6:45 "we are in rough seas" 7:15 "we are gridlocked in colossal global disfunction" 10:04 "G nothing. no cooperation, no dialogue, no collective problem solving" 11:23 "the risks to global peace and security"
Hopefully someday our UN Secretary can speak freely and truthfully about everything that’s happening in the world without fear of reprisal and fear of losing his job!
@Sebastian Sato Yes, but he risks losing lucrative opportunities after. For example Kofi Annan after his tenure became a member of the advisory board for Investcorp Bank B. S. C, Global Advisory Board of Macro Advisory Partners LLP and was paid by many Non-profit organizations. Of course he earned this by being submissive to the demands of the US administration. Its an absurd fact that Kofi Anan became a UN Secretary by gaining favor with the US by greenlighting one of NATO's illegal aggressions. Of course he would get a Nobel Peace Prize for it also.
parabéns pelo trabalho frase chaplin-"Não me considero cidadão de nenhum país em particular." quanto vamos ter orgulho de ser um cidadão em nosso país ou em outro país creio que nunca -Deus/Ala abençoe
Parabéns pelo trabalho a natureza e implacável em casa tudo se decompõem e vira pó mais rápido do que os cientistas falam e nada fica para prosperidade como as civilizações antigas eu e minha cachorra ficamos abismado. Deus/Ala abençoe.
Parabéns pelo trabalho todos nós não conseguimos escolher a nossa família, escola, trabalho etc.. o único que conseguiu escolher a sua vida própria foi jesus cristo. que Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
اعتقد انه من كوريا الجنوبية تحية من كل قلبي للحاضرين إلى هذه الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحده من كل بلدان العالم لمناقشة الأوضاع العالمية وماسيقررونه من تبرعات وجمعيات وذلك على دول العالم المتقدم ان تبدأ بسخاء إلى هذه الجمعية والتي تغول عليها كل البلدان الفقيرة وللكوارث الطبيعية دعإء كانت نتيجة حروب طبيعية الزلازل والسيول والامراض وغيرها تحية كل لكل دولة حضرة وساهمت وشاركت الأجر عند الله اعظم
Parabéns pelo trabalho como que a ciência e pesquisadores do mundo não conseguiram definir técnica para uma decomposição mais rápida no descarte no lixo que produzimos em casa a natureza e implacável e decompõem tudo muito rápido, eu e minha cachorra princesa vemos isso todos os dias. Deus/Ala abençoe
Thanks for your positive and inspirational speech and best wishes for making positive results on every different world difficulties. Thanks for every efforts and steps taking to make World as New and healthy. Thanks
السيد الرئيس لجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة 🇺🇳 We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals. هذه هي قواسمنا المشتركة وهي تمثل أيضا آمال البشرية جمعاء 😀😀
An excellent speech, equipped with outstanding contents. But needs accelerated and serious actions/efforts to fullfil its implementations. An addition, If the problems are collective the solutions must also be collective. Otherwise the speech was brilliant.
1852 yes that's true and that's why I was developing the new housing units to support everything that we need instead of being able to just be stuck on well that isn't good
Parabéns pelo trabalho no Brasil está fechando portas de trabalho em todos os setores foi divulgado que 600 mil empresas fecharam fora entidades sociais, associações, bancos etc. no seu País e o mesmo
Parabéns pelo trabalho e feliz natal e ano novo mesmo sabendo que isso e uma mentira que se tornou verdade como muitas outras no mundo que faz muito mal para todos nós. que Deus/Ala abençoe-amém.
very super our UN chief and smart interesting speech. justice me to academic PhD research study work about the gender Quotas and women 's representation and participation in the national parliament . हजुरहरू सबैलाई धे रै नमस्कार साथै धन्यबाद छ। 🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🐂🐃🐃🐷🌏🏝🌋🌎🏕🏔⛱🌍🗻🗻🏕
West Papua in Indonesia🇮🇩 Humanitarian Crisis, Please the United Nations Please Free the Indigenous People of West Papua before they become extinct because they were killed by the Indonesian Army
Parabéns pelo trabalho o número ideal seria entre 1,5 a 3 bilhões de pessoas a ONU divulgou que a população mundial está a atingir 8 bilhões fora o lar de 8,7 milhões de espécies - O Eco ou seja o dobro do que a Terra conseguiria abrigar e o fim. que Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
Thank you Secretary - General Antonio Guterres for your unwavering commitment to Peace and Security, human rights and development. Reinforcing the fundamental principles of democracy i.e freedom, justice and equality. " The only logical path forward is by cooperation and dialogue " , the need to address food Shortages, Climate change and Conflicts and Women's health .
Parabéns pelo trabalho um feliz natal e ano novo que as brigas, guerras, fome e todo o tipo de dificuldades acabe e que vença a paz, união e fraternidade em todos os países Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
2600 yeah I was thinking if we bring to them a better product to produce wherever they were in disagreement we won't have to drive the business owner out or just keep tolerating the pollution we should be able to switch both for everyone's benefit as Government instead
When one looks at the whole UNGA summit and look keenly beyond just superficial speeches which are always the status quo each year it is clearly revealed that everyone at the summit is living a one big lie
It is most urgent to take proper action to protect lives lives of people who lives in refugee camps and in conflict places of different parts of world. Kindly make suitable solution for every problems of people who are those struggling to survive with their valuable life. Making good relationship with every country only can make changes in the world and hoping for the best. Light the world with every decision of world Leaders. Thanks
I hope the world has heard what Rwanda is doing to its neighbors in Africa. Rwanda is supporting and arming terrorists while UN in incapable of lifting a finger.
Does anyone anywhere in the world care what UNGA is doing these days? The fact is 99.99% of 8B world population don't even know the whatabouts of U.N. It is a war farm, it is the place where wars and famine are manufactured. One of the topics discussed in the ongoing GA is climate change. They are blaming the calamitous effects of thier misdeeds to climate change. Somalia is dry land. It was always a dry land. Somalis for millennium by successfully adapting to the country's ecosystem not only did they survive the solid land but managed to increase in population. The reason many Somalis are displaced now is not because of changed climate but the result of U.N funded war perpetrated by neighboring countries Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda over the last two to three decades. The result of this reckless criminal U.N led intervention is it turned Somalia into a gangland of Islamic terror which again is used to justify increased intervention to bomb more Somalis off their land. While Somalis are terrorized by a tiny terror gangs from within and by U.N army of ants from neighboring countries, Erdogan's Turkey troops are reveling in their military beach resorts and most probably in their spare time proselytizing Ottoman version of Koran. Don't blame climate change. Climate is not killing people. Wars are killing people. Time to get rid of U.N!.
Mr. Gutierrez had said it and the only real answer is Biblical - we are in the end of the age where the 4 apocalyptic horses are playing their prophetic roles. No amount of human intervention even the world coalition of the United Nations can stop this. God’s will be done and that this events should turn all of us toward the creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel!!!
It is responsibility of every individual of the world to provide best Nutrition food, health care and education facilities to helpless children's of every corner of the world to make hope to their future life.
Kindly take more initiative to provide basic essential facilities especially food and shelter to those people who lives in different places. Kindly strengthen Covax, WPF, UNICEF, Gavi by the support of all members of United Nations. Thanks
My suggest is that the UN should initiate and prohibit possessing of nuclear weapons by any nations. If 1000 A.D people can live without nuclear weapons and nuclear power plant, why not in this present generation. Innovation is inevitable but deadly and life threatening weapons should prohibited and abolish completely. Peace and human development should be focus at full scale.
this organisation is in need of some serious reform. A united nations that represents a wealthy few is of no use to the world. silent in the face of double tankard and hypocrisy is pathetic.
الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة تم تم توقيف جميع الاغاثة الدولية والانسانيه إلى 🇾🇪 اليمن وميناء الحديدة بشكل كامل بما فيها المرتبات لحالات الاجتماعية والمرور وغيرها بصورة عاجلة توقف استيراد السيارات الي اليمن بكافة انواعها المستعملة والجديدة سواء من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية او غيرها بما فيها قطع الغيار توقف جميع الثروة الحيوانية من القرن الافريقي بشكل كامل الأبقار الأغنام الماعز وكذلك توقف استيراد الدجاج المثلجة من الخارج توقف وتمنع السفن التي تحمل تلك البضائع ومصادرتها توقف جميع الصادرات اليمنية بما فيها الخضروات والفواكه وغيرها من السلع المختلفة إلى الخارج اودول الخليج العربي بشكل نهائي حتى إشعار من الأمم المتحدة والله ولي الهديه التوفيق
O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male & a female, and made of you races & tribes to experience. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware. Translation of meaning of Quran (49:13)
1010 yeah that's what took me off to they had been doing it inside the states the whole time which meant they were doing it outside the states the whole time
God bless you 🇺🇳 *UN* 🌺 😊🌺! " _No child is born with hate. Hate is taught._ " ─ 🇺🇳 *United Nations* special adviser on genocide prevention _🌺Alice Wairimu Nderitu_ Hate speech causes real harm -- but we can all do our part. We all have to stand up & _say _*_No To Hate_*_ !!!_ 😊👏 😊👏😊👏😊👏😊👏😊👏😊
@ phillipsonmarak.4135 we thank Secretary General of U. N O for loving our Nations. so we need peace and work together, act together, in the interest of our Nations . Yours Sincerely, PhillipsonM Marak...Dated 26.04.2023.
Satan's ministers deceiving the nations, knowing that they have little season (Revelation 20:3,8), before fire comes down from heaven and devour them (Revelation 20:9).
Kindly support World Health Organization and take joint initiative to provide Covid19 vaccine to every low and lower middle income countries by strengthening Covax Facility. Thanks
Why? The vaccine has now been proven to be dangerous and it doesn’t stop the spread at all as originally stated. Do you wish harm upon low and lower income people?
12:42 yes and everything that you're saying is 100% accurate that's correct there's two I was trying to explain about parallelisms because there are actually more that's why they kept devising alternative facts to mislead us
2752 yeah I would recommend that we pressure for having the movie ready for release to the general public for voting rights by that time we should be able to have the scientific testing completed given that many of the components are already known to the scientific community
على الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحده ومجلس الأمن الدولي وبتكلفة كل الجهود الدولية إحراق كل الأماكن التي تزرع الحشيش في أفغانستان بالكامل وبدون إيذاء احدزكذلك مواد لتصلب الارض التي تزرع وتم المراقبة باستمرار وفي كل الاتجاهات وعند معاودة بعض الأفغان وغيرهم بمعاونة ..... يتم إعدامه لأنهم اقترفته جرم بحق الانسانيه
@ phillipsonmarak 4135 Remember to keep comments respectful and to follow our community Guidelines . so we need peace of our nations & fervently request your good office to take up the said matters at the earliest.
Great World Leader with good world Leaders. Wish Peaceful World without disturbances & troubles made by aggressive Russia and hostile Red China. Both are global threats creating climate change, conflicts, disasters and wars.😊
Thank You for everything.
United Nations | الأمـــــمُ المتّـحــــدَة
_🌿🌎🌴 Each of us has a role to play in protecting our planet 🌏🌍_
Accoding their mind, the Arab world and Africans have limited right to this glob.
But all what we said at home they repeat it on stage. .....
6:45 "we are in rough seas"
7:15 "we are gridlocked in colossal global disfunction"
10:04 "G nothing. no cooperation, no dialogue, no collective problem solving"
11:23 "the risks to global peace and security"
Hopefully someday our UN Secretary can speak freely and truthfully about everything that’s happening in the world without fear of reprisal and fear of losing his job!
@Sebastian Sato Yes, but he risks losing lucrative opportunities after. For example Kofi Annan after his tenure became a member of the advisory board for Investcorp Bank B. S. C, Global Advisory Board of Macro Advisory Partners LLP and was paid by many Non-profit organizations. Of course he earned this by being submissive to the demands of the US administration. Its an absurd fact that Kofi Anan became a UN Secretary by gaining favor with the US by greenlighting one of NATO's illegal aggressions. Of course he would get a Nobel Peace Prize for it also.
Absolutely true
Time is comming.
parabéns pelo trabalho frase chaplin-"Não me considero cidadão de nenhum país em particular." quanto vamos ter orgulho de ser um cidadão em nosso país ou em outro país creio que nunca -Deus/Ala abençoe
Parabéns pelo trabalho a natureza e implacável em casa tudo se decompõem e vira pó mais rápido do que os cientistas falam e nada fica para prosperidade como as civilizações antigas eu e minha cachorra ficamos abismado. Deus/Ala abençoe.
វាថាទៀត សហព័ន្ធ Russia ប្រទេសគ្មានប្រយោជន៍ វារាយសំណាញ់ ដាក់ប្រមាថប្រជាជន ប្រទេស សម្ព័ន្ធមិត្ត Russia
ដើម្បីកុំអោយគាំទ្រ Russia អោយដឹងគុណសម្បត្តិ ប្រទេសដែលបង្កើត អ្វីៗ សព្វថ្ងៃ
វាបិយាយបង្ខំកុំអោយ គាំទ្រ Russia
ខ្ញុំមិនដឹង Russia យ៉ាងណាទេ ខ្ញុំដឹងតែ សិទ្ធិមនុស្ស អ្នកណាចូលចិត្តអ្នកណាក៏ចូលចិត្តទៅ ពាក់ព័ន្ធអ្វី ជាមួយ ឯកជន រកស៊ី គេយកលុយទិញតើ មិចបានរំខានដល់សិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ( ពួកវាកំពុងនិយាយតិចៗ មិនដឹងវានិយាយអ្វីខ្លះពីរខ្ញុំទេ )
Parabéns pelo trabalho todos nós não conseguimos escolher a nossa família, escola, trabalho etc.. o único que conseguiu escolher a sua vida própria foi jesus cristo. que Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
اعتقد انه من كوريا الجنوبية تحية من كل قلبي للحاضرين إلى هذه الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحده من كل بلدان العالم لمناقشة الأوضاع العالمية وماسيقررونه من تبرعات وجمعيات وذلك على دول العالم المتقدم ان تبدأ بسخاء إلى هذه الجمعية والتي تغول عليها كل البلدان الفقيرة وللكوارث الطبيعية دعإء كانت نتيجة حروب طبيعية الزلازل والسيول والامراض وغيرها تحية كل لكل دولة حضرة وساهمت وشاركت الأجر عند الله اعظم
Parabéns pelo trabalho como que a ciência e pesquisadores do mundo não conseguiram definir técnica para uma decomposição mais rápida no descarte no lixo que produzimos em casa a natureza e implacável e decompõem tudo muito rápido, eu e minha cachorra princesa vemos isso todos os dias. Deus/Ala abençoe
Thanks for your positive and inspirational speech and best wishes for making positive results on every different world difficulties. Thanks for every efforts and steps taking to make World as New and healthy. Thanks
_yes_ 😊
2019 yes thank you very much and thank you everyone for your bravery in speaking up with us for positive change!
السيد الرئيس لجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة 🇺🇳
We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals.
هذه هي قواسمنا المشتركة وهي تمثل أيضا آمال البشرية جمعاء
An excellent speech, equipped with outstanding contents. But needs accelerated and serious actions/efforts to fullfil its implementations.
An addition, If the problems are collective the solutions must also be collective. Otherwise the speech was brilliant.
Thank You All for everything.
1852 yes that's true and that's why I was developing the new housing units to support everything that we need instead of being able to just be stuck on well that isn't good
يعتبر الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة الاب الروحي لكل الأمم والشعوب
I 'm happy , Light is come so we thank you very much for doing the needful .step. @ phillipsonmarak4135.
Yes it is Secretary General Antonio Guterres 💃 it’s time for change
Parabéns pelo trabalho no Brasil está fechando portas de trabalho em todos os setores foi divulgado que 600 mil empresas fecharam fora entidades sociais, associações, bancos etc. no seu País e o mesmo
Parabéns pelo trabalho e feliz natal e ano novo mesmo sabendo que isso e uma mentira que se tornou verdade como muitas outras no mundo que faz muito mal para todos nós. que Deus/Ala abençoe-amém.
كلمته كلنا رائعه حيث تحدث عن كل القضايا العالمية ومايمر به العالم من مإساه حقيقية من حروب و....و....الخ لم يشهد لها العالم منذ عقود
Trust and international solidarity are our basic needs to go with force to assume all development goals and 2030 agenda.
United Nations need us all
2030 goals are a colossal selfish agenda to control! Wake up world!
Understand UN Family ..🙏😔🙏
Great Hon'ble U N., Secretary General, Antonio Guetteres, Addresses General Debate, 77th Session of UNGA,
very super our UN chief and smart interesting speech.
justice me to academic PhD research study work about the gender Quotas and women 's representation and participation in the national parliament .
हजुरहरू सबैलाई धे रै नमस्कार साथै धन्यबाद छ। 🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🗻🐂🐃🐃🐷🌏🏝🌋🌎🏕🏔⛱🌍🗻🗻🏕
West Papua in Indonesia🇮🇩 Humanitarian Crisis, Please the United Nations Please Free the Indigenous People of West Papua before they become extinct because they were killed by the Indonesian Army
Yes !! Thank You So Much !! Now Take Full Actions !!
السيد الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة 🇺🇳
لكل منا دور أن نلعب حماية كوكبنا
Parabéns pelo trabalho o número ideal seria entre 1,5 a 3 bilhões de pessoas a ONU divulgou que a população mundial está a atingir 8 bilhões fora o lar de 8,7 milhões de espécies - O Eco ou seja o dobro do que a Terra conseguiria abrigar e o fim. que Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
MIN. MOST. 76%.
Thank you Secretary - General Antonio Guterres for your unwavering commitment to Peace and Security, human rights and development. Reinforcing the fundamental principles of democracy i.e freedom, justice and equality. " The only logical path forward is by cooperation and dialogue " , the need to address food Shortages, Climate change and Conflicts and Women's health .
We can ensure peace and development by promoting food security.
Parabéns pelo trabalho um feliz natal e ano novo que as brigas, guerras, fome e todo o tipo de dificuldades acabe e que vença a paz, união e fraternidade em todos os países Deus/Ala abençoe a todos.
🇺🇦❤️ Braves for Ukraina
2600 yeah I was thinking if we bring to them a better product to produce wherever they were in disagreement we won't have to drive the business owner out or just keep tolerating the pollution we should be able to switch both for everyone's benefit as Government instead
When one looks at the whole UNGA summit and look keenly beyond just superficial speeches which are always the status quo each year it is clearly revealed that everyone at the summit is living a one big lie
It is most urgent to take proper action to protect lives lives of people who lives in refugee camps and in conflict places of different parts of world. Kindly make suitable solution for every problems of people who are those struggling to survive with their valuable life. Making good relationship with every country only can make changes in the world and hoping for the best. Light the world with every decision of world Leaders. Thanks
United nations must stop illegal aggression against Ethiopia
خطاب للامين العام للأمم المتحدة غويرتيس في الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحده
I hope the world has heard what Rwanda is doing to its neighbors in Africa. Rwanda is supporting and arming terrorists while UN in incapable of lifting a finger.
Does anyone anywhere in the world care what UNGA is doing these days? The fact is 99.99% of 8B world population don't even know the whatabouts of U.N. It is a war farm, it is the place where wars and famine are manufactured. One of the topics discussed in the ongoing GA is climate change. They are blaming the calamitous effects of thier misdeeds to climate change. Somalia is dry land. It was always a dry land. Somalis for millennium by successfully adapting to the country's ecosystem not only did they survive the solid land but managed to increase in population. The reason many Somalis are displaced now is not because of changed climate but the result of U.N funded war perpetrated by neighboring countries Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda over the last two to three decades. The result of this reckless criminal U.N led intervention is it turned Somalia into a gangland of Islamic terror which again is used to justify increased intervention to bomb more Somalis off their land. While Somalis are terrorized by a tiny terror gangs from within and by U.N army of ants from neighboring countries, Erdogan's Turkey troops are reveling in their military beach resorts and most probably in their spare time proselytizing Ottoman version of Koran. Don't blame climate change. Climate is not killing people. Wars are killing people. Time to get rid of U.N!.
Mr. Gutierrez had said it and the only real answer is Biblical - we are in the end of the age where the 4 apocalyptic horses are playing their prophetic roles. No amount of human intervention even the world coalition of the United Nations can stop this. God’s will be done and that this events should turn all of us toward the creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel!!!
It is responsibility of every individual of the world to provide best Nutrition food, health care and education facilities to helpless children's of every corner of the world to make hope to their future life.
No bugs please. Stop messing with the farmers. Meat is fine to eat and does not have a noteworthy impact on climate changes.
we choose peace.
Please help us to kickoff Myanmar military coup and support Democratic NUG government for the world peace .
Greating all
Support Palestine to become a full member of the UN.
Why doesn't this man talk about Russia right to security
You and Tedros Adhanom, WASH your bloody hands from Syria, Yemen, Eritrea Afghanistan, Somalia Ethiopia, Palestina.
There is not climate crisis , just climate hysteria
Secretary - General of the United Nations Email of the United Nations and Flag of the United Nations for Peace.
Rita Inko-Tariah from Nigeria
Kindly take more initiative to provide basic essential facilities especially food and shelter to those people who lives in different places. Kindly strengthen Covax, WPF, UNICEF, Gavi by the support of all members of United Nations. Thanks
he is so incompetent
NAFTA-2,METO-2.sir/mama,Never going there.hv great days.
Wr abut 🇪🇹 ethiopia 🙏🙏🙏
How dare you mention all of those critical issues and NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CHINA? Never a bad word about your sponsors Sec. Gen. I’m embarrassed for you
Can't understamd why ha cannot ask
My suggest is that the UN should initiate and prohibit possessing of nuclear weapons by any nations. If 1000 A.D people can live without nuclear weapons and nuclear power plant, why not in this present generation. Innovation is inevitable but deadly and life threatening weapons should prohibited and abolish completely. Peace and human development should be focus at full scale.
this organisation is in need of some serious reform. A united nations that represents a wealthy few is of no use to the world. silent in the face of double tankard and hypocrisy is pathetic.
I wish Vladimir would have attended to say his part since Volodymyr didn't go personally either.
🗺🌐planets places 🌏🌎🌍🇳🇬
Support Palestine to become a full member of the UN....
الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة تم تم توقيف جميع الاغاثة الدولية والانسانيه إلى 🇾🇪 اليمن وميناء الحديدة بشكل كامل بما فيها المرتبات لحالات الاجتماعية والمرور وغيرها بصورة عاجلة توقف استيراد السيارات الي اليمن بكافة انواعها المستعملة والجديدة سواء من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية او غيرها بما فيها قطع الغيار توقف جميع الثروة الحيوانية من القرن الافريقي بشكل كامل الأبقار الأغنام الماعز وكذلك توقف استيراد الدجاج المثلجة من الخارج توقف وتمنع السفن التي تحمل تلك البضائع ومصادرتها توقف جميع الصادرات اليمنية بما فيها الخضروات والفواكه وغيرها من السلع المختلفة إلى الخارج اودول الخليج العربي بشكل نهائي حتى إشعار من الأمم المتحدة والله ولي الهديه التوفيق
O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male & a female, and made of you races & tribes to experience. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.
Translation of meaning of Quran (49:13)
1010 yeah that's what took me off to they had been doing it inside the states the whole time which meant they were doing it outside the states the whole time
God bless you 🇺🇳 *UN* 🌺 😊🌺!
" _No child is born with hate. Hate is taught._ "
─ 🇺🇳 *United Nations* special adviser on genocide prevention _🌺Alice Wairimu Nderitu_
Hate speech causes real harm -- but we can all do our part.
We all have to stand up & _say _*_No To Hate_*_ !!!_
❤🇮🇳 ❤
Love from India
🇺🇳 = 🇺🇸
2206 yes exactly thank you that's the indigo
👋 واجب ديني وإنساني واخلاقي
Mr , Secretary Gen of UN , I bow my head for your diplomatic and commanding speech👍 U N is headed by a capable leader!
Bueda fiche Zé
1347 I bet we'd have less cyber rattling if we could figure out who's jurisdiction it was supposed to be to read telling my kids blame mom and run
@ phillipsonmarak.4135 we thank Secretary General of U. N O for loving our Nations. so we need peace and work together, act together, in the interest of our Nations . Yours Sincerely, PhillipsonM Marak...Dated 26.04.2023.
Satan's ministers deceiving the nations, knowing that they have little season (Revelation 20:3,8), before fire comes down from heaven and devour them (Revelation 20:9).
Kindly support World Health Organization and take joint initiative to provide Covid19 vaccine to every low and lower middle income countries by strengthening Covax Facility. Thanks
Why? The vaccine has now been proven to be dangerous and it doesn’t stop the spread at all as originally stated. Do you wish harm upon low and lower income people?
12:42 yes and everything that you're saying is 100% accurate that's correct there's two I was trying to explain about parallelisms because there are actually more that's why they kept devising alternative facts to mislead us
They were definitely nickel and diming us and it won't work to do it in return
I know i will
Support Palestine all over the world....
2752 yeah I would recommend that we pressure for having the movie ready for release to the general public for voting rights by that time we should be able to have the scientific testing completed given that many of the components are already known to the scientific community
على الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحده ومجلس الأمن الدولي وبتكلفة كل الجهود الدولية إحراق كل الأماكن التي تزرع الحشيش في أفغانستان بالكامل وبدون إيذاء احدزكذلك مواد لتصلب الارض التي تزرع وتم المراقبة باستمرار وفي كل الاتجاهات وعند معاودة بعض الأفغان وغيرهم بمعاونة ..... يتم إعدامه لأنهم اقترفته جرم بحق الانسانيه
@ phillipsonmarak 4135 Remember to keep comments respectful and to follow our community Guidelines . so we need peace of our nations & fervently request your good office to take up the said matters at the earliest.
Great World Leader with good world Leaders. Wish Peaceful World without disturbances & troubles made by aggressive Russia and hostile Red China. Both are global threats creating climate change, conflicts, disasters and wars.😊
Well Russia just announced mobilization so I guess that speech went down well in the Kremlin.