Correre e suonare uno strumento a fiato è una delle cose piu' difficili al mondo. Bellissimo ed emozionante ascoltarvi. Grazie per il vostro servizio. Viva l'Italia.
Even tho the answer comes a little bit late I just wanted to tell you that the old guy every year goes to the annual bersaglieri's celebration, he'll be there on the 27th of may dressed the same as you see in the video. I'll also be there for my 2nd time reenacting an Italian ww2 soldier :)
Da ufficiale in congedo di fanteria meccanizzata resto sempre estasiato ed ammirato all'entrata in scena dei bersaglieri non c'è che dire ....grandissimi. e grandissimi i vecchi congedati, che spirito non è da tutti correre così bardati.....grandissimi
Ragazzi, nel gruppo de' vecchi c'ero anch'io. Ricordo che alla fine per lo forzo stavo per rendere l'anima a Dio. Quel giorno le gambe un mi reggevano ma dentro ci avevo vent'anni. Ma che emozione, Dio bono!
Since you criticize what about the American army in Vietnam? If you have to make comments, only if positive and of the current reality, no wars or historical events that have nothing to do with us.
@@grzegorzsta4493 oh sure because you were the only ones during ww2 to fight, try to say that infront of a commonwealth soldier, an expeditionary force brazilian or a french partisan, i'm sure they would enjoy to kick your sorry ass, world war means COLLECTIVE effort you bloody idiot.
I love Italy. I was there at a sad time when the earthquakes hit in 77-78. I was with the Canadian Military relief operations. One of these days I will go back.
I met many brave Italians from WW2, I am now 2 months off my 100th birthday, I joined up to the British Army in 1938, I was trained at Sandhurst and I was at Dunkirk in 1940 I was a Captain in the Intelligence co as it was then, I was fluent in French Italian and German and was used on the front line as a interrogator and as a interpreter, of course I did not do much interrogating on the mad rush to the beaches, I arrived at Dunkirk to late for transport, I was with two British privates and three French officers who had been fighting on the rear guard and those who say the french did not fight, they did and very bravely, I asked the two privates if they wanted to surrender, they did not, the French officers had a plan to which I had agreed, we agreed to carry on at night, we had to avoid German patrols and aircraft, we would try to get to Boulogne or Le Havre and find a boat, we made it to Boulogne where a decision had to be made, there we met three other French soldiers who were not going to surrender, they were going to Le Havre, we agreed to follow them and by night we travelled after three days we made it, there were many possibilities of a boat because the Germans had not yet sealed the port off, we took a small fishing boat and with the assistance of two french fishermen we set sail and made a go for Newhaven or the beaches, there were aircraft by morning but luckily for us a bank of fog came down and we made it back. I and the two privates I believe owed our lives to these Brave French soldiers only one of whom survived the war, I do not know what happened to the privates or the fishermen but I hope they survived the War. I saw action in North Africa and I was at El Alamein, I interrogated many of the Italian and German officers we captured and they should regard themselves as very lucky it was the British who captured them, later I had to prepare with the Allied armies for the Invasion of Italy, I had now been made a Major, it was in this period I met many brave and down right good Italian people, they were mostly farmers and workers who had been hiding Allied escaped prisoners and flyer who had been shot down, they feared the Germans but they never ventured to give away the allied soldiers, later I was to see what the Germans could do to Men women and Children in Tuscany, I saw Babies nailed to doors, women raped and brutally killed in the most hideous ways, old people mutilated, priests hung and mutilation of their private parts. I could go on and on, there were of course thousands of Italian killed on the Russian front, many had no choice and little chance of survival, after the war I met a number of Italians who had came back from Russia, many had horrific stories, these Italian regiments go back a long way and are wonderful to watch in full cry. I ended the war in Germany, I was with the British army crossing the Rhine and I was with the forces liberating Bergen Belsen, I was an interpreter there, so many different nationalities in amongst the most grotesque views of death anyone could wish to see, I interpreted for the first interrogations of the SS Men and Women including Kramer and Griese, I cannot forget to this day the horrible stench, there were a number of Italian prisoners there, some partisans, mostly Jewish Women. There were many Ukrainian and Russian slave labour women in the camp, I had to listen to their stories of brutality, I had learned Russian in my time in the army, I also spoke my Native tongue Welsh, which certainly confused the SS when I was swearing at the Bastards, The war was all about this Camp, it was there to see, how a Evil Regime could slaughter so many innocent lives, I have never forgiven the Germans and I will go to my Death Bed hating them. War is not glory, it is not being brave, it is foul vile stupidity, only Humans can do this and we still are today. Madness.
My greatest fear is how quickly We forget. Peace is easily squandered by those who know they will not have to pay the often awful price involved in restoring it.Those like yourself who have witnessed how quickly the World can resort to the horror that is War,and have the grace and courage to remind us are so important! Thank you.
thanks but a small correction, these are the shock troops ^^; the mountain ones are called Alpini and they have a distinctive berret with a single feather ;)
Just a little bit different respect to them and their traditions, I take it there was a number of veterans there taking part viva Italian Military respect from Uk Vet 🇮🇹 🇬🇧❤️
@@pietrop7030 je n'ai toujours pas su pourquoi ce défilé se faisait en courant ni si cela avait une signification particulière. Je me demande aussi qui sont ces gens en civil qui courent ensuite notamment celui qui en équipement complet porte en plus un fusil et une bicyclette. Si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne je le remercie par avance.
Salut Pietro, ce que vous voyez est un défilé à la mémoire de la première bataille menée par le corps d'infanterie des Bersaglieri pendant la guerre d'indépendance italienne le 30 mai 1848 à Goito (Mantoue) - C'est une tradition pour les anciens soldats bersaglieri de toujours courir après la fanfare qui joue lors de leurs manifestations. La prérogative des Bersaglieri est de courir parce que lorsqu'ils ont été créés, ils voulaient créer un nouveau corps de soldats d'assaut pour des mouvements rapides pendant les batailles.
Grandi, grandi ahhaaaa, un grande esercito, il mondo trema arrivano loro, poi dietro di loro i bersaglieri in borghese, cosa dire😅😅siamo tranquilli, il piave mormoro no passa lo straniero!!! Ancora grandi!! Grazie😆😃
I'll be honest, it looks slightly ridiculous. But you've got to appreciate the incredible skill and fitness it takes to run and play brass instruments at the same time.
yea, like most of traditions would look riicolous to foreigners , i'm pretty sure a lot of your country traditions would look silly to the rest of the world
Orgoglio di un Italia che sta finendo, un vero peccato, se fossimo stati governati da persone capaci, a quest ora saremmo la prima nazione al mondo in tutto
@@user-jl2sk8wn9n 50 e più fa, ho svolto il servizio militare nel Corpo dei Bersaglieri, attualmente partecipo alle varie manifestazione Bersaglieristiche con un crescemte entusiasmo. I nostri governanti eletti con i ludi cartacei, hanno rovinato la nostra Patria, in particolare l' avere eliminato il servizio militare dispiace immensamente, ma ho il legittimo orgoglio di essere un bersagliere di Lamarmora. Ten.(r) Edoardo Tereo
How do these guys manage to run and play a brass instrument at the same time? it must be very difficult indeed. The guys must be very fit indeed to do this.
I was in Italy from NATO in exercise in 1984 as a military from Portugal Mille Grazi per tutti Grazi to the Bersagliere Divizione Aríete di Portugallo Carlos do Lisbona
Bella l'immagine della fanfara dei bersaglieri, seguita dai veterani ancora entusiasti di essere appartenuti a quel Corpo, proseguendo" a passo di. corsa "
si è ricordato di una barzelletta russa - perché i generali non corrono? - In tempo di pace, il generale in esecuzione ispira risate, e in tempo di guerra - il panico.
Che emozione , fanno venire i brividi, mio marito era orgoglioso di aver fatto il militare nei bersaglieri e suonava anche lui la tromba 🎺, sono anch'io orgogliosa
Bersaglieri are always remembered for the famous way of running while playing and for their typical round hat full of capercaillie (capercailzie) feathers. This hat was used as a protection against the sun for the right eye (i.e. the eye needed to take aim) and for camouflage purposes, (feathers were put on the right side to create confusion to enemy). It is now still called “Vajra”, surname of the first Bersagliere in history. Sergeant Giuseppe Vajra was introduced to King Carlo Alberto on 1836 by General Alessandro La Marmora. Legends tell that once this soldier wore his uniform, expressly created for him, General La Marmora threw the hat towards him. Vajra was not so fast as to grab it with his hands but he took it directly on his head, on which it remained bent on his right shoulder. In this moment, General La Marmora ordered him not to adjust it but to wear it in such way. Since then, Bersaglieri’s hat is always bent over the right side of head.
Such an unique parade style is this.... I've ever seen. I have seen military parades of many countries, but this is my first view. Actually which county's city is this ?
The Gentleman carrying the Bicycle reminded Me of an Irish Postman. When Bicycles were first issued to Irish Postmen, they were not Permitted to Ride Them, but rather the Bicycle was for the carriage of the Mail Bag, thus lightening the burden of the Post Man.
That was the equipment of a Bersagliere Ciclista of WWI; they used the bycicle when they could, but when they had to traverse rough terrain they were required to bring their equipment on their shoulders. The results were well-trained batallions apt to move quickly and as far as needed, taking position with their long-range weapons while remaining relatively silent.
In English military terms I belive that would be called a quick march. Running is faster and without the candence of a march. I dont think you can run in step. I dont think there is anyway to sync yourself to the others.
The unit they are from is a specific type of light infantry with emphasis on mobility. They were running everywhere. I guess this tradition is kept to this day.
These are men of the Italian Bersaglieri, they are a special unit in the Army Infantry and act as skirmishers and shock troops. While the Italian military, especially the Army, tend to get shitted on the Bersaglieri were some of the best fighting men in the whole Italian military. Alongside such prestigious units as the Paratroopers of the Folgore (Lightning) Brigade, the 10th regiment Arditi (The Bold), and the 2nd Alpine Division Tridentina (Tridentine) To quote Erwin Rommel "Enormous dust-clouds could be seen south and south-east of headquarters, where the desperate struggle of the small and inefficient Italian forces of XX Corps was being played out against a hundred or so British heavy tanks. I was later told by Major von Luck that the Italians, who at the time represented out strongest motorized force, fought with exemplary courage." "The German soldier has impressed the world, however the Italian Bersagliere soldier has impressed the German soldier."
some of our troops have different speeds at which they "march", for example our mountain troops are the slowest at marching, the bersagliere which are elite shock troops, have a type of march that is a middle ground between marching and running. and usually they do that for all the length of the parade.
Non ho mai capito se i Bersaglieri corrono trombando, oppure trombano correndo....ahahahaha! Comunque bravissimi e bello spettacolo, continuate così, e grazie per il video!
Soprattutto corrono, trombano e...sparano ! Del resto se si chiamano bersaglieri, un po' è perché sanno bersagliare le donne nei punti giusti, n' altro po' è perché oltre al pistolino sanno usare bene anche il pistolone ovvero il fucile!
What I love is that they have the Old Solders running with the band .I know the English have that but did not know any one else did That old one with the back on his back running with his rifle dam I don't think I could walk that fast in shorts , real men : )
Because the Bersaglieri run Feathers, trumpets and racing: these are the three elements that have always characterized the history and military activity of the Bersaglieri, a body of the Italian army that is part of the infantry weapon. Read also: "What are the Italian armed forces" Birth of the Bersaglieri body It was in the distant June 8, 1836, that, the then captain of the Regiment of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Alessandro Ferrero de La Marmora, presented his idea of forming a new branch of the assault infantry that should have been based on specific characteristics : individuality, fluency, shooting skills and perfect mobility on the battlefield. His proposal, accepted by King Carlo Alberto, gave life to the Corps of Bersaglieri. It was then compiled by the same La Marmora a decalogue inherent to the instruction of each bersagliere, which were kept: obedience to respect to the perfect knowledge of their rifle to a continuous exercise in shooting at gymnastics of all kinds to the camaraderie to the feeling of the family to love for the King to love for the country to trust in oneself up to presumption The new body of infantry, which, shortly after the formation, were armed with a special lighter rifle and with a firmer shot than the one in use, was able to demonstrate its aptitude for fighting in several battles: Goito, during the First War of Independence in 1848; during the 1854 Crimean expedition in which La Marmora lost his life; in 1870, when the Bersaglieri conquered Rome putting an end to the temporal power of the papacy; during the world wars (and not the Kingdom of Italy); in the last peace missions. Emblem par excellence of the Bersaglieri Corps, is the feathered hat, a symbol considered second only to the Tricolore, as witness of a tradition without stain. It was Lieutenant Col. Negrotti, commander of the 23rd Bersaglieri Battalion, who fell on the Mrzli in 1915, to prove this value. He, struck to death, put his hat on the tip of the saber and raising it up high and pulling it over the enemy fence shouted: "Bersaglieri, that's your flag! Go and get it!" Read also: "Le garibaldine" The Bersaglieri race On the 18th of 1836, Captain La Marmora, in Moncalieri, showed the first company of Bersaglieri to the King of Italy. At the end of this ceremony, while the Royal Procession was moving towards the Royal Palace of Turin, the Bersaglieri instead, running along an alternative route, anticipated arriving at first and being found deployed at the arrival of the King. At that point the King turned to La Marmora saying: "You told me a lie, the Bersaglieri companies are two". To this statement, the Marmora replied: "Majesty is always the same Company that rushed ahead of you". So it was that the race became one of the peculiarities of the Bersaglieri, a body that since its birth was aimed at having rapid and sharp movements, which went to differentiate them from the other army bodies that on the contrary faced each other compact. In short, the race is what makes a Bersagliere, the Bersagliere.
Di cosa sono fatte le piume del cappello?chi mi ha detto di fagiano ,altri di gallo cedrone?allora qual'e' la versione giusta? È vero che devono fare circa 180 passi al minuto?chi ha fatto il bersagliere saprà rispondere.
Correre e suonare uno strumento a fiato è una delle cose piu' difficili al mondo. Bellissimo ed emozionante ascoltarvi. Grazie per il vostro servizio. Viva l'Italia.
Extreme respect to the veteran who was able to keep up in full kit on top of the bicycle
Even tho the answer comes a little bit late I just wanted to tell you that the old guy every year goes to the annual bersaglieri's celebration, he'll be there on the 27th of may dressed the same as you see in the video. I'll also be there for my 2nd time reenacting an Italian ww2 soldier :)
I veterani sono di una dolcezza vede che sono orgogliosi di essere bersaglieri anche se non in attività
Dolcezza ????? Quelli rompono ancora il c.... A quell' età !! Onore ai bersaglieri
Si. Un abraccio grande e forte Dall'Argentina!🇮🇹🇦🇷
Si..e penso ai ventenni di oggi rincoglioniti dalla movida...che non correrebbero neppure dietro a belen nuda e ammiccante!
@@pietroboggio8353la sagra dei luoghi comuni
@@Bari1990.é arrivato Rambo
Mio nonno era bersagliere ciclista. Ho delle foto di lui nell'esatta tenuta del veterano che è passato con la bici a tracolla. Meraviglioso.
Da ufficiale in congedo di fanteria meccanizzata resto sempre estasiato ed ammirato all'entrata in scena dei bersaglieri non c'è che dire ....grandissimi. e grandissimi i vecchi congedati, che spirito non è da tutti correre così bardati.....grandissimi
That guy with bicycle on his back...
Respect man!
What’s really impressive is the number of veterans/retirees running right along with them.
Ragazzi, nel gruppo de' vecchi c'ero anch'io. Ricordo che alla fine per lo forzo stavo per rendere l'anima a Dio. Quel giorno le gambe un mi reggevano ma dentro ci avevo vent'anni. Ma che emozione, Dio bono!
Tanto rispetto da un giovinotto toscano
Sei un mito!
E sei ancora?
Abbiamo da invidiare tutto. Ma tutto. Fidati.
Con gli attuali politici non esiste più l'Italia. Purtroppo! Un bersagliere del Terzo di Milano. Anno 69-70
@@ValerioBuonicore z.
Love how the veterans are still keeping up all those years! Pride
These old military traditions are fascinating to watch, cheers !
that true they fantastic tradition of Italy Army they do this until they saw US ARMY in 1944
Since you criticize what about the American army in Vietnam? If you have to make comments, only if positive and of the current reality, no wars or historical events that have nothing to do with us.
look historical
@@grzegorzsta4493 oh sure because you were the only ones during ww2 to fight, try to say that infront of a commonwealth soldier, an expeditionary force brazilian or a french partisan, i'm sure they would enjoy to kick your sorry ass, world war means COLLECTIVE effort you bloody idiot.
Magnificent!!! It's great to see veterans taking part in a parade like that!!!
2:07 That guy completely in WW2 gear with bicycle !!! Wow...
La cosa più orgogliosa è vedere in questo video l'ultimo ,uno dei veci,con lo zaino da campana,e bici! Grazie a Voi tutti.
Viva Istra i Dalmacia viva Italia!!! Saluti dalla Serbia!!!
180-steps for minute and they can play wind instruments .... *damn*
180- steps for these gods is just "walking"
I love Italy. I was there at a sad time when the earthquakes hit in 77-78. I was with the Canadian Military relief operations. One of these days I will go back.
I met many brave Italians from WW2, I am now 2 months off my 100th birthday, I joined up to the British Army in 1938, I was trained at Sandhurst and I was at Dunkirk in 1940 I was a Captain in the Intelligence co as it was then, I was fluent in French Italian and German and was used on the front line as a interrogator and as a interpreter, of course I did not do much interrogating on the mad rush to the beaches, I arrived at Dunkirk to late for transport, I was with two British privates and three French officers who had been fighting on the rear guard and those who say the french did not fight, they did and very bravely, I asked the two privates if they wanted to surrender, they did not, the French officers had a plan to which I had agreed, we agreed to carry on at night, we had to avoid German patrols and aircraft, we would try to get to Boulogne or Le Havre and find a boat, we made it to Boulogne where a decision had to be made, there we met three other French soldiers who were not going to surrender, they were going to Le Havre, we agreed to follow them and by night we travelled after three days we made it, there were many possibilities of a boat because the Germans had not yet sealed the port off, we took a small fishing boat and with the assistance of two french fishermen we set sail and made a go for Newhaven or the beaches, there were aircraft by morning but luckily for us a bank of fog came down and we made it back. I and the two privates I believe owed our lives to these Brave French soldiers only one of whom survived the war, I do not know what happened to the privates or the fishermen but I hope they survived the War.
I saw action in North Africa and I was at El Alamein, I interrogated many of the Italian and German officers we captured and they should regard themselves as very lucky it was the British who captured them, later I had to prepare with the Allied armies for the Invasion of Italy, I had now been made a Major, it was in this period I met many brave and down right good Italian people, they were mostly farmers and workers who had been hiding Allied escaped prisoners and flyer who had been shot down, they feared the Germans but they never ventured to give away the allied soldiers, later I was to see what the Germans could do to Men women and Children in Tuscany, I saw Babies nailed to doors, women raped and brutally killed in the most hideous ways, old people mutilated, priests hung and mutilation of their private parts.
I could go on and on, there were of course thousands of Italian killed on the Russian front, many had no choice and little chance of survival, after the war I met a number of Italians who had came back from Russia, many had horrific stories, these Italian regiments go back a long way and are wonderful to watch in full cry.
I ended the war in Germany, I was with the British army crossing the Rhine and I was with the forces liberating Bergen Belsen, I was an interpreter there, so many different nationalities in amongst the most grotesque views of death anyone could wish to see, I interpreted for the first interrogations of the SS Men and Women including Kramer and Griese, I cannot forget to this day the horrible stench, there were a number of Italian prisoners there, some partisans, mostly Jewish Women.
There were many Ukrainian and Russian slave labour women in the camp, I had to listen to their stories of brutality, I had learned Russian in my time in the army, I also spoke my Native tongue Welsh, which certainly confused the SS when I was swearing at the Bastards, The war was all about this Camp, it was there to see, how a Evil Regime could slaughter so many innocent lives, I have never forgiven the Germans and I will go to my Death Bed hating them.
War is not glory, it is not being brave, it is foul vile stupidity, only Humans can do this and we still are today. Madness.
Thank you for your testimony
Your experience has not to be lost and has to be known by the new generations about the human stupidity.
My greatest fear is how quickly We forget. Peace is easily squandered by those who know they will not have to pay the often awful price involved in restoring it.Those like yourself who have witnessed how quickly the World can resort to the horror that is War,and have the grace and courage to remind us are so important! Thank you.
сильно сказано. Спасибо что в европе это помнят, жаль не все
thank you for your neutral point of view and for your testimony, it is deeply appreciated
Man, this hat is amazing. Great respect for the italian bersaglieri.
Musique année 60
The hat looks amazing. But not for war. In the Greco-Italian war it made a great shining target.
Outstanding! Even the old vets are RUNNING!❤️VIVA ITALIAN MOUNTAIN TROOPS!
thanks but a small correction, these are the shock troops ^^; the mountain ones are called Alpini and they have a distinctive berret with a single feather ;)
Just a little bit different respect to them and their traditions, I take it there was a number of veterans there taking part viva Italian Military respect from Uk Vet 🇮🇹 🇬🇧❤️
yes..the comments from people with medals from playing on the PS4 probably make me laugh more than this video does
La Legión Española saluda a los Bersaglieri Italianos. 🇪🇸💪🇮🇹.
Impressionnant,ca ne doit pas etre facile de courir en jouant d'un instrument. J'adore les traditions,ce sont les racines d'un pays.bravo les italiens
Merci Jori:)
@@pietrop7030 je n'ai toujours pas su pourquoi ce défilé se faisait en courant ni si cela avait une signification particulière. Je me demande aussi qui sont ces gens en civil qui courent ensuite notamment celui qui en équipement complet porte en plus un fusil et une bicyclette. Si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne je le remercie par avance.
Salut Pietro, ce que vous voyez est un défilé à la mémoire de la première bataille menée par le corps d'infanterie des Bersaglieri pendant la guerre d'indépendance italienne le 30 mai 1848 à Goito (Mantoue) - C'est une tradition pour les anciens soldats bersaglieri de toujours courir après la fanfare qui joue lors de leurs manifestations. La prérogative des Bersaglieri est de courir parce que lorsqu'ils ont été créés, ils voulaient créer un nouveau corps de soldats d'assaut pour des mouvements rapides pendant les batailles.
Merci pour la réponse 👌
Forza Italia ! Bersaglieri r the best !
Greetings from France !
Forza Italia. Saludos desde Vélez-Málaga-España-. Un abrazo al pueblo y ejército de Italia.
Forza Spagna
bellissimo , nací en italia , vivo en argentina, jamás olvido la fanfarria "dei bersaglieri" da alegría y única al mundo
These guys are fantastic!
Splendid. When I see this, I see endurance, dazzling spectacular music and delicious style.
Simply Italian.
It actually sounds more like an overture to an opera than a typical marching tune.
Grandi Bersa!
Sempre numeri 1!
The man wearing all his old kit and carrying his bicycle is really dedicated.
He's like: "Please wait, I have stuff to carry here".
He had to carry his bike!! Because 5 miles back he had a puncture, and didn't have his repair kit!! 🤣🤣🤣
He was a re-enactor he looked young. He was wearing a WW2 Bersaglieri uniform.
@@idleonlooker1078 actually, the tires of Bersaglieri's bikes were full so they wouldn't get punctures.
Grandi, grandi ahhaaaa, un grande esercito, il mondo trema arrivano loro, poi dietro di loro i bersaglieri in borghese, cosa dire😅😅siamo tranquilli, il piave mormoro no passa lo straniero!!! Ancora grandi!! Grazie😆😃
The pride of the veterans. Respect!
Tank You
Fantastic How do they keep time on their instruments while running?
Viva bersagliere Viva Italia . Greetings from England .
I'll be honest, it looks slightly ridiculous. But you've got to appreciate the incredible skill and fitness it takes to run and play brass instruments at the same time.
yea, like most of traditions would look riicolous to foreigners , i'm pretty sure a lot of your country traditions would look silly to the rest of the world
I mean the goosestep is pretty silly, but it wqs quite popular for a bit. Takes effort too.
Sono mitici insuperabili, sempre di corsa.....anche a S.Dona' di Piave , bravi molto bravi!!
Orgoglio di un Italia che sta finendo, un vero peccato, se fossimo stati governati da persone capaci, a quest ora saremmo la prima nazione al mondo in tutto
Bravo, aggiungerei pure se il popolo fosse meno bue e non seguisse il primo politicante che si palesa
@@user-jl2sk8wn9n 50 e più fa, ho svolto il servizio militare nel Corpo dei Bersaglieri, attualmente partecipo alle varie manifestazione Bersaglieristiche con un crescemte entusiasmo. I nostri governanti eletti con i ludi cartacei, hanno rovinato la nostra Patria, in particolare l' avere eliminato il servizio militare dispiace immensamente, ma ho il legittimo orgoglio di essere un bersagliere di Lamarmora. Ten.(r) Edoardo Tereo
Valori unici! Che ti rendono orgoglioso di essere italiano! Grazie a voi!
Saludos desde España , amigos de Italia 🇪🇸😍
Forza Spagna siamo con voi contro il coronavirus 💪💪💪
Forza coraggio anche a Voi !
muchas gracias hermano
Magnifique longue vie a l’Italie et a nos frères Italiens from France
Merci beaucoup et a vous aussi .
Viva il nostro glorioso Corpo dei Bersaglieri! 🇮🇹
commovente. Viva i Bersaglieri! Da Porta Pia ai giorni nostri!
Tutti i gruppi scelti del mondo non saranno mai così amati e riconosciuti e riconoscenti come i bersaglieri!!!
cala cala...🤔🤔
Beautiful. Dignified. Proud.
And very professional. Superb.
You having a laugh
Onore e rispetto!!GRAZIE!!insegnamento per i più giovani!!!
How do these guys manage to run and play a brass instrument at the same time? it must be very difficult indeed. The guys must be very fit indeed to do this.
Einfach phänomenal perfekt. Viele Grüße aus Deutschland (Schweinfurt)
As an American, let me say, that is impressive.
Quick march, in a parade, while playing instruments.
You got that right!
Only in Italy!
More like double time but a bit faster.
This is the weirdest video that youtube recommended to me this week
Why is it weird?
@@giucas100cassabellis2 weird does not always mean bad :)
Questo è il vero orgoglio per essere italiano viva i bersaglieri
Uno dei tanti
I was in Italy from NATO in exercise in 1984 as a military from Portugal Mille Grazi per tutti Grazi to the Bersagliere Divizione Aríete di Portugallo Carlos do Lisbona
Muito obrigado a você irmão português :)
Viva Italia desde España un abrazo fratelli
Son divertidos estos italianos...!!!saludos desde Chile.
Caporale 28esimo btg 3 regimento Bersaaglieri divisione Centauro mortaista da 120. Per sempre!!
Queste piccole cose mi rendono fiero di essere italiano
Viva la nostra bella Italia unita!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹
Avanti fratelli italiani desde la spagna
Ciao Hermano Latino
Bella l'immagine della fanfara dei bersaglieri, seguita dai veterani ancora entusiasti di essere appartenuti a quel Corpo, proseguendo" a passo di. corsa "
Un bersagliere non si ferma mai. Un bersagliere non muore mai!
I love how the Captains extend their arms around corners like little boys playing airplane ✈️
Orgoglioso di aver fatto parte del corpo dei bersaglieri anno 1994 a milano siamo stati un gruppo fantastico Romani napoletani orgoglio italiano
Could someone explain to me in english what is going on here?
Crusse89 Bersaglieri on parade, they are running because they were born as a fast, highly mobile light infantry unit
I bersaglieri corrono sempre, anche quelli anziani, prendono la vita di petto correndole incontro fino alla fine ...
@@axoram sto commento te lo potevi risparmiare
Da ex goitese ho sempre ammirato gli eroici bersaglieri che hanno combattuto a Goito. BRAVI
It takes much physical fitness to run and play wind instruments at the same time
Bersaglieri..sempicemente I MIGLIORI!.ORGOGLIO ITALIANO
Scusa di quale orgoglio parli ?
@@gaetano6872 Buonista? Sinistro? O cosa?
Siete fantastici, è il governo che non è degno di voi
Wow!! El abuelo Bersaglieri cargando la bicicleta, sin duda impresionante 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏😂😂.
Todo un ejemplo el hombre. 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
si è ricordato di una barzelletta russa
- perché i generali non corrono? - In tempo di pace, il generale in esecuzione ispira risate, e in tempo di guerra - il panico.
Che emozione , fanno venire i brividi, mio marito era orgoglioso di aver fatto il militare nei bersaglieri e suonava anche lui la tromba 🎺, sono anch'io orgogliosa
orgoglioso di essere italiano e aver fatto militare presso la marina militare e abile per il battaglione s.Marco.
viva italia
Why when I watch this do I always see the Italian officer in Alo Alo?
Quando sento queste musiche mi ricordo perché sono orgoglioso fi essere ITALIANO
Onore a Tutti I Bersaglieri ,anche per il mio bis nonno
Wow.. this is so 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This really made my day..
Thank you 🇮🇹
Thank you
Long live this tradition.
Sono eccezionali quando li sento mi commuovo sempre, Bravissimi
Grazie del complimento
Playing a brass instrument and running would be very hard to do for a long parade.
I'm sure every military have their traditions. I like this one.
What military?
Bersaglieri are always remembered for the famous way of running while playing and for their typical round hat full of capercaillie (capercailzie) feathers.
This hat was used as a protection against the sun for the right eye (i.e. the eye needed to take aim) and for camouflage purposes, (feathers were put on the right side to create confusion to enemy).
It is now still called “Vajra”, surname of the first Bersagliere in history.
Sergeant Giuseppe Vajra was introduced to King Carlo Alberto on 1836 by General Alessandro La Marmora. Legends tell that once this soldier wore his uniform, expressly created for him, General La Marmora threw the hat towards him. Vajra was not so fast as to grab it with his hands but he took it directly on his head, on which it remained bent on his right shoulder. In this moment, General La Marmora ordered him not to adjust it but to wear it in such way. Since then, Bersaglieri’s hat is always bent over the right side of head.
Respect aux forces armées Italiennes
Merci d'être là à nos côtés.
Immensamente gloriosi W I Bersaglieri ora e sempre.
Meu respeito ao senhor com a bicicleta nas costas!
My respect for the old man with the back pack bicycle.
Such an unique parade style is this.... I've ever seen. I have seen military parades of many countries, but this is my first view. Actually which county's city is this ?
The city is Goito in northern Italy. The military department is called Bersaglierei, they always run😉
The Gentleman carrying the Bicycle reminded Me of an Irish Postman.
When Bicycles were first issued to Irish Postmen, they were not Permitted to Ride Them, but rather the Bicycle was for the carriage of the Mail Bag, thus lightening the burden of the Post Man.
You are a fool
In the past a bicycle was like an army jeep, modern, fast and only for special forces: crazy
That was the equipment of a Bersagliere Ciclista of WWI; they used the bycicle when they could, but when they had to traverse rough terrain they were required to bring their equipment on their shoulders. The results were well-trained batallions apt to move quickly and as far as needed, taking position with their long-range weapons while remaining relatively silent.
What is this? Something from ww2 runing parade?
Берсальеры хороши конечно! Да ещё и музыка класс и форма красивая! Молодцы, так держать!)
А почему всё это действо происходит на бегу ? Просто пройти чеканя шаг чтобы дух захватывало нельзя чтоли ?
Alright. The title got me. What does 'through stroke' mean?
It means "running" or "at running speed." the title wasn't translated well
In English military terms I belive that would be called a quick march.
Running is faster and without the candence of a march.
I dont think you can run in step. I dont think there is anyway to sync yourself to the others.
What is the story on why they run while playing music? It will be interesting to know...
The unit they are from is a specific type of light infantry with emphasis on mobility. They were running everywhere. I guess this tradition is kept to this day.
Here you can find information on the birth and traditions of the Italian Bersaglieri corps
These are men of the Italian Bersaglieri, they are a special unit in the Army Infantry and act as skirmishers and shock troops. While the Italian military, especially the Army, tend to get shitted on the Bersaglieri were some of the best fighting men in the whole Italian military. Alongside such prestigious units as the Paratroopers of the Folgore (Lightning) Brigade, the 10th regiment Arditi (The Bold), and the 2nd Alpine Division Tridentina (Tridentine)
To quote Erwin Rommel
"Enormous dust-clouds could be seen south and south-east of headquarters, where the desperate struggle of the small and inefficient Italian forces of XX Corps was being played out against a hundred or so British heavy tanks. I was later told by Major von Luck that the Italians, who at the time represented out strongest motorized force, fought with exemplary courage."
"The German soldier has impressed the world, however the Italian Bersagliere soldier has impressed the German soldier."
Great 🇮🇹
Can someone explain it to me? Is zhis a military parade? Why are they running? Is it only for a short distance or do they run the whole parade?
Bersaglieri are running and bicycle regiment
some of our troops have different speeds at which they "march", for example our mountain troops are the slowest at marching, the bersagliere which are elite shock troops, have a type of march that is a middle ground between marching and running. and usually they do that for all the length of the parade.
Non ho mai capito se i Bersaglieri corrono trombando, oppure trombano correndo....ahahahaha!
Comunque bravissimi e bello spettacolo, continuate così, e grazie per il video!
Soprattutto corrono, trombano e...sparano !
Del resto se si chiamano bersaglieri, un po' è perché sanno bersagliare le donne nei punti giusti, n' altro po' è perché oltre al pistolino sanno usare bene anche il pistolone ovvero il fucile!
Hola, es un desfile militar??
Orgoglio italiano 🇮🇹✋
concordo com você Fabrizio ainda gostaria de ver uma banda assim aqui no Brasil 🇧🇷 parabéns aos italianos
What I love is that they have the Old Solders running with the band .I know the English have that but did not know any one else did That old one with the back on his back running with his rifle dam I don't think I could walk that fast in shorts , real men : )
Because the Bersaglieri run
Feathers, trumpets and racing: these are the three elements that have always characterized the history and military activity of the Bersaglieri, a body of the Italian army that is part of the infantry weapon.
Read also: "What are the Italian armed forces"
Birth of the Bersaglieri body
It was in the distant June 8, 1836, that, the then captain of the Regiment of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Alessandro Ferrero de La Marmora, presented his idea of forming a new branch of the assault infantry that should have been based on specific characteristics : individuality, fluency, shooting skills and perfect mobility on the battlefield.
His proposal, accepted by King Carlo Alberto, gave life to the Corps of Bersaglieri. It was then compiled by the same La Marmora a decalogue inherent to the instruction of each bersagliere, which were kept:
to respect
to the perfect knowledge of their rifle
to a continuous exercise in shooting
at gymnastics of all kinds
to the camaraderie
to the feeling of the family
to love for the King
to love for the country
to trust in oneself up to presumption
The new body of infantry, which, shortly after the formation, were armed with a special lighter rifle and with a firmer shot than the one in use, was able to demonstrate its aptitude for fighting in several battles:
Goito, during the First War of Independence in 1848;
during the 1854 Crimean expedition in which La Marmora lost his life;
in 1870, when the Bersaglieri conquered Rome putting an end to the temporal power of the papacy;
during the world wars (and not the Kingdom of Italy);
in the last peace missions.
Emblem par excellence of the Bersaglieri Corps, is the feathered hat, a symbol considered second only to the Tricolore, as witness of a tradition without stain. It was Lieutenant Col. Negrotti, commander of the 23rd Bersaglieri Battalion, who fell on the Mrzli in 1915, to prove this value. He, struck to death, put his hat on the tip of the saber and raising it up high and pulling it over the enemy fence shouted: "Bersaglieri, that's your flag! Go and get it!"
Read also: "Le garibaldine"
The Bersaglieri race
On the 18th of 1836, Captain La Marmora, in Moncalieri, showed the first company of Bersaglieri to the King of Italy. At the end of this ceremony, while the Royal Procession was moving towards the Royal Palace of Turin, the Bersaglieri instead, running along an alternative route, anticipated arriving at first and being found deployed at the arrival of the King.
At that point the King turned to La Marmora saying: "You told me a lie, the Bersaglieri companies are two".
To this statement, the Marmora replied: "Majesty is always the same Company that rushed ahead of you".
So it was that the race became one of the peculiarities of the Bersaglieri, a body that since its birth was aimed at having rapid and sharp movements, which went to differentiate them from the other army bodies that on the contrary faced each other compact.
In short, the race is what makes a Bersagliere, the Bersagliere.
Passano i BERSAGLIERI...
E anche gli anziani tornano a correre.....
Bersagliere a 20 anni bersagliere per tutta la vita ONORE E RISPETTO A VOI
Di cosa sono fatte le piume del cappello?chi mi ha detto di fagiano ,altri di gallo cedrone?allora qual'e' la versione giusta? È vero che devono fare circa 180 passi al minuto?chi ha fatto il bersagliere saprà rispondere.