiui9i9oyui9io9ityu9uiuuy9i999ii999uyuiu9t9uiy9pu99uui99i9uyouu9u9uiuuui9t99uu9i9iuiy9iiiii9o9iu9u99ou9iiuu9y9u99iui9iiyif9iuu9yiuui99ui9i9999uii9ii9yu9yui9ui9i9yo99uouii9999i9uuui99ii9u9i99uu9oo9oi9u9utuiioiii9yuuiiiui9oiouuuii9ui9oii9i9uiu9uuioiouu9io9oiui9yt99999u9u9iuiiu9i99o9uo9uyoi99ii9i9yi99ii99yuii99yii9iuiiu9youyt989i99999yu9u99uyu9uuy9uui9i99i999i99tiu9yiiiiot99yuiypoi9999t9t9uuo9u9999i9u99uitu9iuuyyr99tiyitiruyyiyuiiui009iu9yiiyof99iti9iy999o9uii9uyii999o9uu9i9u9yi9t9ituu9yi9ouf9i9uutiu9i99uyu9p9yyyui9oiuiupufyuiiyuii9iu99iuuuuio9uiyui99i9iuyofiyuuiuuy9iu9ouuyuu9yuuyy9yyut9iit9iyyy9yy99yotiyyyyyityrui9uiyyiytyyyuyou9ui9iyiuytuoiutt8u9yyiyuyytc9riftiuyuiyuiyy9uifuyyt99yuy9yu9yyiu9yyyyt9yuyytyt990uyyu9uu9uy9yu9yt9yyy9yuy9uu9999tyuiiy9uiuyui9uiuiuu99ryu9uiui9ytu9iyuuuyout9yuuyuyyuy9iyuyi9i9ytiii99ytuuyyyy9yyuyu9yy9iiyuitu9yyiuyyui99yyytuu99tuu9uuiyyuuoyyyyyttfytyyyugyuuituyyuuuuituiuiutuoyuuuytuiyuyuyuygyuutf9yyyuyu9ytuyyyiuyyyuuttyytuuu8utyytiiuyuioyiyyuutuyituitut9yuyyotuyuiuyuyuiiittotfuuuiyyptifuyyyiyuyuyuuuuityuyuy9ut9uittiuruyyy9uuyuyottuutuyituiot8iyiuyuyyuyyiyuyyyyu9yyuyyyyyuyyuuiuyi99ityyuuiuituiyiyititut9titotuuttyyiuttuityiitt9ituu9ttyuuituyyytu0iui99tutyuy9uy9yyyt9yiyu9ittuuyiuuyiit9otuuiutittyiytytiuuuituituu8yiutyotyiyt9f9otui9tttoyuy9t9ryu9ty9yy8ttyyitiotyuyyuui9tituuyoiyitoittuuyyuyyyyyyuuu8iu09yi99t9tyuuyyyyyyiyuuiyyuuiotuyyyuuuuitiotiytiuuitttyotuyyyiiuuuototyiyuityyuyuitt9it99uyiuit8yi9iuiutui9uitiyituuyyyt8iyyyt9yyyityiyu9yuyyuuuiuittiuyyuiytuuyyituuiyyyyuyyyytituyyyutyr8tyyi9tuuiiiyuyuuu9uyiuyu9iuyif9iuit9iyuiittuituuiyiuuoytutituiyiiyiotyiou9i9uf9uu9it99tiyyuuifu9yyo9uiuituuuyuuyyyutiuiyiyyuyutyyuittyu9uyit9ittiuitt9t8t9u9f9tttt9tttttyuottuuuutyyuiyyypuyyyuuyyityyuyyittuitt8ttoyotytttiiui9i999tt9f99tu9ufi99utittitit9uuittytyiyituit9uyu9i9yyuiyttyuioyyyyuiyiti9uituuiiti9otuiuyyi9ui9ou99iiuu99uyiui9iitutiiyyituuuitui99u99t9ii9ui99u9uit9ottiitiytyottoittiiu999y9uuot99u99o99uiouyuuyyityyuti9ttuyiiuituuyittiuyuiiiyyuyi9yuuuuitt999t9uii9tu99yyyuttt9oui9oytyituoyiiituuuyuit9ittyi999uiittui9u9yy99uity9tîuityuyouuityyiftuiyi99tf9i9ut9ruit9o999uuyuuiuuiuyyui9uyyuuy8yyiyyyotttyyt9uuuityuyyi9uyiuitti9ui9y9uuot9tiotiiuottyo9put9itittyitittyiytititttyitttyyiuitittyiyotyttuituttiuituitttutiuitt9ytttitttttiutyttyypttiioiyyuit8tittitt8ituituy8tiyttttittuittttttiiitf99uyi9ftyuuuottttttoyttuitttt9ititi8tituottttttyitttttft9tftyp9u9o9tuuituoyttttititttttouuotittuutyityiuotuuyuttti9tittyott99i9uoyo9yyu9i9tto09ttiu9uoui9u9uotytot90o9o99yyufyif0toyyooiicoyutoicitfoiyfyyotoyyoigoryuicyoyyoofuiuioofoofyyyotutyypipoyfpfoifyfouffofouggifofpfyoytpfpyyppfptpyypyipyytuortodiuypoooyuyuoouuyitoyyiuuiftiupu009ui99i9it9t99tytttttyttt9t9utttttttyttttitutttituotttyytottttiyotytttttituuf9tttyittttituuy9ttiyityyyyuyitttttuitttiituuitttittytitiytyitit9tituyyittttitytyriyfttyyyyiutitttitttit9tyituyr9uuittyyituyuoutttuuiutiiitit9uiuyituitttuituyuuu9tt8ity0uityiyuuiytiuititoiiyu8tyuiu998ittuititouyitit9yuuuyuuuuiititttitttuuiiyittittittttuuityyuyiyiy9tittrytyyuyuuiyitruyyyiityuiitititttttttottyotutyttitui9yyittttuyyyoyttuuuottiuituyotttuttituittyituoyttit9yiiuyiuuuuittittttuuitttotttuyiuuitifuuityuuyyyuuuyituuutitttuitiitittttituuttyyitotttttittttttttttttotttityftttttituuitttototyifttttit9totituitityitiuuyyuittotifftuuitttttitttttfttottottitt9ttittyittypttyitttttttftttttttftttuitttuuuittttottotfittittttttttttuuotttttuitttttttottyuitpuiuittttittititttttttttittttuitttottttttf9i8ttuititttittttyyitttttttttfifotottìyotttttttttitt9ttititotittttttttti9ttttttttttttttttttitttitftttttttttttittttttt9titttt9uttiíitttitttttttttyitttttittttttíittotttuottiituuituottttitttttttttttttttutttttyotyuittttitttitttttttutyotfityifttttttttttttyittttttttttuyyittittuutyituuyituuiyiuyiuititttttittittttuititttyittittttttttttuittttttttttttyttttttttttttttttttuttoti9itttttttttttutttttttttfttttttittittttttttttttttttttt9tttyitttttitttttttttttttttttttttttttftttttttttt9ttitttttt9tttttttittttitttttott9uttttttttttit9ttttt0tttttttttttttytttttttttttttttttttttt0tttt5t55

  • @starshipchris4518
    @starshipchris4518 5 месяцев назад +79

    That sequence of the T-Rex breaking out of the fence is one of the greatest special effects sequences ever shot.

    • @haveatyou1
      @haveatyou1 4 месяца назад +3

      We spared no expense

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад

      That sequence of the T Rex breaking out of the fence is one the greatest special effects sequences special effects sequences ever shot

  • @DineshDinesh-uj9lu
    @DineshDinesh-uj9lu Месяц назад +64

    Anyone watching in 2024....

  • @AmeerShah-007
    @AmeerShah-007 9 месяцев назад +40

    How did Spielberg managed to make two iconic movies in the history of cinema at the same year 😮😮😮😮

    • @rsdany
      @rsdany 4 месяца назад +4

      And both were 100% fiction based in books

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад

      How did Spielberg managed to make two iconic movies the history of cinema at the same year 😮😮😮😮

  • @chrishouston3566
    @chrishouston3566 2 года назад +347

    I remember being 13 and watching this in the theater for the first time. No movie had ever made heart pound out of my chest like that before or since. Jurassic park will always have a special place in my heart.

  • @JAY1892
    @JAY1892 2 месяца назад +23

    John Williams score elevated this movie beyond comprehension. Also, I feel so old knowing both the kids are now in their 40’s.

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад

      John Williams score elevated this movie beyond compression. Also I feel l so old knowing both the kids are now in their 40s

  • @manu201022
    @manu201022 2 года назад +235

    Animatronics >> CGI

  • @TheAngelOfDeath01
    @TheAngelOfDeath01 2 года назад +293

    Nothing can still topple this film, that's all I can say about this. 30 freaking years since I saw this film for the first time, and it still brings absolutely tears to my eyes. Magnificent to this day!

    • @rimaaktar671
      @rimaaktar671 2 года назад +1


    • @zeinyusuf1713
      @zeinyusuf1713 Год назад


    • @abzd9828
      @abzd9828 Год назад +2

      Jurassic Park...changed my life.
      - Hank Kingsley

    • @Jishna102
      @Jishna102 10 месяцев назад


    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад +1

      Nothing can still topple this film that's all I can say about this. 30 freaking years since l saw this film for the first time and

  • @RundUmDenSVNiederwerth
    @RundUmDenSVNiederwerth 2 года назад +104

    3:29 *One of the most iconic lines ever.*

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад

      3..29 One of the most iconic lines ever

  • @ManoBilli-m4l
    @ManoBilli-m4l Год назад +58

    New jurassic series dont have the ability to replace the old one ❤

    • @sweetcinnamonpnchkin
      @sweetcinnamonpnchkin Год назад +1

      Cause it’s all action and Chris Pratt

    • @leslieleyton
      @leslieleyton Год назад +1


    • @Ramy-ql3tr
      @Ramy-ql3tr 8 месяцев назад +1

      They turned it into a superhero movie, one guy to save the world 🙄

    • @Amaddiegrace
      @Amaddiegrace 7 месяцев назад +1

      Facts the new series sucks so bad. It’s too super hero like. Even the last one that came out with he old cast sucked. I was so disappointed

    • @KingKing-tu8us
      @KingKing-tu8us 3 месяца назад

      Exactly i 100 percent agree with you​@@Ramy-ql3tr

  • @daffidavit
    @daffidavit 2 года назад +39

    The old "CG" seems better than today's new "CGI" IMO.

    • @blackcommunion3820
      @blackcommunion3820 7 месяцев назад +4

      The old looks more realistic. The new looks fake I don’t understand how people like it.

    • @simunator
      @simunator 3 месяца назад

      ​@@blackcommunion3820they're dumber and trained to like slop these days

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад +1

      The old CG seems better than today's new CGI IMO

  • @panostsak
    @panostsak 2 года назад +65

    Went to see this film with my parents when I was 7....this was pure magic in my eyes, I was stunned...I don't know how many times I have watched it but it's at least twice a year!

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад +1

      Went to see this film my parents when I was 7 this was pure magic in my eyes l was

  • @kupieckorzenny5093
    @kupieckorzenny5093 2 года назад +66

    3:39 Imagine watching it for the first time in 90s

    • @amitpalit4343
      @amitpalit4343 2 года назад +7

      Epic... No Jurassic Park movie or any other dinosaur movie can come close to this movie.

    • @sweetcinnamonpnchkin
      @sweetcinnamonpnchkin 2 года назад +4

      Don’t have to imagine. Just remember.

    • @titanrahlgaming
      @titanrahlgaming 2 года назад +1

      @@sweetcinnamonpnchkin yeah lol

  • @manu201022
    @manu201022 2 года назад +104

    Jurassic Park series is way more scarier (and interesting) than Jurassic World series.

  • @Jedtumble
    @Jedtumble 2 года назад +224

    The difference about this film and ALL the other sequels is that, even if you don’t like dinosaurs, the film is an undeniable masterpiece

    • @WeaselKing1000
      @WeaselKing1000 Год назад +3

      I'd give a pass to 'The Lost World' - in my view it still holds up very well and things just get steadily worse and worse as we go on from there - but yes, this is the undeniable king.

    • @malikakefufaji9900
      @malikakefufaji9900 Год назад +5

      Who doesn’t like dinosaurs?

    • @valdetelima3958
      @valdetelima3958 Год назад


    • @valdetelima3958
      @valdetelima3958 Год назад

      ​pop😊😊😮Para fixar um clipe, toque nele e mantenha-o pressionado. Os clipes desafixados serão excluídos após uma hora.😅Para fixar um clipe, toque nele e mantenha-o pressionado. Os clipes desafixados serão excluídos após uma hora.Para fixar um clipe, toque nele e mantenha-o pressionado. Os clipes desafixados serão excluídos após uma hora.Toque em um clipe para colá-lo na caixa de texto.Para fixar um clipe, toque nele e mantenha-o pressionado. Os clipes desafixados serão excluídos após uma hora.

    • @palamirtammarimuthu1752
      @palamirtammarimuthu1752 Год назад

      All 🦕🦖 looked incredibly real😂🎉❤💞🇸🇬🇺🇸👍🏽🎆22/12/23... merry Xmas 🎄🎉🎆

  • @fittushattana
    @fittushattana 2 года назад +271

    Such a great movie. It was amazing as a kid and still very cool as an adult. Still looks like it was made yesterday!

  • @tobybll
    @tobybll 2 года назад +184

    When I have kids one day, I'll show them this movie once they're old enough.
    I want them to feel the same happines which I had when I was a kid and watched this masterpiece.

    • @WeaselKing1000
      @WeaselKing1000 Год назад

      @Johnny Lawrence Is there really.

    • @sulakshanaillangasinghe1718
      @sulakshanaillangasinghe1718 Год назад

      Very nice..

    • @Joker-yw9hl
      @Joker-yw9hl Год назад +2

      I was watching this from the age of 3 so I hope you don't make them wait too long!

    • @behindmyblueeyes99
      @behindmyblueeyes99 Год назад +2

      @@Joker-yw9hl3 yo might be way too young for this movie, so it’s better he waits as long as it’s neccessary

  • @gopalrao8174
    @gopalrao8174 2 года назад +70

    This is that one film watched by the kids across the globe in the 90s with their parents, that introduced the magic and thrill of watching something like this on a big screen.

  • @shekharswarnakar5592
    @shekharswarnakar5592 2 года назад +37

    No other Dinosaur movie would come even close to this masterpiece, let alone of beating it. Steven Spielberg should direct the Jurassic World 4 or Jurassic Park 4 if that ever comes.

    • @arunm4852
      @arunm4852 2 года назад +2

      Lost world is super

    • @WeaselKing1000
      @WeaselKing1000 Год назад +2

      @@arunm4852 I agree, it's a great sequel and doesn't deserve the stick it gets. It's not as good as this original, for sure...but it's miles better than the third one, and absolute *light years* better than any of the subsequent trash.

    • @excellensee
      @excellensee 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@WeaselKing1000Jurassic park three was good to

  • @ChaddMichael
    @ChaddMichael 2 года назад +20

    If you weren’t alive at this time to see this movie when i5 came out, you won’t understand the emotion that people who were there go thru when they see these clips. It’s not just a movie it takes you back to life at that time. And im sure people would give anything to relive those times. I was 9 and my grandmother took us to see this. It was scary. It was fun. It was amazing.

  • @fooman2108
    @fooman2108 2 года назад +39

    You cannot deny that Spielberg knows how to write and introduction scene!

    • @arbiter8246
      @arbiter8246 2 месяца назад

      Yeah he’s as talented as George Lucas.

  • @amitpalit4343
    @amitpalit4343 2 года назад +56

    Jurassic Park itself is the best among all the Jurassic Park movies.... It's a timeless cult classic ...when I first saw it back in 2009 , the first trex scene was really scary.

    • @kakiz
      @kakiz 2 года назад +4


    • @amitpalit4343
      @amitpalit4343 2 года назад +4

      @@kakiz Yes. I first saw it in 2009.

    • @sweetcinnamonpnchkin
      @sweetcinnamonpnchkin 2 года назад +4

      Not a cult classic. Just a classic.

    • @RisingBeast00
      @RisingBeast00 2 года назад +5

      It was scary. It was actually suspenseful and terrifying. Unlike the sequels.
      Imo The Lost World comes somewhat close.

    • @RisingBeast00
      @RisingBeast00 2 года назад +2

      It's not a cult classic. It's just a classic film.

  • @sikandarzaman3877
    @sikandarzaman3877 2 года назад +80

    My ever 1st movie that I watched for the 1st time....and still this masterpiece is very much close to me. Imagine this was made in 1993 almost 30 years ago, still no such movie has been made. It takes you away that you are there by personal. It is one of my all time favorite movie. Specially I love the location. From this movie Steven Spielberg is my one of favorite directors.

    • @عمرالشريف-م4ث
      @عمرالشريف-م4ث 2 месяца назад

      جميل جدا والله ما رأيك في الفسح من اول يوم العيد في الفسح

  • @RegineFusingan-e1y
    @RegineFusingan-e1y 9 дней назад +1

    My Childhood Memories🥺
    "Welcome To Jurassic Park"-
    RIP🕊 Richard Attenborough😢

  • @vickymactian
    @vickymactian 2 года назад +232

    The expression on Alan Grant's face the first time he see a dino, the water in the glass, the sound of silence.
    Everything about this film was, is and will remain a masterpiece.

  • @dr.spectre9697
    @dr.spectre9697 2 года назад +18

    Every bit of this movie oozes class and pure long forgotten Hollywood magic: the cinematography, the music, the direction, the use of conventional special effects, the use of animatronics and performances of the cast in general. What an amazing piece of cinema history!

    • @AlmiraRaspado
      @AlmiraRaspado Месяц назад

      Every bit of this movie oozes class and pure long forgotten Hollywood magic. the

  • @AlphaCentauri24
    @AlphaCentauri24 2 года назад +26

    A genius Director at his peak!
    This movie is 'movie magic'. Surreal, enthralling, captivating.

  • @ethandavis2788
    @ethandavis2788 2 года назад +19

    Leave a like if this was your favorite movie as a kid.

  • @sangeethajohn6486
    @sangeethajohn6486 2 года назад +8

    I m 31 years..still watching this scene with the same excitement when I was 10 years old.😮😮

  • @sourabhrawat512
    @sourabhrawat512 2 года назад +22

    Real jurasic park movie, after this movie all dinosaur movies are experiments with original content. I still want to see this movie in theater.

  • @christianramirez4255
    @christianramirez4255 2 года назад +6

    “ welcome to Jurassic park “ gave me the chills 😭😭😭

  • @ScrollWithAmith
    @ScrollWithAmith 2 года назад +7

    Even today its The Best.

  • @nuno7949
    @nuno7949 2 года назад +26

    I get goosebumps when he says " Welcome to Jurassic Park" 🦖

  • @kastrohussein2179
    @kastrohussein2179 2 года назад +13

    Watching this as a kid the graphics looked realistic at the time. Great memories from the 90's

    • @MissMaya308
      @MissMaya308 5 месяцев назад +2

      Same as me. I remember my dad took me and my twins brothers to the movie theater watched this when I was 8 and my brothers were 7. Good memories of the 90s look back on my childhood.

  • @AB-hs9pw
    @AB-hs9pw 2 года назад +25

    I still remember watching these entire movie series 1,2 and 3 especially as a kid with my parents was so enjoyable during childhood!!!

  • @gopalakrishnan8353
    @gopalakrishnan8353 Год назад +1

    What a movi legendery movi of hollywood ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @melissaparker340
    @melissaparker340 4 месяца назад +3

    I want to rewatch all the Jurassic Park movies.

  • @jannatsiddique8625
    @jannatsiddique8625 2 года назад +2

    No one beat this movie....

  • @tommygun8722
    @tommygun8722 2 года назад +19

    This movie has stood the test of time and no other dinosaur film has or probably ever will come close to this.

    • @WeaselKing1000
      @WeaselKing1000 Год назад

      Absolutely. The new JP films keep straining and straining, almost haemorraghing themselves to manage it, without realising the moment has gone. Let the franchise be, for pity's sake. Should have ended after two (or three, if well done) films.

  • @jeroldjkotian4270
    @jeroldjkotian4270 5 месяцев назад

    Its not a movie..its an emotion ❤🦖🦕

  • @parineetasen2221
    @parineetasen2221 2 года назад +8

    People say the roar of Godzilla is the most iconic roar.
    For me, the roar of the T-Rex in this film is THE roar.

  • @mamathagowda9154
    @mamathagowda9154 2 года назад +17

    My childhood memory 👌almost 30 years have passed a beautifull movie👌

  • @simonsamson9967
    @simonsamson9967 2 года назад +3

    Oh man I just love that jeep

  • @anvarsadique8827
    @anvarsadique8827 2 года назад +1

    Welcome to jurrassic park🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @btwitsahhhmed_3541
    @btwitsahhhmed_3541 2 года назад +4

    90's movies = Nostalgia

  • @joelsalalila1543
    @joelsalalila1543 16 часов назад +1

    3:25 Dr Grant, my dear Dr Sattler, Welcome to Jurassic Park

  • @Shahtoys888
    @Shahtoys888 2 года назад +63

    When movies used to have class

    • @sweetcinnamonpnchkin
      @sweetcinnamonpnchkin 2 года назад +7

      Thank God the new Top Gun movie has class

    • @Cosmic_JC
      @Cosmic_JC 2 года назад +1

      @@sweetcinnamonpnchkin it does but nowhere near this one. Which is a shame since Jurassic park is 30 years older than Top Gun : Maverick 😞.

    • @MareZcare
      @MareZcare Год назад

      Yo momma!

    • @akhmadfahrinnor2596
      @akhmadfahrinnor2596 5 месяцев назад

      You're right

    • @abhra2312
      @abhra2312 5 месяцев назад


  • @bukhtiarshah9843
    @bukhtiarshah9843 2 года назад +2

    Master piece movie ❤❤❤

  • @LukeKetchum7003
    @LukeKetchum7003 2 года назад +72

    The funny thing is, this theme park would've been a success if one guy had not turn off the power to the whole island!

    • @miradasril2523
      @miradasril2523 Год назад


    • @m.andrisukma9662
      @m.andrisukma9662 Год назад

      @@miradasril2523 ygggh

    • @elykspuz6596
      @elykspuz6596 Год назад +5

      Would've opened sure. It was doomed from the start. If not Nedry it'd be someone/something else.
      Malcolm says this in the movie. They can't control life. There was also breeding going on prior to the power outage as dinos already escaped their paddocks. Grant found eggs in the movie.
      JW failed for the same reason. Wu is not a God he was careless and blind to it. Hammond and him were arrogant.

  • @favouritemedia6786
    @favouritemedia6786 2 года назад +1

    Best Jurrasic Movies are born in 90s

    • @zuveresgames
      @zuveresgames 2 месяца назад

      Damn it you guys can't stop crying about today's movies even for 1 day

  • @visakhamproductions8985
    @visakhamproductions8985 2 года назад +9

    This look more organic and natural compared with nowadays CG filled storytelling ...who all are agreeing ?

    • @titanrahlgaming
      @titanrahlgaming 2 года назад +3

      Avatar can give JP a solid run, I think lol love both movies lol

  • @AdamZimmerman-c6i
    @AdamZimmerman-c6i 2 месяца назад +1

    Unlike Hammond Spielberg spared no expense making this movie. Over 30 years later and it still holds up

  • @muhammaddhevly4373
    @muhammaddhevly4373 2 года назад +3

    This version is better than the new version in this year

    • @ZrWytri
      @ZrWytri 2 года назад +1

      Agree 😅😅

  • @alfinah4545
    @alfinah4545 Год назад

    Welcome to Jurassic Park 🦖🦖🦖

  • @captain_commenter8796
    @captain_commenter8796 2 года назад +5

    *God damn these scenes hit different after 29 years*

  • @thecollectorsite6392
    @thecollectorsite6392 2 года назад +1

    3:18 happy hearing the word t-rex 🦖which will change their life forever 🤣🤣🤣

  • @gabethedinosaur95
    @gabethedinosaur95 Год назад +21

    30 years ago Jurassic park changed film making forever. It was 3 years after Crichton published the first book and Spielberg did a fantastic directing it and the sequel thanks to Crichton who wrote the second book 1995 when I was a little baby . Jurassic park will always be my childhood dinosaur movie.

  • @dalaldalal9934
    @dalaldalal9934 2 года назад +3

    كلش احب هذا الفلم الاجنبي واني هوايه شايفته تحياتي لكم جميعا

  • @Pythonsr71
    @Pythonsr71 2 года назад +3

    No word. VFX is still a competitive
    immortal movie 😅😊😊

  • @ndwstark9918
    @ndwstark9918 2 года назад +2

    Better than the new ones

  • @hilarybutry8649
    @hilarybutry8649 Год назад +8

    I love dinosaurs

    • @3dgar7eandro
      @3dgar7eandro 8 месяцев назад +1

      "That's an interesting assertion... but why would that be the case? Dinosaurs would most probably eat you, crush you to death if they felt threatened, or simply not mind your presence, much like most reptiles nowadays."

    • @Steven-ez6qp
      @Steven-ez6qp 4 месяца назад

      Yes Ma'am 😍 Jurassic Park Amazing Movie Satisfying!!! Question do You remember what happened the funny restroom scene where the mean old weenie lawyer guy who left the poor kids he's trying Soo hard to hide 😥 sitting on the toilet lol 🤭 remember what happened to him?

  • @sahilmehta8640
    @sahilmehta8640 5 месяцев назад +1

    This is the best movie I have ever seen, only 90's kid understand that.

  • @eoincoleman4537
    @eoincoleman4537 2 года назад +17

    It was great because of the story and characters. The scenes were memorable because we had attatchment to the characters. The long, tense scene in these clips is amazing because of the characters (and how well the actors portrayed them).
    At the core, every scene in Jurassic Park is engaging no matter if there is a dinosaur in it or not.
    The sequels have all just been dinosaurs with token human characters, with no substance, thrown in.

  • @roydipankar7911
    @roydipankar7911 Год назад +1

    Love you❤😘🤟

  • @maleek8464
    @maleek8464 2 года назад +6

    This movie and predator can never be replicated. No modern film comes close.

  • @bala2k2
    @bala2k2 Год назад +1

    Welcome to Jurassic Park!...dadadando ... dadadando... dadadando...doo....How organic this is..... Still giving goosebumps...

  • @wojurera3131
    @wojurera3131 2 года назад +3

    The first is Definitely Classic and the Best

  • @abhijitsanyal1729
    @abhijitsanyal1729 9 месяцев назад

    Childhood memories ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @justiceleague438
    @justiceleague438 2 года назад +4

    This movie was mother of all other sci-fi movies…this experience you never get in today’s movie.

  • @AbhirupBhattacharyya-h1w
    @AbhirupBhattacharyya-h1w 24 дня назад

    welcome to jurassic park ❤❤❤❤

  • @mauricemaurice5506
    @mauricemaurice5506 2 года назад +15

    Amazing ! Amazing !
    A Timeless Classic !

  • @sagarnanaware3463
    @sagarnanaware3463 2 года назад +1

    best movie in jurrasic park series

  • @PratikGuhaRay
    @PratikGuhaRay 2 года назад +5

    That vibration in water .. runs through your spine .. epic scene

  • @chriskaser3445
    @chriskaser3445 2 года назад +2

    One awesome cool movie i love them dinos 😍✌🏻😎

  • @soumyabhattacharya1679
    @soumyabhattacharya1679 2 года назад +14

    It's a brilliant work. Nostalgia of childhood.

  • @ismailmrpismail2820
    @ismailmrpismail2820 Год назад

    Go jurassic park !!🤗🤗🤗

  • @TheBlossomGames
    @TheBlossomGames 2 года назад +6

    Back in the 90's... I was only 4 year old back in 1996 yes I was toddler I remember watching this movie with my family.. what good old days ❤

  • @saidmulla2184
    @saidmulla2184 2 года назад +2

    Nostalgic 😔🥺🥺

  • @milolee1725
    @milolee1725 Год назад +5

    Without a shadow of a doubt,one of the greatest films ...ever!
    Unbelievable wow factor,tension,edge of seat and directed by a top five of all time director.

  • @YummyFoodLahore
    @YummyFoodLahore 2 года назад +1


  • @maheshmundel
    @maheshmundel 2 года назад +28

    Yeah it's been almost 30 year's of Jurassic Park & this movie still gives me the goosebumps all over 🤯💫

  • @rajhasdasanthal8410
    @rajhasdasanthal8410 8 месяцев назад

    I love Jurassic park all series ❤❤❤

  • @sadmanvlog365
    @sadmanvlog365 2 года назад +3

    My childhood memory 💙My first Hollywood love ❤

  • @Punisher2326
    @Punisher2326 2 года назад +2

    ,,Welcome to Jurassic Park"
    Legendary 🦖

  • @mpradeep5026
    @mpradeep5026 2 года назад +4

    My childhood fav movie ,, 1993

  • @sophiasunny7549
    @sophiasunny7549 7 месяцев назад

    90's kids ❤

  • @meone4me
    @meone4me 2 года назад +5

    Amazing movie it's my always dream to be in Jurassic park movies hope I'll be in Jurassic movies soon

  • @aleeben7201
    @aleeben7201 Год назад


  • @nangalegendpa
    @nangalegendpa 2 года назад +3

    One of my Favourite screen

  • @anekamainantv
    @anekamainantv 2 года назад


  • @Fiyera
    @Fiyera 2 года назад +7

    I'd give anything to see/hear the audiences reactions to this movie for the first time.

  • @tubu1ar86
    @tubu1ar86 3 месяца назад

    This movie was the perfect blend of animatronics with CGI and a lot a lot of people.

  • @daffodils400
    @daffodils400 2 года назад +3

    Best ever movie from Steven Spielberg

  • @kino9356
    @kino9356 Месяц назад

    Hearing the T Rex stomping in still makes me terrified. A good childhood movie. 🍿

  • @pan8783
    @pan8783 2 года назад +3

    Damn 30 years!!!! Still amazed me

  • @spliterin2743
    @spliterin2743 Год назад +1

    I feel like I've seen the movie way too many times to enjoy this...

  • @niraj4782
    @niraj4782 2 года назад +4

    My childhood movie 🍿

  • @abdulazis6820
    @abdulazis6820 2 года назад +1

    Jurrasic Park , Jurassic World ,Film Yang Sangat Bagus ,Di Indonesia ,Rakyat Indonesia Senang Dengan Film Jurrasic Park Dan Jurrasic World ,Seru Tegang ,Menakutkan ,

  • @Lucy-ug8qg
    @Lucy-ug8qg Год назад +5

    Felt these magic feelings watching it first and always cried at the scene seeing dinsouries for the first time. After 15 years, I still feel the same and cry, so freaking beautiful✨