Not really certain why this showed up in my algorithm, but you flat out killed it. You lost 100kg, look ten years younger and showed a realistic and honest look at the work that is needed to do this.
Down from 143 to 91 in 7 months here. Only thing I changed was go for walks 30-60 minutes a day and eating less. It sure gets slower the closer you get to your weight goal. Got diagnosed with diabetes type 2 which is what prompted me to begin the weight loss and now that is in almost complete remission. I will most likely be medicine free in 2025. Really well done man. A great achievement on your part. Proud of ya.
Literally thought you had 100k plus subscribers with the video and editing quality! Really good and very realistic video and congrats on your very impressive weight lose!
I just love the fact that you acknowledged that you were pushing yourself too hard. Hitting your goals is important, but doing so healthily is even more important
Video is blowing up, congratz! 🎉 I lost 20 kgs in the last year and now I am trying to lose 10 more. Even getting 20 kgs leaner was hard, I can't imagine how hard and how changing losing 100kgs is! We'll wait for new update videos, I am currently at 100kgs and hope to meet you in 90 kgs in two months 😊
@@howhardisit yeah sure, keep us updated on what you'll do next. it can be doing exercise and putting up muscle, can be going through skin surgery, learning to keep your weight, etc. you are an inspiration to us!
don't know why this appeared in my feed, but so glad it did. I am 4 weeks and 6kg into trying to lose 40kg. I am finding it very difficult. I have learned how dependent I am on food for mood regulation. (read between the lines, not being able to eat what i want is making me quite grumpy) But your video has really inspired me to push through and keep going. Thank you.
I am the same way, food just has an innate ability to make me feel better, so not having it is infuriating! Well done though, keep pushing and you'll get there :)
I feel you guys. My go to in those moments is yoghurt (plant based if I find a yummy one) with fruits. It's sweet, I can eat a lot of yoghurt so I also get to eat a lot of volume which can help... Or a walk whenever I crave snacks in between meals 😂😂 You guys got this ❤️
The fact that you managed to lose a really considerable amount of weight consistently over the months amazes me! This transformation must be of the best I have ever seen so far! It'd be really interesting to see a muscle gain on top of that too
Glad to see this video came up in my feed. I've been getting close to hitting a rut with my weight loss, so this is very motivating to see. I was 227kg (500lb) and since August I've been losing a lot and got down to just below 200 (439). So now I just gotta do what you did!!
Congratiulations! 100Kg is simply nuts, you look great. I love your advise at the end. I went the slow way, at the 30th of November it will be 20kg in one year. From 107kg to 87kg. But since I have been lifting all year I also gained some muscle. I think deep down everybody knows how to lose weight, it's you against yourself. There are some `hacks´, but in the end it's all you, and in your case you are one hell of a fighter!
First, congratulations, that’s amazing! Second, don’t hate me but I did skip around the video so sorry if you did mention this, but towards the end you mentioned not recognizing yourself, and having a hard time giving yourself credit. If you haven’t already, please consider therapy. As someone who has been overweight their whole life, with brief periods of weight loss but never being able to keep it off, it wasn’t until this year that I not only lost weight but that it feels sustainable, and I owe that to starting therapy for the first time to tackle my unhealthy relationship with food, how much it preoccupied my thoughts, and body image issues. Since starting therapy, I went from 335 to 235 lbs and getting pretty close to my goal weight. I was so obsessed with hitting my goal weight initially that I too didn’t recognize myself, and couldn’t give myself credit for the hard work I was putting in, and something finally clicked with all the work I did on my mental health where I recognized myself, I was proud of myself, and I was content. I found it removed this background layer of anxiety and I’m now enjoying the journey as I get closer to my end goals. I’m also less rigid with my train of thinking in almost all aspects. I know everyone’s journey is their own, so maybe therapy isn’t the answer for you on this specifically, but mental health is important for everyone and I’m a huge advocate for everyone to think of it on their health journey.
It's so cool that you documented this process and shared it with the world (and I really love the editing). I have my own complicated feelings around body image so I generally never mention people's weight loss in case it's complicated for them too, but I think now I can safely say that you are looking amazing and you should be so proud of yourself.
It is such a hard topic to navigate, the range of emotions that come up while talking about it vary wildly and don't make any sense to me! Thank you though, I appreciate it :)
Nice work man! I've been going through a similar transformation, albeit a little slower. I'm a short guy standing at 5'4" starting at 284lb (~128kg). I've gotten down to 173lb (~78kg) since July of 2023. All done with diet and exercise, didn't want to go the route of surgery or medications unless absolutely necessary, and so far I'm finding that it hasn't been necessary.
Absolutely amazing result. I dropped 30kgs in a year, can’t imagine how this must have been for you. On the subject of loose skin, I’ve read people have had good results with water fasting to get rid of it.
I'm thankful I came across your video. It's so inspiring to see how you reached your goal in the end. Hopefully, that will be me one day. I'm not even hungry anymore; it's just the head hunger and my love for food that make dieting hard. But watching your video gives me motivation. Thank you so much! My goal is to lose 67 kg in a year. My starting weight is 133 kg. I have been doing keto with low-intensity workouts for 2 weeks now, and I have lost 7 kg.
I thought getting past the physical hunger would make it easier but then I started watching a bunch of cooking videos and I just love food so much! I didn't make it easy on myself 😆 Keep up the good work!
I dont think many understand the mental fortitude it required to accomplish what you did whilst living with mince and cheese pies available on every corner of the country
Insane dude, losing weight is nothing but consistency and honesty with our own selves. So many people live lying to themselves and sabotaging their own health. I get so happy when I see a successful story, congratulations!
Lived in Christchurch, NZ for a year, and the winter there was like a holiday for me (I'm from Finland) 😄I started my weight loss journey at 230kg (I'm 185cm) and am now 188kg, a long way to go but I am taking it easier than the past million times I've tried to lose before. I'm still eating good stuff, I have small portions, around 200 grams. Not all the time, but quite often still. I think for us who have lost and gained many times (but gradually grown heavier), we usually try to get to the goal fast to enjoy food again. It's a bad habit that is difficult to lose. Hopefully you can keep it off with all the new fun activities you get to do :)
Your next video should be a muscle gaining / body recomposition video! Focusing on lifting weights as opposed to cardio will help tighten up and tone your body +boost the metabolism and make you feel even better! 😊
Great motivation. At my peak I was at 130 and haven’t weighed myself for over a year. Been dieting and working out regularly for just over three months. Currently at 115. keeping it up and this motivated me a lot 💪🏽
You mentioned how frustrated you were because your weight loss journey was interfering with your "life". AND that it is such a LONG time to commit to a goal. I totally get that. I have started over myself and at 51, it seems so so difficult. I'm slowly putting systems in place because I have told myself that I do NOT want to go back to where I was. I think what is different for me today is that I am working hard to let go of my all or nothing mentality and focusing on small goals that I can meet every day. So far, this has really been helping as I tomorrow I will have finished my 2nd 30 day movement challenge. I am working to remind myself - Consistency over perfection. Thank you for this video. This really helped me get through a valley I was experiencing today!
You lost over 200 lbs! Wow that's incredible!! I'm on my weight loss journey and learning that it's quite difficult as you age. I'm on month 4 and so far have only lost 2 kg. this is my second time losing weight and I kept off 9kg but gained a bit so trying to get back to at least an okay weight
Great work! Losing weight is no easy feat. I am currently on day 73 of 75 hard and have lost around 32 pounds. I hope to keep this progress going over the holiday season. Keep up the good work dude!
Wow, I’m truly impressed! Losing 100 kilograms in just one year is an incredible achievement. Your determination and commitment are genuinely inspiring, and I loved the video of you documenting the journey.
Thank you for showing the realistic side of losing weight, these videos are so rare and doesn’t show the difficult side and the lack of motivation but you keep going regardless just changing what doesn’t work.
I'm a woman that is quite short (160cm).I put weight on trough 2 pregnancys. I only need to lose around 20kg, I'm down 7kg and I'm already so happy about it (in 3.5 months). And I'm proud of myself. So I'm hoping to get down the other 13kg in 2025. I'm so impressed about your journey and the mindset it took. I'm still trying to eat Kalorie dense food oder treats once in a while, so I'm not craving it. I try to eat 80% 'healthy' food. I'm enjoying my 20%way more then before. Also I stopped craving sweets (I couldn't stop eating before, now I just take one pice and it's fine.) Try to finde a good mix, so you can stay consistent. Good luck with the loose skin and building muscle, I wish you good results! You deserve it!
I am really motivated by your progress. I was 104.5 kg and have lost nearly 15 kg. Currently, I weigh 89 kg. I can feel the effects of weight loss, especially when I run short distances-I’m no longer out of breath, and my legs don’t feel exhausted. Keep up the great work! ❤️
I rarely comment, but I'm truly impressed by your journey, honesty, and the amazing quality of this video. You deserve a million subs, easy. Good luck and congratulations!
WOW CONGRATULATIONS!!! I feel so inspired, fingers crossed this time I can keep the weight off. Thank you for being so open to share your journey with us, I wish great success in all your endeavours!
Oh wow, this is insane! You've lost roughly what i need to lose too! And this is motivation since i really think the loose skin situation isn't really all that bad. You could've been far worse mate! Congrats on the weightloss and i hope you will continue your growth!
Firstly, congratulations! What an achievement, I’m so glad you got through it and helped yourself live. Secondly, thank you. As I type this I am exactly where you were a year ago, over 400lbs and - as you described it so well - feeling like a prisoner. My motivation has been through the floor this past year and I’m just packing more weight on with sad/stress/any and all feelings binge eating. Even a health scare in the summer hasn’t bucked my ideas up… However it’s constantly on my mind and your video randomly popping up has steeled my resolve to start today, no matter how small. Lots of love to you, thank you for sharing and I hope life gives you so many blessings x
This video was insanely inspirational! I’ve put on 20kg due to a hormonal conditional called PCOS and sometimes it can feel impossible because it feels like hormones are constantly working against you. But this was so inspirational to see - you should be so insanely proud of yourself
Went from 90 to 70 kg in a year. That was like five years ago. I gained around 5 back and lately I've lost weight again. Now I'm focusing on keeping sport and healthy eating in my daily life (while keeping fast food one or twice a week if I want to in moderate amount). I feel much better in my life, more confident, and my mood if infinitely better than what it used to be. Still a little weight to loose but I'm not worried about it 👌 Congrats for your work!
great video dude, and thanks for taking about the loose skin at the end, its so good to hear people talking about that rather than pretending it isn't there!
I lost 80 lbs in a year. What I tell people is it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was so much easier than I made it out to be. Like you said, the information out there is all over the place. I thought I needed to join a gym, and start some crazy diet, or get on medication. When in reality all I had to do was take a long, hard look at my eating habits and cut certain foods out and form new healthy eating habits. I totally related to everything you said. Suddenly I felt like there were so many activities that were available to me. Going to concerts, zip lining, riding a helicopter, and holding my growing children all felt like things that were not available to me before but now they are. It's been a year since I lost the weight and I still double take in the mirrors often. And just like you the version of me I see in the mirror now is how I think I always saw myself. I don't recognize the old me in those pictures. I lost my 80 lbs all through diet and little exercise. The following year I started doing weight training and maintaining my weight and my body has recompositioned during this last year. I felt I had some loose skin too and working out has definitely improved that for me, I'm sure it'll work for you too. Be proud of the work you've done to improve your life. Looking forward to How Hard Is It to maintain weight loss over a year! You can do it!
That's awesome, the freedom you gain after something like that is lifechanging. I didn't talk about it much in the video but being healthy enough to do things with my kid, and be a good influence for him, is super important. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll do my best for the follow up!
Amazing work. The mental side of managing a long term healthy diet is not something to underestimate, there are reasons you got that big, many people lose weight then gain it back, because they don't address it. I'm 92kg trying to lose at least 10kg more. Its crazy how you managed that every month. I'm just focused on trying to maintain a calory deficit, and improving my 5k run times, but much slower progress then you.
Congrats, I"m losing too, but taking it slow. I'm down 22kg this year and 9% body fat. I've done it fast before and gained it back, so I'm trying to gain muscle and doing a 3 months on, 1-2 months maintaining. I'm down to the lightest I've been in 12 years. The downsides are frustrating though, people are much nicer, which makes me angry. It's hard to tell how clothes fit day to day. What's been interesting is to walk into nicer clothing shops, before and now. One, they were super gentle and helpful and pulled the relaxed fit things they could find and will be getting some business later. The other said "nothing we have will fit you" when I was looking for a hoodie before so they're out. But I swam 2km easily the other day and can bench press 80kg now so I'm getting there. The loss of comfort foods is tough too. Fatty foods don't really taste good anymore to me. But on the whole it's been positive.
@ part of it is just realizing that the hard part isn’t over. Maintenance is just as challenging, if not more so. I’ve lost this much before, but always got derailed after. I’m trying to build maintenance in this time to have a plan ready and practice doing it.
@@kirschkonfekt Definitely, I'm moving better, my joints don't hurt, I'm so much stronger than I was and have an insane amount of endurance, I'm off of all medications except for my ADHD ones. I've found a level of discipline that I needed to keep going. As someone else said, "Being heavy is hard, getting in shape is hard, you pick your hard." But the constant weight loss plays hell with my sensory issues. I'm happy with it and keeping going but significant weight loss is very rough in a way that's rarely discussed. After I'm done I'm sure it'll take another year for my body to feel like 'me" again.
Congrats on the weightloss journey! As someone who also really LOVES food, I can definitely feel the frustration you felt. On that note, in my experience I've learned that complete restriction of my favorite unhealthy foods (and punishing myself for eating it) wasn't the way to go, because it only made me crave so much more of it and binging it.
Congratulations, very impressing weight loss, almost 2 kilos/week for a whole year! I really liked the part where you talk about things that you can now can do (15:27), that is something to compare all the restrictions to. You look like you have a lot more energy now.
Impressive and inspirational. Thank you. I lost half that weight and took twice as long, but happy that I did. Don't want to live forever, just want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I live. Amazing and keep it up (down) 😊
This is incredibly motivating. Thanks for making this video! Getting back to skateboarding was my slow start at getting back into shape. I have now found I need to do a "real" change to enable me to skateboard more and progress more through that. at 170kg now and hoping to lose at least like 50 or something in the next year. Your video showed me that even more can be doable.
About your loose skin, you have two options if you want to get rid of it. There's surgery and there's building muscle. Both together would be the best option, build muscle and if there's any left you want gone surgery. Congrats man, i hope I lose my weight too.
You are an inspiration, literally. I've lost about 20kg and kept (most of) it off for 12 months. And keeping it off hasn’t been easy. Your weight loss journey is inspiring me to get back on the horse and loose some more.
Every word resonated with me holy crap. I love food so much and that's why I got obese. I am in the 8th month of my journey 72 lbs down and man it feels like it is taking forever. At the start it was very motivating but when it started to slow down and became a grind, like it is now, its hard to keep motivated. I am very close to my goal so its keeping me focused.
you absolutely smashed it, I have recently lost around 100lbs and that was hard enough, i relate to allot of the feelings after too. proud of you stranger
First of, well done and congratulations! I'm currently trying to lose around 50kg, same height as you but starting at a bit over 140kg. I love food and its one of the hardest things to give up, chocolate is my enemy and I haven't had any in two months. I also cut out caffeine, which if anyone was like me having 1-2 energy drinks, pepsi max and chocolate all in one day, every day, I can say that cutting out caffeine has been my biggest change that I can recommend, while my goal now is losing weight, I'm starting off with more energy than ever, I sleep better and make it through the day a lot easier, it has made dieting a bit more achievable and I feel mentally motivated a lot easier. I started with the one task of caffeine and now the rest seems easier. Remember that every is different, some try cutting everything from day one and then fail within a few weeks (Like I have done for the last 8 years), sometimes it is baby steps.
I had to ditch energy drinks but my morning coffee is keeping me sane, my biggest thing to cut out was sugar, and if I could do it for a few days I was good but any time I had ANY I was a fiend for it again 😭
Absolutely brilliant mate. Would love to interview you for my own channel. I wanted to make some observations if you don’t mind. I struggle with my weight but never more than 8 to 10 kg outside of my healthy weight range. My issue is not so much that I’m all or nothing but I need social support to implement the changes I need. So I’m working with a dietician, to help me implement what I know very well works. I do like your New Zealand humour and maybe that last screen grab of you eating chips, chisels, pizza etc. was part of it but there’s one thing you talked about. You said you’re an all or nothing person. Those who struggle with obesity and particularly class 2,3 obesity, are usually all or nothing people. For example, Most people who don’t struggle with obesity wouldn’t have several packets of chips and a pizza. I just worry that you’ll swing back the other way if you do happen to see that as “eating food”. Those packets of chemicals and lab produced items are not food as you know it, they are more digestible laboratory Creations and they’re okay in small quantities, like a 50 g pack of chips and a 50 g bar of chocolate maybe once or twice a day on a treat day but the fact that you have several open and pizza is possibly going to be a bit of an issue if that looks like an indulgence to you - when that quantity should just never even be an indulgence, at all. Do you know what I mean? I know you won’t eat that way every day but if even that’s considered having a treat day, I just worry you will swing back.
be proud of what you achieved in the last year, that´s really impressive! And as someone who also lost 45 kg in the last year (went from 128 kg to 83 kg), I know the hardest part is to keep that weight. So keep up and enjoy your new life :)
RUclips knows me well to suggest your video to me, I find it very interesting to follow along these kind of journeys, and yours was specifically nice to watch. I love the creative way you incorporated the monthly titles in each given clip.
That is a massive achievement and inspiration to someone that has to lose a similar amount of weight. Almost everywhere you look you are told the only way to lose that amount is via surgery, so you've given me the drive to just start. Thank you for sharing.
One of the most inspiring videos I've seen. 100kgs in a year is a huge accomplishment, as you mentioned a bit much for such a short time period but still you managed to do it, most people would give up after the first few obstacles appeared.
I lost 35kg over the course of 2 years. I still yoyo around +5/-5kgs every once in a while but making sure I weigh myself at least once a month - I can stay on top of it and dont let it all come sneaking back. I reckon both you and I have had bad habits for our entire lives and those bad habits can EASILY become the norm again if we start slacking. You're doing really really well. A 100kg in just a year might be way too extreme for most but it clearly worked out! 🤗
Great job! Keep saying to yourself how impressive it is :) You can be proud. I liked how you did not seem to put too much emphasis on your appearance, but rather on how many doors you have opened for yourself and how you can pick up sports again.
I'm so impressed! such a monumental achievement and great video. I wached it last night and kept thinking about it today - I'm feeling inspired. I would love to see an update at some point about maintaining the weight loss.
Amazing achievement, very inspiring. Great blogging aswell. I would love to see your journey over the next year. How hard is it to keep it off and maintaining this new reality :)
I have so many things I want to say and I can't put them all into words without it becoming a rambling mess of adoration/praise. I'll just say that you've proved with this journey whatever you put your mind to you can and will succeed in it. Amazing video and you have great vibes.
Next video gonna be how hard is it to gain 100kg in a year by the looks of the outro, lol. In all seriousness incredible work and determination, congratulations
Well I am pretty sure this showed up because I am currently on a weightloss journey myself. Admittedly I am.6ft and started at 106kg, but im about 12kg down so far and have to say im enjoying the extra energy. you have absolutely smashed this though my man.
This is amazing. I also went about losing weight in a somewhat unhealthy way, ate very little, skipped meals at some points, and I super agree with 19:01. Really impressed with the results, really didn't expect you to be able to do it.
This insane and so inspiring! I weighed 70kg 5 weeks ago and I'm down to 64,9kg. I'm aware it's not as drastic. But I'm really proud because I've also tried to lose weight for a couple years. So inspiring to see your video 🤟🏻
Congratulations on your big achievement , I have been trying to lose weight for my entire life but nothing works because I love food. Your work is so inspiring
21:38 it would be great to have some updates down the road of how you’ve found adapting to your new lifestyle and have your diet has evolved and how hard it’s been to keep it off. If you feel comfortable with something like that.
Not really certain why this showed up in my algorithm, but you flat out killed it. You lost 100kg, look ten years younger and showed a realistic and honest look at the work that is needed to do this.
RUclips works in mysterious ways!
The wild part is most people who lose this much weight regain it within a decade (Like literally 99%+ of all people)
@@talananiyiyaya8912it is a high percentage not quite 99. I've got faith this guy can stay healthy
That’s literally INSANE progress! 100kg in a year is a lot of weight super proud this is literally so motivating
3:15 love how honest you were while saying "Yeah, I took a break for december".
Down from 143 to 91 in 7 months here. Only thing I changed was go for walks 30-60 minutes a day and eating less. It sure gets slower the closer you get to your weight goal.
Got diagnosed with diabetes type 2 which is what prompted me to begin the weight loss and now that is in almost complete remission. I will most likely be medicine free in 2025.
Really well done man. A great achievement on your part. Proud of ya.
Amazing achievement.
That’s insane weight loss
I thought this was in lbs I was like "oh my goodness are you ok?!" lol that's amazing dude! well done!
Literally thought you had 100k plus subscribers with the video and editing quality! Really good and very realistic video and congrats on your very impressive weight lose!
😆 maybe one day, thanks!
I just love the fact that you acknowledged that you were pushing yourself too hard. Hitting your goals is important, but doing so healthily is even more important
Wow. You’ve probably added another 10-20 years to your life - who knows. Terrific effort well done my man.
Hi Nic
So proud of you
I am a friend of your parents and knew you as a young lad in Dunedin
Keep up the good work. You’re worth it.
Video is blowing up, congratz! 🎉
I lost 20 kgs in the last year and now I am trying to lose 10 more. Even getting 20 kgs leaner was hard, I can't imagine how hard and how changing losing 100kgs is!
We'll wait for new update videos, I am currently at 100kgs and hope to meet you in 90 kgs in two months 😊
Thanks man, I might take a bit longer than that to get there now I've calmed down but soon!
@@howhardisit yeah sure, keep us updated on what you'll do next. it can be doing exercise and putting up muscle, can be going through skin surgery, learning to keep your weight, etc.
you are an inspiration to us!
I hope you achieve your goal of 10 more kg. Keep it up!
don't know why this appeared in my feed, but so glad it did. I am 4 weeks and 6kg into trying to lose 40kg. I am finding it very difficult. I have learned how dependent I am on food for mood regulation. (read between the lines, not being able to eat what i want is making me quite grumpy) But your video has really inspired me to push through and keep going. Thank you.
I am the same way, food just has an innate ability to make me feel better, so not having it is infuriating! Well done though, keep pushing and you'll get there :)
Keep it up, random stranger, I believe in you!
Your phone is a stalker and knows everything. 😂 Food is difficult. I’ve even quit alcohol and eating out and still struggle with calorie intake. 😞
Yes I can relate very much to this, food regulates me toO
I feel you guys. My go to in those moments is yoghurt (plant based if I find a yummy one) with fruits. It's sweet, I can eat a lot of yoghurt so I also get to eat a lot of volume which can help... Or a walk whenever I crave snacks in between meals 😂😂
You guys got this ❤️
The fact that you managed to lose a really considerable amount of weight consistently over the months amazes me! This transformation must be of the best I have ever seen so far!
It'd be really interesting to see a muscle gain on top of that too
Wow your results are truly amazing! Loosing 10kg is very hard, I can’t imagine what will power it takes to lose 100kg.
losing 100kg is crazy! it's kinda like you put down TWO people that you were carrying on your back! I'm so happy for you!
Losing 100kg in a year is fucking insane.
I hope you come back with more vids man, it's awesome to see someone relatable put out something so cool. Congrats on the transformation.
Glad to see this video came up in my feed. I've been getting close to hitting a rut with my weight loss, so this is very motivating to see. I was 227kg (500lb) and since August I've been losing a lot and got down to just below 200 (439). So now I just gotta do what you did!!
Well done so far, keep up the good work, but don't go too hard, take it slow
Congratiulations! 100Kg is simply nuts, you look great.
I love your advise at the end. I went the slow way, at the 30th of November it will be 20kg in one year. From 107kg to 87kg. But since I have been lifting all year I also gained some muscle. I think deep down everybody knows how to lose weight, it's you against yourself. There are some `hacks´, but in the end it's all you, and in your case you are one hell of a fighter!
First, congratulations, that’s amazing! Second, don’t hate me but I did skip around the video so sorry if you did mention this, but towards the end you mentioned not recognizing yourself, and having a hard time giving yourself credit. If you haven’t already, please consider therapy.
As someone who has been overweight their whole life, with brief periods of weight loss but never being able to keep it off, it wasn’t until this year that I not only lost weight but that it feels sustainable, and I owe that to starting therapy for the first time to tackle my unhealthy relationship with food, how much it preoccupied my thoughts, and body image issues.
Since starting therapy, I went from 335 to 235 lbs and getting pretty close to my goal weight. I was so obsessed with hitting my goal weight initially that I too didn’t recognize myself, and couldn’t give myself credit for the hard work I was putting in, and something finally clicked with all the work I did on my mental health where I recognized myself, I was proud of myself, and I was content. I found it removed this background layer of anxiety and I’m now enjoying the journey as I get closer to my end goals. I’m also less rigid with my train of thinking in almost all aspects.
I know everyone’s journey is their own, so maybe therapy isn’t the answer for you on this specifically, but mental health is important for everyone and I’m a huge advocate for everyone to think of it on their health journey.
It's so cool that you documented this process and shared it with the world (and I really love the editing). I have my own complicated feelings around body image so I generally never mention people's weight loss in case it's complicated for them too, but I think now I can safely say that you are looking amazing and you should be so proud of yourself.
It is such a hard topic to navigate, the range of emotions that come up while talking about it vary wildly and don't make any sense to me! Thank you though, I appreciate it :)
Nice work man! I've been going through a similar transformation, albeit a little slower. I'm a short guy standing at 5'4" starting at 284lb (~128kg). I've gotten down to 173lb (~78kg) since July of 2023. All done with diet and exercise, didn't want to go the route of surgery or medications unless absolutely necessary, and so far I'm finding that it hasn't been necessary.
Well done man, I had a similar mentality and I'm glad I stuck with it!
Absolutely amazing result. I dropped 30kgs in a year, can’t imagine how this must have been for you. On the subject of loose skin, I’ve read people have had good results with water fasting to get rid of it.
I'm thankful I came across your video. It's so inspiring to see how you reached your goal in the end. Hopefully, that will be me one day. I'm not even hungry anymore; it's just the head hunger and my love for food that make dieting hard. But watching your video gives me motivation. Thank you so much!
My goal is to lose 67 kg in a year. My starting weight is 133 kg. I have been doing keto with low-intensity workouts for 2 weeks now, and I have lost 7 kg.
I thought getting past the physical hunger would make it easier but then I started watching a bunch of cooking videos and I just love food so much! I didn't make it easy on myself 😆 Keep up the good work!
I think RUclips is broken. I was only able to hit the like button once. Oh well. Super inspiring video. Well Done Sir
Absolutely outstanding work in doing this in a year. I have just starting looking at losing approximately 40Kgs and this was a great video to watch.
Absolutely great effort! Such a great achievement. I hope you manage to find a lifestyle to keep the weight off and you happy and healthy!
I dont think many understand the mental fortitude it required to accomplish what you did whilst living with mince and cheese pies available on every corner of the country
Genuinely, not eating pies was the most difficult part of the year!
Insane dude, losing weight is nothing but consistency and honesty with our own selves. So many people live lying to themselves and sabotaging their own health. I get so happy when I see a successful story, congratulations!
Lived in Christchurch, NZ for a year, and the winter there was like a holiday for me (I'm from Finland) 😄I started my weight loss journey at 230kg (I'm 185cm) and am now 188kg, a long way to go but I am taking it easier than the past million times I've tried to lose before. I'm still eating good stuff, I have small portions, around 200 grams. Not all the time, but quite often still. I think for us who have lost and gained many times (but gradually grown heavier), we usually try to get to the goal fast to enjoy food again. It's a bad habit that is difficult to lose. Hopefully you can keep it off with all the new fun activities you get to do :)
Your next video should be a muscle gaining / body recomposition video! Focusing on lifting weights as opposed to cardio will help tighten up and tone your body +boost the metabolism and make you feel even better! 😊
congratulations, very inspiring. i must say the editing and timing of the video is on point
Bro you killing it. Hugh respect also for staying consistent in filming the process
Super fucking insane bro! Thats some crazy tenacity.
Great motivation. At my peak I was at 130 and haven’t weighed myself for over a year. Been dieting and working out regularly for just over three months. Currently at 115. keeping it up and this motivated me a lot 💪🏽
You mentioned how frustrated you were because your weight loss journey was interfering with your "life". AND that it is such a LONG time to commit to a goal. I totally get that. I have started over myself and at 51, it seems so so difficult. I'm slowly putting systems in place because I have told myself that I do NOT want to go back to where I was. I think what is different for me today is that I am working hard to let go of my all or nothing mentality and focusing on small goals that I can meet every day. So far, this has really been helping as I tomorrow I will have finished my 2nd 30 day movement challenge. I am working to remind myself - Consistency over perfection. Thank you for this video. This really helped me get through a valley I was experiencing today!
The idea of going back scares me, it's not something I think I can do again, I definitely need to find a healthy way to approach each day
You lost over 200 lbs! Wow that's incredible!! I'm on my weight loss journey and learning that it's quite difficult as you age. I'm on month 4 and so far have only lost 2 kg. this is my second time losing weight and I kept off 9kg but gained a bit so trying to get back to at least an okay weight
Great work! Losing weight is no easy feat. I am currently on day 73 of 75 hard and have lost around 32 pounds. I hope to keep this progress going over the holiday season. Keep up the good work dude!
Thanks, sounds like you're making great progress too, keep it up!
Wow, I’m truly impressed! Losing 100 kilograms in just one year is an incredible achievement. Your determination and commitment are genuinely inspiring, and I loved the video of you documenting the journey.
This is amazing, great work ! Losing weight is so incredibly hard. You killed it ! 🎉
Thank you for showing the realistic side of losing weight, these videos are so rare and doesn’t show the difficult side and the lack of motivation but you keep going regardless just changing what doesn’t work.
Yeah i agree so many of them are all smiles and secret tricks, but that's not realistic
I'm a woman that is quite short (160cm).I put weight on trough 2 pregnancys. I only need to lose around 20kg, I'm down 7kg and I'm already so happy about it (in 3.5 months). And I'm proud of myself.
So I'm hoping to get down the other 13kg in 2025.
I'm so impressed about your journey and the mindset it took.
I'm still trying to eat Kalorie dense food oder treats once in a while, so I'm not craving it. I try to eat 80% 'healthy' food. I'm enjoying my 20%way more then before. Also I stopped craving sweets (I couldn't stop eating before, now I just take one pice and it's fine.)
Try to finde a good mix, so you can stay consistent. Good luck with the loose skin and building muscle, I wish you good results! You deserve it!
I am really motivated by your progress. I was 104.5 kg and have lost nearly 15 kg. Currently, I weigh 89 kg. I can feel the effects of weight loss, especially when I run short distances-I’m no longer out of breath, and my legs don’t feel exhausted. Keep up the great work! ❤️
I have so much respect for you. Well done!
I rarely comment, but I'm truly impressed by your journey, honesty, and the amazing quality of this video. You deserve a million subs, easy. Good luck and congratulations!
WOW CONGRATULATIONS!!! I feel so inspired, fingers crossed this time I can keep the weight off. Thank you for being so open to share your journey with us, I wish great success in all your endeavours!
Oh wow, this is insane! You've lost roughly what i need to lose too! And this is motivation since i really think the loose skin situation isn't really all that bad. You could've been far worse mate! Congrats on the weightloss and i hope you will continue your growth!
Firstly, congratulations! What an achievement, I’m so glad you got through it and helped yourself live.
Secondly, thank you. As I type this I am exactly where you were a year ago, over 400lbs and - as you described it so well - feeling like a prisoner. My motivation has been through the floor this past year and I’m just packing more weight on with sad/stress/any and all feelings binge eating. Even a health scare in the summer hasn’t bucked my ideas up… However it’s constantly on my mind and your video randomly popping up has steeled my resolve to start today, no matter how small. Lots of love to you, thank you for sharing and I hope life gives you so many blessings x
I hope it goes well, it doesn't have to be crazy either, just small steps and you'll get there :)
This video was insanely inspirational! I’ve put on 20kg due to a hormonal conditional called PCOS and sometimes it can feel impossible because it feels like hormones are constantly working against you. But this was so inspirational to see - you should be so insanely proud of yourself
PCOS sounds incredibly challenging, for weight and anything physically demanding, I hope you can get to a point you're happy with.
Went from 90 to 70 kg in a year. That was like five years ago. I gained around 5 back and lately I've lost weight again. Now I'm focusing on keeping sport and healthy eating in my daily life (while keeping fast food one or twice a week if I want to in moderate amount). I feel much better in my life, more confident, and my mood if infinitely better than what it used to be. Still a little weight to loose but I'm not worried about it 👌
Congrats for your work!
great video dude, and thanks for taking about the loose skin at the end, its so good to hear people talking about that rather than pretending it isn't there!
I lost 80 lbs in a year. What I tell people is it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was so much easier than I made it out to be. Like you said, the information out there is all over the place. I thought I needed to join a gym, and start some crazy diet, or get on medication. When in reality all I had to do was take a long, hard look at my eating habits and cut certain foods out and form new healthy eating habits. I totally related to everything you said. Suddenly I felt like there were so many activities that were available to me. Going to concerts, zip lining, riding a helicopter, and holding my growing children all felt like things that were not available to me before but now they are. It's been a year since I lost the weight and I still double take in the mirrors often. And just like you the version of me I see in the mirror now is how I think I always saw myself. I don't recognize the old me in those pictures. I lost my 80 lbs all through diet and little exercise. The following year I started doing weight training and maintaining my weight and my body has recompositioned during this last year. I felt I had some loose skin too and working out has definitely improved that for me, I'm sure it'll work for you too. Be proud of the work you've done to improve your life. Looking forward to How Hard Is It to maintain weight loss over a year! You can do it!
That's awesome, the freedom you gain after something like that is lifechanging. I didn't talk about it much in the video but being healthy enough to do things with my kid, and be a good influence for him, is super important. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll do my best for the follow up!
Amazing work. The mental side of managing a long term healthy diet is not something to underestimate, there are reasons you got that big, many people lose weight then gain it back, because they don't address it. I'm 92kg trying to lose at least 10kg more. Its crazy how you managed that every month. I'm just focused on trying to maintain a calory deficit, and improving my 5k run times, but much slower progress then you.
Congrats, I"m losing too, but taking it slow. I'm down 22kg this year and 9% body fat. I've done it fast before and gained it back, so I'm trying to gain muscle and doing a 3 months on, 1-2 months maintaining. I'm down to the lightest I've been in 12 years. The downsides are frustrating though, people are much nicer, which makes me angry. It's hard to tell how clothes fit day to day. What's been interesting is to walk into nicer clothing shops, before and now. One, they were super gentle and helpful and pulled the relaxed fit things they could find and will be getting some business later. The other said "nothing we have will fit you" when I was looking for a hoodie before so they're out. But I swam 2km easily the other day and can bench press 80kg now so I'm getting there. The loss of comfort foods is tough too. Fatty foods don't really taste good anymore to me. But on the whole it's been positive.
Slow is the right choice, I'm worried about gaining it all back and so far I'm doing okay, and after this I'd like to think my resolve is good enough!
@ part of it is just realizing that the hard part isn’t over. Maintenance is just as challenging, if not more so. I’ve lost this much before, but always got derailed after. I’m trying to build maintenance in this time to have a plan ready and practice doing it.
I hope between all your mentioned "downsides" you can see the positive effects and keep it up
@@kirschkonfekt Definitely, I'm moving better, my joints don't hurt, I'm so much stronger than I was and have an insane amount of endurance, I'm off of all medications except for my ADHD ones. I've found a level of discipline that I needed to keep going. As someone else said, "Being heavy is hard, getting in shape is hard, you pick your hard." But the constant weight loss plays hell with my sensory issues. I'm happy with it and keeping going but significant weight loss is very rough in a way that's rarely discussed. After I'm done I'm sure it'll take another year for my body to feel like 'me" again.
Congrats on the weightloss journey! As someone who also really LOVES food, I can definitely feel the frustration you felt. On that note, in my experience I've learned that complete restriction of my favorite unhealthy foods (and punishing myself for eating it) wasn't the way to go, because it only made me crave so much more of it and binging it.
Congratulations, very impressing weight loss, almost 2 kilos/week for a whole year! I really liked the part where you talk about things that you can now can do (15:27), that is something to compare all the restrictions to. You look like you have a lot more energy now.
Impressive and inspiring consistent work and progress. Well done.
Well done you absolutely crushed it. You really did do something amazing and it’ll change your life. Well done that man !
Impressive and inspirational. Thank you. I lost half that weight and took twice as long, but happy that I did. Don't want to live forever, just want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I live. Amazing and keep it up (down) 😊
Amazing work! You look so much healthier and happier now.
This is incredibly motivating. Thanks for making this video! Getting back to skateboarding was my slow start at getting back into shape. I have now found I need to do a "real" change to enable me to skateboard more and progress more through that. at 170kg now and hoping to lose at least like 50 or something in the next year. Your video showed me that even more can be doable.
About your loose skin, you have two options if you want to get rid of it. There's surgery and there's building muscle. Both together would be the best option, build muscle and if there's any left you want gone surgery.
Congrats man, i hope I lose my weight too.
This is really inspiring in many ways. Congratulations on setting up your goal, sticking to it, and coming out on top.
Great Job! What a motivation you are. Thanks for this video!
You are an inspiration, literally.
I've lost about 20kg and kept (most of) it off for 12 months. And keeping it off hasn’t been easy.
Your weight loss journey is inspiring me to get back on the horse and loose some more.
this video couldn't have come at a better time! well done and congratulations on getting your life back!
Every word resonated with me holy crap. I love food so much and that's why I got obese. I am in the 8th month of my journey 72 lbs down and man it feels like it is taking forever. At the start it was very motivating but when it started to slow down and became a grind, like it is now, its hard to keep motivated. I am very close to my goal so its keeping me focused.
A grind is right, it's a constant struggle. Awesome work though, keep it up!
you absolutely smashed it, I have recently lost around 100lbs and that was hard enough, i relate to allot of the feelings after too. proud of you stranger
First of, well done and congratulations!
I'm currently trying to lose around 50kg, same height as you but starting at a bit over 140kg. I love food and its one of the hardest things to give up, chocolate is my enemy and I haven't had any in two months. I also cut out caffeine, which if anyone was like me having 1-2 energy drinks, pepsi max and chocolate all in one day, every day, I can say that cutting out caffeine has been my biggest change that I can recommend, while my goal now is losing weight, I'm starting off with more energy than ever, I sleep better and make it through the day a lot easier, it has made dieting a bit more achievable and I feel mentally motivated a lot easier. I started with the one task of caffeine and now the rest seems easier. Remember that every is different, some try cutting everything from day one and then fail within a few weeks (Like I have done for the last 8 years), sometimes it is baby steps.
I had to ditch energy drinks but my morning coffee is keeping me sane, my biggest thing to cut out was sugar, and if I could do it for a few days I was good but any time I had ANY I was a fiend for it again 😭
Thank you for inspiring me and being realistic about the process for you.
Absolutely brilliant mate. Would love to interview you for my own channel.
I wanted to make some observations if you don’t mind. I struggle with my weight but never more than 8 to 10 kg outside of my healthy weight range. My issue is not so much that I’m all or nothing but I need social support to implement the changes I need. So I’m working with a dietician, to help me implement what I know very well works.
I do like your New Zealand humour and maybe that last screen grab of you eating chips, chisels, pizza etc. was part of it but there’s one thing you talked about. You said you’re an all or nothing person. Those who struggle with obesity and particularly class 2,3 obesity, are usually all or nothing people. For example, Most people who don’t struggle with obesity wouldn’t have several packets of chips and a pizza. I just worry that you’ll swing back the other way if you do happen to see that as “eating food”. Those packets of chemicals and lab produced items are not food as you know it, they are more digestible laboratory Creations and they’re okay in small quantities, like a 50 g pack of chips and a 50 g bar of chocolate maybe once or twice a day on a treat day but the fact that you have several open and pizza is possibly going to be a bit of an issue if that looks like an indulgence to you - when that quantity should just never even be an indulgence, at all. Do you know what I mean? I know you won’t eat that way every day but if even that’s considered having a treat day, I just worry you will swing back.
I know I want to loose some weight, and I think my algorithm try to encourage me with your video, and it work!
I want to appreciate your ideas for video transitions to make the the letters of each month appear, really cool!
Haha thanks, i tried it for one then got hooked and had to do it for the rest. It takes a while but i like how it turned out!
be proud of what you achieved in the last year, that´s really impressive!
And as someone who also lost 45 kg in the last year (went from 128 kg to 83 kg), I know the hardest part is to keep that weight.
So keep up and enjoy your new life :)
Dude this is sick! Such a well made video but more importantly the weight loss is incredible. I don't know you but I am proud of you :D
RUclips knows me well to suggest your video to me, I find it very interesting to follow along these kind of journeys, and yours was specifically nice to watch. I love the creative way you incorporated the monthly titles in each given clip.
You look so healthy!
Good to see you have options of fun things to enjoy.
Oh my goodness, your transformation is incredible!!
That is a massive achievement and inspiration to someone that has to lose a similar amount of weight. Almost everywhere you look you are told the only way to lose that amount is via surgery, so you've given me the drive to just start. Thank you for sharing.
Massive congrats! You should be really proud of yourself! What an example to set for your kids! Enjoy your new life!
One of the most inspiring videos I've seen. 100kgs in a year is a huge accomplishment, as you mentioned a bit much for such a short time period but still you managed to do it, most people would give up after the first few obstacles appeared.
Absolutely nailed it. Give us the update in another year so we can see if you managed to keep it all off this time. 🎉
I lost 35kg over the course of 2 years. I still yoyo around +5/-5kgs every once in a while but making sure I weigh myself at least once a month - I can stay on top of it and dont let it all come sneaking back. I reckon both you and I have had bad habits for our entire lives and those bad habits can EASILY become the norm again if we start slacking.
You're doing really really well. A 100kg in just a year might be way too extreme for most but it clearly worked out!
Great job! Keep saying to yourself how impressive it is :) You can be proud.
I liked how you did not seem to put too much emphasis on your appearance, but rather on how many doors you have opened for yourself and how you can pick up sports again.
I'm so impressed! such a monumental achievement and great video. I wached it last night and kept thinking about it today - I'm feeling inspired. I would love to see an update at some point about maintaining the weight loss.
Amazing achievement, very inspiring. Great blogging aswell. I would love to see your journey over the next year. How hard is it to keep it off and maintaining this new reality :)
Incredible work! Inspriting committment!
I have so many things I want to say and I can't put them all into words without it becoming a rambling mess of adoration/praise. I'll just say that you've proved with this journey whatever you put your mind to you can and will succeed in it. Amazing video and you have great vibes.
top notch editing quality, very entertaining to watch, made me think you were a lot bigger youtuber!
Just the video i needed🥺
I struggled the past months but this video gives me the motivation and confidence I need. ❤
Next video gonna be how hard is it to gain 100kg in a year by the looks of the outro, lol.
In all seriousness incredible work and determination, congratulations
Well I am pretty sure this showed up because I am currently on a weightloss journey myself. Admittedly I am.6ft and started at 106kg, but im about 12kg down so far and have to say im enjoying the extra energy.
you have absolutely smashed this though my man.
This is amazing. I also went about losing weight in a somewhat unhealthy way, ate very little, skipped meals at some points, and I super agree with 19:01. Really impressed with the results, really didn't expect you to be able to do it.
Neither did I honestly! It's so hard to do it in a healthy way but at least now I can focus on being consistent and healthy
This insane and so inspiring! I weighed 70kg 5 weeks ago and I'm down to 64,9kg. I'm aware it's not as drastic. But I'm really proud because I've also tried to lose weight for a couple years. So inspiring to see your video 🤟🏻
Well done, that must feel amazing
Amazing!! Great work and thanks for sharing your inspiring journey.
Congratulations on your big achievement , I have been trying to lose weight for my entire life but nothing works because I love food. Your work is so inspiring
Huge congratz! 100kg in a year is HUGE!!!
Kia Ora from another Wellingtonian - Great to see the progress and will be awesome to see how 2025 goes - Might see you up Mt. Kaukau sometime
I have been looking for more tracks to bike, that looks like a fun one!
That is trully impressive! Congrats man! I'm on my own journey and for sure you inspired me to keep going!
This has been the most realistic, inspiring, relatable video on weight loss! Thanks so much for this! 😊
21:38 it would be great to have some updates down the road of how you’ve found adapting to your new lifestyle and have your diet has evolved and how hard it’s been to keep it off. If you feel comfortable with something like that.
Nice video! Gratz on the weightlost 🎉