Ok what happens when the government does so well that no politician has anything they could offer you to get you to vote for them? Failure is reward with bigger budgets and more power to "Fix" the problems round and round till the wheels come off in a revolution or collapse.
@@Barskor1 You have to be incredibly stupid to think that what you said made any sense lol... What would they offer to get elected if they started using tax dollars to actually solve problems? First off, there will always be problems to solve or things to improve upon, so this line of thinking immediately falls apart as soon as you think about it for more than 2 seconds. But even if they did somehow create a utopia we would elect leaders based on their leadership capabilities and not false promises... It's not exactly rocket science.
@@Barskor1 this has always been a problem but money and taxes isn't the only thing they can run on because things like crime and such other issue that have nothing to do with taxation exist they can run on cleaning up that stuff and or some other issue people think is a problem. the government the federal government was meant to be small and do next to nothing in our day to day lives and it worked that way for about 75 years once they start trying to control everything in our life is when shit went down hill.
The biggest scam: Paying taxes on money you earn, then paying taxes on items you buy, and finally paying taxes on items you own which you already paid for with taxed money.
"A pension is available to members of congress 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age." That seems alright to me. I too get a pension in my job with similar rules.
Notice she never really answered the question. 😂 Voluntary consent ain't gonna happen, and she knows it. This crazy idea that we'll all just going to volunteer to pay for stuff is an absolute joke. We need much better oversight as to where our taxes are going and who gets taxed at what rate but roads and being built voluntarily.
@@minimoe2807 it seems my comment is not here anymore? Pretty strange. Then I will repeat. So you don’t want to volunteer, but instead you love idea to be forced to pay. I told about bdsm maybe this is why my answer not here
Let's not forget that at least 30% of that money doesn't go to any of those things. It goes directly into the pockets of the people who handle that money, and it happens 💯% of the time.
Only 3% of the money donated to the American Red Cross goes to charity. The other 97% stays in the American Red Cross for their services. Most the management makes over 1 million in salary. My wife’s friend pays herself $75,000 yr salary to run her own non-profit organization that buys books for local libraries. I heard a woman refer to her as a “saint” The politicians in my state claim 50.4% of our income goes to taxation by the time the last penny of the dollar is spent. It’s captivating…
How much is going overseas?…we are paying the salaries of people in Ukraine right now not only the w@r. And I bet Americans don’t even know about that part of the ‘aid’ money paying them salaries because they can’t work right now…..wow!
68¢ of every welfare dollar goes to the government bureaucracy that collects and distributes the remaining 32¢ to the welfare recipient . Never in the history of the world has a society ever taxed itself into prosperity !
@@ELSHELL that's his point..... TRILLIONS of dollars were "lost" in the accounting, because a plane crashed into the accounting wing of the building..... how convenient, right.... G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney were two sneaky foxes, weren't they :D
As an older person, yes she and her husband Frank O'Connor both did in fact apply for and receive Medicare and social security. Her rebuttal to this was "I paid taxes into them so I am entitled to them"....take from that what you will 😂
Yeah, no one is haves a free choise, u ha e to eat sleep and shit every day, have to hunt or get a imagination thing called money to have this freedom, free is a fucking made up word doesn't really exist
But i was toldthat there was a vote of whether to use german or english as the 1st language, 💯% of the votes went to english. Wise choice, let me tell you as someone, who has german as 1st language.
The government's give us a false sense of freedom of choice witches to essentially obey them or give you consequences such as ruining your credit and even going to jail where you are basically blacklisted from a lot of jobs because they don't want somebody that went to jail. I don't think people should go to jail for not paying their taxes if they don't consent to that. That should be a personal choice. I can understand going to jail for murder, stealing, abuse or SA. But not if you want to pay your taxes. I voted a couple years ago because at the end of the day they work for the same agent just different side of the coin.
Everybody who is forced to pay taxes should be allowed to vote on where it is spent. Thanks to those who got the point! 💡 Just like investing, we should have a say in where our money goes and full transparency on how it's spent. Imagine a system where we vote on how our individual taxes are applied, with clear breakdowns-no hidden agendas. 💸 Too often, officials bury personal incentives in spending reports and use complex jargon to confuse us. It's time for more accountability and clarity! 🔍
Ayn Rand ended up using social security, because she was so bad with money. So she is a hypocrite, and a charlatan. I was a fan for about 5 minutes, then I grew up.
Really? You really think that poorly? Who paid for her social Security?... She did. You didn't grow up and understand little. She was entitled to use what was stolen from her by force. We will all take back what we can of that stolen money. Even if she was bad with money, that doesn't make her wrong on the issues. We can't know if she was bad with money since likely more than half was stolen by gov't over her life...
The problem is not taxation, the problem is Taxation of citizens. In the old days only corporations paid taxes…now it is reversed, WE are literally paying their taxes.
100% asking the rich for 0 and demanding the poor make up for it is probably why our govt is underfunded and ineffective . I call the dmv effect, my whole life ive never been to one that was fully staffed and operational. The reason it takes so long isnt because theyre slow or dumb or inefficient its because 5 people have to serve 500 not 25 people serving 500 .
Who are corporations? Just PEOPLE. You are still taxing citizens. And corporations pass down the extra costs to the consumer, so the buyer pays the taxes anyway.
I heard she dated Jacob Rothschild or had some relations with him and he told her the future plans and goals of the Illuminati he must be a high member or just knows their meetings. Who knows who they are aliens(fallen angels) or old family members from Egypt who run banks currently and historically.
Colonialist mentality that is archaic and expired/ Writings of Charles Bukowski and Aldous Huxley have admonished us about such zealots of politics and behavioural psychology of the insane asylum/
My issue is why are there less than a dozen people who hold 50% of the world's wealth? That makes no sense that 99% of us will be working our ass off, pay tax and those dozen of men have corporations that allow them to not be taxed. There is money, there is wealth, the problem is it is distributed in a disporportionate way. The worst thing is the concentration of wealth allow those at the top to lower the pay of a worker by causing an increase in inflation because of them hoarding the ressources and laying off massively so that the workers who get a job feel "grateful" they got a job, but the top people will not approve request to increase their salary. More and more the dignity at work is being diminished, and HR are playing the shitty game of what is your salary expectation instead of paying fair compensation. This world is going to shit. I wouldnt want to be Gen alpha when they enter the workforce.
@bernardodc9631 We should look into history, how were the previous Elites overthrown when the people were in famine? Look at the french revolution, the Mandela ascension, the american revolution, it was done by the people for the people. At the end it is only the people that hold the power to make the changes. Problem is who will lead the people? Making better choices on who we voting for would be a start. Scrap the old institutionalised parties and start voting for the parties led by the newer generations. Secondly start taxing the elites properly, a third of your wealth if you reach 20 million net worth(you still keep 14 million) , 40% if you reach 100 millions net worth( you keep 60 millions), 50 % on every 200 millions(keep 100 millions) . That means you still get to be a millionaire but you pay a higher share. Thirdly massive increase of tax on luxury goods, 200%tax, doesn't mean you can't buy a yatch or a private jet, but you need to pay a price if you want to. Fourth impose an automatic yearly mandatory salary increase across board, not based on performance but purely on inflation. Set a cap of proportionality between the disparity of salary between each level of hierarchy so as to prevent one boss from paying himself monthly one million while paying the worker at his factory peanuts.
@bernardodc9631 They removed my answer, incredible, but it was about taxing the elites more, luxury goods more, looking at voting for newer generations, institutionalised proportionality in salary across board and have politicians paid bare minimum like in Sweden, Denmark...
@@bernardodc9631cause they already are! But it doesn’t matter who makes them what matters is who they take them from! And roads are not the only thing being built anyways
I haven't seen any of these billionaires stepping up and building roads, sanitation facilities, hospitals, and schools. When our rural hospital closed where were they? Oh yeah, they were up there on their high horse saying only those that can afford insurance need medical care. Meanwhile there are PEOPLE dying because they can't afford medical care.
US is unusual. Most die from eating too much. Canadians who can afford a private operation, don't wait 8 months in Canada. They fly to Florida. Pay for it.
Look at the donation lists of every hospital, foundation, etc. then tell me rich people don't donate. And why is it someone else's responsibility to build your town a free clinic. Go to where they already are. First you want people to buy it, now you want it delivered?
Distribution of wealth is the problem. The plumber down the street provides for everyone, the person on wall street provides for themselves. One of these is invaluable to society
A very large, misguided portion of society is in love with the Idea that whoever controls the paper is special. They aren't and the reason poor people are poor right now is simply because the wealth has been allowed to move through their hands before anyone else's. Fuck whatever moral failing any of these shysters, and heartless gargoyles want to try and pin it on.
We have more than enough contributions if we had a 20% flat scale & the rich wouldn't care the problem is that's not enough for the govt theift, waste & corruption. Slush fund its a fucking Joke!
Taxation is necessary, but it needs to be affordable and reasonable, not 35% of your paycheck, 40% of your yearly mortgage w/interest, and 8%on everything you buy. With the taxes we pay we should have roads paved in gold.
In Canada it's 15% on all purchases, plus now the carbon tax on top of that. Plus about $30 of your income. And the gvmt wastes 99% of the tax money. Taxation is theft.
@@FavreianVengeance who is going to pay for law enforcement, roads, public transportation, public education, public parks, etc. Yo mama? Lol. It is necessary. It shouldn't be high. This lady is a goof.
She spent a whole book answering the question. We’d build roads the same way we did before income tax. If a businessman wants you to buy his products, he’ll provide a way to get to his store.
@@crystalinaepperson5084 because stores are the only things we need roads to? Also, what time period are you referring to with many roads and no taxes?
@@a.joegevara3519 When Jewish Zionists had a plan for american, by asking, american to forget peaceful Jesus, should join the war by showing a film Surgent York hero of Hollywood zionist Jews by the act of Carry Garant, and woman by the name of freedom walk to factories to pay for war also become a taxpayer by the name of freedom and destroy the unity of the family, and children lose their home man come from the war there is no home to live in and no family just have to live by Ptsd
@@johnkrull7323Exactly! To believe her ideals of unrestrained self interest being good & altruism is bad, u must believe that ur success is absent of any other persons contribution. This is impossible! It was also impossible for her success as well. Ur not a population of 1 that can succeed without someone else's contribution. Both science & religion shows us that community to some extent is necessary by programming our dependence on another from conception to a teenager's age. Dependence is not shameful as long as it's interdependence rather than co dependence. Pretending u don't need another and so u don't need to give to another is weird. U don't want to be forced to pay for roads & hospitals but there's no way ur not gonna ever use a road & if u have a medical emergency her self dependence argument is then thrown out the window. Nothin worse then being smug and stupid at the same time!
The laws of our nation and the protection of our flag are what make it possible to obtain such vast wealth. Paying taxes is the cost of doing business. It contributes to a healthy society that doesn’t just benefit the privileged and lucky at the top. Greed is Greed, no matter how many cleaver sayings try to defend it.
Imagine how low our taxes could be if we kept the taxes Americans pay in America instead of giving billions to countries that hate us and keep most of it for their personal interests?
But then how will people like Biden get their kick back? I think we need to audit every politician that has become wealthy and find out how they did it.
Actually you might be surprised how much US wealth flows from cheap access to those foreign nations surpressing the people of those countries building up industries and taxing raw matetials used in US goods because of the money the US gives that are pocketed by those corrupt leaders, also most of the US companies now exploit that cheap foreign labour to keep your prices down.
Americans don't like government interference in business, but have no problem with business interfering in government. Ayn Rand assumed free markets and capitalism are the same thing. They're not.
The perfect world in her books exists in a vacuum of childless, brilliant, healthy adults all in their 20s to 50s. No one is old, infirm, mentally ill, handicapped or needing extensive medical care. It’s a fantasy world that in reality doesn’t exist.
Speaking for the US alone, the amount of money the federal government spends should buy streets paved with gold, hospitals with the best staffing and equipment for all, and world class schools. Where is the money going ? It’s sure not going to these things.
Wars There is always money for war but never any for the poor They can declare a war on drugs so police can bother me but they will never declare a war on poverty
It's going to the "Military Industrial Complex", being skimmed all the way up. - It's the easiest way to move publlic funds into private pockets. Wars are great for business, don't you know? :(
A big problem are taxes I don't think you grasp how bad taxes actually are we pay taxes because of the federal reserve mind you the federal reserve isn't federal at all they are as federal as the federal express they aren't government
@@bussdownosama4117 i agree about the federal reserve and i think we should go back to gold backing (don't know how difficult it might be today but pretty to say the least), i think that taxes are necessary to build useful things for everybody and if we live in society we should give to obtain something more fruitful, but i do understand that all the beautiful concepts of society are been put up side down by the same types who created the FED
Ah - so the problem is capitalism - where inefficiency is built in (as people look to make profit and waste is caused by the effort needed to compete etc), and greed and the promotion of it as a “good thing” encourages corruption. Those things are not limited to capitalism, but capitalism is certainly not the ANSWER to those issues either. It’s a question of establishing effective governance and controls and oversight - things which certain politicians on the right, tell people are the /problem/ when actually that’s the answer. They don’t want those things because they are the ones who are corrupt and want the freedom to get away with it.
I mean she's fundamentally right. But if you let the rich spend the money how they want to. Everyone suffers so they can live comfortably. The poor will never see an ounce of that wealth as they keep giving what little they have to the wealthy. I think the rich need to learn who gave them that wealth. Who made them rich. Because it wasn't the rich making themselves rich. It's the poor becoming poorer, so the rich can get richer. So I'm happy letting the rich be taxed 40%-50%-60%-70% if it means that wealth isn't going into one place or person. And being used to help millions of people.
When it comes to Tax, it's a losing battle because the people are refusing to do anything about it. - You work, you pay tax. - You go shopping, you pay tax. - You live in a home, you pay tax. - You have water, you pay tax. - You have electric, you pay tax. - You want to use the public street, you pay tax. - Public transport, you pay tax. - Sewage, you pay tax. - Does your town have a town centre? You pay tax. - You want police? You pay tax. - You want hospitals? You pay tax. - You want a fire station? You pay tax. - You want parks? You pay tax. - You want rubbish disposal? You pay tax. - You want recycling? You pay tax. - You want health insurance? You pay tax. - You want car insurance? You pay tax. You pay tax, on money that has been taxed multiple times over. By the time a single coin, or a 1$ bill has swapped 10 hands, it has gone through so much tax that, "technically", that 1$ bill should no longer exist, yet somehow it does. Yet, when you raise critical points of concern, people either 1. Ignore you. 2. Raise a stupid point. 3. Talk about irrelevant things that have nothing to do with the subject. Goverment officials DEPEND on these stupid people, because they know that the majority of people are stupid, thus, they supress the smart ones. So when the minority of smart people is supressed, guess what happens. That's right, they stop trying. And when the smart people stop trying, the stupid ones see the results of their stupidity when sh*t hits the fan, and then, and ONLY then do they go "Oh... the smart ones were right all along". But by the time they come to that conclusion, it is to f*ck*ng late. The people are sleeping. They are beeing robbed right in front of their eyes, and they thank the robbers. Humanity.
And now that I think about it we’re are paying for them to pay other countries for their people to come here and it is in the millions, but we pay taxes for you not to help the homeless, our desolate communities, this is so cruel and disgusting. We have no choice to pay, but it doesn’t even help the people, communities or our roads, schools anything very sad. We are prisoners, and they are taking most of our hard earned money.
I've been sitting here reading these comments for about 45 minutes. All very interesting. One comment will direct to another problem. One problem will direct to more comments. I don't pride myself on being very involved in the messes of the world. At 58 years old, I have just begun to ask questions and form an unhealthy opinion about our government and the way things are done. I appreciate the comments and I read with an open mind to allow myself to be educated from those of you that have been on this train longer, or more involved, than myself. You all bring very strong opinions and knowledge that gets me up to speed a bit faster and I thank you. I'm only a high school educated member of society, that now, at 58 years old, wish I would have paid attention in my government and history classes! With that being said, I don't need to be wealthy or college educated to know that our government is stealing from us and we are allowing it. Don't they work for us? Don't we pay their salary? If I owned a business and an employee was stealing from me, the logical thing to do is to fire them. We can go on social media and tit for tat all day long. Complain until we're blue in the face. What is that going to change? Our blood pressure at most. We all agree that the government is mismanaging funds. The question is, what are we going to do about it? We the people need to stand united and correct this. It's only going to get worse unless we do something. Then there raises the question of who is going to start this stand off? I think we are afraid. I honestly think we have given the government so much power that now we are afraid. As a new grandmother, I don't want my granddaughter living in a world such as this. I want better for her, as I'm sure other parents and grands want for theirs. Again, I ask, what are we going to do about it? What I really mean is what CAN we do about it? Complain on social media or take action? What action? Genuine question.
Answer: Most people prefer to whine on social media with a single, banal comment. Gurdjieff provided the explanation for that farce. "A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside that is they are actually already dead. It's fortunate for us that we don't see it and don't know it. If we knew how many people are actually dead and how many of them,govern our lives we should go mad with horror." I was one of the unfortunates who couldn’t avoid seeing and knowing how many of the walking dead govern my life and everyone else's.
How do we break an illusion that has been woven into society so well that it can longer be seen by enough…….I think that like all systems an ‘ebb and flow will create the chaos required for change but unless we obtain a higher consciousness we will inevitably meet the same fate that Orwell talks about in his ‘Animal Farm’. I am not educated to any level past secondary school and don’t think it’s a requirement to be able to understand societal problems. Just seeing the utter carnage and chaos around the world speaks volumes in how very little we have evolved on a conscious level to be able to truly better ourselves in the masses and live in a world where we are only happy when we have some form of power over one another
The answer is to get involved in local politics. If you spend your evenings watching Netflix, or reading RUclips comments, then your voice is going silent.
The taxation amount should be a sliding scale and make sure the least of us is being helped. The bigger problem is that people are dishonest and have no concerned for their fellow citizens. It's called selfish and robbery. They all do their version of not paying their share.
ONE THING that NEEDS to be WRITTEN into TAX LAWS is that the money taken will be spent on the PEOPLE WHO PRODUCED IT and NOT be SPENT in ways that HARM ANYONE.
That's a cool idea, but how do you choose which people deserve the money and which don't? And what could you choose when what's the best for one group is bad for another? And who would be in charge of making those decisions? And would this person require vetting in some way to avoid favoritism and if so what qualifiers would be used to appoint them and who would get to decide those qualifiers and..... (endless loop) TLDR - Humans are really bad at agreeing on things.
@@henrychurch6062 What l meant was the money should never leave the country, i.e., billions for other countries' wars, or promoting gender studies in different countries (propaganda). In other words Americans should not be told they have to wait longer, or they may never get pensions in the future, while the President promises Ukrainians pensions. That is the AMERICAN PEOPLE'S money and should be SPENT on IMPROVING the LIVES of AMERICANS. Before a President is sworn in he should have to complete a checklist of tasks he will fulfill and not being wasteful with the people's money should be at the top of the list. If he fails in these basic tasks he should be recalled.
@@heidibee501 I think gender studies is a vastly misunderstood field. For example: How do we advertise this Gillette razor to men, and what color can we change it to so we can get women to also buy it at a higher price? How does the army craft recruitment pitches to attract female soldiers? What kinds of images make men want to smoke your brand of cigarettes? If you remember the early 90's girls had Polly Pocket, and following it's success boys had the almost identical but far more masculine Mighty Max. All examples of gender studies in action: It's not voodoo, it's just a natural extension of capitalism. Does it have some funny and weird applications too? Of course, but most of it is very based in reality. But further - how do you choose what is in the best interests of Americans? The Americans themselves are very different people with very different goals. Should we build a library or a sports center? A food pantry, a block of low income housing or a homeless shelter? Is this wetland that prevents floods worth draining for a highway that saves millions in travel costs? Would this savings be of any comfort to the people who's homes are now in a flood plain? Should schools teach science? is science too dangerous? Should a minority demanding creationism taught instead of evolution be approved? What if they want to teach Hinduism or Shinto creationism? And even further - How would you choose which goals a president meets or doesn't meet? And which lives of which Americans get to be improved and which don't? Andrew Jackson improved lots of lives pushing west, but also authored the trail of tears genocide for example. Also our country is our country because of foreign aid. We defeated England in the revolutionary war with an army bankrolled by the French and the Dutch, and with the support of soldiers from France and Spain sent to die in a foreign war halfway across the world. We only captured and defeated General Cornwallace because the French Navy prevented him from evacuating Yorktown and gathering reinforcements.
@@henrychurch6062 easy, if the money is not spent for an American 🇺🇸 citizen, then it is illegal. That would solve all of our problems. There is enough money, but it gets spent on foreigners because our politicians are on the take. Only spend taxes on Americans for America. Foreigners can be handed a bill for their own deportation.
As a former gov employee, i can shock you by stories of how they use the money. Its like monopoly money. They write themselves in for overtime while not even doing the overtime, they sold practically brand new equipment and split the money. I could go on and on. All true .
The military is the worst about wasting your tax dollars. During the 80’s they would literally shove helicopters off the decks of carriers along with tools because at the end of the year. October rolls around everyone was clamoring for more money and had to show a need. I was a dental assistant and we literally threw instruments and supplies out in order to get more money and purchase new equipment. So wasteful.
If corporations and upper class were properly taxed, there'd be plenty extra. They put the burden on the middle and lower-middle class citizens. Your bank account gets a fee if it's overdrawn. North America is falling apart (literally, in a lot of place), but the government demands taxes from everyone besides those who should be taxed the most. We live in a country that's supposedly 'first world', yet our streets and our infrastructure are falling apart, and we still don't have access to clean water in many places (many First Nations reserves, Flint Michagin, many more). Their goal is to eliminate the middle class, and tax the poor to the point where we don't have the energy or resources to do anything about it. So far, they're doing a pretty good job of that.
So, enterprises- that are all beeing taxed- do not allocate that extra cost in the form of PRICES? Is that it? To put it simply: they get taxed and YOU pay that extra value in the form HIGHER PRICES when you buy from them. See, unlike most people, those that have business actually think, and position themselves according to reality. They don't just simply pay that extra cost that is being imposed on them. That's for the rest of the people, that don't reason, to pay while they trully believe they are imposing cost on others, through this "authority" they so much love, called the government...
@@silvanabaralha8665 can you explain why there has been record profits by major corporations, such as Walmart, while employees received no wage increase? Government and major corporations are indistinguishable at this point. There is no shortage of goods, just no one to stop corporations from inflating prices to explode their profits while the rest of us suffer.
@@ghostinameatsuit4654 You need the market completely free from regulation and taxation to compensate for that. First you pay higher prices because regulation and taxation impose costs that are shifted to the final price. Second inflation exists because money is a compulsory monopoly- there are no correcting mechanisms to stop someone from printing more money ( which is a representation of value) such as people choosing a different currency once inflation starts. Third, when the market is regulated, fewer products will be available because you need to fulfil many requirements to start producing and selling, so fewer people are able to do that. Fewer products mean more expensive. In a free market, it is more difficult to inflate prices because others will step in once you have set the price above market value. The ROI will be faster, so enterprises are less likely to do that because they are stimulating competition. In a regulated and taxed market, the government protects them by setting the entering cost much higher than it would otherwise be, so producers tcan inflate prices to compensate for the initial investment, and the return of that value is guaranteed by the price - the consumer will pay the hight investment, the taxes and the patents if those exist- btw patents are also a way to protect big business. To sum it up: in a controled, regulated and taxed market, people will always be in trouble to their benefit. That's why they wantt people to hate freedom in favour of their own control and respective gains. There is no alternative to a free society, which is the same to a free market. Market is life and life should be free from constraints imposed by others ( the government).
Our government operated for 162 years from 1887 to 1939 without income tax. The tariffs on foreign goods was sufficient. Even then, at the introduction of the then called "Victory Tax" proposed that the taxes taken would be reimbursed after WW2 and only those earnings $5280 or greater were assessed as that was a substantial sum at the time. It was like taxing only people with incomes of close to $200,000 a year. The $5280 gauge was standard until the 1960s and maybe into the 1970s. The greed of our government officials kept the Victory Tax, changed it to "Income Tax," and they have been robbing us ever since!
From 1887 to 1932 we had how many roads and how many cars driving on them? Oh not that many , right? 😅 Oh yea, that's why it worked way back then. You want it all but you want it the same as it was 162 years ago? Great plan🙄
@@c.a.3358 income tax doesn't pay for the roads; the gas tax per gallon does. Same thing with schools, parks, etc, except those are from property tax (ie land)
The thing libertarians prefer to not understand is that money is a socially mediated representative of value, not a sacred value-thing in itself that emerges from some innate grandiose productivity, as Rand's entrepreneurial protagonists pretend to possess. Money is literally "produced", i.e. coined and printed by the state. It can't be privately owned as such, only in its capacity to function as exchange value under certain conditions that are guaranteed by the state. Rand sidesteps this problem by fetishizing gold, as many value essentialists resort to doing. But that just means replacing a later version of the fetish with an earlier one.
What's a fair tax system ,by paying taxes on the same money over and over , we get money we pay taxes on it ,we spend it back and pay taxes again on it ,we pay bills etc and pay taxes again on it ,give it and pay etc pay taxes again on it , receive another check and pay taxes again and again and over and over
Yeah for reals, if I see my roads are being kept maintained so I can’t get more flat tires on potholes I had no idea were coming on the freeway, then tax dollars well spent. But when it disappears and when we’re being taxed on literally EVERYTHING and rising, with no receipts to prove where any of it even is going, more homeless showing up, more drugs flooding, then there’s where the problems start coming
The mistake in Rand's reasoning is that no man produces his wealth alone. He does it with the roads and street lights and emergency services like the police, fire department, and EMT services, a standing army. He does it with the governmental legislatures that produce fair laws, judges that give due process. He travels on government-constructed bridges and uses courthouses. We all agree to a social contract that allows some bureaucrats to take away a bit of our rights and our money in order to create public works that no individual could create and maintain. Taxation is one of the things we pay for in order to live in a social reality which allows the greatest number of people to continue producing wealth and to have the greatest amount of freedom. Of course, taxation alone won't produce that. What's required is a fair, dynamic system that balances governmental powers and balances individual rights with the general good and produces a harmonious society that allows for creativity and productiveness. Pure private ownership, as Rand advocates, has several limits and has the potential to produce a virtual slave class. Her mistake is that she reacts against the ideology of communism only to go to the other extreme of pure individualism. But reaction never produces a good result. God and Truth are in the details.
So how did we manage before 1939 before income taxes? Tariffs on foreign goods was enough. Greed perpetuates income taxes. Haven't you noticed the taxes that were to go to school supplies, sports, books, etc. are now an additional burden on top of the parents along with their income taxes? When there is an abundance of tax money at the end of the fiscal year does anyone get a check refund? No, it's quickly wasted on something not necessary when it could be used for something like school supplies! There are so many other examples.
@faithm9284 What country survives solely on tariffs? The problem is not to tax too much and not to waste the revenues. Freedom is a dynamic process. Throwing out the system rather than just constantly tweaking it is nihilism. The US regulates the waterways of the world, which, in turn, allows us to keep producing wealth. Of course, the rest of the world could contribute more. And we could wield our power to better effect. Btw, how do you propose we pay the army, police force, courts, judges, bureaucrats like DMV clerks, road crews, DOT crews, pay for street lights, feed the poor, go to Mars, and fight wars? On tariffs?
Exactly. There are answers to that question, but this is incomplete at best. Also I don't think she understood ultra-wealth, beyond which can be truly earned.
@faithm9284 But I can't believe that the US relied only on tariffs on foreign goods to finance the federal government, including the military. In your scenario, we must have had immense reserves of tariff money by 39 to be able to fund WWII, including defeating Germany and Japan simultaneously and financing the development of the A bomb. Also, we have a lot more international competition now. If we tax China too much, they'll look for other markets. Plus, they can out wait us since they're a totalitarian society which government doesn't care if it sacrifices millions of its citizens in order to starve us out of our bargaining position. Eighty five years later, the world's a far different place now than at the start of WWII.
You're brainwashed. There has not always been income tax. We used to be able to keep all the money we made and there were still wealthy people. Government is TOO big that's why they steal our money.
loaded question fallacy if she would have answered she would be agreeing that (the things he mention are objectively valueble) where she would be contradictiong herself , then it plays into the part that if the person producing wealth doesnt consent to his wealth going to roads etc then its not as valueble for him them as if the money would be spend elsewhere(se also what is seen and what is unseen)
The problem with that is when the country and bureaucrats and money grabbers are the ones choosing the definition of health care. In those programs, the program defines how you're allowed to manage and pay for your health. I want to choose for myself, and don't want them dictating how I do it.
@@Vic-Meowsame way for your corporate healthcare. You dont get a choice and it’s costing more money from you and/or your employer Affordable basic care should be a basic right. Affordable! Not free
It’s all used by the politicians for their own agenda. Scum who won’t and never have worked, and illegals are getting my disability while I rot. They refused to repay , not “give” actually because I’m a tax payer! I also get no help with healthcare at all yet I’m disabled with no income. If it weren’t for my boyfriend I would be homeless and die. SERIOUS. They are STEALING OUR $ for sht!
@@Vic-Meow in Cyprus we have a national health insurance that covers almost everything but the dentist's only chose to offer a free dental clean once a year doctors can choose to be part of it and we get a pay deduction depending on your income and how many children you have, they give mother's of four a monthly benefit and a tax free low emission car (we prefer hybrids as fuel consumption is lower and road taxes are dirt cheap but it must be brand new, not used, car's here ain't cheap and the wages need some work for the blue collar industry, i know because I am married to a blue collar man and i am proud of him for being such a hard worker and still doing his body building, ladies trust me if you come across a good and decent blue collar man maybe you should give him a chance. Not all gentlemen wear suits, and not all men that wear suits are gentlemen. Sadly our stupid politicians are taking sides in both wars, and Hezbollah has been hurling threats of strikes against us, Beirut is a half an hour flight from where I live. So yes our politicians now feeling uneasy after the European union elections ended and a 24 year old tiktoker beat them to the pole and popped the floor with their stupid excuses, we don't buy a word they said so we punished them in the most legal nonviolent and democratic way, even the msm is telling them they have failed, trust me we the unvaccinated people and more and more of the vaccinated people are coming to our side after the side effects kicked in, some feel guilt for telling their family to get vaccinated and now are left to mourn them. Our health system was really pushy about the vaccines so both msm and the ministry of health have hurt people, gladly we had some awesome doctors on our side but they got so badly slandered. No system is perfect but if we as citizens can put our pride, ego, personal problems aside for a moment and Start making suggestions of how to get something done nothing can stop you! You vote so you hire that means your politicians are there to serve YOU, remind them that! For the safety of humanity worldwide don't vote Biden. I'm not a trumpie but the more i hear what he says the more i respect him. Better trust the village jester than the suited con.
Philosophically speaking, morality precedes politics. Plus, all those commodities mentioned in the question existed before income taxes existed in the US. If people value something, they will invest in it. The government gun isn’t needed if people value something.
The problem isn't being taxed, it's how the money is being mismanaged. The government squanders the American peoples money on a yearly basis. Government is the world's worst run business.
Facts... because good people don't mind contributing to those things and helping our children and elderly and veterans. But I'm not willing to help those who are using our money for their own personal gains.
When in office Obama doubled the National Debt to over 8 Trillion. Biden added another 23 Trillion. Another 2 Trillion went up when Trump was in office. We need to Starve the Government into reasonableness. Vote for Fiscal Conservitives only, & hold them to their task or replace them.
She didn’t actually answer the question, she just said you can’t tell someone how to spend my money… but she gave no explanation for how the roads get built, that you drive on to get to the job where you make that money. Or build the school that teaches you the basic skills you need to again get that job where you make that money. She gives no alternative options.
... "Atlas Shrugged" was her 645,000-word essay on how to accomplish... just that. I don't need to remind you of the enormous operational-efficiencies achieved when federal-goverments and bloated bureaucracies are formally "castrated" and removed from non-provisional spending; or... perhaps I do.
"Someone is producing the wealth that will make those roads possible". Yes, but the roads themselves facilitate the ability to produce wealth (via hauling goods, commuting, vehicle industries, etc). Nobody "produces wealth" in a vacuum.
@Test_Card_Tom Wrong. From your word choice, I'm gonna assume you're on the left. The same side who hates the police, at least the public faces of your side do anyway. My side has no problem with police. That part of your argument is wrong. Also, I guess you love paying taxes huh? We have a problem with taxes being WASTED. Not a left right thing. But, education departments, unions and their bloated wasteful contracts, superintendents making hundreds of thousands a year, etc etc, THOSE ARE leftist ideals however
@@Test_Card_Tom That's because the police have a monopoly on security. The people who object to taxes would take matters into their own hands but that's not legally advisable since the government doesn't know how to leave people alone.
Exactly why large corporations should pay higher taxes for putting more strain on roads by moving goods. The argument she makes is like a child who won't share a toy that isn't theirs. Nobody really wants to pay taxes but, it's how we got from tribe to state. By mutual cooperation with shared interests and shared burdens.
@@bengsynthmusic 'Leaving people alone' to do whatever they want equals anarchy, mayhem and innocent people being injured or murdered. A democracy is structured with laws and institutions (including the police) to prevent mob rule. Leaving people alone to do whatever they want with money they earn leads to the same end result because the wealthiest would pay for private protection for themselves and their properties; and with no laws or police service those unregulated private security groups would be able to kill their rich employer and seize their properties etc. In other words a mafia style society would evolve very quickly.
You ever see these good Samaritan videos? People diving into water, burning buildings, jumping in fron of animals to save or protect strangers? People will always willingly give to help each other but don't like being robbed by a corrupt government.
Ikr. It’s 100% robbery!! And, who decides how much these crooks make?! Their salary should be around ours! Our politicians are millionaires, for doing nothing, except for making us harder working slaves!! Ridiculous!
I don’t like being “robbed” by anyone (so I stay heavy)+IDC who it is you can get it too! You’ll need to pry it from the vice-like grip of my cold dead hands man bc I’m no punk+hate a bully. Fight the fair one son!
Demonstrably false. These videos get attention not because of the rarity of the event itself, but the rarity of the people who step up to help. If everyone went around giving the homeless money, firstly they would not be so many homeless and secondly we would not watch the videos, because they would not be interesting since everyone would be giving them money. The Bystander Effect is a perfect example of the broken human psychology that we need certain structures to help fix, including government and policing.
This guy is a toolbox for being so misleading and expecting ppl to be stupid. Saying taxes are ABSOLUTELY BAD. is the same as saying killing someone is inherently a bad thing to do. It's nonsense.
Not really, the US is way way more corrupted compared to the countries it accuses like a Karen projecting and slandering everything she is on you. That means Russia and China are actually way better managed and you can actually go there and witness first hand how bad are the lies told about them.
I am by no means a liberal, but at the same time the hole in her argument is that she does not address that there is an infrastructure that has been used to create that wealth. Jeff Bezos created Amazon but Amazon could not deliver without airports, roads, electricity. I think the issue that taxpayers have is not for infrastructure but for vanity projects, misspending, irresponsible spending. I have seen the difference between someone spending their own money or corporate money versus public sector money.
Thank you! How many of you see an Amazon delivery truck at least once a day. Now, contrast that with how often you see me driving each day? One of us pays taxes and it's not the one that uses the infrastructure disproportionately for their own gain. TAX THE RICH and PAY YOUR WORKERS BETTER!!!
Amen!! We own a small business and it is successful BECAUSE of infrastructure. We have customers who regularly drive an hour or more to our store to purchase our products. We regularly ship items all over the U.S. Our business could not have existed in the 1920s or 30s (for example) before we had our highway system.
I get the comedy, but in reality all gov buildings and acquisitions are usually applied for by bidders, and generally it goes to the lowest bidder. So "Military quality" usually doesn't mean much more than "made by the lowest bidder" which more and more frequently ends up being prison labor... BUT this is based on the theory that the invisible hands of the free market will guide us to lower prices. This is one of the failings of capitalism because insiders will gobble up all the contracts and work to keep prices as high as possible.
tip o the iceberg, I care less about giving a large salary but more about the kickback and insider information that they get from lobbyist because they're working in their interests, not ours.
The problem is we've been sold a falsey that we should look up at the rich and powerful because they're our betters, no we shouldn't, we're not serfs from the middle ages - it should be about character and your value to the rest of the community as a human being!
So yall are saying you think everybody was just dumb as a bag of rocks in 1959? See, thats what bothers me the most about this era, all of you think humanity just started thinking in 2015. Its that first world cockiness yall have been born into, blaming and pointing fingers but never asking questions to yourself, never taking responsibility.
Seriously, I'm wondering how you came to the conclusion by anything presented in Ayn rand's interview, that implies that anybody here who might be a fan of hers thinks that previous generations were unthinking idiots?🤔
We just had a voting session in our local town for a pickleball court. It was going to cost over 1.5 million and of course would come out of taxpayers pockets. Half the town tried to guilt trip others into paying, while the other half stood their ground and voted against it. It was not approved. Moral of the story: people should be able to pick and choose where they want their taxes to go. Not forced. Also taxation is theft but you know it's never going anywhere
Set up a pickleball court in a parking lot, abandoned lot or park. Problem solved.......for those who actually want it. But that's not usually the case.
The problem is they dont stop at building the necessities, they just keep taking more and more for nonsense that makes only the politicians and their friends lives better..
Taxation theft is just one small part of the bigger problem which is capitalism and trade itself. There are alternatives which are neglected such as RBE.
The whole system is schizophrenic, we selected politicians who were supposed to represent us and pay them for bringing laws that screw us?!?!? Ridiculous
You are not making sense. Do you know what capitalism is? It is private control of business. You are saying that taxes are robbery then proceed to say we need to tax businesses. You want to control business through government but don't want government in control. That's just weird. We could just flatten taxes and only ask for them in one place, like at point of sale only. This way you free up money in the economy and you force government to reduce its size and scope down to actual necessities. Letting the people control how they want their money spent.
Well, the way this can corrected, reversed or changed is citizens VOTING for better governance and less spending. But so many people don't care and just let it go - and the government power grows and cannot stop becoming more possessive of our lives and hard=earned property and income. I always vote even though it doesn't seem to matter, and I keep hoping enough of my compatriots vote for true Conservatives to stop the nonsense. But alas....
wasnt alot prior to early 1900s in context to the tax machine,wasnt paved roadways for automotive travel,wasnt electrical grid, national parks,or fed schools
Corporations paid Taxes, but have been working on shifting the burden of Tax to the Workers making Labor tax the primary source whereas Labor Tax was previously seen as Slavery and Abhorrent. Corporations pay tax (tribute) because they have entered into an agreement with the Government, previously the Crown, to annex X natural resource in return for Z. The thing I dont understand is how the American People fought a War with England so the English Crown didnt Tax the Trading Companies operating out of the 13 Colonies they were bequeathed. The Trading Companies literally convinced the average man to get up and fight a War that had nothing to do with them and would actually be fighting for their own enslavement to those Trading Companies
We’ve done a hell of a good job erasing everything before the New Deal in this country. People will tell you there’d be no roads, post offices, electricity etc without government. Meanwhile the government has created monopolies where many of these things can only be done through them.
Roads in Louisiana are horrible, yet we pay federal and state taxes. Taxes on everything! You need licenses, permits, insurance, etc, on so many things. We have to have inspection tags even though the roads mess up our vehicles.
You are definitely telling the truth. I-20 in Shreveport is so bad that you can’t even get up to speed without messing up your ride. It’s just littered with car and big rig spent tires. And it’s not only the interstate but it’s every single road in Caddo Parish unless rich people have to drive it home.
Absolutely nothing wrong with taxes, but it angers me when the government squanders our money, can't see a GP, can't get a dentist appointment, potholes everywhere you drive, constantly hearing how there's no money, but somehow there's always money for war & foreign aid.
Couldn't have put it better myself! I would only add that the "government officials' give themselves fairly substantial raises 🙄 if they can afford to keep giving themselves raises, they have enough money to give back to the system to help with the things they say there's no money for 😤
The major fallacy is believing that that those at the top are the “wealth creators” when in fact the workers and consumers are also the wealth creators. In fact, often those at the very top are not creating any real wealth for a society and are as much if not more of drain on the economy than those at the very bottom.
@@markw-s5734 nobody argues that you need consumers and employees to help create wealth. The thing is without someone starting the business and putting their blood sweat and tears into it there would never be a need for employees. Your tax dollars being spent on public infrastructure is just the rich man getting you to fund the roads to his land and businesses.
Those at the top are building businesses and companies that employ the workers, what are you talking about? How many jobs do you think Bill Gates has created since creating Microsoft? And all the other industries that spun out of the PC revolution like gaming? Millions.
Total bs. Because individuals do whatever they want , we got self driving car and rockets but shit healthcare and homelessness. Instead of fixing the country with taxes , we let them slip to "pursue their dreams". Well my mom's dream was to get better and she didn't have insurance and...
The man who accrued the wealth did not do it by himself. He had the help of a nation’s resources to rear a child into an adulthood laborer, and then oppressed the value of the worker’s labor not paying him his true value. The margin of suppressed wages with no benefits, combined with the top price he can collect on the service or product (causing inflation) is what enabled his success, all sacrificed by the country who provided him the opportunity for that success in the first place. The _very least thing he owes_ in gratitude to that country, is taxes
@@Cometcast12 Roads, primary school and military. What other resources are you talking about? The nation didn't provide the seed money, the assets or the know how to build a business. The worker needed a job and gets experience to then seek more compensation. The worker isn't risking anything by working for a business owner. The business owner is risking capital. The worker didn't innovate, invent, become a subject matter expert or provide any service above performing a job. If the worker has more value that the worth of the work, the worker should find a better job. The money that the business spends on workers and other services reenters the local market and drives the economy. Most people work for a business to make ends meet. When the government raises taxes on business, employment and wages decrease. Taxes are funding several failed programs. Less money is actually going into infrastructure than social programs like pay off student debt.
The IRS Commissioner went before Congress and said, paying taxes is voluntary. Why are American taxpayers jailed if we don’t voluntarily pay taxes to the IRS?
@@elcarajo66 Direct voting, but on what themes? All? I highly doubt it. Citizen armies in the cantons? There are no citizen "armies" in canton. There is only one army: the Swiss Army, with cantonal garrisons. And with a mandatory national service and reserve time (from 20 to 58 years old, or something along those lines), with a core of professional soldiers.
Here’s my issue. Get paid from job, wages are taxed by government. Buy stuff at store for 100.00, taxed by state. Buy a house, State gets property tax. Year-end State and Federal government tax my money again.
You’re confusing withholding with taxation. When you get paid from your job your employer withholds an amount for taxes. When you file your tax return, you determine how much tax you owe and compare that to the amount withheld over the year. If your employer withheld too much, you get a refund. Too little, you pay the difference.
@@GenXDaddyO thanks, for clarification. Taxes on the middle class and struggling class is too much. The wealthy should contribute more and not have rules to avoid paying more
Yeah because unfortunately wealthy people historically worked out how to avoid tax so they invented more taxes. USA has one of the worst tax systems to be honest. If you are US citizen and work over seas you pay tax to the US and for the country you earn it in.
In it's current form? absolutely. no matter how you look at the benefits, which are there for sure. If a government can increase taxes, and apply taxes at will, it's theft. The thing is, the same governments write the laws which they themselves hold monopoly to enforce. That is what's wrong with the system. People who say 'you can vote' speak the truth, but can't answer the question of how much a vote is worth. If I decide to stop paying taxes and produce everything I need myself, I'll get in trouble within day's, only because I am born in the country which claims to have (partial) rights to my property, be it money or otherwise.
@@crewskater06 firstly, properly functioning communities naturally pool their surplus resources to solve their problems. Secondly, when there are no public services, people stop needing public services. They adapt and become more self-sufficient and stop needing the government to provide them with everything, because if they don't, they perish.
It’s ridiculous to say that you “have no right to tell the man that produced the wealth…”! No one is “self-made”! Because no one lives in a vacuum. When a person builds a company up from scratch - they still required the roads, infrastructure, internet and such to move their product and information. They still required the police, fire dept., and military to protect their interests. They still required the economic system that produced a well educated and economically stable populace that could in turn provide a demand for their product, and ultimately a workforce for not only them, but for all the other aspects of the system. Every “self-made” person owes their success to the society that makes it possible. Obviously, there are mistakes made from time to time, and some get away with corruption for a time, but it gets fixed and generally gets better! - that’s the cost of doing business. This just sounds like narcissistic hypocrisy!
"Every "self-made" person owes their success to the society that makes it possible." To a point. But do not downplay the businessman's hard work. Without businesspeople, there wouldn't be anyone to provide adequate and easily accessible supply of things everybody wants to buy.
If they don't want to be taxed by the government, then they shouldn't use the government's money (and everything that goes along with it). She's idiot.
Interviewer: "How do we build roads, hospitals, schools [without taxation]?" Ayn Rand: "I genuinely have no answer to thiat question, so here's my answer№ Libertarian Fairy Dust. Also, taxation is tantamount to theft."
You do know that personal income taxes are relatively new right? Before 1913 the USA would use tariffs on other countries and produce goods and only tax corporations, and at that time the USA was prosperous and growing incredibly.
She sounds very intelligent, but her idea is a BIG PIPE DREAM. The result of this impractical idea will be every man for himself, which is a recipe for anarchy....the highest for of Libertarian Politics.
The problem isn’t taxation. It’s what is done with the revenue collected. Government officials don’t care because it’s free money, they didn’t do anything to earn it. So they don’t care how much is wasted.
The government, in it's brilliance, makes it a case of use it or lose it. So they spend it on frivolous waste to get more. Most of our military equipment spending goes to footing the bill for NATO, no wonder they have plenty of money freed up for their national health programs, their taxes really aren't much higher than ours.
3 Trillion is printed a day....why do we even have to pay taxes? You get taxed when you make money, you get taxed spending money, you get taxed for owning land & property, then you have to pay taxes yearly to the state......how does this make any kind of sense?
The Fed lends fake money to the government at exhorbitant interest rates and you pay it back with real money. The difference is that your money is backed by your labour.
Taxes pay interest the US owes the federal bank (which is a private bank) for the money only they can print. Charging interest on every dollar. Meaning forever in debt. But most people have no idea.
Are u talking about the Ukraine? Because if u do, than u clearly don't understand that us fighting putin rn with Ukrainian hands. And if they don't, putin will take advantage and fight Nato countries which close to Russia. And, if it happens, America have to not just write a check, but send actual soldiers there and it will cost many us citizens lifes.
@@111Sunshine No one cares. Ukraine can get bent. Americans are suffering and your response "but but what about bad man Putin". Want to send more money to Ukraine, then answer this: Why is it that Russia only invades Ukraine when Democrats are in charge and why do we have to send money each time?
Ya know, the problem with being king of the mountain is there's always someone trying to knock you off. The US is the king of the Mt, do you agree? Would you have that any other way?
This is exactly why the public needs to be aware that when a big company moves into your town and they are allowed to be tax exempt for 10+ years (as leverage to get these corporations to move into areas) the taxpayer has to pay for the infrastructure ( roads, bridges, etc.) using the taxpayers' money, usually thru a property tax increases here. That's why our property taxes, even for rural areas, have increased drastically in the last 4 years! Tax exemption for these out of country car manufacturers in our southeastern state is ludicrous! These companies are not going to move to the north because of union pay, these companies are not going to stay in Japan, etc. due to the export cost,... they know they can make large profits by using the south as a money making machine.... no taxes paid by these companies here and after their 1st ten year exemption, they threatened to leave if tax exemption is not extended another 10 years! What did our "leaders" do? They fell for it and they are still paying no taxes to our county or state. We pay for this! Wish our leaders would at least stand up to these people that hire more out of county employees than within the county! Our county folks that work at this place are minimal compared to surrounding counties.... so why not charge a toll at the county lines AND reduce our property taxes? Because it makes too much sense!
@@victorialsaint9046so the taxes collected would be only a fraction of the fraction that goes to payroll of what that Starbucks made in revenue. That Math doesn’t check out.
The government isn't "falling for it". Thanks to the supreme court, that gets MILLIONS of dollars to each judge in bribes, they ruled in case "citizens united" removing the donation limits so now corporations can donate AS MUCH AS THEY WANT to politicians. More than the entire public can donate. So, why act surprised when the government does what the corporations want and not what you want? THE GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR CORPORATIONS NOW. NOT YOU! America has become more corrupt than Russia. Everyone in power is accepting millions of dollars a year to abuse that power and screw over all of us. Nobody is enforcing the bribery laws because they are taking bribes too. We. Are. All. F*cked.
When a company comes in and creates jobs, the place gets richer and can pay more taxes. In the near term, no major infrastructure is likely to be built for them anyway. And they'll be generating taxes through employees almost as soon as they get any.
There in lies the part conservatives don’t want you to think about. Conservatives love getting rich on the back of everyone else but don’t want to contribute anything back.
And yet this woman who all her life complained about social programs subsisted in the last years of her life on social security. Plus those rich people who complain about taxation have no problem having the little people fight wars to protect their wealth. But that's not socialism.s/
Could you explain where you learned that A.R. lived on social security? As far as I know, her several books might have provided her with a decent income. Btw, are you familiar with her books?
Here's the thing. I'm all for roads and hospitals, but I never NEVER told a damn soul I wanted to send money to other countries to keep their governments richer than their people, or that I wanted my money to pay for our children to be forced to fight wars that are not ours to fight. The government can fuq itself. If I had my wish, we'd barter the government right into absolute poverty
There is a reason for the US to send money all over the world and that reason is actually in the best interest of the american people. If you stop sending money all over the world you will eventually lose reserve currency status, this process is actually already happening and sending money all over is a way to stave it off. If you lose WRC status your national debt will turn you into a 3rd world country within a year or so.. Google "Triffins dilema" if you want to learn more about it.
Bro, then be about that. Dont join some cringe anti-government bullshit that we all know will only ever favor the 1%. Push for better, affordable healthcare. Push to get rid of the three giants.
No more social programs for anyone, no more VA, no more social security, no more food stamps, no more housing, no more disability checks no more benefits for anyone. Let the people be self sufficient. ZERO TAXES. TAKE YOUR KIDS TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE COLLEGES.
No, it's not complete individualism. She acknowledges that services you cannot provide yourself must come from others and that no one person can know all. She just believes that people must learn to cooperate and enter into negotiations voluntarily and openly for goods and services and that no government should be able to tell you how to operate your business or run your life by force. I have never heard Rand say, for example, you should break the law or run your business in a crooked way. If you are doing business correctly, it should seem as if a government does not exist. Another interesting point is that collusion has never occurred without the 'cover' of the government. Businesses merge and break apart constantly. True collusion cannot occur without the support of the government. Note: It will help to understand Ayn Rand if you look into her earlier years. She came from Russia and saw with her own eyes what communism did to her people and country.
I read Atlas Shrugged in high school (required reading). I didn't find it to be a particularly intelligent, evidence based argument for absolute property rights and laissez-faire economics.
@@CambriaCandiceMaria. The Soviet Union never achieved socialism. It started as a communist society, but devolved into authoritarianism. Nobody I know wants pure socialism. We want more social programs in a social democracy. Like in Scandinavia
Yes. They are spending plenty on (So Called) Schools (propaganda & brain washing institutions), as well as lining the pockets of all thier cronies. While the masses struggle & starve, thus giving excuses to implement (lame half-assed, evil) socialism as a solution.
The majority of our politicians started their political career as wealthy , and by the time they retired from politics, their wealth had already increased fourfold.
Those 30 richest people on the planet have no intention of voluntarily giving up their money for the public good. Trump gave the richest a huge tax break so the government put the burden on the rest of us to support the well-being of our citizens and keep up our infrastructure. The richest build huge football stadiums, and college structures and hotels and put their names all over them. They have no regard for their fellow human beings. Just like Trump!!!
In 1968 I was in sixth grade and watched these programs all the time, PBS - programs as such were on TV all the time, on Sundays, week-day nights... My generation knows these things. Today's generation doesn't want to know. It's out there and the shame is that these programs are uploads on RUclips and nobody cares about watching them to get a clue.
We saw these programs in the 50s through the 80s because there was such a limit on what there was to watch. I always watched news programming and documentaries with my parents because we had one TV and they were in charge of it, plus there were only 4 or 5 channels.
Funny, I too was in sixth grade in 68, and didn't go woke. I've listened to PBS for decades, to hear what the left wanted to say. We do "know things" oddly enough.
I’m so tired of click bait. “How did she know this?” The woman said nothing outside of basic knowledge and easy deduction. The one time I click on a RUclips reel. And the last 🤡
The reason taxes are mandatory is because if they were voluntary, as soon as the government started misspending or trying to hide where the money’s going, people would stop paying. It would keep the government honest and they can’t have that. They want your money to benefit them and public works are just to keep people who are too busy to look into where their taxes are going from getting too curious while also serving as laundering mechanisms.
i don't get where people got this idea that if taxes were voluntary people would stop paying them as soon they saw corruption.. lmaoooo, brother, people wouldn't pay more taxes after one day even if the government were the most humble people on earth lol.. Thinking that people would give money for free and willingly is just so dumb. Like, the government are not aliens, they are humans and guess what the ones who also pay taxes are also human. The problem is not being rich or poor, dark or yellow, the problem are HUMANS in general, they are egoistic, that is it.
It would much much less money. I dont think it would be at all sustainable, and also forget about military, third rate country would capture america in few weeks.
I've actually read Atlas Shrugged. It's main failing is that she assumes that those with the capital will do what is right for their workers, instead of what they want for their own greed. We can see now however that without government intervention the greedy will take everything and do everything they can to force others to generate more wealth for themselves.
Did you miss the bit where the greedy banded together and formed a government that took what they wanted from the producers which was why everything was falling apart?
With the government they will use laws to prevent anyone from competing with them. Most people just look at the top and think this but never do they think about the fact that businesses can only stay afloat if people continue to use their services and in a truly free market there is nothing stopping you from opening up a competitive business to fight against them.
@@Sumoniggro, you might want to google "amazon's anti competitive behaviour" as an example to see how that actually works in reality. Might have been possible 30-40 years ago, but there is so much wealth, and therefore power, accumulated at the top now that it is almost impossible for real compeition to occur in any of the established markets.
Those "rich people" are the ones using the government to craft laws to prevent anyone from competing with them. Have you tried to start a business? So many regulations, requirements, taxes and fees followed by any fines they can create all for the "new businesses". Bad people are going to Bad. I like how you blithely assume that government is run by "good people" when in reality they have the same (if not higher) percentage of greedy people involved as the greedy percentage of "rich business" people.
I read it 30 years ago when I was a naive conservative. I’m a 54 year old liberal democrat who’s educated & knows that taxation is necessary for a society to function. BTW, Rand died in poverty& on welfare. That came through taxation.
This is an answer for you from someone in Quora who seems to know a little more about A.R. Ayn Rand was worth just shy of $1 mil (around $3 mil today) when she died. So hardly a 1%er, but the claim that she died in poverty simply isn’t true. She did collect Social Security toward the end of her life, but so does everyone over the age of eligibility who isn’t insanely wealthy. SS isn’t welfare. In her view, it was her money, taken by force, and why wouldn’t she accept some portion of it back as her due?
@@mrsnegy6001don’t worry liberal Democrats of today only know how to lie and hear only what they want to hear.The democrats have gone so far extreme that they are a danger to society.
Why taxes? It is enough to pay 10% per month to finance roads and other public facilities. The democrats aren't really democrats in the sense that they made us believe what democracy is supposed to be. Wake up realy...
How the government can create funds for the building of those things is by trading and also by allocating government funds from government owned businesses/organizations/agencies. Their I answer the question for her.
Who is John Galt? :P
John Galt is an infant's idea of what a Businessman looks like.
A rapist
most important book to freedom ever written
i think its Elon possibly trump or vivek
@@Epicurwat how do you figure?
The problem with taxes is not that they CAN be used for our common good, but that they are in large WASTED on things we never asked for.
Ok what happens when the government does so well that no politician has anything they could offer you to get you to vote for them? Failure is reward with bigger budgets and more power to "Fix" the problems round and round till the wheels come off in a revolution or collapse.
@@Barskor1 You have to be incredibly stupid to think that what you said made any sense lol... What would they offer to get elected if they started using tax dollars to actually solve problems? First off, there will always be problems to solve or things to improve upon, so this line of thinking immediately falls apart as soon as you think about it for more than 2 seconds. But even if they did somehow create a utopia we would elect leaders based on their leadership capabilities and not false promises... It's not exactly rocket science.
Maintain instead of fix. innovate, create efficiency. these things become the new points people can run on.
@@Barskor1 this has always been a problem but money and taxes isn't the only thing they can run on because things like crime and such other issue that have nothing to do with taxation exist they can run on cleaning up that stuff and or some other issue people think is a problem. the government the federal government was meant to be small and do next to nothing in our day to day lives and it worked that way for about 75 years once they start trying to control everything in our life is when shit went down hill.
Worse, used against us.
The biggest scam: Paying taxes on money you earn, then paying taxes on items you buy, and finally paying taxes on items you own which you already paid for with taxed money.
Do they take TV license in Canada?
Wow.. that's cruelty
good results never come from bad means. Taxation in coercion
But the worst thing is to pay taxes to give life pensions to all politicians!!
No one who works for the government should have a pension funded by tax dollars.
"A pension is available to members of congress 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age." That seems alright to me. I too get a pension in my job with similar rules.
@@henrychurch6062 that’s different
Notice she never really answered the question. 😂
Voluntary consent ain't gonna happen, and she knows it. This crazy idea that we'll all just going to volunteer to pay for stuff is an absolute joke. We need much better oversight as to where our taxes are going and who gets taxed at what rate but roads and being built voluntarily.
I volunteer you as head of of oversight. Don’t let me down.
So you wouldn’t volunteer to pay but love the idea to be forced to pay. Are you into a kind of bdsm?
If you need a road you are going to build it simple.
@@minimoe2807 it seems my comment is not here anymore? Pretty strange. Then I will repeat. So you don’t want to volunteer, but instead you love idea to be forced to pay. I told about bdsm maybe this is why my answer not here
@@Youhaverights6 How can you build a private road on public land?
The problem is not taxation.
The problem is accountability
Taxation is theft and slavery.
"It would be thought a hard government, that should tax its people one-tenth part of their time, to be employed in its service..."
--Ben Franklin
Yes it is taxation. Geez, bet you think you should ask "the kings" permission to do anything as well
What I'm seeing is examples of Stockholm syndrome
Let's not forget that at least 30% of that money doesn't go to any of those things. It goes directly into the pockets of the people who handle that money, and it happens 💯% of the time.
10% for the Big Guy 😂
Politicians after all "need" money to pay people off. Such dirty politicians they are!! Trump 2024!
Only 3% of the money donated to the American Red Cross goes to charity. The other 97% stays in the American Red Cross for their services. Most the management makes over 1 million in salary.
My wife’s friend pays herself $75,000 yr salary to run her own non-profit organization that buys books for local libraries. I heard a woman refer to her as a “saint”
The politicians in my state claim 50.4% of our income goes to taxation by the time the last penny of the dollar is spent.
It’s captivating…
How much is going overseas?…we are paying the salaries of people in Ukraine right now not only the w@r. And I bet Americans don’t even know about that part of the ‘aid’ money paying them salaries because they can’t work right now…..wow!
68¢ of every welfare dollar goes to the government bureaucracy that collects and distributes the remaining 32¢ to the welfare recipient . Never in the history of the world has a society ever taxed itself into prosperity !
The government couldn't explain where over a Trillion dollars of tax money went. Everytime theres an audit, a building burns down.
How much did the Pentagon lose around 9/11?
@@ELSHELL that's his point..... TRILLIONS of dollars were "lost" in the accounting, because a plane crashed into the accounting wing of the building..... how convenient, right.... G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney were two sneaky foxes, weren't they :D
@@LukasMatejka-du5hb Are you actually suggesting that 9/11 was a scam? Are you kidding me right now?
@@ELSHELL 2.3 trillion, to be exact.
@@lancefurcinite6518 ty
Any Rand took every social benefit she could.
Even the benefit of doubt?
Is that actually true, or just an urban myth which is repeated over and over again?
@@GreaterSociety Doubt in that she took subsidies and the her foundation still does while advocating for not giving subsidies?
As an older person, yes she and her husband Frank O'Connor both did in fact apply for and receive Medicare and social security. Her rebuttal to this was "I paid taxes into them so I am entitled to them"....take from that what you will 😂
@@JimJammXVIIStudied for free in Lenin's government.
The question is: when will American taxpayers, come together and stop the misuse of our money? 🤔
I ask that all the time..
United we stand divided we fall.
That'd be communism
Our freedom is an illusion, and nowadays the veil that used to protect the illusion is crumbling away.
When we go back to 1776!!! All aboard!!!
She also said in this same interview "You know as well as I do that the American people have never really been given a choice."
Yeah, no one is haves a free choise, u ha e to eat sleep and shit every day, have to hunt or get a imagination thing called money to have this freedom, free is a fucking made up word doesn't really exist
But i was toldthat there was a vote of whether to use german or english as the 1st language, 💯% of the votes went to english. Wise choice, let me tell you as someone, who has german as 1st language.
The government's give us a false sense of freedom of choice witches to essentially obey them or give you consequences such as ruining your credit and even going to jail where you are basically blacklisted from a lot of jobs because they don't want somebody that went to jail. I don't think people should go to jail for not paying their taxes if they don't consent to that. That should be a personal choice. I can understand going to jail for murder, stealing, abuse or SA. But not if you want to pay your taxes. I voted a couple years ago because at the end of the day they work for the same agent just different side of the coin.
That’s why we have a two party system if we the people stop voting in the same crooked people over and over again we might stand a chance
@@tyronejohnson4746How’s that working out? All that happens is that one governing party is cycled out and another corrupt one elected.
Everybody who is forced to pay taxes should be allowed to vote on where it is spent.
Thanks to those who got the point! 💡 Just like investing, we should have a say in where our money goes and full transparency on how it's spent. Imagine a system where we vote on how our individual taxes are applied, with clear breakdowns-no hidden agendas. 💸 Too often, officials bury personal incentives in spending reports and use complex jargon to confuse us. It's time for more accountability and clarity! 🔍
that is a really brilliant idea, let the morons have more power!
I certainly wouldn't choose warfare!
Not a secret agenda/project burried in over 800 pages when voting is in an hr.
I agree 👍
Ayn Rand ended up using social security, because she was so bad with money. So she is a hypocrite, and a charlatan. I was a fan for about 5 minutes, then I grew up.
and now you are the wise 16 year old socialist
What we have in the US is capitalism for us the 99% and socialism for them the elitist 1%.
Privatization of profits socialization of losses.
@@aptorres01exactly and exactly
She's full of it; like this short.
Really? You really think that poorly? Who paid for her social Security?... She did. You didn't grow up and understand little. She was entitled to use what was stolen from her by force. We will all take back what we can of that stolen money. Even if she was bad with money, that doesn't make her wrong on the issues. We can't know if she was bad with money since likely more than half was stolen by gov't over her life...
The problem is not taxation, the problem is Taxation of citizens.
In the old days only corporations paid taxes…now it is reversed, WE are literally paying their taxes.
100% asking the rich for 0 and demanding the poor make up for it is probably why our govt is underfunded and ineffective . I call the dmv effect, my whole life ive never been to one that was fully staffed and operational. The reason it takes so long isnt because theyre slow or dumb or inefficient its because 5 people have to serve 500 not 25 people serving 500 .
Think that was an accident?
@@James_36 take money and disinformation out of politics now is impossible . They won a long time ago
Due to all the govt taxpayer grants the govt hands out to private corporations (big campaign donors). .
Who are corporations? Just PEOPLE. You are still taxing citizens. And corporations pass down the extra costs to the consumer, so the buyer pays the taxes anyway.
How did she know what?? She didn't divulge knowledge of anything, she just expressed an opinion.
The first part of it is not an opinion. It is what happens.
I heard she dated Jacob Rothschild or had some relations with him and he told her the future plans and goals of the Illuminati he must be a high member or just knows their meetings. Who knows who they are aliens(fallen angels) or old family members from Egypt who run banks currently and historically.
Seriously. These people are dumb as a post.
Colonialist mentality that is archaic and expired/ Writings of Charles Bukowski and Aldous Huxley have admonished us about such zealots of politics and behavioural psychology of the insane asylum/
And happened in 1959 also.
I have no problem paying taxes but the way our government is pissing it away is disturbing af.
You should have problem
Hence why I quit my job and stopped having income. Cutting from this failed society
one more time,they PRINT IT INTO EXISTENCE,and you jump through hoops to acquire it,THEY OWN THE ONES WHO GET PAID,OWN
exactly her point
Inflation reduction act isn’t pissing it away. But the previous admin certainly did
My issue is why are there less than a dozen people who hold 50% of the world's wealth? That makes no sense that 99% of us will be working our ass off, pay tax and those dozen of men have corporations that allow them to not be taxed. There is money, there is wealth, the problem is it is distributed in a disporportionate way. The worst thing is the concentration of wealth allow those at the top to lower the pay of a worker by causing an increase in inflation because of them hoarding the ressources and laying off massively so that the workers who get a job feel "grateful" they got a job, but the top people will not approve request to increase their salary. More and more the dignity at work is being diminished, and HR are playing the shitty game of what is your salary expectation instead of paying fair compensation. This world is going to shit. I wouldnt want to be Gen alpha when they enter the workforce.
That's the thing.. so if they have 50% of the wealth, why don't they build hospital, schools and roads? What's the solution then?
@bernardodc9631 We should look into history, how were the previous Elites overthrown when the people were in famine? Look at the french revolution, the Mandela ascension, the american revolution, it was done by the people for the people. At the end it is only the people that hold the power to make the changes. Problem is who will lead the people? Making better choices on who we voting for would be a start. Scrap the old institutionalised parties and start voting for the parties led by the newer generations. Secondly start taxing the elites properly, a third of your wealth if you reach 20 million net worth(you still keep 14 million) , 40% if you reach 100 millions net worth( you keep 60 millions), 50 % on every 200 millions(keep 100 millions) . That means you still get to be a millionaire but you pay a higher share. Thirdly massive increase of tax on luxury goods, 200%tax, doesn't mean you can't buy a yatch or a private jet, but you need to pay a price if you want to. Fourth impose an automatic yearly mandatory salary increase across board, not based on performance but purely on inflation. Set a cap of proportionality between the disparity of salary between each level of hierarchy so as to prevent one boss from paying himself monthly one million while paying the worker at his factory peanuts.
@bernardodc9631 They removed my answer, incredible, but it was about taxing the elites more, luxury goods more, looking at voting for newer generations, institutionalised proportionality in salary across board and have politicians paid bare minimum like in Sweden, Denmark...
Money is literally printed. Worth of things, those people don’t own the worth only own only the money
@@bernardodc9631cause they already are! But it doesn’t matter who makes them what matters is who they take them from! And roads are not the only thing being built anyways
I haven't seen any of these billionaires stepping up and building roads, sanitation facilities, hospitals, and schools.
When our rural hospital closed where were they? Oh yeah, they were up there on their high horse saying only those that can afford insurance need medical care.
Meanwhile there are PEOPLE dying because they can't afford medical care.
@@luanawilchek644 ikr🤦
Every humongous CF created by gov't is remedied by more and bigger government. The Left.
If anything, they find loopholes to not have to pay taxes
US is unusual. Most die from eating too much. Canadians who can afford a private operation, don't wait 8 months in Canada. They fly to Florida. Pay for it.
Look at the donation lists of every hospital, foundation, etc. then tell me rich people don't donate.
And why is it someone else's responsibility to build your town a free clinic. Go to where they already are. First you want people to buy it, now you want it delivered?
Distribution of wealth is the problem. The plumber down the street provides for everyone, the person on wall street provides for themselves. One of these is invaluable to society
A very large, misguided portion of society is in love with the Idea that whoever controls the paper is special. They aren't and the reason poor people are poor right now is simply because the wealth has been allowed to move through their hands before anyone else's. Fuck whatever moral failing any of these shysters, and heartless gargoyles want to try and pin it on.
Think about it when grud goes down nome of these things will help, people need to b more self sufficient.
Correct, dear god give this guy a billion views
We have more than enough contributions if we had a 20% flat scale & the rich wouldn't care the problem is that's not enough for the govt theift, waste & corruption. Slush fund its a fucking Joke!
😂 how ? Wall Street guy provides more than the plumber
Taxation is necessary, but it needs to be affordable and reasonable, not 35% of your paycheck, 40% of your yearly mortgage w/interest, and 8%on everything you buy. With the taxes we pay we should have roads paved in gold.
"Me and my homies would be stackin bodies, by now" ~ Thomas Jefferson (probably)
I think she just made the point that taxation is not necessary.
In Canada it's 15% on all purchases, plus now the carbon tax on top of that. Plus about $30 of your income. And the gvmt wastes 99% of the tax money. Taxation is theft.
😂😂😂😂I love it and houses for everyone 😂😂😂
@@FavreianVengeance who is going to pay for law enforcement, roads, public transportation, public education, public parks, etc. Yo mama? Lol. It is necessary. It shouldn't be high. This lady is a goof.
She didn’t answer the question.
She can't answer it because the answer is...we'll drive on dirt roads that lead to the billionaire's palaces.
@@jabe3780 dirt roads if we’re lucky lol and we’ll probably be paying to drive on them
She spent a whole book answering the question. We’d build roads the same way we did before income tax. If a businessman wants you to buy his products, he’ll provide a way to get to his store.
@@crystalinaepperson5084 because stores are the only things we need roads to? Also, what time period are you referring to with many roads and no taxes?
😄😄😄😄😄 you probably wash that theory down with some trickle down economics piss. GFY
The problem is not taxation, it is lack of accountability.
Your opinion...
@@a.joegevara3519 When Jewish Zionists had a plan for american, by asking, american to forget peaceful Jesus, should join the war by showing a film
Surgent York hero of Hollywood zionist Jews by the act of Carry Garant, and woman by the name of freedom walk to factories to pay for war also become a taxpayer by the name of freedom and destroy the unity of the family, and children lose their home man come from the war there is no home to live in and no family just have to live by Ptsd
Accountability wouldn't be required if they had their own money. But it's yours.
Taxation without proper representation has set off more than one war.
Like the Trump Presidency 😂😂
You don't have to be progressive to support building schools, roads, hospitals. You just have to be practical.
Ok that'll make up for like 5-10 per cent of the budget. What is with the rest?
Rand was a heartless idiot
@@johnkrull7323Exactly! To believe her ideals of unrestrained self interest being good & altruism is bad, u must believe that ur success is absent of any other persons contribution. This is impossible! It was also impossible for her success as well. Ur not a population of 1 that can succeed without someone else's contribution. Both science & religion shows us that community to some extent is necessary by programming our dependence on another from conception to a teenager's age. Dependence is not shameful as long as it's interdependence rather than co dependence. Pretending u don't need another and so u don't need to give to another is weird. U don't want to be forced to pay for roads & hospitals but there's no way ur not gonna ever use a road & if u have a medical emergency her self dependence argument is then thrown out the window. Nothin worse then being smug and stupid at the same time!
@@triciahodges8261 Well said!
The laws of our nation and the protection of our flag are what make it possible to obtain such vast wealth. Paying taxes is the cost of doing business. It contributes to a healthy society that doesn’t just benefit the privileged and lucky at the top. Greed is Greed, no matter how many cleaver sayings try to defend it.
Imagine how low our taxes could be if we kept the taxes Americans pay in America instead of giving billions to countries that hate us and keep most of it for their personal interests?
But then how will people like Biden get their kick back? I think we need to audit every politician that has become wealthy and find out how they did it.
Actually you might be surprised how much US wealth flows from cheap access to those foreign nations surpressing the people of those countries building up industries and taxing raw matetials used in US goods because of the money the US gives that are pocketed by those corrupt leaders, also most of the US companies now exploit that cheap foreign labour to keep your prices down.
America's wealth is made from these countries.
Imagine if the wealthy paid taxes like we do. Imagine the money we could generate
Yeah.. and the rich blue states taxes propping up and subsidising the .... the poor red states!
I like how she couldn't answer the question. Only deflect. 🙄
Americans don't like government interference in business, but have no problem with business interfering in government.
Ayn Rand assumed free markets and capitalism are the same thing. They're not.
The perfect world in her books exists in a vacuum of childless, brilliant, healthy adults all in their 20s to 50s. No one is old, infirm, mentally ill, handicapped or needing extensive medical care. It’s a fantasy world that in reality doesn’t exist.
Ayn Rand incorrectly assumes there is such a thing as a free market within a capitalist economic system. There is not.
I’m glad I didn’t have to scroll down very far to find a sensible comment.
Extreme views of the world don't work .
Why is the clip edited so poorly?💩
I’d rather live in her world then Mao China
Speaking for the US alone, the amount of money the federal government spends should buy streets paved with gold, hospitals with the best staffing and equipment for all, and world class schools. Where is the money going ? It’s sure not going to these things.
Are you from the US?
There is always money for war but never any for the poor
They can declare a war on drugs so police can bother me but they will never declare a war on poverty
It's going to the "Military Industrial Complex", being skimmed all the way up. - It's the easiest way to move publlic funds into private pockets. Wars are great for business, don't you know? :(
@@AquariumTV yes
I live from Brazil 🤡
As estradas deveriam ser de diamantes lol
The problem is not taxes, the problem is inefficiency and corruption
A big problem are taxes I don't think you grasp how bad taxes actually are we pay taxes because of the federal reserve mind you the federal reserve isn't federal at all they are as federal as the federal express they aren't government
@@bussdownosama4117 i agree about the federal reserve and i think we should go back to gold backing (don't know how difficult it might be today but pretty to say the least), i think that taxes are necessary to build useful things for everybody and if we live in society we should give to obtain something more fruitful, but i do understand that all the beautiful concepts of society are been put up side down by the same types who created the FED
Ah - so the problem is capitalism - where inefficiency is built in (as people look to make profit and waste is caused by the effort needed to compete etc), and greed and the promotion of it as a “good thing” encourages corruption.
Those things are not limited to capitalism, but capitalism is certainly not the ANSWER to those issues either. It’s a question of establishing effective governance and controls and oversight - things which certain politicians on the right, tell people are the /problem/ when actually that’s the answer. They don’t want those things because they are the ones who are corrupt and want the freedom to get away with it.
I mean she's fundamentally right. But if you let the rich spend the money how they want to. Everyone suffers so they can live comfortably. The poor will never see an ounce of that wealth as they keep giving what little they have to the wealthy.
I think the rich need to learn who gave them that wealth. Who made them rich. Because it wasn't the rich making themselves rich. It's the poor becoming poorer, so the rich can get richer.
So I'm happy letting the rich be taxed 40%-50%-60%-70% if it means that wealth isn't going into one place or person. And being used to help millions of people.
When it comes to Tax, it's a losing battle because the people are refusing to do anything about it.
- You work, you pay tax.
- You go shopping, you pay tax.
- You live in a home, you pay tax.
- You have water, you pay tax.
- You have electric, you pay tax.
- You want to use the public street, you pay tax.
- Public transport, you pay tax.
- Sewage, you pay tax.
- Does your town have a town centre? You pay tax.
- You want police? You pay tax.
- You want hospitals? You pay tax.
- You want a fire station? You pay tax.
- You want parks? You pay tax.
- You want rubbish disposal? You pay tax.
- You want recycling? You pay tax.
- You want health insurance? You pay tax.
- You want car insurance? You pay tax.
You pay tax, on money that has been taxed multiple times over.
By the time a single coin, or a 1$ bill has swapped 10 hands, it has gone through so much tax that, "technically", that 1$ bill should no longer exist, yet somehow it does.
Yet, when you raise critical points of concern, people either
1. Ignore you.
2. Raise a stupid point.
3. Talk about irrelevant things that have nothing to do with the subject.
Goverment officials DEPEND on these stupid people, because they know that the majority of people are stupid, thus, they supress the smart ones.
So when the minority of smart people is supressed, guess what happens. That's right, they stop trying.
And when the smart people stop trying, the stupid ones see the results of their stupidity when sh*t hits the fan, and then, and ONLY then do they go "Oh... the smart ones were right all along". But by the time they come to that conclusion, it is to f*ck*ng late.
The people are sleeping. They are beeing robbed right in front of their eyes, and they thank the robbers.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg lol....
Great response!
we are taxed for the air that we breath.
Would really like you to be in charge of the UK! We need people like you!
And now that I think about it we’re are paying for them to pay other countries for their people to come here and it is in the millions, but we pay taxes for you not to help the homeless, our desolate communities, this is so cruel and disgusting. We have no choice to pay, but it doesn’t even help the people, communities or our roads, schools anything very sad. We are prisoners, and they are taking most of our hard earned money.
I've been sitting here reading these comments for about 45 minutes. All very interesting. One comment will direct to another problem. One problem will direct to more comments. I don't pride myself on being very involved in the messes of the world. At 58 years old, I have just begun to ask questions and form an unhealthy opinion about our government and the way things are done. I appreciate the comments and I read with an open mind to allow myself to be educated from those of you that have been on this train longer, or more involved, than myself. You all bring very strong opinions and knowledge that gets me up to speed a bit faster and I thank you. I'm only a high school educated member of society, that now, at 58 years old, wish I would have paid attention in my government and history classes! With that being said, I don't need to be wealthy or college educated to know that our government is stealing from us and we are allowing it. Don't they work for us? Don't we pay their salary? If I owned a business and an employee was stealing from me, the logical thing to do is to fire them. We can go on social media and tit for tat all day long. Complain until we're blue in the face. What is that going to change? Our blood pressure at most. We all agree that the government is mismanaging funds. The question is, what are we going to do about it? We the people need to stand united and correct this. It's only going to get worse unless we do something. Then there raises the question of who is going to start this stand off? I think we are afraid. I honestly think we have given the government so much power that now we are afraid. As a new grandmother, I don't want my granddaughter living in a world such as this. I want better for her, as I'm sure other parents and grands want for theirs. Again, I ask, what are we going to do about it? What I really mean is what CAN we do about it? Complain on social media or take action? What action? Genuine question.
Answer: Most people prefer to whine on social media with a single, banal comment. Gurdjieff provided the explanation for that farce. "A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside that is they are actually already dead. It's fortunate for us that we don't see it and don't know it. If we knew how many people are actually dead and how many of them,govern our lives we should go mad with horror." I was one of the unfortunates who couldn’t avoid seeing and knowing how many of the walking dead govern my life and everyone else's.
How do we break an illusion that has been woven into society so well that it can longer be seen by enough…….I think that like all systems an ‘ebb and flow will create the chaos required for change but unless we obtain a higher consciousness we will inevitably meet the same fate that Orwell talks about in his ‘Animal Farm’. I am not educated to any level past secondary school and don’t think it’s a requirement to be able to understand societal problems. Just seeing the utter carnage and chaos around the world speaks volumes in how very little we have evolved on a conscious level to be able to truly better ourselves in the masses and live in a world where we are only happy when we have some form of power over one another
The answer is to get involved in local politics. If you spend your evenings watching Netflix, or reading RUclips comments, then your voice is going silent.
The taxation amount should be a sliding scale and make sure the least of us is being helped. The bigger problem is that people are dishonest and have no concerned for their fellow citizens. It's called selfish and robbery. They all do their version of not paying their share.
ONE THING that NEEDS to be WRITTEN into TAX LAWS is that the money taken will be spent on the PEOPLE WHO PRODUCED IT and NOT be SPENT in ways that HARM ANYONE.
That's a cool idea, but how do you choose which people deserve the money and which don't? And what could you choose when what's the best for one group is bad for another? And who would be in charge of making those decisions? And would this person require vetting in some way to avoid favoritism and if so what qualifiers would be used to appoint them and who would get to decide those qualifiers and..... (endless loop)
TLDR - Humans are really bad at agreeing on things.
@@henrychurch6062 What l meant was the money should never leave the country, i.e., billions for other countries' wars, or promoting gender studies in different countries (propaganda). In other words Americans should not be told they have to wait longer, or they may never get pensions in the future, while the President promises Ukrainians pensions. That is the AMERICAN PEOPLE'S money and should be SPENT on IMPROVING the LIVES of AMERICANS. Before a President is sworn in he should have to complete a checklist of tasks he will fulfill and not being wasteful with the people's money should be at the top of the list. If he fails in these basic tasks he should be recalled.
@@heidibee501 I think gender studies is a vastly misunderstood field. For example: How do we advertise this Gillette razor to men, and what color can we change it to so we can get women to also buy it at a higher price? How does the army craft recruitment pitches to attract female soldiers? What kinds of images make men want to smoke your brand of cigarettes? If you remember the early 90's girls had Polly Pocket, and following it's success boys had the almost identical but far more masculine Mighty Max. All examples of gender studies in action: It's not voodoo, it's just a natural extension of capitalism. Does it have some funny and weird applications too? Of course, but most of it is very based in reality.
But further - how do you choose what is in the best interests of Americans? The Americans themselves are very different people with very different goals. Should we build a library or a sports center? A food pantry, a block of low income housing or a homeless shelter? Is this wetland that prevents floods worth draining for a highway that saves millions in travel costs? Would this savings be of any comfort to the people who's homes are now in a flood plain? Should schools teach science? is science too dangerous? Should a minority demanding creationism taught instead of evolution be approved? What if they want to teach Hinduism or Shinto creationism?
And even further - How would you choose which goals a president meets or doesn't meet? And which lives of which Americans get to be improved and which don't? Andrew Jackson improved lots of lives pushing west, but also authored the trail of tears genocide for example.
Also our country is our country because of foreign aid. We defeated England in the revolutionary war with an army bankrolled by the French and the Dutch, and with the support of soldiers from France and Spain sent to die in a foreign war halfway across the world.
We only captured and defeated General Cornwallace because the French Navy prevented him from evacuating Yorktown and gathering reinforcements.
@@henrychurch6062 easy, if the money is not spent for an American 🇺🇸 citizen, then it is illegal. That would solve all of our problems. There is enough money, but it gets spent on foreigners because our politicians are on the take. Only spend taxes on Americans for America. Foreigners can be handed a bill for their own deportation.
The entire tax code should b re-written by the people.
As a former gov employee, i can shock you by stories of how they use the money. Its like monopoly money. They write themselves in for overtime while not even doing the overtime, they sold practically brand new equipment and split the money. I could go on and on. All true .
The military is the worst about wasting your tax dollars. During the 80’s they would literally shove helicopters off the decks of carriers along with tools because at the end of the year. October rolls around everyone was clamoring for more money and had to show a need. I was a dental assistant and we literally threw instruments and supplies out in order to get more money and purchase new equipment. So wasteful.
Individual integrity matters. Or the whole thing falls apart. Hence here we are.
And you choose to work for them?!?!??
you should tell the public about it or you are bullshit
Please continue, it is very interesting.
If corporations and upper class were properly taxed, there'd be plenty extra. They put the burden on the middle and lower-middle class citizens. Your bank account gets a fee if it's overdrawn. North America is falling apart (literally, in a lot of place), but the government demands taxes from everyone besides those who should be taxed the most. We live in a country that's supposedly 'first world', yet our streets and our infrastructure are falling apart, and we still don't have access to clean water in many places (many First Nations reserves, Flint Michagin, many more). Their goal is to eliminate the middle class, and tax the poor to the point where we don't have the energy or resources to do anything about it. So far, they're doing a pretty good job of that.
So, enterprises- that are all beeing taxed- do not allocate that extra cost in the form of PRICES? Is that it?
To put it simply: they get taxed and YOU pay that extra value in the form HIGHER PRICES when you buy from them.
See, unlike most people, those that have business actually think, and position themselves according to reality.
They don't just simply pay that extra cost that is being imposed on them.
That's for the rest of the people, that don't reason, to pay while they trully believe they are imposing cost on others, through this "authority" they so much love, called the government...
@@silvanabaralha8665 can you explain why there has been record profits by major corporations, such as Walmart, while employees received no wage increase? Government and major corporations are indistinguishable at this point. There is no shortage of goods, just no one to stop corporations from inflating prices to explode their profits while the rest of us suffer.
@@ghostinameatsuit4654 You need the market completely free from regulation and taxation to compensate for that.
First you pay higher prices because regulation and taxation impose costs that are shifted to the final price.
Second inflation exists because money is a compulsory monopoly- there are no correcting mechanisms to stop someone from printing more money ( which is a representation of value) such as people choosing a different currency once inflation starts.
Third, when the market is regulated, fewer products will be available because you need to fulfil many requirements to start producing and selling, so fewer people are able to do that. Fewer products mean more expensive.
In a free market, it is more difficult to inflate prices because others will step in once you have set the price above market value. The ROI will be faster, so enterprises are less likely to do that because they are stimulating competition.
In a regulated and taxed market, the government protects them by setting the entering cost much higher than it would otherwise be, so producers tcan inflate prices to compensate for the initial investment, and the return of that value is guaranteed by the price - the consumer will pay the hight investment, the taxes and the patents if those exist- btw patents are also a way to protect big business.
To sum it up: in a controled, regulated and taxed market, people will always be in trouble to their benefit.
That's why they wantt people to hate freedom in favour of their own control and respective gains.
There is no alternative to a free society, which is the same to a free market.
Market is life and life should be free from constraints imposed by others ( the government).
Michigan* 🤓 otherwise I concur with your comment 💯 😊
Properly Taxed? According to you, what does that look like?
Our government operated for 162 years from 1887 to 1939 without income tax. The tariffs on foreign goods was sufficient. Even then, at the introduction of the then called "Victory Tax" proposed that the taxes taken would be reimbursed after WW2 and only those earnings $5280 or greater were assessed as that was a substantial sum at the time. It was like taxing only people with incomes of close to $200,000 a year. The $5280 gauge was standard until the 1960s and maybe into the 1970s. The greed of our government officials kept the Victory Tax, changed it to "Income Tax," and they have been robbing us ever since!
Sorry, bankers were behind the income tax and it began in 1913, not 1939.
From 1887 to 1932 we had how many roads and how many cars driving on them? Oh not that many , right? 😅 Oh yea, that's why it worked way back then. You want it all but you want it the same as it was 162 years ago? Great plan🙄
Odd because it was in 1973 that PedoPeter became US senator for Delaware.
No, that’s not how it worked. Go to real school. Prager U lies.
Income tax started in 1913 to curb the inequalities wrought by the Robber Barons.
@@c.a.3358 income tax doesn't pay for the roads; the gas tax per gallon does. Same thing with schools, parks, etc, except those are from property tax (ie land)
Ah, Ayn Rand... Taught and preached "there is no such thing as the public interest" her whole life, and then went on Social Security and Medicare 😂
She got most of her education for FREE on the USSR
Not the jab you think it is. She merely reclaimed a fraction of the money that was stolen from her.
What's hilarious is that people really expect a thief to spend the money he steals wisely.
Surely some must.
-ikr ... !-
The thing libertarians prefer to not understand is that money is a socially mediated representative of value, not a sacred value-thing in itself that emerges from some innate grandiose productivity, as Rand's entrepreneurial protagonists pretend to possess. Money is literally "produced", i.e. coined and printed by the state. It can't be privately owned as such, only in its capacity to function as exchange value under certain conditions that are guaranteed by the state. Rand sidesteps this problem by fetishizing gold, as many value essentialists resort to doing. But that just means replacing a later version of the fetish with an earlier one.
So, anyone with wealth is a thief?
There is nothing wrong with a fair tax system, it's the corruption that's the issue, transparency and accountability is the answer IMO
And where does the corruption come from? Duh.
show me a fair tax system! I've never seen one
Over 1 million Calif. residents signed to put a tax relief bill on November ballot. But, Newsom and his Democrat Supreme Court removed it.
What's a fair tax system ,by paying taxes on the same money over and over , we get money we pay taxes on it ,we spend it back and pay taxes again on it ,we pay bills etc and pay taxes again on it ,give it and pay etc pay taxes again on it , receive another check and pay taxes again and again and over and over
Yeah for reals, if I see my roads are being kept maintained so I can’t get more flat tires on potholes I had no idea were coming on the freeway, then tax dollars well spent. But when it disappears and when we’re being taxed on literally EVERYTHING and rising, with no receipts to prove where any of it even is going, more homeless showing up, more drugs flooding, then there’s where the problems start coming
The mistake in Rand's reasoning is that no man produces his wealth alone. He does it with the roads and street lights and emergency services like the police, fire department, and EMT services, a standing army. He does it with the governmental legislatures that produce fair laws, judges that give due process. He travels on government-constructed bridges and uses courthouses.
We all agree to a social contract that allows some bureaucrats to take away a bit of our rights and our money in order to create public works that no individual could create and maintain. Taxation is one of the things we pay for in order to live in a social reality which allows the greatest number of people to continue producing wealth and to have the greatest amount of freedom.
Of course, taxation alone won't produce that. What's required is a fair, dynamic system that balances governmental powers and balances individual rights with the general good and produces a harmonious society that allows for creativity and productiveness. Pure private ownership, as Rand advocates, has several limits and has the potential to produce a virtual slave class.
Her mistake is that she reacts against the ideology of communism only to go to the other extreme of pure individualism. But reaction never produces a good result. God and Truth are in the details.
So how did we manage before 1939 before income taxes? Tariffs on foreign goods was enough. Greed perpetuates income taxes. Haven't you noticed the taxes that were to go to school supplies, sports, books, etc. are now an additional burden on top of the parents along with their income taxes? When there is an abundance of tax money at the end of the fiscal year does anyone get a check refund? No, it's quickly wasted on something not necessary when it could be used for something like school supplies! There are so many other examples.
@faithm9284 What country survives solely on tariffs? The problem is not to tax too much and not to waste the revenues. Freedom is a dynamic process. Throwing out the system rather than just constantly tweaking it is nihilism. The US regulates the waterways of the world, which, in turn, allows us to keep producing wealth. Of course, the rest of the world could contribute more. And we could wield our power to better effect. Btw, how do you propose we pay the army, police force, courts, judges, bureaucrats like DMV clerks, road crews, DOT crews, pay for street lights, feed the poor, go to Mars, and fight wars? On tariffs?
Exactly. There are answers to that question, but this is incomplete at best. Also I don't think she understood ultra-wealth, beyond which can be truly earned.
@faithm9284 But I can't believe that the US relied only on tariffs on foreign goods to finance the federal government, including the military. In your scenario, we must have had immense reserves of tariff money by 39 to be able to fund WWII, including defeating Germany and Japan simultaneously and financing the development of the A bomb. Also, we have a lot more international competition now. If we tax China too much, they'll look for other markets. Plus, they can out wait us since they're a totalitarian society which government doesn't care if it sacrifices millions of its citizens in order to starve us out of our bargaining position. Eighty five years later, the world's a far different place now than at the start of WWII.
You're brainwashed. There has not always been income tax. We used to be able to keep all the money we made and there were still wealthy people. Government is TOO big that's why they steal our money.
She didnt even answer the question 😂
Exactly. She didn't know anything that lots of other people didn't already know. She has opinions like everybody
loaded question fallacy if she would have answered she would be agreeing that (the things he mention are objectively valueble) where she would be contradictiong herself , then it plays into the part that if the person producing wealth doesnt consent to his wealth going to roads etc then its not as valueble for him them as if the money would be spend elsewhere(se also what is seen and what is unseen)
Most countries consider healthcare for its citizens a basic human right.
The problem with that is when the country and bureaucrats and money grabbers are the ones choosing the definition of health care. In those programs, the program defines how you're allowed to manage and pay for your health. I want to choose for myself, and don't want them dictating how I do it.
@@Vic-Meowsame way for your corporate healthcare. You dont get a choice and it’s costing more money from you and/or your employer
Affordable basic care should be a basic right. Affordable! Not free
Unlike zionist states of america
It’s all used by the politicians for their own agenda. Scum who won’t and never have worked, and illegals are getting my disability while I rot. They refused to repay , not “give” actually because I’m a tax payer! I also get no help with healthcare at all yet I’m disabled with no income. If it weren’t for my boyfriend I would be homeless and die. SERIOUS. They are STEALING OUR $ for sht!
@@Vic-Meow in Cyprus we have a national health insurance that covers almost everything but the dentist's only chose to offer a free dental clean once a year doctors can choose to be part of it and we get a pay deduction depending on your income and how many children you have, they give mother's of four a monthly benefit and a tax free low emission car (we prefer hybrids as fuel consumption is lower and road taxes are dirt cheap but it must be brand new, not used, car's here ain't cheap and the wages need some work for the blue collar industry, i know because I am married to a blue collar man and i am proud of him for being such a hard worker and still doing his body building, ladies trust me if you come across a good and decent blue collar man maybe you should give him a chance. Not all gentlemen wear suits, and not all men that wear suits are gentlemen. Sadly our stupid politicians are taking sides in both wars, and Hezbollah has been hurling threats of strikes against us, Beirut is a half an hour flight from where I live. So yes our politicians now feeling uneasy after the European union elections ended and a 24 year old tiktoker beat them to the pole and popped the floor with their stupid excuses, we don't buy a word they said so we punished them in the most legal nonviolent and democratic way, even the msm is telling them they have failed, trust me we the unvaccinated people and more and more of the vaccinated people are coming to our side after the side effects kicked in, some feel guilt for telling their family to get vaccinated and now are left to mourn them. Our health system was really pushy about the vaccines so both msm and the ministry of health have hurt people, gladly we had some awesome doctors on our side but they got so badly slandered. No system is perfect but if we as citizens can put our pride, ego, personal problems aside for a moment and Start making suggestions of how to get something done nothing can stop you! You vote so you hire that means your politicians are there to serve YOU, remind them that! For the safety of humanity worldwide don't vote Biden. I'm not a trumpie but the more i hear what he says the more i respect him. Better trust the village jester than the suited con.
Rand doesn't really answer the question at all there. She just makes a moral assertion.
Philosophically speaking, morality precedes politics. Plus, all those commodities mentioned in the question existed before income taxes existed in the US. If people value something, they will invest in it. The government gun isn’t needed if people value something.
No, she literally said NOTHING beyond "Taxation equals theft!" She never once addressed a practical concern.
@@Ian_sothejokeworksyour responses show just how out of touch you are you are the definition of listening to respond and not to understand 😂😂 pathetic
People give her far too much credit for what amounts to a philosophy of selfishness.
@@DrFunk-rk6yl To be selfish, one must first have a self.
The problem isn't being taxed, it's how the money is being mismanaged.
The government squanders the American peoples money on a yearly basis.
Government is the world's worst run business.
Tell me one government that doesn't mismanage the money?
Facts... because good people don't mind contributing to those things and helping our children and elderly and veterans. But I'm not willing to help those who are using our money for their own personal gains.
When in office Obama doubled the National Debt to over 8 Trillion. Biden added another 23 Trillion. Another 2 Trillion went up when Trump was in office.
We need to Starve the Government into reasonableness. Vote for Fiscal Conservitives only, & hold them to their task or replace them.
@@matiyev Poland
Any government that has a military is mismanaging funds.
Governments that prop up corporations are mismanaging funds.
The problem is capitalism
Why does the phrase: "....by the consent of the governed" keep going through my head ???
She didn’t actually answer the question, she just said you can’t tell someone how to spend my money… but she gave no explanation for how the roads get built, that you drive on to get to the job where you make that money. Or build the school that teaches you the basic skills you need to again get that job where you make that money.
She gives no alternative options.
Because libertarians don’t care. They are just greedy people
Because there are no alternatives, "taxation if theft" until the rich don't have a road to drive their cars. :P
... "Atlas Shrugged" was her 645,000-word essay on how to accomplish... just that. I don't need to remind you of the enormous operational-efficiencies achieved when federal-goverments and bloated bureaucracies are formally "castrated" and removed from non-provisional spending; or... perhaps I do.
I thought I was the only one.
"Someone is producing the wealth that will make those roads possible". Yes, but the roads themselves facilitate the ability to produce wealth (via hauling goods, commuting, vehicle industries, etc). Nobody "produces wealth" in a vacuum.
@Test_Card_Tom Wrong. From your word choice, I'm gonna assume you're on the left. The same side who hates the police, at least the public faces of your side do anyway. My side has no problem with police. That part of your argument is wrong. Also, I guess you love paying taxes huh? We have a problem with taxes being WASTED. Not a left right thing. But, education departments, unions and their bloated wasteful contracts, superintendents making hundreds of thousands a year, etc etc, THOSE ARE leftist ideals however
Therefore? This is an incomplete statement.
That's because the police have a monopoly on security. The people who object to taxes would take matters into their own hands but that's not legally advisable since the government doesn't know how to leave people alone.
Exactly why large corporations should pay higher taxes for putting more strain on roads by moving goods.
The argument she makes is like a child who won't share a toy that isn't theirs.
Nobody really wants to pay taxes but, it's how we got from tribe to state.
By mutual cooperation with shared interests and shared burdens.
@@bengsynthmusic 'Leaving people alone' to do whatever they want equals anarchy, mayhem and innocent people being injured or murdered. A democracy is structured with laws and institutions (including the police) to prevent mob rule. Leaving people alone to do whatever they want with money they earn leads to the same end result because the wealthiest would pay for private protection for themselves and their properties; and with no laws or police service those unregulated private security groups would be able to kill their rich employer and seize their properties etc. In other words a mafia style society would evolve very quickly.
You ever see these good Samaritan videos? People diving into water, burning buildings, jumping in fron of animals to save or protect strangers? People will always willingly give to help each other but don't like being robbed by a corrupt government.
Ikr. It’s 100% robbery!! And, who decides how much these crooks make?! Their salary should be around ours! Our politicians are millionaires, for doing nothing, except for making us harder working slaves!! Ridiculous!
Not all good sameritans would give money to anything that is not going to make them money.
I don’t like being “robbed” by anyone (so I stay heavy)+IDC who it is you can get it too! You’ll need to pry it from the vice-like grip of my cold dead hands man bc I’m no punk+hate a bully. Fight the fair one son!
I don't think trickle-down infrastructuring would be effective.
Demonstrably false.
These videos get attention not because of the rarity of the event itself, but the rarity of the people who step up to help. If everyone went around giving the homeless money, firstly they would not be so many homeless and secondly we would not watch the videos, because they would not be interesting since everyone would be giving them money.
The Bystander Effect is a perfect example of the broken human psychology that we need certain structures to help fix, including government and policing.
She's a very interesting philosopher and writer. Watch the entire interview for context. These kind of videos are manipulative.
This guy is a toolbox for being so misleading and expecting ppl to be stupid. Saying taxes are ABSOLUTELY BAD. is the same as saying killing someone is inherently a bad thing to do. It's nonsense.
Across the world the Taxpayer is abused by a tight group of Criminals . Period .
Not really, the US is way way more corrupted compared to the countries it accuses like a Karen projecting and slandering everything she is on you. That means Russia and China are actually way better managed and you can actually go there and witness first hand how bad are the lies told about them.
🎯🎯🎯exactly 💯
They feign outrage at each other but it’s all to con the taxpayer. You are correct.
No lie detected.
The Rothschilds. Yeah I said it!
I am by no means a liberal, but at the same time the hole in her argument is that she does not address that there is an infrastructure that has been used to create that wealth. Jeff Bezos created Amazon but Amazon could not deliver without airports, roads, electricity. I think the issue that taxpayers have is not for infrastructure but for vanity projects, misspending, irresponsible spending. I have seen the difference between someone spending their own money or corporate money versus public sector money.
There is no hole in her argument. Only in your
Thank you! How many of you see an Amazon delivery truck at least once a day. Now, contrast that with how often you see me driving each day? One of us pays taxes and it's not the one that uses the infrastructure disproportionately for their own gain. TAX THE RICH and PAY YOUR WORKERS BETTER!!!
Amen!! We own a small business and it is successful BECAUSE of infrastructure. We have customers who regularly drive an hour or more to our store to purchase our products. We regularly ship items all over the U.S. Our business could not have existed in the 1920s or 30s (for example) before we had our highway system.
@@BeatlesFan1975nice argument !! You almost completed a 3rd grade playground rebuttal .
@@BeatlesFan1975 I understand. The Beatles also hated the Taxman
At the pentagon nails cost 100 dollars a piece. Screwdrivers are 750
Gee I wonder why that could be? :)
Government contracts always line someone’s pocket. Waste and inefficiency, just like top heavy public schools.
Well they're "mil-spec". 😂
A toilet seat is $800.00
I get the comedy, but in reality all gov buildings and acquisitions are usually applied for by bidders, and generally it goes to the lowest bidder. So "Military quality" usually doesn't mean much more than "made by the lowest bidder" which more and more frequently ends up being prison labor...
BUT this is based on the theory that the invisible hands of the free market will guide us to lower prices. This is one of the failings of capitalism because insiders will gobble up all the contracts and work to keep prices as high as possible.
Oversimplified. Most of the money cannot be made without the roads, and other infrastructure
Dudes being misleading on purpose. Toolbox.
Why do politicians make $177,000 a year? What do they do to deserve that????
tip o the iceberg, I care less about giving a large salary but more about the kickback and insider information that they get from lobbyist because they're working in their interests, not ours.
NOtHING sit around in expensive suits
Screw us
How do they all retire as millionaires is the bigger question.
The problem is we've been sold a falsey that we should look up at the rich and powerful because they're our betters, no we shouldn't, we're not serfs from the middle ages - it should be about character and your value to the rest of the community as a human being!
So yall are saying you think everybody was just dumb as a bag of rocks in 1959? See, thats what bothers me the most about this era, all of you think humanity just started thinking in 2015. Its that first world cockiness yall have been born into, blaming and pointing fingers but never asking questions to yourself, never taking responsibility.
This. Unsure why everyone thinks previous generations are unthinking idiots or something lol.
if someone is ignorant and unaware, stuff like this teaches them. learning is never a bad thing
Seriously, I'm wondering how you came to the conclusion by anything presented in Ayn rand's interview, that implies that anybody here who might be a fan of hers thinks that previous generations were unthinking idiots?🤔
yea fr like without the industrial revolution we would not even have the internet
@@zachinthehat1 This
We just had a voting session in our local town for a pickleball court. It was going to cost over 1.5 million and of course would come out of taxpayers pockets. Half the town tried to guilt trip others into paying, while the other half stood their ground and voted against it. It was not approved. Moral of the story: people should be able to pick and choose where they want their taxes to go. Not forced.
Also taxation is theft but you know it's never going anywhere
You sound like a critical thinking Ayn Rand type Objectivist and that is wonderful !
Heck. Find some volunteers. Raise the funds. Thang won't cost that much. And build ur community. If u all want it bad enuf.
Set up a pickleball court in a parking lot, abandoned lot or park. Problem solved.......for those who actually want it. But that's not usually the case.
Anything with a name as silly as pickleball gets a downvote from me, just on principle.
Lol, I'm sure that we live in the same town!....The money would be better spent on the lack of affordable housing issues!
What do you mean how did she know, everyone thinks the same thing !
The problem is they dont stop at building the necessities, they just keep taking more and more for nonsense that makes only the politicians and their friends lives better..
Taxation theft is just one small part of the bigger problem which is capitalism and trade itself. There are alternatives which are neglected such as RBE.
The whole system is schizophrenic, we selected politicians who were supposed to represent us and pay them for bringing laws that screw us?!?!? Ridiculous
You are not making sense. Do you know what capitalism is?
It is private control of business.
You are saying that taxes are robbery then proceed to say we need to tax businesses.
You want to control business through government but don't want government in control. That's just weird. We could just flatten taxes and only ask for them in one place, like at point of sale only. This way you free up money in the economy and you force government to reduce its size and scope down to actual necessities. Letting the people control how they want their money spent.
Well, the way this can corrected, reversed or changed is citizens VOTING for better governance and less spending. But so many people don't care and just let it go - and the government power grows and cannot stop becoming more possessive of our lives and hard=earned property and income. I always vote even though it doesn't seem to matter, and I keep hoping enough of my compatriots vote for true Conservatives to stop the nonsense. But alas....
you must pay for transgender surgeries of the poor!
All infrastructure before 1913 was built without taxes in the U.S.A.?
Not income taxes. You kept what you EARNED!
wasnt alot prior to early 1900s in context to the tax machine,wasnt paved roadways for automotive travel,wasnt electrical grid, national parks,or fed schools
@@nickzalucha218 Illiteracy at that time was just as demonstrable as your reply.
Corporations paid Taxes, but have been working on shifting the burden of Tax to the Workers making Labor tax the primary source whereas Labor Tax was previously seen as Slavery and Abhorrent.
Corporations pay tax (tribute) because they have entered into an agreement with the Government, previously the Crown, to annex X natural resource in return for Z.
The thing I dont understand is how the American People fought a War with England so the English Crown didnt Tax the Trading Companies operating out of the 13 Colonies they were bequeathed. The Trading Companies literally convinced the average man to get up and fight a War that had nothing to do with them and would actually be fighting for their own enslavement to those Trading Companies
We’ve done a hell of a good job erasing everything before the New Deal in this country. People will tell you there’d be no roads, post offices, electricity etc without government. Meanwhile the government has created monopolies where many of these things can only be done through them.
Roads in Louisiana are horrible, yet we pay federal and state taxes. Taxes on everything! You need licenses, permits, insurance, etc, on so many things. We have to have inspection tags even though the roads mess up our vehicles.
You are definitely telling the truth. I-20 in Shreveport is so bad that you can’t even get up to speed without messing up your ride. It’s just littered with car and big rig spent tires. And it’s not only the interstate but it’s every single road in Caddo Parish unless rich people have to drive it home.
Republicans are terrible at utilizing tax dollars.
Slaves came in on ships there!!
No white rich man wants to help African people
Stop electing idiots.
@mikemossa9640 pick up your trash
People believe taxes are theft until their houses catches on fire and they have to call 911.
A government TRILLIONS IN DEBT wants me to have a fkn credit score!!
Trump created 8 trillion with a Republican majority just saying
F the Federal Government- all criminals
No, the government doesn’t care about your credit score, but companies do.
@@TStLou1Corporate America is full of criminals and the Capitalist system has enabled those criminals to take control of the federal government!
Absolutely nothing wrong with taxes, but it angers me when the government squanders our money, can't see a GP, can't get a dentist appointment, potholes everywhere you drive, constantly hearing how there's no money, but somehow there's always money for war & foreign aid.
Couldn't have put it better myself! I would only add that the "government officials' give themselves fairly substantial raises 🙄 if they can afford to keep giving themselves raises, they have enough money to give back to the system to help with the things they say there's no money for 😤
Youre from Australia right? 😂❤
@@aldocort3418 No, UK 😂
Taxes is your government taking your money and deciding they know better than you what to spend it on.
"The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 trillion dollars."
-Donald Rumsfeld
September 10, 2001
The next day was 9/11
The Pentagon is criminal. 9/11 occurred to eliminate the records and be perceived that we were under attack.
60 billion went to Ukraine and a bunch of billions went to enemy Iran
In other words, we need to wipe out our records before they start an investigation into where we used that money for and for who. Typical.
@@justinmanson2793Is that the "Pull it" guy?
Leaving 2 days before, took all the gold
Who then has the right to natural resources?- The ultimate source of wealth. Her philosophy is flawed.
The major fallacy is believing that that those at the top are the “wealth creators” when in fact the workers and consumers are also the wealth creators. In fact, often those at the very top are not creating any real wealth for a society and are as much if not more of drain on the economy than those at the very bottom.
@@markw-s5734 nobody argues that you need consumers and employees to help create wealth. The thing is without someone starting the business and putting their blood sweat and tears into it there would never be a need for employees. Your tax dollars being spent on public infrastructure is just the rich man getting you to fund the roads to his land and businesses.
Those at the top are building businesses and companies that employ the workers, what are you talking about? How many jobs do you think Bill Gates has created since creating Microsoft? And all the other industries that spun out of the PC revolution like gaming? Millions.
@@Mopark25 Но Билли делится не с теми, кто с ним работает - вот проблема верхов и низов, часто налоги как способ отнять - но не вернуть
If the taxpayer's money was well spent then no one would mind taxes.
This was the case right up till Regan. After that, we see a very clear decline in the wellbeing of everyone who couldn't drown politicians in money
This is complete BS. People would still bitch about taxes if it were used to save their own life.
They were mostly all bad, but Reagan was the worst.
If billionaire spending raised the quality of life for everyone then no one would force taxes.
@@h.a.l.3980 Hi, I'm from denmark, notoriously taxed. low corruption high welfare, never heard anyone complain.
Total bs.
Because individuals do whatever they want , we got self driving car and rockets but shit healthcare and homelessness.
Instead of fixing the country with taxes , we let them slip to "pursue their dreams".
Well my mom's dream was to get better and she didn't have insurance and...
She did the same thing that politicians do. She didn’t answer the question, she answered the question that she wanted to be asked.
She did answer
This IS just a short, though, so it wouldn’t be fair to conclude that.
The man who accrued the wealth did not do it by himself. He had the help of a nation’s resources to rear a child into an adulthood laborer, and then oppressed the value of the worker’s labor not paying him his true value. The margin of suppressed wages with no benefits, combined with the top price he can collect on the service or product (causing inflation) is what enabled his success, all sacrificed by the country who provided him the opportunity for that success in the first place. The _very least thing he owes_ in gratitude to that country, is taxes
@@Cometcast12 Roads, primary school and military. What other resources are you talking about?
The nation didn't provide the seed money, the assets or the know how to build a business.
The worker needed a job and gets experience to then seek more compensation.
The worker isn't risking anything by working for a business owner. The business owner is risking capital.
The worker didn't innovate, invent, become a subject matter expert or provide any service above performing a job. If the worker has more value that the worth of the work, the worker should find a better job.
The money that the business spends on workers and other services reenters the local market and drives the economy.
Most people work for a business to make ends meet. When the government raises taxes on business, employment and wages decrease.
Taxes are funding several failed programs. Less money is actually going into infrastructure than social programs like pay off student debt.
How much of my salary do you need to be happy?
All of these comments glazing her as if she said something smart 😂😂
The IRS Commissioner went before Congress and said, paying taxes is voluntary. Why are American taxpayers jailed if we don’t voluntarily pay taxes to the IRS?
Because we don't have an army of lawyers at our disposal that make not paying taxes legal, like the rich do.
Good question.
@@FoodandNutrition-gq5gh The Congressional Hearing can be seen on RUclips:
Former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller says the income tax is voluntary.
A previous employer insisted this was the case and even used Wesley Snipe’s attorney to make his case. He also failed.
@@cwhitehe Yeah, claim exempt on your W-4 at work and see how that goes.
She's talking about democracy. However, not a single country in the world has democracy now
Possibly only Switzerland. Direct voting and citizen armies in the cantons.
Direct voting, but on what themes? All? I highly doubt it.
Citizen armies in the cantons? There are no citizen "armies" in canton. There is only one army: the Swiss Army, with cantonal garrisons. And with a mandatory national service and reserve time (from 20 to 58 years old, or something along those lines), with a core of professional soldiers.
@@BriselanceSwiss army not a profesional but armed to the roof
Do you all know the difference between a Democracy and a Republic? Do any of you know Americans are not a Democracy but, a Republic?
Here’s my issue. Get paid from job, wages are taxed by government. Buy stuff at store for 100.00, taxed by state. Buy a house, State gets property tax. Year-end State and Federal government tax my money again.
And if you give it to somebody they will be taxed.
If you die and give will it others they will be taxed again.
You’re confusing withholding with taxation. When you get paid from your job your employer withholds an amount for taxes. When you file your tax return, you determine how much tax you owe and compare that to the amount withheld over the year. If your employer withheld too much, you get a refund. Too little, you pay the difference.
@@GenXDaddyO thanks, for clarification. Taxes on the middle class and struggling class is too much. The wealthy should contribute more and not have rules to avoid paying more
Yeah because unfortunately wealthy people historically worked out how to avoid tax so they invented more taxes. USA has one of the worst tax systems to be honest. If you are US citizen and work over seas you pay tax to the US and for the country you earn it in.
Fractional reserve to the rescue 😅
Who needs roads and infrastructure
So, yet again, we come to the inevitable conclusion that taxation is theft.
In it's current form? absolutely.
no matter how you look at the benefits, which are there for sure. If a government can increase taxes, and apply taxes at will, it's theft. The thing is, the same governments write the laws which they themselves hold monopoly to enforce. That is what's wrong with the system.
People who say 'you can vote' speak the truth, but can't answer the question of how much a vote is worth.
If I decide to stop paying taxes and produce everything I need myself, I'll get in trouble within day's, only because I am born in the country which claims to have (partial) rights to my property, be it money or otherwise.
It's almost as bad as making a fortune from public infrastructure without contributing to it.
If you give people the option to opt out of taxes, no one is going to pay in. How do you expect to build public services if taxation is theft?
@@crewskater06 firstly, properly functioning communities naturally pool their surplus resources to solve their problems.
Secondly, when there are no public services, people stop needing public services. They adapt and become more self-sufficient and stop needing the government to provide them with everything, because if they don't, they perish.
It's not theft... it's EXTORTION.
It’s ridiculous to say that you “have no right to tell the man that produced the wealth…”! No one is “self-made”! Because no one lives in a vacuum. When a person builds a company up from scratch - they still required the roads, infrastructure, internet and such to move their product and information. They still required the police, fire dept., and military to protect their interests. They still required the economic system that produced a well educated and economically stable populace that could in turn provide a demand for their product, and ultimately a workforce for not only them, but for all the other aspects of the system.
Every “self-made” person owes their success to the society that makes it possible.
Obviously, there are mistakes made from time to time, and some get away with corruption for a time, but it gets fixed and generally gets better! - that’s the cost of doing business.
This just sounds like narcissistic hypocrisy!
When they drop an infant off on the Moon, and that baby creates a billion dollars in wealth THEN I will use the term "self-made". Until then...
Exactly. How anyone imagine Rand is some sort of genius when she cannot grasp such basic indisputable facts is beyond me. She's full of it.
"Every "self-made" person owes their success to the society that makes it possible."
To a point. But do not downplay the businessman's hard work. Without businesspeople, there wouldn't be anyone to provide adequate and easily accessible supply of things everybody wants to buy.
If they don't want to be taxed by the government, then they shouldn't use the government's money (and everything that goes along with it). She's idiot.
She lived on public assistance at the end of her life.
Her books are unreadable
@@RoseMary-vs3ioso that was money "coerced" from others. Raynd is a massive hypocrite.
Prove it
Interviewer: "How do we build roads, hospitals, schools [without taxation]?"
Ayn Rand: "I genuinely have no answer to thiat question, so here's my answer№ Libertarian Fairy Dust. Also, taxation is tantamount to theft."
Should we allow that wealthy man use the roads that allow him to transport his goods if he doesn't pay for the roads?
You do know that personal income taxes are relatively new right? Before 1913 the USA would use tariffs on other countries and produce goods and only tax corporations, and at that time the USA was prosperous and growing incredibly.
She sounds very intelligent, but her idea is a BIG PIPE DREAM. The result of this impractical idea will be every man for himself, which is a recipe for anarchy....the highest for of Libertarian Politics.
@@Wisdom808they still taxed property, sales, etc.
This. No wealth would be created without shared infrastructure.
The problem isn’t taxation. It’s what is done with the revenue collected. Government officials don’t care because it’s free money, they didn’t do anything to earn it. So they don’t care how much is wasted.
The government, in it's brilliance, makes it a case of use it or lose it. So they spend it on frivolous waste to get more. Most of our military equipment spending goes to footing the bill for NATO, no wonder they have plenty of money freed up for their national health programs, their taxes really aren't much higher than ours.
Nah taxation is theft period
3 Trillion is printed a day....why do we even have to pay taxes? You get taxed when you make money, you get taxed spending money, you get taxed for owning land & property, then you have to pay taxes yearly to the state......how does this make any kind of sense?
HAH!!! You said "land you own!" We don't own land or homes, we rent them. Stop paying your annual property rent and see how long you own it.
Don't forget taxes on goods, they tax Every cent like 5 times 😂
The Fed lends fake money to the government at exhorbitant interest rates and you pay it back with real money. The difference is that your money is backed by your labour.
Taxes pay interest the US owes the federal bank (which is a private bank) for the money only they can print. Charging interest on every dollar. Meaning forever in debt. But most people have no idea.
@@FrankDillingsly Who is "we" son? 🤔🤣
I consent to my tax dollars being used to pay for someones healthcare. I do not consent to my tax dollars being used to make private hospitals richer.
$600 goes from my bank account to someone else’s, and my GREAT government wants to know “why,” while they send blank checks to foreign governments. 🖕🏻
Are u talking about the Ukraine? Because if u do, than u clearly don't understand that us fighting putin rn with Ukrainian hands. And if they don't, putin will take advantage and fight Nato countries which close to Russia. And, if it happens, America have to not just write a check, but send actual soldiers there and it will cost many us citizens lifes.
@@111Sunshine No one cares. Ukraine can get bent. Americans are suffering and your response "but but what about bad man Putin". Want to send more money to Ukraine, then answer this: Why is it that Russia only invades Ukraine when Democrats are in charge and why do we have to send money each time?
@@111SunshineYou don't know that
@@111Sunshineu should have that same energy for Israel
Ya know, the problem with being king of the mountain is there's always someone trying to knock you off. The US is the king of the Mt, do you agree? Would you have that any other way?
This is exactly why the public needs to be aware that when a big company moves into your town and they are allowed to be tax exempt for 10+ years (as leverage to get these corporations to move into areas) the taxpayer has to pay for the infrastructure ( roads, bridges, etc.) using the taxpayers' money, usually thru a property tax increases here. That's why our property taxes, even for rural areas, have increased drastically in the last 4 years! Tax exemption for these out of country car manufacturers in our southeastern state is ludicrous! These companies are not going to move to the north because of union pay, these companies are not going to stay in Japan, etc. due to the export cost,... they know they can make large profits by using the south as a money making machine.... no taxes paid by these companies here and after their 1st ten year exemption, they threatened to leave if tax exemption is not extended another 10 years! What did our "leaders" do? They fell for it and they are still paying no taxes to our county or state. We pay for this! Wish our leaders would at least stand up to these people that hire more out of county employees than within the county! Our county folks that work at this place are minimal compared to surrounding counties.... so why not charge a toll at the county lines AND reduce our property taxes? Because it makes too much sense!
YAY 4 U!!!!!
Where I live Starbucks don't pay tax. Reason coz employees have job and pay tax..
@@victorialsaint9046so the taxes collected would be only a fraction of the fraction that goes to payroll of what that Starbucks made in revenue. That Math doesn’t check out.
The government isn't "falling for it". Thanks to the supreme court, that gets MILLIONS of dollars to each judge in bribes, they ruled in case "citizens united" removing the donation limits so now corporations can donate AS MUCH AS THEY WANT to politicians. More than the entire public can donate. So, why act surprised when the government does what the corporations want and not what you want? THE GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR CORPORATIONS NOW. NOT YOU!
America has become more corrupt than Russia. Everyone in power is accepting millions of dollars a year to abuse that power and screw over all of us. Nobody is enforcing the bribery laws because they are taking bribes too.
We. Are. All. F*cked.
When a company comes in and creates jobs, the place gets richer and can pay more taxes.
In the near term, no major infrastructure is likely to be built for them anyway.
And they'll be generating taxes through employees almost as soon as they get any.
My grandpa was born in 1959 and he is 65! And the best grandpa!😊❤
How did "someone" produce the wealth without roads, hospitals, sanitation and schools?
There in lies the part conservatives don’t want you to think about. Conservatives love getting rich on the back of everyone else but don’t want to contribute anything back.
You don’t need the State to have those infrastructures.
@@archon8925 👍
Good comment!
They worked the land and sold the fruit of their labor to people who don’t know how to work the land.
And yet this woman who all her life complained about social programs subsisted in the last years of her life on social security.
Plus those rich people who complain about taxation have no problem having the little people fight wars to protect their wealth.
But that's not socialism.s/
❤ thnx
Exactly. Right on.
Did she work? Cuz if so then she already paid social security while she worked
Social security that she had earned!
Could you explain where you learned that A.R. lived on social security? As far as I know, her several books might have provided her with a decent income. Btw, are you familiar with her books?
Here's the thing. I'm all for roads and hospitals, but I never NEVER told a damn soul I wanted to send money to other countries to keep their governments richer than their people, or that I wanted my money to pay for our children to be forced to fight wars that are not ours to fight.
The government can fuq itself. If I had my wish, we'd barter the government right into absolute poverty
I'm with you but this isn't a taxation problem it's a corruption problem. Military industrial complex is real, Eisenhower tried to warn people.
There is a reason for the US to send money all over the world and that reason is actually in the best interest of the american people. If you stop sending money all over the world you will eventually lose reserve currency status, this process is actually already happening and sending money all over is a way to stave it off. If you lose WRC status your national debt will turn you into a 3rd world country within a year or so..
Google "Triffins dilema" if you want to learn more about it.
Bro, then be about that. Dont join some cringe anti-government bullshit that we all know will only ever favor the 1%. Push for better, affordable healthcare. Push to get rid of the three giants.
How do you decide which wars do you fight in?
@@dmitriik.1524Well, the Constitution says that only Congress can declare war.
It would be nice if we actually followed that.
No more social programs for anyone, no more VA, no more social security, no more food stamps, no more housing, no more disability checks no more benefits for anyone. Let the people be self sufficient. ZERO TAXES. TAKE YOUR KIDS TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE COLLEGES.
Her philosophy is full of holes, if you read it closely. It is Absolute Individualism, and this is just as ridiculous as Absolute Collectivism.
Nice try...lol
Yes, and that's what today's libertarians believe to, the most selfish people in the country. The MAGAt cult are the looniest though.
No, it's not complete individualism. She acknowledges that services you cannot provide yourself must come from others and that no one person can know all. She just believes that people must learn to cooperate and enter into negotiations voluntarily and openly for goods and services and that no government should be able to tell you how to operate your business or run your life by force. I have never heard Rand say, for example, you should break the law or run your business in a crooked way. If you are doing business correctly, it should seem as if a government does not exist.
Another interesting point is that collusion has never occurred without the 'cover' of the government. Businesses merge and break apart constantly. True collusion cannot occur without the support of the government.
Note: It will help to understand Ayn Rand if you look into her earlier years. She came from Russia and saw with her own eyes what communism did to her people and country.
I read Atlas Shrugged in high school (required reading). I didn't find it to be a particularly intelligent, evidence based argument for absolute property rights and laissez-faire economics.
@@CambriaCandiceMaria. The Soviet Union never achieved socialism. It started as a communist society, but devolved into authoritarianism. Nobody I know wants pure socialism. We want more social programs in a social democracy. Like in Scandinavia
Oh they're definitely NOT spending any significant portion of their revenue on roads, hospitals and schools!!
Yes. They are spending plenty on (So Called) Schools (propaganda & brain washing institutions), as well as lining the pockets of all thier cronies. While the masses struggle & starve, thus giving excuses to implement (lame half-assed, evil) socialism as a solution.
The majority of our politicians started their political career as wealthy , and by the time they retired from politics, their wealth had already increased fourfold.
Fourfold? Obama entered became president with a net worth of just over a million, by the time he left office he was worth 70 million
@@greenwave819 Obama was seventyfold
@@greenwave819 Yeah, quite right.
To the power of 10 at Least !
It’s circular isn’t it?
It is far harder for people to make money if infrastructure is nonexistent.
Ding ding ding. The woman was moronic
"Get it voluntarily." LOOOOOOOL. Ok, Ayn.
Those 30 richest people on the planet have no intention of voluntarily giving up their money for the public good. Trump gave the richest a huge tax break so the government put the burden on the rest of us to support the well-being of our citizens and keep up our infrastructure. The richest build huge football stadiums, and college structures and hotels and put their names all over them. They have no regard for their fellow human beings. Just like Trump!!!
In 1968 I was in sixth grade and watched these programs all the time, PBS - programs as such were on TV all the time, on Sundays, week-day nights... My generation knows these things. Today's generation doesn't want to know. It's out there and the shame is that these programs are uploads on RUclips and nobody cares about watching them to get a clue.
We saw these programs in the 50s through the 80s because there was such a limit on what there was to watch. I always watched news programming and documentaries with my parents because we had one TV and they were in charge of it, plus there were only 4 or 5 channels.
Your PBS is vastly different to today's PBS...
Funny, I too was in sixth grade in 68, and didn't go woke. I've listened to PBS for decades, to hear what the left wanted to say. We do "know things" oddly enough.
@@JohnMcClain-p9t, did you know then about the right - left paradigm?
@@sizzlinbacon21able ....and not in a good way.
I’m so tired of click bait. “How did she know this?” The woman said nothing outside of basic knowledge and easy deduction. The one time I click on a RUclips reel. And the last 🤡
Thank you for introducing me to the concept of "click bait," because that seems to be 90+% of what YT is about. Dr. Pavlov sends his awesome regards.
So true. The taxation debate has been around for thousands of years.
What a liar you cruise these sites just to complain in between video games and gayporno😅😅😅😅😅
THANK YOU! Only simple brained people thought this was deep. They acted like she predicted something
She's a stupid person's idea of a smart person.
She doesn't answer his question.
The reason taxes are mandatory is because if they were voluntary, as soon as the government started misspending or trying to hide where the money’s going, people would stop paying. It would keep the government honest and they can’t have that. They want your money to benefit them and public works are just to keep people who are too busy to look into where their taxes are going from getting too curious while also serving as laundering mechanisms.
i don't get where people got this idea that if taxes were voluntary people would stop paying them as soon they saw corruption.. lmaoooo, brother, people wouldn't pay more taxes after one day even if the government were the most humble people on earth lol.. Thinking that people would give money for free and willingly is just so dumb. Like, the government are not aliens, they are humans and guess what the ones who also pay taxes are also human. The problem is not being rich or poor, dark or yellow, the problem are HUMANS in general, they are egoistic, that is it.
It would much much less money. I dont think it would be at all sustainable, and also forget about military, third rate country would capture america in few weeks.
They’ve misspent it so much that now they’re printing more currency.
*if they were voluntary people would stop paying.
Fixed it for you
I've actually read Atlas Shrugged. It's main failing is that she assumes that those with the capital will do what is right for their workers, instead of what they want for their own greed. We can see now however that without government intervention the greedy will take everything and do everything they can to force others to generate more wealth for themselves.
Did you miss the bit where the greedy banded together and formed a government that took what they wanted from the producers which was why everything was falling apart?
With the government they will use laws to prevent anyone from competing with them. Most people just look at the top and think this but never do they think about the fact that businesses can only stay afloat if people continue to use their services and in a truly free market there is nothing stopping you from opening up a competitive business to fight against them.
@@Sumoniggro, you might want to google "amazon's anti competitive behaviour" as an example to see how that actually works in reality. Might have been possible 30-40 years ago, but there is so much wealth, and therefore power, accumulated at the top now that it is almost impossible for real compeition to occur in any of the established markets.
Those "rich people" are the ones using the government to craft laws to prevent anyone from competing with them.
Have you tried to start a business? So many regulations, requirements, taxes and fees followed by any fines they can create all for the "new businesses".
Bad people are going to Bad. I like how you blithely assume that government is run by "good people" when in reality they have the same (if not higher) percentage of greedy people involved as the greedy percentage of "rich business" people.
Good thing or government has become so powerful that it has ended greed. On a side note how did all of those in govt get rich?
I read it 30 years ago when I was a naive conservative. I’m a 54 year old liberal democrat who’s educated & knows that taxation is necessary for a society to function. BTW, Rand died in poverty& on welfare. That came through taxation.
This is an answer for you from someone in Quora who seems to know a little more about A.R.
Ayn Rand was worth just shy of $1 mil (around $3 mil today) when she died. So hardly a 1%er, but the claim that she died in poverty simply isn’t true.
She did collect Social Security toward the end of her life, but so does everyone over the age of eligibility who isn’t insanely wealthy. SS isn’t welfare. In her view, it was her money, taken by force, and why wouldn’t she accept some portion of it back as her due?
@@mrsnegy6001don’t worry liberal Democrats of today only know how to lie and hear only what they want to hear.The democrats have gone so far extreme that they are a danger to society.
Social Security isn't welfare? @@mrsnegy6001
Why taxes? It is enough to pay 10% per month to finance roads and other public facilities. The democrats aren't really democrats in the sense that they made us believe what democracy is supposed to be. Wake up realy...
@@mrsnegy6001Quora is a legitimate reference now? Anyone can claim to be an expert on anything on Quora.
How the government can create funds for the building of those things is by trading and also by allocating government funds from government owned businesses/organizations/agencies. Their I answer the question for her.