The uppercut of Consecration triggers things like the jolt from Contact and the buff from Inmost. This lets you trigger them with only using half of a melee charge.
Bungie: "In an effort to give greater choice to Titans in their class items, we're reducing the effects of Spirit of Inmost Light and Spirit of Synthoceps"
@@dmcross91I haven't touched Titan since the dlc dropped bro, I'm still on the first campaign mission after meeting Cayde 😂😂😂. There's nothing to look forward to i only use Titan to farm raid checkpoints after I'm done kn the other classes.
It's crazy too because Titans literally got fewer Titan exotic perks in their pools compared to the overall number of hunter and warlock perks. Where is Feedback Fence? One Eyed Mask? No Backup Plan? Dunemarchers? Peregrine Greaves?! Anything?!?!
I legit wish they just put the "suspends give you woven mail" part of Abeyant onto the class item instead of the additional suspends. It would give Prism Titan the tankiness that it needs and it would make having to take Drengyr's Lash over Knockout much more palatable imo.
They shouldve made horn work with thruster. Feels like were onto something with Drengrs working with thruster but fell short but not making more things work with it or even buffing it. Hunters get free reload or melee energy with dodge, titans just get to dodge.
@TWIN.HTX4 I use that all the time because I find more value in it than synthos. I always use Trench Barrel Ikelos shotgun, so after I use my melee if the champ is still alive I just pop a shot or 2. People turned their brain off and just craft 1-2 punch on every shotgun even tho it holds little value and ignore tbe 50% damage buff for trench barrel with any melee hit. I dont need synthos. Also PCCB allows me to use only the uppercut part of consecration and clear the whole room and apply jolt
eternal warrior star eater is undersold from this video. it gives x4 weapon buff which out performs 3 surges on boots, meaning if i was running twilight axes with expanding abyss and star eaters, and possibly an edge transit on my heavy my burst would be insanely higher then others due to star eaters and x4 edge transit dmg. then you can run the other 3 on your boots for your secondary so its not left out of the picture
In defense of star eater/eternal warrior, you can use it to have an edge transit get surges while using a not-matching sniper (izanagis, cloudstrike, still hunt as examples) and have full surges on both weapons. Its not just 4x void surges after super, its 4x void surges that don't use up surge slots.
just to let people know if you have spirit of contact and you try to use it on a suspended target the jolt effect will not proc. I have a abeyant, contact class item (which i love) and found this bug so wanted to put it somewhere people may see :)
I think Shield Throw is being slept on for Prismatic Titan, especially when using Inmost/Contact. It recharges so much faster than Frenzied Blade (1:31 vs 2:42 base recharge), which synergizes with Inmost and Transcendence's % base recharge speed bonuses. It also gives a ranged option to proc Knockout and Overshield on-hit for more survivability than the other options. Contact gives it so much more damage than usual due to the lighting and the Jolt as well, helping it scale into endgame content. I highly suggest trying it for just a little bit to see how it feels in comparison.
Tried shield throw. I hated it. Has no tracking whatsoever. It should have the same ricochet as hunter shurikens. It's some bullshit. I hit an acolyte and it bounces anyehwere but the acolyte right next to it. Also 2 words: Monte Carlo. We arent using exotics anyways, especially no exotic heavy. Might as well have a gun that gives u melee back on each bullet, and a BEEFY version of swashbuckler. Yes 5x markov chain is I think a 66% damage buff. If u have the catalyst it also allows u to use the bayonet for 200K free damage and delete the beefy champ infront of u
Gonna recommend trying an Eternal Star eaters combo for dps. I got one recently and it gives a fair amount of flexibility since on void, you don’t need to worry about matching a 2 - 3x surge for the 17-22% buffs and can just get the free 25% from eternal. Meaning the kinetic slot weapon (most likely Euphony, lets be honest here) can get a 17-22% buff while a 25% is also active for 30 seconds while on a void super post cast.
@@FunDadHubby surprisingly well because your mele deals with 2 out of the three champion types, all three if you have the fragment that makes you radiant
The titan and hunter strand nades on prismatic should be swapped, no more one taps in pvp and the class that had grapple as a main part of the strand build actually receives grapple
@@JustAFishBeingAFish The class designed around grapple should have grapple. Hunters are 100% the most deserving class to have grapple grenades and it's not close. Kephris sting just has to be nerfed with prismatic
@@JustAFishBeingAFish my brother in light, I regret to inform you we stole the grapple meleelike hunters stole blink from the warlocks. We stole it because we had melee damage bonuses. it was designed for hunters and if you don't believe me look at the widows silks aspect for strand hunters. The real question is how did bungie think they could design a grenade that has melee damage explosion and think titans wouldn't steal it immediately. Season of the Banner and synthoceps nerf wad the fault of that oversight imo.
Another thing about prismatic titan and spirit of inmost is that using consecration automatically sets up spirit of inmost light to the max of x2 while the other classes still need to use multiple abilities (with exception of hunters and grapple, if you also use the grapple melee and hit an enemy)
I'm pretty sure hunters and warlocks can do that too since it's just consecration with frenzied blade charges. Hunter can use withering blades. Warlocks have Arcane Needles
@@heroicxidiot What I mean is that a *single* use of consecration brings inmost light to x2, while with withering blade/arcane needles, they need to use multiple charges to stack it.
It's something about scorch, I have a feeling it works the same way with solar but nobody noticed because nobody uses HoIL on solar. Either way, I have a feeling Bungie will patch at some point.
I have the Assassin/Contact roll and it is a lot of fun. Drop consecration, unleashes a lightning storm and a fire explosion while you vanish into the void.
I have nothing pertinent to add to the discussion, but I just wanted to thank you for 10 years of content. Consistently high quality videos and information.
Eternal Warrior/Star-Eaters is perfect for edge transit or falling guillotine. Fortunately, those two weapons cover the damage meta for titans for most encounters. The bad news is that you still have to be on titan.
I’ve been using Warrior + Star-Eater with Twilight Arsenal on Prismatic and combining it with Leviathan’s Breath and the pale heart sniper with 4TTC and Rewind rounds. My damage might not quite be at Celestial + Still Hunt at The Witness, but it’s pretty damn strong.
For those who use this combo, don’t forget to use different surges since it already gives you x4 based on your super. So for example use izanagi, run 3x kinetic and you’ll have x4 void for edge transit, and x3 kinetic for izanagi.
@@blindvalkyrie9352 dont lmgs have some of the worse dps in the game rn? the one you mentioned according to Ageis' dps spreadsheet would have a dps of ~120k with actium war rig which is outclassed by truth or cloudstrike with rain of fire
I HIGHLY recommend abeyant/syntho. Consecration with drengrs and shackle grenade, with this setup I'm regularly getting transcendance in around 30 seconds or less if there's enough enemies. Then with the different damage type ability spam you keep it up for what feels like forever
I think I got that role. But I'm pretty much going for a high-end. Build for high-end targets like in GM's. Have you tried contact and severance? It does a stupid amount of damage. And takes out a lot of ADS.
@@TWIN.HTX4severance unfortunate got nuked by the nerfs. It’s really not good. Try it by itself. You are better off with inmost or abeyant with contact.
@@schpeedwagon8184id prefer to get woven mail on suspension than have improved Drengr's. Not getting any tanking perks is a real problem for the "tank" class.
1st I got was Severance/Contact and its been both a literal and metaphorical BLAST ever sense with three concentration charges. Feels like I'm dropping a super three times in a row and even in a GM, it does some serious damage (plus jolts, and ignites things often, so some anti champ stuff. easy my favorite roll so far. I also just got a Hoarfrost/horn roll that lets me send a solar wave after I create a wall of stasis crystals AND if i have it on, suspend them with Drenger's lash. Best part, a fragment allows the solar damage to do more damage when they are hit with the suspend effect from Drenger's. Probably no S or even A tier, but sounds fun.
I'd like a contact roll. Lacking anti-overload in most scenarios is annoying. Prismatic grenade helps though. In the meantime I like using Wicked Implement. Shits out stasis shards and stunlocks champions. Safest plink plonk ever.
I’ve been using assassin syntho combo and was soloing the disgrace GM and honestly it’s so unbelievably good. You can be insanely agro with the invis and consecration one shotting champs with ease with an ignition. It also has insane ad clear and great uptime with transcendence.
i even prefer it over inmost syntho. you dont rlly have a problem with the melee uptime anyways because of trancendance and being able to reposition so safely in a gm feels very nice
@@losadovortex9623 I’d say weapons are mostly up to you but a pugilist weapon helps a lot. Fragments are mostly up to you too but I think balance, protection, and courage are all really useful for the build
With eternal warrior and star eater combo you can do close to 5 mil on witness in 1 phase just by spamming edge transit and padding up the rotation with still hunt goldie
Y'all are missing out on some fantastic Arc Conductor Ergo builds. Shattering your own glaciers with ergo's heavy attack gives insane dark energy, which lets you keep transcendence up constantly. For that reason, I've been running a hoarfrost/verity version for lower content and a hoarfrost/scars version for master/gm content. Probably some of the most fun I've had in destiny to-date and definitely shakes up the concecration spam
Severance/Contact not being Top 8 is beyond shocking. Pair it with Facet of Awakening to get Ionic Traces AND Firesprites means your abilities recharge with bigger jumps than what Inmost can do. Plus the explosions stack with the jolts and can stagger all three champions, considering you get radiant from your melee
Contact's biggest perk is that it jolts targets which deals with Overload champions, so if you have contact, you have a way to deal with all 3 champion types with this one move (consecration) - you get jolt from contact to stun overloads, the base consecration ignites targets on the second slam which stuns unstoppable champions, and if you spec for it via facet of dawn, you will also become radiant from consecration (hits make you radiant, final blows make you AND allies radiant) which will give you a way to deal with barrier champions.
Synthos and Abeyant is my go-to for all end game content. You literally never run out of consecrations between the base 3, transcending, and supering refreshing them, one of which is almost always available, and instead of just dying if you ever run out, shackle grenade and Abeyant barrier suspend can buy you so much time to get those charges back. You can literally always stay in/around enemies because they either die instantly or get suspended until you're ready to kill them instantly. Haven't taken off that build once.
To be completely honest... and I know there is definitely some cool combos out there... the main issue is that the titan prismatic kit is extremely underwhelming and that is why there are so few viable combos currently on the titan mark... hopefully keeps to their word and gives a not an overwhelmingly powerful buff to the subclass but atleast allow it to be more then just a punchy class with little else to back it up... because without certain effects that play style just doesn't work...
Bungie 'We want titans to be the melee class but also to be the shield' Community 'Sweet so strongholds'? Bungie 'No but how about 4 perks that work with barricade' Community 'yes, that will work great with thrusters'
I personally think inmost + contact is better than inmost + syntho JUST because you can use than one fragment to make ionic traces to get abilities back faster. Oh, and amplified is nice to have too.
I farmed class items for all my three characters, I was feeling like I was being very unlucky specifically with the Titan rolls. After taking a closer look it turns out that Titan's perks pool kinda just sucks. lol
Shoutout bungie for making 80% of the perks useless i really love it. And by love it I mean I finally stopped playing titan because warlock might just be more fun
@@sonny3602 One of the first ones I got was Abeyant / Alpha Lupi, which as far as i can tell is pretty much just a worse abeyant, since it heals instead of giving woven mail.
Inmost/Contact is probably my favorite, it applies the jolt on regular powered melees in an odd AoE around you and on the first wave of Consecration. And it turns Consecration into an ability that handles both Unstoppable champs with the Ignitions and Overloads with jolt, all the better if the champs are standing close to each other they can hit each other with the damage from their own ignition explosions. I do wish Inmost gave better energy regen though, if it isn't going to give the extra damage at the very least.
Titan has 3 builds, Hazardous DPS, Consecration and Strand Banner of War. The conversation does not need to be longer than that. Somehow this has not stopped me playing as a life long titan only.
I have found consecration/diamond lance to put in work with frenzied blade for more charges. Then (going to give brief description as I don’t have all the facet names memorized yet) I use the facet that gives more melee energy for light damage and more grenade for dark energy and the facet that lets you deal more light based damage to targets affected by darkness debuffs so you slam lance slam unless using darkness based grenades then it’s glacier/shackle slam lance slam on repeat. Pyrogale gauntlets on a Twighlight arsenal titan utilizing the fragment that gives you an elemental buff based on your super that when you pick up an orb.(overshields are great, think there’s a facet for dealing more melee damage while you have a light buff). Wish the prismatic grenade wasn’t so bouncy.
best titan mark I’ve gotten was eternal warrior / synthoceps. the damage boost is pretty good after using super, but I’d rather have inmost light or something more useful. I also have severance / star eaters, but I haven’t used that too much yet.
I've currently been running a Hoarfrost-star eater class item, but I've been hunting for hoarfrost-armentarium or hoarfrost-contact. I run glacier grenades and thunderclap and headstone guns, with the idea of shattering lots of crystals with thunderclap. Verglas Curve is also a good choice and I normally pair it with the indebted kindness which is also great for smashing crystals, and you can actually make use of it's origin trait.
something one of my friends discovered was bear + verity APPARENTLY works. So if you're a massive fan of running unbreakable, you can pair it with verity to get some more oomf out of your shield blast and recharge it faster, and thus get more super energy faster. Probably extremely niche, but I am reminded of GM devil's lair where I needed to run "Safety escort" banner shield to revive one of my friends who got caught out, so maybe worth holding onto?
I think you might be underselling just how good inmost / contact is. if you have a build that can spam transcendence (lost signal, indebted kindness (voltshot) double special), you can literally have perma uptime on room clearing consecration. pair this with strand super for an easy way to obtain woven mail as well as a panic button that will refill all of your melee charges and its just unbeatable. you can cruise through most content with your brain turned off with this setup. enemies in master or gm content just... die.
Eternal/star eater is amazing for witness damage. Combined with craftable Regnant with auto loading / cascade and 3 arc surges for Cloudstrike, you can pump some major damage.
If/when you do this for Warlocks please spread word about the verity/stag combo. 2 out of 3 abilities are buffed immensely and with the artifact you can weaken and buff your nade at the same time.
I've found that eternal warrior/star eaters is actually nuts, it makes titan very competitive for dps. On bosses that I can sword (salvations edge second encounter) super for like 950k then spam 4x surge falling guillotine with expanding abyss (twilight arsenal applies weaken) for 30s using caster perfect 5th ergo sum heavy attack when proccing bait and switch, or I could do thundercrash + summum bonum since that's supposedly the best dps sword or acrius (although void setup will probably be better while we have expanding abyss). Against non sword friendly bosses (witness for example) I think hazardous propulsion in a cloudstrike crux terminus rotation is just better, but with twilight arsenal edge transit rotations ive done close to 10mil a couple times vs witness.
I’ve been running severence/scars and it feels the best out of any thing I’ve farmed so far. I just scars had a way to synergize with kinetic weapons, but the on demand healing from scars helps in gms and master content.
there’s a bug where if you suspend anything you can’t jolt it with contact, on top of titan not having access to other nades really nerfs it and forces it into a melee play style
the two i’ve been rocking heavy is severance contact cuz you already get abilities back fast from proper building of prismatic and mods so make concentrations even boomer and also a star eater warrior one for raid bosses and stuff like that
Havent farmed a ton of marks but i currently have a assassins cowl and horn roll i mix it with a consecration build for SUPER SAFE melees and i use the stasis wall nade as a breaching charge essentially that you use your barrier on causing massive shatters with the right fragment and the flame continues on outward before returning causing ignitions which ALSO explode bigger from the same fragment. And because it utilizes 2 barriers essentially you can get up close and personal before going crazy with consecration
Scars is also really nice for endgame use as well to help our dreadful sustain, abeyant scars is a nice neutral roll for GMs. And eternal warrior + star eater is great for bosses. The 4x damage surge after your buffed super is nice.
I just got a Inmost / Star Eater. It honestly what I was going for. I might try to track down Inmost / Synoth though. I am currently trying to run a Thunderclap Titian. I have been out of the game Since Destiny 2 Year 2. Its been rough getting back into it.
Until they hit us with a nerf with Unbreakable and thermite grenade's damage interaction, running HoIL + Armamentarium and grenade kickstart has been great for all levels of content. The key is to not hold the shield up (unless you for some reason need it for damage blocking like to rev a teammate obviously), but just quickly pop it and it's an instant ~160k damage on command that I've been able to get to proc 3-4 times in a row. It feels almost like the grenade-equivalent of synthos but with an OK added defensive component when/if you need it.
Main problems with prismatic titans between the class and the class item is it’s not even a situation where a buff or two will make it good the problem is they just didn’t give us good things. They can’t undo that. Cant change aspects on prismatic, cant change perk options on class items, they just gave us poor options and even with buffs it’s not nearly the same as like a hunter that just has several great options. Hunters could get nerfed, but the bones are just so much better
I got all the combos you mentioned on my Titan and 24 more that I'm saving for future proof and the eternal warrior + star eater is quite good to use 2 different elements weapons for DPS, I use it to get buff on cloudstrike and edge transit so the end damage is pretty nasty. But I'm 90% of the time using inmost+synthos.
Great video. But hate to say it but doesn't really matter with how horrifically bad farming for these class items is currently. Takes the same amount of time as running a raid to get one class item currently. Just nowhere near where it needs to be
I saw a video of a guy using the eternal warrior with star eaters combo while using still hunt (w/ tripple solar surge) and edge transit (buffed by void arsenal supper and eternal perk). The ability to run two different elements for your heavy and your special is what intrigues me.
i think Abeyant/Contact has a lot of value for GMs. Lots of CC and jolt uptime, running Drengr's and either knockout for safety or consecration if you can trust your fireteam to cover you.
Spirit of eternal warrior + spirit of precious scars goes crazy on void Titan this season with falling guillotine or some other void heavy. But falling guillotine is great because you can utilize the artifact mod too and lucent blade to just spam spins.
I just got Bear/Star Eater last night and have been having a ton of fun with a Thundercrash setup in less difficult content. It will only get better with inevitable buffs.
It would've been nice if abeyant/horn caused three waves of fire to launch out or if hoarfrost/horn caused a self-shatter from the returning fire wave. Or how about, if all of that could work with thruster, abeyant/horn sent out the tracking ball that exploded in a suspending/scorching blast and hoarfrost/horn could function like frost pulse + vesper of radius, except 1 solar pulse rather than multiple arc pulses. You know, something fun.
The role I'm looking for on my titan mark is Spirit of Assassin and Spirit of Scars. Invis on finishers or powered melee and healing to support the fireteam. Suits my playstyle very well. Other combos I've enjoyed are Assassin/Contact (stupid dumb with concecration and lots of ads) Inmost / Armamentarium, grenade spams
I feel titan is the most 'skip' when it comes to these absolutely. Inmost/Syntho is neat but you drop super damage and weapon feel for...more ability uptime...kinda...on the class that does that inherently already...I just run wormgods on my prismatic build and get plenty of use out of that, and if I do run out of charges? just knockout punch everything until I can get them all back again with transcendence. I think you just go for a Star Eaters roll just to have it for the Witness, and then you just ignore this thing entirely, especially if you play more than just titan. Warlock has like, 2-3 class items that actually are neat, and Hunter has like 7+ that are god tier one of a kind 'you literally can't get this feeling anywhere else', so if you if you aren't a hard titan one trick, play on your other classes, your titan doesn't care xD. Now if you are a one trick...yeah like get the inmost roll I guess, maybe it will feel slightly more variety filled even though you're doing the same thing xD.
Ive been enjoying assasin/scars for heavy ad clear encounters providing tons of survivability since slaying isnt an issue. I need to give these rolls a try
Abeyant x Alpha Lupi is actually pretty fun to use if you like suspending, then slamming stuff. 🤣 Pop barricade, suspend em & slam. Can still run strand grenade for more suspend or whatever else you prefer.
and seeing as you can juice your Prismatic energy so much with fragment choice, you might as well just ignore inmost light and wear the same ordinary set of synthoceps you have used for the last 4 years because it also buffs super damage unlike the class item syntho
I also love that the good perks titans have also went universal to the other classes, when the inverse is absolutely not the case. Hoil, synthos are really good and everyone has access to them. But the class specific stuff we have is mostly trash like hoarfrost and fucking khepri
i like the roll with Spirit of assassin and spirit of scars, for the sake of healing and invis to have easier survival as i do my concecration slams, its nice, i also like the roll with Spirit of the abeyant and spirit of scars, helps with getting a bunch of enemies with thrusters in the mix. EDIT: also with the Red deaths catalyst, id be healing the fireteam like crazy, so more to my choice of Class item, better to stay alive.
I like Inmost/Scars bc it's the only useful Inmost roll I've gotten in my Titan so far. But also because I feel like my consecration ignitions do enough damage anyways even in GMs. And the healing aura is nice for keeping the team topped up. I still wish there were more actually good perks, though.
Doubt this will be seen in time because you are probably editing the warlock video already. But I hope you have Necro/Synth for him. that class item with needle and lightning surge is as fun if not more fun than titan consecration.
I know this is a titan vid but on my warlock I got stag/star eater and I cant play pris warlock without it. The fact that I get damage resist with devour with a hellion is amazing and star eaters turns my void and strand supers into nukes. Gotta be the roll I never looked for but can never take off. On titan I'm keeping an eye out for inmost/star eaters but honestly anything star eaters is a win in my book.
The argument "consecrate already kills everything so who cares about jolt" against contact is missing the fact that you can opt not to slam with consecration, which only consumes half of a melee charge, and with contact, this will kill a lot of stuff. Now you save your slam for big targets.
I refuse to dismantle any class items after the sunsetting incident. My lawyers have advised me to hold on to them until Bungie buffs the lackluster ones.
the baricade combo perks are pretty fun, not too usefull because it can becannoying to break the crystals without the "primary ammo do more to them" fragment, but still fun
I do think Scars is underrated in this video. I’ve been looking for an Abeyant + Scars drop. That said, I’ve yet to find a class item drop (and I’ve gotten many) that I like more than other exotics. Inmost/Contact has been my favorite of those I’ve found.
I want to try out Abeyant and Scars for GMs since I used precious scars in some GMs last year and it was really helpful to give the whole fireteam restoration every time I got a kill with Polaris lance.
I know he mentioned its "gimmicky" (and i dont disagreee) but my class item with spirit of the horn + drengers lash has been super fun in low-to-mid tier content. Otherwise I've found most utility with my inmost/armamentarium build just for the constant uptime on abilities + regen
This is kinda how I feel about Warlock. I like star eater, inmost, apoth, and harmony. But I don't like that necrotic's tick is halved and prismatic's nade options aren't good for verity.
I want abeyant and contact for gms to have an jolt melee shield toss and a lot of suspends. I think just using abeyant leap boots itself is about as good tbh tho. And using synthos to kill everything is probably better but not as safe.
Prismatic Titan cannot take advantage of the fact that Verity buffs Grapple melee because it doesn't have access to Grapple
Class items aren’t locked to Prismatic though.
@@imuz8644they are tho
@@imuz8644 yes they are
@@imuz8644 They are though, they specifically say they cannot work on non-prismatic classes
@@imuz8644 they sure are
Titans players our brain has arrived
Finally, I will have more than one braincell, thanks Datto
This made me chuckle. Thanks.
Ooka booka
More like our crayons
@@skyeline9228I'll have 3, yay!
The uppercut of Consecration triggers things like the jolt from Contact and the buff from Inmost. This lets you trigger them with only using half of a melee charge.
Bungie: "In an effort to give greater choice to Titans in their class items, we're reducing the effects of Spirit of Inmost Light and Spirit of Synthoceps"
Damn this guy leaked the patch notes
I swear to God if they do that I finally stop playing...
@@Sin526 I swear to God if they do that I finally switch from a Titan main to a Hunter main...
@@dmcross91I haven't touched Titan since the dlc dropped bro, I'm still on the first campaign mission after meeting Cayde 😂😂😂.
There's nothing to look forward to i only use Titan to farm raid checkpoints after I'm done kn the other classes.
When the top two exotic class items for Titans are a combination that literally every class can get, you know there's a problem.
Comment of the day
It's crazy too because Titans literally got fewer Titan exotic perks in their pools compared to the overall number of hunter and warlock perks. Where is Feedback Fence? One Eyed Mask? No Backup Plan? Dunemarchers? Peregrine Greaves?! Anything?!?!
@@kylemccormack1785 I was hoping for second chance considering prismatic has shield toss
@@kylemccormack1785titans had all of D1 to enjoy. Quit crying and run into walls
I can’t wait to be gaslit by RUclipsrs trying desperately to explain to me that Abeyant/Horn is good for nightfalls
Can confirm: it's neat but quite crap
I legit wish they just put the "suspends give you woven mail" part of Abeyant onto the class item instead of the additional suspends. It would give Prism Titan the tankiness that it needs and it would make having to take Drengyr's Lash over Knockout much more palatable imo.
They shouldve made horn work with thruster. Feels like were onto something with Drengrs working with thruster but fell short but not making more things work with it or even buffing it. Hunters get free reload or melee energy with dodge, titans just get to dodge.
It's for the memes , however , YOU CAN DEFINITELY BUILD around it.
Ice lances are a good complement
@@Tenescra honestly? Drengr’s lash aspect needs that by default. It’s not really worth running without Abeyant outside of crucible
>new titan builds
>open video
>it's synthoceps
Severance and contact is really good.
"But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here." - Synthoceps
@@TWIN.HTX4 Yeah, it's really good for scenarios where champs are in a big crowd of enemies. It's a good substitute/replacement for syntho.
>It's also Consecration/Frenzied Blade
End me right now
@TWIN.HTX4 I use that all the time because I find more value in it than synthos. I always use Trench Barrel Ikelos shotgun, so after I use my melee if the champ is still alive I just pop a shot or 2. People turned their brain off and just craft 1-2 punch on every shotgun even tho it holds little value and ignore tbe 50% damage buff for trench barrel with any melee hit. I dont need synthos. Also PCCB allows me to use only the uppercut part of consecration and clear the whole room and apply jolt
The impressive part is that this lasted 13 minutes
Fr. In high end content they kind of all suck except synthos and MAYBE contacts
@@rhyshuber9981 having the jolt for overloads is really nice for activities with scorn or taken champions
@@rhyshuber9981Inmost syntho is good
And star eaters
Besides that its whatever tbh
eternal warrior star eater is undersold from this video. it gives x4 weapon buff which out performs 3 surges on boots, meaning if i was running twilight axes with expanding abyss and star eaters, and possibly an edge transit on my heavy my burst would be insanely higher then others due to star eaters and x4 edge transit dmg. then you can run the other 3 on your boots for your secondary so its not left out of the picture
Damn that's a good point
In defense of star eater/eternal warrior, you can use it to have an edge transit get surges while using a not-matching sniper (izanagis, cloudstrike, still hunt as examples) and have full surges on both weapons. Its not just 4x void surges after super, its 4x void surges that don't use up surge slots.
just to let people know if you have spirit of contact and you try to use it on a suspended target the jolt effect will not proc.
I have a abeyant, contact class item (which i love) and found this bug so wanted to put it somewhere people may see :)
I think Shield Throw is being slept on for Prismatic Titan, especially when using Inmost/Contact. It recharges so much faster than Frenzied Blade (1:31 vs 2:42 base recharge), which synergizes with Inmost and Transcendence's % base recharge speed bonuses. It also gives a ranged option to proc Knockout and Overshield on-hit for more survivability than the other options. Contact gives it so much more damage than usual due to the lighting and the Jolt as well, helping it scale into endgame content. I highly suggest trying it for just a little bit to see how it feels in comparison.
I always loved shield throw so im gonna try it, thanks
Frenzied Blade is actually a 1:54 cooldown. Not much slower than the shield throw. It also cools down faster the more charges you have.
@@Quantum_Magnus its 1:54 on strand, on prismatic they nerfed it to 2:42 because of consecration
Tried shield throw. I hated it. Has no tracking whatsoever. It should have the same ricochet as hunter shurikens. It's some bullshit. I hit an acolyte and it bounces anyehwere but the acolyte right next to it. Also 2 words: Monte Carlo. We arent using exotics anyways, especially no exotic heavy. Might as well have a gun that gives u melee back on each bullet, and a BEEFY version of swashbuckler. Yes 5x markov chain is I think a 66% damage buff. If u have the catalyst it also allows u to use the bayonet for 200K free damage and delete the beefy champ infront of u
Might have to try it out. I already love throwing shield, never thought to use it for my Inmost/contact class item
Gonna recommend trying an Eternal Star eaters combo for dps. I got one recently and it gives a fair amount of flexibility since on void, you don’t need to worry about matching a 2 - 3x surge for the 17-22% buffs and can just get the free 25% from eternal. Meaning the kinetic slot weapon (most likely Euphony, lets be honest here) can get a 17-22% buff while a 25% is also active for 30 seconds while on a void super post cast.
Something about severance/contact just making everything completely explode with consecration makes me feel some kind of way
Thats what I use the most.
I was lucky enough to get that as my first roll when I finished Dual Destiny.
How does this work in GMs
@@FunDadHubby surprisingly well because your mele deals with 2 out of the three champion types, all three if you have the fragment that makes you radiant
@@kalebmoody-felix7896 what he said. It still clears rooms, but GM’s aren’t really that hard anyways
Prismatic Titans doesn’t have access to Grapple Grenades
The titan and hunter strand nades on prismatic should be swapped, no more one taps in pvp and the class that had grapple as a main part of the strand build actually receives grapple
@@JustAFishBeingAFish grapple was literally design just for hunter... They just thought it was too fun and decided to give it to all classes
@@JustAFishBeingAFish The class designed around grapple should have grapple. Hunters are 100% the most deserving class to have grapple grenades and it's not close. Kephris sting just has to be nerfed with prismatic
@@Arca364they can have grapple on strand.
@@JustAFishBeingAFish my brother in light, I regret to inform you we stole the grapple meleelike hunters stole blink from the warlocks. We stole it because we had melee damage bonuses. it was designed for hunters and if you don't believe me look at the widows silks aspect for strand hunters. The real question is how did bungie think they could design a grenade that has melee damage explosion and think titans wouldn't steal it immediately. Season of the Banner and synthoceps nerf wad the fault of that oversight imo.
Finally, my daily dose of Datto Does Deciding My Opinion.
Another thing about prismatic titan and spirit of inmost is that using consecration automatically sets up spirit of inmost light to the max of x2 while the other classes still need to use multiple abilities (with exception of hunters and grapple, if you also use the grapple melee and hit an enemy)
I'm pretty sure hunters and warlocks can do that too since it's just consecration with frenzied blade charges. Hunter can use withering blades. Warlocks have Arcane Needles
@@heroicxidiot What I mean is that a *single* use of consecration brings inmost light to x2, while with withering blade/arcane needles, they need to use multiple charges to stack it.
@@pensato348 Ok that makes more sense, you should have clarified that.
It's something about scorch, I have a feeling it works the same way with solar but nobody noticed because nobody uses HoIL on solar. Either way, I have a feeling Bungie will patch at some point.
Warlocks have the arc slide melee which would work I believe
I have the Assassin/Contact roll and it is a lot of fun. Drop consecration, unleashes a lightning storm and a fire explosion while you vanish into the void.
I have nothing pertinent to add to the discussion, but I just wanted to thank you for 10 years of content. Consistently high quality videos and information.
>Prismatic Titan builds video
>Look inside
Eternal Warrior/Star-Eaters is perfect for edge transit or falling guillotine. Fortunately, those two weapons cover the damage meta for titans for most encounters. The bad news is that you still have to be on titan.
Hammerhead Targetlock+RewindRounds is also good for bosses that are hard to hit with GLs or Swords
I’ve been using Warrior + Star-Eater with Twilight Arsenal on Prismatic and combining it with Leviathan’s Breath and the pale heart sniper with 4TTC and Rewind rounds. My damage might not quite be at Celestial + Still Hunt at The Witness, but it’s pretty damn strong.
For those who use this combo, don’t forget to use different surges since it already gives you x4 based on your super. So for example use izanagi, run 3x kinetic and you’ll have x4 void for edge transit, and x3 kinetic for izanagi.
@@blindvalkyrie9352 dont lmgs have some of the worse dps in the game rn? the one you mentioned according to Ageis' dps spreadsheet would have a dps of ~120k with actium war rig which is outclassed by truth or cloudstrike with rain of fire
False, the rocket exotic chest piece is what makes titan damage viable on witness.
I HIGHLY recommend abeyant/syntho. Consecration with drengrs and shackle grenade, with this setup I'm regularly getting transcendance in around 30 seconds or less if there's enough enemies. Then with the different damage type ability spam you keep it up for what feels like forever
I think I got that role. But I'm pretty much going for a high-end. Build for high-end targets like in GM's. Have you tried contact and severance? It does a stupid amount of damage. And takes out a lot of ADS.
First roll I got was abeyant/syntho. It feels like a natural extension of the Titan class
@@schpeedwagon8184 Just wait, my fellow Titan until you try severance and contact
@@TWIN.HTX4severance unfortunate got nuked by the nerfs. It’s really not good. Try it by itself. You are better off with inmost or abeyant with contact.
@@schpeedwagon8184id prefer to get woven mail on suspension than have improved Drengr's. Not getting any tanking perks is a real problem for the "tank" class.
1st I got was Severance/Contact and its been both a literal and metaphorical BLAST ever sense with three concentration charges. Feels like I'm dropping a super three times in a row and even in a GM, it does some serious damage (plus jolts, and ignites things often, so some anti champ stuff. easy my favorite roll so far.
I also just got a Hoarfrost/horn roll that lets me send a solar wave after I create a wall of stasis crystals AND if i have it on, suspend them with Drenger's lash. Best part, a fragment allows the solar damage to do more damage when they are hit with the suspend effect from Drenger's. Probably no S or even A tier, but sounds fun.
I'd like a contact roll. Lacking anti-overload in most scenarios is annoying. Prismatic grenade helps though. In the meantime I like using Wicked Implement. Shits out stasis shards and stunlocks champions. Safest plink plonk ever.
@@eseerianknight0386 its great for anit0overload. No matter how much they teleport, they are guaranteed to get jolted with how big the explosion is.
I’ve been using assassin syntho combo and was soloing the disgrace GM and honestly it’s so unbelievably good. You can be insanely agro with the invis and consecration one shotting champs with ease with an ignition. It also has insane ad clear and great uptime with transcendence.
i even prefer it over inmost syntho. you dont rlly have a problem with the melee uptime anyways because of trancendance and being able to reposition so safely in a gm feels very nice
Any chance for a dim link?
@@losadovortex9623 I’d say weapons are mostly up to you but a pugilist weapon helps a lot. Fragments are mostly up to you too but I think balance, protection, and courage are all really useful for the build
@@ixodesricinus3001 that’s what I love about it so much. I think it’s pretty underrated
With eternal warrior and star eater combo you can do close to 5 mil on witness in 1 phase just by spamming edge transit and padding up the rotation with still hunt goldie
Hoil plus armamentarium has been what I've been using. Pulse names do some surprising damage
Y'all are missing out on some fantastic Arc Conductor Ergo builds. Shattering your own glaciers with ergo's heavy attack gives insane dark energy, which lets you keep transcendence up constantly. For that reason, I've been running a hoarfrost/verity version for lower content and a hoarfrost/scars version for master/gm content. Probably some of the most fun I've had in destiny to-date and definitely shakes up the concecration spam
Severance/Contact not being Top 8 is beyond shocking. Pair it with Facet of Awakening to get Ionic Traces AND Firesprites means your abilities recharge with bigger jumps than what Inmost can do. Plus the explosions stack with the jolts and can stagger all three champions, considering you get radiant from your melee
Contact's biggest perk is that it jolts targets which deals with Overload champions, so if you have contact, you have a way to deal with all 3 champion types with this one move (consecration) - you get jolt from contact to stun overloads, the base consecration ignites targets on the second slam which stuns unstoppable champions, and if you spec for it via facet of dawn, you will also become radiant from consecration (hits make you radiant, final blows make you AND allies radiant) which will give you a way to deal with barrier champions.
Synthos and Abeyant is my go-to for all end game content. You literally never run out of consecrations between the base 3, transcending, and supering refreshing them, one of which is almost always available, and instead of just dying if you ever run out, shackle grenade and Abeyant barrier suspend can buy you so much time to get those charges back. You can literally always stay in/around enemies because they either die instantly or get suspended until you're ready to kill them instantly. Haven't taken off that build once.
thank god , now i dont need to think
To be completely honest... and I know there is definitely some cool combos out there... the main issue is that the titan prismatic kit is extremely underwhelming and that is why there are so few viable combos currently on the titan mark... hopefully keeps to their word and gives a not an overwhelmingly powerful buff to the subclass but atleast allow it to be more then just a punchy class with little else to back it up... because without certain effects that play style just doesn't work...
Bungie: Instructions unclear, nerfed Titans again
That transition around the 3:52 mark was out of control!!! 😍😍
Been running an inmost/armamentarium on a non melee prismatic build. Works well, and suits the way I like to play titan.
Bungie 'We want titans to be the melee class but also to be the shield'
Community 'Sweet so strongholds'?
Bungie 'No but how about 4 perks that work with barricade'
Community 'yes, that will work great with thrusters'
I personally think inmost + contact is better than inmost + syntho JUST because you can use than one fragment to make ionic traces to get abilities back faster. Oh, and amplified is nice to have too.
I'm late but I will say inmos plus contact with shield throw has actually been working out amazing for me
Titans our crayons have arrived!
Normal abeyant is just way better than class item abeyant because of the on-demand woven mail it gives you, great for gms paired with consecration
I farmed class items for all my three characters, I was feeling like I was being very unlucky specifically with the Titan rolls. After taking a closer look it turns out that Titan's perks pool kinda just sucks. lol
My first one for titan was bear contact. It even has a cool name and leads into some fun loops with the right set up.
Shoutout bungie for making 80% of the perks useless i really love it. And by love it I mean I finally stopped playing titan because warlock might just be more fun
Bungie really thought they were cooking when putting alpha lupi on the class item
@@sonny3602 everything about prismatic titan feels like a troll to me. its everything but what I had hoped it would be LMAO
@@sonny3602 One of the first ones I got was Abeyant / Alpha Lupi, which as far as i can tell is pretty much just a worse abeyant, since it heals instead of giving woven mail.
Syntho and assassins is the best exotic for end game like GMs. Try it out.
Inmost/Contact is probably my favorite, it applies the jolt on regular powered melees in an odd AoE around you and on the first wave of Consecration. And it turns Consecration into an ability that handles both Unstoppable champs with the Ignitions and Overloads with jolt, all the better if the champs are standing close to each other they can hit each other with the damage from their own ignition explosions. I do wish Inmost gave better energy regen though, if it isn't going to give the extra damage at the very least.
Titan has 3 builds, Hazardous DPS, Consecration and Strand Banner of War. The conversation does not need to be longer than that. Somehow this has not stopped me playing as a life long titan only.
Peregrine titan too
no one said it's tank. However, titan can clear gm faster than any other class.
Skullfort thunderclap is what I use
Same its tremendously depressing, ive never not played titan and they finally kicked me enough to make me play hunter and warlock
@@iKnownot999it can be played with prismatic, but it is far better with void.
I have found consecration/diamond lance to put in work with frenzied blade for more charges. Then (going to give brief description as I don’t have all the facet names memorized yet) I use the facet that gives more melee energy for light damage and more grenade for dark energy and the facet that lets you deal more light based damage to targets affected by darkness debuffs so you slam lance slam unless using darkness based grenades then it’s glacier/shackle slam lance slam on repeat. Pyrogale gauntlets on a Twighlight arsenal titan utilizing the fragment that gives you an elemental buff based on your super that when you pick up an orb.(overshields are great, think there’s a facet for dealing more melee damage while you have a light buff). Wish the prismatic grenade wasn’t so bouncy.
best titan mark I’ve gotten was eternal warrior / synthoceps. the damage boost is pretty good after using super, but I’d rather have inmost light or something more useful.
I also have severance / star eaters, but I haven’t used that too much yet.
I've currently been running a Hoarfrost-star eater class item, but I've been hunting for hoarfrost-armentarium or hoarfrost-contact. I run glacier grenades and thunderclap and headstone guns, with the idea of shattering lots of crystals with thunderclap. Verglas Curve is also a good choice and I normally pair it with the indebted kindness which is also great for smashing crystals, and you can actually make use of it's origin trait.
5:18 how are you getting grapple melee on prismatic?
we need controlled demo and i think prismatic would be juiced, or some way to get devour and huge regen outside of other exotics
something one of my friends discovered was bear + verity APPARENTLY works. So if you're a massive fan of running unbreakable, you can pair it with verity to get some more oomf out of your shield blast and recharge it faster, and thus get more super energy faster.
Probably extremely niche, but I am reminded of GM devil's lair where I needed to run "Safety escort" banner shield to revive one of my friends who got caught out, so maybe worth holding onto?
Just hoping thay the death Throes buff lasts longer/uses charge/meter (like worm god) to make unbreakable even more versatile
What about eternal warrior and syntho?
I think you might be underselling just how good inmost / contact is. if you have a build that can spam transcendence (lost signal, indebted kindness (voltshot) double special), you can literally have perma uptime on room clearing consecration. pair this with strand super for an easy way to obtain woven mail as well as a panic button that will refill all of your melee charges and its just unbeatable. you can cruise through most content with your brain turned off with this setup. enemies in master or gm content just... die.
Eternal/star eater is amazing for witness damage. Combined with craftable Regnant with auto loading / cascade and 3 arc surges for Cloudstrike, you can pump some major damage.
If/when you do this for Warlocks please spread word about the verity/stag combo. 2 out of 3 abilities are buffed immensely and with the artifact you can weaken and buff your nade at the same time.
I've found that eternal warrior/star eaters is actually nuts, it makes titan very competitive for dps. On bosses that I can sword (salvations edge second encounter) super for like 950k then spam 4x surge falling guillotine with expanding abyss (twilight arsenal applies weaken) for 30s using caster perfect 5th ergo sum heavy attack when proccing bait and switch, or I could do thundercrash + summum bonum since that's supposedly the best dps sword or acrius (although void setup will probably be better while we have expanding abyss). Against non sword friendly bosses (witness for example) I think hazardous propulsion in a cloudstrike crux terminus rotation is just better, but with twilight arsenal edge transit rotations ive done close to 10mil a couple times vs witness.
I’ve been running severence/scars and it feels the best out of any thing I’ve farmed so far. I just scars had a way to synergize with kinetic weapons, but the on demand healing from scars helps in gms and master content.
there’s a bug where if you suspend anything you can’t jolt it with contact, on top of titan not having access to other nades really nerfs it and forces it into a melee play style
the two i’ve been rocking heavy is severance contact cuz you already get abilities back fast from proper building of prismatic and mods so make concentrations even boomer and also a star eater warrior one for raid bosses and stuff like that
Havent farmed a ton of marks but i currently have a assassins cowl and horn roll i mix it with a consecration build for SUPER SAFE melees and i use the stasis wall nade as a breaching charge essentially that you use your barrier on causing massive shatters with the right fragment and the flame continues on outward before returning causing ignitions which ALSO explode bigger from the same fragment. And because it utilizes 2 barriers essentially you can get up close and personal before going crazy with consecration
Scars is also really nice for endgame use as well to help our dreadful sustain, abeyant scars is a nice neutral roll for GMs. And eternal warrior + star eater is great for bosses. The 4x damage surge after your buffed super is nice.
I just got a Inmost / Star Eater. It honestly what I was going for. I might try to track down Inmost / Synoth though. I am currently trying to run a Thunderclap Titian. I have been out of the game Since Destiny 2 Year 2. Its been rough getting back into it.
Until they hit us with a nerf with Unbreakable and thermite grenade's damage interaction, running HoIL + Armamentarium and grenade kickstart has been great for all levels of content. The key is to not hold the shield up (unless you for some reason need it for damage blocking like to rev a teammate obviously), but just quickly pop it and it's an instant ~160k damage on command that I've been able to get to proc 3-4 times in a row. It feels almost like the grenade-equivalent of synthos but with an OK added defensive component when/if you need it.
Main problems with prismatic titans between the class and the class item is it’s not even a situation where a buff or two will make it good the problem is they just didn’t give us good things. They can’t undo that. Cant change aspects on prismatic, cant change perk options on class items, they just gave us poor options and even with buffs it’s not nearly the same as like a hunter that just has several great options. Hunters could get nerfed, but the bones are just so much better
I got all the combos you mentioned on my Titan and 24 more that I'm saving for future proof and the eternal warrior + star eater is quite good to use 2 different elements weapons for DPS, I use it to get buff on cloudstrike and edge transit so the end damage is pretty nasty. But I'm 90% of the time using inmost+synthos.
Great video. But hate to say it but doesn't really matter with how horrifically bad farming for these class items is currently. Takes the same amount of time as running a raid to get one class item currently. Just nowhere near where it needs to be
You can raid in 20 min, whoa
I saw a video of a guy using the eternal warrior with star eaters combo while using still hunt (w/ tripple solar surge) and edge transit (buffed by void arsenal supper and eternal perk). The ability to run two different elements for your heavy and your special is what intrigues me.
I wonder who’s idea it was to give Titan Khepris instead of wormgods, lupi instead of skullfort and took away the woven mail part out of abeyant
skullfort would go hard af damn I’m getting excited just imagining
i think Abeyant/Contact has a lot of value for GMs. Lots of CC and jolt uptime, running Drengr's and either knockout for safety or consecration if you can trust your fireteam to cover you.
For PvP folks, Ophidian + Contact is amazing, giving you basically pre-nerf Dune Marcher lightning chain. Pair that with Shiver Strike for easy kills
Spirit of eternal warrior + spirit of precious scars goes crazy on void Titan this season with falling guillotine or some other void heavy. But falling guillotine is great because you can utilize the artifact mod too and lucent blade to just spam spins.
I just got Bear/Star Eater last night and have been having a ton of fun with a Thundercrash setup in less difficult content. It will only get better with inevitable buffs.
It would've been nice if abeyant/horn caused three waves of fire to launch out or if hoarfrost/horn caused a self-shatter from the returning fire wave. Or how about, if all of that could work with thruster, abeyant/horn sent out the tracking ball that exploded in a suspending/scorching blast and hoarfrost/horn could function like frost pulse + vesper of radius, except 1 solar pulse rather than multiple arc pulses. You know, something fun.
The role I'm looking for on my titan mark is Spirit of Assassin and Spirit of Scars.
Invis on finishers or powered melee and healing to support the fireteam. Suits my playstyle very well.
Other combos I've enjoyed are Assassin/Contact (stupid dumb with concecration and lots of ads)
Inmost / Armamentarium, grenade spams
I feel titan is the most 'skip' when it comes to these absolutely. Inmost/Syntho is neat but you drop super damage and weapon feel for...more ability uptime...kinda...on the class that does that inherently already...I just run wormgods on my prismatic build and get plenty of use out of that, and if I do run out of charges? just knockout punch everything until I can get them all back again with transcendence.
I think you just go for a Star Eaters roll just to have it for the Witness, and then you just ignore this thing entirely, especially if you play more than just titan. Warlock has like, 2-3 class items that actually are neat, and Hunter has like 7+ that are god tier one of a kind 'you literally can't get this feeling anywhere else', so if you if you aren't a hard titan one trick, play on your other classes, your titan doesn't care xD.
Now if you are a one trick...yeah like get the inmost roll I guess, maybe it will feel slightly more variety filled even though you're doing the same thing xD.
Ive been enjoying assasin/scars for heavy ad clear encounters providing tons of survivability since slaying isnt an issue. I need to give these rolls a try
Abeyant x Alpha Lupi is actually pretty fun to use if you like suspending, then slamming stuff. 🤣
Pop barricade, suspend em & slam.
Can still run strand grenade for more suspend or whatever else you prefer.
You can always count on Datto to underrate every single exotic effect that gives you 4x surge.
and seeing as you can juice your Prismatic energy so much with fragment choice, you might as well just ignore inmost light and wear the same ordinary set of synthoceps you have used for the last 4 years because it also buffs super damage unlike the class item syntho
i got super luck with a HOIL and star eaters class item on my first run of the duo mission
I have a HoarFrost/Syntho - I think its stonks will go a far bit up when they finally fix it so consecration shatters the crystals
I also love that the good perks titans have also went universal to the other classes, when the inverse is absolutely not the case. Hoil, synthos are really good and everyone has access to them. But the class specific stuff we have is mostly trash like hoarfrost and fucking khepri
For GMs, Severance + Point Contact for access to Overload/Unstop melee stuns or, HOIL + Synthos for insane Champ deletions.
i like the roll with Spirit of assassin and spirit of scars, for the sake of healing and invis to have easier survival as i do my concecration slams, its nice, i also like the roll with Spirit of the abeyant and spirit of scars, helps with getting a bunch of enemies with thrusters in the mix.
EDIT: also with the Red deaths catalyst, id be healing the fireteam like crazy, so more to my choice of Class item, better to stay alive.
I like Inmost/Scars bc it's the only useful Inmost roll I've gotten in my Titan so far. But also because I feel like my consecration ignitions do enough damage anyways even in GMs. And the healing aura is nice for keeping the team topped up.
I still wish there were more actually good perks, though.
Doubt this will be seen in time because you are probably editing the warlock video already. But I hope you have Necro/Synth for him. that class item with needle and lightning surge is as fun if not more fun than titan consecration.
I know this is a titan vid but on my warlock I got stag/star eater and I cant play pris warlock without it. The fact that I get damage resist with devour with a hellion is amazing and star eaters turns my void and strand supers into nukes. Gotta be the roll I never looked for but can never take off. On titan I'm keeping an eye out for inmost/star eaters but honestly anything star eaters is a win in my book.
*checks video*
The argument "consecrate already kills everything so who cares about jolt" against contact is missing the fact that you can opt not to slam with consecration, which only consumes half of a melee charge, and with contact, this will kill a lot of stuff. Now you save your slam for big targets.
I refuse to dismantle any class items after the sunsetting incident. My lawyers have advised me to hold on to them until Bungie buffs the lackluster ones.
I’ve been trying out Inmost Light/Verity with an Unbreakable build and it’s been fun so far. Hope Unbreakable gets a buff in the future though.
the baricade combo perks are pretty fun, not too usefull because it can becannoying to break the crystals without the "primary ammo do more to them" fragment, but still fun
Inmost plus Hazardous with just the rockets. A man can dream.
I do think Scars is underrated in this video. I’ve been looking for an Abeyant + Scars drop. That said, I’ve yet to find a class item drop (and I’ve gotten many) that I like more than other exotics. Inmost/Contact has been my favorite of those I’ve found.
I want to try out Abeyant and Scars for GMs since I used precious scars in some GMs last year and it was really helpful to give the whole fireteam restoration every time I got a kill with Polaris lance.
Bear and Star eater is really good, makes your super powerful and you can get it back pretty quick
Abayent/Syntho is pretty good IMO, I like the ability to suspend then use consencration to clear out
I know he mentioned its "gimmicky" (and i dont disagreee) but my class item with spirit of the horn + drengers lash has been super fun in low-to-mid tier content. Otherwise I've found most utility with my inmost/armamentarium build just for the constant uptime on abilities + regen
This is kinda how I feel about Warlock. I like star eater, inmost, apoth, and harmony. But I don't like that necrotic's tick is halved and prismatic's nade options aren't good for verity.
I want abeyant and contact for gms to have an jolt melee shield toss and a lot of suspends. I think just using abeyant leap boots itself is about as good tbh tho. And using synthos to kill everything is probably better but not as safe.