Silver Overwatch is a Whole Different World...

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 76

  • @Sith_Bonnie
    @Sith_Bonnie 8 месяцев назад +152

    "Apparently the spawn doors are holding them back"😂

  • @nemebliss
    @nemebliss 8 месяцев назад +56

    I don't know why but lower elo players hold their ults a lot. Sure, you could wait for "the perfect moment" but what if that never presents itself? Obviously, don't throw away your ult but don't hold it for ages either.
    And please, don't walk in front of a turret Bastion... no matter what hero you are on

    • @joshcarlson6575
      @joshcarlson6575 8 месяцев назад +3

      I do it on purpose alot as Zarya

    • @samdadon3710
      @samdadon3710 8 месяцев назад +1

      ⁠@@joshcarlson6575as a maura who pushes solo on tanks bassion is nothing to me😤😤

    • @thatoneguy4515
      @thatoneguy4515 8 месяцев назад +4

      As a sigma wanting extra hp I see this as an absolute win

    • @samdadon3710
      @samdadon3710 8 месяцев назад

      @@thatoneguy4515 😭bro i swear i still heal i be having like 4-7k damage wit like 8-9k heals its just as soon as a tank or any dps drop to half health my brain says “DAMAGE ORB AND PUSHHHHHHHHH”😭😭

    • @bigsweaty3138
      @bigsweaty3138 8 месяцев назад

      mada mada deflect shing shing shing shing

  • @epicsandvich014
    @epicsandvich014 8 месяцев назад +20

    I swear every time someone asks if it’s an ego VOD the person in question instantly dies

  • @kylelinder4623
    @kylelinder4623 8 месяцев назад +15

    I remember back in the day when the problems with silver and bronze was that people were pressing Q as soon as the icon went shiny blue causing massive ult dominoes. Now the problem is everyone holds their ults for way too long. What happened?

    • @pixelette98
      @pixelette98 8 месяцев назад +1

      Even in higher ranks people get trigger happy and waste ults. I feel like diamond and below people will hold their ults forever. The most annoying one is when your ana never uses nano lol

    • @Jamie_241
      @Jamie_241 8 месяцев назад +3

      i think going f2p did it unironically, more casual players see the name ultimate ability and think it’s a last ditch fight win and not a tempo keeping ability

  • @txt5220
    @txt5220 8 месяцев назад +41

    As another Silver Sojourn player who Emongg made a spectate video on, I can see a lot of similarities between our gameplay, and honestly think this player might be a little better than me, but what I would add:
    - Holding onto ult for too long like Emongg said
    - Slide should be used most of the time as an escape tool, they were using it to engage or get to the fight faster and it left them without a way out when things went south
    - Better use of E, I felt like they aimed it too low most of the time and the orb went short, not affecting anyone
    - They're good with getting elims with primary fire, but should try to go for more picks using a fully charged railgun shot

  • @JourG215
    @JourG215 8 месяцев назад +18

    I like how no one shot the turrets.

  • @Milky_Mercy
    @Milky_Mercy 8 месяцев назад +27

    Symmetra on Eichenwalde doesn’t feel the same without the car wash

    • @Wiles731
      @Wiles731 8 месяцев назад +1

      Gibraltar more so

    • @-willowthewisp-
      @-willowthewisp- 8 месяцев назад +1

      @Wiles731 Volskya even more.
      Oh wait...

  • @stormRed
    @stormRed 8 месяцев назад +8

    Kitsune. Kitsune. Kitsune. Kitsune. Kitsune. Kitsune.
    Thanks to Emong I am almost always the first in my games to use my ult.

  • @ThanksForAllMyToes
    @ThanksForAllMyToes 8 месяцев назад +14

    "It's like you're taking a bite of your doritos..." 😅

  • @Real_MisterSir
    @Real_MisterSir 8 месяцев назад +11

    Emongg: "You didn't press your Ult button
    Yhutt (player): "I didn't see anyone"
    Me: "You also didn't look for anyone.." you stood afk on the cart waiting for something to happen thats why you're in silver. Your mechanics are begging you to evolve your playstyle, so much untapped potential. Tap it.
    Man this player would be so easy to coach both on a macro and micro level. So many aspects that are easy to dive into and teach and practice. If only all silver players had such an easy route towards improvement.
    Lets give it a quick go why not:
    1. (Macro)
    Look to open angles as often as possible, especially on sojourn. What does it mean to open an angle? It means to widen the angle of crossfire between you and your team. If your team is shooting down mid (which they do 95% of the time in most ranks), by moving to the side or up, you widen the angle between you and your team, seen from enemy team's perspective. The wider you make this angle, the more space you turn into a killzone where the enemy is at an active damage threat from you/(r) team. It gives them less cover to work with because they'll have a harder time denying the sight lines (and thus damage) from your team and you at the same time, unless they give up a lot of space or fight back.
    If they fight back, their attention will also be more split because you're not in the same sight line as the rest of your team, so the chance of the enemy team not being able to focus fire effectively increases tremendously.
    This is especially viable on a hero like Sojourn, because you have burst mobility and thus are ver hard to punish for aggressive positioning. You can quickly slide in/out of cover, you can access many high grounds instantly if you wish, and you can generally get back to your team easily too if you need the safety of the space they hold.
    So to reiterate: Always seek to widen angles of attack on the enemy team. Move sideways relative to your team, challenge as much enemy cover space as possible. Use mobility as your safety net to bypass unsafe space or to regroup/fall back to safe space.
    2. (Micro)
    Try to never be out in the open and away from cover (a wall or map geometry/objects/team mates), in a way where you have less than half a second worth of movement to get back in cover. Don't peek wide unless you're actively transitioning to a new position or hunting an elim where you need that angle. On defense 1st point with Sym you often walk left/right in and out of cover which is fine, but you walk all the way to the middle of the choke in front of tons of enemies, many of which if they just target you at the same time, will kill you 10/10 times before you can get back to cover. You don't need to take such risks. Just jiggle-peek the corner you're holding, and use your TP if you need to swap positions across the choke to get a better angle or to be less predictable with your jiggle-peeks.
    Also when you're playing with spam/poke, and you have range advantage, it's ok to set up far away from the choke where you take minimal damage even with very generous use of open space. The key is to make yourself as unappealing of a target as possible, without sacrificing your core value potential (which in this case is your right-click spam and your turrets).
    The same goes for Sojourn and other heroes. You can be aggressive but still hold corners and hug walls as much as possible. Open space ideally should only be used to transition to a new position to set up a better attack, or to kite enemy pressure. When they are not applying pressure, and you don't need to seek better angles, don't do it. Don't risk.
    3. (Tactics)
    Sojourn is a high-tempo hero, and you have the mechanics to support a high-tempo playstyle. For this reason it is ok especially for you, to regard your Ult as a tempo Ult. A tempo Ult (if you don't know what it means) is an ult that has the purpose of keeping the tempo of the fight high, and ensure the enemy has to react constantly and can't save up cooldowns, heal, relax, or reset/regroup. A tempo ult ensures the enemy gets no pause, they have to respond and pay attention and use abilities and make decisions -and it's in these moments of pressure where low rank players often crack and make mistakes. Misposition, misuse their resources, lose sense of awareness of the bigger picture, etc.
    You build your ult quite fast, and you could easily have 2x as many ults in this game, as you did -simply because you were waiting for more opportune moments to use it. If you think of your ultimate as an ability for you to say "my enemy is not allowed to rest, ever", and your mechanics in such high tempo outskill your opponents, then that's a clear recipe for control and thus success. Taking control of the tempo means a lot more than going for "high value" ultimates, or ultimates that are used strictly to secure kills when you see a chance for it.
    Tempo puts you firmly in charge of how the fight goes, it minimizes rng, and it ensures you have high ult uptime (thus high pressure uptime). And consistent pressure wins games more than high end-game elims stats.
    4. (Scouting)
    Pretty simple, and goes very well hand in hand with the Macro portion of opening angles as often as possible. Scouting is the same, you're opening angles, except here you just do it when there are no enemies in sight. Why? So you gain information earlier about what the enemy is going to do, where they're going to be, and where you want to be.
    Again, you can take very aggressive scouting positions because your mobility makes you very hard to positionally punish. On attack 3rd point where you win the fight and then you stand on cart waiting for the enemies to respawn and come out of the spawn doors, imagine if you instead were already in process of opening angle of attack preemptively, and using this widened angle for scouting so you could see early on if they came out of right or left door, and if you wanted to get onto the high ground and beam them as they're running out of the spawn door, or maybe set up on the high ground behind them in between their spawn doors so they'd have to turn around to deal with you -making it a complete pincer by you/your team. Or maybe you'd just get back behind the cart for safety, that's fine too -but at the very least with the initial widened angle and scouting, it would be an informed decision to go back to cart. You'd be prepared for what to do, when to ult, who to target.
    Informed decisions gives you a much better opportunity for timing your engages well and using the proper abilities and positions, because the moment you see the enemy, your brain starts working all on its own. And with time, your brain will start doing this even without seeing the enemy, through sheer experience. But even then, scouting is immensely important and is perhaps the most underrated skill in lower ranks.
    Your mechanics have reached a ceiling 10x higher than your current playstyle allows you to abuse in your matches. If you work on the above 4 steps (one at a time), you will climb easily.

  • @austinhunt6566
    @austinhunt6566 8 месяцев назад +11

    Usually silver’s problem is using their ult at the wrong time, this one’s is not using their ult at all

  • @theprometheu5
    @theprometheu5 8 месяцев назад +1

    I wish if there was a content creator on Twitch/YT who encourages proactive ult usage. Those tips might help this guy...:D

  • @marc-andreblais5818
    @marc-andreblais5818 8 месяцев назад +1

    im also waiting on season 9 to play more comp, cause honestly its just not fun right now

    @ZOROASTED 8 месяцев назад

    These are fun to watch, I would like a bit more of what to do in the situations where you are telling them what not to do. Also it's especially, not expecially.

  • @DeathsAvarice
    @DeathsAvarice 8 месяцев назад +4

    Also funny comment about them releasing the comp rework in s9, Bobby will be gone so he can't possibly do his shitty CEO play and mess it up. Like he has in the past with things

  • @vchente27
    @vchente27 8 месяцев назад +1

    *cries in sliver tears 😢

  • @Lucas-on9cm
    @Lucas-on9cm 8 месяцев назад +3

    Use your ult!

    @ZOROASTED 8 месяцев назад

    I think the word is synergy.

  • @contentconsumer3743
    @contentconsumer3743 8 месяцев назад

    0:49 Legend

  • @Waffl3B1T
    @Waffl3B1T 8 месяцев назад +3

    Silver game let’s get it!

  • @tacocity1639
    @tacocity1639 8 месяцев назад +1

    Ego vod for sho

  • @Ivefan124
    @Ivefan124 8 месяцев назад

    Damn this looks like me like a month ago haha

  • @retaliations6591
    @retaliations6591 8 месяцев назад

    where’s the green screen😩😩

  • @scabby.knees99
    @scabby.knees99 8 месяцев назад +1

    Obviously only silver because their Q button is broken

  • @allanlugo7842
    @allanlugo7842 8 месяцев назад +3

    Welcome to silver, where supports ignore your healing requests often, tanks go rouge thinking they are invincible and doesnt wait for others and careless dps with potato aim with twice deaths than eliminations, ive been stuck there a lot and certainly is a case where your teammates hold you back

  • @nfortin24
    @nfortin24 8 месяцев назад +1

    I'm guessing this is console? God its a completely diff game it seems.. so slow

  • @davidmcininch5220
    @davidmcininch5220 8 месяцев назад +1

    Oh it's spectating a aimbot

  • @EndJTV
    @EndJTV 8 месяцев назад +1

    This player's aim is bad. And from watching the first few minutes it looks like they are playing on a controller; their cursor never snaps to attack an enemy. If they are using a MnK, well then they are even worse than expected.

  • @SPr1mRose
    @SPr1mRose 8 месяцев назад +1

    2:06 So no one's gonna talk about them perfectly tracking the genji while reloading? ^^' (not the only time the tracking looks linda sus to me )
    But maybe i've just seen to many flats spectating aimbotting vids xD

    • @rafaelt1772
      @rafaelt1772 8 месяцев назад +2

      That's reeeeally average tracking. They just kept the crosshair on top of Genji's body, it was never glued to a specific point, and it lasted like 2 seconds.
      If that's anything close to sus aim, I wonder what Dafran's tracking in his prime looked like to you lol

    • @SPr1mRose
      @SPr1mRose 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@rafaelt1772 guess it must be to much flats then xD

  • @khaosApophis
    @khaosApophis 8 месяцев назад

    Im stuck in gold and don't understand why when I have so few deaths.

    • @Chillipowww
      @Chillipowww 8 месяцев назад +15

      How useful are you actual being in team fights? Deaths ≠ doing good

    • @khaosApophis
      @khaosApophis 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Chillipowww I play support I try my best to keep my team alive, so can only do so much.

    • @southsoundrider5428
      @southsoundrider5428 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@khaosApophis which support do you play?

    • @musicalfrogman8165
      @musicalfrogman8165 8 месяцев назад +8

      ​​​@@khaosApophisdying less is good on support, but usually unless you have a fight winning ult or you're pocketing a carrying teammate your life isn't very valuable. If your team loses a fight try dying so you can respawn with them rather than risking getting caught alone and staggered, and go for the risky rez on the teammate with ult if you don't have any other option besides running away. Sometimes dying is the better option rather than staying alive and either giving the enemy more ult charge than they would get if they killed you right away or getting staggered and not respawning with your team, forcing them to either wait or start a fight in a 4v5.

    • @khaosApophis
      @khaosApophis 8 месяцев назад

      @@southsoundrider5428 I play Mercy. I only play support though, so because of that, I tend to try to learn them all, Mercy just carried me the furthest.

  • @johnsonspark171
    @johnsonspark171 8 месяцев назад

    TBH, you really aren't starting to play the game until you hit Plat in real ranked in Role Queue, not that fake-ass Open Queue

  • @sensibility1174
    @sensibility1174 Месяц назад

    Stop shouting