Mike i must admit this Skyrim lets play is the only thing that helps me with a comedown/hangover during the wee hours on a sunday morning. Its so chill and it helps me relax, thanks man
Pity you attacked the spiders in Ustengav. That negated Voice of the Sky. In Ustengrav and some other dungeons, if you walk on the light diamond (pressure plate) you'll be fine. If you walk on the plates with the dark diamond you get burned. The draugr in the dungeon is lying over the two types or pressure plates to provide the clue. That was pretty ballzy, getting close to a Giant camp for warmth. Torches last about 4 minutes. If you sheath them and then pull them out again you reset the timer. Wolves used to be everywhere. Then man came along and now they're endangered in the few places they still exist. It's a great video to watch.
Thanks glad you are enjoying it! I thought killing those spiders was key to progressing through that phase 😅 ah well, we need to return the horn at some point so we can always get it again lol.
Yeah not bad thank you! Quite tired, had a few disturbed nights last week with my youngest and I had to work late on Thursday so had to keep putting this video back a day 😅. Hoping for an early night tonight so I can recharge and then get working on the next guides/episode 4. Trying to decide if I want to undertake an all shout/word wall locations video which feels like a big task 🤣. How are you?
@@mike-thegamingdad I don't know how old your kiddos are but (even if this sounds counterintuitive) enjoy your time with them when they're young; they grow up very fast, and you might find yourself missing those nights when Dad came to the rescue sooner than you think. A word wall/shout guide would be fun! I always struggle with picking up shouts that have nothing to do with the character, e.g., grabbing all three words of Fire Breath because that requires you to at least start the Companions quest line. 'Slow Time' is especially rough as you've got to go through the entire Collrge quest line AND at least start the Civil War-and if your character wouldn't be interested in that faction or quest line, what are you to do?
@@Jimmyinvictus yeah very true! They are 6 and a half and 1 and a half, but yeah growing up really fast! 😁 Yeah thats true that's one of the things I'd have to talk about in the video I think, how some are locked behind certain quests. I've always found it a shame that slow time is locked behind some pretty big quests. I wanted slow time for my assassin build but then it felt odd having to go through the mages guild when I had no interest in magic whatsoever 🤣
Stop having so much fun, your making me jealous. Watching these at work to get through the day and not being able to play until Monday is torture. I think i definitely spread myself too thin trying to get all the cool perks, perhaps I'll try focus this time. Thanks for the entertainment and information
Become ethereal is a great shout to use when leaving a dungeon or descending a mounting with haste. Pop ethereal and jump. Also works at the bards leap to ensure survival.
Just catching up on comments and saw yours 😁 yeah I agree I've been using it a lot recently actually. Definitely fun when jumping down from the Throat of the World 😅
Still working on the video haven't finished it yet but just a little tip, Sprinting increases Fatigue. After getting sucked into watching some noobs play it's nice to come here and watch someone who knows what they're doing!
Ah that's good to know thanks 👍. Haha I'm glad it appears I know what I'm doing! After so long if I still sucked I might need to play something else or stop altogether 😂. As long as there is interest in this series I'll keep it going this year and once the main quest is done, subs can vote on what storyline we do next so would be good to have you on the journey 😁👍
@@mike-thegamingdad Well I've also been playing since the beginning and I'm still finding new things. I never knew about those 2 bandit camps at the beginning until I watched you.
Just found your channel and am loving the content! Also regarding the Gildergreen tree, there is another way to resolve the quest which involves bringing back a sapling from the Eldergleam instead of the sap. It will replace the current tree with a much smaller one however I don’t think it ever fully regrows but still cool to have the option. My apologies if you mentioned this and I just missed it. Cheers!
I know it's been a few weeks since you posted this, but i have a tip based on your comments on the 3rd person camera. Hold down the change view button and pull back on the camera stick to zoom in and out. Hope that helps.
40:48 If you'd destroy the Hall of the Vigilant now it'll be marked as cleared on your map. If you leave it be and it becomes destroyed it will not be marked as cleared. It's one of the completionist things you can only do up to a certain level.
Awesome thanks a lot! I'll have to watch my old ones back I can't even remember what each one contained now 🤣 I'm gonna guess episodes 3-4 was probably getting the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, discovering who Delphine really was (Blades etc) and then breaking into the Thalmor Embassy. That feels a very long time ago now!
Salt piles are in barrels and sacks, you can sleep at bandit camps when you've killed the bandits, when selling to the whiterun blacksmith outside, as long as shes not talking to you afterwards you can head inside and her husband will have a different inventory.
There are only 3 cooking fires in Riverwood. The "public" one is in the Riverwood Traders shop. There are private ones (and free beds) in the two houses of the people who help you escape Helgen - if you go the Empire route it's in the Blacksmith's house, if you go the Stormcloak route it's in the mill owner's house. There's also an optional one in Faendl's house after you recruit him as a follower and take his house key from him.
Yeah I've used the one in Faendal's house before when he's been my follower. He also has a handy woodcutters axe near his fire as well, there is one in riverwood near the mill I usually grab if I need to do any chopping of firewood, but it's been known to be buggy and sometimes disappear so I've ended "borrowing" his a few times 😅
@@mike-thegamingdad you can also get a free woodcutters axe outside the first mine as you approach Riverwood from Helgen - there's also a chopping block there and another inside plus the forge - which lets you make plenty of arrows before taking any quests in Riverwood.
Would you consider doing a video on your gaming setup? Would love to get back into PC gaming again but realistically I could only afford a budget, or slightly better than budget system. Anyway cheers.
@tattyman4191 it would probably be a very short video, as my set up is completely out of the box, but I'm happy to show you what I have. I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to PC gaming, I've always strictly been PlayStation, I bought my PC in June last year with the intention of using it to have a go at making my own content. I didn't even have all the money to pay for it at the time, I put some of the cost on my credit card 🤣 This is my PC www.hp.com/gb-en/shop/product.aspx?id=59a35ea&opt=abu&sel=def Windows 11 Processor - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X RAM - 16 GB Storage - 1TB SSD Graphics card - AMD Radeon RX 6700XT (12 GB) My monitor www.hp.com/gb-en/shop/product.aspx?id=32H02AA&opt=ABU&sel=MTO&source=google&channel=cpc&adcampaign=OLS-UK-PS-Mon-Goo-SSC&addisttype=u&kw=&adid=493293428309&gclid=CjwKCAjwge2iBhBBEiwAfXDBR03gsXYauGEoDuFq3M4dCBNaEWioF4VV7ATUa1yVK08XzGgBm2ObpBoCZM4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Then I have a pretty basic keyboard, mouse and I just use a console controller to play games. I already had some headphones and my microphone I bought second hand 🤣. Will hopefully upgrade bits if I can start to earn a decent income from it or go full time, and then I'll start to customise elements (eventually want a green screen somewhere so I can actually be on screen but that would require space 🤣) I'd advise whatever your budget is, just put as much as you can behind the actual PC. Unless you are competitive gaming online where miliseconds matter, things like refresh rates and response times on high end, even some mid range monitors, keys and mice just aren't required, and places will try and sell you it because that's where the mark up is made. My monitor looks incredible on high settings for all games, can it do ultra 4K? No, but neither can my PC, unless I doubled the outlay on it, so there's no point in investing yet. I'd also read up on specs and look at review sites for specific parts like the processor and the graphics card, the pros and cons etc. You can buy a PC anywhere these days, but the ones that look great on sites like amazon with all the lights and a to good to be true price tag often are, because they look fancy but often use 10 year old tech.
@@mike-thegamingdad Again, thanks for the long detailed reply. Will have to have a look through the links and do some research 🧐. Yeah I've been a console gamer for years, playstation and Xbox. Can't afford to buy into the new generation now. Want to get a gaming pc for elder scrolls 6 release, so should have plenty of time 😂
Although I’m caught up on the series, I had to come back and watch this episode to validate my frustrations with always being cold in my first survival playthrough with max warmth armor. 😅 Glad to see I wasn’t crazy about the weather haha
I don't really like daedric on my followers, so I usually put Lydia either in Silver Armor or the Ebony Plate. I love a lot of the new AE armor variants.
@@mike-thegamingdad quick reply 😁. Quick question, may have missed it in the play through. Did you get afeandal to train you in archery? Or is that not allowed in survival mode? Also, what type of character build are you going for in this play through? Thanks and cheers for your time😊
@tattyman4191 err I can't remember actually, I think I may have spoken about it at the time bit elected not to do it. I remember talking about the helgen cave and using ralof to train one handed, but I said I wasn't going to do any speed levelling of combat, so I imagine I did the same for archery. There wasn't too much of a build as such but my only combat skills I use are archery and one handed. The only magic is restoration, and my armor choice was light 😁
@@mike-thegamingdad thanks for the reply. I'm playing a similar build, archer, spellsword type character. Any advice on magica/health/stamina balance. Cheers
The strongest follower on the game is the generic dark brotherhood folloer you can't get at the end of the quest. They level up with you to level 80 or something like that. Most followers like Lydia stay at the rank you get them at.
Oh really didn't know that. I thought followers levelled to a certain point and them stopped. Didn't realise Lydia stayed where she was. Might be better if I picked her up later on then 😅
I really hate being told to kill poor old Parthy, he's my best buddy in pretty much all my games, I think I have only killed him once, that was for the achievement of setting up the blades, I have had dozens of games finish without the blades being a thing , I just don't see the need to kill that graceful old dude , best dragon pal ever
Yeah that is true, I like discovering the recipes as it gives you a small amount of experience if you fail and then it greys out those ingredients so you know they aren't compatible 😁
I try to play other games and come back to Skyrim. Nothing holds my attention or draws me in like Skyrim does. I think the variety of how you can play is a big factor. This play through survival and didn't take the Dragonstone. No dragons, no Dragonborn. Enjoying the land, seeing things I never have because I missed so much fast traveling. Goal isn't to be the most powerful but to just have a great adventure.
Enchanting can be slow if you are playing with USSEP installed or just don't like using exploits in general. I'll explain how I do it using some of the exploits. As to level it to 100 I usually do alongside smithing so its resources intensive. I'd probably be gathering items with enchantments that you didn't need and storing them as you go, you also want to be gathering leather strips and iron ingots as well. I'd also set the farm up with all the add ons and a steward so it's making money, as you'll need a lot of gold. If you want to minimise the level of items you need, get yourself a spouse to live in your house with you. Also obtain the aetherial crown from that quest. The aetherial crown grants 2 standing stone abilities The stones you want first are the warrior stone and the lover stone (20% + 15%). Then sleep in a bed with your spouse (15%). So effectively now you get 50% faster levelling. Make a load of iron daggers, probably want a few hundred for enchanting. Dwarven bows are good as well as they level smithing fast. Then go to dragonsreach and buy all the petty and lesser soul gems from farengar. This will only work with USSEP not installed by the way. Save your game, attack him, reload that save. This resets his inventory and repeat until you have a few hundred soul gems. Once done, switch the warrior stone for the mage stone and sleep again. Now you want to enchant your iron daggers in dragonsreach. The best enchantment for this is banishing which can usually be bought from the fletcher in Solitude once you hit around player level 25 onwards. Its rare though, if he doesn't have it, save attack and reload to reset his inventory until he has it. A few hundred soul gems and few hundred daggers and you shouod easily git enchanting 100.
I dont have insta 🤣 , ill tell you and you can do on next runthrough, go to Myrwatch get the unenchanted staff of destruction and all of the heart stones, dupe them by dropping on floor get follower to pic them up you need 10 staffs, then do the bloodchill manor CC use that staff enchanter in bloodchill manor along with mage ston and well rested bonus, NO soul gems required ;)
Not on this playthrough no, completely mod-free currently, not even the unofficial patch. Probably why I am seeing glitches like not being able to pick up arrows, shields floating in the air and map markers not appearing 😅🤣
@@mike-thegamingdad weird, every time i ask lydia to trade with me (almost every time), she says in an annoyed voice "i am sworn to carry your burdens" 😂
I've had a bad habit of decking my followers out in the best of gear since Diablo II so yes, Lydia will get the best gear to keep her alive and a gift just for working so hard. :D
@@mike-thegamingdad Yeah, she sure is a good'un. I don't know but I like it when she is a bit sassy. Gives her more personality. I'm almost afraid to give her items sometimes.😆🤣
March 2023 is it's 10 year anniversary and it is finally being released on steam for PC, not sure about xbox, but that might be a route to finally playing it 😁
This has to be my favorite skyrim lets play ❤
Thank you really glad that people are enjoying it 👍😁
@@mike-thegamingdad the best part is how u give all tips and stuff most lets play ive seen dont give as good information as you do
Agree he's a very good teacher.
Mike i must admit this Skyrim lets play is the only thing that helps me with a comedown/hangover during the wee hours on a sunday morning. Its so chill and it helps me relax, thanks man
Haha no worries 😅 glad you are enjoying it! 👍🏻
yessssss love the long videos. i watch them while i go about my day. the way you speak is soothing. its like skyrim asmr lmao.
Haha thank you glad you are enjoying them 😁
Some major advances this episode! Very nice. Always a feeling of accomplishment when you obtain a Skyrim home.
Yeah definitely feels like a big milestone 😁
Just a little tip, there’s usually some salt piles in fish barrels as I’ve found in my play through. Love this series btw!! 1:07:29
Thanks for the heads up and glad you are enjoying it 😁👍
YAS! I needed this vid to drop! Thank you! I’m currently running your Night King build on my current run.
That's excellent hope you are enjoying it 😁
Pity you attacked the spiders in Ustengav. That negated Voice of the Sky.
In Ustengrav and some other dungeons, if you walk on the light diamond (pressure plate) you'll be fine. If you walk on the plates with the dark diamond you get burned. The draugr in the dungeon is lying over the two types or pressure plates to provide the clue.
That was pretty ballzy, getting close to a Giant camp for warmth.
Torches last about 4 minutes. If you sheath them and then pull them out again you reset the timer.
Wolves used to be everywhere. Then man came along and now they're endangered in the few places they still exist.
It's a great video to watch.
Thanks glad you are enjoying it! I thought killing those spiders was key to progressing through that phase 😅 ah well, we need to return the horn at some point so we can always get it again lol.
Yah! Mike has uploaded Part 3!! Loving your build for the Sorcerer Mike! Now building a stealth archer build....gonna be fun to play both
That's awesome! 😁👍
Excellent! I've been waiting for this episode! Hope you're having a great one, Mike!
Yeah not bad thank you! Quite tired, had a few disturbed nights last week with my youngest and I had to work late on Thursday so had to keep putting this video back a day 😅. Hoping for an early night tonight so I can recharge and then get working on the next guides/episode 4. Trying to decide if I want to undertake an all shout/word wall locations video which feels like a big task 🤣. How are you?
@@mike-thegamingdad I don't know how old your kiddos are but (even if this sounds counterintuitive) enjoy your time with them when they're young; they grow up very fast, and you might find yourself missing those nights when Dad came to the rescue sooner than you think.
A word wall/shout guide would be fun! I always struggle with picking up shouts that have nothing to do with the character, e.g., grabbing all three words of Fire Breath because that requires you to at least start the Companions quest line. 'Slow Time' is especially rough as you've got to go through the entire Collrge quest line AND at least start the Civil War-and if your character wouldn't be interested in that faction or quest line, what are you to do?
@@Jimmyinvictus yeah very true! They are 6 and a half and 1 and a half, but yeah growing up really fast! 😁
Yeah thats true that's one of the things I'd have to talk about in the video I think, how some are locked behind certain quests. I've always found it a shame that slow time is locked behind some pretty big quests. I wanted slow time for my assassin build but then it felt odd having to go through the mages guild when I had no interest in magic whatsoever 🤣
Stop having so much fun, your making me jealous. Watching these at work to get through the day and not being able to play until Monday is torture. I think i definitely spread myself too thin trying to get all the cool perks, perhaps I'll try focus this time. Thanks for the entertainment and information
Become ethereal is a great shout to use when leaving a dungeon or descending a mounting with haste. Pop ethereal and jump. Also works at the bards leap to ensure survival.
Just catching up on comments and saw yours 😁 yeah I agree I've been using it a lot recently actually. Definitely fun when jumping down from the Throat of the World 😅
Still working on the video haven't finished it yet but just a little tip, Sprinting increases Fatigue. After getting sucked into watching some noobs play it's nice to come here and watch someone who knows what they're doing!
Ah that's good to know thanks 👍. Haha I'm glad it appears I know what I'm doing! After so long if I still sucked I might need to play something else or stop altogether 😂. As long as there is interest in this series I'll keep it going this year and once the main quest is done, subs can vote on what storyline we do next so would be good to have you on the journey 😁👍
@@mike-thegamingdad Well I've also been playing since the beginning and I'm still finding new things. I never knew about those 2 bandit camps at the beginning until I watched you.
Just found your channel and am loving the content! Also regarding the Gildergreen tree, there is another way to resolve the quest which involves bringing back a sapling from the Eldergleam instead of the sap. It will replace the current tree with a much smaller one however I don’t think it ever fully regrows but still cool to have the option. My apologies if you mentioned this and I just missed it. Cheers!
Thats awesome glad you are enjoying it! Wow really I don't think I've ever done it that way before! 🤣 Thanks for sharing! 👍
I know it's been a few weeks since you posted this, but i have a tip based on your comments on the 3rd person camera. Hold down the change view button and pull back on the camera stick to zoom in and out. Hope that helps.
40:48 If you'd destroy the Hall of the Vigilant now it'll be marked as cleared on your map. If you leave it be and it becomes destroyed it will not be marked as cleared. It's one of the completionist things you can only do up to a certain level.
Episode 3 done. Onwards to episode 4. Brilliant video. Love your content.
Awesome thanks a lot! I'll have to watch my old ones back I can't even remember what each one contained now 🤣 I'm gonna guess episodes 3-4 was probably getting the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, discovering who Delphine really was (Blades etc) and then breaking into the Thalmor Embassy. That feels a very long time ago now!
@@mike-thegamingdad yeah absolutely right all up to thalmore embassy 😊
Very new to games. My 1st play station But Skyrim and red dead 2 are the games I see to love to play. Enjoying your walkthroughs
Welcome and I'm glad you are enjoying it so far 😁
Salt piles are in barrels and sacks, you can sleep at bandit camps when you've killed the bandits, when selling to the whiterun blacksmith outside, as long as shes not talking to you afterwards you can head inside and her husband will have a different inventory.
There are only 3 cooking fires in Riverwood. The "public" one is in the Riverwood Traders shop. There are private ones (and free beds) in the two houses of the people who help you escape Helgen - if you go the Empire route it's in the Blacksmith's house, if you go the Stormcloak route it's in the mill owner's house. There's also an optional one in Faendl's house after you recruit him as a follower and take his house key from him.
Yeah I've used the one in Faendal's house before when he's been my follower. He also has a handy woodcutters axe near his fire as well, there is one in riverwood near the mill I usually grab if I need to do any chopping of firewood, but it's been known to be buggy and sometimes disappear so I've ended "borrowing" his a few times 😅
@@mike-thegamingdad you can also get a free woodcutters axe outside the first mine as you approach Riverwood from Helgen - there's also a chopping block there and another inside plus the forge - which lets you make plenty of arrows before taking any quests in Riverwood.
Watched this play through, another good episode. Took me a while 😄
Thank you for continuing to watch I appreciate it 😁👍
Would you consider doing a video on your gaming setup? Would love to get back into PC gaming again but realistically I could only afford a budget, or slightly better than budget system. Anyway cheers.
@tattyman4191 it would probably be a very short video, as my set up is completely out of the box, but I'm happy to show you what I have. I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to PC gaming, I've always strictly been PlayStation, I bought my PC in June last year with the intention of using it to have a go at making my own content. I didn't even have all the money to pay for it at the time, I put some of the cost on my credit card 🤣
This is my PC
Windows 11
Processor - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
RAM - 16 GB
Storage - 1TB SSD
Graphics card - AMD Radeon RX 6700XT (12 GB)
My monitor
Then I have a pretty basic keyboard, mouse and I just use a console controller to play games. I already had some headphones and my microphone I bought second hand 🤣. Will hopefully upgrade bits if I can start to earn a decent income from it or go full time, and then I'll start to customise elements (eventually want a green screen somewhere so I can actually be on screen but that would require space 🤣)
I'd advise whatever your budget is, just put as much as you can behind the actual PC. Unless you are competitive gaming online where miliseconds matter, things like refresh rates and response times on high end, even some mid range monitors, keys and mice just aren't required, and places will try and sell you it because that's where the mark up is made. My monitor looks incredible on high settings for all games, can it do ultra 4K? No, but neither can my PC, unless I doubled the outlay on it, so there's no point in investing yet.
I'd also read up on specs and look at review sites for specific parts like the processor and the graphics card, the pros and cons etc. You can buy a PC anywhere these days, but the ones that look great on sites like amazon with all the lights and a to good to be true price tag often are, because they look fancy but often use 10 year old tech.
@@mike-thegamingdad Again, thanks for the long detailed reply. Will have to have a look through the links and do some research 🧐. Yeah I've been a console gamer for years, playstation and Xbox. Can't afford to buy into the new generation now. Want to get a gaming pc for elder scrolls 6 release, so should have plenty of time 😂
1:06:15 I rarely cook anything but the fondue, TIL you can make " hot " versions. I wonder if that is only available on the menu in a survival run.
@scottpascoe562 yes that is correct, hot is added when survival mode is switched on
@@mike-thegamingdad That's pretty cool. You have me conviced to start a survival run, if I ever finish FO4
Delphine looked at the Bandits on Valthiem Tower and said "LEEEEROOOOY JENKINS".... LOL
Straight in there 😂
Hey! Look! A cooking Spittle! Delphine, Lydia! Take care of these bandits! Lol! Awesome!
Although I’m caught up on the series, I had to come back and watch this episode to validate my frustrations with always being cold in my first survival playthrough with max warmth armor. 😅 Glad to see I wasn’t crazy about the weather haha
@TheDevastator619 haha yeah it's punishing that's for sure 😂
I don't really like daedric on my followers, so I usually put Lydia either in Silver Armor or the Ebony Plate. I love a lot of the new AE armor variants.
Nice yeah the new Ebony variant looks really good, I agree a lot the new redesigns are really strong
Lydia looks absolutely stunning in the Golden Saints armour 😉
There is a guy in the temple you can bring along to avoid hurting the tree and avoid fighting the spriggans. Also there is a few cheats to loot.
@TheWizard856 ah nice never done it that way before, I always assumed you just get attacked 🤣
Salmon Roe , Garlic, Nordic Barnical. = Expensive water breathing potion.
Being "Fatigue - Drained" all the time is a result of sprinting everywhere rather than just jogging.
Butter can be made in the butter churn at goldenhills planration
I love how you love Skyrim 😊
Yeah my favourite game of all time 😁🙌🏼
@@mike-thegamingdad quick reply 😁. Quick question, may have missed it in the play through. Did you get afeandal to train you in archery? Or is that not allowed in survival mode? Also, what type of character build are you going for in this play through? Thanks and cheers for your time😊
@tattyman4191 err I can't remember actually, I think I may have spoken about it at the time bit elected not to do it. I remember talking about the helgen cave and using ralof to train one handed, but I said I wasn't going to do any speed levelling of combat, so I imagine I did the same for archery.
There wasn't too much of a build as such but my only combat skills I use are archery and one handed. The only magic is restoration, and my armor choice was light 😁
@@mike-thegamingdad thanks for the reply. I'm playing a similar build, archer, spellsword type character. Any advice on magica/health/stamina balance. Cheers
When I started my survival mode, I was all crafty with my meals. After getting the ring of Namira, i just live of corpses😂
Haha wow, that's taken a turn then 🤣
The strongest follower on the game is the generic dark brotherhood folloer you can't get at the end of the quest. They level up with you to level 80 or something like that. Most followers like Lydia stay at the rank you get them at.
Oh really didn't know that. I thought followers levelled to a certain point and them stopped. Didn't realise Lydia stayed where she was. Might be better if I picked her up later on then 😅
If you return with the horn then place it on the pedestal you can get a free soul. Not sure how many people have figured this out.
@zack6192 haha that's awesome I've never done that before 🤣
"oh a wolf" 49:26 cute
Love the let’s play. Would to see you play the Witcher 3 wild hunt.
I really hate being told to kill poor old Parthy, he's my best buddy in pretty much all my games, I think I have only killed him once, that was for the achievement of setting up the blades, I have had dozens of games finish without the blades being a thing , I just don't see the need to kill that graceful old dude , best dragon pal ever
Yeah I'm the exact same, only ever killed him once for the achievement. Parthunax over the Blades every day 😅
Just a tip you can eat ingredients to learn what they do instead of wasting them trying to make potions
Yeah that is true, I like discovering the recipes as it gives you a small amount of experience if you fail and then it greys out those ingredients so you know they aren't compatible 😁
I try to play other games and come back to Skyrim. Nothing holds my attention or draws me in like Skyrim does. I think the variety of how you can play is a big factor. This play through survival and didn't take the Dragonstone. No dragons, no Dragonborn. Enjoying the land, seeing things I never have because I missed so much fast traveling. Goal isn't to be the most powerful but to just have a great adventure.
Yeah I agree. Its the game I always come back to eventually 😁
@@mike-thegamingdad there is a comfort in it.
TLOU 1 and 2 playthroughs would be awesome!!!
The first one has its 10 year anniversary in March and it finally is getting released on Steam for PC so this could happen 😁
Mike whats the best way you would level enchanting up ?
Enchanting can be slow if you are playing with USSEP installed or just don't like using exploits in general. I'll explain how I do it using some of the exploits. As to level it to 100 I usually do alongside smithing so its resources intensive.
I'd probably be gathering items with enchantments that you didn't need and storing them as you go, you also want to be gathering leather strips and iron ingots as well.
I'd also set the farm up with all the add ons and a steward so it's making money, as you'll need a lot of gold.
If you want to minimise the level of items you need, get yourself a spouse to live in your house with you. Also obtain the aetherial crown from that quest.
The aetherial crown grants 2 standing stone abilities
The stones you want first are the warrior stone and the lover stone (20% + 15%). Then sleep in a bed with your spouse (15%). So effectively now you get 50% faster levelling.
Make a load of iron daggers, probably want a few hundred for enchanting. Dwarven bows are good as well as they level smithing fast.
Then go to dragonsreach and buy all the petty and lesser soul gems from farengar. This will only work with USSEP not installed by the way. Save your game, attack him, reload that save. This resets his inventory and repeat until you have a few hundred soul gems.
Once done, switch the warrior stone for the mage stone and sleep again. Now you want to enchant your iron daggers in dragonsreach. The best enchantment for this is banishing which can usually be bought from the fletcher in Solitude once you hit around player level 25 onwards. Its rare though, if he doesn't have it, save attack and reload to reset his inventory until he has it. A few hundred soul gems and few hundred daggers and you shouod easily git enchanting 100.
Found a new way to level it up mate :) within 10 enchantments ;)
How can i PM you to explain as i dont wanna do it over this yet
@@kevlyon can do a direct message via my Instagram page of the same name once you follow me, thats the only social media I've set up yet for this 👍
I dont have insta 🤣 , ill tell you and you can do on next runthrough, go to Myrwatch get the unenchanted staff of destruction and all of the heart stones, dupe them by dropping on floor get follower to pic them up you need 10 staffs, then do the bloodchill manor CC use that staff enchanter in bloodchill manor along with mage ston and well rested bonus, NO soul gems required ;)
Ethereal is great for using magic and long falls
Falls of course I've never used it that way before 🤣
Do you have a mod for Lydia’s speech?
Not on this playthrough no, completely mod-free currently, not even the unofficial patch. Probably why I am seeing glitches like not being able to pick up arrows, shields floating in the air and map markers not appearing 😅🤣
@@mike-thegamingdad weird, every time i ask lydia to trade with me (almost every time), she says in an annoyed voice "i am sworn to carry your burdens" 😂
Excellent play though.
Thank you glad you are enjoying it 👍🏻😁
Episode two done (again)😂Now episode three
Haha amazing thank you for rewatching it all, I appreciate it 🙌🏼😁
RPG’s are my favorite games to play as well. If you like those, I recommend AC Valhalla. Definitely number two to Skyrim in my opinion 👍🏻
Awesome thanks for the suggestion I'll look it up now 🙌😁
If you give a female companion an Ancient Nord Helmet it will have deer antlers. Probably knew that buuuuuut I think it's cool.
Yeah that is very cool 😁 I love the detail in this game
I've had a bad habit of decking my followers out in the best of gear since Diablo II so yes, Lydia will get the best gear to keep her alive and a gift just for working so hard. :D
Haha she is a good 'un isn't she, apart from when she gets a bit sassy "I am sworn to carry your burdens" 🤣
@@mike-thegamingdad Yeah, she sure is a good'un. I don't know but I like it when she is a bit sassy. Gives her more personality. I'm almost afraid to give her items sometimes.😆🤣
@@obieldenook1142 😂😂
Would love a last of us play. I’ve always been on Xbox and haven’t been able to play it
March 2023 is it's 10 year anniversary and it is finally being released on steam for PC, not sure about xbox, but that might be a route to finally playing it 😁