I agree with your theory on this one. The flower petals coming off was the biggest hint. I thought the same when flowers where falling around Hyuk and Hongbin was surrounded by flowers and with the N and Ravi interaction, along with the planets aligning.
hai, im from china and i really liked your reaction! i definitely want see more.one thing i just want to tell you guys is that shangri-la means "heaven on earth".the story behind of MV is based on the 桃花源記(Land of Peach Blossoms) which is from a Chinese ancient poetry and song title write in chinese(桃源境) korean title 도원경 pronounce just like chinese title and words have same meaning . so the whole MV is definitely influeced a lot by chinese culture. sorry im not very good at english because im still learning it.
I agree with your theory on this one. The flower petals coming off was the biggest hint. I thought the same when flowers where falling around Hyuk and Hongbin was surrounded by flowers and with the N and Ravi interaction, along with the planets aligning.
hai, im from china and i really liked your reaction! i definitely want see more.one thing i just want to tell you guys is that shangri-la means "heaven on earth".the story behind of MV is based on the 桃花源記(Land of Peach Blossoms) which is from a Chinese ancient poetry and song title write in chinese(桃源境) korean title 도원경 pronounce just like chinese title and words have same meaning . so the whole MV is definitely influeced a lot by chinese culture. sorry im not very good at english because im still learning it.