Cascade Loop bike adventure part 11 and done

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Final chapter to this awesome adventure for Ian and I as this father/son adventure comes to a close and a huge monumental achievement for Ian with the climb up Washington and Snoqualmie pass during the time on the trails and roads. Would have worked out with another couple segments but safety became apparent as i was unable to remedy Ian's brake issues, a problem I discovered to be a relatively easy fix, just wished I had become more familiar with the calipers prior to the trip. Live and learn, constant in the universe.
    We departed close to 5:30 to make our way on to Hwy 20 and eventually the summit. Found that utilizing the e power really helped Ian to reduce how much energy he had to strain himself with the leg power he was able to deliver and stayed at a constant 5-7 mph up the slope which was definitely reasonable considering how much weight we were hauling up. I didn't use nearly as much battery mostly due to my conditioning as a seasoned cyclist, considering the nearly 200 lb bike/trailer combo, just kept it in the low gear as I followed behind Ian at his pace. The struggle was averaged out with all the outstanding scenery that one experiences on the bike as we traversed through the slope as we got closer to the top. Even stopped off at the Lone Fir campground to check it out, only to discover how packed up it was, more popular than I first thought. The remainder of the climb to 5,477 ft went steadily along till we reached the official sign and mandatory pics taken. Stopped off at the overlook to take a good break before the fast descent.
    It was at that point when things took a turn for the worst. Somehow Ian's brake calipers had lost effectiveness and did what i thought would adjust them but the cable was already set correctly, only to discover the adjustment on the back had backed out on Both front and rear with a loose tension locking screw to hold the adjuster in place. To my surprise and Ian's fast up to 40 mph ride, he kept his cool even while squeezing the brakes with no affect. Steered smoothly enough till reaching a level area and I was able to use the rest of the spare rope to provide braking power of my bike for both and keep the downhill speed down to about 10 since my brakes weren't strong enough to slow down both fully loaded bikes. Felt like the trip down to the Diablo Lake overlook took a very long time and was already mid afternoon by the time we worked out transportation for Ian down to Newhalem with his bike and trailer. I made a quick ride down and made great time. With us getting back into cell range, was able to call my wife to render assistance since Ian's brakes needed much attention to get him back on the road safely, otherwise if cut short the remaining 92 miles for the ride home.
    Otherwise we made it home and gave ourselves plenty of rest. Tons of footage to go through to get the story ironed out, absolutely fun trip overall!

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