If you just use warm water to water, along with washed, baked, and fine ground egg shells sprinkled on medium once a month your orchids will bloom every year and be healthy and happy! Best advice I’ve ever gotten! I have 5 year old orchids that still bloom!
Thank you for watching my video. Wish you success and always happy in life. If subtitles are not enabled, please enable subtitles to better understand the video content. Thanks a lot.
@@LisaG442 I use miracle gro orchid food, warm water, though not on a regular basis because I just have so many other things going on, it does stem, produces new leaves, but no bloom.
@@Missusri fertilize more frequently till you get a bloom. It’s starving for nutrients. If it’s packed in moss get rid of it and plant in proper orchid medium ( I get mine from Amazon, you only have to buy it once), cut off any dead/rotten roots. Keep the plant near but not in bright sunlight. Container must have full drainage. Water once a week by soaking the medium and allowing to drain fully in your sink. Orchids HATE wet roots. Just use cold tap water. Don’t know where this warm water idea comes from, but in nature rain isn’t warm. Keep the leaves clean by running water over them too. In nature orchids cling to fallen rotting tree trunks, they don’t grow in moss. They live in the shadows near sunlight. Good luck!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
That's why I say people that cannot care for their plants, can barley care for themselves and even less for others. God made humans to be farmers and shepherds so that we learn patience, love, consistency, discipline and many other valuable values. Praise YAH for life
Well done! Most people would have binned that orchid thinking it was dead. I'm sorry to say here in the UK people buy these orchids (often as presents) for £10 when they are in flower and when the flowers fade the orchids get thrown in the bin. Such is the disposable world we have created.
I also watched this and I couldn't see any instructions regarding what is used except for what's written in the comments. Thank you for the video though and thanks to everyone who commented with the ingredients used. I will now hopefully be able to rejuvenate my sick and dead orchids.
Wow! At [2:35], the transformation is incredible! This method truly shows how miraculous it is for making rotten orchids revive immediately. I can't wait to try this on my own orchids. Thank you for sharing such a helpful and easy-to-follow tutorial!
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am in awe of the simple process used and to see the orchid practically give birth to new roots and leaves. again. I have discarded countless orchids through not knowing that there are always options to help them sprout again.
Я давно шукала рецепт успіху вирощуванні орхідей. Но ваші приклади перевершили всі мої сподівання. Ви, молодець, що ділитесь своїми методами з всіма хто любить вирощувати і теж пробують розмножувати орхідеї. Ваші методи є найпрактичніші і зрозумілі. Дякую за ваш труд і досвід.
Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge. I found 7 almost dead orchids. I don't think one of them will survive, but I'm going to do this process in all of them. Gratitude for existing!🙏🏻💜
Hello... you are so caring, simple and honest. I bought these 3 half the price orchids today hoping to take grow my 1st orchids ever. Just subscribed. God Bless.
Knowledge truely is power.I will try this ,I have bought orchids when they are in sale and do not look so great and brought them back to beauty and they bloom over and over. Some of the worst ones I do not buy,now I will and I will have more Orchid ! THANK YOU
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Wow. Thank you for sharing. I have a friend who loves to give these to me. Unfortunately, I have only been able to keep one alive. I didn't know that it was possible to revive them. I will try to remember this to save my newest
Hello from New Zealand. This is something that we need right now because our orchards here have been destroyed from cyclone Gabrielle. Thank you so much for uploading💜💙
Estos tan emocionada de ver el proceso obteniendo tan hermoso resultado. Gracias trataré de practicarlo amo las orquídeas y duele cuando se apagan. Bendiciones excelente trabajo🙏🌿
Definitely the most sensible way of reviving, thank you very much 😮😊 Like to add that all this has to happen in a warm well lit place, inside or outside according to temperature (minimum 18-20 C*)
Volim cveće. Iako nemam orhideje pogledala sam vaš video zanimljiv i poučan je. Imam komšinice koje ih imanju pa ću im proslediti. Svako dobro živeli 👍😘
So far his remedys work good. I fertilize with rice, banana skins and boiling water. after water had reached room temp. I've seen and experienced personally these techniques to work really well.
Good night, you are an amazing person, you love orchids so much! Thank you for your wonderful video lessons! Just look how many of us are orhomans here))) Thank you, we are with you!!!🌷👍❤️
Some years ago I made a paste of cinnamon and honey as a rooting hormone. It does work by dipping the root or a cut plant into this paste. Best wishes from Austria.
Возражение новой орхидеи всегда как чудо,4 года назад я получила 2 чудесные орхидеи у погибшей основательно орхидеи от солнца,сноха сестры случайно оставила орхидею на более на солнце и она сгорела,я успела сказать, чтобы её не выбросили,в результате сейчас растут и цветут две орхидейки,им 3,6 года с момента возрождения,корицей обрабатывала только срезы ствола и корней,не замачивала, вообще хорошее средство,как скорая помощь,по крайней мере всегда обрабатываю все срезы, спасибо за видео!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
@@janestevenson8016 My cell phone allows CC by clicking on upper right corner of screen, click on CC and select desired language. Playback speed is adjustable by clocking on the round gear icon, scan down and select option. Hope this works for you.
Turn on CC for a description of all the steps. Or: 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 liter boiled water Let cool, strain and soak for 30 minutes. Use remainder in a spray to protect from insects and fungal disease.
I hope this works .. i had a very pretty small orchid .. i rescued from grocery store... It was blooming .. then blooms dropped.. It was so small but i clipped away and found green!!! But it had no living roots ... I kept the center put wax on where i clipped green... Did everything like you did except I did have roots... Keep you posted😊
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. My videos have subtitles in different languages. If you do not understand, choose subtitles with appropriate language to understand the video content. Or comment below this video I will reply in a reasonable time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
@@mayapinkhasova5607 Не за что! Насколько я понимаю, корица помогает против бактерий и грибок орхидей. Спасибо за вежливого желания, Вам тоже желаю много здоровья ! Привет из Италии (г.Милан).
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Отличное видео! Главное, что всё понятно разъяснено. Какой порошок разводить, какая должна быть температура воды и какой объем, той самой воды. Спасибо, я все понял. Пойду реанимировать орхидею. Горчичный порошок есть, а кипяток добуду из чайника.🤣
I've had the same orchid for 3 years and it blooms twice a year. I've only watered it every Sunday with no fertilizer. It is in a small plastic insert with moss that drains into a small pot with a paper towel at the bottom that I change out every couple of weeks. I water it with only 1/3 cup of water every Sunday and it sits on a window sill facing the nearest way the sun comes up from. That's all I do. If the roots fully rot, I cut those off at the base and when the stem is about to fully die off, I cut that at the base too. Then the cycle of regrowth continues again.
Nossa chega deu vontade de chorar de ver que tanto carinho nesse resgate da natureza pois tenho uma na mesma situação e vou já fazer o mesmo que ensinaste gratidão imenso!
Que bien que mire ésto para cuidar las orquídeas, que tengo. Tenía una negra que me regalaron y no la pude recuperar Se secó fué un regalo especial. Gracias 😊
Bonjour et grand merci pour cette vidéo instructive. Je me demandais justement comment faire reprendre ma plante défleurie. Je vais essayer suivre vos conseils.
Спасибо, как интересно и полезно! Я когда увидела в начале видео развалившейся, гнилую орхидею, не могла подумать, что её можно спасти. Это чудесно, то что вы делаете. Спасибо за видео!
Спасибо за видеоролик! Вы молодец , что выставили этот видеоролик, пусть всем поможет! История этой орхидеи идентична одной из моих орхидей, дошедшей до такого состояния. Терять было нечего и я обработала в слабом растворе марганца. Наугад сделала такую же посадку. Медленно, но орхидея выжила и порадовала меня!🙏❤️👍🎄😃
The only thing you have to do about plants is remember where they originate from. That tells you how they live so that's how to take care of them. Orchids live in south America in tropical rainforests under canopies of trees so they only get very little of water, grow off of trees and their bark, and only require little indirect sunlight. Leaves are brown, too much sun, leaves are yellow, not enough and the plant is taking vitamins from the leaves to survive.
¡Gracias por compartir esta información!, a parte de útil, e interesante, ¡que precioso video de inicio a fin!, Desde la música hasta el ver cómo rescataste esa hermosa plantita🥰, me emocionó y enterneció verla brotar sus hojitas de nuevo😍, ¡que belleza!, Que hermoso mensaje también hay implícito en este vídeo, así veo yo a las plantitas, son seres vivos y así como rescatamos animalitos, también podemos hacer lo mismo por las plantitas. ¡Gracias de nuevo y bendiciones!🙏✨. Y ya me suscribí a su canal☺️. Lindo y bendecido día para toda la comunidad de este canal.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
@@rc7052 it would be much better if the person explained what he was doing and gave quantities of ingredients!
Год назад+15
Parabéns que lindezaaaaaa 🙏 Deus é maravilhoso 🙏 Se até às plantas renascem das cinzas, nós tbm podemos 🙏🎉 Gratidão por compartilhar 💝 Trabalho Divino 🙏 gratidão 👏👏👏
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
У меня есть похожие 2 орхидеи, попробую сделать по вашему рецепту, увидим, что получится. Спасибо большое за подсказку, хотела уже их выбросить, но теперь оставлю
Очень сомневаюсь в положительном результате. Пробовала много раз реанимировать, но увы и ах. Попробуйте, конечно. Если автор не лукавит и у него получилось восстановить такую окончательно гнилую орхидею, то тут ему помогло то, что живёт он в очень подходящем для растений климате (по рукам видно, что это скорее всего латиноамериканец, житель каких-то островов и т.п.). Я долго жила в Мадриде, он расположен в центральной части полуострова. Климат жаркий и сухой, у меня были некоторые проблемы с цветами, особенно летом. Но что способствовало их хорошему развитию, так это длинный световой день. А вот когда выезжала на побережье, где очень влажный воздух была просто поражена буйной, великолепной растительностью. Там я увидела однажды в цветочном магазине очиток Моргана ...это было нèчто. Его почти метровые побеги были густо покрыты жирненькими листиками и цветами. Раньше даже не подозревала, что он способен цвести. Так что климат - немаловажный фактор для успешного цветоводства.
у меня помогла настойка прополиса. это загнивание точки роста у орхидей. настойку прополиса капнуть в точку роста, откуда выпали все листочки, а так же, где корешки с обратной стороны тоже необходимо обработать. По крайней мере 3 штуки я так спасла. одна у меня дважды загнивала, но опять же настойкой прополиса спасла. другие методы не помогали.
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Два часа ночи .... а я смотрю как "оживить" Орхидею ... самое главное, я люблю 😊 Тюльпаны. Но, приятно сознавать, что есть Люди, которые творят Такие Чудеса ❤
Two in the morning .... and I'm looking at how to "revive" the Orchid ... most importantly, I love 😊 Tulips. But, it's nice to know that there are People who create such Miracles ❤ google translate still doesn't tell me what the powder is
I just looked through the written transcript and the additive to water is two teaspoons of cinnamon powder.🙋♀️🌻
Thank you for that necessary info 😁
Thank you that was very helpful
Thank you. So that's what it is, cinnamon powder. 😊
Thank you excellent video
@@renatehaeusler6085 je vais essayer !! Avec de la patience ça devrait marcher ( rires)!!@
If you just use warm water to water, along with washed, baked, and fine ground egg shells sprinkled on medium once a month your orchids will bloom every year and be healthy and happy! Best advice I’ve ever gotten! I have 5 year old orchids that still bloom!
Thank you for watching my video. Wish you success and always happy in life. If subtitles are not enabled, please enable subtitles to better understand the video content.
Thanks a lot.
My orchids bloom non stop by using proper orchid fertilizer. Not just one stem, I get 2 or 3 with multiple smaller stems shooting off those.
@@LisaG442 I use miracle gro orchid food, warm water, though not on a regular basis because I just have so many other things going on, it does stem, produces new leaves, but no bloom.
@@Missusri fertilize more frequently till you get a bloom. It’s starving for nutrients. If it’s packed in moss get rid of it and plant in proper orchid medium ( I get mine from Amazon, you only have to buy it once), cut off any dead/rotten roots. Keep the plant near but not in bright sunlight. Container must have full drainage. Water once a week by soaking the medium and allowing to drain fully in your sink. Orchids HATE wet roots. Just use cold tap water. Don’t know where this warm water idea comes from, but in nature rain isn’t warm. Keep the leaves clean by running water over them too. In nature orchids cling to fallen rotting tree trunks, they don’t grow in moss. They live in the shadows near sunlight. Good luck!
If people would care for each other the way this guy cares for his orchids, the world would be a perfect place ❤️
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly.
Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
God cares for us that much, people just want to be rotten. They do not want to be saved.
Indeed 💚🤟🪷🤟💚
That's why I say people that cannot care for their plants, can barley care for themselves and even less for others. God made humans to be farmers and shepherds so that we learn patience, love, consistency, discipline and many other valuable values. Praise YAH for life
Well done! Most people would have binned that orchid thinking it was dead. I'm sorry to say here in the UK people buy these orchids (often as presents) for £10 when they are in flower and when the flowers fade the orchids get thrown in the bin. Such is the disposable world we have created.
Sadly I agree.
U created shit... I do care....
I also watched this and I couldn't see any instructions regarding what is used except for what's written in the comments. Thank you for the video though and thanks to everyone who commented with the ingredients used. I will now hopefully be able to rejuvenate my sick and dead orchids.
It's in the script.
Wow! At [2:35], the transformation is incredible! This method truly shows how miraculous it is for making rotten orchids revive immediately. I can't wait to try this on my own orchids. Thank you for sharing such a helpful and easy-to-follow tutorial!
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life.
On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am in awe of the simple process used and to see the orchid practically give birth to new roots and leaves. again. I have discarded countless orchids through not knowing that there are always options to help them sprout again.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Я давно шукала рецепт успіху вирощуванні орхідей. Но ваші приклади перевершили всі мої сподівання. Ви, молодець, що ділитесь своїми методами з всіма хто любить вирощувати і теж пробують розмножувати орхідеї. Ваші методи є найпрактичніші і зрозумілі. Дякую за ваш труд і досвід.
Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge.
I found 7 almost dead orchids. I don't think one of them will survive, but I'm going to do this process in all of them. Gratitude for existing!🙏🏻💜
That was amazing. I love seeing how you brought the plant back to life. Thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Hello... you are so caring, simple and honest. I bought these 3 half the price orchids today hoping to take grow my 1st orchids ever. Just subscribed. God Bless.
Knowledge truely is power.I will try this ,I have bought orchids when they are in sale and do not look so great and brought them back to beauty and they bloom over and over. Some of the worst ones I do not buy,now I will and I will have more Orchid ! THANK YOU
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Most effective way to revive any plant- LOVE! Just like what OP did to the orchid, thank you for the video💕
Вы просто волшебник! Гениальное спасение орхидеи!❤👍
Вдвойне насладилась творчеством выращивания больной орхидеи,а ещё доброе утро,идущее от видео,пением петуха,это просто медитация!!!!!Благодарю!!!!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Wow. Thank you for sharing. I have a friend who loves to give these to me. Unfortunately, I have only been able to keep one alive. I didn't know that it was possible to revive them. I will try to remember this to save my newest
Hello from New Zealand. This is something that we need right now because our orchards here have been destroyed from cyclone Gabrielle. Thank you so much for uploading💜💙
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
I liked this hier from Brasil 🇧🇷
Thank you so much! My granddaughter gave me an orchid, which is dying. It would make me so happy to revive it! Thank you for your beautiful video.
Wonderful, I am still waiting for my sprouts to grow. It was my first sprout from the dead plant.
Estos tan emocionada de ver el proceso obteniendo tan hermoso resultado. Gracias trataré de practicarlo amo las orquídeas y duele cuando se apagan. Bendiciones excelente trabajo🙏🌿
Definitely the most sensible way of reviving, thank you very much 😮😊
Like to add that all this has to happen in a warm well lit place, inside or outside according to temperature (minimum 18-20 C*)
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Unfortunately I didn't see your videos two years ago. Then I cried a lot for two lovely orchids. I learned a lot today. Thank you very much.
What was that he put in jar and mixed whith water?
@@BumbleBee-hv2mn cinnamon
@@까만머리앤-h1h thank you!!
How beautifully you treat your plants! So humble, simple and full of passion! Thank you for teaching us all your knowledge! 💕🌻
And how long do you leave the roots in the cinnamon water before planting?
He taught us nothing because there’s no information on what he used and how he did it. Smfh
@@TheChristabella69 where did you see cinnamon? There was no reference made about any ingredients
Turn on cc for the description of all steps.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Volim cveće. Iako nemam orhideje pogledala sam vaš video zanimljiv i poučan je. Imam komšinice koje ih imanju pa ću im proslediti. Svako dobro živeli 👍😘
Благо Дарю вам за ваш опыт и за то, что делитесь с нами
So far his remedys work good. I fertilize with rice, banana skins and boiling water. after water had reached room temp. I've seen and experienced personally these techniques to work really well.
Спасибо!Мне сейчас как раз эта информация очень нужна! Всё понятно излагаете и показываете.
Good night, you are an amazing person, you love orchids so much! Thank you for your wonderful video lessons! Just look how many of us are orhomans here))) Thank you, we are with you!!!🌷👍❤️
Incrível... cuidar de plantas é terapia Divina, obrigada por compartilhar seus conhecimentos. Deus te abençoe!
Thank you so much I have a lot of seemingly dead orchids and I’ll try your tip thanks
It’s not really immediate, but it’s remarkable! What love and patience begets is always beautiful and worthwhile!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Muchas gracias por estos consejos trataré de revivir mi hermosa orquídea... Dios te guíe
Some years ago I made a paste of cinnamon and honey as a rooting hormone. It does work by dipping the root or a cut plant into this paste. Best wishes from Austria.
Do u think regular rooting hormone powder would work as well, or is it not good for orchids?
aber wieviel Zimt und Honig und wie oft muss man die Wurzeln eintauchen?
Спасибо, благо дарю🙏
Thank you for information on reviving these beautiful flowers 💐
Возражение новой орхидеи всегда как чудо,4 года назад я получила 2 чудесные орхидеи у погибшей основательно орхидеи от солнца,сноха сестры случайно оставила орхидею на более на солнце и она сгорела,я успела сказать, чтобы её не выбросили,в результате сейчас растут и цветут две орхидейки,им 3,6 года с момента возрождения,корицей обрабатывала только срезы ствола и корней,не замачивала, вообще хорошее средство,как скорая помощь,по крайней мере всегда обрабатываю все срезы, спасибо за видео!
Sadece tarçınla işledim ,ıslatmadım demişsiniz.yani sulamayı nasıl yaptığınızı anlayamadım.
А у меня корица не работает, т е не возраждает. А все потому.что та корица которая у нас продаётся, это обычный мусор, так сказать.
Ещё помогает куркума .
@@googlemoogle- Да, но я уже написала, что у нас нет настоящих куркумы и корицы
@@sasakosenko9201 у вас нет специализированных магазинов , где продают специи ?
I am doing this right now to save an orchid. Thank you for your post and the transcript!!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you! Love learning how to revive a very sad orchid plant. I found out turning on Captions shows your directions.
How do you turn on captions please? Jane
@@janestevenson8016 My cell phone allows CC by clicking on upper right corner of screen, click on CC and select desired language. Playback speed is adjustable by clocking on the round gear icon, scan down and select option. Hope this works for you.
@@janestevenson8016 the upper right corner settings button …looks like a wheel
Hey hey thanks fer the heads up 👆 got it ❗️
You have a great green thumb & It's a nice tip to save plants with cinnamon water! Thanks & I appreciate it!
Удивительно, но факт! Произошло возрождение цветка, во что было сложно поверить! Вы молодец!
Thank you so much. Now I have confidence in growing these beautiful plants again.
Turn on CC for a description of all the steps.
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 liter boiled water
Let cool, strain and soak for 30 minutes. Use remainder in a spray to protect from insects and fungal disease.
Gratidão! Aprendi algo novo e venci obstáculo! Gratidão!!!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you!
Отличный результат, возьмём на заметку.
Adoro plantas, e fiquei emocionada qdo vi as folhinhas😁🌻🌻🍀🙏 Deus os abençoe grandemente.
Me hubiera gustado ver el nombre del producto en español
Que produto que ele colocou na orquídea?
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
I hope this works .. i had a very pretty small orchid .. i rescued from grocery store...
It was blooming .. then blooms dropped..
It was so small but i clipped away and found green!!! But it had no living roots ...
I kept the center put wax on where i clipped green...
Did everything like you did except
I did have roots...
Keep you posted😊
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
My videos have subtitles in different languages. If you do not understand, choose subtitles with appropriate language to understand the video content. Or comment below this video I will reply in a reasonable time.
계피가 사람뿐만 아니라 식물에게도 무척 좋군요. 영상 잘 봤습니다. 고맙습니다.
Thank you for your time in making this video ... and for putting on the subtitles ❤😊
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly.
Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
Потрясающе. У меня много орхидей, не знала что из пенька можно возродить растение. Спасибо.🌹🌹🌹
А что за коричневый порошок он применил .
Если вы поняли ,напишите пожалуйста названия.
@@mayapinkhasova5607 Порошок корицы
@@susannabearzi5953 Привет вам из Нью Ёрка.
Огромное вам спасибо.
И много здоровья.
@@mayapinkhasova5607 Не за что! Насколько я понимаю, корица помогает против бактерий и грибок орхидей. Спасибо за вежливого желания, Вам тоже желаю много здоровья ! Привет из Италии (г.Милан).
Это чудо какое-то) если я знала об этом способе раньше, я бы спасла много орхидей, которые я выкинула, когда они завяли😭Спасибо огромное за видео) 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
SUPER!!!! I am an orchides lover. Thank you so much. You are the BEST😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Спасибо большое вам, что вы делитесь, как ухаживать за цветами!!!😍🙏🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌴🌴🌴
Спасибо за просмотр видео. Успехов тебе и всегда счастлив в жизни
Отличное видео! Главное, что всё понятно разъяснено. Какой порошок разводить, какая должна быть температура воды и какой объем, той самой воды. Спасибо, я все понял. Пойду реанимировать орхидею. Горчичный порошок есть, а кипяток добуду из чайника.🤣
Там не горчичный порошок а порошок корицы!
Merci beaucoup de partager votre savoir-faire les orchidée sont superbes felicitation 👍👍👍🥰
I've had the same orchid for 3 years and it blooms twice a year. I've only watered it every Sunday with no fertilizer. It is in a small plastic insert with moss that drains into a small pot with a paper towel at the bottom that I change out every couple of weeks. I water it with only 1/3 cup of water every Sunday and it sits on a window sill facing the nearest way the sun comes up from. That's all I do. If the roots fully rot, I cut those off at the base and when the stem is about to fully die off, I cut that at the base too. Then the cycle of regrowth continues again.
I used 3 cubes of ice on each every Sunday they thrived then Dec the power went out they froze I am glad I watching this
Do you know what that powder he used?
I think it is cinnamon.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Nossa chega deu vontade de chorar de ver que tanto carinho nesse resgate da natureza pois tenho uma na mesma situação e vou já fazer o mesmo que ensinaste gratidão imenso!
헉! 생명력이 놀랍네요.
대단한 식물 사랑이네요.
완전 짱인듯👍👍👍👍👍
Thank you for sharing this! I have thrown out so many orchids once the flowers fall off. I will try this!🥰
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Очень полезные советы,спасибо!👍👍👍
Muchas gracias!
Excelente tutorial. Muy claro y sencillo de hacer.
¡Feliz Año 2023!🥰
Que bien que mire ésto para cuidar las orquídeas, que tengo.
Tenía una negra que me regalaron y no la pude recuperar
Se secó fué un regalo especial.
Gracias 😊
Gracias por ver el video. Te deseo éxito y siempre feliz en la vida.
Bonjour et grand merci pour cette vidéo instructive. Je me demandais justement comment faire reprendre ma plante défleurie. Je vais essayer suivre vos conseils.
У вас золотые ручки! Я вами восхищаюсь! Чудеса! Вы волшебник!
А можете подсказать а что за порошочек??? Заранее спасибо.
@@СолнцеМоё-с3ч Cinnamon
@@teresabrockett7525 спасибо.
Спасибо, как интересно и полезно! Я когда увидела в начале видео развалившейся, гнилую орхидею, не могла подумать, что её можно спасти. Это чудесно, то что вы делаете. Спасибо за видео!
А что за порошок добавляют?
@@genyiosa корица
Спасибо за видеоролик! Вы молодец , что выставили этот видеоролик, пусть всем поможет! История этой орхидеи идентична одной из моих орхидей, дошедшей до такого состояния. Терять было нечего и я обработала в слабом растворе марганца. Наугад сделала такую же посадку. Медленно, но орхидея выжила и порадовала меня!🙏❤️👍🎄😃
...у меня как раз есть такая,сделаю так же, может и моя, как ваша,оживёт🙂
Τι είναι αυτή η σκόνη ?
@@katerinatzioni3184 .it is cinnamon
@@katerinatzioni3184 it is cinnamon
@@sandradecassiaandrucciolis5518 thank you so much!! Happy New year!
I have a very poorly orchid and I'm going to try to revive it with this process.
Thank you for sharing, brilliant video
Thank you for watching my video. Wish you success and always happy in life
The only thing you have to do about plants is remember where they originate from. That tells you how they live so that's how to take care of them. Orchids live in south America in tropical rainforests under canopies of trees so they only get very little of water, grow off of trees and their bark, and only require little indirect sunlight. Leaves are brown, too much sun, leaves are yellow, not enough and the plant is taking vitamins from the leaves to survive.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Gracias por ver el video. Te deseo éxito y siempre feliz en la vida.
¡Gracias por compartir esta información!, a parte de útil, e interesante, ¡que precioso video de inicio a fin!, Desde la música hasta el ver cómo rescataste esa hermosa plantita🥰, me emocionó y enterneció verla brotar sus hojitas de nuevo😍, ¡que belleza!, Que hermoso mensaje también hay implícito en este vídeo, así veo yo a las plantitas, son seres vivos y así como rescatamos animalitos, también podemos hacer lo mismo por las plantitas. ¡Gracias de nuevo y bendiciones!🙏✨. Y ya me suscribí a su canal☺️. Lindo y bendecido día para toda la comunidad de este canal.
Gracias por suscribirte para apoyar el canal. Mis mejores deseos para ti y para esta comunidad del canal.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us all about these beautiful plants that orchids are.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly.
Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
amei a dica! tenho duas praticamente mortas vou já fazer isso! gratidão
Obrigado por assistir ao vídeo. Desejo-lhe sucesso e sempre feliz na vida
I'm inspired by the good care you take of one little scrawny plant, and by your patience in waiting two months to show us the progress.
What powder does she put in jar?
@@oksanakotovich1941 cinnamon powder
So it was cinnamon, thankyou very much.
Turn on CC and instructions are very clear.
@@oksanakotovich1941 canela em pô
Thank you for your teaching and such terrific kindness.
That is sooo beautiful you brought that little orchid back to life, very helpful!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Wunderbar wie sorgfältig Sie mit der Pflanze umgehen! Kein Wunder, dass sie wächst und gedeiht ❤👍
Excelente, agora posso recuperar a minha orquídea!! Muito obrigada por compartilhar seus conhecimentos! 🥰👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Merci beaucoup pour ce beau partage de connaissance ! En plus la musique de la vidéo est très agréable. A bientôt.
I am very bad at growing orchids. But after watching this video, I was encouraged. thank you!
@@rc7052 it would be much better if the person explained what he was doing and gave quantities of ingredients!
Parabéns que lindezaaaaaa 🙏 Deus é maravilhoso 🙏
Se até às plantas renascem das cinzas, nós tbm podemos 🙏🎉
Gratidão por compartilhar 💝
Trabalho Divino 🙏 gratidão 👏👏👏
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Parabéns que trabalho abençoado valeu assistir que yahu te abençoe sempre.
Terima kasih banyak sudah membantu mengatasi busuk akar pada anggrek.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Из всех просмотренных, самый полезный ролик!!! Спасибо🙏💖✊
У меня есть похожие 2 орхидеи, попробую сделать по вашему рецепту, увидим, что получится. Спасибо большое за подсказку, хотела уже их выбросить, но теперь оставлю
Очень сомневаюсь в положительном результате. Пробовала много раз реанимировать, но увы и ах. Попробуйте, конечно. Если автор не лукавит и у него получилось восстановить такую окончательно гнилую орхидею, то тут ему помогло то, что живёт он в очень подходящем для растений климате (по рукам видно, что это скорее всего латиноамериканец, житель каких-то островов и т.п.). Я долго жила в Мадриде, он расположен в центральной части полуострова. Климат жаркий и сухой, у меня были некоторые проблемы с цветами, особенно летом. Но что способствовало их хорошему развитию, так это длинный световой день. А вот когда выезжала на побережье, где очень влажный воздух была просто поражена буйной, великолепной растительностью. Там я увидела однажды в цветочном магазине очиток Моргана ...это было нèчто. Его почти метровые побеги были густо покрыты жирненькими листиками и цветами. Раньше даже не подозревала, что он способен цвести. Так что климат - немаловажный фактор для успешного цветоводства.
..и у меня есть такая же, тоже попробую возродить😊
у меня помогла настойка прополиса. это загнивание точки роста у орхидей. настойку прополиса капнуть в точку роста, откуда выпали все листочки, а так же, где корешки с обратной стороны тоже необходимо обработать. По крайней мере 3 штуки я так спасла. одна у меня дважды загнивала, но опять же настойкой прополиса спасла. другие методы не помогали.
CUIDAR das plantas com todo amor e competência. E, ainda compartilhar conosco... Parabéns e obrigada.
L' acqua deve essere calda?
For making the cinnamon tincture the water was hot - but cool before soaking the root .
Wow Thankyou so much, I've been searching for help on RUclips and so happy I found yours Judy South Africa
Que lindo não jogo mais minhas orquídeas fora ,vou fazer igual vc fez obrigada por compartilhar seus conhecimentos 👏👏👏👏💋❤️
황토색이 무엇인가요?
Muito obrigada por compartilhar esses procedimentos 🙏🏻. Serão muito úteis para cuidar das minhas orquídeas. Farei nesse fim de semana. 😊
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Omg...thank you so so much dear for sharing this👍😇🤗🙏🙏
Now I can rescue myn all orkidé 👍😊😍🙏
Gratidão ☘️ 🌸 ☘️
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life.
On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Coisa mais linda, parabéns Deus continue abençoando suas mãos, gratidão pela aula maravilhosa 🙏🙌
Por favor, está em inglês eu não entendo
Спасибо большое! Очень полезное видео!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
So simple and beautiful, thank you ☮❤🇨🇦
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life
Desde Bogotá Colombia, gracias por compartir sus conocimientos
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Muchas gracias por tus consejos, espero poder revivir mi orquídea que se quedo sin hojas .
Suerte, la mia se quedó sin raíces 😔
Que maravilha obrigada por ensinar!!
Que Deus te abençoe sempre!!!
Благодарю за полезную информацию 🙏
Obrigada por compartilhar seus conhecimentos que Deus te abençoe hoje amanhã e sempre um grande abraço ❤❤❤
Два часа ночи .... а я смотрю как "оживить" Орхидею ... самое главное, я люблю 😊 Тюльпаны.
Но, приятно сознавать, что есть Люди, которые творят Такие Чудеса ❤
Здравствуйте, с пробуждением! Как Вы думаете, что за средсво было в порошке? Английский незнаю. Спасибо.
@@Terna-g2r в одном из комментариев написано, что это молотая корица.
Что за порошок 2ч л?
@@ЛарисаРудомазина корица. Включите перевод (вверху видео) голосовой переводчик рассказывает поэтапно
Two in the morning .... and I'm looking at how to "revive" the Orchid ... most importantly, I love 😊 Tulips.
But, it's nice to know that there are People who create such Miracles ❤ google translate still doesn't tell me what the powder is
Parabéns, muito lindo fazer a orquídea reviver. H
Eu coloco o pó da canela quando planto, gostei da ideia de fazer a água para borrifar nas orquídeas ❤
Je viens de recevoir une magnifique orchidée. Merci pour les conseils👍👍👍💕PARIS🇫🇷 FRANCE
É tão prazeroso ver esses resultados.... incrível, parabéns, seus vídeos são ótimos!!!!💖💕🥰👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life