  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @sweatersteacandlesxo9697
    @sweatersteacandlesxo9697 7 лет назад

    I was working two jobs last year back to back shifts most of the time and I totally understand all the stress you are dealing with! Customers can be brutal, but you are much better than any of those people! So sorry to hear about all the stress you are dealing with, wishing you lots of wellness and love to you! We are all here to support you Xx

  • @soapymilk
    @soapymilk 7 лет назад +1

    This is a lot for one person to deal with - it's especially difficult when your partner is only adding to the stress and not being supportive or motivational in your journey to figuring out what you want to do with your life. And having her family talking shit and influencing her about you is just the cherry on top of the bullshit cake. Regardless of whether or not you two decide to stay together, it may be best to just step away from her and that situation for a bit and focus on yourself. You are in your early 20s, barely anyone has their shit together at that age! Fuck what anyone says, you're incredibly hard working and worth so much more than maybe even you realize. In the end you need to do what will make YOU happy, and you'll figure that out. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether that be friends, family, or your subscribers. I know I and so many others will always be here for you and cheering you on. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад

      Yeah exactly, the fact that her whole family wanted Gemma to break up with me because of my current struggles and Gemma felt the same herself and it got her down really shows that there wasn't enough love there for the relationship to flourish really :( could have easily made us stronger but yeah definitely for the best we're not together anymore as feel much more relaxed and free being single again! Thanks a lot Emily, appreciate the continued support

    • @soapymilk
      @soapymilk 7 лет назад

      I do that with all my close friends/people I care about, just a bit of banter really ;) xx

  • @thaochau8361
    @thaochau8361 7 лет назад

    I admire you. You're a kind and hardworking guy who stays true to who you are. For many people it might seem easier to just pretend you're the same with everyone else, to not come out as asexual, to follow a path that you're not passionate about, and bottle up feelings and pretend everything is ok. Keep being honest, keep chasing your passion. I wish you the best of luck and I believe one day you can have everything you want in this life :)

  • @blondeasmr9143
    @blondeasmr9143 7 лет назад +2

    I really hope you're doing good soon! Im sorry that you have so much Stress

  • @chiarap7826
    @chiarap7826 7 лет назад

    I'm sorry you're going through all of this, you sound like such a hard working young man! I'll also probably be done with uni for good next year and i'm already terrified lol just hang in there, i'm sure you'll come out of this on top!!!

  • @PhilOfAces1987
    @PhilOfAces1987 7 лет назад +2

    Ugh sounds like you're well rid! The parents sound like ignorant fools. This relationship was a taster for you when you find a perfect match in the future don't lose hope! And don't let negative thoughts in, you're gonna be alright.

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад

      Since you're a Timelord and know the future, I'll take your word for it when you say I'm going to be alright ;)

  • @alexis3524
    @alexis3524 7 лет назад +2

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. You've helped so many people through your videos and talking to your followers, and I think it's unfair that this has happened to you. I know it may not seem like it now, but something good will come out of this, stay strong we've all got your back. 💚💚

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks Alexis, this comment really made me smile

  • @originalgabbo
    @originalgabbo 7 лет назад +1

    you deserve better

  • @TheMusicfreak385
    @TheMusicfreak385 7 лет назад

    I'm sorry you are going through all of this! Its horrible to have to deal with, especially when you are working so hard and trying your best. Your ex-girlfriends parents are honestly what sounds toxic and she probably picked up the behaviors from them. You don't need that added stress in your life so its best just to walk away and cut contact completely. First loves tend to hurt a lot when they end but take the lessons and apply them to future relationships. You aren't worthless at all some things just don't work out and it sucks. For the time being try to find a job that is at least more stable and less seasonal if you can and try to explore your passions and find something you love to do. You are a strong person and you will figure your life out. You are also 21 and so young, it takes time. It took me multiple school changes to find something I enjoy doing and even now I'm more or less with it because it will give me oppurtunties. You will figure it out and things will be okay.

  • @SaraSmiles29
    @SaraSmiles29 7 лет назад +3

    Oh wow that's such a bad time for you right now! You're doing your best, working so hard and that much. And then even being treated like shit when you come home and don't wanna deal with anything anymore makes everything just so much worse. I know what you're going through. In my worst times at work I also had so many fights with my (now ex-) boyfriend. And by that you already saw it. We broke up, well more that I broke up. I just couldn't handle the fights anymore and I got annoyed by everything he said. I had a hard time before that cause I also had to resign my job cause my boss treated me like shit and it really harmed my self esteem. That all was about 3 months ago and here I stand, I have a new job that I love so much and I am dating a guy that is really understanding that I wanna take everything slow and I see myself as a relationship person again. What I wanna say by that is that you sometimes have to cut yourself off of bad people, even though they weren't bad from the beginning. Start over and leave those things behind. If you keep that in mind and remember it from time to time you can do this! I believe in you Alex!

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад +2

      Sounds like there were a number of similarities with your relationship and mine, sorry that you went through that too Sara! Really fantastic to hear that you didn't let you get you down and are happy now in your new job and with the guy you're now seeing! I hope to be saying similar things in 3 months time! Thanks for the continued support

  • @ducky5086
    @ducky5086 7 лет назад

    I'm sorry dude, this is all so shitty. I hope everything works out for you!
    (P.s. I just got a snapchat notif that you added me as I was watching this video. Odd coincidence)

  • @marineb9666
    @marineb9666 7 лет назад +1

    That's horrible ! First, other people shouldn't criticize your sexual orientation especially if they don't understand it, and then you should do what you like ! No one wants to be stuck in a job they don't like for their whole life, so even if right now you don't know what you're gonna do, it's perfectly right ! I really hope things will get better for you

  • @katzehasehund
    @katzehasehund 7 лет назад

    You will never be good enough for those people, because they will always find something they don't like about you. That's just sad but it's the way it is..
    Obviously your ex-girlfriend is very insecure and her family has a great impact on her. I am sorry that she cannot stand up for you.
    Even if you are going through rough times at the moment, I have the feeling that you are being loyal to yourself, which is not easy at all, and I hope you will continue doing that even if nobody understands. There are just so many people out there doing things they don't like, thus being unhappy. I am glad you don't go that way.

  • @niamhrj
    @niamhrj 7 лет назад +1

    Take no notice of shitty comments, I don't know you personally but you seem like a great hard working guy. Your gf seems kinda annoying, you'll find someone better and even on the off chance you don't, you don't need a s/o to lead a good life. Her family seems kinda exasperating and they invalid your sexuality and you don't deserve people like that in your life. I'm sorry about your situation. It's really shitty and I hope it gets better.

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад

      Thanks for the support Niamh! Hope you're doing well yourself

  • @nicholasnguyen3979
    @nicholasnguyen3979 7 лет назад

    I think that all the bad things that have been happening to you are caused by ignorance. It's not your fault. I can see, by watching this video, that you are doing the right thing by working hard for your life. However, I have this bad feeling that staying in a relationship with someone that has a family with the same mindset as her's will just cause more harm to both of you. The 2 options that I can think of right now are to break up, or to stay with her and prove her parents wrong. You need to find the best solution that will benefit everone the most (especially you). I don't know what's the best solution for you since I'm not in your shoes, but I want you to have a good life and to be happy

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад

      We've decided to break up for good and think this is the best decision, thanks for all your continued support Nicholas

  • @katlovescats
    @katlovescats 7 лет назад

    I'm really sorry about all this. I was so happy for you guys! If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to Skype me.

  • @treebranch2066
    @treebranch2066 7 лет назад +2

    Nothing against your girlfriend but her parents are ridiculous. Why are they even involved in their daughters sex life. That's just weird. And questioning you about your life choices where you feel like you have to defend yourself is just a shit thing to do and seriously rude. They are hung up on you being asexual and that's not going to change unfortunately. Maybe it is time to move on. You'll find love again. Don't doubt that!!

  • @aboutagirl5085
    @aboutagirl5085 7 лет назад

    I'm just going to say this- it is no ones right to comment on your sexuality. Don't let any one tell you you are lying. You are know yourself better than anyone else.
    Sorry that's just disgusting.
    I'm really sorry all this stuff is happening to you.

    • @CookeeMonsterr
      @CookeeMonsterr  7 лет назад

      I agree which is why I seemed so annoyed in the video haha! Thanks for the support