Reaction To Dżem - List do M (Live Performance)

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 438

  • @anuskas9244
    @anuskas9244 11 месяцев назад +307

    Wtedy ważna była muzyka, tekst i emocje. Wyszedł facet na scenę, wziął mikrofon i śpiewał z serca... Całym sobą...

    • @pawegaanczuk575
      @pawegaanczuk575 11 месяцев назад +16

      kiedyś to były czasy.... teraz to ni ma czasów

    • @anuskas9244
      @anuskas9244 11 месяцев назад +17

      @@pawegaanczuk575 Jeśli chodzi o muzykę to faktycznie teraz nie ma czasów 😉

    • @pawegaanczuk575
      @pawegaanczuk575 11 месяцев назад +13

      @@anuskas9244 zgadza sie... teraz to jest kibel, kila I mogila, I popowa papka

    • @Micsc
      @Micsc 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@anuskas9244 może złej muzyki szukasz xD

    • @7vivo
      @7vivo 11 месяцев назад +4

      prawie go wnieśli, taki był nawalony

  • @izabela1961
    @izabela1961 11 месяцев назад +458

    Mom, I'm writing a poem to you
    Maybe the last one, definitely the first one
    It's a deep, dark night
    I'm sitting in bed and she's sleeping next to me
    And so he breathes calmly
    I hear some music
    No, it's just noise in my head
    I sit and drown and drown in tears
    Because I'm sad because I'm alone
    Fear chokes me
    Loneliness is such a terrible fear
    It embraces me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    That there is no God, there is no God, no
    There is no God, no
    Oh no
    Only my house is peaceful
    Where are you, and where am I, and I'm not there, no
    Where I won't go back again, probably not
    Mom, I love you very much, I love you
    I thought you hurt me
    And it was me, oh, I hurt you
    It's a pity I realized this so late
    And so late, I understood it
    I understood it
    Loneliness is such a terrible fear
    It embraces me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    That there is no God, there is no God, no
    Loneliness is such a terrible fear
    It embraces me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    That there is no God, there is no God, no
    No, no!
    There is no God, no!
    There is no God, no!
    Loneliness is such a terrible fear
    It embraces me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    That there is no God, there is no God, no
    I imagined that
    There is no God, no
    Mom, I'm writing a poem to you
    Maybe the last one
    Maybe the last one (Google translate)

    • @marcinzawisza8781
      @marcinzawisza8781 11 месяцев назад +22

      @Mert Pol please read text of this song.

    • @91michalll
      @91michalll 11 месяцев назад +8

      small mistake. "And so he breathes calmly". sholuld be "And so she breathes calmly"

    • @BuffaloSoldierPL
      @BuffaloSoldierPL 11 месяцев назад +57

      It’s a rather poor translation, here is a better one;
      Mum, I'm writing you a poem.
      Maybe the last one, surely the first
      The night is still and dark
      I'm sitting up in bed and she's sleeping beside me
      And she's breathing so steadily
      Music is filtering through to me
      Or is it just the buzzing in my head
      I'm sitting here, awash with tears
      As I'm sad and alone
      Fear is choking me
      Solitude is such a dreadful fear
      Overwhelming me, pervading me
      You know, Mum, I've imagined
      There is no God, no!
      There is no God.
      Calm is only my home
      Where you remain and where I no longer am
      Where I will probably never return
      Mum, I love you very much, I love you!
      I thought you'd done me wrong
      But it was me who's done you wrong
      Such a shame I grasped it so late
      So late did I understand
      I did understand
      Solitude is such a dreadful fear
      Overwhelming me, pervading me
      You know, Mum, I've imagined
      There is no God, no!
      There is no God.
      Solitude is such a dreadful fear
      Overwhelming me, pervading me
      You know, Mum, I've imagined
      There is no God, no!
      There is no God.
      Mum, I'm writing you a poem.
      Maybe the last one

    • @arth0044N
      @arth0044N 11 месяцев назад +11

      Miałem się zająć tym właśnie, ale to jest głęboka poezja, wiec cieszę się, że ktoś się już tego podjął.

    • @arth0044N
      @arth0044N 11 месяцев назад +6

      Ładnie. Ja nie lubię tłumaczyć, bo nie mówi się słowo w słowo, ale to tłumaczenie mi się bardzo podoba.

  • @edytaolszewska4002
    @edytaolszewska4002 11 месяцев назад +214

    Byłam na tym koncercie i pamiętam kiedy Rysiek zaczał śpiewać List do M zaparło nam dech w piersiach. To było bardzo emocjonalne. Bardzo dużo z moich znajomych walczyło z nałogiem. Kiedy śpiewał Rysiek łzy płyneły nam po twarzach. To było bardzo głębokie. ❤️

    • @krzysiekbaginski4761
      @krzysiekbaginski4761 11 месяцев назад +2

      a co Dżem grał na tej Rawie ?Pamięta Pani?:)

    • @gregir1
      @gregir1 11 месяцев назад +4

      tez tam bylem ,niezapomniane chwile,ale czego niezapomne to koncert w klubie Medyk i poznanie osobiscie Ryska

    • @7vivo
      @7vivo 11 месяцев назад +2

      ćpanie to nie nałóg tylko bezsilność głupoty, z chorobą to można walczyć,a do ćpania czy chlania nikt nie zmusza i nie łapie cię to niespodziewanie

    • @KatarzynaDuga
      @KatarzynaDuga 10 месяцев назад +5

      Zazdroszczę Ci ze byłeś na koncercie Ryśka. Mam nadzieję że u Twoich znajomych jest wszystko dobrze. Sama wyszłam z nałogu i wiem jakie to trudne. Pozdrawiam.

    • @edytaolszewska4002
      @edytaolszewska4002 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@krzysiekbaginski4761 pamiętam, to był cudowny koncert. Pozdrawiam

  • @mirosawtrzcinski2475
    @mirosawtrzcinski2475 9 месяцев назад +35

    język Polski jest wspaniały bo potrafi wyrazić wszystko w prosty sposób

    • @Bonzai87PL
      @Bonzai87PL 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @urpasternak
      @urpasternak Месяц назад

      Ryszard Riedel z zespołu "Dżem" zaśpiewał tylko jedną piosenkę z Czesławem Niemenem ! To był wielki talent! Porównywano go do Niemena ,ale niestety zaćpał się chłop!

    • @matthw97bpm
      @matthw97bpm Месяц назад

      @@urpasternak zacpal zacpal, ale byl bardzo wartosciowym czlowiekiem, tworzyl wartosciowa muzyke i takiego powinnismy go zapamietac

    • @urpasternak
      @urpasternak Месяц назад +2

      @@matthw97bpm Przecież piszę że był z niego wielki talent. Porównywano go do Niemena i gdyby żył mógł bardzo wiele osiągnąć.Szkoda tak utalentowanego człowieka!

    • @annamozolewska6810
      @annamozolewska6810 23 дня назад

      Jak każdy inny język

  • @damiand1106
    @damiand1106 11 месяцев назад +90

    Dżem na śniadanie, Dżem na obiad, Dżem na kolację, Dżem na całe życie

  • @marek800m
    @marek800m 11 месяцев назад +51

    Ryszard Riedel was a true hippie of Polish rock scene, had drug problems and died soon after that performance, and the song is a letter to his mum from rehab, he was 100% natural and he would pour all his heart in his singing, there will never be any more like him in today's plastic music industry. There's a recording of him somewhere where the crowd is chanting "Rysiek, sing for us", and he comes out on the stage and says "I will always be singing for you, right till the end" . A true legend.

  • @dynka2
    @dynka2 11 месяцев назад +116

    Rysiek Riedel was one of the greatest Polish musicians of all time unfortunately he was addicted to heroin and struggled for years what caused heart failure. He is greatly missed by many. That song is a letter to his mother is like confession about his suffering caused by loneliness and complete doubt in the existence of God. The enormous pain and endless despair can be heard most during the chorus, although the text does not directly refer to drugs, the text of the song is a kind of metaphor for Riedel's addiction to them. A truly fantastic performer and band with many hits a special “Naiwne Pytanie” or “Sen o Wiktorii” and if you like List do M there is another confession song by Dżem and Rysiek it’s called Modlitwa III. It's a pity that nowadays songs with lyrics as authentic as this are rarely written.

    • @bvn1529
      @bvn1529 11 месяцев назад +8

      This is a fantastic description of the very complex meaning of the song. You just needed to remember the time the song was written. At the bottom line, it is a description of the generation of people who were not meant for the time that was happening around them, which is very significant for many musicians from the 80s and early 90s.

    • @lukasztrzebinski3217
      @lukasztrzebinski3217 11 месяцев назад +1

      Modlitwa is the best song ever written. Although I love List to M. Modlitwa is on another level.

  • @kasia2636
    @kasia2636 11 месяцев назад +34

    Rysiek Riedel niezapomniana śląska Legenda 🥰

  • @Black3ml
    @Black3ml 11 месяцев назад +57

    Dżem's awesome. Rysiek's vocals and lyrics were iconic.

  • @lukaszradzioch3307
    @lukaszradzioch3307 11 месяцев назад +26

    Ryszard jesteś wielki na zawsze!........

  • @edinamotocyklu
    @edinamotocyklu 10 месяцев назад +4

    Dobrze że Sebastian Riedel syn Ryśka będzie teraz wokalistą Dżemu - nie mogę się doczekać ich występu

  • @rafalski573
    @rafalski573 11 месяцев назад +21

    Piękne. Dzisiaj taka muza już nie jest popularyzowana.. to byli prawdziwi artyście, emocje, muzyka, zgranie, tekst, głębia.

  • @mirosawagotto9480
    @mirosawagotto9480 11 месяцев назад +42

    Prawdziwa legenda polskiej muzyki. Wokalista porywał tłumy swoim śpiewem. Na koncertach miał przy sobie harmonijkę ustną. Sam nauczył się na niej grać, jak również na gitarze. Odszedł młodo, zniszczony nałogiem narkotykowym.Na nagrobku Riedla jest cytat:"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile" z utworu "Naiwne pytania". Jeden z moich ulubionych wokalistów. Dziękuję za reakcję i serdecznie pozdrawiam z Polski

    • @CaleT_64
      @CaleT_64 11 месяцев назад +2

      No z tą gitarą to nieźle przykoloryzowałeś, ale co tam, czego się nie robi dla Ryśka :)

  • @damiand1106
    @damiand1106 11 месяцев назад +19

    He was an addict and usually sang under the influence of drugs, but he sang better than most of the current "artists". However, his songs were about life... about what he lived and experienced in life. Songs such as "Wechikół czasu", "Czerwony jak cegła", „Harley mój”, „Jak malowany ptak”, „Sen o Victorii”, „Autsajder”, „Złoty paw”, "Whisky", or "List do M.", it's hard to choose which song is the best, because they are all wonderful works of musical art.

  • @dawid4190
    @dawid4190 11 месяцев назад +21

    This song carries very powerful lyrics.

  • @niewiernytomasz1346
    @niewiernytomasz1346 11 месяцев назад +96

    Pamiętam Ryśka, wspaniały i skromny człowiek. Mieszkał blisko mnie, osiedle obko mojego. Znalem też jego Sebastiana też bardzo skromny i fajny gość. Nie wiele teraz takich artystów w Polsce

    • @cathulhu3772
      @cathulhu3772 11 месяцев назад +6

      Miałem szczęście poznać jego i Kaczmara. Niesamowite osobistości. Zupełnie inny poziom niż sławni, bo so sławni frajerzy obecnie.

    • @lukaszradzioch3307
      @lukaszradzioch3307 11 месяцев назад +2


    • @nemodurden
      @nemodurden 11 месяцев назад +3

      Szacunek dla obu. Tylko dlaczego mówicie to tutaj, pod tym typem, który w dobie internetu chce niby poznać polską muzykę, kulturę, a nie zadaje sobie minimum trudu, żeby wcześniej zrobić rozeznanie w internecie?
      To jakiś pozer.

    • @niewiernytomasz1346
      @niewiernytomasz1346 11 месяцев назад

      @@nemodurden a dlaczego nie?

    • @nemodurden
      @nemodurden 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@niewiernytomasz1346nie zrozumiałeś co napisałem?

  • @ernicoach
    @ernicoach 10 месяцев назад +9

    You have to Firstly know frontman Ryszard life and problems to understand how emotional this song is. Then it is so powerful and sad

  • @angiepiercing
    @angiepiercing 11 месяцев назад +16

    This band, song and Rysiek himselfe is icon in Poland even 23 years later. His musić is poetry and really sad story of a lonley man. ❤

  • @CaleT_64
    @CaleT_64 11 месяцев назад +24

    What can I say ? It's wonderful that you've chosen Dżem in live version. I was at that concert. The vocalist and the band is an absolute legend here in Poland. No words can express what emotions people had when listening to their live performances. The band still plays and gathers at it's concerts three generations of fans (unfortunately without the original vocalist who died in 94). True and undisputed legend.

    • @krisstel1039
      @krisstel1039 10 месяцев назад +2

      ...ale teraz do składu zespołu dołączył syn Ryśka. Sebastian Riedel to obecnie wokalista Dżem.

  • @kasiak8671
    @kasiak8671 3 месяца назад +5

    najlepszy zespół ze śląska, słuchając oryginału łzy płyną za każdym razem. To muzyka i teksty tak bardzo przepełnione emocjami... @Mer Pol poczytaj historie człowieka i zespołu ...

  • @agatabarczewska3729
    @agatabarczewska3729 11 месяцев назад +15

    I feel pain hearing all of Dżem songs, this man sacrificed everything for music, he was the music. His problem with strong addiction to drugs did not stopp him from being always for people, once he said "i will be singing to you always, no matter what". Despite of his problems, he was openly saying how terrible it is and nobody should follow his steps. Few generations love him and his music, it is one of a kind. The lyrics about pain, loneliness and freedom are really from the bottom of his heart

  • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
    @MayaTheDecemberGirl 11 месяцев назад +27

    It's an iconic, legendary Polish band, very famous and known up till now. Especially with the band's charismatic frontman Ryszard Riedel, who died in 1994 (he was addicted to drugs). There was even a whole movie about him titled "Destined to blues" (Skazany na bluesa), with good actors, like Tomasz Kot playing the lead role. The band Dżem had more very famous, good songs.

  • @kamilwalicki
    @kamilwalicki 11 месяцев назад +18

    Najpiękniejszy utwór świata ❤🔥

  • @dawidskok8870
    @dawidskok8870 11 месяцев назад +43

    Kocham te piosenkę🥰

    • @annaotreba5930
      @annaotreba5930 11 месяцев назад +5

      Me too, the best one 🤩

    • @axlhyvonen461
      @axlhyvonen461 7 месяцев назад

      Mnie również i to z całego serca

  • @Vhsbdg
    @Vhsbdg 11 месяцев назад +55

    The song calls Letter to M (Mother ), its about loneliness. Thank for reacvtion.

    • @nemodurden
      @nemodurden 11 месяцев назад

      I po co to tłumaczysz temu pajacykowi? Udaje zainteresowanie polską kulturą, a nic nie robi, żeby ją poznać.
      Tylko: podeślijcie, powiedzcie, wytłumaczcie.
      Wszystko dla zasięgów.

    • @bobeczek01
      @bobeczek01 3 месяца назад

      It is about specific type of loneliness about depression : he has someone next to him but yet he is alone, he thinks about death and about God and thinks back about his mum....
      It's a letter to his Mother:
      Mama, I am writing a poem to you -
      Maybe the last one, definitely the first one
      It's night, it's dark, she is next to me
      There is some music there, no it's something else
      choruses: Being alone hurts so much, it's deep inside of me, it's all around
      I think there is no God
      Mama, I thought it was you that hurt me, but it was me - I hurt you
      I'm sorry mama.....

    • @bobeczek01
      @bobeczek01 3 месяца назад

      The vocalist was fighting with depression and addiction, there actually is a movie about him, because he died after somewhat successful carrier. He has a wife and a son yet he couldn't get it together

    • @annaotreba5930
      @annaotreba5930 22 дня назад

      I love that song ❤️

  • @historiezesnu
    @historiezesnu 11 месяцев назад +155

    Dżem - Jam . this is the translation of the band's name. Ryszard Rydel is unfortunately no longer alive, he died in tragic circumstances. A film was made of it entitled "Skazany na Bluesa", because it is more Polish blues than rock. In this song, he sings about writing a letter to his mother and feeling the loneliness that he associates with hell. He doesn't use that word, but it can be understood that way. A very sad but beautiful song, but he also had positive songs, such as Sen o Wiktoria.- Sen o Viktorii .

    • @kitek1727
      @kitek1727 11 месяцев назад +12

      "Dream about Victoria".
      He doesn't assosiats with hell! He's in such a despair that makes him IMAGINE there is no God.

    • @historiezesnu
      @historiezesnu 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@kitek1727 That's not what I meant. I wrote that the dream about Victoria is more optimistic.
      A Letter to M is a song about the hell of loneliness.

    • @charakterek9465
      @charakterek9465 11 месяцев назад +7

      It is worth adding that Sebastian, the son of Ryszard, currently sings in the band.

    • @kitek1727
      @kitek1727 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@historiezesnu Wiem co miałeś na myśli, po prostu przetłumaczyłam tytuł drugiej piosenki ;)

    • @movemelody1
      @movemelody1 11 месяцев назад

      Po co kłamać o jakiś "tragicznych okolicznosciach", jeśli zmarł na serce, a przyczyną były narkotyki, które wiele lat brał i żadna pomoc bliskich mu ludzi nie skutkowała. Kiedy zmarł, nie był już członkiem Dżemu, bo został usunięty z zespołu za niemożliwość współpracy z wiecznie naćpanym Riedlem. Robicie z niego boga, a był słabym, choć utalentowanym, człowiekiem. Miejmy nadzieję, że jego syn nie wszedł na tę zgubną drogę i będzie śpiewał z Dżemem trzeźwym.

  • @tawernapodtrolimbem8293
    @tawernapodtrolimbem8293 11 месяцев назад +14

    Great talent and so sad stories with drugs. 💚 R.I.P.

  • @JM-hw2lw
    @JM-hw2lw 11 месяцев назад +7

    I always said that if DZEM were an english-speaking band, they would be a group comparable to the greatest in the world, like Guns n Roses or others. The incredible talent of Rysiek Ridel, great musicians and amazing, deep lyrics. It's a pity that only Poles could enjoy this band...

  • @savvaskin
    @savvaskin 10 месяцев назад +15

    Epickie wykonanie👌. Legenda! Klasyka polskiego rocka!❤

  • @harmattan1973
    @harmattan1973 11 месяцев назад +17

    Hey, Mert Pol. If you're into Polish music, you should know that Dżem is simply Jam, which you know from the English language. So, please, pronounce it "JAM". That's what it was meant to be. And Jam, to be understood, must be... understood. You must know what Richard Riedel is singing about to be overwhelmed by emotions that the audience feels. This is a letter to his mother. This is so emotional, man! This music might not be the best technically, but it's the best meaning-wise! And you can't forget that he was a sick man. He was on drugs, he died because of drugs, and his band experienced a nightmare because of that. And we knew that, but we loved him. Please, respect that.
    A letter to M (like Mother)
    Mother, I’m writing a letter to you
    Maybe the last one, the first one for sure
    It’s the dead of night, the night is dark
    I’m in my bed, and she’s by my side
    And her breathing’s so calm
    Some music is reaching me now
    No, it’s a rustle I hear in my head
    I sit there, going under my tears
    I feel so sad, cause no one is here
    The fear is choking me
    The loneliness - such a terrible fear!
    It’s gripping me, it’s piercing through me!
    You know, mum, I have imagined in my head
    That there is no God, there is no God, no.
    There is no God, no.
    Oh, no
    It’s really calm, but there, in my home
    You are present; you won’t find me there
    There I won’t come back, I think I won’t
    Mum, I love you, I love you so much!
    I thought it was you who hurt me so much
    But it was I who crushed who you are
    So sad I got that so late
    I got to know that too late, yeah
    I got that too late
    The loneliness - such a terrible fear!
    It’s gripping me, it’s piercing through me!
    You know, mum, I have imagined in my head
    That there is no God, there is no God, no.
    There is no God, no.
    Oh, no
    The loneliness - such a terrible fear!
    It’s gripping me, it’s piercing through me!
    You know, mum, I have imagined in my head
    That there is no God, there is no God, no.
    I have imagined in my head
    That there is no God, there is no God, no.
    There is no God, no.
    Oh, no
    Mother, I’m writing a letter to you
    Maybe the last one, the first one for sure

  • @szczepionzabijaka8476
    @szczepionzabijaka8476 11 месяцев назад +27

    Muzyka jest silniejsza niż dyktatura

  • @wallykulak4907
    @wallykulak4907 11 месяцев назад +17

    If you do not know lyrics ............................ you can't feel this song !!! Wonderful song, one of the best Polish songs !

  • @jankowalski7844
    @jankowalski7844 11 месяцев назад +9

    Lyrics understanding is the key.

  • @Slawekmaniana
    @Slawekmaniana 11 месяцев назад +11

    Moja szkoła średnia była obok mieszkania Ryśka Riedla. Zapraszamy do Tychów.

  • @pawekozowski6509
    @pawekozowski6509 11 месяцев назад +13

    I totally agree, we have the best rock in the world and in my opinion we can compare with the UK in this category. We had such masters as SBB, Budka Suflera, Niemen, Perfect, TSA, Amia, Kult and many, many others. Today it has all gone very wrong way, but we have such pearls as Smolik and Kev Fox and Coma.
    I suggest you take a look at the Heavy Metal scene as well, we are great in this category too.

  • @jhonlevitckey3420
    @jhonlevitckey3420 10 месяцев назад +2

    I grew up in the city "Tychy" where the band Dzem was formed. In my opinion one of the best Rock /Blues Band from that era. I am a musician myself and still heavily influenced by those guys , love their shelf stuff . Their music brings back memories of my city Tychy, which I miss a lot !!!! You could also check Rysiek's son Sebastian Riedel ( Band name ...Cree ). Sebastian's voice reminds me a lot of his father... great band as well. Cheers !

  • @annawnuk3713
    @annawnuk3713 8 месяцев назад +8

    Byłam wtedy dzieciakiem. Ale udało mi sie być na koncercie. Jak mii ojciec pozwolił.
    Wspomnienia na zawsze... 👍👍💕

  • @azaliotr7100
    @azaliotr7100 11 месяцев назад +11

    Mamo piszę do Ciebie wiersz
    Może ostatni, na pewno pierwszy
    Jest głęboka, ciemna noc
    Siedzę w łóżku, a obok śpi ona
    I tak spokojnie oddycha
    Dobiega mnie jakaś muzyka
    Nie, to tylko w mej głowie szum
    Siedzę, tonę i tonę we łzach
    Bo jest mi smutno, bo jestem sam
    Dławi mnie strach
    Samotność to taka straszna trwoga
    Ogarnia mnie, przenika mnie
    Wiesz mamo, wyobraziłem sobie, że
    Że nie ma Boga, nie ma Boga, nie
    Nie ma Boga, nie
    O nie
    Spokojny jest tylko mój dom
    Gdzie Ty jesteś, a mnie, a mnie tam nie ma, nie
    Gdzie nie wrócę już, chyba nie
    Mamo, bardzo Cię kocham, kocham Cię
    Myślałem, że Ty skrzywdziłaś mnie
    A to ja, o ja skrzywdziłem Ciebie
    Szkoda, że tak późno pojąłem to
    I tak późno to, to zrozumiałem
    Zrozumiałem to
    Samotność to taka straszna trwoga
    Ogarnia mnie, przenika mnie
    Wiesz mamo, wyobraziłem sobie, że
    Że nie ma Boga, nie ma Boga, nie
    Samotność to taka straszna trwoga
    Ogarnia mnie, przenika mnie
    Wiesz mamo, wyobraziłem sobie, że
    Że nie ma Boga, nie ma Boga, nie
    Nie ma, nie!
    Nie ma Boga, nie!
    Nie ma Boga, nie!
    Samotność to taka straszna trwoga
    Ogarnia mnie, przenika mnie
    Wiesz mamo, wyobraziłem sobie, że
    Że nie ma Boga, nie ma Boga, nie
    Wyobraziłem sobie, że
    Nie ma Boga, nie
    Mamo piszę do Ciebie wiersz
    Może ostatni
    Może ostatni

  • @axlhyvonen461
    @axlhyvonen461 7 месяцев назад +5

    Król jest tylko jeden, niech spoczywa w pokoju!>333

  • @annaotreba5930
    @annaotreba5930 22 дня назад +1

    Thats my favorite song Dżem ever.

  • @Bambi.no666
    @Bambi.no666 9 месяцев назад +6

    my parents were 18 at the time, I am 29 years old right now, and this song is still live in polish culture

  • @kasia2636
    @kasia2636 11 месяцев назад +7

    Autsider,Aleja róż,Paw ,Whiskey to są utwory jak i cała reszta piosenek Ryśka ,która nigdy nie pójdzie w zapomienie.W każdym stuleciu się odnajdą te słowa głębokie z w nętrza.

  • @donpedro8572
    @donpedro8572 11 месяцев назад +9

    In August 2023 there was a Jam in Szczytna Śląska (I live next door). Despite the absence of Ryszard Riedel, the atmosphere of the concert was wonderful and hard to forget.

  • @jarek7568
    @jarek7568 11 месяцев назад +4

    Rysiu Riedel ...the best of the best, legend

  • @Lukas89NH
    @Lukas89NH 11 месяцев назад +12

    Did you listen "Wehikuł czasu" already? One of the best of Dżem especialy a guitar part.

  • @123voy321
    @123voy321 11 месяцев назад +15

    Poruszający tekst..

  • @U_maxima_w_gdyni
    @U_maxima_w_gdyni 11 месяцев назад +5

    I really like this band and this song, it has a great message

  • @bubblesjawor
    @bubblesjawor 11 месяцев назад +3

    There is a very beautiful and quite accurately made movie "Skazany na bluesa" (rougly "Sentenced for Blues")
    about the life of this artist, the singer of Dżem. I highly recommend watching it or even making a reaction to it. The story of Ryszard is a beautiful but tragic one and his persona and music inspires young generations up until this day, also being quite advocative of not using drugs.

  • @pabloantonio6474
    @pabloantonio6474 11 месяцев назад +4

    top 10 polish song in history... maybe top 1...letter to mother...

  • @mariusz8265
    @mariusz8265 11 месяцев назад +7

    there is a film about his life called Sentenced to the Blues, I recommend watching it

  • @marzenia666
    @marzenia666 11 месяцев назад +8

    Now the lead singer of Dżem is the son of Sebastian Riedel, he has a somewhat similar voice to his dad

    • @Roberto-sw6jo
      @Roberto-sw6jo 11 месяцев назад +1

      Jeszcze nie jest wokalistą Dżemu...
      Będzie od 6 kwietnia...

    • @marzenia666
      @marzenia666 11 месяцев назад

      @@Roberto-sw6jo to szczegóły

  • @magorzatakumosinska8802
    @magorzatakumosinska8802 15 дней назад

    Wspaniałe teksty i muzyka. Wzrusza, pozwala wiele przemyśleć. Polecam Dżem Naiwne pytania...

  • @MonikaMazgola
    @MonikaMazgola 11 месяцев назад +4

    It is about solitude. Knowing Rysiek's story, how he died, looking at his face, listening the lyrics - I have got wet eyes.

  • @rafalkotowski3621
    @rafalkotowski3621 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hey mate, thanx for uploading this legendary band! Respect.
    Lots of memories coming back....I was growing up listening to this music. Also was fortunate enough to witness and attend 'live' performance of Dzem along with Rysiek.
    It was always extraordinary experience mate!!
    In this clip, the man at first introduced the band, public were waiting for them...6hrs.
    Song itself is a story of him writing a letter or rather poem to his mum.
    Once again thanks for upload.
    Cheers and one Love ❤️💛💚 from North Germany

    • @rafalkotowski3621
      @rafalkotowski3621 11 месяцев назад +1

      Basically rip Rysiek Riedel was iconic person. "Jim Morrison of Poland". We were all going to their concerts, blues lovers, punks, rastas, straight edge ...only to see and hear Rysiek❤. Often in all clubs but also on big concerts like Rawa Blues....
      I'll recommend to you song called " W zyciu piekne sa Tylko chwile". Remont, Warszawa. 1993. Title translation " Only moments are beautiful in life"

  • @mati804
    @mati804 11 месяцев назад +8

    Ryszard wymiata! Szkoda, że zmarł gdy miałem 3 lata 😢

  • @michalp.1484
    @michalp.1484 10 месяцев назад +1

    my French teacher once told me that when he came to Poland many years ago, he only listened to Dżem - because he felt it was real music from the heart

  • @janqs2459
    @janqs2459 10 месяцев назад +1

    His son ,Sebastian finally took over father place, and what is incredibly important, he sound exactly the same. Listening to him singing with the old band it's like a return in time machine, which a matter of fact is the name of one of their songs "Wehikuł Czasu"
    My favorite song of Dżem is Outsider (org. "Autsajder")

  • @bajkabajeczka560
    @bajkabajeczka560 11 месяцев назад +38

    You should find a text- it’s so deep and touching. Rysiek was really beautiful but tragic person.

    • @basbas768
      @basbas768 11 месяцев назад

      He wasn't a beautiful person. He could sing well and was popular in one country, that's it. Drugs destroyed him like millions of people in the world. He wasn't different from them.

    • @bajkabajeczka560
      @bajkabajeczka560 11 месяцев назад

      @@basbas768 he was using because he was very fragile- like most of the artists. He wrote so many beautiful songs… and right he was a junkie. He hurt his family so bad.

  • @maronno1
    @maronno1 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is one of the most important songs for me, it's beautiful.

  • @izabela1961
    @izabela1961 11 месяцев назад +15

    The band's name means and pronounces "jam". Dżem in Polish.

  • @ALfx9oc
    @ALfx9oc 2 месяца назад

    when I was young I went to their concerts everywhere

  • @myalltimefavourites1410
    @myalltimefavourites1410 10 месяцев назад +1

    There are people whi to this day live Rysiek (the vocalist) and Dżem. You are right, this music lasts forever. I was lucky to be at Dżem's concert on 1987 or 88. Rysiek was already addicted to drugs. We waited for about an hour and a half before he finally entered the stage. But, even though you knew he was high, this was the second best concert of my life. What made him appealing to young people in Poland at the time was his emotional openness, his ability to voice what we all felt in the most unapologetic and direct way.
    " Whom the Gods love die young". The cruel truth holds its meaning here too.

  • @mlodymgc
    @mlodymgc 11 месяцев назад +1

    This is one of the heaviest and deepest songs in the history of polish music. Musical heritage. Some may not understand.

    • @KatarzynaDuga
      @KatarzynaDuga 10 месяцев назад

      Tak, to naprawdę piękny i głęboki utwór, ale jest bardzo ciężki. Słuchając go czuje ten ciężar, gorycz i nie wiem dlaczego jakieś poczucie słodkości, słodyczy ale bardzo lepkiej i gestej.

  • @angelika_pisze
    @angelika_pisze 11 месяцев назад +3

    Ryszard's son, Sebastian, also sings, has his own band - CREE (like the name of an Indian tribe). Sebastian joins the Dżem band this year as a vocalist (information verified)...😊

  • @robertkukuczka9469
    @robertkukuczka9469 11 месяцев назад +1

    I love as well:
    Kombi "Black and white"
    great Polish band fronbthe 80's.

  • @SK-xg9rs
    @SK-xg9rs 10 месяцев назад +1

    Just got goosebumps immediately when Rysiek starts his beautiful song… what an epic guy!
    What you need to know is, his son is a singer too!

  • @MagdalenaCzekalska
    @MagdalenaCzekalska 11 месяцев назад +2

    Jest świetny film o Ryśku, " Skazany na blusa"

  • @izak4075
    @izak4075 6 месяцев назад +1

    Piękny smutek I samotność. Przenika.

  • @KM-qr3qj
    @KM-qr3qj 10 месяцев назад

    Shivers. I get shivers every time I listen to this song.

    @MAGDALENALUNIEWICZ 11 месяцев назад +2

    YOU NEED TO SEE THE MOVIE " SKAZANY NA BLUSA-DOOMED FOR BLUES"- about Ryszard Ridl, he was addicted to drugs, everyone wanted to help him as everyone LOVED him, yet he died, breaking many hearts in Poland. AN AMAZING MOVIE!

  • @adammichalak7398
    @adammichalak7398 11 месяцев назад +3

    Ogień ❤

  • @remigiuszhetman4062
    @remigiuszhetman4062 11 месяцев назад +7

    He is singing that he imagined that there's no god. And he is frightened.
    He says that to her mom, that is no more

  • @mateuszsynd6339
    @mateuszsynd6339 10 месяцев назад +2

    Ryszard Riedel the best voice on the world. I love almost everyone songs crew Dżem.

  • @marekwilgos5093
    @marekwilgos5093 11 месяцев назад +2

    Mother, I'm writing the poem to You,
    Maybe the last one, but I'm sure it's the first
    It is a deep, dark night
    I'm sitting in my bed and she's sleeping by my side
    And she is breathing so steadily
    I'm hearing some music
    No, it is only in my head
    I'm sitting, I'm drowning and I'm drowning in tears
    'Cause I'm so sad, 'cause I'm alone
    The fear is choking me
    Solitude is such a dreadful fear
    It's seizing me , it's piercing me
    You know, mother, I imagined
    That there is no God, no God, no
    Only my home is calm now
    Where you are , but I'm not
    Where I won't ever come back, I think
    Mother, I love You so much, I love You
    I thought that You had hurt me
    But it was me that hurt You
    It's too bad that I understood it so late
    So late, I understood it so late
    Solitude is such a dreadful fear
    It's seizing me , it's piercing me
    You know, mother, I imagined
    That there is no God, no God, no
    Solitude is such a dreadful fear
    It's seizing me , it's piercing me
    You know, mother, I imagined
    That there is no God, no God, no
    Tekst pochodzi z,dzem,list_do_m.html

  • @darcymags8538
    @darcymags8538 7 месяцев назад +1

    He was a blues legend. Died of herion OD in 1994.

  • @agataszloser1840
    @agataszloser1840 10 месяцев назад

    Dig into Dzem. Its unbelievable how authentic their music is.

  • @MalwinaSkowysz
    @MalwinaSkowysz 11 месяцев назад +10

    Mommy, I’m writing for you some verses
    Maybe for the last time, for sure for the first time
    It’s a deep, dark night,
    I sit on the bed and she sleeps beside me
    And she breathes so quietly
    Some music reaches my ears
    No, it's just a noise in my head
    I sit and I drown and drown in tears,
    Because I'm sad, because I'm alone
    The fear strangles me
    Solitude means such a terrible fear
    That overwhelms me, penetrates me through
    You know, Mommy, I imagined that
    That God didn’t exist, didn’t, didn’t!
    God didn’t exist, didn't!
    Serene is only my home,
    Where you are now, but I'm no longer there
    Where, I’m afraid, I won’t return, most probably
    Mommy, I love you so much, I love you!
    I thought you hurt me,
    But it’s me who hurt you
    It’s a shame that I realized it so late
    that I understood it too late
    I understood it
    Solitude means such a terrible fear
    That overwhelms me, penetrates me through
    You know, Mommy, I imagined that
    That God didn’t exist, didn’t, didn’t!
    Didn’t exist, didn't...
    God didn’t exist, didn’t, didn’t!
    Didn’t exist, didn’t...
    God didn’t exist, didn’t...
    Mommy, I’m writing to you some verses
    Maybe for the last time...
    Maybe for the last time...
    I don’t know, I’m not sure...

  • @stk7516
    @stk7516 10 месяцев назад

    Text is just increcible. Gives you shiver.

  • @lutiofthekiskis
    @lutiofthekiskis 10 месяцев назад

    Exactly. You must see film "Skazany na bluesa" !!! You will be remember this artists... this film !! And THIS MUSIC ❤ Believe me THE REST OF YOU'R LIFE.
    In Polen everyone's know this artist and music REGARDLESS OF GENERATION!❤

  • @lukasztrzebinski3217
    @lukasztrzebinski3217 11 месяцев назад +2

    Best song ever only Metalica matches this.

  • @sebastiankowalski2648
    @sebastiankowalski2648 5 месяцев назад +1

    Dziękuję, super

    @TOMASZ-L 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hi, thanks a lot for all your efforts. 'List do M' i(a letter to the mother) is an iconic song for us about loneliness. It fits very well to my own experience. If you wants more, please reply. Txs.

  • @irekkur3210
    @irekkur3210 10 месяцев назад +1

    Marek Raduli,posłuchaj go jak gra na gitarze,absolutny geniusz swojego rzemiosła.....

  • @magellan333
    @magellan333 10 месяцев назад

    Perfection you got this right mate! and yes that powerful solo of Jerzy Styczyński on guitar , you have to see them live !

  • @elzbietakoszelow7016
    @elzbietakoszelow7016 6 месяцев назад

    This is beautiful and the most liryc and powerfull ballad signed by the Polish Rock Man as Ryszard Rydel for his Mother.
    The best one in the Polish Rock history.

  • @rafalkwiatkowski1973
    @rafalkwiatkowski1973 11 месяцев назад +1

    Please, grab a translated text and listen to it once more. This song is soooo deep. It has multiple meanings. With understanding the meaning of the text you will enjoy it more.

    • @rafalkwiatkowski1973
      @rafalkwiatkowski1973 11 месяцев назад

      And listen more his songs. He was genius. His interpretations are amazing.

  • @mpingo91
    @mpingo91 11 месяцев назад +1

    0:13 Read it simply as "jam". I haven't checked it but I'm almost sure the name comes from "jam session" (a musical, jazz or blues event).
    Rawa Blues is a blues festival held annually in Katowice, Poland.

  • @cathulhu3772
    @cathulhu3772 11 месяцев назад +2

    This is one of the saddest songs ever right next to 7th Wonder "One last goodbye" thought they are decades apart. :(

  • @pl-hq5hr
    @pl-hq5hr 11 месяцев назад +7

    Try whisky, my wife.....his best song. WHISKY MOJA ŻONO. 😊

  • @flixfront
    @flixfront 11 месяцев назад +4

    Mom, I’m writing you a poem
    Maybe the last one, definitely the first
    It’s a deep, dark night
    I’m sitting in bed, and she sleeps beside me
    And breathes so calmly
    Some music reaches me
    No, it’s just noise in my head
    I sit, I drown, and drown in tears
    Because I’m sad, because I’m alone
    Fear chokes me
    Loneliness is such a terrible dread
    It overtakes me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    There is no God, there’s no God, no
    There’s no God, no
    Oh no
    Only my home is calm
    Where you are, and me, and I’m not there, no
    Where I won’t return, probably not
    Mom, I love you very much, I love you
    I thought that you hurt me
    But it was I, oh I hurt you
    It’s a pity I realized it so late
    And understood it so late
    I understood it
    Loneliness is such a terrible dread
    It overtakes me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    There is no God, there’s no God, no
    Loneliness is such a terrible dread
    It overtakes me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    There is no God, there’s no God, no
    There isn’t, no!
    There’s no God, no!
    There’s no God, no!
    Loneliness is such a terrible dread
    It overtakes me, permeates me
    You know, Mom, I imagined that
    There is no God, there’s no God, no
    I imagined that
    There’s no God, no
    Mom, I’m writing you a poem
    Maybe the last one
    Maybe the last one

  • @angelika_pisze
    @angelika_pisze 11 месяцев назад +2

    Yes, the band is called Dżem. And the vocalist is Ryszard Riedel. For more information, please refer to Wikipedia. 😊

  • @pawesroka100
    @pawesroka100 11 месяцев назад

    Dżem Forever Rysiek always in my mind...I grow up with this music till today deep in my heart. Recomended for You also TSA - 51

  • @EllaMalette
    @EllaMalette 10 месяцев назад

    All the best from Montreal.

  • @lucyndalu3437
    @lucyndalu3437 10 месяцев назад

    He was very important, people just love him so much, for a few generations... he was born free, in Poland, which was still enslaved at that time... and he was as much of a hippie and bluesman as Jim Morison was for the West... He died young. ..

  • @romeczko45
    @romeczko45 11 месяцев назад +10

    :Dzem; legenda.

  • @lechu4748
    @lechu4748 Месяц назад

    This band is so popular because of Rysiek. All his lyrics are about life and are very deep. (I guess most of it from his own life.) By the way, he's having quite a trip standing on that stage.

  • @11Puyol
    @11Puyol 11 месяцев назад +1

    I recommend the movie "Skazany na bluesa" about this singer. I saw that it's available on Netflix, but I'm not sure if it's translated.

  • @michakedzierski5890
    @michakedzierski5890 10 месяцев назад +1

    This singer ( Ryszard Riedel) died 30 years ago. He was one of the best Polish singers. He could sing Morrison's songs without any problems. However, to understand his work you need to know Polish. Currently the frotmen in this band is his son Sebastian, also an excellent Polish rocker.

  • @Peka_ola
    @Peka_ola 10 месяцев назад +1

    There is one more thing to add, Rysiek was a drug addict and that just yells out of this song. This wasn't a small gig - Rawa blues festival is really great music event for blues fans. I was there in 1991, this was very touching and emotional experience for all of us.

  • @thomschery2800
    @thomschery2800 10 месяцев назад +1
