It takes precisely this measure of joy in Christ to die to ourselves and live for God. The cost of discipleship is nothing short of loving Him more than anything! We will never deny ourselves if we don't delight in Christ above ourselves!! May God raise up an army of preachers as faithful as John Piper.
Many of us today are concerned about the spiritual generation gap between us and our children without the least bit of concern for our generation gap of our forefathers.. my oh my how we need to reconnect with our roots before trying to pass down anything
In Psalm 37 'delight yourself in the Lord' is followed immediately by 'the meek shall inherit the earth" The Son inherits the earth in Psalm 2, the meek inherits the earth in psalm 37 in the Son and by new hearts. Psalm 25 similar where god instructs sinners in the way also has the pure and humble inheriting the earth. The earth is inherited by those forgiven and changed and who delight in God.
"Preach it John Piper, it is.. .is it not?.. th🎉 truth of the fact of obedience to our "Great God!Piper's preaching! and teaching approach is quite unique! and effective!.,All Glory be to "God Almighty!.. .Amen ,amen✝️
Very good sermon. Question arises. Since Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy when he said that the greatest commandment is to love God, does the passage in Deuteronomy say that you shall love the Lord your God FROM your heart like the greek version in the NT?
Our LORD, GOD and SAVIOUR did create the simplest fabric (H²O) to sustain all of life here on earth. Just as the Jordan and the Euphrates are made of this fabric, so to also are the Bow and the Elbow. 🌹LIFE IS BUT A VAPOUR (H²O)🌹 HOLY BIBLE Habakkuk 3:9 Thy bow was made quite naked (bare), according to the oaths of the tribes (oaths were sworn over your arrows), even thy word, Selah. Thou didst cleave ( divided) the earth with rivers. 🙌ALLELUIA🙌 A-men' 🌿
Pray a lot for me I was the victim of a lot of witchcraft and I have a lot of psychological problems depression anxiety etc I'm about to go crazy my name is André Gulherme and pray for my family and I'm suffering a lot with envy I need a lot of prayers and jenjum I thank whoever does this for me and I'm Brazilian
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. (Praying for you from Myanmar in the Name of Jesus)
Until we completely understand this can we truly really know Him?! Lord make anything else that I delight in above you be total rubbish held in comparison to you! My Lord, my God give your people hearts that only want you!
The gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4 is truth. In v.3 God tells us our sins were forgiven on the cross. In v. 2 God tells us that we are saved when we believe the gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4, as seen in II Timothy 2:8 II Timothy 2:8 8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel. God is great. Please help in sharing the gospel.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ESV 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, lwho through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us 💕the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, 💕not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 💕20 Therefore, we are ambassadors💕 for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 💕21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become sthe righteousness of God. 💕
Piper's point starting at 52:02 leading up to the statement, (53:11) "It is confounding and shaming to us that after all God is and has done for us that we could feel no delight in him," is problematic and quite confounding itself, ESPECIALLY considering Piper's theological views, his works in helping people to strive for delight in God who have been unable to, and his own experiences. It may be sinful on our part but it is not confounding that even though God is glorious, he is everything we need and could ever want, and he has already given us so much that we could still not delight in him. Our sin nature even while saved, the weightiness of sorrow and misery in our circumstances that God does not solve or take away immediately or at all in this life, and our constant busyness are all distractions and hindrances to our delighting in God. Also, God's own decision to hide himself and not draw near to us manifestly for his own purposes is the main reason why most Christians don't delight in God and it's important to keep in mind that just as loving God is not synonymous with obeying God but it results in obeying God, delighting in God is not the same as desiring God but desiring God should lead to delighting in God but doesn't always, at least not easily or immediately. All true Christians desire God as a result of their being born again and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in them through their faith in Jesus, but actually delighting in God depends upon God because he is a Person and it is possible and a sad reality for most people that if God give us possessions and goodness up to the world but doesn't give himself then it is impossible to delight in Him. Lucifer fell to sin because God withdrew himself and left him to seek delight in something or someone else and hence Lucifer became an idolater. Since God doesn't create or cause sin, it's the only explanation that makes sense. This could not have happened if God was always manifestly near to Lucifer because God's holy presence is overpowering for the senses and the majesty and loveliness of God compels admiration and worship, but when God withdraws his manifest presence we cannot feel his nearness and enjoy him and because of the way God designed our hearts to long for beauty and pleasure to latch ourselves onto for satisfaction if we can't get it from him we will seek it elsewhere and if God doesn't choose to make himself our chief delight AS WELL AS desire then we cannot make him. Piper knows better than this and also here at 53:37, I think that he should also know that the problem that so-called "reformed" Christians have with the experiential aspect of our relationship with God IS NOT that they believe emphasizing it will diminish the objective, doctrinal glory of God. That God's loveliness is to be experientially enjoyed IS an objective aspect of his glory although it may be experienced differently from person to person, and it is not contradictory to knowing God doctrinally, it is a validation of and the apex of what is know doctrinally. The problem that they have is that they may have never experienced God personally in such a dramatic way as other Christians may claim to have (some of which Christians might also have immature and horrendous doctrine of God btw.) Also, there is not nearly as many Scripture passages about what it like to experience God's presence and communion and how to go about seeking it as there are passages about what his character and personality is like, so all that these such Christians can be left with to rely on is what they see in Scripture and what God has revealed to them or not. I would argue, reverently so, that what is actually perplexing is why God has sovereignly chosen to withhold himself so much and not commune with all of his children more often and dramatically than he does. Perhaps it has to do with his holiness and our lack thereof and he wants to use this distance to increase our longing for what we have to await in Heaven. Whatever the purpose, in all of its perfection, the providence is greivous. I'll just finish by saying that I long to know and experience God a lot more than I do and I respect, admire, and love him more as time goes on and my sin and need is painfully exposed to me by his grace, but it would be a lot more helpful for Christians who supposedly experience God more regularly and easier to not criticize and make such statements as Piper did toward the end of this sermon but instead share their experiences and give guidance as to how the rest of us might have our own one day.
Kind sir, your speculations darken the counsel of God's Revelation. Better to let God's Word judge us rather than our trying to judge it. Let us receive with meekness the ingrafted Word that is able to save our souls.
What you are saying attributes motives to God that He has not attributed to himself. To the point where the fall of Lucifer is Gods fault! You must turn from these beliefs and trust in God’s goodness. The god you are describing is sovereign, holy, and distant, but does not seem good. Something is wrong with it lad.
@@MaranathaCry I'm not understanding what you mean. Did God plan the fall of Lucifer? According to the Bible the answer is yes. God works all things according to the council of his will, (Ephesians) and God made all things for his purposes, even the wicked for the day of trouble, (Proverbs) etc. I suppose the thing that trips people up is that God planned that evil happens but that's not the sane as him making it happen directly or him approving of it, in the same way that when a movie writer / director plans that their characters do certain things that is not the same as them moving the actors' limbs and mouths etc while the actors are emotionless and without their own will in the carrying out of what was planned. God's motive in planning the fall of Lucifer is the same as his motive in all things, that his glory will be displayed and enjoyed by everyone, especially his elect. This entails that evill exist but without God's causing it, so that his justice, mercy, grace, and love will be received by his people through him being their Saviour. There are a plethora of verses all over the Bible where God plans and does certain actions to ensure that sin happens but in it all he is not guilty or malicious in it, and he always punishes rightly and has mercy on whom he will in spire of the fact that they don't deserve it. This is made plain in the first 10 chapters of Exodus perhaps more so than in any other place in the Bible. God planned deliverance for the wicked Israelites through his powerful and just destruction of Egypt, so he hardened Pharoah's heart thus preventing him from repenting and releasing the Israelites so that all of those plagues would prove God to be sovereign and just in his ruling of creation and his salvation would prove that unless he grants us mercy and grace unto repentance and faith nobody will be saved but will remain hardened and doomed like Pharoah. God used Satan to hardened Pharoah's heart since God himself doesn't actively keep anybody from obeying him, but to say that God was not in complete control and that it wasn't his will for Pharoah to be destroyed as he deserved, as is so for all whom God chooses not to save, is to be unbiblical.
yes I believe God is 100% sovereign, but your comment earlier is leading you to draw conclusions from his sovereignty that the Bible doesn’t lead you to draw. For example, the Bible NEVER teaches that we are not experiencing God because God is partial to His children in a mysteriously sovereign way. He desires communion with those who love Him(the scriptures teach). David pleaded to experience God. Jesus prayed for it for his disciples(john 17). Paul did too(Ephesians 1-3). Also, you attribute it not only to sovereignty, but his holiness. That some how God doesn’t want his children to experience him because he’s too holy(even though he’s imputed the righteousness of Christ to us). As if Jesus didn’t pray that we’d understand that the Father loves us as much as Christ and that He desires to be with us where He is(John 17). As if God doesn’t call Himself the fountain of living waters and calls everyone who thirsts to come(Isaiah 55, revelation 22). As if He hasn’t proven to us that we have access into the holy places by the blood of Jesus and can draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith(and joy in that faith - Hebrews 10) The way you’re depicting God is someone withholding his water, rather than us as the problem, He is! And you’re using his sovereignty to conclude that it is because of his sovereign purposes that people do not experience God, rather than their responsibility/lack of faith/lack of enlightened eyes/sinful choices etc. which frees up the believer to throw his hands up and think it’s okay that He isn’t delighting, rather than seeking God about it
@@MaranathaCry My argument is that it's not either or. When God commands something of us or promises us something with a condition, we are responsible for meeting that condition but we depend upon God to help us obey and meet the conditions. When one concludes that up until now God has distanced himself and not been experienced, it was God's sovereign plan for the time AND they should not have sinned, been faithless, etc. What they should do going forward is thank God for his mercy in the past and for the new enlightenment and conviction that they have come to and also seek God's help in disciplining themselves and commiting themselves to his word rather than relying on their own will power and if it is God's will he will help them. In Deuteronomy Moses explains that the reason that the Israelites have been so hardhearted and sinful up to the time that they were about to go into the Promised Land is because God had not yet given them hearts of flesh to repent and obey in faith, yet they were still responsible and guilty for all that rebellion. He then told them to choose to obey God going forward, warned them of the consequences of disobedience, and then laid out their future as a nation all of which happened. Also, in 1 Chronicles 29 David prays that God will give Solomon and the Israelites the will and heart to obey him abd stay faithful going forward, and it's up to your interpretation whether or not God granted that prayer but all of this clearly indicates that while we humans have responsibility and the ability to make choices, God is still the ultimate decider of all that comes to pass so when we see sin in our lives we should pray that he grants us greater repentance and faith and tgat he helps us to obey because we cannot on our own.
Good chance, for we are living in an unprecedented age in many ways, much because of our technology. People are tolerating, even promoting things that were unthinkable in the past and turning the order of God upside down. What was good, is seen as evil, and the other way around. What were once solid churches are falling away from the faith and are more and more accepting into their churches, the ways of the world, to the point that they effectually cannot even be called a church. I can foresee that same sex unions will be performed in these churches as it is already heading that way. I believe that as some "churches" grow more and more ungodly, that Christ's true church will become more holy, but also more persecuted. The false churches and the world are both in the same goat pen and willfully on the broad way to destruction. This was prophesied in the bible, so it is no surprise, but it is our turn to stand and shine, as the martyrs of the past did.
@@gordoncrawley5826don't be a prisoner of the moment. God still has more work to do before the time of his coming. Prepare your sons and daughters to carry the Kingdom forward ⏩.
Hey John! Modern christianity is false. Here's why: Biblical redemption was ONLY from the curse of the old covenant law. That law was ONLY given to old Covenant Israel and has not existed for nearly two thousand years. No one alive today was ever under that law or its curse. The law was never your schoolmaster. You were never kept under the law. Did Christ redeem you from the curse of the law that Paul is referring to in Galatians 3?
Lord Jesus, help me to delight myself in loving you please, Amen!
Are you Chinese who lives in Yunnan?
@@febbiekenmasong9016 yes
I definitely wasn't expecting anything else from John Piper when he said "Joy" than this topic. XD May God bless this man!!
I thoroughly enjoyed this sermon.
I thank God for His word and Spirit, and the privilege of listening to men such as John Piper.
It takes precisely this measure of joy in Christ to die to ourselves and live for God. The cost of discipleship is nothing short of loving Him more than anything! We will never deny ourselves if we don't delight in Christ above ourselves!! May God raise up an army of preachers as faithful as John Piper.
So very well said.
Makes my heart happy to see brother John Piper at Grace Community Church !!!!!
Shepherds conference this next year it's Alistair Begg+ John Piper+ Steve Lawson= wwiii
Tough subject to preach on, so important for depth. Good dose of spiritual beef. Praise our great and gracious God. Thank you Jesus x
This is such a gem of a sermon and just what I've been praying about. Thank you so much!
And John Piper is such a delightful preacher.
He absolutely is! He is the most God-besotted and entranced preacher I have ever listened to.
God bless you brother
John Piper in Grace Church? What a sight!
John MacArthur obviously believes he belongs there and I agree whole heartedly! ❤
@@lovejoy316 Same!
Amen! Had to do a double take!!
@@lovejoy316 Amen
@@lovejoy316 *Gaymen!*
Heavenly Wisdom.
Beautiful🙏🏽❤. Amen and Amen.
Spiritual affections to God - Joy, sincerity, praiseworthy🙏👼❤️
Thank you John, God bless your breath!
Thank you for your message, Lord. Delightful in loving God!
Praise the Lord thank you Christ Jesus. Thank you for your servant John Piper. Lord, i delight, help thou mine undelight. Prayers Praise and Joy !!!
The Lord is most gloy in us when we are most satisfied in Him !!!
Amen. My prayer also.
God my shield and exceedingly great reward
Thank you for your prayers ✝️🙏
To fail to embrace this is Rom. 1:21
A beautiful soul he is.
Not at all.
@@smokyquartz5817 So is R.C. Sproul a beautiful soul.
@@smokyquartz5817 ❤🙏❤
Thank you Lord for your blessings when my "fire" came. You kept my leaves green....🙏🙏🙏
Thank you!
great word
Many of us today are concerned about the spiritual generation gap between us and our children without the least bit of concern for our generation gap of our forefathers.. my oh my how we need to reconnect with our roots before trying to pass down anything
In Psalm 37 'delight yourself in the Lord' is followed immediately by 'the meek shall inherit the earth" The Son inherits the earth in Psalm 2, the meek inherits the earth in psalm 37 in the Son and by new hearts. Psalm 25 similar where god instructs sinners in the way also has the pure and humble inheriting the earth. The earth is inherited by those forgiven and changed and who delight in God.
Beautiful explanation. Thanks and God bless you
John piper in Grace church!
It's Great!
It certainly is Storm0123 😃
God bless you so much
"Preach it John Piper, it is.. .is it not?.. th🎉 truth of the fact of obedience to our "Great God!Piper's preaching! and teaching approach is quite unique! and effective!.,All Glory be to "God Almighty!.. .Amen ,amen✝️
must sleep but will be back with you tomorrow goodnight I Love You, Gods kids
Very good sermon. Question arises. Since Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy when he said that the greatest commandment is to love God, does the passage in Deuteronomy say that you shall love the Lord your God FROM your heart like the greek version in the NT?
Our LORD, GOD and SAVIOUR did create the simplest fabric (H²O) to sustain all of life here on earth.
Just as the Jordan and the Euphrates are made of this fabric, so to also are the Bow and the Elbow.
Habakkuk 3:9
Thy bow was made quite naked (bare),
according to the oaths of the tribes
(oaths were sworn over your arrows),
even thy word, Selah.
Thou didst cleave ( divided) the earth
with rivers.
A-men' 🌿
Pray a lot for me I was the victim of a lot of witchcraft and I have a lot of psychological problems depression anxiety etc I'm about to go crazy my name is André Gulherme and pray for my family and I'm suffering a lot with envy I need a lot of prayers and jenjum
I thank whoever does this for me and I'm Brazilian
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. (Praying for you from Myanmar in the Name of Jesus)
I dont think it was a coincidence that God used him to speak this message here.
Until we completely understand this can we truly really know Him?! Lord make anything else that I delight in above you be total rubbish held in comparison to you! My Lord, my God give your people hearts that only want you!
Is there a way to know ahead of time who will be preaching? I don’t live in the area but I would like to come visit occasionally.
The gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4 is truth. In v.3 God tells us our sins were forgiven on the cross. In v. 2 God tells us that we are saved when we believe the gospel.
I Corinthians 15:1-4
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by the gospel of I Corinthians 15:1-4, as seen in II Timothy 2:8
II Timothy 2:8
8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel.
God is great.
Please help in sharing the gospel.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, lwho through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us 💕the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, 💕not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 💕20 Therefore, we are ambassadors💕 for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 💕21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become sthe righteousness of God. 💕
Is this from the 2022 Puritan Conference at Grace?
It certainly is. The other conference messages are on the Grace Community Church RUclips channel.
@@HearGodsWord thanks I found it!
Why do they keep laughing in moments I feel are serious? It’s an odd thing to listen to.
Numbness to your own condition..
Piper's point starting at 52:02 leading up to the statement, (53:11) "It is confounding and shaming to us that after all God is and has done for us that we could feel no delight in him," is problematic and quite confounding itself, ESPECIALLY considering Piper's theological views, his works in helping people to strive for delight in God who have been unable to, and his own experiences. It may be sinful on our part but it is not confounding that even though God is glorious, he is everything we need and could ever want, and he has already given us so much that we could still not delight in him. Our sin nature even while saved, the weightiness of sorrow and misery in our circumstances that God does not solve or take away immediately or at all in this life, and our constant busyness are all distractions and hindrances to our delighting in God. Also, God's own decision to hide himself and not draw near to us manifestly for his own purposes is the main reason why most Christians don't delight in God and it's important to keep in mind that just as loving God is not synonymous with obeying God but it results in obeying God, delighting in God is not the same as desiring God but desiring God should lead to delighting in God but doesn't always, at least not easily or immediately.
All true Christians desire God as a result of their being born again and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in them through their faith in Jesus, but actually delighting in God depends upon God because he is a Person and it is possible and a sad reality for most people that if God give us possessions and goodness up to the world but doesn't give himself then it is impossible to delight in Him. Lucifer fell to sin because God withdrew himself and left him to seek delight in something or someone else and hence Lucifer became an idolater. Since God doesn't create or cause sin, it's the only explanation that makes sense. This could not have happened if God was always manifestly near to Lucifer because God's holy presence is overpowering for the senses and the majesty and loveliness of God compels admiration and worship, but when God withdraws his manifest presence we cannot feel his nearness and enjoy him and because of the way God designed our hearts to long for beauty and pleasure to latch ourselves onto for satisfaction if we can't get it from him we will seek it elsewhere and if God doesn't choose to make himself our chief delight AS WELL AS desire then we cannot make him.
Piper knows better than this and also here at 53:37, I think that he should also know that the problem that so-called "reformed" Christians have with the experiential aspect of our relationship with God IS NOT that they believe emphasizing it will diminish the objective, doctrinal glory of God. That God's loveliness is to be experientially enjoyed IS an objective aspect of his glory although it may be experienced differently from person to person, and it is not contradictory to knowing God doctrinally, it is a validation of and the apex of what is know doctrinally. The problem that they have is that they may have never experienced God personally in such a dramatic way as other Christians may claim to have (some of which Christians might also have immature and horrendous doctrine of God btw.) Also, there is not nearly as many Scripture passages about what it like to experience God's presence and communion and how to go about seeking it as there are passages about what his character and personality is like, so all that these such Christians can be left with to rely on is what they see in Scripture and what God has revealed to them or not.
I would argue, reverently so, that what is actually perplexing is why God has sovereignly chosen to withhold himself so much and not commune with all of his children more often and dramatically than he does. Perhaps it has to do with his holiness and our lack thereof and he wants to use this distance to increase our longing for what we have to await in Heaven. Whatever the purpose, in all of its perfection, the providence is greivous. I'll just finish by saying that I long to know and experience God a lot more than I do and I respect, admire, and love him more as time goes on and my sin and need is painfully exposed to me by his grace, but it would be a lot more helpful for Christians who supposedly experience God more regularly and easier to not criticize and make such statements as Piper did toward the end of this sermon but instead share their experiences and give guidance as to how the rest of us might have our own one day.
Kind sir, your speculations darken the counsel of God's Revelation. Better to let God's Word judge us rather than our trying to judge it. Let us receive with meekness the ingrafted Word that is able to save our souls.
What you are saying attributes motives to God that He has not attributed to himself. To the point where the fall of Lucifer is Gods fault! You must turn from these beliefs and trust in God’s goodness. The god you are describing is sovereign, holy, and distant, but does not seem good. Something is wrong with it lad.
@@MaranathaCry I'm not understanding what you mean. Did God plan the fall of Lucifer? According to the Bible the answer is yes. God works all things according to the council of his will, (Ephesians) and God made all things for his purposes, even the wicked for the day of trouble, (Proverbs) etc. I suppose the thing that trips people up is that God planned that evil happens but that's not the sane as him making it happen directly or him approving of it, in the same way that when a movie writer / director plans that their characters do certain things that is not the same as them moving the actors' limbs and mouths etc while the actors are emotionless and without their own will in the carrying out of what was planned.
God's motive in planning the fall of Lucifer is the same as his motive in all things, that his glory will be displayed and enjoyed by everyone, especially his elect. This entails that evill exist but without God's causing it, so that his justice, mercy, grace, and love will be received by his people through him being their Saviour. There are a plethora of verses all over the Bible where God plans and does certain actions to ensure that sin happens but in it all he is not guilty or malicious in it, and he always punishes rightly and has mercy on whom he will in spire of the fact that they don't deserve it. This is made plain in the first 10 chapters of Exodus perhaps more so than in any other place in the Bible. God planned deliverance for the wicked Israelites through his powerful and just destruction of Egypt, so he hardened Pharoah's heart thus preventing him from repenting and releasing the Israelites so that all of those plagues would prove God to be sovereign and just in his ruling of creation and his salvation would prove that unless he grants us mercy and grace unto repentance and faith nobody will be saved but will remain hardened and doomed like Pharoah. God used Satan to hardened Pharoah's heart since God himself doesn't actively keep anybody from obeying him, but to say that God was not in complete control and that it wasn't his will for Pharoah to be destroyed as he deserved, as is so for all whom God chooses not to save, is to be unbiblical.
yes I believe God is 100% sovereign, but your comment earlier is leading you to draw conclusions from his sovereignty that the Bible doesn’t lead you to draw. For example, the Bible NEVER teaches that we are not experiencing God because God is partial to His children in a mysteriously sovereign way. He desires communion with those who love Him(the scriptures teach). David pleaded to experience God. Jesus prayed for it for his disciples(john 17). Paul did too(Ephesians 1-3). Also, you attribute it not only to sovereignty, but his holiness. That some how God doesn’t want his children to experience him because he’s too holy(even though he’s imputed the righteousness of Christ to us).
As if Jesus didn’t pray that we’d understand that the Father loves us as much as Christ and that He desires to be with us where He is(John 17). As if God doesn’t call Himself the fountain of living waters and calls everyone who thirsts to come(Isaiah 55, revelation 22). As if He hasn’t proven to us that we have access into the holy places by the blood of Jesus and can draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith(and joy in that faith - Hebrews 10)
The way you’re depicting God is someone withholding his water, rather than us as the problem, He is!
And you’re using his sovereignty to conclude that it is because of his sovereign purposes that people do not experience God, rather than their responsibility/lack of faith/lack of enlightened eyes/sinful choices etc. which frees up the believer to throw his hands up and think it’s okay that He isn’t delighting, rather than seeking God about it
@@MaranathaCry My argument is that it's not either or. When God commands something of us or promises us something with a condition, we are responsible for meeting that condition but we depend upon God to help us obey and meet the conditions. When one concludes that up until now God has distanced himself and not been experienced, it was God's sovereign plan for the time AND they should not have sinned, been faithless, etc. What they should do going forward is thank God for his mercy in the past and for the new enlightenment and conviction that they have come to and also seek God's help in disciplining themselves and commiting themselves to his word rather than relying on their own will power and if it is God's will he will help them.
In Deuteronomy Moses explains that the reason that the Israelites have been so hardhearted and sinful up to the time that they were about to go into the Promised Land is because God had not yet given them hearts of flesh to repent and obey in faith, yet they were still responsible and guilty for all that rebellion. He then told them to choose to obey God going forward, warned them of the consequences of disobedience, and then laid out their future as a nation all of which happened. Also, in 1 Chronicles 29 David prays that God will give Solomon and the Israelites the will and heart to obey him abd stay faithful going forward, and it's up to your interpretation whether or not God granted that prayer but all of this clearly indicates that while we humans have responsibility and the ability to make choices, God is still the ultimate decider of all that comes to pass so when we see sin in our lives we should pray that he grants us greater repentance and faith and tgat he helps us to obey because we cannot on our own.
I notice in several of pipers sermons the crowd will laugh and laugh at something very important the he is teaching. Can people not handle the truth?
Lack of respect to this great sermon.
Next time, Piper, preach "reverence in puritan churches"
Jesus is coming in this generation 🙏🏻
Good chance, for we are living in an unprecedented age in many ways, much because of our technology. People are tolerating, even promoting things that were unthinkable in the past and turning the order of God upside down. What was good, is seen as evil, and the other way around. What were once solid churches are falling away from the faith and are more and more accepting into their churches, the ways of the world, to the point that they effectually cannot even be called a church. I can foresee that same sex unions will be performed in these churches as it is already heading that way. I believe that as some "churches" grow more and more ungodly, that Christ's true church will become more holy, but also more persecuted. The false churches and the world are both in the same goat pen and willfully on the broad way to destruction. This was prophesied in the bible, so it is no surprise, but it is our turn to stand and shine, as the martyrs of the past did.
No he's not. Not trying to start an argument, he's not.
@@gordoncrawley5826don't be a prisoner of the moment. God still has more work to do before the time of his coming. Prepare your sons and daughters to carry the Kingdom forward ⏩.
Pastor John, you look very much like Frank Sinatra here
The people at Grace Church are laughing at times but Piper is a serious Preacher. They obviously do not know him.
Where is grace church that John Piper is
@@steveaird9347 it's John MacAthur's church in Sun Valley, California.
@@HearGodsWord thank you
That has happened almost everywhere Piper has preached for decades. Sometimes he is funny and he doesn't even know what he says is funny.
Piper makes several jokes throughout this sermon.
Piper and MacArthur are a contrasting 1-2 knockout combo that work in Biblical harmony
If it's a bad idea, this man can idolize it for over an hour. Very spooky.
Hey John! Modern christianity is false. Here's why:
Biblical redemption was ONLY from the curse of the old covenant law.
That law was ONLY given to old Covenant Israel and has not existed for nearly two thousand years.
No one alive today was ever under that law or its curse.
The law was never your schoolmaster.
You were never kept under the law.
Did Christ redeem you from the curse of the law that Paul is referring to in Galatians 3?