Violent Crime & Retail Theft Initiative - Supporting Storefronts, Empowering Communities

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • On May 29, 2024, the Manitoba Government announced temporary funding for police overtime to curtail offences related to retail theft, violence and general public disorder. Retailers and community members alike have expressed concern regarding the increased trend in retail crime and how random acts of violence affect everyone in the community. Throughout June, uniform officers across the General Patrol divisions, in partnership with detectives from the Major Crimes Division and members of the Community Relations Division, worked together to reduce violent crime and retail theft (VCRT) and improve the safety of retailers and community members.
    The one-month VCRT initiative was launched to deter crime, apprehend offenders, and provide education to retailers and community members across the city, with visible police presence in the following areas:
    Osborne Village
    Exchange District
    West End
    Results from the first four weeks (June 8 to July 5) highlight the collaborative efforts of Patrol members, Investigational Resources - PCU and the Community Relations Division working together in this initiative.
    Total Arrests = 203
    Total Storefront Engagements = 1,113
    Individual Engagements = 484
    Community Division Crime Prevention Engagements = 610
    Recovered merchandise = more than $8,800
    Provincial Offence Act (Tickets) = 31
    Based on the strong community response, the Province has extended this initiative, which will continue throughout the summer.
    Retailers and community members can book a community safety presentation with the Community Relations Division.

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