Amazon is a bad place to get these backapacks because you run the risk of getting a counterfeit bag. There are so many reviews on there of people getting fake bags.
Yep, I completely agree! That's why I was happy to get it from these 2 big sites, a lot safer option and actually a better price point when they're on sale there.
I'm sorry but it is fake. You can see easily (sorry I'm Italian and I can explain in a correct way because I don't speak English well but if you check on line or on you tube more videos about real Vs. Fake you could see why).
8plaggin It’s definitely just gray. I don’t see much of a blue to it in person, but the cameras might be picking up on something that’s there to such a slight degree that you wouldn’t see it in person. Unfortunately it got dirty and I had to wash it, and it became an even duller gray.
I'm glad I saw this, I just purchased the Multi Stickers Jansport mini backpack after your review. I already have one in purple, but this print is too wacky and cute to pass up!
I'm looking for a small backpack for my trip to Italy because I'm paranoid of pickpockets... I'm considering getting the Fjallraven Kanken Mini because it looks so cute, but it also worries me a bit that there is no partition or zipper pockets inside. Do you think all your things get messy inside the bag? I just wish there's a zipper compartment where I can hide my passport!
I dint bring too much every day, so it didn't get messy. I kept tissues in side pocket. Front pocket was usually makeup and pills and coins in a baggie, since it wouldn't have been that bad to get it stolen. Paper bills I kept on myself in a zippered sweatshirt pocket. For a passport one option would be to put it in the back compartment that houses the foam pad. It would be impossible for someone to get it out of there without stealing the whole bag. We had 4 passports so we kept them in the safe at the hotel or my husband carried them in his pocket.
Vitaliy Kanunnikov try Amazon- you can message some of the sellers on there and see if they could ship to Russia. Also some of the USA or European online stores might have shipping to Russia. Good luck!
Thank you for the review! I'm so confuse right now about what should i buy, jansport or kanken mini. What do you think which one is better, jansport or kanken?
I think they're both really nice, the kanken one is probably better in some ways, but there's a huge price difference. Also the kanken one is a lot more "mature" looking and the jansport ones are more "fun", so it depends on the look you're going for.
HeyyAshleyRae it probably depends on when u look, amazon prices change all the time. They have fakes on Amazon too, and certain colors are cheaper and others more expensive. The colors I wanted were popular, I guess, so they were charging more for them.
HeyyAshleyRae I just looked on Amazon and they range in price, cheapest starting at 55. The colors I have are both 60. Most common price seems to be 60/65. Mine were both 45, so it's definitely easier to get a better deal not in amazon.
Amazon is a bad place to get these backapacks because you run the risk of getting a counterfeit bag. There are so many reviews on there of people getting fake bags.
Yep, I completely agree! That's why I was happy to get it from these 2 big sites, a lot safer option and actually a better price point when they're on sale there.
use prime
Ela Ilene Tell what site
I'm sorry but it is fake.
You can see easily (sorry I'm Italian and I can explain in a correct way because I don't speak English well but if you check on line or on you tube more videos about real Vs. Fake you could see why).
Is the graphite bluish? You said it was dark grey but looking at photos and videos, it appears somewhat blue. Any feedback would be great!
8plaggin It’s definitely just gray. I don’t see much of a blue to it in person, but the cameras might be picking up on something that’s there to such a slight degree that you wouldn’t see it in person. Unfortunately it got dirty and I had to wash it, and it became an even duller gray.
I'm glad I saw this, I just purchased the Multi Stickers Jansport mini backpack after your review. I already have one in purple, but this print is too wacky and cute to pass up!
I know, I love it! Glad my review helped!
I'm looking for a small backpack for my trip to Italy because I'm paranoid of pickpockets... I'm considering getting the Fjallraven Kanken Mini because it looks so cute, but it also worries me a bit that there is no partition or zipper pockets inside. Do you think all your things get messy inside the bag? I just wish there's a zipper compartment where I can hide my passport!
I dint bring too much every day, so it didn't get messy. I kept tissues in side pocket. Front pocket was usually makeup and pills and coins in a baggie, since it wouldn't have been that bad to get it stolen. Paper bills I kept on myself in a zippered sweatshirt pocket. For a passport one option would be to put it in the back compartment that houses the foam pad. It would be impossible for someone to get it out of there without stealing the whole bag. We had 4 passports so we kept them in the safe at the hotel or my husband carried them in his pocket.
Thank you! I guess I can hide it behind the foam even hahah
I know this is 3 years ago but a doughtnut mini is recommended very similiar to the kanken mini put very organized
how can I get one of classic kanken living in Russia. they are not for sale here.
Vitaliy Kanunnikov try Amazon- you can message some of the sellers on there and see if they could ship to Russia. Also some of the USA or European online stores might have shipping to Russia. Good luck!
Take a trip to somewhere they do sell it and buy one
I got mines on for $60 at Nordstrom
Thank you for the review! I'm so confuse right now about what should i buy, jansport or kanken mini. What do you think which one is better, jansport or kanken?
I think they're both really nice, the kanken one is probably better in some ways, but there's a huge price difference. Also the kanken one is a lot more "mature" looking and the jansport ones are more "fun", so it depends on the look you're going for.
I think Kanken right now I’m debating whether I should get mini or normal size
Jansport because the prices are not ridiculous like 60$ for a mini bag like wtf
I love the FK colors
I can't choose, i want 5 different colors :(
I don't get why amazon was so expensive for you. I looked and they are the same prices you paid. so odd.
HeyyAshleyRae it probably depends on when u look, amazon prices change all the time. They have fakes on Amazon too, and certain colors are cheaper and others more expensive. The colors I wanted were popular, I guess, so they were charging more for them.
HeyyAshleyRae I just looked on Amazon and they range in price, cheapest starting at 55. The colors I have are both 60. Most common price seems to be 60/65. Mine were both 45, so it's definitely easier to get a better deal not in amazon.
Mine was only 10$ with a flag💀
what did you pay for the bags each? sorry if i didn't listen close enough.. x_x
I'm pretty sure that with the sales at the time, they were $45 each
Thank you for this! I have a Jansport Half Pint, but I’m thinking about a Kanken mini because I want an ALL BLACK. 🖤🖤🖤
I have the Jansport half pint too and I definitely like the Kanken better :)