@@Danny-ns1ts You clearly don't know them if you think they didn't have anything else going on while they were doing the JBP. Y'all surface level fans are hilarious 😂
Earl is that friend who don't make a damn bit of sense, until they say something so on-point you question whether it was him not making sense, or you not understanding.
Earl Sweatshirt moves in slow motion but his brain is going 1000 miles a hours and he’s always listening to the conversation and making good points. That’s a OG smoker right there 😂😂
Nobody has a friend like Earl, only Earl is Earl. Thebe is above all this, the man should just be allowed to speak and speak. Him speaking will elevate you, the man should have a podcast. That'd be real.
thats because joe wouldn't shut the f up and had to be the constant narrator when he is terrible at it. them being on joe Budden stuff felt like it was forced and not natural.
Fellas literally just hanging out, smoking and talking about funny things as well as REAL shit. The end of this pod was definitely about Joe and their relationship. Mal and honestly Rory as well are just built different. Shout out to Mal for standing ten toes down on what’s right is right and when you’re wrong you’re wrong. All the best to these fellas.
@@poloslim-fit5441 a “boss” who time and time again can’t live up to contacts, a “boss” who reached out to his friends (one of which he lived with for many years) to build something amongst them but doesn’t want to pay them for their part ? Or a “boss” who can’t tell the difference between business and friends? Man knock it off you clearly don’t know Joe’s history lol. Lost all respect for that dude when he said he doesn’t owe his friends any respect.
Rory is absolutely right, when dealing with friends you let things roll off your shoulders that you wouldn’t with anyone else... you allow for crazy grace periods out of loyalty and respect. Not everyone has integrity though...
No he is not right if something don't sit right with you you should say something friends or not he's just a ass kisser who was just happy to be having a seat next to joe budden ya swear .... these dudes have no relevancy outside of joe budden podcast look how long it took them to get this show 😂
Lmao I think I just jumped ship😂 I was watching ice and ish cuz I was gonna watch both, but the chemistry isn't gonna be sustainable and it's crazy Joe knows he fucked up you can tell by his spirit😂
“ Yeah, but it was all 🧢 tho. You don’t cry over De La splits & do what u did to me & Rory.” dat shit broke Mal’s heart fam. He might go years before speaking to Joe again
Why ever say they should speak again. Joe was very disrespectful. I can forgive you but I aint got to f💩ck with you. Why ya want them to talk to Joe so bad. Joe didnt value his friends so they moving on
24:30 To Justice: the difference between a sport and an art is that a sport can be taught in a specific way and the rules are always the same but in art, things change constantly and it’s all subjective so telling someone their beat sucks is not the same as telling a basketball player their form isn’t right
This is dope. Don’t turn this into a news podcast like the JBP is. We don’t need to talk about every business deal and random person in the industry that died that no listeners even knew. Just keep shooting the shit with a group of cool people and I’ll listen.
Dates and prostitution are two different things lol stop making excuses for taking the easy way out lol you can't say you fucking mad girls when they're hookers. Anyone with a paycheck can say that.
@@jessiehoyt9306 wrong lol. Gotta disagree here homie. No matter what you do in life sexually, you gotta pay. Whether it be at the middle/end of the relationship (dating) or at the beginning (prostitute). One way or another, you gotta come out your pocket to get what YOU want.
Earl reminds me of myself. Smoking, chilling in the back, listening in and joining every now and then. Then I return to the background and observe lol 😂
Oh my fucking god, earl sweatshirt, I never even imagined this would even be a possibility. Shoutout to Rory and mal im fucking surprised af to see this..
TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Have you ever paid for pussy? 0:55 Guys in the crew that feel like girl likes them all the time 2:08 dudes who act bougie when they start to glow up 2:49 When Earl Sweatshirt started acting Bougie to Mal at Cha Cha chicken 4:01 Justice back to dudes who act bougie when they start to glow up 6:15 - How NY, LA, and ATL dudes all act different when you approach them the first time 7:56 - How LA and Atlanta culture are different (Who came up with Hookah first?) 11:34 - People outside of New York have no urgency, take their time to do everything 13:01 - Why do New York dudes just love to spit for no reason? 14:00 - How does Rory and Mal feel being free agents now? 14:51 - Rory and Mal speak about never actually having an in-depth discussion on the fallout 15:39 - Joe "Leading by example" was all cap, can you be in business with friends? 18:59 - Mal, Rory & Justice speak on Group Therapy, and doing business with your friends 19:56 - Earl on becoming famous as a kid with his friends 20:47 - Rory & Mal on the bad part of the fallout 22:26 - Justice briefly speaks about not wanting Earl to "Go to camp" when he did 23:01 Justice on being authentic with his relationships, and the idea of picking sides in the fallout 24:16 - Is Justice an asshole? Rory , Mal & Westside explain why 30:30 - Men expressing themselves to other men, and how its taken
Exactly, plus now Joe can't come and try to sue them because it's a RUclips channel, not a podcast, but it can turn into a podcast after that one year timeframe that Joe is saying he could sue for, by then this channel will have the numbers and the following to make a successful podcast, smart
@@duaneswaby622 lol i honestly had to look up the word monotonous, and thats exactly how my job is 😂 so with that said I enjoy those long pods. I still normally cant listen in one sitting but split up throughout the day. I can appreciate both. This show is much better with a few guest
@Rashad Hill 😂 Where are you going to be in 6 months?! They have a real audience, like it or not, with a strong team backing them and plenty of connections. They will be ok!
@@xxstract28 I think you don’t understand why people like Rory and Mal. Yes both of them are fake to an extent they both have industry relationships. But there is a genuine side to both of them. Just because you don’t get it all the time from them doesn’t mean it isn’t there
Lmaoo you don’t think the jbp could have gotten these dudes before? Justice has been on the jbp multiple times. I actually like Joe having different people on the show from business people to Chris Hansen. Can’t always be “hip hop” related people
@@circuscharlie9858 yeaaa I doubt Joe is doing things for views still my guy. Numbers and views are for new podcast just starting not the ones who built the foundation 🤷🏾♂️
Instead of having a podcast and trying to make it a conversation, they had a genuine conversation and made it a podcast.
What you just said was low-key inspirational
@@treyenigma2199 I think you meant to say that was facts. 😂
I took it as inspiration as a way to conduct a podcast, but facts would be true as well 😂😂
@@treyenigma2199 ok ok. Well played lol
Earl: "You can't even look far in New York." Lol that shit killed me
But you can look up high
Rory and Mal doing their own thing was the best decision ever
They should have done their own thing when they were with joe. The fact that they are doing all of this now is disappointing.
@@Danny-ns1ts dead ass lol
@@Danny-ns1ts You clearly don't know them if you think they didn't have anything else going on while they were doing the JBP. Y'all surface level fans are hilarious 😂
@@Danny-ns1ts at least they’re doing it
What city is that in? Just curious
@@retch23tg they in Cali, but chill on the city fam.
Fr fr
@@neilthompson8027 lmao
Just noticed that, that's crazy
Telling another man “I don’t even know myself” in the club is funny af😂
That killed me 😂
My guys. No toxic energy. No yelling and acting crazy. Just good conversation and vibes. So proud of you two.
Lmfao... enjoy man. I couldn't wait for this to be over. Smh
@@jermaineparker1959 Why even bother to watch the whole thing?
@@traderhines76 he gave it a chance didn't like so what
Earl is that friend who don't make a damn bit of sense, until they say something so on-point you question whether it was him not making sense, or you not understanding.
I been thought that's how i am😂 but when i try hard to simplify a convo, it makes lease scenes
This is an absolutely perfect description of THAT friend, lol.
Holy shit I'm over here crying.
Dude is just high lol
This is it
When Earl said Central Park is like “Remember Nature”
Bruh... that shit right there!
i died laughing
I love how Earl is just in a corner smoking minding his business chiming in when he pleases.
Joe would of walked off the show if earl did this there lol
@@moneymakinmatt8955 and yelled. Dont forget yelling
@@moneymakinmatt8955 yo 😭😭🙏
Earl Sweatshirt moves in slow motion but his brain is going 1000 miles a hours and he’s always listening to the conversation and making good points. That’s a OG smoker right there 😂😂
so true man throwed thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Always good to see him.
He is the closest thing to Nas. Untapped potential
@@timeisontheessence facts.
I swear Earl looked like every single pot smoker preconception one could have in this pod, I was dying.
Earl is half-sloth
Wow they really got earl!! They about to make waves 🌊
Ik right! The most elusive old young man out there. Love your content btw jamari keep doing ya thingy thang.💯💪🏾
“I was making waves ..you was surfing in em’” -earl
Facts 💯
Who the hell are theses guys jamari
Tan Superman!
My man Earl was back there FRIED. He made that blunt stretch almost 20min lmao
When dud started talking at the 21:30 mark I was like bruh is dude even awake right now LOL.
i miss the eloquent earl that would actually move his mouth when he's talking, bro is just mumbling off the za
Damn how quick u smoke? 20 minutes seems like the right amount of time
@@f67739 Eloquent Earl is still here you're only peering into a moment in time of his life with this. People have many sides this is one of 'em.
it be that spliff bro lmao my shit still burning after the video
Earl talking about Central Park said “y’all shit is like a remember nature?” LMFAOOOO
Funny but you can tell he only be in Manhattan, statement is mad false
remember nature😭😂 I’m weak ash
By new york they mean the city, not state as a whole
@@iDayVids Yeah & NYC has many natural spaces in the outer boroughs (Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx & Staten Island)
We all have a friend like Earl. Doesn’t contribute much to the conversation but will chime in periodically with some funny shit
Yep me too.
Nobody has a friend like Earl, only Earl is Earl. Thebe is above all this, the man should just be allowed to speak and speak. Him speaking will elevate you, the man should have a podcast. That'd be real.
@@EthanHGray bro
@@user-uj9fd1gh1m i've always had ur back mane
Mal’s contribution to the JBP was so underrated.
thats because joe wouldn't shut the f up and had to be the constant narrator when he is terrible at it. them being on joe Budden stuff felt like it was forced and not natural.
He can quickly identify when something is crazy.
@@DaygoG that’s a crazy skill man 😂
Yea I guess watching him talk and not just stare at his phone is an actual accomplishment lol
Made it more palatable
“We got shit like trees”
“Y’all nature be like REMEMBER ME” 😂 Earl hilarious
a whole comedian bruh. him Vince and Tyler could do a show of just jokes/opinions and it a go crazy bc they don't even be trying.
@@yadsewnde Tyler wouldn’t do it.
@@jackstone77 his album crazy tho
Juan Leyva why not
@@wengz717 cause Tyler thinks he's allah
Earl in the back holding onto his last grip of reality. My mans about to enter the astral realm. Lmao
lmfao nah fr. Luckily they started talking to him cause he was drifting off
@@TexasJellyfish 😭 yall got me dying bc honestly. Mans was cross faded
@@yadsewnde 😭😭
The fact that Earl is on here is nuts. But this is dope!
The fact rory and mal got EARL on the podcast so early on just leveled them up for me.
“I used to live in New York. You can’t even look far. There’s a building.” -Earl 🤣🤣🤣
Remember when Earl cosplayed as Joe Budden and his beard wanted to divorce him??? 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think that was the Love & Hip Hop sketch on Loiter Squad
I see a connection here, episode 20 will probably have Tahiry.
That's the first thing I thought of 😂😂
N he let out that slow ass cry shit was hilarious
Wild funny,that skit double goated him
They got Earl on the pod. That's legendary.
This nigga just looking at his phone and still I'm in awe
This nigga is not on his phone😅🤣 He rolling a blunt lmaooo
I like the free flowing chill conversation style on this pod.
earl said the most poignant shit then dipped lol
“You don’t know me” being a cry for help is fucking crazy LOL
That was wild 🤣🤣
😂😂😂 "nigga i dont even know myself"
😭😭😭 Earl : “We got nature, we got trees ! “
Mal : “we got a couple parks “🤣🤣🤣🤣
"we got central park"
Yo Earl having his back turned on something he's a part of is so on brand. Lol.
Yea it Wasn’t off putting at all
They all just vibin
I was thinking it was because he was smoking
I can't lie, this pod has serious potential.
But it’s not a “pod,” it’s a whole vibe of content. 💰
U did lie.
@@Aegis287 ok
@@Aegis287 it’s over for old man joe. He’s done, move on bruh
@@beezy364 a wrap
I enjoy how this is just a conversation amongst friends. This makes it feel authentic
I like this better then the random "shut up mal" and "fuck you rory" lol its chill
It was funny at the start but it got really annoying and cringe after a while
I just read this in Joe’s voice
Shut Mal. MAL. Don't do that. Yo why u leaning that way?
Mal just started yelling lately, 😂😂😂😂
Yall got Earl to show his face? He dont like shit. He dont go outside.
Brooo im watching Earl Sweatshirt just cheeling WTF 🔥🔥🔥 rory & mal forever goated for this
Underrated comment
"we have things like trees" - Earl Sweatshirt
"Yall nature is like "Hey.... remember nature""
gotta appreciate the trees dawg
New Rory And Mal...wishing much success to the underdogs.
Cant even call them underdogs anymore
They have never been underdogs
“You can’t look far” is the most hilarious, accurate, wild take on NYC I heard in a minute!!! Aha
It’s not true. That’s why property with a view in NYC cost a lot. You can look over the entire city if you want 🤷🏾♂️
@@paveyoung6121 thats true. But it's a funny comment in general.
@@paveyoung6121 what? 💀😂 So basically if you're a regular earning individual, Earls right, you can't look far
@@timeless_heritage you gotta pay premium 😂
Yo as a Brooklyn dude that shit was funny, true, and offensive all at once 😂😂
“Y’all nature sh*t is like, ‘remember nature?’” Earl funny asf 😂
slick w it 😂 they barely peeped that lmao
I though I was the only one that heard that ctfu
@@Asimo9819 on Gawd 😂
Just hire Earl to sit in the back, smoke spliffs and drop random wisdom
That would be a soothing vibe.
Earl is a podder lowkey. He did a podcast thing with Solange a while back that was so fire, smart dude.
Earl just lamping in the back! And all the comments got me watching him in solmo 😂
And bars over boom bap beats 🔥
for real i would not even be mad if he said less than 5 words the whole time
This is literally the only vid where I watched every single ad without skipping. I want Mal & Rory to win & get all their adsense.
That's real ✊🏽
The was 3 minute song mine how long should have kept it running
Felt this
Earl said New York nature is like someone said you remember nature? And I’m crying because that’s hilarious
Fellas literally just hanging out, smoking and talking about funny things as well as REAL shit. The end of this pod was definitely about Joe and their relationship. Mal and honestly Rory as well are just built different. Shout out to Mal for standing ten toes down on what’s right is right and when you’re wrong you’re wrong. All the best to these fellas.
Built different like taking shots at a boss who built his sht from the ground up and going to the man crib.
If y’all don’t know who Mal is …man!! Roc-A-Fella is his bloodline. Shout out to Biggs!!
@@poloslim-fit5441 a boss who fucked over his best friend and tried to humiliate him saying he hides detergent lol
@@poloslim-fit5441 lol you can’t pick and choose what you hear and see. Why don’t you name all the dumb shit Joe was doing too
@@poloslim-fit5441 a “boss” who time and time again can’t live up to contacts, a “boss” who reached out to his friends (one of which he lived with for many years) to build something amongst them but doesn’t want to pay them for their part ? Or a “boss” who can’t tell the difference between business and friends? Man knock it off you clearly don’t know Joe’s history lol. Lost all respect for that dude when he said he doesn’t owe his friends any respect.
"You can't cry about De La Soul not getting their splits on one show then do what you did to me and Rory"
Mal was spittin..
Yea fam Mal's lines cut deep
Oh they got Earl out of hiding im with it lol.
love how earl just walked out the room
😂😂😂 I never heard of or seen Earl until today....he’s a funny e
Speaks volumes that Earl is here. He's comfortable cause neither of them got on a Miri hat 🤣
I completely forgot about that Earl skit with the denim vest 😂 He stay liking pics on the Joe Budden fits insta too
At this point this isn’t just a podcast- this is jusr a fire content channel
I'm not feeling it. They need to take away justice
@@timeisontheessence justice was the moderator the whole show. Without him this episode would be ass.
Sooo it’s a fire podcast?
That's all it need to be
@@JT-si4sm it wouldnt be ass. still would be better than joes fake and boring pod
this a hell of an introductory episode off guests alone 🔥
Everytime earl said sum I said"man wtf is earl talkin bout?" 😂😂😂
Nah I understand everything he saying lmao
bro can’t properly form his thoughts to words in real time 😭 nigga need some time to write em out lol
I literally can’t believe they got Earl go sit down with them for even 30 minutes
So crazy!!
It’s at alc’s studio. Earl prolly just woke up and started rollin up when they pulled up lmao.
Rory is absolutely right, when dealing with friends you let things roll off your shoulders that you wouldn’t with anyone else... you allow for crazy grace periods out of loyalty and respect. Not everyone has integrity though...
No he is not right if something don't sit right with you you should say something friends or not he's just a ass kisser who was just happy to be having a seat next to joe budden ya swear .... these dudes have no relevancy outside of joe budden podcast look how long it took them to get this show 😂
@@sethrollins23 and look how little time it took them to get Earl on. And to get more views than Joe
@@deeznauts6543 longetititvy is Key we'll see in 6 months to a year
Earl is so high that he's talking at an Elon Musk pace.
Mal was spitting real shit. You can do business with friends. You just have to be aware of and respect the intangibles. Loyalty, Respect, Morals etc.
Bruh! They just got Earl Sweatshirt chilling in the background I am sold on this podcast lol
Earl is literally the opposite of Joe, instead of interupting and shouting he waits patiently and quietly drops hilarious jewels 😭
Rory Interrupted FAR more than Joe... stop being a Stan
@@cedric6628 thats true, he is also right
@@cedric6628 get off Joe's nutsack, he's run out of room
He should teach NORE how to master the skill
This dude earl said “I used to live in New York and you can’t even look far” LMAOO
Cant go to NY. F&%^$% that bs
Thats was the funniest part.
I know what he means.
Gotta leave the Joe topic alone. Yall future gone be bigger than yall past.
@@tradingplacez boogie asked about it
Mal “so what that mean though, cuz that’s the second time you said that”’ hahahaha
I remember starting off in the JPB pod being an EVERYDAY STRUGGLE refugee.. Now here I sit being a JBP refugee ready for the new cycle
😂😂 couldn’t have said it in a more perfect way. We are REFUGEES I’m dead
This❤️ !!!! 🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂. Bro..
Lmao I think I just jumped ship😂 I was watching ice and ish cuz I was gonna watch both, but the chemistry isn't gonna be sustainable and it's crazy Joe knows he fucked up you can tell by his spirit😂
“ Yeah, but it was all 🧢 tho. You don’t cry over De La splits & do what u did to me & Rory.” dat shit broke Mal’s heart fam. He might go years before speaking to Joe again
He’s never speaking to him again.
@Samantha Dorlus Eva!!!!!! Bruh
Nah they will speak it mite be awhile but... it will Absolutely never be the same.. joe lost a real friend over eagle!
Why ever say they should speak again. Joe was very disrespectful. I can forgive you but I aint got to f💩ck with you. Why ya want them to talk to Joe so bad. Joe didnt value his friends so they moving on
If he'll ever speak to em again. That shit is dead bro
I really wish Rory and Mal a successful podcast! This is a whole vibe!
24:30 To Justice: the difference between a sport and an art is that a sport can be taught in a specific way and the rules are always the same but in art, things change constantly and it’s all subjective so telling someone their beat sucks is not the same as telling a basketball player their form isn’t right
Very well said
This is a great point.
This is dope. Don’t turn this into a news podcast like the JBP is. We don’t need to talk about every business deal and random person in the industry that died that no listeners even knew. Just keep shooting the shit with a group of cool people and I’ll listen.
The random industry person dying is so true, I thought I was the only who ain’t know who they were
No. They have to do it all. Cover it all. Keep it different. But still have a bases for what the podcast is about.
A little bit for everyone.
There’s not enough topics to shoot the shit forever. It’ll be done in a few months with that idea.
I always know who they are y’all just uncultured
12:23 in NYC “you can’t even look far” 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
Yo man I love your channel I dead lost 20 pounds off your recipes 🙏
What’s on the menu today doc?
Dates and prostitution are two different things lol stop making excuses for taking the easy way out lol you can't say you fucking mad girls when they're hookers. Anyone with a paycheck can say that.
12:00 *
@@jessiehoyt9306 wrong lol. Gotta disagree here homie. No matter what you do in life sexually, you gotta pay. Whether it be at the middle/end of the relationship (dating) or at the beginning (prostitute). One way or another, you gotta come out your pocket to get what YOU want.
“Y’all don’t have a patio” 😂 This show was so funny.
Rory has a patio
"You live in new york... you cant even look far"
Earl reminds me of myself. Smoking, chilling in the back, listening in and joining every now and then. Then I return to the background and observe lol 😂
Same bro LMFAAO!!! We are the coolest most intelligent sly people
Oh my fucking god, earl sweatshirt, I never even imagined this would even be a possibility. Shoutout to Rory and mal im fucking surprised af to see this..
Why so surprised lol
@@steverobinson4609 early don’t do stuff like this , this prolly his 3rd time in this type of setting in 4 years
@@steverobinson4609 Earl only does this shit like once every 3 - 4 years lol
This is exactly what’s going to work. Smart! Not emulating the JBP. Mixing it up with guests, skits, clogs, etc. New Rory and Mal will be a hit! 👏🏽
@@callmeifyougetlost2079 thanks. Cuz I started thinking about ugly shoes and was confused 😅
@@bookmzz9845 🤣
This pod better go double platinum in the streets
This whole aesthetic is crazy as hell. Loving it fellas
lovin the vibe here gents! keep growin!
Aye whats good adonis🐐
Yooo. Same , bro
This podcast will go stale unless they had celeb guests
@Sacred Vitality you ok?
Please join us in the support Rory & Mal Group ❤️=❤️ Here : facebook.com/groups/309858757257021/?ref=share
The fact that Earl is here after clowning Joe on loiter squad is crazy
Lmaooo it is
Bruh you right I forgot all about that shit 😂
That shit was so funny 😭
“In New York, You can’t even look far” 😂😂🤣
"In New York you can't even look far"
I don't know why I was cracking at that as much as I was, but my goodness that had me creased!
Love it! No mics, no stagey looking room, no set topics-just men having a conversations. Bravo fellas!
It’s not they spot that’s why
0:00 Have you ever paid for pussy?
0:55 Guys in the crew that feel like girl likes them all the time
2:08 dudes who act bougie when they start to glow up
2:49 When Earl Sweatshirt started acting Bougie to Mal at Cha Cha chicken
4:01 Justice back to dudes who act bougie when they start to glow up
6:15 - How NY, LA, and ATL dudes all act different when you approach them the first time
7:56 - How LA and Atlanta culture are different (Who came up with Hookah first?)
11:34 - People outside of New York have no urgency, take their time to do everything
13:01 - Why do New York dudes just love to spit for no reason?
14:00 - How does Rory and Mal feel being free agents now?
14:51 - Rory and Mal speak about never actually having an in-depth discussion on the fallout
15:39 - Joe "Leading by example" was all cap, can you be in business with friends?
18:59 - Mal, Rory & Justice speak on Group Therapy, and doing business with your friends
19:56 - Earl on becoming famous as a kid with his friends
20:47 - Rory & Mal on the bad part of the fallout
22:26 - Justice briefly speaks about not wanting Earl to "Go to camp" when he did
23:01 Justice on being authentic with his relationships, and the idea of picking sides in the fallout
24:16 - Is Justice an asshole? Rory , Mal & Westside explain why
30:30 - Men expressing themselves to other men, and how its taken
Thank you bro. Your work is appreciated
My Saturday mornings have been bland that last few months. I'm definitely appreciative that this dropped today.
“You can’t look far in New York” is classic
Justice: he was a New York nigga
Mal: But what that mean tho!? Cause that was your 2nd time saying that” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
New Rory and Mal.
Very smart to put content on RUclips. Doesn’t just box you in to podcasts.
Audio sounding kinda muffled. But I'm still locked in
Exactly, plus now Joe can't come and try to sue them because it's a RUclips channel, not a podcast, but it can turn into a podcast after that one year timeframe that Joe is saying he could sue for, by then this channel will have the numbers and the following to make a successful podcast, smart
@@classditcha3121dug6 it’s on Spotify and they come out the same time. Don’t forget to go there and listen too. Let’s support!
@@classditcha3121dug6 no he ain't got the money to sue kd, remember big bank take small bank
@@ibabdi3806 you right, joe definitely doesn't have the money to sue kd
Yo this format is great. Not too long, not too short. Everybody got their shots off. No one dude talking over everyone else. More of this please!
I was just about to say the same thing. If I look at at video and its 3 hours long.... that's a no for me dawg. Lol. This was dope.
@@jeremyreed4951 lol trust me. You gotta have the most monotonous job in the world for dem ones
@@duaneswaby622 facts
@@duaneswaby622 lol i honestly had to look up the word monotonous, and thats exactly how my job is 😂 so with that said I enjoy those long pods. I still normally cant listen in one sitting but split up throughout the day.
I can appreciate both. This show is much better with a few guest
@@duaneswaby622 you just had to
My mind is blown from everybody in the room!!
Bruh Rors & Mal really got Earl to come out of his cave😱 they already a legendary pod🔥
Everyone hating so crazy. These boys def got something here
@Rashad Hill don’t be a hater damn you can support both platforms damn !
Nah fr this hard and definitely surprised me
@Rashad Hill 😂 Where are you going to be in 6 months?! They have a real audience, like it or not, with a strong team backing them and plenty of connections. They will be ok!
@@Minisam881 naa you can't especially when these bumps are trying to take joe down fuck this
@@Gw19838 its joe audience that turned on him it's cool tho
"Y'all nature shit is like, 'Remember Nature' " Earl funny lool
FACTS: “I never gone to the club n be like I can’t wait to meet some new fellas” (Rory) 🤣🤣🤣
*call back
The start is leading to a classic 😂
“In New York you can’t even look far” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
truest shit tho lmao. something always blocking a view.
The group therapy idea should not be over looked. That’s an amazing idea
Im here for the chemistry and to support two dudes who got done dirty. I feel emotionally invested in seeing them succeed.
Facts and just knowing Joe is praying on their downfall makes me want them to succeed even more
The Homie vibes are back. I wish nothing but success and longevity to JBone & Sunset.
Bet you wasn’t calling them names last year..
Ahmal Rashad & The Human Rorch
It was low key a lot of tension when they were debating NY. Rory and Mal are cool but they aren’t real. Rory admits it.
@@xxstract28 I think you don’t understand why people like Rory and Mal. Yes both of them are fake to an extent they both have industry relationships. But there is a genuine side to both of them. Just because you don’t get it all the time from them doesn’t mean it isn’t there
@@freshtodef123456789 bro there's no such thing as halfway crooks they just fake period
How they pull Earl out the woodwork 😂😂 Amazing Potential
Rory & Mal talkin to Earl, Justice & Westside Boog. Joe talkin to Chris Hansen. Rory & Mal WIN!
Nah FRFR!!
Big W
Lmaoo you don’t think the jbp could have gotten these dudes before? Justice has been on the jbp multiple times. I actually like Joe having different people on the show from business people to Chris Hansen. Can’t always be “hip hop” related people
Lol that Hansen episode has like 36k views 😢
@@circuscharlie9858 yeaaa I doubt Joe is doing things for views still my guy. Numbers and views are for new podcast just starting not the ones who built the foundation 🤷🏾♂️
Earl you’re music inspires me dawg glad to see you on this
That blunt got Earl outta here 😂😂😭
Another banger you hardly even see Earl in other media.
We really gonna ignore Earl stoned as shit mumbling his words near the end 🤣
Boogie and earl in the same room is so random but amazing at the same Time
Earl was in the room but Earl wasn’t in the room ☁️☁️☁️☁️🚀🚀🚀
"In New York, you can't even look... far." I'm weak!
Ah man, they got Earl out, and they poddin’ at Alchemist’s studio?? This shit might have potential
Super potential maybe scary potential
Keep earl, add in a Tyler or Joey badass from time to time and kick out dreaded dude. Then maybe we'll see some fire
@@winbuma1 yea this shii was nice
So glad you guys started your own pod!
Nah this a vibe, I'm here for all of this
Rory and Mal joining the battle of talking to people. Joe and Charla better watch out. 😂
Lol. Mixy Boys for the win.
And DJ Akademiks
And Mal is really connected. With Rory in the mix, they could get Drake.
@@lonnylegeam that’s definitely possible. And they are on KD’s network too. The guest list is bout to be crazy.
"talking to people" 🤣🤣🤣
Joe called my boys lazy when in reality he didn't want to pay up .
Joe wanted his chef to keep cooking steaks even though he hasn’t paid the chef. That’s Joe in a nutshell
Are they being paid now then???
@@jackstone77 that’s crazy
Joe always been trash
This wasn’t lazy? Lmfaooo
I like how the comments being said aren't judged. Letting everyone live and just chill. This is a good show in general.