I noticed a lot of content creators have overlooked Wurrzag's new hidden campaign mechanic where he can go around the world building the new unique building Monument of Mork and Gork. You can build 10 of these all up which give stacking -5% cooldown reduction faction wide for Big and Little Waaagh spells. This adds up to -50% cooldown reduction faction wide. Then Wurrzag gives another -10% reduction faction wide bringing total cooldown reduction to -60%. Each caster can get another -20% cooldown reduction by putting full talent points into the skill tree for the spell, eg. Foot of Gork. That's -80% cooldown reduction all up. This makes Wurrzag's faction a powerhouse casting faction. Bonus tip: His Savage Orcs can now get a scrap upgrade that nullifies magic attacks and reduces spell resistance by 20%.
Yeah, I mentioned this myself in an earlier comment. I think Colonel Damneders is a great channel in general, but one consistent problem I've noticed when them is that they just go too fast when speaking their opinions especially for reviews of DLC without ever expanding or explaining their opinions all the while getting some small pieces of information wrong. For example, when they were talking about the units for the Ogre DLC (4:49), they only say that the units fill gaps in the roster while only specifically mentioning the thundertusk and the pigback riders. Okay, but what about the Ogre Paymaster, the bruiser, Golgfag's Maneaters, the yhetees, blood vultures, or the Eshin Maneater, and HOW these all of these units exactly fill a gap in the roster? Damneders' review videos honestly need to be at least double in length with them explaining and defending their viewpoints, or their review videos will always be inferior to their other content.
@@ballysillansown632 Yes, but Colonel Damneders said the "New Goblins" (8:10) were ass, and then proceeded to mention the bolt throwa, meaning that they were talking about two different units, but we're saying the "New Goblins" Damneders mentioned were probably the sword-and-shield goblins unit that were freely added months ago, and thus should not be mentioned in a review about the new DLC units. Again, if Damneders would just slow down and explain each unit and their usefulness while also taking time to fact check, this wouldn't be a problem.
@@Nimrod3202 All I can think is he is referring to the Night goblin big boss, and he meant to say lord, but said unit. Doesn’t come off that way though seems more just a mistaken inclusion.
Ogres desperately needed a rework. One of the few factions that I couldn’t get past turn 50 without calling it quits. Dark elves are the other. Don’t ask why, I dunno, they’re boring to me.
@24fretsoffury I have yet to beat a dark elf campaign. I think malekith starting position is hard and I'm more of a rush or defensive style fighter on the battlefield. Skimishing is something I need to work on but what's your secret to the dark elf campaigns? Are you just a god at this game on very hard?
Just to clarify @ 4:28. You can't teleport the camps with you but rather when you teleport and then set up a camp you can rapidly grow a camp to full power like the Skaven mechanic of rapidly upgrading a settlement? If I understand correctly, ogre camps are now basically a combination of landbound black arcs with skaven quick leveling.
It's not something to be fixed. It's a different race's different mechanic and unit. Just because the Khorne theme is shared doesn't mean both should be the exact same. God forbid we have some variety.
Thank you for the review; I don't agree with everything you said, but it's not like one is going to always agree on everything with a reviewer, of course. However, I'm bit confused by you mean by "new goblins" at 8:10. The DLC did not come with any new goblin infantry units aside from the the mangler squigs, Arachnarok Spider Flingers, and Bolt Throwa which are all monsters or artillery manned by goblins, but you proceeded to describe them all after stating that the "new goblins" are bad. If you're talking about the new basic Goblin unit, that is again not a DLC unit, but a free unit variant added (alongside the Orc spearz) a few months ago. Also, I kind of wish you would dial back your disdain for the multiplayer community. Yes, the nerfs caused by them can be a little annoying, but they also ensure that each unit has a specific purpose and role within an army and prevent other units from becoming worthless due to powercreep. Their feedback has also on occasion led to units being buffed. Also, yes, Warhammer III is primarily a single-player game, but single player games still need balance so that different strategies can still be viable and fighting against other units from other factions does not feel impossible or incredibly frustrating.
I don't disagree with the 2nd part of what you wrote, but I think this is a CA/spaghetti code issue. It would be better to have a system like (I can't believe I use them as a positve exaple) what Blizzard has with WoW. Like "we are nerfing this by x% but just in PvP", this way both side would be happy. Single players are happy because those changes are not effecting their gameplay and the multiplayer community would get the changes they want to see. But I see where you are coming from with powercreep and why every unit should be fiddled with every now and then.
@@Kekkening You have a great point, and I do believe that CA has done something like that for the Ogres in the past by only nerfing their units for multiplayer, but I can't be certain. I'm mainly talking about units like the original version of Akshina Ambushers who were straight up good or at least decent at everything and even had SPLASH attacks on top of everything. Plus, due to being a relatively low-tier unit, any Kislev lord could get them early in a campaign and essentially made every other Kislev infantry unit obsolete. Also, I just personally feel that Colonel Damneders has a lot of unearned and pointless animosity towards the multiplayer community. Yes, again, I agree that it's annoying when their feedback leads to unit nerfs, but they're still a part of this community, and their feedback should be heard just like every other player. They're also arguably the best people to hear feedback from since they use units on a higher level of expertise compared to single players since they have to be good when going against other players instead of AI, and they'll know which units may feel too strong, weak, niche, etc. And, some of the best content creators for Total War, such as Turin and DahvPlays, are multiplayer-focused and Turin especially hosts the pretty cool to watch tournaments for each DLC release. I know that this is just Damneders' opinion and everything, but it's also kind of tiresome how almost every one of their videos now has a random and unnecessary potshot at the multiplayer community as if they're monsters ruining the fun of single players.
The MP community deserves all the disdain it gets. Especially when the suggested nerfs this time around are basically "remove everything interesting about any unit that can challenge the low cost meta". Mangler Squigs? MP players want to remove their death explosions. Thundertusks? MP players want to remove the javelin and crossbow attacks from their riders. The Skullcannon RoR? MP players want to nerf its projectiles into the ground. The balance of MP is completely and totally different from the balance of campaign, just look at any tier list from Turin or Humanboy Yesyes, and then compare their lists to the tier lists of someone like Legend. Yet somehow the MP players get to control balancing for a game-mode they don't even play, and get to make arbitrary decisions about what should or shouldn't be nerfed before normal people even get a chance to play the units at all.
also its not like nerfing or buffing units in singleplayer actually does anything. people will still pick what units they want to use no matter what because theres always technology and traits and skill points to buff everything to heaven anyway.
CA asking Sonic for permission to do stuff is a funny mental image lol. It annoys me a little that CA has a valid ''Games Workshop or SEGA won't let us do it'' card to play. It's probably true but still bugs me.
I really wish there was a mechanical reason to pick Skarbrand over Skulltaker or Arbaal, but right now he just straight up has less to work with than them. I'm also extremely disappointed that neither Grimgor nor Azhag got reworked ala Gelt/Franz. Hopefully these 3 will get updated in the subsequent patch. IDK, personally I'm a lot less likely to buy the dlc due to my disappointment
The thing is Grimgor and Azhag weren’t in need of saving like Gelt and Franz were. The greenskins were considered good and playable, with little need for any meaningful rework. Reworking factions that were beloved risks angering the people who were already playing. Also putting to much time in factions that were already working well isn’t profitable.
Think this DLC falls into two categories : -Great DLC if you are all about battling and don't have the focus or mind to do empire building -an "ok" DLC if you just want to complete the rosters and sometimes smash things. Personally GOLG is the one i am looking for the most, given how they added an Ogre rework and it's a good mix between empire-building and raiding and battling.
But that’s the racial flavours tho. The 3 factions aren’t great empire builders, they thrive off of fighting. Khorne isn’t a god that allows his follower to settle down if they kill off their opponents, they must move to the next one if they don’t want to be turned into chaos spawn. The ogres cannot stay in any regions for long as they quickly kill and eat everything. The Greenskins live for only 1 thing: Fighting. If the Greenskins stay somewhere too long they start infighting. I think expecting these 3 races to have any type of empire building is unfair, as giving them too much empire building would ruin their lore accuracy. While I think we can criticize the lack of unique mechanics for some lords and the lack of diversity for some races, criticizing the lack of empire building isn’t needed as they shouldn’t have great empire building skills
Tô be honest, my only reason to buy skulltaker is to get more variety with the warriors of chaos and complete the beastmen roster, and abaal looks very fun, so I want the complete roster, my only hope is that they put the new mortal units in the warband upgrade
I think Great Book of Grudges is right that this DLC was probably moved up the queue after leaks and layoffs hence why it took longer and addressed some things thats didn't necessarily seem to be priorities. Tzeentch still only has two LL's, but Slaanesh has only one and is rather undoubtedly going to be the focus of the next DLC and FLC as well.
Golfag is the best Addition since chaosdwarfs dlc. Its so much fun to play and there are different styles to play: Now, in my first play, i try to help the order factions to survive. Its so much fun. Someday i will Start a New one and only fight for Chaos. Or what about to fight only for minor factions and help them to destroy legandary lords? And you could use a mod to change your Startposition and you have a whole New Situation. Its awesome.
Golgy boy is by far one of the most fun lords in the game. It feels really satisfying really playing a mercenary lord. Getting paid in an abundance of meat and gold to just fight around the world and not get diplomacy penalties because its just a job is just great.
I suspect they did the Greenskins here because they really didn't need that much work tbh so they were an ideal 3rd faction from that perspective. I'm not a huge Greenskin or Khorne player BUT I've got obsessive compulsive disorder and I need to have everything so I'm still going to buy all 3 packs LOL ; ) Like you, I don't see anything that bothers me here per se; it all looks fine but I'm only really stoked for the Ogres. While I lament that we didn't get Ghark Ironskin, I'm still pleased that the update seems to have treated the faction well. You're right though, while CA have been active with updates, it's been a long, long time since ToD. I really hope they can pick up the pace between DLC drops like this in the new year. Thanks
Because they decided to ditch the Warhammer 3 base campaign in favour of focusing on Immortal Empires, as IE is now available for those that only have W3.
Doesn't excite me as doesn't involve any factions I'm interested in. Greenskins could have been made to feel a little more unique for each lord tbh. Good to see they still churn out DLCs though.
Playing skulltaker, got level 50 by turn 30 ended the game with 60 blood letters and only three real army’s, definitely not the most broken lord in the game
In my mind Golgfag's campaign and the Ogre rework are almost at Thrones of Decay levels of quality, but the rest... yeah, it's _fine_ is about right. The new Khorne lords are good as such, but I mean... it's Khorne, what are you going to do? They punch things, that's it, pretty much. Then again, I'm not a fan of Khorne in general, so that might be a factor. The one big shame to me is that I really wish they had reworked Azhag and Grimgor while they were giving the Greenskins what is likely going to be the last bit of attention in the series tbh. They need it. Grimgor still has nothing special going on and Azhag is pretty much just a weaker Grimgor with some spells. There's this mod that reworks the necromantic doofus into a sort of Malus Darkblade-esque lord where he struggles with Nagash's crown, that would have been a neat direction for example. Making Skarsnik more vanilla also doesn't sit quite right with me, I liked the challenge and restrictiveness of that campaign. At least Wurzzag is in a really good place now.
New ogres are broken asf, you can take so many settlements with no penalty and no one declaring war on you. I was able to get all of Cathay without getting any enemy.
At this point, the dlc trickle is just killing the game. Stretching the enjoyment out, increasing fatigue. You have to makenthe new lords intetesting, but by doing so you make previous factions redundant. Which means you have to go back and update them . Creating more work and taking labour away from innovation. At this point, they need to do proper EXPANSION PACKS. Nippon, Kush etc.
Bro you have over a hundred lords to chose from, many with unique mechanics. Let the cook cause I don’t ever wanna have to deal with SoC bullshit ever again.
@toddfrombethesda6963 right but the reason we got SoC was due to this policy. Ironically it creates more workload, it is more time for the publishers to mess it up. Not only that, the mechanics aren't all that unique, there is a lot of recycling
Thanks for the vid. For some critic, as someone who isnt a native english speaker i found it extremly hard to follow what you say because you speak so insanely fast at times
You can actually see the spreadsheet optimization logic they went with when working on this DLC: Ogres probably had the least amount of work done previously, and therefore they get the most work done now, which makes sense. Khorne and Greenskins follow, respectively. It's a shame that time dedicated to the factions as a whole reflected on the paid part of the DLC, though. That being said, so far, modders have produced more creative and more impactful, even if jankier, factions and races. Whether this is because of the small indie's company lack of talent or creative freedom (or both) is unimportant, and I find it regrettable that the time and financial investment we have to put into the expansion of this game nets us the equivalent of a high-production, but low-impact mod bundle.
The thing is, CA as to get GW approval on everything whether as modders do not. They don’t lack the talent, just the creative freedom to do anything. Not to mention, the teams seem to be switched between games at the executives will. However the first point is something we need to keep in mind, Games Workshop are the only one with real control here. No additions or changes can be done without them saying “yes, do it”
The issue is not the DLC's smaller scope - CA was pretty transparent about that early on - but rather the fact that this downsizing isn't at all reflected in the price. Also, Gorbad should have been an FLC lord later down the line, and Greenskinz shouldn't have been featured at all in this DLC. I agree that Norsca or Vampire Counts would have been a way better choice instead.
The only difference between OoD and ToD are the nemesis crowen and the flc empire wizard( tough Arbaal is much more flashed out lord then Epidimius) But i agree that greenskins did'nt need it sadly looks like in the next pacht the focuse will be one the greenskins again.
I really, really like the Greenskins, but I must confess - Gorbad Ironclaw was one of the last lords I wanted to see. Why? Because while he is fantastic in a narrative, he is kind of just your average Orc Warlord in actuality, with extra tactical skills. Ergo... Azhag, but without the magic. Not to mention the fact he's dead, and been that way for 800 years or so. I would've much preferred Gorfang Rotgut, who could be a mechanically more interesting character. Overall, the DLC seems kind of lame and without any real substance.
Complains about the angriest smashiest factions being simple yet still fun, might be time to look in the mirror and realize you are not in fact a scholar and a gentleman kiddo.
Yeah I'm sticking with the free content for this one, paid one seems too overpriced for how little it adds (assuming same price as ToD). It seems CA didn't learn anything (again).
"As per usual." I have liked every DLC they've made, I can't see buying them full MSRP for the content you get. I can wait a year for a heavy Steam discount.
“Didn’t learn anything” they legit did what everyone liked with ToD you idiots are just salty you finally discovered that they put variants in games lol
I noticed a lot of content creators have overlooked Wurrzag's new hidden campaign mechanic where he can go around the world building the new unique building Monument of Mork and Gork.
You can build 10 of these all up which give stacking -5% cooldown reduction faction wide for Big and Little Waaagh spells. This adds up to -50% cooldown reduction faction wide. Then Wurrzag gives another -10% reduction faction wide bringing total cooldown reduction to -60%.
Each caster can get another -20% cooldown reduction by putting full talent points into the skill tree for the spell, eg. Foot of Gork. That's -80% cooldown reduction all up.
This makes Wurrzag's faction a powerhouse casting faction.
Bonus tip: His Savage Orcs can now get a scrap upgrade that nullifies magic attacks and reduces spell resistance by 20%.
where did you see the new building Monument of Mork and Gork ?
@@Okidoki258 in any t5 settlement he takes
Are there only 10 on the map?
And apparently Tribal Confederation for Ogres. Which is also great and on brand for the faction. Also also, harsh to Skarbrand. Just like papa Khorne.
That's like the greenskins confederation where you confederate after defeating their faction leader?
@@donpizzaplays8529 Same question here
Skulltakers real name is U'Zhul the Skulltaker. So no idea why he doesn't have his full name.
New Goblins? There aren't any new goblins coming in this DLC is there? It's just Squigs, Spiders and Orcs isn't it?
Yeah, I mentioned this myself in an earlier comment. I think Colonel Damneders is a great channel in general, but one consistent problem I've noticed when them is that they just go too fast when speaking their opinions especially for reviews of DLC without ever expanding or explaining their opinions all the while getting some small pieces of information wrong.
For example, when they were talking about the units for the Ogre DLC (4:49), they only say that the units fill gaps in the roster while only specifically mentioning the thundertusk and the pigback riders. Okay, but what about the Ogre Paymaster, the bruiser, Golgfag's Maneaters, the yhetees, blood vultures, or the Eshin Maneater, and HOW these all of these units exactly fill a gap in the roster? Damneders' review videos honestly need to be at least double in length with them explaining and defending their viewpoints, or their review videos will always be inferior to their other content.
I swear to god, that goober means the goblins with swords that were added a while ago.
The artillery peice is manned by goblins
@@ballysillansown632 Yes, but Colonel Damneders said the "New Goblins" (8:10) were ass, and then proceeded to mention the bolt throwa, meaning that they were talking about two different units, but we're saying the "New Goblins" Damneders mentioned were probably the sword-and-shield goblins unit that were freely added months ago, and thus should not be mentioned in a review about the new DLC units. Again, if Damneders would just slow down and explain each unit and their usefulness while also taking time to fact check, this wouldn't be a problem.
@@Nimrod3202 All I can think is he is referring to the Night goblin big boss, and he meant to say lord, but said unit. Doesn’t come off that way though seems more just a mistaken inclusion.
Overall, it seems pretty good, though I'm still annoyed we didn't get a model update or at least a mount option for Greasus.
The Maneater was the only part of this DLC I was actually interested in anyway, so I'm glad to hear that it's the best part of it.
Ogres desperately needed a rework. One of the few factions that I couldn’t get past turn 50 without calling it quits. Dark elves are the other. Don’t ask why, I dunno, they’re boring to me.
@24fretsoffury I have yet to beat a dark elf campaign. I think malekith starting position is hard and I'm more of a rush or defensive style fighter on the battlefield. Skimishing is something I need to work on but what's your secret to the dark elf campaigns? Are you just a god at this game on very hard?
Just to clarify @ 4:28. You can't teleport the camps with you but rather when you teleport and then set up a camp you can rapidly grow a camp to full power like the Skaven mechanic of rapidly upgrading a settlement? If I understand correctly, ogre camps are now basically a combination of landbound black arcs with skaven quick leveling.
I just hope they fix the valkia situation where she can get the skull throne mechanic and make the wrath mongers be expiring champion
they expire?
@@thechadturion27They have short shelf life.
"Expiring champion" hahah
It's not something to be fixed. It's a different race's different mechanic and unit. Just because the Khorne theme is shared doesn't mean both should be the exact same. God forbid we have some variety.
"Gorbad is by far the best". Gets 5/10, gives the other two 7/10
I have waited for this video!
And we are waiting for yours aswell! 😂
Thank you for the review; I don't agree with everything you said, but it's not like one is going to always agree on everything with a reviewer, of course.
However, I'm bit confused by you mean by "new goblins" at 8:10. The DLC did not come with any new goblin infantry units aside from the the mangler squigs, Arachnarok Spider Flingers, and Bolt Throwa which are all monsters or artillery manned by goblins, but you proceeded to describe them all after stating that the "new goblins" are bad. If you're talking about the new basic Goblin unit, that is again not a DLC unit, but a free unit variant added (alongside the Orc spearz) a few months ago.
Also, I kind of wish you would dial back your disdain for the multiplayer community. Yes, the nerfs caused by them can be a little annoying, but they also ensure that each unit has a specific purpose and role within an army and prevent other units from becoming worthless due to powercreep. Their feedback has also on occasion led to units being buffed. Also, yes, Warhammer III is primarily a single-player game, but single player games still need balance so that different strategies can still be viable and fighting against other units from other factions does not feel impossible or incredibly frustrating.
I don't disagree with the 2nd part of what you wrote, but I think this is a CA/spaghetti code issue. It would be better to have a system like (I can't believe I use them as a positve exaple) what Blizzard has with WoW. Like "we are nerfing this by x% but just in PvP", this way both side would be happy. Single players are happy because those changes are not effecting their gameplay and the multiplayer community would get the changes they want to see. But I see where you are coming from with powercreep and why every unit should be fiddled with every now and then.
@@Kekkening You have a great point, and I do believe that CA has done something like that for the Ogres in the past by only nerfing their units for multiplayer, but I can't be certain. I'm mainly talking about units like the original version of Akshina Ambushers who were straight up good or at least decent at everything and even had SPLASH attacks on top of everything. Plus, due to being a relatively low-tier unit, any Kislev lord could get them early in a campaign and essentially made every other Kislev infantry unit obsolete.
Also, I just personally feel that Colonel Damneders has a lot of unearned and pointless animosity towards the multiplayer community. Yes, again, I agree that it's annoying when their feedback leads to unit nerfs, but they're still a part of this community, and their feedback should be heard just like every other player. They're also arguably the best people to hear feedback from since they use units on a higher level of expertise compared to single players since they have to be good when going against other players instead of AI, and they'll know which units may feel too strong, weak, niche, etc.
And, some of the best content creators for Total War, such as Turin and DahvPlays, are multiplayer-focused and Turin especially hosts the pretty cool to watch tournaments for each DLC release. I know that this is just Damneders' opinion and everything, but it's also kind of tiresome how almost every one of their videos now has a random and unnecessary potshot at the multiplayer community as if they're monsters ruining the fun of single players.
The MP community deserves all the disdain it gets. Especially when the suggested nerfs this time around are basically "remove everything interesting about any unit that can challenge the low cost meta". Mangler Squigs? MP players want to remove their death explosions. Thundertusks? MP players want to remove the javelin and crossbow attacks from their riders. The Skullcannon RoR? MP players want to nerf its projectiles into the ground.
The balance of MP is completely and totally different from the balance of campaign, just look at any tier list from Turin or Humanboy Yesyes, and then compare their lists to the tier lists of someone like Legend. Yet somehow the MP players get to control balancing for a game-mode they don't even play, and get to make arbitrary decisions about what should or shouldn't be nerfed before normal people even get a chance to play the units at all.
also its not like nerfing or buffing units in singleplayer actually does anything. people will still pick what units they want to use no matter what because theres always technology and traits and skill points to buff everything to heaven anyway.
CA asking Sonic for permission to do stuff is a funny mental image lol. It annoys me a little that CA has a valid ''Games Workshop or SEGA won't let us do it'' card to play. It's probably true but still bugs me.
I really wish there was a mechanical reason to pick Skarbrand over Skulltaker or Arbaal, but right now he just straight up has less to work with than them.
I'm also extremely disappointed that neither Grimgor nor Azhag got reworked ala Gelt/Franz.
Hopefully these 3 will get updated in the subsequent patch.
IDK, personally I'm a lot less likely to buy the dlc due to my disappointment
I understand your opinion but that means that you don't want too playe with ogres(they got new mechanics)
@adamkenyeres9036 I didn't say anything about ogres. I am actually pretty excited to play Greasus though
The thing is Grimgor and Azhag weren’t in need of saving like Gelt and Franz were. The greenskins were considered good and playable, with little need for any meaningful rework.
Reworking factions that were beloved risks angering the people who were already playing.
Also putting to much time in factions that were already working well isn’t profitable.
"If i could milk them for ad revenue, i would" lol yeah dont tell that to book of grudges 😂
Think this DLC falls into two categories :
-Great DLC if you are all about battling and don't have the focus or mind to do empire building
-an "ok" DLC if you just want to complete the rosters and sometimes smash things.
Personally GOLG is the one i am looking for the most, given how they added an Ogre rework and it's a good mix between empire-building and raiding and battling.
But that’s the racial flavours tho. The 3 factions aren’t great empire builders, they thrive off of fighting.
Khorne isn’t a god that allows his follower to settle down if they kill off their opponents, they must move to the next one if they don’t want to be turned into chaos spawn.
The ogres cannot stay in any regions for long as they quickly kill and eat everything.
The Greenskins live for only 1 thing: Fighting. If the Greenskins stay somewhere too long they start infighting.
I think expecting these 3 races to have any type of empire building is unfair, as giving them too much empire building would ruin their lore accuracy.
While I think we can criticize the lack of unique mechanics for some lords and the lack of diversity for some races, criticizing the lack of empire building isn’t needed as they shouldn’t have great empire building skills
Why aren’t the new lords playable in the realms of chaos campaing?
Golgcigarette Maneater
Tô be honest, my only reason to buy skulltaker is to get more variety with the warriors of chaos and complete the beastmen roster, and abaal looks very fun, so I want the complete roster, my only hope is that they put the new mortal units in the warband upgrade
I think Great Book of Grudges is right that this DLC was probably moved up the queue after leaks and layoffs hence why it took longer and addressed some things thats didn't necessarily seem to be priorities. Tzeentch still only has two LL's, but Slaanesh has only one and is rather undoubtedly going to be the focus of the next DLC and FLC as well.
Please give Skarbrand his Bonus movement Speed back
Ita generic Khorne skill now
Golfag is the best Addition since chaosdwarfs dlc.
Its so much fun to play and there are different styles to play:
Now, in my first play, i try to help the order factions to survive. Its so much fun.
Someday i will Start a New one and only fight for Chaos.
Or what about to fight only for minor factions and help them to destroy legandary lords?
And you could use a mod to change your Startposition and you have a whole New Situation.
Its awesome.
So now the next DLC has to be Slannesh, Vampire Counts and Norsca. This 3 Factions need more Love from CA.
My list:
1. Orcs
2. Ogres
4. Khorne
Yeah I'm a Nurgle player myself as well. The all loving Grandfather
Golgy boy is by far one of the most fun lords in the game.
It feels really satisfying really playing a mercenary lord.
Getting paid in an abundance of meat and gold to just fight around the world and not get diplomacy penalties because its just a job is just great.
I suspect they did the Greenskins here because they really didn't need that much work tbh so they were an ideal 3rd faction from that perspective. I'm not a huge Greenskin or Khorne player BUT I've got obsessive compulsive disorder and I need to have everything so I'm still going to buy all 3 packs LOL ; ) Like you, I don't see anything that bothers me here per se; it all looks fine but I'm only really stoked for the Ogres. While I lament that we didn't get Ghark Ironskin, I'm still pleased that the update seems to have treated the faction well. You're right though, while CA have been active with updates, it's been a long, long time since ToD. I really hope they can pick up the pace between DLC drops like this in the new year. Thanks
There is an iron skin tribe mod if that helps?
Thanks for the honest review
Multiplayer changes are often cost based and don't impact the campaign.
Thanks for the honest review
I mean 10/10 for me. But that is pure cut Stockholm Syndrome cause I love ogres and CA took this long to let us see the light of day.
i wonder what is next? who could they add?
i just realized something all the charactors seem to share this time around that they are only playable in immortal and custom? Makes you wonder why?
Because they decided to ditch the Warhammer 3 base campaign in favour of focusing on Immortal Empires, as IE is now available for those that only have W3.
Thanks for the video
I don't think it looks like a great DLC but it looks like a fun DLC.
Such a great time to be a human in Warhammer again^^
Doesn't excite me as doesn't involve any factions I'm interested in. Greenskins could have been made to feel a little more unique for each lord tbh. Good to see they still churn out DLCs though.
Playing skulltaker, got level 50 by turn 30 ended the game with 60 blood letters and only three real army’s, definitely not the most broken lord in the game
In my mind Golgfag's campaign and the Ogre rework are almost at Thrones of Decay levels of quality, but the rest... yeah, it's _fine_ is about right. The new Khorne lords are good as such, but I mean... it's Khorne, what are you going to do? They punch things, that's it, pretty much. Then again, I'm not a fan of Khorne in general, so that might be a factor.
The one big shame to me is that I really wish they had reworked Azhag and Grimgor while they were giving the Greenskins what is likely going to be the last bit of attention in the series tbh. They need it.
Grimgor still has nothing special going on and Azhag is pretty much just a weaker Grimgor with some spells. There's this mod that reworks the necromantic doofus into a sort of Malus Darkblade-esque lord where he struggles with Nagash's crown, that would have been a neat direction for example. Making Skarsnik more vanilla also doesn't sit quite right with me, I liked the challenge and restrictiveness of that campaign. At least Wurzzag is in a really good place now.
New ogres are broken asf, you can take so many settlements with no penalty and no one declaring war on you. I was able to get all of Cathay without getting any enemy.
At this point, the dlc trickle is just killing the game.
Stretching the enjoyment out, increasing fatigue. You have to makenthe new lords intetesting, but by doing so you make previous factions redundant. Which means you have to go back and update them . Creating more work and taking labour away from innovation.
At this point, they need to do proper EXPANSION PACKS. Nippon, Kush etc.
Bro you have over a hundred lords to chose from, many with unique mechanics. Let the cook cause I don’t ever wanna have to deal with SoC bullshit ever again.
@toddfrombethesda6963 right but the reason we got SoC was due to this policy. Ironically it creates more workload, it is more time for the publishers to mess it up. Not only that, the mechanics aren't all that unique, there is a lot of recycling
how are they already playing the dlc
Can Skarbrand still run the entire map or nah?
I feel like everyone's dlc expectations are way too high, I find this dlc a very good dlc
I'll buy the khorne part first. Rest when I get bored^^
Greenskins got done dirty.
You are one off the best race and you still got a lot off things
I was really dissapointed with the khorne part, but the greenskins looks surprisingly good. never cared for ogres
WHAT new goblins? There are none.
Black Orcs with shield are paid content unit 😑 and lot of Total war Warhammer start playing dumb
Has bretonnia ever received an update?
Khorngors are whatever, but for Beastmen they're nice.
Video title hits pretty square on the head.
Is it as good as thrones was? Not really.
But it's honestly fine, still good content overall.
Hey modders,
Pls create a mod for malakin makaison and add Him the gameplay from golfag.
Or for lokhir and his ships.
That would be great
Not quite thrones of decay but definitely better than shadows of change
free with creamapi is fair price
Updated the cream api already guyssss
Maybe it’s because they fired everyone with good ideas
Thanks for the vid. For some critic, as someone who isnt a native english speaker i found it extremly hard to follow what you say because you speak so insanely fast at times
You can actually see the spreadsheet optimization logic they went with when working on this DLC: Ogres probably had the least amount of work done previously, and therefore they get the most work done now, which makes sense. Khorne and Greenskins follow, respectively. It's a shame that time dedicated to the factions as a whole reflected on the paid part of the DLC, though. That being said, so far, modders have produced more creative and more impactful, even if jankier, factions and races. Whether this is because of the small indie's company lack of talent or creative freedom (or both) is unimportant, and I find it regrettable that the time and financial investment we have to put into the expansion of this game nets us the equivalent of a high-production, but low-impact mod bundle.
The thing is, CA as to get GW approval on everything whether as modders do not.
They don’t lack the talent, just the creative freedom to do anything. Not to mention, the teams seem to be switched between games at the executives will.
However the first point is something we need to keep in mind, Games Workshop are the only one with real control here. No additions or changes can be done without them saying “yes, do it”
The issue is not the DLC's smaller scope - CA was pretty transparent about that early on - but rather the fact that this downsizing isn't at all reflected in the price.
Also, Gorbad should have been an FLC lord later down the line, and Greenskinz shouldn't have been featured at all in this DLC. I agree that Norsca or Vampire Counts would have been a way better choice instead.
The only difference between OoD and ToD are the nemesis crowen and the flc empire wizard( tough Arbaal is much more flashed out lord then Epidimius) But i agree that greenskins did'nt need it sadly looks like in the next pacht the focuse will be one the greenskins again.
Nah man . Make skull taker similar to Achilles from Troy total war
VC need a rework? since when?
Since game 2
Tried to like ogres but their just not good still
I really, really like the Greenskins, but I must confess - Gorbad Ironclaw was one of the last lords I wanted to see. Why? Because while he is fantastic in a narrative, he is kind of just your average Orc Warlord in actuality, with extra tactical skills. Ergo... Azhag, but without the magic. Not to mention the fact he's dead, and been that way for 800 years or so. I would've much preferred Gorfang Rotgut, who could be a mechanically more interesting character.
Overall, the DLC seems kind of lame and without any real substance.
I have high hope waiting 8 months i guess i wont be playing for awhile the burn out is getting to me
Complains about the angriest smashiest factions being simple yet still fun, might be time to look in the mirror and realize you are not in fact a scholar and a gentleman kiddo.
Yeah I'm sticking with the free content for this one, paid one seems too overpriced for how little it adds (assuming same price as ToD). It seems CA didn't learn anything (again).
sail the seven seas
"As per usual." I have liked every DLC they've made, I can't see buying them full MSRP for the content you get. I can wait a year for a heavy Steam discount.
“Didn’t learn anything” they legit did what everyone liked with ToD you idiots are just salty you finally discovered that they put variants in games lol
@@charlesman8722 they also increased the price to 30 dollars for all of the lords
What are you one the price is the same
Oh no another literally who is mad the dlc didn’t “do enough” to mean his ungodly lofty expectations 😂
Are you ok? If that is your take away, you need to go touch grass as the kids say.
keep your opinions to yourself lil bro
Ogres are my favourite, was a must buy dlc for me, but it is pretty bland as a whole