“They’ve got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen.” -Huey Long
"There's only one difference I've found between a Democratic leadership and a Republican leadership is that one of em' will skin you from the ankle up & the other from the ear down!" - Huey Long
Huey built roads, hospitals, schools, and bridges putting people to work. With all the corruption in Louisiana they still had one of the lowest costs of state governments in the US. He built Louisiana's infrastructure! jayro
Desmond Bear Yep, I will be voting for him but it is too late, I am moving, Jindal has made such a mess that it will take decades to clean up all his messes.
you know huey was incredibly corrupt right? He forced state workers to pay 10 percent of their income to his re-election fund, he fired you if you weren't his supporter, expelled you from the state university if you wrote anything bad about him, paid bribes to get state roads built at vastly more cost than they were worth.
Channelingus Llcix But from his point of view, since HE was responsible for the state worker having the job in the first place, why shouldn't he contribute to his campaign? Republicans call that a "free rider", and hate them with a passion. So Huey Long is "corrupt" because he takes from them but the Republicans aren't when they don't give them anything in the first place? It's that kind of thinking that explains why Louisiana is in the mess that it's in after Republican Piyush "Bobby" Jindal left office.
DAngelo136 Even with Governor Edwards taxing the state to death, the budget still can't be balanced. It goes way further back than any one leader. The current administration is even using temporary budget fixes that they lambasted the Jindal administration for using. And political party aside, nobody should just be given anything. If that's your mentality, I think Europe is taking in people.
Parodoxal Irony *"Even with Governor Edwards taxing the state to death, the budget still can't be balanced. It goes way further back than any one leader. The current administration is even using temporary budget fixes that they lambasted the Jindal administration for using."* You'd be wrong. Jindal put faith in many things; oil prices would remain high and supply side economic theory. _"Many of the state’s economic analysts say a structural budget deficit emerged and then grew under former governor Bobby Jindal, who, during his eight years in office, reduced the state’s revenue by offering tax breaks to the middle class and wealthy. He also created new subsidies aimed at luring and keeping businesses. Those policies, state data show, didn’t deliver the desired economic growth. This year, Louisiana has doled out $210 million more to corporations in the form of credits and subsidies than it has collected from them in taxes."_ [www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/03/04/the-debilitating-economic-disaster-louisianas-governor-left-behind/] Had he anticipated "bad days" which happens in a capitalist economy, the tax revenues could have been in reserve as a "rainy day fund" for just such an occasion. Instead, he gave the tax money to oil corporatons who made record profits. And you can't cut your way to a balanced budget. _"On Jindal’s watch, nearly every agency in Louisiana shed employees, and state lawmakers say some teetered because of the losses. The Department of Children and Family Services shrank to 3,400 employees, from 5,000 in 2008, and social workers began carrying caseloads larger than national standards. The state also cut funding for youth services and mental health treatment."_ *"And political party aside, nobody should just be given anything. If that's your mentality, I think Europe is taking in people."* I disagree. Huey Long's plan was actually not too far ahead of it's time and might be useful now: it's called the "Guaranteed Basic Income" _"Credible research overwhelmingly supports the concept. A World Bank analysis of 19 studies found that cash transfers have been demonstrated to improve education and health outcomes and alleviate poverty...concerns about the use of cash transfers for alcohol and tobacco consumption are unfounded. An MIT/Harvard analysis of seven cash transfer trials found "no systematic evidence that cash transfer programs discourage work." The Brooks World Poverty Institute found that money transfers to the poor are used primarily for basic needs. Basic Incomes have been shown to lead to reductions in crime and inequality and malnutrition and infant mortality."_ Like he said:"Share The Wealth".
President Rosenfeld? Nah, he knew Kingfish could be killed just like any other threat to the establishment. One man playing their political games can't stop the Clique, something more like 1776 required
No, Huey’s plan to run in 36 as an independent to split the Democratic vote, giving Alf Landon the victory. Long would than run against Landon in 40’ and probably win.
Huey long was painted as a would-be dictator by the rich and powerful in 1934 when he made this speech and their rich heirs have seen to it that the history books continue to portray him that way, when all he ever really talked about was Share the Wealth. He was also the first southern Caucasian politician who wasn't a race-baiter. His words are quite prescient to today's' politics.
@@paulcruz168 With the exception of Iranians, and a small sect of 8th century catholics (possibly extinct), there is only 1 kind of person that calls whites "Aryans" on the internet A person who dosent know what "Aryan" means.
@Julian Apostata Though it's an outdated term that doesn't really make sense when you think about it (as people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are darker-skinned), it's a term that means white. I mean, pretty sure the US government classifies white people as caucasian. It comes from a pretty weird theory of race origins, but it stuck.
Max Power Huey would just wing it. He knew what he wanted to say and he knew how to say it. It was a VERY rare occasion when Long would follow an outline.
+Max Power Notes are just a crutch. A speech just makes one sound like a gibbon on speed, and like you're reading in the best case scenario. The only real way to give a speech is to know what you're going to say and say it from the heart. Its a matter of confidence.
"Class warfare" isn't an ideology, but either way, reality has never, and never will be, subject to an ideology. Ideologies and models are abstractions, no one even agrees on what they mean, and attempts to impose them (from all sides) fail. All market systems rely on government, laws to protect property, to allow contracts, provide for mobility, etc. And all democratic governments address the inequality that naturally arises from free markets. To say that the "ideology" is failed would be to so that no modern system works.
@@nothingsavailable7721 Bernie is a democratic socialist, Huey was more of a Social democrat. There's quite a big difference, despite the similar names.
@CurryCel#6930 It's a reference to the alternate history mod of HOI4 Kaiserreich, where Germany wins WWI, starting an early Great Depression for the USA, which comes to a peak in 1936. A Second American Civil War breaks out between the Federalists (MacArthur's USA), Democrats (Pacific States or Democratic USA), Unionists (Huey Long's American Union State), and Syndicalists (Jack Reed's Combined Syndicates of America). Yeah, I don't think you got it, chief.
*Federalist Papers* Essay #10 - the unequal distribution of property as the cause of factionalism and disorder in society. Many deluded people of the far right will say that only a communist believes in this. History clearly shows it was James Madison (4th president of the USA) who taught this truth.
Joan Shore It is *again* true today. For decades, thanks to the New Deal programs and the Great Society, the US were a fairer country. Starting with Reagan, and none of his successors have been able to reverse that trend, income and wealth inequality are now back to pre-Wall Street Crash levels.
When people are desperate and without hope, their rights don't matter that much. Like him or not, Long did more for Louisiana's poor than any other Governor. He changed the state forever. Look at Louisiana and Kansas now! Both broke because of tax reduction for those at the top!
Louisiana is broke for far worse reasons than tax reduction. You can't build an economy on an uneducated population, so they just end up with an extraction economy like in poor undeveloped countries
My great hero I was in baton Rouge and laid on the marble floor where he stumbled and fell. The bullet wholes are still in the walls. He was America's last great defender of the powerless regardless of race. I am a Republican but words fail me how much I admire this great man.
Coming back to this video is always a treat. We need another Huey Long. We don't need capitalism, socialism, communism, or fascism. We need our own political and economic system. This was already laid out by great Americans like Huey Long and Theodore Roosevelt.
Notice the Kingfish used no notes. Ne never did, it was all in his head with his photographic memory. What happened to the Kingfish is what happens to every charismatic leader for the people, he was assassinated. Most history books will attempt to propagandize and brainwash but he was killed as a result of a cabal run by Standard Oil. Most people do not realize that Huey initially survived. He was operated on, not by his own physician who was on the way, but by an incompetent quack. He would have lived with properly performed surgery and it was a great loss because he was on track to become President. He was not a demagogue or a dictator, only the aristocracy called him such.
Dude even his wiki is full of references to his dictatorial ways. He was on point with his policies & we would all be better off if we'd done stuff his way but he was crazy ruthless & determined to reach his utopian goal.
@@PaulineTriage Pauline, let me break this to you gently, no scholar of history relies upon "Wikipedia" as a reference source. I could have made you the butt of a bad joke but I prefer to be kind.
Yup. It's always the charismatic leaders that address class inequalities that get quickly taken out in America. It's a pattern that anyone who pays close attention to definitely would have noticed by now. JFK, MLK, Huey Long, and the list goes on and on.
@@SevenFootPelican Definitely add RFK and research indicates John Lennon as well. Hoover feared Lennon, had his phones tapped, John was under surveillance. Hoover tried to have him deported but lost the case. Read "Who Killed John Lennon" by Fenton Bresler and you might agree.
From my understanding, the relationship between Long and FDR was pretty cordial, if anything. Long criticized FDR in such a way as to shame the rest of the New Deal coalition into marching lock-step. Remember FDR only got as powerful as he did because he had a 'dream team' of party officers and politicians at his back, from his own wife to the various offices in the house and senate to the various state-level offices. Long was simply another person that helped FDR get that power.
I mean no ideal liberal candidate has taken office so you don't know that. If anything conservatives are the ones who follow their masters because they still think the Republican party still cares about workers, at least liberals know what they want and need...
+Steven Yourke Not really. Back then, the majority of the US couldn't read at all much less have the chance of an education. Today, everyone gets the opportunity to go to school and to make something of themselves. We shouldn't punish those who are successful in life because some didn't ever try to further themselves.
every time i watch this i am amazed at his oratory talent… his mannerisms and such… puts on kind of like a rube, but supposedly had one of the most brilliant legal minds of his day.
he did drink alcohol at times and other times he was sober he was a very busy dedicated man and even though im not a democrat i respect him for his dedication and sleeplessness for what he thought the people of Louisiana needed
Huey long is the perfect example of of a truly good Benevolent dictator. Able to rule well, solve problems efficiently and do what communists always claim they want while at the same time fighting the communists and keeping capitalism running smoothly.
Gore Vidal was right: Huey Long was the lone politician of the 20th C "who got it." The really remarkable thing about Huey Long (as well as his brother, Earl) was that he never resorted to race baiting. Vidal once noted that the south was populist about everything but race; Huey, however, was populist about everything, period.
Love him or hate him, the man knew how to give a speech. No notes, teleprompters, etc. . He got up there and delivered it directly from his heart and mind .. I think that's a forgotten art with today's politicians, unfortunately ..
So was every Governor before and since! He did more to help the poor of his state than anyone! I suppose you think Jindal has done a better job? He did a great job of dismantling everything that Huey did, brilliant!
Huey Long shows that crony capitalism is not the only way of economic thinking in America. We don’t need no foreign communism or socialism, America’s got its own tradition of progressive economics stretching from Teddy Roosevelt to FDR
Yeah, and unfortunately longs idea is far more in line with Adam smiths "wealth of nations" than anyone realizes. The whole goal of that text was america can and would be a model for a land where none are too wealthy to be corrupt, and none too poor to be destitute. Where actual work is the primary determining factor to your wealth, and not how many people worked for you.
Huey Long was talking about WEALTH inequality, particularly controlling wealth, and NOT INCOME inequality. He advocated a tax on excessive stock ownership by any one person.
Don't be deceived by his folksy style and drunkeness, Long was incredibly well read and intelligent. His childhood, like Lincoln, was spent making enormous efforts to secure as many different books as possible, in addition to his father's well stocked library (especially impressive for rural Louisiana). His later efforts to ensure La school children had access to the latest textbooks was likely a product of his childhood.
Governor Long is still responsible for building the most roads, the most schools, including free textbooks, and raising the standard of living for the people of Louisiana more than any other public official in the history of that state. He was even bold enough to include the minority and black citizens of the state in such improvements, back in the 1920's and 30's, when other Southern politicians were working in tandem with the KKK. Was he corrupt? Probably. But he operated in the system as it existed back then, and was a genius at it. It's difficult to predict what would have happened had he not been assassinated, but we're still fighting some of the same problems that he outlined in that clip. We need more "radicals" like him right about now. And we need folks to be bold, instead of timid, as we try to get some of that BBQ brought back to the table for the rest of us.
Man speaks with the words of a politician but the cadence of a preacher. Had he not been a man of legislation, he definitely could have been a man of salvation.
I'm sorry, but Bernie never has and will never match the intelligence, charisma and sharpness of this guy. Also, Huey had a more enthusiastic but serious fanbase.
This guy is so true to many greedy people out there with so much money they could never spend it in a life time but there is lot's of people working hard and not getting ahead because of the greedy one's who have it all but want more
Interesting character. I've just heard of this fellow yesterday. This is my starting off point into educating myself about him. Other than that I have no comment I must learn more before I speak.
1:38 "Leave something else for the American people to consume, and that's the program. We're not going to destroy the Gulf refining company. We're not going to destroy the Standard Oil Company. But, we're going to say that the limit of any one man's stock ownership in the Standard Oil Company is from three to five million dollars to that individual and that the balance of the people of America owned the balance of what the standard oil company is worth." *-what I heard him say!*
I don’t think I could have picked a better man to do a speech about politicians on. I’m so glad I found this. I wonder if he would do well in today’s political world?
@tinytank6642yes but he is socially conservstive enough and his accent is perfect for relating to the working class. plus hes a southerner. bernie fails because hes an old millionaire jew from the city.
@0:11 it states that this speech was December 11, 1935. There is a mistake somewhere, because other sources affirm this politician was assassinated September 10 1935.
The decentralized Socialist school of thought stresses not the ownership of a government over the means of production, but the workers (in effect, "the people"). In such a society, the workers would own and operate the factories, mills, mines, etc. through democratic councils; reigned in, perhaps, by an economic constitution, and the requirement of working with other councils on a municipal level to distribute resources and goods equitably and efficiently.
We NEED income inequality. It is the market's way of correcting wealth inequality. However, wealth can become entrenched and monopolized. When there is a monopoly of wealth, there is also a monopoly over the means of production. It was that wealth monopoly that Long was decrying and which he proposed to end by a "trust-breaking" tax on controlling wealth, the proceeds going to the poor. This is FAR different from the Democrat's tax on upward mobility and the fascist monopoly of power.
It was a glorious time, when the left wing weren't pre occupied with regurgitatating what pointless social issues the elite fed to them, and actually DID something for the working class. When they didn't talk down to trailor park southern boys like me. I admire huey long, i wish we had a man as half as good as he around. Rip Kingfish
@@mansonsacidtrip6862 Too bad Bernie doesn't have the same fortitude. Huey would have threatened with a third party run if the democratic party did to him what they did to Bernie these past two elections. Instead Bernie goes out of his way to support the very party that actively works against him, and by extension the American voters. Inmy opinion he loses credibility through his timidness to rise to the occasion, especially with the support he received. Can you imagine? Stadiums full of supporters... He only had to take what was his at that point. Such is life, in the words of the great Gordon Lightfoot, "heroes often fail"
And a liberal, and a Maoist, and a "reverse-racist" and a femboy, and a elitist, and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a and a
@@DrWongburger Yeah because the third party doesnt work. You have to work within the system you have, and that is what bernie is doing. This takes time, his credibility doesnt exactly hurt at all. Aside from credibility among the minority bernie or bust left which are frankly a bunch of idiots. You wanna know what will severaly hurt Bernie's credibility? Forming a third party which then leads to a Republican victory, and then no democrat will want to work with him. So end with dogmatic crying, and be pragmatic for once.
“The only way to feed the balance of the people is to MAKETHATMANCOMEBACKANDBRINGBACKSUMMADATGRUBHEAINTGOTNOBUSNESSWIT”. My favorite part!
Fucking amazing!
Ole Kingfish spits the truth
I read that while he was saying it lol
Spitting the truth that still haunts us today. Why can’t we have more people like Long or FDR?
So communism.
Communism is rather like every man a slave, but no one wears a chain XD
@@KlaireMurre Communism? Boy you must mean Syndicalism, and Huey ain't no Syndie.
@@michaelkraemer5846 Communism? What a childish fantasy... The real thing is a O R G A N I C empire!
Ha! That be the day the Elite breaks a crown and shares it.
“They’ve got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen.”
-Huey Long
"There's only one difference I've found between a Democratic leadership and a Republican leadership is that one of em' will skin you from the ankle up & the other from the ear down!"
- Huey Long
Truly ahead of his time
There's only one item on the menu, the Kosher Sandwich
@@icechiller8073 bluepilled as fuck
@Oliver Kuperman simp
I love the way southern people talked back then
+Desmond Bear Yes. It was distinctive and unique - really from a specific region, and musical in a way.
That wasn't the common southern accent, it's the mix of the Louisiana Cajun accent and southern.
damn rockefellers
spicoli jeff He wasn't Cajun. He was from Northern Louisiana. Cajun country is Southwest of New Orleans, along the gulf coast.
Desmond Bear we still talk like that in Louisiana
Huey built roads, hospitals, schools, and bridges putting people to work. With all the corruption in Louisiana they still had one of the lowest costs of state governments in the US. He built Louisiana's infrastructure! jayro
Jay Rosen We still benefit from the things the Longs did. Louisiana was a MESS before Huey came along!
+Jay Rosen
And Bobby Jindal tore it all down.
+Candide Thirtythree ^^^^
thankfully we have John bel Edwards coming up
Desmond Bear
Yep, I will be voting for him but it is too late, I am moving, Jindal has made such a mess that it will take decades to clean up all his messes.
Candide Thirtythree so you live here too, then?
Normal people: oh cool a southern guy that built infrastructure, nice.
Kaiserreich Fans: EVERY MAN A KING!!!
He isn’t the best option, he’s the ONLY option.
We march north as traitors. But we will. Come. Home. As. Kings!
You are a Syndicalist CHICKEN.
Huey Long was one of the few politicians who really did care for the less fortunate, even blacks which was no small thing back in 1930s Louisiana.
+Parodoxal Irony That just makes me aprichiate the man more, he had a good moral fibre.
you know huey was incredibly corrupt right? He forced state workers to pay 10 percent of their income to his re-election fund, he fired you if you weren't his supporter, expelled you from the state university if you wrote anything bad about him, paid bribes to get state roads built at vastly more cost than they were worth.
Channelingus Llcix But from his point of view, since HE was responsible for the state worker having the job in the first place, why shouldn't he contribute to his campaign?
Republicans call that a "free rider", and hate them with a passion. So Huey Long is "corrupt" because he takes from them but the Republicans aren't when they don't give them anything in the first place?
It's that kind of thinking that explains why Louisiana is in the mess that it's in after Republican Piyush "Bobby" Jindal left office.
Even with Governor Edwards taxing the state to death, the budget still can't be balanced. It goes way further back than any one leader. The current administration is even using temporary budget fixes that they lambasted the Jindal administration for using.
And political party aside, nobody should just be given anything. If that's your mentality, I think Europe is taking in people.
Parodoxal Irony
*"Even with Governor Edwards taxing the state to death, the budget still can't be balanced. It goes way further back than any one leader. The current administration is even using temporary budget fixes that they lambasted the Jindal administration for using."*
You'd be wrong. Jindal put faith in many things; oil prices would remain high and supply side economic theory.
_"Many of the state’s economic analysts say a structural budget deficit emerged and then grew under former governor Bobby Jindal, who, during his eight years in office, reduced the state’s revenue by offering tax breaks to the middle class and wealthy. He also created new subsidies aimed at luring and keeping businesses. Those policies, state data show, didn’t deliver the desired economic growth. This year, Louisiana has doled out $210 million more to corporations in the form of credits and subsidies than it has collected from them in taxes."_ [www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/03/04/the-debilitating-economic-disaster-louisianas-governor-left-behind/]
Had he anticipated "bad days" which happens in a capitalist economy, the tax revenues could have been in reserve as a "rainy day fund" for just such an occasion. Instead, he gave the tax money to oil corporatons who made record profits. And you can't cut your way to a balanced budget.
_"On Jindal’s watch, nearly every agency in Louisiana shed employees, and state lawmakers say some teetered because of the losses. The Department of Children and Family Services shrank to 3,400 employees, from 5,000 in 2008, and social workers began carrying caseloads larger than national standards. The state also cut funding for youth services and mental health treatment."_
*"And political party aside, nobody should just be given anything. If that's your mentality, I think Europe is taking in people."*
I disagree. Huey Long's plan was actually not too far ahead of it's time and might be useful now: it's called the "Guaranteed Basic Income"
_"Credible research overwhelmingly supports the concept. A World Bank analysis of 19 studies found that cash transfers have been demonstrated to improve education and health outcomes and alleviate poverty...concerns about the use of cash transfers for alcohol and tobacco consumption are unfounded. An MIT/Harvard analysis of seven cash transfer trials found "no systematic evidence that cash transfer programs discourage work." The Brooks World Poverty Institute found that money transfers to the poor are used primarily for basic needs. Basic Incomes have been shown to lead to reductions in crime and inequality and malnutrition and infant mortality."_
Like he said:"Share The Wealth".
FDR was concerned that Huey was a potential challenger in 1936.
President Rosenfeld? Nah, he knew Kingfish could be killed just like any other threat to the establishment. One man playing their political games can't stop the Clique, something more like 1776 required
@@_Patton_Was_Right more like 1917
No, Huey’s plan to run in 36 as an independent to split the Democratic vote, giving Alf Landon the victory. Long would than run against Landon in 40’ and probably win.
@@_Patton_Was_Right huey long was pro-jewish
@@_Patton_Was_Right - Why the nickname "Rosenfeld"? I guess you hate Jews, right?
I unironically love this guy. His methods were perhaps authoritarian but he got shit done and his populism was genuine.
He was the epitome of a populace dictator a benevolent king just because a man may be named a dictator does not mean that man is evil
Nothing wrong with using force for good
@@kenetickups6146 sometimes to make an omelette where everyone gets to eat gotta break a few eggs
Huey Long was a lot less corrupt than any US politician alive today. That is for sure.
Damn only 4% owning just 85% of wealth? Them days were soft
Nobody "owns" wealth. Money doesn't evaporate if someone has billions of dollars. It's still there, and the wealthy spend a lot of it.
@@WhoBeSilly of course not, its not literal, it means the wealth generated goes in great part to particular groups and individuals
and yet we live many times more comfortably than people in the 30's
@@ShadowZero27 The pie has gotten bigger, our share of it has not.
@@WhoBeSilly wow you are a moron, the OC was being sarcastic because the disparity is worse now
Proud to say this is my great great uncle
You should play Kaiserreich for HOI4, you can win a civil war in America playing him.
@@Gamenetreviews HAIL TO THE KINGFISH
Hail to the Kingfish!
American Royalty
Let me guess, he was assasinated right?
@@rogerreyne1877 funny
Don’t look up who assassinated him, it will make “certain people” upset...
@@rogerreyne1877 based
Leander pana has jugado Kaiserreich? en este espectacular mod de HOI 4 y DH )darkest hour) él es el presidente de la union de estados americanos
By small hat tribe, yes
Huey Long was the politician I never knew I wanted.
The hero america deserved but never got
@@unatco1148 even FDR was scared of the Long Dong
@@SamuraiFrogz he had the absolute elephant dick energy
@@SamuraiFrogz it’s Huey p long. Dong is not in his name
@@titanatrolla6172 that’s the joke, meaning he had a long dong
Huey long was painted as a would-be dictator by the rich and powerful in 1934 when he made this speech and their rich heirs have seen to it that the history books continue to portray him that way, when all he ever really talked about was Share the Wealth. He was also the first southern Caucasian politician who wasn't a race-baiter. His words are quite prescient to today's' politics.
Chip Shirley He definitely spent time in the black church nicking their style, I can say that.
@Julian Apostata I don't think he was Iranian, so Aryan wouldn't make much sense either
@@paulcruz168 With the exception of Iranians, and a small sect of 8th century catholics (possibly extinct), there is only 1 kind of person that calls whites "Aryans" on the internet
A person who dosent know what "Aryan" means.
@Julian Apostata Though it's an outdated term that doesn't really make sense when you think about it (as people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are darker-skinned), it's a term that means white. I mean, pretty sure the US government classifies white people as caucasian. It comes from a pretty weird theory of race origins, but it stuck.
@Julian Apostata Cringe
Impressive how he doesn't have notes or a copy of the speech. Did he memorize his speeches beforehand or did he just wing it?
Max Power Huey would just wing it. He knew what he wanted to say and he knew how to say it. It was a VERY rare occasion when Long would follow an outline.
+Max Power Notes are just a crutch. A speech just makes one sound like a gibbon on speed, and like you're reading in the best case scenario. The only real way to give a speech is to know what you're going to say and say it from the heart. Its a matter of confidence.
Class warfare. Divides and destroys. Failed ideology. Corrupt.
"Class warfare" isn't an ideology, but either way, reality has never, and never will be, subject to an ideology. Ideologies and models are abstractions, no one even agrees on what they mean, and attempts to impose them (from all sides) fail.
All market systems rely on government, laws to protect property, to allow contracts, provide for mobility, etc. And all democratic governments address the inequality that naturally arises from free markets. To say that the "ideology" is failed would be to so that no modern system works.
True, "class warfare" is more of a tactic the left uses to give governments more control to re-distribute wealth of free and prosperous citizens.
"4% of the American people own 85% of the wealth of America"
Corporations: Damn that's awful.
We need to bump those numbers up!
100% of the american people own 100% of the wealth.
Problem solved
Blame the corporations as the only elites that is communism
Huey was the man, and never will there be another like him.
Huey was an American hero.
Trust me someday.....It will come soon
@@nothingsavailable7721 Bernie is a democratic socialist, Huey was more of a Social democrat. There's quite a big difference, despite the similar names.
@@shogun7p7 Yeah I know. I just meant that Bernie is like him.
Holy Sh#@ if ever there was a time for another Huey Long & his Share The Wealth program its now.
Support the American Union States. All hail Long.
Bob Sponge E V E R Y M A N A K I N G (Oh and All Hail Eli Ayase)
Suddenly McArthur and A M E R I C A N S T A T O C R A C Y
@CurryCel#6930 I dont think you got the argument right
@CurryCel#6930 It's a reference to the alternate history mod of HOI4 Kaiserreich, where Germany wins WWI, starting an early Great Depression for the USA, which comes to a peak in 1936. A Second American Civil War breaks out between the Federalists (MacArthur's USA), Democrats (Pacific States or Democratic USA), Unionists (Huey Long's American Union State), and Syndicalists (Jack Reed's Combined Syndicates of America). Yeah, I don't think you got it, chief.
@@dsbmaldia13 WW1
82 years ago....and what he's saying about the unequal distribution of wealth in America is still true today!
income inequality and other things still plague America today. we need another Huey Long and would need to be run
*Federalist Papers* Essay #10 - the unequal distribution of property as the cause of factionalism and disorder in society. Many deluded people of the far right will say that only a communist believes in this. History clearly shows it was James Madison (4th president of the USA) who taught this truth.
Dan Blade Bernie is kinda like Huey in a way
It's even worse now
Joan Shore It is *again* true today.
For decades, thanks to the New Deal programs and the Great Society, the US were a fairer country. Starting with Reagan, and none of his successors have been able to reverse that trend, income and wealth inequality are now back to pre-Wall Street Crash levels.
“None shall work too much, none shall be idle” brilliant.
When people are desperate and without hope, their rights don't matter that much. Like him or not, Long did more for Louisiana's poor than any other Governor. He changed the state forever. Look at Louisiana and Kansas now! Both broke because of tax reduction for those at the top!
Every time you drive down a paved road or over a bridge in Louisiana thank the Kingfish
If Long came back to life right now, he would have a meltdown at what Jindal did to Louisiana and start a revolution.
@@Odinsday He would probably have a heart attack just from getting a shortlist of what Jindal did... before being consumed by righteous rage.
Louisiana is broke for far worse reasons than tax reduction. You can't build an economy on an uneducated population, so they just end up with an extraction economy like in poor undeveloped countries
That's also something Huey tried to counter he gave out school books so people being uneducated after almost 100 years would be sad for him
Huey Pierce Long was and will always be an American hero. God rest his soul, but let us fight to make Every Man A King!
a ahmad every mana king fish?
@@Unknown-ls8yw Every man a kingfish!
My great hero I was in baton Rouge and laid on the marble floor where he stumbled and fell. The bullet wholes are still in the walls.
He was America's last great defender of the powerless regardless of race. I am a Republican but words fail me how much I admire this great man.
Legend 👍
Damn, we need more truthful men like him in this world. Rest in peace Huey P. Long, a great man.
Great orator. The physicality and rhythm of his speeches are something else.
Coming back to this video is always a treat.
We need another Huey Long. We don't need capitalism, socialism, communism, or fascism. We need our own political and economic system. This was already laid out by great Americans like Huey Long and Theodore Roosevelt.
Huey Long and Theodore Roosevelt where capitalist just a different type
This is a great point.
I agree
87 years later and everything he's saying is still as relevant as ever
If anyone came along and was as much of a hard-hitting yet honest firebrand, they'd have my unwavering support until the day I die.
December 11 1935 huh. He talks pretty good for a guy that's been dead 3 months.
I think that is the date that this was possibly aired....probably in some cinema theater.
It's 1934, not 1935.
@@APOCALYPSE_X-MEN This is from a newsreel. You can't air newsreels. You release it to movie theaters.
We need Huey long today. With social media he’d blow up big time.
Notice the Kingfish used no notes. Ne never did, it was all in his head with his photographic memory. What happened to the Kingfish is what happens to every charismatic leader for the people, he was assassinated. Most history books will attempt to propagandize and brainwash but he was killed as a result of a cabal run by Standard Oil. Most people do not realize that Huey initially survived. He was operated on, not by his own physician who was on the way, but by an incompetent quack. He would have lived with properly performed surgery and it was a great loss because he was on track to become President. He was not a demagogue or a dictator, only the aristocracy called him such.
Dude even his wiki is full of references to his dictatorial ways. He was on point with his policies & we would all be better off if we'd done stuff his way but he was crazy ruthless & determined to reach his utopian goal.
@@PaulineTriage Pauline, let me break this to you gently, no scholar of history relies upon "Wikipedia" as a reference source. I could have made you the butt of a bad joke but I prefer to be kind.
Yup. It's always the charismatic leaders that address class inequalities that get quickly taken out in America. It's a pattern that anyone who pays close attention to definitely would have noticed by now. JFK, MLK, Huey Long, and the list goes on and on.
@@SevenFootPelican Definitely add RFK and research indicates John Lennon as well. Hoover feared Lennon, had his phones tapped, John was under surveillance. Hoover tried to have him deported but lost the case. Read "Who Killed John Lennon" by Fenton Bresler and you might agree.
One of my heroes.
I wholeheartedly agree with this man. God bless his soul.
🗿🍷 Same, he was ultra Based.
Says a lot about him that even when he criticized FDR, FDR would actually take some of his proposals for the second new deal.
From my understanding, the relationship between Long and FDR was pretty cordial, if anything. Long criticized FDR in such a way as to shame the rest of the New Deal coalition into marching lock-step. Remember FDR only got as powerful as he did because he had a 'dream team' of party officers and politicians at his back, from his own wife to the various offices in the house and senate to the various state-level offices.
Long was simply another person that helped FDR get that power.
FDR said, "I aim to steal his lightning" (in regards to adopting some longist policy's)
This guy is my hero! He says the same thing the now a days liberals would say, but is actually doing the job for the people and not their masters.
As a liberal I respect this man
I mean no ideal liberal candidate has taken office so you don't know that. If anything conservatives are the ones who follow their masters because they still think the Republican party still cares about workers, at least liberals know what they want and need...
I’m a conservative but economically I’m much more inline with Long’s beliefs
Because what passes for liberal these days is a fake populist where Long was an actual populist.
when i waa a young boy much like Long, I was wanting this to do someone trying
Anyone here from kaiserreich?
ayy lmao hail MacArthur
New England or bust
Moon Man glory to Jack Reed : )
"We march north as traitors, but we will COME HOME AS KINGS!"
Date of this video is wrong. Huey long died September 1935. This is showing December 1935.
Huey Long rose from the grave to give this speech
Not even death could ever stop The Kingfish
@@CascadianGal History books suppress that Huey Long was JC 2.0
This guy is a hybrid of a Christian Preacher and a blazing Politician! I love it!❤❤
We need a man like this accepting the Democratic nomination in Milwaukee in 2020.
Hell yeah
Guess that didn’t happen did it.
As relevant today as it was in 1934 - But can you even imagine any U S Senator making a speech like this today? Share the Wealth.
+Steven Yourke Not really. Back then, the majority of the US couldn't read at all much less have the chance of an education. Today, everyone gets the opportunity to go to school and to make something of themselves. We shouldn't punish those who are successful in life because some didn't ever try to further themselves.
exactly what we need in 2020....goosebumps...love this guy!!
There was Bernie, just waiting for everyone’s vote.
Huey Long's words stay true till this day.
every time i watch this i am amazed at his oratory talent… his mannerisms and such… puts on kind of like a rube, but supposedly had one of the most brilliant legal minds of his day.
he did drink alcohol at times and other times he was sober he was a very busy dedicated man and even though im not a democrat i respect him for his dedication and sleeplessness for what he thought the people of Louisiana needed
Huey long is the perfect example of of a truly good Benevolent dictator. Able to rule well, solve problems efficiently and do what communists always claim they want while at the same time fighting the communists and keeping capitalism running smoothly.
That's called third positionism. (fascism) had the same ideas and governments.
He is the king we need
Micheal Ellis and?
Huey Long is gonna give me a radio. :3
*Plays Every Man a King daily on the clock like North Korean propaganda*
Gore Vidal was right: Huey Long was the lone politician of the 20th C "who got it."
The really remarkable thing about Huey Long (as well as his brother, Earl) was that he never resorted to race baiting. Vidal once noted that the south was populist about everything but race; Huey, however, was populist about everything, period.
Bring back Huey Long! We need another strong man with a great vision for America!
Me:there are no good dictators
Huey Long: exists
Me: *Well shit, got me there cheif-*
Jack Lang: Also exists
Somewhere between Long and Stalin is the perfect man
@@dogeyes7261 *between Long and Hitler
@@TomorrowWeLive correct
A Great Speech which needs to be heard Loud & Clear Today.
Love him or hate him, the man knew how to give a speech. No notes, teleprompters, etc. . He got up there and delivered it directly from his heart and mind .. I think that's a forgotten art with today's politicians, unfortunately ..
"Every man a kings" -Huey Long Dong
Needed today as much as ever.
Huey was a good guy,, with balls ,,, I wish he got his way,,,, dark clouds above us now,,,,, May God Help Us
So was every Governor before and since! He did more to help the poor of his state than anyone! I suppose you think Jindal has done a better job? He did a great job of dismantling everything that Huey did, brilliant!
A man needed for his age; a man needed for our age. Thank you, Huey Long.
Thank you for posting, @ajfowler
Why do I only see this in this channel, this should be shared everywhere
Shot 85 years ago today. Rest In Peace sir.
Huey Long shows that crony capitalism is not the only way of economic thinking in America. We don’t need no foreign communism or socialism, America’s got its own tradition of progressive economics stretching from Teddy Roosevelt to FDR
Yeah, and unfortunately longs idea is far more in line with Adam smiths "wealth of nations" than anyone realizes. The whole goal of that text was america can and would be a model for a land where none are too wealthy to be corrupt, and none too poor to be destitute. Where actual work is the primary determining factor to your wealth, and not how many people worked for you.
Thomas Jefferson*
Absolutely. Capitalism can still work in American society if we look at those who made it actually work.
What's unfortunate about that that's the ideal world
Hell yeah
He was a genius.
+Veritas Smith he really was, he read law books and took the bar exam and passed without going to college. He was too poor to go.
My God - this is amazing - it's still relevant today !
Whatever you could say of the man's politics, what a unique speech maker - those arms are out of control.
Huey Long was talking about WEALTH inequality, particularly controlling wealth, and NOT INCOME inequality. He advocated a tax on excessive stock ownership by any one person.
One of the greatest Americans to ever live, by far!
Love Huey Long, my favorite Politician of all time, died for a good cause
Where is this man when we need him in 2020 ?
Don't be deceived by his folksy style and drunkeness, Long was incredibly well read and intelligent. His childhood, like Lincoln, was spent making enormous efforts to secure as many different books as possible, in addition to his father's well stocked library (especially impressive for rural Louisiana). His later efforts to ensure La school children had access to the latest textbooks was likely a product of his childhood.
William Howard Taft (who I assume was no fan of his politics) once called him "the most brilliant lawyer to argue before the Supreme Court".
Governor Long is still responsible for building the most roads, the most schools, including free textbooks, and raising the standard of living for the people of Louisiana more than any other public official in the history of that state. He was even bold enough to include the minority and black citizens of the state in such improvements, back in the 1920's and 30's, when other Southern politicians were working in tandem with the KKK. Was he corrupt? Probably. But he operated in the system as it existed back then, and was a genius at it. It's difficult to predict what would have happened had he not been assassinated, but we're still fighting some of the same problems that he outlined in that clip. We need more "radicals" like him right about now. And we need folks to be bold, instead of timid, as we try to get some of that BBQ brought back to the table for the rest of us.
HUEY LONG DONG, a man ahead of his time. I wish he was the president instead of Roosevelt
Of course they have to kill him, same with Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy
What this man is saying hits home even today.
Man speaks with the words of a politician but the cadence of a preacher. Had he not been a man of legislation, he definitely could have been a man of salvation.
@@ByWho-js5bq Sir, it is actually New Orleans now. *READ THE LORE NERD*
1934: "4% of the people own 95%"
2021: "That's cute"
I'm sorry, but Bernie never has and will never match the intelligence, charisma and sharpness of this guy. Also, Huey had a more enthusiastic but serious fanbase.
Could you imagine how far a person could go today if they were an orator of this caliber? The man had charisma...you gotta give him that.
Theyd go 6 feet under. Just like long...
This guy is so true to many greedy people out there with so much money they could never spend it in a life time but there is lot's of people working hard and not getting ahead because of the greedy one's who have it all but want more
Huey's my write in for president this year!
Huey Long = Greatest American Hero
Some damn fine rhetoric.
God bless your soul, Huey Long
"Communism? Hell no! ... This plan is the only defense this country's got against communism." - Huey Long
We need more animated public speakers like this. Public speaking has become much too rigid and technical. It gives a personable edge I enjoy.
For those that have not read the description, the date in the beginning of the video is wrong. The correct date is December 18 1934
Interesting character. I've just heard of this fellow yesterday. This is my starting off point into educating myself about him. Other than that I have no comment I must learn more before I speak.
1:38 "Leave something else for the American people to consume, and that's the program. We're not going to destroy the Gulf refining company. We're not going to destroy the Standard Oil Company. But, we're going to say that the limit of any one man's stock ownership in the Standard Oil Company is from three to five million dollars to that individual and that the balance of the people of America owned the balance of what the standard oil company is worth." *-what I heard him say!*
We need a hero like this man today.
In 1956, while I attended a business college in Shreveport, my friends nicknamed me "kingfish." Now I know after whom, but I don't know why.
I see you still keep the name!
I don’t think I could have picked a better man to do a speech about politicians on. I’m so glad I found this. I wonder if he would do well in today’s political world?
He'd fit right in.
Too left wing. Even most working class people aren’t this left wing today.
@tinytank6642yes but he is socially conservstive enough and his accent is perfect for relating to the working class. plus hes a southerner. bernie fails because hes an old millionaire jew from the city.
@0:11 it states that this speech was December 11, 1935. There is a mistake somewhere, because other sources affirm this politician was assassinated September 10 1935.
The decentralized Socialist school of thought stresses not the ownership of a government over the means of production, but the workers (in effect, "the people"). In such a society, the workers would own and operate the factories, mills, mines, etc. through democratic councils; reigned in, perhaps, by an economic constitution, and the requirement of working with other councils on a municipal level to distribute resources and goods equitably and efficiently.
We NEED income inequality. It is the market's way of correcting wealth inequality. However, wealth can become entrenched and monopolized. When there is a monopoly of wealth, there is also a monopoly over the means of production. It was that wealth monopoly that Long was decrying and which he proposed to end by a "trust-breaking" tax on controlling wealth, the proceeds going to the poor.
This is FAR different from the Democrat's tax on upward mobility and the fascist monopoly of power.
"Where do you get your ideology from" me:
It was a glorious time, when the left wing weren't pre occupied with regurgitatating what pointless social issues the elite fed to them, and actually DID something for the working class.
When they didn't talk down to trailor park southern boys like me.
I admire huey long, i wish we had a man as half as good as he around. Rip Kingfish
I want to follow in his footsteps
We need a modern day Huey Long. Sadly, he will be branded as a communist and a socialist
Bernie was the closest we're gonna get
@@mansonsacidtrip6862 Too bad Bernie doesn't have the same fortitude. Huey would have threatened with a third party run if the democratic party did to him what they did to Bernie these past two elections. Instead Bernie goes out of his way to support the very party that actively works against him, and by extension the American voters. Inmy opinion he loses credibility through his timidness to rise to the occasion, especially with the support he received. Can you imagine? Stadiums full of supporters... He only had to take what was his at that point. Such is life, in the words of the great Gordon Lightfoot, "heroes often fail"
Like Sanders.
And a liberal, and a Maoist, and a "reverse-racist" and a femboy, and a elitist, and a
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@@DrWongburger Yeah because the third party doesnt work. You have to work within the system you have, and that is what bernie is doing. This takes time, his credibility doesnt exactly hurt at all. Aside from credibility among the minority bernie or bust left which are frankly a bunch of idiots. You wanna know what will severaly hurt Bernie's credibility? Forming a third party which then leads to a Republican victory, and then no democrat will want to work with him. So end with dogmatic crying, and be pragmatic for once.