The Confusion of Law and Gospel, From Young Calvinists to Social Justice

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @wayNAY87
    @wayNAY87 4 года назад +10

    Glad I found your channel. As a young black Christian who does not subscribe to the current narrative at all, I’m glad Christians like you are bold enough to speak out.

  • @catalinahonsowetz3009
    @catalinahonsowetz3009 3 года назад +2

    Thank you! As a stay home mom with serious health issues which Covid has isolated, I truly appreciate your comments! I lost my Pastor and friend a year ago and he used to remind me, that God loves me and accepts me even though sometimes it feels like I am not doing enough! Thank you!

  • @jeffmarkus
    @jeffmarkus 4 года назад +24

    I recently started listening to you and just wanted to say thanks so much for your insightful and timely content. I feared my thinking lacked the requisite "wokeness" to synthesize social justice (in its popular form) and the gospel. I find them incompatible - an unholy union. I was heartened to discover that I'm not alone as so many respected Christian leaders and teachers whom I've respected for years have swallowed another gospel . . . which is not The Gospel. Keep up the good work, brother. You and AD Robles are lights in the midst of the current dark age. Praise God.

  • @shawnaroachford5754
    @shawnaroachford5754 4 года назад +12

    This has my heart troubled the church is saying Christ is not enough when they push this social justice movement. I am praying that God will open people's eyes so they clearly see what is happening. Thank you so much for all that you are doing. I am afraid for my church Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC upper West side they are buying into this new gospel and my heart is breaking.

  • @Wukles
    @Wukles 4 года назад +11

    This was extremely helpful and answered multiple questions I had running through my mind for awhile now. Thank you Jon and Mike.

  • @jacobgingerhoffman7816
    @jacobgingerhoffman7816 4 года назад +6

    Pastor Mike is spot on with the gospel he had me close to tears several times. Keep up the good work John, this twisting of the glorious gospel has to be fought by brave men and women like yourself. You are in my prayers.

  • @sheliemartin6690
    @sheliemartin6690 4 года назад +21

    Works are a product of believing the gospel

    • @henrka
      @henrka 4 года назад +2

      Correct, and it is something God gives. The gospel supplies what the law demands, but in this world we barely begin to obey the law after believing the gospel.

  • @bobhawkins2997
    @bobhawkins2997 2 года назад

    Much love Mike! Glad to see you on the air with Jon Harris!

  • @michaelzajac8007
    @michaelzajac8007 Год назад

    One of the best interviews I've heard on your show Jon. Especially hearing the gospel clarified by Pastor Mike. My heart was greatly encouraged. Thanks brothers!

  • @MichaelDonahueMS
    @MichaelDonahueMS 4 года назад +5

    This was a really helpful episode. Thanks so much!

  • @epistemicfoundations3600
    @epistemicfoundations3600 4 года назад +2

    I'm annoyed that I can only give this one thumbs up. Excellent discussion at so many points. Thank you Jon and Pastor Mike for defending sola fide.

  • @betty8173
    @betty8173 4 года назад +2

    Amen, great convo, great answers, thank you. Prayers that he does indeed finish well, in faithing...

  • @NoahFred29
    @NoahFred29 4 года назад +4

    Thanks Pastor Mike for faithfulness to the Gospel... Christ is Enough!!!! And all who are saved by Gods Grace through Faith will naturally make Jesus, Lord of their life by the work of the Holy Spirit. Rest in Christ He is far better !!!! “Nothing in my Hands I Bring simply to thy Cross I Cling”
    Preach more of Christ !!!!

  • @cat-bg3rv
    @cat-bg3rv Год назад

    After spending time on this channel since the beginning of this year, I keep coming back. I actually am not a heresy hunter but appreciate those that call out the heresy and I listen. If there is false teaching amongst the church, it tends to be labeled another gospel... that's where we need discernment because most likely it is.

  • @GC-fb5qb
    @GC-fb5qb 4 года назад +7

    What a great conversation. In the middle of reading The Whole Christ now and it is an excellent book to understand the law and gospel rightly.

    • @ThomasCranmer1959
      @ThomasCranmer1959 2 года назад

      Is the Law really a dialectic to the Gospel? Or does the Law and the Gospel complement each other in harmony?

  • @Romans1118
    @Romans1118 3 года назад +2

    It started with New Age to Emergent Church to Progressive all requiring works, playing small gods.

  • @thestraightroad305
    @thestraightroad305 4 года назад

    This is a great, much needed conversation. I also have struggled with a creeping works burden due to studying the Bible through the Calvinist lens. Thank you Jon and Pastor Mike, for clarifying categories. The commentary on Romans 2 was so helpful. Thank you for mentioning The Whole Christ. Sinclair Ferguson regards the law as the expression of the nature of God. How therefore could we ever expect to perfectly keep it, and how could we not see that only Jesus could? Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift, and for sending men like you to remind us that JESUS PAID IT ALL. “Tetelestai.”

  • @dudleywalden5493
    @dudleywalden5493 4 года назад +3

    This was so encouraging, yes Jesus is enough!

  • @ericb8217
    @ericb8217 4 года назад +4

    I had the same feeling about Radical and Crazy Love.

  • @lauraboucard
    @lauraboucard 4 года назад +2

    This is helpful. I remember being in a bible study a couple of years ago. A sister was sharing how she prays for the LORD to show her where she has sin and doesn’t yet realize it. I get it that it is biblical to pray “search me o God, try me and see if there is any wicked way in me” but something didn’t sit right...almost as if the longing itself was a work (?)
    Like there was no resting in Christ. idk, that’s what this convo reminded me of...

    • @karricompton
      @karricompton 4 года назад

      Yes, we as believers have entered his rest! (Hebrews 4)

    • @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim
      @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim 6 месяцев назад

      It is skipping over the Biblical promise that if we earnestly seek him, he will draw near to us, which includes showing us our sin, causing repentance, and giving us peace and joy and freedom from it. It is praying to God as if you are earnestly seeking him, while also believing that it's impossible to earnestly seek him. It's not impossible. We should definitely ask God to "see if there is any offensive way in me," but we should trust him to actually answer our prayer.

  • @fandude7
    @fandude7 3 года назад

    So liberating a message. There should be joy, liberty, freedom for believers, not drudgery and nervous doubt whether one is eternally secure in the Lord. Thanks John for the interview.

  • @rjparker268
    @rjparker268 4 года назад

    Wow, this was so refreshing. I came across your channel through your I interview with Dr. Russell Fuller. Your content is so much more than the issues going on with the Church and Culture. Thanks for doing all you do!

  • @valleyoftears8964
    @valleyoftears8964 3 года назад +1

    This is such a great podcast! Really enjoy the discussion about law and gospel! One thing I think should be further clarified is the distinction between "Neo-Calvinism" (Abraham Kuyper) and "New-Calvinism" (TGC, Tim Keller, John Piper, etc.). I don't think these two terms are interchangeable.
    Another thing about seminary recommendation. I have known two pastors personally for several years (under their oversight and being pastored) who graduated from Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido.
    I think they are very theologically sound (in terms of confessional reformed doctrines and practices), but be aware that the Radical 2 Kingdom Theology that Westminster Seminary in California promotes, which is also very problematic. Read Michael Horton, Van Drunen, Darryl Hart, etc, they are very anti-Trump and anti-church involvement in political and cultural engagement with the world (articles from Modern Reformation).
    Their pursuit of "spirituality of the church" has shown fruit of disengagement in cultural war and has detrimental effects on Christians. They are very critical of Christians who have an influence on politics. One example would be whatever Trump or Pence says about Jesus it must be another misuse of the scripture and luring Christians to believe social gospel.
    I was a huge proponent of professors from Westminster Seminary in California, and I even translated several articles from these well-known professors, but now I'm very skeptical of their distinct 2 Kingdom Theology and the ramifications their theology brings. Also, their strong believe on Covenant Theology also has some distinctive differences from traditional reformed beliefs, as well as Creation, largely influenced by Meredith Kline.

  • @ramlin35
    @ramlin35 2 года назад

    Love pastor Mike!

  • @amauryft
    @amauryft 3 года назад

    HA!!!! Pr. Mike and Jon Together! What a treat!!!!

  • @BJHorne1689
    @BJHorne1689 4 года назад +8

    Amen. A truth that set me free was realizing that God's love for me in Christ never changes. He loves me right now with the same love He will have after 10,000 years in His presence. It's all about Jesus. I'm a KJV only guy btw but I preach Scripture and point to Jesus. We aren't all legalistic lol. Good message and love your channel.

    • @TheJpep2424
      @TheJpep2424 3 года назад

      NASB is more accurate than kjv.

    • @BJHorne1689
      @BJHorne1689 3 года назад

      @@TheJpep2424 I never thought about it like that before. I will consider this overwhelming evidence.

  • @Amberine57
    @Amberine57 4 года назад +1

    I have noticed this with recent observations of New Calvinism...and a friend of mine just went into a deep depression after reading radical by Platt & also Francis Chan leaving his church was a similar precept...I was confused for a while too..but by the grace of GOD, I will send her this

    • @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim
      @ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim 6 месяцев назад

      Thanks, I had a staunch Calvinist friend tell me to support the LBQQ? narrative. I didn't know that New Calvinism was a term.

  • @harrymoschops
    @harrymoschops Год назад

    I love the scriptural clarification of 'gospel modifiers' given in this discussion, but at 18:18 When Pastor Mike states we have the same law, going on to quote from the Decalogue, I think he presupposes the tripartite division of the Mosiac Law binding Christians to keep the 'moral law' (AKA 10 Commandments). I recognize this as a component of 'Covenant Theology' as taught in reformed/evangelical churches (including mine), but my studies have led me to consider another position - namely 'New Covenant Theology'. One online ministry I have found helpful in exploring this approach to law and gospel is the work of David H J Gay.

  • @MrCharleyAli
    @MrCharleyAli 4 года назад +1

    God bless this wise preacher!

  • @mattshiff
    @mattshiff 2 года назад

    Thank you for your ministry Pr Abendroth. My one point of disagreement is Baxter.
    The Reformed Pastor is an excellent and timeless work.
    Some may take it and think if they don't do exactly what Baxter did they are failing. But that is not a proper use of the book.

  • @jackjones3657
    @jackjones3657 3 года назад

    Boy did this guest nail the social justice "gospel" and how it differs from the true gospel. It focuses on works and a perfect obedience. In reality Jesus alone perfectly obeys and we place our trust in Him as our atonement. We must present law with the Law Giver.

  • @brianbivins7371
    @brianbivins7371 4 года назад +2

    I came over with the big wave of other Calvinists but maybe its because I am older but I dont understand how they could go the social justice way.

  • @adamq3158
    @adamq3158 4 года назад +1

    I enjoy your material brother, and agree with you on the general social justice theme. I also appreciated a lot of what Pastor Mike said. But some sounded more like a Lutheran understanding of the relationship between justification and sanctification, particularly when I look at Mark Jones' work on the Reformed pedigree of final justification (at least the way he describes it) and arguments over where Dr Horton is representing more of a Lutheran law/gospel distinction. Particularly when I think about some of the recent issues with anti-nomianism among some notable moral lapses, where these have happened among the so called neo-calvinists. In that sense, I'm not sure about where the lines are drawn here.

  • @principled.not.pragmatic
    @principled.not.pragmatic 4 года назад +2

    I would appreciate an explanation of the neo-Calvinism. I have not heard this and the most debated product of Calvinism is the free will vs Gods sovereignty debate, as well as the high view of scripture. I do not see how a new Calvinism can even be related if they are calling for works oriented salvation. I might be confused and would like to know more. Thank you.
    Edited: I read a book yesterday to understand this more called "The New Calvinism." The authors are solid in their doctrine but the book was void of any meaning. They said that the foundation of the new Calvinist was solid but there was a potential to stray. I found this unhelpful. The book was a waist of time and seemed more to be a call to repentance of particular people without calling them out directly. I would appreciate any useful information .

  • @brockd15
    @brockd15 4 года назад +3

    I haven't watched the video yet, but he has a picture of S. Lewis Johnson on the wall behind him, so it must be good.

  • @longstreet2740
    @longstreet2740 4 года назад +2

    28:10 Altar Calls are very confusing , many preachers who utilized this method, imply that the Altar Call is a prerequisite to Salvation. Most Preachers who use Altar Calls are well meaning, but it causes many who never responded to the Invitation but Trusted Christ outside of Church meeting., to doubt they were truly converted .

    • @ruthvansandt9713
      @ruthvansandt9713 4 года назад +2

      Yes!, Or those who did respond to think that they are automatically saved without ever having actually repented in their hearts... or worse, “altar calls” today that don’t even include repentance, God’s holiness, or an understanding of wrath & sin, but are really just a “subscription to the good life” and deceive many

    • @kerryh5456
      @kerryh5456 4 года назад

      @@ruthvansandt9713 yes!

  • @henrka
    @henrka 4 года назад +1

    Social justice is not the gospel, but with that said everybody that believes the gospel will be very concerned about social justice. But no, social justice has nothing to do with the gospel, but neither does personal holiness. Anything we do personally (whether personal morality to abstain from sin or loving the neighbour as the social justice movement teaches) is not the gospel.

    • @TheJpep2424
      @TheJpep2424 3 года назад

      Social justice as defined by liberalism isn't justice. It's the exact opposite of the gospel. A follower of Christ will reject the world's view of justice.

    • @henrka
      @henrka 3 года назад

      @@TheJpep2424 Careful there, a safety net that would not allow the poorest in society to lack food, health, education, clothing, and housing is biblical. In Israel God did not permit any Israelite to go hungry, no matter what. It was society”s responsibility to provide for those that would not or couLd not provide for themselves. That being said, the social Justice promoted by politicians in most cases is sheer demagoguery and all it does is increase the size of the bureaucracy and make bureaucrats rich. I support a universal basic income for all Americans, though. It has to be paid by taxing the rich, though. You cannot do what we are doing today, which is printing money through the Fed to pay for federal spending.

  • @sandypidgeon4343
    @sandypidgeon4343 4 года назад +1

    Great talk. I just graduated from SBTS D.Ed.Min in Apologetics. What do you think of the two videos on 27 May 2020 of Matt Hall and Jarvis Williams somewhat recanting on their social justice rantings? Keep up the great work! GOD Bless.

  • @debras3806
    @debras3806 4 года назад +1

    What about counting the cost and Jesus turning away the rich young ruler because he wasn't willing to give up his own/himself to follow?

  • @jamesc6589
    @jamesc6589 4 года назад +1

    You touched on this when talking about Keller on how affecting culture is a "gospel" issue. Anecdotally, my interactions with younger evangelicals & listening to their pastors' sermons one hears regularly talk about Christians "pushing back darkness" or "rolling back darkness" implying it's part of the Gospel instead of it being fruit/implication of the Gospel. They also have a Neo-Kuyperian bent since they have numerous programs (aka ministries) addressing various social ills. Christ inaugurated the Kingdom on earth but somehow the Church is to contribute by good works in addition to proclaiming the Gospel?
    I want to be nuanced in saying that individual Christians certainly can participate in these good works but implying that local churches formally have to do all these good works else they "lose their Gospel witness" is mission drift.

  • @markamberson9195
    @markamberson9195 4 года назад

    U nailed it..We alone are saved through Christ's work only..nothing of ourselves.

  • @machynllethcommunitychurch3966
    @machynllethcommunitychurch3966 4 года назад +2

    Heidelberg Catechism is great! 47:40

  • @zman5387
    @zman5387 4 года назад

    I appreciate what you and Mike Abendroth talked about today about the Gospel. After coming out of legalistic "holiness" teaching I was liberated by the understanding of the doctrine of Law and Gospel and Imputed Righteousness. I learned much of this teaching from Micheal Horton's "White Horse Inn" and Westminster Seminary California, and have appreciated their ministries for many years. But I dropped my support for their ministry eventually because of what I felt was a left leaning drift. Many of these WSC professors including Michael Horton are part of The Gospel Coalition, and have taken up some of this social justice teaching, even the "gay Christianity" belief. I am making a long story short here, but what have you Jon, or anyone else here in the comments found about this? Where does WSC and Michael Horton stand on these issues? Am I wrong or are my concerns justified. Thanks for you great work Jon and keep it up.

  • @jddeklerk
    @jddeklerk 3 года назад

    Pastor Mike Abendroth is straight fire

  • @wayNAY87
    @wayNAY87 4 года назад +1

    Just a tip that you can totally disregard: maybe post the text of a quote if you’re reading it out loud. It helps the viewers to understand how erroneous/powerful the statement is.

  • @karricompton
    @karricompton 4 года назад +1

    Jesus is our righteousness. We are the righteousness of Christ. Totally forgiven, obedient from the heart. Not perfect in our behavior, but perfect in heart and spirit.
    I am neither a Calvinist or a SJW. I believe (as taught in Titus 2) that the grace of God reaches us to say no to ungodliness and yes to upright living. (Dr. Andrew Farley and Bob Christopher are good Grace teachers.) We are dead to the law, nor are we under the law. The Holy Spirit will never lead us into sin, so all we need do is walk with Him daily, repent when we do wrong, and keep our eyes on Jesus, not ourselves.

    • @beaberean3842
      @beaberean3842 4 года назад +1

      I needed this clarification. Thank you. 🙏

  • @wayNAY87
    @wayNAY87 4 года назад +1

    The 32:00 mark is critical.

  • @patriciagrant6687
    @patriciagrant6687 4 года назад

    Great Great show !!!

  • @Amberine57
    @Amberine57 4 года назад

    Excellent Thank you, Thank you Thank you xoxo

  • @LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly
    @LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 4 года назад

    thank you for your videos

  • @cabeto821005
    @cabeto821005 4 года назад

    Totally loved this!!

  • @ThomasCranmer1959
    @ThomasCranmer1959 2 года назад

    Sanctification is just an unnecessary after thought?

  • @2wheelz3504
    @2wheelz3504 2 года назад

    This sounds like antinomianism to me. "I press toward the mark of the high calling of God." Has he read Paul? I am not an old or new Calvinist but I think he misrepresents them.

  • @sheilasmith7779
    @sheilasmith7779 2 года назад

    The gospel is clear: Repentance is essential for salvation. Repentance demands that we make every effort to repair any damage OUR sin had caused another.
    Repair is not alway possible to achieve but it is required that we make that effort if our Repentance is sincere. It is a direct interaction between perpetrator and victim, not repenting for the behavior of another individual or group, current or past.
    No one can repent for another's sin, nor reconcile in any way, the sin of others.
    Social Justice is not biblical.

  • @matthewherren
    @matthewherren 4 года назад

    I’d recommend a guy like Jerry Wragg on this topic.

  • @myhappyspace4533
    @myhappyspace4533 4 года назад

    This is so good!!!

  • @simbadip
    @simbadip 4 года назад

    You didn't kneel or bash the police! Well you know what you are then 😁. Awesome podcast guys 👍

  • @lukewarmnomore7523
    @lukewarmnomore7523 4 года назад

    Hey brother no info in your section, what was this guy's name again?

  • @carolbarlow8896
    @carolbarlow8896 2 года назад

    Interesting that Platt lives a pretty cushy life himself.

  • @tacticalfilmfightingacadem9200
    @tacticalfilmfightingacadem9200 4 года назад

    The old salvation message was about Individuals (all have sinned) and Christ did all the work on the cross not man. The new salvation message is collective. Which is not Biblically true

  • @lindamaejohnson1060
    @lindamaejohnson1060 4 года назад +1

    This is a work of satan to rewrite the gospel of GOD, and people are being manipulated by those who leading foolish people astray, it is the grace,mercy that get me up everyday of my life.🙏🙏🙏👊👊👊, for me it is CHRIST JESUS crucified on the CROSS that were it starts for me.👊👊👊👊👏👏🙏🙏🙏.

  • @sagnorain3160
    @sagnorain3160 4 года назад

    Peeps are delicious you guys. Y'all are missing out. 🤣🤣

  •  4 года назад

    I'm a two point calvinist. lol

  • @jennyburgos2187
    @jennyburgos2187 4 года назад

    That's my pastor! If you don't have a church home, please visit us at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, MA. Christ is exalted and the gospel is proclaimed faithfully.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 4 года назад +1

    Augustine corrupted the gospel. Calvin corrupted the gospel. Haha. Good luck.

    • @marcyoverby3817
      @marcyoverby3817 Год назад

      Found good information on those two huys..what they did to the Gospel. That was a eye opener for me..Had no idea..