I benefited a lot from this presentation. May Allah keep us steadfast and reward you. Time stamps: 0:01 Introduction of the historical plausibility of Jesus not being crucified 2:42 How secular historians establish history (methodology) 15:59 Introducing the topic 16:30 Dr Ali Ataie’s contention 24:00 Examining different theories regarding Jesus’ crucifixion in light of available historical information 33:50 Commenting on secular historians’ methodology + What do we know about who Jesus was historically. 46:03 The assassination of JFK as a useful analogy + What the Quran says happened to Jesus 55:08 Christian, Jesus and Roman sources are conjectural and the Quran’s description of the event as Dhanni (مَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ) is correct. 59:40 Do we have material evidence of Jesus’ crucifixion? 1:06:15 Who claimed Jesus was crucified? + Paul of Tarsus and his relationship to the claim 1:16:05 The creed in 1 Corinthians 15 and whether it’s valid historical evidence for the event. 1:21:46 Who was Paul of Tarsus and how is he a deceiver? 1:30:18 Who would make up a crucified messiah? (Response to Bart Ehrman) 1:34:13 Crucifixion debate in Paul’s congregations 1:57:34 “Q” as the first gospel according to historians and the absence of the crucifixion event 2:05:39 Examining the passion narratives in the gospel as pure legend 2:09:55 (The ordering of events) 2:35:47 Hector and Cleomenes as literary archetypes of the crucified Jesus 2:49:11 A plausible story of what happened 3:23:17 A second plausible story of what happened 3:30:58 Revisiting the main criteria of modern historiography 3:35:55 Conclusion and final words Alhamdulillah and Jazak Allah Khair brother Paul and Dr Ali for this amazing presentation and making it available for everyone. Don’t forget to send peace and blessings upon the prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)❤️🥰
@@einsteinone5380 Einstein here is so dumb he doesn't realize his own argument of time is exactly what Jesus himself did. How long after Malachi was the NT written? Approximately 500 years. So for 500 years, Jews had no concept of a triune God and then all of a sudden, the God who said he is not a man , nor son of man, is a man. Ironically, Jesus is referred to as a man and also as a son of man often. Einstein here is so good at relativity and e= mc² that he didn't realize how he doesn't believe in his own argument because he ignores the exact same thing when it comes to the NT and OT 😂. Einstein exposed his hypocrisy 😂
@@einsteinone5380 I read your entire response and I see a tremendous amount of problems in it. From my understanding since you’re talking about Jesus (peace be upon him), you’re a Christian. It’s really weird that this comes from a Christian giving the fact that your doctrine is the most illogical doctrine on earth taken from the pagans who believe that God was 3 and came in the form of a human, how convenient? When we’re discussing such issues, we should first go over the basic topics to reach Jesus’s destination. Since Islam claims the event was a miracle “it appeared unto them”. So logically if Islam is true then whatever is says is true and Allah knows the destination of his prophet. We should first compare the doctrine of Islam believing in only one God vs Christianity that believes in 3 in 1. We should ask questions about if it’s logical in the first place or not. How can the basic doctrine become so illogical and God wants us to believe in his religion? Why do I need binary numbers and philosophical mental gymnastics to believe in God? Truth should be accessible everywhere with basic logic like in Islam. If God is illogical then why did he create logic for us? It’s also impossible that God comes out of a vagina of a women to become imperfect. These are two contradictory states and if you believe in the law of contradiction you can’t accept such doctrine. If God is perfect then how can he become imperfect? The Bible says: no one knows the hour except the father. This is enough to show how also the 3 are not coequal. Also, as mentioned before 3 persons cannot be 1. If you insist it can then we have to at least acknowledge how illogical it is and how unfair God is to make it that hard. About unfairness: You believe that the laws of the Old Testament were only applicable for the people who lived before Jesus but after he came and died for people’s sins you can do whatever as long as you believe and you don’t have to follow any laws. That’s unfair to the people who lived before Jesus!!! Then we should discuss salvation and how problematic it is. Why would Jesus be punished for something he didn’t do? In Islam, every soul is judged based on what it did or inspired and God doesn’t need to k1ll anyone to forgive. This is more logical than Christianity and I’m sure you can acknowledge this. If I slap you on the face, I’m sure you’d want me to be the one who should be punished. This is enough and according to logical criteria it would dismiss Christianity as a false “unfair” religion. I’m 100% confident you will not be able to address these points in a logical way because no one can. Your doctrine is illogical, unfair and doesn’t make sense. Let’s acknowledge that Islam is not the first religion to make that claim. Historically there were gnostic Christians from as early as first and second century who believed that Jesus wasn’t crucified. Basilidies is a famous example. So islam isn’t the first to make such claim as some Christians say. Maybe you say why would God wait 578 years to send a prophet to tell people about the fact that Jesus was saved? You also believe that God left people from Adam to Abraham (2000 years) without any prophets! Also, in Islam no one will be punished until Allah sends a messenger so no one will be punished for believing as they didn’t know. By the way, there’s no such doctrine or verse that explicitly says this in the Bible. Most importantly how do you tell God what he does? Romans 9:20 “But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” Let’s now discuss your alleged claim that it’s unfair that Allah “tricked” them: I don’t see it as a problem at all that Jesus (peace be upon him) came to this world with a miracle and will leave it with another miracle. In the bible, they tried to k1ll Jesus peace be upon him at least twice. Once when they tried to stone him and the other when they wanted to throw him from a mountain. From my understanding and reading the exegesis, Jesus (peace be upon him) was saved by God using miracles. It’s extremely possible that he was saved again by God. Muslims agree and say that also Allah saved him by another third miracle in the crucifixion incident. But, why does Allah “trick” them? The sons of Israel are the killers of the prophets peace be upon them as Jesus called them and the Romans are the oppressors who wanted to kill the prophet of God. The sons of Israel also removed from the book what they wanted to remove and corrupted it. Matthew 23:37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who k1ll the prophets and stone those sent to you…” They k1lled the prophets in the most brutal way. Hebrews 11:37 states, “Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword” Can you imagine sawing a prophet of God in half? So who did Allah “trick”? They’re the ones who rejected him after all these miracles and tried to kill him. They’re the ones who lead themselves astray by knowing Jesus, peace be upon him, is a prophet and rejected the clear prophecies. Allah says in 7:146: “I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.” I believe this is extremely consistent with the Islamic perspective. May Allah guide us
Allah is the best deceiver(aka satan): Qur'an 3:54, Qur'an 7:99, Qur'an 8:30, Qur'an 10:21, Qur'an 13:42. The Qur'an even gets it wrong by stating that Christians worship 3 gods(Mary being one of them) so Muhammad didn’t even understand the Trinity while receiving his “revelation”(0 witnesses) in the cave. Islam is a lie straight from the pit of Hell.
@@titopeneueta9668 hahahaha .. so you are sore when he converted to Islam. The delights of Paradise surpass the imagination and defy description. There is nothing like Paradise: "No person know what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do." ( QS 32:17). “And when you look there (in Paradise) you will see a delight (that cannot be imagined), and a great dominion.” (Quran 76:20) . Hence, whatever is in your dirty mind, it is your wild imagination.
@@letmetalk2240 .... Hmmm. Really? Whatever is in our dirty little mind? You mean like marrying a 6yr old girl ? Killing for allah to get 72 virgins? Having little boys as servants for eternity? And we all know they'll do more than serve. Having an endless penis that will never go limp in heaven? That's rich coming from someone in Satan's cult Islam. Trust me, you don't want none, but being a muslum, low i.q, you'll try. CP has armed thousands with the knowledge of Satan's cult Islam. Your group is getting ever so small. Wanna know why? Because there are way too many people who use their brains than those in islam. Jesus awaits you...
Great program .John 18 : 14 the Romans were tired of the Jews uprisings and were about to destroy them so Caiaphas said it is good for 1 man to die than the whole nation ,but people must not have known Pilate was a Jew and knew the law he didn't kill innocent people, he said l find no fault in this man , he said you take him and judge him yourselves they said it is not lawful for us to put any man to death..Not true .This is just another bible story written for entertainment.🤔
Asalam Alaykum As a kid in sunday school you would not believe how many times I got kicked out of Sunday school at the age of 6-7 because I told them "my God would not torture someone let alone Jesus pbuh. " Alhamdulilah I am now after many years of searching through every church imaginable, I am a MUSLIM!!
I remember when this channel was small, and you used to respond to every single one of us. I don't know if you have the time for that anymore. But I do wish I picked your brain more during that time. This presentation was absolutely amazing. And finally explained many missing details.
@@BloggingTheology Check this out💯 The Coptic texts compiled in Budge's "Miscellaneous Coptic Texts" generally date back to the late antique period, primarily between the 3rd and 5th centuries CE, as most Coptic literature was produced during the time of the early Christianization of Egypt Cyril Bishop of Jerusalem and Doctor of the Church, born about 315; died probably 18 March, 386. In the East his feast is observed on the 18th of March, in the West on the 18th or 20th. Little is known of his life. In Budge's Miscellaneous Coptic Texts is a Discourse on Mary by Cyril of Jerusalem. Cyril (Pseudo-Cyril) relates that he had to send for a monk of Maioma of Gaza who was teaching false doctrine. Called on for an account of his belief the monk (p. 637, Eng. trans.) said: It is written in the Gospel to the Hebrews that when Christ wished to come upon the earth to men, the good Father called a mighty power in the heavens which was called Michael, and committed Christ to the care thereof. And the power came down into the world and it was called Mary, and Christ was in her womb seven months. Afterwards she gave birth to him, and he increased in stature, and he chose the apostles, . . . 'was crucified, and taken up by the Father'. Cyril asked: Where in the Four Gospels is it said that the holy Virgin Mary the mother of god is a force? The monk said: In the Gospel to the Hebrews. Then, said Cyril, there are five Gospels? Where is the fifth? The monk said: It is the Gospel that was written to the Hebrews. (Cyril convinced him of his error and burned the books. No more is told of the Gospel, which, whatever it may have been, was certainly not the book we have been dealing with, but a writing of pronouncedly heretical (Docetic?) views. The last sentence of themonk's account of Christ, which I did not quote in full just now, is perhaps worth recording.) 'After they had raised him up on the cross, the Father took him up into heaven unto himself.' This, with its omissin of all mention of the resurrection, might be construed as heretical: on the other hand, it may be merely a case of extreme compression of the narrative. Interesting how this account only mentions After they had raised him up on the cross, the Father took him up into heaven unto himself. And it does not mention the crucifixion or death. It just mentions when Jesus was lifted onto the cross. God took him onto himself. Interesting This would add up with Paul Which Paul never mentioned a tomb Paul also mentions the 500 seeing him ascend this would add up with the witnesses of the crucifixion, but sadly the gospels don’t tell us how many saw the crucifixion all they say is crowds of people, his disciples, the Roman guards, the chief priests and officials esc Could be 500 people because nowhere in the gospel does Jesus appear to 500 people after he resurrected like Paul says which could indicate Paul believed he died on the cross and resurrected on the cross and ascend it from the cross Paul also mentions other groups that do not believe in the crucifixion by insulting them in his letters Paul says, "You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified" in Galatians 3:1 1 Corinthians 2:2, where Paul states, "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." the only issue is the three days which could’ve been added to Paul’s letters Some Bible verses that are not considered to be part of the original letters of Paul include: Romans 10:6-8: This passage is an allusion to Deuteronomy 30:11-14 Ephesians: Scholars believe that the Letter to the Ephesians was written by one of Paul's disciples, and not by Paul himself. 73 of the 155 verses in Ephesians have verbal parallels with Colossians The point here is there has been adaptations to Paul’s letters along with the Bible so Jesus being resurrected in three days could be added like in the sign of Jonah originally it doesn’t say three days and three nights in Matthew 12:40 The Gospel of the Hebrews is known from quotations by Cyril of Jerusalem (Discourse on Mary Theotokos 12a), Origen (Commentary on John 2.12.87), Clement of Alexandria (Stromateis,, and Jerome (Commentary on Isaiah 4, Commentary on Ephesians 3, Commentary on Ezekiel 6, De viris illustribus 2). This could potentially be the most important document towards Islam,Christianity, and Judaism concerning Jesus
@@danialassyrian4867 Islam getting bigger and bigger than any other religion on earth, soon your faith will cease to exist, it will be like dust in the wind...
Dr. Ataie’s presentation was thoroughly convincing. What a shame that none of the epic Greek poems are taught any more because then more people would notice the Homeric literary mimesis used in the New Testament. I kept thinking how disastrous it is that many millions, if not billions, of people have lived their entire lives believing that Jesus (pbuh) was crucified? Bravo to Dr. Ataie for all his research on this topic.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 no in quran it say jesus was rise to heaven and it looked like he was crucified to them Nothing of what u say is truth the quran deny jesus was crucified
Of course we accept that , not only that , the Qur'an is very clear about who Jesus really is. Jesus Son of Mary peace be upon him is the Messiah & nobody else. He is one of the mightiest messenger of God.
@@robertconway2266yep we believe Jesus was born of a virgin in fact Dr Ali Ataie on his other podcast with blogging theology about the apocryphal gospels also mentions the virgin birth, however this podcasts is about the crucifixion which has no eyewitness and we know secular historians can not even entertain the supernatural so to them either jesus got killed or died of natural death one or the either they lean towards being killed as he was a messiah figure
Guys, YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
why did allah save jesus,but let muHAMmad die slowly for 3 years,why would allah save jesus knowing b4 he wrote the quran,and jesus died on the cross tell us otherwise 600yrs after it happend??.allah should have known this!!!!,so why do you believe allah saved the god of the xtians and of the jews???,why did allah send the quran in the 7th century,teaching how to be a muslim?? and he states only allah picks your religion,and he is your only allie,when the muslims accept people who convert,people who convert pick islam,yet this is harram..when you play with a double headed coin,you will always lose... if allah is the true god,there would only be a quran,no bible or torah,as he hates the non believers,he hates blacks,the deaf dumd and the blind,the worst beings created," while he boasts of being the best of the creators??? if anything allah is the best deciever and he has 1.4 billion muslims under his spell
Jesus said the kingdom is taken from you and given to those who bear fruits meaning Ismael in gen 17 for crucifiction attempt in mathew 21 .38 thru 43. As stated bible has contradictions, Jesus went to Egypt as a child or not? Paul in acts 9.3 saw devil of Luke 10.18 and he even went to Arabia in galatians 1.17 to look for the final Prophet. Paul removed the commandments so he matches the false on of mathew 24.11. Quran 5.48 says use Quran to filter the previous books that have changed like Quran 2.79 says.
@@titopeneueta9668 Muslim know bible more as Quran talks about how bible changed, esp. Ex Christian Muslims. Quran is preserved because Muslims don't lie, and bible isn't because you are the fibs. Ppl like Sam and David are eviI and cross- dressers, pardon the pun. Looks like you the only idiot.
Dr. Ali Ataie was worried about the length of his presentation. He doesn't need to. I think ppl who watch blogging Theology are anyway interested in this type of topics and crave to learn more. I guess they have a much longer concentration span. I see it actually as a time saver. I don't have much time to sit and read. But still I am curious and want to learn more. With blogging Theology I have the opportunity to learn while I am doing my house work. Otherwise I would need to read a bunch of books myself, what I did when I was younger, but now don't have so much free time. But the schoolers that you my brother bring on your program destil their great knowledge to us listener and learner. So in this sense we save a lot of time listening to you and the schoolers that you bring on. Thanks for that. Don't worry about the length. Salamualeikum
Paul, thank you for inviting Dr. Ali Ataie on to your program. The man is absolutely brilliant and a stellar spokesman for Islam. I would like to hear his critique of Judaism and his explanation for why he chose to be a Muslim rather than a Jew. 😇
I need to repeat listening to this podcast as I fell asleep halfway thru it. Not because I was bored, but because I insisted on listening although it was already midnight and I was tired. Thank you for having Dr. Ataie once again in BT, Brother Paul. May Allah grant you both all the best in this dunya and the hereafter.
that is why I usually watch segment (to force my mind to recall better), then do other things and then watch another.. very amazing details and notes, I wrote some down... I love to see other enjoying same stuff :)
This gave me insight on Paul who was an outcast at that time. This question’s everything I have been taught. I am now conducting some intense research and have been reading the Holy Scripture of the the islamic faith l, the Quran. I will make additional comments in the near future.
Buddy… if you’re going to lie about being Christian, the very least you could do is hide your subscriptions so that others can’t see that you’ve been subscribed to Muslim channels for years.
Dr. Ataie is a giant of a scholar and the extent of his knowledge is truly amazing and admirable. Thank you for this extraordinary, detailed exposition supporting the Quranic verse that Jesus peace be upon him was neither crucified nor humiliated - Brother Ataie, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdous for this da’awah.
Exodus 3: 1-15 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. Where is Allah in this conversation? 1 God is in his own creation talking to Moses from a physical object. 2 God has given Moses the name which he is to known 3 God reaffirms this name by stating it is forever and for all generations. 1 Allah cannot enter his own creation according to Islam 2 Allah is not the name given to Moses (neither are the other 98 attributed to him ). 3 This name will not change. Until Islam can rectify the fact (a billion Hadiths won’t cover this up) that the God of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob and Moses is in the wrong place ,has the wrong name and is talking in the wrong language then it really cannot be claiming anything about the resurrection of Jesus. That’s Jesus not Issa son of Mary not Maryam. You may as well throw the Book of disaster onto the burning bush because Moses hasn’t got a clue who you are talking about. I Am - Eheyeh - אֶהְיֶה
@@einsteinone5380 It is mentioned that they followed a conjecture. True enough. Everything written abt the crucifixion story is a 3rd hand account meaning gotten from hearsays!
Raised as a Baptist; later left that denomination. Have questioned several teachings, but don't have many people to discuss this with. It does bother me that my fellow Christians focus on worshipping Jesus when God says not to worship any other; and it bothers me that they focus so much on the crucifixtion of Jesus(saying that is what saves us). I have felt ashamed for questioning these teachings since I was raised & live deep in the Bible belt. I know of only one person who feels the same as I do. The protestant church uses guilt and fear as a way to keep us in line. It is good to know that I am not alone in these beliefs. I have been so afraid and confused!😢
I have started reading the Qu’ran and it is already answering lifelong questions - you are not alone I am also of Christian faith with the same questions you had.
Read Luke 4:10-11 then go to Psalm 91:10-16 , The Messiah Jesus Son of Mary (peace be upon him) was saved , God saved him with the saving power of His right hand , Jesus was not cursed (Deut 21:23 & Galatians 3:13). I am a Muslim , I myself read the Bible. Why don't you read the Quran ? Just read it. I will pray for you , may God Almighty guide you to the right path.
Alhamdullilah, Jazakhallah for this mammoth session! I cannot wait for when part 2 of the Quran series is made as well when the two of you are ready! Thank you so much for this session!
@Seek the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set u free The Bible traces the genealogy of Jesus THROUGH MEN (Adam). That is, even the Bible wants you to see the CONNECTION between ADAM and JESUS. Furthermore, the Quran expresses this point. The birth of Jesus WITHOUT A BIOLOGICAL FATHER is exactly the same a our Father Adam being born WITHOUT A BIOLOGICAL FATHER or mother. The expressions "son of God" and "begotten of God" are allegorical THROUGHOUT the Bible and are NOT LITERAL. Again, the Creator does NOT have to have someone killed in order to forgive the sins of human beings.
Good point. The prophets can be killed, but never cursed. God protects them from evil schemes. The Jewish leaders wanted to prove Jesus was a liar by crucifying him to be cursed, but God did not allow it.
@kordei-7839 It makes no sense…except it predicts a Savior and intercesor who dies for the sins of the people so in order to fulfill it Jesus died for the sins of the world. It’s not that difficult. And Jesus says himself that he was going to die and also says it’s in all the Torah and prophetic writings.
This is fascinating. Viewers need to understand that what this scholar is saying cannot be comprehended in one straight-thru listen. It is dense. It also is entirely respectful -- of Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
How is it respectful to Christians? A diatribe on how Christ did NOT die for our sins, which negates a whole cornerstone in Christianity? See, "prophet" Mohammed practiced violence, he lived comfortably, had many wives, enjoyed great status on this earth, so of course the suffering, self sacrificing Christ who performed miracles and healed people, as well as prophesying, doesn't make Mohammed look so holy. So the answer, and this is why it is taught in Islam, is that the Jewish Messiah wasn't such a big deal. He didn't die for us, he didn't suffer, etc. We got it all wrong, you see. No, this man is indeed brilliant, and he impressed people easily, but when you make such an effort to criticize someone else's sincere beliefs, beliefs that are supported by facts, when you find it necessary to further your cause by downgrading others, then you have shown that your own faith cannot stand on its own merit. If he can't promote Islam, instead has to tear down Christianity with fabrications lacking proof? He has just fully exposed either his own lack of faith in Islam, or Islam actually has very little to promote itself. Sad that so many are decieved by this common trick.
@@Cleanmauleri22 Yes. The man who is being interviewed is a Dr in the field. Worth the listen if you aren't exposed to this type of critical thought. He references sources throughout.
I finally got through this, had to make sure I had a nice block of time to watch the whole video. What can I say? Wonderful site, wonderful guest, amazing presentation. I will watch this again for sure. May Allah SWT bless you both for your efforts, give you good health and prosperity, and allow you to continue providing this unmatched content. And please, brother Paul...don't let any naysayers get the best of you. Never forget that thousands of people benefit from your sincere efforts, and the Creator will not let your hard work go to waste. Peace, my friend.
It is about time you start debating against Christian Dr Ali, we need a good scholar with your knowledge to face Christian like James White and others.God bless you, I am converted Christian to Islam.
@eddyqwam1647 He would be silenced if he debated. His arguments are bad and history doesn’t support Islam which makes it very hard on any Muslim debater.
This is so interesting. When I was a Catholic Christian, I felt so much skepticism about Paul. I was also hurt by his comments about women. Very happy to be Muslim now.
He ( Paul ) hurt me when he said Jesus pbuh was a curse . Deuteronomy 21:23 [23] Because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. Galatians 3:13 [13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He's one of the antichrist. Btw , welcome to Islam , welcome home 💙
@@bakloulaya789 Right ? But somehow Christians do not have any problem with this , it's astonishing , I mean do they even care about Jesus at all ? Just imagine being a Jew or a Muslim and you read about Deuteronomy 21:23 and then you heard about the "Christian" Jesus humiliated , tortured , died on a cross like a criminal , CURSED by God according to the Scripture , even apostate Paul said so . And you supposed to believe that he was your Messiah . Can you imagine ? Of course the Jews rejected him how can someone who was cursed by God be the Messiah ? That's why Islam is the vindicator of Jesus if they only knew. Islam clear Jesus' name from all this disgusting accusations , because he did not die on a cross , it was someone else who try to betray Jesus and made a plot against him. God disfigured his face to look exactly like Jesus , crucified him on a cross & cursed him . That makes perfect sense now , isn't it ?
@@bakloulaya789 Right ? But somehow Christians do not have any problem with this , I mean do they even care about Jesus at all ? Just imagine being a Jew or a Muslim and you read Deuteronomy 21:23 and then heard about the "Christian" Jesus died on cross , Cursed by God according to the scripture , even Paul said so . And you supposed to believe he was your Messiah , can you imagine ??? Islam is the vindicator of Jesus if they only knew .
I've been interested for some time in why various scholars and Jewish / Christian devotees accept the speech in the bible as accurate verbatim accounts when there was no eyewitness for many of the stories. I'm glad to see a scholar finally address this point
@@toadlingscotch12345 many eye witnesses truly. Like the Bible declares "Who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?” “The secret things belong to the LORD our GOD, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law" (ROM. 11:34; DEUT. 29:29). Thanks.
@@youtubeaccount3230 if I understand you clearly, you mean to say there are no eyewitnesses, but that I should proof it? If so, the Bible says, "By the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let a matter be established " (2COR. 13:1). Not so? All the prophets had been pointing to Jesus, through Moses as a prophet sent of GOD; through Isaiah “Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be” and through Abraham “That in Him all the nations of the earth be blessed” (DEUT. 18:15-20, IS. 51:16, GEN. 12:1-3, MATT. 23:8-10). What witness shall we be looking for apart from Abraham, Moses, Elijah and the rest of the prophets? Hence, so great a cloud of witnesses for Christ can't be wrong. This is the Gospel Truth, thanks and GOD bless you.
Allah Bless you both, I really don't know how to write the words of appreciation for you and Professor Ali, I raise my hands to Allah and prostrate to Allah, asking to Bless you, thank you so much Mr Paul Williams,
Would you believe I am already watching this for the 3rd time? I should take notes at this point too 😂 thank you both for providing us with this highest quality work! May Allah reward you without limit!
Try reading the Bible for a change to see actual accounts by witnesses recorded and confirmed, and not someone thousands of years later who cannot get more information out of historical facts than what was available at the very start. Stop deluding yourself man! Grow Up!
@@brisadelcastillo2840 Which is more merciful? God needing blood from hunan sacrifice to forgive sins thousands or millions of years later?.... Or forgive Adam in the first place like Allah did? .
Dr. Ali Ataie is a godsend. His vast knowledge of biblical hermeneutics and his scriptural linguistic prowess of the Abrahamic faiths is bar none. His delivery in explaining his lecture based on evidence and rationale is so smooth and admirable. May the Almighty protect and preserve you, ameen. Anytime Ali is on Blogging Theology, I know that I am assured of an excellent dose of education. Masha'Allah... The first drop of this lecture tastes as good as the last!! Paul of blogging Theology, (not the snake oil salesman) your stream is first class. Mabruk
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 The joke was on those Jews who boasted to have killed Jesus and on you too thinking that the creator is a liar. Watch this stream again with an open heart and learn. Put your ego and pride aside for a moment...
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 in the Qur'an is says peace be on me the day I WAS born and the day I WILL die and then raised. Another forgery from your part. Why do you lie so much?
I was raised Christian and questioned all the miracles as early as I remember. This is fascinating! We've been lied to consistently re historical events.
As an ex Christian myself I'm baffled and a bit ashamed that throughout all my adult life I never even questioned half of the events and facts he talked about, I did question others hence why I'm muslim now
The Testimonium Flavianum (meaning the testimony of Flavius Josephus) is a passage found in Book 18, Chapter 3, 3 (or see Greek text) of the Antiquities which describes the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of the Roman authorities. The Testimonium is probably the most discussed passage in Josephus.
Definitely magisterial! Ma sha Allāh. Kudos to Dr. Ali Ataie for the exceptional presentation & Paul for hosting him. May Allāh preserve you both & grant us all to benefit from your presence. Allāhumma āmīn.
As an ex Christian theology student and a current Islamic Theology Student I believe that Paul believed it was his duty to destroy Christianity, however he soon came to realize that he could not destroy Christianity by murdering the Christians one at a time so he chose to destroy Christianity from within thus today we have a faith incorrectly called Christianity when it should in fact be Paulianity. In this regard I agree with Dr Ahmed Deedat who came up with the term Paulianity.
Try to use your mind and think rationally. Look at what Christians have reached because of their perverted religion. They produce pornographic films and make atheists watch their women being raped because they need money and enjoy their bodies, and after all that they give awards to the best porn actress every year as if it were art. Do you still have dignity, honour, morals, principles or values after this? Is it possible that this is a religion that encourages people to licensed prostitution, and even that there are more than a hundred million Christian children born out of wedlock, and this is without me talking about abnormal sexual relations and Even the church has begun to describe your God as transgender, and after all this, you are talking to me about Christianity, man, about which religion are you talking about? It's over. We can do everything like atheists, because our sins will be forgiven, because Jesus died for us
A little comparison between the 2 holy books: 1- The Bible: It is separated into 2 parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and was written over the course of 1500 years by many authors who contributed to the authoring of the bible. The Old Testament’s introduction is claimed to have been written by Moses and the rest was written by many different authors over many centuries BC, but historians and archeologists don’t know who the authors of the Old Testament, the stories that would later become the Bible were transferred by word of mouth across centuries, in the form of oral tales and poetry among the tribes of Israel, Eventually, these stories were collected and written down, concluding that it was written by waves of scribes during the first millennium BC, it took 900 years to write the old testament. The New Testament: They were written between approximately 70 and 100 AD, 1- The first, Mark does not mention virgin birth and was written (not by the disciple) 70-73 years after Christ’s death. 2- In both Matthew 80-90 and Luke 93-100 years after his death, add the claim of virgin birth so early. 3- John dates 100- 118 years after Christ's death They are written not as eyewitness accounts. Over 30,000 changes in The New Testament according to (t.ly/tP12g ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Barton (a British Anglican priest and biblical scholar): Q1: How reliable is the Old Testament as a historical document? A: Some parts, of the Old Testament, contain some real historiography, even though it may not all be accurate. Q2: When was the Old Testament assembled into the book it is today? A: Probably during the first century BC, and for a long time, it was a collection of individual scrolls, not a single book between two covers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most scholars agree that they are the work of unknown Christians and were composed c. 68-110 AD. The majority of New Testament scholars also agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts; but that they present the theologies of their communities rather than the testimony of eyewitnesses (rb.gy/f38yfn ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bible is full of contradictions: (t.ly/MDhal ) (t.ly/CPzMI ). The Gospel of John is a relatively late theological document containing little accurate historical information that is not found in the three synoptic gospels, which is why most historical studies have been based on the earliest sources Mark and Q. (t.ly/dxAV7 ) Stories in the bible that are just not good for a holy book: 1- When Lot offers to send his daughters out to be raped by the angry crowd, and then later on they have sex with their father. 2- When God and his son Satan make a bet and kill all of Job’s kids to see how he handles it, but it’s not a big deal, because after God wins Job gets a new bunch of kids. Good thing children are so replaceable?! 3- The contradictory creation stories, where Man is either created first or last, depending on which part of Genesis you’re reading. 4- The bit where it states when and how you can sell your daughter as a slave. Or the one where it tells you to kill your children if they’re rude to you. The Ebionites were one of several such sects that originated in and around Palestine in the first centuries AD and included the Nazarenes and Elkasites (70 AD - 400 AD), they believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah and were the true “prophet” mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15. They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law. (t.ly/H7-Ye ) Conclusions: The bible is not a reliable source of belief nor a reliable source of history due to the changes that happened to it over the course of 3000 years which I believe can not be the case for a real holy book from an almighty god, and the trinity was debatable in the first centuries of Christianity and it’s not mentioned in the bible explicitly though it’s the main belief of Christianity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Quran: In Islamic belief, it was the Messenger Muhammad who received the revelation directly. There is no other human intervention in the revelation, only (God => Gabriel => Muhammad). The story of how we got the Quran from the prophet to the book we have today is agreed upon by all Islamic sources and there are no Disagreements between them unless in some small details that are not really that effective in the course of the story. Transferring the Qur’an was done in two ways: First: The writing that was done for the Qur’an was done by order of the Messenger, for notable people to whom this matter was entrusted. The Messenger did not die until the entire Qur’an was written in his house, on boards of wood, bone, some papers, and stone, due to the scarcity of availability of papers at that time. Second: Memorizing it through oral transmission from the great reciters and memorizers of the Companions. Those in turn received it from the Messenger, who approved of how to pronounce and perform it, it’s worth mentioning that the Quran has its unique style that makes you able to memorize it easily even if you aren’t a native Arabic speaker, and that’s agreed upon by Muslims throughout history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How the compilation of the Qur’an was done: 1- The Holy Qur’an was collected in one book during the reign of Abu al-Siddiq (the first Caliph), may God be pleased with him, because a lot of the memorizers of the Qur’an were killed in wars during that time, and they feared that the Qur’an would be lost. So Omar ibn al-Khattab suggested writing the Qur’an in one book. Abu Bakr initially opposed the idea because of his fear that he would do something that the Prophet had not done. After that, he sent Zaid bin Thabit to collect everything that was written as a piece of the Qur’an and collect it all in one book, and the way he did it simply by announcing that he would collect the Quran so if anyone had a copy of it written directly from the prophet bring it to him so he can review it with what is already memorized of the Quran (and it’s worth mentioning that he was one of the known memorizers of the Quran), then the whole Quran was collected in one book by 650 CE, which is 20 years after the death of Mohammed. 2- The Holy Qur’an was collected in a number of copies during the reign of Uthman. Another problem arose during the reign of Caliph Uthman, which was the multiplicity of tongues and the fear that the Qur’an would be distorted due to the story that the Muslims used when they differed in the way of reading the Qur’an. So he made a unified copy from which one could write, and he wrote the copies from the copy that was written in Abu Bakr’s ruling period which was written 20 years after the death of Mohammed, and it is crucial to mention that the difference was of “how to read” the Quran but the meaning was subtle to all. (t.ly/dOj4Z ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Prophet died in the seventh century AD, and any copy of the Hafs narration from the 8th century until now is all the same without differences, but a manuscript at the University of Birmingham matches the text we have by 99%, and in a manuscript from Yemen called Sana’a Manuscript it matches by 95% ( The difference is just in the words, but they contain the same meaning. It is not known whether the two of them were before or after the Uthmani Qur’an. Therefore, we are not able to determine with 100% accuracy their origins. (t.ly/TamjN ) And there are some Nmircal Miracles that implicitly prove that the Qur’an wasn’t edited (rb.gy/ylhh6y ) (t.ly/RAIj9 ), though they aren’t really a main miracle of the Quran and a lot of people (Muslims and non-muslims) believe that it’s just a coincidence that those patters exist but I find them interesting. Reasons why it was hard to add something to the Quran over the course of all those many centuries: (t.ly/3gD-4 ). Reasons why Mohammed couldn’t write the Quran by himself (rb.gy/ze470g ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took 1500 for the bible to be written in the form of a book for the first time. The Quran took 20 years after the death of Mohammed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's normal to edit the bible in Christianity, it's forbidden to edit the Quran in Islam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Islam = Evidence of it being from no human being + Solid Construction that preserved the Scriptures + Faith Christianity = Little Evidence of it being from god + No Solid Construction that preserved the Scriptures + Faith ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks for reading (;
@Y1SS2N Trying to convince a religious zealot of anything that contradicts their beliefs is typically an exercise in futility. But in short, ALL Abrahamic religions are misguided in their beliefs. The Jews invented monotheism. Originally, they adopted their beliefs from the Pagan Canannite pantheon that existed in the region. The patriarchal figure of the pantheon was 'El', and he gifted many nations of the regions to his children, who were the lesser gods. Israel was gifted to Yahweh, and it wasn't until centuries later that they claimed he was "the one true god," and thus, monotheism was born. That is the true origin of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christianity and Islam. So while you're arguing over which Abrahamic faith is the correct one, it's obvious to everyone with a brain who has done their research, that's it's all a fairytale that evolved from simple pagan origins.
This culture of scholarship explaining the topic with academic discussion is really out of this world 🌎, there are no emotions, only pure knowledge is flowing through out the whole time. Very satisfying Thank you
@@markwildt5728no wisdom? Bro u can't accept the facts, you Christians have 0 leg go stand on and you know it, emotions is your faith? That can be said to every other religion
@@youtubeaccount3230 0 leg to stand on? You can't be serious? We only have the most verified and corroborated historical text of all time by archeological findings and other secular texts. Even the most hard core atheist, provided they're intellectually honest, admits that Jesus was an actual historical figure that was in fact crucified. It's dishonest atheists like you who get caught in their feelings and emotions that can't accept the facts. It's actually pretty sad.
When a girl is being groomed by a loverboy she feels the relationship is "pure ecstasy" because she hears all the things she likes, and then he asks her to sleep with his uncle for money. And she does it, because she has been groomed. Nothing ataie said had any real impact in reality. It was just a mishmash of conjecture upon conjecture and his own personal contradictions.
@@dtrez3866 >>>>When a girl is being groomed by a loverboy she feels the relationship is "pure ecstasy" because she hears all the things she likes, and then he asks her to sleep with his uncle for money. And she does it, because she has been groomed. =============== That is how a Xtain interprets the word. Not a surprise anymore! 😊😊
@@mmss3199 Maybe. I was only speaking about ataie's presentation. But now i am saying exactly that about the Koran. Muslims/islam are their own sect. But a sect that has no credibility at all. True story. So what christians believe is grounded in many places and independent sources. Whereas things like for example muhumad's night journey, are unsupported nowhere by any thing or anyone. No one confirmed it. Just the word of one man. Whereas every trinitarian/orthodox christian belief has a strong tradition among independent sources.
@@letmetalk2240 No, not really. I was just pointing out how gullible women can be over words that flattery their vanity. They are easily seduced by it. But it went over your head. Ataie's presentation reminded me of how a pimp sounds pleasing to the girls that being groom and lead to believe fallacies. Andrew tate style.
The Mormons claim that their prophet found a missing book in 1850. The Kiran showed up in 600. Neither Mohamed or Joe Smith were contemporaneous to Jesus. Moony in Koria has a bridge to sell you in north Koria. He's also nuts. Even the contemporaneous pagans of Christs time report his crucifixion. The Jews never denied his crucifixion. Jews deny his resurrection.
Only Catholics have miracles to prove the veracity of our beliefs. Calvin said protestants don't need miracles. Where are your Muslim miracles? Let's compare them.
if Jesus was born without father - how is it so difficult to believe that he was raised by Allah adn Allah changed the person at the cross with someone else
@thepurplepanda1194 It’s not about believing in God being capable of doing whatever He wants. It’s about the eyewitnesses who saw Jesus die and also saw him resurrected later. It’s about the teachings of Jesus where he said he would die. And it’s about the Torah and prophets before Jesus because Jesus said their message was about him dying before resurrecting to enter glory. This puts Jesus at odds with the Islamic story and I choose Jesus.
@@thapack45 I respect your belief and if you make that request we will honor it, but what if you die with that faith in your heart and in the end you find yourself to be WRONG... There will be no way back As for eye witnesses, the oldest Christian Bible is The Codex Sinaiticus The First New Testament and it was written in 4th Century CE which is 400 years after Jesus Christ obviously both Jesus and his diciples weren't present on that time so that means it was not written by eye witnesses and the books aren't preserved because the Codex Sinaiticus and other manuscripts differ from eachother including the one we have today, it doesn't say that Jesus was God and many verses are absent such as Jesus' resurrection in the end of The Gospel Of Mark
@@thapack45Actually people in the first century denied The Messiah Jesus Christ's divinity and crucifixion, they considered him to be a Prophet and Messenger of God rather than Son Of God or 2nd person of the Trinity and these people were the true followers of Jesus who actually saw him. It was only later The Council Of Nicaea that formed The Trinity for their benefit, taking ideas from the Roman Myths Trinity and brainwashed people and might've even forced them to accept it and that's how the true followers of Jesus vanished
@@thapack45Actually people in the first century denied The Messiah Jesus Christ's divinity and crucifixion, they considered him to be a Prophet and Messenger of God rather than Son Of God or 2nd person of the Trinity and these people were the true followers of Jesus who actually saw him. It was only later The Council Of Nicaea that formed The Trinity for their benefit, taking ideas from the Roman Myths Trinity and brainwashed people and might've even forced them to accept it and that's how the true followers of Jesus vanished
"The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets" -Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I was so looking forward to this presentation and Alhamdulillah, Dr. Ali Ataie did not disappoint at all. In fact, he outdid himself this time - scholarly, lucid, powerful, deep, comprehensive, critical - I mean I'm out of adjectives to describe, Masha Allah! May Allah (Subhananhu wa Ta'ala) reward Dr. Ataie and Br. Paul for their works. These guys are among the heirs to the Prophets. What greater honor can there be!!!
I have been so fortunate to come across Dr Atiae and this amazing conversation. Incredible enlightening scholarship and insight into the formation of Christian early communities. Pure gold . Such generosity from Dr Atiae to share his wealth of insight and scholarship.
Thanks so much for your enlightening presentation. You provided the information I have long needed to know especially about Paul of Tarsus. The thoughts infused into my mind about him are now put to rest.
I don’t say this lightly, this may be one of my favourite videos on RUclips. The debt the structure the bombardment of information just amazing. Thank you guys.
This was a good presentation, but entirely unnecessary. There is a fatal flaw with Islam, believing that Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, was not crucified. As in Christianity, Islam believes Jesus to be sinless. he is the only man to be sinless in Islam. Even Mohammad required the Jinn to remove the black stones from his body before he could recite the Quran. If Jesus was not crucified and remained alive, he has perpetrated one of the greatest lies in all of history. in order for Jesus, not to have been crucified he would have to go along with a deception of the grandest scale. Can someone explain to me how a sinless man could lie to begin with? Even if some small lies are permitted, how could such a hoax be perpetrated by someone who is considered the most upstanding to ever exist? Think of all the souls that could’ve been saved and wars prevented if Jesus just told the truth, that he was never crucified. A sinless man would not do this by definition. This should not be possible, and is the major reason why I never converted to Islam and refound my faith in Christianity. Christ’s Peace to All
A welcome guest always. Long, deep, and expository discussions. When I see the length I assume it would take time, but it's so engaging that I don't realize when it ends.
ALLAH WAS THE REAL FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY. Allah raised Jesus to himself.[Quran 3:55] Allah said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, & raising you to Me Allah, & clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection." Then Allah tricked the Romans into thinking they put real Jesus on trial. Allah tricked the jews into thinking they crucified & killed Jesus.Allah tricked the christians by replacing the real Jesus with a fake Jesus and then tricked Christians into thinking real Jesus was resurrected.Then after 500 yrs,he told an illiterate that Jesus did not die on the cross but Allah took Jesus to himself. [Quran 3:45] The Angels said, "His name is the Messiah (one who saves), Jesus, well-esteemed in this world and the next."
Excellent content ever. Long form detailed discussion from an extremely learned person is the best, clear and gives lots to learn and much to contemplate upon.
@@ermins.newyork7434 thats the thing these Christians if u ask their reason to believe their faith it’s subjective so anything objective hurts them 😂 they only convincing themselves not others
Mr Williams and Dr Ataie, Hillarion Heagy mentioned both of you as among sources that brought him to Islam, bi idznillah. This channel is blessed Insya Allah
Subhan-Allah , that was a long discussion. It took 21 hours for me to finish it. May Allah give rewards to Dr. Ataie for his hard work and outstanding research .
SubhanAllah May Allah bless the Dr Ali and Blogging theology for presenting this awareness. Wish I had the youth and eloquence to do Dawah …. I will share … Thank you
It’s interesting that around 1:21 the learned Dr. mentions the incident of Uhud, which is actually in Surah Imran. The direct addressees of this chapter are primarily the Christians, including how they deviated from the truth, particularly with their exaggerations with respect to Jesus (AS). The last couple months it became obvious to me, this was one of the primary reasons why this incident of Uhud with the alleged rumor of the death of the Prophet (S) is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Imran and how many Muslims reacted to it. The parallel in the Surah Imran to what happened in the time of Jesus (AS) regarding the rumors of his own death, in my view, is not coincidental as part of lessons to be learned.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 The Verse specifically spoke abt the Hater not the supporter of Jesus. None of His follower witnessed it directly. This haters separated hundreds of year with those misguided Roman who voted for Jesus divinity without authority unless we think The misguided Roman Council got their material from this haters bcz they were the only party believed Jesus was indeed crucify and as Quran suggest they boast abt it.
This is beyond a masters class. Mashallah. Thank you very much gentlemen. يؤتي العلم من يشاء. May Allah protect you and use you to guide his creation. And may the peace and blessings of God be on all the messengers and prophets, the conduits He used to convey His message.
@@BloggingTheology Islaaam is completely ignorant of the history and scripture. All four gospels have the crucifixion and it's what was taught by the apostles to the early believers and what the early church fathers believed, where is this message from the apostles against the crucifixion? The early creed of 1 corinthians 15 3-5 even has it. Tell me Paul, where is this Islaaamic version of events? Where is this mslm Jesus? It was even said it would happen. Luke 18 31-33 "Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again."
@@filthymouthschoolboymakesi1236 Paul came before all 4 Gospels. The Gospels simply copied what Paul said. Again, the Quran is correct and the New Testament is wrong.
@@Kimeikus That conspiracy doesn't work, islaaam depends on having an ignorance of history. The apostles were instructed to preach, that's what they did and the accounts were written later. You're ignoring the missionary journies and story of what happened after they went out. The vast majority of scholars, including atheists, place the early creed extremely early as well. Proving Paul didn't invent the beliefs.
@@youttb Mathew 21 : 43 - the kingdom leaves to and goes to the fruitful one, which refers to Ismael in gen 17, due to the crucifiction attempt in v 38... , this is why paul went to Arabia in gal 1 :17 and isaiah 42, Jesus will follow him too in bible.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 false sect wht is there in Isaiah 42. Verse6 ,who is Covenant to muslim Issac or Ishmael.? Here says Servant is RIGHTEOUS ND COVENANT ND LIGHT , IT NEVER FITTED TO Muhammad. Verse 10-12, explain me where it says prophets from sela/mountain, kedar/ wilderness-villages. nd wht about island, sea ? Verse 13. GOD WILL go like a Mighty man. Does it sound like mecca Al'lah?? 😆 🤣 U need to check ur brain
Mashaallah. I listened to this lecture of Dr. Ataie in two days. Dr. Ataie easily renders any western theologian illiterate with his knowledge of the old and new testaments and his eloquence and total command of the English, Hebrew and Greek languages. May Allah protect you and reward you for your work Dr. Ataie. Absolutely love to listen to all your interviews on blogging theology with Mr. Paul.
This channels pathetic .. look at how many Muslims are coming on here to back it up.. which doesn’t even make sense when the qaran which was written after the book of John even says the bible is the truth !! To say Christ wasn’t even crucified is pathetic
What a comprehensive discussions! I wish that Dr. Ali Ataie could write it as a book so that it can be disseminated further by other biblical scholars.
The shrine is another fake element just like the concept of trinity! The guy is explaining everything in detail giving facts and evidence to support his speech! What's unclear to you here?
"For there will come a time when men will not endure sound doctrine, but, itching to hear pleasant things, will give themselves many teachers according to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn to fables." 2Timothy 2:3-4
Jesus himself had foreseen it. He rejected the idea of him dying OUTSIDE JERUSALEM (Luke 13.33) Surprisingly, Hebrew 5.7 supports his claim. Bible rejects Bible.
To Emma Sound Doctrine is; GOD does NOT Become a MAN or a WOMAN or an Animal or a Vegetable. Sound Doctrine is that GOD does NOT condone Human Sacrifice. That is a PAGAN Ritual. Sound Doctrine is that NO ONE Pays for Another's Sins. That is not justice. Now if you want SOUND Doctrine, there you have it.
Man! Amazing presentation. I guess I’ll need to rewatch it a few times and broken down into smaller parts. Is there a written version of the first lengthy narrative Dr. Ataie proposed? I think it’ll be very valuable to study it in written format in addition to this narrated format.
Guys, YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH I think the use of Egyptian is pretty incoherent. God (YHWH as in the Torah) is all powerful and all knowing. God told Moses when asked about His name: "I Am Who I Am" (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), which can be translated: "I Am The Existing One", which is the same meaning in the beginning of Quran 2:255 "الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم" translated "Allah (God) There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining".
ALLAH WAS THE REAL FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY. Allah raised Jesus to himself.[Quran 3:55] Allah said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, & raising you to Me Allah, & clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection." Then Allah tricked the Romans into thinking they put real Jesus on trial. Allah tricked the jews into thinking they crucified & killed Jesus.Allah tricked the christians by replacing the real Jesus with a fake Jesus and then tricked Christians into thinking real Jesus was resurrected.Then after 500 yrs,he told an illiterate that Jesus did not die on the cross but Allah took Jesus to himself. [Quran 3:45] The Angels said, "His name is the Messiah (one who saves), Jesus, well-esteemed in this world and the next."
@@einsteinone5380 Quran mentions that they followed a conjecture. True enough. Bible narratives are 3rd hand account meaning they are gotten from hearsays.
@@einsteinone5380 It is mentioned in your own Bible that God deceives people. 2 Thess 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. When they are hard-hearted and hard-headed as per your Bible, God will deceive them because of rejecting the truth.
@einsteinone5380 there is 0 evidence 500 people saw the ressurection. It's not us to blame that you think a person is god for ascending or whatever. You don't get to make a religion our of the death of someone either, that's a cult practice
Why does the Quran mention Jesus' resurrection? Surah Maryam 19:33 "Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Why does the Quran mention John' resurrection? The Clear Quran: Peace be upon him the day he (John) was born, and the day of his DEATH, and the day he will be raised back to life! Sahih International: And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he DIES and the day he is raised alive. -Surat Maryam, Ayat 15 Yes, it doesn't have anything to do with the so-called resurrection, and perhaps you should try to understand the difference between verb tenses. The Clear Quran : Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I DIE (he has not died yet) and the day I will be raised back to life!” Sahih International: And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I WILL DIE (will happen in the future) and the day I am raised alive. -Surat Maryam, Ayat 33
@OktavianAbel great explanation except according to Islam Jesus will come again on the day of judgement, which would imply according to this verse that rather than die and go to heaven only with everyone else he would somehow resurrect at some point after that.
Nah, you cannot contradict the clear verses : He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason. -Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7 Now let's read those verses : and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. -Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158 And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
@@13desertflower You cannot contradict the clear verses : He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason. -Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7 Now let's read those verses : and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. -Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158 And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
You cannot contradict the clear verses : He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason. -Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7 Now let's read those verses : and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. -Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158 And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
Points of disagreement: 00:06:06 No sufficient reason to conclude James was the leader of the church. 00:12:36 the term Christian is not anachronistic in the first century. It was used even by Tacitus as early as 116 showing it was already a well established word. Peter used this word in his first epistle (c.40-62AD). 00:12:42 The high priest would have had jurisdiction over the whole 'Orthodox' Jewish religious community. This would be like how the Khalifah has jurisdiction over the whole ummah. See Duet 17;8-13
Many evidence to conclude James was the leader of the Church, when Josephus mentions thee Jesu(since there is many Jesus) he refers to Jesus as the brother of James, even in your book of acts James calls the shots
Just finished this masterpiece.. simply sensational! This sheds even more light on the true message and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, early Christianity, and Paul the Liar. Many thanks to you both, Mr. Williams and Dr. Ataie!
@akirataimatsu8741 said "early Christianity, and Paul the Liar" ---------If it is okay to call Paul a liar, it must be okay to call Muhammad a liar. I think that they were both liars.😊
HAHAHA I remember when . Jesus deniers said that the Romans did not crucify anyone. Then Archeologist found the bones of victims who were crucified. Even Roman historians reported he was crucified. Best accept the truth about Jesus.
Very deep and eye opening. May Allah bless you for the effort Dr Ataie and you Paul for brining such scholars and a topics on you channel. Much appreciated.
@@svensvenforkedbeard170 maybe watch it and see, its very clear from their bible paul was arguing that jesus was crucified while others who walked and saw jesus said he was not
The Bible says that He was crucified. One example is 1 Corinthians 1:23 where the Koiné Greek word "stauroo" is used. For anyone who has studied Ancient Greek, he or she would know that in Greek the verbs do not go into tenses in order to describe the actions, but that the words go into declinations in order to describe it: Thus, they have the nominative, genitive, dative, punitive declinations describing whether the action is being carried by a person, carrying out the action on another person, seeing the action being carried out by another person. In this case, what Paul is saying is that Jesus was nailed on a cross. Furthermore, we also have the historical recolection of the events by non-Christian historians, like Tacitus, who wrote about Jesus crucifixion, not in Koiné Greek, but in Ancient Latin (the language of the Roman Empire) In his book, Annals, he said: "auctor nominis eius Christus Tibero imperitante per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio adfectus erat," which mean that Jesus had been condemned to the highest punishment at the time ("supplicio adfectus erat"), which, if you know history of the Roman Empire at the time, outside of any religious book, you'd know that it was the crucifixion of the people being punished. Furthermore, since his crucifixion, death and resurrection, Jesus' apostles carried on His commission to "make disciples of the whole world" and in order to do so, they had disciples, some of whom, they instituted as bishops. Some examples are Ignatius, who was a direct disciple of St. John the Apostle, and whom he appointed as Bishop in Antioch; and Polycarp, whom John appointed as Bishop of Smirna. Ignatius fought the heretics of the time, whom denied Jesus being God and Man at the same time, or that God had come in the flesh, or that He died or resurrected. He wrote that "Jesus was truly born in the flesh, that He was truly CRUCIFIED and that He resurrected." In this channel, in order to denie these things, the man in the video recouses to quoting the heretics of the time and a teaching that came 600 years after Jesus was crucified and resurrected, telling us that a man who didn't know Jesus personally, knew more about Him than the people who knew Him and who were disciples of His disciples.
Paul talks about his own gospel. That suggests that even he admits it's not the same one as James, Peter, or anyone else. He also taught his followers to reject anyone preaching a different Jesus. So he was clearly a heretic
Sirs,this is an irrelevant issue for muslims. Islam appeared in Mecca/Medina 600 years after Christianity,and they should be either silent or not worry about it and not make it a bone of contention. Tomorrow, if Christianity says Muhammad committed criminal acts, will muslims accept it ?
Thank you for validating my believes about Paul. Thou my believes are much more extreme. All the one sided letters in the new testament are supposed from Paul when he was in prison for murder. How can any one call him a saint is beyond my capability
Paul, I can't wait to see your channel reaching 1M subs brother. You truly deserve it. I hope more non Muslims come to your channel to benefit from scholarly discussions.
It's not scholarly its deluded heresay, twisting words making up stories, and quoting atheists (deluded satanic people) and protestant sect members. No quality history sources.
I’m 1hr 44mins in and this is to say the least selective reading and overly skeptical interpretation of the Christian faith in order to underpin an Islamic understanding of Jesus’s crucifixion. Just one example is Paul’s place in the early church. Paul was a contemporary of the 12 Disciples and recognised by Peter in Peter’s letters as being a note worthy person. Dr Aitle is looking at the data with one eye closed and is just selecting dubious gospels like the gospel of Peter Thomas and others (which are well known as very late and could not be attributed to said authors) as reliable?! Over the more historically accurate and credible 4 Gospels?! This is what I call being selective in your evidence.
This information was so amazing that it felt like it should not be free. Thank you so much for this blogging theology. I’ve only just subscribed since seeing a clip of you on instagram and I haven’t stopped watching since. Just wonderful amazing quality discourse.
I benefited a lot from this presentation. May Allah keep us steadfast and reward you.
Time stamps:
0:01 Introduction of the historical plausibility of Jesus not being crucified
2:42 How secular historians establish history (methodology)
15:59 Introducing the topic
16:30 Dr Ali Ataie’s contention
24:00 Examining different theories regarding Jesus’ crucifixion in light of available historical information
33:50 Commenting on secular historians’ methodology + What do we know about who Jesus was historically.
46:03 The assassination of JFK as a useful analogy + What the Quran says happened to Jesus
55:08 Christian, Jesus and Roman sources are conjectural and the Quran’s description of the event as Dhanni (مَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ)
is correct.
59:40 Do we have material evidence of Jesus’ crucifixion?
1:06:15 Who claimed Jesus was crucified? + Paul of Tarsus and his relationship to the claim
1:16:05 The creed in 1 Corinthians 15 and whether it’s valid historical evidence for the event.
1:21:46 Who was Paul of Tarsus and how is he a deceiver?
1:30:18 Who would make up a crucified messiah? (Response to Bart Ehrman)
1:34:13 Crucifixion debate in Paul’s congregations
1:57:34 “Q” as the first gospel according to historians and the absence of the crucifixion event
2:05:39 Examining the passion narratives in the gospel as pure legend
2:09:55 (The ordering of events)
2:35:47 Hector and Cleomenes as literary archetypes of the crucified Jesus
2:49:11 A plausible story of what happened
3:23:17 A second plausible story of what happened
3:30:58 Revisiting the main criteria of modern historiography
3:35:55 Conclusion and final words
Alhamdulillah and Jazak Allah Khair brother Paul and Dr Ali for this amazing presentation and making it available for everyone.
Don’t forget to send peace and blessings upon the prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم)❤️🥰
This needs to be pinned :)
Einstein here is so dumb he doesn't realize his own argument of time is exactly what Jesus himself did.
How long after Malachi was the NT written? Approximately 500 years.
So for 500 years, Jews had no concept of a triune God and then all of a sudden, the God who said he is not a man , nor son of man, is a man.
Ironically, Jesus is referred to as a man and also as a son of man often.
Einstein here is so good at relativity and e= mc² that he didn't realize how he doesn't believe in his own argument because he ignores the exact same thing when it comes to the NT and OT 😂.
Einstein exposed his hypocrisy 😂
@@einsteinone5380 I read your entire response and I see a tremendous amount of problems in it.
From my understanding since you’re talking about Jesus (peace be upon him), you’re a Christian. It’s really weird that this comes from a Christian giving the fact that your doctrine is the most illogical doctrine on earth taken from the pagans who believe that God was 3 and came in the form of a human, how convenient?
When we’re discussing such issues, we should first go over the basic topics to reach Jesus’s destination. Since Islam claims the event was a miracle “it appeared unto them”. So logically if Islam is true then whatever is says is true and Allah knows the destination of his prophet.
We should first compare the doctrine of Islam believing in only one God vs Christianity that believes in 3 in 1. We should ask questions about if it’s logical in the first place or not. How can the basic doctrine become so illogical and God wants us to believe in his religion?
Why do I need binary numbers and philosophical mental gymnastics to believe in God? Truth should be accessible everywhere with basic logic like in Islam.
If God is illogical then why did he create logic for us?
It’s also impossible that God comes out of a vagina of a women to become imperfect. These are two contradictory states and if you believe in the law of contradiction you can’t accept such doctrine.
If God is perfect then how can he become imperfect?
The Bible says: no one knows the hour except the father. This is enough to show how also the 3 are not coequal.
Also, as mentioned before 3 persons cannot be 1. If you insist it can then we have to at least acknowledge how illogical it is and how unfair God is to make it that hard.
About unfairness: You believe that the laws of the Old Testament were only applicable for the people who lived before Jesus but after he came and died for people’s sins you can do whatever as long as you believe and you don’t have to follow any laws. That’s unfair to the people who lived before Jesus!!!
Then we should discuss salvation and how problematic it is. Why would Jesus be punished for something he didn’t do?
In Islam, every soul is judged based on what it did or inspired and God doesn’t need to k1ll anyone to forgive. This is more logical than Christianity and I’m sure you can acknowledge this. If I slap you on the face, I’m sure you’d want me to be the one who should be punished. This is enough and according to logical criteria it would dismiss Christianity as a false “unfair” religion. I’m 100% confident you will not be able to address these points in a logical way because no one can. Your doctrine is illogical, unfair and doesn’t make sense.
Let’s acknowledge that Islam is not the first religion to make that claim. Historically there were gnostic Christians from as early as first and second century who believed that Jesus wasn’t crucified. Basilidies is a famous example. So islam isn’t the first to make such claim as some Christians say.
Maybe you say why would God wait 578 years to send a prophet to tell people about the fact that Jesus was saved?
You also believe that God left people from Adam to Abraham (2000 years) without any prophets!
Also, in Islam no one will be punished until Allah sends a messenger so no one will be punished for believing as they didn’t know. By the way, there’s no such doctrine or verse that explicitly says this in the Bible.
Most importantly how do you tell God what he does?
Romans 9:20
“But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”
Let’s now discuss your alleged claim that it’s unfair that Allah “tricked” them:
I don’t see it as a problem at all that Jesus (peace be upon him) came to this world with a miracle and will leave it with another miracle.
In the bible, they tried to k1ll Jesus peace be upon him at least twice. Once when they tried to stone him and the other when they wanted to throw him from a mountain. From my understanding and reading the exegesis, Jesus (peace be upon him) was saved by God using miracles. It’s extremely possible that he was saved again by God. Muslims agree and say that also Allah saved him by another third miracle in the crucifixion incident.
But, why does Allah “trick” them?
The sons of Israel are the killers of the prophets peace be upon them as Jesus called them and the Romans are the oppressors who wanted to kill the prophet of God. The sons of Israel also removed from the book what they wanted to remove and corrupted it.
Matthew 23:37
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who k1ll the prophets and stone those sent to you…”
They k1lled the prophets in the most brutal way.
Hebrews 11:37 states, “Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword”
Can you imagine sawing a prophet of God in half?
So who did Allah “trick”?
They’re the ones who rejected him after all these miracles and tried to kill him. They’re the ones who lead themselves astray by knowing Jesus, peace be upon him, is a prophet and rejected the clear prophecies.
Allah says in 7:146:
“I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.”
I believe this is extremely consistent with the Islamic perspective.
May Allah guide us
@Egyptian players tv Many thanks!
Allah is the best deceiver(aka satan): Qur'an 3:54, Qur'an 7:99, Qur'an 8:30, Qur'an 10:21, Qur'an 13:42. The Qur'an even gets it wrong by stating that Christians worship 3 gods(Mary being one of them) so Muhammad didn’t even understand the Trinity while receiving his “revelation”(0 witnesses) in the cave. Islam is a lie straight from the pit of Hell.
This gentleman explained more to me in 3+ hours than my paster did in 15 years,so happy I reverted to Islam,thank you
Hilarious!!!! A fake Christian. What made you convert to Islam? I'd bet a million dollars it was for the 72 virgin's.
@@titopeneueta9668 All Christians are fake
@@titopeneueta9668 hahahaha .. so you are sore when he converted to Islam.
The delights of Paradise surpass the imagination and defy description. There is nothing like Paradise:
"No person know what is kept hidden for them of joy as a
reward for what they used to do." ( QS 32:17).
“And when you look there (in Paradise) you will see a delight (that cannot be imagined), and a great dominion.” (Quran 76:20)
Hence, whatever is in your dirty mind, it is your wild imagination.
@@letmetalk2240 .... Hmmm. Really? Whatever is in our dirty little mind? You mean like marrying a 6yr old girl ? Killing for allah to get 72 virgins? Having little boys as servants for eternity? And we all know they'll do more than serve. Having an endless penis that will never go limp in heaven? That's rich coming from someone in Satan's cult Islam. Trust me, you don't want none, but being a muslum, low i.q, you'll try. CP has armed thousands with the knowledge of Satan's cult Islam. Your group is getting ever so small. Wanna know why? Because there are way too many people who use their brains than those in islam. Jesus awaits you...
Please never stop inviting Dr. Ataie on, it's always such a pleasure to listen to him.
Bro never expected you to be here. 😂
I knew you were in the muslim-judeo-christian debate scene
So surprised to see hakim here 😅😊
@@mhmdali17Fr lol
Great program .John 18 : 14 the Romans were tired of the Jews uprisings and were about to destroy them so Caiaphas said it is good for 1 man to die than the whole nation ,but people must not have known Pilate was a Jew and knew the law he didn't kill innocent people, he said l find no fault in this man , he said you take him and judge him yourselves they said it is not lawful for us to put any man to death..Not true .This is just another bible story written for entertainment.🤔
Asalam Alaykum As a kid in sunday school you would not believe how many times I got kicked out of Sunday school at the age of 6-7 because I told them "my God would not torture someone let alone Jesus pbuh. " Alhamdulilah I am now after many years of searching through every church imaginable, I am a MUSLIM!!
Still brainwashed from one cult to another ..
Great your profit was a warlord and took child as his wife. Which technically made him a pedophile
@@OksintasObonesIslam is not a cult
I remember when this channel was small, and you used to respond to every single one of us. I don't know if you have the time for that anymore. But I do wish I picked your brain more during that time. This presentation was absolutely amazing. And finally explained many missing details.
Thanks. Yes, it is more difficult these days to respond to everyone.
Amazing presentation 🏆 So much brought to light. Thank you 🌺
Love your videos, man you should do a part two let’s keep the discussion going💯
Check this out💯
The Coptic texts compiled in Budge's "Miscellaneous Coptic Texts" generally date back to the late antique period, primarily between the 3rd and 5th centuries CE, as most Coptic literature was produced during the time of the early Christianization of Egypt
Cyril Bishop of Jerusalem and Doctor of the Church, born about 315; died probably 18 March, 386. In the East his feast is observed on the 18th of March, in the West on the 18th or 20th. Little is known of his life.
In Budge's Miscellaneous Coptic Texts is a Discourse on Mary by Cyril of Jerusalem. Cyril (Pseudo-Cyril) relates that he had to send for a monk of Maioma of Gaza who was teaching false doctrine. Called on for an account of his belief the monk (p. 637, Eng. trans.) said: It is written in the Gospel to the Hebrews that when Christ wished to come upon the earth to men, the good Father called a mighty power in the heavens which was called Michael, and committed Christ to the care thereof. And the power came down into the world and it was called Mary, and Christ was in her womb seven months. Afterwards she gave birth to him, and he increased in stature, and he chose the apostles, . . . 'was crucified, and taken up by the Father'. Cyril asked: Where in the Four Gospels is it said that the holy Virgin Mary the mother of god is a force? The monk said: In the Gospel to the Hebrews. Then, said Cyril, there are five Gospels? Where is the fifth? The monk said: It is the Gospel that was written to the Hebrews. (Cyril convinced him of his error and burned the books. No more is told of the Gospel, which, whatever it may have been, was certainly not the book we have been dealing with, but a writing of pronouncedly heretical (Docetic?) views. The last sentence of themonk's account of Christ, which I did not quote in full just now, is perhaps worth recording.) 'After they had raised him up on the cross, the Father took him up into heaven unto himself.' This, with its omissin of all mention of the resurrection, might be construed as heretical: on the other hand, it may be merely a case of extreme compression of the narrative.
Interesting how this account only mentions
After they had raised him up on the cross, the Father took him up into heaven unto himself.
And it does not mention the crucifixion or death. It just mentions when Jesus was lifted onto the cross. God took him onto himself.
This would add up with Paul Which Paul never mentioned a tomb
Paul also mentions the 500 seeing him ascend this would add up with the witnesses of the crucifixion, but sadly the gospels don’t tell us how many saw the crucifixion all they say is crowds of people, his disciples, the Roman guards, the chief priests and officials esc
Could be 500 people because nowhere in the gospel does Jesus appear to 500 people after he resurrected like Paul says which could indicate Paul believed he died on the cross and resurrected on the cross and ascend it from the cross
Paul also mentions other groups that do not believe in the crucifixion by insulting them in his letters
Paul says, "You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified" in Galatians 3:1
1 Corinthians 2:2, where Paul states, "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
the only issue is the three days which could’ve been added to Paul’s letters
Some Bible verses that are not considered to be part of the original letters of Paul include:
Romans 10:6-8: This passage is an allusion to Deuteronomy 30:11-14
Ephesians: Scholars believe that the Letter to the Ephesians was written by one of Paul's disciples, and not by Paul himself. 73 of the 155 verses in Ephesians have verbal parallels with Colossians
The point here is there has been adaptations to Paul’s letters along with the Bible so Jesus being resurrected in three days could be added like in the sign of Jonah originally it doesn’t say three days and three nights in Matthew 12:40
The Gospel of the Hebrews is known from quotations by Cyril of Jerusalem (Discourse on Mary Theotokos 12a), Origen (Commentary on John 2.12.87), Clement of Alexandria (Stromateis,, and Jerome (Commentary on Isaiah 4, Commentary on Ephesians 3, Commentary on Ezekiel 6, De viris illustribus 2).
This could potentially be the most important document towards Islam,Christianity, and Judaism concerning Jesus
Don’t forget to pray today guys
@@ruhmuhaccer864 just a reminder
Im guessing this episode is so long and engaging that some would forget to pray 😂
Thanks brother. This made me remember the Dhuhr prayer.
@@notwhoyouthink2415 that's why I started watching after esha prayer..just finished now
Asalaamu Alaykum, with so much love from a revert family in Phoenix AZ 🌵My journey with Islam began at Zaytuna College in 2004-05 😮
Wa alaykumu s-salam
Without lies islam dies lol
@@danialassyrian4867 Islam getting bigger and bigger than any other religion on earth, soon your faith will cease to exist, it will be like dust in the wind...
Dr. Ataie’s presentation was thoroughly convincing. What a shame that none of the epic Greek poems are taught any more because then more people would notice the Homeric literary mimesis used in the New Testament. I kept thinking how disastrous it is that many millions, if not billions, of people have lived their entire lives believing that Jesus (pbuh) was crucified? Bravo to Dr. Ataie for all his research on this topic.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 no in quran it say jesus was rise to heaven and it looked like he was crucified to them
Nothing of what u say is truth the quran deny jesus was crucified
Without lies islam dies period
@@danialassyrian4867 thats christianity and paul the liar 😂😂😂😂😂
@@danialassyrian4867 The only religion that's dying is Christianity. It's full of lies and people are seeing through it.
Correct me if I'm wrong? But doesn't the Koran accept that Jesus was a prophet who was born of a virgin, and performed miracles?.
Of course we accept that , not only that , the Qur'an is very clear about who Jesus really is.
Jesus Son of Mary peace be upon him is the Messiah & nobody else.
He is one of the mightiest messenger of God.
@@AbelOktavian well then we’re on the same page brother.
@@robertconway2266 Great , peace be upon you brother.
@@robertconway2266yep we believe Jesus was born of a virgin in fact Dr Ali Ataie on his other podcast with blogging theology about the apocryphal gospels also mentions the virgin birth, however this podcasts is about the crucifixion which has no eyewitness and we know secular historians can not even entertain the supernatural so to them either jesus got killed or died of natural death one or the either they lean towards being killed as he was a messiah figure
There are very few things in this life that I love more than long-form theological discussions with Dr. Ali Ataie.
I so agree. This man is a pleasure to listen to/learn from!
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH Sorry, not interested. I left Christianity for Islam almost a decade ago, and it was the best decision of my life.
So then how is it logical/possible for man to crucify the savior - who created everything in all existence?
Allah translates “The Most High”, YaH is “The Most High”, YaH is Allahs (The Most Highs) Name. Please, go back and read what I shared
Dr.Ali is my favorite scholar in BT. Masha Allah! Thanks for coming back 🙌🏾
why did allah save jesus,but let muHAMmad die slowly for 3 years,why would allah save jesus knowing b4 he wrote the quran,and jesus died on the cross tell us otherwise 600yrs after it happend??.allah should have known this!!!!,so why do you believe allah saved the god of the xtians and of the jews???,why did allah send the quran in the 7th century,teaching how to be a muslim?? and he states only allah picks your religion,and he is your only allie,when the muslims accept people who convert,people who convert pick islam,yet this is harram..when you play with a double headed coin,you will always lose... if allah is the true god,there would only be a quran,no bible or torah,as he hates the non believers,he hates blacks,the deaf dumd and the blind,the worst beings created," while he boasts of being the best of the creators??? if anything allah is the best deciever and he has 1.4 billion muslims under his spell
1:21:46 --- Is it "Isaiah 53, James and Paul" in ruclips.net/video/_98B3t0j1uY/видео.html 🤔⁉
Jesus said the kingdom is taken from you and given to those who bear fruits meaning Ismael in gen 17 for crucifiction attempt in mathew 21 .38 thru 43.
As stated bible has contradictions, Jesus went to Egypt as a child or not?
Paul in acts 9.3 saw devil of Luke 10.18 and he even went to Arabia in galatians 1.17 to look for the final Prophet.
Paul removed the commandments so he matches the false on of mathew 24.11.
Quran 5.48 says use Quran to filter the previous books that have changed like Quran 2.79 says.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 ..hey idiot, you don't learn the Bible from lying muslums. Sam shamoun teachers Bible to muslum fibbers.
@@titopeneueta9668 Muslim know bible more as Quran talks about how bible changed, esp. Ex Christian Muslims. Quran is preserved because Muslims don't lie, and bible isn't because you are the fibs. Ppl like Sam and David are eviI and cross- dressers, pardon the pun. Looks like you the only idiot.
Dr. Ali Ataie was worried about the length of his presentation. He doesn't need to. I think ppl who watch blogging Theology are anyway interested in this type of topics and crave to learn more. I guess they have a much longer concentration span.
I see it actually as a time saver. I don't have much time to sit and read. But still I am curious and want to learn more. With blogging Theology I have the opportunity to learn while I am doing my house work.
Otherwise I would need to read a bunch of books myself, what I did when I was younger, but now don't have so much free time. But the schoolers that you my brother bring on your program destil their great knowledge to us listener and learner.
So in this sense we save a lot of time listening to you and the schoolers that you bring on. Thanks for that. Don't worry about the length. Salamualeikum
Paul, thank you for inviting Dr. Ali Ataie on to your program. The man is absolutely brilliant and a stellar spokesman for Islam. I would like to hear his critique of Judaism and his explanation for why he chose to be a Muslim rather than a Jew. 😇
I need to repeat listening to this podcast as I fell asleep halfway thru it. Not because I was bored, but because I insisted on listening although it was already midnight and I was tired.
Thank you for having Dr. Ataie once again in BT, Brother Paul. May Allah grant you both all the best in this dunya and the hereafter.
Ameen ya hayyu ya qayyum
that is why I usually watch segment (to force my mind to recall better), then do other things and then watch another.. very amazing details and notes, I wrote some down... I love to see other enjoying same stuff :)
Same happened to me last night WALLAHI😅😅
Wow, I too will have to watch again as I was at nap time 🙂
This gave me insight on Paul who was an outcast at that time. This question’s everything I have been taught. I am now conducting some intense research and have been reading the Holy Scripture of the the islamic faith l, the Quran. I will make additional comments in the near future.
Buddy… if you’re going to lie about being Christian, the very least you could do is hide your subscriptions so that others can’t see that you’ve been subscribed to Muslim channels for years.
Hope your search goes well watch other videos of Dr Ali Ataie
@@youtubeaccount3230 Im now a Muslim thank you.
@@soothingme for real?
@@soothingme Alhamdulillah brother
Dr. Ataie is a giant of a scholar and the extent of his knowledge is truly amazing and admirable. Thank you for this extraordinary, detailed exposition supporting the Quranic verse that Jesus peace be upon him was neither crucified nor humiliated - Brother Ataie, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdous for this da’awah.
Exodus 3: 1-15
Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.
And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Where is Allah in this conversation?
1 God is in his own creation talking to Moses from a physical object.
2 God has given Moses the name which he is to known
3 God reaffirms this name by stating it is forever and for all generations.
1 Allah cannot enter his own creation according to Islam
2 Allah is not the name given to Moses (neither are the other 98 attributed to him ).
3 This name will not change.
Until Islam can rectify the fact (a billion Hadiths won’t cover this up) that the God of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob and Moses is in the wrong place ,has the wrong name and is talking in the wrong language then it really cannot be claiming anything about the resurrection of Jesus.
That’s Jesus not Issa son of Mary not Maryam.
You may as well throw the Book of disaster onto the burning bush because Moses hasn’t got a clue who you are talking about.
I Am - Eheyeh - אֶהְיֶה
@@brownwarrior6867 nobody reads ur stupid paragraph of nonsense
>>>>Brother Ataie, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdous for this da’awah.
@@letmetalk2240that is why it’s a new heaven and a new earth.
@@einsteinone5380 It is mentioned that they followed a conjecture. True enough. Everything written abt the crucifixion story is a 3rd hand account meaning gotten from hearsays!
Raised as a Baptist; later left that denomination. Have questioned several teachings, but don't have many people to discuss this with. It does bother me that my fellow Christians focus on worshipping Jesus when God says not to worship any other; and it bothers me that they focus so much on the crucifixtion of Jesus(saying that is what saves us). I have felt ashamed for questioning these teachings since I was raised & live deep in the Bible belt. I know of only one person who feels the same as I do. The protestant church uses guilt and fear as a way to keep us in line. It is good to know that I am not alone in these beliefs. I have been so afraid and confused!😢
Please contact The Muslim Lantern page if you have any questions. Brother Muhammad Ali will be able to help you. May God guide you to the right path.
Get s good translation of Quran and read for yourself. Write down your questions and take them to an Imam or Muslim friend.
I have started reading the Qu’ran and it is already answering lifelong questions - you are not alone I am also of Christian faith with the same questions you had.
Read Luke 4:10-11 then go to Psalm 91:10-16 , The Messiah Jesus Son of Mary (peace be upon him) was saved , God saved him with the saving power of His right hand , Jesus was not cursed (Deut 21:23 & Galatians 3:13).
I am a Muslim , I myself read the Bible.
Why don't you read the Quran ? Just read it.
I will pray for you , may God Almighty guide you to the right path.
@@HeReignsJohn3-16May God answer all your questions , peace be with you.
Alhamdullilah, Jazakhallah for this mammoth session! I cannot wait for when part 2 of the Quran series is made as well when the two of you are ready! Thank you so much for this session!
In Jewish law whatever is crucified is cursed. Imagine being cursed by the same law you came to fulfil. It makes no sense.
@Seek the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set u free The Bible traces the genealogy of Jesus THROUGH MEN (Adam). That is, even the Bible wants you to see the CONNECTION between ADAM and JESUS. Furthermore, the Quran expresses this point. The birth of Jesus WITHOUT A BIOLOGICAL FATHER is exactly the same a our Father Adam being born WITHOUT A BIOLOGICAL FATHER or mother. The expressions "son of God" and "begotten of God" are allegorical THROUGHOUT the Bible and are NOT LITERAL. Again, the Creator does NOT have to have someone killed in order to forgive the sins of human beings.
Don’t you get that Jesus was cursed for your sake? He didn’t deserve it. You’re missing out on the good news.
Good point. The prophets can be killed, but never cursed. God protects them from evil schemes. The Jewish leaders wanted to prove Jesus was a liar by crucifying him to be cursed, but God did not allow it.
It makes no sense…except it predicts a Savior and intercesor who dies for the sins of the people so in order to fulfill it Jesus died for the sins of the world. It’s not that difficult. And Jesus says himself that he was going to die and also says it’s in all the Torah and prophetic writings.
This is fascinating. Viewers need to understand that what this scholar is saying cannot be comprehended in one straight-thru listen. It is dense. It also is entirely respectful -- of Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
It's a bunch of trash - speculation without proof. It's just anti-christian lies.
How is it respectful to Christians? A diatribe on how Christ did NOT die for our sins, which negates a whole cornerstone in Christianity? See, "prophet" Mohammed practiced violence, he lived comfortably, had many wives, enjoyed great status on this earth, so of course the suffering, self sacrificing Christ who performed miracles and healed people, as well as prophesying, doesn't make Mohammed look so holy. So the answer, and this is why it is taught in Islam, is that the Jewish Messiah wasn't such a big deal. He didn't die for us, he didn't suffer, etc. We got it all wrong, you see. No, this man is indeed brilliant, and he impressed people easily, but when you make such an effort to criticize someone else's sincere beliefs, beliefs that are supported by facts, when you find it necessary to further your cause by downgrading others, then you have shown that your own faith cannot stand on its own merit. If he can't promote Islam, instead has to tear down Christianity with fabrications lacking proof? He has just fully exposed either his own lack of faith in Islam, or Islam actually has very little to promote itself. Sad that so many are decieved by this common trick.
Change your Avatar sister to not get sins
this presentation blew my mind being raised in a Christian home.
Just making sense
Is it actually with good sources and evidence because I don’t want to wast 3:30 hours on it?
@@Cleanmauleri22 Yes. The man who is being interviewed is a Dr in the field. Worth the listen if you aren't exposed to this type of critical thought. He references sources throughout.
@@Cleanmauleri22Hell isn’t 3 and a half hours, you better watch the video.
@@Anonymous_Service_Leaks well I’m Muslim
I finally got through this, had to make sure I had a nice block of time to watch the whole video. What can I say? Wonderful site, wonderful guest, amazing presentation. I will watch this again for sure. May Allah SWT bless you both for your efforts, give you good health and prosperity, and allow you to continue providing this unmatched content. And please, brother Paul...don't let any naysayers get the best of you. Never forget that thousands of people benefit from your sincere efforts, and the Creator will not let your hard work go to waste. Peace, my friend.
It is about time you start debating against Christian Dr Ali, we need a good scholar with your knowledge to face Christian like James White and others.God bless you, I am converted Christian to Islam.
He would be silenced if he debated. His arguments are bad and history doesn’t support Islam which makes it very hard on any Muslim debater.
Excellent as always, I could have listened to another three hours. Thank you both!
This is so interesting. When I was a Catholic Christian, I felt so much skepticism about Paul. I was also hurt by his comments about women.
Very happy to be Muslim now.
He ( Paul ) hurt me when he said Jesus pbuh was a curse .
Deuteronomy 21:23
[23] Because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse.
Galatians 3:13
[13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
He's one of the antichrist.
Btw , welcome to Islam , welcome home 💙
@@AbelOktavianhow dare he call Jesus peace upon him like this? No wonder James hated him
@@bakloulaya789 Right ? But somehow Christians do not have any problem with this , it's astonishing , I mean do they even care about Jesus at all ?
Just imagine being a Jew or a Muslim and you read about Deuteronomy 21:23 and then you heard about the "Christian" Jesus humiliated , tortured , died on a cross like a criminal , CURSED by God according to the Scripture , even apostate Paul said so .
And you supposed to believe that he was your Messiah .
Can you imagine ? Of course the Jews rejected him how can someone who was cursed by God be the Messiah ? That's why Islam is the vindicator of Jesus if they only knew.
Islam clear Jesus' name from all this disgusting accusations , because he did not die on a cross , it was someone else who try to betray Jesus and made a plot against him.
God disfigured his face to look exactly like Jesus , crucified him on a cross & cursed him .
That makes perfect sense now , isn't it ?
@@bakloulaya789 Right ? But somehow Christians do not have any problem with this , I mean do they even care about Jesus at all ?
Just imagine being a Jew or a Muslim and you read Deuteronomy 21:23 and then heard about the "Christian" Jesus died on cross , Cursed by God according to the scripture , even Paul said so .
And you supposed to believe he was your Messiah , can you imagine ???
Islam is the vindicator of Jesus if they only knew .
Haven't even finished watching, but I already know it's going to be 3+hrs of academic excellence as usual...
I've been interested for some time in why various scholars and Jewish / Christian devotees accept the speech in the bible as accurate verbatim accounts when there was no eyewitness for many of the stories. I'm glad to see a scholar finally address this point
There were plenty of eye witnesses to Christs life.
@@user-rc9xq4uw3x Nope 0 accounts... Now cope
@@toadlingscotch12345 many eye witnesses truly. Like the Bible declares "Who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?”
“The secret things belong to the LORD our GOD, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law" (ROM. 11:34; DEUT. 29:29). Thanks.
@@foliofolajuwon5941 lmao yet no eye witness again the book can say it so what proof u have
@@youtubeaccount3230 if I understand you clearly, you mean to say there are no eyewitnesses, but that I should proof it? If so, the Bible says, "By the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let a matter be established " (2COR. 13:1). Not so? All the prophets had been pointing to Jesus, through Moses as a prophet sent of GOD; through Isaiah “Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be” and through Abraham “That in Him all the nations of the earth be blessed” (DEUT. 18:15-20, IS. 51:16, GEN. 12:1-3, MATT. 23:8-10). What witness shall we be looking for apart from Abraham, Moses, Elijah and the rest of the prophets? Hence, so great a cloud of witnesses for Christ can't be wrong. This is the Gospel Truth, thanks and GOD bless you.
A content with a quality. Brother Paul never stops surprising me.
Love from Sweden as usual ❤️
Paul didn't receive his gospel from no man but himself. Seems like he's just a lying, shameless self-promoting politician
Allah Bless you both, I really don't know how to write the words of appreciation for you and Professor Ali, I raise my hands to Allah and prostrate to Allah, asking to Bless you, thank you so much Mr Paul Williams,
Would you believe I am already watching this for the 3rd time? I should take notes at this point too 😂 thank you both for providing us with this highest quality work! May Allah reward you without limit!
Try reading the Bible for a change to see actual accounts by witnesses recorded and confirmed, and not someone thousands of years later who cannot get more information out of historical facts than what was available at the very start. Stop deluding yourself man! Grow Up!
@@your_utube Authors of the Bible are anonymous. Bible has historical errors. And no first hand eyewitness testimonies of crucifixion of Jesus.
@@brisadelcastillo2840 Which is more merciful? God needing blood from hunan sacrifice to forgive sins thousands or millions of years later?.... Or forgive Adam in the first place like Allah did?
Dr. Ali Ataie is a godsend. His vast knowledge of biblical hermeneutics and his scriptural linguistic prowess of the Abrahamic faiths is bar none. His delivery in explaining his lecture based on evidence and rationale is so smooth and admirable. May the Almighty protect and preserve you, ameen. Anytime Ali is on Blogging Theology, I know that I am assured of an excellent dose of education. Masha'Allah... The first drop of this lecture tastes as good as the last!! Paul of blogging Theology, (not the snake oil salesman) your stream is first class. Mabruk
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 The joke was on those Jews who boasted to have killed Jesus and on you too thinking that the creator is a liar. Watch this stream again with an open heart and learn. Put your ego and pride aside for a moment...
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 I don't understand what you stated. Can you be clearer?
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 in the Qur'an is says peace be on me the day I WAS born and the day I WILL die and then raised. Another forgery from your part. Why do you lie so much?
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 I have no time for this. Do your homework...
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 You found Decption! I think your holy Ghost is deceiving you. I suggest that you fire him!!
I was raised Christian and questioned all the miracles as early as I remember. This is fascinating! We've been lied to consistently re historical events.
As an ex Christian myself I'm baffled and a bit ashamed that throughout all my adult life I never even questioned half of the events and facts he talked about, I did question others hence why I'm muslim now
These men are lying. The Bible is true. Islam has nothing to offer anyone. Allah does not even offer everlasting life…..he cant he is the devil.
Luke and Acts are both flawed texts and along with the 3 Pastoral Epistles, Acts conflicts with the 7 Epistles of Paul that are considered authentic.
The Testimonium Flavianum (meaning the testimony of Flavius Josephus) is a passage found in Book 18, Chapter 3, 3 (or see Greek text) of the Antiquities which describes the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of the Roman authorities. The Testimonium is probably the most discussed passage in Josephus.
Definitely magisterial! Ma sha Allāh. Kudos to Dr. Ali Ataie for the exceptional presentation & Paul for hosting him. May Allāh preserve you both & grant us all to benefit from your presence. Allāhumma āmīn.
Timestamps please?
No need...all parts are highlights,
@@jaywilliams8650 nice 🤣
One can follow the transcripts at bottom of video which auto timestamps
@@TropicPrince_ it would be hard to timestamp connect like this. Not a second wasted literally
As an ex Christian theology student and a current Islamic Theology Student I believe that Paul believed it was his duty to destroy Christianity, however he soon came to realize that he could not destroy Christianity by murdering the Christians one at a time so he chose to destroy Christianity from within thus today we have a faith incorrectly called Christianity when it should in fact be Paulianity. In this regard I agree with Dr Ahmed Deedat who came up with the term Paulianity.
🤦🏻♂️ I’m no Christian but you sound like a moron saying this
Try to use your mind and think rationally. Look at what Christians have reached because of their perverted religion. They produce pornographic films and make atheists watch their women being raped because they need money and enjoy their bodies, and after all that they give awards to the best porn actress every year as if it were art. Do you still have dignity, honour, morals, principles or values after this? Is it possible that this is a religion that encourages people to licensed prostitution, and even that there are more than a hundred million Christian children born out of wedlock, and this is without me talking about abnormal sexual relations and Even the church has begun to describe your God as transgender, and after all this, you are talking to me about Christianity, man, about which religion are you talking about? It's over. We can do everything like atheists, because our sins will be forgiven, because Jesus died for us
So you all know better than God smh bunch of dam fools leaning on your own limited understanding
Deedat that liar. Have you heard his debates with the Christians where they have blown him apart. If you want I can sendyou one.
A little comparison between the 2 holy books:
1- The Bible:
It is separated into 2 parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and was written over the course of 1500 years by many authors who contributed to the authoring of the bible.
The Old Testament’s introduction is claimed to have been written by Moses and the rest was written by many different authors over many centuries BC, but historians and archeologists don’t know who the authors of the Old Testament, the stories that would later become the Bible were transferred by word of mouth across centuries, in the form of oral tales and poetry among the tribes of Israel, Eventually, these stories were collected and written down, concluding that it was written by waves of scribes during the first millennium BC, it took 900 years to write the old testament.
The New Testament:
They were written between approximately 70 and 100 AD,
1- The first, Mark does not mention virgin birth and was written (not by the disciple) 70-73 years after Christ’s death.
2- In both Matthew 80-90 and Luke 93-100 years after his death, add the claim of virgin birth so early.
3- John dates 100- 118 years after Christ's death They are written not as eyewitness accounts.
Over 30,000 changes in The New Testament according to (t.ly/tP12g ).
John Barton (a British Anglican priest and biblical scholar):
Q1: How reliable is the Old Testament as a historical document?
A: Some parts, of the Old Testament, contain some real historiography, even though it may not all be accurate.
Q2: When was the Old Testament assembled into the book it is today?
A: Probably during the first century BC, and for a long time, it was a collection of individual scrolls, not a single book between two covers.
Most scholars agree that they are the work of unknown Christians and were composed c. 68-110 AD. The majority of New Testament scholars also agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts; but that they present the theologies of their communities rather than the testimony of eyewitnesses (rb.gy/f38yfn ).
The Bible is full of contradictions: (t.ly/MDhal ) (t.ly/CPzMI ).
The Gospel of John is a relatively late theological document containing little accurate historical information that is not found in the three synoptic gospels, which is why most historical studies have been based on the earliest sources Mark and Q. (t.ly/dxAV7 )
Stories in the bible that are just not good for a holy book:
1- When Lot offers to send his daughters out to be raped by the angry crowd, and then later on they have sex with their father.
2- When God and his son Satan make a bet and kill all of Job’s kids to see how he handles it, but it’s not a big deal, because after God wins Job gets a new bunch of kids. Good thing children are so replaceable?!
3- The contradictory creation stories, where Man is either created first or last, depending on which part of Genesis you’re reading.
4- The bit where it states when and how you can sell your daughter as a slave. Or the one where it tells you to kill your children if they’re rude to you.
The Ebionites were one of several such sects that originated in and around Palestine in the first centuries AD and included the Nazarenes and Elkasites (70 AD - 400 AD), they believed in one God and taught that Jesus was the Messiah and were the true “prophet” mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15. They rejected the Virgin Birth of Jesus, instead holding that he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. The Ebionites believed Jesus became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish Law. (t.ly/H7-Ye )
The bible is not a reliable source of belief nor a reliable source of history due to the changes that happened to it over the course of 3000 years which I believe can not be the case for a real holy book from an almighty god, and the trinity was debatable in the first centuries of Christianity and it’s not mentioned in the bible explicitly though it’s the main belief of Christianity.
2- Quran:
In Islamic belief, it was the Messenger Muhammad who received the revelation directly. There is no other human intervention in the revelation, only (God => Gabriel => Muhammad). The story of how we got the Quran from the prophet to the book we have today is agreed upon by all Islamic sources and there are no Disagreements between them unless in some small details that are not really that effective in the course of the story.
Transferring the Qur’an was done in two ways:
First: The writing that was done for the Qur’an was done by order of the Messenger, for notable people to whom this matter was entrusted. The Messenger did not die until the entire Qur’an was written in his house, on boards of wood, bone, some papers, and stone, due to the scarcity of availability of papers at that time.
Second: Memorizing it through oral transmission from the great reciters and memorizers of the Companions. Those in turn received it from the Messenger, who approved of how to pronounce and perform it, it’s worth mentioning that the Quran has its unique style that makes you able to memorize it easily even if you aren’t a native Arabic speaker, and that’s agreed upon by Muslims throughout history.
How the compilation of the Qur’an was done:
1- The Holy Qur’an was collected in one book during the reign of Abu al-Siddiq (the first Caliph), may God be pleased with him, because a lot of the memorizers of the Qur’an were killed in wars during that time, and they feared that the Qur’an would be lost. So Omar ibn al-Khattab suggested writing the Qur’an in one book. Abu Bakr initially opposed the idea because of his fear that he would do something that the Prophet had not done. After that, he sent Zaid bin Thabit to collect everything that was written as a piece of the Qur’an and collect it all in one book, and the way he did it simply by announcing that he would collect the Quran so if anyone had a copy of it written directly from the prophet bring it to him so he can review it with what is already memorized of the Quran (and it’s worth mentioning that he was one of the known memorizers of the Quran), then the whole Quran was collected in one book by 650 CE, which is 20 years after the death of Mohammed.
2- The Holy Qur’an was collected in a number of copies during the reign of Uthman. Another problem arose during the reign of Caliph Uthman, which was the multiplicity of tongues and the fear that the Qur’an would be distorted due to the story that the Muslims used when they differed in the way of reading the Qur’an. So he made a unified copy from which one could write, and he wrote the copies from the copy that was written in Abu Bakr’s ruling period which was written 20 years after the death of Mohammed, and it is crucial to mention that the difference was of “how to read” the Quran but the meaning was subtle to all.
(t.ly/dOj4Z )
The Prophet died in the seventh century AD, and any copy of the Hafs narration from the 8th century until now is all the same without differences, but a manuscript at the University of Birmingham matches the text we have by 99%, and in a manuscript from Yemen called Sana’a Manuscript it matches by 95% ( The difference is just in the words, but they contain the same meaning. It is not known whether the two of them were before or after the Uthmani Qur’an. Therefore, we are not able to determine with 100% accuracy their origins.
(t.ly/TamjN )
And there are some Nmircal Miracles that implicitly prove that the Qur’an wasn’t edited (rb.gy/ylhh6y ) (t.ly/RAIj9 ), though they aren’t really a main miracle of the Quran and a lot of people (Muslims and non-muslims) believe that it’s just a coincidence that those patters exist but I find them interesting.
Reasons why it was hard to add something to the Quran over the course of all those many centuries: (t.ly/3gD-4 ).
Reasons why Mohammed couldn’t write the Quran by himself (rb.gy/ze470g ).
It took 1500 for the bible to be written in the form of a book for the first time.
The Quran took 20 years after the death of Mohammed.
It's normal to edit the bible in Christianity, it's forbidden to edit the Quran in Islam.
Islam = Evidence of it being from no human being + Solid Construction that preserved the Scriptures + Faith
Christianity = Little Evidence of it being from god + No Solid Construction that preserved the Scriptures + Faith
thanks for reading (;
Pleasure to read! Thanks for taking the time to increase our knowledge!
All that writing just to spread misinformation. Impressive dedication. 👍
@@Thrashyourhead convince me otherwise if you may 🫥
@Y1SS2N Trying to convince a religious zealot of anything that contradicts their beliefs is typically an exercise in futility. But in short, ALL Abrahamic religions are misguided in their beliefs. The Jews invented monotheism. Originally, they adopted their beliefs from the Pagan Canannite pantheon that existed in the region. The patriarchal figure of the pantheon was 'El', and he gifted many nations of the regions to his children, who were the lesser gods. Israel was gifted to Yahweh, and it wasn't until centuries later that they claimed he was "the one true god," and thus, monotheism was born. That is the true origin of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christianity and Islam. So while you're arguing over which Abrahamic faith is the correct one, it's obvious to everyone with a brain who has done their research, that's it's all a fairytale that evolved from simple pagan origins.
@@Thrashyourhead Are you an atheist?
This culture of scholarship explaining the topic with academic discussion is really out of this world 🌎, there are no emotions, only pure knowledge is flowing through out the whole time.
Very satisfying
Thank you
Yes, only pure "education." No emotions or wisdom whatsoever.
@@markwildt5728 suit yourself!!!
@@markwildt5728no wisdom? Bro u can't accept the facts, you Christians have 0 leg go stand on and you know it, emotions is your faith? That can be said to every other religion
@@youtubeaccount3230 0 leg to stand on? You can't be serious? We only have the most verified and corroborated historical text of all time by archeological findings and other secular texts. Even the most hard core atheist, provided they're intellectually honest, admits that Jesus was an actual historical figure that was in fact crucified. It's dishonest atheists like you who get caught in their feelings and emotions that can't accept the facts. It's actually pretty sad.
@@markwildt5728 archeologist finding? 😂😂😂 give me a break there isnt any its all speculation
Me watching your guests: 🤩
Me watching Dr. Ataie: 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Jazak Allah Khayran brother Paul for having my favourite guest 🤲⚘️⚘️
This not need much explanation 👽
This was 3:36:49 hours of pure ecstasy!
Thank you Dr. Ataie & Paul for the amazing podcast.
When a girl is being groomed by a loverboy she feels the relationship is "pure ecstasy" because she hears all the things she likes, and then he asks her to sleep with his uncle for money. And she does it, because she has been groomed.
Nothing ataie said had any real impact in reality. It was just a mishmash of conjecture upon conjecture and his own personal contradictions.
May Allah guide us all to the truth 🙏
@@dtrez3866 >>>>When a girl is being groomed by a loverboy she feels the relationship is "pure ecstasy" because she hears all the things she likes, and then he asks her to sleep with his uncle for money. And she does it, because she has been groomed.
That is how a Xtain interprets the word. Not a surprise anymore! 😊😊
@@mmss3199 Maybe. I was only speaking about ataie's presentation. But now i am saying exactly that about the Koran.
Muslims/islam are their own sect. But a sect that has no credibility at all. True story.
So what christians believe is grounded in many places and independent sources. Whereas things like for example muhumad's night journey, are unsupported nowhere by any thing or anyone. No one confirmed it. Just the word of one man. Whereas every trinitarian/orthodox christian belief has a strong tradition among independent sources.
@@letmetalk2240 No, not really. I was just pointing out how gullible women can be over words that flattery their vanity. They are easily seduced by it.
But it went over your head.
Ataie's presentation reminded me of how a pimp sounds pleasing to the girls that being groom and lead to believe fallacies. Andrew tate style.
I have been waiting for this one for a while. A great content as usual, I am particularly happy that it’s a long and lengthy one. Thank you!
I haven’t heard a more intriguing or compelling lecture on the subject before. What a gift to the Ummah, this brother is.
تبارك الله رب العالمين
What is happening is a culmination of the truth.
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi ❤
How did you get the writing off to.the side of your comment there 🤔
The Mormons claim that their prophet found a missing book in 1850.
The Kiran showed up in 600.
Neither Mohamed or Joe Smith were contemporaneous to Jesus.
Moony in Koria has a bridge to sell you in north Koria. He's also nuts.
Even the contemporaneous pagans of Christs time report his crucifixion. The Jews never denied his crucifixion. Jews deny his resurrection.
Only Catholics have miracles to prove the veracity of our beliefs. Calvin said protestants don't need miracles. Where are your Muslim miracles? Let's compare them.
if Jesus was born without father - how is it so difficult to believe that he was raised by Allah adn Allah changed the person at the cross with someone else
Remember in the video the swoon theory doesn’t work.
It’s not about believing in God being capable of doing whatever He wants. It’s about the eyewitnesses who saw Jesus die and also saw him resurrected later. It’s about the teachings of Jesus where he said he would die. And it’s about the Torah and prophets before Jesus because Jesus said their message was about him dying before resurrecting to enter glory. This puts Jesus at odds with the Islamic story and I choose Jesus.
@@thapack45 I respect your belief and if you make that request we will honor it, but what if you die with that faith in your heart and in the end you find yourself to be WRONG... There will be no way back
As for eye witnesses, the oldest Christian Bible is The Codex Sinaiticus The First New Testament and it was written in 4th Century CE which is 400 years after Jesus Christ obviously both Jesus and his diciples weren't present on that time so that means it was not written by eye witnesses and the books aren't preserved because the Codex Sinaiticus and other manuscripts differ from eachother including the one we have today, it doesn't say that Jesus was God and many verses are absent such as Jesus' resurrection in the end of The Gospel Of Mark
@@thapack45Actually people in the first century denied The Messiah Jesus Christ's divinity and crucifixion, they considered him to be a Prophet and Messenger of God rather than Son Of God or 2nd person of the Trinity and these people were the true followers of Jesus who actually saw him. It was only later The Council Of Nicaea that formed The Trinity for their benefit, taking ideas from the Roman Myths Trinity and brainwashed people and might've even forced them to accept it and that's how the true followers of Jesus vanished
@@thapack45Actually people in the first century denied The Messiah Jesus Christ's divinity and crucifixion, they considered him to be a Prophet and Messenger of God rather than Son Of God or 2nd person of the Trinity and these people were the true followers of Jesus who actually saw him. It was only later The Council Of Nicaea that formed The Trinity for their benefit, taking ideas from the Roman Myths Trinity and brainwashed people and might've even forced them to accept it and that's how the true followers of Jesus vanished
Absolute pleasure to listen to Dr. Ali Ataie. His knowledge is outstanding we need more podcast with him.
"The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets"
-Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
I was so looking forward to this presentation and Alhamdulillah, Dr. Ali Ataie did not disappoint at all. In fact, he outdid himself this time - scholarly, lucid, powerful, deep, comprehensive, critical - I mean I'm out of adjectives to describe, Masha Allah! May Allah (Subhananhu wa Ta'ala) reward Dr. Ataie and Br. Paul for their works. These guys are among the heirs to the Prophets. What greater honor can there be!!!
Triune Christianity no.
“God is not a man” is in the Bible.
I have been so fortunate to come across Dr Atiae and this amazing conversation. Incredible enlightening scholarship and insight into the formation of Christian early communities. Pure gold . Such generosity from Dr Atiae to share his wealth of insight and scholarship.
Keep up the great work.
Brother Paul, I added timestamps 3 days ago. Kindly, Pin it :)
@zukoota Many thanks!
Thanks so much for your enlightening presentation. You provided the information I have long needed to know especially about Paul of Tarsus. The thoughts infused into my mind about him are now put to rest.
I don’t say this lightly, this may be one of my favourite videos on RUclips. The debt the structure the bombardment of information just amazing. Thank you guys.
This was a good presentation, but entirely unnecessary. There is a fatal flaw with Islam, believing that Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, was not crucified.
As in Christianity, Islam believes Jesus to be sinless. he is the only man to be sinless in Islam. Even Mohammad required the Jinn to remove the black stones from his body before he could recite the Quran.
If Jesus was not crucified and remained alive, he has perpetrated one of the greatest lies in all of history. in order for Jesus, not to have been crucified he would have to go along with a deception of the grandest scale.
Can someone explain to me how a sinless man could lie to begin with? Even if some small lies are permitted, how could such a hoax be perpetrated by someone who is considered the most upstanding to ever exist?
Think of all the souls that could’ve been saved and wars prevented if Jesus just told the truth, that he was never crucified. A sinless man would not do this by definition.
This should not be possible, and is the major reason why I never converted to Islam and refound my faith in Christianity.
Christ’s Peace to All
A welcome guest always. Long, deep, and expository discussions. When I see the length I assume it would take time, but it's so engaging that I don't realize when it ends.
ALLAH WAS THE REAL FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY. Allah raised Jesus to himself.[Quran 3:55] Allah said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, & raising you to Me Allah, & clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection." Then Allah tricked the Romans into thinking they put real Jesus on trial. Allah tricked the jews into thinking they crucified & killed Jesus.Allah tricked the christians by replacing the real Jesus with a fake Jesus and then tricked Christians into thinking real Jesus was resurrected.Then after 500 yrs,he told an illiterate that Jesus did not die on the cross but Allah took Jesus to himself. [Quran 3:45] The Angels said, "His name is the Messiah (one who saves), Jesus, well-esteemed in this world and the next."
Excellent content ever. Long form detailed discussion from an extremely learned person is the best, clear and gives lots to learn and much to contemplate upon.
A lot of people's feelings hurt, too!
@@ermins.newyork7434 thats the thing these Christians if u ask their reason to believe their faith it’s subjective so anything objective hurts them 😂 they only convincing themselves not others
Mr Williams and Dr Ataie, Hillarion Heagy mentioned both of you as among sources that brought him to Islam, bi idznillah. This channel is blessed Insya Allah
Allah bless your channel Paul. Great content.
Brother Paul, my I’ve added timestamps in the comments 3 days ago.
@Abdul Many thanks!
Subhan-Allah , that was a long discussion. It took 21 hours for me to finish it. May Allah give rewards to Dr. Ataie for his hard work and outstanding research .
If you combine the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Artic and the Southern oceans, Dr Ali Atie's ocean of knowledge is yet larger.
@patriceagulu8315 aww salty
@patriceagulu8315 aww getting more salty. Are you okay?
SubhanAllah May Allah bless the Dr Ali and Blogging theology for presenting this awareness.
Wish I had the youth and eloquence to do Dawah ….
I will share …
Thank you
Always a breath of fresh air watching and listening to the two of you. May Allah SWT continue to bless you both and us all.
It’s interesting that around 1:21 the learned Dr. mentions the incident of Uhud, which is actually in Surah Imran. The direct addressees of this chapter are primarily the Christians, including how they deviated from the truth, particularly with their exaggerations with respect to Jesus (AS). The last couple months it became obvious to me, this was one of the primary reasons why this incident of Uhud with the alleged rumor of the death of the Prophet (S) is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Imran and how many Muslims reacted to it. The parallel in the Surah Imran to what happened in the time of Jesus (AS) regarding the rumors of his own death, in my view, is not coincidental as part of lessons to be learned.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 The Verse specifically spoke abt the Hater not the supporter of Jesus. None of His follower witnessed it directly. This haters separated hundreds of year with those misguided Roman who voted for Jesus divinity without authority unless we think The misguided Roman Council got their material from this haters bcz they were the only party believed Jesus was indeed crucify and as Quran suggest they boast abt it.
Alhamdullilah - these long discussions are the best - very enjoyable!
This is beyond a masters class. Mashallah. Thank you very much gentlemen.
يؤتي العلم من يشاء.
May Allah protect you and use you to guide his creation. And may the peace and blessings of God be on all the messengers and prophets, the conduits He used to convey His message.
My definition of being blessed , watching these dynamic duo take down millennium of misinformation and false teaching . Mashaa Allah
Allahu Akbar
Brother Paul jazak Allahu Khayran a million times. Thank you for uploading the interview.
Glad you enjoyed it!
@@BloggingTheology in fact i fell asleep while listening to it and still I'm not finished with it. I'm almost done though
@@BloggingTheology Islaaam is completely ignorant of the history and scripture. All four gospels have the crucifixion and it's what was taught by the apostles to the early believers and what the early church fathers believed, where is this message from the apostles against the crucifixion? The early creed of 1 corinthians 15 3-5 even has it. Tell me Paul, where is this Islaaamic version of events? Where is this mslm Jesus? It was even said it would happen. Luke 18 31-33
"Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again."
Paul came before all 4 Gospels. The Gospels simply copied what Paul said. Again, the Quran is correct and the New Testament is wrong.
@@Kimeikus That conspiracy doesn't work, islaaam depends on having an ignorance of history. The apostles were instructed to preach, that's what they did and the accounts were written later. You're ignoring the missionary journies and story of what happened after they went out. The vast majority of scholars, including atheists, place the early creed extremely early as well. Proving Paul didn't invent the beliefs.
I love all of BT's discussions with Dr. Ataie. This was such an eye-opener! I watched it twice already. Barak Allahu feek brother Paul!
@@BloggingTheology how long u lie 😃.
God of Israel didn't send any book or prophet outside Isreal.
@@youttb Mathew 21 : 43 - the kingdom leaves to and goes to the fruitful one, which refers to Ismael in gen 17, due to the crucifiction attempt in v 38... , this is why paul went to Arabia in gal 1 :17 and isaiah 42, Jesus will follow him too in bible.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 u r a liar like ur name
genesis never claimed prophethood from Ishmael, long u deceived,
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 false sect wht is there in Isaiah 42.
Verse6 ,who is Covenant to muslim Issac or Ishmael.?
Verse 10-12, explain me where it says prophets from sela/mountain, kedar/ wilderness-villages.
nd wht about island, sea ?
Verse 13. GOD WILL go like a Mighty man.
Does it sound like mecca Al'lah?? 😆 🤣
U need to check ur brain
The ebionites said Paul was ethnically Greek And he converted to marry a priests daughter and she rejected him and he snapped
So he was not gay at least. 😀
@@arminelias3819he may have been repressing his homosexuality, he was easy to anger that’s for sure
This was extremely informative and masterful discussion thank you and may Allah bless you both
Mashaallah. I listened to this lecture of Dr. Ataie in two days. Dr. Ataie easily renders any western theologian illiterate with his knowledge of the old and new testaments and his eloquence and total command of the English, Hebrew and Greek languages. May Allah protect you and reward you for your work Dr. Ataie. Absolutely love to listen to all your interviews on blogging theology with Mr. Paul.
Amen, stand firm for the truth!!!
Crucified or not ? he still far superior to the : slught-terror Muhammad ! .
@@mindexcursion9856 So Dr.Atae is the illiterate!!!HA... HA HA..HA ..HA.Are you a clown or something!!!!???
MashAllah a very long and detailed lecture. It will take a few days for me to get through it all Insha'Allah. Can't wait.
This channels pathetic .. look at how many Muslims are coming on here to back it up.. which doesn’t even make sense when the qaran which was written after the book of John even says the bible is the truth !! To say Christ wasn’t even crucified is pathetic
SubhanAllah, that was amazing! Loved every single moment of it! ❤️ May Allah S.W.T reward you both!
JazakAllah khayr Hamdi!
@@aliataie101 wa iyak, you killed it akhi! Put nails around that entire coffin!
@@dhikr_ad-deen ❤
Can't listen yet but I can't wait to listen on my way home. May Allah reward you
stop worshipping dead mohamed and blackstone
What a comprehensive discussions! I wish that Dr. Ali Ataie could write it as a book so that it can be disseminated further by other biblical scholars.
Until this man explains how the Shroud of Turin was created, Jesus remains resurrected.
The shrine is another fake element just like the concept of trinity! The guy is explaining everything in detail giving facts and evidence to support his speech! What's unclear to you here?
"For there will come a time when men will not endure sound doctrine, but, itching to hear pleasant things, will give themselves many teachers according to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn to fables." 2Timothy 2:3-4
Seems like that's depicting what Paul did, assuming Timothy is even a reliable source to begin with.
Jesus himself had foreseen it. He rejected the idea of him dying OUTSIDE JERUSALEM (Luke 13.33)
Surprisingly, Hebrew 5.7 supports his claim. Bible rejects Bible.
Sounds like christians listening to paul and mark to not care about sinning anymore, assuming it was them who wrote the gospels etc
Quoting paul in his 13 letters some are even doubted being his
To Emma
Sound Doctrine is; GOD does NOT Become a MAN or a WOMAN or an Animal or a Vegetable.
Sound Doctrine is that GOD does NOT condone Human Sacrifice. That is a PAGAN Ritual.
Sound Doctrine is that NO ONE Pays for Another's Sins. That is not justice.
Now if you want SOUND Doctrine, there you have it.
Dr. Ali Ataie’s presentation is breath taking.
Very important video. Dr Ali Ataie is always a delight.
@@ruhmuhaccer864 Never seen that spelling before 😅
Man! Amazing presentation. I guess I’ll need to rewatch it a few times and broken down into smaller parts.
Is there a written version of the first lengthy narrative Dr. Ataie proposed? I think it’ll be very valuable to study it in written format in addition to this narrated format.
I’m referring to the section from 2:49:23 to 3:20:40
I agree with you because i ended falling asleep while listening to it. Probably missed 1 entire hour. I'll need to catch up what i missed.
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH I think the use of Egyptian is pretty incoherent.
God (YHWH as in the Torah) is all powerful and all knowing. God told Moses when asked about His name: "I Am Who I Am" (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), which can be translated: "I Am The Existing One", which is the same meaning in the beginning of Quran 2:255 "الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم" translated "Allah (God) There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining".
@@MuazOthman very dumb lack of understanding.
Excellent podcast (again) from both gentlemen. Its just never enough listening to Dr Ataie 💚
Glad you enjoyed it!
ALLAH WAS THE REAL FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY. Allah raised Jesus to himself.[Quran 3:55] Allah said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, & raising you to Me Allah, & clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection." Then Allah tricked the Romans into thinking they put real Jesus on trial. Allah tricked the jews into thinking they crucified & killed Jesus.Allah tricked the christians by replacing the real Jesus with a fake Jesus and then tricked Christians into thinking real Jesus was resurrected.Then after 500 yrs,he told an illiterate that Jesus did not die on the cross but Allah took Jesus to himself. [Quran 3:45] The Angels said, "His name is the Messiah (one who saves), Jesus, well-esteemed in this world and the next."
@@einsteinone5380 Quran mentions that they followed a conjecture. True enough. Bible narratives are 3rd hand account meaning they are gotten from hearsays.
@@einsteinone5380 It is mentioned in your own Bible that God deceives people.
2 Thess 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.
When they are hard-hearted and hard-headed as per your Bible, God will deceive them because of rejecting the truth.
@einsteinone5380 there is 0 evidence 500 people saw the ressurection.
It's not us to blame that you think a person is god for ascending or whatever.
You don't get to make a religion our of the death of someone either, that's a cult practice
He was a hidden gem, "Paul" discovered him for the world without changing any laws😄
Pun intended 😂
@@koroglurustem1722 🫢
Why does the Quran mention Jesus' resurrection?
Surah Maryam 19:33 "Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Why does the Quran mention John' resurrection?
The Clear Quran:
Peace be upon him the day he (John) was born, and the day of his DEATH, and the day he will be raised back to life!
Sahih International:
And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he DIES and the day he is raised alive.
-Surat Maryam, Ayat 15
Yes, it doesn't have anything to do with the so-called resurrection, and perhaps you should try to understand the difference between verb tenses.
The Clear Quran :
Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I DIE (he has not died yet) and the day I will be raised back to life!”
Sahih International:
And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I WILL DIE (will happen in the future) and the day I am raised alive.
-Surat Maryam, Ayat 33
@OktavianAbel great explanation except according to Islam Jesus will come again on the day of judgement, which would imply according to this verse that rather than die and go to heaven only with everyone else he would somehow resurrect at some point after that.
Nah, you cannot contradict the clear verses :
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason.
-Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7
Now let's read those verses :
and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
-Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158
And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
@@13desertflower You cannot contradict the clear verses :
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason.
-Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7
Now let's read those verses :
and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
-Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158
And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
You cannot contradict the clear verses :
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which SOME VERSES ARE PRECISE-THEY ARE THE FOUNDATION OF THE BOOK-while others are elusive. THOSE WITH DEVIANT HEARTS FOLLOW THE ELUSIVE VERSES SEEKING ˹TO SPREAD˺ DOUBT THROUGH THEIR ˹FALSE˺ INTERPRETATIONS-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason.
-Surat Ali 'Imran, Ayat 7
Now let's read those verses :
and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they NEITHER KILLED NOR CRUCIFIED HIM (Precise)-IT WAS ONLY MADE TO APPEAR SO (Elusive, only God knows the true meaning) Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. THEY CERTAINLY DID NOT KILL HIM (Precise, he haven't died yet) Rather, Allah RAISED RAISED HIM UP TO HIMSELF (Precise, he ascended to heaven). And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
-Surat An-Nisa', Ayat 157-158
And nah, he'll returns for the second time BEFORE the end times, not on the day of judgment.
Points of disagreement:
00:06:06 No sufficient reason to conclude James was the leader of the church.
00:12:36 the term Christian is not anachronistic in the first century. It was used even by Tacitus as early as 116 showing it was already a well established word. Peter used this word in his first epistle (c.40-62AD).
00:12:42 The high priest would have had jurisdiction over the whole 'Orthodox' Jewish religious community. This would be like how the Khalifah has jurisdiction over the whole ummah. See Duet 17;8-13
Many evidence to conclude James was the leader of the Church, when Josephus mentions thee Jesu(since there is many Jesus) he refers to Jesus as the brother of James, even in your book of acts James calls the shots
The Jewish law never came to an end even in the OT mentions forever so why should Jews believe u
@@youtubeaccount3230 James seems to have been seen as a very prominent figure. But not the leader.
@@youtubeaccount3230Peter was named the leader of the church by Christ himself. Not James.
The Jerusalem Church was an early Christian community located in Jerusalem, of which James and Peter were leaders.(ACC to Wikipedia)
Just finished this masterpiece.. simply sensational! This sheds even more light on the true message and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, early Christianity, and Paul the Liar. Many thanks to you both, Mr. Williams and Dr. Ataie!
Paul was a (lower cased) muslim.
@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 It seems you didn't listen to the lecture here at all...
@akirataimatsu8741 said "early Christianity, and Paul the Liar" ---------If it is okay to call Paul a liar, it must be okay to call Muhammad a liar. I think that they were both liars.😊
This is the most thorough breakdown I’ve ever heard/seen on this. Amazing presentation!
HAHAHA I remember when . Jesus deniers said that the Romans did not crucify anyone. Then Archeologist found the bones of victims who were crucified. Even Roman historians reported he was crucified. Best accept the truth about Jesus.
I don't believe Jesus died for my sins . You gotta be off your rocker to believe that.
Very deep and eye opening. May Allah bless you for the effort Dr Ataie and you Paul for brining such scholars and a topics on you channel. Much appreciated.
Are you sure Paul is a good source and this argument is sound?
@@svensvenforkedbeard170 maybe watch it and see, its very clear from their bible paul was arguing that jesus was crucified while others who walked and saw jesus said he was not
@@youtubeaccount3230 So who said that Jesus was not crucifed?
This lecture is amazing...a gem!
3 hours well spent. What a great discussion.
The Bible says that He was crucified. One example is 1 Corinthians 1:23 where the Koiné Greek word "stauroo" is used. For anyone who has studied Ancient Greek, he or she would know that in Greek the verbs do not go into tenses in order to describe the actions, but that the words go into declinations in order to describe it: Thus, they have the nominative, genitive, dative, punitive declinations describing whether the action is being carried by a person, carrying out the action on another person, seeing the action being carried out by another person. In this case, what Paul is saying is that Jesus was nailed on a cross. Furthermore, we also have the historical recolection of the events by non-Christian historians, like Tacitus, who wrote about Jesus crucifixion, not in Koiné Greek, but in Ancient Latin (the language of the Roman Empire) In his book, Annals, he said: "auctor nominis eius Christus Tibero imperitante per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio adfectus erat," which mean that Jesus had been condemned to the highest punishment at the time ("supplicio adfectus erat"), which, if you know history of the Roman Empire at the time, outside of any religious book, you'd know that it was the crucifixion of the people being punished. Furthermore, since his crucifixion, death and resurrection, Jesus' apostles carried on His commission to "make disciples of the whole world" and in order to do so, they had disciples, some of whom, they instituted as bishops. Some examples are Ignatius, who was a direct disciple of St. John the Apostle, and whom he appointed as Bishop in Antioch; and Polycarp, whom John appointed as Bishop of Smirna. Ignatius fought the heretics of the time, whom denied Jesus being God and Man at the same time, or that God had come in the flesh, or that He died or resurrected. He wrote that "Jesus was truly born in the flesh, that He was truly CRUCIFIED and that He resurrected." In this channel, in order to denie these things, the man in the video recouses to quoting the heretics of the time and a teaching that came 600 years after Jesus was crucified and resurrected, telling us that a man who didn't know Jesus personally, knew more about Him than the people who knew Him and who were disciples of His disciples.
Thats Paul no one said the bible doesn't say Jesus was not crucified 😂😂 bro did u even watch it
Watched all 3.5 hours of this! Sheds a new light on “it was made to appear so”.
Paul talks about his own gospel. That suggests that even he admits it's not the same one as James, Peter, or anyone else. He also taught his followers to reject anyone preaching a different Jesus. So he was clearly a heretic
Dr. Ali should consider a book on this topic!
Sirs,this is an irrelevant issue for muslims. Islam appeared in Mecca/Medina 600 years after Christianity,and they should be either silent or not worry about it
and not make it a bone of contention.
Tomorrow, if Christianity says Muhammad committed criminal acts, will muslims accept it ?
Jesus never heard in his life what is Christianity Cult & bible
Jesus was a Muslim and his faith was Islam
Thank you for validating my believes about Paul. Thou my believes are much more extreme. All the one sided letters in the new testament are supposed from Paul when he was in prison for murder. How can any one call him a saint is beyond my capability
This is very interesting. Totally enjoying this.
I hope you get granted eternal jannah man ❤
Paul, I can't wait to see your channel reaching 1M subs brother. You truly deserve it. I hope more non Muslims come to your channel to benefit from scholarly discussions.
It's not scholarly its deluded heresay, twisting words making up stories, and quoting atheists (deluded satanic people) and protestant sect members. No quality history sources.
I’m 1hr 44mins in and this is to say the least selective reading and overly skeptical interpretation of the Christian faith in order to underpin an Islamic understanding of Jesus’s crucifixion. Just one example is Paul’s place in the early church. Paul was a contemporary of the 12 Disciples and recognised by Peter in Peter’s letters as being a note worthy person. Dr Aitle is looking at the data with one eye closed and is just selecting dubious gospels like the gospel of Peter Thomas and others (which are well known as very late and could not be attributed to said authors) as reliable?! Over the more historically accurate and credible 4 Gospels?! This is what I call being selective in your evidence.
This information was so amazing that it felt like it should not be free. Thank you so much for this blogging theology. I’ve only just subscribed since seeing a clip of you on instagram and I haven’t stopped watching since. Just wonderful amazing quality discourse.
Glad it was helpful!
Alhamdulillah, just what i needed. Knowledge presented in a no nonsense and refreshing way. Always a pleasure listening to brother paul and dr ali.
finally ada indonesia.
@@randomstory6757 haha kaya ketemu temen sekampung di rantau aja, bang. Selain aku jg ada bbrp ko dari waktu ke waktu.
ithought im the only one indonesian who followed this channel wkwkwk