  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @AlexisKnibbs
    @AlexisKnibbs 7 лет назад +10

    Yoga has really helped me with my anxiety. In yoga I have learned how to breath through difficult situations and I feel, its taught me to let go and just breath. Personally this has been amazing for me and I feel since beginning my practise ten years ago I'm completely different in difficult situations. Well worth a try. Well done for talking about this subject and great video. xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +2

      I really often think I should try yoga, I never have but lots of people have said how much it has transformed their lives. I think for the way I get, it would make me feel a lot calmer. x

    • @AlexisKnibbs
      @AlexisKnibbs 7 лет назад +2

      Honestly lovely lady, I would try it. It has definitely helped me enormously. If I look back to how I was ten years ago I would say it has changed me for the better. When I first went to yoga I would feel trapped inside my own head somedays but now I don't tend to get these moments, touch wood and life seems less complicated with one small boy around. Hee, hee! It took a little while to feel like this when I first went and I'm still learning loads about myself now. For me it's been so worth it. xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks I really think I do need to look into it. x

  • @lauren8024
    @lauren8024 7 лет назад +5

    I can relate to so much you've said I'm a really anxious person I am petrified of flying and I won't sleep properly for weeks building up to the flight and I can barely breathe the whole flight but like you I think I hide it well because I don't want to scare my kids, I won't drive on a motorway and If my kids are in the car with someone else on a motorway and I'm not there I will be panicking about it, I don't like them going to big places like zoo's or theme parks with family members and not me incase something bad happened or they didn't watch them properly and they got lost, seeing 1 magpie sets me of , also stairs I've got a huge fear of people carrying my baby down stairs I won't let anyone else carry her downstairs, there's so much more but they are the main things and people laugh and call me ridiculous and I've always thought it's just me who feels like this, I will sometimes listen to medication music in bed and it helps me to not over think and worry so much x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +2

      I think if it isn't you who is suffering with the anxiety it can sometimes be hard to relate. My husband is the most understanding man ever but he doesn't get scared on flights or going into London or whatever, so it is hard for him to understand why I get myself so worked up on occasion. But I think it is really good to talk about it more because I imagine that lots of people feel this way, especially after having children. x

  • @laurengoodchild8717
    @laurengoodchild8717 7 лет назад +12

    Katie well done for making this. I don't mean that in a patronising way but sometimes I think people often only talk about mental health in terms of having serious mental health situations that might need them to see the doctor or get further help. I am sure there are thousands of mums (and dads) who suffer from anxiety that has got worse when they have had children that might not need more help but that does affect or impact their lives on a regular basis. I have only ever had one panic attack in my life and it was just awful so I sympathise with you on getting them but I have suffered with post natal depression after the birth of my first son . I truly think this is something that needs to be talked about more. xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +4

      Thanks Lauren I really appreciate the comment. I definitely think it is something that needs to be talked about more. Panic attacks are awful aren't they? I have had about 4 properly awful ones in my life and they were just horrid. x

  • @CharlotteLouiseTaylor
    @CharlotteLouiseTaylor 7 лет назад +7

    Well done my lovely chum. Sometimes I feel like you are the only person I can talk to when I get down or anxious or worried. And you making this video has made me feel less alone. Genuinely! Look at all the people below that you are helping too! xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      And i talk to you too lovely, we are kindred spirits you and I. Lots of love. x

  • @MrsMannSKhurana80
    @MrsMannSKhurana80 7 лет назад +3

    Nice Vlog taking abt a serious subject. .Well done for doing this 😊..
    I have suffer from panic attacks and anxiety . Have had depression..
    It's helps to have brillant family and friends and to talk abt .
    When u have kids it's goes in over drive .

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks Bally and I agree, it is great when you have caring family and friends around to talk to isn't it?

  • @hannahjennions5914
    @hannahjennions5914 7 лет назад +3

    Katie, I too have always had a level of Anxiety in the background which worsens and eases due to varying circumstance,s in life, but never truly goes away. As you mentioned, I too also remember as a child having symptoms, mine being an awful dread/physical sickness when I got to school, and to this day I can't tell why, but now realise I tad an anxiety about something. My worst Anxiety is flying and as much as I won't let it stop me travelling far and wide, I have also had awful bumpy experiences flying back over the Atlantic from Mexico. I remember the first journey back saying to my husband that "I couldn't do it" in floods of tears but knowing I couldn't get off and I wasn't in control made it worse. Someone sent me an article on turbulence last year which I read whilst we were there and helped loads on the return journey. I still have the anxiety that our plane will be "The One" but trying to rationalise the irrational eased things to make it more bearable. I might not be able to sleep or completely relax but my desire to see the world and see it with my family, gets through that airport and on the plane, and thank god for Diazepam! 😃

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      It seems flying is such a common one even though a lot of us will still fly. I often wonder why I do it but of course I do it because once I am there I relax and enjoy the time with my family so the anxiety is worth it. It's a horrible feeling. I have all those irrational thoughts too and often it is worse for the few days before I actually travel, I get myself worked up thinking I won't go! Ironic for a travel blogger really ;) x

  • @sarahhenderson3237
    @sarahhenderson3237 7 лет назад +3

    It's great you made this video Katie, I love your honesty. I have always been a worrier and it's definitely developed into anxiety as I've gotten older. I think it peaked when I had my daughter almost 2 years ago and suddenly I was alone all day every week day with this little person who I felt I didn't have a clue how to look after and it made me feel so so anxious. It took a long time to calm down and even now I still feel it over the most stupid things - if we have a whole day together where I don't have plans to see anyone I feel just not right when I get up in the mornings, a slight feeling of anxiety and dread. I find the best way to cope is just to force myself to be busy, get out of the house and do stuff. It's ridiculous because I have no idea why or even what I'm anxious about, it's just a feeling sometimes.
    Anyway, thank you for making this. I'm 37 weeks pregnant with my second so anxiety is high again right now! It was nice to watch you talk about this X

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I can totally relate to that feeling of anxiousness just thinking about that looming day ahead. I don't have it so much anymore because my husband works from home, but I have had that in the past. I definitely think being busy helps as it takes your mind off it. Thats how I cope with a lot of the worries I have, by just trying to not think about them and keep doing other things to take my mind off it. Good luck with your little one- so close now! x

  • @tracypond4785
    @tracypond4785 7 лет назад +3

    well said Katie anxiety is horrible to deal with , its great you have decided to talk about it, I do remember being anxious when grandparents took my children out without me too.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      It's so silly but I can't help it, I guess we can't help the way we feel. Sometimes the weirdest things make me get anxious. Thanks for your comment Tracy. x

  • @SomewhereAftertheRainbow
    @SomewhereAftertheRainbow 7 лет назад +8

    Wonderful honest video lovely Katie. I totally get this as I suffer from what I would say is quite irrational anxiety - things that other people would think are mad - especially being away from the children, or worrying about them when they are poorly. Well done for making this 😘

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      I think that is exactly what I would say mine is too- irrational. Most of the things I get anxious are completely irrational but you can't help how you feel can you? x

  • @JanineDolan
    @JanineDolan 7 лет назад +4

    very brave of you talking about it in public. I only recently kind of admitted that I possibly deal with anxiety. like you it has gotten worse since having children. since I was a child I have been over thinking stuff. I haven't been brave enough to see a doctor about it because to be honest I wouldn't know how to explain it to them.
    when I get angry I cry which I am sure is not normal but I can't control it. I think it's all part of the anxiety. x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      As silly as it sounds I was nervous talking about it, not because I have a strong case of anxiety but because I think it is quite nerve wracking talking about really personal issues. I think it is something that affects a lot of people in various forms isn't it? x

  • @paulapoetry
    @paulapoetry 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you for sharing. It's positive to talk about mental health. Panic attacks can be terrifying and overwhelming. I personally have mental and physical health issues. On the MH side, I have depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, OCD, PTSD and social anxiety. My writing helps, but I wish that I was able to write every day, as I beat myself up about it. Love to yourself and your family. 💝

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Paula Puddephatt I know of a few people who have depression and who write, I think it really helps them. And yes I think it's so important to talk about it.

  • @christinaflynn84
    @christinaflynn84 7 лет назад +2

    I feel the exact same about my children going in a car without me and also flying. I do the countdown distraction on the plane too lol. Only past few weeks I've realised that it is anxiety! I've been using headspace and trying to distract myself before the anxiety takes me over! Brilliant video Katie!

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      It's funny you do the same Christina, it is a weird thing to do but it really helps doesn't it? And I think I need to download Headspace, a few people have mentioned it now. x

  • @MillieM
    @MillieM 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you for doing this video. Not enough people talk about mental health. I suffer with really bad anxiety and knowing I'm not alone helps a lot xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks Millie I am glad it helped in some way. It is helping/reassuring me seeing these comments too. x

  • @rachelfallows
    @rachelfallows 7 лет назад +2

    I find it really interesting that you are a nervous flyer but still fly so often. I am too and i get so worked up beforehand. Generally i guess its never as bad as i think it will be but then i think i leave it too long before flying again so its just as bad the next time. I guess the fact you have to fly for work possibly helps. My hubby wants to go to Disneyland next year but I am digging my heels, mainly because of the flights. My normal way to deal with the anxiety is alcohol but obviously cannot do that if we have the kids...but I will definitely try your techniques thanks xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      It's hard isn't it? I would definitely say don't let your fear stop you from doing things, but then I know how hard it is to have people to say that to you because I have done the same myself in the past. It is very ironic that I don't like flying since I now fly a fair few times a year, but I am definitely getting better. I now am pretty good throughout most of the flight (bar take off) and if there is bad turbulence. There was a while when I wouldn't get on a plane (in my mid 20's for a year or so) but I think that flying more regularly has helped me too. x

  • @libby9157
    @libby9157 7 лет назад +7

    I'm only 13 but I have anxiety, I'm so proud of myself because a few days ago I flew home from America. 7-9 hours, went through the airport just fine. I start school again on Wednesday and I'm so anxious to get my time table as I get very anxious at school, especially science. It's the whole environment, but I don't get on very well with biology. I am very squeamish and have a strong phobia of fainting and having a panic attack. Therefore I'm very anxious to get my new time table to see which teacher I will have for science, my dream is to have someone who understands and makes me feel comfortable in situations where I feel otherwise. Great video, love you Katie! Xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +4

      I hope you get a nice teacher who listens to you for biology Libby. I was the same when I was at school but my anxiety was around Maths. I had a teacher once who thought he caught me asking my friend the answers in a test (I wasn't but he didn't give me the benefit of the doubt) and he made me sit on his desk for the entire rest of the term. That was when I was 11 and I then didn't like Maths all the way through my GCSE's, I still don't. Having a teacher who understands you and listens is so important. Good luck with starting school on Wednesday. x

    • @libby9157
      @libby9157 7 лет назад +1

      Katie Ellison
      Thank you so much for replying! It's horrible how immediately your maths teacher made assumptions without even listening to see if you had anything to say to fight your corner, although I could imagine you might have been a bit shy like I am too and wouldn't dare say anything. It's a real shame that he ruined that for you! I'm also worried because this year, they've decided to mix up the sets A and B for English related subjects which is 1/2 of all my subjects. But, one teacher, although they shouldn't have done it, showed me and my two friends who's in what set. I was with my friend, but not my best friend in this new set, and they say that these new sets aren't about the ability anymore. So my best friend and I, have been worrying about it all summer and she's really confident that she'll do something to make the teachers move her into my set. If nothing comes from it then it will really be a shame but I'm sure she ( Annabelle ) will keep on trying, if she doesn't we won't be in any lessons together other than form time and P.E. We've already seen 4 or so teachers before term about it so hopefully, they consider it and could have easily swapped Annabelle with someone else to get her into my set!Thank you, I really, really hope that it turns out fine and my worrying is pointless. And I'm so sorry for my infinite reply! 😂xx

    • @tiffany604
      @tiffany604 7 лет назад +1

      Hi Libby, I was definitely the same as you when I was at school! I have two suggestions, they may be completely rubbish to you, but who knows! If you feel an affinity to any teacher, perhaps you could talk to them about it, and perhaps liaise with the biology teacher regarding it if you feel uncomfortable to do so. Secondly, if you entirely want to be invisible and not highlight your anxiety, as I am sure I would have done at 13, I would research amazing biologists, especially female, and see what empowering things they have done. It adds perspective to a topic you may find overwhelming. Good luck tomorrow x

  • @elliem3426
    @elliem3426 7 лет назад +2

    I suffer from panic atacks a lot and I use a liquid called rescue remedy it's amazing

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      I haven't heard of that, I will have to look it up. Thank you :)

  • @amypalmer2272
    @amypalmer2272 7 лет назад +3

    my anxiety got so much worse after I had my daughter. Even at 17 months it's still bad, my heartbeat goes up whenever I'm pushing her outside of the house. It's horrible. The situation with Maddie sounsd absolutely terrifying. I agree that it would make me more calm if there had been an actual treatable reason. very brave of you to make such an open video x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks Amy, I just think that is something that probably affects so many of us and it is good to talk about it. It is horrible when you can feel your heart racing isn't it? x

    • @chanelc95
      @chanelc95 7 лет назад

      The same thing happends to me i got emotional in the park the other day I had to hold it in and go home😦x

  • @myrakirk9979
    @myrakirk9979 7 лет назад +3

    You should be so proud of yourself for doing this video I also suffer from anxiety and it's only now at the age of 43 that I feel I can tell people without feeling shame. The more people like you who talk about it the better. Thank you so much x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks Myra, there is a bit of a stigma attached to it isn't there? That's what I was trying (not very well!) to say. I think when someone has say for example post natal depression or other forms of depression often it is spoken about or they will go and get further help. Or even when you have severe anxiety you might. But I can imagine there are thousands of people like me who have stages where anxiety rears its head and can impact negatively on their life. But then other times they are fine. So i think it is so good to talk about it. x

    • @myrakirk9979
      @myrakirk9979 7 лет назад +2

      Katie Ellison Exactly Katie, that's where my anxiety came from I had postnatal depression after my 3 child and to be honest I think I will always suffer from anxiety as a result all I can do is try to control it and some days I don't succeed. You talking about it is wonderful you are such an honest and down to earth lady I don't understand how you don't have more followers . Again thank you .

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thank you Myra x

  • @KerryMConway
    @KerryMConway 7 лет назад +5

    Ah Katie I can totally relate to this, I was like this in my pregnancy with Aria after losing Rocco and I know what you mean by kind of wishing they found something. He was 'fine' apparently which made me worry every single day that something would happen to Aria too! I thought it would stop when she was born but it hasn't :'( I've been trying to do my video on this but just keep crying haha! Well done for talking about it xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Oh bless you lovely. I can't even begin to imagine what that feels like, it was bound to affect you greatly. I feel silly as mine aren't even that bad, but you can't help how you feel about things. x

    • @KerryMConway
      @KerryMConway 7 лет назад +2

      I feel silly too I never really about it just tell myself to get on with it haha x

  • @MrsHodgson
    @MrsHodgson 7 лет назад +2

    Hey Katie, well done for making this video. I need to make my mental health ones at some point. It can be frightening how much hormones can set it all off can't it? As you know I didn't leave the house for months at one point and when I was watching this with my husband I was thinking, "yeah that's normal, everyone does that/feels that don't they? Especially after your shock episode with Mads" and James was saying "no it's a not a normal response, I wouldn't feel that way" 😂 I identified with everything you said triggers you so much I just see it as completely normal. It is so nice to hear that I'm not alone in my thought patterns, I would've reacted exactly the way you did in those situations, (aside from flying, I LOVE flying.) I found it really helpful to watch with James too, I explained I get like that when he has the children in the car without me, or if he is late home from work I start panicking he's lying in a ditch somewhere (obviously not straight away 😂, but I do get to hysterical if he's uncontactable). Thank you for making this xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I think however supportive a partner or husband is, it can be really hard to understand as it is often little things that set me off. It's so hard isn't it at times? You have it a lot worse than me, I think you should be really proud of yourself for how far you have come lovely. x

    • @MrsHodgson
      @MrsHodgson 7 лет назад

      Katie Ellison thanks lovely, to be honest I think the only reason mine got worse for a season was because I gave into it. The longer I stayed indoors the harder it became to get out of the prison I'd made for myself. You've been really wise in the way you've nipped things in the bud and the strategies you use to cope, and keep putting yourself out there. Xxx you should be super proud too. Ps. I've been binge watching your vlogs on the TV and don't always remember to go and comment afterwards. Love the windows one "worst vlog ever 😂" Wren is so cute even when he's being a grump x

  • @hazelrogers2455
    @hazelrogers2455 7 лет назад +2

    I use colouring to help my anxiety.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +Hazel Rogers I can imagine that that's really therapeutic and calming.

  • @dellamantle355
    @dellamantle355 7 лет назад +2

    Well done Katie for a brave and honest video. When Joseph was a baby I had an irrational fear of cot death and had to buy a breathing monitor! Motherhood sends you a bit mad. My husband is like you with planes and London he has not gone near either for 10 years due to anxiety of terrorism! Which he knows is irrational but like you say you can't help these feelings. He is braving a plane in Jan for Florida though, I shall share your plane tips X

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Della Mantle I had a breathing monitor for Mads and L they definitely give you a bit of a peace of mind don't they? I think a lot of the time we know they are irrational but that doesn't mean we can help how we feel. and well done to him for facing his fears, I am sure you'll have an amazing time and it will all be worth it x

    • @dellamantle355
      @dellamantle355 7 лет назад +1

      Yes the breathing monitor was great except when I picked them up to feed or change them in the night and forgot to turn it off - beepbeepbeepbeepbeep! 😆 Florida will be worth it for sure x

  • @secoragriffoths251
    @secoragriffoths251 7 лет назад +4

    I suffer from anxiety attacks, I've just gone through them really bad having chemo and radiotherapy. It's a hard thing to go through is t it well done for doing this video , hats off to you , another good video as always xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +3

      I am so sorry that you have had to go through chemo and radiotherapy Secora, that must have been so tough. And the anxiety attacks are horrid aren't they? Sending love to you. x

  • @sarahjayne4408
    @sarahjayne4408 7 лет назад +5

    Thank u so much for doing a video on this! I get extremly anxious always with things surrounding my daughter and my health. My daughters 4 in a week and i have always been reluctant for any one to look after her in case 'anything happens and im not there' i kmow deep down nothing is going to happen if she spends the afternoon with her grandparents. She does spend time with them without me but ill txt my mum a few times to check up on her and i cant just relax. Shes at pre school now which now shes been there a few months ago im ok with it now, but during the school holidays ive just got a job in a nursery so this week will be the first time ive taken her to school then gone to work, plus shes doing two full days after just doing mornings so thats eating away at me thinking what if she doesnt like it there all day what if its too much for her, what if shes upset,what if she wont eat her lunch! Shell be fine i know deep down but it doesnt stop me worrying. I also get very anxious about my health if i ever feel poorly i over think everything thinking what if its this what if its that i have my little girl i cant be pooly and i get myself all wound up about it.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      I think even if we know deep down that whatever we are worried about will be fine, it doesn't stop us feeling that way. I often think my worries are irrational but it doesn't mean they aren't important to me. I think that a lot of people feel this way so talking about it can only be a good thing. Good luck with your new job lovely. x

    • @sarahjayne4408
      @sarahjayne4408 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you it just makes me feel so silly and when I've I say anything to my husband or parents there like ah don't be daft she's fine. Which of course I am been daft and she is fine! I'm loving my new job but seeing it from the nursery side and how upset some of the little ones can get and they come to sit on my knee because they miss mummy breaks my heart thinking I hope she isn't like that at pre school! It's a school pre school she goes to so she has a teacher and teaching assistant both of whom are brilliant with her and she loves them both but I'd hate to think of her there crying upset missing me, I'm so silly I know but that's what goes through my head. X

  • @kwi9305
    @kwi9305 7 лет назад +2

    Great video, thanks for sharing Katie

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thank you I am glad you liked it. Thanks for watching. x

  • @SD-jn8qx
    @SD-jn8qx 7 лет назад +1

    You've basically just described my life! Thanks for making this x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      You are welcome, it is really hard isn't it? I find it quite overwhelming sometimes. Sending hugs to you. x

  • @petaashton4301
    @petaashton4301 4 года назад +1

    Hi Katie, I've just found your video. Thankyou for being so honest. I feel the same way with transport and being more anxious since becoming a mum. Its hard sometimes but good to know your techniques
    Thanks again and hope you're managing ok during the quarantine xx

  • @alanprowse7
    @alanprowse7 7 лет назад +1

    Firstly, ignore the people on social media, who "appear to have their shit together". People usually present to the world, what they want the world to know and they hide the rest. I can think of plenty of anxious people, who from their social media profile, appear anything but. So appearances are deceiving. I studied psychology a few years ago and perhaps the following maybe helpful. 1. theres no point worrying about things you cant control. And does worrying about things help the situation? No. You can say this over to yourself, it helps some people. Accept you cant control everything, it's normal.
    2. the counting slowly and controlled breathing works, especially exhaling slowly after you breath in.
    3. also, watching long movies and listening to music continually on flights works well to take your mind off where you are.
    4. avoid caffeine and alcohol on planes, even diet coke your favourite.
    5, take a flying lesson. With some people this can work well, if you understand the mechanics of flight, which are introduced to you on a trial flight, It can empower you to realize the physics of flight and reassure you that its all good up there.
    Finally, how does your husband Jon cope with you when you are anxious, some men cant cope with it. I'd love to hear his opinions.
    Excellent video, well done.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks for this Alan. These are really great tips.

  • @sarahdavies3690
    @sarahdavies3690 7 лет назад +1

    Well done Katie for being brave and talking about such an important subject. I too suffer from anxiety/ panic attacks and feel I have to keep quiet. Bless you xxx

  • @HollybobbsVlogs
    @HollybobbsVlogs 7 лет назад +1

    Really interesting to watch katie, thanks for sharing, I remember that incident with Mads! I have always been anxious too, when I look back, I used to obsess about different things - fires, burglaries, ghosts. I used to check at the top of the stairs loads before going to sleep to make sure my parents were still alive!

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks lovely. Oh it was just awful, I still get shivers when I think about it. She was so tiny. I used to obsess about burglaries too! x

  • @lisadixon8983
    @lisadixon8983 7 лет назад +1

    Katie, it's great that you've shared this. It is so so important to be open and honest. It's okay to not be okay sometimes. I've always become anxious, when it comes to my children travelling without me but mostly when it's for school trips etc, on buses. When Shannon, was in Primary School, she was on a school trip to a stately home, when mad man went on a killing spree and he badly injured a policeman, it was the same area Shannon was at, so they put the area on lockdown, the children were told that their was a problem with the bus, but the parents got a text from school, saying not to worry but.... Thankfully, they all made it back to school safe and sound. Then, three year ago my niece was involved in an accident on her way to school, when two school buses collided, she had to be taken off to hospital on a spinal board and her friend was air lifted and he ended up losing an eye. It was literally a 15/20 minute journey. She's had so many issues since the crash, mentally more than physically. I would imagine anxiety in mothers, is quite common. You don't have just yourself to think about anymore, actually, we probably put ourselves at the end of line. Big hugs Katie xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Lisa Dixon oh goodness Lisa so scary about your daughter, how frightening that must have been for you. And so awful about your niece too. It is so scary and you are right about these things causing anxiety in mothers, I imagine it's very common x

  • @vickiel0560
    @vickiel0560 7 лет назад +1

    Omg Katie , Iv never been so anxious since something major happened in my life when I was pregnant. Now he's 1 and I still have the worst anxiety Iv ever had . I always think something else bad is going to happen !
    I can relate to you so much . Thanks Katie your doing a great job at everything ! Xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      That must have been horrible to have a trigger that has set it off. It isn't a nice feeling at all is it? Sorry to hear you suffer lovely. x

  • @tiffany604
    @tiffany604 7 лет назад +1

    For anyone who reads this comment, I want to say, all anxiety matters, no matter how severe, we are not irrational, our fight or flight mechanism is just wired differently to other people. There's so much love and compassion if you wish to see it regarding this topic. I would suggest to seek control in other aspects of your life, especially exercise or activities, to feel empowered. This is how I've managed to work through my claustrophobia triggered anxiety. Figure out what triggers you and tell your loved ones this, and how you prefer them to treat you when you have your panic attack.
    I welled up from this story, I cannot imagine the fear you must have had rushing your baby girl to hospital to come home unknowing, uncertain. Thank you for making this video, Katie.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +Tiffany Godfrey thank you for such an insightful and kind comment Tiffany x

  • @hollyshortt2572
    @hollyshortt2572 7 лет назад +1

    This was such a good video! I have suffered pretty badly with anxiety since having my 18 month old (but I hide it pretty well) and have panic attacks quite often as I work myself up before anything has even happened. Also I used to do that with the plugs it used to drive my brother mad I didn't even think that could have been linked to anxiety until now x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      It seems so many people have suffered anxiety after having children. I think it must be quite a trigger for a lot of people even if you don't think it at the time. They are our most precious things after all. x

  • @krystleyarbro
    @krystleyarbro 7 лет назад +1

    My boys are 4 and 2, and I check on them before I go to bed and when I wake in the middle of the night. A few months ago my oldest was up around 7am, and came in the livingroom to sit with me. My youngest was still in his room being quite, so I assumed he was sleeping. I went to get him up around 8am, I said something like 'wakey wakey' and went to gently shake him awake, and he wasn't responsive. My heart started racing and I looked at my dad who was over that morning, and I went "Andrew it's time to get up" and shook him a little harder. He still wasn't responsive, so I shook him again and finally he woke up. It was probably a 2 minute ordeal, but my anxiety lasted around an hour. He was just in a really deep sleep. Since then, I've noticed that when my boys are in a deep sleep, they look like they're barely breathing, so I get my face pretty close to them to make sure they are.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Krystle Yarbro that must have been a scary couple of minutes I think they can go into such a deep sleep sometimes can't they? I always check on mine before I go to bed too, I wouldn't be able to go to bed without doing it. 💕

  • @lauramc7388
    @lauramc7388 7 лет назад +1

    Katie, thank you so much for making this! I was always an anxious child too, specifically of fire too and I'm a worried person in general too but it has multiplied since I had my little girl.
    She had multiple seizures too as a tiny baby coming out of her sleep and doctors found nothing and I became obsessed with worry.
    My daughter is 15 months now and I have try stop myself from worrying about her constantly, I find it difficult to have anyone mind her even our mums without, holidays and just anytime I not with her even when she is with my husband it is exhausting

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Laura Mc oh Laura that must have been so terrifying and so hard they didn't find a cause for them. No wonder you are anxious and worry. I think anyone would in that situation. X

  • @helenhaynes6645
    @helenhaynes6645 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for doing this Katie, I've suffered anxiety since becoming a mum too. I've finally started taking a mild dose of medication & im starting to feel better. Mine is mainly focused around health & the doctor has said that it's so common in women when they've had children, it's your natural instinct to protect them, kicking in. X

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Helen Haynes you are welcome Helen, glad it helped. I wonder sometimes if I should go and speak to someone again. Maybe if I have a particularly bad flare up I will. And I agree with you there, these little people of ours are so precious. It's bound to cause worry x

  • @LouiseFaiL
    @LouiseFaiL 7 лет назад +1

    I TOTALLY understand what you mean about kids being in the car without you. I hate it too, I also don't like being in the car with her dad if she's not with us. When I was pregnant wit number 2 we would leave her at her nan's for my hospital appointments I would get so worried about something happening to both me and my husband and leaving her behind 😭 A lot of my anxieties are around travelling. I had a panic attack at 17 years old when my mum and I were about to board the ferry to France and I will never step foot on a plane!

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Fai Louise I find it hard going out without them with my husband as I worry about the same. I will never be one of these people who can go abroad with their partner without them, even though I've been asked a fair few times x

  • @carissastrangward6911
    @carissastrangward6911 7 лет назад +1

    thank you for sharing this! its so hard sharing these personal issues. ive always suffered from anxiety but since having my daughter 20 months ago it got much worse but its always reasuring hearning other mums experiences. everyday has its new challenges but sharing our experiences will help 🤗😘 x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Hi Carissa it is hard isn't it? I think having children really makes it quite overwhelming and I think it is something that a lot of mums can relate to. x

  • @Rstar5987
    @Rstar5987 7 лет назад +1

    I have anxiety as well but is around health and its awful. I always worry something is going to happen to the kids when I am not with them like they will choke. I am also a massive nervous flyer esp going over the atlantic, I also research safety of flying over large expanses of water. Crazy but I just can't help how i feel. x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Its hard to explain to others what makes you feel that way isn't it? And also it's hard to explain how doing some things can help ease your mind a little, even if it seems weird to others. Hugs lovely. x

  • @sasfleet8749
    @sasfleet8749 7 лет назад +1

    Great video Katie; I have 2 of the same fears as you - I struggle to keep calm if my daughter is in a car without me and going into London. The holidays can be a nightmare for me as my daughter had lots of trips out with grandparents and the worst time for me is when my hubby takes her out when I'm at work....I make him take my car as it's newer and bigger than his and I feel they would be safer if they crash - it drives him mad but he knows that's how I am and will make me worry a little bit less. We just had a fab few days in London with friends and I was so close to cancelling but I decided to just go for it and while I was there I felt totally safe and secure.Thanks for sharing.....its good to know that I'm not alone with my anxieties xxxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +Sas Fleet that's the thing isn't it, we all do little things to help our anxiety a little. I make jon stop and ring me a lot if he goes on long journeys, but it makes me feel better. And I agree with you about the London thing. Usually once I'm there I'm fine and have a great time, for me it's more of the anxiety of worrying before I go. I am glad the video helped, we definitely should talk about this more. X

  • @stephaniemcbeath370
    @stephaniemcbeath370 7 лет назад +1

    None of what you've said is ridiculous, I can relate to every word! I too was obsessed with my house going on fire as a child, intact I still am! I have a fire extinguisher and fire blanket in my kitchen 🙈 I also wake during the night and worry about random things, one thing that really helps me is writing it down and telling myself I'll think about it in the morning. Xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks Stephanie, I haven't thought about writing it down that is actually such a good idea because I often find by the morning I actually forget what I have been getting myself so worked up about. x

  • @sarahgallop7466
    @sarahgallop7466 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much. I suffer to and feel people don't understand and think I am just be dramatic. Thank you for your tips I will try them next time x

  • @eleanorwalker5452
    @eleanorwalker5452 7 лет назад +1

    I can relate to so much of this Katie. I've had a fear of flying my whole life and it stopped me traveling for a long time. A fear of flying course really helped and now I fly but I'm still very anxious about it. I can totally relate to sitting in a calm plane and feeling totally hysterical on the inside! I recently did a flight on my own with my two babies and when they were both asleep there was some turbulence. It probably wasn't that bad but I freaked. An air steward asked if I was ok and my instinct was to be British and polite and say "yes" but I blurted out "no!" and she was so nice- it really helped to have her there repeating that it was all normal and everything was fine. I would totally ask for help again in that situation.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I have done the same Eleanor. On a particularly bumpy night flight back from the US a couple of years ago, everyone else was asleep and I just couldn't relax and I was getting myself quite upset. So I pressed the call bell (the seatbelt sign was on) and called the cabin crew over to talk to. I was SO embarrassed about it but she was so lovely. I am definitely getting better, for a while I was absolutely terrible but I am definitely learning to control my anxieties when I am in the air. I find taking my mind off it really helps. x

  • @heathermckenzie21
    @heathermckenzie21 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this. It's nice to know that you're not the only one. I suffer from something similar to yourself but some people don't take it seriously as they think it's just silly but it's definitely not. It stops us doing certain things in our day to day lives and needs to be addressed and spoken about. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to watching more. X

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      I think that is it Hetty isn't it? People often do think it is silly and sometimes I even feel silly myself. But it's not silly it's a serious thing and it can be really hard. x

  • @alygazkidd
    @alygazkidd 7 лет назад +2

    Well done for opening up about mental health 👏🏻 it so important that's it's becoming a open subject. I have lived with crippling grief now for 15 years since my2 year old son died of cancer. Checking my mental health is so important to let me live my life
    there are so many aspects to mental health because general life bashes us and we react to it.. love and positive vibes to you Katie for sharing your stories xxxxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +alygazkidd how incredibly tough that must have been for you, I can't begin to imagine.

    • @tiffany604
      @tiffany604 7 лет назад

      Love and positive vibes back to you alygazkidd - wish I could give you a hug for all you've been through.

    • @alygazkidd
      @alygazkidd 7 лет назад +2

      Thank you so much guys...
      the love and positivity that goes around is incredible and we don't give ourselves enough credit for lifting each other up.
      In my experiences, when the shit hits the fan, people are incredible... I wish everyone knew they are not alone in there mental health and how much power we all had in helping people.
      I am so thankful for positive spaces, with people like the lovely Tiffany, like you have created Katie. Never underestimate the good you are doing and sometime knowing someone has struggles to can validate and make others feel less alone in it all.... love and positive vibes to yous xxxxxx

    • @tiffany604
      @tiffany604 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you, that's so kind, I completely agree with you, when you're in the moment of a panic attack you beat yourself up because you forget about all the other people in the world feeling exactly the way you do at that moment. It's okay to not be okay. Hope you have a great day xxxx

  • @ColetteB
    @ColetteB 7 лет назад +1

    I have to really concentrate on being sensible when I'm flying. Especially on smaller planes.

  • @shirleysexton6651
    @shirleysexton6651 7 лет назад +1

    Hi Katie this was so interesting to listen to I've always been a bit of a worrier from a young age and definitely got worse since having children,i think it's because you now have them to worry about as well, I do fly but I don't enjoy it you find yourself thinking silly things like is it safe etc and I worry more now mine travel on their own ,I'm constantly worried with my son travelling to and from London on trains for work and my daughter newly passed and now driving herself, she has to text soon as she has arrived and parked then I can get on with my day it never stops I totally understand where your coming from lots of love x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I think they are our most precious things (however old they are) and so we worry more about them and it in turn makes any anxiety you have that bit worse doesn't it? x

  • @feliciak1587
    @feliciak1587 7 лет назад +1

    I have it, I take meds and I still get anxiety lol, im a single mom so I deal with it daily and my son is 13.....Tyfs love!💕💕

  • @daisyflowersadventures7585
    @daisyflowersadventures7585 7 лет назад +1

    I'm so happy I watched this video i can really relate with this I get panicked before going to sleep worried bout fires people getting in i check Windows doors several times now and I get paniced leaving the house and today I had a panic attack leaving my little girl at school for the first time I didn't realise how bad I was thank you for your help x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Thanks Lily-ann. I am glad it helped in some way. It has definitely helped me as well knowing that it happens to lots of us. x

  • @LaraJoannaJarvis
    @LaraJoannaJarvis 7 лет назад

    Every time I hear the story about Mads I want to cry!! So scary for you. Well done for sharing lovely, it will help lots of people I'm sure! Love you lady xxx

  • @softthistle
    @softthistle 7 лет назад +1

    Oh my lovely, it makes me so sad to think of you waking up filled with anxiety at night. Sending you lots of hugs and love.
    I've had depression since I was about 20, and have been on anti-depressants since then. I've come to realise that it's a chemical imbalance in my brain, and so I am completely at ease with taking medication to help. I have suffered anxiety a lot over the years, but seem to be in a good place at the moment. Going to my doctor and explaining what was going on definitely helped. She gave me some propranolol to help with that and it definitely did the job.
    However I've also spent a *lot* of time working on my mindset - there's no point in taking medication if I'm always going to look for the negative in life (which so many of us do without realising!). Over the last 5/6 years I've worked hard on a positive mindset and using tools such as daily gratitude to help me notice the good in life. It works SO well. Especially if I've found myself stressing when trying to fall asleep. I start to think about all the things I'm grateful for that have happened that day, week, month...
    Even on a Bad Day I can still find a fair few things to be grateful for when I really think about it. It can be something big like "Max did amazingly well on his first day back at school despite the major meltdown that happened when he came home" to "I loved noticing the way the light hit the vase on my mantelpiece and made rainbows on the wall". Hell there are days when it's "yeah! You got out of bed and kept us all alive!". These are ALL things to be grateful and give yourself a pat on the back for. Changing perspective isn't always easy, but it's SO worth it.

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks so much for such a lovely and insightful comment Marilyn. You are so right on focusing positively, I like to think I am a positive person and I definitely find that doing that helps me. If I start the day in a negative way or something puts me in a bad mood it definitely changes my whole perspective on things.

    • @softthistle
      @softthistle 7 лет назад

      Katie Ellison oh yeah totally agree! Those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed everything just gets to you that much more doesn't it? Definitely having many more positive days than negative these days which is a big relief. :)

  • @laurastevens9589
    @laurastevens9589 7 лет назад +1

    Katie I'm so glad that you have made this video, I thought it was just me. I agree with the children being in transport, I'm not with my daughters dad and every time he takes her out I spend the whole time worrying about her until I see the car pull up outside. Also I hate leaving my children I get anxious, I'm fine with my 6 year old being at school but I don't like having Childminder's in the evening or anything like that. I've been looking at going back to work but I'm struggling as I just can't bear to leave my 1 year old. I probably sound crazy but this video has made me see it's not just me x x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Oh Laura that must be hard as you will frequently have to let her go in the car and things without won't you. And I can understand about not wanting to leave your one year old too. Our baby boy is going to nursery for a day and a morning soon and I am already dreading it. I am glad the video helped a little, I think it is so so common when you become a mum. x

    • @laurastevens9589
      @laurastevens9589 7 лет назад +2

      Katie Ellison it definitely helped, I hope Wren gets on ok at nursery and you find it ok to x x

  • @ClaireInspiros
    @ClaireInspiros 7 лет назад +1

    Good video subject Katie :) I have to admit I am really anxious about taking my boys on our first holiday soon, we are going abroad, its not the travelling alone with children that worries me it is the flight. Us mums have to take calculated risks when doing anything with our children and the idea of getting on a plane is the bit putting me off booking! I need to get over it and take the logical approach that we travel in our car everyday and that is probably more dangerous! I think anxiety is healthy, its the survival gene, we just have to think our way through things logically and praise ourselves for caring enough to worry. Lovely video from you as always xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      +Claire Inspiros - Boho Lifestyle I think when it's things out of our control it can seem scarier, plus when if something was going to happen (which is so rare) it's more catastrophic it seems a lot more of a risk. But you are right, driving is definitely a lot more 'dangerous' and a risk, but we do it every day. I do think it shows we care and it helps us make decisions or stay vigilant etc x

    • @ClaireInspiros
      @ClaireInspiros 7 лет назад +1

      Exactly that lovely xx

  • @laurab1400
    @laurab1400 7 лет назад +1

    Such an honest video. First stop calling your anxiety silly, what makes you feel anxious may not seem as "bad" as someone else but it is just as important.
    I've suffered with anxiety for many years and it has got worse since having children. Mine is very similar to yours in that I worry when my son is not with me that something bad will happen, i think it comes down to a control thing.
    I spend hours awake at night worrying and I've found out best thing is to have a notebook by my bed so I can write things down In the night.
    There is so much stigma surrounding mental health, so it's so refreshing to hear people talk openly. Xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Someone else said about the notebook Laura I think I am going to try that, to be honest I hadn't even thought of that but it is such a good idea as often by the morning it all seems much better anyway. I think a lot of mine is a control thing as well. I hate it. I am going through a bit of a funny one the last couple of days too and it is such a hard thing, even when it is isn't a 'serious' case. x

    • @laurab1400
      @laurab1400 7 лет назад +1

      Katie Ellison I'm dreadful for control. I end up running myself ragged because I can't let anybody else do anything.
      It may not be a "serious case" but sometimes the more everyday mental health issues aren't discussed and they may not be as life controlling as others but it's still something to recognise, talk about and make aware.
      Social media is amazing at realising you are not alone.
      It might seem strange but if you ever need to vent just message. (I feel like I know you, without actually knowing you?! Power of social media.) x

  • @gigilou
    @gigilou 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for making this video. We definitely need to talk about mental health a lot more and not feel as though we are going through it alone. I suffered with post natal depression after having my daughter and now I suffer with depression as a result of having severe chronic back pain. I think subjects like anxiety and depression are often seen as taboo but so many people struggle with these. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Although I don't suffer with anxiety it's still comforting to know I'm not alone in feeling the way I do xxx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +jemsymc that's the thing isn't it? It is something that needs to be talked about a lot more. I have always refrained from making a video before as I often see myself as being a bit silly for talking about my anxiety when there are people suffering with depression and other kinds of mental illness. But at times my anxiety can completely take over my life and while it might not be serious all the time, it doesn't make it any less of a issue to me. Thank you x

    • @gigilou
      @gigilou 7 лет назад +1

      Katie Ellison Well done for taking the plunge and making the video. Any kind of anxiety or any other mental illness can impact our lives so much no matter what level we suffer from. Any mental health issue can be life changing. Thank you for highlighting this and sharing your story. I'm sure that it will help a lot of people going through the same xx

  • @sarah-jaynebarnes2561
    @sarah-jaynebarnes2561 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for talking about this!
    I never ever suffered from anxiety until I became a mum now I really do. It's such hard work and something I keep to myself quite a lot but I always think of the "worst case" in everything. And also I wasn't scared of flying until I had children and now I am terrified of it. I have no clue why, like I say I think it's just think worst case in everything: drives me mad but least I know I am not alone. X

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I know of a few people whose flying fear has got worse since they had kids, I think having children brings out your fears and your worries to the surface more. You are definitely not alone, while I am a positive person I am also a what if person too. x

    • @sarah-jaynebarnes2561
      @sarah-jaynebarnes2561 7 лет назад

      Also your three triggers are literally the same as mine. I also can't stand the thought of my kids being in transit without me, and my husband. If he's going out without me (on a night out) or going away without me I always think of the bad things that could happen to him. Same with his jobs he's a steelworker and a retained firefighter and I always think of the bad things that could happen to him. If I talk to people about it that don't have the same thoughts they think I am crazy. Like I said before, I'm so pleased I'm not the only one.
      We have been to Florida a couple of times before we had kids and flying was fine, but now I have kids, I try and find excuses for us not to go because I can't stand the thought of flying for that long it makes me feel panicky which is such a shame because I love Florida so so much x

  • @ellierobinson89
    @ellierobinson89 7 лет назад +1

    I think it's so brave and also liberating to talk about personal mental health. I suffer with anxiety that is mainly surrounded around my children, I struggle to let them go I see danger everywhere but irrationally not the usual car on the road danger. I think the main thing about anxiety is that no two are the same and exactly as you put it, what is minor/nothing to one person is everything/massive to someone else.
    Thanks for opening up the conversation xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      I think you are completely right Ellie and that is what can be quite hard when it comes to anxiety- no two people are the same. I said in the video that sometimes, while always understanding, my husband doesn't get why I am getting so worked up about things. To him these things are nothing but to me they can be really hard to deal with. x

    • @ellierobinson89
      @ellierobinson89 7 лет назад

      Katie Ellison Definitely, my husband is exactly the same with mine and it can be quite hard for both of us to understand xx

  • @carlyboote1155
    @carlyboote1155 7 лет назад +1

    Well done for talking about this xxx

  • @Asmrfoodshorts
    @Asmrfoodshorts 5 лет назад

    I felt like it was ME who was talking in the video! I've experienced from depression and anxiety since I was a little girl. However it was something that I didn't really speak about and it got worse as I got older. I had a miscarriage in 2009 followed by another loss at 23 weeks in 2010 losing my baby boy. It was extremely hard and that triggered my anxiety even more because when I got pregnant again I felt so depressed and lonely. When my baby didn't move I would freak out and start moving my belly like crazy and I would also get panic attacks and cry. Now that you say that those moments where you just get anxious and want to cry, I do have panick attacks since I was a kid! I never knew those wore panic attacks. Now that I'm 27 years old and have two kids ages 6 &7 I still fear. I'm anxious about their health, or losing them. I never let them go on class fieldtrips alone because I just get anxious. If I leave them with my mom to go to work, I'm always calling to see how they are and if my mom doesn't pick up the phone I do get so worried and get panic attacks. I'm afraid of planes, I just realized lol! The day before traveling my stomach hurts, I can't sleep at all and when I get on the plane it gets worse specially with turbulence. YOU are not alone. I'm there with you but it can be hard. I've found that praying has helped me throughout my worst days and I know God is with me and hopefully I can feel great :) God bless

  • @ursularose1367
    @ursularose1367 7 лет назад

    Oh I can relate so so much to this. Thanks for speaking out about it. I definitely suffer from anxiety more now I'm a mum - I find sleeping hard because I worry about all sorts as soon as I'm in

  • @Kateplus_x
    @Kateplus_x 7 лет назад

    I can relate to so much of this Katie. Especially my children going anywhere without me. My family think I'm nuts but I just can't help it. It's overwhelming. Well done for talking about it. Knowing other people feel the same really helps xx

    • @Kateplus_x
      @Kateplus_x 7 лет назад

      Commenting as I watch and the night time anxiety... oh my god! I think I've mentioned it to you before, but I get this terribly. It's awful. I've tried Headspace too and it really does help me x

  • @dearsabrina3495
    @dearsabrina3495 5 лет назад

    I use be into adventurous stuff. But when dad died in 2016 i've so anxious. And i think its seasonal because it strong at September to December. But now that i have a child of my own . Its like constant anxiety. Here where i live its not a common thing . I just sit in the corner and deal with it. I pray alway. And get my self busy. When me and my child go out i always whisper to my self "god keep us safe " repeatedly untill we arrived in our destination. I dont let my self unoccupied because random scary stuff goes in mind when im not doing anything. Usually things that not involve accident and calamity.

  • @camilarose4803
    @camilarose4803 7 лет назад

    I'm young but I worry about everything and overthink so much and it's so annoying because overthinking affects things that I do. It sometimes goes away but it sometimes is really bad. I also get fixated on things as well, something that sets me off is photos but they didn't use to. It's something quite recent. Nice video :)

  • @theabbottses6353
    @theabbottses6353 7 лет назад

    Hi Katie, I absolutely love your channel, I watch your travel vlogs all the time whilst cleaning, and I am a fellow traveller with my little family. Love this vlog too -I suffer with anxiety too and it's lovely to know we aren't alone xx

  • @candacelattimore9308
    @candacelattimore9308 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you Katie. x

  • @emmag6255
    @emmag6255 7 лет назад

    I totally get this, I get anxious about a lot of things but a big one for me too is travelling as I was poorly once on a flight and now I have a serious fear of being poorly again. I get worried about being sick and I get it a l to when I have things or events coming up such as a holiday or a day out I start to get really anxious leading up to it because I'm scared of being poorly. Sounds ridiculous but as you said what seems small to one person is big for another.
    I lay awake last night worry about things ghat could happen etc it's terrible. Well done for making this very honest video x

  • @zarinafrost2338
    @zarinafrost2338 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this video, is quite old now but is good to not feel alone in it. Those things are not silly at all ❤

  • @carliefaithx
    @carliefaithx 7 лет назад +1


  • @gemmahaire1573
    @gemmahaire1573 7 лет назад

    What a great video. Thank you Katie. You have never ever given the impression that you suffer from anxiety, in actual fact you seem as though you have very much got your shit together!! I suffered from anxiety before I had my little boy, having him made it 100% worse. I actually put off having children as I thought I would suffer from PND and didn't think I would be able to cope. I did suffer with it and spent at least the first 7 months shut indoors as I was too afraid to go anywhere. I think I'm finally coming out the other side but still have days where my anxiety is hard to manage. I find the best way for me to control it is exercise, I go for a run or go to the gym and just listen to some loud music and just run it out. I also suffer from anxiety on airplanes too and I can highly recommend Bachs Rescue Remedy, it sorts me out a treat. It's probably just nasty flavoured water but it just allows me to refocus and calm down. Thanks again for taking the time to address this rather scary subject. Keep it up, you've got your shit together!! Xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks so much for this Gemma. I think I definitely need to try Rescue Remedy as a few people have mentioned that. I think that's why I wanted to make the video as I think you see a small amount of people's lives on social media and anxiety can be something that can really impact my life at times- I think it is important to put ourselves fully out there at times. And it sounds like you had a rough time bless you, I am glad you are going out the other side. x

  • @rachelmassey7324
    @rachelmassey7324 7 лет назад

    Well done for speaking about this, I suffer with anxiety​ and have been for cbt a while back and was doing well until something happened at home and it came straight back like someone had hit the reset button, I struggle with things being out of my control alot, like my husband has a stag do at the end of the month in Denmark and I worried sick something may happened to him, I also worry about the kids 24/7 my eldest now is 13 and he goes out with his friends and if he doesnt answer my calls or text I think something bad has happened and sometimes have to give my head a shake and tell my self to calm down, it is so hard and I think you are great for taking about it out load,so thank you xx

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      Oh I am sorry that it has all been bought back again after you were doing so well, that must be really hard. I do the same, tell myself to calm down as well. I am glad I spoke about it now as I think so many of us go through the same thing. x

  • @evadickinson121
    @evadickinson121 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for posting this video. Very honest and refreshing to hear someone talk about such a taboo subject.
    I often find that unless people have a 'severe' problem with mental health they feel like they shouldn't bother anyone with it, and often anxiety falls into that category.
    What you have described perfectly sums up how I feel & I certainly have noticed it getting worse since I have had my girls.
    Travelling with them esp or when they are not with me - it really worries me but I am trying to find coping techniques to make sure that I deal with it better for myself but also because I don't want my eldest daughter to pick up on it and be influenced by my anxiety.
    Well done :) x

    • @katie_ellison
      @katie_ellison  7 лет назад

      +Eva Dickinson that's exactly how I feel and why I have refrained from doing this video before. I've felt like I shouldn't bother with it and that it's not worth bothering people with or talking about. But that's not true it does bother me and effect me, and can some points be really impacting on my life. I think we should all talk about all kinds of mental health more. X