A Brief History of the Study of Consciousness, Stuart Hameroff

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • www.scienceandn...
    Stuart Hameroff, M.D., Professor, Anesthesiology and Psychology, Director, Center for Consciousness Studies
    Consciousness defines our existence, but the nature of consciousness remains mysterious, debated since ancient times along two general lines. (1) Plato, Descartes and modern neuroscience have asserted that the brain produces conscious awareness, experience and a model of the world, and thus that consciousness emerged during the course of biological evolution. On the other hand, (2) Eastern philosophy, Aristotle, and modern quantum physics approaches have suggested consciousness is intrinsic to the universe, that consciousness or its precursors preceded life, and may have prompted its origin and evolution. The modern study of consciousness re-emerged in the early 1990s from the shadow of behaviorism (which had banned the topic during most of the 20th century) following well-regarded scientists like Francis Crick, Gerald Edelman and Sir Roger Penrose, and interdisciplinary conferences such as ‘Toward a Science of Consciousness’. Now, decades into the modern era, understanding is divided along the same ancient lines. (1) Materialist philosophers and cognitive neuroscientists liken consciousness to a computer simulation, and the brain to a computer, with neuronal
    firings and synaptic transmissions equated to ‘bit states’ and switches in silicon (rendering consciousness epiphenomenal and devoid of causal power). Sufficiently complex computation is presumed to result in consciousness, and billions of dollars and euros are aimed at ‘mapping’ brain neurons and connections, with the hope such maps implemented in silicon will reproduce brain function including consciousness (although such mapping strategies, e.g. for simple worms, have thus far failed). (2) Quantum approaches, e.g. based on intra-neuronal structures such as microtubules, once considered unlikely at warm biological temperatures, have gained ground due to plant photosynthesis utilizing quantum coherence, and discovery of quantum resonances in microtubules. Quantum approaches connect brain function to fundamental spacetime geometry, consistent with ancient Eastern views of consciousness
    intrinsic to the universe.

Комментарии • 145

  • @freemensudhaman
    @freemensudhaman 8 лет назад +32

    Can't stop loving this guy. Such immense energy and knowledge.

    • @ryanquick1956
      @ryanquick1956 8 лет назад +4

      +nickolasgaspar yea, lotsof knowledge is being demonstrated here. wtf have you done? Where is your clinic or work on consciousness? oh, you dont have one? gtfo

    • @shean7890
      @shean7890 7 лет назад


    • @jimmyjasi-anti-descartes7088
      @jimmyjasi-anti-descartes7088 Год назад

      It's already proven

  • @andrewshortt4338
    @andrewshortt4338 8 лет назад +17

    This is dead on and deserves massive research grants.

  • @michaelsage9697
    @michaelsage9697 8 лет назад +8

    Stuart Hameroff is a rock star! Would love to meet him some day.

    • @tootroo5587
      @tootroo5587 8 лет назад +4

      +Michael Sage But you ARE Stuart Hameroff...looking at yourself from another angle in time and space. Life is one.

  • @sweetchinmusic3
    @sweetchinmusic3 4 года назад +3

    Consciousness and the nature of human existence was first discussed in the Upanishads and Vedas ( believed to be written around 3000 BC, 2500 years before the Buddha) the ancient texts of Hinduism...

  • @vedicwarrior
    @vedicwarrior 8 лет назад +8

    "Expansion of happiness is the purpose of life, and evolution is the process through which it is fulfilled," Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

  • @grahammarshall5436
    @grahammarshall5436 3 года назад +2

    Lost for words with his time and research, this could be one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of man kind. thank you so much for this.

    • @jimmyjasi-anti-descartes7088
      @jimmyjasi-anti-descartes7088 Год назад +1

      This,Discovery of Non-locality or no reality and Human Genom and Svante Paabo work!
      Each greater than XX Century supposedly ground shaking technologies

  • @jessewallace12able
    @jessewallace12able 4 года назад +2

    The sounds in the microtubuleules is just angelic.

  • @ChristopheParot
    @ChristopheParot 8 лет назад +4

    Best scientific presentation i have ever seen ! Thank you Stuart Hameroff.

  • @lincyu8
    @lincyu8 8 лет назад +18

    I guess both Hameroff and Penrose, or at least me would feel 'sorry for our good Lord', if microtubule was not the place to look at. This theory no matter how much more it needs to be fleshed out, is promising and so far it makes more sense than any other theories I know.

    • @naimulhaq9626
      @naimulhaq9626 8 лет назад +2

      Consciousness, intuition, intelligence, awareness etc., are all product of self-organizing property of matter, I think.

    • @1000aaronaaronaaron
      @1000aaronaaronaaron 7 лет назад +1

      consciousness and awareness are the same. but yes. i would say its inherently a part of matter. not just living matter if thats what you are saying. cause even a rock reacts to physical contact. it may not be aware in what we would think but the action upon it and its reaction are some sort of physical awareness, id say. then that ended up with the first animals. who werent really aware but could expirience a lot more. then brains cane along where matter started communicating eith itself in the corm of nuerological connections to make us more and more aware. eventually it gets to the point where dogs and other creatures are very much aware of their surroundings and maybe even themselves? lol but then it gets to us. the peak here on earth so far. i used to think that consciousness was language, but its really just communication i guess. we as humans are not only aware of ourelves and surroundings but can comminicate with both. its amazing. we can talk to ourselves/the universe. and not only can we be aware of our surroundings and ourselves but we can communicate with others and figure out what their thoughts are. its pretty amazing. but i used to think that consciousness was language just cause you cant really think without lamguag. lol

    • @toolsforliberty7686
      @toolsforliberty7686 4 года назад +4

      Even if they are wrong, they are forcing science out of its “comfort zone”. Science has become far too dogmatic in far too many areas where one dare not step outside the current consensus for fear of having their reputations destroyed. With that said, the simple fact that animals react to external stimuli faster than the speed of light allows. This can only be explained through quantum physics, likely a quantum tunneling effect begins this process.

  • @b-eazy6663
    @b-eazy6663 Год назад +2

    I'm really intrigued and interested by all of this stuff but I really have trouble finding real people to connect with about it

  • @wonkaytry
    @wonkaytry 7 лет назад +5

    26:49 very interesting this was the intense noise that I heard 1 time when I was meditating at the age of 16, the noise was even stronger up to a point that I just came out of that state and I remember having fiber after that and feeling sick, I remember that the sound was exactly with that wave/eco effect but stronger.

  • @neuroscram
    @neuroscram 8 лет назад +6

    Absolutely love this channel, great to see something else from Stuart also.
    Keep it up guys!

  • @vedicwarrior
    @vedicwarrior 8 лет назад +1

    I am on board with this model - and believe it is correct - but I come from the "Science of Creative Intelligence", a course I took as a prerequisite to enrollment at Maharishi International University (now MUM). That course was based in the Vedic model of how awareness becomes consciousness, where awareness (field of all possibilities, pure potential), becoming so full in itself, overflows its own boundaries (super position) and then forms one-to-one correspondences with itself (collapse), thus becoming consciousness. I have practiced the TM technique since 1975, then advancing with the TM-Sidhi program in 1979 and have found that this model by Hameroff and Penrose (orch-OR) fits PERFECTLY with the Vedic model - and with the physics, a large part of the core cirriculum at MIU... Those courses included basic quantum physics, the physics of quantum coherent states (LASER, super-conductivity, superfluidity), the Physics of thermodynamic equilibrium systems and others. Additionally, we were all doing TM and/or the TM-Sidhis program - studies of which are quoted in Lynn McTaggart's "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment".

  • @wonkaytry
    @wonkaytry 7 лет назад +2

    very complete brief study about consciousness! thank you.

  • @oviaelectronica
    @oviaelectronica 8 лет назад +5

    I wonder what exactly his definition of consciousness is, because it sounded a bit like he means the state of being awake and when we are drugged or asleep, we loose consciousness? - But if that is the case, what is (unconsciously?) aware when we sleep? - If we need to be aware of our senses in order to have an experience, what is it that hears the alarm clock in the morning, if consciousness is abscent during sleep? - Anyway, great talk, very interesting and entertaining!

    • @phoboskittym8500
      @phoboskittym8500 8 лет назад

      +truksi you are unconscious when asleep but you still have consciousness... anesthetics do not put you to sleep but actually sever or shut down consciousness... you have "conscious awareness " when you are awake from sensory input... but for instance even in deep psychedelic states you still have conscious experience, you still have conscious experience when you sleep when you dream but you are not necessarily aware of it ( you do not remember the dreams ) thats the sense i get anyway...

    • @tootroo5587
      @tootroo5587 8 лет назад

      +nickolasgaspar You are very correct. Idealistic ontological assumptions ARE always unfalsifiable and irrelevant to science..until that is they are proven otherwise years or even decades down the line. So lets just wait and see. Our old Newtonian world-view of consciousness is slowly being changed >
      “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter”
      - Max Planck, founder of quantum theory

    • @anduinxbym6633
      @anduinxbym6633 8 лет назад

      Idealism may be founded on assumption, but at least it is founded on a parsimonious set of assumptions. The idea that consciousness is a function of the brain is also nothing more than an assumption that is founded on a set of unfalsifiable assumptions - and it is not the most parsimonious position to take. So, I see no reason to default to the idea that consciousness is a function of the brain.

    • @anduinxbym6633
      @anduinxbym6633 8 лет назад

      *_" Parsimony needs more statements that are linked to observable empirical evidence and to as much fewer assumptions for a concept to be parsimonious"_*
      The observable evidence no more points towards the idea that consciousness is a function of the brain than it does to the position that I have taken. You have no advantage here.
      *_"Idealistic concepts always have zero empirical based statements...and tones of unfalsifiable assumptions."_*
      It is perfectly valid to say that one set of unfalsifiable assumptions is more parsimonious than another set of unfalsifiable assumptions. You are fried "dude".

    • @anduinxbym6633
      @anduinxbym6633 8 лет назад +5

      Your points about science are irrelevant. This is not a topic that can be answered through scientific observation. The simple fact of the matter is, there is no reason to believe that consciousness is a function of the brain, and by extension there is no reason to assume that consciousness ceases with the death of the brain.

  • @carlog2002
    @carlog2002 7 лет назад +1

    Hamaroff your theory hit the nail on the head

  • @frederickblume5486
    @frederickblume5486 8 лет назад +1

    I am on board this model - and believe it is correct - but I come from the "Science of Creative Intelligence", a course I took as a prerequisite to enrollment at Maharishi International University (back when it was MIU, not the current MUM). That course was based in the Vedic model of how awareness becomes consciousness, where awareness, becoming so full in itself, overflows its own boundaries (super position) and then forms one-to-one correspondences with itself (collapse of the wave function), thus becoming consciousness. I've practiced the TM technique since 1975, then advancing with the TM-Sidhi program in 1979 and have found that this model by Hameroff and Penrose (Orch-OR) fits PERFECTLY with the Vedic model - and with the physics, a large part of the core curriculum at MIU...Those courses included basic quantum physics, the physics of quantum coherent states (LASER, super-conductivity, super fluidity), the Physics of thermodynamic equilibrium systems, Astrophysics and others. Additionally, we were all doing TM and/or the TM-Sidhis program - studies of which are quoted in Lynn McTaggart's "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment"

    • @frederickblume5486
      @frederickblume5486 8 лет назад +2

      You know less than you think you do, nickolasgaspar. I had a LOAD of math and physics in college. The physics of quantum coherent state, physics of thermodynamic equilibrium systems. Professors included Larry Miller, Ilya Prigogine, Steven Weinberg, Brian Josephson and a few others. I've also been following Brian Greene. I believe YOU are the one behind the curve here. The fact that someone is conversant with physics a few curves ahead of you - one you cannot yet grasp - does NOT mean that they don't know what they're talking about. It just means that you don't yet understand them.

  • @astrazenica7783
    @astrazenica7783 8 лет назад +3

    excellent presentation

  • @kaqs8994
    @kaqs8994 7 лет назад

    Wonderful! The best fast talker I have heard in a long time :)

  • @williamst.george5908
    @williamst.george5908 8 лет назад +15

    Consciousness is primary and exists of itself and is not a something produced or made. It is not a thing and has no location. We can not talk rationally about a nothing. We have come across "something" which we can not objectify or describe. However, we are consciousness in our essence, so by self examination we come as close as we can to what consciousness is. Everything else is the stuff of the universe which apparently exists in virtue of consciousness.

    • @ThePlugTurtle
      @ThePlugTurtle 8 лет назад +3

      do you remember being conscious before you were born

    • @chelonianmobile
      @chelonianmobile 8 лет назад +8

      Do you remember being conscious for a significant portion of time after you were born?

    • @59acres
      @59acres 8 лет назад +2

      Memory and consciousness are 2 different things IMO. Memory is brain derived and is accepted as such but the jury is still out on the nature of consciousness I believe although brain derived consciousness seems to have the upper hand at the moment.

    • @ThePlugTurtle
      @ThePlugTurtle 8 лет назад +1

      59acres t
      hats all completely irrelevant, memories appear in awareness, which is what we all are, theres only one kind of awareness, the kind that is aware, and all our true selves can do is be aware, thats the message, ego(the conceptual self) doesnt experience that which it resists, awareness does, everything in its true form prior to conception or reference to the outside world (reffering to that which were not aware of but refer to in order to conceive of a dual universe, is in direct experience always the same)

    • @59acres
      @59acres 8 лет назад

      Neanderthal memories can't appear in awareness if you can't or don't remember them. And I'm starting to doubt if you're actually a real Neanderthal Mr.

  • @vedicwarrior
    @vedicwarrior 8 лет назад +1

    What you want is to "cool" mental activity, to turn the attention away from the external objective world, turning it instead towards the self. Quite naturally, as the mind settles, you'll experience less defined, "bound" levels of awareness and you'll find more abstract, UN-bounded levels of awareness until eventually, the experience is one of pure awareness. In that state of pure awareness, there is no object of consciousness, only awareness by itself. It is a neurophsiological analog of the "vacuum state", a field of pure potential. Unbounded awareness. So, the microwave device may be therapeutic for some, but most want the mind to settle down, the body to follow and gain deep rest - which allows the body to heal, to normalize.

  • @cloudlessrainvisions3264
    @cloudlessrainvisions3264 8 лет назад +2

    This is a great video but the name is misleading. The history section is only a few minutes at the beginning. Really this is an introduction to the Orch Or theory.

  • @bobaldo2339
    @bobaldo2339 7 лет назад +1

    There is no way to separate "consciousness" from its contents.

  • @lawreence-5234
    @lawreence-5234 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for sharing this. ... ❣️

  • @SuperStargazer666
    @SuperStargazer666 3 года назад +1

    I wonder..... is there anything in our current scientific understanding that contradicts non-duality? Also, more interestingly, does science seem to confirm non-duality? I don’t know enough about quantum mechanics but a good friend of mine suggests that quantum mechanics seems to point to non-duality. Is this true? Does anyone know?

  • @heatherboward2779
    @heatherboward2779 6 лет назад +1

    This is absolutely astounding and has answered many questions that I've had, and brings many more questions to mind...if all..or most of life is comprised of microtubules then does that mean everything is conscious? Are there different levels of consciousness based off of the number of microtubules an individual or creature or plant etc...has? If ultrasound and frequency is proven to heal or regrow microtubules then did solfeggio have it right? Can other frequencies effect other body parts or stimulate them to feel or be better? Is it the same 2Mhz all the way across the board? Could we apply the same ideas to cancer? Breaking down cancer through the use of sound waves? So so so many questions I have....I wish I had a scientist to talk to

    @GUPTAYOGENDRA 7 лет назад +2

    Consciousness exists as "Singularity", "Observer" and "Truly elementary particle".

  • @thorkrynu4551
    @thorkrynu4551 6 лет назад +3

    Nice presentation but there isn't an instant dichotomy between his "quantum pleasure" versus selfish gene problem. Both could be working at the same time. Besides the bing leap he makes it's just another algorithm with different rules. Life isn't always pleasurable anyways lol. New agers keep falling back into platonic ideal fallacies when the reality is probably a messy mix of competing algorithms going in out of harmony with each other. Deepak types wanna jump out and fix things in some platonic place but the "physical" world might have already moved on before the solution can come back anyways. So we can work on both without conflict. Some people like micromanaging their feelings others the environment. It's just a preference.

  • @sahilaurora9093
    @sahilaurora9093 4 года назад +1

    All consciousness is self-consciousness.

  • @bipindesai
    @bipindesai 7 лет назад +1

    Consciousness is part of human life.. Please read Upanishads and Rugved and Yajurved...(wrongly written as "VEDA".....

  • @AurobindPadiyath
    @AurobindPadiyath 8 лет назад +1

    The presumption that is made that Consciousness is quantifiable and measurable. Then the hunt begins where we presume it is happening. We make some observations of some happenings and presume that is what to be the process. I'm not denying that these are useless and won't help in treatment of AD etc. But the Absolute Consciousness is the observer's identity. Also it is the same with which the objects of consciousness are also made of. There is nothing outside that universal set. The absence of anything outside is also within that set, conscious as absence. This Conscious-ness becomes object to become conscious of for the Conscious being. The so called inert matter has also evolved from the same but has no tangible expressions for the senses of humanity.

    • @ryanquick1956
      @ryanquick1956 8 лет назад +1

      +Aurobind Padiyath Vasistha continued.

  • @AurobindPadiyath
    @AurobindPadiyath 8 лет назад +1

    Does the microtubules exist prior to experience dawns as a child and what happens to them at death?

    • @nacho74
      @nacho74 8 лет назад +1

      Good question. I guess Dr. Hameroff would argue that those amphitathic structures as proteins are prevuously synthesized and come closer. This would finally lead to the development of an embryonic mind which is functional but not conscious as long as there is no data or perception from the outside world.
      I would say, when we die, those tau proteins get removed and besides the disfunction of the "telomere"-ends of chromosomes, the mocrotubuli doesn't work anymore and falls apart.

  • @nimim.markomikkila1673
    @nimim.markomikkila1673 8 лет назад

    "Quantum Pleasure Principle, or Quantum Heat..." :D I love Hameroff!:)

    • @talk2kumar
      @talk2kumar 8 лет назад +1

      As per Eastern Vedic scripture(very old scripture) Mandukya Upanishad and Muktikā Upanishad, analyzed in detail about Consciousness. theory of four states of consciousness, asserts the existence and nature of Atman (Soul, Self). since these scripture are very old(could be around 9300 years ago) hence consciousness is older phenomena and mush before big bang occur.

  • @yitzhakgoldberg2404
    @yitzhakgoldberg2404 4 года назад

    This was freaking awesome! Love it!

  • @GrayderFox
    @GrayderFox 8 лет назад +5

    Damn, why don't they show this on documentaries? Beats the hell out of multiple worlds theory in my book. (Though, maybe I'm just sick of hearing about it by now... ^^;)

    • @sublimehypocrisy
      @sublimehypocrisy 7 лет назад

      |It does NOT sound like you watched the whole video.

  • @HalvorRaknes
    @HalvorRaknes 5 лет назад +1

    27:56 are those three fast tones also part of the "music"?

  • @donaldcameron9321
    @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

    Fabulous amazing This verifies complex mechanisms. I'm so very grateful. The third wave is what we refer to as the third experience. The purpose of the first second and third experiences is to implement a forth wave or fourth experience.

    • @donaldcameron9321
      @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

      Software is metaphysics.

    • @donaldcameron9321
      @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

      the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
      abstract theory or talk with no basis in reality.
      "his concept of society as an organic entity is, for market liberals, simply metaphysics"

    • @donaldcameron9321
      @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

      software is all about the questions

    • @donaldcameron9321
      @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

      no that is about as much as I can do in traditional language use.

    • @donaldcameron9321
      @donaldcameron9321 8 лет назад

      Thanks for your help.

  • @jb_
    @jb_ 8 лет назад


  • @sngscratcher
    @sngscratcher 8 лет назад

    Excellent insights.

  • @RickDelmonico
    @RickDelmonico 8 лет назад

    Truth as a static structure vs a dynamic system. To simplify, think of a
    stack of copy paper with one word on each page. In time, we see each
    page one at a time, outside of time all of the words, on all of the
    pages combine to make a single word. This single word is truth, it is
    the entire story, told in an instant of time. The fractal version of
    this story has another feature. As each page is presented to us, our
    intent creates a slightly new meaning that branches out, changing the
    story, an effect that turns the stack into a tree like structure.
    The direction of time's arrow is the breaking of the symmetry of the
    potential of the boundary condition. In other words, if I toss a coin
    and it has perfect symmetry of potential it will land heads half the
    time and tails half the time. The symmetry of the potential is broken if
    the coin tosses are not 50/50. In a perfectly random system, after a
    sufficient number of tosses, the symmetry for all even number tosses
    would always be 50/50. Coin tosses are a lot like squaring the circle.
    You get closer and closer to the true value but you never reach it, like
    an infinite recursive iteration.
    If meaning is always fluctuating then we do not ever really see truth,
    what we see are truth values. In the example of the coin tosses, We have
    a resolution that gives us a value something like yes that is
    definitely heads. But if the time scales are very small, we can't see
    the result of the toss long enough for it to register, and if the scales
    are very long. we would not live long enough to see the result of the
    toss. We appear to be right in the middle of these scales. Is this a

  • @kimrunic5874
    @kimrunic5874 8 лет назад +1

    Love that, 41:05 Hameroff suggests we might be here because it feels good whereas Dawkins idea is that we're here because we're too shit scared not to be :-)

  • @Raynayk
    @Raynayk 8 лет назад +2

    26:54 - "This is the sound of microtubules inside a neuron singing." Has anybody made a youtube video of this sound yet? Can someone be kind enough to do so (I am inept at computer things)?

    • @toolsforliberty7686
      @toolsforliberty7686 4 года назад

      Raynayk Yes! Hameroff has it in one of his other presentations here on RUclips. It’s from one of the research projects testing the “Orch-Or” theory, I’m going to butcher the Japanese scientists name, but Banapadaya confirmed varying resonance frequencies in tubulin.

  • @williamst.george5908
    @williamst.george5908 8 лет назад +6

    Consciousness is not involved in the realm of cause and effect, so elaborate science misses what it is seeking. Consciousness is not a product of some process. A whole new approach has to be undertaken.

    • @naimulhaq9626
      @naimulhaq9626 8 лет назад +3

      Einstein said he believes in Spinoza's God (Nature), what he meant was 'universal spirit' of Hegel, which is something like 'universal consciousness' or 'universal intelligence'.
      At the big bang dark matter and dark energy with opposite properties were produced, followed by production of particles and anti-particle, followed by matter and anti-matter.....and on to hot and cold, male and female, up and down, explaining the ubiquitous nature of 'unity of opposites' he called 'dialectical idealism'. He even claimed evolution was a dialectical process.
      200 years ago he had no knowledge of anti-matter or negative energy, yet his theory was so powerful, his 'laws of dialectics created the entire modern science, enabling us to unearth the secrets of creation, how fine tuning the parameter space created the perfect universe(Standard Model) and explained self-organizing property of matter and delivered life with probability one, eliminating randomness and chance.

    • @1000aaronaaronaaron
      @1000aaronaaronaaron 7 лет назад +1

      why would consciousness bot he in the realm of cause and effect? ive seen it cause things and affect things

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 7 лет назад +1

      It both is in and is beyond the realm of cause and effect, according to nondual philosophy.

    • @theworkethic
      @theworkethic 3 года назад

      @@naimulhaq9626 Thank you

  • @4gleason129
    @4gleason129 6 лет назад

    so, does this explain frequency healing/ guided meditation to be more effective with brain function/ consciousness / recovery than pharma drugging? what about toxic contamination effects like chemicals added to public water? is the pineal gland the source of the "feel good"? if yes, does that make it the engine behind consciousness/ awareness? asking for a friend

  • @proto7999
    @proto7999 7 лет назад +2

    if I upload a video of a cat clawing at the toilet paper on youtube, it gets more view than this phenomenon presentation.

  • @athen33
    @athen33 2 года назад +1

    the drug companies comment caught me way off guard lmao

  • @mortonmckoy1787
    @mortonmckoy1787 2 года назад +1

    are we not going to talk about Stuart saying this shit shows us spacetime geometry
    but later in the lecture he explains he doesn't know what spacetime geometry is

  • @carlog2002
    @carlog2002 7 лет назад

    My definition of contiousness Every Humana or animal are in tree different places,in the earth ,in universe,and whenever we. Think to be

  • @carlog2002
    @carlog2002 7 лет назад +1

    Conscienceness arose since first living cells,trying life survival male female rubbed and enjoyed it,defend life from other cells which would eat them up,care for the new born cells, like the paramecium today one cell after billions years she is one piece of the puzzle of our sophisticated immune system, that keeps all animals survive.

  • @peterjones6715
    @peterjones6715 8 лет назад

    hello . if flowers have out of body experiences , the airths also an ethereal exist once , that some call the after life .

  • @smikketabito2813
    @smikketabito2813 7 лет назад

    I know I'm watching a good video when the comment section ISN'T total garbage :)

  • @lhizbumughawi5857
    @lhizbumughawi5857 3 года назад

    hi everyone can someone help me trace the history of the study of consciousness

  • @ranevc
    @ranevc 8 лет назад +6

    Selfish gene is bogus. Dawkins is wrong.

    • @brandonsballing826
      @brandonsballing826 3 года назад

      No, selfish gene is absolutely correct according to this theory. This is because a DNA double helix is far more complex and energetic than the surrounding space, and far more complex than a rock or any minerals. This means that a DNA strand has a small slight degree of consciousness. As he explains later in the video, Dopamine molecules have a slight degree of consciousness because they have the same structure as the phospholipid bilayer of the first cells on earth that evolved, however these same cells had DNA, so these strands of DNA are "selfish" in that they reproduce due to their tiny amount of conscious energy.

  • @dadaimiza
    @dadaimiza 3 года назад

    😍 🙏

  • @grayarcana
    @grayarcana 6 лет назад +1

    The gene is just code, meaningless without the intelligence of the genome, which itself is maintained by bio-thermodynamics, and evolves through the temporal cycle of life.
    Dawkins has been discredited at the November 2016 Soviet of Scientists meeting at the Royal Institution!
    Awareness comes early, and evolves toward a full consciousness, and conscience, upon which the survival of the evolved genome now depends.

  • @carlog2002
    @carlog2002 7 лет назад

    The sounds emitted by the microtubules look like the sound of oceans

    • @toolsforliberty7686
      @toolsforliberty7686 4 года назад

      Carlo Giansanti and/or the ‘music’ Saturn generates. If you haven’t heard that, it’s eerily interesting.

  • @sonnycorbi6406
    @sonnycorbi6406 8 лет назад

    At 145 thru 150, thereabouts, the speaker divides "Consciousness" & "Life" Consciousness is Life? Life manifest form/mass -
    A lifeless element does not create life unless it was alive/conscious to begin with - Life/Love/Consciousness, (a cross-correlation there somewhere), As a visual Artist I have substantiated or proven, (to myself if no one else), time does not exist in the "Now" - Once I reflect on past experience It pixelates/pinpoints a particular moment - I don't know, "Science" seem, at times, to make a "mountain out of a molehill"
    The gray matter is a conjunction box that processes reflects data and stores memory
    (there is but one emotion that manifests many states of being)
    Visual Artist come to understand and utilize unilateral consciousness; that which
    "We" all share
    massless existence can not be confined or held isolated within mass/form -
    I seek and perhaps the speaker seeks the right answers to the wrong questions?

  • @Xavyer13
    @Xavyer13 2 года назад

    The quantum pleasure principle 🐼

  • @dearkrish1
    @dearkrish1 6 лет назад +1

    Great! No need for $2 billion. Our Vedas & Upanishads did give a simple & $0 technique "Meditation" to merge with consciousness. Do meditation everyday for a great life.

  • @randomdice8425
    @randomdice8425 3 года назад


  • @naimulhaq9626
    @naimulhaq9626 8 лет назад

    What is non-duality?

    • @Theoq99
      @Theoq99 8 лет назад

      Duality is the idea that the mind (consciousness) is separate from the physical matter of the universe. So nonduality (monality?) is that they are in fact one and the same.

    • @naimulhaq9626
      @naimulhaq9626 8 лет назад

      TheoQ99 Mind/brain is made of matter, consciousness enables us to think about the farthest reaches of the universe/multiverse.

    • @blatendcrude7570
      @blatendcrude7570 8 лет назад


    • @1000aaronaaronaaron
      @1000aaronaaronaaron 7 лет назад

      oh then i am definitely not a dualist i thin

    • @naimulhaq9626
      @naimulhaq9626 5 лет назад

      Non-duality is the SINGLE probability wave function, that governs everything and every process in the universe as a quantum computing (QC) system, like a universal consciousness. How entanglement (QM) enables the migrating robin to navigate, how tunneling lets the tadpole to grow limbs, how photosynthesis produce food for all plants etc.
      The quantum field (QF) can self-simulate intelligent conscious 'observer', which collapses the field into fine tuned particles producing matter, which crates life which is also a QC.
      We damage 50-70 billion cells daily, which are repaired/regenerated at 99.99 % efficiency and in lightning speed, like a self-error correcting QC, implying man and god are entangled, implying divine purpose, proving ID and the Anthropic Principle.

  • @KatoYasunari
    @KatoYasunari 8 лет назад +1


  • @lostangel103009
    @lostangel103009 8 лет назад +2

    science can explain consciousness but consciousness itself is wordless and it explains religious.

  • @RazRawSum
    @RazRawSum 8 лет назад

    Bing + Bing = Bang!

  • @3877michael
    @3877michael 8 лет назад

    Geez !!! If this starts with the big bang then I have no hope for this talk. Still not a bad over view of how demons eat your soul.

  • @yeledcruvit3832
    @yeledcruvit3832 3 года назад


  • @FootyFrenzyHD
    @FootyFrenzyHD 3 года назад +1

    Stuart Hameroff isn't a Non dual Solipsist stop Trying to claim him as your own.

  • @TheFairKnight
    @TheFairKnight 8 лет назад

    This makes no sense, he just assumes that the collapse of the wave function is a "conscious moment". How is a cloud of probabilities collapsing into a single concrete state anything related to consciousness?

    • @_xTASY
      @_xTASY 3 года назад

      Because of the observer effect causing decoherence, the universe is likely observing itself when the particle is "observed" and the wave collapses into causality.

  • @jaakkooksa5374
    @jaakkooksa5374 8 лет назад +1

    Consciousness appears to be a function of the physical brain because, for example, you can modify your consciousness with suitable chemicals, and even turn it off entirely by going to sleep or hitting your head.

    • @KnezBranimir879
      @KnezBranimir879 8 лет назад +3

      Not necesserily. It is like saying that the TV channels are the function of the TV set, because by modifying the "physical components" (changing channels, turning the programs on and off, changing contrast, etc.) we modify them. However, the signal with all the information exists even without the TV set, although for, say, someone unaware of the technology, it would seem that the program and the TV are an inseparable entity.

    • @jaakkooksa5374
      @jaakkooksa5374 8 лет назад +1

      That resembles Gottfried Leibniz's "parallel clocks" idea where he hypothesized that when you make a conscious decision to, say, move your hand, and the hand moves, the two things are in fact predestined to happen in parallel, which means that there is no causal relationship between the conscious decision and the movement :-)

    • @1000aaronaaronaaron
      @1000aaronaaronaaron 7 лет назад +1

      like you said, it APPEARS that way. but i would say that consciousness is a part of matter and the brain just taps into that and uses it

    • @jaakkooksa5374
      @jaakkooksa5374 7 лет назад +1

      ***** Do you have any evidence that supports your hypothesis?

  • @nuqwestr
    @nuqwestr 4 года назад

    18:33 Trump popularity testable? Yes, in 2016 and now 2020.

  • @StillOnMars
    @StillOnMars 8 лет назад +1

    Wow, I had to watch this for about 30 min before realizing it's a total bullshit. Nice work.

    • @SnakeEngine
      @SnakeEngine 7 лет назад +3

      What makes you think it's bullshit?

    • @glynemartin
      @glynemartin 6 лет назад +1

      I'm sure that frogs would think that integrated calculus is gibberish and total bullshit too...(smile)...

    • @mortonmckoy1787
      @mortonmckoy1787 2 года назад

      expand on that thought

  • @randomdice8425
    @randomdice8425 3 года назад
