Nice video! Absolute flawless defense, well played I've been able to achieve a 85% winrate in zvp with the nydus stratergy all the way up to gm, I've had around 200 games with the strategy by now, and I just want to point out some of the mistakes the zerg player made that would've made the build much harder to defend against. 1. DO NOT send all the 10 lings to the other side of the map. sending 8 or 6 lings to see if the protoss's initial defense is good is enough, because 9/10 times the protoss will be able to defend with the first zealot by poking in and out, and leave 2 or 4 lings on ur ramp when the probe comes back. 2. In addition to leaving a few lings home, I always suggest pulling 1 of the initial 6 lings to first check around the back of your natural (that's where many protosses like to hide the probe), and then shift moving it to ur 3rd to check, and if it sees nothing, you can just a move it to the enemy wall along with the other lings. Of course if ur overlord sees the enemy probe going back, you can safely pull that ling to the enemy front too. 3. On most maps only 4 lings can attack the building that is furthest away from the zealot, in which case, 1 or 2 lings (since one in cases are pulled to scout) should be standing on the opposite side of the zealot to prevent the zealot from poking in and out. If the zealot decides to poke out, the one ling on the opposite side can come in and body block the zealot while all the lings surround the zealot, making it very dangerous for the zealot to poke out. If this is executed successfully in cases the cyber core will fall, and basically making it impossible for the protoss to deny the ling nydus with the need to use extra money to improve the wall and not being able to make adepts or stalkers early on. These are just some higher level tips for people who want to excel at the zerg's build, and giving the protoss some more things to look out for :P, but this guide will solve the problem vs ling nydus 99% of the time and I think it a amazing guide by zuka! Generally the whole point of ling nydus is for the lair to not be scouted, and when zergs are executing it u should do ur best to deny the scout. And also, it is true that cheeses require skill to excel in.
Amazing, Zuka! Thank you for the guide, its going help a lot! Basically, it's not different from a fast robo and immortal rush, we just need a proper gate and enough army spread across the bases in order to avoid the nydus.
Salut Zuka encore une super vidéo ! Une petite remarque : Tu dis souvent des choses comme l'immortel est très important mais tu n'expliques pas toujours pourquoi. Je trouve que ça manque parfois pour les noobs comme moi. OMG à 13:54 tu as trois mains ! Merci pour tout !
How would you hold nydus rush if its lair before speed. The nydus will get launched at ~3:10 and if you do the build in the video, you will only have 3 units out (one of which is in the wall)
hi Zuka. There is many diffrent nyuds attacks. One that I havent found any counter to and I have used myself with very high success is the 1 base nydus with swarm host and queens. The zerg wall in his main with a sporecrawler, nydus and infestors pit. I have tried to move out to kill overlords to stop his vision, but the one overlord and my expansion is impossible to kill without air vision. And If I choose to go air against his swarm host he protects them with queens and sometimes with spore. I really dont see a counter to this build unless you already know what's coming before you start the game and build a proxy gate outside his third to kill him fast.
Yo zuka merci pour cette vidéo! J'ai un problème avec les zergs, j'ai du mal a interpreter leur build, quand c'est une late hatch je sais que c'est aggro mais je sais pas si c'est zergling, baneling, roach ou nydus.. Sachant que je fais le build dt warp prism que tu as montré sur ta chaine, je perds presque a chaque fois contre les timings aggro et les nydus. Du coup j'imagine qu'il faut faire une quick robo mais encore une fois j'ai du mal a savoir ce qui arrive, sachant que le zerg peut nydus sur 1 ,2, ou meme 3 bases et que le seul scout que j'ai c'est un adepte. As-tu un conseil pour s'adapter si tu pars sur un drop dt de base?
Si tu arrives à check à 2,20-2,30 : La plupart du temps tu vas savoir ce qu'il fait comme agression. C'est le rôle de l'adept. de manière général dis toi qu'ouvrir robo te permet de tout hold. On a aussi vu recemment DnS se prend une proxy hatch et s'en sortir très bien avec Stargate (je trouve ça plus technique). Pour les nydus : Nettoie les overlord avec un warp prism et un traqueur. De toute manière pour les nydus le top est d'avoir toujours un pylone en bord de base et être prêt à warp. Si il peut pas sortir le nydus, y'a aucun soucis à ne pas savoir ce qu'il contient :
Well... On one base it's probably not muta... Most of the time it's still nydus with: Roach, Hydra or SH (this build is very popular). For 2 of them, this reaction is good. Vs SH I have no good answer: ¨Ptitdrogo said me that playing with charge + robo is a good choice.
J'ai justement perdu contre ce BO avec exactement les meme timing à la seconde près et je comprenais pas comment l'arrêter. Après analyse du replay, ma conclusion était de faire - Pas de b2 - Fast stargate - phoenix + stalkers - battry shield dans le wall En faisant ça, à 3:45 (timing du nydus) j'avais 2 phoenix, 2 zealots 2 stalkers. Du coup je hold les premiers nydus avec mes unités, mes phoenix chassent les overlords, puis je peux poser b2 en envoyant mes phoenix chez lui. Qu'en penses tu ? EN tout cas ta réaction me semble plus appropriée si on est SÛR que c'est Nydus.
En fait les phénix sont pas ouf pour hold car si le mec fait des overseer et que tu les loupes tu peux te faire ouvrir directement :/ a la limite void en second unités mais tu sors du standard
This works if your opponent is 100% commited and plays this off one base. Some Zerg play early gases only to confuse the protoss, if you delay your nexus until 2:30 as zuka did here you will lose the macro game. I always recommend the 19 Nexus, that will put you ahead in economy while you are still able to hold anything. @zuka, i like your effort, but to always just bring one example for how to hold something is no real help especially if there are different variations of a build. Also this is a 1 Base Nydus and not a 2 Base nydus as you say in the title.
Uh yeah about the title... I tough about it like "holding a 2 base all-in is like holding a 1 base nydus all-in" but forget to mention it. I will edit that. About the hold. To be honest I don't know how to hond suck a fast pressure with a 19 nexus
Si le mec nydus SH par exemple tu perd car tu fait nexus avant la robot et ensuite les 2 adeptes il faut envoyer chez le zerg péter du drone en focus manuel tu pourras le hold plus facilement après il faut toujours faire 2gate Stargate ou robot et ensuite b2 si il fait une base et si ya 2bases 2gate nexus et une tech voilà ma petite expérience après une centaine de nydus vs toss
Super video. Juste pour te faire progresser en Anglais tu fais l'erreur sur toutes tes vdo regarde le verbe explain
Nice video! Absolute flawless defense, well played
I've been able to achieve a 85% winrate in zvp with the nydus stratergy all the way up to gm, I've had around 200 games with the strategy by now, and I just want to point out some of the mistakes the zerg player made that would've made the build much harder to defend against.
1. DO NOT send all the 10 lings to the other side of the map. sending 8 or 6 lings to see if the protoss's initial defense is good is enough, because 9/10 times the protoss will be able to defend with the first zealot by poking in and out, and leave 2 or 4 lings on ur ramp when the probe comes back.
2. In addition to leaving a few lings home, I always suggest pulling 1 of the initial 6 lings to first check around the back of your natural (that's where many protosses like to hide the probe), and then shift moving it to ur 3rd to check, and if it sees nothing, you can just a move it to the enemy wall along with the other lings. Of course if ur overlord sees the enemy probe going back, you can safely pull that ling to the enemy front too.
3. On most maps only 4 lings can attack the building that is furthest away from the zealot, in which case, 1 or 2 lings (since one in cases are pulled to scout) should be standing on the opposite side of the zealot to prevent the zealot from poking in and out. If the zealot decides to poke out, the one ling on the opposite side can come in and body block the zealot while all the lings surround the zealot, making it very dangerous for the zealot to poke out. If this is executed successfully in cases the cyber core will fall, and basically making it impossible for the protoss to deny the ling nydus with the need to use extra money to improve the wall and not being able to make adepts or stalkers early on.
These are just some higher level tips for people who want to excel at the zerg's build, and giving the protoss some more things to look out for :P, but this guide will solve the problem vs ling nydus 99% of the time and I think it a amazing guide by zuka!
Generally the whole point of ling nydus is for the lair to not be scouted, and when zergs are executing it u should do ur best to deny the scout.
And also, it is true that cheeses require skill to excel in.
I can't say more than what you said here: I pinged your comment :)
Sorry about the title and the thumbnail. I was mixing 2 videos and did a big mistake by telling 2 base instead of simply "nydus all-in"
Gl zuka
Amazing, Zuka! Thank you for the guide, its going help a lot! Basically, it's not different from a fast robo and immortal rush, we just need a proper gate and enough army spread across the bases in order to avoid the nydus.
Awesome video! Just got nydus wormed today and this guide was perfect, now I know how to react! Thanks!
You're welcome 😉
Big thx for the Video. I never know, that 2 Zealots are able to kill a nydus. Now, i Need praktice and i am sure to hold Nydus soon. Thx Zuka!! :)
2 zealots if they instantly go on it ;)
Oh yes je l'attendais tellement cette vidéo !!!
God thank you ... Really needed to see how to hold this build.
Ahah, you're welcome
Salut Zuka encore une super vidéo ! Une petite remarque : Tu dis souvent des choses comme l'immortel est très important mais tu n'expliques pas toujours pourquoi. Je trouve que ça manque parfois pour les noobs comme moi. OMG à 13:54 tu as trois mains ! Merci pour tout !
How would you hold nydus rush if its lair before speed. The nydus will get launched at ~3:10 and if you do the build in the video, you will only have 3 units out (one of which is in the wall)
In this precise case... I will need probes tu hold it, it's really important to have the vision in this precise case
hi Zuka. There is many diffrent nyuds attacks. One that I havent found any counter to and I have used myself with very high success is the 1 base nydus with swarm host and queens. The zerg wall in his main with a sporecrawler, nydus and infestors pit. I have tried to move out to kill overlords to stop his vision, but the one overlord and my expansion is impossible to kill without air vision. And If I choose to go air against his swarm host he protects them with queens and sometimes with spore. I really dont see a counter to this build unless you already know what's coming before you start the game and build a proxy gate outside his third to kill him fast.
Yo zuka merci pour cette vidéo! J'ai un problème avec les zergs, j'ai du mal a interpreter leur build, quand c'est une late hatch je sais que c'est aggro mais je sais pas si c'est zergling, baneling, roach ou nydus.. Sachant que je fais le build dt warp prism que tu as montré sur ta chaine, je perds presque a chaque fois contre les timings aggro et les nydus. Du coup j'imagine qu'il faut faire une quick robo mais encore une fois j'ai du mal a savoir ce qui arrive, sachant que le zerg peut nydus sur 1 ,2, ou meme 3 bases et que le seul scout que j'ai c'est un adepte. As-tu un conseil pour s'adapter si tu pars sur un drop dt de base?
Si tu arrives à check à 2,20-2,30 : La plupart du temps tu vas savoir ce qu'il fait comme agression. C'est le rôle de l'adept. de manière général dis toi qu'ouvrir robo te permet de tout hold. On a aussi vu recemment DnS se prend une proxy hatch et s'en sortir très bien avec Stargate (je trouve ça plus technique). Pour les nydus : Nettoie les overlord avec un warp prism et un traqueur. De toute manière pour les nydus le top est d'avoir toujours un pylone en bord de base et être prêt à warp. Si il peut pas sortir le nydus, y'a aucun soucis à ne pas savoir ce qu'il contient :
great vid. i clicked to twitch to watch u there, but link is dead?
Well, i changed my twitch name recently and on old videos it's broken. Now it's
What do you do if you see 2 gas? It could then be anything, at least in diamond.
Well... On one base it's probably not muta... Most of the time it's still nydus with: Roach, Hydra or SH (this build is very popular). For 2 of them, this reaction is good. Vs SH I have no good answer: ¨Ptitdrogo said me that playing with charge + robo is a good choice.
J'ai justement perdu contre ce BO avec exactement les meme timing à la seconde près et je comprenais pas comment l'arrêter.
Après analyse du replay, ma conclusion était de faire
- Pas de b2
- Fast stargate
- phoenix + stalkers
- battry shield dans le wall
En faisant ça, à 3:45 (timing du nydus) j'avais 2 phoenix, 2 zealots 2 stalkers.
Du coup je hold les premiers nydus avec mes unités, mes phoenix chassent les overlords, puis je peux poser b2 en envoyant mes phoenix chez lui.
Qu'en penses tu ?
EN tout cas ta réaction me semble plus appropriée si on est SÛR que c'est Nydus.
En fait les phénix sont pas ouf pour hold car si le mec fait des overseer et que tu les loupes tu peux te faire ouvrir directement :/ a la limite void en second unités mais tu sors du standard
Zuka please can you show how to defend as protoss a 1 base MM push with stim at 5 min mark
I can : It's in french but :видео.html
@@zukaIngame thanks much can try to follow the game play.... your videos help a lot in improving ... kudos for the effort
This works if your opponent is 100% commited and plays this off one base. Some Zerg play early gases only to confuse the protoss, if you delay your nexus until 2:30 as zuka did here you will lose the macro game. I always recommend the 19 Nexus, that will put you ahead in economy while you are still able to hold anything.
@zuka, i like your effort, but to always just bring one example for how to hold something is no real help especially if there are different variations of a build. Also this is a 1 Base Nydus and not a 2 Base nydus as you say in the title.
Uh yeah about the title... I tough about it like "holding a 2 base all-in is like holding a 1 base nydus all-in" but forget to mention it. I will edit that. About the hold. To be honest I don't know how to hond suck a fast pressure with a 19 nexus
Hello. Ca marche avec swarmhost ?
Je ne pense pas non car ça règles pas le soucis des nydus sur la b3. Mais je l'utilise aussi vs swarmhost. C'est plus difficile à win avec.
Comment hold un baneling bust
ça va venir ;)
ty friend
i won cause i reacted like you :p
Si le mec nydus SH par exemple tu perd car tu fait nexus avant la robot et ensuite les 2 adeptes il faut envoyer chez le zerg péter du drone en focus manuel tu pourras le hold plus facilement après il faut toujours faire 2gate Stargate ou robot et ensuite b2 si il fait une base et si ya 2bases 2gate nexus et une tech voilà ma petite expérience après une centaine de nydus vs toss
C'est donc bien tricky :D
Cool merci
Переведите ему кто-нибудь что я тогда пьяным играл.
Super video.
Juste pour te faire progresser en Anglais tu fais l'erreur sur toutes tes vdo regarde le verbe explain
Merci, j'irais jeter un oeil ;)