10 Things You Should Know about Seventh Day Adventists

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11 тыс.

  • @Godsmasterpiece33
    @Godsmasterpiece33 3 года назад +399

    When I was in primary school and learned about the days of the week... we learned that Sunday is the first day of the week. It's not just an SDA thing. My family goes to church on Sunday... but I always believed that Saturday is the seventh day of the week.

    • @luizadiggs7663
      @luizadiggs7663 3 года назад +19

      Yes i tell everyone i meet check your calendar in your phone. And count from there the 7th day

    • @buyinzafredrick4276
      @buyinzafredrick4276 3 года назад +14

      Oh yeah, that's right am going to be an sda soon very very soon actually this yr lol yeah funny as it is, but for real I need to see that man who created a woman

    • @Albert_Oganga
      @Albert_Oganga 2 года назад +7

      Apply the truth you know

    • @linoleluminum2017
      @linoleluminum2017 2 года назад +8

      sda says If you don't practice the 7th day sabbath as a worship day you will go to hell ,that is not biblical, many other doctrines of this religion are false as well...

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 2 года назад +1

      Did you go further to learn what day is officially considered as the first day of the week.
      Also do you know what the first day of the week is in the Muslim dominated countries?
      It's mostly in the predominately non SDA christian countries, where Sunday is considered as the first day of the week.

  • @davidmartin6804
    @davidmartin6804 7 лет назад +791

    Their Sabbath is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, rather than all Saturday.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +33

      Its that "Evening and morning" creation thing.

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад +9

      Does it really matter?

    • @jennychenchugalla9711
      @jennychenchugalla9711 6 лет назад +40

      Flurry heart yes and also I’m a 7th Day Adventist

    • @annakennedy7855
      @annakennedy7855 6 лет назад +3


    • @Javii1
      @Javii1 6 лет назад +8

      David Martin yeah, thanks for clarifying that. 👍

  • @jocoolshow
    @jocoolshow 8 лет назад +548

    I'm gonna address all your points. This isn't anything anger related, just clarification as you failed to explain alot. Imma try and keep this simple, so i'll use vague words like good or bad just for simplicity. BTW, I'm not perfect, and I don't have all the answers. I'm just a normal teenager that has his own issues too lol.
    .1.) We worship on Saturday's because the 10 Commandments literally say (Exodus 20:9-11) "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
    10 But the seventh day is the sabbath
    of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy
    son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
    11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
    2.) It is true Jesus is coming back, but nobody knows exactly when He's coming back. The point is to be ready before He comes. By be ready, I basically mean live a good life, be a good person, let others know, etc. But the key is actually to *want* to be a good person and such, no to do good just because you want to go to heaven or fear of no going. Where did you hear that only people who rest on Saturday's would be saved? Being saved depends on your knowledge and your heart. No one can be denied their right to go to heaven based solely on ignorance. For example, if you lived a good life, but didn't know anything about God or Christianity and was never given a chance to be exposed to the truth, you can't not go to heaven because of that. Now, if you know and hear the truth and you still refuse to believe it, then that's a different story as it's your own fault for not accepting.
    3.) Nobody just goes straight to heaven when they die. When people die, we stay in our graves or whatever state we were when we died, be it cremated, buried, atomized etc. When Jesus comes back, everyone that died, good or bad, will be resurrected. Then a few events will unfold and Jesus will bring the "good" people to heaven and the bad will remain on Earth until the Earth is destroyed. The reason they stay is because God isn;t trying to destroy the people, but He's trying to eliminate sin. If people hold on to that Sin, then they'll obviously be destroyed along with it. But before this happens, everyone that was "bad" will accept that they were wrong during the Judgement, so no one is unjustly destroyed not knowing what sins they held on to.
    4.) Hell isn't a place that exists at the moment. Hell is basically the Earth while it's in the process of being destroyed. Hell isn't a place where people burn for all eternity like many people think. "You do the crime, you do the time". That's kinda like how hell works. Each person is punished according to the severity and degree of the sins they've committed. After their time is up, they will die. No such thing as eternal torture or anything like that. Now, the person that will be punished the longest is Satan himself as he's been doing "bad" since before the creation of humanity. Hell isn't someplace "down below" that bad people go when they die. It hasn't been made yet. It's kinda funny as it makes Hell on Earth an ironic phrase.
    5.) Yes this is correct. You say this in a negative way. Say some serial killer accepts God and believes in Jesus, but doesn't change their life in any way and keeps on killing. They accept God, worship Him, pray etc, but continue murdering. Does it seem fair that this person goes to Heaven? On the flip side, let's say a firefighter or something who never got exposed to anything related to God, but lived a good life, was a respectful person, helped people in need, etc died on duty saving someone from a fire. Is it fair that they not go to Heaven even though they never believed in God? No. This is just an example of the purpose of the Investigative Judgement. God is fair. In those situations, the serial killer wouldn't be allowed to go to heaven, but the firefighter would.
    6.) Well, while we are supposed to care about health, not all Seventh Day Adventists have the same beliefs on health. I can't speak on this subject myself, but I'll just say my parents were Vegan before I was born. Neither of them were even religious when they became Vegan, they just did it for health. Health is not a concrete belief for SDA's. Not much I can say here.
    7.) Yea we believe in a prophet Ellen G White.
    8.) About the Catholic Church yea. About Atheists, idk where you got that from. But explaining this involves a sort of long explanation. Just gonna say this, when you hear something about the Pope issuing a National Sunday Law, just remember we called it
    9.) I've honestly *NEVER* heard this before lol. I literally can't say anything about this.
    10.) Yea he is.
    Anyways, hope this cleared some things up. Good day to you Hemant Mehta, and anyone else reading this. Peace out fam

    • @barackhussein3032
      @barackhussein3032 8 лет назад +5

      This is bullshit.Did u die b4 or ur just talking shit.

    • @aaronp526
      @aaronp526 8 лет назад +9

      Jo-Smooth I respect your beliefs but where in the Bible does it say that we don't go straight to heaven or hell when we die? and where in the Bible does it say that there isn't eternal hell for the unsaved? And where in the Bible does it say that people that weren't exposed to God's teachings in their lifetime can still go to heaven because they didn't know any better? I just genuinely want to know where you're getting all these crazy ideas from

    • @aaronp526
      @aaronp526 8 лет назад +2

      Jo-Smooth I respect your beliefs but where in the Bible does it say that we don't go straight to heaven or hell when we die? and where in the Bible does it say that there isn't eternal hell for the unsaved? And where in the Bible does it say that people that weren't exposed to God's teachings in their lifetime can still go to heaven because they didn't know any better? I just genuinely want to know where you're getting all these crazy ideas from

    • @aaronp526
      @aaronp526 8 лет назад +1

      Jo-Smooth I respect your beliefs but where in the Bible does it say that we don't go straight to heaven or hell when we die? and where in the Bible does it say that there isn't eternal hell for the unsaved? And where in the Bible does it say that people that weren't exposed to God's teachings in their lifetime can still go to heaven because they didn't know any better? I just genuinely want to know where you're getting all these crazy ideas from

    • @mrhobs
      @mrhobs 8 лет назад +9

      +Aaron P Do you really want to study these things from the Bible? It may be good for me as well if you want to go through it all. YT comment section makes it kind of hard though. Maybe we can connect through FB, or email, or whatever. Thoughts?

  • @akivaallen88
    @akivaallen88 4 года назад +269

    yeah so, i'm a 15 yrs old Seventh-Day Adventist and i just want to clear some things up. So first of all we believe in HELL, that's one place we SDA's try not to end up when Jesus comes again, no one knows the exact time Jesus is coming back but if you read Jude and Revelation in the Holy Bible, its says that when the time of Jesus arrival is near peoples heart are going to get desperately wicked( its happening right now as i speak) there are going to be famine and disasters like you have never seen before, and that's just the beginning, there are a lot of signs in the bible about Christ return. We are not health nuts, some of us eats chicken, some types of fish, goat, cow, sheep, some types of birds, any other meat we don't eat well i don't eat because God said we should not eat it (Leviticus 11) read all of that and you shall understand. Not all seventh-day Adventist will go to heaven some or going start to hell, in the bible its says that "not all who says lord, lord shall enter into heaven" you have to be faith and obedient, keeping ALL his commandments including the fourth one which happens to be Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.I cant explain every thing here or i'm going to be writing a book on RUclips, sooooo anyone who actually read this, just like and comment and i will give you my number or gmail account. And why we have these rules are all because its in the bible just read the bible and you see some great things.Oh and one more thing, i personally believe when you masturbate and sperm comes out ur basically killing ur child idk if there are other reasons but i just believe that.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +9

      "Satan led them on to believe that the sinner would live in eternal misery. Then the way was prepared for Satan to work through his representatives and hold up God before the people as a revengeful tyrant - one who plunges all those into hell who do not please Him, and causes them ever to feel His wrath. And while they suffer unutterable anguish, and writhe in the eternal flames, He is represented as looking down upon them with satisfaction. Satan knew that if this error should be received, God would be hated by many, instead of being loved and adored. And that many would be led to believe that the threatening of God’s Word would not be literally fulfilled, for it would be against His character of benevolence and love to plunge into eternal torments the beings whom He had created.
      --Spiritual Gifts - Death Not Eternal Life in Misery
      In The Great Controversy, there is an entire chapter on this titled (ironically) "The First Great Deception"
      You are health freaks. It is in your Fundamental Beliefs 22 - "Christian Behavior"

    • @wgpc
      @wgpc 4 года назад +11

      Ken The health nut part, I am also Adventist but I am vegan, meaning that I dont eat meat because meat isnt the best choice. If you heard of Ellen G. White then why didnt you read the part of the health message, Seventh Day adventists must live by the health message, eating meat is no good.

    • @natty6247
      @natty6247 4 года назад +22

      👏👏 It's really amazing to see this coming from such a young person....GOD bless you and may you continue this journey 🙏🙏 "for the Bible says many are called but few are chosen!" Keep obeying the truth of the Bible 🤗

    • @GentlemenJack109
      @GentlemenJack109 4 года назад +5

      If you have a pain fetish or a sexual attraction to pain then hell would be a blast

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +1

      @@natty6247 And yet he got it wrong.

    @SISKENNIE 9 лет назад +876

    Seventh-day Adventist do not believe that only Sabbath keepers will be saved! LIE

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 9 лет назад +24

      +Kennie Ke Actually they do. They believe the only way to gain grace is by devout observance of the ten commandments. The fourth commandment is explicitly about the seventh day. Also, you may want to think on the fact you just broke the ninth

      @SISKENNIE 9 лет назад +65

      +Dre Zee I am a Seventh-day Adventist and before someone believes a video they need to ask a Seventh-day Adventist. Like I said the man in the video lied and doesn't know the scriptures. Hell hasn't began yet, DUH. Read your Bible. Goodbye.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 9 лет назад +10

      ***** I was a Seventh Day Adventist. Was the last to graduate one of your evil Institutions. And you sir demonstrate your own hypocrisy. Go read the bible again...Pay attention to Exodus 20:16 DUH.

      @SISKENNIE 9 лет назад +36

      +Dre Zee I doubt it. Who cares? The point is the guy lied...we don't believe that and our writings clearly state that. Goodbye.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 9 лет назад +9

      Shouldn't you be celebrating God in Vespers, rather than casting stones?
      So wow, breaking 2 commandments in one. You REALLY need to be comprehending that book you tell others to read

  • @181robem
    @181robem 6 лет назад +94

    I was born into the Catholic religon as a child (not by choice), and decided to follow the SDA as an adult and this guy needed to do more research on the SDA......but not expecting much positive info from a "friendly atheists". My experience with SDA is there are some extremists members who do push their beliefs harder than others but that's on the member not on the group.....do we oppose the LGBT? No Jesus loved everyone as do we, did Jesus throw stones at the hookers or thief's he came across? NO and neither do we! Do we keep Saturday Holy and worship on it yes we do, you can find videos of catholic priests who agree that the original sabbath day is a Saturday, Do we believe God is coming again? Yes we do ;but again some members will go to the extreme and say he is coming tomorrow but no one knows when that is so we live our lives as Jesus and the Bible tells us to and we wait. Will only SDA members be saved? No we believe others will be saved that have fait no matter what the religon is, Christian, Catholic, Jew all who accept Jesus Christs as their savior will be saved, even the criminals who repent and ask for forgiveness and yes even the non believers can have a change of heart. Are SDA members health freaks? I mean my doctors and even dietitians recommend the same diet some of our church members follow but hey that's on the people who want to live a longer healthier life and avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, and not be over weight but pfft "health freaks" right lol.

  • @arozeisarozie
    @arozeisarozie 6 лет назад +215

    I’d like to give a shoutout to the SDA’s in the comment section who, for the most part, are noticeably making an effort to remain nonjudgemental and cordial. This speaks volumes to me and while I may not believe in what you believe, I can tell that there is something good in there for y’all. Peace! ✌️

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +5

      You must have been reading a different comment section

    • @bw3839
      @bw3839 3 года назад +10

      Lmao, I was raised in their chuch. They are insanely judgmental. Just imagine a new mother dealing with postpartum depression and severe trauma, and an entire congregation telling her not to go to therapy and that she should pray more. Imagine that woman leaving the church that she had volunteered for and worked to support for years sobbing the entire 40 minute ride home from church. Don’t give them a fucking shout out.

    • @staffordokoth5851
      @staffordokoth5851 2 года назад +23

      @@bw3839 Church is group of sinners who have decided to walk towards God's Kingdom by consistently striving to keep God's commandments. There's million things to judge about them.the question is, who appointed you the judge? The only duty of a man is to keep God's commandments.Conversation about churches and religion is an instrument that devil often use to cover the truth and blind the mind.I strongly encourage you to read the bible and ask for the holy spirit to guide you.

    • @boipoi8554
      @boipoi8554 2 года назад +4

      @@bw3839 honestly, it all depends on the church. I’m a baptised SDA and If I came out as gay, everyone would support me except some strict old people. God bless all of you ♥️

    • @Jlogann
      @Jlogann 2 года назад +1

      😂😂😂 the church is founded by a false prophet Ellen g white. But sure.

  • @col.cottonhill6655
    @col.cottonhill6655 3 года назад +265

    After going to many churches. And exposed to different tastes of the interpretation of the scripture.
    I think the 7th day adventists make alot of sense. I agree with them on nearly everything. Laugh at us if you want.

    • @nyl_rn2752
      @nyl_rn2752 3 года назад +10


    • @11stemgen1dinoeldinjr.d.de8
      @11stemgen1dinoeldinjr.d.de8 3 года назад +1

      Hi, have you ever heard about Dispensationalism or the Channel, "REAL Bible Believers"?

    • @davidmartin6804
      @davidmartin6804 3 года назад +3


    • @chloecelisca7064
      @chloecelisca7064 3 года назад +3


    • @trustenbaker8766
      @trustenbaker8766 3 года назад

      I don't know anything about Seventh Day Adventists. But I'm curious since you agree with them on nearly half of everything in scripture, what don't you agree with that about concerning Christ?

  • @windaandries6398
    @windaandries6398 5 лет назад +149

    Sabbath day is for human not human for sabbath day

  • @CatholicSpartan
    @CatholicSpartan 7 лет назад +124

    I'm not a 7th Day adv but this guy obviously shouldn't be educating people with clear ignorance and perspective to what hes pretending to understand. I hope he doesn't speak for all Atheists, also he would get destroyed in a real life debate.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +2

      If you are not a 7th day adventist 1) why do you care? 2) What in your background has determined he if ignorant about them?

    • @CatholicSpartan
      @CatholicSpartan 7 лет назад +17

      Because as a Catholic I've done more research than this guy's obviously did, he's not actually explaining anything he's just falsely Introducing ideas in a condescending way. I care because I don't like bad teachers. When you study something for so long it becomes obvious when an ammature is pretending to hold knowledge.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +1

      So...As a Catholic. What did he get wrong?

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +2

      You do realize Seventh Day Adventists despise you guys right?

    • @CatholicSpartan
      @CatholicSpartan 7 лет назад +8

      I'm not criticizing that branch of Christianity, there many people much more educated than this guy or myself that can do that for me. I'm criticizing this guy in the video being such a poor teacher. I rather people learn for themselves instead of being satisfied with phony answers from listening to people like this guy. He really is not educated in any topics I've seen him talk about. Not trying to be rude.

  • @TheGateKeeper001
    @TheGateKeeper001 8 лет назад +184

    Correction we don't believe that only Sabbath keepers go to Heaven, in fact the larger number of those whom go to Heaven will not be SDA. God is not always judging, in fact it is our belief in the substitution of Christ as the offering for our sin that justifies us. So we accept this sacrifice and reciprocate by obeying, but obeying is not a qualification, Jesus is.

    • @virginiajelimo8820
      @virginiajelimo8820 8 лет назад +5

      God bless you

    • @TheGateKeeper001
      @TheGateKeeper001 8 лет назад +3

      Are you Adventist?

    • @angelmunoz4754
      @angelmunoz4754 8 лет назад +7

      +TheGateKeeper this guy only focus in myths or info just watch on the internet. im a former SDA and its offensive hear all what he said!!

    • @TheGateKeeper001
      @TheGateKeeper001 8 лет назад +2

      Correct, however I suppose that it is easy to not know much about religion or the finer points of a religion when your an Atheist. Do you mind me asking why your a former Adventist?

    • @angelmunoz4754
      @angelmunoz4754 8 лет назад +6

      Sorry i mean I'm a Sda since 1996. I was searching videos of adventist identity and found this one. Is curious the perception of an atheist about faith and religion. A friend of mine once says. Is hard to believe in God. But it's harder to not believe in anything

  • @Gracejohnys
    @Gracejohnys 2 года назад +89

    Am a content SDA. With God’s grace, I will remain an Adventist till I die. Jesus loves everyone, including you. 💜

    • @danielsian_7
      @danielsian_7 2 года назад +1


    • @informationstation242
      @informationstation242 2 года назад +9

      I am not a SDA but the more teachings I hear of theirs and what I have learned of their doctrine, I really wish I was involved. I pray for the young man doing the video. He needs to read Revelation and open his eyes.

    • @Gracejohnys
      @Gracejohnys 2 года назад +5

      @@informationstation242 I care less about the denomination. But the teachings and truth is what matters. 🙂

    • @robertchilders8698
      @robertchilders8698 Год назад

      To bad Adventists don't love each other! Their to busy criticizing each other and condemning those that don't agree with their interpretation of doctrine - especially those of "sister White!"!!

    • @Gracejohnys
      @Gracejohnys Год назад +1

      @@robertchilders8698 We love you. I love my fellow adventists like how i love you.

  • @ashleyturner1071
    @ashleyturner1071 4 года назад +120

    According to what I've seen personally seen in the bible and never heard anyone else preach. I'd say there one of the most truest churches I have ever seen. God bless.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +6

      According to what I've personally seen and heard. This is one of the most false cults I have ever experienced.

    • @ashleyturner1071
      @ashleyturner1071 4 года назад

      Have you read about the great abominable church in the bible? It's like a serious and major thing specially in the times

    • @ashleyturner1071
      @ashleyturner1071 4 года назад

      End times

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад

      @@ashleyturner1071 I've been in an abominable church that misinterprets the Bible and blames God for it

    • @ashleyturner1071
      @ashleyturner1071 4 года назад

      @@RogalloShaolin okay, do you have any recommendations of a good church

  • @Celine-qi3rn
    @Celine-qi3rn 9 лет назад +221

    We seventh day Adventist follow God and believe in Him. What is written in the bible is the word of God

    • @jevonim
      @jevonim 9 лет назад +10

      Yes, stay strong in the faith

    • @mariovega8540
      @mariovega8540 9 лет назад +7


    • @Ox77Killer
      @Ox77Killer 9 лет назад

      +Celine Hencianos And if you don't like what is said you can always wright your own. "Clear Word Bible,"

    • @JustFollowJesus
      @JustFollowJesus 9 лет назад


    • @chnws2932
      @chnws2932 9 лет назад +4

      Yea so am I, this was dumb and most of it wasnt true, but there is nothing you can do with ignorant people like him...and we believe anyone can go to heaven if you repent and believe and follow Jesus

  • @tamikabrown8998
    @tamikabrown8998 7 лет назад +144

    Ok, really didn't what this video to criticize anyone but as an Adventist, there are just somethings I want to clear up
    1. We don't insist that Saturday is the day of rest, we just follow the Bible that says in Exodus 20: 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."
    2. We don't believe God in coming now but we do believe he's coming soon, and so that, what if he comes now do you believe you will be saved
    3. And NOOO!!!!! not only Adventists will be saved, as a matter of fact, we don't determine who will be saved.
    4. We do believe in hell what we don't believe is that persons are going to burn in hell forever instead God will eventually destroy them.
    My tip to you is to find some real facts about Adventists and stop sharing wrong information

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +4

      1. Yeah you people insist...Quite forcefully according to EGW, Testimonies for the Church - Chapter 42 Our Denominational Name...Its kind of your entire Identity.
      2. Definition of Soon. in or after a short time.
      "everyone will soon know the truth"
      synonyms: shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a bit, in the twinkling of an eye, in no time, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), by and by;
      And once again, your prophet had something to say on her prophetic version of "soon"
      "At the Conference a very solemn vision was given me. I saw that some of those present would be food for worms, some subjects for the seven last plagues, and some would be translated to heaven at the second coming of Christ, without seeing death."
      --Life Sketches - Chapter IX Gods Providence pg 321
      That passage was written in 1856
      3. Your Prophet did say that only Saturday Keepers would be saved.
      "The Sabbath was made for the benefit of man; and to knowingly transgress the holy commandment forbidding labor upon the seventh day is a crime in the sight of heaven which was of such magnitude under the Mosaic law as to require the death of the offender. But this was not all that the offender was to suffer, for God would not take a transgressor of His law to heaven. He must suffer the second death, which is the full and final penalty for the transgressor of the law of God."
      --Testimonies for the Church, Proper Observance of the Sabbath
      4. And yet again. Your prophet stated in no uncertain terms there is no hell.
      In the Great Controversy there is an entire chapter on this called "The First great Deception"
      My advice to you is review your own Propaganda.

    • @tamikabrown8998
      @tamikabrown8998 7 лет назад +4

      Are you trying to say I don't know anything or you don't believe in Adventism

    • @tamikabrown8998
      @tamikabrown8998 7 лет назад +8

      Dre Zee
      I have to admit I'm not a bible skuller as but I do know Exodus 20: 8 is in the bible with or without Ellen G White. And I do not know when Jesus will come but I do know he will come as said in John 14: 2-3 "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
      What mean by not only Adventists will be saved is that for the people who don't know the truth. When Jesus comes everyone will know to truth and it's their choice if they want to accept the Sabbath. Hebrews 10: 26
      "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,".
      Ellen White most certainly believed in hell, Repeatedly she quoted from Christ's parable of the sheep and the goats, that parable that spoke of the fires of hell, "prepared for the devil and his angels" (Mat. 25:41).

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад


    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад

      Your first point doesn't really say anything but preach.
      OK...Obviously you don't want to believe your own Prophet says. I quoted her directly and you have not.

  • @shiranialvin8363
    @shiranialvin8363 2 года назад +77

    I’m a born and raised Adventist and proud and blessed to be one!!! I only hope that some day the Holy Spirit would lead you into this truth and we will see you on the other shore when He comes again very soon.

    • @phillipsandusky3795
      @phillipsandusky3795 2 года назад +5

      Don't hold your breath

    • @joantendler6518
      @joantendler6518 2 года назад +3

      Ellen White was exposed to mercury when assisting her father in making hats. Hallucinations became so common in hatters that the phrase “mad as a hatter” was born. On June 6, 1863, she experienced an hallucination that showed her that vegetarian food, as was described in Genesis 1:29, was the proper food for humankind. This is counterintuitive, because humans evolved on eating meat, rather than grains, and grains occasioned the first cases of epilepsy. This occurred in Assyrian, soon after the Assyrians became the first humans to cultivate grains. Assyria is the approximate location of the Garden of Eden, and the fall of mankind occurred due to eating grains, which feed a brain parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, that causes epilepsy and hallucinations. So, whatever you do, stick to your ancestral foods-ruminant meat-to support the health of your brain, and to prevent hallucinations from parasites and metals, like those of Ellen White.

    • @janetdavidson8798
      @janetdavidson8798 2 года назад

      SDA is a cult .

    • @deerejohn4525
      @deerejohn4525 2 года назад +3

      God opposes the proud.

    • @robertchilders8698
      @robertchilders8698 Год назад

      @@joantendler6518 I thought that Ellen's dad made brooms!!?

  • @elsieacheampong2190
    @elsieacheampong2190 5 лет назад +238

    I’m a proud Adventist and I can tell u most of the things ure saying are incorrect, especially us not believing in Hell. And our sabbath starts Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Ure uninformed sir!

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 5 лет назад +2

      "Satan led them on to believe that the sinner would live in eternal misery. Then the way was prepared for Satan to work through his representatives and hold up God before the people as a revengeful tyrant - one who plunges all those into hell who do not please Him, and causes them ever to feel His wrath."
      --Spiritual Gifts Vol 1- Death Not Eternal Life in Misery

    • @annoyed707
      @annoyed707 5 лет назад +8

      Liar. I went to Vacation Bible School and was raised with Adventist material everywhere. I was specifically told that Hell wasn't real and fed the SDA version of things instead.

    • @teimisutnga5094
      @teimisutnga5094 4 года назад

      Of course you are proud in Hell because you really don't know what is the basics meaning of Jesus Christ coming to paid for our sins,but you people of seventh day Adventist shouted only Sabbath,Sabbath,sabbath till your last breath and die in the Hell forever.....

    • @My_God_is_Jahovah
      @My_God_is_Jahovah 4 года назад

      Hell isn't a physical place. Anything that sounds like it (eg Sheol) is Hebrew for the grave.

    • @idiosyncraticlawyer3400
      @idiosyncraticlawyer3400 4 года назад +1


  • @rachaelday4709
    @rachaelday4709 8 лет назад +358

    A "SDA" church lives directly in my backyard basically, they have been inviting me to church for over 15 years- I had a hard night and started reading their gospel, after all these years I think I'm going to church next Saturday 😥

    • @davidjohnson2439
      @davidjohnson2439 8 лет назад +23

      +Rachael Day Wonderful! I hope that you can learn about God and have a peaceful, fellowship filled Sabbath. If you have any questions you can ask me if you'd like. I DEFINITELY don't claim to have all the answers but i know Someone who does :)
      btw-most of what he said in the video isn't really all that accurate. @Anthony Stewart does a pretty good job explaining it in his above comment if you're interested.

    • @casperfghost7267
      @casperfghost7267 7 лет назад +3

      Rachael... How'd you go?

    • @Newcreation222-m4f
      @Newcreation222-m4f 7 лет назад +2

      Hi rachael day! I love my jesus! He suffered and died on the cross so we could be with him and bc of the blood he shedd to wipe away my sins is we i can fun to him at any moment to ask for forgiveness of any sin. Jesus is so merciful.... Amen!

    • @Meaovv
      @Meaovv 7 лет назад +2


    • @Newcreation222-m4f
      @Newcreation222-m4f 7 лет назад +1

      Bc jesus died on the cross for our sins that we have Authority over the principalities of darkness. We are Christ's servants!! Thank you jesus for the cross!! Amen!!

  • @TiffTheTyrant
    @TiffTheTyrant 8 лет назад +227

    The original day of sabbath was actually on Saturday. The most radical thing the church has ever changed is changing the day of sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. I'm not a 7th day Adventist but that's why they say that.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +12

      Actually...Here is what Seventh Day Adventists have to say about Sunday worship...Direct from the horses mouth so to speak.
      "The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventh to the first day. He has thought to change the very commandment that was given to cause man to remember his Creator. He has thought to change the greatest commandment in the Ten Commandments and thus make himself equal with God, or even exalt himself above God. The Lord is unchangeable, therefore His law is immutable; but the pope has exalted himself above God, in seeking to change His immutable precepts of holiness, justice, and goodness. He has trampled underfoot God’s sanctified day, and, on his own authority, put in its place one of the six laboring days. The whole nation has followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy time. The pope has made a breach in the holy law of God. "
      Ellen G White --Early Writings - Mark of the Beast

    • @rachaeldhliwayo9133
      @rachaeldhliwayo9133 8 лет назад +15

      the catholics accept that they changed sabbath to sunday in their caticism

    • @wingz91ok
      @wingz91ok 8 лет назад

      Tiffany Zoe agree

    • @kemarjohnson127
      @kemarjohnson127 7 лет назад +8

      Dre Zee You're absolutely right. You're both right. That reference supports what she said. It's even in the Catholic Mirror. It's no secret that they changed the day.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +3

      Kemar Johnson It is further true that the SDAs hold a special contempt for Catholics. Look how their Prophet speaks about them. Look at the title of the chapter. In "The Great Controversy" the chapter titled "Mark of the Beast" is even more inflammatory.
      So the Producer of this video did in fact do his research

  • @purpleladybug4645
    @purpleladybug4645 3 года назад +38

    I am a seventh day Adventist, and everything we believe is backed up by the bible. A great source to look in RUclips for any question is Amazing Facts by Doug Bachelor, and Amazing Prophesies by Mark Fox. And
    Bible Flock Box. There are others too. Jesus is returning soon we dont know when. We need to be ready for his return. Ps. We believe there will be Christians from all denominations who will be in heaven. When we learn that God wants us to remember the Sabbath, we should do that. After all, Why would God command us to remember a commandment if we are to forget it. He says Remember and keep.

    • @paulnickson8734
      @paulnickson8734 7 месяцев назад

      The Bible's only value would be as toilet paper. Nonsensical stories spread by illiterate desert nomads. Dr Seuss books have more validity.

  • @sethcarroll3159
    @sethcarroll3159 8 лет назад +49

    Sir, I really appreciate your efforts on researching my religion , the Seventh-day Church, but I have to say as a Seventh day Adventist, much of what you said is false. I can explain what you must've not researched enough but I'm not. If you'd like to learn more, please ask. I'll be glad and happy to explain them to you. I just feel offended by some of the things you have said because they are misleading and have misconstrued what we truly believe in. And this also goes to anyone who may be reading this as well. Us Seventh day Adventists, we firmly believe and put out trust in the teachings of the Bible and of Jesus. Thank you for reading this, but please if you really are curious, just talk with God. Ask him for the knowledge and wisdom to find the true beliefs of our church, and it will be given to you. Psalm 27:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

    • @fightiercarmona7599
      @fightiercarmona7599 Год назад

      There is hell right what about the story of Lazarus and Abraham bossom because if you just go out of existence without punishment that ain’t so bad no pain just poof cease to exists that’s to easy

    • @lorelynmordido6786
      @lorelynmordido6786 Год назад +1

      I agree! Most of the facts that you have shared about Seventh-day Adventist is false! Seems you don't really know the facts. Please be careful what you are sharing, you might lead others into harm

    • @langleybeliever7789
      @langleybeliever7789 Год назад

      Are you saved by " grace through faith" , or have a " works " based salvation. Not knowing where you are going when you die.

  • @jamesrodgers6906
    @jamesrodgers6906 6 лет назад +152

    I have never heard so many half truths in my life,

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +3

      James Rodgers stop going to Adventist church

    • @SamDavis-b4u
      @SamDavis-b4u 4 года назад +1

      @@RogalloShaolin sorry bro. We do

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +2

      @@SamDavis-b4uBecause Adventists love half truths of a lifetime

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +1

      @Edmer Paul Ubongen Luke 6
      :5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +2

      I believe Seventh-Day Adventists are perpetually wrong in their condescending self righteousness.
      Hypocrisy is demonstrated continuously as their Prophet specifically condemned these attitudes

  • @MrDzoni955
    @MrDzoni955 8 лет назад +679

    And I thought my knowledge on Adventists was poor. Dude, you did zero research on the topic.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +5

      What did he get wrong?

    • @MrDzoni955
      @MrDzoni955 8 лет назад +40

      Dude, do you own research on what they believe. Go on wikipedia, their own site etc. Here, I'll copy paste you comments from other adventists on this video, because they already revolted against some claims.
      "Correction we don't believe that only Sabbath keepers go to Heaven, in fact the larger number of those whom go to Heaven will not be SDA. God is not always judging, in fact it is our belief in the substitution of Christ as the offering for our sin that justifies us. So we accept this sacrifice and reciprocate by obeying, but obeying is not a qualification, Jesus is."
      "The Bible says we sleep in the grave until Christ returns."(and yes, it does, nothing new or unique about that)
      " Bad people do go to hell. They will be permanently destroyed in hell." - Se there you are, they do believe in hell after all.
      "God says he gave dietary laws to ALL humanity. Not just Jews. He wants us to be healthy and happy."
      etc. And to make one thing clear, I don't agree 100% with them(especialy not with the idea of Ellen G. White being a prophet), and I have limited knoledge on their church, but come on. Even I know why they don't eat pork and some other meats, and why they are "health nuts" - They got it all from the Bible. Israel's criminal law isn't something we have to force on others, but there are principals that can help us live better lives. I am by no means a "health nut", but it's interesting how adventists tend to live longer than others. C/P from wiki:
      "Research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health has shown that the average Adventist in California lives 4 to 10 years longer than the average Californian. The research, as cited by the cover story of the November 2005 issue of National Geographic, asserts that Adventists live longer because they do not smoke or drink alcohol, have a day of rest every week, and maintain a healthy, low-fat vegetarian diet that is rich in nuts and beans." And so on, and so on, I'll do more research eventualy, and so could the guy in the video.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +11

      Terriccota Pie Not only did I do research. I was a baptised member. Further, I went for 12 years to their schools.
      a- After the door gets shut, any one who worships on Sunday is given the mark of the beast and will not earn a place in heaven.
      "The pope has changed the day of rest from the seventh to the first day. He has thought to
      change the very commandment that was given to cause man to remember his Creator. He has thought to change the greatest commandment in the Ten Commandments and thus make himself equal with God, or even exalt himself above God. The Lord is unchangeable, therefore His law is immutable; but the pope has exalted himself above God, in seeking to change His immutable precepts of holiness, justice, and goodness. He has trampled underfoot God’s sanctified day, and, on his own authority, put in its place one of the six laboring days. The whole nation has followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy time. The pope has made a breach in the holy law of God. "
      --Early Writings - Mark of the Beast
      b- So he got it right and did his research. Kind of funny when one agrees with someone they just said did not do their research.
      c- No you got it wrong. When Jesus comes down and the city rests on the plains. The wicked will be resurrected and march on the city. God will rain down fire and cleanse the earth of sin. You can find that entry in Ellen G WHites Early Writings - The Second Death
      d- You are dissembling in your response. He did not get it wrong and research would allow you to find the following from SDAs "It is a most forcible warning against the use of such stimulants and narcotics as tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, and morphine. These indulgences may well be classed among the lusts that exert a pernicious influence upon moral character."
      Ellen G White's book Counsels on Diet and Foods

    • @MrDzoni955
      @MrDzoni955 8 лет назад +4

      But how come other adventists will disagree with you on these things? All I did was copy/paste their responses, and I've read the wikipedia article. I say he didn't do his research because what he is saying clashes with what adventits say they believe in. So, for an example, for c. I got it wrong, as you say, because that's what I've read from someone who is a part of that church.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +11

      Terriccota Pie Because Seventh Day Adventists are Buffet table Christians. What they believe is clearly articulated in quite a number of books however they pick and choose what they want to follow.
      On the problem of being dismissive of Ellen G White, there are 26 fundamental beliefs also clearly published.
      Belief 18 - The Gift of Prophecy
      "The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction to the church. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested."
      The SDA's you quote or talk to are not following their own belief system. So all outsiders would have to go on is what is documented. If SDA;s choose not to follow their own beliefs, they can hardly gripe about someone who obviously spent more time researching them.

  • @AirCrewRani
    @AirCrewRani 3 года назад +178

    Brother, I appreciate you sharing this video. However, I suggest that you talk to an Adventist pastor because the information you shared in this video misleads the viewers about SDA. God bless you!

    • @rcadorna6415
      @rcadorna6415 3 года назад +5

      You are right😇😇

    • @emuelmentore2399
      @emuelmentore2399 3 года назад +5

      Very factual i counted at least three very conflicting statements

    • @jeanninerossouw6660
      @jeanninerossouw6660 3 года назад +12

      I was brought up in the church and except for his sarcasm which was annoying, he did not lie about a thing. And if you think he did you might need to review your doctrines

    • @childofgod6769
      @childofgod6769 3 года назад +1

      Ellen was hit on the head with a rock. She also taught that different races come from humans interbreeding with different animals.

    • @jeanninerossouw6660
      @jeanninerossouw6660 3 года назад +1

      @@childofgod6769 she was also a free Mason. After she was injured she stayed at home, and was educated by a rabbi boarding with the family. A rabbi would only have lived in a Jewish family, many of the "enlightened" backstories she recounts as being revealed in vision, are nothing more than apocryphal stories from Talmud.

  • @luisG1
    @luisG1 6 лет назад +74

    Only the people that rest on Saturday will be saved? Don't know where you got that info from...

    • @logitchy
      @logitchy 4 года назад

      god said rest on seventh day keep it holy blablalblaldmsmjkib

    • @logitchy
      @logitchy 4 года назад

      @The Bassment wow, you are wrong

    • @logitchy
      @logitchy 4 года назад

      @The Bassment I didn't read any of that

    • @logitchy
      @logitchy 4 года назад

      @The Bassment its basically the size of a book, please shorten. also, ellen g white says do not quote my writings until you read the bible. and she said do not TAKE her words.

    • @logitchy
      @logitchy 4 года назад

      @The Bassment eh the adventist stuff has changed. bascially, we still believe in sabbath, and we still believe that whoever violates sabbath is sinning. they must repent and whatever. also, i'm a kid. i'm not reading 5 quotes man, aight?

  • @horus4862
    @horus4862 7 лет назад +70

    sounds good to me. Thanks dude your convinced me to become a seventh day adventist

    • @horus4862
      @horus4862 2 года назад

      @Jack Tapley No I'm giving Scientology a go.

    • @horus4862
      @horus4862 2 года назад

      @Jack Tapley Why not? Somebody has to be correct and its either Scientology or Buddhism

    • @Kanal7Indonesia
      @Kanal7Indonesia Год назад +4

      Scientology lmao

  • @iamravyn6878
    @iamravyn6878 8 лет назад +76

    Who said we believe only people who rest on Sabbath will go to heaven.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +6

      Ellen G White

    • @iamravyn6878
      @iamravyn6878 8 лет назад +2

      In what book

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +5

      Janeel Mitchell This is your Religion. And you don't know? I mean seriously. Is there a SINGLE one in your cult who actually knows your own propaganda? Clearly none who try to refute videos on RUclips
      -Steps to Christ
      -Testimonies for the Church
      -The Great Controversy
      -Early Writings
      Do you require a non SDA to give you the Chapters too?

    • @iamravyn6878
      @iamravyn6878 8 лет назад +3

      No but clearly sense I didn't know such things were written that should tell you it's not true shouldn't it. Also why must it be a cult
      Why must so much hate be thrown at my belief aren't I allowed the freedom to believe what I believe

    • @iamravyn6878
      @iamravyn6878 8 лет назад +3

      Also yes I would love to have those chapters pointed out to me if you wouldn't mind being so kind to do so.
      Please also keep reading and do enjoy those books and you're blessed life.
      God bless you for responding

  • @totalbodycontroltbc3654
    @totalbodycontroltbc3654 3 года назад +60

    Praise God, (despite the mockery) that even an Atheist was used to proclaim the gospel.

  • @robert123ro
    @robert123ro 9 лет назад +69

    Learning about religions from an atheist is like learning music from a tone-deaf person. Or about morality from a prostitute.

    • @dennissimanjuntak4173
      @dennissimanjuntak4173 9 лет назад +1

      Cant agree more :)

    • @dennispons2423
      @dennispons2423 9 лет назад +5

      They actually study the bible and look for evidence how the god you believe in, in your religion is real.

    • @leonelmondragon
      @leonelmondragon 9 лет назад +1

      Best answer ever!!!

    • @dennispons2423
      @dennispons2423 9 лет назад +1

      +Leonel Mondragon are you legit or troll?

    • @leonelmondragon
      @leonelmondragon 9 лет назад +1

      +Dennis Pons: it was my honest response. It's like using gossip in a court of law for testimony.

  • @theshark2005
    @theshark2005 8 лет назад +314

    I don't know if he is trying to be funny but that video was offensive, I mean if he really wanted to understand the religion he could of done some research and back up his claims instead of just calling us weirdos. And making it sounds like we are just weird. I was going to see the video about Jehovah witness but I am guessing he will make me look bad as well and have no real knowledge of what he is talking about.

    • @davidconklin7586
      @davidconklin7586 8 лет назад +7

      +Charlie Mätur: researching would be called work--that's a four letter dirty word for those with an agenda.

    • @Search4Truth
      @Search4Truth 8 лет назад +5

      +Charlie Mätur Follow the Scriptures not Man. he will never let you down cause his perfect.

    • @davidconklin7586
      @davidconklin7586 8 лет назад +1

      +Imanuel 4 Ever: Quite correct!

    • @kwc8197
      @kwc8197 8 лет назад +7

      +Charlie Mätur You are weirdos according to the very definition of the word...and by the way, it's 'could have', not 'could of'. Don't just bury your head in the sand about EGW as the Mormons do with Joseph Smith...delve into her plagiarism, her botched prophecy, and her hypocritical actions. Well-informed is the new black. Take it from someone who was raised in this cesspool of nonsense.

    • @Search4Truth
      @Search4Truth 8 лет назад +5

      +K Wc Ellen G White is nothing like Joseph Smith. 
      1. Joseph Smith was a Freemason and a Occultist en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry and his Doctrine was on creating a Cult just like the many Counter Reformation religions that sprung up after 1844,Not going to get into that Not enough space. But even till this day the Mormons are considered a religios cult to many with there doctrines and rituals just like the rest of the Charismatic Movements which are a self gratification doctrine instead of a Bible Only Doctrine. 
      2. Ellen G White Never elevated herself above no one and her entire message elevated the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE and not herself as Joseph Smith did, and Many of Ellen Whites work was on how to live life in accordance of the Lord and Not herself. And its amazing how EGW was only Educated 3 years and was able to even Teach Health Professionals the Dangers of Many things way before the studies where even Initiated. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_G._White
      +K WC Jesus Christ Loves you too Brother and he will always be there if you look for him he will Find you,I was lost and Now i'm Found and still crawling my way out but with faith the Lord Jesus Christ will not Forsake Me. 7th Day Sabbath Adventist and Proud AMEN!.
      John 15
      Greater Love has No One than This
      13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
      14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
      15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
      16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
      17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
      The Hatred of the World
      18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
      19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
      20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
      21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
      22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
      23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
      24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
      25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
      26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
      27 And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.

  • @cupcaketime1066
    @cupcaketime1066 7 лет назад +96

    And am SDA and some of these is not true.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +1

      Which ones?

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад +1

      What? So, I guess it's not true if you just say it's not true. Then it must not be true! Like what, masturbation? Please provide details.

    • @arthurhenry9778
      @arthurhenry9778 6 лет назад +7

      Dre Zee "ellen g white is prophet"
      16 years i was SDA, i never hear that EGW is prophet for SDA.
      For us, EGW is just little light who bring us to True Light.
      Who is The True Light? Jesus

    • @arthurhenry9778
      @arthurhenry9778 6 лет назад +3

      Dre Zee then about "Masturbation"
      wow wow wow
      i never hear, some SDA's peoples speak about "masturbation" in my Church.
      From where he knows, there are teachings about "Masturbation" in the SDA Chuch?

    • @erickmartinez-fx1pw
      @erickmartinez-fx1pw 6 лет назад +1

      Im SDA and # 2 is wrong WHEN HE SAYS ONLY PEOPLE THAT REST ON SABBATH ARE SAVED , thats not true . " if you sinned today and are still sinning , if god came today would he take you up to heaven with him" ? Answer is NO ! To leave it at that , people can be saved anyone , but you have to be like jesus . How was jesus ? Your asking , read the bible to find out :) .

  • @IKeCaribou
    @IKeCaribou 3 года назад +123

    If that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I’m a happy content Seventh Day Adventist. 😊😊

  • @LocoMenteClaraOne
    @LocoMenteClaraOne 3 года назад +116

    SDA here...
    This dude's got SOOOOOOO many things WRONG about us. God bless his heart. lol

    • @sharonfleshman6961
      @sharonfleshman6961 3 года назад +4

      Actually, at first I was thinking, okay, a little mean but fairly accurate.
      Then it took a turn and he was clearly clueless. I forget the order but about the time he got the health message it was just a garbled mess.

    • @xxsniperkittykatxx
      @xxsniperkittykatxx 3 года назад +1

      @@sharonfleshman6961 he wasn't that off. He got state of the dead, advent and prophecy pretty much right (except the only Adventist in heaven bit). And depending on how conservative the church is he wasn't far off with the health message. Some pastors refuse to baptize you if you eat pork. Most will excuse meat but coffee and tobacco can be deal breakers too.

    • @sharonfleshman6961
      @sharonfleshman6961 3 года назад +1

      I think it was masturbation, Ben Carson and the Catholic church that went far off the mark.
      Masturbation...yeah, no one talks about how the church kicked Kellogg out (not for that though) and masturbation hasn't been discussed like that in the church for decades. Possibly for a century.
      Catholic church. This may depend on how conservative you are. I have always heard pastors distinguish between Catholic leaders and the members. Leaders think they have complete control over members and that is wrong. There is a lot more though.
      Ben Carson. In some churches he would have been disciplined and possibly disfellowshipped for some things he has done.

    • @angieruthw
      @angieruthw 3 года назад +6

      I'm not SDA, but as soon as he said that SDA believe that only those who rest on Saturday are saved I knew he was very misinformed. I know SDA , my son even attends an SDA academy. Smh . Sad when people share misinformation.

    • @lebogangjr1286
      @lebogangjr1286 3 года назад +4

      I'm SDA and he's spot on!!!

  • @michaelgeorge3568
    @michaelgeorge3568 6 лет назад +189

    your information is twisted, get your facts straight.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +1

      Michael George got anything more than a ninth commandment fail?

    • @machadoese
      @machadoese 4 года назад +4

      Nah, I’m a former Adventist (25 years) Adventist are the most self centered and toxic people tbh

    • @foreverswish3238
      @foreverswish3238 4 года назад +7

      kevk7 yea cause ya bitchass met every SDA person huh

    • @georgefletcher3759
      @georgefletcher3759 4 года назад +5

      @@machadoese true but "we all have fallen short of the glory of God"... Don't judge a church by its people....

    • @letknowledge_increase
      @letknowledge_increase 4 года назад +2

      Not all twisted just the way how the fool said it. And I said fool because that's how God addresses people who don't believe there is a God. But Tonight I'll try to remember to pray for him. To have understanding of God. Happy belated Sabbath btw😇

  • @Michellemertz
    @Michellemertz 2 года назад +91

    I am so grateful because God shows me that the 7th day Adventist is where he wants me to be

    • @kateplakinger4219
      @kateplakinger4219 Год назад +5

      Amem same here

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 Год назад +5

      Watch a video called "THE MARK OF THE BEAST" by Hope Through Prophecy

    • @fredkim01
      @fredkim01 Год назад

      So, was Jesus the archangel Michael in the old testament days?

    • @noway8259
      @noway8259 Год назад

      Did he send you a hand written card or something?

    • @maranathasam
      @maranathasam 9 месяцев назад

      @@fredkim01 Yes, and teh angel of the lord

  • @waitingonthelord3147
    @waitingonthelord3147 3 года назад +32

    Jesus truly is coming soon and His return is imminent...

  • @meganchanel8893
    @meganchanel8893 8 лет назад +29

    I am a seventh-day Adventist. And I know you are only explaining out of freedom of speech. NOTE: PLEASE READ! However, as an Adventist I just want to point out several flaws made in this video. Point #4, we actually do believe in hell, when judgement day comes, you either die in hell quickly (not God's doing, but the devil's). Point #5, perfectly explained. Only when doing so making it sound irrational. It's actually quite reasonable, for example, the devil believes in God, however is opposed to him. Catholics and other Christians believe in God, but aren't necessarily SDA's. Our "rules" are literally just ethics, like the 10 commandments. They're ethics, like don't steal or kill. And God isn't a horrible being that if you break one of the rules you will be thrown in the abyss immediately or whatever. We have up until the coming of Jesus to ask for forgiveness sincerely, and he will give it to us. So, investigative judgement is really necessary. So tell us, is it that irrational? Point #6, no we are not health nuts. We do abstain from alcohol, however most of us drink coffee and soda, and caffeine, and we eat pork sometimes, some of us do some of us don't. That isn't our reasoning, we don't believe it "defiles our soul" for those of who follow this diet, we just want our body to be clean, for example, alcohol is literally just a silent killer, and God wants us to be safe. We never said we didn't drink coffee, and pork is pig... which has been in mud, that's how it showers, and most of us don't think that's the best way to be clean. So as you said, not a bad idea. But that's not our reasoning. Point #7, Ellen G. White is our prophet, but she is not the one who originated SDA's. We're just Bible Christians. That's what we are. We thoroughly read the bible, brought some important points out like Martin Luther (not King) did, he saw many things wrong with the Catholic Church by reading the Bible. We found, no where in the bible did the Holy Day change from Saturday to Sunday. Jews were always worshipping on the Seventh Day, somewhere along the way it became Sunday. Point #8, some of us do, some of us don't. It's just a theory that came up years ago, which seemed to become quite an important thing that Atheists like to point out. In EVERY religion, there is the scale; Mystic, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Fundamentalist. Left to right, the most open-minded to narrow-minded. In the beginning of this video you said we were all conservative. Wrong. We are our own religion as you said. This scale applies to us as well, Point #8 was just a Conservative SDA Theory that not all of us follow. Point #9 Wrong. Just Wrong. John Harvey was a conservative SDA. Thank you for all of you who took the time to read this. Note to "The Atheist Voice": Please research before you judge ANY religion.

    • @scottwales9178
      @scottwales9178 2 года назад

      What do you think of LGBT folk?

    • @robertchilders8698
      @robertchilders8698 Год назад

      Raised as an Adventist! Now you got me really confused! I'm direct decendent of Dr. John H. Kellogg's "kids" and have studied Sister White for some time now! The way I was treated was appalling - especially in their boarding schools,!! I have since come to the belief that the S.D.A. Church is nothing more than a business scam for their medical interest !! The White family is nothing more than scam artists

    • @robertchilders8698
      @robertchilders8698 Год назад

      THE S.D.A. Church is really a religious cult!!?

    • @Lollololplolpllplpl
      @Lollololplolpllplpl Год назад

      @@scottwales9178 cool people

    • @robertchilders8698
      @robertchilders8698 Год назад

      WOW!! You really got me confused! I've have learned, through the years, that there can be many different opinions amongst the churches!! À decendent of one of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg's " kid"! My expererience with the "CHURCH" was horrible? Especially in their boarding schools!! When not with my parents they exploited me for all they could get! They become very hypocritical in their actions. TO WHAT SELFISH REASON!! MONEY???

  • @florasparkle1256
    @florasparkle1256 6 лет назад +65

    I've been an Adventist for two years now, and I know enough that just going to church on Saturdays is going to save you. It's about a relationship with God.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад

      What kind of video do you think you just viewed?

    • @Franz0804
      @Franz0804 5 лет назад

      Hi, Im a SDA and you said is true because GOD said we have to go to church at the time of rest

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 5 лет назад

      And am sure in the two years, you believe that Moses used Gregorian calendar to determine sabbath, right?

    • @okambambo
      @okambambo 4 года назад +6

      Jesus said " I am the way the truth and life ... " , that is your way to heaven not worshiping on a particular day. Heaven is a Gift you receive by being born again that you cannot earn by your actions

    • @eugenegordon6164
      @eugenegordon6164 2 года назад

      @@okambambo Amen!

  • @raheemallen2003
    @raheemallen2003 3 года назад +32

    I turned a seventh day Adventist because they are speaking the truth when you use the bible. The seventh day Adventist church is infact the remnant church according to Revilation 14 and Revilation 12. This is my motto and it should be yours if you are looking to become a follower of Christ...if it is in the bible I want it if it is not in the bible u don't want it. In others if it is not thus sayth the lord I will not believe it. If you want to learn more about seventh day Adventist the please watch(bible flock box) about the Sabbath. God bless you 🙏💝

    • @bw3839
      @bw3839 3 года назад +1

      No they just follow the bit to the Bible that suit them. If they followed all of the Bible they won’t cut their hair or wear a synthetic cloth. But of course that’s a fact and you’re into the SDA church so I’m quite sure that you’ll ignore that.

    • @zhanucong4614
      @zhanucong4614 6 месяцев назад

      @@bw3839 in bible they do cut hair,and they lead the dress reform, mixed clothing is not accepted at least from what i remember

  • @domixryt9554
    @domixryt9554 Год назад +35

    It doesn’t matter who is a Seventh Day Adventist the only thing that matters is your relationship with God❤

    • @miguel_machado
      @miguel_machado Год назад +2

      For plenty of people that may be the case, but as a decently educated adventist, it goes much deeper than you think.
      Research why sunday worship is dramatic in context to adventism if you're curious

    • @domixryt9554
      @domixryt9554 Год назад +1

      @@miguel_machado yea I know that, I am also an Adventist, what I meant by the message I said was that, it doesn’t matter who you are Rick or poor, famous or not famous T the most important thing that matters is your relationship with God. And he also said if you love me keep my commandments

  • @ragequit118
    @ragequit118 9 лет назад +40

    I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and there are quite a few errors in this video and some extremely exaggerated points such as "masterbation is very wrong" and the fact that not many of us are health nuts and those who are don't just do it because God tells us to. There have been articles posted about adventists as some of the longest living people in the world and a big portion live in Loma Linda, California that serve as examples since they live in the near 100's or over. There's much more as to why we keep the Sabbath besides "God rested on the Sabbath". Many fellow adventists I know of that are both approx my age (in their 20's) and adults drink coffee and consume meat. The only thing are large majority of us have in common with out diet is not eat pork, and certian seafood. There's more errors but I don't want this to be too long but my point here is that you unintentionally misrepresented views in exaggerated or in a misinformed way. So please just expand on your research and be an actual friendly atheist and not poke fun around others too much.
    Other than all that, at least you're not like Cult of Dusty, Jaclyn Glenn, or Amazing Atheist.

    • @SaidinRage
      @SaidinRage 9 лет назад +1

      WoahThere Yeah I don't know about 'health nuts.' Sure the soda and meat thing, but he's clearly never been to a potluck, where everything is covered in a 2 inch layer of cheese and contains Big Franks and Fry Chick

    • @GhostHawk1776
      @GhostHawk1776 9 лет назад

      Walter Boxhead Mockers will most certainly be punished.

    • @GhostHawk1776
      @GhostHawk1776 9 лет назад +1

      Walter Boxhead
      If someone is mocking, then they are already the ones upset and want to upset you too or why else mock someone.
      It more disappoints me, than anything. It saddens me that humans can stoop to such a level of dimwittedness.
      God is God. There is only One and all others are subject to Him.

    • @ragequit118
      @ragequit118 9 лет назад

      There's potluck at my church all the time and don't even get me started with the Pathfinder Fair. It goes to show that we aren't "health nuts"

    • @ragequit118
      @ragequit118 9 лет назад +2

      I agree. It does vary. Masterbation isn't mentioned at all in my church or any SDA southeastern church in Cali.. and I've attended quite a few. I'm glad that you're not like most atheists I encounter that automatically see me as an enemy for being a Christian. I'm glad you also saw some of the misleading info in the video too. Whete are you from?

  • @jimmysalcedo7910
    @jimmysalcedo7910 3 года назад +46

    The 7th day adventist church is the best denomination more then evangelical, Baptist and pentecostal churches because it makes more sense of their teaches and doctrines than the others😁😁😁

    • @danielc784
      @danielc784 5 месяцев назад

      yes other religions are babylon and they perish, they who follow sunday and not Gods Saturday they follow mark of the beast, bcause beast this catholic pope in year 321 changed Holy Saturday into sunday, and this is the mark of the beast, which in Daniel book was prophesied before that he will change Gods Holy days, and it happened, also it has prophecied about him that he will this beast will persecute Christians for 1260 years and it happened, rome empire and inquisition, they burned Christians in fire, they tortured them, and killed with pain, this was very suffering death, so God will punish them very soon, all those sinners, who is touching Gods fellowers is touching Gods Eye pupil is written, so it is terrifying to do war with God, with Allmighty, whose fire is most painful, because He will do for everyone according to his deals, sinners kids will suffer not as much in the judgment day fire as satan and his fellowers, who kill, steal, say lies, and do all abominations, and dont believe in Jesus Christ. So only Seventh Day Adventist church is the true church, all Gods Commandments, and faith in Jesus Christ, Old Testament, and New Testament, those Two Witnesses, which were killed for more than thousand years by catholic church, which wanted to change Gods Word, but they resurrected, and Gods Word is never being changed by human being, they who do it they will die, and we see that Bible Word and Saturday is remained in the Bible, while they changed it into sunday, but in the Bible we cannot find about sunday anything, also pork and unclean meat is not allowed by God, who eat they will perish aslo, also alcohol and smoking not allowed. if somebody from other religion repents, and become an Adventist only then he or she will be saved, but in situation like some crash or like this man in cross repented and Jesus will save him, God sees our hearts, that means that this man if he could go from the cross away and live he will follow God into his death, because God sees our hearts, but if we are not in the cross, we need in our lives to prove God that we can love Him and listen Him and follow Him, after we will be saved, if not hten not, if we remain in another churches and will remain in sunday worship then we will perish, this is not Gods Commandment to follow sunday, or we remain eating pork and unclean we perish because God doest allow doing so, also to drink alcohol or smoking, God says do not kill, and who is drinking is not wise, unwise will perish, and drunk people do not enter the Kingdom of God is written, so conclusion yes, if they are alive and living life, they need to repent and become a followers the True God and in the True church Seventh Day Adventist church !

  • @08tnt80
    @08tnt80 9 лет назад +46

    Many things are wrong in this.

    • @davidaustin7305
      @davidaustin7305 9 лет назад

      with the video

    • @08tnt80
      @08tnt80 9 лет назад

      It would be typical and understandable based on their new found knowledge of the World Church.

    • @08tnt80
      @08tnt80 9 лет назад +8

      +Jefferson Bangaan We do believe hell... its just that no one has been judged yet to burn in it or go to heaven. They "sleep" as the BIBLE mentions so many times. The idea of purgatory came from Roman mythology which found its way through religious compromise in the Catholic church. Hell, does not exist at the moment; because Hell itself will be Earth itself when Jesus returns for the judgement of the damned.

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад

      List them.

    • @normalguy4147
      @normalguy4147 6 лет назад

      The video called POP by SODA, obviously a MADMAN, relax, have a beer with me and let me tell you why pork and crayfish are great over a good hockey game, the cup is coming up!

  • @brokekaleb
    @brokekaleb 3 года назад +51

    U trippin a bit there man...
    This is a perfect example of
    “ oh, I’m just going to read the first paragraph of this chapter and write an essay off that “
    When u were suppost to read the whole chapter THEN write your essay...
    Youd get a C- if it was graded....
    You got the idea 💡, but the wrong one 🤣

    • @selfaaeseina
      @selfaaeseina 3 года назад


    • @knologosx5278
      @knologosx5278 3 года назад +1

      Yea, he made us sound like mongols

    • @jj4508
      @jj4508 3 года назад

      Cannot agree more...wise choice of word indeed.

  • @jacquelynramos6359
    @jacquelynramos6359 7 лет назад +30

    Wow! are you a Seventh Day Adventist?
    Because your knowledge is right on like wow even me being an Adventist didn't know all those things!
    *Hope I sounded as sarcastic as you did! It's pathetic that someone from outside of our religion comes and says all this things

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +2

      Exactly what do you find offensive? The fact he got it right? According to your own Propaganda (Ellen G White).
      So you were shooting for sarcasm...Here's something he missed about your cult which you should probably study up on. (once again according to your own Propaganda)
      "The people of the world are watching us to see if our faith is exerting a sanctifying influence upon our hearts. They are quick to discern every defect in our lives, every inconsistency in our actions. Let us give them no occasion to reproach our faith."
      --Ellen G White, Counsels for the Church, Chapter 4 Union with Christ and Brotherly Love
      You may want to take a read of Chapter 7 in Steps to Christ. Can you guess the title of the Chapter?
      Oh since you admitted not knowing what is in your own belief system. (Don't have to be an Adventist to be an authority. In fact most of you know very little about your cult).
      Here are points 1-10 laid out for you (once again, according to your own Propaganda)
      1- Saturday Keepers (Steps to Christ - Chapter 7 Tests of Discipleship,Early Writings-Subsequent Visions,Testimonies for the Church - Chapter 42 Our Denominational Name, Testimonies for the Church, Proper Observance of the Sabbath )
      2- Jesus coming soon (--Life Sketches - Chapter IX Gods Providence pg 321)
      3- Sleep when you die (--Maranatha - The Second Advent)
      4-Second coming will burn immediately (--Early Writings - The Second Death)
      5-Investigative judgement(Ellen G White, Maranatha - Investigative Judgement)
      6-Health Nuts (--Counsels on Diet and Foods )
      7-Ellen G White is Prophet (General Conference Website under Belief 18)
      8-Pope is AntiChrist (--Early Writings - Mark of the Beast)
      9-Masturbation is horrible (-- Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1, p. 230.1,
      Child Guidance, 439-468
      10-Ben Carson...You havent heard?

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад

      We don't have to go inside because your religion is ubiquitous, you make sure of that. You don't mind spreading your particular religious views in public schools, private neighborhoods and throughout government's do you. No, you keep it all to yourselves inside your little churches scattered near and far and how dare a perfect strange come inside and see what we're rally all about.

    • @annoyed707
      @annoyed707 5 лет назад

      @@RogalloShaolin SDAs are some of the biggest hypocrites around. Long on telling the world how to live, putting on airs, deluding themselves into thinking they're experts and sweeping abuses under the metaphorical rug.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 5 лет назад

      @@annoyed707 I have often used the tagline "Long on preach, short on practice" for them

  • @גאורגירזאייב
    @גאורגירזאייב 6 лет назад +194

    May God have mercy on you! You are free to choose either to believe or not, but don't mock others' belief

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +11

      He is as free to mock others beliefs as they are to mock him...

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +1

      Bond James Bond you are spreading Satans propaganda...congrats on furthering Satans goals

    • @metaphor6962
      @metaphor6962 6 лет назад +1

      Bond james bond.. The research aren't true... It says on the Bible that no religion can save a man.. You must read all chapters of the Bible so you would know. The video shows that clearly the guy on it was goofingthe religion. I'm SDA but we don't believe our religion will be save but all teachings we are doing are in the whole chapter of the Bible (old and new testaments). I hope this will enlighten you.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад

      Bond James Bond i was a member of Pathfinders for 4 years

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад

      Bond James Bond adventists come together for Camp Meeting. I attended the one in South Lancaster, MA. Which is located next to AUC. Which lost its teaching credentials by the way. I attended the high school Pioneer Valley Academy. It closed its doors in 1983 under Principal Gary Sudds.

  • @brianb115
    @brianb115 6 лет назад +60

    You don’t seem that friendly.

    • @arcelesp7878
      @arcelesp7878 3 года назад +7

      He is an ateist!

    • @pixelatedthumb1206
      @pixelatedthumb1206 3 года назад +8

      @@arcelesp7878 and there's no such thing as *friendly atheists*

    • @xxsniperkittykatxx
      @xxsniperkittykatxx 3 года назад

      "Friendly atheist" means that you think that some people are justified in their beliefs even if you disagree

  • @cloyewoods
    @cloyewoods Год назад +20

    I was raised Seventh-day Adventist and it has been and continues to be a blessing to me.

  • @christhevancura9113
    @christhevancura9113 8 лет назад +168

    Anyways seventh day Adventist s are very polite and non judgemental. .I visit friends in Keene Tx regularly. ..nice people nice town

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +13

      They are HIGHLY judgemental

    • @bearpolar90210
      @bearpolar90210 6 лет назад +6

      That's a DAMN FUCKING LIE!!!!!!! I met two in person and they had the worse attitude. Not one time did they say please, may I, or thank you. I bought them a gift and they turned up their noses! I flew 2, 000 miles to meet with them and they couldn't decide where to meet! When I asked them where they were from, they lied about it. SDA's are hypocrites that try to act all holier than thou. They post bible versus everyday online and judging other people's sins when their shit stinks to high heaven. One of them is fat/ overweight, it's hard for me to believe that she eats healthy. And why are SDA's so SECRETIVE about their religion?

    • @bearpolar90210
      @bearpolar90210 6 лет назад

      Yes! That's more than enough. I am not into cults!!! Their actions SPEAK LOUDER than their beliefs.

    • @bearpolar90210
      @bearpolar90210 6 лет назад +1

      Bond James Bond , I don't give a shit! Wannabe James bond, take your fake phony ass somewhere else!!

    • @bearpolar90210
      @bearpolar90210 6 лет назад

      First of all, my original comment WASN'T ABOUT YOU, but if the shoe fits, lace it up and wear it!!!!!!

  • @smurfettemamoks
    @smurfettemamoks 5 лет назад +41

    Hi, i was a converted seventh-day adventist 3 years ago, and it was the very best thing that happened to me. We believe that religion is just a guide to make you a better person, we dont discriminate, we respect others belief, we are happy in sharing bible messages, we are health conscious, we believe that our body is a temple of God and we dont make videos mocking other religions. Thats why i chose SDA. Religions are just like schools, you have the options to choose what school is best for you to become a better servant of God. We also believe that we will be saved by grace not by religion. God bless you.!

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 5 лет назад

      Do you believe that Moses used Gregorian calendar to determine Sabbath?

    • @lubegahamos6559
      @lubegahamos6559 5 лет назад

      @@fabianowiti5250 I never read anything like "Moses used the Georgian calendar "in the bible.

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 5 лет назад +1

      @@lubegahamos6559 so ssebo, Moses never knew what Saturday was, just so you know.

    • @lubegahamos6559
      @lubegahamos6559 5 лет назад +2

      @@fabianowiti5250 What's your Sabbath day?

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 5 лет назад

      @@lubegahamos6559 Let me repeat and let's hope you have some sort of understanding...
      Moses never worshipped any God on a Saturday... does that even make sense to you?

  • @daniimasinika8787
    @daniimasinika8787 6 лет назад +103

    I'm a seven day.. there is some error with what his saying..

  • @77above18
    @77above18 2 года назад +2

    honestly it's good that there are people/organizations that keep criticizing the SDA. That way, people have the chance or choice to research on their own if they really want to know the truth... God said "COME NOW LET US REASON TOGETHER".. Study and research so God can shower us with His Holy Spirit and attain great understanding. that way, by the GRACE OF GOD, you will learn that the doctrine of the SDA church is the truth and you will thank God for it... i will pray for those who are in doubt. for in doubt comes opportunity to find the truth. God bless you brothers and sisters. let us stand firm.

  • @Raymostireo619
    @Raymostireo619 4 года назад +163

    "Friendly" 😂 dude is passive aggressive

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 4 года назад +2

      Got a little delusion of grandeur there Jesus?

    • @rayelpingi7982
      @rayelpingi7982 4 года назад +2


    • @KnightOwlization
      @KnightOwlization 4 года назад +7

      “A friendly atheist is a person who accepts that some theists are justified in believing in God, even if it is the case that God doesn't exist.” You are missing the definition of “friendly” here. He can be passive aggressive and still technically be a “friendly atheist.”

  • @Sindrum222
    @Sindrum222 8 лет назад +51

    I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and this video is wrong on just about every topic he said. First of all we stand on the word of God and nothing else. We believe every word of the bible because we know it's Gods word. There is nothing traditional we do, it's all Biblical practice just as Jesus intended which is why he always wanted us to read our Bible. Modern day Christians and Catholics changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. If you want to go into greater detail back in early history the Sabbath is actually Friday sunset to Saturday.. We would never blaspheme another person for their beliefs or day of worship, we only wish to help guide people to the word of God and the truth's the Bible holds. Your wrong about Jesus coming "now soon". Yes we believe Jesus is coming soon because we study prophecy which gives evidence that we are in the End Times but no man knows the day or hour of Jesus return so we say he is coming soon. Your very wrong when you say only the people that rest on Saturday will be saved. God holds judgement uniquely to each individual so it's not us to judge who makes it into heaven or not. The Bible states the dead know nothing and are resting while awaiting Jesus return. Once again we know this because the Bible says so. I can go on and on about this video but I'll stop here. Also Jesus said there would be men and women that prophesize in the end times which is why we see Ellen G White as the first Women Prophet and regard her as a good reference to Bible Doctrine. Read her books the Great Controversy, or Patriarchs and Prophets and tell me your opinion then. Do not claim you know about Seventh Day Adventist because you only look like a fool to those that Stand with God and hold his word as Truth. You need to do more research and study the Bible before you talk like a know it all.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +1

      He didn't say anything in regards to your Bible thumping. So that is kind of an irrelevant refutation.
      " We would never blaspheme another person for their beliefs or day of worship,"
      According to EGW "The whole nation has followed after the beast, and every week they rob God of His holy time."
      Seems pretty disrespectful of the Catholics to me.
      You should read what Ellen G WHite had to say of those who quoted Matthew 24:36 in the First and Second Angels message.
      Actually Ellen G White stated specifically that the fourth commandment is the most important commandment of all in her book Early Writings. Further one of the True tests of Discipleship is obedience to keep his commandments.
      Here is final thought to go along with your final judgement of the creator of this video.
      "True Christians will not exult in exposing the faults and deficiencies of others. They will turn away from vileness and deformity, to fix the mind upon that which is attractive and lovely. To the Christian every act of faultfinding, every word of censure or condemnation, is painful. "
      Ellen G White Counsels for the Church - Chapter 33
      You must have missed that book in your own research

    • @Sindrum222
      @Sindrum222 8 лет назад

      Ok your seeing Truth as disrespect. Remember what Jesus said ""Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
      The truth often hurts to those that rebel and turn their shoulder to Gods Light. The 4th commandment is very important! We see throughout earth's history the struggle with the day of worship between, Saturday Gods holy blessed day and Sunday the day Man determines when to worship. I'm not here to judge the video but i'm here to spread the truth about my church. This man makes my church seem weird and crazy even though we seem different because we strive for holiness in a fallen world which does make us look "Different". Have you forgotten about earths history with the Catholic Papal power ruling the world with an iron fist killing millions upon millions of people because they would not bow down to the catholic church/papal power. Even today the Catholic church dwells in riches and gold and tell the world nobody goes to Christ but only through the Pope can Christ be connected. It seems you need to do more research and let the Bible interpret the Bible. I see you have your profile setup to curse Seventh Day Adventist as an Ellen G White cult and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But don't come at me throwing around accusations when I stand on the truth of the Bible and I stand with Jesus and his words. I only feel for the creator of this video because he missed the main point of the Seventh Day Adventist church which is we stand on Bible Doctrine alone and keep the 7th day holy as we await the return of Jesus Christ our Savior. God Bless you brother!

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +2

      Sindrum222 Except when someone is telling truth about SDAs?
      What an inelegant way to dismiss your own sin. "Well it doesn't count cause its the Catholics" lol You don't get to unilaterally declare truth against a competitor religion.
      It is an Ellen G WHite cult.
      Merriam Webster Defines Cult as-
      Cult Definition 1: formal religious veneration
      SDA Belief 18 sure does seem to prove the definition.

    • @Sindrum222
      @Sindrum222 8 лет назад +3

      I have no beef with no church. I only wish to bring the Gospel to all the world before Jesus return. Many church's have their founders and Ellen G White is one of the founders of the SDA church. Do we worship her -Nope, Do we serve her -Nope, Do we hold her books on the same level as the Bible -Nope. Her books are great references but we don't see here as a saviour of some sort which you keep trying to allude to. We do believe she was given visions and wrote about them in her books. How did Jesus say for us to recognize prophets during the end times that he would give visions to "Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" Matthew 7:16 Ellen G White understood the scriptures and from her works and the fruit she bare as Jesus put it we can see her books she wrote uphold the Bible and she points only towards Jesus. Many of her books especially the Great Controversy is there to show how even after Jesus died the struggle between God and Satan has been ongoing even to this day. Ellen G White never talked about herself only about real history, God's word (the Bible), and our Savior Jesus Christ.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +1

      Sindrum222 I provided the definition for Veneration. Lets try not to bait and switch definitions in a failed attempt to refute me
      I provided the definitions, and the SDAs own verbiage to prove my point.
      When you state someone speaks with Prophetic Authority you have stated "to feel or show deep respect for (someone or something that is considered great, holy, etc.) "
      The rest of your rant is just sermonizing with no actual purpose but to fulfill an SDAs need to preach at others.

  • @JoeDirtisawsome
    @JoeDirtisawsome 9 лет назад +35

    So they believe that God will destroy your soul if your bad? That's a lot more merciful than making us burn for eternity.

    • @JoeDirtisawsome
      @JoeDirtisawsome 9 лет назад

      And why do they think that Saturday is the day of rest?

    • @robertmiller9735
      @robertmiller9735 9 лет назад +5

      Joe Dirt Because Saturday is the Jewish day, and Sunday was adopted by Christians to make converting the Romans easier. In other words, they're actually right (not that it matters; even when I was an Adventist I couldn't believe god would care).

    • @JoeDirtisawsome
      @JoeDirtisawsome 9 лет назад

      Robert Miller oh ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

    • @lauriesfavorites
      @lauriesfavorites 9 лет назад +5

      Joe Dirt Because in Exodus 20 God told us that we were to worship him on the seventh day of the week.

    • @djbneozen
      @djbneozen 9 лет назад +1

      Joe Dirt Repostin this for you-
      It's not "they". It's in the Bible. The Biblical concept of eternal "extinguishing" is meant to be portrayed as a kindness. Since only the people who are not desiring to go to Heaven would choose this path.
      It works something like this:
      1. In the end there will be no more evil. It will be vanquished
      2. If there is not more evil then there must only be Heaven (and the universe beyond and a remade Earth...etc)
      3. Anyone in going to Heaven, and the new life beyond, will be immortal.
      4. Heaven is a place of selfless Love. The same kind Jesus/Yeshua showed in his character when he was here.
      5. If you do not like, or want to be this type of person, Heaven will be like eternal torture for you. If you want to be selfish, harmful, evil...self righteous, Satanic...etc
      Heaven will be like being burned alive by God's Love for eternity. It would actually be a living hell.
      So, rather than force people to live an immortal existence of doing something they do not want to do, God will instead extinguish their existence, BY THEIR OWN REQUEST, in that they do not want to Live in the Heaven I described above.
      Let me know if you have any questions.

  • @korovunilagijunior6335
    @korovunilagijunior6335 4 года назад +78

    I am a seventh day adventist and thank this guy for sharing his thoughts and views about Seventh Day Adventists. As a SDA we really should tell the world about truth of the bible. Have a blessed day everyone.

    • @edaguirre8952
      @edaguirre8952 3 года назад +1

      Some years ago the Lord Jesus said, "Go to the phone book and call Adventist churches" because He said "no one was reaching out to them." I said, "They're good people." Then He said, "They believe lies." My response was that they say that God answers prayer on their television and radio programs. He said, "They deceive themselves.
      False doctrines are lies and you know that heresy is a work of the flesh as declared in Galatians chapter 5. Heretics do not inherit the kingdom of God. So this is a serious matter. Adventists believe the Sabbath (going to church on Saturday) is binding from Ellen White because the Lord Jesus did not command it. God wrote with his finger, but "Has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son (Hebrews 1:2)." There is liberty in Christ concerning days according to Romans 14:5,6, so there's no sabbath or Sunday keeping commandments given in the New Testament. Therefore, the Sunday law mark of the beast is a hoax. Ellen White has her followers trying to earn points with God keeping the sabbath, but "by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in his sight (Romans 3:20)." The 10 commandments are "the ministration of DEATH ENGRAVED IN STONES (2 Corinthians 3:7). Love is the heart of the moral law, not the sabbath day:"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore love is THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW (Romans 13:10)." The two great commandments also demonstrate this fact. The Holy Spirit is the seal of God (Ephesians 1:13), not the sabbath day.
      The Sabbath commandment is nowhere quoted in the New Testament. Jesus, as Lord of the sabbath, chose not to quote the 4th commandment. Therefore, Ellen White's followers attempt to keep the sabbath day because Ellen White told them to. Jesus COMMANDED his followers to REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE, not remember the sabbath day. Sabbath keeping Jews killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets...they please not God, and are contrary to all men...for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost (1Thessalonians 2:14-16)." In Acts they murdered Stephen and stoned Paul.
      The sabbath was a sign ONLY to Israel (Exodus 31:17) and therefore has nothing to do with the gospel and the gentiles. Jesus is the reality of things foreshadowed in the Old Testament, of which the Sabbath day was one as Colossians 2:16, 17 declares: the Sabbath was a shadow that pointed to Christ who is the fulfillment. This fact is clearly demonstrated in the book of Numbers 28:9, 10 where two lambs were offered ceremonially on the sabbath day which looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ. The Old Testament sacrifices, the priesthood and the Sabbath were abolished and Jesus became the eternal rest. It is a simple gospel to just follow him and rest in His merits and the promises of God, for we "are complete in him (Colossians 2:10)" and "...By grace are ye saved through faith... not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS...(Ephesians 2:8-10)." Therefore, the rest of faith in Hebrews 4 is not the Sabbath day. It is exactly that - a rest of FAITH, not a day of the week.
      The word "sabbath" is not even mentioned after the book of Acts except in Colossians 2:16 where Paul advises Christians about judgmental sabbath keepers. Judaizers are accursed for pulling Christians back into the Old Testament obsolete Jewish system(see Galatians 1:6-9). His sheep hear his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10).
      Paul went into the synagogues on the Sabbath in the book of Acts to preach to the Jews and their gentile converts as noted in Acts 13. The unbelieving sabbath keeping Jews persecuted the apostles, murdered Stephen and stoned Paul, therefore those were not believer's meetings in the synagogues, and obviously Paul was not observing the sabbath day. On the contrary, the believers met on the first day of the week - the day of the resurrection, also called the LORD'S DAY, as seen in 1 Corinthians 16:2; Acts 20:7 and Revelation 1:10. Therefore, going to church on the first day of the week is not taking the mark of the beast. Christians were meeting on that day long before the Catholic Church was instituted. Ellen White invented the idea that Sunday church attendance is taking the mark of the beast, therefore it is dangerous to trust your eternal destiny on her "visions" or "revelations." It looks like the mark of the beast is going to be a digital tattoo or a microchip implant.
      Soul sleeping is a false doctrine. Jesus "brought life and immortality to light through the gospel(2 Tim. 1:10)." Therefore there's life immediately after death in which consciousness survives death. Jesus said that believers are passed from death unto life. Eternal life begins now in this life upon experiencing the new birth. New Testament examples are: When Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, "there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him (Matthew 17:3)." The rich man and Lazarus were alive after death. Jesus said that the believing thief on the cross would go to paradise the day he died. Stephen the first martyr when about to die said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit (Acts 7:59)." Hebrews 12:22-24 describes who are in heaven, including the spirits of just men made perfect, that is, the disembodied believers from earth. This is also taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:14: "...them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."Therefore, Jesus is coming with his saints who are
      ALIVE and NOT ASLEEP. According to 2 Corinthians 5:6-9, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Since there is no soul sleeping in Christ, the bodies of believers will be resurrected at the coming of the Lord. The clear teaching of SCRIPTURE is that consciousness survives death.
      Concerning the no meat eating doctrine: It is "giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to abstain from meats. (1Timothy 4:1,3)". Jesus ate fish and lamb.The early church Christians were told regarding food to "abstain from things strangled and from blood (Acts 15:20)."Jesus said, "Eat what's set before you, and it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what's in the heart;" and did not quote Mosaic dietary laws.
      Jesus taught an endless hell "where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not", but Ellen White taught annihilation or no hell instead. Consciousness survives death.
      The investigative judgment is nowhere taught in scripture. She made it up after the Second Coming did not take place in 1843. This is another made up heresy invented by Ellen White as well as probation.
      The U.S. in prophecy is the great eagle in Revelation 12:14, not the second beast of Revelation chapter 13.
      According to someone's testimony, they saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White in hell. Jesus said she is in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the satanists who helped [her] ministry grow. She also taught [her] members to keep the Sabbath stepping on My grace. Whoever wants to live in the law will have to never sinned. Whoever chooses to live in the law will have to save himself from it without committing any sin like Me. All the sects that reject My grace stare down the contract of the New Covenant. Whoever lives in the contract of the Old Covenant will be cursed and go to hell. Jesus said, "This woman Ellen White lied saying, 'There is no hell.' " She taught people hell does not exist, but when she died she landed in hell. Now she is in it and I saw how the demons tormented that woman. The more souls went down to hell because of her teaching, the more she was tormented. From the foundation of her sect until now, millions of souls are now coming to hell. Jesus said,"Testify most of its souls may come to salvation and ascend into heaven."

    • @claudettebuckshon6588
      @claudettebuckshon6588 3 года назад

      Mr. Ed,
      I greet you in the Mighty and Matchless name of our Lord and Personal Savior Jesus Christ.
      It is so unfortunate that you believe what you wrote.
      Nevertheless, I respect your opinion, because God WILL MEET US WHERE WE ARE. It's obvious to me that you don't have the Full Understanding of the Holy Scriptures. No offence bro. Let's REASON TOGETHER bra.
      When we open the Bible, we are to Pray and Ask God to Give us WISDOM, Knowledge, and Understanding of His Holy Words. We MUST also, be Willing to HUMBLE (SURRENDER ALL to Jesus) ourselves, and let go of Tradition and Accept His Words, because Tradition Can not SAVE us. Holy men speak as they were lead by the Holy Spirit, and Wrote The Scrolls| The Bible.
      The Bible says that my people perish for lack of Knowledge.
      The Bible is the GREATER LIGHT, SO you SEE, Sister Ellen G. White is the Lesser Light. God wants to use you, us, and me; just like He Used other Phropets in the old days, But we MUST Have an OPEN Heart (Mind), be OBEDIENT, AND HAVE FAITH(Believe/Trust) IN HIS WORDS, AND THE LEADING OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
      I encourage you to embark on 3-7 days of Prayer, and Fasting, and Meditation on His Words in Search of His TRUTH. Put Him to the Test, Taste and See that God is Good.
      It is Better to Live a Life of Faith Believing in God's Holy Words (Not using scriptures to justify ourselves, But to HUMBLE ourselves and Let Go and Let God Lead), and come to the close of Earth history Trusting Him being right; then to discover that you and others who did not accept/ Acknowledge Him and His TRUTH (Sabbath Truth, Keeping All of His Commandments), and to end up loosing out on Eternity.
      I PRAY that the Lord will give you Spiritual Eyesalves, WISDOM and Understanding, because He said in All our learning that we MUST get UNDERSTANDING.
      Thank you for voicing your personal experiences, but I Believe that according to scripture that in our ignorance God winks, and WILL Reveal Himself to us if we SEEK FOR HIM WITH ALL OUR HEART WE WILL FIND HIM. MY SHEEP SHALL HEAR MY VOICE, and Another VOICE THEY WILL NOT ANSWER (FOLLOW).
      THE BIBLE SAYS THAT ; MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. IT'S ALWAYS A BLESSING FOR US TO COME AND LET US REASON TOGETHER THOUGH OUR SINS ARE LIKE SCARLET; SO WE CAN HAVE DISCUSSIONS WITH A PRAYERFUL ATTITUDE, AND OPEN HEART, SO THAT GOD CAN REALLY USE US, AND LIVE OUT HIS LIFE IN US. This post is simply a discussion, because iron sharpens iron; and if we see our Brethren (s) going the wrong way, we are responsible to let him or her know.
      GOD BLESS YOU, AND MAY HE REVEAL MORE OF HIMSELF TO YOU, AND ANOINT YOUR EYES, HEART/ MIND, AND EMOTIONS with the Holy Ghost, SO THAT YOU, WE, and ALL OF US TO BE UNITED, AND RECEIVE THE JOY OF HIS SALVATION IN JESUS NAME. It's not once Save always Save, But we Must Abide in Him daily, Asking for FORGIVENESS of all our Sins, known and unknown, Sins of commission, and commission, so H may Search our hearts according to David Plea in (Ps. 51), that we may all be Freed and Saved before it's too late in Jesus Mighty name.
      The 10 COMMANDMENTS WAS NOT DONE AWAY WITH. THE CEREMONIALS LAWS WAS THE ONLY LAWS THAT WAS DONE AWAY WITH, BECAUSE JESUS CAME AS THE PROPITIATION, SO THAT THEIR WERE NO MORE NEED OF shedding of blood (Jesus BLOOD was she'd for our sins; BECAUSE their I No forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood).

    • @sharonsalami3788
      @sharonsalami3788 2 года назад +3

      @@edaguirre8952 please read Luke 4:16 and Matthew 12:8 to see Jesus was also in accordance with the sabbath

    • @b.b6067
      @b.b6067 2 года назад +2

      Amen, I'm am SDA too.Have a nice day and God bless you

  • @Angelica-cg7eu
    @Angelica-cg7eu 8 лет назад +55

    Where in the bible does it say that the 7th day is on a sunday? Look up the 7th day definition in a dictionary too. It's Saturday. Adventists are the ones who truly follow what the Bible says

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +2

      +Angelica Ruiz I am not a fan of SDA's In fact I despise them, especially the ones who are in it more for their own ego, rather than live its teachings.
      However, this argument about what is the seventh day has been going on for decades and I find it to be nonsensical. This is one I will give the SDAs. Saturday is the seventh day. This may be a holdover grudge from my SDA days, but I do recall the Catholics being the ones who made this non issue become an issue.

    • @Angelica-cg7eu
      @Angelica-cg7eu 8 лет назад +5

      Why are you so against SDA's and their beliefs? Are you against the people or the religion ?

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +1

      Angelica Ruiz " especially the ones who are in it more for their own ego, rather than live its teachings."
      What part of that was unclear?

    • @davidconklin7586
      @davidconklin7586 8 лет назад +2

      +Dre Zee: "I despise them, especially the ones who are in it more for their own ego, rather than live its teachings."
      Playing God, "reading" the hearts and minds of others.

    • @Angelica-cg7eu
      @Angelica-cg7eu 8 лет назад +3

      Lol false

  • @CosmosFiddler
    @CosmosFiddler 9 лет назад +31

    You got a lot of things wrong, Hemet. I was SDA over 30 yrs before deconversion. I never felt so horrible as a person than I did when I was in the church. They consider themselves 'grafted' Jews and believe a lot of jewish (or old testament) restrictions and rituals. So Saturday is the sabbath for SDAs like it is for Jews. Jesus followed 7th day sabbath as a jew, so SDAs think 7th day of the week, saturday, sabbath never changed. Which it didn't. Jews still observe saturday sabbath.
    SDAs preach against catholic church in the sense that they openly changed the sacred day to 'the lord's day', Sunday, to integrate pagans into membership. (The catholics also integrated idol worship, saint worship and basically changed god's laws--even the 10 commandments which SDAs cannot agree with). SDAs believe the catholic church is 'the beast' and 666, his mark is Sunday worship. They don't think the pope is antichrist. They believe the catholic church is antichrist.
    OK, SDAs do not believe that only sabbath keepers will go to heaven. You pulled that one out yer arse. They don't have such a doctrine, although some of them might come to that conclusion on their own because sabbath is a 'sign between me and thee' according to bible teachings. I was always taught that god judges each person according to 'their light'. So if you have learned and believe god wants you to go to church on sabbath but you dont, then you are disobeying god. But if you are some other religion and doing fine things, you also get to go to heaven.
    Sorry about the inconvenience imposed by #3 lol. Yeah. Dead is unconscious by default no matter then length of time you are dead. Your factoids are slimy with red herrings.
    #4, come on! 'The joy of burning in hell forever'?? You think burning in hell forever is preferable to a one time burn out of existence? SDAs believe you will burn once, like any body would burn on earth. You die. You stay dead. I don't get why you think this is a crazy belief.
    #5 God is always judging you. Right. I think most religions believe this. except the 'once saved always saved' bunch. But even them, I think if you did a bad thing, you'd not be in good standing with god. Dunno. Not only is god always judging you, but when I was SDA I always felt judged by a certain few of the members. There seemed to be an elite group of 'born into the religion' folks who lived by the health message and were really thin and energetic and positive, that I could never feel part of. For example, these few send their kids to SDA boarding school in 8th grade. I couldn't part with my kids at that age. I was not vegetarian, and SDAs don't eat meat if they are born and bred and committed to the health message. In fact you won't see a sliver of meat at their pot luck dinners.
    #6 Im surprised you left 'meat' out. The health message is almost sacred to SDAs. They have a fixation with being just a few llbs overweight. Many of them are anorexic. Some SDAs drink sodas without caffeine. Its the caffeine they object to. Leviticus 11 is where they get their food guide. No shellfish, no pig. They do this because they believe your *body* is a temple and the holy spirit can't come into your body if its all full of bacon and disease. SDAs don't believe in a 'soul' as you use it here. To them, a soul is equivalent to saying a 'person'. A person is a soul. Once you die as a person, no spirit ascends to god because there is none. You are your brain. Mind is a function of the brain.
    7. E.G. White was also a hypocrite who ruined many lives. She was given cult like power and told people where they had to go to live, where they couldn't preach and pretty much ran everyone's lives. Meanwhile, there are personal letters to her daughter from her asking to be sent fresh shrimp to eat. She was a prolific writer, but most of it was plagiarized from other authors. She did write against masturbation, but so did every other 19th century religious leader. Its not part of their official doctrine. But I wasn't raised as a child in an SDA academy school, so maybe it's stressed more there.
    You imply she had a brain injury and as a result, had visions. Her injury occurred at age 9 when her secular education halted. Her first vision wasn't till age 17 and 8 years of indoctrination. From age 9, all she got was religion. She opposed bicycle riding for obvious reasons, potential clitoral stimulation and/ or hymen disruption.

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      CosmosFiddler listen to yourself if you have a problem o well you just have to find your peace

    • @anthonycarnevale5560
      @anthonycarnevale5560 9 лет назад +2

      Brad Sexson ????????

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      can you put together a presentation without the cuss and your open disdain remarks about my faith can you do it?

    • @robertmiller9735
      @robertmiller9735 9 лет назад +1

      CosmosFiddler On your point 4, that's called "sarcasm". You're spot on about point 7; I've been to her shrine, I mean museum, in Napa Valley. I've always thought that had she been a man, the Adventist church would have a similarly creepy attitude toward 14-year-old girls as the Mormons.
      Hemant didn't mention the head injury, I did. All he said was "epilepsy" (which Adventists spend a lot of effort to downplay).

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      i am speechless you have in one short story manage to lie so many ways dripping bitterness
      i never saw or participate in any of charges you laid down
      we will be held accountable one day then we see whos right and wrong
      maybe if you kept your eyes on christ instead of a few idiots..... well so be it
      there is no worshiping of mrs. white none there might be some idiots out there who do but the writtings are open to the public for serious students who want to see for their themselves we hide nothing

  • @mastiffpeople4868
    @mastiffpeople4868 8 лет назад +25

    I think you need to do more research...God has His people in all churches. Maybe best to read the Bible...try it sometime.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +3

      Where is his research lacking?

    • @annoyed707
      @annoyed707 5 лет назад +1

      @@RogalloShaolin Accusation is so much easier than giving evidence.

  • @sleeka91
    @sleeka91 3 года назад +8

    as an orthadox christian i will just say this...
    just because you say we are blind does not give you vision.

    • @Kcheatsheet
      @Kcheatsheet 2 года назад


    • @danielc784
      @danielc784 5 месяцев назад

      yes other religions are babylon and they perish, they who follow sunday and not Gods Saturday they follow mark of the beast, bcause beast this catholic pope in year 321 changed Holy Saturday into sunday, and this is the mark of the beast, which in Daniel book was prophesied before that he will change Gods Holy days, and it happened, also it has prophecied about him that he will this beast will persecute Christians for 1260 years and it happened, rome empire and inquisition, they burned Christians in fire, they tortured them, and killed with pain, this was very suffering death, so God will punish them very soon, all those sinners, who is touching Gods fellowers is touching Gods Eye pupil is written, so it is terrifying to do war with God, with Allmighty, whose fire is most painful, because He will do for everyone according to his deals, sinners kids will suffer not as much in the judgment day fire as satan and his fellowers, who kill, steal, say lies, and do all abominations, and dont believe in Jesus Christ. So only Seventh Day Adventist church is the true church, all Gods Commandments, and faith in Jesus Christ, Old Testament, and New Testament, those Two Witnesses, which were killed for more than thousand years by catholic church, which wanted to change Gods Word, but they resurrected, and Gods Word is never being changed by human being, they who do it they will die, and we see that Bible Word and Saturday is remained in the Bible, while they changed it into sunday, but in the Bible we cannot find about sunday anything, also pork and unclean meat is not allowed by God, who eat they will perish aslo, also alcohol and smoking not allowed. if somebody from other religion repents, and become an Adventist only then he or she will be saved, but in situation like some crash or like this man in cross repented and Jesus will save him, God sees our hearts, that means that this man if he could go from the cross away and live he will follow God into his death, because God sees our hearts, but if we are not in the cross, we need in our lives to prove God that we can love Him and listen Him and follow Him, after we will be saved, if not hten not, if we remain in another churches and will remain in sunday worship then we will perish, this is not Gods Commandment to follow sunday, or we remain eating pork and unclean we perish because God doest allow doing so, also to drink alcohol or smoking, God says do not kill, and who is drinking is not wise, unwise will perish, and drunk people do not enter the Kingdom of God is written, so conclusion yes, if they are alive and living life, they need to repent and become a followers the True God and in the True church Seventh Day Adventist church !

  • @gimongi77
    @gimongi77 5 лет назад +17

    Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

    @1HARMONICLIFE 7 лет назад +11

    All I can say for anyone who's watching this.......
    Please don't base your decision to believe or not believe in God and/or Adventism on the (incorrect) information given by this video. Every one of those points was clearly uttered with completely disdain & sarcasm. Please do your own research & make the decision for yourself.

  • @gimongi77
    @gimongi77 5 лет назад +13

    John 14:5 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
    Rev 22:14
    Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
    Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus

  • @comedianuchenwaba9301
    @comedianuchenwaba9301 Год назад +36

    I have joined SDA some weeks ago, and I loved everything they do

    • @Allynatvic
      @Allynatvic 5 месяцев назад

      Most importantly I believe in the Bible! And they preach the Bible! And do not go against it! So Praise the Lord His Truth is Marching on! Thank God for His remnant Church 🙏🏽📖

  • @jasonnav6079
    @jasonnav6079 7 лет назад +5

    I left the lies of the Roman Catholic Church and joined the seventh day adventist movement! Greatest decision I've ever made! The seventh day adventist church is the closest Christian community who practices what the bible preaches, compared with ancient Christianty! I am a living testimony! Amen, me and my father's building company, plan on building more seventh day adventist churches around Australia!

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад

      So how many owned servants are under your roof?

    • @jasonnav6079
      @jasonnav6079 7 лет назад

      I don't understand what context your speaking from? Are you trying to mock me or something?

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад

      jason nav Exodus 21

    • @jasonnav6079
      @jasonnav6079 7 лет назад

      I left the false Babylon whore of a church and joined the church of God!

    • @evemontenegro9479
      @evemontenegro9479 2 года назад

      God bless you and your family. Happy Sabbath

  • @therealmichaeljackson510
    @therealmichaeljackson510 6 лет назад +131

    His face was so disgusted this whole video kinda reflects the way I'm lookin at him right now

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад +2

      Then don't look at him and pay attention to his message.

    • @cbeautynblue19
      @cbeautynblue19 6 лет назад +6

      animus apertus His facial expressions take away from his message..the way he presents this information is part of the message. Plus most language is spoken through body language

    • @OikPoinFive
      @OikPoinFive 5 лет назад

      @@resurrectedreplayer6464 lolo

    • @OikPoinFive
      @OikPoinFive 5 лет назад

      @@cbeautynblue19 he always looks n acts in that ego way. Hes LOF bound....

    • @annoyed707
      @annoyed707 5 лет назад

      This proves him wrong how?

  • @christophercochran5883
    @christophercochran5883 5 лет назад +8

    Calling all followers of Jesus.
    Please pray for this young man.
    He is lost but God listens to our prayers and His desire is that none should perish.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 5 лет назад

      What do you believe he has done wrong?

    • @NR-we9fo
      @NR-we9fo 3 года назад +1

      @@RogalloShaolin spreading false information.
      For example we don’t think god will come right now but that no one but god knows when he will arrive

    • @3333ferret
      @3333ferret 2 года назад

      Yes pray for him

  • @chris-nj3vg
    @chris-nj3vg 3 года назад +25

    "-- Bad people don't go to Hell. No, it's much worse. "
    How is being non-existent for eternity worse than being tortured by fire for eternity?!!

    • @MissMerlumina
      @MissMerlumina 3 года назад +1

      Yes this I’ve seen other religions talk about you better behave or else. While in Seven Day Adventism you merely disappear.

    • @sunnyvirtue4498
      @sunnyvirtue4498 3 года назад +4

      Hello, with utmost, we don't believe that sinners merely disappear, they very much burn. The Bible clearly states this. However, there IS an end to it. They burn up until they turn to ashes; which is also very clearly stated in the Bible. Best blessings 🌞❤

    • @christinad8687
      @christinad8687 3 года назад +1

      Right? that was my thought!

    • @raygunn965
      @raygunn965 3 года назад +4

      exactly, like to feel pain for eternity or to become non existent and not feel pain? id pick non existent anyday

    • @waveydaveydoo
      @waveydaveydoo 2 года назад

      It's the same that Existentialists and Atheists believe in. (at least for "sinners")

  • @sharaiamilia8647
    @sharaiamilia8647 7 лет назад +12

    Did you do research on the religion. I have been raised on this religion and we do not believe that if you do not keep the Sabbath day you are going to hell. That is false you are saying this off the top of your head to get views.Most Christians in general don't support the lgbt movement. And also Seventh day Adventist is not a religion it is a faith I. Christianity,so look it up before you diss it.I do not disrespect your decision on being an atheist but that does not mean you can go put dirt on other religions. Bye and God bless. Many blessings and mercy on you.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад

      Actually...According to your Prophet non Sabbath keepers will suffer "The Second Death"
      --Testimonies for the Church, Proper Observance of the Sabbath
      And you don't believe in hell either.
      --The Great Controversy - The First Great Deception
      As a matter of fact the First Amendment does give him the right to toss dirt on your cult. But as it turns out, every single point in this video is in fact true so he hasn't done what you are breaking the Ninth Commandment accusing him of
      Did you pay attention in Sabbath School when you were raised in this cult?

    • @deborahnorman5117
      @deborahnorman5117 5 лет назад

      @@RogalloShaolin You totally right and God bless you

  • @tomterrific6085
    @tomterrific6085 3 года назад +68

    As an Seventh Adventist when I watched this video i just shook my head

    • @xxsniperkittykatxx
      @xxsniperkittykatxx 3 года назад +7

      Why not make some corrections instead of getting all shakey...?

    • @tomterrific6085
      @tomterrific6085 3 года назад +8

      @@xxsniperkittykatxx I don’t think an atheist might want to listen to me

    • @davidmartin6804
      @davidmartin6804 3 года назад +5

      Careful now, if you shake your head too much, it might fall off.

    • @tomterrific6085
      @tomterrific6085 3 года назад +1

      @@davidmartin6804 ok, I guess

    • @chloecelisca7064
      @chloecelisca7064 3 года назад +1

      Hey, my family well my mom's side is SDA, not her tho. I never really lived as an SDA, but I would say it but my actions wouldn’t match what I saying. Recently I’ve been bettering myself, I just wanted to know things not to do as an SDA, then I stumbled upon this video also goodnight/good morning have a blessed morning! It’s like 4 am well for me😅.

  • @billieruth8831
    @billieruth8831 2 года назад +12

    I’ve met a lot of Adventist through the years, and most of them practically know their Bibles forward and back. They devote a huge portion of their lives to Bible Study. Never met anyone that knows the Word of God better. Even their Sermon’s aren’t based on one or two verses, but entire chapters, their knowledge of Scripture and the history of things, that have happened since Christ died, the dark ages , the history of pagan holidays intertwined with Christianity and the history of that..
    Lol, most Mormons that come to their houses, get overwhelming by the extensive knowledge most of these people have. I was visiting a friend when that happened, they were studying for hours, it was beautiful.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      You forgot to mention the part where they study Ellen G White's books for hours, placing her authority EQUAL to scripture over the church.

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 Год назад

      @@nicetry620 haha I've never met a congregation that studies Ellen White books. We study the Bible. Some read Ellen's books, some don't. Some are vegetarian, some aren't. These are not salvational issues. We put enormous value in Bible Study, and include it in our worship services

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Год назад

      That's interesting because last I checked the "OFFICIAL" SDA statements of beliefs specifically grant Ellen G White a false prophet, authority EQUAL to scripture through fundamental belief #18 and vow#8...

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 Год назад

      @@nicetry620 and where does it say that we are to study her writings? She was a prophet (not her words but the words of those who came after) in her writings she directed people to read their Bibles.
      Her words "If you had made God's word your study, with a desire to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian perfection, you would not have needed the Testimonies. It is because you have neglected to acquaint yourselves with God's inspired book that He has sought to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, calling your attention to the words of inspiration which you had neglected to obey, and urging you to fashion your lives in accordance with its pure and elevated teachings" Life Sketches 198

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 Год назад

      That's nice....but apparently you never noticed that false prophets contradict themselves.....that's precisely what a false prophet "is"...
      A person who appears in sheep clothing but underneath is a ravenous wolve.
      Now read carefully 🧐👇👇👇
      You "MUST" follow the directions given through the Spirit of Prophecy [Mrs. White's writings]. ... God has spoken to us through His Word. He has spoken to us through the TESTIMONIES to the church and through the BOOKS that have helped to make plain our present duty and the position that we should now occupy." (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 298)
      Did you get that"?"
      "MUST"..... MUST: to be obligated

  • @ApollonarianShy
    @ApollonarianShy Год назад +2

    Im not an SDA but just saw a video of a SDA pastor saying Among other things that well they don't believe the ones who keep it on Sunday is demonic (the whole room agree) neither they believe that's the way to be saved... NO, THE ONLY WAY AS ALL THE OTHER TRUE CHRISTIANS SAY IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! Through faith alone! They really follow the whole Bible. Maybe I'll convert to that...

  • @roxannamason4400
    @roxannamason4400 8 лет назад +29

    This guy is seriously misinformed so much so it's beyond correcting in this forum but that's OK, it's best to do your own research don't take my word for it as well as the videographer. God Bless all.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад +1

      Looks like you actually did not do your research

    • @Buhlebendalo_Mavika
      @Buhlebendalo_Mavika 8 лет назад

      Tell me about it. It sad, it is only when you see such videos that there is truly a work to be done. *mercy*

    • @donfeby1
      @donfeby1 8 лет назад

      John 14:15 if you love God you will partake in his sabbath that's all I can tell you

    • @Tiyaraify
      @Tiyaraify 7 лет назад

      I can't believe how much sarcasm I sense in his tune. wow. I am a proud SDA and trust I don't believe only us will be going to Heaven on the contrary even atheists will see the Kingdom of God.
      My partner, who is a Muslim drew my attention to this video as he is searching. I may have to clarify somethings after investing time to watch this video myself.
      We don't automatically go to Heaven immediately until the resurrection on Judgment Day which is if you believed in God not hard to understand.
      I pray that the Holy spirit guides people like my Partner, who are searching and looking into the Adventist Faith to not fall into misperception of such RUclips bloggers.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад

      +Tiyaraify "I can't believe how much sarcasm I sense in his tune."
      Really? You should be on the other side of how SDAs talk about everyone else.
      "I am a proud SDA"
      I am instructed that when the Lord’s time comes, should no change have taken place in the hearts of proud, ambitious human beings, men will find that the hand that had been strong to save will be strong to destroy.
      Ellen G White, Counsels to the Church, The Time of the End

  • @ridwanmichaelwelong7
    @ridwanmichaelwelong7 2 года назад +43

    I’m an Adventist and my brother and I are laughing our butts off listening to this man😭😭😭 I pray that you will find the Truth! Thank you for making us laugh brother

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +5

      What's the truth ....where did he go wrong?
      Be productive with your comments and explain..... otherwise your claims are just as hypocritical as you claim his are

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +4

      Your still to busy laughing you butt off to man up and answer the question

    • @slayer1140
      @slayer1140 2 года назад


    • @SingleMaltBuckeye
      @SingleMaltBuckeye 2 года назад

      Enjoying worshiping the ramblings of Ellen G White all while claiming to be a follower of Christ.

    • @juliawangui777
      @juliawangui777 2 года назад

      Its true....

  • @joshignatowski8207
    @joshignatowski8207 9 лет назад +49

    How the fuck are Cornflakes supposed to stop masturbation?

    • @dreamwarrior1276
      @dreamwarrior1276 9 лет назад +17

      Its not supposed to make sense, its religiously inspired.

    • @zynacle
      @zynacle 9 лет назад +1

      It was the 1800s, people didn't understand the science of masturbation yet.

    • @svo4459
      @svo4459 9 лет назад


    • @lilkitten545
      @lilkitten545 9 лет назад +2

      Josh Ignatowski en.wikipedia.org/?title=John_Harvey_Kellogg#Views_on_sexuality
      He believed in circumcision for boys and burning off women's clits so they don't feel pleasure.

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад +1

      Victoria P you wrap up your ignorance and call it good lies upon lies

  • @Pr.JamesD
    @Pr.JamesD 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this video, it proves to me da SDA Pastor I am in the right denomination.

  • @Ceel00yy
    @Ceel00yy 8 лет назад +11

    Um the reason we abstain from meats such as pork and marine organisms such as crabs etc is because yes, we consider it 'unclean meat' but not in the judgemental way you're thinking. Its considered unclean because haven't you seen the food they eat? Pigs eat food waste and crabs scrounge for the same. Jeez, get your facts right mate.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад

      +Chloe-Ane Wragg Actually he expressed it accurately if you look in "Counsels on Diet and Foods" Chapter 2 Diet and Spirituality.

    • @artklym
      @artklym 8 лет назад

      +Chloe-Ane Wragg The reason Adventists abstain from unclean meats is the Old Testament teaches it. The reasons you mention are explanations that are not in the Bible. Ellen White makes some of those distinctions, but, if the Bible does so, I don't remember reading those injunctions.

    • @aquaman199
      @aquaman199 7 лет назад

      Chloe-Ane Wragg

    • @tajh2768
      @tajh2768 7 лет назад

      Arthur Klym it’s in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14

    • @angeleentr5951
      @angeleentr5951 2 месяца назад

      Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 define "unclean" as not fit for eating. God made us and knows what is best for us. According to Genesis 1: 29-31, our fist diet consisted of herb bearing seed: fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables. Meat was added at the time of flood. Genesis 7: 2 states "Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,". So, from the time that meat was allowed to be eaten, God made a distinction between those suitable and those unsuitable for eating. If any of the unclean creatures was eaten by Noah, that creature would not exist today. In summary of the distinguishing features: (1) sea creatures should have both fins and scales (2) land creatures should both chew the cud (regurgitate and rechew the food) and have split hooves. Examples of these creatures are cattle, sheep, and goat. (Mostly herbivores who are capable of digesting cellulose, so in the sense of energy transfer, they would be next on food list after plants). The pig has split hooves but does not chew the cud, so it does not make the list of clean creatures. Creatures with paws are not to be eaten. (3) A list was given. Quails (and the species) are allowed including chicken.
      The health laws were obviously not changed by Jesus: in Acts 10, in events which occurred after Jesus' death, Peter was unaware of any change to the health laws, so he strictly refused eating any of the unclean meats offered to him in the vision. Peter later explained in verse 28 that the purpose of the vision was to prepare him to witness to the gentile centurion, Corneluis, who would have visited him. God was addressing Petre's social prejudice so that it would not affect his ministry. This is what Acts 10:28 states: "And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean." Peter clearly stated the purpose of the vision. It was not about the meat.
      In summary, the principles of the health law were given to all mankind through Noah. They are still adhered to by the descendants of Jacob and those who choose to do so. God knows what is best for our health. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

  • @Duvessa-darkbeauty
    @Duvessa-darkbeauty 7 лет назад +53

    This is totally taken out of context

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +7

      What other context are you suggesting exists?

    • @jackbean213
      @jackbean213 7 лет назад +4

      Dre Zee The context that SDA church is awesome 🤔

    • @Duvessa-darkbeauty
      @Duvessa-darkbeauty 7 лет назад +2

      Jack Bean when we say Christ is coming we don't mean now this very minute, it means one day. God is not some judge pointing His fingers at you judging us. You are painting the religion in a wrong light. If God is love then why would He have people burning in hell forever?? We do believe that he'll is literal. No Soda?? Seriously?? And Ellen White was not the founder of the SDA church. That is a lie about Harvey Kellogg. He was trying to make bread which accidently turned into what we know as corn flakes and every Christian think Masterbation is wrong not just us .

    • @jackbean213
      @jackbean213 7 лет назад

      Beautiful Lady I just made sarcastic remark that they are awesome out of jest, saying I am painting the church in the wrong light is a stretch there.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 7 лет назад +1

      +Jack Bean That is certainly out of context

  • @sequencerman5
    @sequencerman5 8 лет назад +18

    Well, while all Christian denominations have a mix of truths, traditions and fables I would say that the Seventh-Day Adventist Church comes closest to preaching the truth as per the Bible. The Bible clearly equates the state of the dead with 'sleep'. All one has to do is to read their Bible. Adventists did not make this up.
    Hell is simply 'the grave' (again, read your Bible) and all references to actual physical and eternal punishment are presented in the Bible figuratively. One needs to use their brains and educate themselves as well as to apply logic to many Bible passages. When SDAs use the term 'annihilation' for the 'unsaved' they get this concept from none other than the Bible.
    The seventh-day as mentioned in commandment #4 IS Saturday ...actually Friday sunset until Saturday sunset. This is totally biblical and is NOT a made up doctrine of the SDA Church. It was initiated at creation and blessed and sanctified by God as a permanent reminder of Creation Week. Again, all one needs to do is to read their Bible.
    The guy in the video is clearly an ignoramus and I found his report on SDAs to be quite embarrassing. For HIM, that is.

    • @davidconklin7586
      @davidconklin7586 8 лет назад

      +Rod O'Brien: I'd really like to know how and why the idiots believe the lies they post.

    • @nyrismonje4401
      @nyrismonje4401 8 лет назад

      +David Conklin are you a seventhday adventist?

    • @ivyvines6708
      @ivyvines6708 8 лет назад

      +Rod O'Brien Well spoken Mr. O'Brien! Thank you for doing so.

    • @truthmadeplain971
      @truthmadeplain971 8 лет назад +1

      +Rod O'Brien Well said!!

    • @artklym
      @artklym 8 лет назад +1

      +Rod O'Brien One can find the concept of "soul sleep" in the Bible. However, one can find also find the contrary in the Bible. One can find the idea of the total destruction of the wicked in the Bible (or as you say, "the grave"), but one can also find an eternally burning hell in the Bible.
      The Bible is a collection of writings by various people over a very long period of time. The Bible writers did not all agree with each other. Why would one expect them to agree, unless one has a supernatural or worshipful attitude toward that collection of writings?
      The Bible is an argument with itself. I suggest that the reason that you have so many denominations is that each group selectively picks the verses containing the doctrines it finds most appealing and then either dismisses or explains away the other texts or, and this is a favorite, claims the other verses are metaphors or merely figurative.

  • @rollinghillsslo
    @rollinghillsslo 2 года назад +1

    Cult calling is not new. The followers of Christ were technically a cult, according to the Pharisees and pagan Rome. In the 1300's John Wycliffe translated the Bible and got called a heretic by Papal Rome. His followers, the Lollards, were called a cult by Papal Rome. In 1400-1500's Martin Luther taught the just shall live by faith alone, Papal Rome called him a heretic and Luther's followers were called a cult. In 1500's John Calvin (founder of Presbyterian) taught the importance of prayers straight to God, and the Lutheran called his followers as a cult. In 1600's John Symth and Roger Williams (founders of the Baptist church) taught the importance of baptism by immersion instead of baby sprinkling. The Lutheran and Presbyterian called them a cult. Then in 1700's John Wesley founder of Methodist taught the importance of evangelization/missionary. The Presbyterian, the Baptist, and the Lutheran called them a cult.
    Then in 1800's, Protestant churches (Baptist, Methodist, etc) and Catholics got together to form SDA after a rough start. They taught to return to the gospel and emphasize the importance of returning to God's Commandments, health principles, judgment hour, end time issues, etc.
    Of course, EVERYBODY call SDA a cult.
    What's new? Being called a cult could be an honor, in this case. But God will make all of us as one at the end. Be brave. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction. Come out of Babylon system. She is a mother of harlots and her daughters are also harlots. She is the mother churches. And her daughters are those churches who never really broke away 100% from her..

  • @paulsavino6837
    @paulsavino6837 8 лет назад +6

    As an Adventist pastor, I can say that for the most part Hemant has not a clue as to Adventist beliefs. It might be well for Hemant to interview an Adventist and allow them to share the truth of their faith. Seriously, friends, please do not judge a faith walk by these silly thoughts. Hemant is wrong on every 'thing' that he says. Adventists.....seek the truth about their faith. There is nothing friendly about Hemant's slanted untruths about my faith.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад

      As a former adventist raised and educated in your schools. (all of which have failed btw). He is spot on in his proclamations. How on Earth is he supposed to learn anything about Adventists by talking to any of you. Most of you seem completely ignorant about whats in writing about your beliefs.
      Come clean. You are not a Pastor

    • @hermantambo
      @hermantambo 8 лет назад +3

      You are a bitter man +Dre Zee. I have seen your name on every comment. I hope after all your bitter rants you will get some peace. I'm sorry Adventism could not grant this peace. It is cause Adventism doesn't really have it... No religion does. Only Jesus can satisfy the soul's deepest longings. Maybe you never met the Man... It's not too late though. I am SDA btw. You're probably gonna come for me but I don't want to fight with you. I am firm in what I believe and I feel no need of trying to shove it down your throat. I am just reminding you that though you've given up on SDA, don't give up on Jesus. Please. I'll be praying for you brother.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад

      Herman Njoga "You are a bitter man"
      So that pretty much all ya got?
      "I feel no need of trying to shove it down your throat."
      And yet...Here you are starting to do exactly that.

    • @jamesmccluskey6560
      @jamesmccluskey6560 7 лет назад

      Paul Savino Can you as a church bring slander charges...against him in order to (close his channel down?)

    • @kemdenberthier3248
      @kemdenberthier3248 6 лет назад

      Paul Savino ..from the bible.

  • @NatLaS
    @NatLaS 9 лет назад +5

    Wow ahah, I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and I admit that I was a little put out. I don't know if it's because there's differences between America and France or if its just my church but we're totally (at least ahah) like that!
    1- Yeah that's true I never got it either but there are signs to announce its return and they're coming huh... Slowly I guess. I think I'll take the hint when the moon will turn bloody.
    2- Yeah I don't remember why Saturday has been chosen but it's the way it is now. But we don't believe that everyone who does not worship on Saturdays will perish. A good man is a good man period.
    3- Yup yup yup, we use the term "sleeping". You don't even feel the time flew too.
    4- Well its more like He will take all the ones He has to take to heaven and then destroy Earth in fire, but it will not be eternal since after the destruction if this earth He will recreate it for those He has with Him.
    5- Huh yes, its basically that. In fact when you believe in God or if you "know" He exist you have to apply His commandments.
    6- Wow! Health nuts? Yeah we do the unclean meat thing but Soda, coffee? Alcohol and tobacco are huh... Unadvised (? I don't know if that word exists ) mostly because they can create a dangerous addiction. But just last week we had a Fraternal Meal whit my choir and we had all kind of sodas and ice creams! I never heard about this no-soda rule. Yes we know that its not exactly perfect for the body but its not so restricted ahah
    7- Yes Ms White, but she had visions before that and that's why she was so weak(ill)
    8- Wow! Calm down! I've never heard any adventist I know that think like that! Hell my dad is Catholic and most of his family is, same for my mother side.
    9- Huuuh really I don't know, I've never got a talk on this one. Yet maybe ahah. And seriously?! That's where cornflakes came from? XD
    10- I don't follow american politics so I cannot say anything about this guy
    Sooo that's basically all I wanted to say. Its been a long time since I watched your videos but I like them most of the time. My favorites are 78 Questions for Christians and 4 Creative ways to deal with Preachers. And the one you made on how to know if your religion is bad for you. So its just my way of joining the conversation really ^^ Its my first time but your videos have already made me think in the past, good job!

    • @RagutosWorld
      @RagutosWorld 9 лет назад +2

      Natsu La Smileuse Think in the future and rid yourself of your parental indoctrination.

    • @NatLaS
      @NatLaS 9 лет назад

      WakfuGuides Sorry I think I'm already doing it because for one I'm the only person In my family who is adventist, I go to church willingly, I really like it. But most importantly I don't understand what you mean by "Think in the future"?

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      Natsu La Smileuse give it a break will ya? stop sounding so ignorant

  • @heartlei1860
    @heartlei1860 3 года назад +33

    All I know about SDA is they spreads FAITH,HOPE & LOVE to every humankind..God bless you

    • @danielc784
      @danielc784 5 месяцев назад

      yes other religions are babylon and they perish, they who follow sunday and not Gods Saturday they follow mark of the beast, bcause beast this catholic pope in year 321 changed Holy Saturday into sunday, and this is the mark of the beast, which in Daniel book was prophesied before that he will change Gods Holy days, and it happened, also it has prophecied about him that he will this beast will persecute Christians for 1260 years and it happened, rome empire and inquisition, they burned Christians in fire, they tortured them, and killed with pain, this was very suffering death, so God will punish them very soon, all those sinners, who is touching Gods fellowers is touching Gods Eye pupil is written, so it is terrifying to do war with God, with Allmighty, whose fire is most painful, because He will do for everyone according to his deals, sinners kids will suffer not as much in the judgment day fire as satan and his fellowers, who kill, steal, say lies, and do all abominations, and dont believe in Jesus Christ. So only Seventh Day Adventist church is the true church, all Gods Commandments, and faith in Jesus Christ, Old Testament, and New Testament, those Two Witnesses, which were killed for more than thousand years by catholic church, which wanted to change Gods Word, but they resurrected, and Gods Word is never being changed by human being, they who do it they will die, and we see that Bible Word and Saturday is remained in the Bible, while they changed it into sunday, but in the Bible we cannot find about sunday anything, also pork and unclean meat is not allowed by God, who eat they will perish aslo, also alcohol and smoking not allowed. if somebody from other religion repents, and become an Adventist only then he or she will be saved, but in situation like some crash or like this man in cross repented and Jesus will save him, God sees our hearts, that means that this man if he could go from the cross away and live he will follow God into his death, because God sees our hearts, but if we are not in the cross, we need in our lives to prove God that we can love Him and listen Him and follow Him, after we will be saved, if not hten not, if we remain in another churches and will remain in sunday worship then we will perish, this is not Gods Commandment to follow sunday, or we remain eating pork and unclean we perish because God doest allow doing so, also to drink alcohol or smoking, God says do not kill, and who is drinking is not wise, unwise will perish, and drunk people do not enter the Kingdom of God is written, so conclusion yes, if they are alive and living life, they need to repent and become a followers the True God and in the True church Seventh Day Adventist church !

  • @user-kk6ht1id5e
    @user-kk6ht1id5e 3 года назад +15

    I was raised SDA and literally none of that was mentioned in any of my time there. I went to bible studies as a kid until I was a teen and literally all of it was just about loving your neighbors and worshipping god. The only thing I can say is true in this video is that we considered saturday as the sabbath.
    I stopped going to church for religious reasons and am just researching different religious ideologies (I started going to a Mormon church just to learn), so I can say that whatever this guy said is definitely not taught in individual churches as much as people would like to think.
    Must be hard on your soul (or conscience) to base your whole RUclips channel and years of your life on just hating on religion instead of trying to learn about them and live peacefully.

    • @Jlogann
      @Jlogann 2 года назад +1

      The "church" will hide false teachings from you to suck you in. its pretty common

    • @a.lavernefilan1888
      @a.lavernefilan1888 2 года назад

      Saturday from sunset to midnight is 'NOT' GOD's Seventhday Sabbath, Friday from sunset to midnight is!!!

    • @Jlogann
      @Jlogann 2 года назад

      @@a.lavernefilan1888 Colossians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.

    • @Jlogann
      @Jlogann 2 года назад

      @@AJonyt007 we have confessions that tell us what we believe. Everychurch that don't use a confession has their own statement of faith. Regardless, who cares of they have a stupid book they are still heretics and believe in works + faith for salvation . Trash. Keep trying though.

    • @Jlogann
      @Jlogann 2 года назад

      @@laurag8126 the SDA follow the false prophet Ellen G white who's made many false prophecies and thinks she's a pastor when the bible says she is not.

  • @bldlightpainting
    @bldlightpainting 7 лет назад +11

    “I can see how a man can look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God.” Abraham Lincoln
    "...The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship." Psalm 19:1

    • @kevintrowers9610
      @kevintrowers9610 5 лет назад

      Am a seventh day adventist some of what you said are true but others are not true

  • @christocroukamp424
    @christocroukamp424 6 лет назад +37

    Hemant incase you do not know history all the reformers also believed the catholic church is the little horn if you study the bible everything came into fufilment. You should study it and check it out. It is really cool. The bible is actualy spot on when it says All the world wonderd after the beast(catholic papal system not the people😊) and they worshipped the dragon(satan Revelation 12:9) Revelation 13:3-4 That is why i am proud to say im seventh day adventist and to be asociated with people that study the bible and actualy live by it. Take care my friend🤗

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 6 лет назад +1

      Christo Croukamp God hates pride, and ... all the proud and all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up.
      “Learn of me,” said Christ; “for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matthew 11:29.
      --Ellen G White, The Faith I live by pg 68

    • @brentlionakaboldchamp
      @brentlionakaboldchamp 6 лет назад

      The Bible was far from specific, so you could take it to mean almost anything. And its primitive, and cruel.

    • @loganspence1147
      @loganspence1147 6 лет назад

      sorry but you are very prideful Christo Croukamp and not in the truth fully..... Not trying to be mean but dang..... also the dragon represents Buddhism.... but it's also satan which is the ancient serpent

    • @fabianowiti5250
      @fabianowiti5250 5 лет назад +1

      By reformers do you mean protestants?
      And no, you are wrong. Not all protestants believe in conspiracy theories

    • @produceman13
      @produceman13 4 года назад

      Adventism is a cult that gave me PTSD from terrorizing me as a kid with toxic shame along with force, coercion and violence. Your god is evil, and so is your narcissistic false prophet Ellen White.

  • @gabriellechristine
    @gabriellechristine 8 лет назад +10

    This video does not do God's word justice. If you want to find out the truth, study God's word.

  • @rosaliescott8009
    @rosaliescott8009 3 года назад +17

    He is describing traditional Adventist beliefs and he is spot on. These days not all Adventist’s believe the same thing.

    • @johnway8819
      @johnway8819 2 года назад +4

      In what planet is "masturbation" a traditional 7th day Adventist belief lol? Literally nothing or not even mentioned in their belief credo. Also mentioning Ellen White had seizures or whatever as a child, I dare anyone to go read her vast collection of well written books and say the same. She's one of the most translated authors in the world. Plenty of other things one could point out, as the author of this video not having a well developed view on what "belief" means. Believing that God exists in not the same as believing in God, as in believing his message pronouced through the Bible.

    • @adamwashington273
      @adamwashington273 2 года назад

      Well, God bless you all

    • @mirfir
      @mirfir 2 года назад +1

      Yes. Very legalistic. Jewish dietary laws. No full ordination of women.

    • @tony1685
      @tony1685 2 года назад

      @@mirfir what does the Bible say, Ma'am?

  • @Xxfybx
    @Xxfybx 8 лет назад +11

    the tone of his voice is kinda ignorant making us Seventh Day Adventists sound like weird people.If you haven't experienced the religion then you don't have the right to talk in such deamenor , no offense. The religion overall is that we are people who completely believe in God and we don't need some random dude telling us other wise

    • @CloneLoli
      @CloneLoli 8 лет назад

      +carmelle honore Well for One: Don't let it get to You, believe what You wanna believe, I'm an atheist and most people won't care. Part of what these videos are supposed to do is help people understand logically why some of these things are "dumb or stupid" to believe in (those are My words, not trying to be disrespectful) even if He did get a few things wrong.
      Second: What did You expect from an atheist video? I'm mean come on...
      Third: Why is it whenever religious people make videos discrediting Science or Atheism, why is it alright even when they clearly have no idea what they're talking about themselves, or have the science completely wrong. They present it as if it's fact anyway. If that's alright then, this should be fine as well.
      I'm not just talking about SDA's either so don't take personal offence to this reply.

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 8 лет назад

      +carmelle honore I don't think this video is targeted at an SDA audience. If you had ears, and let yourself hear, you would have understood this in the first 12 seconds of the video.
      And as a former member of the SDA cult who attended your schools, I have the right to say you people are weird.

    • @truthmadeplain971
      @truthmadeplain971 8 лет назад

      +Clone "What did You expect from an atheist video?"
      I expect truth and honesty and a willingness to look at both sides

    • @CloneLoli
      @CloneLoli 8 лет назад

      +Closer2 Christ Yeah, well You should look at Your own side if You think this is bad, the religous side quite often misinterprets things or flat out lies about things. Check out ArmouredSkeptic, hes great at debunking them and it will somewhat prove My point about them lying about science. I don't know if Seventh Day Adventist's do videos like these of there own so I can't make any claim that they're scientifically illiterate, but I urge You to check out ArmouredSkeptic, it's pretty good content on the subject and He doesn't just cover religion.

  • @chosen812
    @chosen812 3 года назад +54

    I'm too proud to be an Adventist.
    God bless you Bro

  • @weskitten
    @weskitten 8 лет назад +8

    The Sevies have good record with health care, they run health food companies and have health farms and hospitals.

  • @donknotts2880
    @donknotts2880 2 года назад +1

    You where saying how not eating pork is wierd, but whats wrong with "saving the world by not eating animals"?

  • @MRayner59
    @MRayner59 9 лет назад +15

    Funny thing is that most mainstream Christians would dismiss this as crackpot nonsense. You know, unlike their delusional claptrap, which is totally real.

    • @1955RodHot
      @1955RodHot 9 лет назад

      ***** What? You mean Noah actually did fit billions of animals on that one little Ark?

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      and who names as unclean? god

    • @BradSexson
      @BradSexson 9 лет назад

      and where did you get that little gem from?

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 9 лет назад +1

      ***** Until the Pope starts speaking out against guns and oil then they say he's the Antichirst

    • @kennyw871
      @kennyw871 6 лет назад

      Wow another lie spoken like a true SDA. The fact is that both mainstream religions and scientists unequivocally disagree with SDA's on, among others, the age of the earth and evolution. Don't believe me? Do your research. SDA's are outliers, meaning outside the norm.

  • @amaranthbsl0162
    @amaranthbsl0162 3 года назад +14

    I don't know where you got some of your points brother, but you need to ask God to reveal the truth. I have been a Seventh-day Adventist all of my 40 something years of life, and I think that some of your points are twisted.

    • @bw3839
      @bw3839 3 года назад

      Oh, the special breed of seven day Adventist that’s never been out of the church and has literally no idea how fucking bizarre and twisted your religion and church congregation is. My deepest sympathies that you have never known the deliciousness of bacon.

  • @bassarai
    @bassarai 5 лет назад +16

    I was raised Adventist and this is the most concise, nice, & accurate explanation I've seen. This saves time when trying to describe my dysfunctional childhood to people. So thank you!
    Don't worry about the naysayers, Adventists have a huge persecution complex, as per most conservative evangelicals. They're paranoid about Catholics enacting the Sunday Law and the Mark of the Beast. Way too many churches are still segregated, and women were denied pastoral status, despite early church history. In Pathfinder, kids are marched around and taught survivalist skills and go camping to prepare for The End Times when they have to "run to the hills."

    • @RogalloShaolin
      @RogalloShaolin 5 лет назад +3

      They have a HUGE persecution complex. A doomsday cult that says the world will hunt them down for Sabbath keeping. (Branch Davidians anyone?)
      As well as a HUGE sense of grandeuer

    • @foreverswish3238
      @foreverswish3238 4 года назад +4

      just cause your weird ass church was like that doesnt mean every church is like that 💀💀💀

    • @produceman13
      @produceman13 4 года назад +2

      I also was raised an Adventist. They are a cult that uses shame as a control mechanism to tightly control their members [especially children]. I went to an SDA school that used force, violence and coercion against us. I have PTSD from the abuse I suffered in this terrible church and am so glad to be away from it all.

    • @c-xxv8285
      @c-xxv8285 4 года назад +3

      @@produceman13 Sorry to hear that, but thats not the "real" SDA teaching. As you know, eventho SDA kinda scary about the Catholic, but they dont discriminate. And they dont have any problems with other religions. The SDA believe "We are saved by the Grace of God" not by the Religion. Ive been bullied and do some shit a long time ago. But i never leave the SDA, many toxic people in the Chruch, but that doesnt mean i have to leave, its just make me more believe that God is testing me thru all that time. Im not a religious person either, but deep inside my heart, theres someone keep saying to be strong and endure the challange in life.

    • @CyeOutsider
      @CyeOutsider 4 года назад +1

      Lol, I loved being in the Pathfinders growing up. But yeah, it's founded on some pretty seriously messed up beliefs.

  • @joelamoos5684
    @joelamoos5684 Год назад +1

    A lot of the points this guy made are true to some point but he added a lot of satire and sarcasm to the story. I also don’t know if he got these points from talking to SDA people and visiting SDA churches or just from biased Google searches. As a young SDA man, here are my answers to this:
    1. Saturday is their Hold day: 100% correct. Saturday is the Sabbath day which is spoken about in the 10 Commandments which is why SDA’s keep the Sabbath. This can easily be proved if you read your Bible and check historical sources. Sunday is the first day of the week. The Sabbath day was never changed. Jews still observe the original Sabbath day as they have for thousands of years. It was the pagan Romans that worshipped the sun on "Sun-day", the first day of the week. Most Europeans languages will back up that Saturday is the 7th day of the week. There are also approximately 500 other denominations that keep Saturday.
    2. They believe Jesus is coming back soon: Yes and so do a lot of other Christian denominations. This belief is not unique to SDA’s. If you know Bible prophecy you will see the signs and know how to gauge that we are in the last days… SDA’s do not believe you will go to hell or not make it to heaven if you don’t keep the Sabbath, but they do believe that if you know Saturday is the true Sabbath and don’t keep it (intentionally) then that will be on you on the day of judgment and hinder your salvation.
    3. They don’t believe you are going to heaven when you die: 100%, anyone that has properly read their Bible will know that.
    4. They believe that bad people don’t go to hell: 100%, find me 1 Bible verse to support the theology or doctrine of a literal hell? Why would God want people to suffer for ever? The part about genocide is incorrect because genocide refers to a particular nation or ethnic group. There will be people from all nations and ethnic groups that will make it to heaven and the same goes for the people that do not make it. Your judgment is between your own conscience and God. If you do bad things knowingly, that will affect your judgment.
    5. God is going to determine your fate through a process known as investigative judgment: Somewhat correct. The Bible literally answers all these questions and points. Your sins can and will be forgiven if you turn to Christ. The main reason to fear the judgment is if you know you are not right with God. As I mentioned before, committing sin when you know it is a sin is not good but through repentance, building a relationship with God and baptism your sins will be forgiven (this is basic Christian fundamentals).
    6. Seventh Day Adventists are health nuts: 100% true haha. There is a big emphasis on health within the SDA church/community (it's not taught as much as it used to be). SDA’s eat a Leviticus diet, similar to Jews (with similarities to Islam to). Lots of SDA’s are vegetarian and vegan for health reasons. Yes, they don’t drink alcohol, smoke and lots don’t drink coffee. There are a lot of health books published by SDA authors and ministries. Never heard someone say “defile your soul” in regards to unclean meats but I guess that is true in a way.
    7. Their prophet was a women Ellen G. White: Firstly, SDA’s believe in all of the Biblical prophets. Ellen White did have visions in the mid 1800s and throughout her life. She went as far to say that she is the lesser light to lead people to the greater light (the Bible). The Bible does have at least 3 verses that say people will prophesy in the last days. There are 4 criteria to see whether a prophet is of God or not, she passed the criteria. Yes she did have health issues which is why it is easier to believe that God was leading her. She wrote about tobacco/cigarettes being toxic in the 1800’s while doctors and the media were telling everyone they were good for your health. She wrote many books with information that was ahead of her time. She was one of the founding members of the SDA church, among others. This is a very long story but for anyone that wants to know more, hit me up.
    8. SDA’s believe the catholic church is the whore of Babylon and the pope is the anti-christ: Yes, yes we do. There are a lot of Biblical references to back this up and this is not unique to SDA’s. This was actually printed in newspapers in the USA and possibly other places in the world in the 1900’s. For anyone that wants to know more, hit me up. A lot of religions don’t think much about the catholic church and even people within Islam do not think much of them.
    9. They think masterbation is really horrible: Masterbation is considered a sin by most religions and most christians. It’s not something widely talked about like this guy is insinuating. A lot of SDA’s have fallen into the habit but try to get out of it. I know Kellogg's was SDA but not sure about the corn flakes story though haha.
    10. Dr. Ben Carson: Yes, heard he was an SDA. Don’t know much about him though. Some people thought it was good that he was running for president and some did not. I live in Australia so American politics does not bother me too much, unless something from the book of Revelation starts to unfold…

  • @radifashmal2381
    @radifashmal2381 4 года назад +99

    Godbless... im an Adventist..

  • @sergvalentine855
    @sergvalentine855 5 лет назад +31

    Sunday is a tradition
    Which is why there are 3 angels messages in Revelation

    • @jimmysalcedo7910
      @jimmysalcedo7910 3 года назад

      Amen, I love being a seventh day adventist 😊😊🙏🙏✝️✝️, now I understand the bible more and planning soon to get baptized

  • @mazikumakoye9533
    @mazikumakoye9533 Год назад +3


  • @HighlandAdventist
    @HighlandAdventist 2 года назад +1

    THIS COMMENT WILL BE LONG. There are several things that are incorrect about this video.
    1) First, the name is pronounced ADventists not adVENtists, but that's a minor thing.
    2) No we don't believe Jesus is coming back tomorrow. When we say His coming is imminent we mean it could be at any time but we do not, and never have set a date for that event.
    3) We don't believe or teach that only Sabbath keepers can go to Heaven. We believe the Sabbath is important--just as important as all the other commandments. But we're not saved by keeping the commandments, so yes, there will be Sunday keepers who go to heaven (although Isaiah 66 says that once there we'll all be keeping Sabbath).
    4) It's hard to unpack all the errors in his point number 4 about Hell. Yes, we believe in Hell but we believe that much of Christianity has mixed pagan and greek mythology into their understanding of hell to the place where it is no longer biblical. We don't believe it's burning now. Revelation 20 shows us that it burns after the millennium. The sarcasm in this part really misrepresents our views too. We believe that the wicked are destroyed, but that's not worse than believing they're being tortured for eternity! God is not committing an act of genocide, He's clearing the universe of sin and pain. In order to do that, he must also destroy those who hold on to that sin. To get a deeper understanding of this topic see www.helltruth.com/
    5) While we are judged by our actions, as the Bible plainly states, the ultimate determination is whether we believe in Jesus. Thus no one who is saved will be saved because they were good enough, but because Jesus is. We're judged by our actions but saved by Jesus' actions. The host seems to misunderstand what it means to be judged. This is understandable because our culture has demonized judgment. But if you were being defrauded and falsely accused by your neighbor you would desire to go to judgment because that's when your name would be cleared and things would be set right (assuming the judge always judges righteously as God does.). That's why the Bible says that Judgement is given in favor of the saints (Daniel 7:22).
    6) Guilty as charged, many Adventists are health nuts. But it's not because unhealthy things defile your soul. We believe that our bodies are a gift from God and we seek to honor him in how we treat our bodies. The side effect, Adventists have been shown to live 7-10 more healthy years than the general public on average.
    7) Ellen White was an influential leader in our church and we believe she had visions from God. The information she gained from these visions couldn't possibly be from seizures; she had health information that was 100 years ahead of medical knowledge. However, the Adventist church did not spring from her visions. Our doctrine is based 100% on the Bible. You won't find our evangelists preaching from her writings, they preach and teach from the Bible. Just about the only part of this section that is accurate is that she was a woman.
    8)Pretty close, but actually it's the Papal Catholic Shurch system, with a man at its head, not the man himself that is the antichrist from Daniel and Revelation. There are many godly Catholics who will be in heaven even though they are part of a false religious system.
    9) WHAA??? I have no idea what he's talking about. Kellogue created cornflakes so that people could have a healthier breakfast!
    10) We're pretty proud of Dr. Carson who overcame poverty and racism to become one of the most renowned Pediatric neurosurgeons. And yes he's an Adventist--as such he doesn't believe most of what this video says Adventists believe because real Adventists don't believe what Hemant says we do. By the way, We do not endorse political candidates, so while we are proud of the accomplishments of Dr. Carson as a medical professional, we do not endorse his candidacy, nor would he expect us to.
    One more thing, the channel is "The Friendly Athiest" But with his sarcastic attitude and blatant falsehood he doesn't seem too friendly to me. In my view, a friendly person tries to treat others with respect and honesty.