Life After Death Series: Part 6 - The Resurrection of the Just - 119 Ministries

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • There are so many questions that get asked about Scripture, but one of the oldest and most common has to do with life after death. In this teaching we take a look at what happens for those who are in the faith and participate in the first resurrection, the resurrection of the just.
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    Thank you so much for your continued and prayerful support. May YHWH bless you and keep you.

Комментарии • 130

  • @MorganJServices
    @MorganJServices 4 года назад +26

    The video teaching content is WHY I support 119 Ministries. No where else do I hear the whole truth of the Word of Yahwey that is rightly divided.

  • @darrelpelham
    @darrelpelham 4 года назад +17

    Jon, your details is a gift. Thank you for the work you have done on this. So many confirmations! HalleluYah!

  • @seekthefather4057
    @seekthefather4057 4 года назад +10

    He who endures to the end, the same shall be SAVED.. we must endure to the very end ..

    • @brokengirl8619
      @brokengirl8619 2 года назад +1

      Salvation is by grace through faith, but a truly saved person will endure to the end. It's not salvation by works but by continual total reliance on Yeshua who is salvation.

  • @blakewillison9134
    @blakewillison9134 4 года назад +2

    Great true teaching. As a 2nd witness to this , I lost my wife Starla this past January as YHVH took her and it was a blessing because she is no longer suffering and is resting and waiting for Yeshuas return. She found a scripture that stood out to her in Luke .
    Luk 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
    We both reviewed a lot of these same scriptures while we put together what she wanted me to share upon her passing to her loved ones and friends. That was her last will and testament to the world , to have faith, Trust and love as we are instructed and understand Gods wonderful plan for us, as He laid it out for us in the Scriptures.
    Shabbat Shalom and thanks for this wonderful teaching.

  • @positiveendtimes
    @positiveendtimes 4 года назад +7

    Beautiful so many people don’t get this, I pray it reaches many ears

  • @youkhanashamoun1532
    @youkhanashamoun1532 2 месяца назад

    Let your kingdom come . Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

  • @essieaku9462
    @essieaku9462 4 года назад +9

    Thank you so very much! You have answered many of my questions. It finally makes total sense. Shabbat Shalom :-)

  • @Deliverance-Childrens-Bread
    @Deliverance-Childrens-Bread 2 года назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @119Ministries
    @119Ministries  4 года назад +1

    Shalom friends! Don’t forget to like this video at the 🔝 and subscribe to our channel. 😊

  • @tracilynn6675
    @tracilynn6675 4 года назад +1

    This was so clear and edifying. Thank you for using scripture to show what is the plain truth. I look forward to part #7. May this teaching teach others and help them see truth according to the Holy Word. Shalom and blessings 🕊🙌🏻

  • @brandonablack
    @brandonablack 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for this teaching. I find it encouraging that your teaching consistently confirms the same things we find in Scripture. The protective chambers idea is new to me, but it seems to make sense in light of Yeshua's words. I will continue to consider these things.
    One item you didn't quite cover, but of which your view seemed to be quite evident, is the interpretation of Revelation 20:4-6.
    "4 Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years."
    It seems that you interpret this to mean all believers will be resurrected during the first resurrection. The proper interpretation of this verse has been one on which I have not been able to come to a definite decision.
    Although I find eschatological discussion intriguing, it has never been a subject with which I have been highly concerned, considering that how one ought to live here and now takes greater precedence than conjecture concerning the future (however much it may be supported by scripture). Still, I have found that it is relevant to one's theology. There's still some other questionable interpretation problems in trying to discern the events in Revelation.

  • @scottrennie6896
    @scottrennie6896 4 года назад +1

    Another classic guy's. I may not agree 100% with all of the MANY teachings you have but I have tested this subject over past 2 years to the point of exhausting this subject and the whole of what I've read agrees with what you have taught here. Thankyou and keep searching and teaching truth. Would love to speak personally to you guys about so many matters.
    This and other teachings are not popular and you quickly become a fool and even enemy to believers and teachers but you can't prevail over truth. If what we believe doesn't line up fully with all scripture we have more work to do and shouldn't rest in a matter. I could prove donkeys talk if I only need a few verses and no context.

  • @Psalm-119
    @Psalm-119 4 года назад +1

    Praise Yah!

  • @Matthew22.37
    @Matthew22.37 4 года назад

    "The restoration of all eternal to glorify Father YHWH...purity and perfection, in the New Jerusalem, where Father YHWH will dwell with His people....the New Heavens and the New Earth, where YHWH Almighty and The Lamb (King YAHUSHA) is its temple.....the river of the water of life....The most precious treasure; our greatest hope!!! Shabbat Shalom!!!

  • @Psalmist374DKR
    @Psalmist374DKR 4 года назад +1

    Thank you, soon to discover how accurate this teaching actually is!
    (Well, perception wise)

    • @juliad.6372
      @juliad.6372 4 года назад

      Personally agree with all where is backed by verses..
      But he added more which we never find in bible such : the Torah only..the first 5 books of Moses..
      Where is scripture about that ?
      A ..nowhere.

  • @jenygedeon8746
    @jenygedeon8746 4 года назад +3

    John 6:54 said that whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks on my blood HAS eternal life ALREADY, and he will (future) raise him up on the last day. YOU MUST HAVE ETERNAL LIFE RIGHT NOW OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT BE RAISED AT THE LAST DAY. What is eternal life? According to John 17: 3 is that you may know the father and the son that he sent. In John 10:28-30, Jesus declared that he gave his disciples eternal life and they shall never perish. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT HAVING ETERNAL LIFE OR KNOWING THE FATHER AND THE SON BEFORE THE RESURRECTION (1 John 5:11-13, 20). IF YOU WAIT AT THE RESURRECTION, JESUS WILL CLEARLY TELL YOU THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU, AND YOU KNOW THE END OF THE STORY.

  • @willscholten1737
    @willscholten1737 2 года назад

    AWESOME teaching, thank you for all your studies!!!!!!!!

  • @FollowerofChrist1234
    @FollowerofChrist1234 4 года назад +2

    Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is NO LONGER I WHO LIVE, BUT CHRIST lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
    1 John 3:14 We know that we HAVE passed from DEATH to LIFE, because we love our brothers. The one who does not love remains in death.
    My death has already occurred. I now live. That life I live is Christ's. Christ is eternal. To say my life I now live in Christ will end is to say Christ is not eternal.
    Because of my previous death and new life in Christ, I now have access to my Father in heaven, by way of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Nothing of this involves my flesh. To say the death of my flesh stops my access to the Father is to say that it is granted to me by my flesh. This shows 119 is a fleshly ministry. They are teaching you that your flesh is the way and reason for your access to the Father and that when it expires you go into unconsciousness. That is false teaching. If your way and access to the Father were by an eternal means (Jesus Christ, the eternal One), then your access would be eternal.
    Philippians 3:3 for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh

    • @brandonablack
      @brandonablack 4 года назад +1

      Your argument doesn't make logical sense. Heb 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Everybody has to die once. This fleshly body has to die.
      Also, you don't have direct access to the Father. You only have access to God through the Holy Spirit.
      What do you mean by "To say the death of my flesh stops my access to the Father is to say that it is granted to me by my flesh"? Is this something 119 said? If so, please provide the timestamp. By your further argument, you would say that anyone who is physically asleep or unconscious has access to the Father.

  • @michelebryant4644
    @michelebryant4644 4 года назад

    Amen! Thank you for the detail and sharing this truth. We love you 119!

  • @williambeaumont1312
    @williambeaumont1312 4 года назад

    The breath of life is air, for it enters through the nostrils. It gives oxygen which creates consciousness which caused Adam to BECOME a living soul.

  • @ramy8912
    @ramy8912 4 года назад

    I have been seeing the number 119 for years.. God has been showing it to me. Glad I stumbled across your ministry.

  • @crp9347
    @crp9347 3 года назад

    Y'all are a gift, keep up the great work. Shalom

  • @lansan3430
    @lansan3430 11 месяцев назад

    There will be unresurrected people during the Millennium reign of Christ who are left, what will happen to those who are left who believed in Christ?

  • @FollowerofChrist1234
    @FollowerofChrist1234 4 года назад +1

    Quote: [After the thousand years, following a time of testing in which Satan is released for a time (Revelation 20:7-8), there will be another resurrection. This resurrection will include unbelievers for the purpose of judgment, which will be the focus of part 7 of this series.
    Notice that we have not seen anything yet about going to Heaven to live.]
    If you look back one chapter in Revelation 19 you see that those who have previously died on earth will be coming down from Heaven, alive and conscious, with Christ when He returns.
    Revelation 19:14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.

    • @brandonablack
      @brandonablack 4 года назад

      Firstly, there is obviously some metaphorical language in Rev. 19. A sword doesn't literally come out of Yeshua's mouth and kill his enemies.
      Secondly, I would contend with your presupposition that the army with him is comprised of humans. Throughout Scripture YHWH Tzav'ot, or YHWH of armies, is well considered to have heavenly spiritual (i.e., angelic) armies.
      If we are to interpret scripture with scripture, then in this case the army with Him is spiritual/angelic as well.

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 года назад

      @@brandonablack Those in Revelation 19:14 are dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Just before this verse in Revelation 19:7-8 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His BRIDE has made herself ready.” 8 It was given to HER to clothe herself in FINE LINEN, BRIGHT AND CLEAN; for the FINE LINEN is the righteous acts of the SAINTS.
      The bride of Christ is the Church. Which are human saints.

  • @williambeaumont1312
    @williambeaumont1312 4 года назад +1

    The saints will be gathered by the angels to meet the Lord in the air. The saints then leave the earth for Heaven to the heavenly Jerusalem for the marriage supper of the lamb. The earth which has been destroyed by the seven last plagues will be left behind, those who are left behind by the angels are killed by the sword of the lord which is his WORD. There will be no one living on the earth during the seventh millennium. No work will be done on the earth for a. Thousand years. It is the day of rest for the earth. The wicked remain in their graves to await for their names to be called at the end of the seventh millennium. That is when the saints with the heavenly Jerusalem returns to earth. The wicked led by Satan surround the holy city to take it by force when fire comes down from Heaven and consumes them. This is the Lake of Fire. The wicked are consumed to ashes on the earth and God creates a new heaven and a new earth. This is the real Promised Land. There is no more death and no more dead bodies buried in the earth.
    The saints are removed from the earth after the first resurrection just as Moses took the Children of Israel out of Egypt and they never saw it again. Moses did not come to negotiate with Pharaoh about working conditions. He just told him, “We’re out of here.”

  • @franceenshepherd2204
    @franceenshepherd2204 2 года назад

    But after we leave the protected chambers, and the 1,000 year reign begins, who do we reign over if the Rath of Yahweh has destroyed everyone else?

  • @robinpritchard837
    @robinpritchard837 4 года назад


  • @jenygedeon8746
    @jenygedeon8746 4 года назад +2

    Do you know that the resurrection of the just is at the last trump? The first six trumps are wrath of God. Once his children are sealed, he will pour his wrath (revelation 7:3, Isaiah 9:1-2, 3-6). These nations in revelation 7 verse 13-15 are the souls of the elects that came out of the great tribulation added to the souls crying for justice at the throne according to revelation 6: 9. The living being told John about their future state or what will happen to them because they had washed their clothes by the blood of the lamb. They don't have a glorified or resurrected bodies yet, they are given a white robes just like the souls crying for justice in revelation 6: 9-11.

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      The trumpets are never called the wrath of God only the bowls are.

    • @jenygedeon8746
      @jenygedeon8746 4 года назад

      @@teagan75 Revelation 8:13,, that is where you get all wrong, the trumps bring wrath and are connected to the breaking of the six seals. There is no enter to the temple until all the wrath has done pouring out (Revelation 15:8).

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Jeny Gedeon look. I am reading what God actually says in the Bible without making theological assumptions. It doesn’t say the seals or trumpets are God’s wrath. The Bible clearly says the wrath starts at the bowls.

  • @Benjamin-rs6rf
    @Benjamin-rs6rf 4 года назад +1

    Shalom 119 Ministries team and followers of Yahushua The Messiah,
    Praise Yahweh Almighty and Yahushua The Messiah for this teachings! (:
    I hope that Yahweh guides, helps, blesses you and give you strength to walk, behave and teach as Yahushua The Messiah (:.
    I have some questions,
    1) What is the “Tartaroo” (G5020) mentioned in 2 Peter 2:4?
    2) Who are the messengers casted to the “Tartaroo” in that same chapter, 2 Peter 2:4?
    3) Are those the “Nephilim” (H5303-Nephil) mentioned in Genesis 6:4?
    4) What are the “Nephilim”?
    5) Are they sons of heavenly angels and daughters of men? or Are they sons of sons of Elohim (The Mighty One), humans believers in Elohim, and daughters of men, that are not believers in Yahweh Elohim?
    I hope that Yahweh guides us, gives us righteousness with His Torah (“Law”) and gives us the strength and mercy that we need through Yahushua, The Messiah, in order to walk in love as Yahushua Ha´Mashiakh (:.
    Peace (:.

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад

      Shalom Benjamin, a better avenue to have questions answered would be to submit them on our contact us page. You can find it here:

  • @rebeccacolley397
    @rebeccacolley397 4 года назад +3

    Great teaching. Just one point... the dimensions of the New Jerusalem prove that earth is a plane, not a ball. If u look a the basic geometry with measurements, the NJ would only sit stable on the plane. It would teeter-totter on the ball earth. Plus, all scriptures describe a plane, enclosed earth.

  • @bradbrown2168
    @bradbrown2168 3 года назад

    Doctrine of washings: what are we missing today? Elementary teaching.

  • @TheWAY_John14.6
    @TheWAY_John14.6 2 года назад

    Question: I believe this teaching & that it is supported by scripture! However, I’m not sure I agree that we will enter into YaH’s chambers (Isaiah 26:20) until AFTER the millennial reign. The reason I question this is Peter writes, “…the heavens and earth will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat”. If the current heaven & earth are destroyed BEFORE the 1,000 years, then how will the non-believers who are still alive following Messiah’s return, be able to withstand such an event? Have I missed something? Thanks in advance!

  • @jarellferreira2130
    @jarellferreira2130 3 года назад

    Because the offerings are for purification.

  • @carlaferrier2652
    @carlaferrier2652 3 года назад +1

    How would you explain what Yeshua told the thief on the cross that today he would be with him in paradise when he dies?

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  3 года назад +2

      Shalom Carla,
      We cover the thief in Part 4 difficult verses. You can find it here:
      We hope this helps
      Blessings and Shalom

    • @carlaferrier2652
      @carlaferrier2652 3 года назад

      @@119Ministries thank you.

  • @jarellferreira2130
    @jarellferreira2130 3 года назад

    What does His (Messiah) glorious body mean? I still want to know why will we perform offerings in 1000 year period when we will not multiply and if there is no sin? (or will there be sin)

  • @Thoreseus_
    @Thoreseus_ 4 года назад +1

    To whom will the first resurrection group be teaching the Torah? Professing Christians who were deceived, but still resurrected, only people still on the Earth at the time of the resurrection, or a group of undecided "innocents" that are resurrected?

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, the answer to who we will be teaching is implied. How long must Jesus reign? I think it will be longer than a thousand years if we compare this passage and the timing of the resurrections in Revelation. We are promised the Sabbath rest of a thousand years. During that time we will be ministering to those who survived the tribulation. Then after the thousand years, judgement for the wicked. Now, that passage clearly states all will submit to God eventually so eternal torment or permanent annihilation is not found in this passage. So, we will then be possibly teaching those of the second resurrection but I am not sure about that. We really don’t know what the judgment will look like but we do know from the Bible that the purpose of it is to turn people to righteousness. I wrote a whole paper on this subject and the more I challenge the restoration of all the more I find scripture to back it up. Our God is Amazing! His salvation plan is beautiful

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Read Ezekiel 40-48 to see our work during the millennial reign

  • @robertearldaniels
    @robertearldaniels 4 года назад +2

    Part 7?
    Rats! My wife and I were watching from part 1 to 6, when will part 7 be out

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад +3

      Soon! If you're interesting in getting the teachings sooner, you can subscribe to our weekly email where you receive updates and access to teachings BEFORE they go public! You can sign up here:

  • @joehardy1288
    @joehardy1288 4 года назад

    Great video thank you! This is worthy to be shared and so I did.

  • @seekthefather4057
    @seekthefather4057 4 года назад +2

    The book of Enoch tells us where we go.. The righteous to the holding place of righteousness and the unrighteous to the holding place of unrighteousness .. We cannot enter Heaven with this body we need a glorified body to face the Father.....Hence when we are resurrected , the righteous shall see the Father who is HOLY

  • @essiey
    @essiey Год назад

    those who sleep in the dust is this similar to soul sleep?

  • @AlexxTehGreat
    @AlexxTehGreat 4 года назад +1

    Will there be non believers in the 1000 years? Also the ability to create new souls? Also death is supposed to be defeated but Isaiah 65:20 says if someone dies at 100 their will be like a child passing away

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад

      Shalom David! We aren't done with the series yet, hopefully we are able to answer all of your questions. Stay tuned for part 7!

  • @tomference4618
    @tomference4618 2 года назад

    ..praise our Father for the truth of which there is much in this series.
    119 ministries does not seem to be able to grasp the correct understanding of 1Th4:17.
    If our savior had to live and "die" to be the firstfruits, and have the preeminence over all, shall those "that are alive and remain" be the exception?
    This was not Paul was teaching, otherwise all the scriptures expounding that "it was appointed once, for all men to die", 'not' true.

  • @TheMrsgd
    @TheMrsgd 4 года назад

    Thank you for this teaching series which I’ve most helpful . I’m yet to watch the final instalment but from what I’ve learnt so far my question is : should we even be praying for the soul of a deceased person to “rest in peace”
    ? As this then goes against what we actually believe death and resurrection is all about???

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад

      Shalom! We have one more installment coming out that will be FAQ so stay tuned! Hopefully your question will be answered.

  • @RachelleBatYHWH
    @RachelleBatYHWH 4 года назад +1

    Is part 7 not available yet?

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад +2

      Not yet, part 6 just came out.

    • @RachelleBatYHWH
      @RachelleBatYHWH 4 года назад

      119Ministries thank you! I was worried that I just couldn’t find it. Shalom!

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад +1

      @@RachelleBatYHWH are you signed up to receive updates in your email? if you go to and scroll to the bottom, you can sign up to receive updates and teachings BEFORE the public release.

  • @dekka213l
    @dekka213l 3 года назад

    Excellent. Sounds virtually identical to the hope of Christedelphians and Biblical Unitarians.

  • @sinfulpirate
    @sinfulpirate 4 года назад +3

    This is a total misuse of the text, Paul makes clear to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Many text in Rev would completely disagree with you. The dry bone analogy is about us being dead in sin and He makes us alive Eph 2. You channel has been great but many ppl need to challenge your ideas on this.

    • @micvili7527
      @micvili7527 4 года назад +1

      Oh well makes perfect sense to me but each to their own

    • @mrmojorisin6951
      @mrmojorisin6951 3 года назад

      @SteveQB Airsoft your comment caught my eye & I agree with it. I have also been searching for answers, as I was "clinically dead" years ago and I know what I saw. It can't be called an NDE either, as I wasn't near death. I was flatlined. It was the most real, euphoric, peaceful & beautiful experience of my life. I felt that I was finally "home". Somehow, I have come to accept that we really can't be sure until permanent death occurs, which is indeed final. I went into the blinding light, saw Our Lord (and Him only). As I was reaching for Him, with a simple hand motion (no words) was sent back. For me, it was truly "absent from the body, present with the Lord". Peace.

  • @josephinemullar7857
    @josephinemullar7857 4 года назад

    Our Sovereign God chose an angel from heaven that I would come to know many things pertaining to this day and to judgment. During this visitation I had been told my father would tell me things I needed to know regarding the fulfilment of Prophesy. The most important information was regarding the coming again of the Son of the Most High God as written in Hebrews 1:6 and Revelation 12:1-5. It wasn't churches or constellations that would give birth to a Son a Male who would shepherd the earth. It was a woman. My Father would never have given me the information he did had my mother not informed him of the angel from heaven having spoken to us.
    Our Elohim told me to search for two mature men who would give attention to the information I can provide regarding the fulfilment of these prophesies and how they correspond with scripture whilst being supported by legislative evidence and one witness who must confess the truth pertaining to this phenomena. Whoever agrees to give consideration to this will receive special blessings when redemption comes to the faithful of our Father in Heaven and HIs Only Begotten Son our Messiah.
    I had been told my father didn't have long to live. He died 5 months later. When we were in the presence of the Most High God being spoken to I was told that ignorance will be overlooked in the judgment however if a person is serving the Satan who opposes our Elohim and knowingly ignores their conscience there is no redemption but a fearful expectation of judgment.
    If anyone of spiritual awareness would agree to help me fulfil the obligation put upon me by the Most High God please answer this petition.

  • @truthseeker7005
    @truthseeker7005 4 года назад

    Any guess to the release of the last video of this series?

  • @jameskeenan8696
    @jameskeenan8696 4 года назад

    Now - where is Part 7 and 8 still in production?

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад +1

      Yes they are still in production 😀

    • @jameskeenan8696
      @jameskeenan8696 4 года назад

      Outstanding - I thought it was a failure on my part. You have plenty of other material and I should probably watch the ones you gave in this series over again as it is.
      Mind blown

  • @TimothyChapman
    @TimothyChapman 4 года назад

    119 comments. Make that 120. Anyways, what's the progress on the next video in this series?

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  4 года назад +1

      Shalom Timothy, It is coming soon. It is not released yet, but in the video editing phase. We thought it would be ready last month but we ran into some technical challenges. Thank you for your patience. Stay tuned!
      Blessings and shalom,

    • @TimothyChapman
      @TimothyChapman 4 года назад

      @@119Ministries Thanks for the update. This is the most comprehensive series on the subject I've found so far and has answered most of the questions I had since someone pointed out to me "the dead know nothing".

  • @stevenp.statom9372
    @stevenp.statom9372 4 года назад

    * Your summary is incorrect.

  • @jameskeenan8696
    @jameskeenan8696 4 года назад

    This teaching and reflecting on the others Ive watched is why I threw $100 to 119ministries immediately as I sat in my home. No sense to be using so much of your material and not donate to the cause.

  • @teagan75
    @teagan75 4 года назад +1

    This series has been great! However, while waiting for the next vid, I have a feeling you will make the case for annihilation. I too once thought that was what the Bible states. I do believe in a fiery judgement for the wicked but .... you presented several passages in this video that if read in their entirety or read at face value would clue you in that God is eventually going to save all humans. The restoration of ALL things in heaven and earth and under the earth. Jesus will reign until ALL are submitted and God will be ALL in ALL. When God’s judgements are on the earth the inhabitants learn righteousness. Just to recite a few verses. I would take time to really examine these scripture verses and shake off yet another false doctrine. If I am wrong about what the next vid will conclude, then forget all the above 😁

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 года назад

      Revelation 19:20 And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the LAKE OF FIRE which burns with brimstone.
      Revelation 20:10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they WILL be tormented day and night FOREVER and ever.
      Revelation 21:5 And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making ALL THINGS NEW.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”
      Revelation 21:8 BUT for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part WILL be in the LAKE that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
      These verses of God's word seem to paint a different picture than you state of all humans being saved and made new. From God's word, we see unbelievers thrown into a lake of fire that burns forever and that all things will then be made new while they remain in that lake of fire.

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Jw Questions are you sure the Lake of Fire (mentioned nowhere else in the Bible) is physical fire and not the spiritual refining fire? Can you prove your case from other scripture?

    • @FollowerofChrist1234
      @FollowerofChrist1234 4 года назад

      @@teagan75 I am sure from scripture that the lake of fire will be torment day and night forever and ever (Revelation 19:20, 20:10). That seems more physical torment than spiritual refining. If it were spiritual refining and they will be made new, then why is it forever and ever? I am also sure that all things made new (Revelation 21:5) does not include those that are in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Jw Questions you are sure just from reading one book which is highly symbolic. How do you know when to take a passage in Revelation symbolically and when to take it literally? Also you should know that the Greek and Hebrews words translated into forever and eternal in the Bible do not mean that. It means an age. For a time. That is crucial to understanding bias has been written into modern translations including the KJV

    • @teagan75
      @teagan75 4 года назад

      Jw Questions Augustine didn’t just give the church Calvinist teachings. He also was critical in solidifying the eternal torment false doctrine into the church. Read the early church fathers before him and they do not believe in this doctrine.

  • @GrayingOne
    @GrayingOne 4 года назад +4

    Awesome Job! I just wish you'd get that globe thing out of your presentations... Isaiah11:12 Four Corners, Revelation 7:1 Four corners.

  • @colprincess8579
    @colprincess8579 4 года назад +4

    You guys got this wrong again, the one thousand years are spend in heaven then after the one thousand years we spend eternity in the earth.

    • @QueMari
      @QueMari 4 года назад +1

      Centurion of Truth Zechariah 14 gives details about the Millennial Kingdom, and it seems to be on Earth 🌎

    • @colprincess8579
      @colprincess8579 4 года назад

      @@QueMari The term "millennial" is not used in Zechariah 14.

    • @QueMari
      @QueMari 4 года назад +1

      Centurion of Truth I will agree that it’s not. But it refers to a time that only matches the Millennial Kingdom.

    • @colprincess8579
      @colprincess8579 4 года назад +2

      @@QueMari It refers to a time here on earth but there"s no reference to the millenial. The bible clearly states that satan will be bound on earth for one thousand years and the earth will be in chaos after Christ second coming.

    • @ltviriss
      @ltviriss 4 года назад +1

      This is exactly what I can’t reconcile for an earthly Millenium.
      Heavenly or at least not on earth makes more sense to me.

  • @cedricmsharp
    @cedricmsharp 11 месяцев назад +1

    So incorrect sir with all respect