Bro instead of making them stop ita varambe vachi dzika. It happened to me in Nyazura after I was told pane mvura vaka rova 40 mtrs no mvura then pa 50 paka buda tushoma then vachibva varova dombo from 55 to to 65 mtrs. I could have said stop but ndakati dzikisai then pa 70 mtrs mvura ika tanga kubuda kuita chitubu then I asked them kusvika pa 80. Ndaka Isa three ma taps one for the whole village but mvura haisi kupera.
Very sorry we thank God we didn't have issues with our surveyor and vakachera . Takanatsoudzwa kuti mvura yenyu iri kutangira pa 55 but pa60 meters pane stream .Mari inorwadza iyi
Ini ndakaita 120m kwaSeke, 2km from Mabauhwa shopping Centre. The water level in the borehole is at 15m. JOL drilling solutions, they do their own survey before drilling.
Haaa mukoma wangu kana mazogara team iro rino surveyor netusimbi utwo marukazi ayo. Umwe akatiti mvura iripa 70m and we drilled 80m but apana chakabatwa mvura now inoita kubuda kunge musodzi. We took another surveyor and he said paive pasina mvura patakanzi tiite and recommended titangidze a new hole and he found 2 places that he said could give us good results. But takati we will not rush, now we are planning to do satellite surveying coz inonzi its very accurate. So satellite surveying iyoyo will then confirm kuti the 2 new places dzakazowanikwa idzo kuti pane zviripo here and also satelite surveying ine advantage yekuti it gives you best points anemvura pa yard or area yako yese. So ini hangu ndinoti mukoma satellite surveying is the best before marasa imwe mari futi.
I believe the government should put some laws to protect people from losing thier hard earned money from these people who don’t know what they are doing 😭😭😭😭😭
@@charlesonline_ 1km away there's an aquifer borehole that was sunk in 1984 by Germans with a copper wire ( copper rods ) that borehole has lots and lots of water supplying a Gold mine nearby
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 *_ Firstly, just looking at that Silver suitcase where he removed his instruments from should have made you run like mad.... It has Chinese letters all over it, which indicates that it must be CR@P !!!! _*
We had the exact same problem in battlefields kadoma. We used the guys called Clear oceans drilling company and the surveyor's name is Munashe Muvirimi he scammed us $2350 and no sign of water to date. I am so sorry for your loss it's very painful to lose that kind of money. Im still trying to deal with the trauma
I am sorry, brother . My second surveyor recommended 61m to 90m. . There were three breakthroughs starting at 75m ,but with no water .my money was only sufficient for 90m. All the way was rock dust. I even texted him and said. Unfortunately there is no water. At the very last rod . The very last 2m dust stopped. We got water. At 89.7m . I had to add 10m to make it 100m. And it is sufficient Recommendation 1. The drilling was supposed to have flashed the hole even at 80m 30 minutes after stopping drilling. From your videos, looks like they did not 2. If they did not flash wait for some weeks, then throw a stone . You shld have at least sound of water. 3 tighten an empty bottle and insert into the hole , measure up the point you feel or hear the sound of the flash of water. repeat the process with a bottle full of water and measure the entire depth of the hole 4 if you dont get watert add 40 more meters. You should get water 5. If you dont get water at 120m, take a break 6, then use two or three sitters before drilling Good luck
Im sorry mukoma for such a loss. Ukaona team yesitting yakuudza mametres anopfuura 60 tsvaga umwe anositer until you get lower estimates. Kana area yaramba ichingonzi 80+ metres from different surveyors machances ako ekuwana mvura mashomasa. Never be tempted to drill 120 metres of borehole as an individual kana usiri kushandisa mari yekuba. Sometimes you cannot be told in plain words that hapana mvura, your own logic should save you. Borehole drilling is a gamble and can be addictive and prone to the owner succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy - where they want to lose more money because they have lost much already. Izobvuma kuchereswa mazimetres ekupenga as the 3rd person in the area, usatange iwewe unochema
The thing is those guys work separately yes but they are one. They do this to protect the rig guys coz its easy to attack the rig team than the surveyor. That machine or water detector needs a pro to interpret it. Otherwise i trust my sticks and wires and i have more than 400 wells positive
Water thing is a gamble especially from dry areas. We drilled twice nothing Ended up settling piping from the river. Should have done this in the 1st place was cheaper plus guaranteed water
I personally trust and believe in the traditional way of finding water. But I think if the sighting guy is from the same drilling company they should redo your drilling for free. Take them to court. I know someone akanyerwa kuti vaita double casing ukadhirikira. He took them to court and they redrilled it again putting everything well including the submissive pump.
Haaa traditional kunyeba kuya panenge pagara panemvura paArea aaah, u can't beat technology only if yu re using a wrong tool most of these tools they use are not for water survey rather they use probability of ground formation.
@@clivesfxtrading With dowsing you can never grow if you know how to do it. It's one of the best methods I prefer especially in exploration then new technology I can use just for confirmation
I think the best area rakaita se Gokwe kumusha kwangu uko panoda kuitwa wet hole contract with a good drilling company.With Wet hole contract if vaita dry hole vanokudzorera 90% wemari yako then 10% covers ma expenses wet hole contract its a win win situation. Inodhura hayo asi thus the best kuma dry areas.And also ma surveyor anoshandisa traditional methods are the best havapotsi.
I had the same problem with an Indian in Gweru they drilled 55m and not even a drop and $1450 gone they surveyed and drilled knowing there was nothing. A second surveyor said there was nothing at all where they drilled but found another place but if you throw a stone we hear the sound of falling in water
Im very sorry about what you went through..i was very fortunate we drilled only 45m and mvura yacho hatisi kuipedza even mudry season muno, borehole drilling its gambling but you just need transparent from these companies ..if you need any recommendations ive people who did mine no issues at all.
Very sorry brother for this unfortunate experience and loss of money. Tiri kusangana nazvo across the board. Vanhu vanongoda mari but professionalism is lacking.
Zvinhu zvacho izvi vane kakudyira vamwe mari ini ndakacheresa neimwe company yeharare kumasvingo uku ndikaita 80m.but pa60 vakabata yekudzininia manje ndaida kuramba ndichideepener pakauya vamwe two for survey vakati apa hapana mvura ndokuita yavo vari two kudaro pasame area saka heyiiii worried kuti ari kutaura chokwadi ndeupi nokuti wekutanga 40 m was 1400 ndokubva ndati 20m 700 and another 20m 700 so it's too much apa uchida mvura mari inonetsa
I had same issues but my one they never fit casing properly, and i loose 1600,, but i never give up i call a different company and they have drilled and do it professional
I used 1 surveyor zvikaita I watched every move yaaiitanayo achinyatso explens the way yaanga achiita nayo if u see an expect doing it u can tell kuti hagoni. I think vaitaridzwa madiagrams enhema
My man you were not scammed but your surveyor from what I can gather didn't explain to you the process. What he is doing is not a perfect science , the idea is map out the rock formations underlining the area. Then determine the best possible position for drilling..
Sorry zvako wangu ndozvavanoita vamwe anaboys vacho inini ndakaitirwa kuMarondera they didn't flush and now ndakutoda mari imwe and other pipes the guy haachatode kusvika pahole rake raakachera it's now 1year 6months zvakaoma iwe vachazviwanawo apo mvura ikunetsa gaya ndakavapa everything they needed vanehutsinye
Guys nyaya yemvura iyi seems vazhinji they lie to us and hakuna inonzi mvura yegungwa pasi apa. Mvura inofamba netunzizi (underground streams) nditwo tunobatwa then drill ipapo. Izvi zvekuti 100 or 150 mtrs mvura haipere inhema idzo. Unogona kubata mvura pa28mtrs chaipo isingapere that is if surveyor abata the underground stream ine mvura chaiyo. Uyu arikutonyeba hake nechimushini icho chinobata water table of which tumvura twenhema tunotiza panotangwa kudrillwa. The best is to have that drilling company to survey then mowirirana before kubuditsa mari agree on conditions dzekuti all parties will be happy with. Dont tell vekudrilla where you want the borehole to be but let them
I’m sorry about your loss my brother. I drilled twice mumunda one.The first was 60m got the water but was told not enough for farming but domestic use.The second is 80m and where two streams meet.Had plenty of water but right now zero. What the surveyors see is where water is underground but their tests are not capable of telling how much water will be available.Also the drought has dried up the water table unless you go deeper. Don’t give up.Nothing comes easy.
Isu watsvagi vemvura 95% haushaiwe mvura, tinonobata stream yemvura toitevera kwainobva nekwainoenda, best streams should have a with of 3.5 to 5 metres. 1.5 to 2.5 metres that stream is suitable for house hold use, 3.5 and above the water capacity is suitable for any type of irrigation that should be supported by water capacity testing report. To know how deep your borehole should be, collect information from 4 to 5 boreholes with water drilled in your area, how deep each borehole is then add the numbers snd divide by the number of boreholes that's the estimated number of metres for you to drill
I will give you 3 people as reference that is 1 from Mutoko, another one from Marondera and the third one who drilled a borehole in Mhondoro Ngezi, will give their cell numbers and then ask them their experiences about my water sitting. Still waiting for the Mhondoro Ngezi guy to give me his phone number as I misplaced it
Hit a dry hole, second surveyor came and confirmed there was water and we should have gone 15m to 25m deeper. Unfortunately we had not cased and the hole had collapsed six month later when we tried to revive it.
Wow am in the same situation they drilled 60m it was dry, cased it now waiting for capacity test and a satellite siting to verify if there is water and actual depth to drill
I have done two successful boreholes ne kw blasting and drilling very professional people. Vanoshandisa copper waya chete. Vambouya vakomana vema machines avo for survey and they lied to me big time. Give a test to KW they ended up drilling nearly 100 boreholes muhurungwe because of their competence
Can you drill more meters into an existing borehole that has already been drilled and has pvc casings already inserted? What is the procedure and what are the anticipated costs?
Ini I prefer kushandisa nzira dzechibhoi pakusaita mvura Izvo zvekamushina ako mmmmm is not make shuwa Ndakazviitirwa izvo mvura. Ikawanika pakuzochera apa kwakutadza kana kubata dhaka zvaro Ndakazoitirwawo nemumwe mufana wepamaraini pangu akashandisa muti wemupfura wakaita mhanda so kwakuwana mvura zvisina kani kukakavara
Mukomana ano surveya mvura inga wani akataura wani kuti mvura inobatika after 120 metres and then mosvitsa 150 metres pakuchera. Hapana cry foul apa. The best practice is to have the drilling company site the spot as well.
@pamelamwase4780 you open hand more like when someone giving something,you place the 1 liter bottle and walk around the place then where they is water the bottle if gonna fall by its self Or get wire band it like letter L hold on to shorten potion walk around then the wire will point where they is water
Never have a different siting person and a borehole drilling company..if the drilling company can't site ..then siya.its all about accountability and liability
@@giftt.kmzembe7626 the same company which was supposed to drill the borehole, after survey they didn't want to come and drill the borehole so I opted to take hire different company
Have not seen a drilling company that does both. They tell you that the two are separate and unrelated contracts a d you sign for that. Survey contract is clear that there is no water guarantee
@@innocentmtisi2046 Ukaona wanzi 80 metres zvichikwira hapana chigayi chinodarika kusiyana nazvo. If its water for farming, constructing dams and resevoirs, or digging wells can be the alternative and utilizing conservative methods like drip irrigation. Zvekuda kunetsana nevezvimishini ava unopera mari yese pasina chabuda
Uuuuum zvorwadza, ini vangu vakauya vese surveyor nevekudriller vacho neveku installer vacho last month. I’m glad mvura yakawanikwa at 40m ndakazoisa 60m. I paid $2200 including double cursing Don’t give up brother, variko vari genuine but just be careful with these people, sorry henyu!!
There are some few very reputable guys. Used guys who used similar method. The result was the same as apa. But i have some guys who use a superior method ino WADI they seem to be consistant pakutsvqga mvura. They dont drill they only survey and give you your facts.
Zveku Zimbabwe ndezvekuvharana vharana ma borehole drillers most of them matsotsi havakupi all information from survey to drilling chokwadiii chinongodiwa Kuti mvura it's 50/50 kuyiwana nekushaya munhu woita sarudzo yako on best Infor yaunenge wapiwa navo but havakupi that information and chance to make your decision
Batai Amanzi , mvura inonetsa kubata makaitirwa how many spots pasurvey and did they point out the best spot. Survey isu takasenzesa 3 companies to ensure
It is not uncommon to hit a blank. The problem is that these days in Zimbabwe anyone claims to be a borehole siter. That machine they use for siting requires one to have a prior understanding of the local geology and hydro geology. This talk about detecting streams underground is evidence that some of these siters have no clue about what they are doing.
I just drilled a borehole for my grandparents in Mt Darwin. We caught water at 27 meters. We struggled to contain it kusvika 60 meters. Other villagers who used vakomana ve geological avo drilled dry holes. I have a reputable surveyor who uses copper wires. I can’t recommend him enough
I'm not seeing a scam here. The surveyor haana vhavhu chete infact he seems sincere. The surrounding vegetation indicates that your water table is could be very deep. Just my opinion.
Newevo hama. Why give contract to a drilling Vo. in Harare yet there are plenty of suvh Companies in Kwe Kwe Gweru and Kadoma. Check adverts in Complicated Affairs yeku Kwe Kwe. Unopera Mari hama. Be careful
But handizivi kana ndisina kunyatsonzwa the guy sitsvaga mvura uya vakataura wani kuti mvura muchaibata at 150m but it seems u didn't want spend more money pane vanochera
It's funny how you use cheap surveyors ikozvino kwave ne new technology mukuru kwete zvewaya nezvisimbi izvo kwane zvema plates and hammer hammer payinorova plate iri pa ground inenge iri linked to computer yoto yita calculation note zve wire izvi
Sorry about that. Your land looks beautiful. If you gather strength financially deepen it to 150m you will get the water. The guys dont want to say the truth because they dont want you to reverse the deal. Success is not easy and this is one of the haddles but that should deter you or stop you achieve your dreams. deepen the borehole mate!!! To success🥂 He was unable to answer all your questions his answers were all guesses and full of being unsure
That's why vanhu muchibirwa mari nekuti makapusa chaizvo. Murikufunga kuti scammer munhu akaisa ma pegs ekuti pane mvura asi Drilling Company ine maoko akachena? WAKE UP !!! Kune ma Drilling Companies anoitaa sighting ega, kozoita mwamwe anoti 'Tishevedzei motitaridza pekuita driiling pane mvura". SERIOUSLY, YOU CAN'T SEE THAT IT'S A TUG-TEAM OF CROOKS vanokandirana mari vachinyepera vanhu???
this is eye opening ndikudawo kuisa borehole rangu saka ndabatawo zvidzidzo pano
I'll be following, just realized Zimbabwe has a similar terrain as my hometown in Mpumalanga
Thank you Homie for updating us. Vamwe vanoti tsvagai vaye vechikaranga vanoota sighting yemazvo.
Bro instead of making them stop ita varambe vachi dzika. It happened to me in Nyazura after I was told pane mvura vaka rova 40 mtrs no mvura then pa 50 paka buda tushoma then vachibva varova dombo from 55 to to 65 mtrs. I could have said stop but ndakati dzikisai then pa 70 mtrs mvura ika tanga kubuda kuita chitubu then I asked them kusvika pa 80. Ndaka Isa three ma taps one for the whole village but mvura haisi kupera.
NO! Kana pasina hapana unonyura mari my sis akasvika 120 kana hunyoro hawo🤦🏾♀️
@@nai6474 zvorwadza shuwa
Can i have ma contacts you used for citing and drilling.
Imwe depth even pumping the water out will become an issue
Very sorry bro God will compensate you don't worry
Very sorry we thank God we didn't have issues with our surveyor and vakachera . Takanatsoudzwa kuti mvura yenyu iri kutangira pa 55 but pa60 meters pane stream .Mari inorwadza iyi
The trees tell the truth they cannot lie,or misleed you
How do the trees do that?
Surveying doesn't guarantees water,but the best possible spot where you might find water.your surveyor should have explained it in details.
Ini ndakaita 120m kwaSeke, 2km from Mabauhwa
shopping Centre. The water level in the borehole is at 15m. JOL drilling solutions, they do their own survey before drilling.
@@big-brain254 what kind of machine do they use when surveying 🤔
Haaa mukoma wangu kana mazogara team iro rino surveyor netusimbi utwo marukazi ayo. Umwe akatiti mvura iripa 70m and we drilled 80m but apana chakabatwa mvura now inoita kubuda kunge musodzi. We took another surveyor and he said paive pasina mvura patakanzi tiite and recommended titangidze a new hole and he found 2 places that he said could give us good results. But takati we will not rush, now we are planning to do satellite surveying coz inonzi its very accurate. So satellite surveying iyoyo will then confirm kuti the 2 new places dzakazowanikwa idzo kuti pane zviripo here and also satelite surveying ine advantage yekuti it gives you best points anemvura pa yard or area yako yese. So ini hangu ndinoti mukoma satellite surveying is the best before marasa imwe mari futi.
How do yu do set elite sevey
Saka vakaita kuti mudrille 80m avo mazodii navo?
@@kencefamily8344 please I also need it if it is accurate. We're tired of these guys and their machines 😒
@@marvelloustumbo8433 variko vanotoita vacho but inoita around 300usd inodhurawo
@@lainasteele6969 I paid them their money because they did their job
In kenya we drill upto 300 meters oftentimes and we get water....most aquifers are beyond 150m
I believe the government should put some laws to protect people from losing thier hard earned money from these people who don’t know what they are doing 😭😭😭😭😭
Best way is to sue them
No laws in Zim, where do you report?? Waste of time filing a report
Sue them
Laws are there he knows the person he must sent him to Court.
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740You are a business man bro u need a lawyer to push your case unless if you are not telling us everything.
Ths type of vegetation tells a lot about the water table.seems deep .
@@charlesonline_ 1km away there's an aquifer borehole that was sunk in 1984 by Germans with a copper wire ( copper rods ) that borehole has lots and lots of water supplying a Gold mine nearby
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 nyaya ndeye rock formation kuti water table yakamirasei 📈📉 ith could be like this pa100meter radius chaipo
In the future kindly use a water surveyor with RIVER-F SMART Long-range water finder.
That is the best
@@MrMichackm Anybody you know
@@MrMichackm is that the satellite system?
Who are these, please? I lost 4000 usd from these scummer drilling companies in Hatfield
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 *_ Firstly, just looking at that Silver suitcase where he removed his instruments from should have made you run like mad.... It has Chinese letters all over it, which indicates that it must be CR@P !!!! _* try borehole clinic they have drilled 2 boreholes at my place and my aunt'
In certain areas, you can increase the depth until you reach the water table, which is approximately 100 meters below the surface.
But it's easy u must sign a contract first kuti no water no full payment ini kana vanditi panemvura votadza kuibata i am not paying not negotiable
Borehole drilling is gambling. It is a prepaid service and hazvishandi sezvatinoda zvekuti mvura yashaikwa dhiziri rashanda toda kuti hapana cent
Im very sorry bro.... vanofanirwa kusungiswa😢
We had the exact same problem in battlefields kadoma. We used the guys called Clear oceans drilling company and the surveyor's name is Munashe Muvirimi he scammed us $2350 and no sign of water to date. I am so sorry for your loss it's very painful to lose that kind of money. Im still trying to deal with the trauma
It took me almost a year to save up the money 😢😢😢 I won't heal
I am sorry, brother . My second surveyor recommended 61m to 90m. . There were three breakthroughs starting at 75m ,but with no water .my money was only sufficient for 90m. All the way was rock dust. I even texted him and said. Unfortunately there is no water. At the very last rod . The very last 2m dust stopped. We got water. At 89.7m . I had to add 10m to make it 100m. And it is sufficient
1. The drilling was supposed to have flashed the hole even at 80m 30 minutes after stopping drilling. From your videos, looks like they did not
2. If they did not flash wait for some weeks, then throw a stone . You shld have at least sound of water.
3 tighten an empty bottle and insert into the hole , measure up the point you feel or hear the sound of the flash of water. repeat the process with a bottle full of water and measure the entire depth of the hole
4 if you dont get watert add 40 more meters. You should get water
5. If you dont get water at 120m, take a break
6, then use two or three sitters before drilling
Good luck
Thanks for your kind words 🙏🏽😊
CHIPAZHAMONGO pa Gweru mashefu pakubata mvura
Drop their contact
Im sorry mukoma for such a loss. Ukaona team yesitting yakuudza mametres anopfuura 60 tsvaga umwe anositer until you get lower estimates. Kana area yaramba ichingonzi 80+ metres from different surveyors machances ako ekuwana mvura mashomasa.
Never be tempted to drill 120 metres of borehole as an individual kana usiri kushandisa mari yekuba. Sometimes you cannot be told in plain words that hapana mvura, your own logic should save you.
Borehole drilling is a gamble and can be addictive and prone to the owner succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy - where they want to lose more money because they have lost much already. Izobvuma kuchereswa mazimetres ekupenga as the 3rd person in the area, usatange iwewe unochema
The thing is those guys work separately yes but they are one. They do this to protect the rig guys coz its easy to attack the rig team than the surveyor.
That machine or water detector needs a pro to interpret it. Otherwise i trust my sticks and wires and i have more than 400 wells positive
Munobata necopper wire here?
@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 yes and tree branches
@@bkasiwani drop your contract
Water thing is a gamble especially from dry areas. We drilled twice nothing
Ended up settling piping from the river. Should have done this in the 1st place was cheaper plus guaranteed water
Try Hydrotec drilling inokuitira zvese at once sitting and drilling so its easy kna pasina chabuda you won’t pay
@@godknowsdennis5519 yeah I'll try that
I personally trust and believe in the traditional way of finding water. But I think if the sighting guy is from the same drilling company they should redo your drilling for free. Take them to court. I know someone akanyerwa kuti vaita double casing ukadhirikira. He took them to court and they redrilled it again putting everything well including the submissive pump.
Secret is ano driller ngaaite survey the land
Haaa traditional kunyeba kuya panenge pagara panemvura paArea aaah, u can't beat technology only if yu re using a wrong tool most of these tools they use are not for water survey rather they use probability of ground formation.
Ndakaitisa survey using both traditional was 70m nothing chakabuda but technology yandiudza probability of 50m ikabuda
With dowsing you can never grow if you know how to do it. It's one of the best methods I prefer especially in exploration then new technology I can use just for confirmation
I was also scammed also scammed last week on Saturday.
How were you scammed
I think the best area rakaita se Gokwe kumusha kwangu uko panoda kuitwa wet hole contract with a good drilling company.With Wet hole contract if vaita dry hole vanokudzorera 90% wemari yako then 10% covers ma expenses wet hole contract its a win win situation. Inodhura hayo asi thus the best kuma dry areas.And also ma surveyor anoshandisa traditional methods are the best havapotsi.
@@silassoweto1788 tsanangurai muchishona🤣🤣 chirungu ndarasika
can you please connect me with guys vanoita wet hole contract i need to a borehole in an area ine similar water table
Sue them Mukoma
I had the same problem with an Indian in Gweru they drilled 55m and not even a drop and $1450 gone they surveyed and drilled knowing there was nothing. A second surveyor said there was nothing at all where they drilled but found another place but if you throw a stone we hear the sound of falling in water
Inosinina asi inogona kusakwana
@@JudaMugomba 1 drum😂
Im very sorry about what you went through..i was very fortunate we drilled only 45m and mvura yacho hatisi kuipedza even mudry season muno, borehole drilling its gambling but you just need transparent from these companies ..if you need any recommendations ive people who did mine no issues at all.
Please I need recommendations, I'm in trauma😢
Drop their contact information, I need a genuine person this time around 😢
Very sorry brother for this unfortunate experience and loss of money. Tiri kusangana nazvo across the board. Vanhu vanongoda mari but professionalism is lacking.
I used Regpard the same surveyor ku Chikomba district report recommended 75 metres which we drilled no issues at all.
Murisei munobva papi kuChikomba ndokumusha kwangu kwaWarikandwa
Get also engineer they lltell yu best
@@WilcoFarmsZw Daramombe
@@rozvi9728 ohh you're my hommie
Lucky you😢 but kwandiri he was a tora mari United. Dei akandiudza kuti hapana mvura
i trust survey yechivanhu, izvi zvemishina ma1.
It's gogo for me. Hatidi anhu anotukana pane vaeni ❤
Ini ndakatsotswa too nerimwewo gororo and mbavha yacho kutosiya yaisa tank and taps asina kubata mvura yacho. Nxa. 😢
@AnjoJoy. Zimbabwean laws are no longer that strong, we're losing a lot of money kn daily basis
I am terribly sorry my frien, it sucks!
Drill some more youll get water its just deeper😮
80m is not that deep. We sometimes go as deep as 260m to hit the water basin. Keep on drilling. Water is there...but deeper.
@michaeltamora4675 what will happen if drill another 80m and find No water still? Money wasted again?
Very true had a guy who drilled up 200m still nothing😢 Equipping such deeper boreholes is very expensive again
Zvinhu zvacho izvi vane kakudyira vamwe mari ini ndakacheresa neimwe company yeharare kumasvingo uku ndikaita 80m.but pa60 vakabata yekudzininia manje ndaida kuramba ndichideepener pakauya vamwe two for survey vakati apa hapana mvura ndokuita yavo vari two kudaro pasame area saka heyiiii worried kuti ari kutaura chokwadi ndeupi nokuti wekutanga 40 m was 1400 ndokubva ndati 20m 700 and another 20m 700 so it's too much apa uchida mvura mari inonetsa
@@angelinezim8440 yeah pakaipa
I had same issues but my one they never fit casing properly, and i loose 1600,, but i never give up i call a different company and they have drilled and do it professional
I used 1 surveyor zvikaita I watched every move yaaiitanayo achinyatso explens the way yaanga achiita nayo if u see an expect doing it u can tell kuti hagoni. I think vaitaridzwa madiagrams enhema
@@FeziweVundhla please drop his contact
It happens sometimes unfortunately 😕
Very unfortunate but is it true kuti pachuru chemajuru hapashaikwe mvura.
@@Vincentkamhips4875 False!
My man you were not scammed but your surveyor from what I can gather didn't explain to you the process. What he is doing is not a perfect science , the idea is map out the rock formations underlining the area. Then determine the best possible position for drilling..
@@sdube4913 If it is not perfect then it's better to leave it than wasting people's money😥😢
Sorry zvako wangu ndozvavanoita vamwe anaboys vacho inini ndakaitirwa kuMarondera they didn't flush and now ndakutoda mari imwe and other pipes the guy haachatode kusvika pahole rake raakachera it's now 1year 6months zvakaoma iwe vachazviwanawo apo mvura ikunetsa gaya ndakavapa everything they needed vanehutsinye
Guys nyaya yemvura iyi seems vazhinji they lie to us and hakuna inonzi mvura yegungwa pasi apa. Mvura inofamba netunzizi (underground streams) nditwo tunobatwa then drill ipapo. Izvi zvekuti 100 or 150 mtrs mvura haipere inhema idzo. Unogona kubata mvura pa28mtrs chaipo isingapere that is if surveyor abata the underground stream ine mvura chaiyo. Uyu arikutonyeba hake nechimushini icho chinobata water table of which tumvura twenhema tunotiza panotangwa kudrillwa. The best is to have that drilling company to survey then mowirirana before kubuditsa mari agree on conditions dzekuti all parties will be happy with. Dont tell vekudrilla where you want the borehole to be but let them
@@elvischamunorwa971 A guy from the next village has 6 boreholes different companies No water still😢
I’m sorry about your loss my brother. I drilled twice mumunda one.The first was 60m got the water but was told not enough for farming but domestic use.The second is 80m and where two streams meet.Had plenty of water but right now zero. What the surveyors see is where water is underground but their tests are not capable of telling how much water will be available.Also the drought has dried up the water table unless you go deeper. Don’t give up.Nothing comes easy.
@@Mbambe24 thanks 😊
They surveyed wrongly. That instrument is accurate
thanks for the content
Very interesting thanx for the video
@@tendaimafuwe6553 you're welcome
Isu watsvagi vemvura 95% haushaiwe mvura, tinonobata stream yemvura toitevera kwainobva nekwainoenda, best streams should have a with of 3.5 to 5 metres. 1.5 to 2.5 metres that stream is suitable for house hold use, 3.5 and above the water capacity is suitable for any type of irrigation that should be supported by water capacity testing report. To know how deep your borehole should be, collect information from 4 to 5 boreholes with water drilled in your area, how deep each borehole is then add the numbers snd divide by the number of boreholes that's the estimated number of metres for you to drill
@@mosesnyamapfeni6425 I need references please, everyone says that
I will give you 3 people as reference that is 1 from Mutoko, another one from Marondera and the third one who drilled a borehole in Mhondoro Ngezi, will give their cell numbers and then ask them their experiences about my water sitting. Still waiting for the Mhondoro Ngezi guy to give me his phone number as I misplaced it
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 All scammers read from the same text
Hello there ,pliz share the marondera Guy's contact
Haaaa Zimbabwe tiri kure panyaya dzeprofessionalism apa kungovharana zvapera
Hit a dry hole, second surveyor came and confirmed there was water and we should have gone 15m to 25m deeper. Unfortunately we had not cased and the hole had collapsed six month later when we tried to revive it.
Wow am in the same situation they drilled 60m it was dry, cased it now waiting for capacity test and a satellite siting to verify if there is water and actual depth to drill
I have done two successful boreholes ne kw blasting and drilling very professional people. Vanoshandisa copper waya chete. Vambouya vakomana vema machines avo for survey and they lied to me big time. Give a test to KW they ended up drilling nearly 100 boreholes muhurungwe because of their competence
Can you drill more meters into an existing borehole that has already been drilled and has pvc casings already inserted? What is the procedure and what are the anticipated costs?
@@Fine_Era I've to pay another $950 - $1100 to drill another 40m again
Ini I prefer kushandisa nzira dzechibhoi pakusaita mvura
Izvo zvekamushina ako mmmmm is not make shuwa
Ndakazviitirwa izvo mvura. Ikawanika pakuzochera apa kwakutadza kana kubata dhaka zvaro
Ndakazoitirwawo nemumwe mufana wepamaraini pangu akashandisa muti wemupfura wakaita mhanda so kwakuwana mvura zvisina kani kukakavara
@@ibwe yakabatwa paHow many meters uye yakawanda sei
Mvura yakabatirwa pa68 metres ndobva yawedzerwa kusvika pa70 metres
Mvura iripo yakawanda haisati yambopwa tiri kudiridzira nayo munda 2 hactres
Chimwezve chandakaudzwa neakazosaita mvura achishandisa nzira dzechibhoi akati iye munotarisa bhande remvura harinetse kuona kana zvimbo yenyu ine miti yemuwonde/mupanda/kana guhunga miti iyi inomera nzvimbo inemvura yakawanda pasi
Zvichizoenderanawo nekuti water table yenyu irikure zvakadii
@@ibwe Ok
Pachibhoi futi tsvakai kana pane makomba akacherwa nemhuka inonzi Sambani moti anosaita ambotarisa ipapo pagomba
Lets see the survey report and the graph he produced
Gokwe ma 120 to 150meters chaidzo
@yulletazimbanje7037 I've included it in the video please check again
Mukomana ano surveya mvura inga wani akataura wani kuti mvura inobatika after 120 metres and then mosvitsa 150 metres pakuchera. Hapana cry foul apa.
The best practice is to have the drilling company site the spot as well.
He said pa75m iripo hobho, 150m inenge yatove bonus
Gokwe has ussues nemvura.Go deeper baba Handiwone scam apa
In my culture we just fill the bottle with water and walk along the yard,once that bottles falls we drill
Does it has to fall automatically from your hands..
@pamelamwase4780 you open hand more like when someone giving something,you place the 1 liter bottle and walk around the place then where they is water the bottle if gonna fall by its self
Or get wire band it like letter L hold on to shorten potion walk around then the wire will point where they is water
Don't pay before see water
Never have a different siting person and a borehole drilling company..if the drilling company can't site ..then siya.its all about accountability and liability
@@giftt.kmzembe7626 the same company which was supposed to drill the borehole, after survey they didn't want to come and drill the borehole so I opted to take hire different company
Have not seen a drilling company that does both. They tell you that the two are separate and unrelated contracts a d you sign for that. Survey contract is clear that there is no water guarantee
Some drilling guys will not tell you the truth that there is no water. Because they don't want to lose your money
@@innocentmtisi2046 Ukaona wanzi 80 metres zvichikwira hapana chigayi chinodarika kusiyana nazvo. If its water for farming, constructing dams and resevoirs, or digging wells can be the alternative and utilizing conservative methods like drip irrigation. Zvekuda kunetsana nevezvimishini ava unopera mari yese pasina chabuda
Uuuuum zvorwadza, ini vangu vakauya vese surveyor nevekudriller vacho neveku installer vacho last month. I’m glad mvura yakawanikwa at 40m ndakazoisa 60m. I paid $2200 including double cursing Don’t give up brother, variko vari genuine but just be careful with these people, sorry henyu!!
Really painful watch.
There are some few very reputable guys. Used guys who used similar method. The result was the same as apa. But i have some guys who use a superior method ino WADI they seem to be consistant pakutsvqga mvura. They dont drill they only survey and give you your facts.
Please share their contacts
Hi boss, please share the 3D survey report they shared with you
Iripo wani pavideo ndakaisa
Quite disturbing this is . Do get in touch and I will direct you to a professional surveyor, no need for ma surveyor ezvitanda aya
Share your contact please
Ndipewo number yake
The his is so common with our peopl in Zimbabwe
Me too I was scammed in Zambia kapiri mposhi. I will upload the vidoes soon on my youtube channel.
Please tag me😢😢
Zveku Zimbabwe ndezvekuvharana vharana ma borehole drillers most of them matsotsi havakupi all information from survey to drilling chokwadiii chinongodiwa Kuti mvura it's 50/50 kuyiwana nekushaya munhu woita sarudzo yako on best Infor yaunenge wapiwa navo but havakupi that information and chance to make your decision
People are no longer honest anymore! It's very unfortunate
Batai Amanzi , mvura inonetsa kubata makaitirwa how many spots pasurvey and did they point out the best spot. Survey isu takasenzesa 3 companies to ensure
@@hlupomugova5813 2 points and this spot is the one he recommended that it was the best
Find out if that company is registered. It reminds me of some chaps who regassed my air con in my car. It only worked for 3 days and packed up.
@@johnellis4646 now it's very tricky in Zimbabwe, everyone is now a crook
You could have tried going up to 20 more meters the water is just after that rock
It is not uncommon to hit a blank. The problem is that these days in Zimbabwe anyone claims to be a borehole siter. That machine they use for siting requires one to have a prior understanding of the local geology and hydro geology. This talk about detecting streams underground is evidence that some of these siters have no clue about what they are doing.
@@TheMukanya they're just taking people's money 💰 for nothing 😒
this is sad, rather 3 or 4 diff people when doing surveys.
Hanzi madiyi kungo ita zvema pictures 📸 chete
Ndipo pandato ona kuti imbavha
@@custonenyamaropasnakeanima9152 😢😢😢
I just drilled a borehole for my grandparents in Mt Darwin. We caught water at 27 meters. We struggled to contain it kusvika 60 meters.
Other villagers who used vakomana ve geological avo drilled dry holes.
I have a reputable surveyor who uses copper wires. I can’t recommend him enough
Please share contacts
I'm not seeing a scam here. The surveyor haana vhavhu chete infact he seems sincere. The surrounding vegetation indicates that your water table is could be very deep. Just my opinion.
Not far from the place, there's a borehole that's 60m with lots of water since 1984
Why did you not tell the surveyor to start from that borehole,towards your land🤔❓❓❓
@@balsamtrees True bro then trace the water table from there to your yard
At least he should have picked his phone
Sad indeed
Gokwe haina mvura pa80m
Next borehole about a km away paMine it's 60m deep vakabata aquifer haiperi. Wakacherwa 1983 nema Germans
Newevo hama. Why give contract to a drilling Vo. in Harare yet there are plenty of suvh Companies in Kwe Kwe Gweru and Kadoma. Check adverts in Complicated Affairs yeku Kwe Kwe. Unopera Mari hama. Be careful
You should have found 2 different surveys before drilling
But handizivi kana ndisina kunyatsonzwa the guy sitsvaga mvura uya vakataura wani kuti mvura muchaibata at 150m but it seems u didn't want spend more money pane vanochera
He said at 75m you'll get it, 150m was just bonus
I heard the guy talk😮 about 150 m, yu😊 asked if he meant 50m,,,, , confusion
@@Bomani_Corgan 150 yes he said there's water but he also said at 75 you'll get it as well.
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 so it's not a total loose rain season yu will get some water, also might be under the rock aqcua water
You were not scammed. The surveyor recommended 150 and you drilled 80m. Sunungurayi homwe and increase to 150m moibata. Good luck
Nohe said 75m not 150
It's funny how you use cheap surveyors ikozvino kwave ne new technology mukuru kwete zvewaya nezvisimbi izvo kwane zvema plates and hammer hammer payinorova plate iri pa ground inenge iri linked to computer yoto yita calculation note zve wire izvi
@@victortawandazimuto1795 Doe that machine you saw in the video looks like an old method to you???
Which part of Gokwe mukuru. Sorry for this .
Chidoma area, just between Empress and Gokwe
Thank u
Best way don't give them money until there are done.😢
Why not pay your surveyor after drilling.
Gokwe mvura inoshipa got a friend yangu yakacheresa 100 meters hapana mvura yakabatewa
@@ActiveLivingPro 😰😰
Please drop the contact
Ini l used 2 surveyors n vakabata pa same sport
@@martinngurunda5088 Please their co contact Please
@@martinngurunda5088 Kupi? Lucky you eish
@@mrguineafowlzimbabwe1740 kwaRusape ukoo ku Tanda
Zvorwadza chaizvo
Sorry about that. Your land looks beautiful. If you gather strength financially deepen it to 150m you will get the water. The guys dont want to say the truth because they dont want you to reverse the deal.
Success is not easy and this is one of the haddles but that should deter you or stop you achieve your dreams. deepen the borehole mate!!! To success🥂
He was unable to answer all your questions his answers were all guesses and full of being unsure
It's not East bro to gather another $2300😢😢
That's why vanhu muchibirwa mari nekuti makapusa chaizvo. Murikufunga kuti scammer munhu akaisa ma pegs ekuti pane mvura asi Drilling Company ine maoko akachena? WAKE UP !!! Kune ma Drilling Companies anoitaa sighting ega, kozoita mwamwe anoti 'Tishevedzei motitaridza pekuita driiling pane mvura". SERIOUSLY, YOU CAN'T SEE THAT IT'S A TUG-TEAM OF CROOKS vanokandirana mari vachinyepera vanhu???
I think I explained everything in that video, better imi makangwarira kupfuura isu madununu
Kuchera chinhu chausina kufushira ma1
Zvorwadza hama
I thought the surveyor said water was 150m
@@SandasiChimukombero he also said at 75m I'll get it
Sry my brother