I really felt for her when I saw how broken up she was. There there sweety, I'm sure you killed plenty of children already. There'll be others. You're just having a bad day.
Wait... so Reva leaves her lightsaber in the sand too? According to Disney, Rey buries two lightsabers in the sand, Obi-Wan buries two lightsabers in the desert (at least for a while before digging them up again), and there were other Jedi hiding on Tatooine who probably buried their lightsabers as well. Suddenly, I really want to see a Robot Chicken sketch about an unlucky Jawa who can't find anything in the desert but lightsabers, which are considered worthless because there are so many buried on Tatooine.
@@baldore2256 And Organa, the one charged with the only other important child, created the most dangerous situation possible for both kids by bringing Kenobi in, revealing their importance and doing the equivalent of waving a "i'm a traitor!" flag in front of the imperial palace.
@@scorpixel1866 Bail Organa P.O.V: OK Bail your adopted daughter has been kidnapped. You can either A) Disown her and get a new one, B) Mobilize the Royal Guard, C) Hire Bounty Hunters and offer the greatest amount of Credits they'll ever see to bring her back alive, D) Appeal to the Senate to get to the bottom of this, E) Do B-D... or F) Contact what is essentially considered a wanted terrorist and out yourself, your household and your planet as traitors and put your fellow conspirators at risk.
You know it kind of made sense when Obi-Wan attacked Darth Vader by throwing boulders at him because he was using his greatest weakness against him. If you think about it boulders are nothing but big sand.
Well Vader is also terrified of fire and lava... What do you get when you add fire to sand? GLASS. My epic Star Wars theory is that glass is really his greatest weakness.
The first time that line is said is the best. Sir Alec Guinness speaking to a frightened R2 and trying to seem friendly. Utterly charming. That’s who Obi-Wan Kenobi is.
It's weird that Owen calls them "tuskens" because Luke in Episode 4 exclusively calls them "sand people." It seems to me they were likely referred to as sand people while he was growing up. Disney REALLY doesn't want to use the term "sand people" lmao.
In fairness, Owen’s dad referred to them as tuskens. Maybe Luke is just really racist against them. Since you know, they are barbaric Just like real sand people
Reva choosing not to kill Luke reminds me of a quote from Doctor Who: "You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then a little victim's spared, because she smiled, cause he's got freckles, cause they begged, and that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind." Reva choosing not to commit one particular evil act, after committing many of them throughout the series, does not mean that she is a good person now.
Yeah, this is not redemption, this is a momentary weakness. Who's to say she won't decide a day from now to try and kill Vader again and kidnap Luke? She knew too much, Obi-Wan killed Maul to protect Luke, he should have killed her.
Did the writers just forget that Tie fighters exist? Seriously a bunch of the Empire’s problems would be solved if they just sent out some tie fighters. Kenobi and Leia escaping the planet? Send some tie fighters. Kenobi and Leia escaping the fortress? Send some tie fighters. Choosing between Kenobi or the rebels? Send some tie fighters. Kenobi flying away after his and Vader’s duel? Send some tie fighters (or even just use the Star destroyer you have in orbit). What really annoys me about this show is that if Kenobi just kept doing his job and stayed on Tatooine then everything would be fine. Reva would realize she was wrong and will likely be punished for kidnapping a senator's daughter (although since it's Reva nothing bad would happen to her), and Leia would go back to Alderaan. Literally everything just solves itself if Kenobi actually acted like Kenobi.
“You see, in our future wookiepedia, we discuss how every 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 7th, space day of the space week, all tie fighters are being washed. And everyone knows you can’t fly a wet ship in space because of the ice that would form. And the soap would just make it hard to see out the little windows. So that’s why you don’t see any of the little Tai-Fighters in space at those times. Also there was already a bunch of traitors in the empire aboard those ships to sabotage the ships to prevent them from flying.”
@@stevelucky7579 I actually work at the Imperial Tie-wash, and your not wrong. Also they'er a bitch to wax. And don't get me started on Vader's advanced Tie, the last person to leave water spots on the glass got force choked.
Hey remember that scene in RotJ where Luke said to Kenobi “I can’t kill my own father” and Kenobi replied “Oh, don’t sweat it, bro. I, like, TOTALLY had him TWICE and I couldn’t do it either?” It’s amazing how the writing all ties together!
To be fair, Obi-Wan left Anakin to what he was sure was an agonising death in Ep III. Makes his refusal to kill "Darth" in this series all the more nonsensical (this is obviously inconsistent with him actively pressuring Luke to kill Vader instead of trying to reach him on Dagobah, too).
The aunt probably had the same plan for the storm troopers, but unfortunately they had the dastardly idea of coming during they day, thwarting all of her plans
Because of Kenobi not having the resolve to kill Vader it’s his fault that the Dark Lord will continue to be a plague on the galaxy for 10 more years, yet he’ll gaslight Luke into trying to kill his own father. At least with Mustafar it was justified to leave him since if it weren’t for Palpatine, Vader would have died. But after this fight? It’s ALL on Kenobi.
But I told you... Kenobi would fail. Now that all the StarWars characters have been destroyed, how will you retrieve your great prize? (good old Zack meme)
Yeah, indeed. At least in Mustafar is was like " I can not do it anymore", his determination failing at the prospect of having to execute someone he loved. He literally, out of shame and regret, looked away as Anakin burned "to death", unable to take it. You could argue that is why he pussed Luke to kill him, that he was not his father. Because he once had a similar feeling, doubt because of his relationship, and that stopped him from killing Vader when he could, enabling further tragedy. Luke has to man up and do his duty, because Kenobi knows what happens when you allow yourself to be influenced by those emotions.
i'd also point out on mustafar the way the scene was set up he'd have had to walk almost into an active lava flow to finish Anakin off, so that also kind of helps justify walking away at that point but yeah, if this version of Kenobi had a fucking brain he'd know that letting him live once lead to 10 years of terror, murder and oppression... at some point even a Jedi has to realize his duty is to end this evil stain on the galaxy...
Man, we really have reached peak "This didn't happen" levels of writing, haven't we? Like, Obi-Wan Kenobi had Darth Vader dead to rights, confirmed he was evil, and just allowed him to live. That didn't happen. They couldn't even bother to contrive a lame reason why their fight had to end inconclusively, like say, the planet falling apart underneath them (Rey and Kylo), he literally just turns around and says, "Yup, job done, he'll never do any harm again." And the idea that Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen (somewhat successfully) fought off a Sith in their own home, and that Luke Skywalker encountered a Sith and had the Force used on him... that didn't happen. That literally couldn't have happened, not given the way Luke acts about Jedi, the Sith, and the Force. And Leia being so emotionally close to Obi-Wan... she acts like she barely knows him in A New Hope, and she doesn't seem very emotionally affected by his death. _She's_ the one consoling _Luke_ as if the very brief bond they shared was the more meaningful one, when this show would have you believe Leia and Luke were thick as thieves. This didn't happen. This whole show didn't happen.
@@AlexBarbu the fact Revan is in the “Legends” makes all “Legends” aka EU canon. I’ll take every pre Disney Star Wars game and book as canon before I believe Luke was a grouchy hermit and tried to kill his nephew. We literally have no characters that act in accordance to their beliefs. Luke would never do any of the things he “did”. Han wouldn’t, Leia wouldn’t, fuck even C-3PO wouldn’t have done the shit he did or didn’t do in the ST. “I was sith, I am Jedi” - Revan
I think they were trying to explain why she’d name her only child after Obi-Wan’s undercover name by giving them this intimate backstory....but it makes no damn sense.
@@AlexBarbu "I've tried to tell people before. Disney Star Wars isn't canon. The original Expanded Universe is. Trust your feelings, you know it to be true." You're comically oblivious to the countless plot holes and contradictions that have already existed before Disney, before the prequels, even before Empire. Obiwan does his lightsaber "handiwork" in the cantina, this alerts the troopers, and then when they knowingly catch the same ship on the death star it's just "I sense something" - as if they had no reports of a guy openly using a jedi weapon in that club? So according to the "death star scenes", parts of the cantina scene didn't happen. I officially declare the cantina to be non-canon! As if "canon" matters in a morphing stream-of-consciousness narrative like star wars has always been.
The two Stormtroopers being slapped down is like they're working at Galaxy's Edge and they have to pretend to be beaten down by a customer in hand-to-hand combat.
Can't they just give her a shocker of some sorts? I can belive someone in the production said - yes to all of this. It has to be some sort of evil plan to make every sane person hate Star Wars
When Luke becomes her and she cried, I legit became angry. How many people she killed and crippled at this point? If you can only empathize with someone because they look like you, specially in a superficial level, you have no empathy. Reeva is a horrible human being.
This is why you dont try to regard these series as connected. If you refuse to engage seriously with new stars wars your conception of the old characters remains safe.
There was a fan theory that Boba Fett disintegrated Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru since stormtrooper blaster don’t literally flay people alive but I guess it’s just another thing Boba and Tuskans can relate to each other about
"We will stay and fight the Sith inquisitor!" ... You know, Beru, it's attitudes like that, that get people burned alive on the doorstep of their moisture farms leaving only gristly smoking skeletons for their adopted son to find. Hypothetically speaking.
On the bright side I don’t think he ever mentions them after the fact...actually I think he mentioned Kenobi more than the people who raised him in both the Eu and new cannon...weird that they never tried to fix that
The were probably up and about just a few minutes after he left. Given the recoveries of other characters, they probably could shrug off being burnt to a crisp like it was a mild case of sunburn.
@@jakubgrzybek6181 that only happens to the black Moisture farmers which considering the climate is probably a majority...which makes me wonder how Anakin came out so pale since Schmee was vaguely ethnic I think, or at least defiantly not blonde
I love how Obi Wan “turns himself in” 3 times in is show, only a) after people have already died b) with minimal attempt to actually distract the person; no “hey I’m over here, I’m the one you want” c) immediately just tries to leave, rather than solving the problem or properly luring them away
I like that he insinuates that it wasn't his fault and there was nothing he could do, even though he could easily have done something and saved multiple lives while reaching the same outcome.
In ROTJ, Luke tells Obi-Wan "I cannot kill my own father"and Obi-Wan says "Then the Emperor has already won". In Revenge of the Sith He also says "Anakin has become too dangerous to live" and tells Yoda to send him to the Emperor because he can't kill Anakin and Yoda says no you are not strong enough. That is three times that Obi-Wan says Vader/Anakin must die. BUT...in this show he lets him live. Absolute tosh.
Well, he has to. Same reason Reyva can't kill Luke. Cause A New Hope is a thing. Their mistake was putting Kenobi in the position where he had to make this choice at all.
The most common defense I hear about this is that Kenobi is following the Jedi code, which is just utter nonsense. It doesn’t help that we know nothing about Kenobi’s opinions of the Jedi and their teachings during the events of the show to even analyze this claim. This show is so broken.
There is no Grand Inquisitor fight, because Disney can't even recreate his fighting style, similar to Count Dooku, based on finesse, thrusts etc. and all Disney can do now is heavy club against a club type of fights. They just looked up his fights from Rebels and went "nah, can't do"
Oh btw remember that they used an argument of his shitty looks that an actor had to be able to move etc? That's why they made his head less of a big-brain-time type? Okay so where did he have to be mobile? He didn't even run in a single scene. He was stabbed and collapsed on the floor, could use a stunt double for that extreme need of coordination XDDDD
His fighting style was created through advanced and flexible rigs. They could warp and stretch it so it makes sense. Rupert Freind in Shitty makeup and armor can’t do it. Humans don’t have that level of flexibility
@@darthdarth4297 You'd easily recreate that in live-action with more realistic approach, that's all. Just make him fight like Dooku and it's good enough for me. Just be more dynamic about it.
I drove on a sidewalk, driving behind a random guy following at about the same speed he's running away. I'd regularly fire my gun at him in our chase. He stops in front of a wall turns around preparing for his imminent death. So I get out and ask "Have you come to kill me?"
I chase after a guy throwing my feces at him. I get in my car and pursue lobbing more poop at him. He comes to an dead end alley and I get out with a pile of poo in hand. I ask him: “Have you come to wipe me?”
The twin suns are binary stars. Night would be a common occurrence. Roloth however is tidal locked, so it's rotation and orbit with it's sun is equal, like our own moon always faces Earth with the same side.
Disney closing plot holes for a new hope Why does Leia act like she's never met obi wan -obi tells Leia pretend we don't know each other Why hasn't Vader been trying to find obi wan in between this and a new hope -palps told him forget about it cuz Amazing writing here. Plot holes closed seamlessly
I can't for the life of me understand how people actually defend that Leia knowing Obi-Wan, but having no reaction to his death. In ANH, Leia did protest and was in shock of the destruction of Alderan, and by extension, all of her family and most of her friends. If we're to believe that this series is canon, Obi-Wan risked his life and anonymity to save her ass on many occasions. Obi-Wan would perhaps be the last connection to her family, so when he's killed that should've affected her in some manner. Unless she is completely callous from losing so many allies in the effort of the rebellion, or a sociopath. Thanks Disney, for destroying every single character in Star Wars. KK can go fuck herself with Reva's lightsaber.
@@reek4062 I know your comment is a bit old, but I just saw you commenting on another video with people reacting negatively to the new Star Wars content so I'm just too curious. First, I'd like to say that I'm glad you enjoy the show. That's perfectly fine. I just want to ask if you acknowledge the complaints others have? Second, I'd like you to imagine your favorite fictional content/character of all time. If subsequent content destroyed or severely undermined what made you love said content/character, how would you feel? If it doesn't bother you, why not? Do you think it's reasonable for such a thing to bother others?
Having Obi-wan over power Vader is just another in a long list of things these writers don't understand. Look back at his previous fights that he has won. He doesn't over power them. He stays on the defensive and keep himself safe. He waits for his opponent to make a mistake and then he strikes. That's what he does to Grevious when he uses the Force on to push him away. It's what he does to Anakin when he jumps. It's what he does to Maul in Rebels. Speaking of Maul in Phatom Menaces after Qui-Gon death. Obi-wan does go on the offensive and nearly gets killed for it. He has to take Maul out with a surprise attack. Obi-wan is not a powerhouse and him understanding that is the reason he's one of the best dualists
I have no problem with kenobi battering Vader. He’s literally the only one I don’t have a problem with beating Vader. He’s literally the best person and character in Star Wars.
As far as I know, Obi-Wan is actually one of the best lightsaber fighters in the defensive style (Seresu or something?) where individually he is even better in that style than Mace Windu (Mace Windu is a master of all styles though, that's why he's the best lightsaber fighter in the PT). That's basically Obi-Wans greatest asset for his skills. And well, being quite smart, creative and not too dogmatic. So I'd say it's fine to have him win a lightsaber duel against Vader, but not by being stronger or battering him. They'd need an actual choreographer for that though... and that costs money, time and effort so they won't do it. Better get the bats, bois!
@@Bannschwert And because Lucas made a point that Obi-Wan doesn't have high force potential, he's very on the below average side when it comes to force abilities, so the boulder rain moment is just... lol.
Luke, chased out of his home by an Imperial Inquisitor who quite possibly murdered his aunt and uncle: screaming and fainting in terror Luke, still living in the same home nine years later: My average life here is boring, I wanna join the Empire!
Just to point out, it is heavily implied in New Hope that Luke actually wanted to join the Rebellion, not the Empire. He and Biggs Darklighter were intending to join the Academy together. the next time Luke sees Biggs, he is suddenly a Rebel pilot on Yavin 4 and Luke is zero surprised to see him there. You should at least expect a question like: "What are you doing here Biggs? I thought you had joined the Imperial Academy?" Unless of course joining the Rebellion was what they both intended from the beginning and the entire thing with the Academy was just an excuse they told their families. The old legends canon actually had a story about Biggs intentionally joining the Empire just to defect to the Rebellion along with a few of his comrades a short time later. Had Owen not held him back from joining, Luke would have probably been a part of that group.
“When I left you I was but the master now I am totally the master this time.” “I sense a presence I haven’t felt since the two times we fought not too long ago.” “I’ve felt a great disturbance in the force. As if I caused 1 billion people to cry out in terror and they were suddenly silenced. Oh well.”
"That boy is our last hope, but I've seen a dozen abandoned lightsabers, so there's plenty of former Jedi out there somewhere. Pity I didn't chase that up, I guess..."
Uncle Owen is the Fat Geralt of Kenobi. Exists for less than 10 minutes, punches a woman, takes care of his loved ones, and is a badass. I would watch Uncle Owen: A Star Wars story, assuming of course Disney is not allowed within a parsec of it.
I would watch Uncle Owen: A Farmers Life, a 6 part miniseries on the trials and tribulations of a humble Moisture Farmer on a lawless planet. Watch as he fights against Criminals, Tusken Raiders, and the planet itself to harvest enough to keep his family alive.
Vader: We must turn this entire fucking Star Destroyer around to go after Obi-Wan. Also Vader a few minutes later: Bring me to my ship, I must go after Obi-Wan alone.
So Reva is actually the true savior of the Original Trilogy. Since she self reformed or whatever, and not killed Luke, Luke was able to go on to fight the Empire. If Reva wasn't so amazing, someone else would've captured and killed Leia, Obi Wan would've been successfully delivered to Vader and probably killed, and Bail would've 100% been revealed as a dissenter to the Empire. Once again, Disney has made one of their New Characters absolutely crucial to not only their own garbage, but everything that came before as well.
Except capturing Leia was something the empire didn’t want to do, including her band of merry inquisitorial men. So this whole problem and resolution is because of her. Otherwise Leah would still be at home, like would never have been in any danger and everything would be fine.
It's pretty safe to say the Original Trilogy didn't happen in same timeline as Kenobi. Which is good, because it means Kenobi can be thrown in the trash heap alongside the rest of disney wars.
The scene with aunt Barb implies that her death at the hands stormtroopers was a result of her overconfidence and hubris, instead of a tragic innocent death. It implies that she shot first, and thus the stormtroopers were justified in firing back. How they manage to systematically destroy every frame o the OT on ACCIDENT is beyond comprehension.
The writers attempts at making Aunt Beru a strong empowered fighter in this resulting in the implication that she did the same thing in the OT and got lit up by stormtroopers might be one of the funniest things to come out of this show.
That's what happened in a comedic fanfilm btw, forgot what it was called - a camera crew was following the troopers deployed on tatooine that day, and Beru went crazy for some reason and then blew a bomb or something.
Y'know, when we started meming that Joel was responsible for every bad thing that happened in The Last of Us: Part 2, that was because the statement was ridiculous. We know damn well that Joel wasn't responsible for all the suffering in the world, and even The Last of Us 2, terrible story that it is, reflected that. They just made that kind of hyperbolic statement about Joel a reality for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, is now responsible for unimaginable suffering all because he let Darth Vader go instead of putting him down like the dog he is. Thanks, Disney, I hate it.
@@TheHawkeyeful If Obiwan had killed Vader he wouldn’t be in Rogue One or Ep 4 to capture the Tantive 4, torture Leia for false information about the Rebel base, and use Alderaan as an example to Leia of what happens to Rebels
In the clone wars series, during season 6 yoda speaks to Qui gon about becoming force ghosts and Qui gon says that he never finished his training before dying and therefore can only manifest his voice and not a body...so like Disney didn't do their homework
"Reva is great character!" Reva: *harrases civilians,attacks random woman,kidnaps children,disrespects her employer,tries to kill random boy* "Nah, you are just racist!"
Okay I hate Reva too but this is just the shittiest criticism ever. Darth Vader's also done insanely terrible things but I'm sure you'd agree he's a great character (at least as far as the OT goes)
Bail just sent a message that he was going to check in on Luke on Tattoine as he was afraid that Luke might be in danger. Revealing the location for Reva to go there for who knows what reason. And then he just forgot to show up?
Drinker is absolutely right, right now some of the top Star Wars RUclipsrs are making as many excuses as they can and filling in plotholes with their own Headcanons. They are a huge part of the problem.
Star Wars doesn't make sense and it doesn't have to make sense. That Drinker guy has been complaining aboot Star Wars for years now but he's still coming back like the rest of you
Star Wars fans nowadays are just Disney shills and will do anything but criticize their beloved product or rate it anything but 10/10 unless they get cast out of the fandom for being "toxic"
@Knox2Don You mistranslated, which is common among manchildren. Please learn English before translating things. The correct translation is: ''The people who're complaining aboot Disney Star Wars and telling it's for sheep, are themselves the sheep, since they keep coming back to it."
Yeah you have a huge point there. I’ve always wondered why these people can’t just… not watch Star Wars anymore. If you don’t enjoy it and have justified reasons, that’s fine, so stop watching.
"Everyone knows that to stop a sith warrior with a laser deflecting sword of fire, you should shoot them from the front with a slow volley of laser bolts, or attempt to fight them in close combat with whatever stick or pipe you have laying around." - Bilbongo Dodongus
I can't imagine it'll be that long. I lost it on the transition from scene 1 to scene 2. Where the show's hero, Reyva, SOMEHOW picked her Sithkebabbed ass up off the dirty rebel base floor, crawled out past a gauntlet of stormtroopers, got on whatshipexactly? and managed to recover enough to go walking around Tatooine cradling her poor little tummy tunnel, all while that little Rebel ship was still ducking and weaving turbolaser blasts, cause that's a good trick... I dunno. Maybe the EU will explain how Reyva has the power of Force Wormholes. Or there's two Reyvas. Or Vader chased Obi and the jedi railroad people kinda close around a black hole.
Emperor Palpatine just asked Vader "u mad bro" and tells him his anger is making him WEAKER? That's not how the darkside works it would do the OPPOSITE!
Not enough people bringing this up TBH. Even the Emperor couldn't get out of this series intact. This is someone who told Vader in his lowest moment that he murdered his own wife, turning him into a rage fueled mayhem machine. Then when it comes to Kenobi he is like "nah forget him bro."
It depends on how it's used. I'm not defending this show at all, but I'd like to clear some things up about the Sith. Sith use their emotions for power, but they're in control of them. If you let your emotions control you, you become sloppy (Kylo Ren is a great example) Look at Darth Maul: he's not screaming or flailing wildly in a rage. He's quiet, he's focused, and well trained using techniques and skill.
*The writers thought, "Well, they can't complain if we just borrow plot points and lines from the good originals, because they thought those were great!"* I'm reminded of a chess game in which a low-rated player mirrors the moves of a high-rated player. To someone on the outside, it seems like a quick and easy way to capture the genius of the high-rated player, right up until the high-rated player forces himself into a winning scenario. See, the high-rated player knew what he was doing, and so could capitalize on his movements. Because the low-rated player couldn't understand the underlying reasons behind the moves, he will inevitably falter when the high-rated player forces him to think for his own. For very similar reasons, Obi-Wan is crashing and burning, and the writers have no idea why.
@@zygo0 i don't think anyone in hollywood really knows about the outside world bar a few people like mark hammil or temuera morrison, remember when john boyegga was shocked that the star wars fanbase agreed that he deserved better
I like your analysis but I'm afraid it doesn't apply because as far as the creators are concerned, they won. they don't care if it crashes and burns because the people are still paying money to watch the wreckage and as far as they make enough money to justify the budget spent, they just don't care. it's over. we lost. they won. every new piece of content I see from these big franchises now... I'm just looking at it out of morbid curiosity to see how much worse it can get. there is very little expectation going in, and I know that even that won't be met. I honestly watched the show to keep up with EFAP. that was the main motivation. cause I knew, like Yoda said: "if into Disney Star Wars you go, only pain will you find"
if next season has another child getting kidnapped I hope Qui Gon starts giving Obi Wan advice about how to track down kidnappers and talks like he's speaking from his experience in all the Taken films
Aunt Beru keeps the weapons low to the ground, where any kid can get to them. But in a less than easy to access spot so that if Tuscans or Troopers attack, she and Ben are toast (literally). That is modern Star Wars. No effort, zero logic, just content.
Your honour, all I did was break into someone's home. Chase a child across a desert and knock him unconscious. That is undeniable proof I'm inspirational, strong and brave... **jail door slamming shut **
Imagine a bunch of people arriving to a SECRET BASE HIDEOUT... and no bug-checks are done, no scanning of tampered-with-tech, nothing. It's like allowing cameras and phones into high-security areas where such items should be a massive NONO. But apparently the Proto-Rebels are made of stupid and wouldn't ever think of there being a potential moles or spy among the newcomers, or a bug planted on or IN one of them or their tech.
The aunt beru girl boss shit was borderline comedic. I get the whole “tough country girl” thing they were going for but it doesn’t work here. First off the tough country girl wouldn’t stay stationary. She’d grab a rifle and set up in a high place nearby with a survival pack and a route planned out to escape shout she fail to kill Reva. She damn well wouldn’t leave her kid hiding in his room. Secondly she’d likely avoid the fight entirely if she could and just set the place on fire to cover her escape so that all eyes were on the house. Lastly even if she was going to stand and fight, she wouldn’t be trying for a hand to hand fight. She’d set up traps, have several weapons set up in various locations to quickly grab and use on the run (John Wick 2 style), and she’d have the kid sent to a friends to get him off world. The last option being a desperate and very risky last minute idea. And that’s all based around the character just being hardheaded and only facing down thugs. Considering it’s the Star Wars equivalent of the Stazi coming after the boy, the first and correct option in that case would be to pack up the essentials, set fire to the homestead and haul ass for another world. As someone raised in a rural area I assure you we aren’t so stupidly stubborn that we’d risk out kids life on a castle defense. We haul ass to the hills and never look back. This is what happens when you have writers that have only ever played video games and lived in the suburbs try to write about cultures they’ve never encountered before.
Not regular Stazi, super-powered Jesus Stazi. With insta-kill sticks that reflect your gunfire. You're dead. Good thing all 3 people involved had severe plot armor.
Reva was limping around like the dark side was the only thing keeping her alive, but she didn't die when she let go of her hatred towards Obi-wan (letting go of her emotions she was fueling the Dark side with)
Remember when Darth Sion in KOTR, an ACTUAL walking corpse sustained by the Dark Side, died the second he let go of his rage since it was literally the only reason he was clinging on? Yeah, the writers don't either.
@@jacksimpson8529 I'm 80% sure Darth Scion played some role in justifing why Dark side users are being written as invincible now (even though he's one of the many characters purged when disney took over). From Darth maul to palatine suriving exploding twice. I'm glad you got the refernce to Darth Scion in my original comment.
"I, Reva, hold the fate of the galaxy in my hands. All I need to do is kill this random little kid for no reason, and I will have justice! I mean, he's done nothing wrong. And he's just a child..." Memories of her own childhood flashed before her. They had nothing to do with the current situation, but it made the moment seem more dramatic. "No, for justice! Justice, I tell you!" She drew her lightsaber aloft like an axe, gracefully poised to chop at the sleeping boy. "But, wait." She hesitated, then lowered her weapon. "Would that not make me just like Vader?" Reva looked at her hand. The boy also had a hand. That innocent lady from the first episode didn't, but that hardly seemed relevant. "Noooooooooo! I will not become what I swore to destroy! I'm better than that! I mean, besides all the murder. And the fact that I literally serve my own sworn enemy. Come to think of it, that doesn't make very much sense." Reva looked at the camera, breaking the forth wall like the boss bitch she is. "Why did you write me this way," she screeched. "I'm a terrible character!" "No, Reva!" The voice seemed to come from all directions at once, yet no direction at all. "You are the most importantest super badass strong female character in Star Wars. And this is your arc!" It was a shit arc. But Reva was a shit character. She knew she couldn't kill the boy. Then there would be no story. So she resigned herself to her fate. She would be a good guy now. That's what the writers wanted, so that's what she would be. The most badass self-insert good guy that ever was. Fanboys across the galaxy rejoiced. Star Wars was lucky to have her. The End
Jedi powers are all over the place now. Is the Force like a form of mana pool that needs replenishing? Is it tied to mental fortitude and physical conditioning? Is it tied to an innate and immutable characteristic like cell composition or something? And at that point, how powerful is an average Jedi? What does it take for a Jedi to move a boulder? Or even multiple boulders? Is the dark side objectively more potent in using offensive powers like lightning and body control, or can the light do similar things? Can they manipulate certain minds or be "every voice inside our heads" or are there limits? And at THAT point, you gotta ask what are the weaknesses of Jedi. Do they get fatigued due to using the Force too much? Can we just overwhelm a group of Jedi with blasters or can they all deflect them with telekinesis and lightsabers? Is it like what HK-47 said in KOTOR that Jedis tend to be weak when mentally compromised, and thus you can tactically play mind games with them to get them off their peace with the Force? Can anything in the light counteract anything in the dark? How did the 501st and Anakin alone managed to massacre a temple's worth of Jedi? Was there an exploit? Did Anakin made some dark side spell that rendered their powers mute? No wonder these hack writers don't bother with the Jedi being in any sort of real power and influence, because you literally can't gauge them with the rules established by both Disney and George Lucas in their own franchises.
@@wojak-sensei6424 The only thing that is confirmed is that, yes, the sith are more powerful in using skills like force lightning, force grip (hell if we want to reference Kotor, then add Death Field in there too), and more violent abilities that are fueled by anger. The light side/Jedi powers are more about, well... mind tricks, spirituality and self defense. Force push, force speed, healing and essentially buffing others. To all your other questions. fuck if I know... The writers don't probably know either.
@@CaptainTitforce KOTOR really is the only Star Wars media I know that attempted to rationalize Jedi powers and somewhat succeed. The most interesting one is definitely the HK-47 thing. It gives an opportunity for Jedi to face new challenges, and I'm shocked that it's seldom used in other media. Basically, if some madlad bounty hunter could get a Jedi off his zone, like giving him a concussion, killing his Padawans, or just having nerves of steel to clutter his mind (I think it was Atton that said that), a normie could stand a chance against a Force user. But then again, they did introduce Force healing and, what is essentially, that stupid Dyad thing so yeah, can't all be winners.
@@wojak-sensei6424 Gotta love HK. Anyway, I don't really mind the concept of force healing or even the force dyad thing. I actually think the dyad works in KOTOR 1/2 fairly well, and if the heal could only heal minor wounds, or major wounds by taking A LOT of power. The force resurrection thing just sucks and fucks with the canon.
I can’t believe they Batwomaned Obi Wan. He let Vader live because they used to know each other and they had an emotional discussion, and now all the nigh countless deaths are on his hands because even though he had Vader at his knees, he didn’t feel up for killing him today.. What stellar writing, I just love when heroes don’t actually try to save people because they don’t feel like it..
What truly boggles the mind is why the hell Owen and Beru didn't move away after this! Not only did a magical space Nazi just try to kill their son, but the dimwit Kenobi let her go afterwards! Their entire location is compromised now! From their perspective Reva could just fly back up and tell Vader where they live or she might have already told him! Owen should have backhanded Kenobi for ever leaving and then moved somewhere else far off in secret. Had Reva killed Luke it would have been 100% Kenobi's fault for ever leaving in the first place when his entire mission was to PROTECT LUKE.
reva beats owen and beru and luke only lives because reva decides she doesnt want to kill him obiwan "youre all he needs for protection". im tired of this show showing me something like it makes sense and if you take 1 second to think it just breaks. first episode bail says obiwan is the only one for the mission to not attract attention and everything obiwan does attracts more attention than any other option. episode 3 vader lets obiwan go and every episode after that just wants him back. and then this owen and beru lose and obiwan is like "nah yall got it"
The line that killed me in this episode was Creamy Shive saying “you look agitated” because I just imagined Palpatine being overly emotionally supportive. “Vader, you seem agitated. Should I set you up with a therapist or something? All this stress may be getting to you… I mean the accident, and your new work responsibilities. Maybe you just need a break”
Palps likes to make sure is subordinates in a healthy mental and physical state, not because he cares personally but because his life as a politician found that it was the most efficient strategy
Screw this series. Vader orders the entire ship to turn around for Obi-Wan, letting the rebels go, (instead of using a magnetic beam, or sending tie-fighters, or just keep firing...)... but ends up getting into his shuttle and flying after it himself , thus missing out on the rebels for no reason at all. Obi-Wan trusts Leia to some random rogue who has already seeded his transmitter... The duel with Vader is miserable. They wave their swords like baseball bats in episode 9, and the Force has generally turned into an anime - they crush rocks and make craters in the ground, but they can’t break each other’s bones in the same way ... they can withstand the blows of multi-ton boulders ... Obi-Wan, without jokes, becomes a god thanks to the power of friendship and lifts weight much more than Yoda ... at some point he hits Vader with the HILT of the sword ... cuts his back, but that doesn’t paralyse him ... and most importantly, he doesn’t finish him off for the second time, although he himself said his friend is dead... Vader does not call the cruiser to shoot down Obi-Wan's ship, but it turns out that he has a hyperdrive, which makes the whole last episode even more pointless, since he and Leia could fly to Alderaan on it all this time already at the end of episode 4 .. . Owen and Beru do not set any traps for Reva in the doors, they only shoot her one at the time, do not catch up with her on a speeder, do not evacuate on the speeder, do not call the local police, the same Jabba the Hutt (with the promise of money), and Luke is advised to run on foot into the desert, to the Tuskens... Reva with a hole in her HEART can easily fight, run and carry weights ... And finally, she, who cuts off the hands of all those who disagree, throws knives at people, kills everyone in her path, hunts the Jedi trying to kill them, tortures a 10-year-old child , suddenly cannot kill Luke, because he sees himself in him (but not in Leah) ... by the way, why? Does she know he's Vader's son? How? And Obi-Wan forgives her, although he saw what she was doing and Tala died because of her... Now the whole Empire knows that Bail Organa communicates with Obi-Wan, they are looking for him all over the galaxy, but at the same time Obi-Wan quietly flies to Alderaan to chat with Leia... Obi-Wan communicates with Luke, although Owen told him in A New Hope that he died at the same time as his father ... Qui-gon, it turns out, can appear without any meditation, but the whole series did not do this ... As a result - Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru, Bale failed their missions to protect children, and they are only alive because the Empire and Vader are even more incompetent, and Reva suddenly became kind ... and now we are waiting for a series about her ... Thank you Disney, now you've ruined every single character in the original trilogy. Star Wars is long dead, and there's no more room for nails in the coffin. EDIT: Goddammit, one time I missed the EFAP stream and went to sleep they showed my comment in showcase...Ironic...
I think it was back in 2012 when I read a quirky comment on a video saying: "George, if you will not make more StarWars content, then perhaps Disney will" . Our worst nightmare became true everyone.
We said this before but yes, mace windu grandfather, reva mother, lando father, Finn child, girl from TROS is sister. Everyone connected and there’s only 1 black fam lol
when I read she spares Luke, I thought he’d be asleep(kinda like the scene in Last Jedi), but no. now he knows about the force and jedi/sith. and the Leia relationship is also messed up. “you can’t leave me!” yet she barely sounds like she cares about what happens to Obiwan in ANH. it also makes it sound like they had a constant back and forth, dealing with the rebel, but that doesn’t make sense since that would mean there’s too many jedi doing nothing. they all just waited for the OT to beat the empire. I also hate how they made it seem like Owen just doesn’t know what a gun is and that Beru needed to hide the guns. the don’t think they should protect themselves from sand people? I of course have other problems but there’s just too much to get into.
@@grandarkfang_1482 did he though? when he was Running from her She was Far so He couldn't see her lightsaber, and I am Pretty sure when She used the force to pull off the Cliff he Got unconscious right away.
Me: why is reva still alive? Perhaps because rEvEnGe DoEs wOnDErS fOr ThE WiLL tO LiVe How did she get to tatooine way faster than it should've been? Maybe cause rEvEnGe DoEs wOnDErS..... sigh Did the empire leave her a ship? Why does reva want to kill luke all of the sudden instead of going after varder? justice I guess Why is a star destroyer struggling to take down a simple ship? Why varder doesn't use his "overpowered" force and stop the ship from the star destroyer? Why the empire doesn't send their own ships to chase the cargo ship while varder is going after ben? Why ben kenobi presumes he can make the whole star destroyer go after him but doesn't consider they can send tie fighters that can take all of them down regardless if he goes in a different ship? They are fcked either way Why ben leaves varder alive after confirming that anakin is truly gone, after how he saw varder killed those people in that town in ep 3, after realising anakin has become a horrible person and after ben himself said before the fight "I WILL DO WHAT I MUST" ? Why Owen and beru suck at aiming with the shotgun when they had the surprise factor? Why beru and luke don't stay hidden in a secret place or escape the house earlier while owen is distracting reva before the inquisitor sees them and chase them? Why ben got snubbed over a stupid droid by the little rat in alderaan after both had a moment in the ship when she made him promise he would come back? Why qui gon doesn't appear in the lowest moment of ben when he's having doubts so that his presence can be more significant in the show? Why is this show retarded? Disney: good questions, for another time
Why do you question a show whose genius is beyond any mere mortal's comprehension? Do you think War and Peace, The Godfather, Better call Saul will be remembered 100 years from now? They will dissapear into the shadow of this collosal epicness of a show.
At this point, they should just introduce ludicrous things to patch up their holes by ripping off other scifi properties. How do people get around so fast? Starfinder has Shadowdrives, which literally use pain to go FAST. Who cares at this point? Disney sure doesn't.
Modern Lucasfilm have only three stories to tell; 1) "Are we the baddies?" Brave POC who serves Dark Side, discover that what he/she was doing was wrong and joins Light Side; Finn, black chick from "Battlefront II", Indian inquisitor for "Fallen Order" and now Reeeva... 2) broken old man who crewed up and who had to be propped up by strong female character; Jake Skywalker and now Jake Kenobi.... 3) "Badass" taking care of some special child; Mando & baby Yoda and now Jake Kenobi & baby Leia...
Now we know how it happened, she probably pulled a Rogue One and tried to shoot one of the stormtroopers while Owen tried to talk them down and got them both killed.
Bail Organa: "I will go to Tatuin to look after the boy." And then never goes there, He is not in the beginning of the episode, on Tatuin, does not help fight Reva and Owen & Beru never mention him.
lmfao just the fact that a gunfight with aunt beru where potted plants are used as weapons is intercut with the final fight between vader and obiwan 😂😂
Timestamps 0:00 What Are We? 0:15 A Weird Thumbnail 1:57 Good Times 2:21 Reception & Predictions 3:03 Disney’s Fights 5:13 Other Predictions 7:08 Comment Showcase 21:04 Kenobi Finale Commentary (1) 27:02 Stupidity Pause 33:15 Kenobi Finale Commentary (2) 42:58 Meme Repository’s Interlude 43:24 Kenobi Finale Commentary (3) 48:45 George Lucas’ Interlude 48:58 Kenobi Finale Commentary (4) 1:06:08 Qui Gon Keys 1:09:51 Season 2 1:10:53 Reva 1:11:32 Driving Force 1:13:07 Obi-Wan Arcs 1:15:20 Back into the canon 1:16:25 Reception & Longevity 1:19:32 Pilfering The Prequels 1:21:15 Meta 1:22:27 Reva 1:28:03 The Script 1:30:17 The Characteristics of Kenobi 1:32:50 Respeech 1:33:30 Special Mention 1:35:05 Beru’s Plan 1:36:10 Season 2 Plotline 1:36:47 Evaluation Sidenote 26:50 Nitpick: considering the position of the characters it’s impossible that Owen receives the blaster in that way from Beru, that not only is shorter and in a lower position but also is kneeling on his left and the blaster comes from the upper right.
Excuse me, but Wade got shot down only meters above an ocean. If Poe can be "thrown free" of a tie fighter shot out of orbit onto solid ground, no way that killed Wade.
There's so much more potential with Revas character if they didn't make her aware of Anakin. Because then, from her point of view, the Jedi ruined her life in every way. They stole her from her family at a young age and it's some superstar Jedi named Anakin that attempted killing her and slaughtered her friends. To her, Vader should just be the guy who offered her a chance at revenge against the Jedi. She could be the person who has an emotional reaction to Vader being Anakin, not Obi-Wan, and her motivations would actually make some fucking sense.
"Revenge does wonders for the will to live" they literally brought back the grand inquisitor just to let the drooling 5-year-old fan-base to understand why Reva actually survives the stabbing
@@wrthgdrver710 Exactly. Vader should have cut her head off like with Dooku. He didn't come back yet. I have to say yet because no one's ever really gone in Disney Wars. Even actors that have been dead for decades.
Vaders voice was the sole reason I've watched Kenobi in German dub: In the dub, Vader has actual power in his voice, almost makes him sound like Bane... its so much better hearing vader not being voiced by a robot.
Before their first duel in the third episode, Vader said, "I am what you made me." Whether the writers intended it or not, there're connotations that Vader was blaming Kenobi for his fall to the Dark Side with this line-which is complete bullshit because Vader wouldn't even blame Palpatine for that. Like he says in the finale, "I'm not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did." Ok... so, now Vader takes responsibility by "revealing" that turning to the Dark Side was his choice when only a few episodes ago it was Kenobi's fault. The dialogue is so generic, vague, and unimaginative that these characters have to explicitly say what they both should already know. There's no subtext, no nuance. Kenobi should know that Anakin is already lost and that the creation of Vader is not his fault. No new information is being revealed here. It's almost as if George had deliberately tied up all the loose ends between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and now, Disney is breaking previously established canon as well as muddling the continuity of their own show.
Technically speaking, "I am what you made me" could easily refer to Mustafar and Vader's injuries. But yep, the dialogue consists of cheap one-liners of the kind that *fans* think up for memes.
@@niewesoa5299 In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, so yeah, I think you’re right. I guess it was one of those things where it’s so obvious that I completely missed that connection. It’s retarded that Vader would need to say such a thing at all. In response to “What have you become?”, he might as well have said, “I’m more machine now than man, twisted and evil.” There’s much more important things to be discussed between these two, but the writers were like… nah, it’ll be fine.
@@jacobhardin9119 **Disney**: copypasting generic bad fanfiction lines is our speciality Also, we all tend to forget *some* parts of a story, especially as large as SW, it's normal. But at least we can own up to our mistakes and are dedicated to the stories that started it all... and, unlike some people, we aren't even paid to remember all of that stuff.
@@niewesoa5299 That's unfair. Fanfiction writers at least do their stuff for free and you occasionally get something good out of it. Where the hell did all the money for this show go?
It's real convenient that out of everyone on Tatooine that Reva decided to interrogate Owen so when she hears Bail mention Owen she knows exactly who he's talking about.
The image of a T-Posing Obi-Wan is just. Too symbolic of the state of Star Wars media projects: "Thing you recognize" + "laziness" + "visual spectacle." The trinity of bitches.
Obiwan literally flips the lightsabre around so that the hits to vaders chest maim and not kill him.... Love that they are basically fighting in a kids jungle gym and obiwan pummels Vader with Styrofoam rocks
Even worse, that Vader basically forgot to try to parry the pummeling, allowing Obi-wan to repeatedly slam his chest-gadgetry. Just stood there, weapon in hand, multiple clear shots on his opponent who is holding their weapon backwards, taking it like a man for .... reasons? Because they wanted Vader's breathing apparatus to sound wheezy and labored?
How to escape an evil fortress in a Disney+ show: either stomp on someone’s foot and run away (Loki) or lightly slap a guard’s helmet. Top notch writing going on at Disney headquarters at the moment.
Leia in 4: "Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons!" Alderaan in Kenobi: Ten year olds wearing holsters for GUNS is pretty chill, yo (Also, Tarkin calls her Lee-a. Wierd)
52:00 - Christ. And you know what? An easy, EASY way to get around needing to let Vader live is this: have a squadron of TIE fighters come and start shooting at Kenobi just as he's about to give the final blow to Vader. Kenobi is forced to retreat and flee. There. Now there's a narrative reason why the Star Destroyer is still in orbit, too.
Or...any interruption in the fight. Balls, at this point they honestly should have had the Emperor save his ass again. Then there could be implied angst in Vader that he knows he's not truly The Shit, and it's good ol' Palpy that's always bailing him out. Dew it! ...he's not meant to rule the galaxy etc etc, dark side is bullshit etc, Palps keep "saving" me and extending the horror..."I'm doing it! Down the well goblin!!" Haha. [Edit: plus they coulda had a (Mauler geek voice) "Super Cool" stick fight with Kenblowme and Palps. Super cool.]
40:22 That might be the most bafflingly terrible line in the history of Star Wars media, it's so obviously the wrong line for Vader to say yet NO ONE working at Disney noticed and the EFAP crew noticed instantly 😂 We are in a new era of laziness for Star Wars
Sometimes I think the writers believe that their writing for parody instead of the actual work. But then I remember just how incompetent people can be.
This whole scene I'm just imagining Obi Wan's confused face from the Mustafar fight in RotS. "Anakin! YOU came here. YOU have been following me this entire time. What the fuck are you on about bro?"
I think "He is my own" and "Hello there" were the only good lines in this entire show. And one of those is purely because something better existed before this.
It’s crazy to me that we live in a timeline where obiwan, a character that should never leave tattooine, leaves tattooine to collect Leia. And also Boba Fett, a character that collects bounties across the galaxy, stays on tattooine. Well done Disney. Can’t wait to see the movie about the millennium Falcon where they put wheels on it and make it a car.
*Luke at the age of 10 almost gets killed by a sith inquisitor at Tatooine who is wielding a lightsaber as Luke gets thrown around by the force.* Luke at the age of 19: "Noting ever happens here and i also dont know that the force or lightsabers exist"
I like how we're told the Empire is evil but then we see a bunch of troopers taking rides from and thanking the rando alien in the 3rd episode right before Obi takes him hostage showing that the random troopers care more about people than OW does.
Wouldn't Luke have some memories of Reva raiding his house? *Luke* : Hey Master Kenobi, ten years ago I have vague memories of some angry black lady chasing me through the desert, do you have any idea what that was about?
Vague? Do you not have memories from when you’re 10 years old? I literally remember everything from when I was 10, I have memories from before I was 5. Random things, I’m sure if my house was attacked and I was chased, I’d remember it. Remember, Luke is just a farmer. Like millions of children IRL. I’m sure a European farm kid who lives a peaceful life, would remember being attacked at 10 years old
@@burn8325 I'm only saying vague right now because I'm not sure how much detail of that night he would pick up on. But yes, generally he would have memories of that night.
Beru's call to stand and fight is totally canonical. Just look to A New Hope and see how well standing and fighting works. Two smoking skeletons just outside the main door of their home.
"no one must ever know. Or it could endanger us both." Don't they already know? The Grand Inquisitor/Vader know about Revas plan. Leia was in the inquisitor base yelling out who she is and that Obi Wan will rescue her in front of guards and probably various recording devices. How can they not know at this point?
Imagine if the final conversation was Anakin telling Obiwan how the Jedi suppressed his emotions and wouldn't have helped him or Padme if he had told them about his marriage. Then he leads to saying something like "(Anakin's voice) Deep down.. you knew.. about us... (Switch to Vader's voice) ..and you didn't help.. me!" Which leads to Obiwan feeling the weight of Anakin's emotions and him responding with "I'm sorry Anakin, for all of it". Maybe give us Vader slightly showing a bit of a shocked face and then frowning, indicating to Obiwan that no matter what, Anakin is gone. The Empire comes in to help Vader (don't know how but let's just go with it for now) and Obiwan is forced to leave. Before he does, he says "Goodbye... Darth.." End Scene
*Three years later* Scam Artist: "I have a Jedi for sale! She's the princess of a faraway planet, and I've heard she has Force powers! Obi-Wan Kenobi himself gave her to me for my protection, and so I'm handing her off to the highest bidder!* *And he's unsuccessful because nobody believes General Kenobi would be that stupid...*
On the fight scene between Kenobi and Vader they should have reserved the rock burial scene for later. Obi Wan does the whole cut the mask thing with Vader, understands his friend is dead, says "farewell lord Vader" and actually goes forth to kill Vader and gets close to doing it but Vader at the last moment uses the force and buries Kenobi under rocks. He senses Kenobi is alive down there but doesn't take any chances and runs. Vader escapes barely alive. He then lies to the Emperor saying Obi Wan is dead. That prompts him to train more for the next time they meet.
Reva decides not to kill an innocent child whose home she raided, what an inspirationional redemption arc - 9/10 IGN
Shouldn't it be 6/10 IGN; too much sand?
You mean REEEEEVA!
Too much Kenobi,Reva needs more screen time-8/10 IGN.
I really felt for her when I saw how broken up she was. There there sweety, I'm sure you killed plenty of children already. There'll be others. You're just having a bad day.
I knew they'd pull this shit that luke only survived because of a strong woman deciding not to massacre him
Wait... so Reva leaves her lightsaber in the sand too? According to Disney, Rey buries two lightsabers in the sand, Obi-Wan buries two lightsabers in the desert (at least for a while before digging them up again), and there were other Jedi hiding on Tatooine who probably buried their lightsabers as well.
Suddenly, I really want to see a Robot Chicken sketch about an unlucky Jawa who can't find anything in the desert but lightsabers, which are considered worthless because there are so many buried on Tatooine.
Spaceballs “desert combing” keeps turning up lightsabers
Suddenly, combing the desert seems a lot less stupid.
I would think that Boba and the Tusken Raiders would find light sabers whilst looking for black melons.
I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating, and full of lightsabers.
She's not okay with killing a Luke, but she is okay with torturing a Leia. Weird.
She has a thing for little white bois.
Leia is a woman. She can handle it.
Male privilege D:
The force protected Luke and by that I mean writers had a note that said they can't touch him.
Pretty sure it's reason why they focused on Leia
It's clearly a social commentary on how privileged white males are.
The one time that Luke actually *needed* Obi-Wan's protection - - the one time in TEN YEARS - - and he wasn't even on the same planet!
He was to busy being elsewhere, leading people to Luke
@@baldore2256 And Organa, the one charged with the only other important child, created the most dangerous situation possible for both kids by bringing Kenobi in, revealing their importance and doing the equivalent of waving a "i'm a traitor!" flag in front of the imperial palace.
@@scorpixel1866 Bail Organa P.O.V: OK Bail your adopted daughter has been kidnapped. You can either A) Disown her and get a new one, B) Mobilize the Royal Guard, C) Hire Bounty Hunters and offer the greatest amount of Credits they'll ever see to bring her back alive, D) Appeal to the Senate to get to the bottom of this, E) Do B-D... or F) Contact what is essentially considered a wanted terrorist and out yourself, your household and your planet as traitors and put your fellow conspirators at risk.
Imagine making a post-prequels, pre-OT Obi-Wan show and deciding that Luke should be in it for all of 2 minutes.
Every time Obi-Wan surrendered to the enemy (which happened quite a bit in this series) was him condemning the galaxy to oppression for generations.
You know it kind of made sense when Obi-Wan attacked Darth Vader by throwing boulders at him because he was using his greatest weakness against him. If you think about it boulders are nothing but big sand.
Boulders are also mobile high ground.
Its high ground sand
“No not the sand, Ahhhh”
Well Vader is also terrified of fire and lava... What do you get when you add fire to sand? GLASS. My epic Star Wars theory is that glass is really his greatest weakness.
Boulders are just large sand from a certain perspective
I'm surprised when Obi-wan said "Hello There" that Luke didn't response "General Kenobi" then pull out 4 lightsabers.
🤭👍 Jedi scum *cough.. cough *
The first time that line is said is the best. Sir Alec Guinness speaking to a frightened R2 and trying to seem friendly. Utterly charming. That’s who Obi-Wan Kenobi is.
No the response would've been "well you are a bold one" lol
Somebody did this ruclips.net/video/gKBbIjMT8xY/видео.html
That meme exists 😂 look it up it’s gold
It's weird that Owen calls them "tuskens" because Luke in Episode 4 exclusively calls them "sand people." It seems to me they were likely referred to as sand people while he was growing up. Disney REALLY doesn't want to use the term "sand people" lmao.
Don't you see? Calling a Tusken Raider a sand people is just as offensive as calling a person in the world today, right here, a sand people.
I don't think we can call them sand people anymore. The correct term is Bantha jockey.
In fairness, Owen’s dad referred to them as tuskens.
Maybe Luke is just really racist against them. Since you know, they are barbaric
Just like real sand people
both terms are used for them
@@stingerredshock3418 Who’s an edgy boy? Who’s the edgiest boy? Who made the edgy comment? It’s you! Oh my gosh yes it’s you! You’re the edgy boy!
Reva choosing not to kill Luke reminds me of a quote from Doctor Who: "You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then a little victim's spared, because she smiled, cause he's got freckles, cause they begged, and that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind."
Reva choosing not to commit one particular evil act, after committing many of them throughout the series, does not mean that she is a good person now.
That's a good quote. Very pertinent to this dumpster fire.
Yeah, this is not redemption, this is a momentary weakness. Who's to say she won't decide a day from now to try and kill Vader again and kidnap Luke? She knew too much, Obi-Wan killed Maul to protect Luke, he should have killed her.
God 2005 Doctor Who was incredible
Wow thats a great quote
*Cough* Last of Us Part II *Cough*
*We're at the point where Darth Jar Jar would be an unironic, significant improvement to the franchise.*
it would make more sense
“Meesa rula da whole galaxee with little Annie”- Jar Jar Baggins
We are well past the point where Darth Jar Jar teaming up with Skids and Mudflap would be a genuine improvement.
@Purple Emerald Exactly my point
@@italyspit5192 Thank you for this 😂 made my day
Did the writers just forget that Tie fighters exist? Seriously a bunch of the Empire’s problems would be solved if they just sent out some tie fighters.
Kenobi and Leia escaping the planet? Send some tie fighters. Kenobi and Leia escaping the fortress? Send some tie fighters. Choosing between Kenobi or the rebels? Send some tie fighters. Kenobi flying away after his and Vader’s duel? Send some tie fighters (or even just use the Star destroyer you have in orbit).
What really annoys me about this show is that if Kenobi just kept doing his job and stayed on Tatooine then everything would be fine. Reva would realize she was wrong and will likely be punished for kidnapping a senator's daughter (although since it's Reva nothing bad would happen to her), and Leia would go back to Alderaan. Literally everything just solves itself if Kenobi actually acted like Kenobi.
You're making the assumption that anyone in the empire can aim. Which has been proven false at every opportunity
They'd probably say, "They weren't invented yet." or something.
@@nillynush4899 thing is, we saw them in the hangers on the inquisitor base
“You see, in our future wookiepedia, we discuss how every 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 7th, space day of the space week, all tie fighters are being washed. And everyone knows you can’t fly a wet ship in space because of the ice that would form. And the soap would just make it hard to see out the little windows. So that’s why you don’t see any of the little Tai-Fighters in space at those times. Also there was already a bunch of traitors in the empire aboard those ships to sabotage the ships to prevent them from flying.”
@@stevelucky7579 I actually work at the Imperial Tie-wash, and your not wrong. Also they'er a bitch to wax. And don't get me started on Vader's advanced Tie, the last person to leave water spots on the glass got force choked.
Hey remember that scene in RotJ where Luke said to Kenobi “I can’t kill my own father” and Kenobi replied “Oh, don’t sweat it, bro. I, like, TOTALLY had him TWICE and I couldn’t do it either?” It’s amazing how the writing all ties together!
To be fair, Obi-Wan left Anakin to what he was sure was an agonising death in Ep III. Makes his refusal to kill "Darth" in this series all the more nonsensical (this is obviously inconsistent with him actively pressuring Luke to kill Vader instead of trying to reach him on Dagobah, too).
“BuT iT eXpLaInS wHy LEiA nAmEd hEr SoN bEn”
It's like poetry,it rhymes.
@@oldschoolhistory3246 Fool me once, fool me twice, yada yada yada.
@@cbrreezzyy69 you know come to think of it it’s still weird she named her child after the man that destroyer her home planet
The aunt probably had the same plan for the storm troopers, but unfortunately they had the dastardly idea of coming during they day, thwarting all of her plans
Because of Kenobi not having the resolve to kill Vader it’s his fault that the Dark Lord will continue to be a plague on the galaxy for 10 more years, yet he’ll gaslight Luke into trying to kill his own father.
At least with Mustafar it was justified to leave him since if it weren’t for Palpatine, Vader would have died. But after this fight? It’s ALL on Kenobi.
But I told you... Kenobi would fail.
Now that all the StarWars characters have been destroyed, how will you retrieve your great prize? (good old Zack meme)
@@sparkypack that comment is too good. I hope thet will prepare the armada of Reva episodes.
@@raufm.2135 pain... pain... paiiinnn.. 😣
Yeah, indeed. At least in Mustafar is was like " I can not do it anymore", his determination failing at the prospect of having to execute someone he loved. He literally, out of shame and regret, looked away as Anakin burned "to death", unable to take it. You could argue that is why he pussed Luke to kill him, that he was not his father. Because he once had a similar feeling, doubt because of his relationship, and that stopped him from killing Vader when he could, enabling further tragedy. Luke has to man up and do his duty, because Kenobi knows what happens when you allow yourself to be influenced by those emotions.
i'd also point out on mustafar the way the scene was set up he'd have had to walk almost into an active lava flow to finish Anakin off, so that also kind of helps justify walking away at that point
but yeah, if this version of Kenobi had a fucking brain he'd know that letting him live once lead to 10 years of terror, murder and oppression... at some point even a Jedi has to realize his duty is to end this evil stain on the galaxy...
Man, we really have reached peak "This didn't happen" levels of writing, haven't we? Like, Obi-Wan Kenobi had Darth Vader dead to rights, confirmed he was evil, and just allowed him to live. That didn't happen. They couldn't even bother to contrive a lame reason why their fight had to end inconclusively, like say, the planet falling apart underneath them (Rey and Kylo), he literally just turns around and says, "Yup, job done, he'll never do any harm again." And the idea that Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen (somewhat successfully) fought off a Sith in their own home, and that Luke Skywalker encountered a Sith and had the Force used on him... that didn't happen. That literally couldn't have happened, not given the way Luke acts about Jedi, the Sith, and the Force. And Leia being so emotionally close to Obi-Wan... she acts like she barely knows him in A New Hope, and she doesn't seem very emotionally affected by his death. _She's_ the one consoling _Luke_ as if the very brief bond they shared was the more meaningful one, when this show would have you believe Leia and Luke were thick as thieves. This didn't happen. This whole show didn't happen.
@@AlexBarbu the fact Revan is in the “Legends” makes all “Legends” aka EU canon. I’ll take every pre Disney Star Wars game and book as canon before I believe Luke was a grouchy hermit and tried to kill his nephew. We literally have no characters that act in accordance to their beliefs. Luke would never do any of the things he “did”. Han wouldn’t, Leia wouldn’t, fuck even C-3PO wouldn’t have done the shit he did or didn’t do in the ST. “I was sith, I am Jedi” - Revan
I think they were trying to explain why she’d name her only child after Obi-Wan’s undercover name by giving them this intimate backstory....but it makes no damn sense.
The entire Disney Star Wars didn't happen.
@@AlexBarbu the original expanded wasn’t that good neither it became a mess at the end but it’s far far FAR better than Disney canon
@@AlexBarbu "I've tried to tell people before. Disney Star Wars isn't canon. The original Expanded Universe is. Trust your feelings, you know it to be true."
You're comically oblivious to the countless plot holes and contradictions that have already existed before Disney, before the prequels, even before Empire.
Obiwan does his lightsaber "handiwork" in the cantina, this alerts the troopers, and then when they knowingly catch the same ship on the death star it's just "I sense something" - as if they had no reports of a guy openly using a jedi weapon in that club?
So according to the "death star scenes", parts of the cantina scene didn't happen.
I officially declare the cantina to be non-canon! As if "canon" matters in a morphing stream-of-consciousness narrative like star wars has always been.
The two Stormtroopers being slapped down is like they're working at Galaxy's Edge and they have to pretend to be beaten down by a customer in hand-to-hand combat.
The physical equivalent of me playing the meek, chastised employee to a Karen while my manager is struggling not to burst out laughing.
@@paisleesheppard5629 🤣🤣🤣
That costs an extra $6,000
Can't they just give her a shocker of some sorts? I can belive someone in the production said - yes to all of this. It has to be some sort of evil plan to make every sane person hate Star Wars
better than the prequels
When Luke becomes her and she cried, I legit became angry. How many people she killed and crippled at this point? If you can only empathize with someone because they look like you, specially in a superficial level, you have no empathy. Reeva is a horrible human being.
That's modern morality for you.
@Knox2Don incels whining aboot diversity are even worse
@@reek4062 the difference is that one of these groups gets to ruin franchises
Everything Everywhere all at Once proves that a rock with googly eyes can make grown men weep in public.
@@remoover5420 But incels shoot up schools and churches....who wins that morality argument?
Beru's absolutely insane response to hearing the Empire is coming for them makes me retroactively glad she got wasted by Stormtroopers in A New Hope.
"You all saw it. She had a gun." - Stormtrooper
@@angryengine9616 considering her actions here, I guess she did indeed.
This is why you dont try to regard these series as connected. If you refuse to engage seriously with new stars wars your conception of the old characters remains safe.
Now we know she probably shot first and that's why they had to kill them... what a girl boss...
There was a fan theory that Boba Fett disintegrated Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru since stormtrooper blaster don’t literally flay people alive but I guess it’s just another thing Boba and Tuskans can relate to each other about
Episode 3: "I am what you made me."
Episode 6: "you didn't kill Anakin. I killed Anakin."
Make up your mind, Darth
it shows how incompetent these writers are
"We will stay and fight the Sith inquisitor!" ... You know, Beru, it's attitudes like that, that get people burned alive on the doorstep of their moisture farms leaving only gristly smoking skeletons for their adopted son to find. Hypothetically speaking.
On the bright side I don’t think he ever mentions them after the fact...actually I think he mentioned Kenobi more than the people who raised him in both the Eu and new cannon...weird that they never tried to fix that
Crispy bodies by the door...
The were probably up and about just a few minutes after he left.
Given the recoveries of other characters, they probably could shrug off being burnt to a crisp like it was a mild case of sunburn.
Do you think they got burned because she resisted arrest?
@@jakubgrzybek6181 that only happens to the black Moisture farmers which considering the climate is probably a majority...which makes me wonder how Anakin came out so pale since Schmee was vaguely ethnic I think, or at least defiantly not blonde
I love how Obi Wan “turns himself in” 3 times in is show, only
a) after people have already died
b) with minimal attempt to actually distract the person; no “hey I’m over here, I’m the one you want”
c) immediately just tries to leave, rather than solving the problem or properly luring them away
I like that he insinuates that it wasn't his fault and there was nothing he could do, even though he could easily have done something and saved multiple lives while reaching the same outcome.
In ROTJ, Luke tells Obi-Wan "I cannot kill my own father"and Obi-Wan says "Then the Emperor has already won". In Revenge of the Sith He also says "Anakin has become too dangerous to live" and tells Yoda to send him to the Emperor because he can't kill Anakin and Yoda says no you are not strong enough. That is three times that Obi-Wan says Vader/Anakin must die. BUT...in this show he lets him live. Absolute tosh.
this show really recontextualizes kenobi as a useless, lying, coward but never explores that.
@@davidmendez3899 because that's not the intended effect. they just can't write coherent stories.
Well, he has to. Same reason Reyva can't kill Luke. Cause A New Hope is a thing.
Their mistake was putting Kenobi in the position where he had to make this choice at all.
This comment destroys anyone who tries defending his lack of killing
The most common defense I hear about this is that Kenobi is following the Jedi code, which is just utter nonsense. It doesn’t help that we know nothing about Kenobi’s opinions of the Jedi and their teachings during the events of the show to even analyze this claim. This show is so broken.
"I'm not going to give you a blaster, Leia, you're 10 years old" ... The FIRST real sensible, actual intelligent thing Ben does.
"Instead I am going to give you one of the 10 lightsabers I found to cut yourself open" - something this Ben totally would do instead.
There is no Grand Inquisitor fight, because Disney can't even recreate his fighting style, similar to Count Dooku, based on finesse, thrusts etc. and all Disney can do now is heavy club against a club type of fights.
They just looked up his fights from Rebels and went "nah, can't do"
Oh btw remember that they used an argument of his shitty looks that an actor had to be able to move etc? That's why they made his head less of a big-brain-time type? Okay so where did he have to be mobile? He didn't even run in a single scene. He was stabbed and collapsed on the floor, could use a stunt double for that extreme need of coordination XDDDD
They turned light sabers into glow in the dark baseball bats...
they weren't just unable to recreate his fighting style, they were unable to recreate what made him, idk, intimidating, likeable, or a threat?
His fighting style was created through advanced and flexible rigs. They could warp and stretch it so it makes sense. Rupert Freind in Shitty makeup and armor can’t do it. Humans don’t have that level of flexibility
@@darthdarth4297 You'd easily recreate that in live-action with more realistic approach, that's all. Just make him fight like Dooku and it's good enough for me. Just be more dynamic about it.
I drove on a sidewalk, driving behind a random guy following at about the same speed he's running away. I'd regularly fire my gun at him in our chase. He stops in front of a wall turns around preparing for his imminent death. So I get out and ask "Have you come to kill me?"
I chase after a guy throwing my feces at him. I get in my car and pursue lobbing more poop at him. He comes to an dead end alley and I get out with a pile of poo in hand. I ask him: “Have you come to wipe me?”
Beru: "She will come when the sun goes down"
Objection your honor. Lack of foundation, speculation...
Objection hearsay
"Mr. Hutz, do you have any evidence?"
"Well, Your Honor, we have conjecture and hearsay. Those are kind of evidence."
Beru definitely has the script, it told her when she’d be there
Also, Tatooine has two suns, so night would actually be a rare occurrence on the planet.
The twin suns are binary stars. Night would be a common occurrence. Roloth however is tidal locked, so it's rotation and orbit with it's sun is equal, like our own moon always faces Earth with the same side.
Disney closing plot holes for a new hope
Why does Leia act like she's never met obi wan
-obi tells Leia pretend we don't know each other
Why hasn't Vader been trying to find obi wan in between this and a new hope
-palps told him forget about it cuz
Amazing writing here. Plot holes closed seamlessly
I kinda hoped for all of the characters to go in a sarlac pit and be effected by its psychich effects.
I can't for the life of me understand how people actually defend that Leia knowing Obi-Wan, but having no reaction to his death. In ANH, Leia did protest and was in shock of the destruction of Alderan, and by extension, all of her family and most of her friends. If we're to believe that this series is canon, Obi-Wan risked his life and anonymity to save her ass on many occasions. Obi-Wan would perhaps be the last connection to her family, so when he's killed that should've affected her in some manner. Unless she is completely callous from losing so many allies in the effort of the rebellion, or a sociopath. Thanks Disney, for destroying every single character in Star Wars. KK can go fuck herself with Reva's lightsaber.
so? the show is much better than the prequels. I am satisfied
@@reek4062 you've gotta be joking
@@reek4062 I know your comment is a bit old, but I just saw you commenting on another video with people reacting negatively to the new Star Wars content so I'm just too curious.
First, I'd like to say that I'm glad you enjoy the show. That's perfectly fine. I just want to ask if you acknowledge the complaints others have?
Second, I'd like you to imagine your favorite fictional content/character of all time. If subsequent content destroyed or severely undermined what made you love said content/character, how would you feel? If it doesn't bother you, why not? Do you think it's reasonable for such a thing to bother others?
Having Obi-wan over power Vader is just another in a long list of things these writers don't understand. Look back at his previous fights that he has won. He doesn't over power them. He stays on the defensive and keep himself safe. He waits for his opponent to make a mistake and then he strikes. That's what he does to Grevious when he uses the Force on to push him away. It's what he does to Anakin when he jumps. It's what he does to Maul in Rebels. Speaking of Maul in Phatom Menaces after Qui-Gon death. Obi-wan does go on the offensive and nearly gets killed for it. He has to take Maul out with a surprise attack. Obi-wan is not a powerhouse and him understanding that is the reason he's one of the best dualists
Well yea, but all the Twitter trolls thought it was awesome :)
I have no problem with kenobi battering Vader. He’s literally the only one I don’t have a problem with beating Vader. He’s literally the best person and character in Star Wars.
@@burn8325 I don't have an issue with him beating Vader. It's beating him by overpowering him that I don't like
As far as I know, Obi-Wan is actually one of the best lightsaber fighters in the defensive style (Seresu or something?) where individually he is even better in that style than Mace Windu (Mace Windu is a master of all styles though, that's why he's the best lightsaber fighter in the PT). That's basically Obi-Wans greatest asset for his skills. And well, being quite smart, creative and not too dogmatic.
So I'd say it's fine to have him win a lightsaber duel against Vader, but not by being stronger or battering him. They'd need an actual choreographer for that though... and that costs money, time and effort so they won't do it. Better get the bats, bois!
@@Bannschwert And because Lucas made a point that Obi-Wan doesn't have high force potential, he's very on the below average side when it comes to force abilities, so the boulder rain moment is just... lol.
Luke, chased out of his home by an Imperial Inquisitor who quite possibly murdered his aunt and uncle: screaming and fainting in terror
Luke, still living in the same home nine years later: My average life here is boring, I wanna join the Empire!
He's living the life of a frontier farmer. Boring daily routines but with the dangers of being raided at night.
Imperial commander to Luke: "Where did you grow up trooper? On a farm!?!?!"
Just to point out, it is heavily implied in New Hope that Luke actually wanted to join the Rebellion, not the Empire.
He and Biggs Darklighter were intending to join the Academy together. the next time Luke sees Biggs, he is suddenly a Rebel pilot on Yavin 4 and Luke is zero surprised to see him there.
You should at least expect a question like: "What are you doing here Biggs? I thought you had joined the Imperial Academy?" Unless of course joining the Rebellion was what they both intended from the beginning and the entire thing with the Academy was just an excuse they told their families.
The old legends canon actually had a story about Biggs intentionally joining the Empire just to defect to the Rebellion along with a few of his comrades a short time later. Had Owen not held him back from joining, Luke would have probably been a part of that group.
No he didn't
@@sparkypack yes sir imperial commander zod!
“When I left you I was but the master now I am totally the master this time.”
“I sense a presence I haven’t felt since the two times we fought not too long ago.”
“I’ve felt a great disturbance in the force. As if I caused 1 billion people to cry out in terror and they were suddenly silenced. Oh well.”
I was eating dude, now I'm choking with laughter. Thanks, I think.
@@Pink.andahalf Don’t blame the messenger. Blame Disney. 😔
"You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I'll just run away."
@@holywarz Fuck! I should’ve included that. This is very funny.
"That boy is our last hope, but I've seen a dozen abandoned lightsabers, so there's plenty of former Jedi out there somewhere. Pity I didn't chase that up, I guess..."
Uncle Owen is the Fat Geralt of Kenobi.
Exists for less than 10 minutes, punches a woman, takes care of his loved ones, and is a badass.
I would watch Uncle Owen: A Star Wars story, assuming of course Disney is not allowed within a parsec of it.
Or if they do it, make him the semi antagonist in Beru: a star wars story.
Like Walker in FatWS.
I would watch Uncle Owen: A Farmers Life, a 6 part miniseries on the trials and tribulations of a humble Moisture Farmer on a lawless planet. Watch as he fights against Criminals, Tusken Raiders, and the planet itself to harvest enough to keep his family alive.
@@jacobszymczak9323 that sounds really cool.
make that 2 parsecs
@@jacobszymczak9323 Harvesting water, which he did not grow up surrounded by, unlike Boba Fett.
Vader: We must turn this entire fucking Star Destroyer around to go after Obi-Wan.
Also Vader a few minutes later: Bring me to my ship, I must go after Obi-Wan alone.
"I know this doesnt seem to make sense, but the writ- the FORCE told me to do it, so I cant argue with that."
we kept unfavorably comparing kylo to vader so now they’re turning vader into kylo
Random person in the crowd: "He must really hate that totally random ship"
See, it's poetry, it rhymes!
So Reva is actually the true savior of the Original Trilogy. Since she self reformed or whatever, and not killed Luke, Luke was able to go on to fight the Empire. If Reva wasn't so amazing, someone else would've captured and killed Leia, Obi Wan would've been successfully delivered to Vader and probably killed, and Bail would've 100% been revealed as a dissenter to the Empire. Once again, Disney has made one of their New Characters absolutely crucial to not only their own garbage, but everything that came before as well.
Not killing Luke doesn't make her the savior of the Original trilogy.
Yeah, plenty of people have not killed Luke. I've done it.
It all goes from Reva to Rey; the *true* heroes of the saga.
@@davenathan2002 Except Reva didn't do anything.
Except capturing Leia was something the empire didn’t want to do, including her band of merry inquisitorial men. So this whole problem and resolution is because of her. Otherwise Leah would still be at home, like would never have been in any danger and everything would be fine.
So the entire Original trilogy happens because Reva basically gives up?
Okay then...
It's fitting: the sequel trilogy happened because Disney just gave up (on good writing).
It's pretty safe to say the Original Trilogy didn't happen in same timeline as Kenobi. Which is good, because it means Kenobi can be thrown in the trash heap alongside the rest of disney wars.
And because Kenobi thought "should i kill Vader... nah it will be fine"
What a hero.
@@MourningCoffeeMusic What a Her-o.
The scene with aunt Barb implies that her death at the hands stormtroopers was a result of her overconfidence and hubris, instead of a tragic innocent death. It implies that she shot first, and thus the stormtroopers were justified in firing back. How they manage to systematically destroy every frame o the OT on ACCIDENT is beyond comprehension.
The writers attempts at making Aunt Beru a strong empowered fighter in this resulting in the implication that she did the same thing in the OT and got lit up by stormtroopers might be one of the funniest things to come out of this show.
It's not on accident. Please. The writers are this dumb for sure, but not the "people"..."setting the board".
@Purple Emerald Remember when CH put out good content?
That's what happened in a comedic fanfilm btw, forgot what it was called - a camera crew was following the troopers deployed on tatooine that day, and Beru went crazy for some reason and then blew a bomb or something.
Y'know, when we started meming that Joel was responsible for every bad thing that happened in The Last of Us: Part 2, that was because the statement was ridiculous. We know damn well that Joel wasn't responsible for all the suffering in the world, and even The Last of Us 2, terrible story that it is, reflected that. They just made that kind of hyperbolic statement about Joel a reality for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, is now responsible for unimaginable suffering all because he let Darth Vader go instead of putting him down like the dog he is.
Thanks, Disney, I hate it.
This means Obi-Wan blew up Alderaan.
@@S4ns he wasnt shocked in ep4. he had a largest climax of his life of all the de4th
@@S4ns no, Tarkin blew up Alderaan
Literally every death is Obi-Joel Kenobi’s fault
@@TheHawkeyeful If Obiwan had killed Vader he wouldn’t be in Rogue One or Ep 4 to capture the Tantive 4, torture Leia for false information about the Rebel base, and use Alderaan as an example to Leia of what happens to Rebels
In the clone wars series, during season 6 yoda speaks to Qui gon about becoming force ghosts and Qui gon says that he never finished his training before dying and therefore can only manifest his voice and not a body...so like Disney didn't do their homework
nobody cares aboot clone wars
@@reek4062 still canon
@@azmarocz314 nobody cares aboot Star Wars canon
@@reek4062 okay yeah that's fair
"Reva is great character!"
Reva: *harrases civilians,attacks random woman,kidnaps children,disrespects her employer,tries to kill random boy*
"Nah, you are just racist!"
Recent entertainment basically
It's just her culture.
You racist.
Except for The YAASSS QUEEN SLAAAAY Twitter stans
Who said reva is a Great Charcter?
Okay I hate Reva too but this is just the shittiest criticism ever. Darth Vader's also done insanely terrible things but I'm sure you'd agree he's a great character (at least as far as the OT goes)
@@machinelifeform5623 being a great character and being a good person are seperate things.
Bail just sent a message that he was going to check in on Luke on Tattoine as he was afraid that Luke might be in danger. Revealing the location for Reva to go there for who knows what reason. And then he just forgot to show up?
Darth Jar Jar had Bail send the message planing to get Luke killed so Jar Jar could kill Palps properly without him coming back in episode 9
Owen and Beru are way too calm seeing Reva holding unconscious Luke back, they should be snaching him away from her and beating her up.
I was wondering how they didn’t think she was bringing back a corpse given the context of their interaction earlier just to sadistically mock them.
@@terrasur4168Any parent would be going off on the assailant if they saw that
@@terrasur4168 All the more reason to try and beat the fuck out of her, like they had been just moments prior.
Drinker is absolutely right, right now some of the top Star Wars RUclipsrs are making as many excuses as they can and filling in plotholes with their own Headcanons.
They are a huge part of the problem.
Star Wars doesn't make sense and it doesn't have to make sense. That Drinker guy has been complaining aboot Star Wars for years now but he's still coming back like the rest of you
With all offense meant, you're not a very intelligent individual
Star Wars fans nowadays are just Disney shills and will do anything but criticize their beloved product or rate it anything but 10/10 unless they get cast out of the fandom for being "toxic"
@Knox2Don You mistranslated, which is common among manchildren. Please learn English before translating things. The correct translation is:
''The people who're complaining aboot Disney Star Wars and telling it's for sheep, are themselves the sheep, since they keep coming back to it."
Yeah you have a huge point there. I’ve always wondered why these people can’t just… not watch Star Wars anymore. If you don’t enjoy it and have justified reasons, that’s fine, so stop watching.
"Everyone knows that to stop a sith warrior with a laser deflecting sword of fire, you should shoot them from the front with a slow volley of laser bolts, or attempt to fight them in close combat with whatever stick or pipe you have laying around." - Bilbongo Dodongus
Should have gone full Samwise on Reva and beat her to death with a cooking pan and cooked some potatoes with it afterward.
Thank you for this, now I don’t have to leave my house next time a Sith comes to kill me and my entire family
Remember kids, Qui Gon could have lightning struck Darth Vader and Reva any time during the show, he just choose not to.
I’m predicting it now! They’re gonna lose their sh!t when Obi-Wan starts continuously pelting Vader with boulders. I know I did.
Hey hey! Don't give spoilers! I want to naturally react to the stupid as EFAP does.
I can't imagine it'll be that long.
I lost it on the transition from scene 1 to scene 2.
Where the show's hero, Reyva, SOMEHOW picked her Sithkebabbed ass up off the dirty rebel base floor, crawled out past a gauntlet of stormtroopers, got on whatshipexactly? and managed to recover enough to go walking around Tatooine cradling her poor little tummy tunnel, all while that little Rebel ship was still ducking and weaving turbolaser blasts, cause that's a good trick...
I dunno. Maybe the EU will explain how Reyva has the power of Force Wormholes. Or there's two Reyvas. Or Vader chased Obi and the jedi railroad people kinda close around a black hole.
Obi-Wan is Tatsumaki.
Nah, it'll be earlier, when Vader starts earthbending
Emperor Palpatine just asked Vader "u mad bro" and tells him his anger is making him WEAKER?
That's not how the darkside works it would do the OPPOSITE!
Not enough people bringing this up TBH. Even the Emperor couldn't get out of this series intact. This is someone who told Vader in his lowest moment that he murdered his own wife, turning him into a rage fueled mayhem machine. Then when it comes to Kenobi he is like "nah forget him bro."
It depends on how it's used. I'm not defending this show at all, but I'd like to clear some things up about the Sith.
Sith use their emotions for power, but they're in control of them. If you let your emotions control you, you become sloppy (Kylo Ren is a great example)
Look at Darth Maul: he's not screaming or flailing wildly in a rage. He's quiet, he's focused, and well trained using techniques and skill.
*The writers thought, "Well, they can't complain if we just borrow plot points and lines from the good originals, because they thought those were great!"*
I'm reminded of a chess game in which a low-rated player mirrors the moves of a high-rated player. To someone on the outside, it seems like a quick and easy way to capture the genius of the high-rated player, right up until the high-rated player forces himself into a winning scenario. See, the high-rated player knew what he was doing, and so could capitalize on his movements. Because the low-rated player couldn't understand the underlying reasons behind the moves, he will inevitably falter when the high-rated player forces him to think for his own. For very similar reasons, Obi-Wan is crashing and burning, and the writers have no idea why.
Bold of you to assume the ‘writers’ are actually aware of what happens outside of the secure little bubble they live in
@@zygo0 i don't think anyone in hollywood really knows about the outside world bar a few people like mark hammil or temuera morrison, remember when john boyegga was shocked that the star wars fanbase agreed that he deserved better
I like your analysis but I'm afraid it doesn't apply because as far as the creators are concerned, they won. they don't care if it crashes and burns because the people are still paying money to watch the wreckage and as far as they make enough money to justify the budget spent, they just don't care. it's over. we lost. they won. every new piece of content I see from these big franchises now... I'm just looking at it out of morbid curiosity to see how much worse it can get. there is very little expectation going in, and I know that even that won't be met.
I honestly watched the show to keep up with EFAP. that was the main motivation. cause I knew, like Yoda said: "if into Disney Star Wars you go, only pain will you find"
if next season has another child getting kidnapped I hope Qui Gon starts giving Obi Wan advice about how to track down kidnappers and talks like he's speaking from his experience in all the Taken films
Aunt Beru: Standing our ground against the empire is the right thing to do. I can feel it in my bones.
Narrator Ron Howard: It was not.
Imagine burnt old people smell....
Oh my bones are aching
Aunt Beru keeps the weapons low to the ground, where any kid can get to them. But in a less than easy to access spot so that if Tuscans or Troopers attack, she and Ben are toast (literally). That is modern Star Wars. No effort, zero logic, just content.
I know Rebels isn't suppose to be good but fucking hell, season one put more effort in than this cash grab.
Your honour, all I did was break into someone's home. Chase a child across a desert and knock him unconscious. That is undeniable proof I'm inspirational, strong and brave... **jail door slamming shut **
“W-wait, I only killed those Jedi and younglings ironically!!”
Breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, lock her ass up.
Imagine a bunch of people arriving to a SECRET BASE HIDEOUT... and no bug-checks are done, no scanning of tampered-with-tech, nothing. It's like allowing cameras and phones into high-security areas where such items should be a massive NONO. But apparently the Proto-Rebels are made of stupid and wouldn't ever think of there being a potential moles or spy among the newcomers, or a bug planted on or IN one of them or their tech.
The MauLer's Critique of Obi-Wan Kenobi, if it was to ever happen, would require 10 parts and 19 years to make.
I will wait patiently
Yet he still can't make anything of stance.
@@reek4062 if you're gonna troll don't do it with an account filled with coping pro-maga videos that you stole from 4chan lol
@@reek4062 Reek, it rhymes with decite.
@@reek4062 nice projection there bud. Obi Wan sucks. Cope:
The aunt beru girl boss shit was borderline comedic. I get the whole “tough country girl” thing they were going for but it doesn’t work here. First off the tough country girl wouldn’t stay stationary. She’d grab a rifle and set up in a high place nearby with a survival pack and a route planned out to escape shout she fail to kill Reva. She damn well wouldn’t leave her kid hiding in his room. Secondly she’d likely avoid the fight entirely if she could and just set the place on fire to cover her escape so that all eyes were on the house. Lastly even if she was going to stand and fight, she wouldn’t be trying for a hand to hand fight. She’d set up traps, have several weapons set up in various locations to quickly grab and use on the run (John Wick 2 style), and she’d have the kid sent to a friends to get him off world. The last option being a desperate and very risky last minute idea. And that’s all based around the character just being hardheaded and only facing down thugs. Considering it’s the Star Wars equivalent of the Stazi coming after the boy, the first and correct option in that case would be to pack up the essentials, set fire to the homestead and haul ass for another world. As someone raised in a rural area I assure you we aren’t so stupidly stubborn that we’d risk out kids life on a castle defense. We haul ass to the hills and never look back. This is what happens when you have writers that have only ever played video games and lived in the suburbs try to write about cultures they’ve never encountered before.
"Tough country girl," as written by "pudgy blue-haired liberal arts graduate."
Not regular Stazi, super-powered Jesus Stazi. With insta-kill sticks that reflect your gunfire. You're dead. Good thing all 3 people involved had severe plot armor.
Reva was limping around like the dark side was the only thing keeping her alive, but she didn't die when she let go of her hatred towards Obi-wan (letting go of her emotions she was fueling the Dark side with)
Yea cause the Force is female, and always supports a sista
Remember when Darth Sion in KOTR, an ACTUAL walking corpse sustained by the Dark Side, died the second he let go of his rage since it was literally the only reason he was clinging on?
Yeah, the writers don't either.
@@jacksimpson8529 I'm 80% sure Darth Scion played some role in justifing why Dark side users are being written as invincible now (even though he's one of the many characters purged when disney took over). From Darth maul to palatine suriving exploding twice. I'm glad you got the refernce to Darth Scion in my original comment.
If the dark side is what is keeping her alive, then why did the dark side help her when she was a Jedi youngling?
That might've been when Reva started tapping into the Dark Side? Jedi student or not, she was a still a kid.
"I, Reva, hold the fate of the galaxy in my hands. All I need to do is kill this random little kid for no reason, and I will have justice! I mean, he's done nothing wrong. And he's just a child..."
Memories of her own childhood flashed before her. They had nothing to do with the current situation, but it made the moment seem more dramatic.
"No, for justice! Justice, I tell you!" She drew her lightsaber aloft like an axe, gracefully poised to chop at the sleeping boy.
"But, wait." She hesitated, then lowered her weapon. "Would that not make me just like Vader?"
Reva looked at her hand. The boy also had a hand. That innocent lady from the first episode didn't, but that hardly seemed relevant.
"Noooooooooo! I will not become what I swore to destroy! I'm better than that! I mean, besides all the murder. And the fact that I literally serve my own sworn enemy. Come to think of it, that doesn't make very much sense." Reva looked at the camera, breaking the forth wall like the boss bitch she is.
"Why did you write me this way," she screeched. "I'm a terrible character!"
"No, Reva!" The voice seemed to come from all directions at once, yet no direction at all. "You are the most importantest super badass strong female character in Star Wars. And this is your arc!"
It was a shit arc. But Reva was a shit character. She knew she couldn't kill the boy. Then there would be no story. So she resigned herself to her fate. She would be a good guy now. That's what the writers wanted, so that's what she would be. The most badass self-insert good guy that ever was.
Fanboys across the galaxy rejoiced. Star Wars was lucky to have her.
The End
She's killed lots of innocent people but this one kid who she knows nothing about was too far.
This is actually pretty depressing.
Its amazingly well-written fanficti...episode. thanks 😉
They only did that scene with the boulders to go “see its not just Rey that can do it” this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen
Jedi powers are all over the place now.
Is the Force like a form of mana pool that needs replenishing? Is it tied to mental fortitude and physical conditioning? Is it tied to an innate and immutable characteristic like cell composition or something?
And at that point, how powerful is an average Jedi? What does it take for a Jedi to move a boulder? Or even multiple boulders? Is the dark side objectively more potent in using offensive powers like lightning and body control, or can the light do similar things? Can they manipulate certain minds or be "every voice inside our heads" or are there limits?
And at THAT point, you gotta ask what are the weaknesses of Jedi. Do they get fatigued due to using the Force too much? Can we just overwhelm a group of Jedi with blasters or can they all deflect them with telekinesis and lightsabers? Is it like what HK-47 said in KOTOR that Jedis tend to be weak when mentally compromised, and thus you can tactically play mind games with them to get them off their peace with the Force? Can anything in the light counteract anything in the dark? How did the 501st and Anakin alone managed to massacre a temple's worth of Jedi? Was there an exploit? Did Anakin made some dark side spell that rendered their powers mute?
No wonder these hack writers don't bother with the Jedi being in any sort of real power and influence, because you literally can't gauge them with the rules established by both Disney and George Lucas in their own franchises.
Exactly what I said. Absolutely ridiculous.
@@wojak-sensei6424 The only thing that is confirmed is that, yes, the sith are more powerful in using skills like force lightning, force grip (hell if we want to reference Kotor, then add Death Field in there too), and more violent abilities that are fueled by anger.
The light side/Jedi powers are more about, well... mind tricks, spirituality and self defense. Force push, force speed, healing and essentially buffing others.
To all your other questions. fuck if I know... The writers don't probably know either.
@@CaptainTitforce KOTOR really is the only Star Wars media I know that attempted to rationalize Jedi powers and somewhat succeed. The most interesting one is definitely the HK-47 thing. It gives an opportunity for Jedi to face new challenges, and I'm shocked that it's seldom used in other media.
Basically, if some madlad bounty hunter could get a Jedi off his zone, like giving him a concussion, killing his Padawans, or just having nerves of steel to clutter his mind (I think it was Atton that said that), a normie could stand a chance against a Force user.
But then again, they did introduce Force healing and, what is essentially, that stupid Dyad thing so yeah, can't all be winners.
@@wojak-sensei6424 Gotta love HK. Anyway, I don't really mind the concept of force healing or even the force dyad thing. I actually think the dyad works in KOTOR 1/2 fairly well, and if the heal could only heal minor wounds, or major wounds by taking A LOT of power. The force resurrection thing just sucks and fucks with the canon.
I can’t believe they Batwomaned Obi Wan. He let Vader live because they used to know each other and they had an emotional discussion, and now all the nigh countless deaths are on his hands because even though he had Vader at his knees, he didn’t feel up for killing him today..
What stellar writing, I just love when heroes don’t actually try to save people because they don’t feel like it..
What truly boggles the mind is why the hell Owen and Beru didn't move away after this! Not only did a magical space Nazi just try to kill their son, but the dimwit Kenobi let her go afterwards! Their entire location is compromised now! From their perspective Reva could just fly back up and tell Vader where they live or she might have already told him! Owen should have backhanded Kenobi for ever leaving and then moved somewhere else far off in secret. Had Reva killed Luke it would have been 100% Kenobi's fault for ever leaving in the first place when his entire mission was to PROTECT LUKE.
75% Obi-Wan’s, 25% Bail’s for asking him and then sending a voicemail giving all but a physical description of Luke
reva beats owen and beru and luke only lives because reva decides she doesnt want to kill him obiwan "youre all he needs for protection".
im tired of this show showing me something like it makes sense and if you take 1 second to think it just breaks. first episode bail says obiwan is the only one for the mission to not attract attention and everything obiwan does attracts more attention than any other option. episode 3 vader lets obiwan go and every episode after that just wants him back. and then this owen and beru lose and obiwan is like "nah yall got it"
But I told you... Kenobi would fail.
Now that all the StarWars characters have been destroyed, how will you retrieve your great prize?
@@sparkypack "we shall use the old -ways- Republic, ready the spin offs"
@@MediumRareOpinions 😫😫😫 paaaiinn!
The line that killed me in this episode was Creamy Shive saying “you look agitated” because I just imagined Palpatine being overly emotionally supportive. “Vader, you seem agitated. Should I set you up with a therapist or something? All this stress may be getting to you… I mean the accident, and your new work responsibilities. Maybe you just need a break”
Palps likes to make sure is subordinates in a healthy mental and physical state, not because he cares personally but because his life as a politician found that it was the most efficient strategy
Screw this series. Vader orders the entire ship to turn around for Obi-Wan, letting the rebels go, (instead of using a magnetic beam, or sending tie-fighters, or just keep firing...)... but ends up getting into his shuttle and flying after it himself , thus missing out on the rebels for no reason at all. Obi-Wan trusts Leia to some random rogue who has already seeded his transmitter...
The duel with Vader is miserable. They wave their swords like baseball bats in episode 9, and the Force has generally turned into an anime - they crush rocks and make craters in the ground, but they can’t break each other’s bones in the same way ... they can withstand the blows of multi-ton boulders ... Obi-Wan, without jokes, becomes a god thanks to the power of friendship and lifts weight much more than Yoda ... at some point he hits Vader with the HILT of the sword ... cuts his back, but that doesn’t paralyse him ... and most importantly, he doesn’t finish him off for the second time, although he himself said his friend is dead...
Vader does not call the cruiser to shoot down Obi-Wan's ship, but it turns out that he has a hyperdrive, which makes the whole last episode even more pointless, since he and Leia could fly to Alderaan on it all this time already at the end of episode 4 .. .
Owen and Beru do not set any traps for Reva in the doors, they only shoot her one at the time, do not catch up with her on a speeder, do not evacuate on the speeder, do not call the local police, the same Jabba the Hutt (with the promise of money), and Luke is advised to run on foot into the desert, to the Tuskens...
Reva with a hole in her HEART can easily fight, run and carry weights ... And finally, she, who cuts off the hands of all those who disagree, throws knives at people, kills everyone in her path, hunts the Jedi trying to kill them, tortures a 10-year-old child , suddenly cannot kill Luke, because he sees himself in him (but not in Leah) ... by the way, why? Does she know he's Vader's son? How?
And Obi-Wan forgives her, although he saw what she was doing and Tala died because of her...
Now the whole Empire knows that Bail Organa communicates with Obi-Wan, they are looking for him all over the galaxy, but at the same time Obi-Wan quietly flies to Alderaan to chat with Leia...
Obi-Wan communicates with Luke, although Owen told him in A New Hope that he died at the same time as his father ... Qui-gon, it turns out, can appear without any meditation, but the whole series did not do this ...
As a result - Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru, Bale failed their missions to protect children, and they are only alive because the Empire and Vader are even more incompetent, and Reva suddenly became kind ... and now we are waiting for a series about her ... Thank you Disney, now you've ruined every single character in the original trilogy. Star Wars is long dead, and there's no more room for nails in the coffin.
EDIT: Goddammit, one time I missed the EFAP stream and went to sleep they showed my comment in showcase...Ironic...
I tried typing some rant on this video. But RUclips kept auto deleting it.
I think it was back in 2012 when I read a quirky comment on a video saying: "George, if you will not make more StarWars content, then perhaps Disney will" .
Our worst nightmare became true everyone.
Copypasta for lunch...again???
Aight, I guess I don't have much of a choice 😔
Hold on, wait, they haven't ruined..... uh.... ummm... Max Reebo?
@@blakemonway Not yet they have to ruin Jar Jar, Jango, Quintana Vos, Artoo, Threepio, Dexter, etc
"You're 10 years old, but you won't always be."
"No one can know, or it might endanger us both."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Child Groomer
Watch Reva later be revealed as Finn's Mom
DUDE. This is definitely happening holy tortillaaaaaa how did I not see it coming......
Who is the dad? Lando? Right, he is pansexual, he probably made a ton of kids...
We said this before but yes, mace windu grandfather, reva mother, lando father, Finn child, girl from TROS is sister.
Everyone connected and there’s only 1 black fam lol
@@burn8325 It's all about family
@@Сайтамен I think Finn might not have a dad, like Anakin.
It's the Pirates of the Caribbean quote "One good deed is not enough to redeem a woman of a lifetime of wickedness."
when I read she spares Luke, I thought he’d be asleep(kinda like the scene in Last Jedi), but no. now he knows about the force and jedi/sith. and the Leia relationship is also messed up. “you can’t leave me!” yet she barely sounds like she cares about what happens to Obiwan in ANH. it also makes it sound like they had a constant back and forth, dealing with the rebel, but that doesn’t make sense since that would mean there’s too many jedi doing nothing. they all just waited for the OT to beat the empire. I also hate how they made it seem like Owen just doesn’t know what a gun is and that Beru needed to hide the guns. the don’t think they should protect themselves from sand people? I of course have other problems but there’s just too much to get into.
Luke was unconscious when reva was about to kill him.
@@jeggsonvohees2201 he saw her chasing after him, and got force pulled off the cliff.
@@grandarkfang_1482 The edge of a cliff collapsing in the middle of the night while a child runs on it means nothing to Luke but an accident.
@@grandarkfang_1482 did he though? when he was Running from her She was Far so He couldn't see her lightsaber, and I am Pretty sure when She used the force to pull off the Cliff he Got unconscious right away.
@@solidhutyr1815 So he never asked about her? At all?
"She needs space"
"Okay let me open a window"
*End credits*
Me: why is reva still alive? Perhaps because rEvEnGe DoEs wOnDErS fOr ThE WiLL tO LiVe
How did she get to tatooine way faster than it should've been? Maybe cause rEvEnGe DoEs wOnDErS..... sigh
Did the empire leave her a ship?
Why does reva want to kill luke all of the sudden instead of going after varder? justice I guess
Why is a star destroyer struggling to take down a simple ship?
Why varder doesn't use his "overpowered" force and stop the ship from the star destroyer?
Why the empire doesn't send their own ships to chase the cargo ship while varder is going after ben?
Why ben kenobi presumes he can make the whole star destroyer go after him but doesn't consider they can send tie fighters that can take all of them down regardless if he goes in a different ship? They are fcked either way
Why ben leaves varder alive after confirming that anakin is truly gone, after how he saw varder killed those people in that town in ep 3, after realising anakin has become a horrible person and after ben himself said before the fight "I WILL DO WHAT I MUST" ?
Why Owen and beru suck at aiming with the shotgun when they had the surprise factor?
Why beru and luke don't stay hidden in a secret place or escape the house earlier while owen is distracting reva before the inquisitor sees them and chase them?
Why ben got snubbed over a stupid droid by the little rat in alderaan after both had a moment in the ship when she made him promise he would come back?
Why qui gon doesn't appear in the lowest moment of ben when he's having doubts so that his presence can be more significant in the show?
Why is this show retarded?
Disney: good questions, for another time
Disney: You're obviously just a racist
The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
@@oros743 *the dumb side*
Why do you question a show whose genius is beyond any mere mortal's comprehension?
Do you think War and Peace, The Godfather, Better call Saul will be remembered 100 years from now?
They will dissapear into the shadow of this collosal epicness of a show.
At this point, they should just introduce ludicrous things to patch up their holes by ripping off other scifi properties. How do people get around so fast? Starfinder has Shadowdrives, which literally use pain to go FAST. Who cares at this point? Disney sure doesn't.
Modern Lucasfilm have only three stories to tell; 1) "Are we the baddies?" Brave POC who serves Dark Side, discover that what he/she was doing was wrong and joins Light Side; Finn, black chick from "Battlefront II", Indian inquisitor for "Fallen Order" and now Reeeva... 2) broken old man who crewed up and who had to be propped up by strong female character; Jake Skywalker and now Jake Kenobi.... 3) "Badass" taking care of some special child; Mando & baby Yoda and now Jake Kenobi & baby Leia...
The inquisitor from fallen order didnt care and she dies unlike Reva.
They are creatively bankrupt. That’s all it is.
They have soooooo much potential yet they do nothing with it.
*It looks like Aunt Beru wants to be turned into a charred skeleton a few years early!*
Now we know how it happened, she probably pulled a Rogue One and tried to shoot one of the stormtroopers while Owen tried to talk them down and got them both killed.
☠️☠️☠️ enough said.. xD
Bail Organa: "I will go to Tatuin to look after the boy." And then never goes there, He is not in the beginning of the episode, on Tatuin, does not help fight Reva and Owen & Beru never mention him.
lmfao just the fact that a gunfight with aunt beru where potted plants are used as weapons is intercut with the final fight between vader and obiwan 😂😂
0:00 What Are We?
0:15 A Weird Thumbnail
1:57 Good Times
2:21 Reception & Predictions
3:03 Disney’s Fights
5:13 Other Predictions
7:08 Comment Showcase
21:04 Kenobi Finale Commentary (1)
27:02 Stupidity Pause
33:15 Kenobi Finale Commentary (2)
42:58 Meme Repository’s Interlude
43:24 Kenobi Finale Commentary (3)
48:45 George Lucas’ Interlude
48:58 Kenobi Finale Commentary (4)
1:06:08 Qui Gon Keys
1:09:51 Season 2
1:10:53 Reva
1:11:32 Driving Force
1:13:07 Obi-Wan Arcs
1:15:20 Back into the canon
1:16:25 Reception & Longevity
1:19:32 Pilfering The Prequels
1:21:15 Meta
1:22:27 Reva
1:28:03 The Script
1:30:17 The Characteristics of Kenobi
1:32:50 Respeech
1:33:30 Special Mention
1:35:05 Beru’s Plan
1:36:10 Season 2 Plotline
1:36:47 Evaluation
26:50 Nitpick: considering the position of the characters it’s impossible that Owen receives the blaster in that way from Beru, that not only is shorter and in a lower position but also is kneeling on his left and the blaster comes from the upper right.
Thank you, my fellow ewok
Excuse me, but Wade got shot down only meters above an ocean. If Poe can be "thrown free" of a tie fighter shot out of orbit onto solid ground, no way that killed Wade.
Recently I find it hard to figure out how anyone ever actually dies in this universe.
@@aw7400 yeah depending on plot getting ran through with a saber can be shrugged of or a paper cut is lethay
There's so much more potential with Revas character if they didn't make her aware of Anakin. Because then, from her point of view, the Jedi ruined her life in every way. They stole her from her family at a young age and it's some superstar Jedi named Anakin that attempted killing her and slaughtered her friends. To her, Vader should just be the guy who offered her a chance at revenge against the Jedi. She could be the person who has an emotional reaction to Vader being Anakin, not Obi-Wan, and her motivations would actually make some fucking sense.
"Revenge does wonders for the will to live" they literally brought back the grand inquisitor just to let the drooling 5-year-old fan-base to understand why Reva actually survives the stabbing
I love the 2 stomachs excuse, as if it's like the lack of eating would have killed him.
She's also clearly breathing when they leave. Did they want to kill her or not?
@@wrthgdrver710 Exactly. Vader should have cut her head off like with Dooku. He didn't come back yet. I have to say yet because no one's ever really gone in Disney Wars. Even actors that have been dead for decades.
Vaders voice was the sole reason I've watched Kenobi in German dub: In the dub, Vader has actual power in his voice, almost makes him sound like Bane... its so much better hearing vader not being voiced by a robot.
German dubs in general are quite good
@@dodojesus4529 they get increasingly worse tho
I can't believe no one made a "He's more machine now than man" joke about Respeecher Vader.
Before their first duel in the third episode, Vader said, "I am what you made me." Whether the writers intended it or not, there're connotations that Vader was blaming Kenobi for his fall to the Dark Side with this line-which is complete bullshit because Vader wouldn't even blame Palpatine for that. Like he says in the finale, "I'm not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did." Ok... so, now Vader takes responsibility by "revealing" that turning to the Dark Side was his choice when only a few episodes ago it was Kenobi's fault.
The dialogue is so generic, vague, and unimaginative that these characters have to explicitly say what they both should already know. There's no subtext, no nuance. Kenobi should know that Anakin is already lost and that the creation of Vader is not his fault. No new information is being revealed here. It's almost as if George had deliberately tied up all the loose ends between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and now, Disney is breaking previously established canon as well as muddling the continuity of their own show.
Technically speaking, "I am what you made me" could easily refer to Mustafar and Vader's injuries. But yep, the dialogue consists of cheap one-liners of the kind that *fans* think up for memes.
Also Vader says “destroy” like 3 times in five minutes. They turned him into an NPC.
@@niewesoa5299 In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, so yeah, I think you’re right. I guess it was one of those things where it’s so obvious that I completely missed that connection. It’s retarded that Vader would need to say such a thing at all. In response to “What have you become?”, he might as well have said, “I’m more machine now than man, twisted and evil.” There’s much more important things to be discussed between these two, but the writers were like… nah, it’ll be fine.
@@jacobhardin9119 **Disney**: copypasting generic bad fanfiction lines is our speciality
Also, we all tend to forget *some* parts of a story, especially as large as SW, it's normal. But at least we can own up to our mistakes and are dedicated to the stories that started it all... and, unlike some people, we aren't even paid to remember all of that stuff.
@@niewesoa5299 That's unfair. Fanfiction writers at least do their stuff for free and you occasionally get something good out of it. Where the hell did all the money for this show go?
It's real convenient that out of everyone on Tatooine that Reva decided to interrogate Owen so when she hears Bail mention Owen she knows exactly who he's talking about.
The image of a T-Posing Obi-Wan is just. Too symbolic of the state of Star Wars media projects: "Thing you recognize" + "laziness" + "visual spectacle." The trinity of bitches.
Obiwan literally flips the lightsabre around so that the hits to vaders chest maim and not kill him.... Love that they are basically fighting in a kids jungle gym and obiwan pummels Vader with Styrofoam rocks
Even worse, that Vader basically forgot to try to parry the pummeling, allowing Obi-wan to repeatedly slam his chest-gadgetry. Just stood there, weapon in hand, multiple clear shots on his opponent who is holding their weapon backwards, taking it like a man for .... reasons? Because they wanted Vader's breathing apparatus to sound wheezy and labored?
How to escape an evil fortress in a Disney+ show: either stomp on someone’s foot and run away (Loki) or lightly slap a guard’s helmet. Top notch writing going on at Disney headquarters at the moment.
Leia in 4: "Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons!"
Alderaan in Kenobi: Ten year olds wearing holsters for GUNS is pretty chill, yo
(Also, Tarkin calls her Lee-a. Wierd)
Yep, Tarkin was right to blow up Alderaan. They really were led by a family of traitors.
Vader: I am what you made me
Also Vader: You didn't made me, I did
52:00 - Christ. And you know what? An easy, EASY way to get around needing to let Vader live is this: have a squadron of TIE fighters come and start shooting at Kenobi just as he's about to give the final blow to Vader. Kenobi is forced to retreat and flee. There. Now there's a narrative reason why the Star Destroyer is still in orbit, too.
Or...any interruption in the fight. Balls, at this point they honestly should have had the Emperor save his ass again. Then there could be implied angst in Vader that he knows he's not truly The Shit, and it's good ol' Palpy that's always bailing him out. Dew it! ...he's not meant to rule the galaxy etc etc, dark side is bullshit etc, Palps keep "saving" me and extending the horror..."I'm doing it! Down the well goblin!!" Haha.
[Edit: plus they coulda had a (Mauler geek voice) "Super Cool" stick fight with Kenblowme and Palps. Super cool.]
40:22 That might be the most bafflingly terrible line in the history of Star Wars media, it's so obviously the wrong line for Vader to say yet NO ONE working at Disney noticed and the EFAP crew noticed instantly 😂
We are in a new era of laziness for Star Wars
And it happened just after mauler says "this is a chance for the dialouge" XD
Sometimes I think the writers believe that their writing for parody instead of the actual work. But then I remember just how incompetent people can be.
Maybe when Blu-Ray versions are released it'll be redubbed so people will stop making fun of them.
“Have you come to destroy me?” YOU ARRIVED HERE, VADER🤣🤣☠️
This whole scene I'm just imagining Obi Wan's confused face from the Mustafar fight in RotS.
"Anakin! YOU came here. YOU have been following me this entire time. What the fuck are you on about bro?"
It would make sense if Obi Wan said the line "Have you come to destroy me?”
@@kenXtripleI yes!! A simple switch would’ve made so much more sense🤦🏻♀️
I think "He is my own" and "Hello there" were the only good lines in this entire show. And one of those is purely because something better existed before this.
The amount of times a single tie fighter would've ended this show is astonishing
Or have Vader jump in his TIE and chase Kenobi while the ISD chases the people.
Unfortunately, whoever wrote this crap didn’t watch ANH
It’s crazy to me that we live in a timeline where obiwan, a character that should never leave tattooine, leaves tattooine to collect Leia. And also Boba Fett, a character that collects bounties across the galaxy, stays on tattooine. Well done Disney. Can’t wait to see the movie about the millennium Falcon where they put wheels on it and make it a car.
A feminist car. Remember "Droid Lives Matter!"
*Luke at the age of 10 almost gets killed by a sith inquisitor at Tatooine who is wielding a lightsaber as Luke gets thrown around by the force.*
Luke at the age of 19: "Noting ever happens here and i also dont know that the force or lightsabers exist"
I like how we're told the Empire is evil but then we see a bunch of troopers taking rides from and thanking the rando alien in the 3rd episode right before Obi takes him hostage showing that the random troopers care more about people than OW does.
They somehow managed to damage the emperor's character as well, and he was on screen for like a minute. Incredible
Wouldn't Luke have some memories of Reva raiding his house?
*Luke* : Hey Master Kenobi, ten years ago I have vague memories of some angry black lady chasing me through the desert, do you have any idea what that was about?
Ben: “that was just bad writin- I mean bad dreams.”
@@davidmendez3899 *Luke* : But I'm pretty sure she also a lightsa-
*Ben* : It was a bad dream!
@@KelShu actually that was a giant flashing dildo. We all know Lightsabers aren't deadly.
Vague? Do you not have memories from when you’re 10 years old? I literally remember everything from when I was 10, I have memories from before I was 5. Random things, I’m sure if my house was attacked and I was chased, I’d remember it.
Remember, Luke is just a farmer. Like millions of children IRL. I’m sure a European farm kid who lives a peaceful life, would remember being attacked at 10 years old
@@burn8325 I'm only saying vague right now because I'm not sure how much detail of that night he would pick up on. But yes, generally he would have memories of that night.
Beru's call to stand and fight is totally canonical. Just look to A New Hope and see how well standing and fighting works. Two smoking skeletons just outside the main door of their home.
She opened the door and screamed “ I am woman hear me r-“ and was promptly shot in the face and burned.
"no one must ever know. Or it could endanger us both."
Don't they already know? The Grand Inquisitor/Vader know about Revas plan. Leia was in the inquisitor base yelling out who she is and that Obi Wan will rescue her in front of guards and probably various recording devices. How can they not know at this point?
Obi-wan: willing to get a empire supporting farmer killed to protect himself.
Also obi-wan: won't kill Darth Vader who genocided the jedi.
Imagine if the final conversation was Anakin telling Obiwan how the Jedi suppressed his emotions and wouldn't have helped him or Padme if he had told them about his marriage. Then he leads to saying something like "(Anakin's voice) Deep down.. you knew.. about us... (Switch to Vader's voice) ..and you didn't help.. me!" Which leads to Obiwan feeling the weight of Anakin's emotions and him responding with "I'm sorry Anakin, for all of it". Maybe give us Vader slightly showing a bit of a shocked face and then frowning, indicating to Obiwan that no matter what, Anakin is gone. The Empire comes in to help Vader (don't know how but let's just go with it for now) and Obiwan is forced to leave. Before he does, he says "Goodbye... Darth.." End Scene
man, so much wasted potencial 😢
The Kenobi series: “Hello there”
Revenge Of The Sith: “Liar!”
"The Falcon was going too fast"
>Kylo stops a blaster bolt being shot at his back
All I am surrounded by is a lack of consequences and characters that are immune to death.
*Three years later*
Scam Artist: "I have a Jedi for sale! She's the princess of a faraway planet, and I've heard she has Force powers! Obi-Wan Kenobi himself gave her to me for my protection, and so I'm handing her off to the highest bidder!*
*And he's unsuccessful because nobody believes General Kenobi would be that stupid...*
On the fight scene between Kenobi and Vader they should have reserved the rock burial scene for later. Obi Wan does the whole cut the mask thing with Vader, understands his friend is dead, says "farewell lord Vader" and actually goes forth to kill Vader and gets close to doing it but Vader at the last moment uses the force and buries Kenobi under rocks. He senses Kenobi is alive down there but doesn't take any chances and runs. Vader escapes barely alive. He then lies to the Emperor saying Obi Wan is dead. That prompts him to train more for the next time they meet.