What's The Point of Communist Japan? REVISITED - Hoi4

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @BubblesZest
    @BubblesZest  Год назад +60

    Apparently the last time I did Communist Japan was nine months ago, mad. Feels more like I did it two/three months ago, but the stats don't lie, it's been forty hoi4 videos since then. What a year it's been for the What's The Point series too, did insanely well and they usually do better than guides, that I wouldn't have believed when this began last year.

  • @Labargoth
    @Labargoth Год назад +165

    More of a flavour thing, but it would be interesting if doing the focus for hiring the 3 communist generals would be all the generals you get for the civil war while all others stay with the Empire. Realistically none of the Imperial generals would side with a communist revolution. To make up for that you could add an additional one or two focuses to train new generals during and after the civil war.

    • @BubblesZest
      @BubblesZest  Год назад +55

      Maybe, but I can also see people being upset about losing good generals, advisors, etc. A sway system like ussr oppositions might be the best compromise, albeit unrealistically.

  • @TheAPTGamer
    @TheAPTGamer Год назад +98

    Paradox really need to go back and update alot these old DLC focus trees, some are pretty decent like the alternate Germany's, the China's and Yugoslavia but some, especially like you mentioned the older communist trees, just are not up to snuff least of all when compared to modern focus trees. It's wild that Ethiopia has a way better communist tree than nations like Japan, Hungary and Romania.

    • @theEWDSDS
      @theEWDSDS Год назад +26

      You forgot Czechoslovakia. Their communist focus tree is... drumroll please... 5 focused long. Seriously. Maybe 6.

    • @Vyury
      @Vyury Год назад +2

      @@theEWDSDS Hungary

    • @TheGloriousLobsterEmperor
      @TheGloriousLobsterEmperor 4 месяца назад +6

      God Hungary's communist tree is laughably garbage, but who can forget Czechoslovakia's pathetic ideology tree.

  • @Syrath101
    @Syrath101 Год назад +96

    This path is amazing - if you play Manchuria. Sadly there's no option to switch to Manchukuo in this path, as it'd make the Qing achievements much easier.

    • @guncolony
      @guncolony Год назад +12

      just keep starting non historical games until japan goes in this path

    • @TheTripleAce3
      @TheTripleAce3 Год назад +1

      @@guncolony which is extremely rare.

    • @KaiserReichard
      @KaiserReichard Год назад +11

      @@TheTripleAce3 Not really Happens Like every 3 games

    • @abbyalphonse499
      @abbyalphonse499 Год назад +1

      @@TheTripleAce3 You manually choose which path the AI goes down before the game starts

    • @josh-kg1rb
      @josh-kg1rb Год назад +15

      @@abbyalphonse499 that locks out achievements

  • @SkeetontheverycoolSkeleton
    @SkeetontheverycoolSkeleton Год назад +155

    Something stupid not conceived by the communist Japanese but would be an interesting idea: a formable "Union of East Asian Socialist Republics" or something that turns communist Japan into an Asian version of the USSR. This could entail integrating Korea, Indochina, the Philippines and European Malay Archipelago colonies via compliance, and state modifiers helping gain compliance in these ways. In a way, this would be Japan's version to Ethiopia's African Union.

    • @AlphiumProductions
      @AlphiumProductions Год назад +34

      Agree, I would probably play japan if they had a formable nation. They’re fun goals for a game.

    • @polloapproves8597
      @polloapproves8597 Год назад +14

      Basically Red Flood Japan?

    • @idontlikerome2744
      @idontlikerome2744 3 месяца назад

      This idea of another soviet union could be applied to any communist nation

  • @Orlunu
    @Orlunu Год назад +20

    The point of communist Japan is to show beyond doubt that Paradox really just regards the ideologies as Red Team, Blue Team, Brown Team etc. Japan had an incredibly interesting communist and radical socialist scene at the time, and really interesting alt-history that could be done with it. However, instead we get an incredibly bland and baseless "uhh but what if uhh generic communist revolution because uh no real reason".

  • @UlulvarCape
    @UlulvarCape Год назад +14

    One of the biggest things about communist Japan to me is that it serves as a reason as to why we should have a communist germany, democratic Russia or a "proper communist" Switzerland. Communist Japan shouldn't be allowed but since it has a path, the three i mentioned should have some as well.

  • @Madmuli
    @Madmuli Год назад +35

    Paradox not doing much with communist trees was true before 2022, but since then they've really ramped them up. The Italian Gramsci-path is really fun (and pretty strong) to play, and the Soviets' right-wing opposition focus is my current favorite in the game :) ...now let's hope Pdx continues this trend for a rework of the other majors

    @AWESOMERACECAR2013 Год назад +8

    the ussr, spain, ethiopia, poland, (kinda) bulgaria and (kinda) italy are the only nations whose communist focus trees are fun imo. the biggest insults are the french tree and german absence of a communist path, considering the strength of the communist party was a big reason why hitler gained power. paradox desperately needs to give their older focuses a facelift, especially those from together for victory and death before dishonor.

  • @BlackHammer3
    @BlackHammer3 Год назад +22

    Even if it's not powerful, I still like the scenario of communist Japan, but with one addition: instantly attack China and warlords after civil war is over. It is quite challenging but significantly empowers you. After that just build up until 1941, attack Kwantung (who always get guaranteed by Axis) and naval invade Italy.

  • @jackfrost5808
    @jackfrost5808 Год назад +14

    I'd love if different nations and different ideologies could form more nations in conquest. Ie Italian East Africa and the reickomisariats. It makes the map better looking and better rp

    • @BubblesZest
      @BubblesZest  Год назад +1

      'K, is there some formable releasable you'd like to see added to Communist Japan?

    • @krasnamerah1926
      @krasnamerah1926 Год назад +9

      @@BubblesZest, Japan could use Tan Malaka's "Three Nusantara" rhetoric in 1930s to form a HUGE Southeast Asian nation of Nusantara comprised of Dutch East Indies (Southern Nusantara), British Malaya (Peninsular Nusantara), and Commonwealth of the Philippines (Northern Nusantara).
      Seriously, Maphilindo is a thing since early 1920s, not just a Cold War invention.
      Other than that, uniting China under Mao/Zhang and forming Indochina would be nice.

  • @kreavill
    @kreavill Год назад +9

    i wish they added an Anarchist tree for Japan after By Blood Alone bcause of the japanese anarchists Ethiopia can get.

  • @romulusnuma116
    @romulusnuma116 Год назад +8

    This tree should really give you the strongest buffs if it's gonna cost you this much

  • @joelkilchoer4238
    @joelkilchoer4238 Год назад +2

    9:02 made me realize that there has to be at least one weird monarchists in China who thinks Manchukuo was the only legitimate government and thinks anyone who doesn’t recognize distantly related football coach Zhao Junzhe as emperor is a traitor.

  • @Munchausenification
    @Munchausenification Год назад +14

    I think it would be quite weird if Japan could do the civil war just as fast as Germany. Situation in Germany is not the same as in Japan. There is a lot more political instability in Germany compared to Japan at this point in time

    • @swamperino8450
      @swamperino8450 Год назад +10

      You do know of the February 26 incident, and the amount of prime ministers in Japan from 1936 to 1945 right? It wasn't exactly a stable country, whereas brown ideology had been entrenched in Germany by 1936 and power changed hands exactly zero times between 1933 and 1945.

    • @Munchausenification
      @Munchausenification Год назад +7

      @@swamperino8450 Thats true, but Hirohito was still the main stabilizing factor. Lots of effort was put into place to keep the populace under control with secret police and military in the streets of Germany.

  • @eisbergsyndrom5010
    @eisbergsyndrom5010 Год назад +4

    Inb4 José Acero turns up in Spain and becomes chairman.

  • @KryZehk
    @KryZehk Год назад +3

    I feel like doing these liberation paths in communist trees, just for the countries to be fully independent is just anti-fun. For example, if you play communist Greece (great anti-fascist war) you don't get a puppet on Yugo, which I think can be realistic, but takes the fun away. Uou're left with a dumb AI ally, that won't switch factions with you and so on, that can easily undermine your strategy (mostly when playing minor nations) Also, there should be a non-state-named manner to unite countries, maybe expanding the capacity of coring states (like anarchist Spain) and the flag/name being able to change as you do this; or more formable nations; as communism doesn't have to be nationalistic per-se. Also, the communist ideology should get a different type of puppet options. I think the whole puppet system should be reworked, so as the "overlord" can make meaningfully decisions over the vassal states, IE: Making them focus on some type of construction, production, or whatever.

  • @kitfisto5132
    @kitfisto5132 Год назад +5

    The funny thing is communist Japan was like the third thing i played ever😆.
    Btw the first was axis aligned hungary i consider that a great learning country. Nobody really attacks you, you get a bunch of land for free and yes likely after a bit the axis is gonna lose cuz if you're an unexperienced player you can't carry the entire axis by yourself. But that only happens after a while and until then you have yourself a country that basically has no war on its borders and genuinely don't even have to participate in the war

  • @De_Soap
    @De_Soap Год назад +11

    Japan it self has no point it need a massive rework
    In my opinion asia should get a focus tree
    Then the middle east

    • @UlulvarCape
      @UlulvarCape Год назад +1

      I feel like Japan could honestly be a lot similar to Italy with their alternative history path. Although replace the republican liberal path with like an anarchist path instead for the balance of power. Japan should be able to peacefully transition to an absolute monarchy, or a democratic constitutional monarchy. It would provide a lot more flexibility and alignment. There's no reason for the democratic path to require a civil war imo unless it's to abolish the monarchy.

  • @homefront1999
    @homefront1999 Год назад +8

    One of the thing I dislike the most, is how whenever it's a communist path, the monarchy always gets exiled. IRL, if by some super unlikely chance Japan decided to go communist. I'd imagine they'd keep the Emperor as a figurehead. Since the Emperor was such an important figurehead. It's like how if Italy went communist, then you'd likely have gotten a Religious based version of Communism.
    I remember thinking about it and actually looking it up. There are plenty of different version of communism. I don't know why Paradox is so insistent on just the most well known one. Either they don't know about this, or just don't care enough.
    I do hope we get a rework to Japan. Both Germany and Japan need an actual rework. They're also the only major nations left to do really. I do hope that if we get a Japan rework, we get a path to go down an Alliance with America path. I can see a Anti-European Pact being formed, with the sole purpose of keeping Europe out of Asia and America's.

    • @Guillidan
      @Guillidan Год назад +3

      Well, apparently that's what prominent Showa Restorationists wanted (not communism explicitly). Establish an absolute monarchy (overseen by the military ofc), abolish the liberal political system, abolish the zaibatsus, and enact state socialism.

    • @СлаваЮсупов
      @СлаваЮсупов Год назад +3

      I think Paradox got their “inspiration” of execution of any Royal family from killing the Emperor Nikolai II and his family. Also, there are a lot of disputes who actually killed them

    • @joelkilchoer4238
      @joelkilchoer4238 Год назад +2

      My thought from a practical perspective for Japanese communists would be to have the emperor stick around as official head of Shinto to avoid the catastrophe that would come from attempting to remove him completely

    • @generalgrievous2580
      @generalgrievous2580 Год назад

      ⁠@@СлаваЮсуповi feel like the civil war should’ve given you the emperor buff and if the facist are close to Tokyo and the event will pop up we’re you have to choose to exucute and lose the stability buff or keep him and run the risk of the facist getting him mirroring what happened in the Russian civil war

    • @TheGloriousLobsterEmperor
      @TheGloriousLobsterEmperor 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah no. Republicanism is central to Marxist ideologies. Having a monarch is directly contradictory to communism.

  • @emib6599
    @emib6599 Год назад +2

    Last time I tried to play as Manchuria with the japanese fascist fleeing to me the game was breaking apart because it's a thing that should only be played by the AI.
    So that focus lost one of its major selling points

  • @a_person_of_all_time
    @a_person_of_all_time 2 месяца назад

    5:03 Iirc not taking Tokyo and getting it last will actually cap them so you keep your navy abd islands

  • @curialbellic
    @curialbellic Год назад +1

    Even though the focus tree is crap, this campaign has been very funny.

  • @NathanGamingNation
    @NathanGamingNation Год назад +2

    You should build more factories, most of the time you are not even building much, which is a waste

    • @BubblesZest
      @BubblesZest  Год назад +1

      You wouldn't watch that, my older videos used to include that info, did anyone say anything when I stopped? No.

  • @raippakeisari2342
    @raippakeisari2342 Год назад +1

    At this moment the best and most fun political path for Japan is the historical path. At least in my oppinion.

    • @thatonedudenextdoor7840
      @thatonedudenextdoor7840 Год назад

      Actually, democratic is cool too. Literally tried it for the first time yesterday and was surprised. You get most of the east Asia co prosperity sphere without going to war, China's provocations can be used to still invade China and the Soviet Union supports commie China leading to a war with them. It's way better than I expected.

  • @goldengyarados3515
    @goldengyarados3515 Год назад +1

    There should be stuff for european colonies, and australia or something, all the focus tree is wargoal wise is retaking the shit you lose.

  • @cuonghoang2243
    @cuonghoang2243 Год назад +1

    Whenever I play as Manchukuo, I always hope Japan would go Communist so I can have good generals and some lands

  • @animeXcaso
    @animeXcaso Год назад +3

    Is it possible to integrate Manchuria before the civil war?

    • @BubblesZest
      @BubblesZest  Год назад

      Yes, did so in the first video.

    • @anclss2384
      @anclss2384 Год назад

      You can, but if you do then there's no event for winning the civil war by taking Tokyo, you'll need to win the war normally

  • @ogerpinata1703
    @ogerpinata1703 Год назад +1

    There is none. You have to install mods to give it some sense.

  • @carltonleboss
    @carltonleboss Год назад +2

    Japan having difficulty invading Korea? Now where have I heard that before?

  • @TricaGamer
    @TricaGamer Год назад

    German and Japanese communist paths have so much potential but so wasted at the same time

  • @buckjohnson3748
    @buckjohnson3748 Год назад +2

    What a goofy world haha

  • @declangaming24
    @declangaming24 Год назад

    Why kill hirohito you evil man