Lieberman-Franken Exchange

  • Опубликовано: 16 дек 2009
  • Senator Franken presiding over the senate objects to Senator Lieberman's request for additional time during the session on December 17, 2009.

Комментарии • 243

  • @NCMan28025
    @NCMan28025 14 лет назад +2

    I agree. The two words "career" and "politician" should be words we never hear.

  • @NicholasCancelliere
    @NicholasCancelliere 14 лет назад +2

    Finally someone stepping up and showing some leadership. I love how Lieberman is all surprised that he would object to him blathering on for the health insurance industry.

  • @RetSquid
    @RetSquid 14 лет назад

    "I believe that ALL Americans should have access to health care that is GUARANTEED by the government"...."I'm all for a free-market economy, and for efficient and unobtrusive government, "
    How do you expect to have those diametrically opposed ideas work?

  • @silverfinger
    @silverfinger 14 лет назад +1

    Thank you Al Franken.

  • @LesterDiamondRules
    @LesterDiamondRules 14 лет назад

    As ricestewart pointed out, it's not a constitutional right but a senatorial procedure. That said, my questions is why Lieberman had to abide by that rule? After all, just a few days ago the acting president of the senate decided arbitrarily to do away with the requirement for a unanimous vote previoulsy required to end the reading of a 700 page amendment to this health care legislation, so why stop there?

  • @oybeutu
    @oybeutu 14 лет назад +1

    Lieberman is in the pocket of Insurance companies. He reminds me of Burns from the Simpsons.

  • @RetSquid
    @RetSquid 14 лет назад

    "business lobby's "
    This was his testimony before Congress, he had no need to say anything for any lobby, he was appointed not elected. FDR's programs lengthed and deeped the depression into the "Great Depression", which was an America only event. Other countries didn't do what he tried and they recovered faster, just like we did in other depressions. Tons of money was spent, employment did not go up, the economy did not improve, it was a failed program.

  • @jensen1901
    @jensen1901 14 лет назад

    @mcv47 Wrong. Look into it. Either she is getting billed a fee or her employer is.

  • @theophano
    @theophano 14 лет назад

    Just don't go to the VA if you're a veteran and make a note not to apply for Medicare when you are eligible. Those are (gasp) government run programs!

  • @greenthumbguy1
    @greenthumbguy1 14 лет назад

    @172677 It IS your job to pay for the school YOU went to, the taxes for the water and sewer YOU recieve, and the sidewalks YOU walk upon and the roads YOU drive on. Where do you think these things came from?

  • @ueberwachung
    @ueberwachung 14 лет назад

    A lot of current laws were passed used under that guise: Terrorism, National Security, Financial Crisis, etc. It is a sign that our representatives don't stick to their guns, they just change their opinion based upon what will get them elected (not really a ground-breaking statement, is it).

  • @aeuiono
    @aeuiono 14 лет назад

    Donations are pretty pointless. What works is markets, this way we make things more affordable.
    The reason our current health care system is screwed up now is because it's a "system" and not an "industry".
    Government subsidies (which are like donations collected under force, ie taxes) have distorted a perfectly sustainable and growing market for medical treatment, research and innovation.
    Govt-provided health care is giant leap in the same wrong direction.

  • @warman58
    @warman58 14 лет назад

    Minnesota must have the highest per capita alcohol consumption in the country. What else could explain it?

  • @Aegelis
    @Aegelis 14 лет назад

    I think it would be important to see Mr. McCain's reaction as well in this exchange. It's missing 1/3 of the discussion as it is here.

  • @blastforth
    @blastforth 14 лет назад

    I don't know about senate rules but under Roberts rules the chair must be impartial and if the chair want to participate in the debate he must hand the gavel off to someone else. I think Franken's objection as a minimum gives the apprearance of impropriety. Who rules on Frankens objection in that situation?

  • @warman58
    @warman58 14 лет назад

    Yea I think the government should take over the health care industry. They do such a good job at everything else.

  • @RetSquid
    @RetSquid 14 лет назад

    FDR did not cause the Depression, he just made it last a lot longer than it should have. Even his Secretary of the Treasury said that everything they did was a waste. Only after WWII did the economy recover. In the past, recessions were shorter because the Government cut spending and let the private sector do what it does best, provide jobs.

  • @this_mind_of_mine
    @this_mind_of_mine 14 лет назад

    @amrite Really? Lieberman was given a specific amount of time to talk in that forum. His time ran over. How is that "breaking the 1st amendment"?

  • @RyanInLA
    @RyanInLA 14 лет назад

    at 00:49 you can see the anger in Franken's face that motivated his action.
    Of course, even when Franken is being serious, everyone at first thinks he's doing schtick.
    Franken made an error by disrespecting a more experienced Senator. Maybe Franken is trying to get face time but now he's a target for political retaliation which he may be ill-equipped to handle.
    That's no way to make friends!

  • @ironlungs33
    @ironlungs33 14 лет назад

    @FreakyLynx - we all remember what BUSH thought was fair with his signing statement mentality.

  • @greenthumbguy1
    @greenthumbguy1 14 лет назад

    @creativebuzz We are an embarrassment already, being the only modern industrialized nation without a national healthcare program. No where else can someone go bankrupt because of medical bills. Our founding fathers couldn't have forseen the kinds of problems we are facing. Our democracy is working just fine, except for the corruption of the politicians on both sides of the aisle by the huge corporations. America is done? Don't be rediculous...

  • @CaptainVideo890
    @CaptainVideo890 14 лет назад

    Would you like someone to do it right now?

  • @jx14aby
    @jx14aby 14 лет назад

    Campaign reform?
    It's got as good a chance as health care reform.

  • @bones5616
    @bones5616 14 лет назад

    'What gives you the right to take someone elses money that they worked hard for just so you can keep living you're damn unhealth life style'
    People with an unhealthy lifestyle are not taking your money.
    The government is taking your money.
    Do you think if the government ended social programs your taxes would go down? Your taxes would not go down.
    It is the mark of an advanced country to provide social services for the less fortunate.

  • @Aaberg123
    @Aaberg123 14 лет назад

    @amrite, you don't really understand the first amendment, am I right?

  • @jensen1901
    @jensen1901 14 лет назад

    @mcv47 Good for you. I really hope that is true. Really, I do.

  • @Magicienne2005
    @Magicienne2005 14 лет назад

    I don't know everything about parliamentary procedure, but can Franken really do that? I don't think the chair has the authority to act as an individual Senator would. Franken should have asked for any objection from the floor, and hearing none allow Lieberman to continue.

  • @ironlungs33
    @ironlungs33 14 лет назад

    So you're point is that the Bush economy was just such a powerhouse and then in a month, because Obama took office the economy was sent reeling against the ropes?
    Thats like saying a boxer who goes 12 rounds was only affected by the one knock out punch, that his loss of energy from the fight and being hit 160 other times had absolulely nothing to do with it.

  • @Mummer85
    @Mummer85 14 лет назад

    The cable industry, as a whole, funds it.

  • @aeuiono
    @aeuiono 14 лет назад

    Let's recap:
    More Democrats than Republicans in the Senate voted for the bank bailout. More Repubs than Dems in the Senate voted against the bank bailout.
    More Dems than Repubs in the House voted for the bailout. More Repubs than Dems in the House voted against the bailout.
    Anyone in favor of the bank bailouts is a corporatist, says TheRam.
    TheRam also doesn't know the diff. between the White House and the House of Reps., as he thinks Bush was a Congressman in 2008.

  • @greenthumbguy1
    @greenthumbguy1 14 лет назад +1

    @172677 If I took your comment out of context I apologize, after reading your previous posts, I can see we share many of the same beliefs, but that comment seems to have come out of "right" field...

  • @armyveteran101st
    @armyveteran101st 14 лет назад

    There's no opposition. The government can be efficient and unobtrusive, and at the same time perform its function of making sure that the general welfare of the people is looked after. No conflict there. Same thing with the free-market economy. We can have one, and at the same time come up with a system that will cover the health care needs of the vast majority. That's exactly what the Senate did today. Let go of the one-track mind and be innovative, friend. In America all is possible!

  • @clownpants
    @clownpants 14 лет назад

    I love it - now that it's been fully exposed how utterly and totally this recession belongs to the previous eight years of horrendous conservative economic policy, suddenly they're prattling on about "economic cycles"
    Keep on revising that history...

  • @ironlungs33
    @ironlungs33 14 лет назад

    The bankers made the loans, people accepted those loans. The irresponsibility was a two way street, except that bankers loan money every day, and people buy one - maybe two houses in a lifetime. Don't sit here and tell me the problem was entirely Fannie May.
    By the way, what about AIG? Lehman Bros? The short term focus of Wall Street hedge fund managers?

  • @theophano
    @theophano 14 лет назад +1

    Joe more than deserved that! He's representing the huge health insurance corporations based in his state more so than the voters.

  • @FreakyLynx
    @FreakyLynx 14 лет назад

    Quite a tone that the Libs have brought with them. Hopefully these moments will be remembered when they're returned to minority status next year... and hopefully someone will remember what they've determined to be fair while in power.

  • @WavyMikey3
    @WavyMikey3 14 лет назад

    You're The Man Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @ecoflame
    @ecoflame 14 лет назад

    bitchykins! OooO spot on! It also shows who watches CSPAN, as well as know the rules of the Senate & House. As Sen. Levin pointed out, a senator had been 'shut down' in the morning. AND as highlighted last night - Sen. McCain did it to Sen. Mark Dayton in 2002.

  • @ueberwachung
    @ueberwachung 14 лет назад

    @BereBoyz Mmmm, I don't think this is the same thing. Yes, what happened before X-mas break 1913 was pretty disgusting; however, this bill is actually in the public arena. The Federal Reserve Act (FRA)--(ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. ch.3) barely had any discussion--no one knew about it. What you see here is good old fashioned dissent and disagreement. You may not want the bill now or later, but that doesn't make it the same as FRA.

  • @iillylabrat
    @iillylabrat 14 лет назад

    Yea Al! Minnesotans must be proud.

  • @greenthumbguy1
    @greenthumbguy1 14 лет назад

    @creativebuzz You're right, tort reform would have been a great starting point. So would ending the anti-trust law exemption for insurance companies. Plus, when people who can't afford health insurance go to the emergency room, you pay for it anyway, at an extremely bloated rate. Hospitals and and doctors overcharging insurance companies has contributed to this mess too. If Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, and every other industrialized nation can do it we can too.

  • @Savior20061
    @Savior20061 14 лет назад

    Exactly right.

  • @naijaman007
    @naijaman007 14 лет назад

    Damn...good work Senator Franken!

  • @abe2517
    @abe2517 14 лет назад

    The hand goes:

  • @c0gsinc0gs
    @c0gsinc0gs 14 лет назад

    this, from a board I frequent, explains a lot.
    " apparently the Senate leadership had declared that time limits would be strictly enforced, so that they could get through a defense spending bill and get on to the health care bill. One of the CNN commentators suggested that the democrats were doing this as a retaliation against Republicans for doing things like making them read through that entire 787-page amendment out loud. In any event, Franken's actions don't seem quite as nasty now. "

  • @grapesofwraith1066
    @grapesofwraith1066 14 лет назад

    where's the bit of john mccain going against fanken?!? haha, well...I suppose this is probably the most entertaining that the Senate gets...I know the framers made the system work slowly, I wonder if they were writing the Constitution today, if they'd keep it the same or change it.

  • @mstaff657
    @mstaff657 14 лет назад

    Simpleton Al Franken
    That title fits much better than Senator !

  • @ueberwachung
    @ueberwachung 14 лет назад

    @plazpastic That's the spirit. Let's not work toward getting things better (regardless who is president and senator) and accept defeat right here, right now. Bravo. If we all expect doomsday, it certainly will come--not because it was in the works, but because we imagined it and expected it.
    Maybe a quote attributed to Plato explains what you are feeling:
    "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.

  • @ibwilliamsi
    @ibwilliamsi 14 лет назад

    Have you ever actually seen any of his comedy sketches? Because "downright nastiness" is not an accurate description. Keen wit? Yes. Nastiness? Well, I guess keen wit hurts when you don't have it.

  • @ChicagoJoe57
    @ChicagoJoe57 14 лет назад

    At least Al Franken kept it clean. Had it been Dick Cheney it would have been F-this and F-that!

  • @RetSquid
    @RetSquid 14 лет назад

    "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. And an enormous debt to boot."

  • @jx14aby
    @jx14aby 14 лет назад

    Shot down? He wasnt' even wounded.

  • @Watchout5
    @Watchout5 14 лет назад

    So funny, McCain is stunned, shocked and just plain angry. It's like he's never seen politics played.

  • @tipsyweasel
    @tipsyweasel 14 лет назад

    @marzutraII considering all the committee appointments he's gotten FROM the democrats, you've got it backwards about the abuse.

  • @liljohnnotbigjohn
    @liljohnnotbigjohn 14 лет назад

    hm... After hearing all the bombastic, insane statements being said against Franken re. this exchange I thought Franken was going to leap out of his chair and shriek "UP YERS TURNCOAT!!!", but that was all very civil and followed a recognized procedure ;p I don't know what the big deal is all about.

  • @Extratexture4
    @Extratexture4 14 лет назад

    That's it? That's the big shouting match I kept reading about?

  • @antonialevi
    @antonialevi 14 лет назад

    Good for Al Franken. High time someone treated the Leiberdroop with the same contempt he's shown for the needs of the American people.

  • @ueberwachung
    @ueberwachung 14 лет назад

    @JBell9800 That's not what I meant. When you make broad generalizations like "their women are ugly", it's hard for me (and likely others) to actually take your valid opinions into account. It's not about impressing us, so much as it is ensuring you are heard and not discredited. Why else would you post your opinion if you didn't want others to read it? If you truly didn't care what we though, you likely wouldn't have bothered in the first place.

  • @zphidiva
    @zphidiva 14 лет назад

    My NEW hero! Tell him where to go and how to get there! Sit down, shut up, and get the hell offa my stage beoatch! Yes, "Really!"

  • @dutchhaze1
    @dutchhaze1 14 лет назад

    First! Good job franken! Stand up for the people, end his lies.

  • @marniespeaks
    @marniespeaks 14 лет назад

    McCain did the same thing to Sen Byrd in 03

  • @aceflashheart
    @aceflashheart 14 лет назад

    O noes. 'Twas a trap.
    Let me rephrase: if I have been lied too, please explain in detail good sir.

  • @jx14aby
    @jx14aby 14 лет назад

    You're both very funny.

  • @MrClipper23
    @MrClipper23 14 лет назад

    Oh, give me a break.

  • @ironlungs33
    @ironlungs33 14 лет назад

    Agreed, Franken is in the right. 10 minutes is 10 minutes, simple as that. And what exactly was Lieberman going to accomplish in an extra 2 minutes that he couldn't get done in 10 anyway?
    The guy shoulda planned out his comments better, Franken was in the right to tell him he was done.

  • @LesterDiamondRules
    @LesterDiamondRules 14 лет назад

    Pardon me, that's "ricstewart".

  • @skinnym974
    @skinnym974 14 лет назад

    stevo0665: Same here; most have missed the point in this thread though ... and making this an Obama savior argument versus whoever else was a great president. Well, it is simply about "Joe, you had your time and we had enough" - very simple.

  • @armyveteran101st
    @armyveteran101st 14 лет назад

    I've seen this quote, (the only one ever uttered by Morgenthau opposing anything FDR did), misused by conservatives many, many times. The truth is that Morgenthau utilized this quote in order to express some of the business lobby's concerns to FDR, who internalized and assimilated them. But to use this one single, solitary quote to build a fictitious case of Morgenthau opposing FDR in a sustained manner is disingenuous and misleading at best. You've got to have something better than this, chief.

  • @Aaberg123
    @Aaberg123 14 лет назад

    Patriot Act + Obama: Agreed.
    As to your comment regarding Dems and them working for the insurance industry. By that you acknowledge that the Repubs IS the insurance industry, right?

  • @Nateasnay
    @Nateasnay Месяц назад

    Press S to spit

  • @Aaberg123
    @Aaberg123 14 лет назад

    General interest.
    Regarding Crowder. He's indicative of general attitude towards policy making; in this case a lying, bigoted, one-sided ideologue.

  • @jx14aby
    @jx14aby 14 лет назад

    "Make people work for their health coverage."
    Yeah, kids and my grandmother. If they can't afford insurance, let 'em eat cake.

  • @mtolives
    @mtolives 14 лет назад

    Looks like Franken is gonna be a badly needed game changer in the Senate.

  • @JBell9800
    @JBell9800 14 лет назад

    @ueberwachung Hmm, too bad, b/c I really cared deeply what you thought of me and my opinions.

  • @aceflashheart
    @aceflashheart 14 лет назад

    *shrugs* Alright.

  • @aceflashheart
    @aceflashheart 14 лет назад

    + Bill o'Reilly says to hate him...

  • @MyinTerwebs
    @MyinTerwebs 14 лет назад

    yes franken! you made a good choice here. its even harder to object when you have the gavel, but you did it well.

  • @NCMan28025
    @NCMan28025 14 лет назад

    I was going to answer Yanni but you pretty much got it covered

  • @CaptainVideo890
    @CaptainVideo890 14 лет назад

    You're welcome.

  • @analogyman
    @analogyman 14 лет назад

    This is a lie you are repeating. Did you hear it from Junky Rush or from Fux Noose?

  • @ibwilliamsi
    @ibwilliamsi 14 лет назад

    @ynot4tony2 Reagan raised taxes 11 times, and would not be able to pass the Republicans "Moral Purity" test.
    You people don't know a thing.

  • @c0gsinc0gs
    @c0gsinc0gs 14 лет назад

    "neither clean"
    Prove it.

  • @paisan30
    @paisan30 14 лет назад +1

    Awesome. Best Senate moment in a long time.

  • @phoophie
    @phoophie 14 лет назад

    Al Franken is my hero!!

  • @RetSquid
    @RetSquid 14 лет назад

    "America all is possible! "
    Only if you think you can have free market and facism at the same time. The 'vast majority' already have health care, the are a relative few who don't, most of them by choice.

  • @jx14aby
    @jx14aby 14 лет назад

    "Educate myself"?

  • @NCMan28025
    @NCMan28025 14 лет назад

    If you are not a U.S citizen, why are you leaving comments about things you know nothing about? What does a canadian comedian (Steven Crowder) have to do with the topic of this video?

  • @ibwilliamsi
    @ibwilliamsi 14 лет назад

    If Michelle Bachmann and your mama are any indication of the looks of their women, you are absolutely right.

  • @jesusisbling
    @jesusisbling 14 лет назад

    We need more comedians in politics, if they are going to rob us, at least we should have a good laugh.

  • @aeuiono
    @aeuiono 14 лет назад

    The flaw in your logic is you believe any definition you dream up for "rights" is valid.
    Definitions are definite, not arbitrary. I'm not blindly adhering to an ideology, you are. My understanding is based on objectively knowing what words mean, while you try to change the meaning of words to suit your policy goals.
    I claim your view to be false for the same reason I claim that 1 plus 2 never equals "unicorn".
    You arguing "the law is not black and white" as an absolute is hypocritical.

  • @aeuiono
    @aeuiono 14 лет назад

    Access to food and water aren't rights either.
    Our rights are negative rights. We have the right for the government to not force us. If you claim we have positive rights, such as the government must force us to eat certain foods, drink certain liquids, or buy insurance, then you prove your argument. The onus of proof is on you.
    It is not assertion, it's the facts of what rights are. Access to food and water are personal responsibilities, not entitlements. You want food? Go kill it or buy it.

  • @aeuiono
    @aeuiono 14 лет назад

    You're don't know what a right is.
    In the US we have natural rights, which are inalienable, in other words, cannot be separated from the individual. This means basic rights, such as the right to make choices without harming someone else.
    Our legal rights are defined by the Constitution to protect us from depleting the rights of future generations (which you advocate).
    What you wrongly call "rights" are actually "entitlements", eg Social Security is not a right, it's an entitlement.

  • @c0gsinc0gs
    @c0gsinc0gs 14 лет назад

    (although I agree with you about the GOP)

  • @ChicagoJoe57
    @ChicagoJoe57 14 лет назад

    I never made claims that I was your father!

  • @ironlungs33
    @ironlungs33 14 лет назад

    What's the definition of a Republican?
    Someone who charges rent to his mother?

  • @pedrin19
    @pedrin19 14 лет назад

    love it!! This is what they get paid for! Thanx.

  • @Epica124
    @Epica124 14 лет назад

    I want to work I want to make money then give back in my own way. If you can't open you're eyes to that then that'r you're problem.

  • @Epica124
    @Epica124 14 лет назад

    What gives you the right to take someone elses money that they worked hard for just so you can keep living you're damn unhealth life style. It's not my job to pay for you're health issues. You take care of you're self I will take care of myself. You don't like it to bad it's not my job to pay you're bills.

  • @tcasey001
    @tcasey001 13 лет назад

    @imbaaackk i agree with nothing wrong with pointing out lies...but even if franken only points out lies on the right why is he hated for it...i mean be good if he and everyone pointed out everything they know to be a lie...butttttttt!!!! yes we can dream ! i like franken myself and will look to see if he only points out lies only on the right ...i like mostly that he seems to know what hes talking about as he seems to research the points hes making...which u would think to be normal...but is not

  • @MyinTerwebs
    @MyinTerwebs 14 лет назад

    awesome! joe at 0:36 awesome.
    he cannot even process what is going on!
    joe got served.
    unanimous consent? no sir!