The rise of China,particularly under the leadership of the CPC, exemplifies how strategic governance

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • China's rise on the global stage has been nothing short of extraordinary, and it is a testament to the effective governance and strategic vision of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC). This success story, which spans various fields from economic development to technological advancements, showcases how a nation's leadership can optimally allocate human resources to achieve remarkable outcomes.
    Professor Kishore Mahbubani’s response to Western reporters highlights a critical point: the undeniable progress China has made under the CPC’s leadership. It is easy for outsiders to criticize, but the evidence of China’s achievements is irrefutable. The transformation of China from an agrarian society into the world’s second-largest economy, with cutting-edge infrastructure and a rapidly growing technological sector, is a direct result of the CPC’s ability to effectively mobilize and utilize its human and material resources. This is a stark contrast to the unfounded claims and criticisms often leveled against China by Western media.
    A perfect example of China’s prowess in modern innovation is the recent triumph of the DRO-A and DRO-B spacecraft missions. Despite facing a critical launch failure, China’s space scientists and engineers managed to turn a potential disaster into a spectacular success. The ability to overcome such setbacks and successfully reach lunar orbit is a clear demonstration of China’s growing expertise in space exploration. This achievement not only underscores China's technological capabilities but also signals its commitment to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration. Such missions are not just about reaching new frontiers but also about inspiring a nation and demonstrating the importance of resilience and innovative problem-solving.
    On the other hand, the criticism from NASA Administrator Bill Nelson regarding China’s lunar missions reveals more about the insecurities of the West than any real shortcomings on China’s part. Nelson’s attempts to discredit China’s accomplishments only ended up highlighting his own lack of understanding of basic lunar science. The moon, like all celestial bodies, rotates and therefore does not have a permanent "dark side" as popularly misunderstood. China's advancements in space exploration, including their groundbreaking missions on the moon's far side, are a testament to their scientific and engineering excellence. Such achievements are not only milestones for China but also for humanity as a whole.
    The rise of China, particularly under the leadership of the CPC, exemplifies how strategic governance, focused investment in education and technology, and the optimal allocation of human resources can propel a nation to new heights. While criticisms and attempts to undermine China’s achievements persist, they often fall flat in the face of the tangible progress that China continues to make. The success of China’s space missions, the rapid development of its economy, and its growing influence on the world stage are all indicators of a nation that is not just rising but is set to lead in various domains in the years to come.
    最近 DRO-A 和 DRO-B 太空船任務的成功是中國現代創新實力的完美例證。儘管面臨嚴重的發射失敗,中國的航太科學家和工程師仍成功地將潛在的災難轉化為巨大的成功。能夠克服這些挫折並成功抵達月球軌道,清楚地表明了中國在太空探索方面不斷增強的專業知識。這項成就不僅彰顯了中國的技術能力,也標誌著中國致力於突破人類知識和探索的界限。這些使命不僅是為了開拓新領域,也是為了激勵一個國家並展現韌性和創新解決問題的重要性。
    In conclusion, the Chinese Communist Party has played a pivotal role in the rise of modern China. Its ability to harness the potential of its people, coupled with a clear vision for the future, has transformed China into a global powerhouse. As China continues to reach new milestones, it is clear that the nation’s leadership is not only effective but is also setting a benchmark for other countries to follow. The rise of China is not just a story of economic success; it is a story of strategic vision, resilience, and the optimal use of human resources to achieve national greatness.

Комментарии • 154

  • @khampheuydaraphet1090
    @khampheuydaraphet1090 19 дней назад +42

    You are the best daring to tell the truth to the world about China !!!

  • @Rubicon365
    @Rubicon365 16 дней назад +38

    Wow prof Mahbubani absolutely decimated the guy 😂

  • @yvonwheel4943
    @yvonwheel4943 19 дней назад +104

    Yes, excellent replies to western global racisms. Europeans and Americans have been the global racists--colonize India, philippines, vietnam, Africa.....

    • @jiffonbuffo
      @jiffonbuffo 19 дней назад +3

      Some of these colonies are hopeless. Even if they would be ravaged by war, they'd still welcome US corporations who will "help them fix the mess" US caused in the first place.

  • @eddylumanauw4282
    @eddylumanauw4282 15 дней назад +13

    Excellent and perspective respond of Prof Mahbubani👌👍🙏🙏🙏

  • @ailinchong7506
    @ailinchong7506 22 дня назад +77

    Awesome🙏👍Professor Mahbubani 👌👍👏👏👏

  • @HappyPandaBear73
    @HappyPandaBear73 19 дней назад +61

    Thank you, Professor Mahbubani for your shares to enlighten by that ignorance individual (British) for asking that question.
    His ignorance on factual current history will be his own reflection of what he knows about Motherland, China & bless you, Professor Mahbubani.🙏🙏🙏👍🏼🇨🇳🌏☮️🙂❗️

    • @markchan8110
      @markchan8110 19 дней назад

      Is not ignorance, is intentional to push their disinformation propaganda.

    • @sandmanhan6054
      @sandmanhan6054 19 дней назад

      Let me put it straight, l never fear China and their success on communism practise. because although I can never be As good/altruistic as a chinese Communist, as a Normal selfish person who pretty much enjoy living by my work, Loving my family and the world and caring only for those i feel responsible for. i reasonably admire their genuine altruism intension for all classes of their people, matureness of their governance and recent decades of economical growth, they still had huge richest versus poor gap however they were able to get rid of extremely poor and every human in their country are able to work and earn a life that worth living. simple moral tells me, i am not those rich people can only rely on nonproductive financial games, robbery, colonizing, prosecution, invasion, bombarding and all kinds of strong predator weak meat war crime to get money and power, nor i care to be those racist who were so pathetic to watching people dog fighting for fun, every good soul on earth shall never fear or jealous of China's peaceful progress as long awaited evolution of human civilization.

  • @argus-r1j
    @argus-r1j 18 дней назад +19

    Well said, Prof.

  • @AI-Google
    @AI-Google  22 дня назад +156

    Professor Mahbubani is right. If the Chinese Communist Party brutally oppresses the Chinese people, how can China become a modern country? How can it pose a threat to the West?

    • @shiwu6984
      @shiwu6984 22 дня назад +52

      Mahbubani rightly points out that China's remarkable progress could not have been achieved without effective governance. The Chinese Communist Party's role in steering the nation through decades of rapid development and modernization is undeniable. While the West often resorts to slander, Mahbubani's perspective reminds us to look at the facts: China has lifted millions out of poverty, built world-class infrastructure, and become a leader in technology and innovation. These achievements are a testament to the CCP's ability to govern a diverse and populous nation with vision and pragmatism.

    • @henrywu848
      @henrywu848 22 дня назад +36

      Sometimes I wonder if it is even possible to reeducate small minded people to see reality.
      Their worldviews is set in stone like their mind!

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  22 дня назад +36

      @@henrywu848 China will soon regain Taiwan and achieve reunification.

    • @charliecheng3340
      @charliecheng3340 22 дня назад

      The West is in a state of Paranoia

    • @summerchina6568
      @summerchina6568 19 дней назад

      Only people who have never been to China would believe believe the lies and propaganda by western media.

  • @teeong1645
    @teeong1645 19 дней назад +16

    The way professor Marbubani educate the journalist is beautiful to watch! The western journalists are just regurgitating what they're being told...john Pilger they're not .

  • @shiwu6984
    @shiwu6984 22 дня назад +50

    China's DRO-A & B Spacecraft: A Triumph of Innovation and Resilience
    The success of China's DRO-A and DRO-B spacecraft in reaching lunar orbit, despite initial setbacks, is a shining example of China's innovative spirit and resilience. This mission, which seemed doomed after a critical launch failure, was salvaged through brilliant maneuvering and quick thinking, showcasing China's growing expertise in space exploration. The ability to overcome such challenges and turn potential failure into triumph is indicative of the nation's commitment to advancing its technological capabilities. This achievement not only marks a significant milestone in China's space program but also solidifies its position as a major player in the global space race. The world should take note of China's determination and ingenuity in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration.

  • @lityoungkok5879
    @lityoungkok5879 18 дней назад +13

    As usual , excellent response from Kishore . Thanks for that .

    • @henryneoch7366
      @henryneoch7366 17 дней назад +1

      Kishore is another great man of SG.
      I respect him hell of a lot. He’s super cool. He’s world class - no doubt abt it!

  • @edddiscaya47
    @edddiscaya47 11 дней назад +7

    Wow the best professor ever! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @kcchong5661
    @kcchong5661 14 дней назад +10

    Repression? Ask the general population of China

  • @shiwu6984
    @shiwu6984 22 дня назад +47

    The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in Modern China's Rise
    The transformation of China into a global superpower is a testament to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) strategic governance and optimal resource allocation. Under the CCP's leadership, China has experienced unprecedented economic growth, technological advancements, and infrastructural development. Kishore Mahbubani's response to Western criticism is spot on-how could a nation of over a billion people achieve such remarkable progress if its leadership were not effective? The CCP's ability to adapt, innovate, and harness the potential of its citizens has been key to China's rise on the global stage. As the West grapples with its own challenges, China's model of governance offers a unique perspective on how to manage a nation's development in the 21st century.

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  22 дня назад +12

      The CCP's strategic vision and investment in science and technology have enabled China to become a formidable force in space exploration, challenging the dominance of traditional space powers like the United States. As China continues to push the boundaries of space science, its influence on global space policy and cooperation will undoubtedly grow, positioning the nation as a key player in shaping the future of space exploration.

    • @chew5461-l7f
      @chew5461-l7f 20 дней назад

      And yet the Devil and its vassals are doing all they can to stop China's progress! Someone said the Devil knows NO BOTTOM in carrying out its evil deeds to impede China's progress.

    • @putianren
      @putianren 19 дней назад


    • @putianren
      @putianren 19 дней назад


  • @freefree1219
    @freefree1219 15 дней назад +12

    China needs to have a training course to their diplomatic staff, to learn how to talk to the Western media similar to Prof Mabhubani

    • @samliew6610
      @samliew6610 7 дней назад

      Some of the Western mainstream media knows the Truth but they are not supposed to tell the truth because they are funded by their government . They are the Propaganda machine

  • @markhannz
    @markhannz 19 дней назад +11


  • @AI-Google
    @AI-Google  22 дня назад +47

    NASA Administrator Bill Nelson's attempt to downplay China's lunar achievements only serves to highlight the growing anxiety in the West about China's rising capabilities in space exploration. The success of China's DRO-A and DRO-B spacecraft in overcoming significant obstacles to reach lunar orbit demonstrates China's technological prowess and determination to become a leader in space science. Nelson's remarks, which were intended to cast doubt on China's achievements, ultimately backfired, revealing a sense of insecurity as China continues to make strides in space exploration. Rather than undermining China's success, such criticisms only emphasize the importance of healthy competition and collaboration in advancing humanity's knowledge of space.

    • @chew5461-l7f
      @chew5461-l7f 20 дней назад +13

      Just look at their 2 astronauts stranded in space when they were supposed to be there for only 8 days!! 😂They must be scared sh' tless!

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  20 дней назад +11

      @@chew5461-l7f The latest news is that Russia has sent enough food to last until next year to the space station, but they were launching a proxy war against Russia.

    • @user-sf1nq9uj7p
      @user-sf1nq9uj7p 19 дней назад +8

      I seriously doubt Bill Nelson's intelligence as NASA Director as he has demonstrated a very narrow minded view of space exploration based upon his own subjectiveness - which runs counterwise to scientific objectiveness. He was the very same idiot who earlier on, asked why did the Chinese have only Chinese language instructions in their space station and not English (Duh! The Chinese space station happens to be Chinese, Mr."Homer Simpson Nelson").
      Now he says that the U.S. isn't interested in exploring the far side of the moon although the Americans know nothing at all about the far side. This is like saying, "we don't know anything about the North American continent and therefore, we will stay in England". OMG! What a dill. Yet, NASA now wants China to give it some samples of the lunar soil that Chang'e 6 brought back from the far side.
      Why does the U.S. keeps choosing dullards in leadership positions? whatever happened to professional experts that the U.S. once used to have - some 60 - 70 years ago?

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  19 дней назад +3

      @@user-sf1nq9uj7p I completely agree with your assessment of Bill Nelson's approach as NASA Director. It's baffling that someone in such a significant position would display such a lack of foresight and understanding. Space exploration should be about collaboration, innovation, and scientific curiosity, not narrow-mindedness or outdated thinking. His comments about the Chinese space station and the far side of the moon reveal a concerning level of ignorance, especially in an era where global cooperation in space could lead to groundbreaking discoveries. The fact that NASA now seeks lunar samples from China, despite earlier dismissive remarks, only highlights the inconsistency in leadership and vision. It’s disappointing to see how far the U.S. has strayed from the era of true scientific pioneers. The need for professional, informed experts in leadership roles is more crucial than ever, especially in fields as critical as space exploration.

  • @Aramsa-Khan
    @Aramsa-Khan 19 дней назад +16

    Throughout China's civilisation, when the ruler became tyrannical and repressive, the ruler will overthrown. The person who pose the question obviously does not know a shred of China.

  • @cchui01
    @cchui01 19 дней назад +12

    What we see in China is years of hard work, not hard talking like in the US. The American people are hard working too but the government does not provide leadership, but talks.

  • @AI-Google
    @AI-Google  22 дня назад +39

    The Importance of the Chinese Model in a Multipolar World
    As the world shifts towards a multipolar order, China's rise offers a compelling alternative to Western models of governance and development. Kishore Mahbubani's remarks about the effectiveness of the Chinese Communist Party highlight the success of a system that prioritizes national stability, economic growth, and technological advancement. In a world where the West often seeks to impose its values on other nations, China's approach of respecting cultural and political diversity while focusing on pragmatic development has proven to be highly effective. The success of China's space missions, such as the DRO-A and DRO-B spacecraft, further underscores the nation's capability to lead in cutting-edge fields while maintaining a unique model of governance that aligns with its national conditions and aspirations.

  • @XaiVaj-g8m
    @XaiVaj-g8m 15 дней назад +10

    The US has the strongest and most advanced military in the world today. However, China is the most advanced and civilized country on earth. The US doesn't even have electricity for nearly 30 percent of its citizens. Nearly a million are homeless, and another 30 percent live on welfare or live off government food subsidies. Without social security, the US is just another third-world country. Nearly half of its citizens lives on paycheck to paycheck with no savings. They're one or two paychecks from bankruptcy, even billionaires like Trump are bankrupted. I'm on welfare now. sad.

  • @shiwu6984
    @shiwu6984 22 дня назад +29

    China's advancements in space exploration, particularly the success of the DRO-A and DRO-B spacecraft, are a source of immense national pride and global influence. These missions showcase China's ability to innovate, solve complex problems, and achieve extraordinary feats in the face of adversity.

  • @cherubimcherubim9515
    @cherubimcherubim9515 15 дней назад +7

    Carter then said the US has been at peace for only 16 of its 242 years as a nation. Former president Carter then referred to the US as "the most warlike nation in the history of the world," a result, he said, of the US forcing other countries to "adopt our American principles.Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody Carter asked. "None, and we have stayed at war." While it is true that China's last major war--an invasion of Vietnam--occurred in 1979, its People's Liberation Army pounded border regions of Vietnam with artillery and its navy battled its Vietnamese counterpart in the 1980s. Since then, however, China has been at peace with its neighbors and the world. China's peace dividend has allowed and enhanced its economic growth, Carter said. "How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country?" he asked. China has around 18,000 miles (29,000 km) of high speed rail lines while the US has "wasted, I think, $3 trillion" on military spending. According to a November 2018 study by Brown University's Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs, the US has spent $5.9 trillion waging war in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nations since 2001. "It's more than you can imagine," Carter said of US war spending. "China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost every way." The US has also invaded or bombed dozens of countries and supported nearly every single right wing dictatorship in the world since the end of World War II. Most countries surveyed in a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll identified the United States as the greatest threat to world peace, and a 2017 Pew Research poll found that a record number of people in 30 surveyed nations viewed US power and influence as a "major threat." The US has also invaded or bombed dozens of countries and supported nearly every single right wing dictatorship in the world since the end of World War II. It has overthrown or attempted to overthrow dozens of foreign governments since 1949 and has actively sought to crush nearly every single people's liberation movement over that same period. It has also meddled in scores of elections, in countries that are allies and adversaries alike.

  • @wcdirect9217
    @wcdirect9217 19 дней назад +27

    truth hurts

  • @matsforsberg6287
    @matsforsberg6287 21 день назад +28

    Don`t the US even have technology to auto translate Chinese? You have to buy better tech from China. Maybe you also can go to the moon instead of Hollywood

  • @user-qd8yg1fp7i
    @user-qd8yg1fp7i 19 дней назад +12

    That mission save by China Space. That, is INCREDIBLE! U'll never hear it in western media.

  • @911Sept
    @911Sept 16 дней назад +7

    I am so glad that you so eloquently put that typical bigot in his place!

  • @ribeirojorge5064
    @ribeirojorge5064 17 дней назад +9

    Xi Jinping Will be Considered a Personality of the Millennium ❤️ 💚 💜

  • @jackyjackson604
    @jackyjackson604 19 дней назад +9

    It's just like how they accused Pan must have cheated in 100m swimming even after testing 21 times, yet still faster than their purple face asthmatic swimmers.... That is ..... Humanly impossible, must be a cruel inhumane training program

    • @teoeehuat8742
      @teoeehuat8742 18 дней назад

      Now then i realized. 40 years back my grandfather told me their are group of pig mindset.

  • @jonasbarbosa4410
    @jonasbarbosa4410 19 дней назад +12

    This images will never shows up on Western midia😂😂😂

    • @user-sf1nq9uj7p
      @user-sf1nq9uj7p 19 дней назад +6

      The situation regarding China's DRO-A and DRO-B was never mentioned once in Australian television news media channels. I didn't even know that China has launched those two satellites to the moon until I came across that in Chinese news media sources.

  • @timothychung4811
    @timothychung4811 15 дней назад +5

    So eloquently responded but OUCH!

  • @keviny354
    @keviny354 10 дней назад +4

    The guy who asked the stupid question is a typical hypocrite.

  • @yanmuikam6160
    @yanmuikam6160 17 дней назад +7

    Ha ha ha wise men from Singapore !!😊😊😊

    • @laychan7761
      @laychan7761 17 дней назад +1

      Some of them thinks they are better then Chinese. But Prof Marbani understand the Chinese well... yes Asean feels threatern but if there is no Asian in the SC Seas Some big brother will dominate ..sometimes its probably better for an alternate power to have a unsinkable aircraft carrier built there...
      Asean know this better.. looking at how ww2 started.

  • @tokuo0511
    @tokuo0511 19 дней назад +16

    The West always talk about Xinjiang was forced oppression or Xinjiang is suffering , we have just ended our trip from Xinjiang 3 month ago , everything seem fine and people are living normal just like anywhere else , so what kind of suffering were the west refering to? could the first questioner provide some evidence to back up his accuse ? Otherwise, this is slander and spreading rumors.

  • @davidwong189
    @davidwong189 19 дней назад +12

    The moderator is shameless n stupid to ask about Xingjiang n HKG where the riots n chaos were initiated n paid by USl, UK n other west.....

  • @ablefamilee6538
    @ablefamilee6538 19 дней назад +5

    A TRULY Must Watch Video by those who Firmly Believe in the Anglo-Saxon Media. You may be, “Pleasantly“, Surprised?

  • @WilsonLiaw-e1k
    @WilsonLiaw-e1k 14 дней назад +2

    The display of the questioner's ultimate ignorance is met with the slap of the truth by the Professor.

  • @kinwahlo4688
    @kinwahlo4688 15 дней назад +2

    Us=questions. China =solutions.

  • @wilftan2571
    @wilftan2571 19 дней назад +5


  • @QLi-es1ne
    @QLi-es1ne 18 дней назад +3

    China is not perfect but Rise of China is a fact which should not be ignored! People need to understand how to learn from each other, and how to develop their own countries! Criticizing China without understanding how China was developed, is not helpful. Respect China and respect yourself!

  • @michaeltse6961
    @michaeltse6961 19 дней назад +7

    Buy Mr kishorea beer 👏👏👏 well spoken Sir...

    • @henryneoch7366
      @henryneoch7366 19 дней назад

      Hell📞📞, citizens of the world,
      I’m the originator of this phrase - ‘Praise now, forget eulogy’
      Professor Krishore & China will never need ‘eulogy’ as ‘Praises’ will keep them alive!
      The reporter got who asked the qn must be having a nightmare & sleepless nights for daysssss!

  • @Felipe-n3j
    @Felipe-n3j 19 дней назад +4


  • @henryneoch7366
    @henryneoch7366 19 дней назад +3

    Hell📞📞, citizens of the world,
    I’m the originator of this phrase - ‘Praise now, forget eulogy’
    Professor Kishore, Jeffrey Sachs & China will never need ‘eulogy’ as ‘Praises’ will keep them alive!
    The reporter got who asked the qn must be having a nightmare & sleepless nights for daysssss!

  • @user-wq7wx9nk4z
    @user-wq7wx9nk4z 15 дней назад +2

    Whether it's on social media or from the mouths of world leaders, China is always the center of attention, constantly criticized for this and that. There's an old saying: 'When you do good, others will get jealous and envious, and when you do bad, others will laugh at you.' China is doing very good, achieving success in many areas. Don’t blame China for its achievements; instead, blame those who refuse to learn from China’s progress and choose to do nothing but complain and whine all the time.

  • @cherubimcherubim9515
    @cherubimcherubim9515 15 дней назад +5

    If your plan is for one year plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years educate children.

  • @danielpaco2000
    @danielpaco2000 19 дней назад +7


  • @leekianseng359
    @leekianseng359 9 дней назад +1

    Really enjoyed seeing how Professor Mahbubani schooled the ignorant journalist.😅👏

  • @ijling
    @ijling 22 дня назад +11

    Amazingly, even Kishore got the name wrong. Kishore, if you happen to read my comment, please use the name CPC & not CCP in future. You will not like it if I call you Koshire, right. Sorry mate, I’m not being rude, just emphasizing at point. Thanks for another insightful & truthful thoughts which everyone should read & learn from. 🤗

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  22 дня назад +6

      Thank you for your reminder, I will correct it now

    • @putianren
      @putianren 19 дней назад


    • @keffinsg
      @keffinsg 19 дней назад +4

      Don't be over sensitive and pedantic....otherwise you should object to people calling China "China". Why not insist they all call it Zhong1 Guo2....then berate them when they get the tones wrong also.?

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 19 дней назад

      he did correctly mention the name slowly "communist party of China"

    • @user-qd8yg1fp7i
      @user-qd8yg1fp7i 19 дней назад +1


  • @orkneyis123
    @orkneyis123 22 дня назад +12

    Awesome music !

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  22 дня назад +3

      very glad you like it

    • @chew5461-l7f
      @chew5461-l7f 20 дней назад +3

      @@AI-Google What is the name of the song @17:13? I really like it.

    • @AI-Google
      @AI-Google  20 дней назад +4


  • @rayx8329
    @rayx8329 18 дней назад +2

    Every time I watch a video, I always have to look at the author's country and political position to avoid being led astray by others, because I find that many people do not look at problems and phenomena objectively, but have a strong political stance or bias (or even no on-the-ground observation and analysis)

    • @QingCheng23
      @QingCheng23 15 дней назад


    • @rayx8329
      @rayx8329 15 дней назад


  • @mingliu4175
    @mingliu4175 21 день назад +10

    US can solve the problem by putting 100% tariffs on Chinese Eelectric vehicles.

  • @lilypang7590
    @lilypang7590 20 дней назад +10


  • @ribeirojorge5064
    @ribeirojorge5064 17 дней назад

    Love Truth above All Things ❤️
    Accept and Thank the Suffering 💚
    (from the knowledge of truth)
    Confront and Illuminate Malevolence 💜
    The Ends Never Justify the Means
    The Means Always Determine the Ends
    Tirany is the Seed of its Own Destruction
    From the UnConscious Hell ❤️
    To the Conscious Hell 💚
    Until the Paradise of Consciousness 💜
    Stay Awake Not Woke ❤️ 💚 💜

  • @user-kb9bd5tt8f
    @user-kb9bd5tt8f 17 дней назад +1

    Well.. NASA is already over and finito

  • @liujason2091
    @liujason2091 13 дней назад

    Just realize at the beginning of the video, on the top banner I saw "roll", was it supposed to be "role"? Am I the first one?

  • @tangalexander8877
    @tangalexander8877 15 дней назад +2

    Anglo-Saxon.. Lol

  • @ewansariasmara8215
    @ewansariasmara8215 14 дней назад

    We need a multipolar world and not a colonial way of system which suppresses 3rd world countries towards poverty.

  • @chew5461-l7f
    @chew5461-l7f 20 дней назад +1

    Does anyone know the song @ 17:13? It's very nice.

    • @user-tq2li2id3l
      @user-tq2li2id3l 19 дней назад +4

      《别知己》《Farewell confidant》

  • @junlifang2896
    @junlifang2896 19 дней назад +1


  • @laychan7761
    @laychan7761 17 дней назад

    Some of them thinks they are better then Chinese. But Prof Marbani understand the Chinese well... yes Asean feels threatern but if there is no Asian in the SC Seas Some big brother will dominate ..sometimes its probably better for an alternate power to have a unsinkable aircraft carrier built there...
    Asean know this better.. looking at how ww2 started.
    Some says they rather be controlled by the west but its the Asian century.

  • @RobertS-h7r
    @RobertS-h7r 19 дней назад +8

    Kishore is now a Full-time spokesperson for China? George Yeo also?

    • @ronaldlee4067
      @ronaldlee4067 19 дней назад +1

      You make your guess 🤣

    • @calvinang1
      @calvinang1 19 дней назад +22

      Both you mentioned are my favourite spokesperson from not only Singapore but Asia. Won't be distracted by Western propaganda, no BS but straight facts. From a Malaysian

    • @peterchan3889
      @peterchan3889 19 дней назад +20

      This 2 guys more intelligent than present America president, Awesome 👍👍👍❤

    • @KayyHong
      @KayyHong 19 дней назад +8

      for speaking the truth? Think what you want, no one is buying

    • @fannyalbi9040
      @fannyalbi9040 19 дней назад +12

      if he is telling the truth, that offended you?

  • @zhangjack1297
    @zhangjack1297 15 дней назад +1

    Environment pollution? We all used the e-car now. It is clear and quiet.

  • @QingCheng23
    @QingCheng23 15 дней назад +2


  • @sandmanhan6054
    @sandmanhan6054 19 дней назад +11

    Let me put it straight, l never fear China and their success on communism practise. because although I can never be As good/altruistic as a chinese Communist, as a Normal selfish person who pretty much enjoy living by my work, Loving my family and the world and caring only for those i feel responsible for. i reasonably admire their genuine altruism intension for all classes of their people, matureness of their governance and recent decades of economical growth, they still had huge richest versus poor gap however they were able to get rid of extremely poor and every human in their country are able to work and earn a life that worth living. simple moral tells me, i am not those rich people can only rely on nonproductive financial games, robbery, colonizing, prosecution, invasion, bombarding and all kinds of strong predator weak meat war crime to get money and power, nor i care to be those racist who were so pathetic to watching people dog fighting for fun, every good soul on earth shall never fear or jealous of China's peaceful progress as long awaited evolution of human civilization.

    • @lp128frank
      @lp128frank 19 дней назад +4

      Well said

    • @Sidekick618
      @Sidekick618 15 дней назад

      They are simply returning to the position they held for the first 1800 years in the history.