It's probably better to tighten the screws securing the plastic moulding to the X carriage after replacing the plastic gantry. This will make sure they are aligned and not straining away from the vertical axis. This video also doesn't show how to set the X carriage horizontal and parallel to the bed. To do this and before replacing the belt and pulleys, you should wind both sides down near the bed using the screws. Then with vernier callipers, measure the gap at both sides and make them equal by turning one screw or other. Once set it is time to replace the pulleys and belt. If you don't have vernier callipers, you can use a wood block and adjust until it fits both sides the same. You will still need to do a levelling operation but at least it shouldn't be too far out.
It's probably better to tighten the screws securing the plastic moulding to the X carriage after replacing the plastic gantry. This will make sure they are aligned and not straining away from the vertical axis.
This video also doesn't show how to set the X carriage horizontal and parallel to the bed. To do this and before replacing the belt and pulleys, you should wind both sides down near the bed using the screws. Then with vernier callipers, measure the gap at both sides and make them equal by turning one screw or other. Once set it is time to replace the pulleys and belt. If you don't have vernier callipers, you can use a wood block and adjust until it fits both sides the same.
You will still need to do a levelling operation but at least it shouldn't be too far out.
А выравнивать балку оси Х на глаз?
I tried this before! But my gantry fits to thight it doesnt Go off easy.
I had to unscrew the whole X-Axis.
Can you do to fix the z wobble of the artillery genius
but the important question: How to sync the two steppers of the z-axis?
Thanks, will take it into account!
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My top platic where is write genius doesn't take off with all my force, in the video is easily to remove
Tenia el mismo problema, es super duro, me tire al riesgo con un martillo de goma lo golpee hasta que salió, no hubo daños, solo es muyyy duro