New Planet, New Imperial Armored Company | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 27

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 245

  • @phillipb6311
    @phillipb6311 5 месяцев назад +26

    The map for Quellor looks striking similar to the map Oasis for Battlefield Bad Company 2. It brings back some good memories!

    • @DhonJoe
      @DhonJoe 5 месяцев назад +17

      Good eye, I modeled Quellor's map after Oasis as a tribute to those games since they were shutdown last year.
      They meant a lot to me.

  • @skipper2285
    @skipper2285 5 месяцев назад +59

    Quellor: Rebels had "Rifleman Dodd" operating in your back line for the entire battle. He was that unit on the hillside that you couldn't find with the IDTs. After evading the aircraft he looped around and started sniping at your rear. I think he was eventually taken out by a turret, but not before eliminating your stragglers. Lesson: Don't forget about intelligence assets, like the mini-map. Tunnel vision on the heavy action can bite you in the butt.

    • @jurepec5779
      @jurepec5779 5 месяцев назад +9

      But what would a shack video be without at least one situation where he loses important assets because he's in cinematic view.

    • @nathanskeen5865
      @nathanskeen5865 5 месяцев назад +8

      He always gets tunnel vision. Just a part of watching this channel tbh

  • @ollyravenhill7341
    @ollyravenhill7341 5 месяцев назад +4

    I love how imperial the battle for quellor felt. The image of ties bombing civilian structures, the small clusters of houses. Rebel militia hiding in their homes to ambush imperial forces only to by buried in the rubble. It felt like something we’d see in one of the films or recent shows.

  • @goldenguardian8753
    @goldenguardian8753 5 месяцев назад +26

    Action report 9:
    Commodore Turner, Imperial Venator “Enterprise”
    226th defense fleet.
    Location: Falleen
    It was a scramble, and nothing more eloquent it can be called. Holding the blockade over Drunkenwel has left us stagnant, without the proper reinforcements for the Imperial Army and marine corp. we left our worlds undefended. When I got word that Falleen had been hit and all personnel from the stations had fled, we didn't have time for proper order, whoever got there first would have to fight off the swarms of snub fighters the rebels could fit into those old carriers, to think they could acquire so many form our stockpiles or shipyards building their own. Captain Thanus, a man I grew to trust with his assignment to my fleet, took the lead alongside a number of our smaller craft, including Jullius's Venator.
    What followed was hell from the report as the battered battlegroup returned with fewer ships then it left with, the loss of the 'Cyprus' alongside a number of our transports and support craft, a battered captain Thanus and several others in similar situations. The 'Locus Swarm' as was described in Thanus's report was hundreds of fighters, A-wings and X-wings tearing through ties and our ships alike, but we made sure they paid for this slight. All but one of their ships were destroyed, forcing all those fighters to return to rebel space, for without their home bases, they would run out of supplies soon. Within the hour we returned, many of the original force still aflame as we hunted down that last Rebel vessel only for it to run with its tail between its legs. The orbit is our again, but the losses were a blow to my support and capabilities in the region.

  • @darkassassin1605
    @darkassassin1605 5 месяцев назад +87

    Just want to say I really adore these intro segments. It really adds that certain feeling.

    • @AgentofLADON
      @AgentofLADON 5 месяцев назад +8

      He certainly has the right tone for each version of himself he plays in the intros. Imperial, Rebellion, Republic.
      I've been meaning to watch through his other lets plays that aren't Star Wars. I'm late finding this channel.

    • @justinblackwell9347
      @justinblackwell9347 5 месяцев назад +1

      Imagine his criminal intros

  • @ahappyparadox815
    @ahappyparadox815 5 месяцев назад +5

    Punishment detail in Shed's army: Ground Tie Fighters, you will be useless, will be sacrificed, and Shed will laugh as you die when watching the after action battle report.

  • @loveroffunnyy
    @loveroffunnyy 5 месяцев назад +10

    Journal of Fear's Embrace Captain Tobias, Entry 4.
    The Arc Hammer is a beauty, and it's even more Magnificent up close and personal. I didn't even expect it to be THIS big and THIS beautiful. I caught a 'cleaner' in my room looking for this Journal so I will not say what exactly I heard on the grapevine about what purpose the Arc Hammer is for, but I will say this, it could possibly turn the tide of the war back in our favor if used correctly and not thrown away to get destroyed by the most obvious ambush ever.
    The 'Cleaners' don't like me calling them by their real organization name so I will henceforth only write them down as 'Cleaners', and I will go back to re-write certain entries in this Journal of mine so they don't get angry at me anymore. The Cleaners have began to ask me a couple more questions about the reassignment and how exactly I got it, I asked honestly of course and began to explain the imperial reassignment process, and after a couple of hours of me boring them to death with it I was let go from the Cleaning Supplies Room.
    Cleaners, I know you will read this Journal entry, but I still mostly speak my mind on events and issues that happened, despite your attempts to hide what you are doing, we both know what you want, you want find the guy who sold out Lord Vader, and believe me, if there is anything I can do to help you find this traitor, let me know, I will happily collaborate once you drop the Masquerade and actually tell me what you want. There is nothing more I want than to personally struggle the one who sold out Lord Vader. Long live the Emperor, Long live the Empire!

  • @Paludion
    @Paludion 5 месяцев назад +4

    It's always so funny when you try to make a cool intro with a cinematic view of the galactic map... only for the game to announce some bad news in the background, like a new invasion that you're going to have to deal with immediately. ^^

  • @Spinikar
    @Spinikar 5 месяцев назад +9

    I feel like Captain Needa needs a star destroyer focused fleet, like a siege fleet with tractors and SD 2s with at least one indicator. Just a very traditional Imperial fleet. Light on fighters, heavy of fire-power.

    • @orrinfreeman5672
      @orrinfreeman5672 4 месяца назад +1

      That's what I want to do when I unlock Needa!

  • @Sigma0283
    @Sigma0283 5 месяцев назад +6

    Personal Log
    Fleet Admiral Sigma, ISD Vesalius, commander of the 5th Fleet
    The Vesalius has been detached from the fleet to return to Kuat Drive Yards to undergo emergency repairs to the port side main ion engine after a massive explosion. Several crew members were killed in the explosion. I’ve ordered the damaged engine to be shut down completely and to have the emergency engines activated to compensate. My chief engineers have determined that several power couplings, horizontal boosters, power stabilizers, power dampers and fuel transfer pumps overloaded and caused the explosion. It’s a miracle the ship wasn’t destroyed. They also report that they found several safety circuits that would have prevented such an overload from happening had been torn out of there systems. It’s very obvious that there is one or more saboteurs on board with ties to the Rebellion. I’ve posted my personal platoon of Death Troopers to vital areas of the ship and locked down the hangar bays, no one is permitted access without the personal authorization of either myself or my chief officer. I’ve also relayed a message to the ISB of the situation and requested a unit to come aboard at Kuat to initiate a full investigation of the crew. Until the investigation is done, no one is permitted to leave the ship.

  • @TheBadAimGaming
    @TheBadAimGaming 5 месяцев назад +4

    [Personal Log]
    [Sgt. Fenris Wallner, 421st Stormtrooper Battalion, Assault Detachment D]
    [Locations: classified]
    We have been called up by the new commander Shed for a special op. We can’t discuss where we are going but all the men now what we are about to do. I have seen the new spec op units as well. Don’t know what to think about them but I’m glad they are on our side. Hope they fight as good as they look. I hope we do the op soon, it’s the waiting that killing me. We will be doing a diversion attack to draw the defenders of while the Dark Troopers hit the key objective. I just hope I’m still here when they are done.

  • @Lucky_RFMDA
    @Lucky_RFMDA 5 месяцев назад +4

    I like how you can destroying those traps, flanking the enemy and going directly for their buildings but they are quite durable and you may be attacked if enemies see you. I love how in the new Quellor map you can flank the enemy but it may be a high risk, high reward situation.

  • @wastergoleor
    @wastergoleor 5 месяцев назад +4

    Heads up Shack, a few small things to consider. Phase one Dark Troopers aren't stealth, or at least weren't last patch, even though they have the symbol on the galactic map. You can set pathfinder while paused, you just can't split fleets. Multiple frigate shipyards increase the speed of construction of frigates etc. I don't think corruption steals your money, it just slows construction time, (And lets them pass through your territory ofc.)

    • @devangsingh1689
      @devangsingh1689 5 месяцев назад +1

      it might have been fixed was a bug

  • @SamuelJamesNary
    @SamuelJamesNary 5 месяцев назад +5

    Imp Rep 27 - Shed remains one of the most impatient men I've ever read reports on. Patience and timing is a must in war and politics. And for as much as Shed may claim to praise the Emperor, he would seem to lack the Emperor's patience. After all, from the Emperor's writings, he'd wanted to exterminate the Jedi even before he was elected to represent Naboo in the Senate. That was a near twenty year wait by the time that Order 66 was issued at the end of the Clone Wars. With Lord Vader presently missing, Shed wants to secure the northern region as quickly as possible in order to try and secure for himself some personal fiefdom within the Empire. The irony that Lord Vader's campaign began in this region as well is lost on him. Thankfully, though, it would appear that the Commodore has been persuaded to let the Dark Trooper project progress. So, he's moved further north take action around Yaga Minor. That will buy time.
    The Byss Fleet has remained active in the area around Druckenwell, but this has also included back and forth missions to Falleen... where they've had to deal with a large Rebel carrier fleet. The carriers were destroyed, but they had so many discharged fighters that the Byss Fleet couldn't destroy them all. It is ultimately something where we lost some older ships and light carriers, and would represent the need for improved fighters, like the Defender idea that has been floated, and an increased number of Lancer frigates, if only to take down the fighters that come in. As my colleagues in the ISB would agree the Rebels will just spam these carriers and rely on their proton torpedoes to take down our heavy craft if we can't counter them.
    The last reports that have come in come from Vader's fleet and the hunt for the missing Dark Lord. They've supported landings in the Core.. I believe on the world of Quellor. There were supposed reports that the Rebels may have captured Vader and had him there. Sadly, those appear to have been rumors, and I've directed word to go up the ISB not to let these sorts of reports be forwarded. But the planet did fall and we've managed to take out a core element of the Rebellion's technological research... Hopefully this will further impact what the Rebels will have available to them and give the Empire added time to look into what has happened to Lord Vader. - Secretary Boss Mann, ISB

    • @SterlingWhitehead
      @SterlingWhitehead 5 месяцев назад

      Treason detected. Report to the nearest Democracy Officer.

    • @SamuelJamesNary
      @SamuelJamesNary 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@SterlingWhitehead - Democracy is dead. And the only ONE that matters is the EMPEROR. - Secretary Boss Mann, IMPERIAL Security Bureau

  • @simpleviewer1334
    @simpleviewer1334 5 месяцев назад +7

    Admiral's Log
    Admiral Royal
    Log 13
    Bellator Dreadnought "Megador"
    About time I actually used my name I guess. So many logs are on this ship I need to put mine on just to find it
    Overall though, past battles have revealed a weakness in our navy. The box carrier isn't enough, Rebels have secured a building contract for Quasar carriers. The last battle reported to me said we lost another Venator to "a locust swarm" of fighters.
    Meanwhile apparently KDY isn't content with building the Megador. They've commissioned the rest of the Empire's funds for building ships they want, luckily they gave us a 15% for any future ships we build
    Rom Mohc's plan has been greenlit by shed so (REDACTED) Production has begun, (REDACTED)
    Best news so far, the Restoration is becoming the secondary flagship of Titan's Blade. Its main purpose is guiding the fighters in the fleet in order to take out any unwanted air superiorty
    The most defining part for the month though, the siege of Quellor. Suprisingly our vehicle loses were minimal, but so much infantry was lost that it may take a while to fill in the ranks. Its unfortunate but the soldiers were not be of the same quality as before
    Nothing major has been happening, Titan's blade has been receiving their vital lack of frigates, and for now, I await the command for the invasion of Ord Mantel
    (CLEARANCE REQUIRED: inner circle)
    Private Logs
    The Emperor has put me in command of secret services. Essentially I'm in charge of hunting imperial defects, spies, and "corruption". My first task was interrogating the pirates who attacked the Devastator and I a few weeks ago, who were captured over Jedha smuggling resources lost. With their only loyalty to their employer being his or her money they choked easily. Yep, an Imperial sold Vader out. speaking of which, I left the pirates with him, and I didn't hear anything afterwards. This all happening on the Megador's secret prison rooms, its hard to find and only grand admirals and Grand moffs may enter. Overall Shed's no longer the primary suspect, but is still being monitored. Recently I had some of his bodyguards replaced with undercover agents to watch his activity. I'll find the rat, and I doubt the Emperor will be kind to him. KDY's Deal may make funding Project: Executor much easier, considering its contents.

    • @loveroffunnyy
      @loveroffunnyy 5 месяцев назад +1

      Wait, Shack built another Bellator?

    • @simpleviewer1334
      @simpleviewer1334 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@loveroffunnyy Is building yes, though I'm referring to if he builds the executor

  • @billygrantham5380
    @billygrantham5380 5 месяцев назад +15

    501st Journal
    Week - 136
    Sgt. Kale
    "Fire in the mountains"
    Quellor has been liberated from the scourge of rebellion and another rebel stronghold in the Mid-Rim has been destroyed. Unfortunately the rebels fought us for every inch as has been their practice. Though I must say this has been some of the most brutal fighting I've seen yet. Our initial landing went completely uncontested, in fact within the first two weeks we hardly saw any rebel activity. Most of us began to think that the rebels had abandoned the planet but as we continued to establish ourselves and our new base encampments we were hit with raid after raid. We'd lose a squad here, another there, supplies were stolen, armor was destroyed, base after base throughout the region was under almost constant assault. Aided entirely by the local population.
    Colonel Eiolig of our Tanarithian vassals wanted to make examples of these cowardly sympathizers that sought tow the line between civilian and combatant but Admiral Star wouldn't have it. Instead he said that the real example should be made of the rebel leaders directing the raids. So, after an extensive search, we located the main rebel base of operations hidden in a city near a desert oasis in the northern mountains. The 501st was dispatched up the mountain road to wipe it out.
    The rebels were tenacious, harassing us all the way. Every small village became a pitched fight, and afterwards they'd melt back into the surrounding countryside. Leaving us to count our dead and wounded. We dropped more ordinance on those rebels than we did to the ones at Commonor and it still didn't break them. Slowly we worked our way up to the city the rebels had entrenched themselves in. That desert city turned into a nightmare. The battle lines were drawn between houses and singular rooms. Each and every room of every house had to be cleared. The streets were just as dangerous as rebel APCs would circle us like predators, easily navigating the streets and quickly deploying more infantry.
    The fighting got so bad that Admiral Star had to reluctantly resort to more brutal methods and deployed heavy armor and artillery to crack rebel strong points. Going so far as to firebomb a section of the city and rain down turbo laser fire on the rest. We eventually cleansed the city of all opposition, though there's not much left of city itself. Agent Harbinger and his squad stromed the rebel command post, capturing many of the rebel leaders and fracturing the rebel command structure.
    The last few weeks here on Quellor have been the toughest of the war. Commonor and Naboo were just warm-ups. I've had my fill of the desert and sand. I think all of the 501st hate the sand just as much as we do the rebels.

    • @sonofjack6286
      @sonofjack6286 5 месяцев назад +2

      (In the low-orbit of Quellor, the fleet hangs in silence, some ships aimed towards the planet, others away. A few kilometers out from the fleet, a squadron of ships drop from hyperspace. At the front is a modified venator, a squadron of light cruisers and carracks following it. As they join up with the fleet, the venator hails the Darkstar. As a channel is opened, with Star and the Darkstar's officers gathered, a Tanarithian accent comes over the comms.)
      Sowpey: Greetings, Darkstar. This is the Sword of Mar Tepeni, requesting permission to temporarily join the fleet. We have something we wish to show the newly promoted admiral, and Colonel Eiolig as well.
      (On the surface, Lucius and Roland look up from a recent report given by one of their marksman teams.)
      Lucius: The Sword is in orbit? And they want to show us something? Ah, karking hell, this must be something big.
      Roland: Why, what is so important about this "Sword"?
      Lucius: The Sword of Mar Tepeni was named after one of the cities of the Founding Eight, the city of Clan Zhota. And they normally hang in the orbit of Tanarith, barring special exceptions. If the Sword was taken out of orbit and brought to the frontlines, there is something valuable onboard. Gather the rest of the senior staff. And get a call to Harbinger, we might as well include him as well.
      Roland: Anyone else joining?
      Lucius: I do not really care who joins. Bring your team for all I care, or Triton Squad. We just need to get a transport or two called up.
      Roland: Think it could deal with these rebels still up in the mountains?
      Lucius: I hope so.

    • @billygrantham5380
      @billygrantham5380 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@sonofjack6286 (Star raises an eyebrow.)
      Star: "Very well then. Our Tanarithian are always welcome here. Shall we meet aboard the Darkstar?"
      [I did have an idea for a battle this episode with a rebel leader who escaped the city battle. Perhaps we can implement it still. If you wanted a reference for my idea look up the World in Conflict insurgents mission.
      Triton squad wouldn't be brought in for something like this meeting with Star. I also have an idea for a massive battle in the far future after the Atramenta royalty join the rebels. My reference for that? Think Gettysburg. We haven't quite gotten to the real start of the conflict with Saul's troops yet. That's coming soon, sometime after the conquer arc has ended.]

    • @sonofjack6286
      @sonofjack6286 5 месяцев назад +2

      Sowpey: This... this is something that would be better off seen aboard the Sword. It is something we have been working on for years.
      (A short while later, a pair of shuttles, one from the Darkstar, and Lucius's, both land at the same time in the Sword's hangar. Lucius and his officers exit and walk with the others from the Darkstar towards the center of the bay, a group of men in black armor and a few others standing before a crate the size of a shipping container. A broad smile crosses Lucius's face as he sees who one of the people is, moving at a half-run to him.)
      Lucius: Ottokar?! How have you been, brother?
      Ottokar: I have been good and - oh, crap.
      (A few of the black armored guards step in front of Ottokar as Lucius draws close, rifles with glistening bayonets pointed at him.)
      Ottokar: All three of you, back up, and stand down!
      (The guards all look at Ottokar before they back away and stand by the crate.)
      Ottokar: Apologies about the Wyrms. They were freshly scouted. I have missed speaking with you, Lucius.
      (The two each grasp the other's hand in a sort of handshake, with Lucius turning his head to one of the guards, this one with the largest horns on his helmet out of all the guards, with smaller ones made of kyber.)
      Lucius: Still alive, Old Man Horatius?
      Horatius: I should ask the same of you, Frozen Eye. Rossam would have come along to see you as well, if his wife had not recently delivered their first child.
      Lucius: If Trajan had come still along, I would have killed him. Metaphorically, at least. Oh, where are my manners, Elias, Alex, I never got the chance for you to meet this guy.
      (Lucius stands beside Ottokar and puts a hand on his shoulder.)
      Lucius: This is Prince Ottokar of Clan Bartisla. Otto, this is Admiral Elias Star, Agent Alex Goodman, and Commander Dynamo. You already know Roland.
      (Ottokar, looking at the Imperials, places his hand on his chest, fingers over his heart, and does a half-bow, the new guards clearly shocked to see the prince doing so.)
      Ottokar: A pleasure to meet you all. Lucius has told us much about the other students of Thrawn.
      (He steps forward and offers his hand to Star.)
      Ottokar: I am pleased you decided to come. This new weapon shall impress all of you.
      [With Ottokar, he is about Lucius's height, but with red-blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. He also has a black two-button suit, clearly fine quality, with the only sign he's a royal being a ring on his offered hand and the small circlet he wore in the last campaign. His greeting was the formal greeting, one he normally receives. The guards, the Crowned Wyrms, have shiny black armor with purple bodygloves and helmets that look like the Peacekeepers in Hunger Games, but with horns. Horatius's splay outwards a little and are covered in gold leaf.]

    • @billygrantham5380
      @billygrantham5380 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@sonofjack6286 [never mind]

    • @sonofjack6286
      @sonofjack6286 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@billygrantham5380 [What happened? We can still integrate the ideas together. The Tanarithians just really want to show this new thing. Otto and the Wyrms don't even know about the rebel.]

  • @alexi4829
    @alexi4829 5 месяцев назад +3

    Beady watched the surviving bombers land in the Ton-Falk after the battle of Quellor, many had been destroyed by anti-air turrets and those that survived were severely damaged. he found a quiet corner to begin a his latest recording for home.
    "More Quasars attacked, this time at Falleen. It might have been the same fleet that escaped us at Koensayr but there's no way to tell at this time. The fleet that took them on had the idea to assault the carriers whilst ignoring the mob of fighters, then jump away before said fighter could do any significant harm. The plan worked surprisingly well, with their carriers destroyed, the fleet's chain of command was completely disrupted and the fighters all scattered, and any that have stayed will likely be overwhelmed the moment they come out of hiding.
    "The Roche asteroid belt was also attacked by rebels, there were barely any defences and they likely saw it as an easy target.
    "And then there's Quellor... I got to watch the bombers launch as wave after wave of ground assault teams held multiple fronts, fighting in between buildings, across beachheads, and over rivers. Supposedly an R&D facility had been set up on the planet's surface, no doubt stealing imperial hardware and repackaging it as their own idea."

  • @Sigma0283
    @Sigma0283 5 месяцев назад +2

    Seeing that headhunter harassing your army.
    Imperial Ground Commander: Will somebody please suppress that damn headhunter!?!

  • @liamloftus8466
    @liamloftus8466 5 месяцев назад +7

    Shack when u do the ord montell invasion u need to bring a hero I forgot which one for the mission

    • @peterhong7090
      @peterhong7090 5 месяцев назад +2

      No, its Bin Essada, and its fine to land him after the planet has been taken.

  • @mrat0m316
    @mrat0m316 5 месяцев назад +5

    Yay new AOTR video. All hail admiral Shed

  • @lwe43
    @lwe43 5 месяцев назад

    Quellors map looked and felt like one of the maps in Men of War: Assault Squad 2 (specifically one from the Africa campaigns) so cool and different, makes me wanna redownload the game again

  • @austinguthrie5528
    @austinguthrie5528 5 месяцев назад

    E-11D is so great! And i love it slaps hard in your game as well. When they added back in the day Battlefront. The sheer amount of rebels i put in the dirt almost rivaled my kills on the heavy potato tank from Battlefield 1. The good ol days when terrible EA games were somewhat playable and fun.

  • @Vulture-1066
    @Vulture-1066 5 месяцев назад +4

    Why not fight the first battle?

  • @bwild7859
    @bwild7859 4 месяца назад

    If I remember right you can click on the map to tell people to move too, I used that a lot to “panic” move people. You just click what ever the normal move click is

  • @Zug-Gleis_Neun_Dreiviertel
    @Zug-Gleis_Neun_Dreiviertel 5 месяцев назад +1

    Having 2 same types of a dockyard likes 2 Warship dockyards reduces the time to build warships to 50% Shack. Same for the other types of dockyards.

  • @Spirit_Yoshino
    @Spirit_Yoshino 5 месяцев назад

    Honestly I love the Quellor map, Felt like a C&C Generals map. And the battle was fun to watch.

  • @DootDoot93
    @DootDoot93 5 месяцев назад +2

    Literally just caught up on this campaign, will be able to watch this after work.
    Also Shack, will you be doing a campaign for Star Wars Interworlds for X4? I’ve been watching some roleplay vids for it (and I saw the spotlight you did about half a year ago, I’m way late to that party) and it looks really cool. I enjoyed your old vids for X3 from years back so I think it would be really cool to see at some time in the future!

  • @phattravis9800
    @phattravis9800 5 месяцев назад

    Quellor felt more like the middle east then a galaxy far far away...the rebels even used technicals and hid from your gunships in the mountains haha

  • @datonkallandor8687
    @datonkallandor8687 5 месяцев назад

    At 23:00 ish, the A-wings flares are soaking up the entire torpedo and missile salvoes from the victory, bombers and other ordnance throwers. That's mean as hell!

  • @Kirkmaximus
    @Kirkmaximus 5 месяцев назад

    I just realized that Shack & Tex from BPL have something in common: They both try to keep their venerable ships in their fleet far past the times.
    Pretty cool.
    As for this campaign. I hope Shed continues to capture the northern sector. There are some good production planets up there.

  • @tkc1129
    @tkc1129 5 месяцев назад

    Vindicators are good for glomping next to big ships like Bellators because their long-range guns can add a lot of DPS while being hard for the enemy to target. Just think of them like better Arquitens, as far as long-range fire goes.

  • @SoulFury11
    @SoulFury11 5 месяцев назад +2

    They call the Arquitens are just referred to as "Light Cruisers" in Mandalorian too. Sad that they are scared of a french sounding name for a ship class.

    • @simpleviewer1334
      @simpleviewer1334 5 месяцев назад +1

      the Arquitens and Light Cruisers are actually different ships. The Light Cruiser is larger, carries fighters unlike the Arquitens, and has more weapons, (the visual difference is the light cruiser has a space between the engines and main body while the arquitens doesn't

    • @datonkallandor8687
      @datonkallandor8687 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@simpleviewer1334 That's just them trying to justify lazyness and inconsistent scaling on legacy canon.

    • @emperortethysusdacertified8175
      @emperortethysusdacertified8175 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@simpleviewer1334 Arquitens are classified as light cruisers. Republic era model was the Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (TCW model), then the imperial navy utilized a retrofit known as the Arquitens-class Command Cruiser (Rebels model). Gideon's ship was an upsized and modified variant of Arquitens.

  • @nathanskeen5865
    @nathanskeen5865 5 месяцев назад

    When you start getting more buildcap, you should consider more freighters, you’ve lost a lot to the black sun

  • @Sigma0283
    @Sigma0283 5 месяцев назад +1

    Personal Log
    Fleet Admiral Sigma, ISD Vesalius, Commander of the 5th Fleet
    (Docked at Kuat Drive Yards for Repairs)
    The Vesalius is currently in drydock undergoing repairs to the port side main ion engine after an explosion from an act of sabotage by rebel saboteurs.
    The ISB conducted a thorough investigation of the crew and captured 5 traitors, all natives from the planet Alderaan. They attempted to blow up the Vesaluis as a means of retaliation for the destruction of their home planet. All five have since been executed for treason.
    As a precaution, all crew members who were from the planet have been transferred off the ship and reassigned.
    Repairs are going smoothly but it will still be at least another four months before the Vesalius can resume her duties, even with the favors I pulled from Moff Jerjerrod. Until then I have had four Victory-II Star Destroyers (Iron Monger, Libra, Anubis and Fortitude) from the 5th fleet brought to Kuat for additional protection to the shipyards. I have also deployed the interdictor cruisers Stonewall and Constrictor to the edges of the Kuat System.
    I've ordered round the clock patrols from the Tie squadrons from the Victories and Vesaluis in case of any surprises from the Rebel scum. The patrols are also part of guard duty because the Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer Avenger is nearing completion. Newly promoted Captain Lorth Needa has been given command of the ship.
    Awaiting Captain Shack’s report on the field test on the Dark Trooper Project. He reported that General Mohc has begun construction of some units and will be deploying them into combat soon, both men are currently working on determining a suitable location for the field test.
    Rumor has it that Shack is jockeying for a Moff position. I messaged him saying I was impressed with his motivation for such a position, but I also cautioned him, should he get the position, to not let the power and authority of the position go to his head like it did with Tarkin.

  • @nathanskeen5865
    @nathanskeen5865 5 месяцев назад

    Vindicators absolutely melt any ship without their shields. Would work well with the strike cruiser/victory fleet. Their guns aren’t to be underestimated. One ship has the power of like four arquintens

    • @JustPlainRex
      @JustPlainRex 2 месяца назад

      im not sure about them in this mod but I know in the remake mod you can build a wolf pack of these and kill much larger fleets they are awesome

  • @vianocturne
    @vianocturne 5 месяцев назад

    Very kewl urban battle on Quellor,great maps on this mod that makes you strategized more,keep it up!👽👍

  • @cropathfinder
    @cropathfinder 5 месяцев назад

    the quasar always seemed like it was some sort of a modular cargo ship, wouldn't surprise if it can just be converted to a bulk cargo carrier or in the imperial case a small escort carrier or fighter delivery vessel

  • @Darkstar1282
    @Darkstar1282 5 месяцев назад

    I may be commenting early because I just got past the intro. I'm not going to lie, hyped about dark troopers. Phase 2 is my favorite. Also, as a side note, Shack your storytelling is next level. 🙌🙌🍻

  • @Jordanmosprime117
    @Jordanmosprime117 2 месяца назад

    He may not have been the captain you wanted … but he’s the captain you needad 😂

  • @error5202
    @error5202 5 месяцев назад +2

    The empire uses quasars because it’s a space Dorito

    • @brockgundich
      @brockgundich 5 месяцев назад

      They do love their doom doritos

    • @Isometrix116
      @Isometrix116 5 месяцев назад

      Quesos help the doritios

  • @user-qj1rr6zo2w
    @user-qj1rr6zo2w 5 месяцев назад

    Shack love tour content... been subscribed since fall of the republic days... stop fighting this campaign like your the rebellion.... your the empire!!!... stop building expensive stealth units and crush this rebellion... keep up the great work...

  • @Sapherzz
    @Sapherzz 4 месяца назад

    Question: when you catch enemy transports in orbit and they have no escort, why do you always fight real time? Autoresolve those and then you're more likely going to destroy the enemy troops, rather than letting them escape?

  • @emberplays6376
    @emberplays6376 5 месяцев назад

    For all the frontline planets, you should build more defenses for. Yes, I am yoda also you should build more especially for the guys trapped by the hapes

  • @jeremye4009
    @jeremye4009 4 месяца назад

    I like the IPV and corvette for fighter defense. Lancers die too fast

  • @demonnaruto58
    @demonnaruto58 5 месяцев назад

    I know this is a late comment is that captain shack u had some ground units within some of your fleets that u have built also have a tank unit orbiting with the hammer that's making Darth troopers just saying. Do what you can to set up defenses on some of the planets u might think the rebels or the suns probably raid or send ground units to capture said planets just curious thought that's all. Take care good sir and good luck

  • @Marsproject11
    @Marsproject11 5 месяцев назад +1

    How come shack doesn't autoresolve when intercepting ground infantry in space? I am positive it is a 100% auto win with no losses.

  • @RemkoRijksen
    @RemkoRijksen 5 месяцев назад

    Shack you can build death troopers with the arc hammer realy good units to take into battel

  • @slurricane3
    @slurricane3 5 месяцев назад

    Love these videos. Any chance they get released more frequently?

  • @legendaryfire6972
    @legendaryfire6972 5 месяцев назад

    Shack says “if only we had hover vehicles” then proceeds to click hover vehicles

  • @garicb9271
    @garicb9271 5 месяцев назад

    better than saturday morning cartoons.

  • @talgreenberg3405
    @talgreenberg3405 5 месяцев назад

    Quellor has demonstrated a new level of incompetence in imperial command.

  • @NexusNoxCS
    @NexusNoxCS 5 месяцев назад

    It's ironic how Shack's usual mistakes made the Battle for Quellor such a themathic Rebellion vs the Empire clash. Empire commander in his arrogance ignoring the intelligence about the city being prepared for urban warfare, barricades and insurgency ready behind every corner and window. And then Empire commander in his dismissiveness doesn't bring artillery to methodically and safely grind any and everythreat to dust from a distace -- no, he sends infantry and tanks for what he thinks would be a walk and sais infantry pays the price, being atritioned to nothing in guerrilla warfare without proper support. It's all because if the usual Shack tunnel vision mistakes from playing while running the commentary, but the story it tells is quite on the nose.

  • @user-po8ri5pq9g
    @user-po8ri5pq9g 5 месяцев назад

    idk if its the mod, but ive never had to pause to designate a pathfinder in any mod

  • @skelatron4552
    @skelatron4552 5 месяцев назад

    Why is there always something finishing when he first goes into that cinematic mode?

  • @TysonR33
    @TysonR33 5 месяцев назад

    For the Empire!

  • @danteredgrave5238
    @danteredgrave5238 5 месяцев назад

    Devs really need to buff the black sun AI. They do exactly nothing. Especially after researching one full vigo tech

  • @bigolbearthejammydodger6527
    @bigolbearthejammydodger6527 5 месяцев назад +1

    audio is a bit low on this one chap, I had to turn up my volume to near max on YT compared to every one else which is at about 30%. might want to look at your vids compared to others.

  • @error5202
    @error5202 5 месяцев назад

    Shack, ord mantell is an easy fight, the black Sun ground weapon does way less damage than the imperial version

  • @ColonelZoren
    @ColonelZoren 5 месяцев назад

    You should really invest in better fighters like interceptor, advanced, scimitar and so on, swarm of Tie are really not up for the job at this stage of the game. Also upgrade every ISD and Victory to tie fighter to interceptor and eventually Ventaror. they may not seem much alone, but overall they make all the difference.

    • @devangsingh1689
      @devangsingh1689 5 месяцев назад

      vens cant be upgraded to interceptors, he can build tie avengers and hunters which are some really good fighters and imps do get very good anti fighter ships like ye4s raiders lancers and ton falks

    • @ColonelZoren
      @ColonelZoren 5 месяцев назад

      @@devangsingh1689 sry i mean upgrade the vens from v ing and arc to tie and tie bomber

  • @DeadBoy665
    @DeadBoy665 5 месяцев назад

    No Shaq I had to wait all night because I worked all day to tell you this that was not the most Imperial thing you did you wasted tons of lives that's Imperial.

  • @qeskill2224
    @qeskill2224 5 месяцев назад

    Finish the fighter tech it's bugging me 😂😂😂

  • @pokemonstarfighter2295
    @pokemonstarfighter2295 5 месяцев назад

    don’t be reckless with your units

  • @05981matthew
    @05981matthew 5 месяцев назад

    Love the series but Shack!!! Please level up to fighter 3!!!!!! You need to increase your fighter game!! At level 3 you can produce the Tie Hunters which honestly are a god send if you get 3 - 4 of them in a fleet, helps level the playing field when mixed with Victory 1's 2's and Vindicators!

    • @devangsingh1689
      @devangsingh1689 5 месяцев назад

      tech 1 are hunters tech 2 are avengers and YE4s who rock!

  • @projectblackwing2510
    @projectblackwing2510 5 месяцев назад +89

    When do we tell Shack that that is not how to pronounce Druckenwell ?

    • @mrat0m316
      @mrat0m316 5 месяцев назад +11

      please no one tell him lol

    • @Cody_L._Brock
      @Cody_L._Brock 5 месяцев назад +1

      Wait how do you say it then?

    • @LeetleToady7
      @LeetleToady7 5 месяцев назад +13

      @@Cody_L._Brock It's DRUCKenwell, not DRUNKenwell

    • @sourballs1248
      @sourballs1248 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@Cody_L._Brockdo you see DruNckenwell or Druckenwell?

    • @Cody_L._Brock
      @Cody_L._Brock 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@LeetleToady7 OH- yeah I can forgive shack for that one

  • @thesentinel1578
    @thesentinel1578 5 месяцев назад +46

    The Battle of Quellor did feel real. It felt like watching a fan short, the Rebels and civilians mounting a desperate defense, buying time for the GR-75 at the Main Spaceport to escape as the Empire slowly but surely grinds their defenses to dust.

    • @DhonJoe
      @DhonJoe 5 месяцев назад +20

      That's exactly what I was going for when I designed the map.

    • @thesentinel1578
      @thesentinel1578 5 месяцев назад +9

      @@DhonJoe Did you really design this map? If so, GREAT JOB! It is well laid out and designed!

    • @DhonJoe
      @DhonJoe 5 месяцев назад +15

      I sure did, thank you, I appreciate the kind words, seeing my work in the videos and reading the positivity in the comments is a great feeling.
      I also created Bogden, Mimban and in the next version Ord Pardron, I think out of all of them Quellor may be my favorite.

    • @SterlingWhitehead
      @SterlingWhitehead 5 месяцев назад +5

      Well done

  • @SolitarySpade_Davon
    @SolitarySpade_Davon 5 месяцев назад +18

    [ Personal Log ]
    [ Reagel Felrin, 457th Imperial TIE Squadron, Flight Lead. ]
    "Extra Training"
    In response to the recent attacks involving mass amounts of Rebel Starfighters, our training has been extended. They've now included simulated courses pitting you against not only X-Wings, but the oh-so-dreaded A-Wing Kears has came to lovingly call her "favorite" adversary. Those concussion missiles really do a number on your runs.
    We've gotten close with a few of the other aces here. One of which seems to be... interested in Foulke. Sith forbid they start dating, especially since I did hear rumors on who's assigned to what. Apparently, the girl that's got this crush on Foulke? Yeah, she's going into our squad. Can't do much about it though, just gotta deal with it.
    I hear Quellor's been a tough fight. Heard it was sandy too... great... now I miss the beaches back at Champala. Quellor was by all means a trap. Rebels went and hid in towns, entrenched so deeply, that according to what Parrel told us, the Admiral had to turn an entire town to glass to pry out the rebel scum.
    We're getting back into action soon. No longer in TIE Interceptors, but with TIE Defenders. Something our enemies have yet to see the true might of. For now though, Reagel Felrin, signing off.

  • @DimoB8
    @DimoB8 5 месяцев назад +16

    The way I see it Imperial quasars are more like cheap escort carriers. Mostly as a moving tie platform/replenishment transport than a combat ship.
    While the Ton Falk is the actual frontline carrier.

  • @TheOnlyBritishGuy
    @TheOnlyBritishGuy 5 месяцев назад +12

    Shack: they have anti-air so I better not bring in air units
    Shack 5 minutes later: brings in air units and loses them to anti-air

  • @GameStrider-z4u
    @GameStrider-z4u 5 месяцев назад +10

    Lieutenant Victoria Jensen’s log:
    Week 126 of the Galactic Civil War
    In orbit of Falleen

    “Tipping Point”

    Getting back into the fight in recent weeks has been nice. The bucking and jostling of my fighter under my maneuvers. Shimmering emerald and ruby bolts flying across the black of space. Explosions creating brilliant bright blossoms in the face of the death they created, before vanishing into smoke as quickly as it appeared. I missed this so much.
    The most recent battles saw Saber Squadron in action at Falleen. Falleen fell to a rebel fleet which we responded to in force. They were almost completely defeated in orbit but not without a heavy cost to our own forces. We returned with reinforcements and kicked them out for good.
    The Imperial Navy composition has changed so much since I was gone. New cruisers and dreadnoughts fly alongside advanced TIE fighters, mobile factories, and some Imperial ships that have been here since the start of the war. It’s so familiar, but so very strange at the same time.
    Roche was attacked the following week. Rebel fleets keep popping up like weeds. We get rid of one, but another shows up shortly after. However, they are still losing this war. Commander Shed, in his vast and calculated ambitions, is working on a number of endeavors that can supposedly turn the tide of this war. Whispers of super-soldier programs and unstoppable fleets float around the Bellator’s halls today as the casualties on all sides continue to mount.
    If there is a new weapon coming, we could sure use it, and soon.

  • @sonofjack6286
    @sonofjack6286 5 месяцев назад +4

    Lieutenant's Log
    Week 136
    Another siege, another world I need to add to my list of "planets I am never visiting again. I'm going to need to start a second page.
    In terms of news in the galaxy, yet more fires have sprouted.
    Falleen saw some back-and-forth over a week or so. A large rebel carrier fleet launched an attack on it, hoping to chase the local fleet off. They managed to succeed, overwhelming the fleet. In response, Commodore Turner and Captain Thranas led the fleet at Drunckenwell to Falleen. The rebels met the fleet and were torn apart. The Imperial fleet needed to retreat, though. The rebel fighter swarm destroyed some of the smaller ships. The second attack saw the sole remaining ship, a marauder cruiser, be chased off. The rebel ground forces enroute were not informed and were scared off too.
    In less favorable news, Roche faced an assault by another rebel fleet. This one was made of Mon Cal cruisers. The defense fleet was destroyed, but not without taking some rebel ships with them.
    As for Quellor, it was slow and bloody. We have been here for weeks, rooting out rebels and fighting tooth and nail to take the capital. The Chief and the 14th quickly ran out of mercy and pity when it became clear just how deep the rebels had gotten their claws into the local administration. Chief wanted to start parting heads from shoulders, but Admiral Star denied him that. He did order a couple orbital bombardments and bombing runs though. Lucius was of the opinion we ought to vaporize a city or two, but he held his tongue around Star.
    I just want to be away from here. First my team, Team Fortress, and Triton and Harbinger Squads nearly die because that one captain tried to overload the Darkstar's reactor and blow us all up, and then we have this. The planet sucks as well. I am not joking when I say the sand smells like a public toilet.

  • @matthewwolf90
    @matthewwolf90 5 месяцев назад +7

    “The AI is so good in this mod” *proceeds to watch AI send Carriers into the front line* 😂

    • @NP3GA
      @NP3GA 5 месяцев назад +3

      The AI didn't have anything else to use as frontline. So it used what it could.

    • @matthewwolf90
      @matthewwolf90 5 месяцев назад

      @@NP3GA it’s just funny that the AI Space tactic remains of “Rush Everything Forward.” Just easy to cheese when your enemy sends All forward to where you can literally pick off the weaker fast ships that hit you first, then don’t have to worry about carriers because they’re only going to have One wave before they rush in and get destroyed as well. I know it’s a old game, but the Ground AI can seem to figure out how to be more defensive and Not send it’s artillery up as a front line unit lol yet Space AI literally sends its ships forward till their right on top of you, I mean at least stop at firing range 🤣

    • @NP3GA
      @NP3GA 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@matthewwolf90 I think this space battle was kinda of bad example. In other battles with more mixed competitions, the AI is a lot better at handling what should go where.

    • @matthewwolf90
      @matthewwolf90 5 месяцев назад +2

      While I’d like to agree, Sheds fought the Rebel carrier built fleets a few times now, and even when they had Heavy MCs, the Carriers Still rush forward Right into Sheds fleet then would just move around inside his formation and guns lol

    • @WhimsicalPacifist
      @WhimsicalPacifist 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@NP3GA What if the AI didn't use a frontline? But sent two waves of "endurance carrier" fighters and bombers but then retreated? They wouldn't have lost the Quasars. Shack would still have taken nearly the same casualties.

  • @RC-gn4yy
    @RC-gn4yy 5 месяцев назад +3

    Pretty sure Quellor ground map is based on a Bad Company 2 map.

    • @DhonJoe
      @DhonJoe 5 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, yes it is, I made that map.
      I designed it that way as a tribute to those games, they meant a lot to me.

    • @RC-gn4yy
      @RC-gn4yy 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@DhonJoe that's awesome. I really enjoyed them. Thank you for reminding me of them.

    • @DhonJoe
      @DhonJoe 5 месяцев назад +1

      You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.

  • @DragonxFlutter
    @DragonxFlutter 4 месяца назад +1

    On the question of "Why would the Empire use the Quasar?"
    The Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser was originally a SoroSuub cargo hauler that the Rebellion jerryrigged into a fighter carrier. Derpney retconned it into always being a cruiser/carrier made for the Empire, this time being basically an orbital Fighter base stationed above occupied worlds for quick Fighter deployment. Basically combining the role of the Ton Falk with the looks of the Quasar Fire.

  • @Chumdo
    @Chumdo 5 месяцев назад +2

    Love the videos

  • @qeskill2224
    @qeskill2224 5 месяцев назад +2

    The empire uses quazars as cargo ships

  • @nathanoutdoors7981
    @nathanoutdoors7981 5 месяцев назад +1

    You need to stop the corruption

  • @TurKlack
    @TurKlack 5 месяцев назад

    These were some horrendous losses on Quellor.
    Poor Troopers. Also you don't use the TX-225 to it's fullest potential. It can be equipped with a Repair Station, which will make them perfect for rear line outposts where your Tanks can return to after an engagement. And don't press onward faster than your artillery when you have it.
    When it comes to the Empire I rarely use AT-ST and other Walkers in generell. AotR made them to slow and sluggish. I usually go for the Hover Tanks and combine them with Infantry and TIE-fighters/Gunships. It also helps to separate them into Teams. I like to use 2 Squads of 2 2-Ms and 2 Stormtrooper Teams each. Makes them pretty versatile. Than add an Artillery or Air Support to the mix and I get a pretty powerful Ground army, that can survive most engagements with little to no losses.

  • @luizviniciusvieiraalexandr4979
    @luizviniciusvieiraalexandr4979 5 месяцев назад +1

    hey Shack, I know you love the Venator so do I.
    You cloud download or add a submod that allows the empire to build Venators agian, idk if is a good idea when it comes to the lore of this campaign but I really want to see more Venators my beloved.

  • @MrImperatorRoma
    @MrImperatorRoma 5 месяцев назад +1

    I see Sabre tanks and my neurons activate

  • @DaHoff
    @DaHoff 5 месяцев назад

    Great video, I am loving all the updates, I love SW! I can't believe I've been playing this since my late 20's I'm in the over 40 club now lol! Don't change Captain Shack. Only if you have some kids of your own.

  • @Rahul-m6g6s
    @Rahul-m6g6s 5 месяцев назад +1

    4:35 Btw, you don't have to unpause to put a unit in the pathfinder slot.

  • @williamhand1471
    @williamhand1471 5 месяцев назад

    Command Shed we need to counter attack, sir. The rebels and hapes are pressing from the mid rim and are on the door of the core. I recommend you send probes out and raid/take every bordering planet. We have many fleets we can do this
    Officer Hand.

  • @LarsLoveToMosh
    @LarsLoveToMosh 5 месяцев назад

    Those Handcrafted Maps look Gorgeous.
    Quellor looks a nice Place to have a House...I mean Minus all the Bombardment and Stuff

  • @TT-Rex
    @TT-Rex 5 месяцев назад

    I'm curious about what Faction he's going to play once he's done with this campaign. Will he do the Rebels again, or try the Black Sun, or will the clone wars mod be out by then and he plays that new mod instead.

  • @johnathanhinz7184
    @johnathanhinz7184 5 месяцев назад

    Hey shack I've been a fan since the original Republic at war campaign and the original space engineers survival series. I was planning on a one shot age of rebellion tabletop campaign and I was planning on having my players meeting captain shack on your ship the liberation and was hoping you could give me some advice on how to make Captain shacks character.

  • @maxim9995
    @maxim9995 5 месяцев назад

    Whats the music he uses for the video (the music that isnt from eaw)

  • @pokebreeder2517
    @pokebreeder2517 5 месяцев назад

    you need more anti star fight ships like the lancer and such

  • @DesselOrdo
    @DesselOrdo 5 месяцев назад

    would you rather defend Commenor or re-rebuild Kuat?

  • @puckboy9933
    @puckboy9933 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @dreadwing01
    @dreadwing01 5 месяцев назад

    When are you getting Vader back?

  • @fathernave9503
    @fathernave9503 5 месяцев назад +1

    I know the Emperor is a great income generator and I'm also guilty of using him as such on Coruscant. But I think it would be awesome for him to have his own elite combat unit who's task is to participate in the most important ground battles. AT-AT's, Death Troopers, Shock Troopers, TIE Strikers, along with Vader and the Emperor heading into battle is just an awesome concept to me.

    • @fathernave9503
      @fathernave9503 5 месяцев назад

      That being said, I don't know how viable of a combat unit the Emperor is because I've never used nor seen him in combat lol

    • @RigobertosTacoShop
      @RigobertosTacoShop 2 месяца назад

      @@fathernave9503he’s deadly to infantry like, insta lighting carnage, but his hp is really low and so he can be killed quick, he comes with the red honor guards which are always fun.

  • @SterlingWhitehead
    @SterlingWhitehead 5 месяцев назад

    Ozzel outlived Vader

  • @Nason599
    @Nason599 5 месяцев назад

    You could create a tv series or a straight up movie based on these two brothers and there drastically different outlooks of the war
    Shack valiantly fighting for freedom with the Rebels, longing to save his brother and turn him good.
    Shed giving into the lust for power and doing everything he can to solidify his position, yet having a soft spot for the rebellion.
    just saying, I'd watch it

    • @devangsingh1689
      @devangsingh1689 5 месяцев назад +1

      and shanty supplying arms deals to both sides XD

  • @Vandicoup
    @Vandicoup 5 месяцев назад

    Would love to see you play Men War II, Men of War: Assault Squad 2 and Call to Arms on the channel one of these days!! :D

  • @Cheeseman_5
    @Cheeseman_5 5 месяцев назад +3

    Enjoying this video and series.

  • @drakenwing2030
    @drakenwing2030 5 месяцев назад

    Build Imperial Population Centers in space Shak. You increase your pop cap by 15 pet station and you can put them over any planet. Built 10 and boom +150 pop for fleets.
    Also Captain Needa increases Capital Ships ONLY, not every ship! Build him some Phase 2 ISDs and a bunch of the cheap TIE Intercepter IPVs and you'll WRECK fleets!!!

  • @ryancroy
    @ryancroy 5 месяцев назад

    I like how he is worried about linked if autofire isn’t so much worse.
    Linked at least ot limited to one... auto fire isn’t.
    I know a player that quickly and easily got a good gun that our GM allowed auto fire on...
    He didn't realize the mistake he made until he had a lot of ranks in R(H), several boost die from other quallaties he got (hes a droid so he spent a lot of starting xp into agility).
    The breaking point was getting jury rigged. And reducing autofire to 1 adv to activate.
    He had to homerule that one out really quickly.
    He got linked instead.

  • @peterhong7090
    @peterhong7090 5 месяцев назад

    I think at this point, its time to start to steer away from carriers and just build actual Tie Advanced squadrons. The carriers themselves eat up a lot of cap on the map and dont launch enough fighters. With individual squadrons you can bring in as many as the situation requires and not praying that your lancers arent alpha striked by enemy fighters and bombers. With 2 advanced fighter yards, you can build TIE Advanced in seconds and drown the Rebel fighters in their numbers.

  • @Sp4rt4nSl4ya
    @Sp4rt4nSl4ya 5 месяцев назад

    24:58 I absolutely love this and I want to see more of it Shack. In the past you'd abandon isolated worlds because it was impossible to reinforce them from outside and it was always cheaper to just scuttle the planet and let it fall. I'm the type that will dump credits into planets like that just to spite the AI so they spend ages trying in vain to take it from me. Am I petty? Maybe, but at least I'm making the rebels pay for it.

  • @seppo3139
    @seppo3139 5 месяцев назад

    Bro... Nooooo... Retreating in the first battle against squishy quasars is never the option, you could have taken out atleast 2 quasars with the space station itself D: