Be warned, there are spoilers throughout the video specifically regarding the Second Dream and New War as they were relevant in retelling the history leading into this quest. I did put a note in the video and added an additional warning right before the spoileriest of spoilers but... please be cognizant, I don't want to ruin anything for anyone still wanting to be surprised.
I appreciate the thorough warnings. I didn't start playing until well after these story points were live, but through sheer luck I was totally unaware. Suffice it to say: The Second Dream blew my shit up
Albrect says, “Continuity and it’s twin, Wanderlust” at a point. I know it’s a metaphor, but I can’t help but feel there’s a message blindly awaiting us there
Continuity (metaphorical term, not specifically the Orokin ritual) fears the passing of the present status-quo, with its comforts and rituals, its grasp on power and what is known. While Wanderlust actively seeks out the unfamiliar and the mysterious, tossing aside convention and ever finding the new and wonderful. On the other hand, continuity holds fast to what works, maintains stable order, and seeks to preserve rather than destroy. While wanderlust often stumbles head long into disaster, is prone to excess, and cares not for the repercussions of its actions. Extremes of either, left or right, lead to ruin. It is only the careful balance of each-sometimes one more than the other-that can lead to lasting harmony and advantageous progress. The nature of duality.
I enjoyed this video, he reminds me of a historian and a good history film is what this felt like and you don't see many of those these days. I look forward to more of his videos.
Thank you!!! I appreciate that, and... oddly that was what i was trying to convey but wasn't sure i was getting it across well enough. I guess i didn't do so bad after all!
Theory: I believe “the indifference” had a hand in the sentients gaining their intelligence due to that is only after traveling through the void to tau that they became self-awar like what happened with the cavia.
They were built sentient. But they were supposed to be cleared out or commanded when their job was done and the orokin arrived. They got an early 'warning' from a time capsule transmission from the zariman
Only about halfway through, and this is very fascinating as always, of my favorite parts of your videos is that you've chronicled the syndicate rank up cutscenes, that usually flesh out the characters involved. Like, I'd love for the Entrati and Holdfasts and now Cavia to have a button on their main faction rank up person (so, Mother, Quinn and Fib) that would allow us to rewatch those scenes. We earned them, we should have access to them. And this might be a hot take, but those scenes are, in some ways, more valuable than just getting loot rewards or new gear. DE has been going hard on building more lore and narrative, and I love that that's a motivator for at least some of the playerbase. They meet a new group, and...they want to see what happens to them. The Cavia scenes were especially well done. I wonder if we can politely nudge Pablo to get those included somehow.
It's my headcannon, that the tenno when given the audience all said among themselves. "Margulis," just her name, nothing more before they tore down an Empire one gilded brick at a time
What a phenomenal job on this, I am a returning player and kind of forgot everything and this video makes it all make sense again haha thank you for this
With all the crazy stuff that has happened so far, I often forget that so far, the story hasnt even left the Origin System yet. Like, even if it eventually runs out of storytelling potential, we could just finally manage to travel to another system, tell a whole new story.
That's because the Void is meant to be confusing. Inconsistent. It's adimention in which mind dictates reality. And there is an entity in there whose mind is as powerful as it is dangerous. SPOILERS: The Duviri Paradox conclusion tells us that the Drifter created Duviri. As in the random person who escaped from the Void-stranded Zariman into the Void itself, before having any powers. That only makes sense if the Void just naturally obeys any present mind, and Wally was distracted away from this little corner of the Void (possibly by setting up a deal in another version of reality).
@@akhannar9368 First off. I'm glad you understand that it makes no sense for a reason. Second off. Thanks for the spoiler warning, not that I needed it, I've completed all story quests, but it's nice to know there are people who don't just say things without a warning. Thanks.
Likewise but given the name, we shouldn't be surprised that it is confusing. After all, what is "nothing"? Millennia of philosophers have offered definitions and explanations and the debate rages on. My guess is that DESteve views it as "it could be anything" but to be more concrete, I infer from Entrati's Eternalism the Void is something that conventions of time and space, matter and energy do not apply.
basically here is what I gathered: it’s like a crumpled ball of paper and jamming a needle through it. when in it it takes memory and thought and mimics, making twisted interpretations. but gives off radiation, which is fine low dosages but in high single amounts like in the Zariman jump made the crew feral and gave the kids powers beyond their control. in order to actually use the Void as a highway, the Solar Rail network and Reliquary Drives were built. the Void energy/radiation is too much for Sentients to adapt to and quickly die from (but they’re robots, who cares)
I now understand what happened in the Rhino Prime entry. One of the Rhino warframes being experimented on escaped, went on a savage rampage like all Warframes up until that point, but as soon as it got close to the cell where they kept the dead Zariman children, one of them transfered (somehow) into Rhino calming it, like we did with Umbra. Now whether the cell kept them actually dead, or the void form of themselves, I'm unsure. Is this what Dominus was hiding on that island with the Tenno Dolls in coffins?
That's an interesting theory indeed. In the near future we're going to be getting back to duviri to explain that, hopefully before Jade shadows and I'll take a deeper look into that...
Yeah, this entry has so many omissions - or holes. Presumably Davis' discovery was purely accidental; a chance proximity of a waframe and a Zeriman child. Whether the kid was "dead" or not could work either way because of Eternalism but your instinctive take is very, very interesting. The big question is did the transference happen spontaneously without equipment which gave rise to the line of research that would lead to the development of a transference unit (chair) or was there some experimentation going on the Zeriman child that just happened to trigger the transference? Either way, there must have been some kind of range effect OR Davis operated some kind of switch to connect them that stopped Rhino in its tracks.
@@johnpayne7873 Transference was something before the Tenno. So I doubt the last one. As it is line with the use of Kuva and the Power struggle / Slavery mentality of the Orokin.
@@johnpayne7873 all of this is really just my educated guess, but here's what I think: equipment is not necessarily written as required, so the chair and transference bolts may merely be a way to aid in a safe transference (If you've listened to the Naberus, think of something similar to blue kuva). Now, imagine a genuine specter of a Tenno, toeing the line of dead and alive, basically a stream of energy at this point, hitting into the good old Rhino and accidentally triggering transference without any experience or support. I would think this permanent. As I pointed out before, this is just my educated guess, but I think this is how something like that would happen. Either way, Darvis's insane working lady luck like that XD. He only had rumors and guesses to go off of, more than likely
Both Kaleen and Margulis seemed to have been attacked or otherwise disfigured in the eye. Could it be the tenno halucinating the eyes of the man in the wall in their eyes? Or just related in some way? Were Magulis's eyes ever healed? Was it her lack of sight or eyes that allowed her to eventually comfort the tenno? Does the fact that the lotus wears a headpiece covering her eyes relate to any of this? I just have so many questions relating to such a small piece of this video. I'm very curious on yours and others' thoughts.
Considering the things Sythel (as a representation of someone falling to void corruption because of her fear) says as she turns into the orowyrm, this could have something to it. "WHY ARE YOUR EYES LIKE THAT?!"
Ummm... at 14:35 in the video, why do you say the Old War is over. The jump occurs before the war as the Zariman children are the ones who use the Warframes to help win the war.
The sentients went to tau before the Zariman incident, otherwise, tau would not have been terraformed for them and there would be no trip, making the zariman either going to a completely hostile world or one that is loaded with sentients.
@@TheDsIEGE I assume they wouldn't know the sentients had turned till they came back and were hostile. So the way I've read it was they sent the sentients, and then after a short time, the Zariman was sent after to begin finalizing the colonization process. Something too mentioned by Lotus was the Golden Wrath which triggered the war. We don't know yet what that was either - was it a self destruction sequence or did the Orokin send one of those big towers like on Venus and it messed with the sentients? Alot of the story feels very up for interpretation with how open they leave some things.
@@DragonFangX I'm actually going to be touching on this in the next video. It's... well it might be a bit of an oversight one way or another within the lore... Tell me what you think if you get a chance to watch the next vid
I've always wondered about the Tenno's relationship to the Lotus during the Old War era. Did they know the Lotus was made in Margulis's image? I'm assuming they're at least aware that Margulis was executed. So did they just see Lotus as her replacement? Or did they just figure she had a similar vibe and went along with it?
I would think, even with the mask one they would recognize her, don't you think? After all, Margulis most likely wore some kind of face covering anyhow given that she was blinded by them yes?
@@TheDsIEGE Yup. Unless the Tenno were locked into their Warframe's when Lotus was their guide. I know they were only sealed away in the Second Dream after the old war, but perhaps Margulis found a way to lock them to their frames before that. Otherwise what's stopping the Tenno from rebelling after she was murdered?
Incredible video! I'm back to warframe after years and I barely remembered the keys to move my character let alone the lore so I was wondering... if I play again the story quests that I've already done, can I experience again the cutscenes and all the dialogs (also the ones in the orbiter with lotus for example)?
I assume Frames were made to be or later became use for single Tenno. This is because during The Sacrifice, we heal a Frame still gripping with PTSD untold centuries after the Empire collapsed. In this there’s two important pieces, one is Ballas specifically points out Tenno went in and were ‘able to heal a broken thing’ and our options for how said Frame would use the trauma, acceptance, hatred, or move past it. If a Frame was originally given to a Tenno who healed with violence and the next mission was given to a more merciful child, the frame would be less effective.
Nice review. Questions: 1. Is transference a Void based physical process while continuity a biologic one or are they essentially the same? 2. On the whole, Orokin society seems to be a technocracy, founded upon rationality and empiricism. The glaring exception is the Continuity "ritual" which has arcane metaphysical elements. Is this explained some where? 3. When the Helminth subsumes a Warframe, does it also absorb its residual consciousness? If so, are the Tenno guilty of identity erasure just like the Orokin?
I have to say that transference and void tech in general, (not to be confused with void powers) are somewhat strange on themselves. Because Void Tech depends on the Heart of Deimos, as we learned in the quest heart of Deimos. As void powers are imbued in the user but are still connected to the void and strings - all void related stuff are somewhat connected.
Wow's a really good question and... goes deeper into the whole "do the frames keep their sentience concept. Where does their consciousness go? I really do believe we're going to come to find that the protoframes were the originals, the umbras if you will. then the primes and regular frames were copied, piece by piece, for larger scale production or... reproduction should the original fall in some way, which I'm betting we'll find some of them did and some... are still out there.
@@TheDsIEGE But Prime frames can’t be subsumed, right? This makes lore sense as Entrati was responsible for both primes and the Helminth and he seems to have a particular pride in - and a sense of obligation to - the former
yknow. i've always been confused by this and I must say NOW I HAVE to ask. in the initial awakening. we see that multiple of the frames awake. so does that mean multiple tenno are awakening. or is the operator that the player plays as the only tenno awake and actively using a warframe (apart from the stalker)? (amazing video btw I eagerly await part 2)
I have a feeling it might be revealed later that Wally gave the sentiments their sentience since they just some how get it after some time passing through the void. Since we found out that he influenced parvos granum to later make the corpus I don’t think it’s far fetched that he interfered in the sentients design as well when they were exposed to the void similar to how when the cavia were exposed to direct void giving them conscious thought. Just a thought not sure how I feel about it since a part of me feels like it takes away a little bit from the sentients and just gives credit to Wally.
I've actually believed this for quite some time and... I'll do you one better. I believe he or it has a hand in literally every void related technology in some way shape or form.
What I don't understand is the girl in the intro is theoretically us, the player, right? But aren't we supposed to be in Lua sleeping, not even aware that we're not actually just warframes? Or am I missing something?
I don't think so. If anything, I would wager she is more of an agent of the lotus or... the literally embodiment of DE in the game, bringing you back to the origin system
@TheDsIEGE oh. So she's symbollic? Cause didn't she reappear in the New War quest cinematic trailer as a tenno? You also said in the video that she did transference to wake the warframe which I think exactly what happened since there was void traces and she disappeared which only makes sense as a tenno and as the character we're playing since we're literally going to play the warframe that just woke up.
When you go the the relay, you can see that it belongs to "Tenno faction". There a lot of tenno in the origin system, we build dojos, create our own weapons (tenno lab), protect, build and rebuld relays and so on. Back in days there were even clan wars as well. Developers just don't accent this in main quests because, making the script more personal
I disagree with some of your assessment of the Grineer, I think the Grineer were genetically unencumbered by cloning under the Orokin, mentally stunned yes, but not physically defected. In the lore it says the Grineer are genetically defected from successful cloning based off "half-remembered" technology. The Grineer are defected because they lack access to Orokin cloning techologies and procedures. If Star Wars taught us anything about cloning, it also helps to have the original templates as well.
What if the indifference gave sentients their sentience? They travelled the void and it happened after that. What if Indifference gave them sentience to wreck havok and weaken solar system? Or he was bored lol.
@@TheDsIEGE I also have the same believe. Especially with what HUHOW said about the TAU system. And then we see the same thing happening in the NEW WAR. Which cannot be a coincidence.
Be warned, there are spoilers throughout the video specifically regarding the Second Dream and New War as they were relevant in retelling the history leading into this quest. I did put a note in the video and added an additional warning right before the spoileriest of spoilers but... please be cognizant, I don't want to ruin anything for anyone still wanting to be surprised.
I'll warn my friend about the spoilers but I think he will watch anyway lol thanks for this!
I appreciate the thorough warnings. I didn't start playing until well after these story points were live, but through sheer luck I was totally unaware.
Suffice it to say: The Second Dream blew my shit up
Albrect says, “Continuity and it’s twin, Wanderlust” at a point. I know it’s a metaphor, but I can’t help but feel there’s a message blindly awaiting us there
Couldn't agree with you more... with every quest it become more and more relevant too.
What if blue kuva :O
@@wolfynightwolfthe anti-riven mod😈
@wolfynightwolf Tenet Kuva lmao
Continuity (metaphorical term, not specifically the Orokin ritual) fears the passing of the present status-quo, with its comforts and rituals, its grasp on power and what is known. While Wanderlust actively seeks out the unfamiliar and the mysterious, tossing aside convention and ever finding the new and wonderful.
On the other hand, continuity holds fast to what works, maintains stable order, and seeks to preserve rather than destroy. While wanderlust often stumbles head long into disaster, is prone to excess, and cares not for the repercussions of its actions.
Extremes of either, left or right, lead to ruin. It is only the careful balance of each-sometimes one more than the other-that can lead to lasting harmony and advantageous progress.
The nature of duality.
"Time's up kiddo"
"You. Are. Late."
ima watch the shit out of this while I'm sleeping, and then again in the morning when I wake up
once for the ears once for the mind.
I hope you enjoyed it doubly!!!
The intro cinematic gave a lot of screen time for Excalibur and Mag and little to nothing for Volt lmao
Foreshadowing to warframe 1999 all those years ago?
Maybe Volt was Albrecht in a warframe suit lmao
Yet Volt is the most picked 😂
True, i wonder why my boy volt never gone up much in anything including the ads
@@SoulbreakerNB omg I need this to be true lmao
I enjoyed this video, he reminds me of a historian and a good history film is what this felt like and you don't see many of those these days.
I look forward to more of his videos.
Thank you!!! I appreciate that, and... oddly that was what i was trying to convey but wasn't sure i was getting it across well enough. I guess i didn't do so bad after all!
Theory: I believe “the indifference” had a hand in the sentients gaining their intelligence due to that is only after traveling through the void to tau that they became self-awar like what happened with the cavia.
they traveled to Tau at slower than light speeds.
They were built sentient. But they were supposed to be cleared out or commanded when their job was done and the orokin arrived. They got an early 'warning' from a time capsule transmission from the zariman
It's amazing how we as extradimensional gods controlling the greatest weapons in existence are so relatable and digestible in a certain way to us.
At the end of the day, gods or not, they're just kids and... well I believe we can all relate to that, right?
Only about halfway through, and this is very fascinating as always, of my favorite parts of your videos is that you've chronicled the syndicate rank up cutscenes, that usually flesh out the characters involved. Like, I'd love for the Entrati and Holdfasts and now Cavia to have a button on their main faction rank up person (so, Mother, Quinn and Fib) that would allow us to rewatch those scenes. We earned them, we should have access to them.
And this might be a hot take, but those scenes are, in some ways, more valuable than just getting loot rewards or new gear. DE has been going hard on building more lore and narrative, and I love that that's a motivator for at least some of the playerbase. They meet a new group, and...they want to see what happens to them. The Cavia scenes were especially well done.
I wonder if we can politely nudge Pablo to get those included somehow.
It's my headcannon, that the tenno when given the audience all said among themselves. "Margulis," just her name, nothing more before they tore down an Empire one gilded brick at a time
What a phenomenal job on this, I am a returning player and kind of forgot everything and this video makes it all make sense again haha thank you for this
damn this is so good, I finished the quests last week so it will be awesome to see it put together
I hope you enjoy!!!!
I really hope that one day we can visit tao as a new fresh location thats been mentioned for 10 years
With all the crazy stuff that has happened so far, I often forget that so far, the story hasnt even left the Origin System yet. Like, even if it eventually runs out of storytelling potential, we could just finally manage to travel to another system, tell a whole new story.
I am still so confused about how the Void works. Like every quest makes it more mysterious. Every question answered makes us ask three more.
That's because the Void is meant to be confusing. Inconsistent. It's adimention in which mind dictates reality. And there is an entity in there whose mind is as powerful as it is dangerous.
SPOILERS: The Duviri Paradox conclusion tells us that the Drifter created Duviri. As in the random person who escaped from the Void-stranded Zariman into the Void itself, before having any powers. That only makes sense if the Void just naturally obeys any present mind, and Wally was distracted away from this little corner of the Void (possibly by setting up a deal in another version of reality).
@@akhannar9368 First off. I'm glad you understand that it makes no sense for a reason. Second off. Thanks for the spoiler warning, not that I needed it, I've completed all story quests, but it's nice to know there are people who don't just say things without a warning. Thanks.
Likewise but given the name, we shouldn't be surprised that it is confusing. After all, what is "nothing"? Millennia of philosophers have offered definitions and explanations and the debate rages on. My guess is that DESteve views it as "it could be anything" but to be more concrete, I infer from Entrati's Eternalism the Void is something that conventions of time and space, matter and energy do not apply.
basically here is what I gathered: it’s like a crumpled ball of paper and jamming a needle through it.
when in it it takes memory and thought and mimics, making twisted interpretations.
but gives off radiation, which is fine low dosages but in high single amounts like in the Zariman jump made the crew feral and gave the kids powers beyond their control.
in order to actually use the Void as a highway, the Solar Rail network and Reliquary Drives were built.
the Void energy/radiation is too much for Sentients to adapt to and quickly die from (but they’re robots, who cares)
I imagine the void is like the warp in 40k but minus the demons
A refresh of the lore! Noice
It's going to lead into a full retelling!
Could it be that Vor did captures a few of the generations of Warframes hence the grineer theme skins on a few frames
So far, we haven't seen it but... yes potentially, or... perhaps maybe his void friend can help him...
@@TheDsIEGE interesting 🤔 the lures and stories are so deep, the probability is endless
Nice to be here for the Premiere!
Thank you so much for being here and the engagement as well! The support is really greatly appreciated!
I now understand what happened in the Rhino Prime entry.
One of the Rhino warframes being experimented on escaped, went on a savage rampage like all Warframes up until that point, but as soon as it got close to the cell where they kept the dead Zariman children, one of them transfered (somehow) into Rhino calming it, like we did with Umbra.
Now whether the cell kept them actually dead, or the void form of themselves, I'm unsure.
Is this what Dominus was hiding on that island with the Tenno Dolls in coffins?
That's an interesting theory indeed. In the near future we're going to be getting back to duviri to explain that, hopefully before Jade shadows and I'll take a deeper look into that...
Yeah, this entry has so many omissions - or holes. Presumably Davis' discovery was purely accidental; a chance proximity of a waframe and a Zeriman child. Whether the kid was "dead" or not could work either way because of Eternalism but your instinctive take is very, very interesting.
The big question is did the transference happen spontaneously without equipment which gave rise to the line of research that would lead to the development of a transference unit (chair) or was there some experimentation going on the Zeriman child that just happened to trigger the transference? Either way, there must have been some kind of range effect OR Davis operated some kind of switch to connect them that stopped Rhino in its tracks.
@@johnpayne7873 Transference was something before the Tenno. So I doubt the last one. As it is line with the use of Kuva and the Power struggle / Slavery mentality of the Orokin.
@@chaellExE When in the timeline did transference come about and could you help with my understanding of why it did?
@@johnpayne7873 all of this is really just my educated guess, but here's what I think: equipment is not necessarily written as required, so the chair and transference bolts may merely be a way to aid in a safe transference (If you've listened to the Naberus, think of something similar to blue kuva). Now, imagine a genuine specter of a Tenno, toeing the line of dead and alive, basically a stream of energy at this point, hitting into the good old Rhino and accidentally triggering transference without any experience or support. I would think this permanent. As I pointed out before, this is just my educated guess, but I think this is how something like that would happen. Either way, Darvis's insane working lady luck like that XD. He only had rumors and guesses to go off of, more than likely
Rhino eating the scientists that made it is such a metal intro for rhino prime. The definition of an ugly thing and the kids taking away its pain.
I refined a few of my theories thanks to your video here. As always great stuff!
A 40 min video im in heaven
My friend is new and I want to hook him with the lore. THANK YOU ❤
Both Kaleen and Margulis seemed to have been attacked or otherwise disfigured in the eye. Could it be the tenno halucinating the eyes of the man in the wall in their eyes? Or just related in some way? Were Magulis's eyes ever healed? Was it her lack of sight or eyes that allowed her to eventually comfort the tenno? Does the fact that the lotus wears a headpiece covering her eyes relate to any of this?
I just have so many questions relating to such a small piece of this video. I'm very curious on yours and others' thoughts.
Considering the things Sythel (as a representation of someone falling to void corruption because of her fear) says as she turns into the orowyrm, this could have something to it.
cant wait for part 2!
Working on it as we speak!
Didn't catch these 2 premieres but watching them tonight 👀
I hope you enjoy!!!
@@TheDsIEGE I always do good sir, just sad I missed the premieres.
This video made me notice that the Ascaris bolt clips through Volt's gown
Peak peak peak peak peak. Mans boice is like gold
This was amazing
Thank you!
Ummm... at 14:35 in the video, why do you say the Old War is over. The jump occurs before the war as the Zariman children are the ones who use the Warframes to help win the war.
The sentients went to tau before the Zariman incident, otherwise, tau would not have been terraformed for them and there would be no trip, making the zariman either going to a completely hostile world or one that is loaded with sentients.
@@TheDsIEGE I assume they wouldn't know the sentients had turned till they came back and were hostile. So the way I've read it was they sent the sentients, and then after a short time, the Zariman was sent after to begin finalizing the colonization process.
Something too mentioned by Lotus was the Golden Wrath which triggered the war. We don't know yet what that was either - was it a self destruction sequence or did the Orokin send one of those big towers like on Venus and it messed with the sentients? Alot of the story feels very up for interpretation with how open they leave some things.
@@DragonFangX I'm actually going to be touching on this in the next video. It's... well it might be a bit of an oversight one way or another within the lore... Tell me what you think if you get a chance to watch the next vid
I've always wondered about the Tenno's relationship to the Lotus during the Old War era. Did they know the Lotus was made in Margulis's image? I'm assuming they're at least aware that Margulis was executed. So did they just see Lotus as her replacement? Or did they just figure she had a similar vibe and went along with it?
she wears that mask, which apparently is part of her eidolon appearance.
I would think, even with the mask one they would recognize her, don't you think? After all, Margulis most likely wore some kind of face covering anyhow given that she was blinded by them yes?
@@TheDsIEGE Yup. Unless the Tenno were locked into their Warframe's when Lotus was their guide. I know they were only sealed away in the Second Dream after the old war, but perhaps Margulis found a way to lock them to their frames before that. Otherwise what's stopping the Tenno from rebelling after she was murdered?
36:13 I interpreted that as natah using a sentient jump to leave the area in a disguise
Incredible video! I'm back to warframe after years and I barely remembered the keys to move my character let alone the lore so I was wondering... if I play again the story quests that I've already done, can I experience again the cutscenes and all the dialogs (also the ones in the orbiter with lotus for example)?
I assume Frames were made to be or later became use for single Tenno.
This is because during The Sacrifice, we heal a Frame still gripping with PTSD untold centuries after the Empire collapsed. In this there’s two important pieces, one is Ballas specifically points out Tenno went in and were ‘able to heal a broken thing’ and our options for how said Frame would use the trauma, acceptance, hatred, or move past it. If a Frame was originally given to a Tenno who healed with violence and the next mission was given to a more merciful child, the frame would be less effective.
This is such a good video.
Thank you!!!!
Nice review. Questions:
1. Is transference a Void based physical process while continuity a biologic one or are they essentially the same?
2. On the whole, Orokin society seems to be a technocracy, founded upon rationality and empiricism. The glaring exception is the Continuity "ritual" which has arcane metaphysical elements. Is this explained some where?
3. When the Helminth subsumes a Warframe, does it also absorb its residual consciousness? If so, are the Tenno guilty of identity erasure just like the Orokin?
I have to say that transference and void tech in general, (not to be confused with void powers) are somewhat strange on themselves. Because Void Tech depends on the Heart of Deimos, as we learned in the quest heart of Deimos. As void powers are imbued in the user but are still connected to the void and strings - all void related stuff are somewhat connected.
Wow's a really good question and... goes deeper into the whole "do the frames keep their sentience concept. Where does their consciousness go? I really do believe we're going to come to find that the protoframes were the originals, the umbras if you will. then the primes and regular frames were copied, piece by piece, for larger scale production or... reproduction should the original fall in some way, which I'm betting we'll find some of them did and some... are still out there.
@@TheDsIEGE But Prime frames can’t be subsumed, right?
This makes lore sense as Entrati was responsible for both primes and the Helminth and he seems to have a particular pride in - and a sense of obligation to - the former
The Orokin Empires Folley was the dreaded: *Night Of The Naga Drums.*
Fun fact. About Capt vor's janus key is that the J is silent
I have reason to believe the Sentients went sentient BECAUSE of the void kinda like what happened to the Cavia
yknow. i've always been confused by this and I must say NOW I HAVE to ask. in the initial awakening. we see that multiple of the frames awake. so does that mean multiple tenno are awakening. or is the operator that the player plays as the only tenno awake and actively using a warframe (apart from the stalker)? (amazing video btw I eagerly await part 2)
Funny that you mention that... it will be discussed in part two!
I still believe in the one true Tenno Theory.
This is epic.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
I'm not sure who the girl is at the beginning. Is she an Ostron or the drifter?
What abaut tenno who wake up before adding 2020 awakening? We can tell its some thing like first wave of tenno?
Warframe has a vaati? Awesome
I hope you enjoy!!!!
I have a feeling it might be revealed later that Wally gave the sentiments their sentience since they just some how get it after some time passing through the void. Since we found out that he influenced parvos granum to later make the corpus I don’t think it’s far fetched that he interfered in the sentients design as well when they were exposed to the void similar to how when the cavia were exposed to direct void giving them conscious thought.
Just a thought not sure how I feel about it since a part of me feels like it takes away a little bit from the sentients and just gives credit to Wally.
I've actually believed this for quite some time and... I'll do you one better. I believe he or it has a hand in literally every void related technology in some way shape or form.
Oh man. The void didn't really turn the adults crazy, did it?
What if the Tenno didn't really kill the 7. What if they made a deal with certain Tenno who got to meet them?
Id love for a quest where we go back in time to slaughter orokin. I genuinely hate them.
7:23 Jade Light?!
Drumstick 🎉
It's almost time!!!
What I don't understand is the girl in the intro is theoretically us, the player, right? But aren't we supposed to be in Lua sleeping, not even aware that we're not actually just warframes? Or am I missing something?
I don't think so. If anything, I would wager she is more of an agent of the lotus or... the literally embodiment of DE in the game, bringing you back to the origin system
@TheDsIEGE oh. So she's symbollic? Cause didn't she reappear in the New War quest cinematic trailer as a tenno? You also said in the video that she did transference to wake the warframe which I think exactly what happened since there was void traces and she disappeared which only makes sense as a tenno and as the character we're playing since we're literally going to play the warframe that just woke up.
Is there an in-lore reason for multi-player.
Yes. There is more than 1 warframe
When you go the the relay, you can see that it belongs to "Tenno faction". There a lot of tenno in the origin system, we build dojos, create our own weapons (tenno lab), protect, build and rebuld relays and so on. Back in days there were even clan wars as well.
Developers just don't accent this in main quests because, making the script more personal
unsure, but the word "conclave" means private meeting so perhaps it's a way for tenno to train against each other?
@mordegaard I'm just a bit confused as I get "main character" vibes from the story, not "one hero among many"
I disagree with some of your assessment of the Grineer, I think the Grineer were genetically unencumbered by cloning under the Orokin, mentally stunned yes, but not physically defected. In the lore it says the Grineer are genetically defected from successful cloning based off "half-remembered" technology. The Grineer are defected because they lack access to Orokin cloning techologies and procedures. If Star Wars taught us anything about cloning, it also helps to have the original templates as well.
I'm sorry I'm two hours late!!
I'm just glad you made it!!! Hope you enjoyed!
Sorry I missed it
No worries!!
Hello everyone
Hello and Good evening to you!
I thought the Tenno ended the Great War.
Check out part 2, I think you'll appreciate that in particular
69th like goes hard 🗿
Best one of all the likes aside from 420...
@@TheDsIEGE just wait till I pull out the alt account
I’m so late
I'm just glad you made it!!! Did you enjoy!
@@TheDsIEGEsure did keep it up
What if the indifference gave sentients their sentience? They travelled the void and it happened after that. What if Indifference gave them sentience to wreck havok and weaken solar system? Or he was bored lol.
so the sentients had the same thing as the cavia?
the void made them smart enough to understand it and then striped them of the ability to replicate?
That's what I think. Certainly not confirmed but... c'mon, especially with that cavia story, it has to be alluding to the same thing.
@@TheDsIEGE I also have the same believe. Especially with what HUHOW said about the TAU system. And then we see the same thing happening in the NEW WAR. Which cannot be a coincidence.