  • Опубликовано: 4 июн 2021
  • This is the video "Reincarnation Part 2" now with added subtitles.
    More About Hans:
    Hans Wilhelm is mystic, author and illustrator of 200 books for all ages with total sales of over 40 million copies in 30 languages. As a mystic he inspires audiences around the world with his life-affirming concepts to connect with their own inner wisdom. His popular RUclips videos have become an important source of inspiration and help for his over 15 million viewers.
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Комментарии • 858

  • @leapsill1969
    @leapsill1969 Год назад +80

    I was raised Catholic and even as a little girl I questioned it all. Things just didn’t seem to add up. I’m so glad I’ve always been a truth seeker and not let others suppress my curiosity for more knowledge. I will never stop questioning things! Thank you!!!

    • @matthewpretorius6897
      @matthewpretorius6897 Год назад +2

      Why don't you read the early Christian Saints work, ie Saint Justin Martyr who clearly says we reincarnate, and take birth according to good and bad actions.

    • @dederubie7533
      @dederubie7533 Год назад +2

      This is not , biblically supported

    • @wayne3302264
      @wayne3302264 Год назад +2

      The protestant reformation began because a growing number of folks began to question the dogma of the Catholic church and how it did not fall in line with much of the Holy Bible teachings. For instance, people bowing down and worshiping the priests and pope. Even the disciples of Jesus told folks not to bow down to them after they had seemingly worked some miracle of healing but told them they were just men and that it was their faith that had healed them.

    • @sinfulyetsaved
      @sinfulyetsaved Год назад

      That’s because orthodoxy holds the true apostolic faith. Roman’s departed from the faith in 1054 AD. The made innovations of the faith.

    • @sinfulyetsaved
      @sinfulyetsaved Год назад +1

      @@matthewpretorius6897 please show me where St Justin talks about reincarnation im 100 percent sure this is either a fabrication or taken out of context smh I am orthodox and never heard of such a thing from St Justin

  • @kramoo
    @kramoo 3 года назад +196

    I was guided to spend time in a buddhist temple. Reincarnation taught me the missing gaps in Christianity. You experience many lives and many races, don't judge but love. We are all human.

    • @jyotivyas9286
      @jyotivyas9286 3 года назад +8

      Thank you Dear Fellow My Human brother for this great Knowledge,very Enlightening for Me...🙏🏻🎉🙏🏻I am from Bharat India 🙏🏻🕉️ Namaste...

    • @itzalejandro210
      @itzalejandro210 3 года назад +8

      Of course. Imagine a never ending eternity knowing who you are. That would send any being mad. Forgetting allows you to have an endless amount of experiences as God consciousness without going mad. Such a paradox living life to discover who you are over and over.

    • @jeanpaultongeren125
      @jeanpaultongeren125 3 года назад +1

      what when you have done bad things on earth, will you not reincarnate but go to hell instead

    • @itzalejandro210
      @itzalejandro210 3 года назад +8

      @@jeanpaultongeren125 maybe you will reincarnate as the person you killed this time to experience what you had done before? Lol maybe reincarnate to a lower vibrational realm to relearn some lessons? Who knows but fear is how they trap people in religion... I wouldn't buy into it to much just don't to onto others what you don't want done to yourself because at the end of the day. Omnia ab Uno. As the Rosicrucians have a saying. All is one.

    • @Boylieboyle
      @Boylieboyle 3 года назад +3

      @@itzalejandro210 I would like to have left a sensible comment but I find myself with little to nothing to say to that. Namaste

  • @ericallen774
    @ericallen774 2 года назад +56

    At age 9 I approached church leaders with some sincere questions. None of them could answer me with anything satisfactory. Some general platitudes that I found silly even at that age. I was not there to challenge them, but childishly thought the leaders of the churches in my town would be able to guide me. I was rebuffed, ridiculed and even screamed at "Your faith is not strong enough!!" I thought "What? Im nine years old, why are you screaming at me?" I knew then that the churches did not have answers for me. By the time i was 12 I determined that western religion was fake 😞 but I KNEW something had been protecting me, guiding me. So my belief in God was not abated, but my faith in man-made systems had problems. For years I felt guilty not being a Christian but after decades realized I had not failed the church, the church failed me. I then began to experience things that proved to me there are things right in our own back yards that are not covered by western knowledge, so I began my spiritual search on a worldwide basis. --- it was the omission of reincarnation that caused the failure to answer that little boy's questions. But a mysterious incident at a young age planted the idea of reincarnation in my head. Didnt know wethier to believe it, but I carried it. I had never had an interest in Buddhism , which would have probably lead me into that faith - I believe that my path was firmly set for something higher. When I encountered it, I re-encountered reincarnation and came to understand that it is a must for the eternal soul, justice and righteousness to make any sense. It makes history make sense, establishes equilibrium, and solves the age-old faith shaking question "if God loves us... why all this". FOLKS, none of us escapes suffering in this world, no one. Original Sin would depend on someone else doing wrong and you paying for it. This is not God's love. It actually merely kicks the can down the hall a little further. The suffering you endure is NOT in vain, and God has NOT abandoned you. Eastern religions as Buddhism say ' Upon death, the most painful suffering you had is seen as the sweetest'. Your suffering is not in vain and if you can understand that God cares about your eternal soul, not the fate of that 100 year old mortal body, well, you will still suffer but you can understand its reason for being there, why it is not a bad thing, and can accept it, finding it as a clue on how to improve yourselves. Even Born Again Christians find they still suffer. I believe what Jesus taught and said to be the truth, but I also believe the Council in Nicea was a political meeting, not a religious one. It consolidated all power to the Church (the lay person could not even read the bible (tho' Jesus said ' Where three of you gather in my name.....) and it also removed any role for women. I guess more than half the population of the earth has no observation or perspective of value!!! Women were central to Jesus , ugh, enough about Nicea and I will stop here) lets all abandon our dogma, understand that our own egos are not the final word on ANYthing, and begin to love, respect and take care of each other. Consider the other person before you speak or act, come to the understanding that you do not have to be right all the time, if you believe you are you will never progress in any means, embrace Truth in its deepest and most profound levels, and do all things in the light of Compassion as much as possible, and I believe you will be pleasing in the sight of God, regardless of your religious affiliation. {had NO intention of talking so much, sorry! pours out when I open my heart -lol)

    • @stephencsonka77
      @stephencsonka77 Год назад +7

      My lord. Someone else who sees the way I do. I'm shocked and relieved...and agree at least with everything you say. I just wish most Christians could see....the book of revelation was maybe the councils most grevious sin to confabulate and add...completely aimed at control by fear. The Jesus there is NOT the Jesus of all the rest of the new testament. The new covenant is turned again to eye for eye and vengeful God, not merciful God and that God is completely the opposite of perfect, all loving, compassionate, or a Father I would ever wish on the worst of children. Sure bad things DO happen. I've been through some of the worst conceivable experiences short of being a soldier on the front lines in a brutal war and close enough to feel only gratitude I avoided this...wife and child murdered while I was away 8000 miles and 16 hours time difference...murdered by my wife's mother's sister, who had heavy metal poisoning and who I knew personally....and knew I was not her fault, even though her own sister wanted her dead. I forgave her basically as soon as I found the grace of the lord only....I've taken by no intent of doing so, 2 other people's lives and 15 years apart, not learning the first time even though it hurt do badly...destroying 2 families lives so further injuring many more than those 2....and by doing so causing more negative emotions....its very odd...chilling...and sadly, understandable, knowing if a family of people could get their hands on you they would do everything in their power to make you suffer for as long as they could do so... and feeling they are completely justified in their belief. I have been the victim of addiction for more than 3 decades even though if I weren't, neither of the 2 I feel responsible for the deaths of, would be dead. Of course neither would my wife and daughter if I had not decided to ask her out and travel across the pacific to be with her....and on and on with how I regret and repent the sin of all of this, it doesn't seem to make me feel I'm clean from opiates for 4+ years and still no peace...just the fear to ever go through the cycle of a too brief time of "bliss" compared to 10× amount of sickness and discomfort and self-loathing. I have no vain illusions of superiority to anyone else...just the grudging acceptance of the truth of my sincere want to not continue to make more such mistakes. And being an addict and acceptance of the insidious disease it is, I cannot ever be sure I'll be safe from it. Or anything else I perceive as my previous failures and continued shortcomings and not yet self loathing of things I can't seem to fully get past. Yet....if I give up, then it's my fault and no other. Willing complicity instead of mistaken wrongdoing. Once you see what is the issue u have an obligation to try. And not give up if there is any way to make it better. That is what God wants of us. To learn from this unfair seeming world and all of its injustice and "evil" and not enough time in any one life to be expected to get it close to correct. If there is only one life, and we go to heaven or hell based on our imperfect and childish seeming ability to handle it appropriately...than there must be other chances or some way to still grow like he wants us too. Or he is at best capricious and worst cruel and spiteful to even make us go through it. And I can't believe it. It would make everything just a demons creation and then there would be no teachings of Jesus, no Ghandis or Dali Lamas in the recent, or Jesus in the past, or love in its true, selfless nature as I've seen it be from my own father and wife and the 2 whose deaths I am accountable for...and I wouldn't care anyhow just as long as I was satisfied with the moments I had that I enjoyed, instead of ashamed and tortured by those things I failed to live up to my beliefs and care for others. And I wouldn't care about anyone else's pain. It is organized religion without moral oversight that is cause of so much pain and evil that happens...even allowing a person to believe they are morally superior and blinding them of their own faults thereby, while always looking to improve their lot in power, influence, and money, instead of redistributing those things equally amongst all. Fairly and impartially... and maybe one day, those who see like we do can convince enough others to form a truly tolerance and fair organized religion accepting of all and with enough measures in the structure to avoid repeating those mistakes....I hope and pray so...but we need to collect as many others as we can find and we need most especially, someone who can inspire not with my kind of sincere, logical, and practical views but as Jesus could inspire or others with the fire and the presence God within every aspect from their words and ability to speak to many and find commonality but also in their day to day actions and way they live their very life. So no one can ferret out ugly hypocrisy that they truly have but preach otherwise. Not impossible, but a tall order indeed...

    • @obsid7146
      @obsid7146 Год назад +2

      can i ask if reincarnation in christianity is real how does it work exactly? you just continue to rebirth until you learn the lesson that life could be teaching you ?

    • @ericallen774
      @ericallen774 Год назад

      @@obsid7146 HI its fairly easy I think. Reincarnation is simply the opportunity to cleanse the eternal soul of sin. Now most modern Christian sects believe that once accepting Christianity they are cleansed of sin by being born again. I will not argue against this. However, one finds that the cleansed individual retains drives and desires that reflect their former sins. When they fall back and revisit these desires these sins are also revisited. Very often, if asked, the ultimate reply is that I am covered in the blood and am therefore protected. I will therefore be forgiven of all my sins (oversimplification here) In this scenario reincarnation is not necessary. BUT the covenant with Christ is that he washed away your former sins. You then have a responsibility to cultivate yourself, follow the tenants he left you and told you to follow. This is the responsibility that falls on the individual. Said another way, it is your half of the contract. I often tell people with this perspective that they are demanding that Christ pay twice, for past and for present (not to mention future sins) I ask them who crucified Christ, as this time around they themselves hold the spike and are reaching their hand out for the hammer. IF we see that this is not the "deal" Jesus made, then reincarnation allows for a chance to expiate these additional sins. This is also part of Heaven's mercy, and it does MUCH to explain so many of the issues that Christians find unanswerable. "why do bad things happen to good people, if God loves me why does he allow me to suffer, etc etc." God nurtures the immortal soul, not the temporary structure of the human body/mind/desire. People ultimately want Earth to be Heaven, but it simply is not. Why does every person, no matter who, suffer? No one avoids it, but it is not in vain, not for no reason, and not unfair. Humans are special creatures that cannot see the truth clearly, so they must prove the nature of their hearts by their actions. If we saw the truth behind sin, we would never dare to do wrong. What Christ laid out is not easy to do, but who promised anyone salvation was easy. Read the book of Job ser

    • @sonnyh9774
      @sonnyh9774 Год назад

      ​@@obsid7146 The Bible does not teach reincarnation. The demons hate God and His creation and want us to choose to reject Jesus and the gift of eternal life in Heaven, so the demons have come up with hundreds of stories, religions, and alternatives to confuse and conflate the truth.... to hide the narrow path to Salvation.
      Jesus died once for all sins. The Bible doesn't teach that Jesus just paid for just some. Sin is a "debt" of offense to God. Debt can be transferred, bought, and sold. But Jesus is the only one who can buy sin debt because it can only be bought or paid for with innocent blood and Jesus was and is the only worthy sinless man (God-man). The Bible also teaches that it is appointed for us to die once and then be judged on our sin debt. If your sin debt is forgiven, then you are allowed into Heaven and if not, then we go to the debtors prison called Hell. There are "holding cells" or a different Hellish place for debtors to wait until the final judgment... and after the final judgment, sin debtors are thrown into the lake of fire with the demons and fallen angels. There is no Biblical evidence that anyone gets a second chance or gets out after death. The Bible teaches that to be absent from the "human body" is to be present with the Lord (or at least for Christians). We get a new body after death like Jesus had a new body after His Resurrection but not human. The body is a shell or "vehicle" for the Spirit and apparently each shell can hold multiple Spirits like demons. Demons can input memories into a human host. For example, one woman claimed to have had another life where she went to Jupiter or Saturn ( i don't remember) and she gave intricate details that were verified by Nasa but that no regular people could have been aware of. Demons however, don't appear to be bound to Earth or any one host. They can leave and come back again.... input memory into the host which appears to be a real memory that is very persuasive to the host because it's in their head. Without a good explanation, the host is left to come up with the best practical theory available, and the demons have provided "reincarnation" as a way to deceive and distract the host from choosing to believe in Jesus Christ as the only Way to Heaven through the forgiveness of sin debt. This is a short explanation that leaves many questions I'm sure. Consider carefully the New Testament passage below.
      Hebrews 9:25 Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26 Otherwise, Christ would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world. But now He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
      27 Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him.

    • @dorothysay8327
      @dorothysay8327 10 месяцев назад

      You are not a historian and you’ve characterized that Council of Nicea is demonstrably, evidentially false.
      Pick up a scholarly book.
      I myself believe in reincarnation, and I am also a Christian. But it is NOT a part of the Christian scriptures or tradition, with the exception of some early philosophical thinkers who considered the transmigration of souls to be a possibility. This was ultimately rejected by the Orthodox majority.

  • @marydawnpafford9969
    @marydawnpafford9969 3 года назад +214

    I am so relieved to not to be confused by the hellfire damnation brainwashing of my early Baptist upbringing. My well intentioned Mother so loved and accepted it, I did too but I couldn't accept that a loving father would let us burn for eternity or there was no spirit in animals or nature. Thank you Hans!

    • @Simon0
      @Simon0 3 года назад +15

      If hell doesn't really exist then it's a kind of mental torture to teach that you can go there forever

    • @ingegerdtheresesorrell338
      @ingegerdtheresesorrell338 2 года назад +5

      Yes.. but on other hand many humans would deserve that, to me!

    • @dotknz
      @dotknz 2 года назад +4

      Now it does make sense. All the pieces of the puzzle fall into the right place 😊

    • @Simon0
      @Simon0 2 года назад +11

      @@ingegerdtheresesorrell338 nah I don't think anyone deserves an eternal damnation

    • @ingegerdtheresesorrell338
      @ingegerdtheresesorrell338 2 года назад

      @@Simon0 hmm.. well, you are a better person then me😏

  • @MandawalaHimi
    @MandawalaHimi 3 года назад +78

    Dear Sir, as a Buddhist monk, i take this opportunity to express my gratitude for opening eyes of many!
    Mandawala Hamuduruvo

    • @jamesdoughty8086
      @jamesdoughty8086 3 года назад +6

      The truth is erasing some long held differences.

    • @davidschultz7282
      @davidschultz7282 3 года назад +4

      " The precious human birth is extremely rare, while hell beings, for instance, are said to be as numerous as atoms, yidaks as the sands of the Ganges, animals as snowflakes, and gods of the higher realms as stars in the night sky, those having the precious human birth are said to be as rare as daytime stars." -- from the book : Kalu Rinpoche : The Dharma

    • @happyozzie
      @happyozzie 3 года назад

      Satu satu satu

    • @1210CM
      @1210CM 3 года назад +1

      O dear Sir, don't call yourself a buddhist monk if you have no idea of the Buddha's teachings. Not only did he deny the existence of a personal God but he also denied the existence of an individual soul (anatta).

    • @happyozzie
      @happyozzie 3 года назад +3

      I am no monk, and certainly bodishatva would be too much of an honorable title for me. But you are correct about the denial of a personal God, however he also acknowledged the existence of a personal God. We must remember that the dharma was given by one who has achieved the pinnacle of human spiritual evolution

  • @peterpaulparker
    @peterpaulparker 3 года назад +67

    Thank you for breaking this down. I did know the reason why re incarnation was taken out of christianity, but I did not know the story behind it. Also I was not aware that orriginal sin, pergutory and these other man made dogmas were made up at that time. I had a feeling that they were not the teachings of Jesus. I was raised a catholic, and when I first started learning about Jesus I had a really warm glow inside of me. As our bible studies went on, I kept questioning the priest and was eventually thrown out of the class. I was in my early teens and knew there was something really wrong with all of the religious teachings of my school, I am now not attached to any particular religion or institution, but I do listen to real christians, buddhists, hara krishna devotees, muslims, Jainism and other people who use a particular path and have very interesting conversations. Thanks again for shedding light on this subject. Excellent work. :)

    • @IslandGirlKelly
      @IslandGirlKelly 3 года назад +10

      Happy Sunday Peter and well said. I'm happy to hear that your family priest took action by merely chucking you out of his classes. It took me 55 years but I've finally experienced a true spiritual awakening of sorts. The more I study, the less that I know. I look at that as a good thing though, to keep me on my path of discovery. I'm going it alone as I don't have any teachers in my life but this channel has truly been an eye opener for me. 🙏

    • @peterpaulparker
      @peterpaulparker 3 года назад +9

      Well done Kelly. It does take some courage but worth it. I feel that it is tuning into yourself that is the most important thing. I use mentors when I get stuck in a place, and mentor others when they get stuck. We are all guiding eachother home, so keep up the great work. Be well and keep shining. Peter. :)

    • @IslandGirlKelly
      @IslandGirlKelly 3 года назад +4

      @@peterpaulparker Cheers Peter. It's lovely to hear from like minded souls. Many thanks for taking the time to reply. 🌞

    • @jaklumen
      @jaklumen 3 года назад +1

      was "Jains" autocorrected to "Janes"?

    • @peterpaulparker
      @peterpaulparker 3 года назад +2

      @@jaklumen No just my bad spelling. Thanks for pointing it out. Thanks for pointing it out. Be well and keep shining. Peter. :)

  • @juliekromer7346
    @juliekromer7346 3 года назад +16

    Bless you & THANK you for this essential teaching. You have an amazing gift of covering much with clear, understandable & simple wording!

  • @ania-sk9lz
    @ania-sk9lz Год назад +7

    I met my soulmate and my soul did recognized him first already realized that I reincarnated.. I went through spiritual awakening and psychosis.

    • @SirGreenVine
      @SirGreenVine 5 месяцев назад

      careful ma'am, accessing the spiritual realm illegaly is dangerous, opens doors to demons.
      There is the legal way to it though, that is, in Christ. Through Him are we saved, and have full authority over the devil, therefore no devil can hurt us. (Luke 10:19)
      Christ gives us the FULL victory.
      God bless.
      John 3:16 )
      "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

    • @ramaraksha01
      @ramaraksha01 Месяц назад

      @@SirGreenVine God made this world, this earth, gave you this life
      Apparently his work is not to your liking, you give God an F
      Religions have parked Sugar Daddy Gods in the sky where you think you can just sit and sponge off from
      Heaven is a fantasy, it is not real
      Only this world is real
      Jesus is like Putin? A Dictator? Those who believe and support Putin lead a rich life
      And those that did not are suffering
      That is your God? Putin?

  • @tlp1015
    @tlp1015 3 года назад +7

    We GIVE THANKS for you Hans✨✨✨

  • @brooklyn7722
    @brooklyn7722 3 года назад +7

    Good grief !!!!!
    Forget about it !! I don't want to come back I've had enough of this.

    • @wingnutmcspazatron3957
      @wingnutmcspazatron3957 3 года назад

      Do you think he's spouting bullcrap? Haha

    • @ramaraksha01
      @ramaraksha01 Месяц назад

      That's like saying once you are an Adult, you don't want to work - you first job is bad, mean boss, low pay, you say I quit
      And then you expect to go back to your parents, sit in your old room and expect them to cater to you while you play games all day on your computer
      You think that will happen?
      God is no Sugar Daddy - there is no magic land in the sky where you get to just sit and sponge off him for eternity
      It is either this or nothing - it's either this life or non-existence

  • @annwigmoreinstitute4985
    @annwigmoreinstitute4985 3 года назад +67

    Jesus said In my father's kingdom their are many mansions ( bodies) that the spirit enters. if you believe in the father you shall not have to go out no more (reincarnate) in other words become enlightened and remain in super conciousness

    • @RJNehlen73
      @RJNehlen73 3 года назад +8

      It's a hard word to hear for many. The awakening isn't grasped by many. They aren't able to accept that they have been wrong for all of their lives. For many it is an ego thing and they can't let go. They can't do what the church taught (let God out of the box we put him in).

    • @NaomisNews2
      @NaomisNews2 3 года назад +6

      💚Father is also Mother.... in 0NENESS~ Source Creator Energy that is also the spark within each of us called "Divinity" We are that!💚

    • @brooklyn7722
      @brooklyn7722 3 года назад +2

      Are you sure about this ?

    • @annwigmoreinstitute4985
      @annwigmoreinstitute4985 3 года назад +1

      @@brooklyn7722 jesus in the bible refers to the body as the temple where god resides he said in my fathers kingdom their are many temples if you realise this you will not be reborn again

    • @brooklyn7722
      @brooklyn7722 3 года назад +2

      @@annwigmoreinstitute4985 this is amazing !! Thank you so much.

  • @maria.1313
    @maria.1313 Год назад +1

    Thank you, this really resonates and I love that I had just prayed about this. God is good, Truth always reveals and sets free 🙏❤️‍🔥🙏

  • @Balancinglife
    @Balancinglife 3 года назад +13

    Im reliving the same life over and over again.made videos about it! Great teaching 😃

  • @teteiyus5762
    @teteiyus5762 2 года назад +6

    Danke für all die Mühe! Sie sind ein wunderbarer Lehrer

  • @KhylisTheory
    @KhylisTheory 3 года назад +9

    Thank you Hans for this well detailed information.

  • @Casey35516
    @Casey35516 3 месяца назад +2

    Belief in Reincarnation helps me make more sense of life in general.

  • @RoseJyoti777
    @RoseJyoti777 Год назад +11

    This is revolutionary knowledge. I'm so shocked it isn't more widely known - it's what makes everything make sense!! Thank you, you have changes my perspective within life 🙏❤️🙏

  • @johnsmargassi1521
    @johnsmargassi1521 3 года назад +15

    Hans that is a well color coordinated beautiful suit

  • @Cotswoldblonde
    @Cotswoldblonde 2 года назад +11

    Matthew 11:7-14 declares, “Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: ‘What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings’ palaces. Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.” I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.’” Here Jesus quotes from Malachi 3:1, where the messenger appears to be a prophetic figure who is going to appear. According to Malachi 4:5, this messenger is “the prophet Elijah,” whom Jesus identifies as John the Baptist. Does this mean that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated? Not at all.
    First, Jesus’ original hearers (and Matthew’s original readers) would never have assumed Jesus’ words to refer to reincarnation. Besides, Elijah did not die; he was taken to heaven in a whirlwind as he rode in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:11). Arguing for a reincarnation (or a resurrection) of Elijah misses that point. If anything, the prophecy of the Elijah “to come” would have been viewed as Elijah’s physical return to earth from heaven.
    Second, the Bible is quite clear that John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a literal sense. John the Baptist is the New Testament forerunner who points the way to the arrival of the Lord, just as Elijah filled that role in the Old Testament (and might again in the future-see Revelation 11).
    Third, Elijah himself appears with Moses at Jesus’ transfiguration after John the Baptist’s death. This would not have happened if Elijah had changed his identity into that of John (Matthew 17:11-13).
    Fourth, Mark 6:14-16 and 8:28 show that both the people and Herod distinguished between John the Baptist and Elijah.
    Finally, proof that this John the Baptist was not Elijah reincarnated comes from John himself. In the first chapter of John the Apostle’s gospel, John the Baptist identifies himself as the messenger of Isaiah 40:3, not as the Elijah of Malachi 3:1. John the Baptist even goes so far as to specifically deny that he was Elijah (John 1:19-23).
    John did for Jesus what Elijah was to have done for the coming of the Lord, but he was not Elijah reincarnated. Jesus identified John the Baptist as Elijah, while John the Baptist rejected that identification. How do we reconcile these two teachings? There is a key phrase in Jesus’ identification of John the Baptist that must not be overlooked. He says, “If you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah.” In other words, John the Baptist’s identification as Elijah was not predicated upon his being the actual Elijah, but upon people’s response to his role. To those who were willing to believe in Jesus, John the Baptist functioned as Elijah, for they believed in Jesus as Lord. To the religious leaders who rejected Jesus, John the Baptist did not perform this function.

    • @timetravlin4450
      @timetravlin4450 2 года назад +3

      Thank you for this clarification! I found it helpful. So much to decipher through

    • @CandiceSumera
      @CandiceSumera Год назад +2

      Thank you for your sound interpretation and understanding of the Bible and its' context!

    • @MariaB..
      @MariaB.. 9 месяцев назад +1

      @rschmidt7286 - Thank you for such clarification on the subject herein.
      Additionally, following are some other interesting and informative statements found on a Christian bible:
      "And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
      And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many."
      ... Early Christians believed, and current Christians still believe, in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that of others, since the very beginning of Christianity.
      ... Jesus Christ [the Savior] will return one day as himself.

  • @marieboutros8827
    @marieboutros8827 3 года назад +14

    Thank you so much for this video. Can you please go deeper in this subject?

    • @DearProfessorRF
      @DearProfessorRF 3 года назад +1

      What would you like to know about the subject? I’ve been a Buddhist for 22 years and I can try to help if you don’t get a reply.

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • @desertdweller7044
    @desertdweller7044 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • @sokyoutdoors588
    @sokyoutdoors588 Год назад +3

    A soul seems like such a valuable thing to not recycle.

  • @christopherphoenix4200
    @christopherphoenix4200 3 года назад +10

    Hi Hans! Love your videos so much I was just wondering if you could please do a video on the 2nd coming of Christ???

  • @beansproutspirit7350
    @beansproutspirit7350 Год назад

    THANK-YOU! This really resonates!

  • @marlicitron8370
    @marlicitron8370 3 года назад +8

    Alan Kardec - explain it all as well.... The Spirits Book - worth a reading.

    • @lucasdarianschwendlervieir3714
      @lucasdarianschwendlervieir3714 2 года назад +1

      The worldview presented by that book is very cogent. It helped me make sense of a lot of things, which traditional Christianity fails to account for, because of certain doctrines that served to confuse rather than illuminate, such as the trinity and eternal punishment.

  • @jamesdoughty8086
    @jamesdoughty8086 3 года назад +19

    Awesome, thanks. A big problem became manifested with this as we all know the horrible consequences all throughout history, beheadings, burnings, and moreover fear. My personal belief is that we are here to learn the God- form, or source form of unconditional love... complete and without falter... In doing so we graduate or ascend at death and leave 3rd density behind, if we do not, we reenter the wheel of karma to undergo more schooling, as many times as it takes to realize this truth. What Justinian did was add a lot of fear, misinformation, and control over the souls ability to ascend sooner rather than later as all these things create fear to such a degree, that it ended up having the opposite effect then what may of been intended.

    • @ramaraksha01
      @ramaraksha01 Месяц назад

      There is no magic land in the sky to ascend do
      God made this world, this earth, gave you this life
      Apparently his work is not to your liking and you fall for the cheap promises of religions promising an easy lazy life after death

  • @hernandez-yanezboldvoyager2623
    @hernandez-yanezboldvoyager2623 2 года назад +3

    And IF you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who was to come (Matthew 11:14), then his disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John The Baptist (Matthew 17:13). It's been in front of us the whole time.

  • @jeffreymortag52
    @jeffreymortag52 3 года назад +1

    Appreciate your knowledge now I just need acknowledgment of my specter "disembodied visible spirit". Thanks! Much love!👍👀👻👻👻👻👻👻👻😊👍

  • @dnordwest
    @dnordwest 3 года назад +27

    Important information for all christians. Greetings from Oldenburg near Bremen, Germany, you are doing a great work. Auf Wiedersehen!

    • @TheCharchitect
      @TheCharchitect 3 года назад

      Ya, ya naturlish.

    • @denisemartin3603
      @denisemartin3603 3 года назад

      But doing horribly with all the tyrannical covid restrictions and immigration issues. Poor Germany

    • @dnordwest
      @dnordwest 3 года назад +1

      @@denisemartin3603 Yes, you are right. In Germany the global deep state (nwo) is still strong. But isn´t it the same with your new fake president? But maybe many US-states just don´t listen to him anymore. Exept the liberals in New York and in CA ;-)

    • @denisemartin3603
      @denisemartin3603 3 года назад

      @@dnordwest yes I agree with you and our so called "president" . I cannot believe this us happening!!! This is a a freaking joke...and our government knows it so you have to wonder who is actually in power here? NWO??? IDK

    • @dnordwest
      @dnordwest 3 года назад +1

      @@denisemartin3603 I don´t know, but it´s just a bad but giant show. I´ve heard, he isn´t even allowed to use the Air Force One. If this is true, the military doesn´t follow him anymore. And I saw the your so called vice president going up a gangway, but there wasn´t a plane. Just a show for the fake news tv stations.

  • @arthurthomasware5004
    @arthurthomasware5004 10 месяцев назад

    Well described and easy to understand. We need more teachings reaching the population-at-large into the History of Religion.

  • @IntuitiveWellnessAdelaide
    @IntuitiveWellnessAdelaide 3 года назад +2

    Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @TheAdimFamily
    @TheAdimFamily 3 года назад

    Thanks 🙏

  • @moehoward8691
    @moehoward8691 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this video. I have always had this topic in the back of my mind and have thought it was true.

  • @vgwinva5669
    @vgwinva5669 Месяц назад

    Excellent video As always, thank you

  • @quitantidepressant
    @quitantidepressant 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for the positive message! I was watching a video on theory of reincarnation trap and memory wipe. What are your thoughts on that? I also read that it can take hundreds of cycles just to learn one lesson for us. Does that mean we keep coming back over and over again living thousands of lives? I need some guidance on that.

  • @theeT.I.F
    @theeT.I.F 3 года назад +6

    Hi Hans, would you consider writing and illustrating a book for children about this topic? Thank you❤️

  • @intuitivewhisper6228
    @intuitivewhisper6228 3 года назад +18

    Excellent! This is what I believe and your presentation has helped put the pieces together. Thank you for your valuable work!

    • @Jessica1144
      @Jessica1144 3 года назад +2

      look into hinduism it'll help you dig further if you're interested, it helped me tons

    • @evaholzer1
      @evaholzer1 2 года назад +1

      ... for me too ... 🍀🍀🍀...and in just 5 minutes...🙏🙏🙏

  • @JesusSavedMeFromASuicideAtempt
    @JesusSavedMeFromASuicideAtempt 9 месяцев назад

    This explains why three days after my dad Passed away i was stairing out of his homes window where he passed away and I yelled “Dad where are you?” A seagul immediately appeared and hovered right in front of me stairing me in the eyes…I believe the Bible to be the truth..My dad renounced his faith years before he passed away. So my dads soul I definitely pray for.

  • @motiontek8240
    @motiontek8240 2 года назад +7

    Jesus is the onev who control the reincarnation of soul base on our deeds in this life.
    Absolutely true and rational, I can feel it in my heart our true consciousness can not die, God bless you.

    • @Coronaboii88
      @Coronaboii88 2 года назад +2

      Please read the Bible. This is a false teaching of Christ.

    • @berryscott3590
      @berryscott3590 Год назад

      @@Coronaboii88 The ones who were dead sure they had a monopoly on biblical interpretation were the same sort of absolutist, followers of paint by numbers religiosity, masquerading as deep spirituality, who had millions tortured & murdered, in the name of God & in defense of the faith... In other words, 'You're just blowing smoke'

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 Год назад +2

      @@Coronaboii88 no, it was REMOVED from the bible

    • @johnman8554
      @johnman8554 Год назад +2

      Jesus gives imputed righteousness, the one King David mentioned aswell.. That is righteousness APART from works and interesting how it was mentioned even by David but it wasn't in his time.. In same time it is saving gospel, we have to believe that Christ is the end of the law unto righteousness for everyone who believes in Him.

  • @Ines_23
    @Ines_23 3 года назад +1

    Thank you ❤️

  • @Shanno_k
    @Shanno_k 2 года назад +1

    Thank u brother 🙏👊

  • @leeyanloke8650
    @leeyanloke8650 Год назад +2

    After death, if one goes to heaven for the positive karma, he has created because of believing in God, he needs to continue to repent and practice, in order to constantly eradicate the sinful nature from within. The Light of Wisdom Church has a well-spoken question-and-answer book that I recommend to everyone. Let's discuss and learn together. If you think it makes sense, we must not only believe it ourselves, but also spread it to more people. Evangelism is not only the job of pastors, but also the responsibility of every believer. This is also the aspect that the Lord values most when ascending to the kingdom of heaven.

    • @dorinamary7863
      @dorinamary7863 2 месяца назад

      If people are going to quote the Bible, at least finish the sentence you're quoting. "...that where I am, you may be also". Where is Jesus now? The Bible says when He resurrected, He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. That's not in a reincarnated body, whether the reincarnation part is true or not.

  • @educatingwithwisdom7770
    @educatingwithwisdom7770 3 года назад

    Thank you. God Bless, Lynn.

  • @peacefulcreativity444
    @peacefulcreativity444 2 года назад +1

    This is very cool 🧘🏻‍♀️🙏🏻☀️

  • @evmcmunn
    @evmcmunn Год назад +1

    acid and others have helped me to be less of a true atheist, what i mean by that is I was extremely arrogant in my assumption to "know" that there is no afterlife or any kind of something other than what can be seen, now I simply know that it is very arrogant to "know" either way and I have also experienced some, odd things...

  • @Donna-vh5ym
    @Donna-vh5ym 3 года назад +3

    Great presentation Hans. I just wanted to add that Justinian wasn't alone, his mother Helena had her hands in it as well.

    • @can_do_nz2272
      @can_do_nz2272 3 года назад

      Yes, and the funny thing as well is they made a 'saint' of him as well.

    • @Mika-El-
      @Mika-El- 2 года назад

      I am new to this, I find it hard to gather evidence. Any links?

    • @Baa975
      @Baa975 2 года назад

      @@Mika-El- yeah any other info that Jesus didn't teach those things?

    • @Mika-El-
      @Mika-El- 2 года назад +1

      @@Baa975 Christ seems to have taught much more to his closest companions. Also, he clearly said that he couldn't teach 'all' for the time being but the Paraclete will provide our daily bread for us according to our needs.

  • @Rogmichael1
    @Rogmichael1 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hebrews 9:27 “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”

    • @Chaddron
      @Chaddron 2 месяца назад

      The Judgment Could Be~ Being Put Back In2 This Hell Hole~ Over & Over

  • @timallsopp9622
    @timallsopp9622 3 года назад

    Hi Hans, I have a question for you, if you read this, kindly let me know if it's welcomed and the best way to ask ie on this platform or some different way. Namaste

  • @25bmax
    @25bmax 3 года назад +22

    I remembered my past experiences since I was 5 years old.

  • @Tracy_Envernizzi
    @Tracy_Envernizzi 3 года назад

    Very Good 🦋

  • @pamelabrown3058
    @pamelabrown3058 3 года назад +1

    YES, HE DID❣️

  • @araenasanchez
    @araenasanchez Год назад +2

    There would have been no point in Jesus dying if he truly believed in reincarnation. He is the Son of God, sacrificed his life to pay the debt for our sins because that’s how much God loves us, His children.
    Jesus taught that only through Him can we get to the Father, not through any church or priest, but only through Him. This is what the Bible says. This is what Jesus taught.
    The Fallen Angels were the ones who taught reincarnation. This was a teaching stolen from God, and taught to us against His will for us.
    Thank you so much Hans. I do enjoy your videos and appreciate your perspective. ❤

  • @monkofeternalknowledge7109
    @monkofeternalknowledge7109 2 года назад

    Good stuff !

  • @IMAInteriors
    @IMAInteriors Год назад +1

    Hans, can I ask you a question? I instinctively believe in many MANY things that you say, but I have a huge doubt… should I believe in Christ? I have this preconception of him as an excuse to explain things… I cant seem to find the connection to the spiritual world. Maybe its religion 1.1 but the whole Jesus, Apostles, Saints, etc… just sound like a bedtime story for me. Is he real? I believe in never ending love and energy but should I put a face to it? Thank you so much!

  • @ROS14075
    @ROS14075 4 месяца назад

    Thank you Hans

  • @steadyeddie7
    @steadyeddie7 Год назад +1

    Knowledge is power the power organised religions have deprived us of.

  • @EmpoweredPercussion
    @EmpoweredPercussion 3 года назад +1

    So I need to ask, if it was once taught that people knew where they came from, who they are, and where they’re going, please share?

    • @believenman
      @believenman 3 года назад

      @@BradWatsonMiami Thanks !

  • @Kimberlypellot
    @Kimberlypellot 3 года назад

    Would a sibling deserve to suffer another siblings karmic past life reincarnated or in a next or past phisical life for not telling another that he or she had been dreaming the were they when having commitment a crime or made a mistake for commiting sabotage to their destined life challenge?

  • @ebojalar
    @ebojalar 3 года назад

    Almost all your video in line with my Imam teaching, as per todays as end times era told that Moses, Jesus and other holy figures reincarnate

  • @jeanniegray5681
    @jeanniegray5681 2 года назад

    💛💜💛 THANK YOU💛

  • @raevenbrooke3030
    @raevenbrooke3030 3 года назад

    Bless you oh wise one

  • @johnnykay7411
    @johnnykay7411 4 месяца назад

    Luke wrote a SECOND Book Of Acts on Reincarnation the church thought it had destroyed. It didn't succeed, and the tome is beautiful. Reincarnation is fact.

  • @arcadealchemist
    @arcadealchemist Год назад

    because of what i believe i don't even fear death actually i don't even expect it cos the times i did it never happened and i think that will be how a LIFE works..

  • @ssake1_IAL_Research
    @ssake1_IAL_Research 2 года назад +1

    "The kingdom is like a man who had a hidden treasure in his field without knowing it. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son did not know (about the treasure). He inherited the field and sold it. And the one who bought it went plowing and found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished."
    Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi documents, passage #109, Thomas O. Lambdin translation

  • @angelitobravante637
    @angelitobravante637 3 года назад +7

    Hans Wilhem..One of the modern COMFORTER...(Spirit of Truth)

  • @lenny108
    @lenny108 2 года назад +1

    Usually Christians say that when God created it like that that there was a previous life and we migrate from one life to the next then "I reject such a God". So it seems for Christians this is all too much. The first thing that has to be taught is that there is a soul, actually an eternal soul, because we are made out of the same composition as God. The only difference is that we are small and God is unlimited. But even this Christians cannot accept, that there is an eternal soul. Jehovah's Witnesses say we are biological life, when we die we are dead, there is no soul. Only when God remembers us because of our pious activities we are again brought back to life.

  • @jaybanks2709
    @jaybanks2709 8 месяцев назад +1

    Glory be to God in the highest are God is mysterious and Amazing

  • @Snuffkin
    @Snuffkin 2 года назад

    HI, can anybody help me with some primary sources on Justinian's corruption of the bible? much thanks

  • @rayberi9582
    @rayberi9582 11 месяцев назад +1

    Where can we find
    part 1?

    • @lifeexplainedvideos
      @lifeexplainedvideos  11 месяцев назад

      Here it is:видео.html

    @AJOCONNELLNEWPORT 3 года назад

    Thank you

  • @truthseeker0059
    @truthseeker0059 3 года назад

    Scripture also says that the gospel (go spell, god spell) is hope...and that this hope is an anchor for the soul. What does an anchor do? It holds something in place. Hence, a soul trap here on earth.

    • @sandtx4913
      @sandtx4913 3 года назад

      Oh wow. This makes so much sense. Sorcery with words (spelling). We've been under spells for many years and the brainwashing goes on.

    • @CandiceSumera
      @CandiceSumera Год назад +1

      Gospel means "good news."

  • @philliprobinson7724
    @philliprobinson7724 Год назад +1

    Hi Hans. Excellent short summary, but economic forces had much to do with suppressing reincarnation as well.
    1/ Reincarnation implies that our deeds in this life determine our next life. The ancient world exploited slaves, and needed people to capture slaves, transport them in cages and chains, slave owners, slave drivers, and artisans to make slavery's implements, such as torture devices, whips, shackles, etc. The "powers that were" such as Justinian didn't want the common people to know about reincarnation as clearly this would make people shun anything to do with this horrible trade. Slavery would shrink. The driving force to wipe reincarnation from the holy texts was Rome, over the empire 35% of all citizens were slaves. Rome's wars of conquest were not about gaining territory, but gaining slaves. The Greek Island of Delos was a giant slave distribution centre.
    2/ Reincarnation implies the souls of the dead go to a next life, and that heaven and hell are empty, if they exist at all. No use praying to saints to influence God, they've moved on too, so no selling little statues or having those who see visions and apparitions fill the stadiums and cathedrals with wide-eyed yokels. Burning candles for the departed becomes a waste of time, as do pilgrimages, and no more paying the church for masses for the departed to get them out of purgatory.
    3/ The common people's economy depended on selling small stuff, icons, holy oil, little paintings, getting in touch with the dead, and most knew that a widespread acceptance of reincarnation would reduce their income. No dead to get in touch with, they've all moved on. The church realized this too, and went with "heaven, hell, and purgatory because it kept the mediaeval economy ticking over.
    4/ Reincarnation would reduce the church's power, as it puts our future in our own hands and takes it out of the church's. As Paul reputedly said, (Gal 6:7) 'Be ye not deceived, God is not mocked, that which a person sows, that shall he also reap". This is the perfect reincarnational statement, and almost certainly not Paul's. Cheers, P.R.

    • @StrongBodyandMind33
      @StrongBodyandMind33 Год назад

      Great points! As you mentioned, it all has to do with money

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 Год назад

      @@StrongBodyandMind33 Hi. Thanks for your appreciation. Mostly yes, but notice the words of Jesus "man lives not by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God" (Matt 4:4) also make sense commercially. Chilling, isn't it? Cheers, P.R.

    • @StrongBodyandMind33
      @StrongBodyandMind33 Год назад

      @@philliprobinson7724 whoa chilling indeed

  • @Kimberlypellot
    @Kimberlypellot 3 года назад

    :and would it have been wiser to have refused or opposed to be in an eclusive relationship with them, or can this happen against your self will. Or could you live out a sibling or friends karma in a copy of their body but numb?

  • @BurntCarne
    @BurntCarne 2 года назад +1

    If reincarnation exists for everyone, then how do the teachings about judgment come into play? Jesus gave the parable about Lazarus and the rich man (Lk 16:19-24), and Paul even mentioned that we are all destined to die once before being judged (Heb 9:27).
    Can you explain how all of the other teachings of hell and judgment come into the big picture? When will the division between the "wicked" and the "righteous" occur?

    • @adamjovicic9006
      @adamjovicic9006 7 месяцев назад

      Yeah man that’s what i’m thinking

  • @Kimberlypellot
    @Kimberlypellot 3 года назад +1

    Do you believe a God where or is more worthy of worship if he where to force you to live an enemies karma for you not being compassionate, or sympathetic for they having wished you wrong. If I wasn't able to signed a recording contract in this life could it be because I never tryed hard enough to Carrie a note that a fan would like more than my own opinion of a beautiful melody.

  • @KhamadiPlusOne
    @KhamadiPlusOne 5 месяцев назад

    Interesting. 💡

  • @sixkicksfightertricks949
    @sixkicksfightertricks949 7 месяцев назад

    As someone who used math and science to become deist, the patterns and math adds up to me. ☯️❤

  • @_dimitri_1242
    @_dimitri_1242 2 месяца назад

    Jesus said to never stop searching. It led me here and beyond

  • @martymckerry5444
    @martymckerry5444 3 года назад +3

    If they did away with reincarnation, you have to do what they say to get into heaven?

  • @joannm139
    @joannm139 Год назад

    I follow you with my souls journey .

  • @AlexGNop
    @AlexGNop 3 года назад


  • @shannonbee
    @shannonbee Год назад

    Thank you I believe in God law of attraction ect iv been studying it for ages.think I was the last to know lol.we will all see each other again.god bless you 🙏🤗👍

  • @dimafromchristianpara3537
    @dimafromchristianpara3537 3 года назад

    Yeah.. Same here.. Never wanted to be back, but here I am. I don't know why. All I know is that, I shouldn't have been here.. I lived my time... And yet.... Why was I awakened.. (?) I am not needed here, as I can see. This world is doing pretty great.
    This must be a mistake... but there's also no such thing as mistakes.
    *What is this, a vacation that I didn't ask for (?)
    If so, I sure am not enjoying it.
    Like yeah, you sent me on a vacation. But empty handed.
    What am i supposed to do, Walk around starving, till the end of this phase?

  • @Jeffreyk7
    @Jeffreyk7 2 года назад +1

    Civil War reincarnation, plus, young boy, 9/11, reincarnation of a firefighter. Full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a reincarnation forum. Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.

  • @abelchavez8786
    @abelchavez8786 6 месяцев назад

    Supported by almost all religions and the Bible and Quran and scientifically more plausible than resurrection .. makes sense also ..❤

  • @stellawl463
    @stellawl463 Год назад +1

    Execellent👏,There is Light of Wisdom Church, and recommend their videos for you-Primitive Christianity Believed in Reincarnation|The Early Christian Church - What did they Believe? Thank you!

  • @godislove5124
    @godislove5124 2 года назад +3

    Also the blind man, Jesus disciples asked him who have sined he or his parents so that he was born blind. That question refers to the reincarnation.

    • @hiltondriver5228
      @hiltondriver5228 2 года назад +1

      Yes why would emperor Constantine omitted reincarnation from the Bible because his wife only wanted one life I watched another site and this site says reincarnation is caused by demons I say the only demons are the demons of Ignorance

    • @dedezee11
      @dedezee11 2 года назад

      How is that referring to incarnation?!

  • @iamhudsdent2759
    @iamhudsdent2759 Год назад

    Original sin was introduced centuries before Justinian by Augustine. Purgatory however became a Catholic belief in the 1100s. And a formal doctrine in the 1200s.

  • @bigbosssauce7
    @bigbosssauce7 Год назад +1

    This is really interesting to me. I am wondering where the sources are for this kind of thought though. Are there more than two passages in scripture that support reincarnation? Even those two in Matthew can be interpreted in another way. And Origen didn't seem to pull the ideas about reincarnation from scripture, but from greek philosophy at the time. I am a Buddhist trying to reconcile Buddhism with Christianity, so I am definitely interested in any more information about this. I'm afraid that what is presented here just isn't very convincing

    • @doriesse824
      @doriesse824 Год назад +1

      Don't know if this helps, and I'm not saying it's any proof, but the story of the man born blind seems to indicate or imply reincarnation. John 9:1-3

    • @bigbosssauce7
      @bigbosssauce7 Год назад +1

      @@doriesse824 Thanks for the response. How do you interpret John 9 in the context of reincarnation? I don't see it, but I am interested in what you think

    • @doriesse824
      @doriesse824 Год назад

      @@bigbosssauce7 I just think it's incredible they don't mention that Jesus corrected them for asking whether the man had sinned before birth, if reincarnation isn't true.
      However, if it is appointed unto men to die once, and then comes the judgement (Heb 9:27), where does that leave reincarnation? Also, what about Salvation and being Born Again, if there are many lives?
      Some groups besides LDS are now teaching the pre-existence of the soul, so that might account for what's being said in John 9. Perhaps pre-existence would determine the person's earthly life, something like karma. There are a few scriptures that possibly point to this.

    • @doriesse824
      @doriesse824 Год назад

      @@bigbosssauce7 I was just remembering something else I've come across, and do not know where I saw it, but am trying to find it again.
      There is a gospel which was discovered some time ago that is said to be the complete conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus about being born again. It has Jesus continuing the conversation by saying we must return in another life until we have reached a certain point of spiritual development.
      I don't remember it using the word "reincarnation", but it sounded exactly the same. Being "born again" was literally taught in this gospel.

    • @bigbosssauce7
      @bigbosssauce7 Год назад

      @@doriesse824 Thanks Dorie! I will continue my research based on that

  • @donfrancisco9297
    @donfrancisco9297 3 года назад +1

    What part of its appointed once for man to die don't you understand

  • @ngoziigbidu3046
    @ngoziigbidu3046 3 года назад

    I need the part one of the recanation

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 2 месяца назад +1

    I think the Bible indirectly teaches reincarnation, that spirits of people like the spirit of Elijah can have a new body just like what happened to John the Baptist. From birth, the spirit of Elijah was promised to be on him and the two will become one. The son of God also, before he entered the world, according to the letter addressed to the Hebrews, a body was prepared for him. Also, the spirit of the man who was expelled out of the church during the first century C.E. was told to be preserved and so that he MIGHT BE SAVED on the Day of the Lord. His spirit will be given a last chance to be saved. But how can he stand and endure that Day of fair judgment if he will not be given a new body so that he can feel pain or hardships too or feel weaknesses and be prone to temptations? I believe God will assign a new body or his dead body will be even reborn. If there is no reincarnation, what will happen to all the people in the past that were never given a fair chance to know the ways of the Lord or a fair chance to walk by them or to disobey them?I believe that God is a righteous and fair judge, that he prepared a bright thousand years when the strongest evil one will be bound and imprisoned and the world will be freed from his darkness and control so that everyone will be given one last fair chance to walk or not to walk according to God’s righteous judgments.This is why Jesus said that the Day of Judgment will be even more endurable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for the people who saw and heard him personally and yet did not repent.This is also why he visited the prison of spirits who disobeyed long ago when God waited for them patiently to come back to him during the days of Noah. Christ’s spirit went also to them and made a proclamation so that anyone who will believe and repent can stand and endure the thousand year judgment. So, when. I see a person, especially a young child, who dies without the fair chance to know and follow the judgments of God today, I believe that child will be reborn again and will be given a second and better chances so that all will have no excuses. The appointed judge is the Christ along his holy body, the church or the saints, the chosen ones who will join Jesus to execute this fair judgment, people who worn our shoes and experienced also our weaknesses and yet overcame great obstacles. This corporate judge will surely understand us and help us all the way.
    God will not judge us as wicked or righteous right away without a fair chance to prove ourselves first.
    As what was written in Daniel 12 that during the appointed end times, multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to find immortality, some to shame and eternal contempt. All men are dust of the earth and spirits and souls might be sleeping in them who need to be awakened during the Day of the Lord. Souls are given the chance to be liberated from their flesh and be bound in their spirits. If their spirits awake, they will also wake up and began using their flesh or bodies as tools for good works or just continue using them in evil works.
    And in Malachi 3, the Lord will be like a launderer's soap or a fire of the refiner during that Day. Who can stand? Who can endure?

  • @qw2615
    @qw2615 3 года назад

    Hans! What do you think about magic mushrooms? It's important to mention here that I am asking only about magic mushrooms, not other drugs.

    • @sourceofuniversallove1449
      @sourceofuniversallove1449 3 года назад

      Here's my view: There are many chemicals that have the potential, once ingested, to alter ones current perception on reality and create a sensation similar to enlightenment. The key fact to take away is that these chemicals are tools to unlock your mind to the fact that these opportunities are truly possible. The next thing you should take away is that your body can produce these chemicals naturally through certain practices, such as meditation, which allows you to control the sensations. Whereas "drugs" take you there briefly and then you crash hard and you have to reset your body to now properly digest these experiences. So in short, don't use these "tools" as a crutch, use them as a short term Kickstart to open your closed mind to these experiences.
      Take note, if you plan on using these substances, be in nature, with someone you know, trust, and love. Try to have someone with you who is experienced and along the lines of a guide or shaman.
      Keep the amount of individuals joining you limited. Collectively through intention ask for protection before this journey from your allies, mother nature and the divine, because when you open up your awareness with this tool, you seldom have control of your energies and there are negative energies that may use this opening for their own benefit. Also prep yourself before these journeys, I recommend fasting a couple days before you intend on using, this way your body is partially cleansed and you have a cleaner alchemical reaction. And be sure to hydrate with clean and purified water.
      Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out for more questions. I realize this is a rough answer considering the platform.
      Namaste brothers and sisters 💚

  • @spiritualshopperofficiel6670
    @spiritualshopperofficiel6670 3 года назад

    i hope you have listened to "Jesus story on palm leaves by Sri Sri Ravi shankar at German Ashram 2002

  • @DanielFaith1000
    @DanielFaith1000 2 года назад +2

    Wasn’t judgment day mentioned in the Bible?

  • @supadrew932
    @supadrew932 3 года назад +5

    how to AVOID re-incarnation ?

    • @aee6509
      @aee6509 3 года назад

      Fulfill your souls purpose.

    • @dorkam6555
      @dorkam6555 3 года назад


    • @25bmax
      @25bmax 3 года назад

      To purify your soul.

    • @aee6509
      @aee6509 3 года назад

      @@pointlesssowhat it is the truth. Grow up. Read the Holy Zohar.

    • @can_do_nz2272
      @can_do_nz2272 3 года назад

      @@pointlesssowhat Ridiculous. You fail to see that your understanding is based upon one verse (Hebrews 9;27) from a book that has unknown authorship. You are willing to put aside what Christ said and the understanding of the gospels for one verse that is taken out of context. I think you need to revisit your understanding. Christianity is so divided today what flavor of christian apologists are you going to listen to. Ask God himself, OH! but you may not like the answer and will be unwilling to accept the truth.

  • @Trev612
    @Trev612 3 года назад +4

    They also asked John the Baptist's who are you are you Elijah he said no are you the Christ he said no

    • @patriciarieley1373
      @patriciarieley1373 3 года назад

      Jesus, son of God, knew better than John the Baptist. Jesus knew who John the Baptist was in previous life.

    • @conchobar
      @conchobar 3 года назад

      Why would Elijah need to be reincarnated when he never died. He ascended to heaven while still alive. Also John the Baptist was a contemporary of Jesus (He baptised Jesus).

    • @charleswhitmire497
      @charleswhitmire497 2 года назад

      @@patriciarieley1373 huh?

  • @philipppiier17
    @philipppiier17 3 года назад

    Please can you shed some light on synchronization

  • @wayne3302264
    @wayne3302264 Год назад

    Fear of death has been the primary tool that political and religious leaders have used to control the masses down through the ages. If it were to become common knowledge that the current carnation is not the end of our chance at redemption some of the fear would be abated. While I do not follow Catholic dogma Perhaps they teach the belief in purgatory which is akin to a second chance at redemption possibly to alleviate some of the drastic change of eliminating the idea of re-incarnation. I have always had trouble with the belief that our soul is created at conception.