Natural Diet = Health; Fads & Drugs mostly = Sickness

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • In my opinion, the most "scientific" diet is a traditional diet because they are based on vastly more empirical data and study than any other. This is a lengthy topic and impossible to cover fully in 10 minutes but here is an incomplete overview.
    keywords: diet health drugs natural sick sickness pain headache flu cold

Комментарии • 43

  • @daveashe
    @daveashe 14 лет назад

    One of the best youtube channels by far... I mix cooked food with raw food, the more natural the better, i eat organic as much as possible, i've got a herb garden which i think is the number one thing you should have to keep healthy, all herbs are super foods - i can't say enough about coconut water and cacao beans - amazing, powerful foods.

  • @sunergos2001
    @sunergos2001 14 лет назад

    Excellent video and advice! Food is very very important but please remember the total environment. This includes water and air. Many people absorb amazing amounts of synthetic chemicals and never even seem aware of it. My rule of thumb is if you cannot drink it safely as a liquid, then do not breathe it in your ambient air. YOU have a great channel!

  • @PaoloDS01
    @PaoloDS01 13 лет назад

    So true. People think it's normal to have frequently headaches, colds... but in many cases they are just caused from diet. Since I switched to a natural diet very rarely I get sick.

  • @juliachildsvoice
    @juliachildsvoice 14 лет назад

    So glad you are doing this!
    I see the LIGHT in your eyes, its beautiful.
    All perfect meaningful info for our confused heads. :)
    In my truth of the all that there is, I also believe eating traditionally helps to raise your vibration, provides soul clarity as well, intuition and inner wisdom can dance more freely inside too! :)
    Thank you from my heart!

  • @malefica1
    @malefica1 14 лет назад

    I eat natural foods, mostly, little bread to no bread, food from non-factory farms.
    I think I had a cold about 2,5 years ago, I only have headaches if I work out to much and forget to drink water. I cant start argue over my mental clarity, because I only have one sample in my study, my own mind.
    My main foods are: Fish, Potatoes, Veggies and fruit, nuts and some bread and noodles at times.
    It might be because I live in Norway, where we have a lot of fish available that I can actually afford

  • @kikko4E
    @kikko4E 13 лет назад

    This right here is GOLD
    I sincerely hope the page views for this at least double but hopefully triple if we are ever going to stamp out the ignorance of nutrition with modern mankind. Unfortunately we've become so lazy and dumb, but I still have belief in us all !

  • @RealityCheck05
    @RealityCheck05 14 лет назад

    Thanks for bringing these things to my attention, lorax. I altered my eating habits per one of your earlier nutritional vids about 5 months ago; and, I feel even better than I did before.

  • @KenMalmstrom
    @KenMalmstrom 14 лет назад

    This is a very accurate summary regarding our food supply. Cheers Loren.

  • @lorax2013
    @lorax2013  14 лет назад

    @yarco8000 When you look at the reasons for low life expectancy in native cultures it is generally: high infant mortality (infant mortality of 50% gives a life expectancy of 40 years even if everyone else lives to 80 years) also a lot of infectious disease and physical trauma. Once they reach old age, however, native people generally have better health and don't die of heart disease, cancer, & dementia as often as we do.

  • @channel1_channel
    @channel1_channel 14 лет назад

    I concur Loren, 100%.
    Avoid, sugar and processed flour, processed milk.
    Along with your other observations.

  • @chaslast
    @chaslast 14 лет назад

    Although I agree that root veggies are important in traditional diets (sweet potatoes in New Guinea, potatoes in Peru), you can't ignore the importance of whole grains throughout recorded history. Civilization as we know it is possible because of the ability to grow, harvest and store grains. The oldest recorded history is probably the Vedas of India, going back atleast 5 thousand years which clearly instruct on a grain, vegetable, and dairy based diet. Prehistorical accounts are speculative.

  • @mothertory
    @mothertory 14 лет назад

    It always surprises me how few people realize that most of what is sold in grocery stores to eat actually has little to no actual food in it.

  • @5gorgeous
    @5gorgeous 14 лет назад

    Another great vid!
    Dr. Mercola is has exactly the same opinion on this subject, I've heard all this info from him, he keeps on saying it for the last couple of years...

  • @niggaflies
    @niggaflies 14 лет назад

    nice to see you making videos again, loren

  • @luserjoe
    @luserjoe 14 лет назад

    I agree with most of what you say. Fresh unprocessed food FTW!
    But I wouldn't equal 100K's of people during 1000's of years with scientic data, nor would I suggest that the diet of one traditionally people is automatically suitable for everybody elsewhere.
    If a diet seems to work for people in a certain region that may just mean that those who couldn't cope with it, withered away and those who thrived on it survived best. Applying such a diet on people in another region may not work well.

  • @aStrayforMyTime
    @aStrayforMyTime 13 лет назад

    I've been researching a lot on diet, I found that cultures in the past that eat raw meat and fat from cattle that eat there natural diet grass most likely, tend to be smarter, stronger. for ex. when the easterners arrived they saw some Native Americans had perfect teeth and strong enough to chase and kill buffalo, while other had bad teeth and less healthy. The diff was the unhealthy portion eat more corn. grass fed meats and fats help your body use vitamins.

  • @lorax2013
    @lorax2013  14 лет назад

    @CelticReject Most honey sold in stores is heated during the extraction process. This destroys the enzymes. In Ayurvedic medicine there is supposedly a statement to the effect, "uncooked honey is a cure-all & cooked honey is a poison." Unfortunately the terms "raw" & "natural" don't mean anything legally in the US, so with honey you need to actually contact the provider and determine if it was heated during extraction - or buy honey still in the comb.

  • @Crow4gold
    @Crow4gold 14 лет назад

    it's been a while since you've been on line. welcome back.

  • @lorax2013
    @lorax2013  14 лет назад

    @earthe1 I tried the raw vegan diet at length a couple times in the past. I personally feel it is sort of a mild form of fasting - great benefits to mental clarity and detox, but many/most people may not be taking in enough nutrition to sustain it IMO. Some people do sustain it and claim great benefits while others clearly have deficiencies and drop it. My main feeling is to follow your intuition and be honest with yourself on any diet (or anything) rather than follow dogma.

  • @RealityCheck05
    @RealityCheck05 14 лет назад

    One challenge that I've run into, however, I attribute to abstaining from bread and other wheat foods. Without the associated carbs, I find it difficult to not loose muscle mass while improving physical endurance. I read somewhere that many marathon runners eat a lot of corn. I may try that and post a video response if it works.

  • @doorman360
    @doorman360 14 лет назад

    fantastic video as always.

  • @kronier
    @kronier 14 лет назад

    Another superb vid.

  • @FreeUpYourMind
    @FreeUpYourMind 14 лет назад

    I love your videos! Thanks for sharing your insight : )

    @INOWLIVE 11 лет назад

    Awesome video

  • @tetekofa
    @tetekofa 14 лет назад

    @RealityCheck05 - rice, potatoes, beans, peas, corn...and associated carbs,,..without the gluten.

  • @lizoyako6414
    @lizoyako6414 8 месяцев назад

    Are you going to make an update on this subject and how it's affected you long term?

  • @earthe1
    @earthe1 14 лет назад

    What is your opinion on a Raw Food Diet? Fresh organic fruits and veggies with little unroasted nuts and seeds along with only water to drink. No dairy, meat, grains, beans, sugar and very little pink salt.

  • @gerry2345
    @gerry2345 14 лет назад

    very good vid...

  • @rich0292
    @rich0292 14 лет назад

    Its a myth that you can create trans fats simply by heating vegetable oils, simply is not possible. When trans fats are created in a factory temperatures are reached that are impossible to reach in your own kitchen (as they they use high pressures to achieve this) also a catylist in the form of nickle is used. But everything else you said is gold, heating unprocesed oils such as extra virgin olive oil would however oxidise (decrease antioxidants) it and negate its enzyme content.

  • @spooner1957
    @spooner1957 14 лет назад

    definitely gonna have to try it. i've tried to eat more "natural" but never knew about some of that stuff. does anyone know if greek yogurt is allowed or is that nontraditional?

  • @CelticSaint
    @CelticSaint 14 лет назад

    @lorax2013 I see. Many thanks lorax2013. I live in the UK, but I'll contact a local bee keeping group and ask their advice regarding getting some raw honey. Thanks again. CR.

  • @themusicmaniac84
    @themusicmaniac84 14 лет назад

    @CelticReject It is very expensive stuff, delicious expensive stuff.

  • @tomat0es
    @tomat0es 12 лет назад

    @lorax2013 good advice

  • @pklifter
    @pklifter 13 лет назад

    hi Lorax2013, do you have a link to a list of traditional foods? Can't really find much on the internet !! Plz help!!

  • @TheBombRock
    @TheBombRock 14 лет назад

    7:56-8:10 Truth.

    @SCOTTDAVIDSON32 14 лет назад

    GREAT VIDEO! If you want to better yourself listen to this video and take control of your own health! I would also look at find a spring . com to change your water too! After all we are 70% water right?

  • @loraxpro
    @loraxpro 14 лет назад

    I want ice cream! My ancestors ate ice cream! Ok, at least my mom and dad and grandparents did.

  • @brianempson
    @brianempson 14 лет назад

    If I grow food using hydroponics, is that worse than using soil?

  • @CelticSaint
    @CelticSaint 14 лет назад

    When you say 'raw' honey. I am assuming that that does not include the cheap honey that one can buy from supermarkets? What is' manuka' honey? That's expensive stuff, very!

  • @sukkeri
    @sukkeri 11 лет назад

    This naturalism thing can also be a fad and lead to an unhealthy diet. Why is olive oil natural but other oils are not? Coconut oil is a cholesterol raising oil. Polyunsaturated oils are sensitive to heat. You should not heat them excessively.