10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 27)


Комментарии • 770

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 19 дней назад +59

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    1. 0:00 {How Does God Reveal Himself Today?} Why did God reveal Himself to ignorant people 2,000 years ago? Why doesn’t God do it for everyone today?
    2. 25:45 {More Than One Interpretation?} Can Scripture have more than one correct interpretation? I know Psalm 22 can, but Catholics believe this is so with Peter as the rock in Matthew 16: 18 or Mary in Revelation 12. Is there a good method to test Scripture for this?
    3. 36:00 {Multiplying Gifts & Producing Fruit} What does the word “interest” mean (spiritually speaking) in Luke 19: 23? How can one not multiply God’s gifts but still produce fruit?
    4. 44:13 {Learning from Fallen Pastors?} Do you think it's wise to listen to preachers who have "fallen from grace" like Mark Driscoll? I find much of his preaching very life-giving, but I get judgment from other Christians.
    5. 52:26 {The Purpose of the HS’s Intercession} In Romans 8: 26-27, does the Spirit intercede in order to clarify what's in our hearts to God, or is it more to help us understand God's will and how He can help us mend our troubled hearts?
    6. 57:04 {Is there Time in Heaven?} Looking at these passages, is there time in Heaven? 2 Peter 3:8, Ephesians 1: 10, Revelation 21, Daniel 9: 13.
    7. 1:07:51 {Do our Lives Affect our Eternity?} Is our ability to rule and reign with God in His new world forever (Revelation 22:5) dependent on how we serve God in our lifetime for His mission (Luke 19: 17)?
    8. 1:12:57 {Serving God in our Professions} I am a DJ on a secular radio station. Knowing what's in many of the songs, I wonder if I am not pleasing the Lord by being in this job. Is this a matter of conscience?
    9. 1:16:38 {Did Jonah Actually Die?} Did Jonah die? I was introduced to this theory by social media and was surprised to see a lot of people think he died and was risen based off of Jonah 2:1-6, Jewish tradition, and The Sign of Jonah.
    10. 1:25:05 {Nazarite Vows - Why Long Hair?} If long hair for men is a disgrace by nature (1 Corinthians 11: 14), then why is it part of the Nazirite vow in Numbers 6:5?

    • @necmettinmutlu306
      @necmettinmutlu306 18 дней назад +1

      Reinterpreting the Bible is the only thing that needs to be done. The Bible cannot be believed in its current state.
      Gods did not send prophets to the Greeks. Gods did not send prophets to the Jews.
      The gods only sent prophets to the Arabs. The Arabs distorted the books sent.
      The best thing to do is to reinterpret the Quran and act accordingly.

    • @julianaallen8477
      @julianaallen8477 18 дней назад +4

      ​@necmettinmutlu306 No. God sent His prophets to the Jews. That's very clear. You can't just make up something like "God only sent prophets to the Arabs" when the Bible doesn't say any of that. The Bible written over a period of 1500 years by 40 or so authors all saying throughout all that time that the Jews are God's chosen people and He sent His son to die on our behalf for the forgiveness of sin. You think someone who came 600 years later can change all that? Jesus is the only way to eternal life. He came and told people to repent of their sin. Trust in Him alone for salvation. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

    • @justinanderson8421
      @justinanderson8421 18 дней назад

      Mike - I’d add another comment regarding learning from fallen pastors. (I’m assuming we’re talking about online sermons or teaching - in-person is a whole other can of worms). If the message given by a fallen pastor is true then it ought to have been taught by other pastors elsewhere. The style may be different but the substance ought the same. Don’t seek out a pastor merely for style (see 1 Cor. 2). One of the benefits of the internet is that quality online teaching from many faithful pastors is easily accessible. Go to them for the same lesson. If a pastor has a record of major sin in his life and he has a unique teaching on a particular matter, that’s a major red flag in my opinion. For example, Ravi Zacharias taught many correct things in the world of Christian apologetics but I can hear the same truthful teaching from many other apologists who don’t have the baggage of RZ.

    • @necmettinmutlu306
      @necmettinmutlu306 18 дней назад

      @@julianaallen8477 What is the population of the Jews so that the gods would choose them? How many countries do the Jews have?
      The gods chose Arabs to spread their religion on earth.

    • @julianaallen8477
      @julianaallen8477 17 дней назад +3

      @necmettinmutlu306 it's not "gods" it's God. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Isreal was given to the Jews by God when He led Moses to the promised land. What do you think Moses is Arab? Why? He was Jewish, and he led the Isrealites out of Egypt (where they were slaves). God gave Israel to the Jews. That's not even the most important thing tho. It's Jesus. The perfect sinless son of God who proved He was who He said He was in so many old Testament prophecies. I hope you will see the truth one day. That Jesus is the only way. There is no other religion that proved anything. Look into it. Read Isaiah 53 written 700 years before Christ. Read Zechariah 11 12-14 than compare that to Matthew 27 3-8. Oh and Psalm 22 16-18 and compare that to John's gospel chapter 19 23-25. Just look up the old Testament prophecies and the new Testament fulfillment.

  • @jeanmariechopin5080
    @jeanmariechopin5080 16 дней назад +25

    Question 5 hit me hard. My father just died a month ago. And it feels like I do groan with pain in my prayers to God. When you read that passage in Romans 8, it made sense to me that the Holy Spirit groans deeper than words interceding for me, making known what my heart is feeling to the Father. Maybe that's wrong but it caused me to weep and Praise God for His Mercy and Enduring Love. What a Gracious God we serve. A Triune God where The Holy Spirit himself intercedes where we fail to speak bc we only feel paralyzing pain and grief! Glory to God! Praise Jesus, Amen 🙏🏻

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 15 дней назад

      Yes as long as your not talking about tongues then your reasoning sounds good to me at least. The Holy Spirit within me does the same for me i think

    • @jeanmariechopin5080
      @jeanmariechopin5080 15 дней назад

      @@lf1899 in noooooo way am I referring to tongues!

    • @seaglass.jen86
      @seaglass.jen86 13 дней назад +1

      @@jeanmariechopin5080 so sorry. Losing a parent is one of the hardest things. Praise the Lord for His protective hand over you in this time. ❤️

    • @knowledgetracker
      @knowledgetracker 6 дней назад +1

      Oh, that's definitely true. So thankful for the Holy Spirit. I've often sighed and groaned and only could say Jesus Christ's name or say "Father search me for the right prayer" when I was in such anguish.

  • @Beeb.26
    @Beeb.26 18 дней назад +96

    Blessed is he who believes without seeing.

    • @ripcord8738
      @ripcord8738 18 дней назад +1


    • @auh2o148
      @auh2o148 18 дней назад +2

      Yes, but that's a comfort, not a defense.

    • @filler7149
      @filler7149 18 дней назад

      ​@@auh2o148 it's an exaltation, not a comfort

    • @kingnothing2161
      @kingnothing2161 18 дней назад

      ​@@auh2o148Defense for what?

    • @auh2o148
      @auh2o148 17 дней назад +1

      @filler7149 an exaltation is praise or worship, as they go up. These words come down from Heaven. Therefore, they're a comfort.

  • @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380
    @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380 17 дней назад +38

    God is so present in my Life. Feel bad for those that think our Father isn’t here

    • @icecoolguita
      @icecoolguita 16 дней назад

      @@PGP2 My friend, he does address this in the video.
      I'll add that I had a big existential crisis and isolated myself in nature. I realized there has to be a God. Suppose we found a laptop in the forest, just on the ground. Would our first instinct be to believe the laptop came together by chance or that it was designed? It helped me to get alone in nature and just really take in the complexity and synergy of the things created.
      Look what Charles Darwin admits about the complexity of the eye: “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I confess, absurd in the highest degree...” - Charles Darwin
      Darwin even admits the eye is so intricately-designed he confesses it's absurd to believe it could be formed by natural selection to such a state.
      Bill Gates on DNA: "DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created."
      DNA is a complex code, I'm not just talking about the 4 amino acids but on the design and how it works. It's unreasonable to think a code this complex was designed by itself.
      There are also things evolution can't explain like the 4 Constants of the universe(Gravitational constant, electron charge, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force)-these are perfectly fine-tuned such that if slightly off, the entire universe would immediately collapse in on itself. The distance from the sun to earth is so precise as well.
      Look into the design of the solar system, how flowers are arrayed, insects pollenating flowers, the human body, oxygen and water cycles it's all so complex, and these things somehow all work perfectly in synergy. How does one describe emotions, morality or conscience without Someone to have created it? How can people read facial expressions on other people? To think all this design came by chance, or the illogical possibility of something coming from nothing means there is a higher power.
      I've read studies of percentage of atheists in different generations. Pretty sure there are more atheists now because we are surrounded by man-made things(the majority of the world STILL believes in a deity though). Before our society became so industrialized with all this technology, there's a reason most tribes worshipped something, it's not like previous generations were just not as smart.
      Anyway as for evidence, I'm asking what kind of evidence do you believe will convince you? Because it will be a different form of evidence for everyone and for some even if God appeared in front of them, as an atheist claims in this video, he would think he's hallucinating. If we're honest as humans, we get convicted on certain things, wake up a couple days later and don't feel the same way.
      There is enough evidence, our generation and society is just very unnatural so we don't see. But do we really want to see? Because evidence is not the only factor.

    • @fleshanbones1550
      @fleshanbones1550 15 дней назад +5

      I honestly don't know how people live without God in their life. Idk how I used to do it

    • @fleshanbones1550
      @fleshanbones1550 15 дней назад +1

      ​@@PGP2it's more than just thinking about Him. You're clearly not a believer you don't understand. Repent and trust Jesus, then you'll understand. I pray you do

    • @baconbecky9241
      @baconbecky9241 13 дней назад

      @@PGP2if you are truly curious you should try reading the Bible yourself instead of trying to debate Christians without prior knowledge of our views

    • @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380
      @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380 13 дней назад

      @@PGP2 this is it, this right here is your sign.
      I am the Prophet Elijah. You do not have to choose to believe this very second. But I have already started my sackcloth ministry. Time will show what this world does to those who spread the word of the King of Innocence. Everyone you see is a sign you choose not to see them as such. It’s a matter of having eyes but not the sense to see. This prophet is moving and is putting out signs left and right. Jesus Love You

  • @tribalismsucks7784
    @tribalismsucks7784 18 дней назад +31

    I know you didn't specifically speak to this, but today's Q&A touched. Due to the nature of my work, LE, i thought when i retired, I'd "do something for the Kingdom"; however, I went right into another LE job. I was questioning this, and then my new manager sat down and went over Romans 13. God really does have a way of reminding us of his sovereignty. You helped me with that today. God bless you and your ministry.

    • @jennifermulherin2947
      @jennifermulherin2947 17 дней назад

      @@tribalismsucks7784 , no matter the job you have, you can do kingdom work! 😁

  • @garyburton1622
    @garyburton1622 17 дней назад +10

    Mike, my wife and I enjoy your ministry. Seniors in Canada

  • @Milocinia
    @Milocinia 19 дней назад +355

    Calling people who lived 2000 years ago "ignorant people" is incredibly arrogant. People today can't even admit they know the difference between men and women. Something so elementary is a point of contention with people today.

    • @jobrown8146
      @jobrown8146 19 дней назад +17

      I saw that in the timestamps and thought the term "ignorant" is very ignorant!

    • @BaronReed-rj9rz
      @BaronReed-rj9rz 19 дней назад +11

      The use of the word ignorant was a cultural use of the word for that day and time. Those that chose to follow Jesus during that time had been considered ignorant by the religious leaders. But, you sure are right about the level of ignorance that consumes mankind today. I believe as time goes by mans thinking is moving farther away from Christ than it's ever been.

    • @vanessakarsa3220
      @vanessakarsa3220 19 дней назад +9

      I think the whole question is arrogant.

    • @kb2427
      @kb2427 19 дней назад +10

      Right people who made the pyramids, aqueducts, were ignorant? Good grief! And if Jesus comes back again what would be happening to the world? Guess the person doesn’t know the Bible.

    • @walterdaems57
      @walterdaems57 19 дней назад +3

      Absolutely true, I can’t imagine they would have listen to a clown like Copeland, Hinn, Osteen etc.

  • @mattyg-123
    @mattyg-123 19 дней назад +50

    Mike is currently on a "holy/complete" number of subscribers 777K. Fun milestone congrats!

    • @ajosep-zb8qf
      @ajosep-zb8qf 18 дней назад

      i noticed that too 😂

    • @jeffwarren6906
      @jeffwarren6906 17 дней назад

      777K is a fun milestone ,, thanks for sharing that . I never even saw that until you mentioned it ..

    • @hfrt29
      @hfrt29 17 дней назад

    • @charlottegissingisraelsen1301
      @charlottegissingisraelsen1301 16 дней назад

      I read 778.000... so a 1000 more in 2 days

    • @geef0813
      @geef0813 15 дней назад +1

      The long hair question has long plagued me. I’ve got long hair, as a man. Just past my shoulders. However, I’ve also got a beard that’s a little longer. I’ve always felt like scripture was talking about looking “feminine”. I’ve never been mistaken for a female so I’m believing I’m ok.

  • @castlekeep2789
    @castlekeep2789 17 дней назад +6

    He does show up today, I experience Him since I was a 2-year-old🥳, then adventured to more of Him all my life! draw close to GOD He'll draw close to you! Found in a John Letter!🙏😇

    • @Pablo9989-lj7pm
      @Pablo9989-lj7pm 14 дней назад +2

      100% agree! Growing up, I had an old Scottish Pastor, who would frequently pose the question, “ Don’t you people ever read your Bibles??” Read it, and then read it again, more slowly. Ask The Holy Spirit to illuminate the words and verses. HE, WILL, teach you things. Read John 14, and especially verses 16,17, and 26. Believe what you read, and live your life accordingly. Blessings to all…

  • @RyanBirk
    @RyanBirk 19 дней назад +21

    It sounds really arrogant to demand Christ to do what we feel he owes us in order for us to acknowledge him to any degree.
    Reminds me of when they asked him for a sign and he said, you sinful generation, you will get no sign except for the sign of Jonah

    • @texasskygirl7890
      @texasskygirl7890 10 дней назад +2

      I think alot ofpeople treat Jesus as their personal genie. They don't really know Jesus.

  • @seaglass.jen86
    @seaglass.jen86 19 дней назад +12

    #4 I appreciate that the elders of my church have committed to notifying our entire church body when a staff member who holds a leadership role has to step down due to sin. It has happened a couple times in my 20 years there. It’s never news we want to get, of course, but I appreciate that these things aren’t hidden. I believe the honesty within the situation edifies the body, whereas the opposite approach hurts the body.
    “Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.”
    ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

  • @shellypearman5549
    @shellypearman5549 18 дней назад +11

    Amen Mike ! Thank you for your boldness in God's Truth 🙏

  • @jeffwarren6906
    @jeffwarren6906 17 дней назад +4

    The prayer at the end of the video was wonderful Pastor Mike , a prayer well suited for the time our world is in . God bless you & your wife ...

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад

      Yeah, I especially liked how it stopped God from killing 8500 children daily with malnutrition... oh, wait a minute

  • @rogermansour6085
    @rogermansour6085 18 дней назад +6

    Always a great teaching and I look forward every Friday to your live broadcast .
    Evangelist Roger Mansour missionary to HAITI

  • @2EdgedSword77
    @2EdgedSword77 19 дней назад +73

    J Warner Wallace wrote a book called Person of Interest. He explains in an in depth and powerful way why Christ inserted Himself into history when He did.

    • @keyman6689
      @keyman6689 19 дней назад +8

      My thoughts exactly. That book answers this question so beautifully. It makes sense that he came at the perfect time. We shouldn't be surprised. His knowledge is perfect.

    • @2EdgedSword77
      @2EdgedSword77 19 дней назад +1

      @@keyman6689 Amen, I loved the book.

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 19 дней назад

      JWW, thinks that police investigation techniques can be applied to the Bible. He does not appreciate that it would be stupid to ask a bible scholar to solve his cold cases

    • @annahargrave8309
      @annahargrave8309 18 дней назад

      Yes my thought too, such a good book.

    • @AnthonyCollierMusic
      @AnthonyCollierMusic 2 дня назад +1

      It’s such a good book!

  • @angeld8869
    @angeld8869 18 дней назад +7

    Great resource for the first question: "Person of Interest" by J. Warner Wallace. Explains in detail why Jesus came when He did.

    • @TheNet1347
      @TheNet1347 17 дней назад +1

      @Mike Winger interviewed @J. W. Wallace when we published POI. Pretty sure Winger has read it and used some points from that book. That's what I was thinking.

  • @maryann1187
    @maryann1187 19 дней назад +39

    Love your channel, Mike! On question #1: If Jesus (or God) appeared today, everyone would think He was AI generated or a hologram. The bible is perfect; he appeared exactly when he was supposed to.🙏🏻

    • @Jacen777
      @Jacen777 16 дней назад +4

      There's no amount of evidence they will ever accept. Despite all the evidence, many people still believe the earth is flat. Jesus could show up in their living room, and demonstrate all of His power and they'd still reject him. They're not seeking truth, they're seeking personal happiness.

    • @john1-29_aka_LHT-LFA
      @john1-29_aka_LHT-LFA 16 дней назад

      @@Jacen777 correct. and in 50 ys they would scream that they would need new evidence with the current technology and so on. just the world being the world.

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад

      @@Jacen777 Yeah, almost like God wasn't omniscient to know what would make everyone believe...

  • @lexifan23
    @lexifan23 18 дней назад +5

    Jesus back when He walked the earth could only appear in one place at a time. We have the Holy Spirit, He does reveal Himself today. I am reminded of the Joan Osborne song “If God was one of Us” that asked the question “If God had a face …would you want to see if seeing meant you would have to believe?”

  • @krystallos81
    @krystallos81 10 дней назад +2

    People will always find a way to not believe in God. Some people just refuse and that's a heart issue. They don't want to yield to authority. We just have to pray that those who truly have a heart that's open will experience God.

  • @new_comment
    @new_comment 18 дней назад +5

    Brother Mikes answer for the first question is great. But, if you want to dive deeper into this topic. I strongly suggest watching or listening to. J Warner Wallace's presentations like, "Jesus; Person of Interest" , why the Gospels are true, Cold Case Christianity, etc. He presents a beautiful overview of the biblical timeline along with the sequence of events. That reveal how God orchestrated His arrival through Jesus at the most perfect time in history.

  • @kristinkellerhardi1203
    @kristinkellerhardi1203 17 дней назад +7

    For the DJ, if you see this, I recommend reaching out to Pastor Paul LeBoutillier of Calvary Chapel Ontario in Oregon. He was a secular “rock n roll” DJ before he became a pastor, so he definitely has that perspective and may have struggled with what you described. He and his team are very receptive to getting and answering emails through their church website. ❤

  • @SickestToys
    @SickestToys 16 дней назад +2

    Thank you pastor Mike I always enjoy your content every Friday. God bless you!

  • @Trobynski
    @Trobynski 19 дней назад +5

    He is here ALL THE TIME. Dont wait to go to heaven to meet him. Your wasting your life AND missing out in his love in the present.

  • @notinyourjurisdiction6903
    @notinyourjurisdiction6903 6 дней назад +1

    I appreciate you, Mike. Thanks for your faithfulness!

  • @alicemattsen2208
    @alicemattsen2208 19 дней назад +6

    Because He showed up (in the fullness of time)! God has a plan. His thoughts are not our thoughts. His timing is perfect. Who are we to question God?

  • @nataliehidalgo8933
    @nataliehidalgo8933 19 дней назад +15

    The Hebrews were delivered from Egypt with great miracles all of which they quickly forgot and still asked for a sign. God would need to show up every generation to prove his existence? The Lord reveals himself in every thing and in the transformation of lives redeemed from sin.

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 19 дней назад +2

      He’s God, showing up should not be too onerous.If he wants a personal relationship he should show up every generation. Why leave it to fallible people to pass on the most important information they need to know?

    • @toreyhorton1789
      @toreyhorton1789 18 дней назад

      Not true! God would be required to show up every few years or more frequently. That would be required since people will reach an age of understanding their surroundings at different points in time. If a person understands the world and their surroundings (set a reasonable age such as 21) then everyone in the entire world who hasn't reached that age should also be given the same opportunity to be personally introduced to God when they reach that age in fairness to them.

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 18 дней назад

      @@toreyhorton1789 God would show up as often as he knows it’s necessary for us to know he exists, and to have the personal relationship Christian’s speak about. How can I have a relationship with someone I don’t know exist or what he wants? This sounds like an arranged relationship.

    • @toreyhorton1789
      @toreyhorton1789 18 дней назад

      another thing is I can guarantee you don't have a relationship with every person you know EXISTS.
      So, there is no guarantee that if you knew God existed through some annual revelation you would choose to foster a relationship with Him.
      There are all sorts of reasons you have not formed relationships with people you ABSOLUTELY know exist. So, I don't believe it's objectively true to suggest all you need to know is that God exists to foster a relationship with Him. You don't do that with everyone you know exists now. Neither do I. I don't think anyone does.

    • @toreyhorton1789
      @toreyhorton1789 18 дней назад

      Again, you're admitting that it's not those people who require God to show up often to develop a relationship with Him but it's you. God already has evidence that He isn't required to show up every moment or annually etc for people to develop a relationship. You acknowledged that yourself. Yet, you contradict your first statement suggesting God should determine how often He needs to reveal Himself for “us” to know He exists and to have a personal relationship Christians speak about ONLY to then place the emphasis on you determining how often God should reveal Himself so you know he exists.

  • @abhishekandstuff
    @abhishekandstuff 19 дней назад +60

    Here's a little gift for you Mike, on behalf of the Wingalings family:
    Verse 1)
    Mike Winger’s got his Bible and his cat on cam,
    Says he’ll keep it short, we know it’s a sham.
    Three hours later, we’re still here to stay,
    'Cause learning from Mike is our favorite way to play.
    He throws in a joke, and we hear crickets sing,
    But he laughs anyway, it’s his favorite thing.
    “I find it funnier that no one’s amused,”
    He’s laughing out loud while we’re all confused.
    And he says, “I’ll make this one quick,” we know that’s not true,
    Next thing we know, it’s hour number two.
    With a smile on his face, he’s saying, “Don’t just trust me,”
    We’re flipping through pages, to make sure that we see.
    Oh, Mike Winger, you make our faith feel light,
    With your cat cam dreams and your Jesus insight.
    You drop those dad jokes, and we roll our eyes,
    But we love you, Mike, you make us so wise.
    (Verse 2)
    He’s a guitar-playing pastor, but hey, here’s the thing,
    When you’re buried in books, there’s no time for a string.
    Star Trek references, LOTR on loop,
    He’s got that nerd charm that makes our hearts swoop.
    With gummy bears on the desk, and a Bible in hand,
    He’s our favorite guide through this spiritual land.
    From La La Land dreams to the truth that he shows,
    Mike’s keeping it real, from our heads to our toes.
    He’s got books on books, stacked up to the sky,
    Teaching us to question, always asking why.
    He says, “Don't just listen, dig deep and see,”
    'Cause following blindly, that’s not how we should be.
    Oh, Mike Winger, you’re our best friend online,
    Your faith and your jokes, man, they’re both so fine.
    We’re Wingalings for life, in your wisdom we trust,
    With your laugh and your lessons, it’s a joy for us.
    So here's to you, Mike, with your cat by your side,
    From gummy bears to Gandalf, you’re our faithful guide.
    We’re your Wingalings, with love and delight,
    Learning and laughing, you make everything right.
    Learning and laughing, you make everything right.

    • @kateroar
      @kateroar 19 дней назад +4

      Awesome well done!!!

    • @abhishekandstuff
      @abhishekandstuff 19 дней назад


    • @buffaleen
      @buffaleen 19 дней назад +4

      We've got our lyricist; where's our composer??

    • @abhishekandstuff
      @abhishekandstuff 19 дней назад +5

      @@buffaleen Composer, report to duty!

    • @sakurafan000
      @sakurafan000 18 дней назад +4

      Ngl, I shed a tear or two. Proud to be a wingaling

  • @alexandragreen5063
    @alexandragreen5063 15 дней назад +2

    That was such a good point that no matter when or how Jesus presented himself to the world, people would find a reason to explain it away. It seems so obvious after you said it but it never occurred to me

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад

      It never occured to you because it's a complete nonsense... God is supposedly omniscient and omnipotent, he knows exactly what he has to do so no one can dispute his existence... as well as he knows what does not convince each individual

    • @alexandragreen5063
      @alexandragreen5063 12 дней назад

      @@milansvancara Yes! I think that’s also a good point to meditate on! I imagine maybe that would intrude on our purpose here, which is still something I’m looking to discover the exact nature of, currently using the Bible. I fully believe that God does exist and that there is a purpose. John Lennox said something which rings true to me, basically that it would be a strange thing to feel thirst if we lived in a world with no water. It seems to me there is a reason we seek the meaning of this life, and maybe God has reasons for the way things are that we just don’t fully understand yet. I find it fascinating!

  • @benhagstrom2185
    @benhagstrom2185 19 дней назад +41

    Not a bible expert but I feel like most of the old testament was "hey guys Im your Lord obey me"
    "Ok but you need to prove it by helping us"
    *proves it
    "Oh wow you ARE real! Praise Yahweh!"
    *A few years go by
    "I dont know about this God fella I need him to prove he is real by helping us"
    I'd get tired of it too TBH

    • @Alien1375
      @Alien1375 19 дней назад

      That's what you get when you create mortals.

    • @randyjj363
      @randyjj363 19 дней назад +1

      ​@@dunder5091 People are not judged for disbelief as such, they are judged for sin.

    • @toreyhorton1789
      @toreyhorton1789 18 дней назад

      The widely believed concept of hell is not a scriptural teaching so your argument is flawed from that point on.
      Matthew 7:21-23
      Acts 20:20

    • @comradejohn4564
      @comradejohn4564 17 дней назад

      @@Alien1375I’ve seen you on multiple comments if you believe christanity is fake why are you here I’m genuinely curious?

    • @DaysofElijah317
      @DaysofElijah317 16 дней назад

      Yes the First Testament is God being long suffering with fallen people and the New Testament is God making one new man in Christ Jesus. Often the OT the relationship is between Master and slave or Parent and young child, but The NT moves believers to being Mature Sons able to relate to God face to face.

  • @nathanroyse6269
    @nathanroyse6269 19 дней назад +7

    John 14:21 (KJV) He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

  • @MagmaMelon
    @MagmaMelon 19 дней назад +11

    Have to say Mike, I'm normally a big fan of these livestreams, but this one had a pretty glaring error that's left me struggling spiritually. Ents aren't "talking trees", they are "tree-shepherds", who herd the trees of Fangorn forest. There are some tree-like ents/ent-like trees which are kind of in the middle of the two, but those are called Huorns, and those are the guys are sent to Helm's Deep, cause they get very angry when they're woken up.
    We'll need an apology video to fix any damage this may have caused. Thanks.

    • @emdub3081
      @emdub3081 19 дней назад +2


    • @DaysofElijah317
      @DaysofElijah317 16 дней назад

      I’m curious I cannot remember from the Silmerillian didn’t the Elves create Ents by waking up trees and teaching them about nature and elfish?

    • @MagmaMelon
      @MagmaMelon 16 дней назад

      @@DaysofElijah317 Not quite. The Elves did wake up the trees, but it was Yavanna, a Valar/angel of nature, who made the ents, to protect the trees from the newly created dwarves who were likely going to chop them down.

    • @DaysofElijah317
      @DaysofElijah317 16 дней назад

      @@MagmaMelon oh that makes sense

    • @andrewvoigtdesign5536
      @andrewvoigtdesign5536 12 дней назад +2

      Thank you for holding Mike accountable. Something didn’t sit right with me, but this clarifies why I felt this way!
      Keep up the good work!

  • @TheGraveRobber7
    @TheGraveRobber7 16 дней назад +1

    Wow, to the first question, brother . It is like up to us when He showed up . He came in the fullness of time !!!!

  • @natedawg8074
    @natedawg8074 19 дней назад +18

    Ultimately here is the answer: God will give people who don't want to believe in Him, an "out." Otherwise we are automatons, robots, and we wouldn't choose Him. He wants us to choose Him. not be forced into a relationship. If someone doesn't want to choose the Lord, He lets them take that path.

    • @Alien1375
      @Alien1375 19 дней назад +1

      Nah, I'll wait till this god actually reveals him/her/itself to me, instead of relying on hearsay and human middle men who want power

    • @matildafaltyn6253
      @matildafaltyn6253 19 дней назад +4

      @@Alien1375 Do you even read?

    • @Alien1375
      @Alien1375 19 дней назад

      @@matildafaltyn6253 Yes, do you even have a brain?

    • @Alien1375
      @Alien1375 19 дней назад +1

      @@matildafaltyn6253 Do you even make remarks that are not completely empty?

    • @tjplaygames3767
      @tjplaygames3767 19 дней назад +1

      @@Alien1375 whats the downside of belief in God?

  • @braedenh6858
    @braedenh6858 17 дней назад +2

    Thanks Mike 🙂

  • @alyseceleste
    @alyseceleste 19 дней назад +5

    51:53 yes- when I was a baby Christian I was listening to “life giving” pastors. I’m so glad the Lord gave me discernment to run far away from them

  • @bickabraham2397
    @bickabraham2397 18 дней назад +4

    Jesus is here!
    Hebrews 10:7 the Word became Flesh and dwelt amongst us!

  • @Atholith
    @Atholith 19 дней назад +6

    I'm glad you posted this cause this has been on my mind heavily lately

  • @mickknight6963
    @mickknight6963 17 дней назад +1

    Scripture has one interpretation, but can have many applications. This has always shown to be true as far as I've seen. ☝️

  • @patriciamccool5243
    @patriciamccool5243 9 дней назад +1

    As usual a wonderful episode complete with cat sightings, marvelous insight, humble advice and just great reverence for the scripture. Thanks for making us think!!

  • @xXdsideXx
    @xXdsideXx 19 дней назад +3

    God bless you Mike, God bless you comment section

  • @moomin8251
    @moomin8251 19 дней назад +5

    It seems to me that if a leader falls and genuinely repents, he should be welcomed back into fellowship but not as a leader. He no longer has a 'good reputation with outsiders'. The church might want to forgive and forget but the world does not, it gives them another excuse to call us hypocrites.

  • @k9trainerdotorg
    @k9trainerdotorg 18 дней назад +7

    How many pictures and videos do we have of the globe earth? How many people deny the globe earth even after they have seen pictures and videos?

    • @kevinj4862
      @kevinj4862 17 дней назад +1

      He has a video on it. The run down is the ground is flat, not the actual earth is flat
      You can go to bible thinker and search flat earth.

  • @carmeng7863
    @carmeng7863 15 дней назад +1

    Excellent response to question from “ DJ “ wisdom thank you

  • @blazinbrettuk.lionofthetri4564
    @blazinbrettuk.lionofthetri4564 19 дней назад +3

    thankyou brother. I found this very helpfull. alot of the questions were questions I had just this week reading leviticus and numbers... and some the vids I've watched. it certainly felt like the Holy spirit was giving me understanding.. especially as I finished exodus and got to leviticus for the 3rd time I prayed is it necessary for me to read leviticus again.. I was trying to skip it and possibly most of numbers...durring my prayer my mind was changed. which wasn't my will as I really wanted to skip it. but then I started.. and this time not only was I ploughing through page after page but I was really starting to read something new. I got through leviticus and now half way through numbers in 5 days which is good going for me and have gained understanding and alot more relationship in how it points to Christ.. I'm thankfull to have read them again .. I have only been a Christian nearly 4 years now. I learnt a valuable lesson this week.. every book of the bible contains the gospel message and why we needed Jesus our saviour.
    God bless you brother. much love from the uk.

  • @lonia.5283
    @lonia.5283 18 дней назад +1

    God reveals Himself everyday. We shall have eyes to see and ears to hear. If all people only knew what God is doing everyday, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen ❤
    When will people understand that appes are not their grandfather...

  • @micahcurtis862
    @micahcurtis862 18 дней назад +5

    When people say they would follow or obey God if they knew he really existed, just look at Adam and Eve….

    • @matlecat2540
      @matlecat2540 15 дней назад

      I think of Luke 16:19-31 I mean, your right I believe,

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад +1

      God has literally lied to them, and serpent told them the truth. God has breached the trust and destroyed their mutual faith first...

    • @wideawakeandaware-22
      @wideawakeandaware-22 7 дней назад

      Sorry but God is perfect, HE never lies nor had lied.
      Get right with Christ before it’s too late.

    • @wideawakeandaware-22
      @wideawakeandaware-22 7 дней назад

      And…. Ha’Satan comes to kill steal and destroy. That is exactly what Ha’Satan did in the Garden.

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 7 дней назад

      @@wideawakeandaware-22 I suggest you reading the Bible at least once. Then you would know that God told Adam that he wil certainly die if he eats the fruit and serpent says that they don't die if they eat the fruit.
      What has happened? Serpent was right, and God lied to them...
      Christians not knowing basic stories from the bible never stops amusing me...
      Not to mention that God knew they will eat the fruit before he even created them, since he is omniscient. He has deliberately created them to eat the fruit.

  • @MaestroUJ
    @MaestroUJ 19 дней назад +12

    In addition to all of the great answers you gave us for the first question, Mike, if God gave us irrefutable evidence then there would be no separation of church and state. It would be the law, to serve God, and no one would be truly free to serve him out of love.

    • @whenyouwishuponastar6643
      @whenyouwishuponastar6643 19 дней назад +5

      I think that’s a good point. Today, there is room for God to show up in your life in a really intimate, personal way. I believe the sky is blue because I see it. But I know God is real because of how he’s shown up in my life, and that’s totally different. That’s just my personal thought

  • @elijahhawkins521
    @elijahhawkins521 19 дней назад +8

    In regard to question number 1: this isn’t the only thing I’m thinking of when people set a standard of having to see in order to believe in God but it did come to mind and that is that seeing God is the prize of faith in Him, to believe and trust in Him that He is Who He says He is and done something so marvelous to reconcile us unto Himself that we can be so blessed to be with Him where He is and know Him.

  • @joanalvarez6103
    @joanalvarez6103 19 дней назад +11

    He was born in the fullness of time.

  • @elliottedwards7778
    @elliottedwards7778 19 дней назад +5

    Two things on question one that tie together.
    1. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks for a sign.
    2. What makes a person think that we would be more excepting now then 2000 years ago. With today's fake news people question everything. And you think deeper that God's chosen people who knew the prophecies and the promised Messiah. They had all kinds of proof and signs with the Messiah there with them and the fulfilled prophecies, but yet they still rejected Him. So we would be delusional to think we would be more excepting if it happened now, if His very own people rejected him. IMO

    • @TheBladelessHorseman
      @TheBladelessHorseman 19 дней назад +2

      Both of these points I thought as well. It really isn't hard to see it. His elect will always belive in HIM. And those that are not HIS will reject HIM. Unfortunately, there are people who will go to the grave denying the LORD. It is a sad truth and harsh reality. Nobody wants their loved one to end up in eternal torment and the lake of fire, but some will be judged and sentenced there.

    • @elliottedwards7778
      @elliottedwards7778 19 дней назад +1

      Yes it's a sad thought. Whether they believe or not all will bend the knee. A person doesn't have a choice to bend the knee, but a person has a choice as to when. You do it in this life of free will or your refusal in this life was your choice to be forced to in the next.

  • @hfrt29
    @hfrt29 17 дней назад +1

    It's because that's not the way it happened it's the way it was and that's the way it is.That's where Faith comes into play

  • @Sraye
    @Sraye 19 дней назад +4

    My cats always come up to me when the Bible app audio is playing. Don't underestimate His Creation.

    • @Roctrin
      @Roctrin 18 дней назад

      plenty of demons recognized Jesus. your cats are clearly demonic.

    • @ST52655
      @ST52655 17 дней назад +2

      My puppy always pays attention when I sing praise & worship songs,

    • @texasskygirl7890
      @texasskygirl7890 12 дней назад

      Our pets are a gift from God. He made them for our pleasure. What a loving gift.

  • @Loading....99.99
    @Loading....99.99 16 дней назад +2

    If Jesus came today as Messiah, it would still be just the same as 2000 years ago. The skeptics would still not accept what he stood for.

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад

      Hm, if only God was omniscient and omnipotent so he could know exactly what would convince anyone, unless he literally chose individuals who will and will not be convinced by his specific manifestation....
      Oh wait a minute

  • @landynikole5347
    @landynikole5347 19 дней назад +2

    I had never thought Jonah had died yet listening today it totally sounds like a NDE!

  • @neilgovender7450
    @neilgovender7450 15 дней назад +2

    1.The Septuagint: The Greek translation of Hebrew Scriptures made Jewish prophecies accessible to a wider audience.
    2.Koine Greek: As the common language across the Roman Empire, it allowed for easier communication of Jesus' message.
    3.Pax Romana: The period of relative peace and stability enabled safe travel and the spread of Christianity.
    4.Roman Infrastructure: Extensive road networks and sea routes facilitated the movement of early Christian missionaries.
    5.Jewish Diaspora: Jewish communities throughout the Empire provided initial contact points for spreading Christianity.
    6.Spiritual Climate: A general disillusionment with existing religions made people more receptive to Christianity.
    7.Political and Social Conditions: The Roman governance system and social inequalities made the Christian message appealing to many.

    • @milansvancara
      @milansvancara 13 дней назад

      You forgot the most important part, when Romans realized that christianity can be the very best tool to make people obey like neutered sheep and not revolt, so they decided to adapt it and spread it...
      Just as thousands of governments and individuals with absolute power afterwards

  • @krakoosh1
    @krakoosh1 19 дней назад +4

    Adding onto the first question, if one were to rise from the dead they still wouldn’t believe. In Revelation we see during the time of God’s wrath, men are hiding in caves and crying for the rocks to fall and hide them, still rejecting God

    • @horridhenry9920
      @horridhenry9920 19 дней назад +1

      Some people would, but not all. Isn’t one saved soul important?

  • @dvdortiz9031
    @dvdortiz9031 14 дней назад +1

    The Holy Spirit Holy Spirit came in the year 33AD to found the Catholic Church.
    He dwells in her since that day and leads her to all truth! He guides , cares for; protects, defends her thru millenia!!!

  • @moirarussell1950
    @moirarussell1950 19 дней назад +10

    Hey Mike ❤️🙏🇨🇦happy Friday coffee break!

  • @jasonmoore5
    @jasonmoore5 11 дней назад +1

    The ketchup bottle analogy about what's obvious and what's obvious to you is perfection.

  • @wereid1978
    @wereid1978 19 дней назад +3

    Creation says there is a God. Prophecy affirms it. The need for purpose and value makes God a necessity.

  • @nancyfalcon2796
    @nancyfalcon2796 5 дней назад +1

    God created time. He is not bound by it.

  • @Patricia-ue8iz
    @Patricia-ue8iz 17 дней назад +1

    Love the fur baby 😸 and the teachings.

  • @KB-of2zx
    @KB-of2zx 19 дней назад +15

    Thanks for your in-depth teaching Mike. I’m working on a study guide for my women’s group on your favorite topic… Jesus in the Old Testament. Referencing your material among many others and so appreciative of your videos. Praying I do this well and it brings God glory. Blessings, Karen

  • @robertdouglas8895
    @robertdouglas8895 19 дней назад +7

    "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit".
    “Judge not by appearance, but judge with right judgment”John 7:24.

  • @melindamercier6811
    @melindamercier6811 15 дней назад +1

    Funny enough, J Warner Wallace has a book answering that first question! It’s called “Person of Interest”. But his youtube channel Cold Case Christianity also has a video on this topic called “Why Did Jesus Come When He Did?” The timing was absolutely divine!

  • @Nottoooldmama
    @Nottoooldmama 14 дней назад +2

    Amen Mike!!🙏🏼

  • @redneckfishing9357
    @redneckfishing9357 17 дней назад +2

    For question 3, I love what you're saying. But I'll add to it. Your "just do something" to give or support a ministry in some way, I see as the one that got the five minas. God multiplies the work we do, always. I see the minas as the faith we're given and the multiplication of them is the fruit of that. The one that hid his mind (his faith) and kept it under wraps, even from himself was like simply being a Sunday Christian. But putting it in the bank would be like studying, praying, and worshipping. Because even though that faith isn't "active" it's still growing/gaining interest. Just what immediately came to mind when I read the parable. God bless your ministry, Mike

  • @islandonlinenews
    @islandonlinenews 19 дней назад +13

    Didn’t watch this yet but something like 99% of all the people that have ever lived, lived during and after Jesus time.

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 19 дней назад +5

      I never really thought about that. That is awesome. We tend to forget how huge our population is now compared to the ancient world

  • @DannieDecent
    @DannieDecent 15 дней назад +2

    Great video

  • @Lillaloppan
    @Lillaloppan 19 дней назад +1

    Thank you so very much Mike😃🤍!

  • @nathanroyse6269
    @nathanroyse6269 19 дней назад +13

    God works miracles daily. I am a walking example and truth being healed of an unknown affliction that went on for three years and the doctors could not identify the problem. One day His Spirit came over me and i wept asking if I have His salvation. I had to know one way or another regardless of His answer. I didn't ask for His healing at that time. I just knew that i needed Him. Two days later i felt His presence and then the Holy Spirit pouring over and through me. He saved me right there and because of the power of His baptism I was also healed. Because i want Him in my life not what He can do. But He still blesses me greatly. He is merciful and gracious and shows those that love Him great kindness and love. Glory to our God forever.

    • @DM-dk7js
      @DM-dk7js 19 дней назад

      Don’t believe you for a second. You didn’t even name the “affliction” lol.

    • @nathanroyse6269
      @nathanroyse6269 19 дней назад +3

      @@DM-dk7js That is because I don't know. Vanderbilt couldn't figure it out. For three years I couldn't eat more than a handful of foods. No fruits or vegetables apart from potatoes and no spices on my food. He healed me after I wept before Him in submission. Your belief in what I say or not doesn't change what God did in me and the way He still works through me.

    • @ogloc6308
      @ogloc6308 19 дней назад +1

      Praise God!

    • @DM-dk7js
      @DM-dk7js 19 дней назад

      @@nathanroyse6269doesn’t work that way

    • @brigittedrew5478
      @brigittedrew5478 19 дней назад +1

      @@DM-dk7jsoh my goodness you obviously missed the beauty of her testimony and so missed the mark! Perhaps the affliction is none of our business. I'm sorry but that was rude.

  • @wandacruickshank6983
    @wandacruickshank6983 19 дней назад +1

    Love Mika!!🇨🇦🐈.. I have 2 beautiful fur babies too.. love your teaching Mike.. you help answer my questions a lot!! Thank you.. Jesus bless you!📖🙏😇

  • @LovinOffGrid
    @LovinOffGrid 19 дней назад +2

    thank you

  • @317237hope
    @317237hope 15 дней назад +2

    I like your new decor!

  • @chamberlainmiller2991
    @chamberlainmiller2991 19 дней назад +2

    Loving the answer on the first question.

  • @crawdadandtheboilers
    @crawdadandtheboilers 18 дней назад +2

    You are correct about wearing your hair in a womanly fashion. But long hair for men has been a thing for a very long time. Short hair has only been a thing for about 100 years, mainly because Hollywood men wanted to emulate the look of men going off to war, and even then, it was a feature born from WW1 and trench warfare that started the trend of shaving heads and later shaving faces. Case in point...Jeb Stuart and George Custer both grew long hair to emulate the cavaliers during the English Civil War. These cavaliers themselves, wore long hair as a sign of wealth and status, since they could both care for their hair and live in relatively lice-free conditions. Beards were also frequent, both for rugged men of the frontier, and men of status and wealth until WW1, and that only changed because of the introduction of gas masks that had to fit snug to the face. Clean-shaven faces and short hair only became the defacto look for men during and after WW1 because of the propaganda on the allies side to immasculate men who didn't join up to fight, and intensified with WW2 and Hollywood's involvement.

    • @dvdortiz9031
      @dvdortiz9031 14 дней назад

      Who dresses Adam's hair? Or Samson's? Or Samuel's?

  • @gerard4870
    @gerard4870 16 дней назад

    Your brother, in time and out of it,

  • @lhart5632
    @lhart5632 8 дней назад

    Q #1- God did reveal himself with Moses and the Israelites. People still didn't believe or want to hear God's voice in their lives. They told Moses to do it and report back to them. We do the same.

  • @JonathanToole
    @JonathanToole 19 дней назад +8

    Thanks for another great Q&A Mike. I struggle with wondering whether or not I should disagree or change my view to agree with you sometimes. Trying to think Biblically can be hard, especially with my biases. Thanks for trying to push your biases under the rug.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 16 дней назад +1

      Just obey what Jesus says in John 14:26 & 16:13.
      And wait.
      Waiting demonstrates trust. Trust that you WILL be taught.

    • @dvdortiz9031
      @dvdortiz9031 14 дней назад

      You do not believe John 5:53!
      You belong in John 6:66!

  • @GEX-_-
    @GEX-_- 18 дней назад +1

    God is here 2024-2034

  • @BiblePoetry
    @BiblePoetry 19 дней назад +2

    😂where do you come up with these epic analogies like "The Jesus dream". Thank you for your awesome work Ps Mike

  • @Sam-yo3kd
    @Sam-yo3kd 16 дней назад

    My pastor claims that the Lord showed up to him visibly (not in dreams, not in vision) just to tell him that HE will bless him. According to this story, when he was about to inquire if it resonates to his family and church, the Lord disappeared into the space. So he now just claims that the blessing is for the the entire church.
    Shall we believe that the Lord indeed showed up to him at its face value or we're sinning if we're skeptical or don't believe his story at all.

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 15 дней назад

      There's no reason to believe him. I think he's mistaken.

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 16 дней назад

    It’s the age of grace!

  • @jacquelynwebb3935
    @jacquelynwebb3935 17 дней назад

    It had to start somewhere , why not at first part of the world .He don’t have to keep coming back , it should now be in your heart,and have faith in what happened. Then look around and see all of the wonders in the world and know that it is truth❤😂🎉

  • @lf1899
    @lf1899 15 дней назад +1

    Just subbed.. Your comment section is built different

  • @CommonSense_Skeptic
    @CommonSense_Skeptic 19 дней назад +1

    Gods showed up for all the different people back thing because they ALL believed gods were real, (because they didn't know any different ) and luckily more and more people today are realizing that they aren't..

  • @pierreferguson1300
    @pierreferguson1300 16 дней назад

    10. Judaism - Numbers 6:1-21.
    Christianity - Galatians 3:24-25 = 1 Corinthians 11:14. Amen.

  • @bjjnut5777
    @bjjnut5777 18 дней назад +1

    Hey "DJ", if you read the comments, wanted to tell you your story reminded me a bit of Naaman. Just a layman, but maybe 2 Kings 5:17-19 will help some.

  • @ChrissyGotTheCoils
    @ChrissyGotTheCoils 10 дней назад

    1:31:19 Yes preach!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @PaulUsypchuk
    @PaulUsypchuk 18 дней назад

    the answer is to #1 is simple
    God will do what God will do at a time of God's choosing.

    @VICSWEB1 16 дней назад

    I've watched 3 ex christian preachers that left the faith after 30-50 years.
    They make great points

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 15 дней назад +3

      You don't leave the faith, thats not how it works as spelled out in the Bible. They most likely fooled themselves into calling themselves Christian until they stopped calling themselves Christian.

    • @VICSWEB1
      @VICSWEB1 15 дней назад

      @@lf1899 I can’t trust king James. Look into why they reformulated it in 1612

    • @dvdortiz9031
      @dvdortiz9031 14 дней назад +1

      ​@@lf1899you have fooled yourself

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 14 дней назад +1

      @dvdortiz9031 lol thank you for your detailed, wise, carefully thought out comment that obviously isn't filled with ignorance or hate for a faith you know nothing about...😉

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 14 дней назад

      @dvdortiz9031 when you are wondering why hate springs out of yourself for something so foolish, you might realize that naturally you are evil and only God can save you from it

  • @IanBrian2112
    @IanBrian2112 6 дней назад +3

    If Jesus showed up today, the scripture would not be fulfilled. Because he will not be put in a cross, and the jews will not kill him.

  • @bugen5
    @bugen5 18 дней назад +1

    You’ve seen many videos where atheists are asked if God showed up right in front of them, with 100% proof of His existence, would they then believe? And they always still answer no.
    So it’s not a question of their proof, it’s a question of their heart.

    • @Berean_with_a_BTh
      @Berean_with_a_BTh 18 дней назад

      If God showed up the way these people want, they wouldn't survive the encounter (Exodus 33:20).

  • @Jacen777
    @Jacen777 16 дней назад +1

    It really doesn't matter. There's no amount of evidence they will ever accept. Despite all the evidence, many people still believe the earth is flat. Jesus could show up in their living room, and demonstrate all of His power and they'd still reject him. They're not seeking truth, they're seeking personal happiness.

  • @ElsieDreamWorld
    @ElsieDreamWorld 17 дней назад

    As many stated before me, God wants Faith, Christ requires our faith, not material testing and demonstrations of His existence. Also, time is One for the Lord, and, hello! It’s like a child asking his father, why did you have me then and not now?

  • @LivingHopeFellowshipSturgis
    @LivingHopeFellowshipSturgis 4 дня назад

    You know, I was just thinking about this the other day. What if you took all the work that God does on the entire planet say in a 40 year span, and condensed it to a geographical location the size of the Roman empire in the first 40 years of the gospel going forth. What would that 40 years look like? I still think the ministry of the Apostles was absolutely unique in it's magnitude by virtue of them being the eyewitnesses of the resurrection, but it would still be quite the move of God! The point being God's work today is far more spread out than the first 40 years of the early church.

  • @mysonrando7789
    @mysonrando7789 19 дней назад +1

    I was having the first question conversation with an atheist, my first thought was... if Jesus existed today everyone would be able to sweep all of his miracles under the rug because of today's technology... have you seen David Blaine or Chris Angel? Chris Angel plainly explained himself as an illusionist, but the things people can do by trickery to mess with someone's head.... green screens, reasons that someone would have to run a big scam...
    I have had moments in my life of not really believing in God, growing up, I had feelings of both believing and not believing... for me the unbelieving side just seems ultimately dull and lifeless. I chose to think about the pragmatic titles of God , God is Life, God gives breathe to all that is on the earth, God is Spirit, God is light, God is the alpha and omega, ... does light exist? Does life exist? Do living things have the breathe of life? Do things have a beginning and end?

  • @clurkroberts2650
    @clurkroberts2650 16 дней назад

    If God made his presence 100% evident daily, man could not have free will. There would be no personal freedom, or personal growth. Man’s ego would resent God, and question his ultimate authority. We’d live in a perfect world, death would have no meaning, goodness and faith would not be a choice but an unquestioning law, like paying taxes. Life is meant for growth, to learn to love, to help others. Life teaches pain, loss, the need to meet challenges and possibility of hope. Life is a gift for the world, and god gave us a basic path to follow, through the Bible and lessons and life of Christ.

    • @lf1899
      @lf1899 15 дней назад

      Will we remember our sin in heaven? God doesn't, right? Is it possible to live in perfection with memories of sin? My actual question is -> Is life on earth meant for growth; I would say its for punishment of sin and repentance unto worship. I say this because we are called by Jesus to hate our life -> John 12:25 “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.

  • @rachaelpino6914
    @rachaelpino6914 17 дней назад

    God does reveal himself❤

  • @AliLapp
    @AliLapp 15 дней назад

    Are you sure you don’t know anything about Mark Driscoll? You described him perfectly 😂
    I love your teachings, I’m a fan and really enjoy learning on your channel. The divorce and remarriage one really hit me hard on pre-conceived ideas.