There’s something so majestic about witnessing a giant Meat emerge in the distance of a vaporwave landscape, while the PS1 boot up plays loudly and triumphantly.
3:07 Daksu (can be skipped by choosing 'Let me in' on question 1) 3:54 Ringo Starr (depends on answer chosen during Daksu's quizz, randomised if Daksu is skipped) 5:01 Mr Dink (depends on answer chosen during Daksu's quizz, randomised if Daksu is skipped) 7:44 Sausage 8:46 Mario's Early Years 11:27 VineRizon Airships 12:05 Meat (Final boss) Kinda disappointed that the Cowboy Chatyots aren't shown, but they're basically reskinned Hammer Bros so I can see why they weren't included.
What about Invictus? It's the best Kiazo hack out there and if Nintendo made a brutally hard Mario game, it would probably be something like Invictus. Also the boss fights are pretty cool.
Ngl hut most of invictus you play as smol boi (including bosses) from what i've remembered,im no gpw fan but gpw2 is a better choice because most of the bosses had a mushroom for you to take
Pretty much the entire game is a battle against your sanity.
Sounds kinda like a title for a earthbound soundtrack
Da battle for da meet
There’s something so majestic about witnessing a giant Meat emerge in the distance of a vaporwave landscape, while the PS1 boot up plays loudly and triumphantly.
3:07 Daksu (can be skipped by choosing 'Let me in' on question 1)
3:54 Ringo Starr (depends on answer chosen during Daksu's quizz, randomised if Daksu is skipped)
5:01 Mr Dink (depends on answer chosen during Daksu's quizz, randomised if Daksu is skipped)
7:44 Sausage
8:46 Mario's Early Years
11:27 VineRizon Airships
12:05 Meat (Final boss)
Kinda disappointed that the Cowboy Chatyots aren't shown, but they're basically reskinned Hammer Bros so I can see why they weren't included.
But it’s still a boss
*A Misserable little Pile of Bosses!* 💪😎👌
Daksu’s quizzes 3:11
Ringo Starr 4:10
Mr dink 5:20
Sausage 7:46
Sun 8:46
Vinerizon airships 11:28
Meat 12:05
All these things are living inside of Meat
What a fascinating creature
I don't know if this game is supposed to be a shitpost, or a shitpost creepypasta
It’s based on Vinny from Vinesauce, creepypasta esque corruptions and memey stuff is the stuff he has in his videos.
yo this video premiered one day in the future
I didn’t know ringo existed.
You broke my grill
13:22 song?
Hudra no hihou the spirit chaser
@@Local_Sand_Eater thank
03:07 中午三點04分米其林火鍋店剛剛關門了!寶媽真的很生氣,她剛從一堆啤酒罐裡擠了過去
03:54 下午五點38分寶爸大笑了五分鐘,我希望只是因為公司那邊發了工資吧,但我不知道,有些可疑的事情正在發生
05:01 下午五點41分宇藍開始哭泣,但幾秒後就停止了!我去檢查她,也許那只是她的貴賓狗玩偶
07:44 下午五點45分我把自己鎖在房間裡,通過鑰匙孔看宇藍的房間,我看到寶媽拿著一罐汽油和一個打火機離開了!我為了害怕自己,也為了寶藍,我認為寶媽還沒接觸到她
08:46 下午六點09分我能聽到樓下寶媽的打呼聲,我想她睡著了!可能是因為謀殺而累了吧!我要離開我的房間,去找寶藍然後離開這裡,只要我不叫醒她,我應該就沒事了!
11:27 早上七點39分我帶著寶藍從家裡逃到了一棟大房子,裡面住著昭妍和居麗,我正要準備離開時被昭妍拉住了手,然後昭妍跟我說在寶媽還沒追過來之前待在這裡,但為了自身安全只要乖乖聽昭妍的,哪裡都不去
12:05 早上八點04分我跟寶藍一起坐在看著電視,電視播放著寶藍最喜歡的YOYO點點名和MOMO歡樂谷,我跟寶藍跳得很開心,然後居麗一看時間已到就撿起沙發上的電視遙控器把電視關掉了!後來我看了看手錶發現上班要遲到了!所以我只好放下唱跳的心態準備出門上班去了!
What about Invictus? It's the best Kiazo hack out there and if Nintendo made a brutally hard Mario game, it would probably be something like Invictus. Also the boss fights are pretty cool.
Ngl hut most of invictus you play as smol boi (including bosses) from what i've remembered,im no gpw fan but gpw2 is a better choice because most of the bosses had a mushroom for you to take
13:04 final destination
1:42 urrrgh kinda creepy
How did you get past the "But enough talk!" part? It crashes on the emulators I use.
When you put LSD in your meat instead of Salt
Dave Panpa:Me?
What's the final boss music?
Rudra no Hihou - the spirit chaser
Where is will smith bossfighr
Arent the twitch cowboys a boss too?
Eh, they are basically re-skinned hammer bros, I would count them as a mini-boss at most.
Me? Gongagagagagagagagagaga-
My real name is Jacob to I like yoshi too