Most countries were neutral until Hitler marched in the door... When the Irish Constitution was drafted in 1937 there was a special protection inserted for the Jewish people because of what was happening them in Europe at the tíme. Approximately 80,000 left here to fight for the allies and claimed they were fighting on the right side of neutral...Ireland gave huge assistance to the Allies. The RAF had a secret base in Foynes, Limerick. . They were given the use of the Sligo corridor. Food production was increased and supplies sent to the UK. Ireland was the first brutal experiment of British empire. Their violent policies here are well documented. Show me a Country in the world tbat hasnt suffered invasion, civil war or wars of independence from Empire In most invaded countries in WW2 the Nazis found a portion of the population who were quite willing to turn on their Jewish neighbours.. There were heroes too. The Jewish/Irish have always been a vibrant part of social and political life here... I hope for peace and security in the entire region and release of. Hostages
"The Jewish/Irish have always been a vibrant part of social and political life here." That is a bit of an exaggeration, their numbers never exceeded 3500 You made other valid and interesting points however.
@@atheistbushman The population of Ireland was just under 4 million at the time... Largely Catholic, 20%Church of Ireland and other smaller Christian Churches.. There was an area in Dublin known as Little Jerusalem. It was a thriving business community. Ireland was not a wealthy country and being on the extreme edge of Europe it was fairly homogeneous and there was no real large immigration to Ireland. However we had plenty of Jewish/Irish who served in government. The Briscoe's, Alan Shatter, a long serving member of parliment and justice Minister. Chaim Herzog was raised in Dublin. On an amusing note the Jewish Lord Mayor of Cork Alderman Goldberg opened a brdge in the 70's... Trinity Bridge... It was v quickly nick named Passover Bridge.. We had many high profile members of the medical and legal professions from the Jewish community which has sadly reduced in numbers largly down to young generation Irish emigration. I was shocked to read some years ao of the 1000's of Jewish who left France due to fear of attacks. I find that disturbing..
Well said. Many Israelis are deluded and those promoting a certain narrative. Ppl have to think for themselves and see thru the bs. Ireland is not anti-semitic. It is anti murder and anti-abuse.
Ireland did indeed remain neutral during the Second World War as it had been devastated by the War of Independence with Great Britain and had no resources to fight. However, tens of thousands of Irish men died fighting Nazi's in the American and British armies. There was never a Book of Condolence at the German Embassy in Dublin, it never existed. So this is a complete lie.
I wouldn't see it as a lie, I think he's just genuinely misremembering. What you've neglected to point out is that De Valera did offer official condolences on behalf of the Irish state, just not in the form of signing a book of condolences...there was no such book, that bit is true.
the IRA terrorists were guiding the German bombers up to Belfast to destroy the shipbuilding facility at H&W ......and now Ireland is a qasi Islamic Jihadee terrorist state ...
DeValera had to keep Ireland out of WW2 and Churchill wanted to use some of our ports, specifically Cobh, Berehaven, and Lough Swilly. We were pummeled economically after the war of independence and subsequent civil war and could not afford to be thrown into the war but many Irishmen fought in it. However, to hark back nearly 100 years attempting silence Ireland's objections to the murder of civilians, including thousands of children and babies, is exactly what Simon Harris says it is - the diplomacy of distraction - to focus attention on a ridiculous argument with Ireland while Israel conducts a dirty war against Gaza's children in the dark. Shame on them.
This Man is deliberately telling lies about Ireland. Ireland was financially broken after the Civil War in 1922, and still had only gotten some of their Independence from England. The Irish Government had no choice in the Second World War, but stay Neutral. Would the Jewish People fight for Germany after twenty years, after what they went through ? I would think not, and rightly so. I don't know one Irish Person that agreed with Hitler, it was disgusting and barbarian. The Irish People today have no Enemies including England, and certainly have nothing against the Jewish People worldwide. Colonialism and or annexation of Land is Wrong. Mass killing of Women and Children is Wrong, immaterial of any Conflict. The Jewish People and the Irish People have suffered in their History, and should know better than most, it is horrible to be Oppressed and considered Third Class People.
Large rant about nothing. Most people have been oppressed through the ages. But today's oppressed are ignored by the Israeli derangement syndrome. Eg the women in Iran and Afghanistan. North Korea is an actual concentration country. The uyghurs in China. Most of Africa. But whatever much easy to pick on Israel a country trying to survive with hostile Arab nations.
No-one wants to see innocent civilians in get hurt or killed - including Israel. What you have to understand is: Israel is not occupying land or going to war out of malice. This conflict is not really about land as much as it is about ideology (religion) of the Muslim world. Western Leftists and as well as Muslims don't really care about the 80k dead in Sudan, 400k dead in Yemen, 600k dead in Syria. You won't ever see any of them going on weekly marches to protest it. What they do care about, though, is Jews. And to the Muslim world, the idea of a Jewish state in the Middle East is an anathema. Arab ("Palestinian") civilians are getting killed because terrorists and leaders - and many in that population - are okay with putting civilians in harms way, and having them "martyred" if it means destroying Israel and killing Jews. In 1948, the Arab world and Palestinians launched a "war of extermination" (the words of the Arab league) - then tried it again in 1967 and 1973. Israel "occupies" the West Bank to a) stop the so-called Palestinians warring on Israel with Arab world support; and b) it is retaking land that Jewish people were ethnically cleansed from by Arabs in 1948. It stopped occupying Gaza in 2006 - and all Israel got in return was not peace but rockets, kidnappings, and mass murder. As far as land is concerned, in Israel proper, Jews bought the land from Arab owners legally. The 2 million that are still there are the ones who chose to live peacefully with the Jewish people. Those Arabs ("Palestinians") who are refugees are also those who don't want peace with Jews and Israel and have never wanted it.
He did not criticize Ireland's neutrality, he criticized the behavior of the Taoiseach. My main criticism of the Irish stance - they criticize the human rights violations by Israel (fair enough) but ignores the nature/character of Hamas and Fatah and their violations. It is a childish narrative of good vs evil, the oppressor vs the oppressed without any nuance. (Similar to the far left in the US when it comes to "black lives matter") There is little room for objectivity and Palestinian activists are often given access to Irish schools without a counter narrative
You didn't mention all the flowers layed by irish citizens at the Israeli embassy in dublin after the 7th of October. The horror and sadness we all felt for Israel. I live about 100 meters from where your 6th president of Chaim Herzog was raised. This area is known as little Jerusalem because of the high percentage of Jews who fled from eastern Europe, mostly Lithuania, where there was organized Pograms against the Jewish. They came to Ireland in their thousands and were welcomed and became valued members of the community. There is a museum to there honor l. Ireland is not antisemitic, its just pro humanity. When the dust settles the world will see what Israel has done to Gaza and the world will be equally horrified as they were at the the end of ww2 when the concentration camps were discovered.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) Speaking of genocide, go and read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious sources. And speaking of ethnic cleansing reflect on the fact that only a century ago Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East, now they make up only 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. I wonder who is responsible for that, hmm? (Israel is the only ME country with a growing Christian population). Reply
Lies, no such thing occurred, the Irish marched in their thousands against the Israeli embassy. When the dust settled the world will see that Israel gotten rid of 3 terror groups and two terror states (Syria and Iran) and that Irish are consuming left wing Arabised propganda for breakfast.
look whats happening in Canada the same is going to happen in Ireland if they keep up the policy stance on Israel. "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you"
DeValera was friends with Robert Briscoe, Irish Jewish Nationalist and later, a member of Irgun. 1n 1950, they both dined with Ben-Gurion at Chief Rabbi Herzog's home in Israel. DeV was out of office when he visited. DeValera was in full support of the newly founded Israel.
@trevaudio why is offering condolences a bad thing? I'm sure we would offer our condolences to Israel if their leader was missing a pulse, even though we don't agree with his actions.
@kroche90 I'm not sure as they don't have an embassy here anymore. I think the country in question needs to have an embassy for the Taoiseach to physically be able to give condolences to. Otherwise it's just a tweet or an email.
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism. Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
@@yolandabrinkman2653 I remember the Birmingham pub bombings by the IRA and the irony is all that bass to get the English out of their country and it’s now being swamped by a legal immigrant couldn’t have happened to nicer people
@@ruthgallagher9584❤what genocide. You are not following the latest reliable news Ruthie. Hamas casualty figures are "lies, more lies and damn lies". My condolences Ruthie 😀😀😀💙🤍♥️
@@ruthgallagher9584 While the good old USA has Israel's back Israel will remain "strong" and free to continue it's expansion and ethnic cleansing. What a world we live in where extreme wrong is made to be right by propaganda and deflection.
Of course they're not lying. Their always on the side of the good and righteous, right?: “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
The Irish prime minister never signed a condolence book. that is a falsehood. there was no condolence book in Ireland. a lot of Irish men died fighting in ww2. the country was neutral cos we have no significant military and were only 2 decades after fighting a war of independence and civil war so we're not in any place to get involved in ww2. we are 100% not antisemitic and have huge sympathy for what happened during the holocaust. it still does not excuse the genocide of the Palestinians
Your PM, however, conveyed a statement of condolence, the fact that there was no book of condolence does not change the fact that you expressed sympathy for the man with the moustache. And it also has nothing to do with Ireland having been neutral, in fact, Regev pointed out that other neutral countries didn't go so far as to express support for the nazis.
@@andema83 During WW2 much of Europe either murdered or assisted in the murder of their Jews. But none of that matters now because some Irish guy may have signed a book.
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Gareth?: “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
There was a lot of anti semitism in Ireland during world war two. Sad but true. Israel has the right to defend themselves, Hamas started this war, and using children in Gaza as shields after their October 7th attack is absolutely barbarian behavior.
Apologies to our friends in England for bringing this up.. , but I just need to quote a little from history in order to explain to the Israel readers why people are so sensitive to famine in Ireland, and to show that - whether I agree or not.. that there is a logic there that the Israel media has overlooked. 1. Most small countries were neutral. And then they got invaded by Germany . 2. They didn't sign a book of condolences. That's a myth. 3. They accepted Jewish refugees after the war. 4. The party that Dev was part of had supported the Jewish cause and was involved with zionism originally. 5. Ireland is half the size of Israel.. It's small due to genocide and famine. That famine could have been stopped, but it wasn't. 7. The Irish diaspora is much larger than the Israeli one.. however, the Jewish diaspora lasts a longer time for religious reasons. 8. Emily Hand criticism is valid - but - even though I don't agree with his assessment - there was a reason he said that - the govt was terrified of an islamophobic backlash against a tiny minority in the country and since Dublin citizens had already set busses on fire and smashed the city from what was seen as a migration influx from war torn nations. 9. The bee in the bonnet - is about the civilian killings - 70% women and children, and we have to see it every day on TV . It's not related to nations. 10. The Pal demonstration in Dublin is tiny compared to pre-Oct7... but it's still fueled by statistics, the ICC, and so on. 11. The demonstrations in UK were much larger per capita and they're your allies. So..? 12. Dev - the prime minister you criticize, well.. in 1937, de Valera included a specific recognition of the Jewish faith in the article of the Constitution on religion, "a striking decision at a time when antisemitism was rampant in Europe". 13. The statistics for the war in Gaza are very high. This concerns people a lot - especially having been devastated in the course of our own history. 14. You said "Ireland is not important" - because it's small. Well, it's small, because it was devastated on multiple occasions. 15. The country has no beef with anyone now, except for the responsibility to maintain the peace in northern Ireland by our peace process with the UK. Peace pays dividends, I highly recommend it. 16. Ireland has no particular beef with Israel, they just want the killing to stop... but Ireland has also strongly criticized Oct7, and stated that hmas is a heinous terrorist organization and there is no hope of them running any sort of country.
Israel is a quarter of the size of Ireland No book but Devalera went to the German embassy in Dublin to offer his condolences to the Minister there New report of death figures dispute Hamas figures certainly not the 70% you mention Very few refugees were let in, I think the figure is approx 100 The statistics are very low compared to other conflicts And now I'm bored disputing your ridiculous statements
@@superhugful Ireland helped the allies. 50000 people volunteered to join the British and Americans to fight the Nazis. Ireland took in refugees after ww2, but it was still a very poor country and nobody wanted to move here. We had thousands of Jews over the previous few centuries who made Ireland their home. As for Gaza Israel conflict - Yes, I've seen your media's estimates of 1:1 ratio of combatant to civilian, but I've also seen 1:3 from numerous media sources. I've seen IDF estimate 50k whilst others estimate 100k. - but besides this - these newer reports of blocking all humanitarian aid is a huge catalyst in world politics now. ... but it's not up to me to decide, it's not up to Europe.. its up to the UN, ICC, ICJ, Amnesty, the parties involved in the war, the blocked journalists.. to release the true figures... and the true stats I've seen are very high. I'm not even here based on my own personal opinions. I'm just telling you the viewpoint of my country and other countries in Europe - the feeling in the country.. I'm sorry that you are bored. I guess you don't like statistics very much. That's understandable. But what is difficult to understand, is why there is so much of an echo chamber on this issue.
Месяц назад
ROI government even sanctioned soldiers that fought the nazis after the war.
Love watching these chats. The analysis is so good. This one really resonated because it’s crazy how people carry on with their lives while so much is going on around them.
You are right. I try to point it out and I get treated like I’m an idiot. Most people are more concerned about their Christmas trees and shopping it seems.
Those poor soldiers. What did they ever do wrong to have a house collapse on them. It's not as if they killed thousands of children. Its not like they allowed babies in incubators to die a slow death.
There are 32 M Irish Americans. ☘️ There are 80M in the Irish diaspora. ☘️ We’ve never attacked anyone, never once had a UN resolution against us.Also, Chaim Herzog was born in Ireland.
There's one for Ataturk also, A murderer of Armenians and Greeks, just because some Irish or a turk paid for such thing it doesn't mean it's respected by locals.
Israel has never been the aggressor in any wars in which it has been involved. Where is all the outrage at Syrian/Ukrainian/Yemeni deaths? Strange genocide when the population of Gaza has actually increased since last year's attack.
The fact you needed those peace treaties in the first place speaks volumes. NOT to mention your utter disrespect for the hundreds of irish people that died in ww2 with the British army your lack of knowledge is mind blowing
we actually don't need those "peace treaties" bs it's the Arab world that need them more than Israel so the joke is on you buddy? I think you got it wrong. Maybe come to Israel and talk with the people or do some history research. I honestly lost all respect to the Irish government since they don't seem to care about their own people that got kidnap to Gaza. Well have fun with this kind of government that care more about creating more terror zones for terrorists then taking care of their own people. the irony
Regev talking absolute nonsense again…..De Valera never signed a book of condolence, because no such book ever existed….thats a lie. He did express his condolences to the German ambassador in Dublin at the time however, a huge mistake. He also gave the Jewish faith protection under the Irish constitution in 1937, when antisemitism was rampant across Europe. Regev, the Australian, lying as usual
De Valera was just following normal diplomatic practice by visiting the Embassy of a country that had lost it's leader, Ireland was neutral after all during the war and if by some chance Churchill had been killed De Valera would have done the same at the British Embassy. Too much has been read into De Valera's visit to the German Embassy in Dublin but no attention is paid to similar gestures by the leaders of Europe's other WW2 neutral countries Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Finland who in fact were all very cosy with NAZI Germany before and during the conflict.
That makes things a damn sight better, right? “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism. Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
@@LawIV what's palestine? Free Gaza from Hamas and Iran. And by the way, you can take all Gazans and west bankers to Ireland. עם ישראל חי וקיים לנצח נצחים!!!! ❤
At 23:25 - Jordan still remembers "Black September": being stabbed in the back by the PLO staging a coup in 1970 as "thanks" for taking them in. At 33:08 - Egypt remembers the "Arab Spring", with the Muslim Brotherhood (the Egyptian branch of Hamas) staging a coup and deposing president Hosni Mubarak in 2011. At 33:18 - Saudi Arabia doesn't want to take women and children from Gaza Strip for the duration of the current war, most likely because they know that they'll have "a devil of time" evicting/deporting them back to Gaza Strip when the fighting ends, because the Saudi Arabian camps would most likely seem like 5-star accommodation compared to where they came from, not for any sort of dubious "second nakba" reason.
Ireland did support Israel. Ireland will defend the oppressed. Irelands view of Israel started to change when Israel was no longer the opressed but had become the oppressor.
Are you saying the oppressor is the one being dehumanised? Is the oppressed not dehumanised? Binary, yea, ones a number 1 and the other is a zero, yea, I see a lot of attitudes like that coming out of the holy land these days.
He should have to stand over the charges put before the courts at home and abroad. There is no justice for one that avoids the courts. Justice is the same for any schmuck on the street why not BiBi?
In May 1945 a statement of condolence was conveyed to the German ambassador (verbally) in Dublin when it was revealed that the ''man with the moustache'' was dead.
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism. Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
I can’t continue to watch any more of this crap, Ireland has “done terrible things” blah blah, absolutely no sense of irony. These people are deranged.
@rafaelperez8821 genocide is what the arab communities have attempted since the modern state of Israel started. Israel would not be fighting this or any other wars if it were not others attacking her.
You are standing with a war criminal and a genocidal and racist and a terrorist state and are on the wrong side of history..God knows how you sleep at night
Speaking out against genocide and ethnic cleansing being done, or enabled, against any defenceless civilian population is not antisemitic. Nor is speaking out in favour of justice, peace, and respect for international law, especially international humanitarian law.
Your President just said we're trying to conquer and build settlements in Egypt - That's a blatant antisemitic blood libel. Also his Special love for Iran, a country that is calling for out utter destruction. Most Irish hant for all Jews living in Israel to die in the ocean(From the river to the sea right) Don't pretend it otherwise IRELAND IS emblematically ANTISEMITE.
@@johnhoward7875 Yes John, and they refueled the U boats in the war, lit beacons showing the way to British cities and De Valera signed the book. Then they gave asylum to the Nazis. Oh, and they hid the Nazi gold under a @{%&*@ rainbow.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) Speaking of genocide go and read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious sources. And speaking of ethnic cleansing reflect on the fact that only a century ago Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East, now they make up only 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. I wonder who is responsible for that, hmm? (Israel is the only ME country with a growing Christian population).
Israel isn't OK with it either. Hamas states they want to eliminate Jews from not only Israel but everywhere. Whom are the people advocating genocide? Hamas are, they will do October 7th attacks again.
Frank Carson joke: Some kids went up to a lone kid in Belfast, "Are you catholic or protestant?", the kid says, "I'm Jewish" and the other kids go away. The kid says to himself, "I must be the luckiest kid in Ireland".
Mark, Australian current government is no different than Ireland. Our current prime minister attended Israeli and US flagburning protests. Don’t be fooled when it comes out for the world stage and says antisemitism should be stamped out. He plays good Cop and the foreign minister plays bad cop with pm approval. Can you get more anti-Israel anti-Jewish than that? The current foreign minister wants to resume funding to Unraw and assist in rebuilding Gaza. There are Australians who are homeless living in tents due to a cost of living crisis. The Aussies I grew up with would not be supporting that Gaza be prioritised over Australia by this current government.
When these countries play with fire they will get BURNT ! Watch what is going to happen in Western Countries ! G-D help us all ! The naivety is mind boggling !!!!
I'm Australian going back 6 generations, I and many other Australians stand with Ireland and the Palestinians. The Irish have the absolute higher moral ground on this. Mark Freiberg is telling an absolute debunked lie about Ireland and the Nazis. Come back to where you were born in Australia Mark, and I'll give an education in the true history.
@@Burtifly no way the Australians I grew up with like to be told how to live, what to wear, what to eat, want to celebrate. That’s correct the Commonwealth countries have acted despicable in the last year. But if you take notice, there’s a lot of people revolting against their current governments. Do you have any history about the Palestinians because I’ve asked maybe 100 people where I can read their history and nobody ever answers me? The Muslims I’ve asked do not answer me. Catholics were taught to hate the Jews. It’s historical thing that probably won’t change but those who go to Israel they see the total opposite of the BS that’s being spewed for the last year here.
@@YB-ok1ny In the Australia I grew up in, non of my family of any generation have ever been told what told what to wear, what to eat, and what to celebrate. You must live in a different Australia to me. Where are you from? There many differing reasons why Australians are revolting against our two party government system. Though that's not new. That happens across generations. The problem with Australians, like most western countries, is that we are so propagandised, it's ridiculous. That's the idea of two party systems, they are really a one party system pretending to be two. As they are both still subservient to the US and UK Empire. I can elaborate on the propaganda if you want to engage with me. In short, it's meant to confuse the public. Divide and conquer. We are told pick a side, left or Right. It's the wrong way to look at a neoliberal capitalist system. It's class warfare between those who have less, and those who control the more. It's been the same for a few centuries. I was baptised a catholic, raised a catholic, when to a catholic boarding school. My family is catholic going back to a far as I can remember in my family history. And never were we taught to hate Jews. But I have no problem hating Zionists. Because Zionism is a political ideology based on racism, and colonialism. I can recommend Israeli historians that have documented the abuses of the Palestinians by the colonial ethno-state of Israel over the past 100 years.
Ireland did a lot to help win WWII Examples being , I The Dublin government sending over a dozen fire tenders to Belfast directly and covering parts of N Ireland from the Republic, thus allowing more tenders for fire fighting in Belfast. 2 For that, Dublin was bombed not 1 time but 2 times. 3 over 250,000 people from the Republic went yo the UK either to work or enlist. 4, all Allied soldiers sailors air crew managed to escape from internment. 5 Rationing was introduced during the war. WhY, to help feed and Guinness over 300,000 American soldiers based on. IRELAND. 6 IT allowed allied aircraft to overtly Irish airspace. 7 Ireland sent a daily weather gathering stats to the UK. This allowed the UK to plan its air defence offence with great accuracy. 8 THAT INCLUDED THE WEATHER FORCAST THAT THE ALLIES USED TO POSTPONE DDay. 3 times the young woman was asked to re check and resend the stats. A few years ago, she was presented with tAmericas highest civilian award shortly before she died. LET NO ONE SAY IRELAND DID NOTHING to help win the war against Nazi oppression.
Ruthie's comments on Saudi Arabia are much needed. I could not have expressed it better than she did. I would add that in addition to being outrageous hypocrites, the Saudi's influence in the Middle East decreases every day and an "agreement" with them ultimately would not benefit Israel at all. In fact, it might just serve to constrain Israel when Israel should not be constrained. Ruthie's comment that Israel should stop acting like a supplicant with regard to MBS and Saudi Arabia is spot on. Israel can offer the Saudis much more than the Saudis can offer Israel. The fact is that most of the Muslim world hates Saudi Arabia and, as the dependence on Saudi oil decreases, it makes little sense for Israel to run after them like an infatuated school boy.
They have absolutely every reason to, don't they?: “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Im Irish and wanted to see this from an Israeli point of view. He made a good point about the cost of the war on soilder and the Israeli people, but forgot about the 45,000 neighbors in Gaza that have been killed. Israel had killed 45,000, they need to take some responsibility for this. The day the embassy was closed another 16 were reported killed.
Whats your point about ireland? Ye didn't make one point,just pure waffle.we in ireland will always stand with the oppressed, ye are the oppressors. Wake up Isreal and take a good look at what yer doing instead of blame shifting
What do you know about "oppress"? the jews were oppressed for many years, they were killed off more than 1000 years by their enemies again and again etc... yet now they are not "oppress" all of a sudden? and they never claim to be a victim. What change? There is no such thing as "oppress" cause what do you call the millions of Arabs that died in Yemen by other Arabs? Guess you don't care when Arabs kill millions of other Arabs uh? what Isreal doing is a response to 7 oct. and if you support what they did to women, children, baby's in that time then you support terror. It's that simple. I wonder if you still say the same if your family got taken away to Gaza for years and years without their will and got sold off as slaves.
@@mayaha200and you know very well Ireland along with the rest of the civilised world condemned Hamas terrorists for that ... Stop putting up a strawman it's tiresome.
When the Irish voted for abortion , they were not upset about the killing of thousands of innocent babies .As an Irish person I am disgusted that our hypocritical leaders condone the killing of Irish babies
When you spend 10 minutes trying to convince your listeners that Ireland is unimportant you debunk your own narrative. When the guy pushing this narrative States that his personal opinion can be changed based on who is paying his wages it also discredits your argument. In this case a former politicians personal opinion fell in line with the government who paid his wages. Now he's got a different opinion that matches his current employers stance. The same former politician also praised some neutral countries for jumping on to the winning side of a war like it was a noble act. That point is in line with his own flip flopping for power/money. Ireland is an EU member state, a Eurozone founder member. As for discrediting Ireland based on one man signing a book of condolences a century ago and before the extent of the Holocaust was public, it's ridiculous. Israel signed agreements with countries who actively tried to exterminate the Jewish people or killed millions of jews. For some reason this signature by a man in an unimportant country is what enrages you. It's political games by a man who's opinions are for sale. My reply is just one man's opinion from an unimportant country. I wonder if it will be a political hot topic in a century.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
13:04 I'm sorry but this was a rumour started by David Gray in 1945: no condolence book was ever signed nor was Eduard Hempel a Nazi party member. In fact in 1937, both the Irish constitution was drafted with specific protections for Jewish people in Ireland and De Valera specifically told the German Foreign Ministry that he would refuse to credential and proposed ambassador form the Nazi party; hence why Hemel (a career diplomat since the 1920s) was assigned to Ireland.
Oh, that makes things a damn sight better. “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees from France at the time.
Hi Mark. I remember you well from the many years you spent in Ireland as Israeli ambassador. I worked for a bank sharing the same building as you. For such s capable and ambitious man it must have been a great disappointment to you to be posted to such an irrelevant country and you must have been surprised on your return to Israel to be appointed to such a prestigious position as Head of Propaganda.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
My grand uncle was part of the American army unit that liberated Dachau. He had also fought in the Irish war of Independence. As an Irish woman, Ireland will always stand with the oppressed. October 7th was an horrific act of terrorism visited upon innocent Israeli civilians. It is possible for two things to be true at once. Israel’s prosecution of the war in Gaza and the enormous levels of death and destruction being visited upon innocent civilians is being called out by some internationally and by the ICC. Ireland’s position to be described as anti semetic is to tarnish the memory of the victims of the genocide perpetrated on the innocent civilians of Europe because of their Jewish identity. We all vowed to Never Forget and that is precisely what Ireland is doing.
Read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious texts. Reflect on the fact that even a "moderate" "Palestinian" political entity like the "Palestinian Authority" has never released a charter in Arabic that hasn't called for the destruction of Israel, and they still pay stipends to families of "martyrs" who kill innocent Israeli civilans, the more damage/death caused, the higher the stipend. Then reflect on the fact that Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East only a century ago, now that's down to 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. Hmm, wonder who could be causing that? Israel is one of the few ME countries with a growing Christian population.
A serious problem exists when asking questions about the indiscriminate murder of tens of thousands of innocent infants, children women and men results in being canceled or subjected to abuse. Perhaps asking Nethanyhu and his fellow henchmen why he continues to order the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians is viewed by some as inappropriate, rude or wrong but if the world asked hitler and his henchmen the same questions between 1934 and 1939 the שואה or holocaust would never have happened.m
A. It’s highly doubtful 10s of thousands of women and children have dyed. B. It’s a w@£, and civilians have not been targeted. They have been saved by one side only, and it ain’t their own. C. If you really cared about saving Pian children, you would be marching in the streets demanding H surrender & return the hostages.
16:07 Apparently, the founding fathers of Israel were inspired by the guerrilla tactics of the founding fathers of Ireland. How times have changed.....
I disagree with Mark Regev. It is my opinion that in the Arab world and specially in Saudi Arabia they will respect us more if we are clear that peace cannot come at the expense of Israel’s security by opening a pathway to a 2 state solution. This is a clear message and will stop jihadist terrorism. It is like demanding to Saudi Arabia to give up Medina for peace.
Also Mark Freiberg is a liar, just so you know. it is absolute lie that he just told the Irish signing a book of condolence to the Nazis over Hitlers death.
100% agree. Israel needs to demand peace on their terms from now on. You can have peace - with economic and cultural peace in our current boundaries which include Judea and Samaria and Gaza. Arabs can live in Israel as free legal aliens with a Jordanian passport as long as they renounce terror. If they are involved in terror they get expelled to Jordan.
@@soakupthesunmanYou mean the day before Hamas acted on Netenyahu’s provocations? There will be a two state solution whether you like it or not pal. It is inevitable.
The Embassy of Ireland in Israel would also seem to be on "borrowed time", considering that it isn't even located in the capital (Jerusalem) and that Ireland has recently been quite hostile to Israel.
The comments and criticisms of Ireland by both of you, were beyond disgraceful and untrue, talk about twisting things into something it isn't, if you're trying to tell the world that Israel is right and Ireland is wrong, then you're wrong
The Irish stance on Israel is predominantly down to its erroneous belief that Palestine is the Ireland to the "colonial" Britain, Israel. What many Irish fail to grasp is that Ireland ,when it fought for its independence from its colonial occupier, Britain, the Irish never vowed to wipe Britain off the face of the Earth. Had it done so, it would likely not exist, as Britain would have annihilated it. The Irish should realise that Jews are the indigenous people to the region, not the Palestinians. Palestine never existed as a country , ever, and when in history "Palestine" was mentioned, it often referred to the majority in that region at the time, the Jews.
Why would Britain wipe Britain of the face of the earth ?😂 The Palestinian Arabs people are indigenous to that land….both they and the Jewish people descend from Canaan…😊
@@trevaudio Don't let truth get in the way of your simple conclusion/observation. This is not about Palestinians being indigenous. You know the Irish are not the Celts, nor are they the people who built the ancient sites. All the Irish are late comers. The Palestinians are late comers. Their ancesters were defeated by the Jews, the Greeks, and the Romans. You know nothing of the history of that area of the MidEast.
Golda meirs passport was palestine ....however that doesnt matter ...the people are indigenous whether they were under the ottoman empire or israel or Britain.
We Irish apologise to almighty Israel for pointing out their Genocidal actions. Netenyahu can visit Dublin asap and well all apologise and grovel at his feet as were suppossed to. We wont activate his Internatiional arrest warrant for War Crimes...we pinky promise.
@@פלסטין_היא_הונאה-ע9ח its horrible all these anti-genoide freaks running about loose with no one to shut them up, and the out right cheek of them standing up for the Opressed they see getting slaughtered. Who do they think they are questioning Israel. Dont they know thats not allowed?? Shame on them all.
Do you celebrate the killing of 14,000 children? And the thousands of children who’ve had limbs amputated? Do you realise Israel is becoming increasingly ostracised around the world? The vast majority of people in the western world are disgusted by the civilian death toll.
In 1902 there was a famous Pogrom in Limerick against the Jews in the city. In 1945 Ireland sent condolences to Nazi Germany when Hitler died. After the war Ireland offered political asylum to many Nazis such as Otto Skorzeny. Ireland did not recognize Israel untl the 1990s. About 20 years ago my mother who escaped from Austria in 1937, Romania in 1940 and Egypt in 1956, visiting from Switzerland, in her 70s at the time, was harassed in a New York Deli by Irish teenagers on St. Patrick's Day who guessed she was Jewish and made antisemitic remarks mocking her.
It was 1904 actually…..and “Ireland” never sent condolences to Nazi Germany 😊 Oh, in 1937 the Jewish faith was specifically protected under the Irish constitution, when antisemitism was rampant across Europe, and the UK and the US were turning the Jewish people away 😊😊😊
Keep talking to yourselves guys.....that way you'll always be 100% right and never have to face your own wrongdoing......Also important to add that countries don't just have embassies in allied countries. Russia for example still holds an embassy in many western states UK included etc......Ireland may not be a big global power but it does have outsized influence, is a member of the EU and is widely respected around the world, including within the global south for it's traditionally anti-imperialist views. Israel on the other hand is losing many friends via it's actions. Take away big brother US and what has Israel left? I fail to see how it's current actions promote Israel's security into the longterm future. Better to work towards peace than create more enemies, and end this tragedy. Irish people know and understand very well the bitterness caused by conflict and are actually better placed than most to comment on possible ways out of it having navigated one of the most successful peace settlements in the Northern Ireland conflict. You might do well to promote some lessons learned from that peace process rather than loosely throw around mis-truths and decontextualised soundbites......but hey, I guess your audience loves it and that's all that matters at the end of the day.....Shalom
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Eoin?: “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Ruthie, having an embassy in a country does not mean that country is your ally. Thank you Mark for pointing that out to Ruthie. The history of the Irish hatred of Jews goes back very, very far.
I am Irish and not all Irish peope are against Israel. I do not agree with the government and do not support their views. There will be a price to pay standing against the "apple of God's eye" God bless Israel in abundance. ❤
Some people supported Hitler too, they listened to his speeches and thought he was doing good for the country. Israel Hierachy are now similar but many decent Jewish people are horrified too. Respect to them always.
@@pixieizzy5431any Irish person who supports a child murdering oppressive regime is a traitor to Ireland and humanity we did not fight oppression hundreds of years to support oppression
Dear Ruthie, what a voice of reason and truth you are to us listeners. I wouldn’t dare to say that about your co-host who appears to be scared of his own shadow but thinks his diplomatic way is best!! Go with God Ruthie and I pray your son and son-in-law in the IDF are kept safe.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
I’m Irish and your 100 percent right. It is shameful that the Irish government turned against Israel and quite embarrassing that they either dont see what is really going on or they just don’t like Israel. Im sorry for all Israel has to deal with not only Ireland the rest of the world also. Israel❤
To the liberal lady running Ireland. Show that you are a women of your convictions. Take in all the refugees from Gaza. You expect Israel to live next door to them in peace. I see no reason you shouldn't be willing to do the same. Oh, and they should receive no electric bills because that is what Israel has been doing for them. I shall look on with great admiration to your open arms policy.
I believe he means that disgraceful and hateful woman with a horse-face and orange hair braying at the European Union about Israel. Don't know her name and don't even want too either.
Yes indeed, Ireland should take in all their beloved Palestinians. They talk about "the luck of the Irish." Ireland will need every bit of that luck and more when the lovely Palestinians relocate to their new green 💚 "treasure island."
Not a liberal, but far left, also not a lady, otherwise completely agree. Also why not encourage Palestinians to immigrate to Ireland like buy them a ticket and teach them what to say to get approved for a asylum
18:20 Why do you think the Taoiseach might have used biblical rhetoric surrounding her return? At this point this interview is merely character assassination - he and his successor have continually called Hamas brutal terrorists and have called for the return of all hostages.
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Jamie?: “There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.) No anti-semitism, right? Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
"It is not those who can inflict most; it is those who endure most who will conquer". Terence McSwiney, Irish freedom fighter and Lord Mayor of Cork, murdered by the British after a 74 day hunger strike that brought the contempt of the world down on the British colonisers in Ireland. Saoirse don Phalaistín 🍉🍉🍉☘☘☘
The idiotic Limerick Boycott was not a pogrom. It was shameful, but it falls very far short. Some Jewish families moved to Cork, mostly. (most stayed.) In time , Gerald Goldberg became the Lord Mayor of Cork. If you want to read a description of a real pogrom, maybe read Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer. The word pogrom should not be devalued of it's frightful meaning. I wish we had more Jewish people in Ireland. Actually the small Jewish community in Ireland is growing. I fervently hope it continues to grow.
Reread Ulysses, perhaps the most brilliant novel ever written in English, and Joyce is incapable of hiding his obsession and contempt for Jews. It must be in their DNA.
He actually criticized antisemitism by writing it like that...he identified with the Jews, as they were seen as 'the other'. You should read about James and his works in relation to Jews. You'd be surprised.
No it's not in our DNA. I stand with Israel 100 per cent. The government is not the people of Ireland. There are three main parties in Ireland who are all woke, pro abortion( and these very ones who approve of the slaughter of millions of babies are the most vociferous against Israel) pro immigration, and it seems to so many of us anti Irish. The majority of the Irish people are with Israel. GOD Bless Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people now and always. Amen
Joyce worked in a Jewish school in Austria. He could see what other irish couldn’t see. He wrote the truth about the antisemitism he saw in society. For example this came from Joyce’s brain in Ulysses: Bloom expresses pride in the Jews several times in the course of Ulysses, and in an especially perspicacious remark tells Stephen of the impact the expulsion of the Jews had had on countries throughout history: -Jews, he softly imparted in an aside in Stephen’s ear, are accused of ruining. Not a vestige of truth in it, I can safely say. History, would you be surprised to learn, proves up to the hilt Spain decayed when the inquisition hounded the jews out and England prospered when Cromwell, an uncommonly able ruffian who in other respects has much to answer for, imported them. Why? Because they are imbued with the proper spirit. They are practical and are proved to be so.”
So so butt hurt 😂 the lies and gaslighting is hilarious!What's really interesting is the anti Irish rhetoric you employ.Thankfully Anti Semitism here is completely unacceptable, and let's be fair,the Irish story encompasses a lot more persecution and misery than the Jewish one.
I'm Puerto Rican, and I lean for independence but all Ireland has done for me has been questioning why the Irish, with such a history of suffering and diaspora can't identify with Israel and rescuing and giving citizenship to Jewish refugees from all over the world, rescuing the Hebrew language. Its disgusting of Ireland. I'm also questioning what's the point of adding another corrupt nation to the UN.
I'm Irish. When the IRC were taken out of Ireland between 1916 and 1922 by the British empire, they were sent to Palestine to set up a new occupation. Ireland identifies with Palestine and sees the oppression and occupation that we went through ourselves.
Dude, they not the real Hebrews of the Tanakh/Bible. Moses was born in Africa/Egypt and so was the Hebrew Israelites he led out of Egypt/Africa. Start at Genesis 10. Or go with History and Science. History and Science will tell you all humans descended from Africa.
@kenjimallone2191 Well Jews have kept the Hebrew language and remember where they came from and have a clear understanding of when people go antisemitic which is backed by history of political movements expelling Jews in order to take their lands and their houses and money. You really need to humble yourself and educate your self, sir.
More uniformed lies again . This is the usual tactic by the oppressors on the opressed . The whole world can see the truth and you don't like being called out on it
Yeah nothing worse than standing up and calling out a nation of women and children killers, shame on Ireland,they should have sat back and said nothing like the rest of the world.
No such condolence book existed. My grandfather was Irish and he like thousands of others fought the Nazis.
Correct! As did my grandfather! My grandmother was a nurse in London, both were from Northern Ireland.
And how was he treated after the War? Was he a Deserter?
Exactly, this is British rubbish regurgitated by these people.
You are right, no book. Even worse, De Valera went to the German legation in Dublin to call on the German minister to offer condolences
Most countries were neutral until Hitler marched in the door... When the Irish Constitution was drafted in 1937 there was a special protection inserted for the Jewish people because of what was happening them in Europe at the tíme. Approximately 80,000 left here to fight for the allies and claimed they were fighting on the right side of neutral...Ireland gave huge assistance to the Allies. The RAF had a secret base in Foynes, Limerick. . They were given the use of the Sligo corridor. Food production was increased and supplies sent to the UK. Ireland was the first brutal experiment of British empire. Their violent policies here are well documented. Show me a Country in the world tbat hasnt suffered invasion, civil war or wars of independence from Empire
In most invaded countries in WW2 the Nazis found a portion of the population who were quite willing to turn on their Jewish neighbours.. There were heroes too. The Jewish/Irish have always been a vibrant part of social and political life here... I hope for peace and security in the entire region and release of. Hostages
"The Jewish/Irish have always been a vibrant part of social and political life here."
That is a bit of an exaggeration, their numbers never exceeded 3500
You made other valid and interesting points however.
The population of Ireland was just under 4 million at the time... Largely Catholic, 20%Church of Ireland and other smaller Christian Churches.. There was an area in Dublin known as Little Jerusalem. It was a thriving business community. Ireland was not a wealthy country and being on the extreme edge of Europe it was fairly homogeneous and there was no real large immigration to Ireland. However we had plenty of Jewish/Irish who served in government. The Briscoe's, Alan Shatter, a long serving member of parliment and justice Minister. Chaim Herzog was raised in Dublin. On an amusing note the Jewish Lord Mayor of Cork Alderman Goldberg opened a brdge in the 70's... Trinity Bridge... It was v quickly nick named Passover Bridge.. We had many high profile members of the medical and legal professions from the Jewish community which has sadly reduced in numbers largly down to young generation Irish emigration. I was shocked to read some years ao of the 1000's of Jewish who left France due to fear of attacks. I find that disturbing..
@@DeniseOlin Thanks for sharing some interesting history
@@atheistbushman 👍
Well said. Many Israelis are deluded and those promoting a certain narrative. Ppl have to think for themselves and see thru the bs. Ireland is not anti-semitic. It is anti murder and anti-abuse.
Ireland did indeed remain neutral during the Second World War as it had been devastated by the War of Independence with Great Britain and had no resources to fight. However, tens of thousands of Irish men died fighting Nazi's in the American and British armies. There was never a Book of Condolence at the German Embassy in Dublin, it never existed. So this is a complete lie.
I wouldn't see it as a lie, I think he's just genuinely misremembering. What you've neglected to point out is that De Valera did offer official condolences on behalf of the Irish state, just not in the form of signing a book of condolences...there was no such book, that bit is true.
No it doesn't.
the IRA terrorists were guiding the German bombers up to Belfast to destroy the shipbuilding facility at H&W ......and now Ireland is a qasi Islamic Jihadee terrorist state ...
DeValera had to keep Ireland out of WW2 and Churchill wanted to use some of our ports, specifically Cobh, Berehaven, and Lough Swilly. We were pummeled economically after the war of independence and subsequent civil war and could not afford to be thrown into the war but many Irishmen fought in it.
However, to hark back nearly 100 years attempting silence Ireland's objections to the murder of civilians, including thousands of children and babies, is exactly what Simon Harris says it is - the diplomacy of distraction - to focus attention on a ridiculous argument with Ireland while Israel conducts a dirty war against Gaza's children in the dark. Shame on them.
@@Eflydo👏 👏 👏 👏
This Man is deliberately telling lies about Ireland.
Ireland was financially broken after the Civil War in 1922, and still had only gotten some of their Independence from England.
The Irish Government had no choice in the Second World War, but stay Neutral.
Would the Jewish People fight for Germany after twenty years, after what they went through ? I would think not, and rightly so.
I don't know one Irish Person that agreed with Hitler, it was disgusting and barbarian.
The Irish People today have no Enemies including England, and certainly have nothing against the Jewish People worldwide.
Colonialism and or annexation of Land is Wrong.
Mass killing of Women and Children is Wrong, immaterial of any Conflict.
The Jewish People and the Irish People have suffered in their History, and should know better than most, it is horrible to be Oppressed and considered Third Class People.
Large rant about nothing. Most people have been oppressed through the ages. But today's oppressed are ignored by the Israeli derangement syndrome. Eg the women in Iran and Afghanistan. North Korea is an actual concentration country. The uyghurs in China. Most of Africa. But whatever much easy to pick on Israel a country trying to survive with hostile Arab nations.
When it is about the Zionist they want everyone to bow to them and do their bidding
No-one wants to see innocent civilians in get hurt or killed - including Israel. What you have to understand is: Israel is not occupying land or going to war out of malice. This conflict is not really about land as much as it is about ideology (religion) of the Muslim world.
Western Leftists and as well as Muslims don't really care about the 80k dead in Sudan, 400k dead in Yemen, 600k dead in Syria. You won't ever see any of them going on weekly marches to protest it. What they do care about, though, is Jews. And to the Muslim world, the idea of a Jewish state in the Middle East is an anathema.
Arab ("Palestinian") civilians are getting killed because terrorists and leaders - and many in that population - are okay with putting civilians in harms way, and having them "martyred" if it means destroying Israel and killing Jews. In 1948, the Arab world and Palestinians launched a "war of extermination" (the words of the Arab league) - then tried it again in 1967 and 1973. Israel "occupies" the West Bank to a) stop the so-called Palestinians warring on Israel with Arab world support; and b) it is retaking land that Jewish people were ethnically cleansed from by Arabs in 1948. It stopped occupying Gaza in 2006 - and all Israel got in return was not peace but rockets, kidnappings, and mass murder.
As far as land is concerned, in Israel proper, Jews bought the land from Arab owners legally. The 2 million that are still there are the ones who chose to live peacefully with the Jewish people. Those Arabs ("Palestinians") who are refugees are also those who don't want peace with Jews and Israel and have never wanted it.
The Irish government is clueless about Jihadism and Islamic antisemitism.
He did not criticize Ireland's neutrality, he criticized the behavior of the Taoiseach.
My main criticism of the Irish stance - they criticize the human rights violations by Israel (fair enough) but ignores the nature/character of Hamas and Fatah and their violations.
It is a childish narrative of good vs evil, the oppressor vs the oppressed without any nuance.
(Similar to the far left in the US when it comes to "black lives matter")
There is little room for objectivity and Palestinian activists are often given access to Irish schools without a counter narrative
You didn't mention all the flowers layed by irish citizens at the Israeli embassy in dublin after the 7th of October. The horror and sadness we all felt for Israel. I live about 100 meters from where your 6th president of Chaim Herzog was raised. This area is known as little Jerusalem because of the high percentage of Jews who fled from eastern Europe, mostly Lithuania, where there was organized Pograms against the Jewish. They came to Ireland in their thousands and were welcomed and became valued members of the community. There is a museum to there honor l. Ireland is not antisemitic, its just pro humanity. When the dust settles the world will see what Israel has done to Gaza and the world will be equally horrified as they were at the the end of ww2 when the concentration camps were discovered.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
Speaking of genocide, go and read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious sources.
And speaking of ethnic cleansing reflect on the fact that only a century ago Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East, now they make up only 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. I wonder who is responsible for that, hmm? (Israel is the only ME country with a growing Christian population).
no such thing occurred, the Irish marched in their thousands against the Israeli embassy.
When the dust settled the world will see that Israel gotten rid of 3 terror groups and two terror states (Syria and Iran) and that Irish are consuming left wing Arabised propganda for breakfast.
look whats happening in Canada the same is going to happen in Ireland if they keep up the policy stance on Israel. "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you"
Blah, blah, blah
lol Do you mean the flooding when Eby got re-elected or the bomb tornado? ;)
Please, stop with the verses!! You don’t even understand the scripture
Is this some Bible BS? Keep believing your own crap.
@@simonbundee8588Choose wisely Simon. Research Jesus Christ through Paul the apostle to the Gentiles through the Authorised King James Bible 👍
Proud to be Irish 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
Pride comes before a fall.
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366your only an Israeli ! Your comment doesn’t matter
Irish Americans are awesome. Most of the Irish in Ireland have been indoctrinated to obsessively hate Israel.
Tell that to the families of the 1200 dead Jews from October 7 I am sure they will be pleased for you and your anti semitic government
Yeah right , or once had a glass of Guinness ?
Why is there a forest named after eamon de valera in israel if he offered condolences on the death of hitler that makes no sense?
DeValera was friends with Robert Briscoe, Irish Jewish Nationalist and later, a member of Irgun.
1n 1950, they both dined with Ben-Gurion at Chief Rabbi Herzog's home in Israel. DeV was out of office when he visited.
DeValera was in full support of the newly founded Israel.
13:32 there is no condolences book that he talks about. There is no proof of any signature by de Valera to the na zis..
Such a book never existed….its a myth. He did stupidly, however, offer his condolences to the German ambassador at the time
@trevaudio why is offering condolences a bad thing? I'm sure we would offer our condolences to Israel if their leader was missing a pulse, even though we don't agree with his actions.
I’m no fan of Netanyahu, but you’re surely not comparing him to that little Austrian man ?
@kroche90 I'm not sure as they don't have an embassy here anymore. I think the country in question needs to have an embassy for the Taoiseach to physically be able to give condolences to. Otherwise it's just a tweet or an email.
@stiofain88 Ireland still has an embassy in Israel.
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism.
Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
@@asa1973100 the PLO and other terrorists groups trained with the IRA , once upon a time
I do recall Arafat making many trips to Ireland when he was head of the PLO!
I remember the IRA bombing of Warrington shopping centre. Children out shopping on a Saturday for Mother's Day.
@@yolandabrinkman2653 I remember the Birmingham pub bombings by the IRA and the irony is all that bass to get the English out of their country and it’s now being swamped by a legal immigrant couldn’t have happened to nicer people
The IRA inspired Jewish terrorism in the 1930s against Britain.
Stay strong Israel Shalom love you.
In genocide?
@@ruthgallagher9584❤what genocide. You are not following the latest reliable news Ruthie. Hamas casualty figures are "lies, more lies and damn lies". My condolences Ruthie 😀😀😀💙🤍♥️
Israel. Offended by everything ashamed by nothing. No wonder you're not welcome anywhere
@@ruthgallagher9584 While the good old USA has Israel's back Israel will remain "strong" and free to continue it's expansion and ethnic cleansing. What a world we live in where extreme wrong is made to be right by propaganda and deflection.
Are you saying Ireland is lying naw dont think so you just dont like being called out .
Of course they're not lying. Their always on the side of the good and righteous, right?:
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
The withdrawal of Dana Elrich from Dublin is a positive start.
Israel now needs to withdraw from the West Bank, Gaza Lebanon, and Syria.
Bibi better get used to being in court. Proud of Ireland
The Irish prime minister never signed a condolence book. that is a falsehood. there was no condolence book in Ireland. a lot of Irish men died fighting in ww2. the country was neutral cos we have no significant military and were only 2 decades after fighting a war of independence and civil war so we're not in any place to get involved in ww2. we are 100% not antisemitic and have huge sympathy for what happened during the holocaust. it still does not excuse the genocide of the Palestinians
Your PM, however, conveyed a statement of condolence, the fact that there was no book of condolence does not change the fact that you expressed sympathy for the man with the moustache. And it also has nothing to do with Ireland having been neutral, in fact, Regev pointed out that other neutral countries didn't go so far as to express support for the nazis.
@@andema83 During WW2 much of Europe either murdered or assisted in the murder of their Jews. But none of that matters now because some Irish guy may have signed a book.
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Gareth?:
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
There was a lot of anti semitism in Ireland during world war two. Sad but true. Israel has the right to defend themselves, Hamas started this war, and using children in Gaza as shields after their October 7th attack is absolutely barbarian behavior.
@@kerrygold6494Many of them hated the British far more. Hope that helps.
Apologies to our friends in England for bringing this up.. , but I just need to quote a little from history in order to explain to the Israel readers why people are so sensitive to famine in Ireland, and to show that - whether I agree or not.. that there is a logic there that the Israel media has overlooked.
1. Most small countries were neutral. And then they got invaded by Germany .
2. They didn't sign a book of condolences. That's a myth.
3. They accepted Jewish refugees after the war.
4. The party that Dev was part of had supported the Jewish cause and was involved with zionism originally.
5. Ireland is half the size of Israel.. It's small due to genocide and famine. That famine could have been stopped, but it wasn't.
7. The Irish diaspora is much larger than the Israeli one.. however, the Jewish diaspora lasts a longer time for religious reasons.
8. Emily Hand criticism is valid - but - even though I don't agree with his assessment - there was a reason he said that - the govt was terrified of an islamophobic backlash against a tiny minority in the country and since Dublin citizens had already set busses on fire and smashed the city from what was seen as a migration influx from war torn nations.
9. The bee in the bonnet - is about the civilian killings - 70% women and children, and we have to see it every day on TV . It's not related to nations.
10. The Pal demonstration in Dublin is tiny compared to pre-Oct7... but it's still fueled by statistics, the ICC, and so on.
11. The demonstrations in UK were much larger per capita and they're your allies. So..?
12. Dev - the prime minister you criticize, well.. in 1937, de Valera included a specific recognition of the Jewish faith in the article of the Constitution on religion, "a striking decision at a time when antisemitism was rampant in Europe".
13. The statistics for the war in Gaza are very high. This concerns people a lot - especially having been devastated in the course of our own history.
14. You said "Ireland is not important" - because it's small. Well, it's small, because it was devastated on multiple occasions.
15. The country has no beef with anyone now, except for the responsibility to maintain the peace in northern Ireland by our peace process with the UK. Peace pays dividends, I highly recommend it.
16. Ireland has no particular beef with Israel, they just want the killing to stop... but Ireland has also strongly criticized Oct7, and stated that hmas is a heinous terrorist organization and there is no hope of them running any sort of country.
This is a very fair and reasonable summary that would reflect the general consensus in Ireland.
A lot of cr@p in this
Israel is a quarter of the size of Ireland
No book but Devalera went to the German embassy in Dublin to offer his condolences to the Minister there
New report of death figures dispute Hamas figures certainly not the 70% you mention
Very few refugees were let in, I think the figure is approx 100
The statistics are very low compared to other conflicts
And now I'm bored disputing your ridiculous statements
@@superhugful Ireland helped the allies. 50000 people volunteered to join the British and Americans to fight the Nazis.
Ireland took in refugees after ww2, but it was still a very poor country and nobody wanted to move here. We had thousands of Jews over the previous few centuries who made Ireland their home. As for Gaza Israel conflict - Yes, I've seen your media's estimates of 1:1 ratio of combatant to civilian, but I've also seen 1:3 from numerous media sources. I've seen IDF estimate 50k whilst others estimate 100k. - but besides this - these newer reports of blocking all humanitarian aid is a huge catalyst in world politics now. ... but it's not up to me to decide, it's not up to Europe.. its up to the UN, ICC, ICJ, Amnesty, the parties involved in the war, the blocked journalists.. to release the true figures... and the true stats I've seen are very high.
I'm not even here based on my own personal opinions. I'm just telling you the viewpoint of my country and other countries in Europe - the feeling in the country..
I'm sorry that you are bored. I guess you don't like statistics very much. That's understandable.
But what is difficult to understand, is why there is so much of an echo chamber on this issue.
ROI government even sanctioned soldiers that fought the nazis after the war.
Dublinastan invaded you have bigger problems brewing 🤫Scottish Veterans stand with Israel 🇮🇱
Come on Celtic 🇮🇪🇮🇪
@@ThomasMullan-r5s Shame Rocks of a government
Matt Dublistan echoes the Rangers supporter
Don’t count on Scottish support for Israel.
Dublinastan. So true.
Someone, give this woman a raise.
In the strength of her psych meds
Ruthie rocks!!❤
Raise in elevation ?
Love watching these chats. The analysis is so good. This one really resonated because it’s crazy how people carry on with their lives while so much is going on around them.
You are right. I try to point it out and I get treated like I’m an idiot.
Most people are more concerned about their Christmas trees and shopping it seems.
Those poor soldiers. What did they ever do wrong to have a house collapse on them. It's not as if they killed thousands of children. Its not like they allowed babies in incubators to die a slow death.
The IDF einzatsgruppen, the modern day SS.
There are 32 M Irish Americans. ☘️
There are 80M in the Irish diaspora. ☘️
We’ve never attacked anyone, never once had a UN resolution against us.Also, Chaim Herzog was born in Ireland.
There's one for Ataturk also, A murderer of Armenians and Greeks, just because some Irish or a turk paid for such thing it doesn't mean it's respected by locals.
Israel has never been the aggressor in any wars in which it has been involved. Where is all the outrage at Syrian/Ukrainian/Yemeni deaths? Strange genocide when the population of Gaza has actually increased since last year's attack.
BTW , Ireland isint the only country that thinks like this but the only country that’s has the balls to say it .
The fact you needed those peace treaties in the first place speaks volumes. NOT to mention your utter disrespect for the hundreds of irish people that died in ww2 with the British army your lack of knowledge is mind blowing
we actually don't need those "peace treaties" bs it's the Arab world that need them more than Israel so the joke is on you buddy? I think you got it wrong. Maybe come to Israel and talk with the people or do some history research. I honestly lost all respect to the Irish government since they don't seem to care about their own people that got kidnap to Gaza. Well have fun with this kind of government that care more about creating more terror zones for terrorists then taking care of their own people. the irony
May God bless the Ireland for standing up for the truth
The truth hurts
Rather for standing up for lies told by hamas and amplified by the UN and the media.
@@andema83you are no different to the Holocaust deniers....
Exactly, everything is anti semetic nowadays.
I will plead with every Christian to pray for the people of Israel
Prayer is fake. Does nothing.
Kwabena Pray for Israel? when they have been killing Christian Armenians for the last seven years, what drugs are you on, they are now working
And also their government to stop genocide and oppression
Regev talking absolute nonsense again…..De Valera never signed a book of condolence, because no such book ever existed….thats a lie. He did express his condolences to the German ambassador in Dublin at the time however, a huge mistake. He also gave the Jewish faith protection under the Irish constitution in 1937, when antisemitism was rampant across Europe.
Regev, the Australian, lying as usual
De Valera was just following normal diplomatic practice by visiting the Embassy of a country that had lost it's leader, Ireland was neutral after all during the war and if by some chance Churchill had been killed De Valera would have done the same at the British Embassy. Too much has been read into De Valera's visit to the German Embassy in Dublin but no attention is paid to similar gestures by the leaders of Europe's other WW2 neutral countries Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Finland who in fact were all very cosy with NAZI Germany before and during the conflict.
@@trevaudio I wish the native Australian leaders taking Regev to court the best of luck
That makes things a damn sight better, right?
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
God bless Netanyahu and his family
They'll be in prison soon enough
crazy people at JNS, crazy people in their comments:-) fits!!!
ajc5479, you are Irish .
Irish always hated Jews , it's true fact.
He will need that blessing!. If the Israelis don't imprison him the international court will.
Shame on lreland ..SHAME ..SHAME ..
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism.
Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
Never been more proud to be Irish. Unite Ireland! Free Palestine!
@@LawIV what's palestine? Free Gaza from Hamas and Iran. And by the way, you can take all Gazans and west bankers to Ireland.
עם ישראל חי וקיים לנצח נצחים!!!! ❤
@@asa1973100 Zionist terrorists copied the Irish terrorists against the British Mandate.
@@LawIV Halfwit ..
At 23:25 - Jordan still remembers "Black September": being stabbed in the back by the PLO staging a coup in 1970 as "thanks" for taking them in.
At 33:08 - Egypt remembers the "Arab Spring", with the Muslim Brotherhood (the Egyptian branch of Hamas) staging a coup and deposing president Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
At 33:18 - Saudi Arabia doesn't want to take women and children from Gaza Strip for the duration of the current war, most likely because they know that they'll have "a devil of time" evicting/deporting them back to Gaza Strip when the fighting ends, because the Saudi Arabian camps would most likely seem like 5-star accommodation compared to where they came from, not for any sort of dubious "second nakba" reason.
Ireland did support Israel. Ireland will defend the oppressed. Irelands view of Israel started to change when Israel was no longer the opressed but had become the oppressor.
Such a basic dumb way to view the world.
do you think it is possible that is a dehumanizing binary which is not a legitimate way to look at a complex world?
Are you saying the oppressor is the one being dehumanised? Is the oppressed not dehumanised? Binary, yea, ones a number 1 and the other is a zero, yea, I see a lot of attitudes like that coming out of the holy land these days.
@@evamurray2564 Yes indeed! Israel really does have a dumb view of the world.
fine, you can hang out with your new "oppressed" friends then, but not with us
Complete bullshite.... as an Irish man, you don't know or of have never learned your history.
Love and Respect for PM Netanyahu ..Praying for hostages
Thankyou Ruthie and Mark .
Is that the same Netanyahu that allowed October 7th to happen?
The same guy that refused offers of hostage swaps?
He should have to stand over the charges put before the courts at home and abroad. There is no justice for one that avoids the courts. Justice is the same for any schmuck on the street why not BiBi?
You need serious help.
Ruthie and Mark, probably interfering with each other as they watch sky news showing more murdered women and kids in Gaza, sick people.
Ruthie and Mark, getting each other off watching the TV report about murdered women and kids in Gaza, good on yah.
In May 1945 a statement of condolence was conveyed to the German ambassador (verbally) in Dublin when it was revealed that the ''man with the moustache'' was dead.
@@maxrichter1984 Make of that what you will !
The Irish wrote the book on modern terrorism.
Sinn Fein via the IRA were the Palestinians biggest supporter trainer and financer for many years. They were like the PLOs big brother.
@@asa1973100 Yep .
@@JohnAlexanderBerry Am I right to assume you american?
God commands you not to lie, steal, murder, amongst other things. These Israelis and Israeli govt and military are guilty of all. God is your judge.
Love Israel.
Why do you love a country that is committing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity ?
@@ruthgallagher9584thick paddy you are mind your business you people offer the world nothing
What a load of bollox when it comes to Ireland, shame on you. Read a history book when it comes to the formation of your own country.
I can’t continue to watch any more of this crap, Ireland has “done terrible things” blah blah, absolutely no sense of irony. These people are deranged.
I Stand With Israel 💯 🇮🇱 ❤️. I support Prime Minister Netanyahu.
You stand with genocide? So did Hitler.
@rafaelperez8821 genocide is what the arab communities have attempted since the modern state of Israel started. Israel would not be fighting this or any other wars if it were not others attacking her.
Monsters hiding behind monsters
You are standing with a war criminal and a genocidal and racist and a terrorist state and are on the wrong side of history..God knows how you sleep at night
@@rafaelperez8821A war ≠ Genocide.
By your logic, Britain in genocide of Germans in WW2
I have a bookmark which says From Israel with Love. Obvious who I support. God bless Israel.
Not the Northern Irish we're British
We are with Israel 💯🇬🇧🌟🌟🌟
No you are a religious bigot 🤫
In the summer when flags are flown in Northern Ireland you'll see the Israel flag flown alongside the Union flag in Protestant areas.
Yes you are with Israel. That's explains why unionists are so dumb. You've been shafted over the NI peace process & the NI Protocol/WF
Ireland is one country 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
The British caused the problem
Speaking out against genocide and ethnic cleansing being done, or enabled, against any defenceless civilian population is not antisemitic. Nor is speaking out in favour of justice, peace, and respect for international law, especially international humanitarian law.
Your President just said we're trying to conquer and build settlements in Egypt - That's a blatant antisemitic blood libel.
Also his Special love for Iran, a country that is calling for out utter destruction.
Most Irish hant for all Jews living in Israel to die in the ocean(From the river to the sea right)
Don't pretend it otherwise IRELAND IS emblematically ANTISEMITE.
Ireland supported the IRA in their bombing and murder of innocents in the UK
@@golandamato4701 Oh Yolanda..... You are so demented.
@@johnhoward7875 Yes John, and they refueled the U boats in the war, lit beacons showing the way to British cities and De Valera signed the book. Then they gave asylum to the Nazis. Oh, and they hid the Nazi gold under a @{%&*@ rainbow.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
Speaking of genocide go and read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious sources.
And speaking of ethnic cleansing reflect on the fact that only a century ago Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East, now they make up only 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. I wonder who is responsible for that, hmm? (Israel is the only ME country with a growing Christian population).
Proud to be Irish. We are not ok with genocide
Just the proof who you are and it’s far from good!
Israel isn't OK with it either. Hamas states they want to eliminate Jews from not only Israel but everywhere. Whom are the people advocating genocide? Hamas are, they will do October 7th attacks again.
Well said.
@@petefraser3013 No Genocide, There are more Palestians now than there ever was
Frank Carson joke: Some kids went up to a lone kid in Belfast, "Are you catholic or protestant?", the kid says, "I'm Jewish" and the other kids go away. The kid says to himself, "I must be the luckiest kid in Ireland".
Mark, Australian current government is no different than Ireland. Our current prime minister attended Israeli and US flagburning protests. Don’t be fooled when it comes out for the world stage and says antisemitism should be stamped out. He plays good Cop and the foreign minister plays bad cop with pm approval. Can you get more anti-Israel anti-Jewish than that? The current foreign minister wants to resume funding to Unraw and assist in rebuilding Gaza. There are Australians who are homeless living in tents due to a cost of living crisis. The Aussies I grew up with would not be supporting that Gaza be prioritised over Australia by this current government.
When these countries play with fire they will get BURNT ! Watch what is going to happen in Western Countries ! G-D help us all ! The naivety is mind boggling !!!!
I'm Australian going back 6 generations, I and many other Australians stand with Ireland and the Palestinians. The Irish have the absolute higher moral ground on this. Mark Freiberg is telling an absolute debunked lie about Ireland and the Nazis. Come back to where you were born in Australia Mark, and I'll give an education in the true history.
Thank you for this information !
@@Burtifly no way the Australians I grew up with like to be told how to live, what to wear, what to eat, want to celebrate. That’s correct the Commonwealth countries have acted despicable in the last year. But if you take notice, there’s a lot of people revolting against their current governments. Do you have any history about the Palestinians because I’ve asked maybe 100 people where I can read their history and nobody ever answers me? The Muslims I’ve asked do not answer me. Catholics were taught to hate the Jews. It’s historical thing that probably won’t change but those who go to Israel they see the total opposite of the BS that’s being spewed for the last year here.
@@YB-ok1ny In the Australia I grew up in, non of my family of any generation have ever been told what told what to wear, what to eat, and what to celebrate. You must live in a different Australia to me. Where are you from? There many differing reasons why Australians are revolting against our two party government system. Though that's not new. That happens across generations. The problem with Australians, like most western countries, is that we are so propagandised, it's ridiculous. That's the idea of two party systems, they are really a one party system pretending to be two. As they are both still subservient to the US and UK Empire. I can elaborate on the propaganda if you want to engage with me. In short, it's meant to confuse the public. Divide and conquer. We are told pick a side, left or Right. It's the wrong way to look at a neoliberal capitalist system. It's class warfare between those who have less, and those who control the more. It's been the same for a few centuries.
I was baptised a catholic, raised a catholic, when to a catholic boarding school. My family is catholic going back to a far as I can remember in my family history. And never were we taught to hate Jews. But I have no problem hating Zionists. Because Zionism is a political ideology based on racism, and colonialism.
I can recommend Israeli historians that have documented the abuses of the Palestinians by the colonial ethno-state of Israel over the past 100 years.
Ireland did a lot to help win WWII
Examples being ,
I The Dublin government sending over a dozen fire tenders to Belfast directly and covering parts of N Ireland from the Republic, thus allowing more tenders for fire fighting in Belfast.
2 For that, Dublin was bombed not 1 time but 2 times.
3 over 250,000 people from the Republic went yo the UK either to work or enlist.
4, all Allied soldiers sailors air crew managed to escape from internment.
5 Rationing was introduced during the war.
WhY, to help feed and Guinness over 300,000 American soldiers based on. IRELAND.
6 IT allowed allied aircraft to overtly Irish airspace.
7 Ireland sent a daily weather gathering stats to the UK.
This allowed the UK to plan its air defence offence with great accuracy.
3 times the young woman was asked to re check and resend the stats.
A few years ago, she was presented with tAmericas highest civilian award shortly before she died.
LET NO ONE SAY IRELAND DID NOTHING to help win the war against Nazi oppression.
Ruthie's comments on Saudi Arabia are much needed. I could not have expressed it better than she did. I would add that in addition to being outrageous hypocrites, the Saudi's influence in the Middle East decreases every day and an "agreement" with them ultimately would not benefit Israel at all. In fact, it might just serve to constrain Israel when Israel should not be constrained. Ruthie's comment that Israel should stop acting like a supplicant with regard to MBS and Saudi Arabia is spot on. Israel can offer the Saudis much more than the Saudis can offer Israel. The fact is that most of the Muslim world hates Saudi Arabia and, as the dependence on Saudi oil decreases, it makes little sense for Israel to run after them like an infatuated school boy.
What has Israel ever done to support the cause of Irish freedom?
No one cares mate about irelands sad agenda
@@harrynewman9922 Except Israel.....
@@harrynewman9922 Ye can't stop whinging about us.
They have absolutely every reason to, don't they?:
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Why would it. It didn't come into existence until 48. We had independence in 21
Per of arsholes ,
God bless Ireland 🇮🇪
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Im Irish and wanted to see this from an Israeli point of view. He made a good point about the cost of the war on soilder and the Israeli people, but forgot about the 45,000 neighbors in Gaza that have been killed.
Israel had killed 45,000, they need to take some responsibility for this. The day the embassy was closed another 16 were reported killed.
Whats your point about ireland? Ye didn't make one point,just pure waffle.we in ireland will always stand with the oppressed, ye are the oppressors. Wake up Isreal and take a good look at what yer doing instead of blame shifting
What do you know about "oppress"? the jews were oppressed for many years, they were killed off more than 1000 years by their enemies again and again etc... yet now they are not "oppress" all of a sudden? and they never claim to be a victim. What change? There is no such thing as "oppress" cause what do you call the millions of Arabs that died in Yemen by other Arabs? Guess you don't care when Arabs kill millions of other Arabs uh?
what Isreal doing is a response to 7 oct. and if you support what they did to women, children, baby's in that time then you support terror. It's that simple. I wonder if you still say the same if your family got taken away to Gaza for years and years without their will and got sold off as slaves.
@@mayaha200and you know very well Ireland along with the rest of the civilised world condemned Hamas terrorists for that ... Stop putting up a strawman it's tiresome.
You’re missing the point , what Irish people are upset about is the deaths of thousands of innocent children . That’s all
selectively "upset"
When the Irish voted for abortion , they were not upset about the killing of thousands of innocent babies .As an Irish person I am disgusted that our hypocritical leaders condone the killing of Irish babies
625,252 killed, 132,843 children, in Syria. Never a peep from Ireland.
@@heat8534 Check your facts on that one.
When you spend 10 minutes trying to convince your listeners that Ireland is unimportant you debunk your own narrative. When the guy pushing this narrative States that his personal opinion can be changed based on who is paying his wages it also discredits your argument. In this case a former politicians personal opinion fell in line with the government who paid his wages. Now he's got a different opinion that matches his current employers stance. The same former politician also praised some neutral countries for jumping on to the winning side of a war like it was a noble act. That point is in line with his own flip flopping for power/money. Ireland is an EU member state, a Eurozone founder member. As for discrediting Ireland based on one man signing a book of condolences a century ago and before the extent of the Holocaust was public, it's ridiculous. Israel signed agreements with countries who actively tried to exterminate the Jewish people or killed millions of jews. For some reason this signature by a man in an unimportant country is what enrages you. It's political games by a man who's opinions are for sale. My reply is just one man's opinion from an unimportant country. I wonder if it will be a political hot topic in a century.
There was no condolence book. Ireland never honoured Hitler. I understand your position, empathise with your pain, and disagree with your methods.
They are wrong on all counts.
The then Irish PM conveyed a statement of condolence though, it doesn't matter that there was no condolence book.
@andema83 actually, no he didn't send any statement of condolence either.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Freiberg, catch yourself on.........Ireland is respected throughout the world by people, whereas Israel is despised.
13:04 I'm sorry but this was a rumour started by David Gray in 1945: no condolence book was ever signed nor was Eduard Hempel a Nazi party member. In fact in 1937, both the Irish constitution was drafted with specific protections for Jewish people in Ireland and De Valera specifically told the German Foreign Ministry that he would refuse to credential and proposed ambassador form the Nazi party; hence why Hemel (a career diplomat since the 1920s) was assigned to Ireland.
@@jamiegrant5955they never let facts get in the way of some good hasbara
@@LawIV It's not hasbara. Those are Historical facts. Why don't you look them up. What are you afraid of.
@@karl_thwub jns is the hasbara channel
Oh, that makes things a damn sight better.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees from France at the time.
Hi Mark. I remember you well from the many years you spent in Ireland as Israeli ambassador. I worked for a bank sharing the same building as you. For such s capable and ambitious man it must have been a great disappointment to you to be posted to such an irrelevant country and you must have been surprised on your return to Israel to be appointed to such a prestigious position as Head of Propaganda.
So glad he left Australia. Shame on Mark Freiberg, a complete psychopath.
Nice one and I especially like the personal nature of your veiled insult.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
The condolence book is a British myth
An excellent demonstration of an echo chamber
@@marflem12 you can't get right wing brain rot like this in the states for sure
For a country you regard as 'insignificant' , you're certainly giving it plenty of airplay.
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
The land value around the Embassy just increased in value. 💯
My grand uncle was part of the American army unit that liberated Dachau. He had also fought in the Irish war of Independence. As an Irish woman, Ireland will always stand with the oppressed. October 7th was an horrific act of terrorism visited upon innocent Israeli civilians. It is possible for two things to be true at once. Israel’s prosecution of the war in Gaza and the enormous levels of death and destruction being visited upon innocent civilians is being called out by some internationally and by the ICC. Ireland’s position to be described as anti semetic is to tarnish the memory of the victims of the genocide perpetrated on the innocent civilians of Europe because of their Jewish identity. We all vowed to Never Forget and that is precisely what Ireland is doing.
Wonderful comment!, thank you.
Ireland oppressed Protestants for hundreds of years. Once a thriving community of 23% now less than 5%. Ethnically cleansed.
Read Sahih Muslim 2922. 85-90% of the "Palestinians" are of the Islamic faith and Sahih Muslim is one of their authoritative religious texts. Reflect on the fact that even a "moderate" "Palestinian" political entity like the "Palestinian Authority" has never released a charter in Arabic that hasn't called for the destruction of Israel, and they still pay stipends to families of "martyrs" who kill innocent Israeli civilans, the more damage/death caused, the higher the stipend.
Then reflect on the fact that Christians made up 1/5th the total population of the Middle East only a century ago, now that's down to 5%: "Christian persecution in the ME reaching 'genocide-like' levels" - BBC 3rd May 2019. Hmm, wonder who could be causing that? Israel is one of the few ME countries with a growing Christian population.
A serious problem exists when asking questions about the indiscriminate murder of tens of thousands of innocent infants, children women and men results in being canceled or subjected to abuse.
Perhaps asking Nethanyhu and his fellow henchmen why he continues to order the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians is viewed by some as inappropriate, rude or wrong but if the world asked hitler and his henchmen the same questions between 1934 and 1939 the שואה or holocaust would never have happened.m
A. It’s highly doubtful 10s of thousands of women and children have dyed. B. It’s a w@£, and civilians have not been targeted. They have been saved by one side only, and it ain’t their own. C. If you really cared about saving Pian children, you would be marching in the streets demanding H surrender & return the hostages.
Perhaps ask hamas how many of the casualties of war are terrorists.
I'm an irishman and I'm with you all the way protect yourselves
More likely you’re a Zionist pretending to be Irish.
16:07 Apparently, the founding fathers of Israel were inspired by the guerrilla tactics of the founding fathers of Ireland.
How times have changed.....
The story about world 2 and relating it to criticism by Ireland now is childish.
I disagree with Mark Regev. It is my opinion that in the Arab world and specially in Saudi Arabia they will respect us more if we are clear that peace cannot come at the expense of Israel’s security by opening a pathway to a 2 state solution. This is a clear message and will stop jihadist terrorism. It is like demanding to Saudi Arabia to give up Medina for peace.
There will be no 2 state. There was on Oct 6 2023
Also Mark Freiberg is a liar, just so you know. it is absolute lie that he just told the Irish signing a book of condolence to the Nazis over Hitlers death.
100% agree. Israel needs to demand peace on their terms from now on. You can have peace - with economic and cultural peace in our current boundaries which include Judea and Samaria and Gaza. Arabs can live in Israel as free legal aliens with a Jordanian passport as long as they renounce terror. If they are involved in terror they get expelled to Jordan.
@lalric it's been on their terms since the Europeans moved in.
@@soakupthesunmanYou mean the day before Hamas acted on Netenyahu’s provocations?
There will be a two state solution whether you like it or not pal. It is inevitable.
The Embassy of Ireland in Israel would also seem to be on "borrowed time", considering that it isn't even located in the capital (Jerusalem) and that Ireland has recently been quite hostile to Israel.
By "quote hostile" you mean demanding your country stops committing crimes against humanity?
I always enjoy these shows/news/thoughts. Thank you Mark and Ruthie.
Mark real gentleman ❤
Temporarily evacuated. Where have we heard that before.
The comments and criticisms of Ireland by both of you, were beyond disgraceful and untrue, talk about twisting things into something it isn't, if you're trying to tell the world that Israel is right and Ireland is wrong, then you're wrong
What is Ireland right about?
@@johndoe-vc1wecalling out baby killers.
@@johndoe-vc1we In the case of Israel essentially everything in other areas essentially almost everything. Good afternoon.
fine, you're "right", just keep out of Israel
The Irish stance on Israel is predominantly down to its erroneous belief that Palestine is the Ireland to the "colonial" Britain, Israel.
What many Irish fail to grasp is that Ireland ,when it fought for its independence from its colonial occupier, Britain, the Irish never vowed to wipe Britain off the face of the Earth. Had it done so, it would likely not exist, as Britain would have annihilated it.
The Irish should realise that Jews are the indigenous people to the region, not the Palestinians. Palestine never existed as a country , ever, and when in history "Palestine" was mentioned, it often referred to the majority in that region at the time, the Jews.
Why would Britain wipe Britain of the face of the earth ?😂
The Palestinian Arabs people are indigenous to that land….both they and the Jewish people descend from Canaan…😊
Your spot on! I stand with Israel 🇮🇱
@@trevaudioWrong, the philistinr are coming from greece. And it means Invaders'. Check it out.
Don't let truth get in the way of your simple conclusion/observation. This is not about Palestinians being indigenous. You know the Irish are not the Celts, nor are they the people who built the ancient sites. All the Irish are late comers. The Palestinians are late comers. Their ancesters were defeated by the Jews, the Greeks, and the Romans. You know nothing of the history of that area of the MidEast.
Golda meirs passport was palestine ....however that doesnt matter ...the people are indigenous whether they were under the ottoman empire or israel or Britain.
Lies. There was no condolence book.
We Irish apologise to almighty Israel for pointing out their Genocidal actions. Netenyahu can visit Dublin asap and well all apologise and grovel at his feet as were suppossed to. We wont activate his Internatiional arrest warrant for War Crimes...we pinky promise.
If BiBi or any of his crew step foot in Ireland they will be arrested.
Absolutely @@fitzstv8506
your dublin is dirty, nobody wants to go there
I know its horrible all these kind friendly anti genocide freaks all over the place youd hate it.
@@פלסטין_היא_הונאה-ע9ח its horrible all these anti-genoide freaks running about loose with no one to shut them up, and the out right cheek of them standing up for the Opressed they see getting slaughtered. Who do they think they are questioning Israel. Dont they know thats not allowed?? Shame on them all.
Yes Netanyahu keeps proving himself again and. Again. Am Israel Chai.
Is that the same Netanyahu that allowed October 7th to happen?
The same guy that refused offers of hostage swaps?
Amazing again and again
Yes, that's why he's wanted in Israeli courts, and by the ICC.
what a piece of filth he is...a degenerate monster ...who conspired so well with Trump.
Do you celebrate the killing of 14,000 children? And the thousands of children who’ve had limbs amputated? Do you realise Israel is becoming increasingly ostracised around the world? The vast majority of people in the western world are disgusted by the civilian death toll.
Proven himself , his military and his supporters to be war criminals.
In 1902 there was a famous Pogrom in Limerick against the Jews in the city. In 1945 Ireland sent condolences to Nazi Germany when Hitler died. After the war Ireland offered political asylum to many Nazis such as Otto Skorzeny. Ireland did not recognize Israel untl the 1990s. About 20 years ago my mother who escaped from Austria in 1937, Romania in 1940 and Egypt in 1956, visiting from Switzerland, in her 70s at the time, was harassed in a New York Deli by Irish teenagers on St. Patrick's Day who guessed she was Jewish and made antisemitic remarks mocking her.
It was 1904 actually…..and “Ireland” never sent condolences to Nazi Germany 😊
Oh, in 1937 the Jewish faith was specifically protected under the Irish constitution, when antisemitism was rampant across Europe, and the UK and the US were turning the Jewish people away 😊😊😊
grow up and stop your anti-Irish racism
The famous pogrom which 5 people fled from 😂
Keep talking to yourselves guys.....that way you'll always be 100% right and never have to face your own wrongdoing......Also important to add that countries don't just have embassies in allied countries. Russia for example still holds an embassy in many western states UK included etc......Ireland may not be a big global power but it does have outsized influence, is a member of the EU and is widely respected around the world, including within the global south for it's traditionally anti-imperialist views. Israel on the other hand is losing many friends via it's actions. Take away big brother US and what has Israel left? I fail to see how it's current actions promote Israel's security into the longterm future. Better to work towards peace than create more enemies, and end this tragedy. Irish people know and understand very well the bitterness caused by conflict and are actually better placed than most to comment on possible ways out of it having navigated one of the most successful peace settlements in the Northern Ireland conflict. You might do well to promote some lessons learned from that peace process rather than loosely throw around mis-truths and decontextualised soundbites......but hey, I guess your audience loves it and that's all that matters at the end of the day.....Shalom
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Eoin?:
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
Ruthie, having an embassy in a country does not mean that country is your ally. Thank you Mark for pointing that out to Ruthie. The history of the Irish hatred of Jews goes back very, very far.
Really ? Have you evidence for this hatred ???😊
Total deception again from the real issue of Genocide committed by israle
@@trevaudioni he doesn't, full of it.
Where is your evidence for that rubbish?????
Bullshit. Another deluded liar.
I am Irish and not all Irish peope are against Israel. I do not agree with the government and do not support their views. There will be a price to pay standing against the "apple of God's eye" God bless Israel in abundance. ❤
You’re definitely not Irish. Keep lying though, it’s very convincing.
So you don't support peace and the protection of the innocent. Aren't you wonderful.
Some people supported Hitler too, they listened to his speeches and thought he was doing good for the country.
Israel Hierachy are now similar but many decent Jewish people are horrified too. Respect to them always.
Ireland will always stand against the oppressor which this case is Israel is the most oppressive country on Earth.Free Palestine.
God bless Israel from London UK.
Im an Irish man and I stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇪
@ThomasMullan-r5s Why because I don't support Islamist Terrorists?🤣 Keep believing RTE🤤
So you support killing 5 year old child an bombing woman an kids in hospital you p
@ThomasMullan-r5s You know you are on the right side when RUclips deletes your Comments, 🇮🇪🇮🇱
@@pixieizzy5431any Irish person who supports a child murdering oppressive regime is a traitor to Ireland and humanity we did not fight oppression hundreds of years to support oppression
Sorry to all the proud Irish who listened to this garbage.
Dear Ruthie, what a voice of reason and truth you are to us listeners. I wouldn’t dare to say that about your co-host who appears to be scared of his own shadow but thinks his diplomatic way is best!! Go with God Ruthie and I pray your son and son-in-law in the IDF are kept safe.
Proud time to be Irish 👍
Thanks for agreeing to take a family from Gaza to live with you. Please share your address.
I ain't.
@@jb6368I am 👍
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
I’m Irish and your 100 percent right. It is shameful that the Irish government turned against Israel and quite embarrassing that they either dont see what is really going on or they just don’t like Israel. Im sorry for all Israel has to deal with not only Ireland the rest of the world also. Israel❤
I think we should leave the genocide question to the courts.
I am Irish, and it fills me with shame about the government's stance on Israel.
You only shame yourself. I doubt your Irish, you’re just another Zionist pretending to be Irish:
@@patrickoconnor8166 Same here, What's wrong with this Country?🙈
Shame on you.
@@patrickoconnor8166 I agree, Ireland is backward
To the liberal lady running Ireland. Show that you are a women of your convictions. Take in all the refugees from Gaza. You expect Israel to live next door to them in peace. I see no reason you shouldn't be willing to do the same. Oh, and they should receive no electric bills because that is what Israel has been doing for them. I shall look on with great admiration to your open arms policy.
A lady doesn’t run Ireland. See how utterly misinformed you are ?😊
I believe he means that disgraceful and hateful woman with a horse-face and orange hair braying at the European Union about Israel. Don't know her name and don't even want too either.
Yes indeed, Ireland should take in all their beloved Palestinians. They talk about "the luck of the Irish." Ireland will need every bit of that luck and more when the lovely Palestinians relocate to their new green 💚 "treasure island."
Not a liberal, but far left, also not a lady, otherwise completely agree. Also why not encourage Palestinians to immigrate to Ireland like buy them a ticket and teach them what to say to get approved for a asylum
@@trevaudioIf you look closely, it's ALL women that runs Ireland, hence the coming collapse of Ireland.
Part of our country is Occupied rhe same as the Palestinians.
18:20 Why do you think the Taoiseach might have used biblical rhetoric surrounding her return? At this point this interview is merely character assassination - he and his successor have continually called Hamas brutal terrorists and have called for the return of all hostages.
Always on the side of the good and righteous, right Jamie?:
“There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country.They crucified our saviour 1,900 years ago and they are crucifying us every day of the week.” - Oliver Flanagan member of the Irish parliament 1943 (He was re-elected to parliament even after these comments with DOUBLE the votes and become the LONGEST serving member of the Dail.)
No anti-semitism, right?
Ireland also refused to take in 500 orphaned Jewish refugees at the time. Ever wonder why Ireland has one of the smallest Jewish populations in Europe?
"It is not those who can inflict most; it is those who endure most who will conquer".
Terence McSwiney, Irish freedom fighter and Lord Mayor of Cork, murdered by the British after a 74 day hunger strike that brought the contempt of the world down on the British colonisers in Ireland.
Saoirse don Phalaistín 🍉🍉🍉☘☘☘
Mark, Remember the last pogrom in Ireland was in 1905. Ireland purchased weapons from Israel recently. I don't like Higgins that silly didyman
The idiotic Limerick Boycott was not a pogrom. It was shameful, but it falls very far short. Some Jewish families moved to Cork, mostly. (most stayed.) In time , Gerald Goldberg became the Lord Mayor of Cork.
If you want to read a description of a real pogrom, maybe read Satan in Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer. The word pogrom should not be devalued of it's frightful meaning.
I wish we had more Jewish people in Ireland. Actually the small Jewish community in Ireland is growing. I fervently hope it continues to grow.
The last and ONLY pogrom in Ireland. Those attacked moved to Cork. It was an isolated incident.
This sounds rehearse both the podcast and any disparageing statments froman Israeli spokesperson is considered as a Badge of honour
Reread Ulysses, perhaps the most brilliant novel ever written in English, and Joyce is incapable of hiding his obsession and contempt for Jews. It must be in their DNA.
You never read Ulysses 😊
He actually criticized antisemitism by writing it like that...he identified with the Jews, as they were seen as 'the other'. You should read about James and his works in relation to Jews. You'd be surprised.
No it's not in our DNA. I stand with Israel 100 per cent. The government is not the people of Ireland. There are three main parties in Ireland who are all woke, pro abortion( and these very ones who approve of the slaughter of millions of babies are the most vociferous against Israel) pro immigration, and it seems to so many of us anti Irish. The majority of the Irish people are with Israel. GOD Bless Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people now and always. Amen
Wow stupidity flourishes on this forum...
Joyce worked in a Jewish school in Austria. He could see what other irish couldn’t see. He wrote the truth about the antisemitism he saw in society. For example this came from Joyce’s brain in Ulysses:
Bloom expresses pride in the Jews several times in the course of Ulysses, and in an especially perspicacious remark tells Stephen of the impact the expulsion of the Jews had had on countries throughout history:
-Jews, he softly imparted in an aside in Stephen’s ear, are accused of ruining. Not a vestige of truth in it, I can safely say. History, would you be surprised to learn, proves up to the hilt Spain decayed when the inquisition hounded the jews out and England prospered when Cromwell, an uncommonly able ruffian who in other respects has much to answer for, imported them. Why? Because they are imbued with the proper spirit. They are practical and are proved to be so.”
So so butt hurt 😂 the lies and gaslighting is hilarious!What's really interesting is the anti Irish rhetoric you employ.Thankfully Anti Semitism here is completely unacceptable, and let's be fair,the Irish story encompasses a lot more persecution and misery than the Jewish one.
Always nice to join you!
Closing the Irish embassy was a correct move! Israel has stood up against the antisemitism in Ireland!
the word diplomacy does not apply to terrorists and terrorism.
Are talking about Israel.
Thank you south africa thank you CELTİC Thank you ireland palastine will never die humans
I'm Puerto Rican, and I lean for independence but all Ireland has done for me has been questioning why the Irish, with such a history of suffering and diaspora can't identify with Israel and rescuing and giving citizenship to Jewish refugees from all over the world, rescuing the Hebrew language. Its disgusting of Ireland. I'm also questioning what's the point of adding another corrupt nation to the UN.
I'm Irish. When the IRC were taken out of Ireland between 1916 and 1922 by the British empire, they were sent to Palestine to set up a new occupation. Ireland identifies with Palestine and sees the oppression and occupation that we went through ourselves.
Dude, they not the real Hebrews of the Tanakh/Bible.
Moses was born in Africa/Egypt and so was the Hebrew Israelites he led out of Egypt/Africa.
Start at Genesis 10. Or go with History and Science. History and Science will tell you all humans descended from Africa.
@kenjimallone2191 Well Jews have kept the Hebrew language and remember where they came from and have a clear understanding of when people go antisemitic which is backed by history of political movements expelling Jews in order to take their lands and their houses and money. You really need to humble yourself and educate your self, sir.
The Jewish people were specifically protected under the Irish constitution in 1937.
You are utterly misinformed and know nothing of Ireland
More uniformed lies again . This is the usual tactic by the oppressors on the opressed . The whole world can see the truth and you don't like being called out on it
Shameful actions by Ireland.
What actions
Says the guy supporting genocide.
very good of Ireland to react and other countries and organizations will follow. your lies are in the open! you can struggle as much as you want to.
Shame on you too robot.
Yeah nothing worse than standing up and calling out a nation of women and children killers, shame on Ireland,they should have sat back and said nothing like the rest of the world.