I love how Vince consistently has infinite patience with his guest's camera/lag/mic issues, unless it's Tom's mic - because Tom could have stopped hitting his mic at any time. 😂
I know everyone hope is new models for their faction but man I'd love to see a none human Cities expansion. Like a Darkoath level expansion for either Dwarfs or Elves. We're at a point now in AOS where the Old World models look hella derpy next to newer models.
Starcraft 2 had a resurgence in popularity due to its Coop Missions mode that launched around '16. It quickly became more popular than the regular 1v1 game, it still is, and I feel AoS needs something like it to be fun. This mode wasn't just a normal 1v1 game turned into 2vbots, it was a commander-like reimagining of the core factions to focus on some gameplay aspect and turn the faction into its best version of something. Want to play Terran infantry? Enjoy all the campaign-only infantry and upgrades, internal synergies and counters-to-everything that'd make them way too powerful to play for a competitive setting. Want to live that dream of the Zerg Swarm? The map will be covered by gribblies under your control. You're not playing an army, you're playing a tide. Bot-specific Protoss, or Infected Terran? Fun, allowed. There's some 20 factions, each with its own fantasy. AoS's Armies of Renown really should be this. But there's more. NPI mechanics that didn't make the cut to 1v1 aren't a problem either since you're playing a bot. In coop, balance is important, but not critical. The enemy and the mission have flexible difficulty controls which allow you to tune the challenge to what you're doing and who you're playing with, so if you discover a combo that's too strong, that's fine. If you Johnny-up some contraption that works in spite of common sense, you can find that difficulty level at which you can experience it. I also wish there was a way to remove the shackles of a "competitive game" like Starcraft did with coop. As an example of where Starcraft failed, recently there've been discussions over how boring and stale the 1v1 scene has become, because the systems that design maps and balance just overtuned the balance and the maps to be maximally fair and therefore boring. Anyway, engagement. Here's for a great new year Vince
Your idea for a new Death faction is very close to what my own favorite idea would be. Basically for me it's taking Necrarch vampires reimagined. Victorian/Steampunk Alchemists and Witches putting souls into scratch made bodies that don't look like humans. Golems like you mentioned, big cauldrons with all kinds of chemicals and souls being swirled together, they could have war machines that are powered by souls, etc. They could be led by vampires that are similar to the Necrarchs or just regular necromancers. The point is it's wizards/alchemists up at the top and their scratch made troops. I would even say don't give them a big 20 man basic chaff. Make them more elite, a focus on big models and some more elite 10 man units. Steps on OBR a bit but you can really go interesting artistic and gameplay direction to make them distinct. Also for destruction, insect race. Race of insects out to conquer and destroy the mortal realms for their own expansion. Or reimagine Beasts of Chaos as Beast of the Realms. Instead of being chaos tainted, they are natural creatures of the realms that are shunned from the typical order factions and so go out and destroy them, with some being chaos corrupted and those are your slaangors and and such. Beasts of Exile if you will.
I still like my idea of a yokai-themed non-Nagash death army of rebellious spirits of death that predate Nagash, the native denizens of Shyish who don't like that he's taken over. Lots of room for interesting imagery there, as disturbing as Junji Ito or as humorous as umbrella monsters.
My 2025 goal is to complete my Spearhead collection (I own them all) and to get to the point where I paint a new one as it comes out. I completed 9 since Spearhead came out and am just about to finish the 10th. My hopes are that the Spearheads continue to be unique. I'm excited about the Ironjawz one coming out this weekend but not hugely that there was no single new sculpt. But it has the megaboss which is a model I've wanted forever but never got because I don't really collect Orks.
I would like to see a show on list building systems. Not just about 4th edition, but also comparing it to previous editions of AoS (and also WHFB and Old World). I loved building lists in 3rd edition. Just like I love building decks for MtG. Navigating battleline unlocks, distributing units over battalions, unlocking extra enhancements, squeezing in a fun allied unit or two... All of this is gone with 4th edition. And while I like the core rules system of 4th, I have no interest in building armies for it.
Vince you're an inspiration of dedication to the craft and game. I accomplished my hobby goals of 2024 with a brand new 0 to done FEC army and won local armies on parade. Thanks for all be content and here's to another great year
What I found most shocking is how little forethought AoS team had with converting index to battletome. Take 40k, they established a faction super rule to be a through point for an army and then an index. And knew that the codex would carry over the index and then 3-7 additional play styles. They planned to avoid power creep and how it wouldn't be a full rehashing. What did AoS do for creating interest from index to tome?
About the Tyrion - a lot of people talk about the Bladebanner Tyrionic side, but hey, just look at the Lyrior's base. He's literally standing on the ruined Tyrions statue.
I've had a pretty horrible 2024 and it kinda crushed my creative spirit, so the goal for 2025 is just to back into the habit of putting paint on models. Tried today and all my muscle memory has disappeared, so it's going to be quite the challenge to get back to the levels I know I can produce. Also gonna give another endorsement of a 'how I choose what to paint' video. That would be super interesting. Personally, I'd be far more likely to buy a battletome if it wasn't tied to needing it for rules. As is, I'm just not going to buy them.
Thanks Vince, a simple idea for quick videos could be painting tips for the new releases as they come out. Here's your new foot hero (or hopefully something better), here's some tips on how to prepare (sub assemble if applicable for example), paint and get on the tabletop.
I’d like to see more breaks from the old world. Fix kragnos and give us his army. Kill off grimnir - for good this time - give us the story that brings us a new dwarven god. Give us the dire wolf godbeast that is supposedly the source of the Volga bloodline. Grot sky pirates, cogforts - cool ideas that aren’t just ‘let’s do the old world in a new setting’…
Man I didn't really like list building in 3rd, but I didn't think it would be EVEN WORSE in 4th. The part that you guys didn't mention specifically, is that if you have a smaller collection or a more themed collection, previous editions had a lot of ways to shore up your weaknesses, or blunt your strengths if you needed to, to make a game more equal. Now I feel like the lists build themselves, and the best/top lists for armies are really really clear cut, and if you don't have those models or don't like them, you're SOL.
After thinking about it for some time I know what I want; give every faction a fun game breaking thematic ability. If the competetive side is worried about balance then just ban it from that. Give us stuff that goes boom.
Hey Vince, would love to see more of your thoughts on Busts. I am also progressing my painting into single figures, 75mm and busts and would love to hear about your progress as its a very different style of painting. Also your thought process on how to pick a bust to paint would be super interesting as there are so many on the market.
Was a nice to show to start the year. Wish i stayed to catch it live, but i decided to hold off and watch the next day during work. For me i would say no new army. While I would enjoy several options if the release isn't another LRL type of release and is more like OBr i'll just think it will be yet another army that will seem to be neglected with a small roster of non hero units for way too long. This is one of my pet peevs with 40k marines get release all the time while some factions have to wait decades for any kind of significant updates or new units. Yes Space marines are the big sellers, but you do have the whole they get all of love and press so of course they are the highest sellers. anyway i'm all for expansions and unit updates. Wish i could have asked the guess if my idea for DOK would be a good idea or would it not feel very DOK. I'm a big fan of the medusae and bat ladies in DOK. i kind of feel they should really go into the half elf half monster theme and get rid of the witch elves stuff. Throw them into the malerion army. I would like to see more snake ladies i was thinking of a kit that you could a more armored version with shield/spear type combo and more scaled armor over the snake bits while in same kit remove the scaled armor bit and allow them to have dual hand weapons scimitars or even claw like blades. This would give 4 snake units, a fast blender low rend high amount of attacks, 2 handed heavy hitter in the current blood sisters, anchor or tank with the shield version, and ranged with the current blood sisters.
I'd love to see the Frankenstein style "Steampunk Necromancy" (but more grotesque), That would be so cool! Maybe they'r LIVING shyish human faction with flesh golems & Death magic, they oppose Nagash and pray to "Morr" that was hiding until now? Most Heroes +1 unit would be "Alive" humans, rest would be Flesh Golems with steampunk necromancy aesthetics. They'd bind the souls of their dead relatives to the flesh golems to protect them?
I’m hoping for clan pestilence and a new plague furnace/ screaming bell to get some love but with the big skaven we got for this edition, but I doubt it hopefully we won’t have to wait 20 more years
I think there's a lot of easy hits that GW could land with relatively little effort. They could easily call the merged Malerion/Morathi super-faction the Children of Shadow; drop species designations in Cities; make the Ogors pursued by the Everstorm, create a named beast-riding ogor with the title Prophet of the Everstorm, and then allow the player to theme their army around whatever biome their ogors are from; un-legends Beasts of Chaos. The only one of these that even requires an additional sculpt in the short term is the ogor guy and they need a true centerpiece model anyway. I genuinely don't understand what data they're looking at that shows that these wouldn't go over like gangbusters with the AoS player base.
I'm done with another Master's so I can truly sink into hobby time. I just assembled the new father/daughter sculpts Vince didn't care for, they look great in person. I magnetized them so they can swap between the 40mm and twin 28mm bases.
I have to agree that the biggest problem is that narrative books are released at the tail end of edition. We should get them throughout the edition. Some of those books could be released before any battletome. Make battletomes great again!
Man, it would be fun to have a rebellion within Death. All / some of the Mortarchs decide to start unseat Nagash. Or Nagash loses some of his power and is now at the same strength as the other mortarchs, putting up the death godhood for grabs.
Would love to see Knight's Revenant style death faction, check out the character art and animation from Raid Shadow Legends, imagine all the different theme you could build upon. Would be a fantastic Hero and Elite unit army. And mix in some constructs, flesh golems and the likes, iron maiden clad, as monsters or your elite trio. Some fantastic ideas to play with 😎
Refresh: Nightrunners! (I know we just got a lot, but please... its still the old monkey sculpts) New faction: Give us a Dwarf Ancient "god" and a steampunk Slayer Pirate King to unite all the dwarves ("Duardin") again.
My hope is making nurgle viable. I love the idea of nurgle but it's way too easy to just play around what nurgle has to do. On that note, I'm trying to plan a 2nd army. I'm looking for something that not too complicated and the painting isn't gonna kill me. Any recommendations? I know the rule of cool but AoS is pretty cool around
@@VinceVenturella looks standpoint I'm not too picky. AoS does a good job of diversity. I love dwarves but I played with the fyreslayers and it's too samey. KO is cool but I know the rules and how they play is odd. I do like the idea of another elite army or semi elite. The army doesn't necessarily need to be good. I'm just trying to have fun. I'm still learning but I feel like I've got it down for the most part. I've played with nurgle a handful of games and its just not great. I thought about stormcast but the amount of units available is honestly too much for me to really know what to do haha. Hopefully that helps.
I would love to see them advance the story by including Tyrian, have him kill Kragnos, which angers Gorkamorka and finally causes his avatar to return so we have a proper god of destruction
1:34:50 I'm gonna go full tinfoil hat and say that the random reveal of the sun-themed gitz that primarly trive in Hyish is a sign that Tyrion is coming.
The other thing you could do for a death faction is have settra fix/improve the promised eternal life - so it's a death faction, but they're back in normalish bodies, because settra fixed it - maybe with sigmars help?
5th ed launch: new death army, Nagash is back, back again, new mortarchs (he had nine so he needs more), one leads the new werewolf/abomination army and one leads un-loyal side of refreshed old death army. 6th ed is destrction time and Kragnos's long lost brother Bragnos brings "beasts of destruction", new minotaur-like beings that can not be proxied by any old models. They have Hordemind, like Tyranid hivemind exept stupid and they all are beasts with control score 1.
My wish for AoS on an edition change is that they do 12 months of narrative books - books that add Armies of Renown and Regiments of Renown or whatever they want to call them for the factions and build the story. This lets them spice up compeititve play and release some new models at a regular rate and also really get massive scale play testing done and bed the rules down and polish the books for armies. That way when the army books finally release they have had a good chance to really polish the base of the game and get that right. Change warscrolls and such before they lock them in ink. Would make the subsequent 2 years so much better, while also making the first year more interesting and engaging for a broader spectrum of players. They also need to not lock army building down so much. 3E was so much better with player agency.
I think it would be cool, if you guys haven't done it before, if you went through and made a subfaction or the barest idea of a mechanically interesting sunfaction for each book. Idk
As a new player the hardest part about AOS is dealing with 20+ faction rules. I understand the desire to get a new Army and Vince your death Army idea sounds cool but this game is both too complex and too easy to cheat/screw up on the rules as it is. I believe we can reduce complexity and rules memorization and increase fun at the same time. But that difficult for game designers to achieve.
For the Ogor gutbuster centerpiece I want a Ogor version of the Thorgrim Grudgebearer model. Big fat tyrant being carried by bejewelled ironguts. Sadly that was kinda done already by the slaneesh dude
More unique Warscroll / faction rules. The amount of things are are “roll a D3, on a 2+ do that amount of mortal damage” Is a bit dull and boring. Overall nerf shooting. Make Maggotkin disease mechanic more effective. More battle plans.
Speaking to range increases/updates. It's a long way off but 5th Edition box should be death. Nighthuant already were in 2nd. Soulblight have had almost everything updated after Nighthaunt dropped. Flesh eaters do have the most kits still from Fantasy but also OBR could do something simple like archers. Thinking based off what GW normally includes for the bad guys in a starter box.
I hope GW hears this. I have been skipping AOS 4.0 because of everything you discussed. It is so difficult to explain with all the changes to new players or players that casually play.
May GW hear you guys ! More “out-of-matched-play” stuff please 😁. Vince would you mind talking about the PtG stuff in your review next week ? Or are you forbidden from doing that maybe ?
I don't generally cover the PTG without guidance as I don't play PTG myself (but I am glad it exists), that's why I want Doug here for the full book review. :)
6 year cycle with a launch boxes and then a major faction launch/relaunch box halfway through. If they want to sell launch boxes that’s one thing but stop changing the game so frequently. I get to play once or twice a year if I’m lucky. It’s exhausting
Rhe worst part of 4th edition for me so far has been locking rules behind the purchase of a battletome. I was playing a game against Skaven, an army i rarely play against in my local meta and couldnt easily reference any of their rules while playing because im not soending money on a book for an army i dont even play. Absolutely ridiculous.
Chuck's idea of Cities is exactly how I am building mine. So instead of dwarf, elf and human units I have dwarf-trained, elf-trained and human-trained. I really despise current race segregation Cities have. Changing race to preferred martial tradition felt like a good compromise to me.
My biggest gripe with the game now is there is too much mobility. Too much run and charge too much 3d6 charge. It makes alot of the feel of moving troops around the table feel meaningless.
I want battletomes change completly. No competetiv rules in hear. Make them free or even releas one book with the rules for all factions in an edition. In a battletom I would love to see the following things: Narative stories on a small scale the can give you the feeling of the armie. No named charakters in it, just the regular stuf interacting on a normal aos day. Narativ scenarios against specific factions. I am a Nurgle player so in my book I would love to have a scenario where I poison alariels forests, where I try to creat a perfect plaque and randomly pop some slaanesh deamons, one in that a skaven clan trys to steel my stuff for there warfare. I want to have a scenario in that som random ogers ate some plaquebarers and become plaqueogers that join my armie and fight their old tribe. Stuff like that for two thirds of the armies. And I want a Nurgle scenario in the other third of the tomes. I want to see a lot of different creativ armies include g a lot of conversions. Also want to see some tutorials to convert and paint. I would wamt to see how the factions could look in the different realms, actually I think about converting and painting 8 different plaquebarers one for each realm to see how they would be affected by the realm magic. The last thing would be fitting terrain ideas. Here I would want to see the spearhead terrain recreated for each faction and a lot of different smaler and biger terrain. Overall I want a factionbook that has hobbyvallue over different editions. Sorry for the terrible writing, I'm not a native english speaker.
I don't want Fyreslayers to be merged into the KO book but unfortunately they may be entering the GW self fulfilling death spiral of 'This range is lacking so nobody collects it. This range gets no releases because nobody buys it. Nobody buys it because the range gets no new models' and so on... As far as wishlisting goes I'd like to see those Wildhunt centaur and satyr elves from Underworld be made into a full army (though getting a whole army of wolf riders is already a wish fulfilled thing for me-Just please let the rules be okay) :) Too many order factions? Then make the wildhunt elves be playable as order or destruction depending on sub-faction. Or just make them destruction, maybe? Not evil, but very strongly into the idea of stopping cities and roads and so on (kind of like the Beasts of Chaos but perhaps a bit less ruinous/evil).
I don't understand where this talk about fyreslayers not getting new models is coming from. In the past year they got a new WH anniversary model, dawbringers model, and a warcry kit. All outside their book release. Which is more than I can say for some other factions that are considered safe. I think Vince is wrong that nobody buys fyreslayers.
@@massqueraider My BF does and at least two other guys in my local playgroup does as well. Vince got blasted with people defending fyreslayers when he made the comment. So yes, people do buy Fyreslayers.
@@massqueraider Even in an Olympic race someone is going to come in last. Just because the sell the least that doesn't mean they are in danger of anything.
My Death faction Idea Plays off Vinces Idea. the fact that Nagash is kinda racist and all the Death factions only seem to be undead human. Have A Necromancer Elf from the shadow Realm that raises all the other races and could make Frankenstein monsters out of ogor, Elves,dwarves, Seraphon Ect. it's an untapped resource. ( cursed company style ) They could even power them with the stormcast Lightinghiest.
They really need to bring the price of the books down. Or really step up the quality of what goes in them. $60 for an army book that will last less than three years and mostly consists of art and text copied directly from the previous edition's book and rules copied from the index is not a good value proposition. To continue the comparison from the show, every D&D book is cheaper, uses all-new text and art, and will likely be valid for the current edition for a decade. I bought every army book for 2nd ed. That fell to about half in 3rd ed. Haven't bought a single one in 4th. The price and short edition cycle (we're already a sixth through this edition!) killed my interest in them.
I know yall are big daughter of khaine fans but the last army I'm looking that could get me back into aos is malekiths and if he is forced back into an army with his mother again ill just be completely done.
Thanks for the heart Vince. Just so its clear I love aos but the armies I like design wise I haven't enjoyed playing or the lore lately. So I'm really hoping the shadow elves will bring me back in. But if half the army are something I Just really don't like the look of... well at least till major shake up happen I'll just not be lookin at aos all that much.
i cannot be more on the opposite side of moving all the dwarves in one book, fyreslayers and KO are as different as daughters of khaine and lumineth, would you put those together in a book? they need to be separated so that both ranges can improve instead of going the easy way of merging them. the orruk warclans book should have been separated, big waaagh! is the cancer that will always make one of the sides (or both) not work standalone for balancing's sake. and anything similar for dwarves will be the same, it's also the reason gits also only have gas with troggoths right now, like they used to only have gas with squigs. soup book are garbage.
Wow the hot soup takes. I guess I just have to respectfully HARD disagree. Just finish the armies. I dont want an “elf” book and a “dwarf” book. And I dont even think most of those armies need that now. KO has enough models. Daughters have enough models. Fyrslayers have enough models if we pretend all their infantry don’t look the exact same. Yeah I’d like every army to be Skaven level of complete. But the solution IMO is NOT forcing people to play models they don’t want to play. Fyrslayers and KO are wildly different. The similarities start and end with “short”. And if it’s a solution to boring list building, just huh??? List building isn’t boring cause armies don’t have enough warscrolls with one rule on them. It’s because they are full of warscrolls with one rule on them. And we have never had LESS enchantment choices both literally and in terms of what’s usable. I single dwarf book isn’t gunna fix having 3 heroic traits. It just means now you have LITERALLY one enhancement and one battle formation for people who bought a KO army and want to play KO. We are overthinking a simple problem. We have way less rules than before. So the game feels less flavourful. And I really feel one of the best ways to re-introduce flavour without slowing down the speed of the game is to MAXIMIZE mutually exclusive choices you can make in list building. High complexity rules in list building are efficient because the rules you arnt using don’t stack on top of everything and make games slow and full of random niche +-1 players need to remember. But they still let you feel like you’re building a cool list. We need regiment rules back and at least 2 interns in broom closets writing enhancement choices so we can have more then a pathetic SIX. And I think it’s ok for some warscrolls to be simple, way to many are single rule that should be two. We can afford to add a little more complexity back in. It’s a simple problem. We wrote less rules so the game would be more accessible and take less time to play. There is an argument to be made we streamlined to hard with to many blank warscrolls. We don’t need to condense half the armies in the game because we think GW will write 18 books better than 24. They won’t. We just need more rules.
i'm sad. i want to play in the world your described but it won't ever happen. Here at least. Newcomer comes to the game ? Comp players will seduce him to have him play comp games because it's simple. Then two choice : he's a comp player or he stops the game. Non comp players here are stoping the game because of AoS 4.0 wich is the best version for most people but i prefer say it's the best version for comp players and it has no soul. We'll end into playing chess at this rate
I love how Vince consistently has infinite patience with his guest's camera/lag/mic issues, unless it's Tom's mic - because Tom could have stopped hitting his mic at any time. 😂
Thats because Tom is obviously an agent of destruction. Vince can handle Chaos, but destruction is a whole new level of evil.
I know everyone hope is new models for their faction but man I'd love to see a none human Cities expansion. Like a Darkoath level expansion for either Dwarfs or Elves. We're at a point now in AOS where the Old World models look hella derpy next to newer models.
Starcraft 2 had a resurgence in popularity due to its Coop Missions mode that launched around '16. It quickly became more popular than the regular 1v1 game, it still is, and I feel AoS needs something like it to be fun.
This mode wasn't just a normal 1v1 game turned into 2vbots, it was a commander-like reimagining of the core factions to focus on some gameplay aspect and turn the faction into its best version of something. Want to play Terran infantry? Enjoy all the campaign-only infantry and upgrades, internal synergies and counters-to-everything that'd make them way too powerful to play for a competitive setting. Want to live that dream of the Zerg Swarm? The map will be covered by gribblies under your control. You're not playing an army, you're playing a tide. Bot-specific Protoss, or Infected Terran? Fun, allowed. There's some 20 factions, each with its own fantasy.
AoS's Armies of Renown really should be this.
But there's more. NPI mechanics that didn't make the cut to 1v1 aren't a problem either since you're playing a bot. In coop, balance is important, but not critical. The enemy and the mission have flexible difficulty controls which allow you to tune the challenge to what you're doing and who you're playing with, so if you discover a combo that's too strong, that's fine. If you Johnny-up some contraption that works in spite of common sense, you can find that difficulty level at which you can experience it.
I also wish there was a way to remove the shackles of a "competitive game" like Starcraft did with coop. As an example of where Starcraft failed, recently there've been discussions over how boring and stale the 1v1 scene has become, because the systems that design maps and balance just overtuned the balance and the maps to be maximally fair and therefore boring.
Anyway, engagement. Here's for a great new year Vince
God Stacrafts coop was such fun
Your idea for a new Death faction is very close to what my own favorite idea would be.
Basically for me it's taking Necrarch vampires reimagined. Victorian/Steampunk Alchemists and Witches putting souls into scratch made bodies that don't look like humans. Golems like you mentioned, big cauldrons with all kinds of chemicals and souls being swirled together, they could have war machines that are powered by souls, etc. They could be led by vampires that are similar to the Necrarchs or just regular necromancers. The point is it's wizards/alchemists up at the top and their scratch made troops. I would even say don't give them a big 20 man basic chaff. Make them more elite, a focus on big models and some more elite 10 man units.
Steps on OBR a bit but you can really go interesting artistic and gameplay direction to make them distinct.
Also for destruction, insect race. Race of insects out to conquer and destroy the mortal realms for their own expansion. Or reimagine Beasts of Chaos as Beast of the Realms. Instead of being chaos tainted, they are natural creatures of the realms that are shunned from the typical order factions and so go out and destroy them, with some being chaos corrupted and those are your slaangors and and such. Beasts of Exile if you will.
Sounds a lot like Cryx Warmachine.
I still like my idea of a yokai-themed non-Nagash death army of rebellious spirits of death that predate Nagash, the native denizens of Shyish who don't like that he's taken over. Lots of room for interesting imagery there, as disturbing as Junji Ito or as humorous as umbrella monsters.
That’s a fantastic idea.
This idea rules.
My 2025 goal is to complete my Spearhead collection (I own them all) and to get to the point where I paint a new one as it comes out. I completed 9 since Spearhead came out and am just about to finish the 10th.
My hopes are that the Spearheads continue to be unique. I'm excited about the Ironjawz one coming out this weekend but not hugely that there was no single new sculpt. But it has the megaboss which is a model I've wanted forever but never got because I don't really collect Orks.
Amen. I want more realm artifacts, magic items, and unit differentiation that doesn't require a whole campaign to realize.
I would like to see a show on list building systems. Not just about 4th edition, but also comparing it to previous editions of AoS (and also WHFB and Old World).
I loved building lists in 3rd edition. Just like I love building decks for MtG. Navigating battleline unlocks, distributing units over battalions, unlocking extra enhancements, squeezing in a fun allied unit or two... All of this is gone with 4th edition. And while I like the core rules system of 4th, I have no interest in building armies for it.
In terms of lore, I want Malerion back and I want him to marry Krethusa because that's the exact kind of sassy tea the Aelves are about.
Vince you're an inspiration of dedication to the craft and game. I accomplished my hobby goals of 2024 with a brand new 0 to done FEC army and won local armies on parade. Thanks for all be content and here's to another great year
Awesome! Congrats!
Happy new year guys, enjoyed chuck on the episode two, a great candidate for an old world chat episode
What I found most shocking is how little forethought AoS team had with converting index to battletome. Take 40k, they established a faction super rule to be a through point for an army and then an index. And knew that the codex would carry over the index and then 3-7 additional play styles. They planned to avoid power creep and how it wouldn't be a full rehashing. What did AoS do for creating interest from index to tome?
About the Tyrion - a lot of people talk about the Bladebanner Tyrionic side, but hey, just look at the Lyrior's base. He's literally standing on the ruined Tyrions statue.
I've had a pretty horrible 2024 and it kinda crushed my creative spirit, so the goal for 2025 is just to back into the habit of putting paint on models.
Tried today and all my muscle memory has disappeared, so it's going to be quite the challenge to get back to the levels I know I can produce.
Also gonna give another endorsement of a 'how I choose what to paint' video. That would be super interesting.
Personally, I'd be far more likely to buy a battletome if it wasn't tied to needing it for rules. As is, I'm just not going to buy them.
Fyreslayers and Idoneth both need range expansions badly!!
Yeah i understand that maybe we are of a smaller group but seriously - as a slayer fan - a SINGLE KIT would do wonders for us.....JUST ONE - honestly!
One kit that can build number of units?
@ that would be nice. Anything that isn’t just a single hero model.
Thanks Vince, a simple idea for quick videos could be painting tips for the new releases as they come out. Here's your new foot hero (or hopefully something better), here's some tips on how to prepare (sub assemble if applicable for example), paint and get on the tabletop.
I’d like to see more breaks from the old world. Fix kragnos and give us his army. Kill off grimnir - for good this time - give us the story that brings us a new dwarven god. Give us the dire wolf godbeast that is supposedly the source of the Volga bloodline. Grot sky pirates, cogforts - cool ideas that aren’t just ‘let’s do the old world in a new setting’…
Man I didn't really like list building in 3rd, but I didn't think it would be EVEN WORSE in 4th. The part that you guys didn't mention specifically, is that if you have a smaller collection or a more themed collection, previous editions had a lot of ways to shore up your weaknesses, or blunt your strengths if you needed to, to make a game more equal. Now I feel like the lists build themselves, and the best/top lists for armies are really really clear cut, and if you don't have those models or don't like them, you're SOL.
Chibi art featuring legally distinct Psychic Chicken, Germ Blob, and Interrupting Angry Tree
Happy new year Vince! It’s gonna be a good one!
It will be! Cheers!
Definitely here for six hours of Slaanesh. At least! Excess, gluttony, perfection, let’s do it all.
After thinking about it for some time I know what I want; give every faction a fun game breaking thematic ability. If the competetive side is worried about balance then just ban it from that. Give us stuff that goes boom.
Hey Vince, would love to see more of your thoughts on Busts. I am also progressing my painting into single figures, 75mm and busts and would love to hear about your progress as its a very different style of painting. Also your thought process on how to pick a bust to paint would be super interesting as there are so many on the market.
Was a nice to show to start the year. Wish i stayed to catch it live, but i decided to hold off and watch the next day during work. For me i would say no new army. While I would enjoy several options if the release isn't another LRL type of release and is more like OBr i'll just think it will be yet another army that will seem to be neglected with a small roster of non hero units for way too long. This is one of my pet peevs with 40k marines get release all the time while some factions have to wait decades for any kind of significant updates or new units. Yes Space marines are the big sellers, but you do have the whole they get all of love and press so of course they are the highest sellers.
anyway i'm all for expansions and unit updates. Wish i could have asked the guess if my idea for DOK would be a good idea or would it not feel very DOK. I'm a big fan of the medusae and bat ladies in DOK. i kind of feel they should really go into the half elf half monster theme and get rid of the witch elves stuff. Throw them into the malerion army. I would like to see more snake ladies i was thinking of a kit that you could a more armored version with shield/spear type combo and more scaled armor over the snake bits while in same kit remove the scaled armor bit and allow them to have dual hand weapons scimitars or even claw like blades. This would give 4 snake units, a fast blender low rend high amount of attacks, 2 handed heavy hitter in the current blood sisters, anchor or tank with the shield version, and ranged with the current blood sisters.
I'd love to see the Frankenstein style "Steampunk Necromancy" (but more grotesque), That would be so cool!
Maybe they'r LIVING shyish human faction with flesh golems & Death magic, they oppose Nagash and pray to "Morr" that was hiding until now?
Most Heroes +1 unit would be "Alive" humans, rest would be Flesh Golems with steampunk necromancy aesthetics.
They'd bind the souls of their dead relatives to the flesh golems to protect them?
Hey Vince! Thanks for the amazing video. Just a heads up that this one and the last one have an unusual amount of ads on my end. :) Happy new Year
RUclips just inserts them sometimes against my will. I have removed them, thanks for the head's up!
Making you buy new books every three years makes GW more money than every five. They won't change until AOS crashes just like Warhammer Fantasy did.
Ninjon and Miniac doing busts of vincey v would be hilarious
Happy New Year!
Happy new year!
Turning a bust of Vince into a broken statue piece of terrain sounds great to me.
I’m hoping for clan pestilence and a new plague furnace/ screaming bell to get some love but with the big skaven we got for this edition, but I doubt it hopefully we won’t have to wait 20 more years
I think there's a lot of easy hits that GW could land with relatively little effort. They could easily call the merged Malerion/Morathi super-faction the Children of Shadow; drop species designations in Cities; make the Ogors pursued by the Everstorm, create a named beast-riding ogor with the title Prophet of the Everstorm, and then allow the player to theme their army around whatever biome their ogors are from; un-legends Beasts of Chaos. The only one of these that even requires an additional sculpt in the short term is the ogor guy and they need a true centerpiece model anyway. I genuinely don't understand what data they're looking at that shows that these wouldn't go over like gangbusters with the AoS player base.
Happy new year! Goal is to really, actually, this year I mean it dagnabbit, finish at least 2k of Skaven. Last year was weird and disruptive.
I'm done with another Master's so I can truly sink into hobby time. I just assembled the new father/daughter sculpts Vince didn't care for, they look great in person. I magnetized them so they can swap between the 40mm and twin 28mm bases.
I have to agree that the biggest problem is that narrative books are released at the tail end of edition. We should get them throughout the edition.
Some of those books could be released before any battletome.
Make battletomes great again!
Vote casting for Tom's mic not out of box > 5mins before next stream! Happy new year all!
Man, it would be fun to have a rebellion within Death. All / some of the Mortarchs decide to start unseat Nagash. Or Nagash loses some of his power and is now at the same strength as the other mortarchs, putting up the death godhood for grabs.
I hope that terrain could become something a little interactive in AoS... It's quite plain nowadays
I love the flesh construct faction idea
My model of the year has to be the new rat ogre with the gun-hand (and I only use the armoured heads!)
And I’m not even that big of a skaven player
Would love to see Knight's Revenant style death faction, check out the character art and animation from Raid Shadow Legends, imagine all the different theme you could build upon. Would be a fantastic Hero and Elite unit army. And mix in some constructs, flesh golems and the likes, iron maiden clad, as monsters or your elite trio. Some fantastic ideas to play with 😎
Check out Night Queen Krixia, or Walking Tomb Dreng, or maybe your WoW death knights
Hey Vince - time for my periodic check in on the status of undesigned - any news?
Undesigned will never be returning sadly, my old cohost is no longer with us. That being said, I am exploring other options for the future.
@@VinceVenturella Gosh, really sorry to hear that. :(
I'm hoping Sylvaneth get their Battletome in 2025. Looking forward to a potential new unit/hero
Refresh: Nightrunners! (I know we just got a lot, but please... its still the old monkey sculpts)
New faction: Give us a Dwarf Ancient "god" and a steampunk Slayer Pirate King to unite all the dwarves ("Duardin") again.
My hope is making nurgle viable. I love the idea of nurgle but it's way too easy to just play around what nurgle has to do. On that note, I'm trying to plan a 2nd army. I'm looking for something that not too complicated and the painting isn't gonna kill me. Any recommendations? I know the rule of cool but AoS is pretty cool around
I'd need to know more about how you want to play and the aesthetics that grab you. Lots of options for sure.
@@VinceVenturella looks standpoint I'm not too picky. AoS does a good job of diversity. I love dwarves but I played with the fyreslayers and it's too samey. KO is cool but I know the rules and how they play is odd. I do like the idea of another elite army or semi elite. The army doesn't necessarily need to be good. I'm just trying to have fun. I'm still learning but I feel like I've got it down for the most part. I've played with nurgle a handful of games and its just not great. I thought about stormcast but the amount of units available is honestly too much for me to really know what to do haha. Hopefully that helps.
I'd love to paint a bust of Vince!
I would love to see them advance the story by including Tyrian, have him kill Kragnos, which angers Gorkamorka and finally causes his avatar to return so we have a proper god of destruction
1:34:50 I'm gonna go full tinfoil hat and say that the random reveal of the sun-themed gitz that primarly trive in Hyish is a sign that Tyrion is coming.
The other thing you could do for a death faction is have settra fix/improve the promised eternal life - so it's a death faction, but they're back in normalish bodies, because settra fixed it - maybe with sigmars help?
A Vince bust would be just the thing to get me into bust painting. Nmm forehead and texture on the apron 🤌
my goals for 2025 are:
- make an S2D army
- expand my star wars legion army
- paint Lord Kroak to finally finish my seraphon army
- paint a bust
5th ed launch: new death army, Nagash is back, back again, new mortarchs (he had nine so he needs more), one leads the new werewolf/abomination army and one leads un-loyal side of refreshed old death army. 6th ed is destrction time and Kragnos's long lost brother Bragnos brings "beasts of destruction", new minotaur-like beings that can not be proxied by any old models. They have Hordemind, like Tyranid hivemind exept stupid and they all are beasts with control score 1.
They cant proper support existing armies and you want more. nGash fans are just as out of mind as him.
just copy and paste 40k detachments and maybe 9th or 10th list building depending on which side of the troop tax you are
My wish for AoS on an edition change is that they do 12 months of narrative books - books that add Armies of Renown and Regiments of Renown or whatever they want to call them for the factions and build the story. This lets them spice up compeititve play and release some new models at a regular rate and also really get massive scale play testing done and bed the rules down and polish the books for armies. That way when the army books finally release they have had a good chance to really polish the base of the game and get that right. Change warscrolls and such before they lock them in ink. Would make the subsequent 2 years so much better, while also making the first year more interesting and engaging for a broader spectrum of players.
They also need to not lock army building down so much. 3E was so much better with player agency.
That would be an awesome approach for sure.
I think it would be cool, if you guys haven't done it before, if you went through and made a subfaction or the barest idea of a mechanically interesting sunfaction for each book. Idk
As a new player the hardest part about AOS is dealing with 20+ faction rules. I understand the desire to get a new Army and Vince your death Army idea sounds cool but this game is both too complex and too easy to cheat/screw up on the rules as it is. I believe we can reduce complexity and rules memorization and increase fun at the same time. But that difficult for game designers to achieve.
For the Ogor gutbuster centerpiece I want a Ogor version of the Thorgrim Grudgebearer model. Big fat tyrant being carried by bejewelled ironguts.
Sadly that was kinda done already by the slaneesh dude
More unique Warscroll / faction rules. The amount of things are are “roll a D3, on a 2+ do that amount of mortal damage” Is a bit dull and boring.
Overall nerf shooting.
Make Maggotkin disease mechanic more effective.
More battle plans.
Even as a diehard Ogre player, I hope we get a Destruction faction that isn't greenskins/ogres/giants. A destructive force with some depth.
We made it 32 minutes before he said TEh-rathi.
I like vince's splatbook idea. I'd be sad when GW releases some bonkers shit in it for NH and then every destruction faction gets absolute dogshit.
Speaking to range increases/updates. It's a long way off but 5th Edition box should be death. Nighthuant already were in 2nd. Soulblight have had almost everything updated after Nighthaunt dropped. Flesh eaters do have the most kits still from Fantasy but also OBR could do something simple like archers. Thinking based off what GW normally includes for the bad guys in a starter box.
weirdest category in model of they year is the combined horus heresy/old world/necromunda
I hope they find a way to bring back beasts of chaos and with an updated model range
It will be the big reveal for 2029 worst case. ;)
I still want AoS Vampire Coast for Death.
I hope GW hears this. I have been skipping AOS 4.0 because of everything you discussed. It is so difficult to explain with all the changes to new players or players that casually play.
It is tough for sure
Is that Josh Allen co-hosting?
May GW hear you guys ! More “out-of-matched-play” stuff please 😁. Vince would you mind talking about the PtG stuff in your review next week ? Or are you forbidden from doing that maybe ?
I don't generally cover the PTG without guidance as I don't play PTG myself (but I am glad it exists), that's why I want Doug here for the full book review. :)
@ I get that :). Thanks for the reply ❤️
6 year cycle with a launch boxes and then a major faction launch/relaunch box halfway through. If they want to sell launch boxes that’s one thing but stop changing the game so frequently. I get to play once or twice a year if I’m lucky. It’s exhausting
Pff Nagash wasnt dumpstered... He was fucking teclis up until teclis got human reinforcments
Rhe worst part of 4th edition for me so far has been locking rules behind the purchase of a battletome. I was playing a game against Skaven, an army i rarely play against in my local meta and couldnt easily reference any of their rules while playing because im not soending money on a book for an army i dont even play. Absolutely ridiculous.
Chuck's idea of Cities is exactly how I am building mine. So instead of dwarf, elf and human units I have dwarf-trained, elf-trained and human-trained.
I really despise current race segregation Cities have. Changing race to preferred martial tradition felt like a good compromise to me.
My biggest gripe with the game now is there is too much mobility. Too much run and charge too much 3d6 charge. It makes alot of the feel of moving troops around the table feel meaningless.
I want battletomes change completly. No competetiv rules in hear. Make them free or even releas one book with the rules for all factions in an edition.
In a battletom I would love to see the following things:
Narative stories on a small scale the can give you the feeling of the armie. No named charakters in it, just the regular stuf interacting on a normal aos day.
Narativ scenarios against specific factions. I am a Nurgle player so in my book I would love to have a scenario where I poison alariels forests, where I try to creat a perfect plaque and randomly pop some slaanesh deamons, one in that a skaven clan trys to steel my stuff for there warfare. I want to have a scenario in that som random ogers ate some plaquebarers and become plaqueogers that join my armie and fight their old tribe. Stuff like that for two thirds of the armies. And I want a Nurgle scenario in the other third of the tomes.
I want to see a lot of different creativ armies include g a lot of conversions. Also want to see some tutorials to convert and paint. I would wamt to see how the factions could look in the different realms, actually I think about converting and painting 8 different plaquebarers one for each realm to see how they would be affected by the realm magic.
The last thing would be fitting terrain ideas. Here I would want to see the spearhead terrain recreated for each faction and a lot of different smaler and biger terrain.
Overall I want a factionbook that has hobbyvallue over different editions.
Sorry for the terrible writing, I'm not a native english speaker.
6 hour Slaanesh episode! When was that?
When the 3rd battletome dropped I believe
i still hope they bring a new faction as new as Tau was for 40K.
I don't want Fyreslayers to be merged into the KO book but unfortunately they may be entering the GW self fulfilling death spiral of 'This range is lacking so nobody collects it. This range gets no releases because nobody buys it. Nobody buys it because the range gets no new models' and so on...
As far as wishlisting goes I'd like to see those Wildhunt centaur and satyr elves from Underworld be made into a full army (though getting a whole army of wolf riders is already a wish fulfilled thing for me-Just please let the rules be okay) :) Too many order factions? Then make the wildhunt elves be playable as order or destruction depending on sub-faction. Or just make them destruction, maybe? Not evil, but very strongly into the idea of stopping cities and roads and so on (kind of like the Beasts of Chaos but perhaps a bit less ruinous/evil).
I don't understand where this talk about fyreslayers not getting new models is coming from. In the past year they got a new WH anniversary model, dawbringers model, and a warcry kit. All outside their book release. Which is more than I can say for some other factions that are considered safe.
I think Vince is wrong that nobody buys fyreslayers.
@@piffling2238na nobody buys Fyreslayers lol
@@massqueraider My BF does and at least two other guys in my local playgroup does as well. Vince got blasted with people defending fyreslayers when he made the comment. So yes, people do buy Fyreslayers.
@piffling2238 the point is it is the least bought and played faction in the game, compared to the rest.
@@massqueraider Even in an Olympic race someone is going to come in last. Just because the sell the least that doesn't mean they are in danger of anything.
My Death faction Idea Plays off Vinces Idea. the fact that Nagash is kinda racist and all the Death factions only seem to be undead human. Have A Necromancer Elf from the shadow Realm that raises all the other races and could make Frankenstein monsters out of ogor, Elves,dwarves, Seraphon Ect. it's an untapped resource. ( cursed company style ) They could even power them with the stormcast Lightinghiest.
They really need to bring the price of the books down. Or really step up the quality of what goes in them. $60 for an army book that will last less than three years and mostly consists of art and text copied directly from the previous edition's book and rules copied from the index is not a good value proposition.
To continue the comparison from the show, every D&D book is cheaper, uses all-new text and art, and will likely be valid for the current edition for a decade.
I bought every army book for 2nd ed. That fell to about half in 3rd ed. Haven't bought a single one in 4th. The price and short edition cycle (we're already a sixth through this edition!) killed my interest in them.
I know yall are big daughter of khaine fans but the last army I'm looking that could get me back into aos is malekiths and if he is forced back into an army with his mother again ill just be completely done.
Thanks for the heart Vince. Just so its clear I love aos but the armies I like design wise I haven't enjoyed playing or the lore lately. So I'm really hoping the shadow elves will bring me back in. But if half the army are something I Just really don't like the look of... well at least till major shake up happen I'll just not be lookin at aos all that much.
A five year cycle would give GW the time to properly develop more content.
I would love to paint a chibi Lord of Change with paint brush -- you just don't call it 'LoC'
If you want a real video challenge, fix fyreslayers to the point that even GW would dare invest into them again.
If we're going to Soup KO and FS then we should soup Lumineth, DoK, and IDK.
Mud crab army or kobold army
We do need more kobolds
i cannot be more on the opposite side of moving all the dwarves in one book, fyreslayers and KO are as different as daughters of khaine and lumineth, would you put those together in a book? they need to be separated so that both ranges can improve instead of going the easy way of merging them. the orruk warclans book should have been separated, big waaagh! is the cancer that will always make one of the sides (or both) not work standalone for balancing's sake. and anything similar for dwarves will be the same, it's also the reason gits also only have gas with troggoths right now, like they used to only have gas with squigs. soup book are garbage.
The Khorgorath needs an urgent nerf if the meta is to survive in 2025.
88 Points kogorath
Wow the hot soup takes. I guess I just have to respectfully HARD disagree. Just finish the armies. I dont want an “elf” book and a “dwarf” book. And I dont even think most of those armies need that now. KO has enough models. Daughters have enough models. Fyrslayers have enough models if we pretend all their infantry don’t look the exact same. Yeah I’d like every army to be Skaven level of complete. But the solution IMO is NOT forcing people to play models they don’t want to play. Fyrslayers and KO are wildly different. The similarities start and end with “short”.
And if it’s a solution to boring list building, just huh??? List building isn’t boring cause armies don’t have enough warscrolls with one rule on them. It’s because they are full of warscrolls with one rule on them. And we have never had LESS enchantment choices both literally and in terms of what’s usable. I single dwarf book isn’t gunna fix having 3 heroic traits. It just means now you have LITERALLY one enhancement and one battle formation for people who bought a KO army and want to play KO.
We are overthinking a simple problem. We have way less rules than before. So the game feels less flavourful. And I really feel one of the best ways to re-introduce flavour without slowing down the speed of the game is to MAXIMIZE mutually exclusive choices you can make in list building. High complexity rules in list building are efficient because the rules you arnt using don’t stack on top of everything and make games slow and full of random niche +-1 players need to remember. But they still let you feel like you’re building a cool list. We need regiment rules back and at least 2 interns in broom closets writing enhancement choices so we can have more then a pathetic SIX. And I think it’s ok for some warscrolls to be simple, way to many are single rule that should be two. We can afford to add a little more complexity back in.
It’s a simple problem. We wrote less rules so the game would be more accessible and take less time to play. There is an argument to be made we streamlined to hard with to many blank warscrolls. We don’t need to condense half the armies in the game because we think GW will write 18 books better than 24. They won’t. We just need more rules.
I would paint the shit out of a Vince bust!
i'm sad. i want to play in the world your described but it won't ever happen. Here at least. Newcomer comes to the game ? Comp players will seduce him to have him play comp games because it's simple. Then two choice : he's a comp player or he stops the game. Non comp players here are stoping the game because of AoS 4.0 wich is the best version for most people but i prefer say it's the best version for comp players and it has no soul. We'll end into playing chess at this rate
This guy really hates dwarves XD
You're not wrong
I second the want for thighs.
I just saw the changes to 40k 10th. They cut out so much of the spam. Yet we still have all those stratagems....oh yea...
@Vince are you mainly talking about Ironjawz? Because I am utterly devastated about the changes to Kruleboyz after seeing the Battletome.
Yeah, mainly IJ, KB...that is a different story.