As Christians we must understand the importance of the Jewish traditions and laws to understand Our Savior Yeshua' actions instead of using modernized opinions and men's interpretations. The beauty of the scriptures reveal themselves through The Spirit.
Once you study Jewish thought and culture of the 1st century, you understand why he did what he did and said what he said. He wouldn’t have much to be in agreement with modern American Christianity which is exactly what he railed against in his own culture. He was a rabbi whose purpose was to reform Jewish religion back to its original intent. Context is everything, both biblical and cultural. Most Christians couldn’t care less and thus, miss the point.
@mariwillalwaysgivethanks why would I just the example of Abraham sacrifice his son gods stops him cause it his son that will be sacrificed. They say that's not what it means. But it is written in that massorah. Why do they lie.
@@doug7180 I'm not sure if I understand your question. But I have a possible understanding of why Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac. The Most High gave the command not only as a test of obedience, but as a faith builder for Abraham. The Most High knew that Abraham would comply and Abraham knew that the Most High would provide a lamb. This plan succeeded in both proving Abraham's obedience and increasing Abraham's faith in the Most High. Just a thought 😊
It's written in the Heavens. Your teachings go against the heavenly story told by the zodiac. The tanak tells the same story. The water bearer is coming in the new age who might that be. Not the one you teach.
It's written in the Heavens that your teaching doesn't align with the zodiac. The water bearer is coming in the new age you know the age for real. The Tanak speaks of it it is derived from it, and it shines day and night.
Such a wonderful teaching. If possible: speak a little bit slower, turn the music a bit down, then it would even be more rich in content. Anyway: many thanks for this!
Interesting rewrite of the saying attributed to St. Augustine! "Shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough for an elephant to swim in" Or did you get that from some one else? IMHO (I might steal it from you, either way...)
The more I learn about the Old Testament and the society in which Jesus lived, and how He interacted with the people there, the more I love Him and His Jewishness, and the more I love Israel, the place where He lived.
@@vela-6 Yes, Rabbinic Judaism is nothing like the Judaism that Jesus practiced. What the Jews believe and practice now is essentially a man made religion to make up for the fact that they have been unable to fulfill the sacrificial requirements of the law since the destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 AD, and a bunch of other things that were implemented to hinder people from recognising Jesus as their Messiah, like leaving out parts of the Torah which clearly refer to Jesus when they constructed the Torah Portion (Parasha) and Haftarah. I was actually referring to the Judaism practiced perfectly by Jesus and the rules, regulations and customs which were observed (or not) in Jewish society at that time 🙂
@@SarahBearah2023 Hi, your question got me thinking, so I did a bit of research. Paul (Saul) was born in Tarsus in Turkey, then called Cilicia but he was raised in Jerusalem (Acts 22:1-3). We are introduced to him in as a young man (Acts 7:58) but he was evidently old enough to be travelling over 300 km to Damascus, which was in Syria, to round up Christians and take them back to Jerusalem (over 600 km round trip without a car 🙂) (Acts 9:1-2), so not THAT young. So it seems that until his conversion he spent most of his life in Jerusalem. After his conversion, he preached in Damascus for a while until the Jews tried to kill him. He escaped and went back to Jerusalem where he upset the Grecian Jews and they tried to kill him. So the Christians in Jerusalem sent him off to Tarsus, back to where he was born; they must have thought he’d be safer there (Acts 9:19-30). He stayed there until Barnabas went to get him to help with the church at Antioch (also in what is now Turkey about 234 km away) because it was growing so fast (Acts 11:19-26). It appears that from then on Antioch was his home church. They sent him and others out, on a number of missions (Acts 11:27-30, 12:25; 13:1-3, 14:26; 15:1-2, 15:22; 15:36-41, 18:21-22; 18:23). When he got to Ephesus, on his last mission trip, (he had been there before Acts 18:18-22) he stayed there for at least 2 years (19:1-10), then left to go to Jerusalem (19:21) the loooong way, up into Macedonia and Greece (20:1-2) then back through Troas. He’s arrested in Jerusalem, just as he expected (Acts 20:17, 20:25, 20:37-38) and sent off to Rome and never gets back to Antioch. So I figure his home church is in Antioch but he spent a long time in Ephesus and got very close to them. When he realised he was probably going to be killed, he was concerned about them and sent for their leaders because they were a young church and needed guidance and a heads up (Acts 20:17-35). Whereas the church at Antioch was well established and had plenty of people looking after it (there were five besides Paul when they sent he and Barnabas out). I’m glad you posed the question. I enjoy chasing down answers. Even if you don’t see this reply, I had fun and learned heaps 😁
Yes great revelation. One negative point.Jesus never walked in Palestine but in the Holy Land ( Israel) Palestine was the derogatory name given to the Holy Land in 134 AD which was 100 years after Jesus ascended back to the Father in Heaven
For many years of reading that passage and being bewildered by Jesus's actions, with your explanation I understand the significance of His actions. Wow thank you for taking the time to share these great insights.
It is sad that the Christian Church is void of this key type of understanding. It is so gratifying and enriching to learn even more meaning of Jesus's actions. Such Majesty! Thank you so much for sharing.
American Christian Church is sanitized and has lost it's Jewish heritage. This is why we know so much about the Bible and so little about the Jewish faith.
Discernment is all but disappeared from the Laodicean church. Our teaching centers around God's love for us God's blessings on us and God's grace on us. Little about Who Jesus is, what did he do and why did he do it , what did he say and what does it mean. We say we worship him but little is taught or understood about Jesus the man.
This is fascinating - thank you for sharing. I always found it a bit gross that Jesus used spit to heal the man's eyes, but I never realised it had deeper meaning.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, *and the Word was God* 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 *All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made 4 In Him was life* and the life was the light of men.14 *And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us* and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Just as He formed man out of clay, He created new eyes for this man
Again, my mind has been blown away by this knowledge. It is beautiful to see that the Mishnah, Hashem’s law and His only begotten Son fit perfectly in this story of Salvation. Beautifully explained teacher!
Everything Yeshua did was for a specific reason, which speaks to how God’s ways are higher than our and His thoughts are higher too. Love these hidden gems about our Savior and the word. What a benefit to have been born jewish and raised in the teachings of God. Thanks for this video!!
Thank you! As a gentile I marvel at how much context adds to scripture. It’s my opinion that most religions based on HIS ministry have done exactly what the Pharisees were doing 1000s of years ago. Shame on me for not reading the gospels sooner though.
A friend of mine grew up in the middle east and he told me that the spit and clay is still used today to kill the parasites that cause certain kinds of blindness where he lived. With the parasites gone the eyes heal.
Yes we are made of the dust of this ground that we stand upon! Repent and seek the words of JESUS (YESHUA) from the GOSPELS, Learn them, Be them, Live them for they hold the key to your SALVATION! Much LOVE to all my BROTHERS and SISTERS! ❤❤❤
His Name is Yeshua. He is HaMashiach. He came to His own when He came. Which means He came as a Jewish man. He kept The Torah. He is Jewish. He is not Roman Catholic whether people understands this or not. He is not Greek or Latin either. But He came to save all who will come to Him both Jewish and Gentile.
His Name is Yeshua. He is HaMashiach. He came to His own when He came. Which means He came as a Jewish man. He kept The Torah. He is Jewish. He is not Roman Catholic whether people understands this or not. He is not Greek or Latin either. But He came to save all who will come to Him both Jewish and Gentile.
Isn't God beautiful? Our God and His Son and His precious Holy Spirit, have been, are, and always will be: - BEAUTIFUL! ALL TOGETHER LOVELY! HALLELUJAH! 🙂 💕
I recognize honor in your comment. You honor God so much you capitalize “His” I do the same thing. Bless you. If I see it surely God sees it. God will set you higher and more prominent above the rest because you love His Statutes.
I had always wondered about that, but found myself helpless: there's literally not even the idea of looking for a meaning of the split in the official theology. While we could guess somehow the third explanation (the saliva containing the "spirit" if the life), the first two are absolutely surprising and mindblowing: 1) split+dust= clay = work = ⛔ 2) miraculous split + dust = primogeniture Yes, to comprehend Jesus' acts we need to contextualize them in jewish society and culture of his time. What great enlightenments you gave us!! Thank you 🙏 Your distraction about Palestine/Israel cannot effect the relevance of what you shared with us
Thank you, brother. These beautiful truths have strengthened my faith. May Father continue to bless you and make you a blessing for the glory of His Name.
Thank you for presenting the deep cultural setting for Yeshua's actions, His poignant multifaceted response to the reigning religious hierarchy, and the marvelous example of divinely weaving history into a lesson for all who have ears to hear.
Prayer : , Jesus do a miracle in our lives , help us serve you with all our hearts and take away our sadness please In Jesus mighty name we pray Amen please protect our childrens mind from any lies of the devil and dark sad thoughts, thank you We love you for all you do 💐💐💐💐💐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻❤️❤️
I've heard a few pastors preach on Jesus healing the blind man using spit and clay, but they've never went that deep into explaining WHY spit and clay was used or the symbolic meaning thereof. Thank you! 🙏❤️
WOWSERS! Thanks very much...God bless you...keep the teaching going for me the gentile grafted in. May God abundantly bless you with greater and greater revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Jeshua!
I never knew what to do with that story when people said embarassing things about it. Our pastors never touched it. Now I understand and marvel at the wisdom of Yeshua and Hashem! Thank you.
This video kept popping up in my feed for over 1 week. I am truly glad I finally watched it. What a beautiful interpretation of the actions of the Son of God.
This is amazing. When we understand the context of the Biblical events and have better understanding of Jewish culture at the time of Jesus, the Gospels really come alive take on more meaning than they already do. Thank you for this information! Bless you!
That was my thinking the other day when I was listening to the Mark 8 being read. The man who was blind was blind from birth. He had been born ‘incomplete’ in preparation for this miracle that would prove Jesus IS God. Jesus was using the same ingredients as were used for Adam to ‘complete’ the blind man.
@@berenicebarnes7822 Blessings in Christus Jesus. Amen! If you read thru Psalms , notice who is the one walking on water , notice who chams the storm . Best wittness yet look thru out all the Bible who is the one that searches the haert and reins . Revelation 2 will tell you Jesus does, old testament the LORD GOD .
I've grappled with this healing method by Jesus as I tried to revisit the 30+ healings of Christ in his earthly mission. Now I know and thank God for this servant's knowledge and heart.
Fantastic nugget of contextual cultural information that gives a deeper dimension to Jesus's miracles that I have never heard before. Thank you for sharing that. 0:00
This was truly enlightening, thank you so much for sharing. I had understood it in a physical sense as in God shaped Adam and Eve from the earth, I thought perhaps this man had been born with no eyes, and that Jesus was literally forming new eyes from the clay and the spit. I definitely saw this as proof of his divinity, but it’s so interesting to see how many facets of truth there are just in this one biblical event. It shows me how there is a never-ending flow of spirit and truth coming from the Word of God - this is not a book you can ever know everything about, it will always teach us new things if we ask God to open the eyes to our heart and remove every veil over the scripture every time we read!
@@nelsonmcatee3721 yes. With the two competing creation stories, etc. God begins by creating the heavens and the earth, then his miracles grow smaller, until the last one is drawing water from a rock. After God is beaten (humiliated?) by Job, he doesn’t speak again until Jesus’s baptism by John, and all he says then is “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” God grows weaker throughout the Bible as humankind grows in understanding, ability and compassion.
I looked at other healings of blind people . Each gospel has one of such event. Bartimaeus case is related in two gospels Mark 10 and Luke 18. He was calling Jesus the son of David which meant Bartimaeus recognised and acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah. Bartimaeus also threw away his garment on which he collected his money, he was certain that he will receive his sight and won't needed it anymore when the disciples said to him that Jesus called him. With Bartimaeus, Jesus dwelt with the word only. In Matthew 9, in the case of the two blind men who also recognised Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus asked them if they believe that he is able to restore their sight. They were not having as great a faith as Bartimaeus, it needed prompting from Jesus. With them Jesus dwelt by touching their eyes and the word. In the case of the blind man from Mark 8 who was brought to Jesus by others, Jesus spit on his eyes and had his hand on him in private outside the town. This act of spiting in his eyes was to bring the man to believe in Jesus as Messiah. He began to see something according to his faith, but needed the touching on the eyes too as his faith increased. In John 9, the man born blind was different, he did not have faith that Jesus is Messiah and neither was brought by others to Jesus. Jesus saw him, this blind man was part of God's plan to manifest the works of God. God the Father chose him for the work of healing his blindness to declare Jesus as Messiah. This healing of the born blind man was meant for Israel rulers to help them recognise Jesus as the Messiah, it could have raised their faith, but it did not. In the same time Jesus needed to put to dust their own rules of righteousness. So in the Sabbath day Jesus made clay of the spit and dirt which was considered sin as well as healing in the Sabbath day was considered sin. The rulers rather saw the breaking of their rules of righteousness, while the common people saw Jesus as the Sent of God. The washing in the pool of Siloam meant Sent as well as the using the spit on eyes. From this man was not required a faith of his own for the healing of his blindness. He was an instrument for a higher purpose. Nevertheless he came to believe in Messiah and even ended up giving lessons to the religious rulers.
A very good analogy , Each time Jesus healed blindness leprosy the lame he never seems to use the same method. I believe he was demonstrating the working of the holy spirit . The same spirit in working in the lives of believers would vary from person to person but would produce the same results , the spiritual healing of men via the gospel of Jesus.
How marvelous to know the history of this! I always thought it was just because Jesus is so holy, but it is even deeper than that! Thank you! Please teach us more of the mysteries of the Bible. Shalom! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Trinity is a false catholic doctrine don't fool yourself. Jesus is the only begotten Son Of AlMIGHTY GOD. That is his biblical description. He ONLY did the works the father gave him nothing more and nothing less.
Judaea (Latin: Iudaea [juːˈdae̯.a]; Ancient Greek: Ἰουδαία, romanized: Ioudaía [i.uˈdɛ.a]) was a Roman province from 6 to 132 AD, which incorporated the Levantine regions of Idumea, Philistia, Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, extending over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Judea
Thank you for explaining this. I’ve believed that this healing was always about completing a man who was born incomplete (ie blind) and so demonstrating your third point. But I never knew about your first two points. So this was a real eye opener. Thanks and God bless.
Excellent teaching! Mathew 1:23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “GOD with us.” John 1:3-4 3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
This explanation is so beautiful and so amazing! Thank you so much! I got chills listening. I also wanted to cry because I should have known this. I am going to read my Bible again and study it in depth more than I ever have before. You lit a fire in my spirit because of your video and I am very grateful to you for that. God bless you in Jesus mighty mighty name.
???? This video and explanation is very good and I think spot on. BUT PLEASE SLOW DOWN TALKING!!!!!!!!! I’ve had to rewind this video about 20 times because while I was understanding his first sentence, he was already on his fifth or sixth sentence ! You have to remember even the apostle Paul said he would rather speak five words ofunderstanding, than many without.
Amazing info. I knew there was something in the traditions/oral law that explained this very difficult passage but I couldn't remember what it was. Thank you, you've got yourself a new subscriber. 👍🏼
I believe the blind man was born with no eyes. I believe that Lord Jesus made him eyes out of mud from His spit and dirt. Remember, we are made from the dust. 😊
May Jesus Christ bless, guide and heal all of you, your families and even your enemies. In Jesus Name, Amen and take care. Please give Jesus Christ all the praise and thanks for HIS blessings, HIS healing and HIS guidance. Amen and take care.
Y'shua is HIS Name. Name above all names: Y is for his Father Yahweh and shua means salvation. That's the true name that carries YHVH's name and the gift Salvation. HONOR TO HIS TRUE NAME!
When we were little, back in India we were thought that if we had a fall on the ground and injured, just use your saliva on the wound as a first aid, now it make sense, thank you dear lord Jesus for this new revelation.❤🙏🏻
He can heal him without even touching him. It is to show his faithfulness. It is to show us that he won't stop until the job is done. “And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” Mark 8:23-25 ESV
Here's mud in your eyes! Love the explanation. I don't have access to the reference material you refer to. That's why I love your interpretation. Thank you.
I was recently pondering about why Jesus used clay n spit to do some miracle when it was not necessarily needed.. and amazingly in few days this video pops up..🙏🙂
Thank you. Good stuff. I like how Jesus wasn't afraid to touch what Jews considered unclean (blind eyes, deaf ears, mute tongue, ect.). Jews considered infirmities to be punishment for sins. Therefore the afflicted were treated as outcasts and shunned by their own people. Jesus not only healed them physically, but gave them life back more abundantly in the form of being welcomed by their people. I imagine that the afflicted would never have thought that they were worthy enough to have a rabi touch areas that no one had probably ever have thought to touch due to the clean laws. I am worthy, I am clean, I am restored, I am better than I could have imagined, I owe it to Jesus.
Yeshua lived in Palestine??? Please be careful with words, especially these days when many enemies are bent on hating and destroying Israel. Love in Messiah Yeshua.
The name "Palestine" has ancient origins and has been used for thousands of years. It is believed that the name was first used by the ancient Egyptians, who referred to the region as "Peleset" in texts dating back to around 1150 BCE. The Greeks later adapted this term to "Palaistinē" or "Philistia" in their writings. The term became more widespread under the Roman Empire. After suppressing a Jewish revolt in 135 CE, the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the region from Judea to "Syria Palaestina" as a punitive measure, aiming to minimize Jewish identification with the land. This name was derived from the Philistines, an ancient people who lived along the coast of the region. This is the origin of the modern name "Palestine." Nothing to do with the arabs who migrated there in later years after Muslim conquest, same Arabs that in 1964 decided to call them selves Palestinian people
Here's what to worry about. Genesis is monomyth. The entire Torah is. The truth needs to be exposed. God is an invention of evolving tribes to justify hating others while giving the desert dwellers a big brother to keep them in fear. And look how good it works.
This is by far the best interpretation of why Jesus used spit. Thank you so much!
Wonderful scholarship. It makes me wonder how much of the things in Jesus' life we don't understand, and we have made-up our own meanings.
As Christians we must understand the importance of the Jewish traditions and laws to understand Our Savior Yeshua' actions instead of using modernized opinions and men's interpretations. The beauty of the scriptures reveal themselves through The Spirit.
Once you study Jewish thought and culture of the 1st century, you understand why he did what he did and said what he said. He wouldn’t have much to be in agreement with modern American Christianity which is exactly what he railed against in his own culture. He was a rabbi whose purpose was to reform Jewish religion back to its original intent. Context is everything, both biblical and cultural. Most Christians couldn’t care less and thus, miss the point.
@mariwillalwaysgivethanks why would I just the example of Abraham sacrifice his son gods stops him cause it his son that will be sacrificed. They say that's not what it means. But it is written in that massorah. Why do they lie.
I'm not sure if I understand your question. But I have a possible understanding of why Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac.
The Most High gave the command not only as a test of obedience, but as a faith builder for Abraham. The Most High knew that Abraham would comply and Abraham knew that the Most High would provide a lamb.
This plan succeeded in both proving Abraham's obedience and increasing Abraham's faith in the Most High.
Just a thought 😊
It's written in the Heavens. Your teachings go against the heavenly story told by the zodiac. The tanak tells the same story. The water bearer is coming in the new age who might that be. Not the one you teach.
It's written in the Heavens that your teaching doesn't align with the zodiac. The water bearer is coming in the new age you know the age for real. The Tanak speaks of it it is derived from it, and it shines day and night.
Such a wonderful teaching. If possible: speak a little bit slower, turn the music a bit down, then it would even be more rich in content. Anyway: many thanks for this!
😂😂 i thought it was just me so I slowed the playback x 2. this content is 🔥 yo!!! Ty
Shallow enough for a child to play in, deep enough for a scholar to drown in
Interesting rewrite of the saying attributed to St. Augustine!
"Shallow enough for a child to wade in and deep enough for an elephant to swim in"
Or did you get that from some one else?
(I might steal it from you, either way...)
Well said and quite profound.
@@cameroncaldreon2841 Oh so awesome, obviously you’ve thoroughly read and studied the Bible so much. Thanks for your unvaluable insight!!
There's something special and amazing about a Jewish Christian! No one can explain the Bible truth so profoundly like a Jew!
@@user-ElizabethGeorge that’s why I returned to our Jewish roots of the faith some 30+ years ago. English translations are not as thorough as Hebrew
The more I learn about the Old Testament and the society in which Jesus lived, and how He interacted with the people there, the more I love Him and His Jewishness, and the more I love Israel, the place where He lived.
While I agree partially, it's also important to note that the entire foundation of Judaism today is founded on rejecting Jesus as the Messiah.
@@vela-6 Yes, Rabbinic Judaism is nothing like the Judaism that Jesus practiced. What the Jews believe and practice now is essentially a man made religion to make up for the fact that they have been unable to fulfill the sacrificial requirements of the law since the destruction of the 2nd temple in 70 AD, and a bunch of other things that were implemented to hinder people from recognising Jesus as their Messiah, like leaving out parts of the Torah which clearly refer to Jesus when they constructed the Torah Portion (Parasha) and Haftarah. I was actually referring to the Judaism practiced perfectly by Jesus and the rules, regulations and customs which were observed (or not) in Jewish society at that time 🙂
& Did Paul live in Turkey? Ephesus?
@@SarahBearah2023 Hi, your question got me thinking, so I did a bit of research. Paul (Saul) was born in Tarsus in Turkey, then called Cilicia but he was raised in Jerusalem (Acts 22:1-3). We are introduced to him in as a young man (Acts 7:58) but he was evidently old enough to be travelling over 300 km to Damascus, which was in Syria, to round up Christians and take them back to Jerusalem (over 600 km round trip without a car 🙂) (Acts 9:1-2), so not THAT young. So it seems that until his conversion he spent most of his life in Jerusalem. After his conversion, he preached in Damascus for a while until the Jews tried to kill him. He escaped and went back to Jerusalem where he upset the Grecian Jews and they tried to kill him. So the Christians in Jerusalem sent him off to Tarsus, back to where he was born; they must have thought he’d be safer there (Acts 9:19-30). He stayed there until Barnabas went to get him to help with the church at Antioch (also in what is now Turkey about 234 km away) because it was growing so fast (Acts 11:19-26). It appears that from then on Antioch was his home church. They sent him and others out, on a number of missions (Acts 11:27-30, 12:25; 13:1-3, 14:26; 15:1-2, 15:22; 15:36-41, 18:21-22; 18:23). When he got to Ephesus, on his last mission trip, (he had been there before Acts 18:18-22) he stayed there for at least 2 years (19:1-10), then left to go to Jerusalem (19:21) the loooong way, up into Macedonia and Greece (20:1-2) then back through Troas. He’s arrested in Jerusalem, just as he expected (Acts 20:17, 20:25, 20:37-38) and sent off to Rome and never gets back to Antioch.
So I figure his home church is in Antioch but he spent a long time in Ephesus and got very close to them. When he realised he was probably going to be killed, he was concerned about them and sent for their leaders because they were a young church and needed guidance and a heads up (Acts 20:17-35). Whereas the church at Antioch was well established and had plenty of people looking after it (there were five besides Paul when they sent he and Barnabas out).
I’m glad you posed the question. I enjoy chasing down answers. Even if you don’t see this reply, I had fun and learned heaps 😁
@@vela-6 It’s unfair to define the faith of others by what YOU accept.
This was, as perhaps I should say, eye-opening. Thank you.
אני 'רואה' מה אתה עשית שם! שלום עליכם
Yes great revelation. One negative point.Jesus never walked in Palestine but in the Holy Land ( Israel) Palestine was the derogatory name given to the Holy Land in 134 AD which was 100 years after Jesus ascended back to the Father in Heaven
@@seanrathmakedisciples1508 shut up
For many years of reading that passage and being bewildered by Jesus's actions, with your explanation I understand the significance of His actions.
Wow thank you for taking the time to share these great insights.
It is sad that the Christian Church is void of this key type of understanding. It is so gratifying and enriching to learn even more meaning of Jesus's actions. Such Majesty! Thank you so much for sharing.
American Christian Church is sanitized and has lost it's Jewish heritage. This is why we know so much about the Bible and so little about the Jewish faith.
Discernment is all but disappeared from the Laodicean church. Our teaching centers around God's love for us God's blessings on us and God's grace on us. Little about Who Jesus is, what did he do and why did he do it , what did he say and what does it mean. We say we worship him but little is taught or understood about Jesus the man.
This is one of those teachings that make me joyfully giddy like a child, I love it! Praise be to Lord Jesus!
@@louisesquivel3921 JESUS CHRIST !
This is fascinating - thank you for sharing. I always found it a bit gross that Jesus used spit to heal the man's eyes, but I never realised it had deeper meaning.
Thank you 🙏 I have puzzled over this verse in Scripture many, many times over my past 50 years. Now I know. Shalom 🕊️
Wow - my deepest gratitude for this discourse. Praise YHVH and Yeshua Meshiach AMEN
Thank you for explaining something I have wondered about for years.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, *and the Word was God* 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 *All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made 4 In Him was life* and the life was the light of men.14 *And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us* and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Just as He formed man out of clay, He created new eyes for this man
See my comment, looking at the FIRST WORD of the Torah Bible, it tells us of Jesus❤
Again, my mind has been blown away by this knowledge. It is beautiful to see that the Mishnah, Hashem’s law and His only begotten Son fit perfectly in this story of Salvation. Beautifully explained teacher!
I totally agree. I really enjoyed listening to this and now I understand. Thank you. God bless. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Everything Yeshua did was for a specific reason, which speaks to how God’s ways are higher than our and His thoughts are higher too. Love these hidden gems about our Savior and the word. What a benefit to have been born jewish and raised in the teachings of God. Thanks for this video!!
Thank you! As a gentile I marvel at how much context adds to scripture. It’s my opinion that most religions based on HIS ministry have done exactly what the Pharisees were doing 1000s of years ago. Shame on me for not reading the gospels sooner though.
No shame brother. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you started at exactly the right time!
Thank you for this.
I did not understand why but now I do.
Jesus is awesome.
This healing finally makes complete sense now. Thanks.
A friend of mine grew up in the middle east and he told me that the spit and clay is still used today to kill the parasites that cause certain kinds of blindness where he lived. With the parasites gone the eyes heal.
Yes we are made of the dust of this ground that we stand upon! Repent and seek the words of JESUS (YESHUA) from the GOSPELS, Learn them, Be them, Live them for they hold the key to your SALVATION! Much LOVE to all my BROTHERS and SISTERS!
For people who believe in medicine and substances, you will eventually realize it is not the spit but the power of God that healed the man born blind.
JESUS CHRIST was making eyes for the man a creative miracle.
I agree! Just like he created Adam!
@@michelleowens632 Amen!
His Name is Yeshua. He is HaMashiach. He came to His own when He came. Which means He came as a Jewish man. He kept The Torah. He is Jewish. He is not Roman Catholic whether people understands this or not. He is not Greek or Latin either. But He came to save all who will come to Him both Jewish and Gentile.
His Name is Yeshua. He is HaMashiach. He came to His own when He came. Which means He came as a Jewish man. He kept The Torah. He is Jewish. He is not Roman Catholic whether people understands this or not. He is not Greek or Latin either. But He came to save all who will come to Him both Jewish and Gentile.
Isn't God beautiful? Our God and His Son and His precious Holy Spirit, have been, are, and always will be: - BEAUTIFUL!
Dear brother in christ your knowledge is remarkable, but I would like to request you to please speak bit slowly .
I recognize honor in your comment. You honor God so much you capitalize “His”
I do the same thing. Bless you. If I see it surely God sees it. God will set you higher and more prominent above the rest because you love His Statutes.
Amen 🙏🏻 ✝️🙏🏻❣️ so beautifully written 🌸
It is...Jesus is the Highway if holiness
Isaiah 35:8
High way of Holiness
I had always wondered about that, but found myself helpless: there's literally not even the idea of looking for a meaning of the split in the official theology.
While we could guess somehow the third explanation (the saliva containing the "spirit" if the life), the first two are absolutely surprising and mindblowing:
1) split+dust= clay = work = ⛔
2) miraculous split + dust = primogeniture
Yes, to comprehend Jesus' acts we need to contextualize them in jewish society and culture of his time.
What great enlightenments you gave us!!
Thank you 🙏
Your distraction about Palestine/Israel cannot effect the relevance of what you shared with us
Thank you, brother. These beautiful truths have strengthened my faith. May Father continue to bless you and make you a blessing for the glory of His Name.
Thank you for presenting the deep cultural setting for Yeshua's actions, His poignant multifaceted response to the reigning religious hierarchy, and the marvelous example of divinely weaving history into a lesson for all who have ears to hear.
Prayer : , Jesus do a miracle in our lives , help us serve you with all our hearts and take away our sadness please
In Jesus mighty name we pray Amen please protect our childrens mind from any lies of the devil and dark sad thoughts, thank you
We love you for all you do 💐💐💐💐💐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻❤️❤️
Your words have given me such peace of mind this morning. Thank you.
This makes so much sense! Thank you. Context is key.
I've heard a few pastors preach on Jesus healing the blind man using spit and clay, but they've never went that deep into explaining WHY spit and clay was used or the symbolic meaning thereof.
Thank you! 🙏❤️
WOWSERS! Thanks very much...God bless you...keep the teaching going for me the gentile grafted in. May God abundantly bless you with greater and greater revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Jeshua!
I never knew what to do with that story when people said embarassing things about it. Our pastors never touched it. Now I understand and marvel at the wisdom of Yeshua and Hashem! Thank you.
I've always wondered about that I'm so glad you explained so clearly with references... What a revelation!!! ❤
This video kept popping up in my feed for over 1 week. I am truly glad I finally watched it. What a beautiful interpretation of the actions of the Son of God.
This is amazing. When we understand the context of the Biblical events and have better understanding of Jewish culture at the time of Jesus, the Gospels really come alive take on more meaning than they already do. Thank you for this information! Bless you!
To show us that He was the one that formed man from the dust of the earth.
Blessings in Christ Jesus. You are the only one with the right answer. All the miracles that He did was to demonstrate who He was , God .
@@danie4Jesus amen, bless you in Jesus name
That was my thinking the other day when I was listening to the Mark 8 being read. The man who was blind was blind from birth. He had been born ‘incomplete’ in preparation for this miracle that would prove Jesus IS God. Jesus was using the same ingredients as were used for Adam to ‘complete’ the blind man.
@@berenicebarnes7822 Blessings in Christus Jesus. Amen! If you read thru Psalms , notice who is the one walking on water , notice who chams the storm . Best wittness yet look thru out all the Bible who is the one that searches the haert and reins . Revelation 2 will tell you Jesus does, old testament the LORD GOD .
@@berenicebarnes7822 amen
I’ve never heard the blind man healing story like this! Thanks for giving context, I always wondering why he used spot and dirt.
I've grappled with this healing method by Jesus as I tried to revisit the 30+ healings of Christ in his earthly mission. Now I know and thank God for this servant's knowledge and heart.
Fantastic nugget of contextual cultural information that gives a deeper dimension to Jesus's miracles that I have never heard before. Thank you for sharing that. 0:00
This was truly enlightening, thank you so much for sharing. I had understood it in a physical sense as in God shaped Adam and Eve from the earth, I thought perhaps this man had been born with no eyes, and that Jesus was literally forming new eyes from the clay and the spit. I definitely saw this as proof of his divinity, but it’s so interesting to see how many facets of truth there are just in this one biblical event. It shows me how there is a never-ending flow of spirit and truth coming from the Word of God - this is not a book you can ever know everything about, it will always teach us new things if we ask God to open the eyes to our heart and remove every veil over the scripture every time we read!
He literally recreated the man’s eyes. From the dust of the earth!
That's what I thought too. That's what he made man from. The guy was probably born without eyes.
@@nelsonmcatee3721 No he didn’t.
@@evanhaning1552 have you even read the first chapter of the Bible?
@@nelsonmcatee3721 yes. With the two competing creation stories, etc. God begins by creating the heavens and the earth, then his miracles grow smaller, until the last one is drawing water from a rock. After God is beaten (humiliated?) by Job, he doesn’t speak again until Jesus’s baptism by John, and all he says then is “This is my son, in whom I am well pleased.” God grows weaker throughout the Bible as humankind grows in understanding, ability and compassion.
@@evanhaning1552 craziest interpretation I've ever heard.
I’ve never heard such explanation and I think it is so interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this piece of insight that puts this story in proper context and provides real clarity.
This makes so much sense. Jesus is so much more than we can grasp but what we can grasp is beyond wonderful.
I asked God for understanding on why he made clay with saliva?
Thanks to God, today the answer has come through you!
I looked at other healings of blind people .
Each gospel has one of such event.
Bartimaeus case is related in two gospels Mark 10 and Luke 18.
He was calling Jesus the son of David which meant Bartimaeus recognised and acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah.
Bartimaeus also threw away his garment on which he collected his money, he was certain that he will receive his sight and won't needed it anymore when the disciples said to him that Jesus called him.
With Bartimaeus, Jesus dwelt with the word only.
In Matthew 9, in the case of the two blind men who also recognised Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus asked them if they believe that he is able to restore their sight. They were not having as great a faith as Bartimaeus, it needed prompting from Jesus.
With them Jesus dwelt by touching their eyes and the word.
In the case of the blind man from Mark 8 who was brought to Jesus by others, Jesus spit on his eyes and had his hand on him in private outside the town. This act of spiting in his eyes was to bring the man to believe in Jesus as Messiah. He began to see something according to his faith, but needed the touching on the eyes too as his faith increased.
In John 9, the man born blind was different, he did not have faith that Jesus is Messiah and neither was brought by others to Jesus.
Jesus saw him, this blind man was part of God's plan to manifest the works of God. God the Father chose him for the work of healing his blindness to declare Jesus as Messiah.
This healing of the born blind man was meant for Israel rulers to help them recognise Jesus as the Messiah, it could have raised their faith, but it did not. In the same time Jesus needed to put to dust their own rules of righteousness. So in the Sabbath day Jesus made clay of the spit and dirt which was considered sin as well as healing in the Sabbath day was considered sin. The rulers rather saw the breaking of their rules of righteousness, while the common people saw Jesus as the Sent of God. The washing in the pool of Siloam meant Sent as well as the using the spit on eyes.
From this man was not required a faith of his own for the healing of his blindness. He was an instrument for a higher purpose. Nevertheless he came to believe in Messiah and even ended up giving lessons to the religious rulers.
A very good analogy , Each time Jesus healed blindness leprosy the lame he never seems to use the same method. I believe he was demonstrating the working of the holy spirit . The same spirit in working in the lives of believers would vary from person to person but would produce the same results , the spiritual healing of men via the gospel of Jesus.
I love it when my eyes are opened to a new understanding. Thank You for this teaching.
How marvelous to know the history of this! I always thought it was just because Jesus is so holy, but it is even deeper than that! Thank you! Please teach us more of the mysteries of the Bible. Shalom! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Wow thanks that make a lot of sense. It fills in the blanks I always wondered about. Lord Bless you.
Happy Lord's Day in Montana the day i discovered this. Really great insight here. My Sub., my thumb up, & my gratitude.
Beautiful! So important to know language and history and context when studying scripture
Thank you so much for sharing God's word.
I have wondered about this passage a long time. Thank you so much. 🙏🏻🔥
Thank you for your thoughtful research. We can never "wear out" the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. There is always more to learn.
Thank you. I have wondered about this Scripture for many years.
Yeshua is so perfect! I believe that the healing with clay also alludes to the fact of the trinity. He is God and was there at the creation.
Trinity is a false catholic doctrine don't fool yourself. Jesus is the only begotten Son Of AlMIGHTY GOD. That is his biblical description. He ONLY did the works the father gave him nothing more and nothing less.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God, amin.
Amen 🙏
I "see" people are more concerned with Palestine then the "insight" of the scripture and how it should mold us. Well done. Immediate subscribe.
Judaea (Latin: Iudaea [juːˈdae̯.a]; Ancient Greek: Ἰουδαία, romanized: Ioudaía [i.uˈdɛ.a]) was a Roman province from 6 to 132 AD, which incorporated the Levantine regions of Idumea, Philistia, Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, extending over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Judea
All glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Phenomenal insights. Thanks for sharing these traditions and insights.
Amazing depth, wow! Glory to God!
Wonderful and enlightening explanation... makes perfect sense.
So informative and helpful in understanding some of these perplexing things that our Savior did. Thankyou so much.
I’m really grateful for your knowledge. It really helps with my faith to be taught the context in which Christ lived.
This is absolutely fascinating. Thank you and God Bless.
WOW. That was an excellent, informative teaching. Baruch HaShem. Thank you for your work!!
Nice, short, insightful (no pun intended), no long intro. Thanks!
I have for years wondered why the Lord healed this way
Commentaries were no help this explanation makes so much sense!
Yeshua Baruch
Thank you for explaining this. I’ve believed that this healing was always about completing a man who was born incomplete (ie blind) and so demonstrating your third point. But I never knew about your first two points. So this was a real eye opener. Thanks and God bless.
Excellent teaching!
Mathew 1:23
“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “GOD with us.”
John 1:3-4
3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
This is truly beautiful! 💕 and the depth is on a whole new level. Thank you for sharing this. 💕
This explanation is so beautiful and so amazing! Thank you so much! I got chills listening. I also wanted to cry because I should have known this. I am going to read my Bible again and study it in depth more than I ever have before. You lit a fire in my spirit because of your video and I am very grateful to you for that. God bless you in Jesus mighty mighty name.
???? This video and explanation is very good and I think spot on. BUT PLEASE SLOW DOWN TALKING!!!!!!!!!
I’ve had to rewind this video about 20 times because while I was understanding his first sentence, he was already on his fifth or sixth sentence ! You have to remember even the apostle Paul said he would rather speak five words ofunderstanding, than many without.
Amazing info. I knew there was something in the traditions/oral law that explained this very difficult passage but I couldn't remember what it was. Thank you, you've got yourself a new subscriber. 👍🏼
Best explanation by far!
Thank you for this teaching. By adding context & history, you've added an extra layer of depth & meaning.
I like your teaching. But I wish you could slower your speech a little bit so that I can have a clear understanding . Thx
Thank you so much, I feel this is a truly God inspired explanation. Shalom indeed!
Thank you! This explanation is amazing.
Beautiful message! Thank you. ✝️🕊️🌹
I believe the blind man was born with no eyes. I believe that Lord Jesus made him eyes out of mud from His spit and dirt. Remember, we are made from the dust. 😊
I believe this as well.
May Jesus Christ bless, guide and heal all of you, your families and even your enemies. In Jesus Name, Amen and take care.
Please give Jesus Christ all the praise and thanks for HIS blessings, HIS healing and HIS guidance. Amen and take care.
Y'shua is HIS Name. Name above all names: Y is for his Father Yahweh and shua means salvation. That's the true name that carries YHVH's name and the gift Salvation. HONOR TO HIS TRUE NAME!
When we were little, back in India we were thought that if we had a fall on the ground and injured, just use your saliva on the wound as a first aid, now it make sense, thank you dear lord Jesus for this new revelation.❤🙏🏻
The name "Palaestina" only appeared in AD 135, it had been unheard of in the time of Yeshua.
He can heal him without even touching him. It is to show his faithfulness. It is to show us that he won't stop until the job is done.
“And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.”
Mark 8:23-25 ESV
Thank you for offering a Jewish perspective ❤ Glory to God. Praised be God
Here's mud in your eyes! Love the explanation. I don't have access to the reference material you refer to. That's why I love your interpretation. Thank you.
Thank you so much dear brother for sharing this eye opening information. God bless you! Shalom!!
Thank You LORD...May "many" eyes be opened spiritually. To God be the Glory.!!! ❤ Jesus is still in the miracle business... Amen. 😊
Thank you for this teaching.
Thanks for the great explanation. May God bless you.
Thank you for this wonderful explanation!
I was recently pondering about why Jesus used clay n spit to do some miracle when it was not necessarily needed.. and amazingly in few days this video pops up..🙏🙂
Thank you. Good stuff. I like how Jesus wasn't afraid to touch what Jews considered unclean (blind eyes, deaf ears, mute tongue, ect.). Jews considered infirmities to be punishment for sins. Therefore the afflicted were treated as outcasts and shunned by their own people. Jesus not only healed them physically, but gave them life back more abundantly in the form of being welcomed by their people. I imagine that the afflicted would never have thought that they were worthy enough to have a rabi touch areas that no one had probably ever have thought to touch due to the clean laws. I am worthy, I am clean, I am restored, I am better than I could have imagined, I owe it to Jesus.
What an incredible explanation for such an unusual and perplexing way Yahusha used to heal blindness. Thank you.
Yeshua lived in Palestine??? Please be careful with words, especially these days when many enemies are bent on hating and destroying Israel. Love in Messiah Yeshua.
The truth is to be told for all to hear. No fear.
Take it up with Rome, they named it.
The name "Palestine" has ancient origins and has been used for thousands of years. It is believed that the name was first used by the ancient Egyptians, who referred to the region as "Peleset" in texts dating back to around 1150 BCE. The Greeks later adapted this term to "Palaistinē" or "Philistia" in their writings.
The term became more widespread under the Roman Empire. After suppressing a Jewish revolt in 135 CE, the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the region from Judea to "Syria Palaestina" as a punitive measure, aiming to minimize Jewish identification with the land. This name was derived from the Philistines, an ancient people who lived along the coast of the region. This is the origin of the modern name "Palestine."
Nothing to do with the arabs who migrated there in later years after Muslim conquest, same Arabs that in 1964 decided to call them selves Palestinian people
Here's what to worry about. Genesis is monomyth. The entire Torah is. The truth needs to be exposed. God is an invention of evolving tribes to justify hating others while giving the desert dwellers a big brother to keep them in fear. And look how good it works.
@ofiravny I'll add that those seafaring people who called themselves Philistines originated from the Greek Aegean islands.
More people today should say Shalom to those they greet.
Context = clarity
Well explained; masterful
Thank for clarification of this scripture and Especially for using YESHUA's proper name.