What made you Quit League of legends?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 443

  • @Sesquippedaliophobia
    @Sesquippedaliophobia Месяц назад +221

    "What made you Quit League of legends?" The simple fact that it was bringing large amounts of rage and unhappiness into my life and I finally decided to cut it out. Vanguard is just a cherry on top that keeps me from ever thinking of coming back.

    • @injusticeanywherethreatens4810
      @injusticeanywherethreatens4810 Месяц назад +7

      Saaame brotha! The fact that you cant solo carry kids who are blatantly or borderline feeding? Nah! Screww them and Rito!

    • @johanecheverria3102
      @johanecheverria3102 Месяц назад +3

      I quitted too lol😂 played a game today AND remembered why i quitted, closed that shit midgame

    • @injusticeanywherethreatens4810
      @injusticeanywherethreatens4810 Месяц назад

      @@johanecheverria3102 lol I was in a silver promo ranked game to gold. Our support accidentally feeds 2 times in a row by accident. Then our ADC feeds 4 times in a row because she wanted 'retaliation for a feeding support''(her words not.mine)...OK. Then our jung solo carried us to a positive KDA, grubs, baron, two drags AND stealing another drag. Nice. One more drag to Cloud Soul. We decided(and maybe we made a mistake here) to wait for Cloud Soul to wrap up the game since our team has laughable mobility. I was 3/0/11 , I was playing tanky mordekaiser and I couldnt get my head in the game and get any more ks so I decided to just build tank and rylai and slow whoever the jung wanted to take out. Then our support feeds once more accidentally Due to an unlucky tick of ignite and ourADC stands there under our nexus turret in middle of teamfight and feeds cause 'she's not dealing with a 'feeding support''... Uhh OK . We lose the game cause our ADC had a lot of ouur late game damage I guess but didnt use it. If youre wondering our team's support went 8/3/15. The support only 'fed' 3 times, with 8 Ks. How is that a feeding support!? Even better the ADC went 4/12/11 *facepalm*
      The next ranked game our mid feeds for no reason at all. We kept on talking and talking to him but he didnt even respond once. He went 1/14/1.
      The next ranked game goes well but then we lose it to an akali who had like 22/2/12 and one shotted everyone on the team, even me. The tank. I had a force of nature! What!?
      My NEXT game I played an aram game and reported a khazix with a username of Ni66** . IM THE ONE WHO GOT BANNED. I GOT A TWO WEEK BANNED FOR REPORTING A RACIIST!?
      Im so done with this game lol

    • @ItsMeMora
      @ItsMeMora Месяц назад

      Same, I wasn't the kind of guy to express my rage, but the ranked experience was miserable and made me feel bad outside the game. Vanguard was the nail in the coffin

    • @rathnayos205
      @rathnayos205 Месяц назад +2

      AYO! Facts! I downloaded for swarm gamemode, played 2 games, and then uninstalled.

  • @razamondo
    @razamondo Месяц назад +33

    From vanguard to the gaslighting and lies riot spew all the time, to the inconsistent design philosophy (communication is important, lets add more pings! communication is toxic, lets remove pings! ect...) and other gameplay choices and design both for the normal game and for fun gamemodes that feel like they are made by people who don't even play games let alone league. Don't think I'll ever play again personally, probably just going to treat them as a music/animation production company.

  • @keyman3131
    @keyman3131 Месяц назад +85

    The event passes are what got me. It's one thing to have to choose rewards, or spend a lot of time grinding. But the sheer amount of grind time required for so little payoff killed it for me with my need to collect limited time stuff.

    • @Tiblious
      @Tiblious Месяц назад +3

      Event passes are just cosmetic though…

    • @TheSlayer322pl
      @TheSlayer322pl Месяц назад +13

      @@Tiblious Newsflash, that excuse got old 4 years ago, "its just cosmetics" buddy, that is also content, another newsflash, people care about cosmetics, you dont? cool, the majority does. enough said.

    • @Tiblious
      @Tiblious Месяц назад +10

      @@TheSlayer322pl sounds like you’ve had 4 years to learn to be grateful for free content. lol “newsflash” lmaoo

    • @TheSlayer322pl
      @TheSlayer322pl Месяц назад +11

      @@Tiblious Hey, I understand, its okay to be a company shill, its totally fine, do try to remember this exchange the moment you actually wake up and realise that we've been steadily getting less and less for more and more money, and im not talking about the economic situation here. have a good one

    • @BlackenedVoodoo11
      @BlackenedVoodoo11 Месяц назад

      @@TheSlayer322pl”you don’t understand! I absolutely MUST buy cosmetics!!! I want them so I must have them! I can’t stop myself from buying event passes and they’re STEALING MY MONEY!!!” Goofy bro

  • @FizzleIsGaming
    @FizzleIsGaming Месяц назад +29

    no friends to play with since we are all working adults, toxic community, bored of the repetitive games and metas that stale quickly, a combination of a lot of reasons honestly. i quit a long time before vanguard, but that would be another thing. kernel level access from a game owned by a company like tencent.. miss me with that

  • @camjo13
    @camjo13 Месяц назад +139

    To answer your question about coming back: I stopped playing because of Vanguard. I have ethical qualms about software with kernel level access being required to start up on boot, that sounds a lot like a rootkit.
    Its also why I swapped to Linux as my main driver so I can have more control over stuff like that, which coincidentally with the Vanguard requirement, no longer works with League.
    So I guess the only way I am coming back is if either Vanguard is no longer required to start on boot for Windows or if they make the game work on Linux again without Vanguard.

    • @6coulds6fury6
      @6coulds6fury6 Месяц назад +9

      that's the exact reason i quit. the only thing that would make me come back is if vanguard was deleted in favor of a better anti-cheat. kernal level anti-cheats dont fully work anyways because there are still ways around it. if i knew how to use linux id probably try my hand at messing around with it as well, but im terrible with that sort of thing. id rather get away from microsoft as well, did you hear about the 2 lawsuits they have in the UK?

    • @Aaron-cs3xl
      @Aaron-cs3xl Месяц назад +20

      They're never getting rid of kernel level anti-cheat unless they get bought out by another company, so enjoy your freedom.
      I quit because of Vanguard too, but because I don't trust their security and don't want any security exploit from it to happen at a kernel level on my machine.

    • @Tilterella
      @Tilterella  Месяц назад +30

      @@Aaron-cs3xl As someone who can peek behind the scenes a little bit, vangaurd is kicking scripters asses.

    • @Aaron-cs3xl
      @Aaron-cs3xl Месяц назад +14

      @Tilterella I'm glad it's working so well and making the game more enjoyable for those who do still play. Means I can watch more high quality content. Fuck cheaters and scripters.

    • @dizzyheads
      @dizzyheads Месяц назад +13

      Same here
      But instead, Vanguard keeps getting detected as an intrusive software and forcing me out of other games

  • @HaSuOrbs
    @HaSuOrbs Месяц назад +21

    "What made you Quit League of Legends?"
    Vanguard was really the last nail in the coffin for me. I uninstalled LoL as it got announced to be a requirement to play it, and all other Riot games I played at the time (LoR, TFT) because they require Vanguard too.
    And to be clear: I avoid kernal level stuff because I am not keen of installing a weak point into my system at such a deep level -- Especially from a company that gets data breached all the time. And I only played aram's anyways *(Because my ranked experience was always a toxic mess)* so the "loss" in LoL is not a big deal for me.
    I still consume LOL content tho, mainly because my friends still play it and I am at least somewhat invested in character design, lore and world building. LoL has a vast universe, just sad that they don't do much with it any more.
    Since I stepped away from LoL I started to work out again, lost 15 kg// 33 pounds because of it, have a better mental health graph and am enjoying myself far more. For that: Thanks riot for helping me fixing myself. Can only recommend.

    • @4KGofMaul
      @4KGofMaul Месяц назад

      I didnt even care about kernel level anticheat... until it caused multiple BSOD a day. Not a single one in a month since I uninstalled it.

  • @asrielowski
    @asrielowski Месяц назад +46

    it might be 1:30 am but new tilterella vid just dropped

  • @pointynives
    @pointynives Месяц назад +11

    I quit for two reasons. When playing alone I hated having to put every game on my back and feeling like team mates where putting me behind (had an 80% winrate but had junglers coming into my lane when I backed and taking the bounce back and setting up a freeze for the enemy) and when playing with friends, one friend got that abusive that it caused an irreparable rift that means we haven't talked for 2 years now.
    Vanguard is a big reason I won't return. Whilst the lowest level of scripters being banished is nice, as a software dev I don't like root level access to machines. We've already had issues with this between things like genshin impacts anti-cheat getting hacked and recent situations in web dev world where software was bought out by Chinese companies and then malware being placed in existing codbases that were used by thousands of companies and millions of people.
    The general feeling of greed coming from skins and battlepasses doesn't help either

  • @Foxr-
    @Foxr- Месяц назад +9

    I quit because of vanguard because even if it is somewhat effective, having a kernel level software is a one way ticket to getting easily compromised by malicous third parties

  • @pmodd
    @pmodd Месяц назад +83

    Played a couple of games late in the evenings when time permitted since season 3 iirc, but stopped when Vanguard was introduced.
    I don't care about having one scripter every 30 games or so, but granting an untrustworthy software company affiliated with the CCP root-0 access to my home PC is unacceptable. The risk of losing a video game to a scripter is vastly outweighed by the risk of having personal identity documentation being used by Tencent or anyone who manages to gain access to my PC via an exploit in Vanguard. Ironically, Vanguard won't even prevent scripters, it will simply ban them after 10 games or whatever, and Riot doesn't refund LP when you prove the opposition was scripting.
    Most of my losses were team diff or from griefers anyway.

    • @sense8tion619
      @sense8tion619 Месяц назад +12

      Thanks for your explanation, I never thought about it that way. I consider uninstall now

    • @1234macro
      @1234macro Месяц назад

      Don't like vanguard myself, but really all of this is just fearmongering. You don't surrender root access to your computer via vanguard, and the CCP is not interested in peeking into your porn folder. Frankly you are much more exposed simply by using your browser.

    • @pedronabais1456
      @pedronabais1456 Месяц назад +18

      the funny thing, is that even if lets say tencent are good guys with no issue (LMAO), riot has such a bad track with security and management that people will get fucked either way XD

    • @Alchememist
      @Alchememist Месяц назад +1

      Riot games is a company that openly distains their player-base and actively destroys their autonomy and nature. Now they just sell out and brick PCs with kernel level software designed to harvest data for a foreign government.

    • @TheAxhol
      @TheAxhol Месяц назад

      In master games there was on average one scripter in every game before

  • @llHungLowll
    @llHungLowll Месяц назад +82

    4:35 I'll be back when Vanguard is removed

    • @acenuke2513
      @acenuke2513 Месяц назад +7


    • @leafcatcher4802
      @leafcatcher4802 Месяц назад +6

      yeah probably cause I enjoyed the game just left cause of vanguard

    • @natsudraga2252
      @natsudraga2252 Месяц назад

      Okay well a company like riot with CCP ties will never relinquish that level of power

    • @WabuzzWabb
      @WabuzzWabb Месяц назад +5

      Same here, I played for fun... but haven´t touched it since they obligated us to download Vanguard :/

    • @balrg
      @balrg Месяц назад +4

      Why y'all so obstinate about Vanguard? You got CP on your hard drives?

  • @Jozzo
    @Jozzo Месяц назад +17

    I stopped playing when Vanguard* was enforced. It sucks because I still really liked the game, but I can't play it on my system.
    I played arams 90% of the time so I didn't even need the anti cheat.

  • @OhBrother17
    @OhBrother17 Месяц назад +22

    The only thing that would bring me back is another durability update the burst in this game is so frustrating. other than that riot would have to actually ban griefers, not people trying new things or having a bad game but people who legit say in chat that theyre inting and then go 0/27, they still get to play games after that its insane and boring as shit when it happens

    • @joeyralston3773
      @joeyralston3773 Месяц назад +2

      Another durability update… when did you quit bro

    • @the4GIVEN
      @the4GIVEN Месяц назад

      ​@@joeyralston3773probably not that long ago ifhes zalking about needing another and hes correct, this game is just a oneshotfest at this point.

    • @joeyralston3773
      @joeyralston3773 Месяц назад +1

      @@the4GIVEN the game is not a one shot fest, unless “one shot” has a different meaning for you. Just stop fighting the 10/0 enemies and avoid one shotting champs when they have their abilities up. Blaming riot will not help your feeding problem

  • @youknowmysteeeez
    @youknowmysteeeez Месяц назад +8

    I love off meta play styles when people are able to have some success with them despite the struggle. Your games are always an interesting watch. Thanks!

  • @boldnbrash7028
    @boldnbrash7028 Месяц назад +6

    Riots response to toxicity just made things worse.
    But ultimately it was the fact one teammate can cost you the entire game and you lose all the LP regardless but it's much harder for one person to win you the game

  • @DaeDroug
    @DaeDroug Месяц назад +16

    I was already only playing sporadically but then the vanguard update came out and I was like nah, don't wanna deal with that. Don't have issues with it that a lot of people have with it but the always on must restart to get it working nature of it is shady to me. Just not worth it for a game I play 1 or 2 times a month.

    • @j.cv.bmerwe6304
      @j.cv.bmerwe6304 27 дней назад

      Wel think about it a bit vanguard runs on pc start up and to turn it of you need to restart the pc after you turn it of and it runs on ring 0 and admin on ring 1 something not ading up for me 1-1+1=0 ?????? Sorry but i doont think you can turn it of its a roze

  • @OmegaGamingNetwork
    @OmegaGamingNetwork Месяц назад +144

    I don't play league any longer more out of personal issues with Riot or more specifically the influence of Tencent. So generally I only watch a little league content (mostly you), LCK and Worlds.

    • @marianoherrera6038
      @marianoherrera6038 Месяц назад +1

      Same. I swore that I would never play this game again until Riot backs down. I can wait. I am becoming patient 😈

    • @nickstoltz8817
      @nickstoltz8817 Месяц назад +13

      Im curious what parts of tencent's influence change the game for you?

    • @marianoherrera6038
      @marianoherrera6038 Месяц назад +1

      @@nickstoltz8817 Your comment is incredibly disingenuous. I've got so many trolls commenting the same stuff. It is hilarious

    • @slyzzl3
      @slyzzl3 Месяц назад +22

      @@marianoherrera6038 he was just asking a question lmao

    • @thevorg11
      @thevorg11 Месяц назад

      @@marianoherrera6038 sre u schizophrenic? lmfao

  • @ridzalirfan
    @ridzalirfan Месяц назад +2

    For me, I slowly phased it out of my life because I felt it was taking too much time out of my day. Like one game was taking up 30 40 minutes, and usually I play about 3 or 4 games a day. I realised it took wayyy too much time out of my day. The final straw was forcing me to get Vanguard. I quit and never touched it since.

  • @Jefru
    @Jefru Месяц назад +2

    Was fed up, lost so much time I needed to be productive and the cherry on top was Vanguard.

    @FTWMFXD Месяц назад +11

    OG here, league needs LESS DAMAGE. Assassins aren't a threat when everyone does their job better than them.

    • @injusticeanywherethreatens4810
      @injusticeanywherethreatens4810 Месяц назад

      TOTALLY AGREE. Darius can deal more.dmg than a fed Akali or Zed these days. It is crazy.

    • @RampagingKnight2
      @RampagingKnight2 Месяц назад

      @@injusticeanywherethreatens4810 they can deal MORE damage but they do not deal it faster. Zed and Akali still one shot adc's, darius will kill an adc without them having any real counter play aside from flash if he gets on them, but it'll take longer then a zed or akali with equal gold will. The big difference is when fighting other bruisers / tanks. That's when assassins fall off, but that's not what they're supposed to be good at.

    • @injusticeanywherethreatens4810
      @injusticeanywherethreatens4810 Месяц назад

      @@RampagingKnight2 i always played bruiser with wave clear as ADC when I used tobplay league. I was never one shotted by am assassin in the bot lane ever again.

  • @rimblink5473
    @rimblink5473 Месяц назад +14

    Personally i stopped LoL because of vanguard. It was the last straw

  • @ApexBovine
    @ApexBovine Месяц назад +2

    I quit because of vanguard and prime gaming rewards ending...only for my best friend since highschool who hasn't played in 7 years, to finally get a pc and install league so I reinstall to play with him... only for him to never log in so now here i am feeling betrayed and foolish while queing up for my 8000th aram game... I'll probably uninstall again tbh its not bringing me joy but it passes the time.

  • @aki5876
    @aki5876 Месяц назад +2

    Ur music choice is just impeccable. Every single video of yours have nostalgic amazing songs from the games I played previously.

  • @aegisaingeal222
    @aegisaingeal222 Месяц назад +11

    Never coming back. There are great people in the community. But as a whole it's terrible. The balances are also terrible. It's just a match to see who can burst who the fastest with one button. Counter play doesn't exist. Atleast watching you I can enjoy the game :) and often get reminded "Yeah this is why I don't play". Keep up the good work bud :D

  • @MrSolomonGaming
    @MrSolomonGaming Месяц назад +3

    "What made you Quit League of Legends?" A mix of things:
    1. No one to play with. League with friends in Normals is the best way to play yet everyone I knew moved on from League.
    2. The Toxicity. Everyone wants to be the main hero. They're arguing and fighting over the most basic of mistakes and that type of negativity doesn't help a casual player stick around.
    3. I was only playing Rotating Game Modes and ARAMs and even then the problems with League still surfaced. The quitter mentality, the toxicity.
    4. Riot taking too long to really address anything. They tried to eliminate All-Chat, surrendered to people saying it won't do anything then they go right back to showing why Riot had the idea in the first place. Riot finally expanded game modes outside of the same rotating ones; But I had already quit and didn't really care. Even new champions don't really compel me to return.
    5. Vanguard. Just no...
    6. Everything is now Event Pass this, Prestige Edition that. I can't spend like that anymore and have no intention to.

  • @765craven4
    @765craven4 Месяц назад +1

    That Ezreal in the first game was a bloodhound. Dude could smell blood a mile away, he just couldn't tell if it was his own.
    That Kennen in the last game was defs an unsung hero. Dude didn't do well early but his Ult definitely clutched some fights near the end

  • @nyaboron9239
    @nyaboron9239 Месяц назад +3

    As Braum, you can W yourself, giving yourself extra resistances to tank if youre just gonna stand there and punch someone. You dont *have* to jump. Its good for sololane braum or when youre left by yourself and its getting close. Its been a while since ive played league but it should still be true.

  • @danogh2227
    @danogh2227 Месяц назад +2

    I played this game since season 1, I did have a 3 year break, came back cause of my friends, got my highest rank ever while having fun and I quit cause of Vanguard.

  • @pewdthedark5269
    @pewdthedark5269 Месяц назад +4

    I stopped playing due to vanguard control over my machine , I might have not cared about things like this when I was in high school but now that I'm a software engineer , I got to learn so many things about the IT world and opened my eyes to privacy issues and ethical practices of the tech industry and decided to hold steadfast , I do like league and I'd definitely playing right now if vanguard wasn't introduced

    • @snowsleaves
      @snowsleaves Месяц назад

      Heya same here, uninstalled two weeks after it was announced. I'm a year into my Software Engineering degree and definitely think it was the right choice. I will admit that the new gamemode is really tempting me to go to a gaming cafe and try it out on a system that isn't mine though. Have also toyed with the idea of installing it on my co-op work laptop because I have admin credentials but I also have access to sensitive information so I have decided against that, lol.

    • @j.cv.bmerwe6304
      @j.cv.bmerwe6304 27 дней назад

      He i want to ask you sins you got some experience Vanguard starts wen you start the pc and runs on ring 0 and is programd to monitor and wen you turn it of it tels you you need to restart the pc to turn it of😅??? Woont it start up agen wen you restart and hou the f can i turn it of wen its runing ring 0 and i can max run Admin thats ring 1 ????? To me this al seems like a placebo proces am i rong !

    • @BigJoJoJoJo
      @BigJoJoJoJo 25 дней назад

      ​@@snowsleavesvirtual machine might work. Good luck with input lag though

  • @Jinkuzu
    @Jinkuzu Месяц назад +3

    The power creep is what turned me away, just got frustrated with how unfair newer champion designs started to feel.
    Especially being a ADC main the game with my main role just was never the same after 8.11
    I havnt watched Lol esport for 2+ years now and this season I've dropped getting gold for the skin aswell.

  • @kupsef
    @kupsef Месяц назад +16

    Vanguard ...

  • @gabrybrandy6623
    @gabrybrandy6623 Месяц назад +3

    Vanguard made me quit, but also Riot beeing totally out of touch with the community and caring only about profit (500 dollars skins)

  • @apblolol
    @apblolol Месяц назад +1

    Vanguard was the moment where i realized i dont need to keep spending time on a game that only makes me happy when things go well. Even when im at or above a 50% winrate i only enjoy about 20% of the games played. I could climb but the game is against me. The players on my team have a higher chance to ruin my game than the enemies.

  • @KamaOrKunai
    @KamaOrKunai Месяц назад +2

    I quit a long time ago, but am tempted to come back for Vampire survivors mode/arena. The main thing stopping me is actually Vanguard. If I ever boot up my old rig again I might play league on there, but why play on a 500 dollar prebuilt from 2015 when I built my own PC in 2022 with 3k in parts.

  • @albertop7156
    @albertop7156 Месяц назад +4

    Vanguard, I won't allow that level of control from Riot or Tencent

  • @franksantos2439
    @franksantos2439 Месяц назад +2

    The 500 dolar skin was the cherry on the cake that made me realize Lol is not the same game I used to like anymore.
    Vanguard, some new heroes yet no fun gameplay, the control of treasure chest to limit our gain of skins....

  • @trieunguyentrong
    @trieunguyentrong Месяц назад +3

    Vanguard did make me quit League, literally

  • @lokir2809
    @lokir2809 Месяц назад +1

    I went to university and i was still League player but after few months i did really have enough time on spending time with friends, studying, and taking care of yourself so there was not room left to improve at league.
    3 years of OTPing Yorick fade away, and non of my friends I made at uni knows im/was league player :P i still play some arenas form time to time.

  • @Pokemon00158
    @Pokemon00158 Месяц назад +4

    Stopped playing due to Vanguard. I honestly really enjoyed the game especially playing with friends but in my friends group we all agreed that Vanguard is such an integrity violation that we all uninstalled and now play Deep Rock Galactic, CIV or other games. No private company should have the right to access the kernel on your computer, if in a year Tencent decides that League is not growing fast enough and making enough revenue, why not make the GPU's of the players mine crypto or be sold as compute while the game is running? You have given away your rights to this.
    Vanguard is such a lazy solution from a massive company that has all of the data and possibility to flag and detect cheaters. How about I get access to all of your private messages in an unencrypted format with the goal of finding child predators? If you are not one so you should not care, right? Overkill dystopian measure.

  • @fuchschrafter8512
    @fuchschrafter8512 12 дней назад

    im a braum main and i really love watching your videos both for intertainment and for learning purpsoes! i learn so mutch from you, i imporved alot thanks to you.
    and also i like using your tp smite sion support and im getting better with it most games i play it. probably wont ever get to your lvl on how good you are with it but i can allways try

  • @weaver-lofi
    @weaver-lofi Месяц назад

    honestly, main reason i stepped away from league is that I used to be really addicted to league. 6800 hours on the game and it ate actually pretty much all of my teenage years. it was kind of cope for difficult life stuff and caused me a lot of problems just being a form of escapism. it’s weird how much it affected me looking back, even to this day when i’m stressed about something my brain still jumps to league. i didn’t play because life got busy and things turned around for me thankfully and i just had different ambitions and things that made me feel fulfilled. ranked filled a void of meaning in my life that definitely could have been handled more productively. I’ve been playing casually again for the past month or 2, but i get a little scared that the game is going to get more control over me than im going to have of it

  • @tes_kirito4281
    @tes_kirito4281 Месяц назад +1

    For me league was un unhealthy addiction. Never were i addicted to a game, but unhappy that much at the same time. It always made me rage and i never enjoyed it. Now after my school is over and me having high plans i luckily dont have the time to play videogames anymore and i finally got out of league. I sometimes play other games but i wont return to league. Its just unhealthy for me, my future and my social life. Although i still enjoy watching some streamers.

  • @morateurable
    @morateurable Месяц назад +2

    Kai'sa and diana show perfectly why peoples stop League... its hard to "play" in this condition

  • @GugliLucchesi
    @GugliLucchesi Месяц назад

    I play a few normal games on a Saturday night where there aren’t opportunities to hang out outside with friends, but only normal games just to have easygoing fun and stay away from the toxic competitive environment

  • @EdenByte_
    @EdenByte_ Месяц назад

    I continue to play League, but after a half year of not playing. I remember playing other games and generally not feeling fulfilled. I started playing league in 2010, where I was bronze and continued to be for 3 years. I was around 12 at the time so just being able to play the game was fun enough for me. As I got older I started to encounter toxicity, senseless toxicity at that. Even if someone messed up they didn't hold themselves accountable. Even if you encouraged them to see reason, they wouldn't. League of Legends is dear to my heart and always will be, but the players completely ruin the experience for both new and older players.
    My first time getting into Plat I was super excited because it was a milestone for me. Little did I know the pride and ignorance I would encounter. That mentality has spread throughout the entire ranking system and makes it incredibly infuriating to play. I came back only because I didn't want the community to ruin the game as a whole for me.

  • @Norbingel
    @Norbingel Месяц назад +2

    It's been a long time since I played League and I have no intention of going back. I play HoTS now but I played DoTA2 and Strife after quitting League.
    I'll likely never return because the things I prefer in "mobas" are things that will never be in League but are in HoTS: much shorter play time (10 mins isn't uncommon) that's just as fulfilling, team xp(no one worries about who gets kills), counter play (no ridiculous, no-chance-to-react one-shots)

  • @kaischreurs2488
    @kaischreurs2488 Месяц назад +2

    I quit because I'm not gonna have vanguard running 24/7 and I'm not gonna restart my pc every time I want to play league.
    I also don't trust it not to be some kind of spyware because I just see no other reason to have it run while league isn't.

    • @j.cv.bmerwe6304
      @j.cv.bmerwe6304 27 дней назад

      Ye and if you think a bit its od Vanguard runs on pc start up not game start up so wen you turn it of and it tels you to Restart the pc to implement it wil sart up Vanguard agen wen you start up the pc

  • @FanOfSweetMovies
    @FanOfSweetMovies Месяц назад

    Lost a friend group I played a lot with, usually 5-stacking for fun.
    Not having those peeps to play with AND continuously getting error messages once I try to log in or "restart your pc" were excellent ways to deter me from bothering.

  • @lestatstaton7856
    @lestatstaton7856 Месяц назад

    I quit 4 years ago after playing basically everyday for 7 years because THINKING about playing gave me a severe stress knot on the back back of my neck and I was unable to play without drinking alcohol. Never played drunk but I had to be drinking to numb the pain of the knot and chill out the extreme stress I felt every game. The absurd balancing decisions, the constant parade of new 200 years champs, the fact the absurdly toxic and stupid champs like Tryndamere have STILL not been fixed even all these years later, all just kept making things worse and worse as time went on. It finally dawned on me one day that video games should not be this way. Games are supposed to be fun. THINKING about playing the game should not cause me literal physical pain. I should not HAVE TO be drinking in order to not freak out while playing. I have redownloaded the game and am watching league content again to catch up on all the changes but Ive had the game installed and ready to go for almost a week and havent hit play yet because of PTSD lol.

  • @AidanStewart9
    @AidanStewart9 Месяц назад

    1:03 everyone doing the same exact ping was so satisfying

  • @ShadeScaler
    @ShadeScaler Месяц назад +1

    I can't play because of vanguard, but the Matchmaking is what makes me not miss it, win a few games to get inted after is such a waste of time

  • @gonzabuzz9844
    @gonzabuzz9844 Месяц назад

    I was addicted, at a time in my life it was one of the only sources of emotions that i could get, i used it because i felt that nothing was more important than that rush of anger, sadness and ego worth that playing the game was giving me and like most addictions of course you want to get rid of it, life feels a lot better now.

  • @tobybeat
    @tobybeat Месяц назад +2

    For me it was Ksante, any champion that can't jump from 2 screens away and also have CC is obsolete.

    • @slyzzl3
      @slyzzl3 Месяц назад +1

      ksante is worst champ in the game by far now

    • @lad4830
      @lad4830 Месяц назад

      Yeah, but that's all he can do. No damage, but can move and move you. That's fine

  • @artificialangel
    @artificialangel Месяц назад +2

    that kai'sa is a fantastic example of why i will never return to the game. that kind of overly competitive mindset, by itself, is fine in modes like ranked, but the shit they were spewing is just vile. additionally, because ranked is the most watched content, this kind of attitude and reaction are normalized across the entire game. i can't play aram without someone telling someone to kill themselves at least once per three games. i can't play norms because every little mistake gets spam pinged and people just throw because they can't fathom the idea that someone messed up in a video game.
    basically, i don't have a problem with the game, i have a problem with its players, and the odds of that changing are infinitesimal.

  • @ChrisBensonLIVE
    @ChrisBensonLIVE Месяц назад +4

    This Ocarina of Time Medley! Love it

  • @nogamenolife9182
    @nogamenolife9182 Месяц назад

    My priorities changed and I don't have motivation to play anymore. In season 10, I went from dia4 stuck to 500 gm. I played 800+ games only in that season and proved myself that I can do it but I'm not a high school boy with shit ton of free time to grind this game anymore. I'll just hang around in dia, play arena with friends or not play at all.

  • @scottmadsen9964
    @scottmadsen9964 Месяц назад

    What got me to basically stop playing league was the fact that my friend gave up and quit trying riot does nothing about soft inting and finally the fact that people intentionally ruin games and because they say nothing no ban meanwhile my friend and i who called them out both got our first accounts permanently banned my friend is now on his 9th 10th account while i'm still on my second.

  • @rebel2501
    @rebel2501 Месяц назад +2

    I quit League due to the implementation of Riot's Vanguard. I refuse to play a PC game that requires any form of kernel level access.

  • @ladibomani8974
    @ladibomani8974 Месяц назад +1

    Don’t play ranked anymore since a few years, rarely plays aram with friends, but still do enjoy content of it!
    Reasoning is that riot is constantly trying to make it as addictive as possible. The community is highly toxic no matter how far the climb goes. The content that makes up the rift is no longer iconic, it’s not innovating either, mostly just confusing and limiting instead of encouraging creative solutions.
    Still enjoy your content and Baus tho, forever.

  • @philkugler2429
    @philkugler2429 Месяц назад

    I quit like 6 years ago. I was diamond 2, and I couldn't progress further because I couldn't dedicate the time.
    I did go back after a 4 year break. I'm only plat now, with no intention of climbing higher.

  • @meepilee7991
    @meepilee7991 Месяц назад +1

    Tbf i never got that much into it in the first place but its so stressful having to conform to a meta or get flamed every game, not to mention learning the game or the fact league is/was the only competitive pvp game I have played was too much for me lol

  • @drewtatum5846
    @drewtatum5846 Месяц назад +1

    on that last game. this is how games are thrown here. Hubris (not the item) is a silent and insidious killer. i usually like to tell my teammates to END THE GAME PROPER. No going for risky back doors as that would put everyone at a disadvantage. If you know how to operate this kind of situation go for it but if shit goes south the consequence is on you and your team. Have a plan on ending the game and execute it. No cutesy shit no styling. Solid plan and execute it

  • @masonfoster151
    @masonfoster151 Месяц назад +9

    to legitimately bring me back to the game? i actually thought about this before hand. theres a lot of reasons i stopped playing the game, almost all of which are related to the game itself as opposed to life reasons. a ton of desicions made in game that have made it unfun to play, followed by even more changes that are literaly making it harder to play(think not being able to ping allies). i dont really feel like listing every reason i eventually stopped. i had been a player from seasons5-13. it would literally take a revert of reksais kit back to release for me to enjoy playing anymore. and honestly, even then i wouldn play much.

  • @TruMaverick
    @TruMaverick Месяц назад +3

    I never quit. Just on vacation.

  • @markramiro4354
    @markramiro4354 Месяц назад

    Getting challenger became a job. I got challenger and never came back. Only play if friends wanted to play, that was 3 years and we just wanted to play games we enjoyed

  • @jaobidan2358
    @jaobidan2358 Месяц назад

    I still mess around with QP every now and then but what made me quit ranked was the algorithm in the mmr system and the insane grind required to get to high elo. You have this hidden number tied to your account, your mmr, which is permanently damaged for every loss you take and it's accumulative...This is how people get "hard stuck" and they don't realize it which leads them to become toxic and have mental breaks. My mmr went to shit in low Diamond and once you get "hard stuck" that's it for the season, you can't fix it. There's a "soft" reset of that number at the beginning of a new season but it never quite forgets where you got hard stuck and tries to lock you, again, in that same elo. It makes it very difficult to climb beyond that and improve as a player and it forces you to have to make a new account in an effort to go further. Riot only wants a certain number of people in Diamond, and above, which is why they designed both this mmr system AND created "Emerald" as a buffer. It's not worth the time and effort anymore.

  • @Sarkhamy
    @Sarkhamy Месяц назад

    Kernel level cyber security is what caused the windows shutdown yesterday too. Kernel level anticheat also just doesn't work.

  • @CoyCaughy
    @CoyCaughy Месяц назад

    I still play League but I stopped caring about playing any ranked a few years ago. I watch a lot of competitive of all regions so I do believe I can hit Masters but I just don't care to put the time along with my friends are silver-plat so I mostly play with them and my MMR already makes it hard for them. Love the videos. Sion double JG is what got me watching you.

  • @DiamondMind949
    @DiamondMind949 Месяц назад

    I learned to play Master Yi from Sinerias, and got really good. I could regularly beat Diamond tier players in clan clashes, even though I was Silver/Gold. I could force carry teams as long as I had a SINGLE person on my team who knew how to play the game decently. I eventually got to Gold1, with between 60-70% win rate but ultimately quit playing. The reason being absolutely idiotic team mates. I know everyone says they have bad teammates, but they don't know what bad teammates look like until they've seen mine. My teammates start dying before I'm done with a single side of the camp, and then continue to die throughout the game. They have NO clue regarding objectives, ward control, lane management, cs management, setting up plays, team composition, and it's absolutely flabbergasting how people in this tier can be THIS bad. Like... Silver and Gold players seem to be worse than bronze players from like a year ago.

  • @MsKillerchris1
    @MsKillerchris1 Месяц назад +2

    I have played since 2009, I quit because of how crazy they went with chat bans and vanguard. I miss the days when people talked in chat, Even if it was shit talking. (IM toxic btw) master player.

    • @j.cv.bmerwe6304
      @j.cv.bmerwe6304 27 дней назад

      Ye let them shit talk you can do the same or beter stil you can tilt them with a sane response to there bs 😂🎉 i mis that in videogames tilting toxic players is the moost fun 😂

  • @Joppe253
    @Joppe253 Месяц назад +1

    Most of my friends quit when Vanguard was made mandatory and league just isn't fun on your own. That said I also don't like Vanguard and I was kinda looking for an excuse to quit since League does take up an awful lot of time.

    • @j.cv.bmerwe6304
      @j.cv.bmerwe6304 27 дней назад

      I stil got alot of friends that play leag Vanguard was the reason a quiet but not the sole reason before Vanguard came i played aram alot but i started getting bots and not 1 or 2 no 1 real Player end 4 bots on opponent team or even ful on 5 bots and 4 on may side and that game after game wurst was 14 game like that in a row but the bot programming wassent to bad but there some obvious sine

  • @altffyra2365
    @altffyra2365 Месяц назад +1

    Vanguard made it impossible to play on my operatingsystem since it does not let anyone but me use my files. would probably come back if they decided that my files are my files :)

  • @zardon_zane1630
    @zardon_zane1630 Месяц назад +16

    Thebonly way I would return to League is if they revert the mastery changes and remove Vanguard.

    • @skinnypen15
      @skinnypen15 Месяц назад +2

      Vanguard I understand, but mastery changes? bwahahah

    • @zardon_zane1630
      @zardon_zane1630 Месяц назад +1

      @@skinnypen15 Yes, I'm a crying baby but I like more the old design that the cheap chinese mastery design

    • @skinnypen15
      @skinnypen15 Месяц назад

      @@zardon_zane1630 I didn’t even say u was a crybaby 😂😂 god dayum

  • @MsDany79
    @MsDany79 Месяц назад +2

    Vanguard made me quit. Played since Season 2

  • @gzmarcatto
    @gzmarcatto Месяц назад

    I stopped playing on S5~6, when assassins were dominating the game, everything was starting to oneshot and mage control mid was decaying. I made back to the game dec 23, after I saw some nerfs to damage and the game shifting back a little more slow paced

  • @hayleighhill1726
    @hayleighhill1726 Месяц назад +1

    I don't find it very fun anymore. Stuck in an elo where people are just morons and don't have the energy to try get out of it anymore because it's just soul killing as is.
    Oh and the client keeps lagging lately ever since vanguard was implemented and I can't even see my champions for like 15 second in champ select, can't select runes properly or trade with people. Match queue pops late and makes me dodge queues etc

  • @ailoyrostalos4589
    @ailoyrostalos4589 Месяц назад +1

    The difference both in champions and in teams, you cant play your favorite champions if you cant carry and you cant win a game with out a team unless the enemy team is bad which is rare, plus a lot of random fill junglers who doesnt even know he basics..and the list go on and on instop playing for 2 years my friends talk mme bzck to it but i think the game is worst than it was before

  • @byali4360
    @byali4360 Месяц назад +1

    I stopped when they straight up removed and replaced Aatrox with Riven v2, so quite a while ago.
    Also I generally don't agree with their balance and champion design philosophy. They are trying so hard to make this game casual. If Yorick was moved to DotA, he would be able to at least control his maiden and ghouls.

  • @paragrin8385
    @paragrin8385 Месяц назад

    I was getting tilted constantly. Watched a video that said if you are getting angry when you are playing the game to take a 2 week break. Just never really came back after the break. Still play arams sometimes and TFT, but playing ranked takes too much time now. Keeping up with the meta and balance changes. I'd rather play something I enjoy.

  • @tomv89
    @tomv89 Месяц назад +1

    great gameplay mate, and i enjoyed your commentary too. very engaging

  • @beno9966
    @beno9966 Месяц назад

    That last game is why I don't want to play ranked. It's like that in every Elo.

  • @eruick047
    @eruick047 23 дня назад

    I know im late to the party
    I stopped playing league purely for game reasons, I don't have anything that strong against vanguard or riot themselves and I actively play some of their other games. The problem really is League, or more specifically, Summoners Rift. I found it quite funny when you mentioned "what would it take for you to go back to summoners rift again?" and my answer is simple: nothing will ever bring me back to SR. Now, I don't hate League, when they want to make something fun, they can, I've finished swarm recently and it was A TON of fun, I'd happily go back to play silly gamemodes and casual content that League puts out but the competitiveness of normal League just completely destroys me and I can't just sit here being miserable like im a slave to this game anymore. League players are INCREDIBLY competitive, even when you're playing what is supposedly a "casual" gamemode, in the end the main objective will always be "win", not "have fun", you might say that winning is fun, to which I agree, but I also think that there are some other things MUCH more fun than winning and I also think you can have a lot of fun even losing sometimes. But League players would read that, point and laugh, and go back to ranked. I can't stand anymore the environment modern League is in, the fact that some items are unique or have unique passives now so you can't build silly things like 6 of the same item and have it work, or how people optimize rerolls in ARAM and practice the best champions to play there so they can win aram, I repeat, THEY ARE MIN-MAXING. ARAM. FUCKING ARAM. I doubt I will EVER go back to any PvP in League unless it's tied to events that people don't take seriously and can be used to goof around and have casual fun, Summoner's Rift is a cursed ground that infects your soul with misery and toxicity, only incredibly cool people like you and other few content creators can manage this disgusting aura that it emits and for that props to you, I can't quite comprehend how you manage to keep playing this game but I wish you all the best on trying.
    So, TLDR: SR is full of sweats, so full that they even started to go into ARAM and infect gamemodes like URF and OFA, until League stops being so "tryhardy" I doubt I will ever visit it again unless it's for fun casual PvP and PvE events (perfect example: Swarm)

  • @siosion8148
    @siosion8148 Месяц назад

    I had a transitional phase where I uninstalled and installed Lol, but in 2019 I thankfully conquered the addiction.
    You just waste so much time furiously stuck with randoms in a 20+ minute game.

  • @MrTylerMatyas
    @MrTylerMatyas 19 дней назад

    "What made you quit league of legends?"
    The removal of Dominion. I've played on and off since 2012, and I've never really enjoyed the Rift Map format of League/Dota, but ARAM, Dominion, 3s, and even the sparse time 2v2 was a thing were really fun. I came back to play some ARAM and Arena at times but ultimately I really just wish Riot would release a map/format editor so users could create their own custom gamemodes. I want Ability Draft, or ARAM with arena shards/augments.
    I've said for years that if Riot were to bring Dominion back I would actually give them money again. That dominion icon is NEVER changing on my account.

  • @DustinKnustin
    @DustinKnustin Месяц назад

    Love how the first game the poppy does an insane engage on the jinx and leona just doesn’t care and almost throws it by not following

  • @ayoCC
    @ayoCC Месяц назад +1

    stay at the vanguard leona says

  • @marky046
    @marky046 Месяц назад +1

    Vanguard made me quit.
    Not because I didn't want Vanguard on my system, but because Vanguard needs TPM 2.0 to run and my old mobo does not have that.
    Imagine being able to run a game just fine on 10 yr old hardware, but not being able to anymore because the anticheat has higher requirements than the actual game.
    The amount of cheaters or scripters I ran into as an ARAM only player was minimal to none and I dont need to cheat or script either.
    10+ years of skins and game experience now locked behind a sudden hardware change for a damn anticheat.

  • @Pokemonmovemaster
    @Pokemonmovemaster Месяц назад

    I quit back around the time they finished up the Bilgewater update and Gangplank's rework after playing since S3. Never touched ranked and played mostly Blind Norms/ARAM, even back when the latter was a custom game mode you had to make a lobby for yourself. The League playerbase has an incredible toxicity problem even back then in those 'low risk' gamemodes where winning didn't earn you anything but a bit of extra IP. However, I don't think it can be solved; LoL is a very competitively minded game and community, and with competitiveness comes toxicity. CS, CoD, etc all have similar issues cause everyone has their eyes on being a pro even though the odds of getting in are extremely low. Competitove games just bring out the worst egos in everyone, including me. It's more fun being a spectator, imo, now knowing the absolute hell people go through on a daily basis.

  • @stalliondave9338
    @stalliondave9338 Месяц назад

    I quit due to a few reasons. Some of the balancing changes i was unhappy with, like Bounties I have a disdain for the current iteration, feels more like being punished for getting ahead and how you seem to get the so easily. One game comes to mind i was down 50cs in jungle at about 15min (am a jungler (was)) 3 kills and 2 assist. So was getting fisted, it happens. But managed to collect a shutdown of 700. Immediately had a bounty while still being behind like a full item, so they took that off me easily and i got even further behind.
    Also sick of Riot just deciding that some new champ is op, and i will probably loose to it just by matter of them out clearing, out fighting and out ganking me. Things like Zyra Brand etc all the random things. I dont really want to pick up new champs i want to play my favorite 5-6 champs and play them well. But they overtune these random jungle transition champs so much that my million mastery Vi or whatever just looses to a Zyra on their 5th game and it pisses me off and makes me feel like there was no point in grinding champs, i should have just played random new stuff they decided to throw in there even if i dont enjoy them.
    Third is me and all my mates i played with are getting older and just moving on or have more commitments. Though if the other few things didnt exist i would probably make time. There is more stuff i take issue with but those are a couple off the top of my head

  • @trickitytock7702
    @trickitytock7702 День назад

    What made me quit was the competitive game being non-competitve. No voice chat, shitty ping system and doubling down on trying to help players communicate LESS. Phreaks comment about typing karthus r and their old experiment of taking out all chat. This game needs more communication to be more competitive and they keep going the opposite direction.

  • @DusDavidGames
    @DusDavidGames Месяц назад

    What made me quit (also as a content creator for league, which was years before i stopped playing)?
    Basicly, the fast pace and constant item changes. I understand balancing, but i feel like you can't really build anytning cool anymore. Also the teammates, who smurf in low elo and still rage, oh, and maybe every new hero i really dont feel like learning anymore. Many weird interactions, and yet another skill set, or dash. I dunno, if i could play a certain season (say a snapshot of 2016 league), that never would change, sort of like a snapshot version OG edition, i'd play that.
    Oh, and most friends quit.. also quite important. I know thats a snowball concept, because if i would start playing i would probably invite people again. But still, not really sure if i want to
    "work" on getting people on a game myself haha
    finally, im 39yo now.. not 25yo when i started playing. BIIIIG difference in time available, and reflexes available :) Maybe i should try ARAM again?

  • @MahmoudSaidHussien
    @MahmoudSaidHussien Месяц назад +2

    Afew days ago i tried playing lol again after almost a year away and here comes vanguard so many problems and some time it works and some times it tells me to restart because something went wrong i just deleted the game after that i dont even play ranked i mostly play aram or normal or coop i just let out stress playing this game from time to time ans now its more stressful to play thanks to vanguard yeah well done riot like the game needed more annoying shit

  • @vismvp
    @vismvp Месяц назад

    If you haven't already got the answer, most alistar lanes can be answered by trading adcs.
    E.g. Rakan vs Alistar you can just trade all in on ADCs early, rakan wins it. Braum is a bit stronger in that way too, so I'd probably just limit test that for yourself. Fits your playstyle.

  • @4KGofMaul
    @4KGofMaul Месяц назад

    The Akali is a perfect example of why I quit, too much hypermobility bullshit and overloaded kits.

  • @JenniferLewis-lh1vu
    @JenniferLewis-lh1vu Месяц назад

    The talon rework was the start of my decline playing league, I slowly just stopped playing as I became more interested in real life and just generally didn’t like the direction the game was going in.

  • @alexandreparent3942
    @alexandreparent3942 Месяц назад +1

    Was Silver 1. Wanted to get much better. Then Vanguard was announced. I just left.

  • @darkyboss12
    @darkyboss12 Месяц назад +1

    6:16 XD

  • @mechamedeamigo3984
    @mechamedeamigo3984 Месяц назад

    Didn't actualy quit the game, but only play aram now, since they changed my old OTP Swain to a more magetank style and less damage.
    Today it rewards you for pressing R and running around in circles, and not for skillful playing.

  • @turkeyguy0
    @turkeyguy0 Месяц назад +1

    My "climb" is currently "stuck" on team mates and that isn't cope. Not saying I'm great at the game but when I've communicated I'm taking inhib and I won't be there for the 4v1 against the 18/0 Zac... inhib is worth more to me because I've been full build for a minute now and I don't care about the gold game anymore. Then they lose the 4v1 and don't even manage to pop his passive and get angry at me for taking the two towers and the inhib and a pick in the two minutes they spent chasing the Zac... Surrender vote 4v1 against me, I lose that one. "This is why you're hardstuck bronze", Yeah, because I refuse to make awful decisions to stop people around me from baby-raging over something they knew about 15m ago; the Zac is fed.
    I'm coming back after a loooong break and I've noticed that surrender votes go out so often in these low elo games that most of these guys forgot that the way you win is by killing the nexus. Making the other team ff and ragequit is supposed to be an alternate win condition.

    • @Tilterella
      @Tilterella  Месяц назад +1

      try changing the lane you play

    • @turkeyguy0
      @turkeyguy0 Месяц назад +1

      @@Tilterella Can't believe you took the time to reply to this but you actually nailed it for that specific game. That was a game where I got filled. I learned something from that one though, In low-elo, don't play a late game champ. Play something that wins hard early-mid game. Problem now is that I just don't have the energy to push past these surrender votes on games that are still entirely winnable and I'm not actually good enough to force the other team to ff every game through bronze-gold exclusively off mechanics. Know I can hit gold even with these boomer reflexes now-a-days, just don't feel like I'm proving anything by slogging through it one more time.
      Cheers for the reply dude, keep pumping out the bangers for us :)

    • @Tilterella
      @Tilterella  Месяц назад +1

      @@turkeyguy0 I’d just find a new champion you enjoy ideally in a new lane so it feels fresh

    • @turkeyguy0
      @turkeyguy0 Месяц назад +1

      @@Tilterella You're probably right about that one as well, I don't change lanes up too often and I'm only picking up new champs to learn how not to get stomped by it. I'm still playing my same champion pool of about 10-15 champs that I was solid on from 5 years ago lol.
      Since you're going to keep reading/replying, your shorts vids drug me back into the game a little while back. Thanks for making the game look fun/appealing again, kind of missed it there for a while.

  • @oblivionnutshell9321
    @oblivionnutshell9321 Месяц назад +1

    Vanguard made me quit. There are other efficient ways to deal with cheats. And with some of the new hardware coming out these days, you can be heavily assisted in your games without being detected as a cheater by Vanguard types of anti cheat.