Somebody needs to tell those old people in the "Villages" that if Disney leaves or divests in Florida, their low taxes are gone. That's the reason they moved there.
Plus The Villages has the same kind of improvement district deal that Disney had. They should worry if DeSantis will come after their deal too. There is also a couple of other entities that have that deal too, that they have all had for a number of years.
if a company as big as Disney suffer, restaurants suffer, transportation services suffer, even airlines suffer. Florida is bigger than Disney but it would still be a huge blow if they left.
The most important negative on DeSantis goes back to his time as a JAG officer at Guantamo Bay. He was part of the Special Ops Task Force that oversaw torture. He personally supervised the forced feeding of Ensure to prisoners when they went on a hunger strike. Florida has a war criminal for a governor. He should not be anywhere near the White House.
Actually he was second in command of urine testing for the guards. I suspect he himself made up the special ops story to sound more important and intimidating.
His job there was also to watch men pee in cups for drug testing and label the cups. He looked at men's penises as a job title. People they hate get that job.
He is a sadistic psychopath for sure and if he gets more power, it will be very, very bad. He's even more dangerous than Trump. He would be more dangerous as president than Trump was.
@@brandonangstman He was a Jag lawyer? right? They wear suits and ties to work. I guess they do a couple weeks of reserve types of duty a year to make sure they are alive and under 450 lbs.
So. Let's get this straight. Desantis is threatening to build a state prison next to a theme park that has thousands of kids every day. Who is really endangering children?
Will never happen. I did think he looked like a foolish child at the press meeting he had where he talked about all his STUPID ideas that he will never do.
@@AlexMAGA2024 That's the difference between the Right and the Left, we know Biden isn't God. Meanwhile You guys worship your politicians. AND YOU KNOW IT. Don't try to pretend like you don't.
Folks outside FL: Imagine how it feels to be a resident, property owner, parent and taxpayer in a state for 50 years, and then be told by the governor you're not welcome here if you're "woke."
The teacher shortage in Florida has doubled under DeSantis. Polls of teachers indicate that the culture war issues promoted by DeSantis have left many educators so dispirited, as well as fearful of running afoul of DeSantis' decrees, that they have walked away from the profession that they love.
And good luck getting any others to come to the state. No one wants to be handcuffed while they try to work. Or live in a state that has permitless carry, no questions asked, everybody gets an AR-15 at the state line, gun control.
It's true I'm a school nurse and they are dropping out fast. I don't feel comfortable being in the school system but the kids that have medical issues need care
Which is exactly why he has legislature passed and protocols put in place to where now foreigners are being flown in I have to find exact articles I was reading them forgot what country they were from and I'm sure they're willing to teach whatever rhetoric they're told to teach for the opportunity to be here in America and get the money. And also some sort of program where vets and their spouses they don't even have a teaching certificate can teach while they're going to school to get certified. It is disgusting he is turning Florida into an uneducated state
As a survivor of Katrina it irritated me to no end when DeSantis stood in front of Fema and other officials who developed the hurricane preparedness plan and took credit for all of their work. America was like "wow!" this governor moves quick! But all of that mobilization and communication was put in place by the people behind him on the podium who he wouldn't let near the mic.
Ron will NEVER be POTUS. As a matter of information, I am ashamed to refer to him as a fellow veteran. Shame on you Ron. I will never forget how you showed up to that school and reprimanded those kids for wearing a mask during COVID. He didn’t know what the medical conditions of those kids were nor what the parents had instructed their kids to do. Shame on Ron! I would NEVER support his leadership. -Tim Taylor Veteran USMC/Electrical Engineer
Because here in Florida, DeSantis is well liked. That blew his ego up where he thought he was untouchable. He is not infallible. And Florida likes him...for now. He keeps screwing up like this and he won't even announce, just to save face.
A day when florida floods is another day that ends in y. Ft. Lauderdale flooding hasn’t made it to the level of national news that the texas snow electrical grid shutdown, so it’s easier for his actions to fly under the radar
I wonder why they roasted Cruz? I like a 2 hour flight or less from most airports in Texas to Cancun, pretty common destination for us Texans, I have been to Cancun probalby 30 plus times. So close and so cheap and awesome.
I raised my kids with the promise of trust. I always said "If you are old enough to ask an honest question, you are old enough to get an honest (and age appropriate) answer."
That's exactly what my grandmother told me. My granddaughter is 8. She asked me how old I was when I was allowed to take my cellphone to school.... 37?
Well? If black children were strong enough to endure their history…white children are strong enough to hear about what they went through. If this worries your white bigots, ce la vie!
Dude wants to fight with Disney, travel to campaign, ban stuff that's not happening in schools/books, take away women's rights to their own bodies, and not go to areas in his state ravaged by flooding/inclement weather! DeSatan needs to concentrate on helping the citizens of Florida, not making it harder for them! 😠
Desantis also had a data scientist's home raided by the police to seize her computer after she contradicted the official COVID death count in Florida. Also, he removed an elected DA (a Democrat) for having a different view on an issue. In another incident, at one of his news conferences, he berated a group of teenagers for wearing face masks during the pandemic, and, after he was done, only one kept his mask on.
And Floridians can't get his...uh, thumb, out of their mouths long enough to even give you an excuse as to why. Oh that's right, the "(R)" is all it takes.
@@thebilboshow168 Not everything, just trying to use your government goons to take over a business or thinking American history is too woke for the kids. But being against the Constitution makes you better than a retail worker, right?
As a Middle School teacher. I never bring up sexuality. But the students are ALWAYS talking about it. I have to remind them to treat everyone with love and respect.
As a former HS Math teacher, I agree; this is what probably 99.9999% of teachers do. I used to teach as my mother used to state - any time a student is old enough to ask a question, they're old enough for an honest answer. That's a simple statement that these MAGA-morons can't understand ... and likely never will. They are deliberately ignorant, and one cannot educate such an adult. To those parents who think they can control all the information their children encounter - what universe are you living in? Even before the digital age, children discovered things their parents felt they shouldn't know through gossip and rumor (most of which was likely not true). The digital age has changed none of that - except the sources and the ease of access. Teachers used to be the bulwark against acceptance of fictious information, but thanks you to people like MAGA-morons (and they've been around for a very long time), that last line of defense against stupidity and the proverbial dark ages is being erased.
He bangs on about Florida being where ‘Woke’ goes to die. I would love to see him try to define Woke. Like most Republicans when asked that question I’m sure his eyes would glaze over and he would quickly try to change the subject. Every dictionary I have checked defines ‘Woke’ as something positive. Has Guantanamo Ron banned dictionaries in Florida? I wouldn’t put it past him.
You can’t define “Woke” because it’s just an arbitrary buzzword used by the GOP to describe anything and everything that they don’t like. It means whatever they want it to mean, and therefore it means nothing
Look, i don't love Trump. IN fact i hate him. But i'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching him eviscerate DeSantis. THOROUGHLY! Give Trump the nomination. He has no chance in the general election and he knocks DeSantis off his pedestal in the process. Best of both worlds.
Trump is the one who brought all these followers (DeSantes,MTG,ect.)Out of the woodwork.We are in a bad position if Trump is the better candidate.Don’t think for one minute Trump doesn’t have a chance to win again.Trump is unstable and scary.Any candidate associated with Trump and his mindset are terrifying,and this country will never recover.
@@rozwynn2349, Wanna rethugliKKKan governor to run against Don & Ron? How about a government-experienced, all-girl powerhouse? Since the Rapture hasn't taken Alaska yet, we can get Silly Sarah Palin to run on a ticket with space-laser Margie!!
Politicians used to be rarely seen and heard, just quietly doing thier jobs. Today it's just a bunch of egomaniacs fighting for the mic! Tired of seeing their mouths move!
People like Ron DeSantis and a number of those in Congress who are touted as being Harvard or Yale graduates makes me really question the grading and passing and graduating standards of Harvard and Yale. Of course, I realize that many of these guys are simply the sons of wealthy men who donate a new gymnasium or something else that benefits the universities and that guarantees a graduation for their sons. I wouldn’t consider Harvard or Yale (if I were looking for a university now) with those standards.
Americans need to be told about legacy students attending Ivy League universities...they get in because Mom or Dad was a grad, not because they are smart. Not all Yale grads are smart. Ronnie Meatballs is walking, living proof.
I've met some good sound Americans with uni degrees here in oz. Some of the best cab drivers I have. I would let them dispense jelly beans to a diabetic tho.
@@julesmasseffectmusic There’s a point. Yes, as I’m sure you’re aware, a “few” things in America have gone downhill a bit in the last few years. Do you know if your government would permit a disabled senior on Social Security to move to Oz? Im about ready to pack it up. (And I’m assuming you meant “wouldn’t” in your last sentence.)
No CRT 'critical Ron Talk' in Florida. Ban books Ban words Ban maths Ban LGBTQI civil rights Ban abortion Ban health care choices Ban protests Ban woke Then tell everyone he's all about your Freedoms.
He is a Fascist!! It started with his banning books, and it will end with the people of Florida having no rights at all. Stand up and fight for your freedoms, Florida!! Fire DeSantis!!!
As a Floridian, he is a disgrace and NOT looking at what is in our best interests. We should have the right to vote on any changes that limit or remove our rights and liberties!
I've had all these conversations with my kids. I don't get why more people don't. What's the big deal? My son plays hockey. One of the kids on his team has some pretty crazy parents and one of the kids (age 13) ended up deciding that he was a girl. Look... i don't get it either, but i'm not going to act like it's terribly important to us. I'm glad my kid doesn't have that conflict, and that i don't have to deal with it, but at the same time i'm not going to put a person down for making that choice. Even if i can't fathom it. But here's the thing. I SIMPLY DON'T CARE! Why are we even talking about this stuff? We have climate change, war in Europe, social security and medicaid going bankrup, rampant gun violence... And you expect me to care about Disney's inclusive policies, transexual people and drag queens? Really? how cynical! How foolish does this clown think we are? These "woke" issues don't matter. They're utterly irrelevant. We have actual problems that we need to have serious people to deal with. It's incredible to me.
Unfortunately friend Republicans don't consider those things problems. Because they don't believe in fixing societies problems because to them our society is perfect. It's the opposite of being "woke". Their issues with transsexuals and Drag Queens are considered a threat to their "social order". They have the power to do things in our country and their policy is to "take more for themselves and leave less for everyone else."
You're a fool if you think science and health-care don't matter. Your bigotry is pathetic. BTW I'm a straight white male from Alabama, I'm just a medical professional that's seen what you say isn't problems first hand. They are problems even if you don't care.
You know, I bet a whole lot of people, both Democrats AND Republicans, agree with everything you just stated. The PROBLEM is that there is a huge subsection of Republican voters who refuse to pull another lever. They'll vote against their own self-interest simply because they cannot bring themselves to split a ticket and vote for ANY Democrat. This is part of a bigger problem. The animosity and rancor between these two parties has gotten so bad...I know people personally who have fractured FAMILIES, lost friends, broken marriages! There used to be something in us as Americans, where we'd band together as things got bad. We could put aside petty differences for the greater good of our country. Not anymore. Instead of opposing ideologies, we have sworn enemies. We've gotten so violent in both word and deed! And I don't see a path back for us. We aren't left with a "win". At this stage, the best I can hope for is that enough of us vote so we can, at minimum, save the American experiment from failure, and that means voting for the lesser of two evils most times.
Uh SS is not going bankrupt. There may be a very small portion but the rest is not. Stop listening to the talking heads. That being said. If the debt ceiling isn't lifted. This all will be a mute point. They're scaring the crap out of the rest of the world whose economy is tied to us. Google BRICS and then see what the UK is saying.
@@lf3541 Well said. The sad part about all this is if russia declared war on us. The repuglikkkons would side with russia. So at this point the only thing that would make everyone stop fighting would be an alien invasion. I don't mean immigrants either.
Disclaimer and Trigger warning: This video contains copious amounts of truth and common sense. These values have been found to break what ever MAGA cultists use to think with.
Uh... in which world? Because I've been living in a world where they completely ignore facts and reality and just gloss over the things that they don't like. Republican voters have the mental capacity of a broken washing machine.
I have some oceanfront property I'd like to sell you. It's in Nevada right now BUT... Trump is going to cause the west coast to sink... TRUST ME IM FROM THE GOVERNMENT!
I would vote for any death row inmate before I would vote for Trump. Yet, I would vote for Trump before I would vote for DeSantis. Hopefully, I will have better choices than either of these reprobates.
I don't know. Latest polls show that tRump would lose to Biden and DeSatanist would win by 2 points. But we shall see. I don't think DeSatanist is going to be able to pull him foot out of his mouth long enough to get the nomination.
DeSantis created all these traumatic social issues that do not exist. He cannot wipe out the entire LGBT community or the history & racism of the black citizens across our country. DeSantis is a fool. He will fail miserably. He is on the wrong side of all these social issues.
The other massive issue with DeSantis taking on Disney is that no progressive employer looking for a location will touch Florida with a bargepole. And pretty much every good employer is a progressive employer.
I'm almost 30 years old. It's not too much, but I've watched politicians talking every day, in multiple countries and languages, for more than a decade now. I cannot remember ever watching someone who at the same time was so extreme and lacked so much charisma.
@Manifestoauthor Forhire Aren't you being a little bit condenscending? The stupidest, least wise people I know are over 50. The smartest people I know got wise before 40. Anyway, whatever one thinks about charisma, it accurately predicts presidential campaigns. He has no chance.
DeSatan "takes on Disney and is GOING TO WIN!" So he starts a war with Mickey Mouse? And is "going to win?" INSANITY RULES. Thank God that I don't live in Florida, as many people now believe.
I just got home from a Disney Vacation with my daughter and a large number of grandkids. We didn't stay on Disney property but rented a house for 2 weeks. I can't imagine that all the new businesses, new home construction or time share companies will welcome one of the biggest companies that draws people to them will be happy about this fight with Disney.
Imagine all the restaurants, hotels and stores in Central Florida IF Disney left!??Then add the thousands of Disney employees that lose their jobs??? Ron DiSgusting is a dictator. He picks fights with immigrants, voters Disney and people who read books??? Then doesn't show up when one of his cities floods?
@@alisonbird5491 isn't the left supposed to be anti mega corp? Heck yea, I want the huge corporations to be able to bully legally elected state governors! let's go! this won't end horribly lol
It is unbelievable that ANYONE has so much money that they can waste it on such mindless, low value "vacations." The kids have learned NOTHING useful on this trip... unless, of course, the brighter ones realize they've learned nothing useful on this trip. I never met a kid who needed a vacation... they all need exposure to and involvement in the REAL world like perhaps 2 weeks camping with someone who knows nature. The only people who really NEED a vacation are those who cannot afford one.
@@rae0521 For your education, planning started for this trip 6 years ago and my grandchildren worked and saved to go on this vacation. They wrote reports to their teachers about the different geography we traveled though, about the interesting people they met, learned how to save their money, and how write a budget for their daily expenses. They learned a lot. As for going camping and fishing, they go every weekend in the summer and I sometimes join them.
Don’t forget to mention trump wants to do the same things Mr Pudding wants to do. Not only does he want to but he proposed cutting social security every single year. Not a fan of corporate power, but my god, I want Disney to win this battle!
Disney just took out a future presidential candidate with one arm tied behind its tail. Did nobody warn Puddycat Ron not to put his paw in the Mousetrap?
Its amazing what you can learn when you pay attention. And the people on this country really need to pay attention to who is doing what & when they do it.
I have Homosexual friends but i don't want my children to have access to explicit books in elementary school and i don't want their teacher going outside of their scope, just like in a medical profession. I don't see how those can't exist together.
Quit giving Disney the credit. They came out against the bill only AFTER regular people condemned them! DeSantis is getting let off the hook by pitting him against Disney. The people DeSantis is really after is anyone that doesn’t think like him.
The bar for GOP lawmakers and representatives is already so low. It's actually impressive that Ron DeSantis has managed to not meet their expectations.
My niece is an elementary teacher, and she had a 5th grade student who trusted her come to talk about how he felt he was meant to be a girl. All she told him was basically that there were other people who have the same feelings and he should talk to his parents. As a teacher, she didn't believe it was her place to advise him or try to tell him what to do, but she let him know he was not alone - not some kind of "freak".
I get real Scott Walker flashbacks with Desantis. A Golden Child Chosen One Governor, destined for inevitable greatness One minute; a slow, excruciating train wreck into a dumpster fire the next.
Thank you, DeSantis. Thank you, Trump. Your continued idiocy completely disgusts moderates and independents, ensuring yet another Republican election loss in 2024. Please keep it up!
The other story that came out with the pudding story was when he had a first date with a woman he would suggest Thai food, but would pronounce it thigh food. If the woman corrected him the date was over because he would not go out with a woman who would correct him. I find this one more disturbing!
Glad to see the public seeing through the shallowness and venality of DeSantis. I was worried that his superficiality would slip through people’s consciousness.
This coming from the man who said he may consider putting a State prison right next to Disney World.....shows how much he really cares about the well-being of children. The hypocrisy is un-measurable.
I really don’t get what he’s trying to do… He’s literally making himself less electable, at a national level, than Donald Trump and that’s quite an achievement.
Yeah, the reason Disney has special standing in Florida, is because of the amount money Disney brings into the state, daily. Disney is apart of Florida’s GDP, we are talking billions of dollars annually. Why as a governor would you mess with that?! This guy needs to move to a more fascist country.
Florida loves Ron. However, Conservatives in America love Trump. For a republican to go after a big business that takes in money 💰 for Florida is crazy!
Andrew Riegel: That's something that I've wondered about since the 1970's... I you isolate people from the rest of the world how do they cope? "Badly" I would think.
I'm not a republican, I actually find the party despicable but I agree with this. You don't need to hover over these kids and reach them advanced aspects of society, let them play and teach them reading, writing, math. Theyll figure out gender stuff on their own when they get older, it's pretty impossible to avoid it.
What has Ron done about the hurricane Ian victims? What is he doing about the recent flooding? He is doing a Ted Cruz, go anywhere except his home state.
I have 2 family members who work in FL's school system. They say teachers are scared to death of being reported by Desantis's thought-police for some harmless remark. Both are leaving the system at the end of this school-year.
bye lol yea when the state militia barges in Fl schools and roughes up the teachers it can be a bit intense, just gotta get out of Fl i guess. I heard the break the doors down and use pepper spray if you don't have your natural hair color as a teacher lol they need to go to Chicago, way better there.
Desantis will cut his nose off to spite his face! Who in their right mind goes after the largest tourist attraction, the largest employer in their state?! For whatever reason, people love Disney. He might as well close down all ports for cruise ships,all hotels and Dayton beach. Makes as much sense!
Somebody needs to tell those old people in the "Villages" that if Disney leaves or divests in Florida, their low taxes are gone. That's the reason they moved there.
Florida will crumble if Disney Moves out
@@victormuhammad2678 They'll still have bath salts....
Plus The Villages has the same kind of improvement district deal that Disney had. They should worry if DeSantis will come after their deal too. There is also a couple of other entities that have that deal too, that they have all had for a number of years.
if a company as big as Disney suffer, restaurants suffer, transportation services suffer, even airlines suffer. Florida is bigger than Disney but it would still be a huge blow if they left.
They are to busy fighting STD’S in the Villages to pay attention
The better *EVERYONE* gets to know him, the less they like him!
What took them so long? I'm not from the US of A and even I knew over year ago that RD is not fit to be president and never will be.
I haven't like him since he was running for governor against a Black candidate and was making a big negative issue about the person being Black
The most important negative on DeSantis goes back to his time as a JAG officer at Guantamo Bay. He was part of the Special Ops Task Force that oversaw torture. He personally supervised the forced feeding of Ensure to prisoners when they went on a hunger strike. Florida has a war criminal for a governor. He should not be anywhere near the White House.
Actually he was second in command of urine testing for the guards. I suspect he himself made up the special ops story to sound more important and intimidating.
His job there was also to watch men pee in cups for drug testing and label the cups. He looked at men's penises as a job title. People they hate get that job.
He is a sadistic psychopath for sure and if he gets more power, it will be very, very bad. He's even more dangerous than Trump. He would be more dangerous as president than Trump was.
His face and his white boots are the most important negatives. That's what I got to say on the matter.
@@brandonangstman He was a Jag lawyer? right? They wear suits and ties to work. I guess they do a couple weeks of reserve types of duty a year to make sure they are alive and under 450 lbs.
So. Let's get this straight. Desantis is threatening to build a state prison next to a theme park that has thousands of kids every day. Who is really endangering children?
Will never happen. I did think he looked like a foolish child at the press meeting he had where he talked about all his STUPID ideas that he will never do.
He made a joke demorat
@@AlexMAGA2024 he wasn’t joking. Stop making excuses for this radical extremist.
@@TheJosephPrice That's right Biden is a god
@@AlexMAGA2024 That's the difference between the Right and the Left, we know Biden isn't God. Meanwhile You guys worship your politicians. AND YOU KNOW IT. Don't try to pretend like you don't.
Folks outside FL: Imagine how it feels to be a resident, property owner, parent and taxpayer in a state for 50 years, and then be told by the governor you're not welcome here if you're "woke."
So your favorite governor would be ?
Desantis misses Covid
I'm with you he is the worst.
And the best is ?
And the best is ?
The teacher shortage in Florida has doubled under DeSantis. Polls of teachers indicate that the culture war issues promoted by DeSantis have left many educators so dispirited, as well as fearful of running afoul of DeSantis' decrees, that they have walked away from the profession that they love.
He wants uneducated voters just like Trump
And good luck getting any others to come to the state. No one wants to be handcuffed while they try to work. Or live in a state that has permitless carry, no questions asked, everybody gets an AR-15 at the state line, gun control.
It's true I'm a school nurse and they are dropping out fast. I don't feel comfortable being in the school system but the kids that have medical issues need care
Which is exactly why he has legislature passed and protocols put in place to where now foreigners are being flown in I have to find exact articles I was reading them forgot what country they were from and I'm sure they're willing to teach whatever rhetoric they're told to teach for the opportunity to be here in America and get the money. And also some sort of program where vets and their spouses they don't even have a teaching certificate can teach while they're going to school to get certified. It is disgusting he is turning Florida into an uneducated state
They all should vacate.
Trump or DeSantis? Pest or cholera?
Better get the Raid
more like gonorrhea or herpes 😂
braine cancer or butt cancer 🤷♂️
How about none?
Vomit or diarrhea 😂😂
He’s trying to convince everyone he’s the guy for the job but even he sounds less and less convinced.
Mouse and Donald duck can out smart him he should retire
He should think twice. If Micky
He sounds totally unhinged.
He probably wouldn't vote for himself if he was on the ticket.
Too fascist, too racist, too whiny. Just an all around disgusting individual
As a survivor of Katrina it irritated me to no end when DeSantis stood in front of Fema and other officials who developed the hurricane preparedness plan and took credit for all of their work. America was like "wow!" this governor moves quick! But all of that mobilization and communication was put in place by the people behind him on the podium who he wouldn't let near the mic.
A reminder that Ron wanted his campaign slogan to be "Make America Florida." Sounds like a threat.
I live in FL, trust me that is a nightmare
If that happens I'm moving to mexico. Florida literally has the most absurd laws of any state.
Ron will NEVER be POTUS. As a matter of information, I am ashamed to refer to him as a fellow veteran. Shame on you Ron. I will never forget how you showed up to that school and reprimanded those kids for wearing a mask during COVID. He didn’t know what the medical conditions of those kids were nor what the parents had instructed their kids to do. Shame on Ron! I would NEVER support his leadership. -Tim Taylor Veteran USMC/Electrical Engineer
good Lord i hope he doesnt become president. trump, biden, or anyone else but not him
Thank you for your service
Thanks. Well said.
Thank you for serving Tim, and thank you for speaking out against fascism.
@@SamP-by7iv Trump, DeSantis or any Republican is *not the answer*
So Ted Cruz got roasted for leaving Texas during the blizzards, why isn't Desantis being roasted for leaving Florida during a flood and a fuel crisis?
Investigate prosecute convict and jail Desantis
Because here in Florida, DeSantis is well liked. That blew his ego up where he thought he was untouchable.
He is not infallible. And Florida likes him...for now.
He keeps screwing up like this and he won't even announce, just to save face.
A day when florida floods is another day that ends in y. Ft. Lauderdale flooding hasn’t made it to the level of national news that the texas snow electrical grid shutdown, so it’s easier for his actions to fly under the radar
I wonder why they roasted Cruz? I like a 2 hour flight or less from most airports in Texas to Cancun, pretty common destination for us Texans, I have been to Cancun probalby 30 plus times. So close and so cheap and awesome.
@@mikejones5364 are you a Republican that doesn't care about people? That's the only reason I gather for your oblivious comment.
I raised my kids with the promise of trust. I always said "If you are old enough to ask an honest question, you are old enough to get an honest (and age appropriate) answer."
That's exactly what my grandmother told me. My granddaughter is 8. She asked me how old I was when I was allowed to take my cellphone to school.... 37?
The truth is appropriate for all ages.
@@shepberryhill4912 nice.
Well? If black children were strong enough to endure their history…white children are strong enough to hear about what they went through. If this worries your white bigots, ce la vie!
I shared your stuff with my 78 year old Mother and she said you give her hope, I agree with both of you.
He should have been checked when he yelled at the high school kids at his press conference for wearing mask during covid.
Yelling, please🙄
Meatball Ron the WOKE JOKE
Dude wants to fight with Disney, travel to campaign, ban stuff that's not happening in schools/books, take away women's rights to their own bodies, and not go to areas in his state ravaged by flooding/inclement weather! DeSatan needs to concentrate on helping the citizens of Florida, not making it harder for them! 😠
@Nana Rose Republicans want to make *everything* more difficult for the general public!
He was re-elected by a wide margin, so clearly many people approve of his “hurt us to own the libs” approach.
Desantis also had a data scientist's home raided by the police to seize her computer after she contradicted the official COVID death count in Florida.
Also, he removed an elected DA (a Democrat) for having a different view on an issue.
In another incident, at one of his news conferences, he berated a group of teenagers for wearing face masks during the pandemic, and, after he was done, only one kept his mask on.
And Floridians can't get his...uh, thumb, out of their mouths long enough to even give you an excuse as to why. Oh that's right, the "(R)" is all it takes.
Not to mention commit human trafficking for a political stunt.
She's right...without Disney, Florida is just a big (fascist) swamp. But seriously, it's swampland full of snakes and alligators and bodies.
"omg I'm
on a no fly list. why can't I own a gun anymore"
-magat insurrectionists
You forgot to mention the elusive "Florida Man".
@@thebilboshow168 Not everything, just trying to use your government goons to take over a business or thinking American history is too woke for the kids. But being against the Constitution makes you better than a retail worker, right?
As long as the snakes and alligators are going after 🏳️🌈 people, what's the problem?
@@thebilboshow168 so, your a leftist!😅
As a Middle School teacher. I never bring up sexuality. But the students are ALWAYS talking about it. I have to remind them to treat everyone with love and respect.
As a former HS Math teacher, I agree; this is what probably 99.9999% of teachers do. I used to teach as my mother used to state - any time a student is old enough to ask a question, they're old enough for an honest answer. That's a simple statement that these MAGA-morons can't understand ... and likely never will. They are deliberately ignorant, and one cannot educate such an adult.
To those parents who think they can control all the information their children encounter - what universe are you living in? Even before the digital age, children discovered things their parents felt they shouldn't know through gossip and rumor (most of which was likely not true). The digital age has changed none of that - except the sources and the ease of access. Teachers used to be the bulwark against acceptance of fictious information, but thanks you to people like MAGA-morons (and they've been around for a very long time), that last line of defense against stupidity and the proverbial dark ages is being erased.
Florida is no place for either love nor respect. DeSantis is banning both.
That's all we can do.
Good teachers have no place talking about sexuality
He bangs on about Florida being where ‘Woke’ goes to die. I would love to see him try to define Woke. Like most Republicans when asked that question I’m sure his eyes would glaze over and he would quickly try to change the subject. Every dictionary I have checked defines ‘Woke’ as something positive. Has Guantanamo Ron banned dictionaries in Florida? I wouldn’t put it past him.
We've actually banned all books, except for the bible
You can’t define “Woke” because it’s just an arbitrary buzzword used by the GOP to describe anything and everything that they don’t like. It means whatever they want it to mean, and therefore it means nothing
DeSantis can now be known as the only adult male that got his butt kicked by a MOUSE. 😂
He gerrymandered the entire state. That’s why he won.
End unconstitutional Gerrymandering
End filibuster
@@theresebortzfield188 Isn't it time to consign your Electoral College system to the history books?
So then, he swallowed??
Is the governor not just a popular vote in Florida?
Look, i don't love Trump. IN fact i hate him. But i'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching him eviscerate DeSantis. THOROUGHLY! Give Trump the nomination. He has no chance in the general election and he knocks DeSantis off his pedestal in the process. Best of both worlds.
Saying. It is a shame but as an independent my biggest hope to save us from DeSantis isTrump
Trump is the one who brought all these followers (DeSantes,MTG,ect.)Out of the woodwork.We are in a bad position if Trump is the better candidate.Don’t think for one minute Trump doesn’t have a chance to win again.Trump is unstable and scary.Any candidate associated with Trump and his mindset are terrifying,and this country will never recover.
Wanna rethugliKKKan governor to run against Don & Ron? How about a government-experienced, all-girl powerhouse? Since the Rapture hasn't taken Alaska yet, we can get Silly Sarah Palin to run on a ticket with space-laser Margie!!
From your lips to God's ear!
He doesn’t have to go to Washington to look dumb.
Politicians used to be rarely seen and heard, just quietly doing thier jobs. Today it's just a bunch of egomaniacs fighting for the mic! Tired of seeing their mouths move!
Same here in Florida. He's a complete despot.
GOP, keep it up. You're making the Taliban proud 👏
Nailed it, gratz.
Don't insult our new allies, Biden worked very hard to strike deals with them and buddy up.
There is no hate quite like Christian love.
No doubt it’s their way, not God’s way of love and understanding. Real hypocrites.
The crazy part about it is I consider myself christian..... And I agree with you.
@@kedronmarsh1773 Same
Incorrect. you are describing people who aren’t Christian even though the profess they are.
Yes christians are full of hate, unlike our adorable Muslims jihadist brothers. Those are totally adorable.
People like Ron DeSantis and a number of those in Congress who are touted as being Harvard or Yale graduates makes me really question the grading and passing and graduating standards of Harvard and Yale. Of course, I realize that many of these guys are simply the sons of wealthy men who donate a new gymnasium or something else that benefits the universities and that guarantees a graduation for their sons. I wouldn’t consider Harvard or Yale (if I were looking for a university now) with those standards.
Americans need to be told about legacy students attending Ivy League universities...they get in because Mom or Dad was a grad, not because they are smart. Not all Yale grads are smart. Ronnie Meatballs is walking, living proof.
I've met some good sound Americans with uni degrees here in oz. Some of the best cab drivers I have. I would let them dispense jelly beans to a diabetic tho.
@@julesmasseffectmusic There’s a point. Yes, as I’m sure you’re aware, a “few” things in America have gone downhill a bit in the last few years. Do you know if your government would permit a disabled senior on Social Security to move to Oz? Im about ready to pack it up. (And I’m assuming you meant “wouldn’t” in your last sentence.)
They make me ashamed of being a Harvard graduate. But then, I got in on merit, not money.
Bush 43 graduated from Yale… with Cs, but he graduated!
No CRT 'critical Ron Talk' in Florida.
Ban books
Ban words
Ban maths
Ban LGBTQI civil rights
Ban abortion
Ban health care choices
Ban protests
Ban woke
Then tell everyone he's all about your Freedoms.
He is a Fascist!! It started with his banning books, and it will end with the people of Florida having no rights at all. Stand up and fight for your freedoms, Florida!! Fire DeSantis!!!
The cultists were NEVER about freedom.
Saying Florida will be the pattern for USA to fallow…. Adolfo Hitler 2 👹🔥👹🔥
Don’t forget…Ban crazy people 👍🏼
@@herbert993 So you are suggesting that conservatives be banned. Interesting.
As a Floridian, he is a disgrace and NOT looking at what is in our best interests. We should have the right to vote on any changes that limit or remove our rights and liberties!
To say nothing of removing a giant tax base.
yea we should've locked up for two full years.
You do? We all voted for GOV? i'm confused lol
He’s nothing but a dictator
I've had all these conversations with my kids. I don't get why more people don't. What's the big deal? My son plays hockey. One of the kids on his team has some pretty crazy parents and one of the kids (age 13) ended up deciding that he was a girl. Look... i don't get it either, but i'm not going to act like it's terribly important to us. I'm glad my kid doesn't have that conflict, and that i don't have to deal with it, but at the same time i'm not going to put a person down for making that choice. Even if i can't fathom it. But here's the thing. I SIMPLY DON'T CARE! Why are we even talking about this stuff? We have climate change, war in Europe, social security and medicaid going bankrup, rampant gun violence... And you expect me to care about Disney's inclusive policies, transexual people and drag queens? Really? how cynical! How foolish does this clown think we are? These "woke" issues don't matter. They're utterly irrelevant. We have actual problems that we need to have serious people to deal with. It's incredible to me.
Unfortunately friend Republicans don't consider those things problems. Because they don't believe in fixing societies problems because to them our society is perfect. It's the opposite of being "woke".
Their issues with transsexuals and Drag Queens are considered a threat to their "social order".
They have the power to do things in our country and their policy is to "take more for themselves and leave less for everyone else."
You're a fool if you think science and health-care don't matter. Your bigotry is pathetic. BTW I'm a straight white male from Alabama, I'm just a medical professional that's seen what you say isn't problems first hand. They are problems even if you don't care.
You know, I bet a whole lot of people, both Democrats AND Republicans, agree with everything you just stated.
The PROBLEM is that there is a huge subsection of Republican voters who refuse to pull another lever. They'll vote against their own self-interest simply because they cannot bring themselves to split a ticket and vote for ANY Democrat.
This is part of a bigger problem. The animosity and rancor between these two parties has gotten so bad...I know people personally who have fractured FAMILIES, lost friends, broken marriages!
There used to be something in us as Americans, where we'd band together as things got bad. We could put aside petty differences for the greater good of our country. Not anymore. Instead of opposing ideologies, we have sworn enemies. We've gotten so violent in both word and deed! And I don't see a path back for us. We aren't left with a "win".
At this stage, the best I can hope for is that enough of us vote so we can, at minimum, save the American experiment from failure, and that means voting for the lesser of two evils most times.
Uh SS is not going bankrupt. There may be a very small portion but the rest is not. Stop listening to the talking heads. That being said. If the debt ceiling isn't lifted. This all will be a mute point. They're scaring the crap out of the rest of the world whose economy is tied to us. Google BRICS and then see what the UK is saying.
@@lf3541 Well said. The sad part about all this is if russia declared war on us. The repuglikkkons would side with russia. So at this point the only thing that would make everyone stop fighting would be an alien invasion. I don't mean immigrants either.
Ron DeSantis is crossing the line of respect and Individuality of our human race!!! oppression is not the way to go. 🇺🇸 Land of the Free!!!
Wish FL residents felt that way before voting him in again
Disclaimer and Trigger warning: This video contains copious amounts of truth and common sense. These values have been found to break what ever MAGA cultists use to think with.
Uh... in which world? Because I've been living in a world where they completely ignore facts and reality and just gloss over the things that they don't like. Republican voters have the mental capacity of a broken washing machine.
Their *sses?
You're assuming any thought actually goes on
"what ever MAGA cultists use to think with"
You mean, their sphincters? 😅
Oh, cult 45 and the maggots? 🐛
Thank you Claire, truth and honesty 👍
I have some oceanfront property I'd like to sell you. It's in Nevada right now BUT... Trump is going to cause the west coast to sink... TRUST ME IM FROM THE GOVERNMENT!
She was a great senator for Missouri
I would vote for any death row inmate before I would vote for Trump. Yet, I would vote for Trump before I would vote for DeSantis. Hopefully, I will have better choices than either of these reprobates.
How about not voting for people living in 1965?
Vote blue
You'd think the republicans couldn't come up with someone less electable than trump, but they never cease to one-down themselves.
Joe Exotic perhaps 😅😅😅??
Meatball's brand is hate. Why govern when you can yuk it up persecuting trans kids, immigrants and librarians?
DeSantis has proven he is king of amateur hour and that he is more thin skinned than Trump, which is a pretty high bar to cross.
As an 8th generation Floridian, I cannot stand this man and NO, he should not be Governor of FL and he should not be POTUS.
He won so big because he was the one that drew the maps
Yassss& Amen
If you can't win honestly and fairly...lie and cheat. That is his mindset.
That’s the mindset of the entire Republican Party, and it’s because they have absolutely nothing to offer the people they represent, or anyone else.
Also a million repugthugians moved to Florida last year
DeSantis has so many blunders that he is just as unelectable as Trump is. Keep it up, Ron. 😂
We need to investigate and incarcerate any and all Republicans if we want a true democracy.
I don't know. Latest polls show that tRump would lose to Biden and DeSatanist would win by 2 points. But we shall see. I don't think DeSatanist is going to be able to pull him foot out of his mouth long enough to get the nomination.
And they are both the frontrunners
He needs to be removed from government forever.
And yet DeSantis’s supporters have a skill to make their group look like a mob when they are not
DeSantis created all these traumatic social issues that do not exist. He cannot wipe out the entire LGBT community or the history & racism of the black citizens across our country. DeSantis is a fool. He will fail miserably. He is on the wrong side of all these social issues.
well he wakes up everyday wanting to do that so watch out! OOGY BOOGY! lol wow people are unhinged fr
The other massive issue with DeSantis taking on Disney is that no progressive employer looking for a location will touch Florida with a bargepole. And pretty much every good employer is a progressive employer.
I'm almost 30 years old. It's not too much, but I've watched politicians talking every day, in multiple countries and languages, for more than a decade now. I cannot remember ever watching someone who at the same time was so extreme and lacked so much charisma.
And he has such a short fuse it’s insane.
He has thinner skin than trump if that's even possible.
@Manifestoauthor Forhire Aren't you being a little bit condenscending? The stupidest, least wise people I know are over 50. The smartest people I know got wise before 40. Anyway, whatever one thinks about charisma, it accurately predicts presidential campaigns. He has no chance.
@@KixsMyLocs my mom lives in Florida and was just telling me about how short his temper is 🤦🏽♀️
To know, know, know him
Is to loathe, loathe loathe him…
I hummed as I read that. 😂
@@markfll Didn't we all?
And I do I do I do….lol
And I do!
DeSatan "takes on Disney and is GOING TO WIN!" So he starts a war with Mickey Mouse? And is "going to win?" INSANITY RULES. Thank God that I don't live in Florida, as many people now believe.
Why do many people believe you live in Florida?
please don't ever move here lol
Teachers aren’t doing that! That’s not what teachers do! Ron’s full of it!
I just got home from a Disney Vacation with my daughter and a large number of grandkids. We didn't stay on Disney property but rented a house for 2 weeks. I can't imagine that all the new businesses, new home construction or time share companies will welcome one of the biggest companies that draws people to them will be happy about this fight with Disney.
Imagine all the restaurants, hotels and stores in Central Florida IF Disney left!??Then add the thousands of Disney employees that lose their jobs??? Ron DiSgusting is a dictator. He picks fights with immigrants, voters Disney and people who read books??? Then doesn't show up when one of his cities floods?
I would say to Ron DeSantis, that Disney were here long before you and they will be here long after you have gone!
@@alisonbird5491 isn't the left supposed to be anti mega corp? Heck yea, I want the huge corporations to be able to bully legally elected state governors! let's go! this won't end horribly lol
It is unbelievable that ANYONE has so much money that they can waste it on such mindless, low value "vacations." The kids have learned NOTHING useful on this trip... unless, of course, the brighter ones realize they've learned nothing useful on this trip.
I never met a kid who needed a vacation... they all need exposure to and involvement in the REAL world like perhaps 2 weeks camping with someone who knows nature.
The only people who really NEED a vacation are those who cannot afford one.
@@rae0521 For your education, planning started for this trip 6 years ago and my grandchildren worked and saved to go on this vacation. They wrote reports to their teachers about the different geography we traveled though, about the interesting people they met, learned how to save their money, and how write a budget for their daily expenses. They learned a lot. As for going camping and fishing, they go every weekend in the summer and I sometimes join them.
Don’t forget to mention trump wants to do the same things Mr Pudding wants to do. Not only does he want to but he proposed cutting social security every single year.
Not a fan of corporate power, but my god, I want Disney to win this battle!
Disney just took out a future presidential candidate with one arm tied behind its tail. Did nobody warn Puddycat Ron not to put his paw in the Mousetrap?
@@matthewpopp1054 😂
When has any teacher ever brought this subject up in a classroom? 😂
I’m having trouble pudding my finger on what bothers me about him...
Next parents will be banned from discussing this issue with their children! If I lived in Florida I'd be looking to move!
Thank god you live in a more stable city like Chicago.
@@antimatters455 Sad when Chicago IS more stable than an entire state.
gets a little harsh for him when he leaves the echo chamber he made for himself. cant fire everyone he doesnt like outside of florida
It is fun to watch him dig his own grave!
NEVER reward a Republican with your vote.
DeSantis is definitely willing to do what is far-right as long as he's allowed to legislate hatred.
CRT is not taught in schools
This is what happens when you don't have any partners that are allowed to correct you, thigh food. 🙄
Its amazing what you can learn when you pay attention. And the people on this country really need to pay attention to who is doing what & when they do it.
God bless Governor DeSantis and his commitment to the American people and his continued efforts to undo all this bs from the democRATS!
We’ve come a long way from fretting over flag burning. Claire hits the nail on the head. Republicans solving problems that don’t exist.
The only problems they can solve are imaginary.
Has anyone ever investigated why DeSantis is so homophobic? What has happened in his past that makes him think so backward?
I have Homosexual friends but i don't want my children to have access to explicit books in elementary school and i don't want their teacher going outside of their scope, just like in a medical profession. I don't see how those can't exist together.
@@brennan2014 exactly
@@brennan2014 having access in a library to books that merely discuss lgbtq relationships is not hurting any children.
Di Santis is making Trump look wise and organized. An incredible achievement for the Governor.
Quit giving Disney the credit. They came out against the bill only AFTER regular people condemned them! DeSantis is getting let off the hook by pitting him against Disney. The people DeSantis is really after is anyone that doesn’t think like him.
The bar for GOP lawmakers and representatives is already so low. It's actually impressive that Ron DeSantis has managed to not meet their expectations.
Re: DeSantis. Harvard and Yale failed in their essential purpose.
Ron DeFascist- one of the few people I don't know who I can not stand.
DeSantis wants to go down in smoldering flames. 😂😂😂😂
Wish he would.
@@willgetbettereventually124 patience…
We all want that!
No teacher is telling students any such thing.
My niece is an elementary teacher, and she had a 5th grade student who trusted her come to talk about how he felt he was meant to be a girl. All she told him was basically that there were other people who have the same feelings and he should talk to his parents. As a teacher, she didn't believe it was her place to advise him or try to tell him what to do, but she let him know he was not alone - not some kind of "freak".
Another excellent report and guest interview, thank you Alex.
I’m so sick of DeSatan.
I get real Scott Walker flashbacks with Desantis. A Golden Child Chosen One Governor, destined for inevitable greatness One minute; a slow, excruciating train wreck into a dumpster fire the next.
He gives me more Chris Christie vibes tbh
@@LP-ct9nkronny go go boots gonna need a lot more puddin 😂
Scott who?
Also true of IQ45. When literally everyone who's had to deal with you in person hates you, it's kind of a sign 😉
Whoever DeSantis is up against should just refer to him as pudding fingers.
A better title should be the more people get to know Ron DeSantis the more they don't like him.
Thank you, DeSantis. Thank you, Trump.
Your continued idiocy completely disgusts moderates and independents, ensuring yet another Republican election loss in 2024. Please keep it up!
Losers gonna lose, they know no other way.
The other story that came out with the pudding story was when he had a first date with a woman he would suggest Thai food, but would pronounce it thigh food. If the woman corrected him the date was over because he would not go out with a woman who would correct him. I find this one more disturbing!
Desantis is slowly destroying the state of Florida !!! Imagine him split personality at the national level !!!
Slowly? He essentially murdered thousands to millions of people because of his inaction during the peak of the pandemic.
Glad to see the public seeing through the shallowness and venality of DeSantis. I was worried that his superficiality would slip through people’s consciousness.
This coming from the man who said he may consider putting a State prison right next to Disney World.....shows how much he really cares about the well-being of children. The hypocrisy is un-measurable.
I really don’t get what he’s trying to do…
He’s literally making himself less electable, at a national level, than Donald Trump and that’s quite an achievement.
Exactly, he needs to lay off the culture war massively, and focus more on economics which he doesn't have much knowledge of
😮😮😮This is a disgrace human being.
I think desantis got baited into a van by someone wearing a Mickey mouse mask when he was a child, he is a very insecure man, somethings off with him
Yeah, the reason Disney has special standing in Florida, is because of the amount money Disney brings into the state, daily. Disney is apart of Florida’s GDP, we are talking billions of dollars annually. Why as a governor would you mess with that?! This guy needs to move to a more fascist country.
Florida loves Ron. However, Conservatives in America love Trump. For a republican to go after a big business that takes in money 💰 for Florida is crazy!
What do parents expect to do when there kids go to college and find this whole other world out there? 😂😂😂😂
thats why the right wing is so weary of college saying it turns kids into "liberals" lol
They don’t want them to go to college.
Andrew Riegel: That's something that I've wondered about since the 1970's... I you isolate people from the rest of the world how do they cope? "Badly" I would think.
Maybe they want to make college illegal too? You know, "everything I don't like should be forbidden". Worked well during the prohibition.
Go AWAY, Ron.
I'm not a republican, I actually find the party despicable but I agree with this. You don't need to hover over these kids and reach them advanced aspects of society, let them play and teach them reading, writing, math. Theyll figure out gender stuff on their own when they get older, it's pretty impossible to avoid it.
@Richard Pierpoint maybe during or after puberty at least?!
What about people in Florida who's houses and businesses are flooded?
What would happen if Disney just moved?
Well, that's a no-brainer. You can call him Ron Defurher or II Duce Jr. But what you will never be able to call him is Mr. President.
THIS MAN HAS DONE THE UNTHINKABLE. He’s managed to bring the right and the left together…………in our hatred for him!!!😂
What has Ron done about the hurricane Ian victims? What is he doing about the recent flooding? He is doing a Ted Cruz, go anywhere except his home state.
DeSantis is crazy, no one can think differently than him on anything, religion, political opinions or any opinion about anything
I have 2 family members who work in FL's school system. They say teachers are scared to death of being reported by Desantis's thought-police for some harmless remark. Both are leaving the system at the end of this school-year.
bye lol yea when the state militia barges in Fl schools and roughes up the teachers it can be a bit intense, just gotta get out of Fl i guess. I heard the break the doors down and use pepper spray if you don't have your natural hair color as a teacher lol they need to go to Chicago, way better there.
I think he is smarter and better than Trump. Disney messed up by making the new rules so they did that to themselves
We have a saying here in Aus, " thinks he's ten feet tall and bulletproof. " that's De Santis.
DeSantis should try running third party when he loses the primary.
Desantis will cut his nose off to spite his face! Who in their right mind goes after the largest tourist attraction, the largest employer in their state?! For whatever reason, people love Disney. He might as well close down all ports for cruise ships,all hotels and Dayton beach. Makes as much sense!