I think if they made that announcement in the beginning of the flight "that if you cause a disturbance it could cost you twenty years in jail and/or $250,000" that might curb some people's aggressive behavior.
See ^^ This "public safety issue" is def not what people are saying. There is no public safety issue that people are rambling on about. Here it's just "disturbance" this is an equivalent of a police officer slapping on an obstruction of justice disproportionately to certain groups of people and getting away with discrimination. lmfao
@@shawnbrownfield9857 When we started calling employees heroes, the got a little something called a narcissism complex, and that's when they forgot how to serve and act as employees in public. Or maybe it's when they started wearing the mask. XD
I learned how unreliable the breathalyzers really are. For chemically analytical instrumentation, the ones in use by law enforcement aren't particularly reliable and are unlikely to be kept properly calibrated. Additionally, the environmental operating conditions call for specific range of temperature and humidity and NO electronic interference. Then the device itself is designed and calibrated for generally a typical white male of middle age, height, weight etc. It also fails to address medical conditions and medications, including OTC, lotions, occupational exposures, or recent food consumption that might further reduce efficacy of test. The only devices considered that are considered 99% accurate costs huge bucks, millions, require small building and environmental controls with a Faraday field or something to prevent electromagnetic interference and are found at upper echelon hospitals or university research departments. Considering how much is on the line for some, its flimsy evidence to potentially take away someone's livelihood. I spent a few years reading up on it. Shocking. And I in no way approve of impaired driving...but gross miscarriages of Justice must not go unremarked.
I completely agree - they need to have a form for passengers to fill out in regards to medications they are taking -- and airlines should definitely stop serving alcohol - this is horrible
I agree. However, I can still fantasize about having a combat-trained flight attendant for a girlfriend... ROBBER: Gimme yer dough! ME: I think not. He's all yours, Sweetheart!
5500 incidents? That’s insane. My natural fear, along with a good dose of home training, of being in a pressurized cylinder 35,000 feet in the air and starting a fight or assaulting someone over some nonsense thereby putting all of us in danger keeps me in check. Apparently 5500 people can’t control themselves in the least. Scary stuff
Those idiots don't know what you do. They don't realize that the air pressure, temperature, wind velocity, visibility would not be convenient to them if somehow the plane's structure was compromised.
@@johnw2026 Oh, we're EXTREMELY aware of the tantrums, and sometimes even outright murders that anti-maskers have committed in these last 2 years. This could've been over, (at least in the U.S.), during the summer. But these folks who've never heard of mouthwash before revert back to being 2 years old again when asked to put on a mask anywhere. I truly wonder what number of dead Americans they'll finally start to have a problem with. But until then they'll just complain about worker shortages, while they help the number of corpses climb higher.
Witnessed a female air marshall get up and handle a drunk passenger between Seattle and Anchorage. She calmly got the situation under control, nice job!
I’ve never understood why they serve alcohol on planes. It just adds fuel to the fire when it comes to difficult people, and provides more challenges for the flight attendants. They shouldn’t have to put up with this abuse.
Keep in mind it's not her job to make sure she controls the situation *calmly* If they need to get abusive in order to control unruly passengers then they absolutely should
Hahahahaha!!!! Walking? If they walk when it rains, congratulations to them! Especially when they don't have driver's licenses. That will be good exercise for them, regardless of distance.
@Emerald Triangle yeah it makes no sense at all, some of these people have no record or have put the time and money to board a plane and then suddenly just fight? What a waste. What do they expect to achieve? Maybe these people have anxiety from corona or claustrophobia so they get angry or something idk. A random person serving you on the plane seems like the last person you should be mad at.
There definitely needs to be stricter consequences. One time and you’re done. Absolutely a no fly no more. Plus fines and more. People have got to start being held responsible and the self entitlement crushed.
@@coldchillin8382 wtf are you talking about? Please time stamp where they said this was his 3rd time. You can face up to 20 years in prison for this happening once.
@Bleepblopchu the reason why you don't have crazy people in asylums no more is because liberals took over to mental health system that is why you have no asylums in American no more things that used to be considered mentally unstable and crazy are now normal
@@Ilnatica a SVP at fortune 50 company I used to work for had a charter flight everyday to get to HQ from his house. Imagine that, company pays I think.
@@WaveRider1989 Of course there are people who fly private to work. But the context of the conversation here and the comment by Pauline is flying on commercial flights with air marshals. So I was curious if her husband flies to work every day on commercial flights.
“You’re not scaring nobody no more!” That’s part of the problem: a growing number of violent or unstable people not only have no care for their fellow citizens; they think law enforcement isn’t allowed to stop them either.
@@bluecadillac no. It means staying on the no fly list, getting fined, and getting arrested + charged. Why do you always think the worst case scenario?? Its obvious these people need to be arrested like everyone else
I hope the airlines are keeping their own no-fly list. Obviously this guy was not a terrorist but he doesn't need to be on airliners anymore either. There is no constitutional right to air travel. Once you abuse the privilege to the point where air marshals and police have to become involved, you're grounded. Buses, trains and cars will be your only transportation option from now on.
And all carriers, from the big 3 to the budgets, need to share a single master list of no-flyers. Simply banning someone from Delta or Southwest, even for life, still leaves them way too many options in our domestic market.
He IS a terrorist. He was creating terror to all on that plane. People like him and those that go into a store or school and cause terror should be charged as terrorists. A felony and no more planes, schools or stores for them. We have gotten too soft on violent crime.
If they act like that on an airliner, they might act like on a train (Amtrak) or a bus (Greyhound), also. But, I haven't heard any stories about incidents on those carriers.
I'd feel a lot safer if I knew there were Air Marshals on every flight. They did the right thing. Praise them... When I was a kid, I was taught that if you were in an airport, or on an airplane, or crossing a border, you sit still and keep your mouth shut. Easy peasy
These people are the prime example of why all aircraft should have in-flight air locks on them. If someone starts getting out of control, they are placed in the airlock and then purged out into the atmosphere at 35,000 feet. After a few publicized instances of instant airlock justice, the number of "in-flight tantrums and fighting" would decrease by 99% at least.
5k plus unruly passengers should not also fly to other international airlines other than the US. Banned them for life, endangering the safety of all passengers. These behaviors should not be taken lightly.
@@BlackNightJack you really think it's that wrong how many people get simple driving violations.... Would you say it's more or less than people convicted of felonies
@@rondiggity1677 What is your problem? Jesus taught forgiveness. I also have no idea what hymn you are talking about. You appear to be a negative person blaming your short comings on Jesus, spirituality, or whatever. Jesus taught forgiveness of sins. And, anyone can be forgiven but they still have to pay for their transgressions. Like people who assault flight attendants. They can be forgiven and should be forgiven. But, they should still have to pay the price for crimes. Prison time.
People appreciate a flight attendants job. I know I do. It seems like a great and enjoyable job. But flight attendants shouldn't have to deal with these bozo's and their petty excuses for acting like violent toddlers.
As I understand it, the majority of such incidents over the past year have been arguing over refusal to wear a mask, which is highly correlated with conservative political views.
@@matthewv789 Some people take issue with the government illegally asserting authority it does not have. The courts haven't been kind to federal overreach lately.
@@jshepard152 Well it turns out the government has full authority in regard to health directives and very clearly has for a very long time. And for good reason, because health officials are legally required to protect public health and people who disregard public health directives are effectively guilty of reckless endangerment of those around them in the manner of Typhoid Mary. Reckless endangerment is often met with a prison sentence, so be thankful that the government hasn’t simply jailed all the scofflaws who are endangering their communities. Just because there are a lot of them doesn’t make their disregard of public health measures any less criminal.
@@matthewv789 That's a novel theory you have there. Completely at odds with the reality that the Biden administration is being smacked down by the courts at nearly every turn. It looks like the scofflaws have the law on their side, despite your fantasies of locking them up.
@@jshepard152 It's not a novel theory. The legal authority to put in place health directives to protect public health is invested in county health officials though, not the President of the United States. I wouldn't read too much into a few judges deciding that OSHA or other existing laws don't extend to some of the health directives Biden tried to put in place, because those laws generally do not address things like pandemics. (I would also note that judges are people too, just as biased and potentially ignorant as anyone else, and that different judges would certainly disagree with those decisions.) For instance, an appeals court just overturned the decision to block OSHA from enforcing vaccines or frequent testing on employers with more than 100 employees, so now that rule CAN be enforced.
Over 5000 incidents of passenger violence in one year? That is so crazy! Why do these passengers have to act like this? The only thing they will get out of this is a criminal record, a no-fly list, and in this instance, public shaming on social media. I'm also staying away from airplane trips for a long time.
@@blasterman789 what a dhick kind of comment. Do you realize that highest % of unruly airline passengers the past 2 years have been White. Are you saying everyone is oppressed??? Or are you just being a doosh?
@@bucsr.6106 Good point maybe some people with a lot of money should pay their fair share in taxes.... I just think fair is fair they shouldn't have to pay more in scale but how do people like Jeff bezos pay nothing in taxes
@@bucsr.6106 Well you're right on the percent the more you make usually the less percent you pay I'm not saying anything about that but nothing for taxs is not fair
This is just a small microcosm of the bigger picture that is going on in this country right now: people misbehaving with impunity. It all starts at the very top.
My late wife was a stew for 15 yrs back in the 80's. The only thing she ever complained about is getting pinched on the butt while walking down the aisle. RIP dear. How things have changed in the airline industry, and really, the world in general.
So... Sexual assault??? Contrary to popular belief, people are not getting anymore violent. The difference between the 80's and now is that we have more access to global information. News spreads like wild fire thanks to easier access to the internet, mobile devices, televisions, e.t.c. All these were either nonexistent in the 80's or luxury items only the very rich could afford.
@@Mary-vw8gh Trump boasted of worse than a bottom pinch and actually grabbed genitals! As a much younger man I had my bottom pinched (including by my elderly medical patients) many times and was able to laugh it off, I only once had a female rugby player grab a free handful of wedding tackle! The two kinds of infractions just felt very different and I think the OP was able to see the funny side in what were different times. Also, show a bit of empathy for this man who is clearly still grieving! He bears no disrespect to his late wife. 🤷🏾♂️🙏🏿🇬🇧
@@juana2631 Thank you for the kind words. She died of breast cancer at the age of 39. It was sort of her fault, she refused to go get a mammogram because she said it hurt. The cancer caught up with her and went to the brain.
I really hope that people arrested for this type of incident on a plane aren’t just let out the next day by a judge. I’m afraid to fly because of people acting like this.
Me too! And, I'm a fairly large guy that isn't afraid to get into someone's grill. But it's an entirely different situation at 35,000 feet on an airliner.
If you look at passenger plane pictures from the 50’s, people used to get dressed up, and were very polite and orderly. Now, it’s shocking people dress like slobs like this guy, are foul mouthed, and complete societal pestilence which absolutely ruins travel for the rest of us who are polite and have manners. It’s really disgusting.
Airlines not interested as they'd have to eat the cost of regular seating that they could be earning good money on. Probably would be unionized positions too, so they would demand first class seats.
@ZuluTime Productions and...youre reason for questioning this? you related to this as$hole on board? thats the only possible explanation...otherwise the rest of us are about safety
More accurately, interfering with flight crew could result in 20 years and cost tax payers more than $800,000....to house him/her. Just put them on a no flight list and do everyone a favor.
New rule You assault an airline employee or your unruly behavior causes the pilot to divert, you will be placed on a “no fly” list that will be federally enforced among all carriers
@@Quicks1lvr People nowadays would rather play the blame game and point their fingers at everyone else rather than face the consequences of their actions
I hope they're putting air marshalls on every flight now. That guy looks like he's surprised they were there, but not remorseful at all, like he meant to make trouble in the first place.
@@DevilDogDen1775 Stop the cap right now. You want to know how I know you are lying. Because the U.S Marshals and Air Marshals are 2 separate organizations. They sound the same but do 2 different jobs. So you played yourself.
Putting them on a no-fly list on any airline for the rest of their lives would mean that they couldn’t do it again. Greyhound Bus is ready when they are.
Teaching so-called self defense to someone who has never been in a fight and hit in the face, does not work. It gives people a false sense of security, which is dangerous. There needs to be dedicated security on all flights, period! The airlines can afford to keep 2-3 seats open for individuals providing security. The airline executives understand this, they just care.
Well ... at least sit and endure the flight ... the days of enjoying flights ended when they started packing us in like sardines ... but you point is well taken!
My uncle is a Air Marshall who teaches Airline Employees basic self defense moves ..it's getting worse ..don't let these stats fool you ..unruly & violent passengers are more common since Covid 19 was relaxed
Are you really criticizing cheap flights? Bro 99.99% of people do not act this way. Don't gatekeep flying on an airplane just because a handful of people are terrible people
@@Quicks1lvr The inflation is because the economy is doing so well (people have money to spend), but covid-related supply chain issues (like all those container ships anchored off of Los Angeles/Long Beach for weeks waiting to dock) means there isn’t enough supply of products to meet demand, hence prices rise. In terms of oil prices it’s because of OPEC decisions to restrain supply so as not to flood the market, again mainly related to market changes due to covid. Besides which that was irrelevant to the point of discussion, which was highly visible political leaders modeling disrespectful, aggressive, anti-scientific behavior against legal health mandates.
I don't think he understands the seriousness of the crime he just committed. Hmmm if he gets the max he going have a lot of time to reflect on his foolishness.
Assaulting n murdering unarmed people should b deemed the worst n bring the harshest sentences. I mean...if they r unarmed...n ur armed...where is the real fight? This is called slaughter. But when the people being slaughtered dont look like u...o how easy it is 2 excuse.
You are 100% correct. It has everything to do with lower quality of human beings flying now. It’s amazing how social classes and financial economics will dictate a persons attitude and etiquette in public.
People who have behavior problems should not be allowed to get on a Plane .it put the people who are traveling at risk. If a person freek out in the .middle of a flight it could be fatal
When did everyone become so self entitled? People scream about their rights, what about those rights says your rights supercedes the rights of those around you? What makes people think they're better than anyone else?
Have you been living under a rock? Today’s society especially the youth of it could care less about other people’s rights, in fact they get angry and sometimes violent if you even bring it up. Lack of rules and a good education has made them very mentally weak
I'd bet you're right and we have the same hunch.... probably more people wearing tank tops than those wearing regular shirts. Tank tops are clear signs of an aggro personality
As far as I’ve heard the majority of such cases have been over refusal to wear a mask, which has been significantly associated with conservative politics.
I get not being happy on a plane - the ever smaller leg room, charges for everything - getting on, luggage, seat position but I don't get going crazy. You can say well these people need therapy - you could say that about everyone or you could say - some people need to learn there are consequences for thinking they are the most important person in the world. Sadly it is my generation that put this stupid idea into our offspring so I blame my generation every bit as much as the younger generation. The truth is there can't be several billion most important people in the world, and several billion people can't all grow up to be anything they want (We don't need millions of astronaughts and ballerinas and it is difficult to make a lucrative career as a princess for most people in the US).
A fight on a plane puts everyone on board at risk. I hope the airlines and the government prepare devices to put those trouble makers to sleep for the duration of the flight at the first sight of trouble.
It’s sad for many reasons. Sad for the flight attendants because they got assaulted by a wacko. Sad for the passengers because their flight is being delayed. What it’s not sad is that the wackos are being arrested for their stupid behavior. They deserve it. All need to be on the no flight list. It’s happening way too many times. Also, it’s happening in many customer service jobs. Employees are being smacked or thrown things at them. It’s a crazy world.
it gets crazier. i got assaulted by a flight attendant a few years back. they switched me from leg room door aisle to normal seating...i have long legs. couldnt fit my thighs in they had the seats that badly jammed together, so had to do 9hours sitting sideways with my legs in the aisle. woke up to being kicked by the steward, and found hed been sticking security stickers on my back everytine he passed. that was #deltaairlines out of atlanta btw.
@@luminousfractal420 Not doubting your story for a minute, but it sounds more like a United experience than Delta. Usually Delta flight crews are the friendliest of the skies.
They wouldn't have a problem with it if they werent being told to do that. Same thing goes with masks, people don't like being told what to do thats why they wont wear a mask, their ego is far too fragile.
Some minimum mandatory sentence laws would greatly help here. 1. You cause a disturbance that results in you having to be removed from an airplane - minimum 5 years. 2. If the disturbance happened in flight - minimum 10 years. 3. If you touch a crew member for any reason - minimum 20 years.
@@jimbojones9118 There are not air marshals on every flight.. there are on some.. there isn’t enough of them to be everywhere as well as there is enough money for it.
@@cellsaverr you don't get paid extra, pretty sure Air Marshall is not a real job title. As I said, it is usually LE that get assigned to be one, like if they are already flying somewhere and I dont think you have to be on duty either.
We have “ Use of Force “ Officers in our Regional Airport, where I work. I know some of them. It’s not going to be a day of “ my rights and freedoms “ for you if they come by to help.
I feel like a lot of people nowadays are spoiled and have unhealthy levels of freedom in them. So much that they don’t know how to behave properly in public places.
Add a felony to their record and put them on a permanent no fly list with all carriers. Not being able to get a job or fly anywhere would surely get the point across.
Hospitality and public service jobs always have to deal with this crappy behavior. No wonder why so many don't want to return to work. They're tired of being abused and taken for granted. Now is the time to be kind, patient, and understanding. The staff that are working are on massive overtime. Please behave and be kind. It takes a little stress off them.
I think if they made that announcement in the beginning of the flight "that if you cause a disturbance it could cost you twenty years in jail and/or $250,000" that might curb some people's aggressive behavior.
See ^^ This "public safety issue" is def not what people are saying. There is no public safety issue that people are rambling on about. Here it's just "disturbance" this is an equivalent of a police officer slapping on an obstruction of justice disproportionately to certain groups of people and getting away with discrimination. lmfao
The sad thing is the airline had to say anything at all!!!....when did we all forget how to act out in public?...
@@shawnbrownfield9857 When we started calling employees heroes, the got a little something called a narcissism complex, and that's when they forgot how to serve and act as employees in public. Or maybe it's when they started wearing the mask. XD
As if that would be a deterrent
people with enough money will do it anyway
I fully agree that unruly passengers should be placed on a no fly list - just as DUI 's should loose their privileges to be behind a wheel.
You mean DWIs, like the MADD Mother?
I learned how unreliable the breathalyzers really are.
For chemically analytical instrumentation, the ones in use by law enforcement aren't particularly reliable and are unlikely to be kept properly calibrated.
Additionally, the environmental operating conditions call for specific range of temperature and humidity and NO electronic interference.
Then the device itself is designed and calibrated for generally a typical white male of middle age, height, weight etc.
It also fails to address medical conditions and medications, including OTC, lotions, occupational exposures, or recent food consumption that might further reduce efficacy of test.
The only devices considered that are considered 99% accurate costs huge bucks, millions, require small building and environmental controls with a Faraday field or something to prevent electromagnetic interference and are found at upper echelon hospitals or university research departments.
Considering how much is on the line for some, its flimsy evidence to potentially take away someone's livelihood.
I spent a few years reading up on it.
And I in no way approve of impaired driving...but gross miscarriages of Justice must not go unremarked.
@@phil20_20 They are also called DUIs.
I completely agree - they need to have a form for passengers to fill out in regards to medications they are taking -- and airlines should definitely stop serving alcohol - this is horrible
They shouldn't loose it but maybe lose it.
Sad when flight attendants have to learn self defense to just do their jobs
I agree. However, I can still fantasize about having a combat-trained flight attendant for a girlfriend...
ROBBER: Gimme yer dough!
ME: I think not. He's all yours, Sweetheart!
Kind of like teachers.
@@MrStormg8 you're a weird guy
@@sadieferal1808 guy likes strong women, so you make fun of him. Insecure much?
@@mattybaby1116 why? Because he likes strong women?
5500 incidents? That’s insane. My natural fear, along with a good dose of home training, of being in a pressurized cylinder 35,000 feet in the air and starting a fight or assaulting someone over some nonsense thereby putting all of us in danger keeps me in check. Apparently 5500 people can’t control themselves in the least. Scary stuff
Probably half or more of that was just people not wanting to wear masks. That's what they didn't tell you, because the media's in with the democrats.
Those idiots don't know what you do. They don't realize that the air pressure, temperature, wind velocity, visibility would not be convenient to them if somehow the plane's structure was compromised.
In danger??… you’re so soft
I think the math works out to 1 out of every 3,000 flight has an incident. (16.4 million flights per year)
Oh, we're EXTREMELY aware of the tantrums, and sometimes even outright murders that anti-maskers have committed in these last 2 years. This could've been over, (at least in the U.S.), during the summer. But these folks who've never heard of mouthwash before revert back to being 2 years old again when asked to put on a mask anywhere. I truly wonder what number of dead Americans they'll finally start to have a problem with. But until then they'll just complain about worker shortages, while they help the number of corpses climb higher.
Witnessed a female air marshall get up and handle a drunk passenger between Seattle and Anchorage. She calmly got the situation under control, nice job!
I’ve never understood why they serve alcohol on planes. It just adds fuel to the fire when it comes to difficult people, and provides more challenges for the flight attendants. They shouldn’t have to put up with this abuse.
@@ovlifer1 I agree
Keep in mind it's not her job to make sure she controls the situation *calmly* If they need to get abusive in order to control unruly passengers then they absolutely should
EASA (European FAA) says they have an unruly incident every 3 hours, so it isn’t just Americans
Lifetime travel ban on all airlines, jail, and fines. Let em walk.
Hahahahaha!!!! Walking? If they walk when it rains, congratulations to them! Especially when they don't have driver's licenses. That will be good exercise for them, regardless of distance.
@@BigG833 people like that don't think right they couldn't accomplish that challenge..... They wouldn't even want to try
Amen 🙏🏽
5 year ban
@@BigG833 Whos them?
35 years old.
35 effing years old... SMH
Ban him for life.
Unlike the insurrectionists...CONVICT THEM N LOCK THEM UP INDEFINITELY! Too old n entitled n threats 2 national security
@Emerald Triangle yeah it makes no sense at all, some of these people have no record or have put the time and money to board a plane and then suddenly just fight? What a waste. What do they expect to achieve? Maybe these people have anxiety from corona or claustrophobia so they get angry or something idk. A random person serving you on the plane seems like the last person you should be mad at.
@@incognitonegress how does that relate to the post? Lol
Right! You would expect a 35 year old to know better. Jeez.
What does age have to do with this?
A reflection of an unkind, impatient, and entitled society.
I couldn't agree with you more.
A christian society.
It’s the down trodden members of society.
The fatherless society
You left out 'tired', 'stressed out', and 'pandemic weary'.
There definitely needs to be stricter consequences. One time and you’re done. Absolutely a no fly no more. Plus fines and more. People have got to start being held responsible and the self entitlement crushed.
What do you think happens? If you get escorted not just off a plane but even in the terminal that is it.
@@angelmedina2762 they said it was his 3rd time being unruly so obviously not much enforcement.
@@coldchillin8382 wtf are you talking about? Please time stamp where they said this was his 3rd time. You can face up to 20 years in prison for this happening once.
@@angelmedina2762 I believe it was the fifth time he acts like he’s been talking to his fifth cousin
That’s not very fair it should be based on 3 strikes then no fly sometimes u can be drunk or something
The general public need to start “handling” people like that.
@Bleepblopchu the reason why you don't have crazy people in asylums no more is because liberals took over to mental health system that is why you have no asylums in American no more things that used to be considered mentally unstable and crazy are now normal
If he can't behave himself in a plane, imagine how he acts in normal everyday situations 🤡👹😧
Consider the source!! Next time he acts up just open the hatch and shove him out! Problem solved
Maybe he's more peaceful during BLM riots-I mean marches
Do you say the same thing for the unmasked who made even a bigfer deal then this guy????
Probably not.
@UCVYDJvBJu7SiHH1ebI1wEug yeah he probably is, because he isn't being subjected by the color of his skin...so f off
@@doughesson tasteless
So happy these men and women are on board. My husband flies to and from his job. Bless them all.
Your husband flies to work every day?
That's impractical
@@Ilnatica a SVP at fortune 50 company I used to work for had a charter flight everyday to get to HQ from his house. Imagine that, company pays I think.
@@WaveRider1989 Of course there are people who fly private to work. But the context of the conversation here and the comment by Pauline is flying on commercial flights with air marshals. So I was curious if her husband flies to work every day on commercial flights.
“You’re not scaring nobody no more!”
That’s part of the problem: a growing number of violent or unstable people not only have no care for their fellow citizens; they think law enforcement isn’t allowed to stop them either.
I'm afraid our Law Enforcement has their hands tied. The criminals are back on the street before our Officers even get the paperwork done!
Biden and Democrats encourage hate on police. Even passing a bill to sue police officers individually
Evan, that is so true. The Karens are multiplying, as evidenced on so many YT videos. The same is true for the January 6th insurrectionists.
@@gregorywright7263 that's not true lmao white people are so strange
@@damien1781 look at inner city crime rates. Need more police with bigger guns.
I support maximum penalties for people who are not capable of being on their best behavior on an Airplane.
I support you sitting down and shutting up
"Maximum penalties." That's a euphemism for killings, right?
@@bluecadillac no. It means staying on the no fly list, getting fined, and getting arrested + charged. Why do you always think the worst case scenario?? Its obvious these people need to be arrested like everyone else
@@bluecadillac Maximum penalty = having to sit next to the restroom on Greyhound and lifetime No Fly list.
@@fishmonger7020 I support you going back to school to get your G.E.D.
About time air marshals step in to stop this type of madness and behavior.
Yeah, they've only been doing that for 50+ years lol
Um… Air Marshal service was only created in 2001 after the 9/11 attack
@@electrictroy2010 not true. Air marshals predate 9/11
The United States air Marshall service has been in existence for over 50 years president JFK created them under the FAA
I hope the airlines are keeping their own no-fly list. Obviously this guy was not a terrorist but he doesn't need to be on airliners anymore either. There is no constitutional right to air travel. Once you abuse the privilege to the point where air marshals and police have to become involved, you're grounded. Buses, trains and cars will be your only transportation option from now on.
And all carriers, from the big 3 to the budgets, need to share a single master list of no-flyers. Simply banning someone from Delta or Southwest, even for life, still leaves them way too many options in our domestic market.
That's right companies have a right to decline service to anyone they want it's a private business dealing with a public entity
He IS a terrorist. He was creating terror to all on that plane. People like him and those that go into a store or school and cause terror should be charged as terrorists. A felony and no more planes, schools or stores for them. We have gotten too soft on violent crime.
If they act like that on an airliner, they might act like on a train (Amtrak) or a bus (Greyhound), also. But, I haven't heard any stories about incidents on those carriers.
You can travel by ship so it's all good.
I'd feel a lot safer if I knew there were Air Marshals on every flight. They did the right thing. Praise them...
When I was a kid, I was taught that if you were in an airport, or on an airplane, or crossing a border, you sit still and keep your mouth shut.
Easy peasy
Not possible to have on every flight.
We already spend so much on the Air Marshall service. There's no way that they are going to hire more people for every flight.
It would cost far too much to put an Air Marshal on every flight.
@@sonotswifty needs to be on every flight....you can train off duty cops or security...create well paying jobs capiche?
Some folks have no home training.
Their intervention was probably welcomed by everybody. No one wants a dangerous situation on an airplane.
These people are the prime example of why all aircraft should have in-flight air locks on them. If someone starts getting out of control, they are placed in the airlock and then purged out into the atmosphere at 35,000 feet. After a few publicized instances of instant airlock justice, the number of "in-flight tantrums and fighting" would decrease by 99% at least.
If you intimidate people in mid flight you need to go to jail.
Start putting these people on the NO-FLY LIST!!! Stop giving them breaks after breaks .
You should see them on the road.
They should be walking and no public transit for years and years!
No freedom list. Prison.
@@jld593 interesting ideas
5k plus unruly passengers should not also fly to other international airlines other than the US. Banned them for life, endangering the safety of all passengers. These behaviors should not be taken lightly.
Flying ban for life. This will stop asap.
Kick the unruly unconscious and the plane load of passengers will say "oops, looks like he fell down.".
@@dbs555 well when you make stupid decisions you win stupid prizes
Even if it doesn't when ppl wants to go on vacation to another country oh well
Silly for you to even say that. You're absolutely wrong.
@@BlackNightJack you really think it's that wrong how many people get simple driving violations.... Would you say it's more or less than people convicted of felonies
Oh wow……………one of “those” people acting up in public. Wtf is new?????
Why ppl want criminal records so bad?
All felons banned
Just as Jesus taught, no forgiveness, ever.
I love the old hymns that taught the one and done method for dealing with problems.
So spiritual. 😍
@@rondiggity1677 What is your problem? Jesus taught forgiveness. I also have no idea what hymn you are talking about. You appear to be a negative person blaming your short comings on Jesus, spirituality, or whatever.
Jesus taught forgiveness of sins. And, anyone can be forgiven but they still have to pay for their transgressions. Like people who assault flight attendants. They can be forgiven and should be forgiven. But, they should still have to pay the price for crimes. Prison time.
As a flight attendant for a major airline all I can say is YEEESSSSS!
I can't believe what flight attendants are having to deal with now days. It's unacceptable. Stay safe.
@@officialJOY1229 👍
@@seemsgood85 Thanks.
People appreciate a flight attendants job. I know I do. It seems like a great and enjoyable job. But flight attendants shouldn't have to deal with these bozo's and their petty excuses for acting like violent toddlers.
35 years old and still doesn't realize that he needs to zip it while in a pressurized tin can at 35,000 ft.
Millianials will be completely useless when they are 75.
Then he will never realize it, ban him for life, period.
Every one is useless at 75
Another George Floyd in the make'n !
@@josephmyers5412 to soon bro Floyd almost has 600 days sober
Can't help but notice a glaring similarity between almost all of these unruly passengers.
As I understand it, the majority of such incidents over the past year have been arguing over refusal to wear a mask, which is highly correlated with conservative political views.
Some people take issue with the government illegally asserting authority it does not have. The courts haven't been kind to federal overreach lately.
@@jshepard152 Well it turns out the government has full authority in regard to health directives and very clearly has for a very long time. And for good reason, because health officials are legally required to protect public health and people who disregard public health directives are effectively guilty of reckless endangerment of those around them in the manner of Typhoid Mary. Reckless endangerment is often met with a prison sentence, so be thankful that the government hasn’t simply jailed all the scofflaws who are endangering their communities. Just because there are a lot of them doesn’t make their disregard of public health measures any less criminal.
That's a novel theory you have there. Completely at odds with the reality that the Biden administration is being smacked down by the courts at nearly every turn. It looks like the scofflaws have the law on their side, despite your fantasies of locking them up.
@@jshepard152 It's not a novel theory. The legal authority to put in place health directives to protect public health is invested in county health officials though, not the President of the United States. I wouldn't read too much into a few judges deciding that OSHA or other existing laws don't extend to some of the health directives Biden tried to put in place, because those laws generally do not address things like pandemics. (I would also note that judges are people too, just as biased and potentially ignorant as anyone else, and that different judges would certainly disagree with those decisions.) For instance, an appeals court just overturned the decision to block OSHA from enforcing vaccines or frequent testing on employers with more than 100 employees, so now that rule CAN be enforced.
This attitude goes hand in hand with lawlessness!
Over 5000 incidents of passenger violence in one year? That is so crazy! Why do these passengers have to act like this? The only thing they will get out of this is a criminal record, a no-fly list, and in this instance, public shaming on social media. I'm also staying away from airplane trips for a long time.
Because of George Floyd. They be oppressed.
@@blasterman789 you really must be a l0ser with nothing better to do with your life
@@blasterman789 what a dhick kind of comment.
Do you realize that highest % of unruly airline passengers the past 2 years have been White. Are you saying everyone is oppressed???
Or are you just being a doosh?
But why why why is the surge happening under Brandon's watch ? FU Biden ! Weak so called leader .
@@erwinsm10 Desperate for attention?
Try something new.
Unruly people really need to be put in their place.
Or thrown out the window
We need harsher punishments for people that act like that and a officer on every flight.
How do you propose we pay for those officers?
@@bucsr.6106 Good point maybe some people with a lot of money should pay their fair share in taxes.... I just think fair is fair they shouldn't have to pay more in scale but how do people like Jeff bezos pay nothing in taxes
@@bucsr.6106 That was a decent question by the way
@@Jacknehof taxes should be by percentage I believe. Tax law needs to be redone.
@@bucsr.6106 Well you're right on the percent the more you make usually the less percent you pay I'm not saying anything about that but nothing for taxs is not fair
This is just a small microcosm of the bigger picture that is going on in this country right now: people misbehaving with impunity. It all starts at the very top.
Ban them from ever flying again, problem solved
My late wife was a stew for 15 yrs back in the 80's. The only thing she ever complained about is getting pinched on the butt while walking down the aisle. RIP dear. How things have changed in the airline industry, and really, the world in general.
So... Sexual assault???
Contrary to popular belief, people are not getting anymore violent. The difference between the 80's and now is that we have more access to global information. News spreads like wild fire thanks to easier access to the internet, mobile devices, televisions, e.t.c. All these were either nonexistent in the 80's or luxury items only the very rich could afford.
She passed ? I am so sorry.
Thank the new low standards for public behaviour on the Donald
@@Mary-vw8gh Trump boasted of worse than a bottom pinch and actually grabbed genitals!
As a much younger man I had my bottom pinched (including by my elderly medical patients) many times and was able to laugh it off, I only once had a female rugby player grab a free handful of wedding tackle! The two kinds of infractions just felt very different and I think the OP was able to see the funny side in what were different times. Also, show a bit of empathy for this man who is clearly still grieving! He bears no disrespect to his late wife. 🤷🏾♂️🙏🏿🇬🇧
@@juana2631 Thank you for the kind words. She died of breast cancer at the age of 39. It was sort of her fault, she refused to go get a mammogram because she said it hurt. The cancer caught up with her and went to the brain.
Airline staff should not require defence training!
I've had it twice but not from the Air Marshals.
So should they be issued stun guns or tasers?..that is already a done deal with some airlines but not all
@@stevedeleon8775 well that escalated rather quickly… No.. I meant; ppl should be kind…
Actually all jobs should
How cool it would be someone complaining and you just deck em like stfu
I really hope that people arrested for this type of incident on a plane aren’t just let out the next day by a judge. I’m afraid to fly because of people acting like this.
Me too! And, I'm a fairly large guy that isn't afraid to get into someone's grill. But it's an entirely different situation at 35,000 feet on an airliner.
Man they're letting people out if jail for WAY worse crime in the big cities ( NY, SF ect)
If you look at passenger plane pictures from the 50’s, people used to get dressed up, and were very polite and orderly. Now, it’s shocking people dress like slobs like this guy, are foul mouthed, and complete societal pestilence which absolutely ruins travel for the rest of us who are polite and have manners. It’s really disgusting.
Doesn't take a genius to understand why this is happening.
The Msm is to blame for this.
A no fly list would shut this down all airlines should make one and published fine list
They should just keep regular security guards on these planes from now on. Good job to the Marshalls also. For doing the right thing!👍
@ZuluTime Productions , and you know this how?
🤣 what do you think an air marshal is?
Airlines not interested as they'd have to eat the cost of regular seating that they could be earning good money on. Probably would be unionized positions too, so they would demand first class seats.
@ZuluTime Productions and...youre reason for questioning this? you related to this as$hole on board? thats the only possible explanation...otherwise the rest of us are about safety
You wanna pay extra for that?
You know you're low rent when you board a plane wearing a wife beater shirt. Who wants to sit next to his armpit hairs. GROSS!
He had to look the part! LOL
Racist. But u have ur opinions
@@incognitonegress How is a guy that wears a 'wife beater' shirt racist? *shrug*
@@incognitonegress Hey there, race hustler!!! Maybe it's time to find something better to do???
@@incognitonegress I never mentioned anyone's race. Boarding an airplane wearing a wife beater is low class and inappropriate no matter your race.
More accurately, interfering with flight crew could result in 20 years and cost tax payers more than $800,000....to house him/her. Just put them on a no flight list and do everyone a favor.
New rule
You assault an airline employee or your unruly behavior causes the pilot to divert, you will be placed on a “no fly” list that will be federally enforced among all carriers
People need to chill.
And if they don't they need to be prosecuted it's simple as that most of these are anti-maskers Trump supporters
@@JohnSmith-pg9ns Let's not sully a basic concept with politics please.
Oh brilliant solution
@@JohnSmith-pg9ns every comment you make is about Trump lol. I don't even know hardcore Trump supporters who think about him as much as your type does
@@Quicks1lvr People nowadays would rather play the blame game and point their fingers at everyone else rather than face the consequences of their actions
I hope they're putting air marshalls on every flight now. That guy looks like he's surprised they were there, but not remorseful at all, like he meant to make trouble in the first place.
There aren't enough agents in the Air Marshal Service.
I am a former U.S. Marshall. As the previous comment stated, there are unfortunately not enough agents to be on every flight...
@@DevilDogDen1775 Stop the cap right now. You want to know how I know you are lying. Because the U.S Marshals and Air Marshals are 2 separate organizations. They sound the same but do 2 different jobs. So you played yourself.
@@LeeeroyJenkins Not to mention he can't even spell "Marshal" correctly...
Putting them on a no-fly list on any airline for the rest of their lives would mean that they couldn’t do it again. Greyhound Bus is ready when they are.
Roll Tide, Billy
Passenger gets thrown out of plane at 50,000 feet for being unruly...next on your local news.
Put everyone like that on the NO FLY list. Let them ride the bus forever
Airliners should be equipped with special doors capable of opening in flight to use for unruly passenger jettison.
this comment is amazing
@@Hayato-DeL I was just thinking the same thing =) Parachute optional.
Lol 🤣😄 good one!
Bond had that option on his silver convertible. Passenger seat of course.
Yup lock them in a separate room then a port hole opens and sucks them out.
Mandatory prison time for in-flight rudeness.
What "fragility" and "entitlement" really looks like.
Teaching so-called self defense to someone who has never been in a fight and hit in the face, does not work. It gives people a false sense of security, which is dangerous. There needs to be dedicated security on all flights, period! The airlines can afford to keep 2-3 seats open for individuals providing security. The airline executives understand this, they just care.
If you're acting crazy on an AIRPLANE, you DO NOT deserve forgiveness, or anything for that matter.
It’s amazing people can’t even fly without being a problem. Just sit down and enjoy the flight, Jesus
You know, so simple!! Sit and enjoy!!!
Well ... at least sit and endure the flight ... the days of enjoying flights ended when they started packing us in like sardines ... but you point is well taken!
My uncle is a Air Marshall who teaches Airline Employees basic self defense moves ..it's getting worse ..don't let these stats fool you ..unruly & violent passengers are more common since Covid 19 was relaxed
Murders on the ground are up 18% over the last year as well…
This is what happens when you give out cheap flights, you end up with folks on an airplane who only know how to act on there front porch…..
Are you really criticizing cheap flights? Bro 99.99% of people do not act this way. Don't gatekeep flying on an airplane just because a handful of people are terrible people
@@Jomskylark Yes
Next time I fly I will watch closely to who is being watchful and I will call out the undercover air Marshall before I walk off the plane
Allow people to think they can do AS THEY please.....this is what you get
Maybe it's just me but this is the 1st time that I can remember in recent memory of an air Marshal actually arresting someone.
it is just you, not all of these situations go viral enough for the news to report on it.
I really hate how criminals think they can behave any crazy way they want too, and then feel no shame about it at all . Very depressing.
Sadly, tRump and his henchmen in congress demonstrate bad behavior as if it is some kind of badge of honor.
@@mytwocents848 but 39 year high inflation is wonderful to mean tweets
@@Quicks1lvr The inflation is because the economy is doing so well (people have money to spend), but covid-related supply chain issues (like all those container ships anchored off of Los Angeles/Long Beach for weeks waiting to dock) means there isn’t enough supply of products to meet demand, hence prices rise. In terms of oil prices it’s because of OPEC decisions to restrain supply so as not to flood the market, again mainly related to market changes due to covid.
Besides which that was irrelevant to the point of discussion, which was highly visible political leaders modeling disrespectful, aggressive, anti-scientific behavior against legal health mandates.
I don't think he understands the seriousness of the crime he just committed. Hmmm if he gets the max he going have a lot of time to reflect on his foolishness.
Resisting arrest and assaulting a federal officer is generally not a great look if you want to spend your time outside of prison.
These are the people who actually should be on the No fly list
"You not scarin' nobody no more" *gets arrested*
Assaulting flight crew is completely unacceptable and merit the harshest sentencing.
Assaulting n murdering unarmed people should b deemed the worst n bring the harshest sentences. I mean...if they r unarmed...n ur armed...where is the real fight? This is called slaughter. But when the people being slaughtered dont look like u...o how easy it is 2 excuse.
Put them on the No Fly List or at least limit them to flying Spirit Airline only.
United: Thank god it wasn't our passenger being perp walked. Sprit: What's wrong with that?
5500 incidents in a single year? What is wrong with people nowadays!!!???
Air fare is cheap, so the lower class is traveling more and more
You are 100% correct. It has everything to do with lower quality of human beings flying now. It’s amazing how social classes and financial economics will dictate a persons attitude and etiquette in public.
People who have behavior problems should not be allowed to get on a Plane .it put the people who are traveling at risk. If a person freek out in the .middle of a flight it could be fatal
They almost should be walking!! No public transit. Maybe No driving as well. yes they should be huge fine for it!
When did everyone become so self entitled? People scream about their rights, what about those rights says your rights supercedes the rights of those around you? What makes people think they're better than anyone else?
Have you been living under a rock? Today’s society especially the youth of it could care less about other people’s rights, in fact they get angry and sometimes violent if you even bring it up. Lack of rules and a good education has made them very mentally weak
@@fairtreatment2618 if that's the answer then we failed them.
Would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to know the demographics on passenger flight incidents. Where can I find that information? I have a hunch
I'd bet you're right and we have the same hunch.... probably more people wearing tank tops than those wearing regular shirts. Tank tops are clear signs of an aggro personality
As far as I’ve heard the majority of such cases have been over refusal to wear a mask, which has been significantly associated with conservative politics.
@@1MegaBubble I would ban wearing tank tops on a plane for starters. Its ont the beach or gym and nobody wants to rub against somelese arms
@@matthewv789 Or it could be stupidity which has been significantly associated with being a liberal. If you need proof just look at your president.
@@Hotspur37 Maybe he was flying to the beach and wanted to be ready to frolic about as soon as he landed
I work in the food and bev indrustry and ive noticed a remarkable difference between pre and post quarantine in the way people act in public
Some kids never grow up and become gross adults
I get not being happy on a plane - the ever smaller leg room, charges for everything - getting on, luggage, seat position but I don't get going crazy. You can say well these people need therapy - you could say that about everyone or you could say - some people need to learn there are consequences for thinking they are the most important person in the world. Sadly it is my generation that put this stupid idea into our offspring so I blame my generation every bit as much as the younger generation. The truth is there can't be several billion most important people in the world, and several billion people can't all grow up to be anything they want (We don't need millions of astronaughts and ballerinas and it is difficult to make a lucrative career as a princess for most people in the US).
Having my tea this AM, reading what you wrote about ballerinas and princesses, put a morning smile on my face. Thanks.
Grateful to the officers 🙏🏽
Maybe they'll name a street or put up a statue for this kind and generous young man!! 🤣🤣😂😂
If you can not act like a human being you should not get on a plane..
Or drive or be out in public...
Skip the fines and mandatory 1 year prison sentence‼️
Anyone who misbehaves on a plane just has to know there will be severe consequences. They must be great citizens in their own neighborhoods
A fight on a plane puts everyone on board at risk. I hope the airlines and the government prepare devices to put those trouble makers to sleep for the duration of the flight at the first sight of trouble.
It’s sad for many reasons. Sad for the flight attendants because they got assaulted by a wacko. Sad for the passengers because their flight is being delayed. What it’s not sad is that the wackos are being arrested for their stupid behavior. They deserve it. All need to be on the no flight list. It’s happening way too many times. Also, it’s happening in many customer service jobs. Employees are being smacked or thrown things at them. It’s a crazy world.
it gets crazier. i got assaulted by a flight attendant a few years back. they switched me from leg room door aisle to normal seating...i have long legs. couldnt fit my thighs in they had the seats that badly jammed together, so had to do 9hours sitting sideways with my legs in the aisle. woke up to being kicked by the steward, and found hed been sticking security stickers on my back everytine he passed. that was #deltaairlines out of atlanta btw.
@@luminousfractal420 Not doubting your story for a minute, but it sounds more like a United experience than Delta. Usually Delta flight crews are the friendliest of the skies.
There should be a sticker on every seat with posted penalties for such behaviour
Haha he thought he was a tough guy. Until the handcuffs came out
Imagine acting all hard and then being found out that you’ve been named after a mermaid.
Why is it so hard for some people to just be a decent human being for a few hours?
They wouldn't have a problem with it if they werent being told to do that. Same thing goes with masks, people don't like being told what to do thats why they wont wear a mask, their ego is far too fragile.
Pay Flight Attendants more for each level of self defense they complete! Make it worth it for them to take the risk
It's crazy that this story was the most important story going on in the world right now that we needed to know
cry more
People just have zero self-control these days.
Some minimum mandatory sentence laws would greatly help here.
1. You cause a disturbance that results in you having to be removed from an airplane - minimum 5 years.
2. If the disturbance happened in flight - minimum 10 years.
3. If you touch a crew member for any reason - minimum 20 years.
Frankly, would anyone be upset if the flight attendants teed off on him after he was zip tied?
Yes. To put your hands on someone that’s incapable of fighting or defending themselves is a coward move. Good thing you’re not a cop.
I'm curious if the air marshall is just randomly in a flight or assigned.
Or is there an air marshall in every flight?
Yes there is one on every flight. Sometimes if you are a fed, like FBI you become automatically assigned as one
@@jimbojones9118 interesting. Good to know thx
@@jimbojones9118 There are not air marshals on every flight.. there are on some.. there isn’t enough of them to be everywhere as well as there is enough money for it.
@@cellsaverr you don't get paid extra, pretty sure Air Marshall is not a real job title. As I said, it is usually LE that get assigned to be one, like if they are already flying somewhere and I dont think you have to be on duty either.
Stupid behavior should have jail time, plus a stiff flight ban! No sympathy for the STUPID!
Imagine being so privileged you'd think this behavior would be remotely acceptable
We have “ Use of Force “ Officers in our Regional Airport, where I work.
I know some of them.
It’s not going to be a day of “ my rights and freedoms “ for you if they come by to help.
I feel like a lot of people nowadays are spoiled and have unhealthy levels of freedom in them. So much that they don’t know how to behave properly in public places.
Add a felony to their record and put them on a permanent no fly list with all carriers. Not being able to get a job or fly anywhere would surely get the point across.
Hospitality and public service jobs always have to deal with this crappy behavior. No wonder why so many don't want to return to work. They're tired of being abused and taken for granted. Now is the time to be kind, patient, and understanding. The staff that are working are on massive overtime. Please behave and be kind. It takes a little stress off them.
It should be automatic 10 years in federal prison if a federal marshal has to detain you. What they always say play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Totally agreed.