Yes, we want all the chopping, all the propping, all the tent musings, the silly naughty peduncle giggles...the hints about the future DIY hoya "thing" and the entire wild kitten hunt. We want it all. We will be here rooting for you (no pun intended) and wishing you the absolute best in all you do in 2025 because we don't just love you for your plants. Happy New Year!
Loved this video, so informative. Sure seems like a lot of people are feeling the same way about there collections. Would you please do a pest treatment video? Showing your strategy. Especially how you treat mites? Always appreciate you Miro!
Hi Miro! Thank for sharing your thoughts on downsizing! I feel like , sometimes we just need to change and make things more manageable. I’m here for anything you create and I can’t wait to see the transformation 💚🪴🏡
Yes! Currently, I'd like to focus on some growth, and getting the good looking specimens to look even better & to improve some of those I'd like to see thrive.
Hello Miro, nice to hear and see you again! Space is an issue most collectors. I have a house , 250 square meters, 2 floors, lots of windows. Sounds great, well, I have plants everywhere, but I do forget them in rooms I do use on a regular basis, I also have a huge collection of history books(my work), 3 rooms full of book cabinets and plants, that is my problem. After 50 years I accept the death of a plant, that is life. Anyway, I love your honesty, refreshing.❤ happy 2025
I am at the same place with some of my Hoyas. I would really like to see you do the “treatment “ on a couple, few. I need to do this as well but I just feel stuck lol. I sprayed off a few of mine with a strong jet of water and this seems to have helped. I do have sulfur that I keep saying I’m going to treat them with but I just never do. Love all of your videos, Miro and I will watch any you put out. I’ve enjoyed them all so far. 😀
I think I will definitely do more care videos with pest treatments, trimming, watering and things like that :) It needs to be done anyway, and a lot of people have been requesting it :D
I am looking forward to seeing what you build for your keepers. I am a new collector but one of my principles is that the hoya I grow have to flourish in my ambient conditions. I will manage substrate, fertilizer, natural light levels, watering and growth habit, but the rest is up to them. I know this will limit the varieties I can grow but I don't have space for all 500+ of them anyway! 😛
Yeah, while I would love to have 500 Hoya, there is definitely not enough space here that I can do that in a manageable way. Sure, I can fit 500 propagations, but as they grow, space is an issue, they tangle because they are not properly spaced out, and then the treatment becomes difficult, not to mention cross-contamination when it comes to pests.
I feel the same way about my Hoyas!! Please do videos of chopping, propping, restarting. I need to do the same with so many of my plants as a result of my overwhelm/lack of energy and I’d love to do my chores alongside you to make it less awful lol 😵💫
I'm currently giving several plants in my collection the "stink-eye," which is what I call it when I start thinking about culling them from my collection. I'm fully aware that I went a little ape-crap on anthuriums in the last six months, and that is going to create some serious space issues as they mature. The plants that I'm stink-eying are all doing well, but I just don't love them. My plan is to wait until spring and then see if I can rehome them to folks who will appreciate them. I grow all of my plants in ambient, primarily in two rooms of my house. Back in my African violet days, I had plants EVERYWHERE in my home. It was a hassle and I neglected the ones that weren't in my face all day -- nor did I enjoy them. When I started this chapter of my plant journey, I promised myself that I wouldn't put plants in places where I couldn't see and enjoy them. I haven't, but it's still getting to be too much.
I'm excited about the changes you're making! I have also decided to downsize. I am sick of looking at crowded shelves. I want to be able to see my beautiful plants! I gave away about 10-15 last week. But then I took propagations and made more. I don't know but I'm going to try!
Chopping, treating, prop box vids: yess Talking, showing and evaluating: yess 🥳 Repots (from pon): yess Retrellis: yess Going through another growtent like this: yess 🥳 We all have different conditions, spaces, energy levels What is important is that you enjoy what you are growing It is not important how many plants you have And keep in mind, you are inspiring many of us through your videos to try new things If you do choose to downsize… you will have more time for less plants and the ones who needed more will grow better! If you cannot ziptie the bamboo trellis anymore, then maybe you can add a second one crossed with it and attach them to eachother at the point where they cross (Im doing that for top heavy plants to stabilize them) Looking forward to your new project 😊 For some reason Im thinking of a Hoya carousell… like a massive lazy susan shelf 😅 Hoya hanhiae still gets that yellow mottling on her green leaves in lower light. If its a nutrient deficiency maybe she needs something special like a specific ph/type of soil.. But she is growing and not dropping leaves and making peduncles and the “yellow” is there from the start and stays the same? Its just weird and maybe it is just a part of this clone that is in the genetics? The one with the cream/pink flower doesn’t have it, but that one also has a much lighter shade of green for the leaves 🤔 Hoya calycina started blooming for me in fall, she made peduncles before that.. so maybe it it one of the ones that need less hours of light to start blooming One of the questions I ask myself when reevaluating my plants is “do I want to deal with this plant if I ever get pests again” (There are many questions 😅) - Does this bring me joy/do I really love this - Do I have others that look like this and do I like this one the best - Will I buy it again if I see it a lot (online) - Does this do well for me - Do I have a (good) spot for it and if no am I willing to create a good spot for it - If I can only keep (number) plants, will this be on the list - Does this serve a purpose - If it is not a definite yes, then its a no (These are the ones that came to mind now, but Im sure there are more that are currently being evasive) It helps to keep reevaluating, find new questions or requirements and go through the plants again.. especially after some have been rehomed. It also helps to work towards a number… either a number to keep or a number to rehome.. (or towards emptying a space/room without cluttering the rest of the space/house) There are some plants that I put up for sale…. That suddenly decided to grow their first peduncle (so Im keeping them at least until after they have flowered or blasted) 😂 I have been at it for a while now (several years)… and sometimes a bunch of new plants find their way into my house, thats ok, as long as the process keeps going and I keep an eye on the end goal (which for me is getting under a certain amount of plants) Im hoping it will go well and smoothly for you… but it is quite the process especially since it is about a loved collection… It will take time and patience… and Im looking forward to your journey 🩷 This year I want to downsize 20-25 species of plant (any houseplant) combined with a one in = one out policy (if I buy one new plant that will mean downsizing 21-26 species) Hopes and dreams: more flowers 🌸🌸🌸 Especially hoping that Hoya peninsularis will bloom, she is currently making 3 peduncles… if theres 1 flower Ill be over the moon 😊
Yes, hanhiae has those leaves all the time. It could be that it is just how this clone is. Kind of how Hoya lobbii always has ugly leaves. It does make sense that calycina would want short day length then! Those are great questions to ask! I will write them down & use this as a guide when I evaluate my plants in the future. Thanks! don’t be surprised if you see that list in a future video :D My goal is to downsize about 50 Hoya. We will see how I will do with that! I mean, I will get new ones too, but I hope I am still in the “negative” after that. Perhaps get rid of 50, but get no more than 20… Then again, they keep coming up with new species and interesting color forms. It is hard! I hope peninsularis blooms for you soon too! It is such a lovely Hoya. Flower is amazing. It sucks at growing though, at least for me :D
@ Most of those questions came from declutter/minimalism videos that were a source of advice to get rid of the old clothing that needed to leave the house 😅 Theres another question for if downsizing is really really needed: “Can this easily be replaced?” If a certain plant is readily available for not a lot of money and a fast grower/bloomer, it can be an option to “switch plants” every now and then… Get rid of it to make time/space/energy and get it again at a later time when the same is done with another plant. (Hope my explanation made sense) Wishing you a lovely day And Hoya calycina flowers 🌸🌸🌸
I really love videos like this, almost like a hoya show and tell. I have slowly been getting rid of some of my duplicates (and triplicates)... but im not ready to get rid of any singles..yet. I know I do not need 3 loyceandrewsiana but i cant seem to part with any of them. I feel your pain.
Oh, I got rid of most of my duplicates, but there are still some... Especially some very pretty ones. And then, you can make an argument one does not need all those lacunosas, finlaysoniis, verticillatas... And I can agree with some of that *cough cough* finlaysonii, but NOT MY LACUNOSA!
I plan on adding to my Hoya collection and scale back on other houseplants. I would love to see a treatment video of both topical and root treatments. Looking forward to seeing what you are building and as always wishing you all the best.
I DEMAND (humbly and kindly of course) to see you go through the other tent and I'd love to see some repotting and care videos, those are possibly my favourites. My goal for 2025 is to use plants to beautify my home and to take better care of it because it makes me happier to have a nice space to live in 😊
My goals are really similar as well. But you are doing much better, your tent is so pretty and clean, like hooow do you do it :S My tents always look messy :D Maybe I just don't love my Hoya :D
I feel your pains. I have plants that are difficult to reach due to space and they get neglected. It's really hard to maintain when you have so many plants all over the place. I'm trying to get them organized to make it easier. This weekend I did a lot of repotting on plants that weren't doing well or were in need. So many rotted roots and plants I needed to chop and start over. I've had scale, mealies, flat mites, and now thrips. I had hoyas thriving for a decade, but the last 5 years have been a nightmare with pests and rotten roots. I can't even keep pubicalyx anymore. It's so weird and I can't make sense of it. I used to have hoyas the size of bushes and they are reduced to nothing now.
I hope you give Sarawak another chance. I love mine. I definitely need to downsize, in all aspects. On a decluttering journey. You should try audible books. I'm loving audio books.
I feel this so hard! I had a nightmare pest season with thrips, spider mites (webbing variety), broad mites, flat mites, and root mealy bugs. Lost some plants in my collection I really loved and had to purge many that were infected beyond saving. It helped give me a new perspective about my collection and inspired me to pair down and sell. I now have a more curated collection of plants I love and feel excited to care for ❤
Yes, definitely there have been A LOT of pest issues in the past year, and it probably would all be much easier to stay on top on if I had less plants. ALSO for some reason I have been noticed that as SOON as 2024 turned to 2025, we all got thrips on our Monsteras. Like WHAT.
Happy new year, Miro! Wish you first and foremost health, happiness and may your biggest wishes come true! Glad to see a new video, I had started getting worried. Luckily for me I didn't have a major pest issue last year, except for the occasional thrips showing up and the eternal fungus gnats. May be because, I have a lot of different genus of plants and could separate similar ones (e. g. Alocasias) successfully. But I had to learn to trim and chop without mercy (my gorgeous ceiling touching Asparagus, I almost cried!), get rid of corms (just write online you have something for free and people will come running), stop propagating for no reason: Rapidophora tetrasperma, I'm looking at you; stop making spontanious purchases, which I tended to do and stop trying to save a dying plant I don't particularly care about, just for the sake of it. Saved me a lot of stress and hassle. I've also decided to choose my hoyas for the leaves and my orchids for the blooms for obvious reasons. Don't know if it helps but these are my intentions for the new year, which I started implementing in autumn last year, ha-ha. Seems to be the tone for a lot of plant collectors, though: bring down the number of plants they have in order to make space for the rest to grow...
It makes sense to downsize to the point where you can keep up. I know it isn't easy. Generally I have different tastes in hoya but it's like ice cream flavors, right? I completely agree with your feeling about summer! 💚💚💚
My taste in Hoya definitely changes a lot over time too. But I think I am at the point where I can safely find homes for some of these and not regret it :)
Hello! I your idea of letting go is great, you do so much for your Hoyas, I just have one now a genetic from a big box store poor thing I it maybe this year I'll be taking care of it better. Happy Holidays to you.🧓
I know my Latifolia Sarawak stopped growing completely after she started flowering. I don't know why. I even chopped off peduncles, and it grew more. No leaves, just blooms. It's been very frustrating as I don't want to get rid of it, but I'm getting more and more tempted.
I'm a newbie in the plant world, and only have one hoya, which I don't even know what species it is, looks like a pubicalix, but not quite, so there's that. But I have a list of the ones I definitely want and watch Miro for his entertainment and new ideas 😁 for plants.
Hi Miro, Thank you for this video and for sharing your plans for the coming year in 2025. I always enjoy watching you and your gorgeous Hoyas. Wishing you the best of luck! Take care. 👌🪴🥰
@BasiePlants I've had it for 5 months, and all it's done is drop 2 leaves it tried to grow, and when I repotted it, the new vine it was trying to grow died. So frustrating, I don't know how you do it. I have other plants that are thriving. This is just the beginning of my journey, so I have lots to learn from all the mistakes I make, and I can't wait 😊
Miro its clear that you are underwaterer (as i am😂) why you suffer with the coco husk which is clearly for overwaterers, grow houses and for plants that exposed to the elements. Change the mix to good buffered coco coir and alot of medium sized perlite and you'll have to water less sure you know it..just do it❤
Yeah, coco husk is definitely not for me :D Not by itself at least. I keep thinking I can become a regular waterer, but clearly, that is a delusion! :D
@@BasiePlants I think we got the notion of pure coco husk because professional growers from Thailand are growing in this medium. But it not for us not really, not in our European conditions especially indoors. In short I think you should move to more water retentive medium and it will save you alot of wasted efforts. I change my medium and it saved my collection. I cook and buffer my coco coir and add around 40% number 4-5 perlite and the hoyas loves it. It sounds plain but sometimes the good old plain just work
Hahaha :D Oh I think they are quite messy now! :D They can get cleaner than that! Also, I may ask for an archboldiana/ macgillivaryi/ something aligned with those, if you have A GOOD ONE! :D
Welcome to 2025… I am in the same place with my Hoyas.. And I don’t know if I can even be bothered to spray them consistently and not only that I have to carry them all downstairs into my shower and away from my kitty.. Anyway I look forward to all the videos.. My begonias, ficus, orchids and even African violets are all growing and making me happy.. even my fiddleleaf fig is almost 6’ tall and loving life.. maybe I am not meant to have Hoya.. except my Bella.. she’s always blooming and happy
I think that the issue with Hoya is that the collections have exploded very fast & we have been trading with pests. Hoya, despite what people say, are not THAT resilient and take longer to recover. Mites are a real issue in the collections & so are the root mealybugs & mealybugs. I can see that my Begonia are faster to recover and when it comes to resilience, I can say that my orchids & aroids are more reselient... Orchids have been largerly pest free for me, so having mite & mealybug pressures with Hoya all the time is very frustrating.
After being so careful about letting new plants into my collection, I wasn’t thorough enough spraying some new Hoya this past year and got both soil mealies (satan’s spawn) and flat mites with them. I guess pest problems were hellish worldwide in 2024. I’m really interested in your continuing move from pon to organic mix, and treating for pests. Actually, anything you come up with. Where I am in the northeastern US, I can buy a Safers product that contains sulfur as a ready -to-use spray, which I’m hoping is strong enough to handle the flat mites since it doesn’t leave a residue on the leaves. Some of the Hoyas are growing again after the spray, some are not. Thanks for these videos Miro. I really liked the benguetensis
I can see mealy bugs and spider mites and the occasional fungus gnats. I have to look for thrips but if something is infested I can see them. Now, mites are another story. Do you actually identify them by seeing them, or is it just by the appearance of your plant? I’m all for treatment videos!
I usually "identify" them by looking at my plant and spotting some issues - lack of growth, the appearance of a grazed vine, markings on the leaves etc.
Hey Miro! Great video. You know I don't have nearly as many Hoyas as you do and sometimes it feels overwhelming so I totally understand you. But I must admit this video reminded me a bit of the show "Hoarders". I hope that doesn't sound rude but I think "getting rid of stuff/plants" has to mean "getting rid of stuff/plants". I'm guilty of that myself. Of not getting rid of plants at least. I see a plant that had pests ten times and looks like garbage but yet I don't get rid of it. Or plants that just don't bring me joy. For the last two years I've really tried not to buy any new plants or as few as possible. Plants I really wanted. Not just "oh that's a pretty plant" which doesn't bring me joy after two days. And I got rid of a few and there are still some that I would like to exchange with other plants when spring comes. I'm really excited for the next six months. What changes they will bring you. I wish you all the best. 😊
Haha :D Yeah, it is hard to get rid of them! Especially when they haven't yet bloomed, so I feel I need to stick with them until they do & are proprely documented at least. This is definitely not the first itteration of downsizing, and the plants that were left in that tent were already donwsized. This is 2nd or 3rd round, so naturally, there is less that I want to get rid off :) It is mostly marking how I feel about certain plants, and when I do that with all of them, I can make a list and see which fall in what category, and then I can make a better decission on how many I need to keep/ get rid off. :) So I think a lot that I said will stay in this video, will go, and I will also get new Hoyas, so if I end up liking those more, then it means one of the verticillatas has to go, for example :) But rewatching & editing this video, I can definitely say there are more candidates that I will keep around only until some others come :D
Miro you need a person to assist in editing your collection. It’s always easier for another person to edit because they are not emotionally connected. It’s no different from editing a closet of excess clothes or cleaning out a garage. It’s way easier to edit others clutter :).
I loved this video. Its nice doing a clean out. I think you did good. A lot of those Hoya still spark joy. And the ones that don't either are going or have been given notice. My collection is no where near the size yours is but I just ask myself, do I love this plant? If not, gone. Why keep it? It's not like I'm hurting it's feelings, or anyone else's. Well I guess if it was a gift or something sentimental that would be different. Anyways thanks for the video. I'm cool with more like this one. 🙂 Much love as always, R
It definitely would have been more useful to do this early on, I have had some of these plants for a while now so you inevitably get attached. Definitely my recommendation to you (or anyone reading) is to have these checks every 6-12 months :D
@BasiePlants Oh for sure we get attached!! I can't see myself ever parting with my Hoya rebecca cause she was my first Hoya to bloom.for me and she just keeps blooming. That's just one example. I totally understand getting attached. I get attached to rocks 😅 After getting to know them they're almost like a little being just living it's life with you. But definitely good advice. 😎
Hi Miro, im from Latvia, and i would like to see how you take care of flat mites.. because in my contry we have sulfer only like powder.. and omg i dont understand how to use it.. its messy and i already killed 1 hoya.. still 50 left😢… maybe you have some sugestion? P.s sorry for EN… p.s.s Love your video👑❤ Signe 🫶
Yes, we want all the chopping, all the propping, all the tent musings, the silly naughty peduncle giggles...the hints about the future DIY hoya "thing" and the entire wild kitten hunt. We want it all. We will be here rooting for you (no pun intended) and wishing you the absolute best in all you do in 2025 because we don't just love you for your plants. Happy New Year!
Yes record EVERYTHING!!! 😊 happy new year xxxx
Haha :D OKAY! :D
Errrrr… maybe most things? 😂
Loved this video, so informative. Sure seems like a lot of people are feeling the same way about there collections. Would you please do a pest treatment video? Showing your strategy. Especially how you treat mites? Always appreciate you Miro!
Hello Miro! It’s time to ask a plant buddy to assist you to put your plants up to date. I know it’s a lot of work. 🙋🏼♀️🪴
Too far for me, but I enjoy cleaning my plants ,would love to help.
Your Hoyas are beautiful Miro 😍 Thanks for keeping me company while I got some Hoya chores done 💚
Re-pots are always very interesting to watch. Please do more. Love this show
There will be a propagation video soon! :)
Hi Miro! Thank for sharing your thoughts on downsizing! I feel like , sometimes we just need to change and make things more manageable. I’m here for anything you create and I can’t wait to see the transformation 💚🪴🏡
Yes! Currently, I'd like to focus on some growth, and getting the good looking specimens to look even better & to improve some of those I'd like to see thrive.
Yes please to repotting, chatting and updates! ❤ I have a small collection of about 19+☺️ and some others.
That is a great number! Very manageable :D Several repotting videos coming soon!
Hello Miro, nice to hear and see you again!
Space is an issue most collectors. I have a house , 250 square meters, 2 floors, lots of windows. Sounds great, well, I have plants everywhere, but I do forget them in rooms I do use on a regular basis, I also have a huge collection of history books(my work), 3 rooms full of book cabinets and plants, that is my problem.
After 50 years I accept the death of a plant, that is life.
Anyway, I love your honesty, refreshing.❤ happy 2025
Yes!! Go through another grow tent.. Love looking at your collections of hoyas. ❤
I am at the same place with some of my Hoyas. I would really like to see you do the “treatment “ on a couple, few. I need to do this as well but I just feel stuck lol. I sprayed off a few of mine with a strong jet of water and this seems to have helped. I do have sulfur that I keep saying I’m going to treat them with but I just never do. Love all of your videos, Miro and I will watch any you put out. I’ve enjoyed them all so far. 😀
I think I will definitely do more care videos with pest treatments, trimming, watering and things like that :) It needs to be done anyway, and a lot of people have been requesting it :D
I am looking forward to seeing what you build for your keepers. I am a new collector but one of my principles is that the hoya I grow have to flourish in my ambient conditions. I will manage substrate, fertilizer, natural light levels, watering and growth habit, but the rest is up to them. I know this will limit the varieties I can grow but I don't have space for all 500+ of them anyway! 😛
Yeah, while I would love to have 500 Hoya, there is definitely not enough space here that I can do that in a manageable way. Sure, I can fit 500 propagations, but as they grow, space is an issue, they tangle because they are not properly spaced out, and then the treatment becomes difficult, not to mention cross-contamination when it comes to pests.
I feel the same way about my Hoyas!! Please do videos of chopping, propping, restarting. I need to do the same with so many of my plants as a result of my overwhelm/lack of energy and I’d love to do my chores alongside you to make it less awful lol 😵💫
I'm currently giving several plants in my collection the "stink-eye," which is what I call it when I start thinking about culling them from my collection. I'm fully aware that I went a little ape-crap on anthuriums in the last six months, and that is going to create some serious space issues as they mature. The plants that I'm stink-eying are all doing well, but I just don't love them. My plan is to wait until spring and then see if I can rehome them to folks who will appreciate them. I grow all of my plants in ambient, primarily in two rooms of my house. Back in my African violet days, I had plants EVERYWHERE in my home. It was a hassle and I neglected the ones that weren't in my face all day -- nor did I enjoy them. When I started this chapter of my plant journey, I promised myself that I wouldn't put plants in places where I couldn't see and enjoy them. I haven't, but it's still getting to be too much.
I'm excited about the changes you're making! I have also decided to downsize. I am sick of looking at crowded shelves. I want to be able to see my beautiful plants! I gave away about 10-15 last week. But then I took propagations and made more. I don't know but I'm going to try!
Chopping, treating, prop box vids: yess
Talking, showing and evaluating: yess 🥳
Repots (from pon): yess
Retrellis: yess
Going through another growtent like this: yess 🥳
We all have different conditions, spaces, energy levels
What is important is that you enjoy what you are growing
It is not important how many plants you have
And keep in mind, you are inspiring many of us through your videos to try new things
If you do choose to downsize… you will have more time for less plants and the ones who needed more will grow better!
If you cannot ziptie the bamboo trellis anymore, then maybe you can add a second one crossed with it and attach them to eachother at the point where they cross (Im doing that for top heavy plants to stabilize them)
Looking forward to your new project 😊
For some reason Im thinking of a Hoya carousell… like a massive lazy susan shelf 😅
Hoya hanhiae still gets that yellow mottling on her green leaves in lower light. If its a nutrient deficiency maybe she needs something special like a specific ph/type of soil..
But she is growing and not dropping leaves and making peduncles and the “yellow” is there from the start and stays the same?
Its just weird and maybe it is just a part of this clone that is in the genetics?
The one with the cream/pink flower doesn’t have it, but that one also has a much lighter shade of green for the leaves 🤔
Hoya calycina started blooming for me in fall, she made peduncles before that.. so maybe it it one of the ones that need less hours of light to start blooming
One of the questions I ask myself when reevaluating my plants is “do I want to deal with this plant if I ever get pests again”
(There are many questions 😅)
- Does this bring me joy/do I really love this
- Do I have others that look like this and do I like this one the best
- Will I buy it again if I see it a lot (online)
- Does this do well for me
- Do I have a (good) spot for it and if no am I willing to create a good spot for it
- If I can only keep (number) plants, will this be on the list
- Does this serve a purpose
- If it is not a definite yes, then its a no
(These are the ones that came to mind now, but Im sure there are more that are currently being evasive)
It helps to keep reevaluating, find new questions or requirements and go through the plants again.. especially after some have been rehomed.
It also helps to work towards a number… either a number to keep or a number to rehome.. (or towards emptying a space/room without cluttering the rest of the space/house)
There are some plants that I put up for sale…. That suddenly decided to grow their first peduncle (so Im keeping them at least until after they have flowered or blasted) 😂
I have been at it for a while now (several years)… and sometimes a bunch of new plants find their way into my house, thats ok, as long as the process keeps going and I keep an eye on the end goal (which for me is getting under a certain amount of plants)
Im hoping it will go well and smoothly for you… but it is quite the process especially since it is about a loved collection… It will take time and patience… and Im looking forward to your journey 🩷
This year I want to downsize 20-25 species of plant (any houseplant) combined with a one in = one out policy (if I buy one new plant that will mean downsizing 21-26 species)
Hopes and dreams: more flowers 🌸🌸🌸
Especially hoping that Hoya peninsularis will bloom, she is currently making 3 peduncles… if theres 1 flower Ill be over the moon 😊
Yes, hanhiae has those leaves all the time. It could be that it is just how this clone is. Kind of how Hoya lobbii always has ugly leaves. It does make sense that calycina would want short day length then!
Those are great questions to ask! I will write them down & use this as a guide when I evaluate my plants in the future. Thanks! don’t be surprised if you see that list in a future video :D
My goal is to downsize about 50 Hoya. We will see how I will do with that! I mean, I will get new ones too, but I hope I am still in the “negative” after that. Perhaps get rid of 50, but get no more than 20… Then again, they keep coming up with new species and interesting color forms. It is hard! I hope peninsularis blooms for you soon too! It is such a lovely Hoya. Flower is amazing. It sucks at growing though, at least for me :D
@ Most of those questions came from declutter/minimalism videos that were a source of advice to get rid of the old clothing that needed to leave the house 😅
Theres another question for if downsizing is really really needed:
“Can this easily be replaced?”
If a certain plant is readily available for not a lot of money and a fast grower/bloomer, it can be an option to “switch plants” every now and then… Get rid of it to make time/space/energy and get it again at a later time when the same is done with another plant. (Hope my explanation made sense)
Wishing you a lovely day
And Hoya calycina flowers 🌸🌸🌸
I really love videos like this, almost like a hoya show and tell. I have slowly been getting rid of some of my duplicates (and triplicates)... but im not ready to get rid of any singles..yet. I know I do not need 3 loyceandrewsiana but i cant seem to part with any of them. I feel your pain.
Oh, I got rid of most of my duplicates, but there are still some... Especially some very pretty ones. And then, you can make an argument one does not need all those lacunosas, finlaysoniis, verticillatas... And I can agree with some of that *cough cough* finlaysonii, but NOT MY LACUNOSA!
Babe, wake up! Miro released another video 🔥🔥🔥
😴 😮
Great video. I like that you go through your collections
I am glad you liked it!
😂😂😂 I missed you! Thanks for tge laughs. ❤️
I plan on adding to my Hoya collection and scale back on other houseplants. I would love to see a treatment video of both topical and root treatments. Looking forward to seeing what you are building and as always wishing you all the best.
I DEMAND (humbly and kindly of course) to see you go through the other tent and I'd love to see some repotting and care videos, those are possibly my favourites. My goal for 2025 is to use plants to beautify my home and to take better care of it because it makes me happier to have a nice space to live in 😊
My goals are really similar as well. But you are doing much better, your tent is so pretty and clean, like hooow do you do it :S My tents always look messy :D Maybe I just don't love my Hoya :D
good luck!
I feel your pains. I have plants that are difficult to reach due to space and they get neglected. It's really hard to maintain when you have so many plants all over the place. I'm trying to get them organized to make it easier. This weekend I did a lot of repotting on plants that weren't doing well or were in need. So many rotted roots and plants I needed to chop and start over. I've had scale, mealies, flat mites, and now thrips. I had hoyas thriving for a decade, but the last 5 years have been a nightmare with pests and rotten roots. I can't even keep pubicalyx anymore. It's so weird and I can't make sense of it. I used to have hoyas the size of bushes and they are reduced to nothing now.
Im excited about the new project!
I hope you give Sarawak another chance. I love mine. I definitely need to downsize, in all aspects. On a decluttering journey. You should try audible books. I'm loving audio books.
Happy 2025🎉 Yes, always downsizing, up always adding too lol. I’m a walking contradiction 😅
Thank you for the video. Your verticillatas are magnificent!
Thank you
Hi Miro😌🙌I know for a fact that you can grow Hoya beautifully🥰
Haha :D Sometimes! :D
I feel this so hard! I had a nightmare pest season with thrips, spider mites (webbing variety), broad mites, flat mites, and root mealy bugs. Lost some plants in my collection I really loved and had to purge many that were infected beyond saving. It helped give me a new perspective about my collection and inspired me to pair down and sell. I now have a more curated collection of plants I love and feel excited to care for ❤
Yes, definitely there have been A LOT of pest issues in the past year, and it probably would all be much easier to stay on top on if I had less plants. ALSO for some reason I have been noticed that as SOON as 2024 turned to 2025, we all got thrips on our Monsteras. Like WHAT.
Happy new year, Miro! Wish you first and foremost health, happiness and may your biggest wishes come true! Glad to see a new video, I had started getting worried.
Luckily for me I didn't have a major pest issue last year, except for the occasional thrips showing up and the eternal fungus gnats. May be because, I have a lot of different genus of plants and could separate similar ones (e. g. Alocasias) successfully. But I had to learn to trim and chop without mercy (my gorgeous ceiling touching Asparagus, I almost cried!), get rid of corms (just write online you have something for free and people will come running), stop propagating for no reason: Rapidophora tetrasperma, I'm looking at you; stop making spontanious purchases, which I tended to do and stop trying to save a dying plant I don't particularly care about, just for the sake of it. Saved me a lot of stress and hassle. I've also decided to choose my hoyas for the leaves and my orchids for the blooms for obvious reasons. Don't know if it helps but these are my intentions for the new year, which I started implementing in autumn last year, ha-ha. Seems to be the tone for a lot of plant collectors, though: bring down the number of plants they have in order to make space for the rest to grow...
Happy New Year, Miro!
It makes sense to downsize to the point where you can keep up. I know it isn't easy. Generally I have different tastes in hoya but it's like ice cream flavors, right? I completely agree with your feeling about summer! 💚💚💚
My taste in Hoya definitely changes a lot over time too. But I think I am at the point where I can safely find homes for some of these and not regret it :)
Hello! I your idea of letting go is great, you do so much for your Hoyas, I just have one now a genetic from a big box store poor thing I it maybe this year I'll be taking care of it better. Happy Holidays to you.🧓
The timeliness… once again. Thank you!
I know my Latifolia Sarawak stopped growing completely after she started flowering. I don't know why. I even chopped off peduncles, and it grew more. No leaves, just blooms. It's been very frustrating as I don't want to get rid of it, but I'm getting more and more tempted.
Oh, mine bloomed a lot recently and there wasn't any growth since!
@BasiePlants hopefully you don't have the curse as well!!
I'm a newbie in the plant world, and only have one hoya, which I don't even know what species it is, looks like a pubicalix, but not quite, so there's that. But I have a list of the ones I definitely want and watch Miro for his entertainment and new ideas 😁 for plants.
Hi Miro, Thank you for this video and for sharing your plans for the coming year in 2025. I always enjoy watching you and your gorgeous Hoyas. Wishing you the best of luck! Take care. 👌🪴🥰
I am glad you are enjoying the videos
It could still be a pubicalyx, there is a lot of them :)
@BasiePlants I've had it for 5 months, and all it's done is drop 2 leaves it tried to grow, and when I repotted it, the new vine it was trying to grow died. So frustrating, I don't know how you do it. I have other plants that are thriving. This is just the beginning of my journey, so I have lots to learn from all the mistakes I make, and I can't wait 😊
Miro its clear that you are underwaterer (as i am😂) why you suffer with the coco husk which is clearly for overwaterers, grow houses and for plants that exposed to the elements. Change the mix to good buffered coco coir and alot of medium sized perlite and you'll have to water less sure you know it..just do it❤
Yeah, coco husk is definitely not for me :D Not by itself at least. I keep thinking I can become a regular waterer, but clearly, that is a delusion! :D
@@BasiePlants I think we got the notion of pure coco husk because professional growers from Thailand are growing in this medium. But it not for us not really, not in our European conditions especially indoors. In short I think you should move to more water retentive medium and it will save you alot of wasted efforts. I change my medium and it saved my collection. I cook and buffer my coco coir and add around 40% number 4-5 perlite and the hoyas loves it. It sounds plain but sometimes the good old plain just work
So excited to see what you are going to build!
Hopefully it will be finished soon!
@@BasiePlants 🤓⭐
Your Incrassata is beautiful. Both of mine are so slow and no new growth. 😢
Great job love the attitude for the new year no nonsense grow or go i think i will use it as well
Regardless of plant care struggles, I am so impressed at how clean and tidy your grow tents are!
You’re welcome to have a go at mine anytime😬🫣
Hahaha :D Oh I think they are quite messy now! :D They can get cleaner than that! Also, I may ask for an archboldiana/ macgillivaryi/ something aligned with those, if you have A GOOD ONE! :D
@ yes of course! You do need to research monsoon seasons for their natural habitat tho. I think you will have far more success x
Welcome to 2025… I am in the same place with my Hoyas.. And I don’t know if I can even be bothered to spray them consistently and not only that I have to carry them all downstairs into my shower and away from my kitty.. Anyway I look forward to all the videos.. My begonias, ficus, orchids and even African violets are all growing and making me happy.. even my fiddleleaf fig is almost 6’ tall and loving life.. maybe I am not meant to have Hoya.. except my Bella.. she’s always blooming and happy
I think that the issue with Hoya is that the collections have exploded very fast & we have been trading with pests. Hoya, despite what people say, are not THAT resilient and take longer to recover. Mites are a real issue in the collections & so are the root mealybugs & mealybugs. I can see that my Begonia are faster to recover and when it comes to resilience, I can say that my orchids & aroids are more reselient... Orchids have been largerly pest free for me, so having mite & mealybug pressures with Hoya all the time is very frustrating.
@ I agree 100% the friggen mites are making me crazy.. I feel bad for you with those mealies..
After being so careful about letting new plants into my collection, I wasn’t thorough enough spraying some new Hoya this past year and got both soil mealies (satan’s spawn) and flat mites with them. I guess pest problems were hellish worldwide in 2024.
I’m really interested in your continuing move from pon to organic mix, and treating for pests. Actually, anything you come up with. Where I am in the northeastern US, I can buy a Safers product that contains sulfur as a ready -to-use spray, which I’m hoping is strong enough to handle the flat mites since it doesn’t leave a residue on the leaves. Some of the Hoyas are growing again after the spray, some are not. Thanks for these videos Miro. I really liked the benguetensis
I can see mealy bugs and spider mites and the occasional fungus gnats. I have to look for thrips but if something is infested I can see them. Now, mites are another story. Do you actually identify them by seeing them, or is it just by the appearance of your plant? I’m all for treatment videos!
I usually "identify" them by looking at my plant and spotting some issues - lack of growth, the appearance of a grazed vine, markings on the leaves etc.
Woop woop🎉🎉 ❤
Excited for this video
Glad to hear it 🥰
Yayy! Happy New Year, Miro! 😀💕🪴
Hey Miro! Great video. You know I don't have nearly as many Hoyas as you do and sometimes it feels overwhelming so I totally understand you. But I must admit this video reminded me a bit of the show "Hoarders". I hope that doesn't sound rude but I think "getting rid of stuff/plants" has to mean "getting rid of stuff/plants". I'm guilty of that myself. Of not getting rid of plants at least. I see a plant that had pests ten times and looks like garbage but yet I don't get rid of it. Or plants that just don't bring me joy. For the last two years I've really tried not to buy any new plants or as few as possible. Plants I really wanted. Not just "oh that's a pretty plant" which doesn't bring me joy after two days. And I got rid of a few and there are still some that I would like to exchange with other plants when spring comes.
I'm really excited for the next six months. What changes they will bring you. I wish you all the best. 😊
Haha :D Yeah, it is hard to get rid of them! Especially when they haven't yet bloomed, so I feel I need to stick with them until they do & are proprely documented at least. This is definitely not the first itteration of downsizing, and the plants that were left in that tent were already donwsized. This is 2nd or 3rd round, so naturally, there is less that I want to get rid off :) It is mostly marking how I feel about certain plants, and when I do that with all of them, I can make a list and see which fall in what category, and then I can make a better decission on how many I need to keep/ get rid off. :) So I think a lot that I said will stay in this video, will go, and I will also get new Hoyas, so if I end up liking those more, then it means one of the verticillatas has to go, for example :) But rewatching & editing this video, I can definitely say there are more candidates that I will keep around only until some others come :D
Not me distracted by watching uour plant video while i should be moving probably 50 plants in one area of my small apt....
I do this too all the time :D
Miro you need a person to assist in editing your collection. It’s always easier for another person to edit because they are not emotionally connected. It’s no different from editing a closet of excess clothes or cleaning out a garage. It’s way easier to edit others clutter :).
Miro!!!!!! You look fabulous!!! Your skin looks soooo good. What have you been doing?
I was playing around with the smooth skin effect on the camera and left it on by accident 🤣 I actually hate it, it is so unnatural looking 😂
@@BasiePlants That explains a lot. All the time I was thinking "what's going on with his beard?!" 😂
I loved this video. Its nice doing a clean out. I think you did good. A lot of those Hoya still spark joy. And the ones that don't either are going or have been given notice. My collection is no where near the size yours is but I just ask myself, do I love this plant? If not, gone. Why keep it? It's not like I'm hurting it's feelings, or anyone else's. Well I guess if it was a gift or something sentimental that would be different.
Anyways thanks for the video. I'm cool with more like this one. 🙂
Much love as always, R
It definitely would have been more useful to do this early on, I have had some of these plants for a while now so you inevitably get attached. Definitely my recommendation to you (or anyone reading) is to have these checks every 6-12 months :D
@BasiePlants Oh for sure we get attached!! I can't see myself ever parting with my Hoya rebecca cause she was my first Hoya to bloom.for me and she just keeps blooming. That's just one example. I totally understand getting attached. I get attached to rocks 😅
After getting to know them they're almost like a little being just living it's life with you.
But definitely good advice. 😎
Hi Miro, im from Latvia, and i would like to see how you take care of flat mites.. because in my contry we have sulfer only like powder.. and omg i dont understand how to use it.. its messy and i already killed 1 hoya.. still 50 left😢… maybe you have some sugestion?
P.s sorry for EN…
p.s.s Love your video👑❤
Signe 🫶
“Let’s all be better” hahahahaha
Repot me Miro!😂
So am a little on the lazy side have 3 plants I need to pot up would rather watch plant video instead lol