作詞:10日P 作曲:10日P 編曲:10日P 僕が見る世界 君に映る世界 表面の飾り物に覆われた"本当" 平凡な日々の中に咲いた白い花 コンクリート色の風景が隠した ずっと無くしていたもの さあ 一緒に探しに行こう 10年後の僕たちは何をしているのかな? 相変わらずだねと笑い合うかな いつでも 最高形のイメージで描く世界はプラチナ 本当の自分の光を輝かせよう 僕が聴く世界 君に響く世界 不協和音でも繋ぎ合わせるんだ 単調な日々の中で生まれたメロディー 単音たちが手を取って ほら響くよ ding-dong 鼓動が高鳴る さあ 希望の羽で飛び立とう 10年後の僕たちは何を描くのだろう? 色褪せない夢を持ち続けたい いつでも 何億年の眠りから目覚める化石のように 見つめるその先に光は射すよ 信じて 未来の僕たちは何を残すのだろう? 心に蒔いた種 育てていこう 今から 最高形のイメージで描く世界はプラチナ 自分の輝きを誇れるように生きよう The world that I see; the world visible to you; the “truths” covered up by the ornaments on the surface; the white flowers blooming amidst the ordinary every day; the things we’ve lost so long ago, hidden by the concrete-filled landscape surrounding us- come on, let’s go find them together. What would we be doing, 10 years from now? Would we always be able to laugh together, commenting on how we’re still the same? The world we envision with the loftiest images is platinum. Come, let us shine with the light of our true selves. The world that I hear; the world audible to you- even when they don’t harmonize, we can still connect the sounds. The melody born from within the monotonous every day is the music that comes to life when the monotones join hands. ding-dong, my heart is racing. Come on, let’s take flight with our wings of hope. What would we be envisioning, 10 years from now? I hope we can always keep our dreams alive with their vibrant colors, like a fossil awakening after million years of sleeping. Have faith that the light will always illuminate the destination you’re aiming for. What will our future selves eventually leave behind? Let’s start nurturing the seeds in our hearts from this very moment. The world we envision with the loftiest images is platinum. Come, let’s lead the kind of life where we can be proud of our own radiance.
僕が見る世界 君に映る世界
さあ 一緒に探しに行こう
相変わらずだねと笑い合うかな いつでも
僕が聴く世界 君に響く世界
単音たちが手を取って ほら響くよ
ding-dong 鼓動が高鳴る
さあ 希望の羽で飛び立とう
色褪せない夢を持ち続けたい いつでも
見つめるその先に光は射すよ 信じて
心に蒔いた種 育てていこう 今から
The world that I see; the world visible to you;
the “truths” covered up by the ornaments on the surface;
the white flowers blooming amidst the ordinary every day;
the things we’ve lost so long ago,
hidden by the concrete-filled landscape surrounding us-
come on, let’s go find them together.
What would we be doing, 10 years from now?
Would we always be able to laugh together, commenting on how we’re still the same?
The world we envision with the loftiest images is platinum.
Come, let us shine with the light of our true selves.
The world that I hear; the world audible to you-
even when they don’t harmonize, we can still connect the sounds.
The melody born from within the monotonous every day
is the music that comes to life when the monotones join hands.
ding-dong, my heart is racing.
Come on, let’s take flight with our wings of hope.
What would we be envisioning, 10 years from now?
I hope we can always keep our dreams alive with their vibrant colors,
like a fossil awakening after million years of sleeping.
Have faith that the light will always illuminate the destination you’re aiming for.
What will our future selves eventually leave behind?
Let’s start nurturing the seeds in our hearts from this very moment.
The world we envision with the loftiest images is platinum.
Come, let’s lead the kind of life where we can be proud of our own radiance.
:3 super cute outfit. And she looks like shes in the town park center just being happy.
I fixed the video , sorry.
😍😍😍 I love this one.