Keith Olbermann Unmasks Saboteurs Behind Phony Town Hall Protests
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- Keith Olbermann on the provocateurs and saboteurs behind the phony protests at Town Halls meetings: "... somewhere in those crowds of genuinely angry people, people who listen to Cornyn or Dobbs, or fantasize with Beck about poisoning their way to a Democrat-free world, or salivate like Pavlovian dogs at the sound of the shrill whistle from Sarah "Death Panel" Palin, somewhere in those crowds are some actual people with some actual brains still working and thinking and evaluating."
Still working and thinking and evaluating at www.michaelmoor...
This guy is great & his commentary is as fresh today as it was back then . Thank you Mr. Olbermann for your contrbution to real journalism.👍🏽💪🏼👍🏽
Actually there *are* death panels, but they exist inside the insurance corporations who decide who gets care and who doesn't, depending on how much THEY will profit or lose.
The problem about Keith´s rethoric is that he is asking the rightist bigoted audience to "THINK".. That might be IMPOSSIBLE.
As a native of Texas for 30 years, I am ashamed to call John Cornyn my Senator.
Eloquent & succinct, Keith. You're missed.
Keith Olbermann is one of the few people in America who is not afraid to tell the public how democracy works. And what certain people do to it, to attain profits. Thank you Mr. Olbermann for staying true to the facts.
No One could have said it better!
Thank God for Keith
A very good contribution by an intelligent man. The USA need more Olbermanns. Thanks for posting !
Like Rep. Anthony Weiner said:
"Name a single thing a private insurance company does to make anyone healthier, to save anyone money. Health insurance companies operate like they're supposed to. They're businesses. They operate to make profits. How do you make profits? By giving away as little, and collecting as much. It's the opposite of the imperative that we have as the representatives of the people."
Truer words were never spoken, my friend.
Sarah Palin spent $150,000 on clothes in one week...thats how American she is; she feels our pain, man.
hooray some one thats telling it how it is
He's right about the "yell-fire-in-a-crowded-theatre" example. The panic I hear in people who are scared of the totalitarian capitalism of the Soviet Union is palpable. It is as if they were frightened kids at camp whose counsellor has told them that there is a monster at the bottom of the lake. Their parents should make sure that "counsellor" is FIRED!
Obama's health-care best defined is like splitting the cost of your car insurance with a man who has had seven D.U.I.s, three speeding tickets, and five running the stop sign..While you have a clean driving record.I'm healthy, I take care of myself....I'm 42 most people think I'm in my early 30's, I can out-lift , out-run, most of the teenagers on my street and a few come to my house to work-out. Why should I share the cost of health-care with those who chose to live an un-healthy lifestyle?
It's sad to see how easily misled are so many Americans.
All I can say for now is AMEN!
Thank you Keith Olbermann for stating the obvious to counter the propaganda of the right wing.
You have seen what these Republicans have been saying about the UK's NHS?
I congratulate them, they have done what was once unthinkable - the British are feeling European.
Its a new world....
People from France, Canada, Spain, U.K., Switzerland don't come here to get care. Do you know how much it costs to see a doctor in France? 20 euros, that's less than 30 dollars. That's why they are healthier. The government prohibits doctors from charging too much, so people go to the doctor more often instead of just going when you're about to die. Here doctors get paid to do procedures, in Europe they get paid to keep people healthy. Big difference.
He can rip anyone a new one.
Keep it up Olbermann, we need a voice like you.
The right to life mentioned in the declaration of independence is not to have your life preserved by other people, it is your right to as an individual to take all of the [peaceful, non-coercive] actions that sustain and promote his life, so that you can pursue happiness as you see fit. If somebody chooses to preserve your life, it is awfully nice of them, but there is no obligation.
"Stop being hypocritical liars."
My favorite teacher in law school always said that when most people run out of arguments they shift to attacking the other person, instead of attacking the person's ideas.
Don't do that, makes you look uneducated, even if you aren't. Keep your cool. Think what the proper response to the argument should be, type it up, read it, and post your comment. Attacking the person gets you nowhere in the discussion.
Sad, isn't it? And scary!! Even knowing this, I still find it shocking that people believe the lies over the truth.
As a witch,i take offense..we're not that idiotic!
Thank god for journalists like Olbermann
Took the words right outta my mouth.
I love you Keith, keep speaking the truth and exposing these frauds
this is not socialism, this is Good business,
Hick?I've never owned a gun! Ever! I never even hunted! Not once! I don't even eat meat! I'm a hick? By what standards? I've never ever would ever think of hurting my wife! I don't drive a pick up truck! My house doesn't have tires and it's paid for, my cars are paid for, my daughter's tuition is paid by me,also I pay for my families health insurance! Forgive me for being a responsible person, also a tax-payer! When's the last time you wrote out a check to IRS! Never, right?You should thank me!
Well said Olbermann!
The Hypocrisy is fascinating! This is the same man who night after night had nothing but hateful words for the people in power the last go round. If you are going to cook it, you'd better be ready to eat it!
Many of men have given their lives for the freedoms and liberties we have today.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself for example fought for the privilege of equal opportunity, cause he understood the phrase of Thomas Jefferson, "The pursuit of happiness."Even though the democrats fought Dr. King, he still continued to push forward that someday people like you and I could have the opportunity through hard work pursue the American dream. Now once again the dream is being attacked by Democrats
Any health care legislation must lower medical costs for Americans without increasing deficits and the national debt.
"The bills introduced by congressional Democrats fail to meet these standards,"
Democrats also are calling for cuts in Medicare spending, using some of the savings to help uninsured workers. A House bill would result in a net reduction in Medicare of about $200 billion.
"We're a nation of people who want the ability to choose what will best fit our families' needs."
Is this bill going to force you to give up your premium front-of-the-line privatized health insurance plan?
Why do you people keep rationalizing against the bill as if it was? Nothing about this plan is meant to tell you want you CAN'T do with your health care.
No one is saying it is ok to do it, whether you're a R or D. My point is if he is going to be morally outraged at a D's effigy being hung, he has to show the same indignation when Palin's is hung.
Simply the best in the business today!
Actually, Government does a pretty good job running the police, the fire department and the postal service.
They're scared because they believe what they are told - if they gave themselves a second to think. A minute to open their mind. An hour to research. They would have no fear.
He is spot on!!!
If in your world lying is considered telling the truth...
I'm worried, but not that much. We are the majority, we control congress and have the presidency. We will do this, and generations from now we will be remembered as the ones who put an end to "for-profit-healthcare".
Thanks for posting.
Should Keith Olbermann really be lecturing us about "hate speech"?
Actually - This country was formed on a government by, for and of the people. Not Freedom from government.
We are one of the few counties where we have free elections - yet we Fear the government. I France - the government serves the people and is afraid of upsetting the people.
It is a shame that we have lost all respect for our country - so much so that so many people distrust all elected officials.. Sad, sad state .
The study is primarily based on cost. The U.S. extra cost is development of medical advancements that thousands of people from all countries come for when they need life saving treatments involving Comprehensive Care & State-of-the-Art Technologies; Proton Therapy, BrainSUITE, Da Vinci Robotic Surgical Systems & the best Doctors on earth. The rating is also based on access, which is where we need improvement. Not, giving bureaucrats the rite to deny care for the elderly.
Being scared of socialism is something the US did during the cold war. Right now, our health care system is completely broken. Socialized medicine is working great in other countries, so why not here?
I know how to spell a lot of words........That's what happens when you're educated and know the facts.
Are we broke? No. We just allow our government (under every administration) to spend money like its free. Look at a map of the stimulus spending in Alaska for fixed up airports.. 10-15 million for airports that serve a hundred people...
Our GDP is nearly more than all of the rest of the world put together, we only have 300 million people. Only a small portion of those people are sick. Not having free healthcare is evidence of unregulated spending and big business control.
I agree it's like picking a team. It does not matter what team you root for, it's about betting on the one that will be the best pick for you, or in this case, America. Is that your point?
oh good god. a grown man had a child while committing adultery :( youre quite right. that is the true evil in this world. we must band together and fight against this. let our rings combine!
Your right on also sabu took the words right outta my mouth!
i read something that sounds appropriate the people who fight against socialists so fervently tend to become socialists themselves
If wages had kept up with insurance costs we wouldn't be having or needing these discussions. Corporations want free trade to move jobs overseas for cheap labor and now the jobs that are left pay little and people don't have enough money to pay insurance premiums anymore so we need heathcare plain and simple. If big business doesn't want reform it needs to repel free trade and bring back good paying jobs.
Wasn't formed on a government. . . the governments that were intact on the North American continent were rebelled against and over thrown. It is written and taught that the reason was because of overpowered government as well as church.
I believe the number is around 44 million uninsured citizens (being lazy and not looking it up). I don't dispute the fact that out health care system is in the crapper. I dispute the way it is proposed being fixed. Put laws on the insurance, pharmaceuticals and doctors taking their illegal monopoly away. Price goes down, everybody gets insurance and we can find something else to complain about.
We already have the greatest health care system in the world, we need to keep the intrusive government out of it. To fix HC we need to create access for low income Americans by reducing tort litigation against Doctors and letting the insurance companies compete state-to-state. Health insurance is in need of a tune-up but it is NOT broke. The US Government spending is what's broken. Our nit-wit actor on training wheels is not "fixing" anything.
You go Keith!!! Blast 'em man!!!!
for a guy who wants to jump all over liers, he should get all over Obama he's gone back on a few of his key points that I supported
To bad Olberman , didnt take the time to find out to what Palin was referring when she used the term level of productivity in society as being the basis for determining access to medical care. If Olbermann, who holds himself in the highest of intellectual esteem, had bothered to do something other than react, he would have realized that the approach to health care to which Palin was referring was none other than that espoused by key Obama health care adviser Dr. Ezekia.
Keith hits the target as per usual
Learn yours. The changes in political parties since the 1960's in this nation has been well documented. Besides, if you think that ideology is what fuels political parties in this nation then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
I have been in Business for my self since I was 8 yrs old, I am a Free enterprise, Capitalist, But I don't rip off my Customers like the Ins. Co. do
there should be know Profit in Health Care. its make for bad medicine.
@jdggearhead Please cite the exact location of this excerpt because I haven't been able to find it.
Keith please run for congress we are looking for a few good men sir
I've been watching the RUclips videos showing these "Astrotufers" doing their thing at these townhall meetings and I keep seeing the same faces over and over again.
I have never heard of this man before, but I must say that his rhetoric is convincing and what he says in the video is in line with what I believe in.
And no I am NOT here to start an argument: I am merely showing my appreciation, so all y'all haters can step off.
Umm.. No. France has the greatest health care system in the world. We're #36... Behind Costa Rica, Chile, Australia, Finland, Canada, Israel, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Cyprus, Sweden, Colombia, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, UK, Holland, Iceland, Greece, Portugal, Norway, Japan, Spain, Singapore, San Marino and Italy that all have a national health service.
(I might have missed some from the list)
Look it up. World Health Organization.
How about a no party system.
I love when he says THE ENEMY.
Lunatics have got to stick together!
So, if ten people say 2+2=chair does that mean that the five who said 2+2=four are wrong?
Do you use USPS often? It is not efficiently ran which is why businesses don't use it. Also police and fire departments are ran on a local basis not at the federal level.
If you want to know how bad the government is at doing things look at the DMV.
Great clip!
Olbermann needs to ask the political party he so vehemently defends to give his free thought back. He also needs to ask his leader why he has 3 "death panel" proponents as his top advisors. Idiocy has a voice and it is not Sarah Palin, it is Olbermann and the rest of the SRM (state run media)
You're a card carrying member of the "patriot brigade" (ie: boot licking, flag waving, bible thumping, reactionary, Right wing/Trumpanzee social scum...) now, aren't you??????
He's kidding right? No one of a sound mind supports the hanging of anyone's effigy. However, where was his outrage 6 months ago when the left-wing fringe hung an effigy of Palin?
pipzor, that's a great system for Sweden. I personally think it's against what America was founded for.
So if we give governments control of everything, whats to stop them from taking control of the citizens?
Explain to me how an insurance collective that must cover its own costs, cannot be bailed out by tax dollars, and receives no federal funding constitutes a government takeover.
It amazes me that people are able to get upset about things they know so little about.
For example: does the existence of public universities constitute a "takeover" of higher education? Is Harvard University going out of business becuase Florida State is partially funded by tax dollars?
This is awesome
Great vid!
I agree with the nearly all of what Keith Olbermann says in it.
I pay 32% in taxes, I am getting free health coverage, education(abroad included), police, public cleaning(been to NY), childcare, firemen, 1 year payed maternity leave, etc. heck, if I ever lost my job the state would start sending me money.
Just like you... I to live in a country on the verge of socialism, it sure sucks! damn your strange views! :)
Coming from New Zealand where we have govt healthcare, it is amazing. Sure we have some problems, but it is so ridiculously cheap compared to what the US has now. Why is it that america is so scared of socialism? The most socialist and liberal countries in the world tend to be the best anyway
Where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed. (Obama)
You Go keith!
well said
Thank you for your fact free analysis., exy.
You got it in one, jim!
Private Health Insurance is 3 times more cost effective than Government Health Insurance. Government covers 27% of people, it spends as a percentage more than Canada & UK. (this model will cost massive $) It is far more cost effective to go with free market solutions through private insurance. Tort reform & letting insurance co. compete state-to-state, you will see incredible affordability for all Americans to get HC if we go in this direct approach, Obamas takeover style is reckless & wrong.
Go ahead, ignore common sense. Glen Beck loves your worship.
God damn! Olbermann just fucking pwned everybody in a very serious kind of way.
All I can say, or actually hope for is that this video appears on much more computer monitors throughout the United States, so that many misguided Americans may finally be able to determine what is fact, and what is fiction.
Please, please please please...
Pure ownage.
Hellotommy, just because you believe in something more fervently than what other people belive doesn't make it true. I can only imagine what else you believe in. . .
What about those of us who just want to keep the products of our own labor? I'm not some politico. I just don't want to be forced at the point of a gun to take care of other people I may have voluntarily taken care of, otherwise.
Man, you lack the seals in your passport to have this discussion properly. You have to go and see what I'm talking about for yourself. You've never been to a British hospital or a French hospital. You've never gotten sick in Europe. I lived in Spain for 4 years and never paid for a single doctor's appointment.
As an Irishman in America, I'm sickened by your post. There were citizens of the US as well as Irish in America who did support the IRA. They'd hold pathetic fundraisers to send money back to Ireland. I must say, the majority of them were not Republicans. They were not Democrats either. However, they did fall on the far left spectrum of politics. The Republican in IRA has nothing to do with Republicans in the US. You need to get a refund from your university. Sad education indeed.
The system in which the economy is privately owned but the government controlled, is technically fascist economics. That was the economic policy of Benito Mussolini. Of course Mussolini was more unpopular for his political policies not his economic ones. But this economic system does redistribute wealth to whoever is politically correct and politically well connected. But what is freedom if you do not have the freedom to be politically incorrect?
2 much cokane !!!
8:07 Really sounds like he's talking about Palin here.
Wow... that was pathetic.
How about a source on that?Im interested.